#Choi eun chul
Ok I loved their whole arc and it was perfect
but it would have been really really funny if we’d gotten a scene of Mi Seon wearing a hanbok to fulfill Eun Chul’s whole “ideal woman from a historical drama” fantasy 😂
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manawari · 10 months
SL characters as movie stars AU!
Sung Jin-woo
has been acting since he was a teenager. Though, he only gets lesser roles until he grows in the acting industry, thus earning the "glow up" as well the more he takes on roles. By the time he's in his twenties, Jin-woo receives lead roles and has never left ever since due to the impact of his performance that is hard to be seen as a supporting character. His movies range from drama, adventure, and action — though, he spend most of his time in the action genre. Jin-woo does his own stunts as he does martial arts and working out as his hobbies. Whenever he gets partnered up with someone, dating rumors always spark up, so he tends to avoid having a partner for the sake of protecting his zone. He improvises some of his lines and is very professional.
Cha Hae-in
a former athlete to one of the country's biggest stars. Due to her sweetheart persona, she often gets roles in soap operas, dramas, and romance, though she wants to take on the action genre to hone her skills. Her management got her stunt doubles, much to her dismay, until they trusted her enough to do her own stunts. Hae-in's skills are very realistic that every time she cries in her scenes, several of the production cry as well, thus allowing her to earn many awards. She gets along with her co-workers and is even said to be that some of her leading men develop a crush on her. However, she has not dated at least one of them, even outside her career, as she chooses to focus on her job.
Woo Jin-chul
a star who has been featured in international movies, hence becoming a multilingual because of his passion in learning new languages before his departure from South Korea. He is usually stern, but is very friendly to his co-workers, as well as his fans. Jin-chul takes on both protagonist and antagonist roles, although he secretly likes his villain roles more than his hero ones. He does his own stunts and is skillful with holding guns.
Choi Jong-in
most of his roles are those wherein he's the son of a millionaire or just a rich person who owns a big company. He hardly gets main roles, but the impact in his performances even as a supporting character are what made him prominent in the industry. Jong-in also has roles where he's an antagonist, which his fans prefer more; it is also said that some of his castmates or co-workers feel quite intimidated by him.
Baek Yoon-ho
a prominent action star who does his own stunts. Not once he has appeared in movies that are anything but action. Despite being in his twenties, Yoon-ho receive roles where he is a single father who will do anything to protect his family, thus capturing the hearts of the young actors and actresses he works with. He also helps his castmates in training for fighting scenes, thus forming a bond with them as well. Yoon-ho has his own charity that he donates a sufficient amount of money in for helping tigers and other wild animals.
Lee Ju-hee
one of the industry's dearest sweethearts. Her movies are mostly in the slice of life genre, specifically romance. Regardless of what she believes, Ju-hee never fails to create chemistry with the ones she works with, especially to those who have partnered up with her. She receives both main and supporting roles. Lee Ju-hee may have appeared in horror and action films, but she prefers to stay in the slice of life genre despite not minding to step out of her comfort zone.
Lim Tae-gyu
a actor whose roles are primarily supporting, yet has many main roles as well. His skill ranges from drama, comedy, and action. Tae-gyu mostly does his own stunts, always allotting his time in training once he receives the script. He's charismatic, yet isn't necessarily great when it comes to romantic chemistry because of the vibe he frequently gives out. He's friends with many famous stars such as Baek Yoon-ho, Choi Jong-in, Ma Dong-wook, Min Byung-gyu, Sung Jin-woo, and Cha Hae-in, and has revealed of his wish of being able to be in the same film as them together.
Min Byung-gyu
an actor who has shown up in various genres. When it comes to slice of life, Byung-gyu mostly gets leading roles, and sometimes, he gets the "second male lead" roles, which brings more impact to the viewers. But as for other genres like action and horror, Byung-gyu takes on supporting roles; he is one of the actors who has a stunt double and still gets to do certain stunts depending on his capability. And when it comes to the historical genre, that is when Byung-gyu gets most excited and believes he does his roles better in period dramas than the rest, partly because he is a big fan of historical dramas which he views his other roles differently. Byung-gyu is great at improvising his lines that the director only has to tell him the background of the scene and Byung-gyu knows what to do next, which somehow makes some actors feel challenged as they are not sure if they can go along with Byung-gyu's improvised lines. But, Byung-gyu always does his best to help his co-stars and not make them feel pressured.
one of the country's lesser known actors who is known for getting background roles. Eun-seok hardly appears in films, yet is friends with a lot of big stars in the industry. The reason being that he got severely injured in set once, which has scarred him and chose to no longer show up in filming unless he feels like doing so.
Yoo Jin-ho
a supporting actor who is well-known for being Sung Jin-woo's "sidekick" as he had been acting alongside him for years. Yoo Jin-ho specializes in roles that are comedic relief — he doesn't mind it since that means he doesn't have a lot of lines to memorize. Despite being an actor himself, Jin-ho is not afraid to unleash his inner "fanboy" when it comes to expressing his support in actors and actresses he admires.
Park Hee-jin
an actress who is known for her background or supporting roles. Hee-jin excels from soap operas to action movies. Her roles are usually helping the main character and defending them from the antagonist(s).
Ma Dong-wook
a versatile actor in his fifties who has different roles in various genres, whether it be a father or someone the main characters seek help from. He shares his experiences to his fellow stars as his way of helping them in filming and has a lot of actors/actresses wishing to act in the same movie as him; not because of his talent, but also his kind nature that he treats everyone younger than him as his children.
Liu Zhigang
China's rising action star. A likeable and charming actor whose roles are both protagonist and antagonist. Zhigang does his own stunts and likes to go to the extreme where no editing shall be involved. He's one of the faces in the industry whose management cannot simply allow to be part of a film unless the paycheck is immense and does not tarnish Zhigang's talent. In every film he is in, it receives many awards that reach up to internationals. Zhigang has acted in international films, which makes him fluent in English after being casted alongside stars in different countries.
Thomas Andre
a powerful actor in the USA who is popular for his antagonistic roles. Thomas enjoys playing the bad guy. And what makes him likeable is that he donates half of his money to charities and has his own foundation for children with special needs and disabilities. He is funny and tends to joke around in set, along in conventions where he gets to communicate with fans and gives them the best time in their lives.
an actress who excels most in the action genre. She films her scenes effortlessly and smoothly without needing a second take. Laura learns martial arts off-screen and knows how to hold a gun; she is also sassy and has the kind of humor that makes her co-stars adore working with her despite her stern and cold demeanor.
Goto Ryuji
a versatile actor in Japan who appears in dramas and action. His roles are mostly in the villain side, which what makes him intimidating to other actors. Goto prefers to work with those who are professional and hardly messes up more than twice otherwise he thinks they are wasting his time. However, he is usually gently to those who are younger and new to the acting industry, he looks out for them and won't hesitate to scold the production if the first time actors ever get hurt in set.
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leerang · 1 year
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found family ♡
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stuff-diary · 3 months
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Hierarchy (2024, South Korea)
Director: Bae Hyeon Jin
Writer: Chu Hye Mi
Oof, what a disappointment. I feel like this wanted to be one of those transgressive teen shows we get in the West, but then it didn't have the guts to go all the way and ended up being like any other kdrama about the rich and the poor. And even then, it's just not good at that either. The writing leaves a lot to be desired, and it gets more boring with every episode. The acting is also all over the place; some of the actors do a solid job, but most of them are mediocre or downright terrible. Tbh, there are two things that save this drama from disaster: firstly, the director adds a lot of style and flair to the proceedings; secondly, sometimes it's fun to see a bunch of super pretty people all together in one place. But still, there are a lot of shows where you can find those things with much better quality. I wouldn't recommend Hierarchy, unless you really love someone in the cast...
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93daes · 1 year
it's just a picture, it won't hurt you
the picture:
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billornot · 6 months
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You guys are driving me crazy.
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onenakedfarmer · 8 months
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Currently Watching
Director Jeong Dong-yun
Writer Eun-kyung Kang
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somanykdramas · 2 years
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GENRES: Mystery, Medical, Drama
SUMMARY: A doctor targets revenge on those who destroyed his professional reputation, killed his family, and threatened his friends.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Well-fitted suits, nepotism, corporate greed, spinal statues, gloomy prisons, free samples, canteen lunches, writing utensil weaponry, cat-and-mouse games, chemical malpractice, surgeries, syringe fights, cafes, and amusement park dates.
HOT TAKE: How many counter-revenge plots do you think a k-drama can fit into one 30 min episode? No matter how many you guess, this show will prove you wrong, over and over again.
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,7 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: The Sound of Magic
Hangul: 안나라수마나라
Director: Kim Sung-Yoon
Writer: Ha Il-Kwon (webcomic), Kim Min-Jung
Episodes: 6
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Chang-Wook, Choi Sung-Eun, Hwang In-Yeop
   Webtoon uyarlaması bir Kore dizisi The Sound of Magic ile devam ediyoruz. Daha yayınlanacağı açıklanır açıklanmaz çok konuşulmaya başlandı. Annarasumanara ismiyle yayınlanan manhwa, diziden yaklaşık 10 yıl önce çıkmış. Diziyi izlemeden önce bende manhwasını okumayı tercih ettim. Hatta ilk bölümü izledikten sonra okumaya karar verdim.
Kısa bir dizi olduğu için konusuna da kısaca değineyim; eski, kullanılmayan bir lunaparkta yaşayan gizemli sihirbazın, iki lise öğrenci ile karşılaşmasını anlatıyor. Biri Yoon Ah Yi (Choi Sung-Eun), annesi evi terk ettikten sonra babası da borçları yüzünden kaçıp gidiyor. Ah Yi tek başına kardeşine bakmak zorunda kalan fakir bir kız. Okuldan sonra part-time işlerde çalıyor. Bir an önce yetişkin olmak isteyen bu kız sihirbazımız ile tanışınca hayatta yetişkin olmak mı, hayallerini yaşamak mı arasında ikileme düşüyor. Diğer öğrenci ise Na Il-Deung (Hwang In-Yeop), zengin bir aileden gelen hayatı boyunca ders çalışmaya zorlanmış bir çocuk.
Ji Chang wook bu dizideki rolü ile o kadar bütünleşmişti ki, dizinin başarısının tek sebebi olduğunu düşünüyorum. Rolün içine tam oturmuştu. Tavrı, konuşması ve aydınlık gülümsemesi ile bütün o gizemli havayı ekrana yansıtmış, onunla da kalmamış hikaye boyunca rolünü korumuş.
Dizinin renk paletini, konusu ile karşılaştırınca fazla abartılı buldum ama abartı olmasına rağmen beğendim. Diğer yandan dizinin biraz daha masalsı bir havada geçmesini bekliyordum.  Sürekli gerçeklik ve hayal dünyasının çatışma halinde olması rahatsız ediciydi. Fikir olarak her ne kadar kulağa güzel gelse de işlenme şekli beni rahatsız etti.  Dizi bana sadece Ji Chang Wook'u sevdirdi.
6 bölümlük bir dizi için çok fazla durağanlaşan anlatım tarzı vardı. O kadar yavaş yavaş azıcık bir şey anlatıldı ki, sanki film yapsaydınız daha güzel olmaz mıydı dedirtti. Türü dram, fantezi ve müzikal olarak geçse de bence dram ve gizem yazılmalıydı. Çok büyülü bir dünyaymış gibi gözümüze soksalar da sürekli gerçeklere kafa atan tarafı vardı.
Bu dizide de birçok alt metin yerleştirmişlerdi. İzleyiciye anlatmak istediği bir derdi vardı. İnsanların hayallerinin peşinden koşması gerektiğini 6 bölüm boyunca vurguladılar. Ayrıca ailelerin beklentileri bol bol gözümüze sokuldu. Lise döneminde yaşanılan gelecek korkusu, seçimler, sınav stresi, toplumsal beklentiler, gençler arasındaki kıyaslama ve aile baskısı oldukça bunalım bir şekilde işleniyor. Bu sıkıntılar Kore’de yaşanılan kaygılar gibi görülse de ülkemiz içinde benzer durumlar olduğunu görebiliyoruz.
Özetlersem, dizi beni çok etkilemedi. Daha önce de dediğim gibi bana kattığı tek şey oyuncu olarak Ji Chang Wook oldu. Hiç bahsetmedim ama başroldeki bayan oyuncuyu asla sevemedim. Irkçılık gibi olacak belki ama Koreli oyunculara bile benzemiyordu.  İkinci erkek oyuncu içinde bir şey söylemem gerekirse, kendisine çok nötrüm. Onunla ilgili dizide tek sevdiğim şey bütün saydığım kaygıları yansıtmak için “A curse of asphalt” şarkısının çekim sahneleriydi. Gerçekten inanılmaz başarılı bölümdü. Şarkıyı Ji Chang wook seslendirmesinin yanı sıra çekimler, anlatılan hikaye, renkler, açılar, kurgu inanılmazdı. En beğendiğim bölüm bu olabilir.
Diziyi önerir miyim? Evet, 6 bölüm olduğu için, anlatılmak istenen endişeleri görmek için, müzikleri dinlemek için izlenebilir.
Ji Chang Wook - A curse of asphalt
Raven Melus
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passionforfiction · 5 months
Today's Webtoon
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For someone that likes to read webtoons, this series was so nice to watch. It gives us a window to how webtoon creation and publication works. I like the characters: artists and the PDs. Their stories ranged from sweet to sad, but it was great to see the all reached their own happiness. Even though this series is not a romantic drama, it did have its romantic touches that made it sweeter. It leaves this subplot in the opening as they accomplish their dream as a team and move on to the next collective dream. I wonder what will happen with Oh Ma Eum's relationship with Seok Ji Hyung and Jun Yeong. But even though it leaves that question open, it doesn't leave me disappointed or wanting to know what happens. I think that it just reminds us that life continues even after one chapter of our lives ends and things will happen at their own sweet time, there is no need to force things.
Work drama that will keep you smiling and cheering for the characters. Really loved it.
Poster from SBS Contents Hub - https://programs.sbs.co.kr/special/sbscontentshub/about/74579
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oceanusborealis · 1 year
The Moon (더 문/Deo Mun) - Movie Review
TL;DR – A film that is fundamentally frustrating, but even with all that, you can’t help but get caught up in the emotion. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There are mid-credit scenes.Warning – contains scenes that may cause distress.Disclosure – I paid to see this film. The Moon Review – Today we have a fundamentally exciting film because it strikes two vast divides. On the…
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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"Ryu Jin, I'm blinded by the kiss scene with Han Go-eun..." (Problem Child in House')
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junkobato · 2 months
Upcoming Kdrama August 2024 🌈
2/8: Bad Memory Eraser with Kim Jae Joong, Jin Se Yeon, Lee jong Won. 16 episodes; rom-com.
10/8: Romance in the House with Ji Jin Hee, Son Na Eun, Choi Minho. 12 episodes; melodrama, romance.
12/8: Your Honor with Son Hyun Joo, Kim Myung Min, Kim Do Hoon. 10 episodes; thriller, law, crime.
14/8: Perfect Family with Park Ju Hyun, Yoon Se Ah, Kim Byung Chul. 12 episodes; thriller, family.
14/8: the Tyrant with Cho Seung Won, Kim Seon Ho. 4 episodes; sci-fi, fantasy.
16/8: Black Out with Byun Yo Han, Go Jun, Kim Bora. 14 episodes; thriller, mystery.
17/8: Love Next Door with Jung So Min, Jung Hae In, Yun Ji On. 16 episodes; rom-com.
17/8: DNA Lover with Choi Siwon, Jung In Sun, Lee Tae Hwan. 16 episodes; melodrama, rom-com.
23/8: Pachinko 2 with Lee Minho, Kim Min Ha, Noh Sang Hyun. 8 episodes; historical, melodrama.
23/8: The Frog with Go Min Si, Yoon Kye Sang. 8 episodes; thriller, mystery.
24/8: Cinderella at 2 AM with Shin Hyun Been, Moon Sang Min, Yoon Park. 10 episodes; rom-com.
26/8: No Gain, No Love with Shin Min Ah, Kim Young Dae, Lee Sang Yi. 12 episodes; rom-com.
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Many new shows coming up just in time for my vacation!!!
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leerang · 1 year
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Take us to the pace that brought us joy.
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stuff-diary · 11 months
The Moon
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Movies watched in 2023
Director & Writer: Kim Yong Hwa
I love space movies, especially when they're well-made, and The Moon pretty much ticks all the boxes for me. Tbh, the story is not original at all, and I feel like we've seen it in many other films over the last decade. Luckily, the director made sure to keep things as engaging and entertaining as possible. On top of that, the production values are fantastic. I have never seen better CGI in a Korean movie, and the sets are just stunning. That being said, the thing that truly carries this movie is the acting. This cast is full of top-notch actors, but the clear standout is Do Kyungsoo. He goes all in with his performance, and he's the main reason why you care about everything that happens. So, to sum up, The Moon offered me all that I wanted from it: a well-acted and enjoyable popcorn movie about space.
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manawari · 8 months
Solo Leveling men + Flowers
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Choi Jong-in / Red Rose
meaning: love, passion, pride, beauty, & victory.
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Baek Yoon-ho / Tiger Lily
meaning: courage, strength, confidence, wealth, & prosperity.
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Yoo Jin-ho / Sunflower
meaning: loyalty, happiness, positivity, & admiration.
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Min Byung-gyu / Dandelion
meaning: hope, healing, resilience, innocence, & transformation.
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Sung Jin-woo / Daffodil
meaning: rebirth, new beginnings, hope, joy, and good luck.
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Woo Jin-chul / Hydrangea
meaning: perseverance, determination, gratitude, grace, & beauty.
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Eun-seok / Delphinium
meaning: big hearted, dignity, grace, cheerfulness, & goodwill
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Liu Zhigang / Gladiolus
meaning: strength, faithfulness, moral integrity, remembrance, & endurance.
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Go Gun-hee / Poppy
meaning: sacrifice, remembrance, endurance, & peace.
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Sung Il-hwan / Protea
meaning: strength, courage, resilience, encouragement, & power.
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Ma Dong-wook / Iris
meaning: hope, wisdom, trust, & valour
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Lennart Niemann / Mayflower
meaning: hope, fertility, new beginnings, & boundaries/protection.
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Thomas Andre / Alstroemeria
meaning: friendship, love, strength & devotion.
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Goto Ryuji / Purple Clematis
meaning: royalty, power, & luxury.
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