#Chloe Price imagine
ruewrote · 10 months
𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠.
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PAIRING: chloe price x fem!reader WARNINGS: mentions of possible death GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: love me now by john legend WORD COUNT: 765 CHAPTERS: one, two
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it had been just over a week since rachel had gone missing and you had never seen chloe so...broken?
since she had gotten expelled she now spent her days in bed or out getting high. you were more than worried for her, she barely spoke to you anymore whether that be through person or messaging. always ending up with you getting left on read or delivered most nights.
joyce gave you sad smiles as you showed up to take care of her daughter or well atleast try to.
often leaving trays of food out for her, then coming back to get it and it would be barely touched. the curtains of her bedroom always closed, the strong scent of beer and weed making your stomach churn as you laid snuggled up close holding her.
you've never seen her look so small before.
for the boisterous girl you had first met seeing chloe in this state terrified you and the fact you couldn't do anything to make her feel better made the pit in your stomach grow deeper.
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a few weeks later and rachel was still missing.
the students of blackwell reluctantly went back to their normal schedules, classes did too, even with the constant rainfall.
as for chloe she was nowhere near okay, but she was out of bed and determined more than ever to find rachel. placing missing person posters all over town with your help of course.
you would do anything for that girl...for your girl.
like now where you're stood close behind her, your hands in gloves gripping a bleaching brush which was covered in blue hair dye.
ever since the two of you had gotten together you had taken on the role of dying her hair, tired of seeing her miss patches at the back. you also happened to love the calmness of the process, that was when you actually got her to sit still.
her normal fidgeting was now still, the room that was previously full of music and life is dull and quiet.
you were just about done double checking you covered everywhere before taking off your gloves and picking up a piece of tissue, shuffling round to kneel in front of her.
she had been awfully quiet today, it had gotten so bad you wished that she'd just scream and shout at you, to do something. anything.
your fingers gently grasped her chin as you wiped away any excess off of her forehead so it wouldn't burn the skin, her eyes skimming your face as you did, a soft smile tugged at your lips as you went to give her a kiss only for your lips to be met with her cheek.
that sinking feeling coming back again as you backed away. peeling the gloves off of your hands, gathering your things whilst she tried to explain herself. the tears nearly spilling from your eyes as you swallowed the lump in your throat to speak to her.
"i-im gonna go home, give you some space. remember don't leave that on for too long, i love you." pausing to look at her seeing the regret and pain on her face. she reached out for you, but before she could catch you, you slipped out of the door.
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you didn't know what to do anymore, this was all becoming so draining. feeling terrible for even thinking that, but you felt like you were losing her.
now instead of stopping off at her house before school you went straight there, sometimes even grabbing a coffee and still having enough time to be early.
your grades that were once slipping now back on track, you spent your time drowned in homework or extracalicular activities so you didn't have to think of her. of everything. every once in a while calling joyce for updates.
tonight was one of the nights where every had been done, school work, chores. so you ended up having a self care night. not remembering the last time you did something nice for yourself.
having a shower, slipping into some pjs and putting on home alone. a christmas movie that you once loved but now couldn't watch without thinking of her.
clicking off the tv, falling onto your bed. bundling yourself up as you listened to the rain beat against the window.
you missed her laugh, her sarcastic humour, her touch, you missed her.
for the passed few years it had been you two, she was your constant and having it all ripped away from you so suddenly hurt.
you felt forgotten. for the first time in ages you were...alone.
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© ruewrote.
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longmaxsilvarg · 1 month
chloe being 5'9 is actually so crazy like girl wyd getting shot 3 times go get on the court they need you
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emarttt · 1 year
Never bother the Diaz brothers…
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(Just love how Daniel casually makes rocks flight to frighten some assholes here, he’s just like a little gremlins LMAO)
I’m so proud of this, not gonna lie-
~how I love them~
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beforeimdeceased · 11 months
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ellie williams, newest student at blackwell academy? 🪵🦋🌪️ (moodboard)
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candyfloss5000 · 10 months
Worth the pain
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Nathan Prescott x gender neutral reader
(Poorly punctuated and not proof read)
Summary: your life and Nathan's are both fucked up in different ways, but somehow your mangled and spiralling lives have intertwined. You're closer than you've ever imagined anyone could be, but you can't face the feelings that linger around you both, because you can't face loving someone again just for them to leave you to pick up the peices afterwards.
"Bite The Hand" is the song that inspired me to write this.
Fuck Black-shitting-well academy. The only things it's brought you is more things to tell your imaginary therapist. Like fuck you were going to see a real one. You did that along time ago and the only thing it achieved was people pitying you. You don't need strangers fucking pity for your fucked up life, you already know it's messed up beyond repair, you don't need a fucking therapist to tell you that. Everyone you've spoke about your past to has either given you a disgusted look, or fake pity.
You just want to scream out everything in your mind to someone who won't give you any expression, almost like a blank wall that you can just yell and scream and cry at. That's what Nathan Prescott has become for you and sometimes, you've been that for him as well. You can just talk and talk and talk at him and he'll just sit there, seemingly not paying attention but mentally noting every word you've said. He'll only speak when you request him to, but most of the time he doesn't say anything at all. And you return the favour by letting him vent to you and listen to all his words.
Now, you're both silently laying on Nathan's bed in his dorm, your legs up agaisnt the cushions as you lay the wrong way on the bed. You just stare at the white ceiling, passing a cigarette between each other. You forgot to buy a pack and it's Nathan's last one, so you compromised. You've remained in silence, since you entered his room ages ago, waiting for either one of you to say something.
Nathan hands you the cigarette, after he took a long drag, before breaking the some what comforting silence, "Do you ever think about..." His pause causes you to turn your head to look at him, but he's still staring up at the ceiling. "Getting the fuck outta here? Just fucking off and forgetting about all this shit?"
"Every second of every day." You reply to him, as you pass him the cigarette back.
"But there's always that nagging in the back of your head to just put up with everyone's shit." Nathan speaks for them both and you turn your head to face the ceiling again. Uncontrollable dread sits in your soul, as you try to convince yourself that your past isn't repeating itself yet again. "And it always seems to out weigh the idea of finally being free." He adds to his previous sentence. "I'm gonna get the fuck outta here one day, you know?"
Your anxious mind can't help but pick up on the fact that he said "I'm" and not "we". Has he already decided that you are only a fragment of his life? You should've known better. You told yourself when you went to Blackwell not to get attached to anyone. They'd only leave like every fucker else, you had told yourself. First, it was your mother leaving you for some drugdealing asshole, then it was your childhood friend picking some over girl for you, then your older siblings moved out far away (they still don't try to contact you), which only added to your father's alcoholism. There's always someone else that's the first choice. You gave up trying to get everybody to like you a long time ago.
During your mind's spiralling anxious thoughts, you don't even notice the tear that runs down the side of your face, until a soft hand wipes it away. The physical contact brings you back to reality and you turn your head to face Nathan, who's already looking at you. The cigarette sits in an ashtray that's ontop of his bed. Your eyes stare into his ocean blue ones and you only just realise how close you are, your faces are only a breath away from one another.
"Tell me what's going on up there." He places his hand on the side of your face and slightly taps your forehead to emphasise his words, before tucking the hair that had fallen infront of your face behind your era.
You silently study his face, his blonde soft hair, his angel eyes and your eyes finally land on his red lips. You desperately want to take the leap and kiss him until your lungs begin to burn from the lack of air. You want to hide yourself in his arms, where you're safley locked away from the world. You want him to hold you so delicately, as if you'd break like glass.
You tear your eyes away from his plush lips and sigh as you can't bring yourself to look at him anymore. "I can't keep doing this." You pathetically mutter under your breath, hating the way more salty tears push their way into your eyes.
"Doing what?" Nathan's voice has dropped to a whisper as you looks at you.
"This! I can't keep loving people who leave! I can't let more kindling be added to this burning feeling inside me!" Your voice raises, but you're not angry. You're just so tired and fucking emotionally drained. You try to ignore the never ending stream of tears that flow from your eyes. "It hurts too much and I can't do it anymore!" You subconsciously grasp his shirt, as if that's enough to stop him from disappearing.
Nathan says your name, as quite as a whisper and you just stare into his eyes. The hand on your cheek moves to lightly grasp the back of your scalp and Nathan moves forward to place his forehead agaisnt your own, in an attempt to ground you to the present. "I'm not going anywhere without you. I don't fucking care if it means we travel the entire fucking world, I'm not letting you go." He vows, with such a sincere look in his eyes, a look you've never seen anyone give you before.
Silence falls once again and you're still so close to the point where you can feel each other's breath on your faces. Neither of you can help but glance down at each other's lips. Slowly but surely, your bodies move impossibly closer and your lips dance over one another.
His touch burns and stabs into your soul, but you can't convince yourself to let him go. Nathan's here and he's staying. He's worth the pain.
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Max: If there’s one thing in this house I know how to do it’s how to cook.
Chloe: Alright what are you making fire over there?
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00ops1e · 1 year
beth‘s links
im pretty slow and even more inconsistent :))
coming soon
taskforce 141 + könig x sick! reader simon riley and fatherhood pt 1 simon riley and fatherhood pt 2
padriac my prince pt 1 - ghostsoap angst, mission goes haywire and johnny is forced to deal with the fallout
NSFW konig drabble
shirts keegan fish theater! before and after keegan embroidery :)- in progress
life is strange
Sunshine for Everyone pt.1 Sunshine for Everyone pt.2 part three coming soon...
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smizzy · 1 year
do it for u
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been YEARSSSS since bts dropped and I don't see more fics than my grandma age n she pushin 90.....
Throwing parties weren't for the weak
but look where u are now
you only thought it was right since the loyl's birthday was in 2 days
Blackwell never knew how you could even spend bills like that when you weren't anywhere close to Victoria and Nathan's social class
you still came thru nonetheless after being accused of embezzlement which is most likely true
anything for Ms. Amber even if you end up in a orange jumpsuit and cuffs
she could read you like a book but she couldn't put her finger on what you were hiding
oh brother if u seen her face the night of her very own night
"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY RACHELLLLL" darn near all the cities that collectively make Oregon could've heard that
made many people wish their significant other did it for them on their birthday which most likely ended up with a break up..
the REAL meaning of "stuntin on these hoes"
everyone KNOWS who the birthday girl is
someone shares the same birthday and is currently in the birthday bash?????
sorry baby but u gon need 2 gtfo
yes u in fact did get firewalk to get on that stage and sing til their fingers get bloody and can't reach high notes anymore
just to prove how far you'd go for her and Chloe igz
you'd just be sitting in a corner booth with Vic sharing a blunt no wonder why but Rachel still had your attention in the most heart wrenching way
"God you're literally lovesick it's making me actually sick"
we all know she thinks it's absolutely adorable and if the lighting was better she'd snap a pic
maybe she did maybe not....
you'll both find out tomorrow on her insta page :3
after Victoria left and everyone seemed to calm down with drinks in their hands and swaying around.
you seen Rach coming right to you with pure fucking love written all over her face
too bad you were alr meeting her halfway like a moment in a corny movie
"I heard you're the mastermind behind all of this?"
She looked at every aspect of your face and examined your facial features under the bright red light shining upon everyone
"Only for you Rachel Amber"
That might've been the last straw for her to fully decide she wanted to get the hell outta Arcadia bay with you right now
She knew you could possibly end up behind bars before she could even wake up n brush her teeth
"Let's leave....tonight"
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 4 months
(Probably) A popular take:
I've been thinking a lot about "Life is Strange before the Storm" (my favourite part) how much Chloe is misunderstood. Many people see her as a failure doing everything to get expelled, smoking weed, breaking rules, etc.
But I feel her.
She never really got over her father's death. She's like Devi from "Never Have I Ever." But poorer never got the appropriate mental health care (most likely) because her mother couldn't afford it. As a person who went through depression myself, Chloe Price is a teenager who simply never got a chance to crawl out of that black hole that depression turns your life into. She just sunk deeper and deeper, and adults around her like Joyce, David, Welles, or other teachers never said anything that "slacking off," and grades dropping is a part of depression.
The only person (at that time) who she still clung onto, Max, ghosted her. Then, about 3 years later, the same happened with Rachel Amber gone. So I must say that those 6 months since Rachel disappeared and Max reentered Chloe's life was most likely the worst time of her life since her father passed. She literally had no one.
And lastly, of course, there is the fact that she asked Max to go back in time to let her die. She was willing to sacrifice herself for the whole Arcadia Bay without a second thought. (That is not only very selfless of her, but for me, it screams she wanted to die from the beginning:/ )
I must say I feel bad for her. She's still one of my favourite female characters in video games. All her behaviour is connected to mental health, her father's death, and all that unhealed trauma.
Let me know what y'all think:]
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ruewrote · 3 months
𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛.
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PAIRING: chloe price x fem!reader WARNINGS: PURE DEPRESSION (sorry in advance) GENRE: ANGST SONG INSPIRATION: astronomy by conan gray WORD COUNT: 563 CHAPTERS: one, two
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you regretted the way you left things… the way you left her. feeling guilty, but that soon turned to anger as you remembered how she’d previously made you feel. it was beyond unfair.
you were never one to be self conscious, whether that had been in yourself, more specifically within your relationship.
it wasn't until rachel came along that had changed, chloe ended up making excuses for missing previous planned dates to hang out with her. it was never said out right, but you knew it was because of her.
even thinking about it now you could count on both hands the amount of problems she’d caused between you two. you tried to keep convincing yourself that their friendship was strictly platonic. but there was a line when it was getting to the point of where you had felt like the third wheel in your own relationship. 
the way chloe had acted with her going missing kind of just made you fully make sense of it all.
so as terrible as it made you feel, you distanced yourself from her.
the days go by and so do the multiple messages that she sends you. not having the patience to write her back, truly worried you won't be able to hold back on saying something that you’ll know you’d regret later.
the school bell rang out for the last time, a sigh of relief escaped you as you made your way to the parking lot, your body fatigued with the stress of school and chloe.
the no contact soon broke when she cornered you, your headphones slipping out of your ears as you were pushed up against a brick wall, groaning, wincing at the feeling.
opening your eyes to be met with hers, “hey babe, did you miss me?” she nervously chuckled, you scoffed, pushing her away from you.
“i'm not doing this with you right now.” you whispered before walking past her to your car, she followed close behind.
the silence was loud as you turned to her, she was anxiously biting her lip. 
“i can't believe i was stupid enough to think i knew you.” your voice is quiet, but she heard you. 
“what are you talking about?” she asks, her eyebrows furrowed as she crossed her arms.
“don't play stupid with me, chloe! you know exactly what i'm talking about.” 
“let me jog your memory. your little friend rachel? i know something’s going between the two of you. god i should've known it from the beginning.” the look of guilt rushes over her, she starts biting her cheek.
that was all the confirmation you needed.
“wow, you're not even going to deny it? fuck you.” you go to turn to get into your car but abruptly turn back to face her again with tears in your eyes.
“the worst part was that i saw it coming, i knew you’d hurt me, hurt us, but i still kept you around because believe it or not i loved you.”
even knowing deep down something was off was awful, but having your suspicions confirmed felt like someone had just ripped your heart out of your chest, leaving you completely helpless. 
you sniffled as you opened your car door, before slipping into the driver's seat.
“we’re done, chloe.”
“you can't do this to us! i won't let you, please!”
“there is no us, not anymore.”
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comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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© ruewrote 2024.
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heathersapples · 3 months
chloe’s not in the new life is strange trailer……………….……...interesting !!!!!!
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emarttt · 1 year
Sean and Daniel just playing in the sand of the Grand Canyon <3
I’ve seen this base from melonsoup on TikTok and I needed to use it ! So here is the result ! (My oc is taking the photo in the first one ^^)
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And here is a little doodling concept art from my OC pov ! As she can draw, she’s telling her side of the story ! I really want do some more bc I have so many ideas-
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And yeah David’s here because I have a headcanon where Max gave him a Polaroid after Chloe’s death when she understood he was leaving Arcadia bay, so he could picture his new life on his way…
So yeah, basically, the artwork is based on a Polaroid from David’s :)
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mediocrewallflow3r · 1 year
A sneak peek of To be Loved and Have Loved for my LIS fans... 👀. As always my writing is explicit and not for minors! Shoo!
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Nathan falls hard onto his elbows, his softening cock resting right up against your clit. Gentle shushes come from his mouth while his right hand comes up to cradle your head. Your legs feel like melting Jell-o - your mind is even worse off.
I’ve never seen her more relaxed.
“You were such a good girl for me, baby, look at you all tired out,” Nathan coos softly, his free hand coming up to caress your red cheek. “I’ve never seen you so fuckin’ tired,” he chuckles out in amusement at your post-sex state. His cum and your slick stain the ridiculously high-thread-count sheets adorning the bed. “Yovuer goaneh soafht,” you mumble out, incoherently.
“What?” Nathan asks with his head tilting in confusion.
His bruised knuckles brush gently against your chin, causing your glazed-over eyes to meet his.
Your swollen cherry-red pout parts, quietly you try once more: “You’ve gone soft,”.
Nathan snorts softly and a slight smirk rests on his lips.
“I suppose, just a little damn bit,”.
Your head begins lulling to the side, resting your cheek on Nathan’s silk pillowcases. The soft scent of vanilla and traces of his expensive cologne fill your senses allowing you to breathe deeply. A feeling of deep relaxation flows through your body- the first time you’ve been relaxed since Nathan’s life first entangled with yours.
Nathan moves to get up- you whine quietly- allowing his fingers to brush gently over yours he promises quickly: “I’ll be back, don’t pull a muscle nerd,” amusement tinging his tone. Despite the childish grabby hands you’re making at him, Nathan pulls on a pair of boxers looking back at you with sparkling eyes. Slowly, you smile at him, a smile so innocent Nathan feels a layer of ice melting around his goddamn heart.
Reluctantly, he pulls away from you and begins padding into his bathroom. Quickly, he’s opening up the cabinets looking for some kind of soft cloth, panic setting in when he discovers he doesn’t remember at all where things are in this cursed house. Thoughts are running rampant in his head as minutes tick by: what if she thinks I don’t care, I shouldn’t have left her, fuck, she’s going to leave me.
His bruised hands yank a soft washcloth out of one of the cabinets, his other hand fumbling with the sink handles. Warm water flows out quickly while Nathan shoves the cloth underneath. After a few seconds, he’s bolting out of the bathroom and back to you.
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stringcage · 2 years
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Ok u guys I couldn't help myself so here is the parallel post for everyone's favorite gay punk high school dropouts,,, the incomparable Ronan Lynch and Chloe Price!!
Obviously they have very similar character arcs and I think the main thing unifying them as characters is the way that grief takes shape in young people, both inside and out.
(this will have spoilers for the raven cycle + extended universe and life is strange + extended universe btw)
Each are described as being very jubilant and bright characters because of their happy childhoods before their transformations. They had extremely loving environments to grow up in that were stolen by loss. When their fathers died, it changed everything, as it would for anyone, but what amplified the pain of this loss for each of them is added loss that is (perceivably) chosen. When Ronan's dad died, Ronan was also confronted with the knowledge that he wasn't allowed to see his mom anymore, and for reasons he can't understand, she hasn't pushed back on this contingency at all. When Chloe's dad died, she had the awful luck of Max, her best friend, moving away only days later, and even though Max promised she would be there for Chloe despite the new distance between them, Max never calls or makes any effort to maintain contact with Chloe. So both of these characters are forced at a young age to endure unspeakable grief for their closest family member, but on top of that, their next closest support system CHOOSES (from their understanding, at least) not to help them get through this even though they could.
So what impression does that leave them with? This intentional rejection gives them the impression that they are not worth support, not worth loving. And they each have prior evidence from the world to support that claim:
Ronan has spent nearly his entire childhood isolated from the world because he's a dreamer. We know he isn't allowed to hang out with friends like a normal kid would. He comes to find out that not every kid can do the things he can do, in fact, from what he can tell, NO kid can. He has his brothers, who he got along with at the time, but neither of them would ever have to deal with the same otherness that Ronan did. On top of this, he's the only gay person that he even knows or knows OF. The world is beating this sense into him, this sense that he does not belong and that he is doomed never to be understood by anyone. You are made of dreams and this world is not for you.
And Chloe, a new student at Blackwell at the time, is one of the only scholarship students in a school full of rich kids who she deems "fake." We learn in "Farewell" that Chloe was being bullied for her family's economic status, and her only friend goes to an entirely different school from her. We don't know exactly how Chloe copes with the pain of being a young lesbian or if she even realizes it as this point in time, but knowing the environment she was surrounded by, there's no implication that she had any kind of support system for this. She's able to combat the isolation that all this induces, but once Max is gone, that's no longer possible. She's well and truly alone. Everybody pretends to care until they don't.
All of this piles onto each other- the forced loss, the chosen loss, and the increasing sense of isolation- but there's a tipping point when Ronan and Chloe are no longer able to bear life the way they always have. This comes in the form of a threat of paternal replacement: Declan Lynch, David Madsen. Ronan's older brother has to shoulder the responsibility for the rest of the family once their parents are out of the picture, and Chloe's mom married an overbearing, paranoid man. Both DBag Lynch and Step Douche care very much about their families and are deeply invested in the role to protect them, but neither of them go about it the right way. They constantly fight with Ronan and Chloe respectively. They can see that Ronan/Chloe are getting broken by this world, and their response is to try to whip them into someone the world could be more sympathetic to, even if it means not truly being themselves.
A new figure trying to usurp the role their father had in their life would be hard enough to tolerate from even the gentlest of people, but Declan/David's sternness over the fragile, freshly wounded Ronan/Chloe invokes a defensive urge, the final straw on the camel's back. They have to push back against the world that has taken too much from them and expected them to get back up on their feet with no one patient to lean on.
(disclaimer: this is NOT a holistic comparison of Declan and David. David caring for Chloe as his step daughter does NOT excuse any of his actions. What he did to her is not forgivable, and I am not likening his actions to Declan Lynch's.)
This, of course, comes in the form of two major shifts: external, and internal. Out jumps the PUNK ASS BITCHES with their newly short hair, edgy clothes, and extremely extremely noticeable massive tattoos. This look, the superficial armor.
With the new look comes the new attitude. They have been transformed into abrasive and disagreeable miscreants, untouchable through the cold blunt edges that conceal their inner turmoil. Notably, Adam Parrish refers to Ronan as a pitbull; Frank Bowers compares Chloe to a bulldog. This demeanour, the TRUE armor.
The world cannot reject them if they reject it first. They cannot be misunderstood if no one wants to get to know them in the first place. They must be harsher, faster, more unfeeling than the world ever was to them if they hope to survive it.
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Miraculously, this armor is not impenetrable to all. In fact, they'll find solace in the charming king and queen of their towns, ENTER STAGE LEFT, RICHARD GANSEY AND RACHEL AMBER. In a school full of pompous admirers, what could Gansey/Rachel possibly see in a battered dog like Ronan/Chloe? Apparently, someone worth taking anywhere. Gansey/Rachel admire the ferocious heart within Ronan/Chloe, warts and all, and resolve to stick by their side, becoming a conduit for the strong loyalty that Ronan/Chloe have always possessed, but have been deprived of someone to give this loyalty to. They may seem like unlikely duos, but they give a sense of purpose to everyone involved.
This friendship will keep them alive for many years to come, but of course, the loss will pile on eventually. Chloe will lose Rachel and even eventually come to find that Rachel betrayed her before she was gone. Ronan will lose Aurora before he gets a chance to save her for good, and he will briefly lose Gansey as well. Their armor will be penetrated worst of all upon these revelations of further loss. We see them heartbreakingly break down for the first time. It will seem that all is lost for them, and after all the universe has taken away from them, were they right all along? Are they really not meant for this world?
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And of course, that brings us to the gayest part of all: being DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE. Throughout the duration of their stories, the world has not been on their side. In The Dreamer Trilogy, Ronan will be pummeled by reality's rejection of him. He will literally be hunted down by people trying to prevent the end of the world which has been traced back to an apocalyptic fire he will cause. In "Polarized" we will discover that the tornado that has been alluded to as "the end of the world" (the degree to which we are uncertain, but certainly the end of Arcadia Bay) is a result of Max's repetitive intervention to keep Chloe alive, and the storm can only be stopped if she is allowed to die. These two are SO UNFIT for the world around them that it literally takes apocalyptic forces of nature to wipe them out of it for good, and seemingly the world will be better for it.
But the world doesn't have a final say in this. These two will not be abandoned by those whose lives they've touched. Throughout these stories, Ronan/Chloe's armor against the world was not enough to keep love out of their lives. Both of them have quantifiably good impacts on their love interests.
Blue Sargent makes Richard Gansey quiet, but Ronan Lynch makes Adam Parrish loud. He shows Adam that there is room for the present in his life, not just the future he's been obsessing over. He gave Adam enough happiness for the first time in his life that Adam was able to recognize that the future he always thought he wanted wasn't working out for him, and that he deserved some say over his own life.
Max Caulfield starts out the game by being self contained. She has ambitions, but she doesn't believe that she has the power to actualize them. Chloe restores something in her. She shares her self-assuredness with Max and encourages her to reach her full potential and embrace the strange abilities she possesses. In this story of choice, Chloe is what proves to Max that there is value in her choices. Her decisions and uses of her power literally start and end with Chloe.
And because Ronan/Chloe have done this for their love interests- not even entirely knowingly, but just by being themselves and living in their lives- Adam/Max refuse to let the universe have their way with Ronan/Chloe.
In "Greywaren," Adam, although angry with Ronan at the time, risks everything to scry out and find Ronan's incorporeal soul in the sweetmetal sea. Though Ronan thought he'd lost him for good, and maybe even found it justified, Adam won't let him be alone anymore. When all is lost to Ronan, and he doesn't know if he will ever be whole again, the love of his life comes back and he tells him: you are worth being here for. You are worth people. You are worth the world, and I will choose to be with you when it is not easy to do.
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In "Polarized," Chloe discovers that the storm can only disappear if she does. She reflects on her mistakes and realizes that the world that has so shunned her is worth her life, and so she begs Max to let her die so Arcadia Bay can live. But Max cannot reconcile this. She destroys the chance to let Chloe die, making up for leaving her after her father died. The love of her life tells Chloe: you are worth being here for. You are worth people. You are worth the world, and I will choose to be with you when it is not easy to do.
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(^ of course this ending is contingent on the player choosing to sacrifice Arcadia Bay, which only about half of players do, but considering that the comics pick up after Max sacrifices the bay for Chloe, we can consider this to be the "canon" ending that Max (the character, not the player) chose.)
Ronan Lynch and Chloe Price tell stories of people who, in one way or another, are just not designed for this world. Some people have hearts too big and grief too often. The world rejects them, and no matter how much Ronan/Chloe believe they would reject it back, in the end they would go to any lengths to keep it around. The acceptance of the world may not be enough to keep them around, but the love of their close ones can be.
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agt-dnvrs · 8 months
okay but max definitely introduced chloe to julien baker
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mngwa5 · 1 year
LiS (Alcoholic/Non-Alcoholic) Drink Headcanons
c/w: Mentions of drinking and alcohol 
Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, I’m supposing that these HCs are for 21+ versions of each character. 
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Max Caulfield: - Still definitely avoids most alcohol even into adulthood and genuinely finds beer repulsive. 
- As such, on the few occasions when she does indulge, she’ll seek out stuff that’s borderline saccharine and goes down without any burn. Chloe suggested she try Soju once and Max realized just how outright dangerous this road would be and put an end to it after one sip. 
- Has a soft spot for a cocktail she found on Pinterest of all places called ‘Stop the Hourglass’
- While she was in Seattle, she definitely tried to be an “I only drink sparkling water” gal at one point before it was in vogue but just couldn’t make LaCroix or Fresca agree with her and gave up after a month or so.    - She does not, however, need to pretend that she loves coffee. In fact, its almost scary how much she works a coffee obsession into her daily life after leaving Arcadia Bay. - Not a caffeine addiction mind you, though that sorta comes with the territory, but an almost compulsory desire to buy and try different roasts and beans wherever and whenever she can. 
- As a result, a lot of her post-Arcadia Bay travels definitely involve taking Chloe on lunch dates to whatever cafes she can find. Chloe, for her part, is just glad Max never descended into full on millennial “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” behavior.
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Chloe Price:  - Once she made it past the time-honored highschooler/early adolescent  “We drink what works and what we can get our hands on” phase, Chloe really started refining her palette. - It was a bit of a journey to separate “Oh wow, I’m an adult with adult money who can just drink what I enjoy now” from the residual guilty feeling of “I drink for ‘fun’ in the self-medicating sense”. - Though she will never admit it, she developed a real love for craft beers, notably sours and saisons.   - Constantly takes measures to distance herself from “beer snobs” and repeatedly reminds Max and anyone who will listen that she isn’t a “weirdo craft beer hipster” to the point of overcompensation.  - That being said, she has definitely dragged Max along on a brewery tour. - When it comes to anything mixed, she’s definitely a vodka cranberry gal. Loves the idea of whiskey but in practice prefers other stuff.  - Definitely succumbed to the fun colors and garish marketing of energy drinks like Ghost and Bang, and as cans began piling up in their new places trashcan (when Chloe isn’t building a shrine out of them on a desk), Max finally sat her down and made her actually read what was on the back of each can.  - She still definitely drinks them. 
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