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chipmunkfanno1love · 1 day ago
A beautiful and touching moment. 🥰
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You don’t think your prolonged isolation is making you a bit crazy, perhaps? And despite all these so-called friends of yours, deep down, you’re still rather lonely?
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) dir.Jeff Fowler
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varian-secretportals · 7 months ago
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10 posts!
Hopefully they'll be more to come soon. 😁🥳
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chipmunkfanno1love · 1 day ago
Let's be kind and loving to all female characters. Let's love them for the unique individuals they are and not condemn them for not fitting into a role that society expects them to be.
All real females are different and unique in our own ways. We all have strengths, weaknesses and flaws about us. That's why we try to write ladies we can relate to in fiction. We're not all the same, we can't expect fictional female characters to all be the same as well.
I love you hated female characters. I love you female characters that are labelled as weak because you don’t portray the typically masculine characteristics needed to be seen as strong. I love you female characters that have seen the horrors of the world and decided to stay kind and peaceful. I love you female characters that bake and garden and love. I love you female characters that are hated for your femininity. I love you female characters whose kindness is mistaken for weakness and who understand that war and violence should never be the first option. I love you female characters that are taken for granted and often labelled as ‘boring’ by a fandom unable to understand or even acknowledge the strength it takes to be kind in a world plagued by death and war. I love you kind female characters, I love you, I love you.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 3 days ago
Very cute. I could see this happening in canon.
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Magic hair is very entertaining for a todder. Troll parenting hack 🤪
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chipmunkfanno1love · 1 day ago
Aww, tough guy Knuckles enjoys telenovela's (as well as rom-coms). It shows he has a softer side. He's a macho man who isn't afraid to get in touch with his more feminine side. It's quite healthy if think about it. If only he could overcome his embarrassment about it. 🤭
I feel a little disappointed they didn't add a moment like this to the final film. It definitely gives me a lot of headcanons for Knuckles character in future SCU projects.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 20 hours ago
I could see the last scene happening in Sonic 4. So cute and comical. ❤️
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chipmunkfanno1love · 2 days ago
Cute outfits.
I love sonamy 🥺💙💗
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chipmunkfanno1love · 2 days ago
I would love a shopping montage for Amy and Maddie as well. As much as these good song options, I personally think this will be a wonderful opportunity for Amy's theme song to make an appearance. I know it's about her feelings for Sonic, but I think it also could be good in representing Amy's character. It could be close to the original or it could be a more modern remake.
Personally I think Amy might be a little older than 12 in the movie version of her character (her age isn't considered 12 in canon anymore). I personally do think she's a little younger than Sonic, but maybe by a year or 2 rather than 3 years difference. Of course, it's up to the movie writers to decide on that.
I hope they lean into the campiness with Amy on Earth. I want to see Maddie take Amy to the mall to buy her signature dress and watch Amy get excited over all the different makeup and accessories in a Claire’s. I want a shopping/makeover montage set to Material Girl or I Feel Like a Woman or Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Amy is a spunky bruiser, but she’s also a preteen girl that loves pink and hearts and all things girly. I want that to be celebrated.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 2 days ago
Not perfect, but certainly perfect for him.
He wanted a family so much and he got the most perfect one
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chipmunkfanno1love · 3 days ago
Very cute. 🥰
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chipmunkfanno1love · 22 hours ago
I like your theories and I'm certainly open to these being possible. 🤔 I could see him having trust issues with Amy at first as he's not sure if she's really trustworthy or not. Plus, his trauma with Shadow almost killing Tom could make him more suspicious.
Still, I definitely imagine his attraction to Amy being obvious, even if he tries to hide it and/or denies it. Tails and Knuckles could tease him about him clearly "like-liking" her as brothers do. 😏🤭😁
Some examples of how I imagine him acting :
See 2:23 to 2:48 (you can watch the until the end, but it contains suggestive adult themes and some religious profanity).
I could hear Sonic having his own irritated speech which hints to having feelings for Amy.
"I can't stand her! She's not fooling me with her: 'Oh, I'm so cool!', 'Oh, I'm so nice!', 'Oh, I'm so pretty and I smell like roses!'"
Tails and Knuckles share amused and knowing looks at Sonic.
The two then begin their teasing from their about how Sonic has feelings for Amy, and of course, he denies it.
This option could work if he's now more aware of his crush on Amy but is confused about it. Either way, I definitely imagine Tails and Knuckles teasing Sonic like this and him denying his feelings.
I reckon that the above video could also work for Knuckles when he meets Rouge and develops a denied attraction to her. I definitely think Sonic and Tails would be unrelentless in their teasing like Manny and Sid are. 😁🤭❤️
I have a few Sonamy theories of my own which I look forward to sharing with you and everyone else. I could see my theories spreading out to the whole SCU though, and not simply at Sonic 4. 😁🥰
An Analysis on how the movie could make the SonAmy dynamic similar to game version without making Movie Sonic and Amy too out of character:
Heyya! If you follow me you maybe saw me screaming about Reverse Sonamy for the fourth movie for ages, and as much as my shipper heart enjoys that, I decided I should also share my more serious hc’s about their relationship.
After Sonic 3 we all know Sonic has more of a little something called ✨TRAUMA✨. So I don’t imagine him taking a liking to Amy (as a friend) immediately . Because if we compare his first reaction to Amy and Shadow, I recall it being ‘Guys wow look at him he is just like me’ for Shadow, And it’s a more serious ‘who are you’ for Amy.
For Shadow, he didn’t take him serious for their first encounter, he was even asking about highlights and stuff when he was chasing Shadow. Because he really believed talking with him could turn him around. Then when they meet him again at the abandoned GUN facility, he tries to give him a wake up call, still believeing that only talking will suffice.I think he is still going with his experience with Knuckles, thinking Shadow got a little mixed up like him. But then, Shadow turns out to be a real threat once he hurts Tom (we know he thought Tom was Walters but Sonic didn’t know that, especially when shadow said he did what he had to). So that’s when Sonic switches up his approach and literally goes for the kill, and that’s what makes the violance really impactful.
Yes in the end they made up and worked together, but that has to elavate his trust issues that he admitted to having earlier in the movie. So, when he sees Amy, who despite saving him also got him flung to the ground by the impact of her hammer, I bet he won’t fall to his mistake with Shadow, and consider her a potential threat too despite her saving him at first. We can actually see it with his first sentence to her, too, it’s a straight up ‘ Who are you’ rather than even an acknowledgement that she is a heghehog like him. I think this actually lays a good baseline to their relationship if they want to keep the usual SonAmy dynamic we see in nearly every media. Because they can make Sonic not appear as ‘excited’ as her without making him look like he isn’t interested in her in the slightest. He’d have a hard time trusting her, therefore he’d have his eyes on her every move, which can make him acknowledge her strength, maybe even faster than others. I imagine him gaining his hope back once he really accepts that she has a good heart. And since he kept her closer because his initial distrust in her to protect his family,I can see their relationship develop fast, especially on Amy’s side.
About Amy, I don’t think she’d be like Sonic in this regard. She will be the Amy we know and love, except that I hc she was the hero of their home planet since Sonic wasn’t there. She helped everyone in need, and that’s how she is portrayed in her first appearence, as a confident heroine.And especially since she looks like she has been chasing the metal army in my opinion instead of trying to find Sonic. If the theory of Ivo being sent to their home planet is true and he actually builds metal there to capture Mobians/ animals to use them as power sources, I can see her stepping up to fight them. And if Robotnik is the one to make Metal Sonic there is no doubt that he’d send them after Sonic, which is proved by the fact that the screen we were shown that said ‘Blue Hedgehog’ when a robot scanned Sonic, then the robot immediately attacked Sonic.
And about how she will be in their dynamic, like I said they can excuse her being a lot more excited to meet Sonic than he is by his trust issues and not that she is a damsel in distress that falls for the hero. Because she is a hero in the movie too, and she is quite confident in herself as we’ve seen from her expression, and she thinks she can manage everything thrown her way like Sonic did before the events of the third movie, therefore she has no problems of warming up to everyone. Like @iwasbored777 mentioned in one post, she must have heard Sonic boast while fighting Metal, and might be thinking he is too cocky. But I think his reluctance towards her especially when he is with the family will pique her interest a lot more. Like, she must have heard the rumors about him, and like Tails said he must have been talked about as ‘a legend’ minutes before he was boasting then when he sees her there is none of that confidence, he is just warry of her. And knowing Amy that will make her a lot more prone too try and win his favor, hence leading them to have their game dynamic without making her obviously fall in love right away.
These were all about my hcs for the platonic side of their relationship. About the romantic side, I can see Sonic falling for her as he sees her ‘giving the world her love’ side. Because this boy has been surrounded by love for a long time now, be it from his parents and brothers, and we have seen him have a hard time to acknowledge that he has all of that, now. He took two movies to call Tom ‘dad’ and he still hasn’t acknowledged that Tails and Knux are his brothers (which we got the definite confirmation of with Tom calling them all ‘siblings’ instead of friends like he did back in the first movie). And ıt amazes him just how easily she loves and shows her love, and is all more stronger for it. While everytime Sonic tries that, his loved ones get hurt. So he is afraid of labels, afraid of showing affection (because he took long to get used to hugs, too). He must feel like he should hide he holds something dear just so the world doesn’t see and decide to take it all away. He still hides himself like Longclaw told him to all those years ago, he has never stopped running. And Amy will make him realise exactly this. Embracing his love for his family and friends won’t make him lose them, because they are all capable of defending themselves especially when they are together with him, and he doesn’t have to run ahead to protect them. I’m so certain we will get a scene about him running ahead and leaving his team behind again, this time to protect them,because this has been a huge theme of sonic 3 and despite apologising and making up,the team didn’t actually resolve the issue.
I think Amy will play a huge role in this because: 1- He and the other boys don’t have a familial bond with her
2- She proved that she can hold her own right when she first met him.
3- We saw Knuckles and Tails try to snap him out of running ahead several times, but since they are family they weren’t really adamant in fear of breaking him further. And they understand why he did what he did pretty quickly because they know how he feels for his family and why he runs forth, they were there to witness majority of his traumas. Amy wasn’t, and that’s why she won’t shy away from reminding him that they are a team, because she won’t be as afraid to lose him even if his reaction will be negative. She will have the same attitude of ‘I can protect myself’ , he did in the beginning of the movie. And she isn’t actually in the team because she needs them in the beginning, but wants to be there.And isn’t this what romantic love really should be? Two equal people that doesn’t need each other to survive but their lives are all more beautiful because they have each other. They aren’t ‘halves’, they are a ‘whole’ that complement and add onto each other.
And about how she will grow to like him, I hc that as she sees the reasons for his first distrust and reluctance and the obvious boasting he does to hide these, that he has so many precious things he almost got taken away from him to protect,she will tone down her excitement.And him trying to protect his loved ones, and actually having the strength to do so, is so impressive to her.And since being a hero would be her whole identity by now, like I’ve seen @ficsinhistory suggest (for a different but cool reason) she would be self-sacrifical. Because I’m guessing she didn’t really have anyone to love, and she shows her love for the world through heroic deets. And thinks she is nothing without that. As opposed to Sonic who only started trying to play hero after Tom and Maddie took him in. His need for love was achieved through his new family, but Amy’s never was, so she filled that void by trying to protect, so that people love her. Sonic wanted to be a hero, while Amy desperately needed it
I hope this isn’t so disorganized I am just typing every thought that comes to mind!
I’d love to hear your thought on this.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 2 days ago
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Thank you for the tag @16magnolias.
I'd like to tag: @lucidheart3, @humble-introvert0808, @ficsinhistory, @wherearethegrapes, @essycogany, @nightfurylover31, @iwasbored777, @terrifictoons, @lady-broppy-shipper-seriously and @lazorbeanz
movie tag game 🎬
Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films, then tag ten people to do the same!
tagged by @thecardigangirl (thanks <3 )
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tagging (only if you like) @turnonthelightpls @16magnolias @melliabee @fictionadventurer @mademoiseli @upside-down-peonies
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chipmunkfanno1love · 25 days ago
Ariel and Eric: a battle couple and loving protective parents.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 14 days ago
Love this.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 6 months ago
Beautiful dress designs for this movie.
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Character designs for The Princess and the Frog by Lorelay Bove
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chipmunkfanno1love · 27 days ago
Ooh, Sonic looks like he has competition, lol. 😁 Still, we know where Amy's affection truly lies. 🥰
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She is as charming as she is strong.
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