consistency? never heard of her
173 posts
I draw a DP fan-comic called Haunted Ties that uploads weekly on Sundays, unless life gets in the way(which happens alot). This blog is mainly for my art but I might have the occasional story rambles. If you like what you see go check out my DA. theres more on there.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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Haunted Ties page 39
rest of the comic is here on my deviantart
(next page will be posted after x-mas cause I value my sanity)
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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Haunted Ties page 38
rest of the comic is here on my deviantart
ok. firstly, I'm so sorry for how late this page is being posted. I did not realize how taxing thanksgiving would end up being this year. I didn't leave my self enough time to work on this page earlier in the week, and my family's insanity ate up all my free time during the weekend. I'm really sorry about the delay and I'll try to do better in the future. Secondly, after the next page(which is the the last part of this scene)there will be a 3 week break from Haunted Ties  due to personal irl stuff and x-mas. Ill still be posting Haunted Ties related things like: some character redesigns; how sam,tucker,+jazz got their powers; how those powers work; background elements like buildings, or ghost's lairs; and some past danny stuff. hopefully thats not too much of a problem for anybody. and lastly, I've rearranged some scenes to better fit the over all plot. so the next scene after this one wouln't be with present danny, but it'll feature a flash back with younger danny. hopefully it will be end up being shorter than this scene which has taken way longer than I originally thought it would. the scene after the next will be with present day danny, soooo... that might make it ok??? maybe???
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
na, cause these characters don’t live in the forest. I’ve actually been thinking of making them nomadic for the dad’s work (or lack of it), so they don’t really live anywhere.
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fae family camping 
since fairies are associated with nature in mythology, it only makes sense that they would go camping all the time.
more posts about these characters:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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some possible background characters for Haunted Ties. cause there aren't enough canon ghosts to fill all the roles I've got lined up for the story. don't worry though, all the important roles are going to canon characters. nothing about these designs is final, there's still room for improvement (and I've got no idea what their colors will be), but I figured I might as post them. If you've got any opinion on how to improve them, i'm all ears.
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
due to thanksgiving (and not being able to get out of the family dinner) this weeks Haunted Ties page will be posted on Monday. sorry 
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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posting the design that's on Sam's sweater cause I actually spent way too long making it but you can't ever see all of it in the comic due to posing.
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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fae family camping 
since fairies are associated with nature in mythology, it only makes sense that they would go camping all the time.
more posts about these characters:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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Haunted Ties page 37
rest of the comic is here
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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meet my annoying tripod
one of my kitties finally decided to come up from their hidey hole down in the basement. apparently she's gotten used to Flin, or at least enough to make the trek up to my room for play time and cuddles.(and also keeping me from getting any work done) this is Kammy, my three legged terror. She's named after Kammy koopa from mario, cause she's a tortoiseshell calico, tortoises are turtles, and koopas are based off of turtles... it makes perfect sense(in a conspiracy theory sorta way) she gets into everything, and nothing is off limits to her. tablet pens, wires, beads, you name it she plays with it. it gets really annoying when im trying to work, but I still love her. (also if anyone has advice on getting cats and dogs to get along i'd really appreciate it,cause Flin keeps trying to chase the kitties and Im worried what will happen if he catches one of them)
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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story idea: classic trickster-fairy archetype struggles to deal with modern society while also being a single father of four, insanity ensues
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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more of the mythology and fairy stuff cus I got bit by the inspiration bug over the weekend. the twins are this guy's kids, and they're either 1-better at looking human than their dad, or 2- only part shapeshifter.(haven't decided which) no names yet but, the purple one is curious and talks a mile a minute while being super shy, and the green one is a hot head and a huge trouble maker yet is also oddly quite.
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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Haunted Ties page 36
rest of the comic is here
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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1st attempt at drawling cujo + an older Ellie(dani) for size comparison. hopefully this looks half way decent, cause im not good when it comes to drawling animals cujo's canon color palette is sorta headache inducing so i'm gonna lower the green's saturation a bit next time i draw him.(will probably make it a bit darker too) also cujo doesn't have a canon breed which made trying to find reference pic.s really annoying, but i read somewhere that cujo resembles a bull-mastiff (possibly a mixed breed) so thats what I when with.
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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obligatory elf character
OH SH*T!!! I can't believe i forgot to post this! f*ck
this is related to these two pictures 1   2 
more under the cut.
   Anyways, Elves in mythology are sorta... bland. like they're just pretty humans with magic, and there's not really all that much too them until they start getting lumped together with other types of fairies. after that they get a bit more interesting, turning into tricksters and either helping or hindering people. but thats sorta what most fairies do anyways soooo... yeah elves were kinda boring before Tolkien got a hold of them(and then everyone started ripping his elves off and making like 50 zillion variants just as same-y as the last) and so in keeping with the norm here's my version of elves.    they're your standard run of the mill fair folk with all the things you'd expect; tree loving hippies, movie star pretty, more magic than they know what to do with, live way too long, aerobatic, stuck up snobs,  yah know standard elf stuff.     two big differences 1- they ain't noble.    nothing prim or proper about them, they love one thing and one thing only, partying. they party and party hard. they could be described as a never ending frat party. they'll act all superior to other faeries but they ain't, at all. 2-they are brood brood parasites    they don't raise their own kids, ever.    elf children either get passed off to another species of fairy that does take care of their young or they get put in human foster care.     and as far as elves are concerned this is really no big deal. elf children look identical to humans until they hit puberty, then their magic starts to kick in and they follow it's pull till they meet another fairy, and boom! stage one of an elf's life cycle complete. they may now move on to the unending party that is elf adulthood.      the problems start to happen when an elf decided to go the more classic "changeling" route when getting rid of their offspring, and swap their baby for a human one. this is rare but happens once in a blue moon.    for the human baby they tend to get left someplace far away(but were they'll be found by somebody) cause elves think its funny, and the elf baby gets raised by humans with no one the wiser to what happened.    things are fine until the elf kid reaches puberty and realizes what they are, leading to all the psychological trauma one would expect from something like that.    changelings tend to try and pretend they're human for as long as they can before their human parents realize something strange is going on and then they usually run away.       changelings don't integrate into fairy society well due to the influence of their human parents, being more inclined to live in the fringes of human society than interact with other fairies, especially other elves. this character is one of those elf changelings,He ran away from his human home before hitting puberty cause he had a sh*tty human family(not normal but also not that strange). and while he does interact with other fairies, he's extremely shy and nervous around anyone outside of his adoptive fairy family.    also his color palette is entirely intentional and means exactly what you think it does.
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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finally got around to drawling the Fentons, so I could figure out how I wanted them to look before they show up in Haunted Ties. drew a couple of different ideas for their clothes, cause they can't just wear jumpsuits all the time(though jumpsuits'll still be their main outfit) Also tried out their color palette, and realized I had a problem see in the show Danny has two different skin tones, one when he's fenton, and one when he's phantom. the skin tone I've been giving Danny and Jazz up to this point is the mid-ground between the two in the show, and I was planning on giving one of their parent phantom's skin tone and the the other parent fenton's. Problem is i like both versions and can't decide which to use. I'm open to anyone's option on this matter.
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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Family portrait 
drew a cute picture of Danny and Ellie (aka dani). might end up using this in Haunted Ties, who knows maybe this is a spoiler.
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tkdoodles77 · 5 years ago
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lazy coloring is lazy
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