#China Dictator XI
justbeingnamaste · 10 months
They won’t do this for the people who pay taxes and live in the city, but they’ll do it for Xi. This sends a very clear message about who the leaders of the city care about and it’s not the Americans who live there.
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lgbtally4ever · 6 months
In case you’ve been living on Mars—
Trump admires dictators and covets their dictatorships!
And, PS:
NATO is the only thing standing between these dictatorships conquering Democratic countries outside their boundaries!
For Putin, Ukraine is only the beginning!
Xi Jin Ping would take over Taiwan (next).
Kim Jong Un wants to attack S. Korea and Japan.
These are dangerous times when an American ex-President, (and current, Presidential candidate), would end our ties with NATO, if he gets into the White House, again!
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
«Putin and Xi: a Laurel and Hardy duo for the modern age – except it’s no joke. Both have much to answer for, or would in any open society. If either man were subject to genuine democratic scrutiny or free elections, he’d be booted out without a second thought – then put on trial.
Putin has remade Russia in his image: lawless, vilified, distrusted. Flailing Xi’s offence, if anything, is worse. He’s endangering the Chinese “miracle” – decades of big post-Deng Xiaoping, post-Tiananmen economic and social advances – in a messianic drive to wield unchecked personal power.
Xi hopelessly mishandled the Covid pandemic, ordered draconian lockdowns, then U-turned without a blush. That hasn’t rescued China’s damaged economy, its private tech companies already hobbled by Xi’s control-freak insistence on party oversight and direction.»
— Simon Tisdall writing at The Guardian about the world's most high profile dictators.
Anybody who thinks that dictatorship is a very good form of government just hasn't been paying much attention.
Because dictators don't like people disagreeing with them, they never get necessary candid advice from subordinates.
Putin has his disastrous invasion in Ukraine and resultant isolation from the global economy while Xi has his unsound COVID-19 response and mismanagement of the economy which has actually caused the Chinese government to hide youth unemployment statistics.
Beware of politicians who say stuff like "only I can fix things".
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
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Camouflage of a different tier in Hong Kong - a projector that displays a different face than yours to fool cameras and save social score.
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world-fresh-news · 10 months
Biden Labels Xi Jinping a 'Dictator' Despite Pledges to Ease U.S.-China Tensions in Landmark Talks
A major diplomatic event occurred when Chinese President Xi Jinping and American President Joe Biden agreed to reduce tensions between their countries at a high-profile summit. But when Biden openly called Xi a “dictator” just hours after the encounter, the tone of the negotiations unexpectedly changed. Landmark Talks to Ease U.S.-China Tensions: The Biden-Xi summit in California garnered global…
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zvaigzdelasas · 10 months
["]He's a dictator in the sense that he's a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that's based on a form of government totally different than ours," Biden said.
China Different Therefore China Bad [16 Nov 23]
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NOT EVEN a dictator can do whatever they want ! ! China in a nose dive because one person wants MORE POWER ! !
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simply-ivanka · 1 month
Kamala Harris: Mystery Commander in Chief
How would the Vice President keep America safe in a dangerous world? The voters deserve some answers.
The Editorial Board --- Wall Street Journal
Kamala Harris is all but telling Americans they’ll have to elect her to find out what she really believes, as the Vice President ducks interviews and the media give her a free ride. This is bad enough on domestic issues, but on foreign policy it could be perilous. The world is more dangerous than it’s been in decades, and Americans deserve to know how the woman aiming to be Commander in Chief Harris would confront these threats.
Ms. Harris this week tweeted a photo of her sitting next to President Biden in the White House situation room discussing the Middle East. The point is to suggest she’s a co-pilot on Biden foreign policy.
This isn’t the credential the Harris campaign thinks it is, and the voters should hear directly from her what she thinks about the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, the failure to deter Russia in Ukraine, the Iranian nuclear program, China’s island grabs in the South China Sea, and more. The matter is all the more important because Ms. Harris conspicuously declined to choose a running mate who might lend foreign policy experience to the ticket.
Ms. Harris has given a few hints about her own views on the Middle East, and those aren’t encouraging. Her team spent much of Thursday walking back whether she told an anti-Israel group she’d be willing to ponder an arms embargo against Israel. She skipped Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress when our main Middle East ally is under siege. Did she pass over Josh Shapiro as her running mate because he would have enraged the anti-Israel wing of the Democratic Party?
To the extent she has revealed a larger instinct on national security, it’s been wrong. She told the Council on Foreign Relations in 2019 that she’d rejoin the Iran nuclear deal as long as “Iran also returned to verifiable compliance.” But Iran didn’t comply and is now on the brink of a nuclear breakout.
Her 2018 Senate vote to “end U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen,” as Ms. Harris put it in a tweet, also hasn’t aged well. The Houthis the Saudis were fighting are now targeting commercial ships in the Red Sea almost daily and putting U.S. naval assets at risk. Does she think this status quo can persist—and what would she do differently?
Ms. Harris will surely argue that she and Mr. Biden reinvigorated the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after Vladimir Putin’s invasion in Ukraine. But absent a change in U.S. political will, the war in Ukraine isn’t on track to end on terms favorable to American interests. Her past enthusiasm for banning fracking—which her campaign is trying to walk back—also suggests she isn’t serious about checking Mr. Putin’s main source of war financing.
Ms. Harris would no doubt also tout the diplomatic progress the Biden Administration has made in Asia with Japan, the Philippines and others. Yet she whiffed on one of the single most important diplomatic questions in Asia: She opposed Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that would have excluded China and boosted America as the region’s premiere trading partner.
Most important, will Ms. Harris build up the hard military assets required to deter China’s Xi Jinping and a consolidating axis of U.S. adversaries? “I unequivocally agree with the goal of reducing the defense budget,” Ms. Harris said as a Senator in 2020 after voting against a Bernie Sanders proposal to slash the Pentagon by 10%. That vote needed no explanation, but Ms. Harris wanted to make sure the left knew she was sympathetic. Does she still want to slash the defense budget?
Donald Trump often shoots from the hip on these subjects, and his favorable comments about dictators are witless. But his first-term record, especially on Iran and the Middle East, is far stronger than the Biden-Harris performance.
Americans shouldn’t have to read tea leaves to figure out if Ms. Harris would keep the country safe in a treacherous world.
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itsslowsonic · 6 days
Once again, if you want to have a conversation or debate with me, please use facts. Please use facts!
As I mentioned before, there's always someone who would say Trump is a dictator and he harmed the US democracy. Do you know what a dictator is? Do you know what is the definition of democracy? Do you have any proof that he harmed democracy? A dictator can do whatever he wants in his country. A dictator would be the ruler of his country until he died. Did Trump do that? Did Trump eliminate the election after 2016? Did Trump ban all other parties after 2016? In China, all the media must worship Xi Jinping 24/7. In North Korea, all the media must worship Kim Jong Un 24/7. In Iran, all the media must worship Ali Khamenei 24/7. Did this happen in the US? Since 2016, almost everything about Trump in the main media has been negative. Then you tell me that he was a dictator? Use your brain, use your common sense to think about it, who wants to take your guns? Did Trump ever say that? A dictator would let you keep your guns to fight his dictatorship? Are Chinese people allowed to have guns? Are North Korean people allowed to have guns? Are Iranian people allowed to have guns? Once again, who wants to take your guns but keep theirs?
Lies will never defeat the truth!
You want to live without your brain and common sense. Go ahead, no one can save you. You deserve the suffering and despair, not the US citizens who still have common sense, don't drag us into it.
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baiwu-jinji · 8 months
danmei reading update
Long time no see Tumblr friends! Some update about the danmei I've been reading - I was reading Liu Yao by Priest a while ago and was only able to finish Book 1 before I somewhat lost interest. While I recognize that it's objectively well-written and I love Priest's wit, I sometimes feel emotionally thwarted and alienated when reading it and I think it's because Priest doesn't always allow emotions to flow freely in her writing, as if every surge of emotion must be held back behind a shield of sarcasm, derision and dry humour. This takes away the catharsis of the reading experience - and emotional catharsis is what I'm usually looking for when reading popular online literature that's meant to be gobbled down instead of pored over. I might give Liu Yao another try when I'm less busy and feeling more patient though.
Right now I'm reading Yuwu by Meatbun and on chapter 66. So far the plot offers a lot of delicious pain, which is obviously Meatbun's strength, but there's also not a lot of surprises as Meatbun is operating in safe territory. I'm looking forward to finding out if Yuwu is able to surprise me in any way that 2ha couldn't, and since I find Mo Xi and Gu Mang's dynamic similar to Wangxian's from MDZS, I'm also curious to find out differences between the two in subsequent reading. What I've found most interesting so far is how (spoilers) Mo Xi tormented Gu Mang at one point with almost the same level of malice and bitterness that Gu Mang's real enemies would have, out of sheer frustration with not being able to get closure - I find this part of the plot realistically and insightfully written, and it reminds me of a thought I had that you can't truly hate someone if you've never loved them.
Yuwu lets the readers know very early on that both Gu Mang and Mo Xi are parentless. And it makes me think that a lot of the danmei I've read that're set in ancient China work in the same way - the main couple either don't have parents anymore or their parents are out of the picture. I think it's because in the rigid hierchical family structure in ancient China dictated by Confucianism, where children should unconditionally obey their parents, parents are the presence that kills romance - they arrange marriages for you, they act as your passionless superego, and they're a reminder that marriage isn't about love but about responsibility and carrying on the family line. This might be why it's simply more convenient to omit the parents altogether as they're bound to bring the romanticism of danmei down to some unpalatable historical reality.
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
So like, when Russia says that they don't believe that the US is "agreement capable," this is the kind of thing they're talking about.
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The US talks out of both sides of its mouth and so it can't be trusted to follow through on anything. They send Blinken to glad-hand with the Chinese and tell them "we want positive relations with China" and then turn around and say "Xi's a dictator(and you know how we feel about those 😉"
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comeonamericawakeup · 2 months
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“The central struggle in the world right now is between liberalism and authoritarianism,” said David Brooks, and “the authoritarians have the momentum.” The populist tide is lifting quasi-autocrats in the U.S., India, Hungary, and Turkey, while “straight-up dictators” Vladimir Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China expand their power and influence. Why is liberalism in trouble? It has much to recommend it: its strong respect for individual rights and personal choice, its “live-and-let-live tolerance.” But by focusing so heavily on the individual, liberalism fails to address a powerful human need for “primal bonds” with family, ethnic culture, national traditions, and religion. Authoritarians appeal to “faith, family, soil, and flag,” and warn the masses that liberals seek to eradicate all that seems solid — “from your morality to your gender” — and replace it with personal whim. That opens the door to the claim that “we need a strongman to defend us from social and moral chaos.” For liberalism to survive and thrive, it must acknowledge that “people need to feel connected to a transcendent order” that provides continuity, belonging, and meaning. Otherwise, “this is going to be an ugly election year.”
THE WEEK MAY 31, 2024
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stele3 · 1 year
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canadianabroadvery · 2 years
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kneedeepincynade · 10 months
The United States are uncapable of accepting that other nations are different and have different systems and this is exactly why the "pax americana" has failed and its why many nations prefere the much more accepting China
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🤹‍♂️ L'arroganza, mista alla confusione, scaturita dalle farneticazioni del Presidente Biden contro il Presidente Xi Jinping, nuovamente definito dal rappresentante degli imperialisti americani come un «dittatore» non deve essere solo condannata, ma anche analizzata con cura 🤔
💬 Dentro la sua frase, è contenuta la prova che gli USA non hanno alcuna intenzione di promuovere il 相互尊重 - Rispetto Reciproco:
💬 «Guarda, lo è. È un dittatore nel senso che è a capo di un Paese Comunista che si basa su una forma di governo totalmente diversa dalla nostra» 🤹‍♂️
😂 Almeno, questa volta, un rappresentante dell'imperialismo statunitense l'ha ammesso: per gli USA basta non avere un modello politico neo-liberale ed economicamente neo-liberista per essere definito "dittatore" 😂
😂 Cina, Russia, Iran, Corea del Nord, Cuba, Venezuela, Bielorussia, Siria - ogni Paese con un proprio modello differente dal neo-liberalismo statunitense, e con un sistema economico diverso dal capitalismo finanziario monopolistico diventa subito una "dittatura" agli occhi degli imperialisti americani 🤡
🚩 Il Partito Comunista Cinese, tramite tutti i suoi rappresentanti, ha sempre dichiarato che non esistono modelli realmente universali, che la democrazia può assumere varie forme, così come il modello economico, e che nessun Paese può egemonizzare il concetto di democrazia o libertà 😍
🐲 Come spiegato nell'Articolo "民主是全人类的共同价值": «La Democrazia è un Valore Comune dell'Umanità, non un monopolio di pochi Paesi, bensì un Diritto di ogni Popolo» | Essa non ha un'unica forma, bensì molte, costruite e fondate sulle condizioni nazionali e materiali di ciascun Paese, e non è un ornamento brillante da sfoggiare per raggiungere fini geopolitici, bensì una soluzione ai problemi reali del Popolo ⭐️
🔍 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会 - Come funziona l'Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo? 🚩
🔍 协商民主 - Cos'è la Democrazia Socialista Consultativa? 🚩
🔍 人民民主 - Cos'è la Democrazia del Popolo? 🚩
🤮 Neo-maccartismo da "red scare" e sinofobia da "yellow peril" non promuoveranno mai una comprensione tra i morenti Paesi d'Occidente e la Cina 😡
🇬🇷 Quando, all'inizio di novembre, Kyriakos Mītsotakīs - Primo Ministro della Repubblica Ellenica, si è recato in Cina, il Presidente Xi Jinping ha ricordato che 互相学习 - l'Apprendimento Reciproco era uno dei principi fondanti delle Relazioni Sino-Greche 😍
😍 L'Apprendimento Reciproco porta, necessariamente, al Rispetto Reciproco. Questo non accade mai con gli USA, che intendono sempre esportare il loro modello genocida tramite le sanzioni unilaterali, i tentativi di rivoluzione colorata e persino la guerra 😡
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🤹‍♂️ The arrogance, mixed with confusion, resulting from President Biden's rantings against President Xi Jinping, once again defined by the representative of the American imperialists as a "dictator" must not only be condemned, but also carefully analyzed 🤔
💬 Inside his sentence, there is proof that the USA has no intention of promoting 相互尊重-Mutual Respect:
💬 «Look, it is. He is a dictator in the sense that he is the head of a Communist country that is based on a form of government totally different from ours »🤹‍♂️
😂 At least, this time, a representative of US imperialism admitted it: for the USA it is enough not to have a neo-liberal and economically neo-liberal political model to be defined as a "dictator" 😂
😂 China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Belarus, Syria - each country with its own model different from US neo-liberalism, and with an economic system different from monopoly financial capitalism immediately becomes a "dictatorship" in the eyes of the American imperialists 🤡
🚩 The Chinese Communist Party, through all its representatives, has always declared that there are no truly universal models, that democracy can take various forms, as well as the economic model, and that no country can hegemonize the concept of democracy or freedom 😍
🐲 As explained in the Article "民主是全人类的共同价值": «Democracy is a common value of humanity, not a monopoly of a few countries, but a right of every people» | It does not have a single form, but many, built and founded on the national and material conditions of each country, and it is not a brilliant ornament to show off to achieve geopolitical goals, but rather a solution to the real problems of the People ⭐️
🔍 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会 - How does the National People's Congress work? 🚩
🔍 协商民主 - What is Consultative Socialist Democracy? 🚩
🔍 人民民主 - What is People's Democracy? 🚩
🤮 "Red scare" neo-McCarthyism and "yellow peril" Sinophobia will never promote understanding between the dying Western countries and China 😡
🇬🇷 When, at the beginning of November, Kyriakos Mītsotakīs - Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, visited China, President Xi Jinping recalled that 互相学习 - Mutual Learning was one of the founding principles of Sino-Greek Relations 😍
😍 Mutual Learning necessarily leads to Mutual Respect. This never happens with the USA, which always intends to export its genocidal model through unilateral sanctions, attempted color revolutions and even war 😡
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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