#Chimney Construction
chimneyguysusaca · 3 months
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Website : https://chimneyguysusa.com/
Address : 2297 Ridgemere Cir, Roseville, CA 95747
Phone : +1 916-937-1314
Chimney Guys USA is a full-service chimney sweep, cleaning, inspection, maintenance, and repair company. They provide dependable service to keep fireplaces and chimneys safe. Their team aims to reduce fire risks and ensure homeowners keep their chimneys and fireplaces in excellent condition.
Business mail : [email protected]
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Website : https://brusherschimneyscleaning.com/
Address : 2100 Wellspring Dr, Beaumont, TX 77705
Phone : +1 936-504-3833
Brushers Chimney Cleaning of Beaumont is a trusted and reliable company based in Beaumont, Texas, dedicated to ensuring the safety and efficiency of your home's chimney system. With a team of skilled professionals, Brushers Chimney Cleaning offers comprehensive chimney cleaning services that go beyond the surface, addressing potential hazards and ensuring your fireplace or heating system operates at its best.
Business mail : [email protected]
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Haven
I am back with my BS AGAIN :D @spotaus You know the drill friend come over :D I can not be stopped. I have grown too powerful!! (just played dnd. Checked the chapter to upload tomorrow for my main au and i wrote a bit on a new story. I AM POWERFUL!) <- says the woman who will probably crash in under an hour lmao.
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We got no beta and no editing as we just go! maybe that is why these drabbles for going so well. me just kinda going and not worrying too much about the in between bits or mistakes or grammar. I just write and say that is done.. huh... writing lesson i guess. ANYWAY! back to the family :3
Cross hums as he finishes cutting another wood board in the right size. He puts it with the others on the pile before checking the list he made before hand.
Cross nods as he looks towards the house "Got them all ready for the downstairs!" Cross grins as he takes a moment to just look at the house. Their house!
When Horror had returned with the news their new acquaintances had secured them a house they had all been sceptic at best, Dust had been downright suspicious.
But it was the truth! aparently they had managed to build up a good enough reputation that they had been trying to figure out a solution. An empty and abandoned farm and ground? That was too small for most to do anything with? hidden mostly by a forest?
Perfect for them!
They had gone to check it out and it is amazing! It is secure and easily to defend! Sure it is an old building but Cross and Horror can fix up the house easily enough! Dust had handed Nightmare over to Killer and had started looking around the house to inspect it.
long story short? He thinks he can fix most things.
With a hopeful plan they spend the inspection day also cleaning. That had been yesterday.
today? They took most of the old construction wood Crop and Straw had stored away and they got to work. Dust is cleaning and fixing what he can while Horror and Cross himself did contruction work.
Killer is on Nightmare watching duty. Mostly because Killer doesn't have nay skills in construction. Neither of them mind as they had been exploring their new area and territory together. Hoenstly it was adorable to see Killer walk by with Nightmare on his shoulders.
Horror walks out of the house as he takes the planks "Thanks. Walls?"
Cross grins proudly "All of them. Including the walls and the new banisters for the roof."
Horror blinks before grinning "great. thanks Oreo." nad he chuckles as Cross sputters.
May be because horror isn't wearing a shirt. Which kinda makes sense! Becuase horror is pulling a lot of old wood away and rebuilding stuff. the chances of him ripping his few good shirts is rather high. Still Cross is trying very hard to just focus on his face and skull. it is fine! No one notices!
Cross turns back to the pile he still has. it has been reduced quickly which sucks. He looks through it with a frown.
Crop stops by him with a knowing smile "Hey Cross!" he grins wider "Getting heated?"
Cross glares at him "Well the late autumn sun is rather warm!" and he goes back to shifting through his pile.
Crop nods "It is it is..." then the grin falls and he frowns "You guys already that low?"
Cross shifts through it more "Yeah but it is okay! I can probably use this to make the cabinets for the kitchen still..." still they will need to get more materials for everything else.
Crop frowns and must have made the same conclusion "Hopefully Straw gets back soon with more stuff."
Cross rubs his neck "You guys really didn't need to help this much... we already own you big time..."
Crop shrugs "That is how a community works Cross. We all help each other. We will eventually pay it back with helping them back." he smiles "We are only a tiny town and only have ourselves to count on. You heard how the deal with the repair service from the big city went. People are quick to think off us as dumb or naive. We gotta stuck together."
Cross shoots him a grin "We will try to ffigure something out... eventually." he groans "we don't even know what type of farm to make yet!"
Crop shrugs "You guys will have to test some stuff. See what works for you and your land..." he grins again "I don't think a diary farm fits you guys though."
Cross glares at him "Not funny. I swear Betty knew she freaked me uot."
Crop nods "Oh absolutely! Cows are really smart."
Just makes them more terrifying in Cross's opinion and he has no doubt that thought is clear on his face.
Crop laughs but a honk of a car pulls them out of their conversation. and. That is a giant truck. much bigger than Straw and Crop's truck.
Crop blinks "Dani and Ellie?" he raises to his feet and waves.
The truck stops and Ellie leans out "Hello! Your lovely neighborhood lesbians have brought you." she puts ahand under her chin and wiggles her eye brows "the wood."
Dani chuckles as she jumps out "Straw told everyone around town. Most people are grabbing their stuff but this was all stuff we were planning on giving to the community anyway." she shrugs "tree farmers after all."
Ellie grins as she waves them over "Come! lets see what you need! We have all types of trunks with us. They will still need some work and treatment but Dani is amazing with her magic!"
Dani grins as she gives a thumbs up "figure out how to treat wood with magic instead of the slow treatment. Most still want the traditional work but i figured you guys would be okay with this help."
Cross is unsure how to react. People don't just help them. People hate them and what they do. Tehy hadn't expected this much help and it is overwhelming "I... I... I don't know how to... We don't have money?" he is lost.
Dani shrugs again as Ellie smiles "Hey. We have been where you guys have been... well not exactly but people werent'exactly welcoming of us either... as soon as we graduated we grbabed my old car and just left. we foudn thsi place and people were nice enough to take a chance on us." she grins "We now pay that forwards. We are doing this!" she grins and winks "Will just have to invite us over for a prime tour of the farm once you guys are all done!"
Dani nods as she starts untying the many trunks "What Ellie said. the Danielle's are at your service. Now what do you need?"
Cross is still lost when Horror joins them curiously. no doubt hearing all the noise. He pauses as he takes in the sight before tilting his skull "What?"
Cross just kidna waves at the two "We... euh.. got help? And thinks? Do you know what we need?" his mind is in shambles at the moment.
Hroror sees it and smiles as he walks past. patting his shoulder before going over to the dog and bunny and having a short conversation. Horror hears their whole speech and smiles. he thanks them and explains what they need for what. The two woman listen closely before nodding and starting to organise the brought materials with practised ease.
Horror joins his side again and grabs Cross's lists. He takes a pencil and writes some tree names by a few of the items before handing them back "They will help prepare the materials. They are nice." and he disappears back inside.
Welp!! If Horror says that that means they are nice and most likely trustworthy! They get over to him and Cross explains the system he had and what they had calculated to need for each area. The two monsters nod and ask if they should start on the porch while cross continues preparing stuff for horror. Which Cross thanks them and agrees wiht.
They are hard at work when Killer nad Nightmare return. Killer laughs "Criss Cross! you are not going to believe this! The like east area just has a tiny field at the edge of the forest and part of that forest is still in our little area! better yet that means some of the forest animals are like right there!" then he notices the guests and grows quiet "oh... hello." His hold on Nightmare's leg tightens.
Ngihtmare tilts his tiny skull at the two monsters "Dani and Ellie... right?"
Ellie coos as Dani grins "Good memory. I can't imagine remembering all the new faces you meet only once is easy." and she finishes her spell on a piece of wood which Ellie pulls over to cut.
Nightmare shrugs as he hugs Killer's skull "good memory..."
KIller nods as he glances at Cross "Sooooo... Hello Lovely ladies!" he grins "What brings you here?"
Dani raises a piece of wood "Neighborhoodly friendliness." and she continues with her task.
Killer stares at him and Cross grins "They brough over some wood" he ignores the eye brow wigglign "after they heard from STraw that we are getting the house fixed up. aparently it is a community thing that everyone helps everyone." he shrugs at the doubting look "Don't look at me. it is new for me too. Horror said it is fine though."
Killer blinks "I mean... if Horror said it is fine..." he looks at Nightmare "What do you think tiny boss?"
Nightamre shrugs and hugs his skull.
Killer nods "notion accepted. Got it." he grins at them "We are going to look at some of the other stuff Straw and Crop brought along. See what is in there."
Cross nods "Good idea!" and he watches Killer walk off with Nightmare.
Dani chuckles and looks over "Not good at construction?"
Cross groans loudly "Killer is good at a lot of things... not construction." he shrugs "It is fine. We don't want Nightmare near this stuff anyway." he is too small to lift everything and could too easily get hurt. it doesn't matter he is technically a god he is not going to have to work. They don't agree with child labor.
Dani nods "I get that. best to have a child safe corner for them to sit in." she turns back to the next trunk and gets to work as Ellie cuts pieces.
They work for a long time and the sun is well past midday when more people come by. They deliver some older looking furniture and more tools and items for them to use.
Most don't stay for long aside from dropping things off or asking if they needed anything specific. Some brought over some premade food for them and other snacks because aparently 'breaks are important!'.
Crop and Straw, when he returned, work on clearing the road betweent eh main road and the farm and getting some clear markers on where to go.
Dani and Ellie leave later in the afternoon and by the end of the day their group of skeletons looks back at their progress. They aren't done yet but it starts to look more like a house than an actual falling apart piece of junk.
Dust is covered in ashes and when they look at him he just says 'fireplace' which probably means he found a challenge of somekind. Then again Cross thinks he spotted Dust on the roof once or twice but each time he had looked back to check he hadn't been there.
They are packing up when Killer and Nightmare return. Killer looking very proud and Ngihtmare looking a bit more nervous as he fidgets.
Horror and him share alook as Horror looks at them, now once again fully dressed "yes?"
Killer grins "Remember how we were told most farms have a name?"
Cross give shim a look "We are aware. we also agreed we would take time to think about it."
Killer grins "True. But! Nightmare thought of one and I figured it was perfect and fine!" Ngihtmare shoots him a glare and crosses his tiny arms.
Dust tils his skull "fact. Waht is the name?"
Cross wants to disagree but also if nightamre wants to clal it something specific he is fine with it. Nightmare never complains about them deciding stuff so why would they complain about this.
Nightmare mutters something but when he sees everyone looking and waiting he speaks louder "It was just an idea... Killer got excited..." still staring and he rubs his arm looking embarresed "It is silly... I thought... I figured Haven would fit. Haven Farm."
Cross stares at Nightmare and feels a bit of tears try to form as the meaning sinks in and what it implies and means. He can't stop it as he picks nightmar eup and hugs him close. Purring much too loud as he speaks "I agree it is perfect!" their home. their safe place. their hide out. their haven.
Killer grins wider and nods "Which i agreed with. So!" he pulls out a board from behind his back.
It is a name plate. It spells Haven but the letters are a bit croaked and nailed to the backboard. it are all different sizes and different colours nad Cross fucking loves it!
Killer grins "We made it together." he rolls his eye lights "don't worry i did the cutting and nailed it all together. Ngihtmare was my supervisor."
Dust looks appeased as he nods "Seems good."
Horror nods as he takes the plate and puts it by the door, too hang later "Will need a bigger one for the gate at the enterance."
Cross grins as he feels ngihtamre relax at the approval and start to purr himself. Cros sjust nuzzles the babybones.
They still have a lot of work ahead of them but that is fine. It will be all so very much worth it once it is done and they have their house to finally just be them.
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daniwib · 6 months
Did Chimney hire a crane???
The Madney courtyard is fully enclosed, isn’t it? Someone please tell me cos I can’t remember for sure. But if it is…
That would require a crane to get the hot tub in there. Those things are freaking heavy, and bulky, and awkward AF to move and install. I can’t see Chimney letting tradesmen carry it through their beautiful, newly renovated home. So, crane. Cranes are expensive!! Hot tubs are expensive!!
Did he ask his dad to pay for it all? Did he finance it? Chimney man, what the hell?
Don’t even get me started on the engineering & plumbing issues. I assume the courtyard already has drainage, it would have to for rain. Does it have water connection as well? Possibly, there are plants out there. But those things are heavy af when they’re full. Did he get an engineer to check if the house footings can support it?
And don’t even get me started on flooding issues… if Maddie doesn’t make him return the tub, they are totally going to have a flood inside their home at some point. They almost have to, on this show.
(But if the hot tub stays, please give me Buck babysitting Jee one night and Eddie stopping by after dropping Chris off at his girlfriend’s house. Jee is asleep so they decide to try out the hot tub and things get… spicy.
Maddie & Chim find out (because no one on this show knows what a secret is). Chim is outraged that Buddie did the dirty in their tub before they were able to. Maddie just wants them to pay to have it cleaned. Thoroughly.)
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Overall Assessment of Season 6
I’ve completed 15 detailed “Constructive Criticisms” posts regarding season 6 and I wanted to wrap everything up with an overall assessment for the entire season.
Even though 17% of the season’s 18 episodes were ok, overall, the majority of it wasn’t anything to be excited about especially since 9-1-1’s had some awesome seasons in the past (season 3 was the best). There were three good episodes but the rest could have been sent in an email or yeeted to the sun.
6x3 “The Devil You Know” had great cinematography and the acting from the main and recurring characters along with the guest stars was superb but in my opinion the storyline should have been included in a different franchise.  Mainly because it was so dark and heavy that it seemed like it would have been a better fit for “Law & Order: SVU” especially since Tonya Kingston was a special victim.  One thing 9-1-1 did EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BEFORE SEASON 5 was balance the lighter storylines with the heavier ones but for the past two seasons they haven’t done a great job of it.  Season 5 was heavy enough with Maddie’s PPD and Eddie’s PTSD storylines, therefore the third episode of season 6 shouldn’t have been that heavy and dark.  On a positive note, it was part of Athena’s origin story regarding why she became a cop and it properly closed out her storyline even though it started back in season 2.
6x6 “Tomorrow” was good but someone didn’t fact check a lot of the details for it and they didn’t ensure the continuity was there.  At the end of 6x5, the promo for 6x6 included Karen calling 9-1-1 but that scene was NOT INCLUDED in the episode.  Also, in CANON it was never mentioned that Chimney orchestrated Hen and Karen’s blind date.  Finally, the closeout of Hen’s medical school storyline wasn’t fact checked either since in 2x6 she said the reason she became a paramedic was because she got shot when she was 16 and the paramedics who came to help took care of her.  Then in 3x9, she told Karen the woman they saw at the spa, Stacy Mullins, was the reason why she became a paramedic.  So which one was it or was it both?  The audience will never know especially since she didn’t mention either option at the end of 6x6 during her explanation to Karen regarding why she decided to drop out of medical school.
6x13 “Mixed Feelings” was my favorite episode overall because it included A LOT OF BUCK & EDDIE, BUCK & CHRIS AND THE BUCKLEY-DIAZ FAMILY.  FULL STOP!  Their relationship was missing for 99% of 6A; therefore to see Buck and Eddie side by side along with the Buckley-Diazes spending time together again like they did in 6x1, it was absolute PERFECTION.  I’ve already explained in post “#15 – Buddie” how Buck and Eddie’s relationship is the main reason why I watch the show so I won’t elaborate.
All the other episodes didn’t meet the expectations that 9-1-1 established during previous seasons.
6x10 “In a Flash” could have been one of the best episodes of the season but IT WASN’T because the Buckley parents’ and Sang Han’s presences ruined it.  It was supposed to be about Buck being struck by lightning (which was shoved into the last 5 minutes of the episode) but they spent the first 40 minutes showing more of his parents, Chimney’s dad and Albert’s mother than they did showing the 118, Athena, May and Chris.  Also they SPOILED the majority of Buck’s injury a month before it aired with all the stills and promos they released.
Overall, my biggest criticism about the season is the show didn’t commit to anything.  Everything seemed like it was a false start which is kind of sad since they "thought" (I still don’t believe they thought it was the last one) or wanted the audience to believe it was going to be their final season.  My false start metaphor can be compared with a “false start” in a track meet.  When runners are on their marks and one of them starts before the starter pistol is fired, everyone must go back to the beginning.  That’s how I feel about season 6 because every main character was sent back to the beginning instead of showing how far they’ve come.  No one, not any individual character or their ships were shown to have moved forward.  The finale was a rushed mess and none of it made any narrative sense.
Basically, it appears there was no real purpose for season 6 and if there was one, it got lost in translation since things were discombobulated and all over the place.  Storylines were unequally distributed, recurring characters’ arcs were rewritten to make them likeable and the metaphors just kind of fell apart in the end.  If there really was a purpose, what was it?  The items below are overall assessments for the nine main characters.
Athena needed more storylines than what was provided in 6x3
Bobby’s AA sponsor storyline was atrocious and shouldn’t have been included
Buck’s gazillion storylines should have ended better
Chris deserves his own storylines.  He’s a main character but he never gets his own storylines even though Denny (bio dad) and Jee-Yun (Maddie’s engagement ring) had individual storylines this season
Eddie NEEDED MORE STORYLINES!  (I’ll keep screaming it because EDDIE DESERVES BETTER!)
Hen’s, Chimney’s and Buck’s quest for interim captain should have been handled better
Hen’s medical school storyline should have ended better
Maddie and Chimney deserved a better plot for their proposal storyline than that raggedy IRS Income Tax mess
May had one main storyline for the whole season but after that, she was barely there
After 6x18 aired, it seemed like someone had an idea about where they wanted the season to go but they didn’t know how to execute it in a way that would make the audience want to return after the HIATUS.  Additionally, a lot of time was spent copying storylines from other shows and it appears they didn’t think anyone would notice but it’s apparent from the comments that were left on social media sites, some viewers who watch similar series did notice and they were vocal about it.
In the past, 9-1-1 was unique but somewhere along the way they lost the thing that made them special.  In the wastelands of network TV, it was refreshing to watch a show that included everything instead of having separate shows for the police, firefighters and dispatchers like other franchises.
When the season ended, I asked myself the same question I asked after 15 of the 18 episodes aired; “Is that it?”  Maybe my expectations were too high but I don’t believe they were since I still watch episodes from seasons 2-4 (3x2 - 3x3 – the Tsunami were fantastic and 4x13 - 4x14; Eddie being shot still haunts me but I love Eddie so I'll watch all the episodes where he gets the screen time he deserves).
Was season 6 supposed to be their legacy? If so, then it was filled with a bunch of raggedy storylines that focused primarily on Buck while ignoring the rest of the main characters.  It was like they didn’t want to commit to anything risky or something that would have cemented the show as a groundbreaking TV series that would have audiences talking about it for the next decade or maybe even longer.
This is my overall assessment of season 6 and whenever the show returns, hopefully it will have returned to being uniquely 9-1-1 instead of some knock off version of the other 3 or 4 firefighting shows out there in the already oversaturated market of emergency television shows on network TV.
I’ve included links to all the “Constructive Criticisms” posts below along with their topics.
#1 - Lack of and/or inconsistencies with interviews, promos, stills, trailers, etc.
#2 - Recurring Characters OVERSHADOWED Main Characters
#3 - Undeserved and Unearned Parent Redemptions
#4 - Unequal Distribution of Storylines
#5 - Continuity Errors and Forced Narratives
#6 - Season Six or Season of Sex
#7 - Stereotypes in Season 6
#8 - Lack of Professional Development and Growth
#9 - The use of Metaphors, Themes and Theories
#10 - Bathena
#11 - Henren
#12 - Madney
#13 - Evan “Buck” Buckley
#14 - Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz
#15 - Buddie
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All of round one has been posted GO GO GO!!!
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Brick Chimney Repair in Winchester
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Ensure your chimney's safety and efficiency with our expert brick chimney repair services in Winchester. Our skilled professionals specialize in repairing and restoring brick chimneys to their optimal condition, addressing issues such as crumbling mortar, damaged bricks, and structural instability. We use high-quality materials and techniques to provide durable solutions that enhance the longevity and performance of your chimney. Trust us to maintain the integrity of your chimney and keep your home safe and cozy.
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seattlefoundat · 23 days
Seattle Foundation Repair: Addressing Door & Window Problems with Expert House Foundation Specialists
Dealing with door and window issues in Seattle, WA? Our skilled residential foundation repair contractors can help. We specialize in resolving these problems by focusing on the root cause—your home's foundation. At Seattle Foundation Repair, we offer expert solutions to ensure your doors and windows function smoothly by securing and repairing your foundation. Contact us today for reliable and professional repair services.
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silverjaanus · 2 months
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chamberlinfamilyfarms · 5 months
Patching Tar Strips Around the Chimney. #construction #roofing #chimney #diy
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madibert · 7 months
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Stucco - Farmhouse Exterior Exterior view of a large, white, two-story cottage house with a hip roof and shingles.
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vaulttecvevo · 8 months
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bricks da house 💅
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gzitro23 · 8 months
Service offered ! If you need brick work done on me for estimate appt at your convenience weekend appt available
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forsongqian · 1 year
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Siding Exterior DC Metro Mid-sized craftsman gray three-story mixed siding gable roof idea
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9-1-1 Season 6 - Constructive Criticisms #7
Stereotypes in Season 6
Stereotypes have negative connotations due to the way they unfairly characterize a person, a group of people or a thing and unfortunately 9-1-1’s season 6 was filled with them.  Both the definition and modern meaning of stereotype shed light on why the word is negative and they illustrate the different ways people interpret them. According to Dictionary.com, stereotype is “a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing”.  A modern definition is “Stereotype is most frequently now employed to refer to an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.com).
While there were a lot of stereotypes included in several episodes of season 6, the reason for their inclusion is still unclear.  It’s possible some of them were unintentionally included but that can’t be the case for all of them since widely recognized stereotypes associated with men, women, ethnicities, race, nationalities and the workplace have been common knowledge for decades. Both main and recurring characters were portrayed in a way that stereotyped them and the vast majority of those stereotypes weren’t subtle.  Some of the stereotypes that are included in this post were easier to identify when the entire season was viewed as a whole instead of just viewing individual episodes.  Also, some of them were blatant and egregious and could be identified simply by the act itself and/or the portrayal of it.
Before proceeding below the cut, it’s imperative to note that everyone’s interpretation and identification of a form of media can be different since beliefs, choices, experiences and ideals differ.  All sorts of factors contribute to a person’s point of view along with their differing perspectives about a situation therefore, some people may not view the situations identified as stereotypes in season 6 in the same manner as someone else.
Full Disclosure:  As a woman of color, I struggled with the decision to post this “Constructive Criticisms” and I debated about it for several weeks because I hoped the things I identified as stereotypes were isolated incidents.  However, after I analyzed the season in its entirety instead of noting a singular stereotype that was included in an individual episode, I realized there were too many stereotypes included for this topic to be ignored. While it’s unclear if they were intentionally or unintentionally added into the season, my decision to post about them came down to me knowing I wouldn’t have been able to provide a clear, concise and objective point of view of season 6 overall if I would have excluded it.
My seventh set of “constructive criticisms” regarding stereotypes in season 6 are included below the cut.  Please note criticizing a TV show is NOT a bad thing especially since TV critics have been doing it for decades.  Constructive criticisms are designed to help make something better and they are VERY different from negativity.  A person can offer criticisms about a form of entertainment they spend their time watching and not be negative about it the same way two people can agree to disagree on a topic. Just because one person liked the season, they shouldn’t expect others to feel the way they do because everyone has their own opinions.  Simply put, two people can have different opinions about 9-1-1 and those opinions can COEXIST since they are not mutually exclusive.
If reading criticisms about the TV show 9-1-1 upsets you, then don’t read below the cut.
             Warning! ⚠️“Constructive Criticisms” Ahead!⚠️
In previous seasons, 9-1-1 episodes were balanced and they usually provided well-rounded viewpoints. An example of this included the way they showed a single father who left his toxic parents in El Paso, TX to relocate to Los Angeles for a better life for him and his son. Another example included a woman who overcame all the odds within the workplace when she successfully became a firefighter and a paramedic.
But something changed in season 4 and the well-rounded viewpoints became more singular in nature.  It almost seemed like one person or a small group of people started pushing an agenda that focused solely on their own beliefs, choices, experiences and ideals. Then they implemented them into the show in a way to make their beliefs appear to be the “best” and “only” way things should be done. Their ideologies were heavily included in season 6 to the point where they appeared in the form of stereotypes with underlying tones of biases and racism.  To illustrate this point, several stereotypes have been identified below and the topics included revolve around stereotypes for people with a single marital status, toxic parenting, men, women and the workplace.
Single marital status stereotypes
The stereotypes used to portray main characters who were single in season 6 was not only atrocious; they were simply just flat out WRONG and FALSE.  Contrary to popular belief, all single people aren’t lonely and every single person isn’t dying to get married or be in a relationship. However, 9-1-1 chose to depict Buck and Eddie as two lonely hot guys who don’t want to be alone but since the people in charge projected their own warped sense of beliefs, ideals and experiences, into Buck and Eddie’s storylines, they stuck them with one-dimensional women yet again who’ll suffer the same fate as their season 4 and season 5 counterparts.
Also, Eddie’s a hot single dad but they had Bobby and Pepa diminish the idea of him being enough as a single father by pushing him to date. This is a stereotype that has plagued single parents for decades. Eddie told Pepa he wasn’t ready but she pushed him the same way his mother pushes him so he would admit he didn’t want to end up ALONE. But the fact is HE WON’T BE, BECAUSE HE’S NOT ALONE SINCE HE HAS BUCK.  They went on a date in 6x13 so who knows what that whole storyline for Eddie was supposed to be in 6x14.
The stereotype that single parents can��t be happy was ridiculous especially since some people want to be single parents. Then there are others who become single parents when their spouses die or leave and in those instances it’s not by choice. Furthermore, some single parents don’t want to date until their children are grown because they don’t want to introduce their kids to someone new or they don’t want to run the risk of introducing their children to someone who’s weird.
It’s possible Marisol may not be weird but the way her character was portrayed in 6x5 was interesting since it appeared she may be in love with her brother so to stick her in the end of the season and to pair her with Eddie was RIDICULOUS.  Also, if the point was to put Eddie with a Latina instead of a woman from another race or ethnicity, then the show contradicted itself when they “haloed” Shannon in 6x15 only to validate Pepa’s comment about her being an outsider in 2x4 after she pushed him to date a Latina named Vanessa in 6x14. The show can’t have it both ways, so they have to decide who’s better for Eddie. Is it someone like Shannon or someone like Vanessa?   These decisions beg the question of who greenlit this? Did they even look at the previous episodes so they would know this didn’t make any sense at all?
The stereotype that hot guys like Buck can’t be single and happy was FOOLERY of epic proportions because Buck needs to figure himself out and he can’t do that if women keep being thrown at him like javelins. He was trying to work on himself but for some reason another woman who DOESN’T KNOW HIM was thrown at him in the final episodes of the season because someone believes a hot guy can’t be alone, so they want to keep him looking like a HIMBO when he’s clearly not that especially when he’s a HUSBAND whenever he’s with Eddie.
Also, it may be possible Natalia isn’t weird either but her fetishizing about Buck’s death was GROSS and she should have been left at Marie’s live funeral where Buck met her.
Toxic Parents
The stereotype that every person needs to make a mend with their parents even if they were toxic was STUPID and UNREALISTIC.  All parents aren’t good parents and just because one person chooses to forgive and forget, it doesn’t mean everyone should. The fact is some people shouldn’t be parents and their actions prove it so it would be better if 9-1-1 shows one or two of their main characters cutting their toxic parents off especially when they haven’t earned or deserved a redemption (Part #3 of this series already addressed this topic.)
The biased undertones of the Buckley parents being forgiven by their son who they treated like he was nothing for years was BAD on so many levels. All the Buckleys were shown doing in 6x10 and 6x11 was buying him a couch and they finally went to see him in the hospital after he died but they weren’t held accountable for everything they spent 29 years of his life doing. They lied to him and based on their reaction to his sperm donation in 6x10, it’s likely they’re still lying to him.  
Also, the underlying biases that plagued Sang and Chimney’s father son relationship was HORRIFIC and to have Albert’s mother, who doesn’t know anything about Chimney except for whatever Sang and Albert told her, speak up on Sang’s behalf and tell Chimney he’s prideful just like his dad was even more ridiculous than Buck forgiving the Buckley parents. She didn’t know what she was talking about so she should take several seats and Sang should have been the one to talk to Chimney instead of her.  If Sang and Chimney had a conversation off-screen, then that’s a perfect example of why 9-1-1 needs a new showrunner.
Men stereotypes
Throughout season 6, for reasons known only to the people in charge of decision making for the show, stereotypes were included for men of all races, ethnicities and ages and some of those stereotypes were filled with undertones of racism and biases.
Fathers of color and stereotypes
Most fathers of color were incorrectly depicted and the majority of them had storylines and comments made about them that were stereotypical and untrue.
Eddie Diaz
Eddie was portrayed as an ANGRY dad in 6x11 who would have lost his son if it hadn’t been for Buck but THIS WAS THE MOST EGREGIOUS AND NEGATIVE STEREOTYPE with racial undertones that was associated with a main character of color who’s also a father in the history of 9-1-1. Eddie was labeled as an ANGRY Latino because he participated in a fight club in season 3 but here’s a quick reminder, a white woman introduced him to it but she wasn’t categorized as angry so what was the goal for them to use that word in 6x11 to describe Eddie?  His fight club storyline was used to define his entire character and I call BS because Eddie is NOT ANGRY.  So, WTF was that?
EDDIE DIAZ IS A GREAT DAD and Buck was the first one to say it in 2x4.  So, how did Eddie go from being a great dad to an angry one? He’s done nothing but sacrifice for Christopher while he went without. He left El Paso when Chris was 7 years old to give him a better life and he quit the 118 in 5x10 when Chris was afraid Eddie might die so WTH was this show trying to accomplish with that BS description of him in 6x11?  There’s no way Eddie would have allowed his parents to take his son away from him especially when he LEFT El Paso to get away from them. The fact is he would have stopped being a firefighter if it meant he could lose Christopher to his controlling mother Helena.  Eddie’s character was completely ASSASINATED with one word and for viewers who didn’t or haven’t seen him in seasons 2-5, they’ll always associate his character with the word ANGRY. Then to top off that egregious comment about him, the implication that Buck was the “white savior” who stepped in at the last minute to help even though Eddie would have moved hell and highwater to keep Chris was even more BS. (This topic will be expounded on in a future constructive criticism post.)
Nathaniel Green
Nathaniel was portrayed as an incompetent liar from 6x9 through 6x13 who didn’t tell Denny’s mothers he was spending time with him. He was a standup guy in 2x5 when he told Hen and Karen, he would follow their lead only for the show to turn him into a stereotypical black biological dad who lies and hides things from the child’s mothers and it was filled with racial undertones.  He was shown to be irresponsible when he listened to Denny instead of being responsible and contacting his parents the minute Denny showed up on his doorstep.  This is a problem because Denny showed up at some dude’s house and there’s no way he could have been 100% sure Nathaniel was his dad without having met him first.  In 6x9 it was implied that Denny didn’t show up at the right man’s house because Nathaniel’s face wasn’t shown.  No one knew who Denny was running around with for over four months until Hen and Karen found out in 6x13 so what was the goal of this storyline?  Also, IIRC in 2x5, Eva told Hen and Karen she used to do drugs with Nathaniel and they met in rehab so how was anyone supposed to know he was still clean and sober?
Furthermore, with the current state of the world, Denny being taken and picked up from school and going to the park with some RANDOM DUDE WAS NOT OK. Why was this storyline even allowed to play out like this especially after 6x3 aired?  This was done in BAD TASTE and someone should have said something about it.  For all Denny knew this man could have been someone else and the way Hen found out was asinine. What if she hadn’t been at the hospital that day? This was one of the WORST storylines ever and it should have been addressed by someone who understands the dangers of children riding around in cars with strangers and showing up at their homes unannounced. Denny could have been kidnapped or anything. Has the showrunner ever heard of STRANGER DANGER? Apparently not since she greenlit this BS storyline.
Noah’s stepfather was portrayed as a thief who used his stepson to get information so he could burglarize homes.  Noah is black and one of the two home invasion guys was black too, so by process of elimination, the probability the black home invader was Noah’s stepdad is 50%. If he was then this was stereotypical with racism mixed in because his stepfather was portrayed as a stereotypical black man who was willing to do anything to get money including use his stepson who put his job and his freedom at risk.  Noah got arrested and probably went to jail so tell the audience again who greenlit this storyline and who believed it was a good idea?
Full disclosure: I never liked Connor because he manipulated Buck to get his sperm but the way his character was portrayed in 6x12, 6x17 and 6x18 turned him into a stereotypical deadbeat dad.  In 6x12 he was shown like he was preparing to run away from his responsibilities which has been a stereotype that’s plagued the black community for decades and it’s contrary to what some people think since all black dads aren’t like that.  There are some black fathers who adopt and raise children who aren’t biologically their’s all the time. The character was written in 6B like he didn’t know what he signed up for in 6x4 when he asked Buck for his sperm but it’s possible the storyline wasn’t initially supposed to play out this way. If it wasn’t then someone thought it was a good idea to turn another black father into a deadbeat who didn’t want to take care of his child.  It seems like this was another case of someone projecting their personal belief system onto a character.
Sang Han
Full disclosure: I’m not a fan of Sang Han because of the way he treated Chimney and the difference he made between his two sons. However, he was portrayed as a prideful, arrogant, traditional, out of touch with reality man who spued derogatory comments about a man raising another man’s child being unnatural and it was an OXYMORONIC statement. Why was he the one chosen to say that especially when his own son was raised by another man?  Mr. Lee raised Chimney after Sang abandoned him so WTF was this storyline even supposed to be?
Stereotypes based on nationality and/or ethnicity
Chimney Han
Chimney being told he was prideful by Albert’s mother was so far from the truth that it would be funny if it wasn’t implied to be accurate.  Chimney has never been shown to be prideful, so this was a stereotype based on his nationality/heritage and that makes it even worse.
Ravi Panikkar
Ravi was stereotypically depicted as a Gen Z influencer who wants nothing more than to get money by being a landlord.  Once again someone who makes decisions for the show is out of touch with the current state of the world especially with regards to the increasing rate of renters being evicted from their homes and apartments. It begs the question of why Ravi couldn’t have been shown investing in Cryptocurrency or something other than real estate?  This was another egregious example of a stereotype with bias and racial undertones.
White men stereotypes
Evan Buckley
Buck always being portrayed as the “muscular, blonde haired, blue eyed HIMBO” that all the women want is a stereotype that needs to end. Contrary to popular belief, every person out there looking for a hot guy is NOT looking for one who looks like Buck because some people prefer Eddie while others might prefer Chimney, Bobby or Ravi. This constant pushing of Buck being the only guy on the show that women want is TIRED and it needs to change in season 7. All of the men on this show are handsome so please put the spotlight on Eddie, Bobby, Chimney or Ravi next season.  
Women stereotypes
There were a lot of stereotypes associated with women on the show in season 6 too and some of them were just as egregious and blatant if not worse than those included for the men.
Women of color
Women of color were incorrectly depicted several times in season 6 based on stereotypes but it’s unclear if these instances were intentional.
Lottery tickets
Two black women, Athena Grant and Hen Wilson, being shown scratching off lottery tickets in 6x8 was a stereotype. Playing the lottery has been a negative stereotype that has plagued minority communities for years so if the show wanted someone to play the lottery, they should have chosen other main characters to do it if it was really about someone’s fantasy. Why was this even included in the episode?  Maddie and Buck could have done it especially since Maddie suggested Buck buy a lottery ticket in 6x11 after he woke up from his coma.  Since Athena and Hen didn’t win the lottery, the scene was unnecessary and shouldn’t have been included in the episode.
Hen Wilson
It was implied with the emergency in 6x16 that Hen was a stereotypical black woman who says negative things that make her friends and co-workers uncomfortable. Typically, the emergencies included in an episode coincide with the main characters’ storylines and in 6x16 the black lady in the emergency who had the tonsil stones was connected to Hen’s character since something egregious and unkind came out of their mouths. This was a stereotype that could have been easily overlooked if it hadn’t been for the “something stinks” theme included in the episode. Reminder, Hen told Chimney he shouldn’t get married in front of the 118 and she argued with Buck about Chimney figuring out for himself if he wanted to propose to Maddie. The black lady in the emergency told Chimney he was important too while they were in the ambulance so was it the show’s intention to include those racial undertones?  Only the people in charge know the answer but it wasn’t lost in translation like someone thought it would be.
Women – general stereotypes
The stereotype that all women, no matter their age, race or nationality want a man like Buck to rescue them is also TIRED and needs to stop because it’s not true (see above).
Maddie Buckley
It was implied Maddie makes more money than Chimney in 6x15 when she said she pays more than half the expenses and reminder this was after 6x10 when she asked him if he was still bothered by them borrowing the money for their down payment from her parents. This was a stereotype about how some women who make more money than their significant others, mention it at the most inopportune times. The point of her comment wasn’t addressed but a quick look on Salary.com clearly shows a Los Angeles dispatcher’s salary is about 55K per year while a Los Angeles firefighter’s salary ranges from 79K to 113K.  Also, Chimney’s been a firefighter for a long time which means his fictitious salary could be closer to 150K while Maddie’s only been a dispatcher for 4 years (reminder she quit at the end of season 4 and she didn’t return until the end of season 5) and the money she got from Doug’s estate is gone because she said she spent it all in Boston. Did anyone think to check Salary.com about this before Maddie’s comment was included in that episode?   Also, what was the purpose of this stereotypical statement?  Was it to show the audience Chimney isn’t paying his fair share? An answer to that question will have to wait until season 7 if it’s even addressed again.
Rhonda Fitzsimmons
Better known as “Crazy Carol the Coupon Lady” in 6x13 was portrayed as someone who stays home and swindles money from unsuspecting citizens who want to save money by using coupons. Who greenlit this storyline because it played right into four stereotypes, i.e., (1) a white woman who swindles people out of money, (2) a white woman who stole a black woman’s identify to do it, (3) a pushy white woman who invited herself into Maddie’s home without being told she could enter and (4) a woman who used her nephew to get what she wanted instead of doing the right thing?
Workplace stereotypes
The manager, director or leader knows best stereotype is another TIRED trope that should end. Bobby not talking to Hen about the interim captain slot in 6x1 because he assumed she was too busy to do it was ridiculous. Him not telling Chimney the real reason he was sending him to the academy in 6x14 was another blatant misstep. Him deciding to promote Lucy in 6x1 even though she was shown to be incompetent in 5x14 was egregious especially for viewers who actually have to report to incompetent managers who don’t know how to do the job but were promoted solely because they have the years of experience. Instead of Bobby talking to Buck about his PT scores, he just marked them as outstanding in 6x14 until Buck called him out on it.  Eddie listening to Bobby’s advice in 6x14 and 6x17 regarding his personal life for him to misunderstand it was redundant.  Maybe if Bobby got some storylines that actually pertained to his role as Fire Captain of the 118 instead of him being a private investigator these things wouldn’t happen. Let him talk to and have meetings with other captains or here's an idea, show Bobby talking to Chief Alonzo or the LAFD department leaders because it’s actually part of his responsibilities.
It appears whoever was in charge of the direction of characters’ storylines, projected their own ideals, beliefs, choices and experiences onto the characters because they felt like everyone in the world should do things the way they do them or they want people to make the types of choices they make.  For example, the attempted normalization of characters like Maddie, Buck and Chimney accepting their toxic parents appeared to have been someone’s twisted idea of the things everyone else should do because they probably did it. It would have made more narrative sense to show Maddie and Buck cutting the Buckleys off and Chimney having a real conversation with his dad instead of Albert’s mother explaining away Sang’s bad behavior.
Hopefully these stereotypes weren’t intentionally included in season 6 especially since 9-1-1 previously highlighted the way their characters overcame those types of ideals, beliefs and experiences. They’ve always been about groundbreaking television with showing different perspectives and different sides of situations.  Prior to season 4, there were many examples of main characters overcoming difficult situations and THEY DID NOT follow the typical path to move forward from their experiences.  Maddie and Bobby provide two examples of this.  In season 2, Maddie had been abused by her husband and she was shown to overcome it by leaving him.  When Doug found her, she fought for her life and went to therapy afterwards to deal with her trauma.  Bobby lost his entire family in an apartment fire in Minnesota before he moved to L.A. He had a plan to commit suicide after he would have saved the number of people that were lost in that fire but he talked with his priest on a weekly basis to work towards healing from his trauma. Also, after he told Chimney about his plan, Chimney was the one who saved Bobby (NOT BUCK because contrary to Buck’s twisted memories in his coma dream, he didn’t fix Bobby) when he found a couple whose baby was saved after receiving a blood transfusion of Bobby’s blood. He’s still dealing with his trauma and so is Maddie but they were shown to overcome them and they’re moving forward.  9-1-1 was a top-rated show back then but now they just aren’t and it’s mainly because the ideals, beliefs, choices and experiences they’re presenting appear to be from one person’s point of view.
If the goal is to be groundbreaking again, they’ll have to get rid of these stereotypical storylines and push the envelope by showing the main characters doing something other than what every other TV shows’ characters are doing. It’s unclear if these decisions are being made by the showrunner or if they were being pushed to make them by the network.  If it was the latter, hopefully the move to ABC will change this otherwise it’ll end up being just like the other shows that are on their last legs holding on to a few viewers because people are tired and they want to see realistic television not redundant storytelling.
These are my criticisms regarding stereotypes and “Constructive Criticisms” #8 will be posted on Monday, July 17, 2023.
I have a total of 15 CANON “Constructive Criticisms” (8 remaining) and my goal is to have all of them posted by Monday, August 28, 2023.  The topics are being posted in a specific order that begins with the overall issues for season 6 so they can be referenced within the posts about individual characters and ships that will follow them.
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wfxue · 1 year
20231009_F0001: Winter sunset chimneys
20231009_F0001: Winter sunset chimneys by Wei-Feng Xue Via Flickr: - A winter sunset with chimney smoke lit up by the sunlight. You can even see the shadow of the back chimneys in the front chimney smoke.
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