#Chimera FC mention
anominous-user · 1 year
A while ago you mentioned each of the FCs had an animal motif. Some of them are obvious like Mobius or Pardofelis but some aren’t. I tried finding them online but no luck. Would you mind sharing the motifs for each of the FCs?
only vill-v's and griseo‘s have been directly confirmed, but i‘ll try to list them all anyway
kevin - hard to say (chimera genes go brr. parvati is a warthog tho..)
elysia - manta ray(?)
aponia - butterfly/moth
eden - whale
vill-v - spider
kalpas - unknown (doesn't help hes a fiery bastard)
su - peacock
sakura - fox
kosma - unknown, most likely a doggo tho (wolf)
mobius - snake
griseo - jellyfish
hua - bird (not known what kind of bird…)
pardofelis - marbled cat
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mitsunerokuyari · 5 years
Eyes of Light
A highlander man awaited in the lobby of the Top Mast. The man had a well kept beard with braids within and his hair was black ending also braided in a ponytail. His clothese were modest, almost appearing as a small market merchant trying to find his way. He closed his eyes and leaned back into the comfortable fabric of the couch. He heard the door open once more letting in the salty sea air of The Mist and opened his eyes to see if it was the one he was looking for. It wasn't the exact person he was searching for but he knew she was associated with him. He did a slight bow before holding out his hand, "Miss Yhoknu. I am Siggurd Kantor."
Kihta was rummaging within her satchel as she entered the lobby, searching for her keys as she bit down on an envelope tucked between her teeth. Not quite expecting any greeting from anyone other than the caretakers at the desk, Kihta stopped her rummaging and grabbed for her envelope, tucking it within her bag with a curious quirk of a dark brow. She did not recognize the man standing before her, though politely extended her hand in return in proper greeting, "H...Hello. I'm sorry, Siggurd, you say? I'm sorry, I ... I don't think I was expecting anyone!"
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The man shook her hand in his strong grip and smiled politely before putting it back to his side, "I am Mitsune's father. I'm not sure if he ever spoke to you about myself but I was in the area and just wondering how my boy was doing. Before you ask how I'm his father I adopted him when he was young." He chuckled slightly if she was wondering how in fact he was the Au Ra's father.
Kihta blinked at the man. He had taken the inquiry right out of her mouth. For a few moments in passing silence, Kihta finally snapped out of her surprise, and smiled, "By the Twelve, you're Mitsune's father?" She chirped, rubbing the back of her head in her awkward state. "He never mentioned he would be expecting you. Oh gods, and I'm afraid he's out on business at the moment."
He sighed with a frown and nodded, "Well he might not mention because when he was younger I always tried my best to prepare him for the world. The poor boy has had a hard life growing up after losing his real family and the orphanage was full of children. I felt sorry for the boy as he didn't really fit in with the Hyur children so I took him in my stead. We had some troubled times but I am glad he is doing well for himself." Siggurd pulled free a small sealed evelope from his hand and held it out for her, "I need to give him this before I"m off. Please see to it that he does, miss."
"Yes, of course," she smiled politely, albeit sadly at the mention of Mitsune's past. It was a tale she knew so very little of. Accepting the envelope, Kihta frowned, "I would invite you up for some refreshments, but I'm afraid I'm in and out myself today. I do hope you will accept my most sincere apologies." The Miqo'te bowed her head towards him, "Perhaps we might be able to arrange a proper visit in the near future."
Siggurd smiled and nodded once more, "That is no issue miss. I'll have to visit you two sometime soon. I have been a little busy myself and just wanted to check in on him. You have a good evening youself, miss Yhoknu." With that he gave a bow once more and walked from the Top Mast with a wave.
Kihta turned slightly to watch the man leave, curiosity continuing to grow all the more. Once he was out the door, she turned and looked at the envelope, flipping it over in her hands a couple of times before sliding it into her bag.
It was about half an hour since Siggurd's departure from speaking with Khita. Mitsune was finally home from his assignment within Thanalan. He opened the door and smiled weakly to his love, being tired from his recent contract, "Hello, love." He started to unstrap and pull off the armor plates, letting them drop from the floor.
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Kihta grinned the moment she heard the door handle move from the other room, hurrying to slip her shirt on over her damp head of hair. She had just taken a nice warm bath in her preparation to visit the Jeweled Cypress later that evening and wanted to look nice amid the long, tiring day she also had within Limsa Lominsa's market proper. Rushing to greet her lover, Kihta threw her arms around his waist and beamed, "I am so happy you've come back early! I would have said something over the link pearl, but I wanted to surprise you with something."
Mitsune beamed as she ran up to him and threw her arms around him. He held her up and kissed her before putting her back on her feet. WIth a grin in returned the curiosity, "Oh, what do you have for me?"
Moving to a nearby table where the two usually kept any important documents, mail and the like - Kihta chirped happily and plucked up the envelope Siggurd had given her earlier that day. Turning back to Mitsune, she quickly neared him once more and held it out for him, bouncing on her toes in curiosity, "Your father dropped this off for you today. He seemed quite nice!"
Mitsune's smile quickly faded into a worried frown. He let go of her and looked to her eyes. It was if some dark spirit reached up and shook him back into reality momentarily, "Did you just say Siggurd was here?" He forgot to breathe momentarily and caught his breath. He tilted his head to the side before looking out the window to see if anyone was spying on him. Mitsune grabbed the letter quickly, looking to the blood red seal and his eyes widened. He pulled open the wax and pulled out a letter and read over it in his mind.
The eyes of judgment have fallen upon you.
Kihta's smile also faded quickly, noticing Mitsune's quick change in demeanor. Worried, she briefly placed a hand on his arm and sighed, "I did. Yes. What ever is the matter?"
Mitsune's eyes widened and he started to put his armor right back on quickly, "Khita, grab everything you need. We need to leave and we need to leave now."
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Kihta's eyes grew large like dinner plates, eyeballing him with a touch of fear, "Mitsune? What's going on?" She didn't move right away, waiting for an answer to the madness that started to spiral around them. "You're scaring me."
He stopped a moment and gave her the letter before staring to her eyes, "I don't know when he will be back here but he will not be alone. We need to leave now. We don't have time to get everything just get what you must!"
"So he's not your father then?" She inquired, looking around the apartment sadly. Grabbing up what she could, including her weaponry and a couple changes of clothes, Kihta shook her head and looked at the letter, "Why don't we alert Priae and the others? Surely this is something they can help us with. The eyes of judgement have fallen upon you? What does that even mean?"'
It was if Mitsune stopped putting his things together and looked over to her. He shouted to her but he was not mad at her, "They are coming for me. They are cult who hunts down any kind of dark magic users and voidsent. We need to go and we need to leave now! There is no more time!"
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Grabbing a few more items, Kihta nodded quietly and frowned. Just how long would they need to disappear? Forever? She was so happy here, but knew it wouldn't be as happy as it was without Mitsune around. When she had finally gathered what she could - Kihta finished with two satchels, her bow, and two ornate chakrams she had only recently been gifted by the troupe moving through Limsa Lominsa. How would she continue with them? She was learning so well! "I'm with you, Mits. Just as I always have been and always will be," her voice was calm as she neared him. "Can we at least send word back to the others once we get to wherever we are going?"
"Then write something down quickly! We're getting on a ship and departing for Kugane. I don't think they will find us there." He calmed down only for a moment and frowned sadly to her, "We will return, Khita. I promise you."
"Let us just worry about getting out of here first. Twelve, Mits, you look like you've seen a ghost," she looked to him worriedly and sighed. "I will send post to Koh'li when we arrive at Kugane then. I trust him with getting a message to us."
Mitsune nodded to her, finishing up packing his essentials, weapons, and armor. He frowned as he held her close in his arms to take a moment to breath from all of the chaos and panic quickly racing to him. He breathed a few times before looking into her eyes, "Then lets be off."
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winterdeepelegy · 6 years
About the Muse
NAME OF YOUR MUSE: 0178FB, aka Frost, aka Glace Silencieuse, aka Torzivir Caravel
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TWO HEADCANONS YOU HAVE FOR YOUR MUSE: Since Glace isn’t a FC, most of the details which flesh him out are headcanon. 
As someone who spent most of the developmental years of his childhood near forbidden magics and aetherial nodes, he has a natural affinity which remains largely unknown to even those closest to him.  Many members of his bloodline shared this gift, which enables one to catch brief glimpses of memories from exposure (read: consumption) of someone’s blood.  He has put this to use for the Empire for the sake of gathering information. 
The chimerical core which he was implanted with comes from an entirely unique breed of chimera which isn’t found in the canon setting of XIV.  There is enough diversity, however, that its existence wouldn’t be terribly far fetched, and I wanted to find some way of associating his symbolism with a stag.  It just worked.
Frost is an avid reader and keeps an extensive collection of books, mostly on chirurgeony.
His civilian cover is that of a taxidermist, which has also served as a reliable source of income between missions. He has a definite aptitude for taking creatures apart, and putting them back together for display in such a way that they still look very much alive.
He’s not all bad, but don’t tell him that.  There’s a pair of orphans that he dotes upon, and sees to their needs as a sort of sponsor and big brother.  While he would very much like to adopt them formally, there is the complicated matter of his allegiance, and also the fact that he doesn’t exactly have legal citizenship anywhere.
Lillium pyr Sylvanius, aka Mother - The head of the Colossus Project, and overseer of the subjects who still remain in her custody.  She is very much a mother figure to Glace, and he works tirelessly to help her bring her stolen subjects home to Castrum Occidens.
Annowre - Glace’s girlfriend, whether he wanted to admit it at first or not.  She didn’t just climb over the walls he put up, she knocked them down as fast as he tried to patch the holes she made.
Aimee Peltier - His first childhood friend, the first ray of light after he was abandoned by his clan.  He had nearly given up finding her again after numerous letters sent by him, after his arrival in Garlemald, went unanswered.  He found her again some years later.
076 - One of Glace’s fellow subjects, a Miqo’te who lost her face to a shrapnel explosion.  Where her face had been, there is now an unsettling mask with artificial, red-glowing eyes, and a perpetual beartrap grin, but she is one of his sweetest Sisters and one for whom he is the most protective.
Leonis sas Kathrana - As a Tribunus, he’s probably one of the most trustworthy people Frost knows in a higher rank.  He has expressed interest in aiding Frost with the return of his stolen siblings, and in return, Frost’s services are free for the asking.
Oni De’phor - Also a fellow subject, unit 0168LS.  Frost is weary of his type, but the two have grown close as friends and allies.  He was also present as a childhood friend, though less often seen than Aimee.
Anata Arcadia - He has only become acquainted with Anata within the past year or so, but he has a healthy respect for the woman.  It helps that she has also been recently brought into the Project, no thanks to Lysander sas Theius, someone that no one should have to suffer at the hands of. 
The accidental death of his first love.
Most of his life choices.
Glace doesn’t exactly have a phobia, but he is deathly afraid of failing and completely losing his siblings.
Tagged by: @ophioneushound
Tagging: @onidephor @aracelicaillen @eyesseeingbeyondtheveil @anataerindottir since their characters were mentioned.
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animesavior · 7 years
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“That was no ordinary ant, it’s a Chimera Ant. An aggressive carnivorous insect that has been designated Quarantine Level 1. They even attack humans from time to time. You boys didn’t realize it, but you were standing in front of their nest. If I didn’t fire the moment I did, an army of Chimera Ants would have consumed the both of you by now.“
-          Kite, Hunter x Hunter (Ep. 76)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for December 9-10, 2017. Hunter x Hunter begins the highly acclaimed Chimera Ant arc as Gon and Killua meet Kite, while Buu’s evil form awakens, and Jotaro has something to say about Dan’s mischef, among other great moments.
On Twitter, every show would successfully trend in the US during their respective East Coast airings, while Hunter x Hunter also trended during their West Coast airings. Toonami and Dragon Ball Super would also trend on tumblr.
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This week’s feature was a game review of the critical acclaimed indie run-and-gunner in Cuphead for the Xbox One. It received a 9 out of 10 score.
In addition, during the commercial break of Naruto, Toonami showcased a new music video for Drowned Beast by the garage rock band Oh Sees. You can check it out below
For those wanting to add Gundam Unicorn to their Blu-Ray collections, Sunrise and Nozomi have been working on a Blu-ray set of all 7 episodes of the OVA series. While individual episodes have previously been available as they have been released simultaneously as Japan, this is the first time a boxset of all 7 episodes has been available for purchase. A release date is set for March 2018 and is available for preorder on Rightstuf with a $64.99 MSRP.
And for those who have ordered a Toonami themed Adult Swim Box, we have received word that orders have begun shipping out beginning this week. There’s still a limited amount remaining, so if you’re interested, Adult Swim is still accepting orders at adultswimbox.com.
Until next week, we wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah, congratulations to Toronto FC on winning the MLS Cup, and stay gold as always.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
Toonami/#Toonami [#6]
#DragonBallSuper [#6]
#DBZKai [#6]
#BlackClover [#5]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [#5]
#GundamIBO [#5]
#HunterXHunter (Also during the West Coast airing) [#6]
#LupinThe3rd [#6]
#Shippuden [#9]
#OutlawStar [#7]
#CowboyBebop [#8]
#GhostInTheShell [#7]
Tweet Counts:
Toonami [5,743 tweets]
#Toonami [3,620 tweets]
#DBZKai [1,291 tweets]
#BlackClover [1,891 tweets]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [2,123 tweets]
#HunterXHunter [3,427 tweets]
#LupinThe3rd [1,308 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#dragon ball super
Notes and Other Statistics:
#BlackClover: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @soymilkpudding and @maioceaneyes started the trend in the US.
#JoJosBizarreAdventure: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @VIZMedia started the trend in the US.
#HunterXHunter: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @KyleMcCarley started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @coreymbarnes, @jmb70056, and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
Runnin' with the devil. Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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       Freya Mikaelson  ⚜  Witch  ⚜   (1000+)  ⚜  The Awakened  ⚜  ESFP
Time and mercy…
For as long as she could remember, Freya had never had a choice. When she looked up at the stars as a child, she didn’t pray for a good harvest, or for time free of her chores to play in the woods. She prayed to her namesake to lift her out of this prison, this torture and take her to Fólkvangr, the Goddess’ meadow where warriors went after they died. She didn’t wish anymore to be returned to her mother. Dahlia had managed to poison any love she held for the woman, the woman who sold her off like any common chattel. But where did that leave her? Surely Freya had fought long enough? Even only as a child, the blood her hands were bathed in seemed to drown her night after night. It didn’t matter though. She did as Dahlia demanded of her, obeyed the edicts of her cult, that nightmare band of sacrilegious shamans, the Cult of Bracken. She slit the throats of animals over a fire, then when Dahlia deemed her ready, the throats of human sacrifices, even without blinking.
She tried to be the daughter Dahlia pretended she was, even called her Mother, though Freya never even once considered her to be such. Freya had no mother and didn’t want one either. Still, for more than six hundred years Freya did as Dahlia bid her, acting as niece, daughter, apprentice, slave, to a woman she came to hate more than the mother who sold her. When she finally broke, there was no moment of clarity, no epiphany. She simply woke one morning and couldn’t bear to feel the sun on her face knowing of the darkness that ate at her soul.
So she ran.
  {the mother we share will never keep our cold hearts from calling.}
It took every trick Dahlia had ever taught her, every clever bit of magic Dahlia thought her too meek to ever use against her. The woman devoted her life to collecting debts owed to her, so was more than proficient at tracking people down. For fifty years, it worked. Then Freya learned of Mary.
Another little girl, just like her, stolen from her mother, her real mother, as payment of a debt, but this time, so young she wouldn’t have any memory of a real family to dream of returning to. She watched from the shadows, making sure Dahlia never saw, as the young girl grew into a dangerously powerful woman, into the daughter Dahlia had never managed to mould Freya into. By the time Freya’s chance had come, Dahlia had already warped her into something twisted, something unnatural, a woman that lived and breathed death like it was the very air that gave her life. In a twisted way, it was, Freya supposed. Still, she tried to show Mary another way, tried to convince her to leave Dahlia as she had, and be each other’s family, each other’s sister in a way they had never truly known, but deserved so deeply. Mary refused, and worse, Mary told.
When Dahlia set a price for Freya’s crime, it was steep: five hundred years of her life. Freya was locked away, banished to limbo, while Dahlia squandered the years that rightfully belonged to her. The years Dahlia had forced Freya to spill blood for. But what Dahlia couldn’t know is that Freya wasn’t asleep during those years, and neither was she alone. Freya learned of a whole new kind of magic, one that neither relied on the dead nor the living for power, but a power that came only from her. It was deeper, and stronger, and more consuming than anything she had ever felt, and a thousand times more difficult to grasp. But she had the company of the Old Gods to guide her and nothing but time to learn.
                                                                      … are out of your reach.
With one hundred and forty-three years left on her sentence, the Old Gods decided she had learned all they had to teach. Freya awoke in a different world, but with the help of the Gods, always their avid student, she quickly learned to understand the magic of electricity, modern travel, the internet. These clever inventions of humanity are now just another tool in her arsenal as she hunts down Dahlia and her macabre nightmare cult. The only thing standing in her way is the family she’s always dreamed of.
Dahlia was careful to keep such rumors from reaching her naive little ears when Freya was under her thumb, but now, almost a thousand years, the Mikaelsons, the Original Family, are just as much monsters as those she hunts, if the legends are to be believed. Klaus Mikaelson, a hybrid, an unholy chimera, seems to be the worst of them all. But Freya can’t help her curiosity, the burning desire to know this family that was stolen from her. No matter how terrible their misdeeds have been, surely they can’t be as bad as the demons Dahlia has created? Freya is torn: does she seek out the family she’s been denied for a millennium? Or does she hunt down the family that enslaved her, betrayed her, and stole life from her? At the end of the day, she’s not sure which family she fears more.
Mary Sibley: Freya loved, hated, and pitied Mary in equal parts. Mary was her replacement, as it were, though her adopted sister would never admit to such a thing, her love for their “mother” was simply too inbred. Mary sold Freya out to Dahlia for the crime of dissent, of free will, for the crime of making her own choice for once in her life, and Freya has paid dearly for it. And yet, she can’t quite bring herself to lay the blame entirely at Mary’s feet, no matter how her betrayal hurt. How could Mary think of her as a sister when Dahlia’s twisted make-believe family was built on lies and thievery to begin with? Was Mary a monster, or merely the monster Dahlia had wrought her into?
Jennifer Blake: The woman is practically a child, but the path she has started down is dark indeed. After encountering Jennifer mid-sacrifice, she’s realized that the threat the youngest of Dahlia’s prodigies may be the greatest threat at the moment. Jennifer’s murderous spree must be stopped before the Cult of Bracken can be dealt with. 
Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Rebekah Mikaelson: Unlike the sisters she was given, the family that was taken from her remains a mystery to Freya, a mystery she is desperate to resolve. Despite herself, despite a thousand years of being taught that family meant slitting throats and selling children, she needs to know them. She’s waited centuries for her real family, and while the child in her that was stolen from them so long ago can’t help but hope that they’ll welcome her back with open arms, the way she’s dreamed of for so long, the bitter cynic she’s become fears she’ll be as summarily rejected as she was by their mother. But then again, she’s heard rumors of the way Esther has treated her other children throughout the years, and it seems they all would’ve been better off without the mother they shared.
Alaric Saltzman: Unbeknownst to Freya, Alaric has caught her scent, and has mistaken her for her murderous younger ‘sister’, Jennifer Blake, after catching her psychic signature at the scene of a crime. Though they’re both on the same side, they’ll be going head to head before Freya gets a chance to prove it. And though Freya is confident that she can come out on top of skirmish with a mortal, that doesn’t mean she’ll come out unscathed. 
Sophie Deveraux: Something about the story of this young witch tugs at Freya’s dusty heartstrings. Sophie is not innocent by any means, and what she’s trying to do is dangerous - but ultimately honorable. This kind of sacrifice is not the same as the kind preferred by Bracken. It’s supposed to be healing, renewing. But time, and well-intentioned - but in this case, misguided - interference have taken their toll. She wants to help her complete her ritual, not only to restore the balance the Coven so desperately requires, but to heal the woman who's being suffocated by the demands of the Ancient Ones. She knows all too well what that feels like.
Also mentioned in the following bios: Vincent Griffith (Finn Mikaelson), 
She may have been taken in by the Old Gods themselves, but until she gains more experience, she’ll be no match for the oldest witch alive. And that’s a problem, because Mother is coming, and she’s coming soon. 
Unbeknownst to Marcel and the three living Harvest Children, there are others who don’t want the Harvest completed, and they’re willing to risk making an enemy of this lost Mikaelson daughter if it means they get their way.
FC: Riley Voelkel, non-negotiable.
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Hanzo Shimada
I have some but I do not use them here. I am lame.
Hanzo has two dragons, not because he is the first born heir of this generation, but because he is a blood chimera. You will find that he has two sets of blood in his stream. This was caused by the absorption of his twin in the earlier stages of the gestational period. His predominate blood type is O, the secondary is  A. Essentially, his would be twin’s blood lives on within him and so does his dragon.
Hanzo can actually go without showering for a week before he cannot handle it any longer. He went through a drifter period in his search for redemption of self after murdering his brother. There would be times where he would sit among the campfires of fellow drifters drunk to the point of being unable to move. Sometimes the spells would last for incredibly long stretches. While he can afford to now, he is adamant on keep a regular schedule of showers, lotions, and self care. While on missions, he doesn’t worry about it as much.  
Training. He does not count this as a mandatory event, but rather a time where he can hone his skill and find respite in routine. 
Gardening. Though the most that has had the enjoyment of growing has been tomatoes and a few heads of cabbage. Currently he is cooing over a very lovely mango tree that is just starting on its first blooms. He might not readily enjoy the fruit that it bares, but he has grown attached to it through two winters. 
Swimming. Mostly of the diving variety. He thoroughly enjoys the muffled, swish of the tides waves as it rolls over him and drags him back to the shore. The isolation it provides when he needs space to think. Did I mention he has a great set of lungs? 
SEVEN PEOPLE THAT YOUR MUSE LOVES (Haha seven u say. My tumblr recluse self laughs @ ur folly)
@sigrunvalkyrie​ (His sturdy, brilliant angel.)
@iironhardt (His colossal, booming knight.)  
@wakairyuu (Brotherly or otherwise who knows but he cares)
@warcorrupted (LOVES TO BOTHER) 
The very obvious - killing his brother or at least attempting to kill his brother. He should have thought better. Should not have imbibed so much alcohol. He should have done many things but he did not. He deems himself a lesser man and a disgusting human.  
Not having a childhood worth boasting about. No stupid stories of getting in trouble or being caught past midnight on the streets. 
TAGGED BY: @iironhardt
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