#Chibi Sebastian AU
sweetmoonbunny · 2 months
No mucho despues de que Sebastian se llevara su juguete, Ciel entro en la habitacion de su hermano.
R!Ciel: que le diste a Sebastian? De repente lo llamaste, cuando volvio estaba entretenido con algo y me ignoro
O!Ciel: un juguete que encontre por ahi, con suerte no le arrancara la cabeza tan rapido como al conejo que le dimos antes *Se rie pensando en el sufrimiento del llamado "mayordomo de bolsillo" *
R!Ciel: *haciendo mojines con falsa indignacion* si en tu baul habia un juguete porque no me lo diste?
O!Ciel: a la proxima imita a Sebastian para que me quede claro que eres de su especie, Ciel
R!Ciel: no soy ningun perro, pero me molesta que obtengas algo bueno y lo primero que haces es darselo a Sebastian
O!Ciel: bueno que te parece esto, ya que Sebastian te ignora vamos a jugar juntos una partida de ajedrez en la sala de estar
R!Ciel: si! *Sin siquiera esperar una reaccion arrastro a su hermano por el brazo hasta la sala de estar cuando pasaron por el estudio de su padre chocaron con el vendedor de la tienda de antiguedades*
Undertaker: oh heehee pero si no son mis encantadores clientes~? Apuesto que ya han comprobado la calidad de los objetos que compraron y las sorpresas que guardan en su interior, no? *Sus ojos se dirigieron hacia O!Ciel especialmente* Sobre todo tu jovencito, lo que compraste tenia una larga data, pertenecia a un conde muy particular en su momento durante la epoca del reinado de Victoria fufu
O!Ciel: *Teniendo una idea de lo que se referia el particular vendendor* si te refieres a si encontre encantadora a la plaga dentro del baul, debo admitir que se la tire al perro *Se encoge de hombros y antes que pudiera continuar una estruendosa risa lo interrumpio*
Undertaker: ah ah jovencito me has dado una alegre mañana heehee solo pensar en que le diste tal uso es suficiente para alegrar mi semana, solo por eso te hare un descuento sustancial si vuelves a mi tienda
O!Ciel: si todos tus articulos vienen con uno de esos, preferiria no volver nunca
R!Ciel: * sintiendose frustrado por no entender jala devuelta a su hermano* Estelle, vamos? *Sin darle oportunidad a oponerse Ciel se llevo a su hermano lejos de Undertarker*
Undertaker: no lo olvides jovencito, cualquier cosa que quieras me la puedes pedir a cambio de risas que me has dado hoy
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pressureplus · 1 month
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Here's just the image of the tiny Sebby in case you want to shittily Photoshop him into your kitchen to help you with your cooking or something 👍
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Timeswap!Vettonso(I blame @ayceeofspades for this)
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References HEHEHEHE:
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So the dynamics would be: STR!Seb x Aston!Fernando and Post-Retirement!Seb x Ferarri!Fernando(~2011-2012)
The former would be a Seb who is very hungry for Fernando's attention, but now he's with a Fernando is actually now very willing to give him that attention. Fernando is constantly repeating in his head: "Don't fuck the twink don't fuck the twink don't fuck the twink", but every time they end up on the podium together, Seb always ends up being all over him and "accidentally" groping him. So Seb is still a brat but is with a Fernando who's not gonna just be cold to him but will indulge him instead 🤭
The latter is more angsty AAAHHH!! Cause its a Fernando who is in Ferrari hell and Seb who is post-catharsis. And to quote C, Fernando is like "why are you so happy??? Did you win!?" and Seb responds: "no :)" But also I am not immune to Seb being coy and playing with Fernando. He now understands why Fernando was the way he was back then because he's now gone through the same thing with Ferrari, but also wants him to stop being so gloomy and angsty about it.
Don't ask about how these AUs work, just know that they have knowledge of what their original counterparts were like so it's weird for the younger versions to get to see what ends up happening to the other, and then allows the olders to gain a new perspective instead of their biased memories(i.e.: "you're not who I was villainizing you as in my head" = both of them realize that they were building the other up as such an antagonist in their head but then, oh, he's just like me fr)(but for younger Seb, Fernando realizes Seb just wanted to be friends :( and so now he's trying to be more of a mentor.)
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warm-lullabies · 9 months
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Chibi Drawing Club boys and a gal 🎨
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FFXIV Write 2023: On Our Fates Alight (masterpost)
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The tale of a Dominant of Light and her beloved sworn-brothers, each also yoked to an Eikon...
(FFXIV-FFXVI AU. Various components of XVI pulled into XIV, and me playing fast and loose with the timeline. Some prompts were generally G-rated, but others had warning for violence and sexual content. I'll note those in brackets next to the link so you can avoid them. G-rated ones will be non-bracketed)
Envoy: The Scions of the Seventh Dawn learn that Gaius van Baelsar has a secret--and has banished his third-in-command from the Eorzean campaign.
Bark: Garleans are not welcome in Coerthas. So is the will of the Silver Fuller.
Reconnaissance: Estinien Varlienau, Dominant of Nidhogg, runs afoul of the newest solider in the campaign against the Garlean incursion into Coerthas--a goose-sized Valefor.
Off The Hook (blood, violence, gore): Odin's Dominant, Sebastian Astralyas, learns that the Sharlayan Forum is actively seeking Riven.
Barbarous: Riven DeGlass, Dominant of Valefor--has a run in with her grandfather's not-so-sane wanna-be-girlfriend.
Ring (blood, violence, gore): Reinhardt Sauveterre, Dominant of Zurvan, is very well suited to his Eikon. As the Brothers of the True Faith spill innocent blood within the halls of the Vault, they realize they've invoked the wrath of an ancient god.
Noisome: At a party that introduces the Crystal Braves to the now-hurting Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Mathye Bishop, Second Dominant of Halone, realizes the glittering affair is nothing more than a trap for the unclaimed Valefor.
Shed: Emma DeGlass, Riven's mother, takes the boat to Eorzea to find her daughter...leaving a man she attempted to kill behind in her wake.
Fair: Riven and the others find themselves needing to pay the Ruby Tithe, but it's not as simple as they would like it to be.
Purge: In the aftermath of his revenge, Sebastian falls ill from the relief of no longer carrying a heavy weight on his soul. He finds comfort in his nurses-his three new brothers and baby sister.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy: The Eorzean Alliance wants to parlay with Ilberd Feare, who is now known as the Silver Griffin. There's just one problem...trying to convince the Scions' Dominants to let bygones by bygones.
Dowdy (sexual content): Riven, Estinien, the aftermath of Shinryu's defeat at Ala Mhigo, and a very large bathing pool.
Check (blood): Valefor flies to Ishgard's aid during the Steps of Faith.
Clear: Emma, a sleeping chibi-Valefor, and a pile of Riven's childhood plushies.
Portentous: Astrid DeGlass, and the first time Valefor awakens within Riven.
Jerk: Captain Carvallain Durendaire feels honorbound to warn his ship's current guests about the dangers Dominants face in Hingashi.
Save The Queen: Misija has bitten off far more than she can chew with Save the Queen--the Eikon itself and the five Dominants that are now hunting her down.
A Fish Out Of Water: Sebastian and Mathye give off murder vibes at a Ishgardian gathering. Augustine would just like someone to behave.
Weal: The final moments of Lacelle Gyllcen, Sebastian's ex-lover and the one who locked him away in Sharlayan experimental facility for a decade.
Hamper: Five Dominants on the First can surely put a crimp in Vauthry's plans...but the corrupted Light itself is an anti-Eikon weapon.
Grave: In the aftermath of the battle with Elidibus, Riven is uneasy about the revelations in Amarout.
Fulsome (sexual content): Sebastian gets broadsided by a question from Riven.
Suit: When he first Primed, Augustine Bishop didn't care what toes he stepped on and who he insulted...as long as he could cut himself free from his blood family.
Forbidden: Forced to treaty with the Eorzean Alliance, Gaius van Baelsar reaps the consequences of nearly killing Riven in his attempt to separate Valefor from her.
Call It A Day: While spying for the Scions in Sharalayan, Riven is able to venture deeper into Labyrinthos...and finds something quite strange.
Last: Even with the Dragonsong War concluded, Ishgard still is not at peace. For the civil strife to finally stop--Halone's Dominants must leave the city.
Sole: Fourchenault is not pleased with his current actions...even if they are for the good of his home, and Sharlayan's plans for the star.
Blunt (violence, blood): Forum Member Sevestre Albright imprisoned and tortured Riven after her first Priming as Valefor. Now she's finally able to have her own vengeance.
Contravention: A facility named Site Sixteen within Labyrinthos was responsible for the pain, suffering, and deaths of many Dominants--it's last victims being Sebastian Astralyas and Riven DeGlass. With word having gotten out of this gross abuse of power to the Sharlayan citizenry, Foruchenault Leveilleur is charged with finding and bringing home Sebastian and Riven--so that they may testify in a court of justice.
Amity: Three Scions watch over five Dominants who have found something rare and precious among their kind--friendship.
(I also wanna thank @erickgage @driftward @matrixdragon @autumnslance @saesama and @chysgoda for ideas and bouncy-off boards during all of this!)
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joz-yyh · 6 months
Acta Est Fabula - Ch. 7
SUMMARY: Crimson Court AU. Damian and Tardif reunite in the courtyard and their relationship takes the next logical step. No Beta. Read at your own risk.
PAIRING: Bounty Hunter x Flagellant
RATING: E (slight sadism / monsterfucking / rough sex / sexual experimentation)
READ ON Ao3: -> HERE!!
A/N: Hey ya'll, I love these two so much I made a ➡️ bounty hunter x flagellant discord server! ⬅️ (Click the invite link to come join the fun!) 🪓💌🪓 Also check out my BHxF chibis~ 💘
Tardif runs through the tenacious fronds, intent on putting some distance between him and the vulturous pack of guards.
He stops once he's strapped for breath, reaching a small glade within the swamp. He peers around his surroundings, wondering if the vampire had made it out safely, if he was close behind.
“Damian,” he hollers, pulling apart the long grass native to this place, “Damian are ye here?”
Tardif waits, listens, fear getting the best of him, voice small and cracking, “Please, tell me yer here …”
He's met with the chirp of crickets, more droning hums of wings spawned from swarms of nocturnal creatures, but none carry the sanguine sound he seeks.
He's about to turn back, retrace his steps when a dense fog culminates around him, layers of a supernatural stratosphere building upon one another to form a jagged semblance of a human shape.
“Yes, my dear hunter. I am here.”
The words wisp in his ears, a lover's sweet nothings, the undead nobleman materializing before his eyes in broken layers of smoke.
He had not the time to reflect on it before, but in hindsight, Damian could have escaped him at any time with powers like this, obfuscate into nothingness, gone with the wind.
Somehow, their arrangement seems all the more precious, Tardif's old life left behind, along with everything and everyone he ever knew, needing to grasp hold of the one thing he'd given it all up for.
He yanks on golden forelocks, pulling the flagellant in for a kiss, knocking him off his feet.
And oh, what a kiss it is. The way those lips move, demanding comfort, pleasure, existence, it leaves Damian light-headed and delirious. If he had not fallen for the cocky blowhard before, he certainly would have now.
“Ye came fer me,” Tardif mutters, parting them with this epiphany.
It takes Damian a minute to recover from the intensity, still sucking at his own lips in desire for more, eyes fluttering open.
“Of course I did,” he says, the most simple and logical action he could have taken given the circumstances of his arrest, “Seems you didn't need me though.”
“I'll always need ye.”
It is said without jest, spoken purely from the heart, a rarity for the gruff brunette.
Damian gasps at such a bold declaration, eyes wide, his insides about to melt from how unbearably hot this man makes him.
“What about your friend? Will she be alright?”
“Boudica can take care of herself.”
A swift, perfunctory statement said with absolute confidence in her.
Well, if Tardif had no reason to doubt the warrior woman, then neither would he.
The two men give pause, affirming each other with gentle caresses, the last few hours so far away, dazed like a dream now that they were together again.
“My hero,” Tardif says, grinning.
“Hardly,” the vampire scoffs, never considering himself as such. Even so, he'll claim the spoils of the rescue, leaning back to resume what his partner had started.
There's a splash from the swamp, a hulking mass of croc skin stampeding right for them. Sebastian's long snout cuts between their snogging, nuzzling the brute in his master's stead, starving for his affection.
“Ey ye,” Tardif greets, nearly bowled over, giving the croc a pet, wondering if he'll ever get used to the reptile's surprise attacks.
“Seems I am not the only one happy to have you back,” Damian observes, touched by this heartwarming display, hiding his smile behind regal fingertips.
Tardif gives the creature a few more solid pats, Sebastian gurgling in appreciation as a coarse glove rubs down his fringe.
”As much as I would like to continue this, perhaps we should seek refuge. Lest we be rudely interrupted … again.”
“Oh, ye got a place in mind?” Tardif asks, brow raised in amusement, the croc keeping his hands sorely occupied.
“As a matter of fact, I do. It's in the water,” the vampire says, presenting a svelte hand towards the swamp.
“'Scuse me?”
“You told me to seek better accommodations,” Damian reminds him with an aggravated sigh, “and I have done so.”
For as much as Tardif heckled him about finding a suitable home, he seems to have completely forgotten about such concerns now.
“But it's … in there,” Tardif protests, eyeing the water’s surface with foreboding ilk.
After the mess he'd been through, one would think a little water wouldn't be a problem, but he can't exactly swim.
“Yes, Sebastian will lead us there. You need only to hang onto his back and he'll take care of the rest.”
Feeling left out, a jealous buzz flares up from the tracker insect, wanting some affection himself.
“Yes, little one,” Damian chuckles, unlatching the cage from Tardif's hip, “We have not forgotten about you.”
“'Ey, wot are ye doin’,” the hunter growls, expecting the vampire to put it back.
“Letting him out of his cage of course,” Damian pouts, eyeing his partner with indignation.
“Never out of his cage.”
“All the more reason,” the flagellant says, turning the miniature prison around in his hands, assessing the lock, “You've experienced incarceration yourself. Have pity.”
“Never been on his own,” Tardif grumbles, still absorbed in grooming the hybrid beast with bigger teeth, fearing what would happen if he stopped, “Wot if a predator picks 'em off?”
“Let the poor thing stretch it's wings at least.”
Damian sneaks one of his long nails into the lock, stretched keratin mimicking a makeshift key, testing the mechanism for the right sequence and length.
Once the latch clicks open, Pierre zips out into the free air, his streamlined body zig-zagging like a bullet.
“Amazing,” Damian applauds, watching the insect run laps around them, a dizzying afterimage of black, “It seems our little Pierre has quite the hidden talent.”
“Teh, he ain't ever comin’ back now.”
Damian turns towards his partner, a glimpse into the brute's vulnerable side, a forlorn expression upon his face. “Are you so afraid that the things you love will abandon you?”
He doesn't like Damian phrasing it like that, but yeah, he is.
“I am surprised you haven't tried to cage me,” the nobleman pouts, crossing his arms, interpreting his silence as confirmation.
“Haven't I,” Tardif deadpans, surprised that an intellectual like Damian hadn't picked up on the signs yet, “Wit’ my blood and that whistle there.”
Damian had never assumed that was the case, fishing out the keepsake from clothes, the chain still moored around his neck, their pact having more hidden clauses than he thought.
“Why would you tell me this,” he asks, hands trembling as he clutches the binding love token, revelation in his crimson irises.
“Tryin’ to take yer advice. Don't make me regret it.”
“Tardif,” the vampire pleads, taking a step closer, “I would not leave you, not now. Not with so much at stake.”
“Don't trust words.”
“Then, trust my actions. As you said, did I not come for you?”
Sure, but the flagellant could just as easily change his mind in the future, decide he's not worth sticking around for, just like everyone else.
The vampire sighs, putting a hand to his head in weariness. Sometimes, the hunter was insufferable, the stubbornness of his youth sporadic in nature.
“Pierre help me, please,” Damian asks, holding out a finger for the agile creature to land on.
In a flash, the insect obeys, long legs curling around the cuff of the aristocrat’s pale hand. The vampire spares him a few pets, mindful of his wings, stoking the segments of his body, “Your master is in need of your love. Will you show him for me?”
The insect buzzes, the flagellant lifting his hand to help him take flight only to land promptly on Tardif's shoulder, rubbing its hairy spines against the human’s cheek.
“There now, do you see," Damian asks, watching as the hunter becomes the center of attention, both tamed beasts competing at his side, "Are you thoroughly convinced?"
“Hn,” Tardif grumbles, giving up one hand to pet Pierre under his blood-stained nose, “it's a start.”
The croc breaks into the musty air pocket, sloshing a wet trail up the rocky dock of the cave.
Insectoid legs pause at the crest of the landing, dripping dry, allowing his passengers time to disembark.
Damian is the first to jump down from his perch, but Tardif looks a bit worse for wear, having kept his eyes shut the whole way, gripping the reptile's wrinkled map of skin like his life depended on it.
“Still alive, my dear vampire hunter,” Damian teases, looking at his sad, waterlogged appearance.
The brute grunts, finally opening his eyes, wiping at his face, pushing back his soppy dregs of hair.
He can't say he enjoyed being whisked through the swamp, one of the more unpleasant experiences of his life, his lungs on fire from how long he'd been holding his breath.
He's still a bit disoriented from traveling at such a high speed, water rushing against him in resistance, taking in much needed gulps of air, coughing on it.
“The first time is always the hardest. I promise you'll get used to it,” Damian soothes, the younger man much too cute when he's so helplessly out of his element.
Tardif side-eyes him, not about to make a habit out of this unconventional mode of transportation.
He's glad they left Pierre back on the surface so he wouldn't have to endure the trip, the insect getting the greener side of the deal.
Damian assured him the liberated mosquito was more than capable of looking after himself, much too fast for anything to catch him, but Tardif still felt like an anxious mother bird letting him fly on his own for the first time.
“Come inside, let me show you around.”
Damian offers his hand, helping the brute to climb off the croc’s back. Feet now planted on solid ground, the vampire leads him further up the bank, their hands still clasped, the human finding it hard to see amidst the darkness of the underground, needing his guide.
There's something akin to a nest in the heart of the living area, reeds both old and new gathered together to form bedding atop slate and bones. Sebastian clambers into it, taking up most of the space as Damian shows his partner how small the dwelling is, pointing to a dithering fork in the path ahead.
“This side loops around, though there is a small pool at the end if you ever feel like taking a dip.”
“Teh,” the hunter scoffs, having had his fill of water for one day.
“The other side is a dead end. A cave in, by the looks of it.”
“So, only one way outta here?”
“Yes, it appears you're stuck with me for the time being. I do hope that won't be a problem?”
Damian arches a blonde brow, daring the other to say something rude, but Tardif just laughs it off.
“Won't hafta worry ‘bout ye gettin’ lost.”
“Or sneaking up on you in the dark?”
The brute takes in the meager sights, his eyes mostly drawn to the salvaged treasure trove scattered along the wall in a disorderly pile.
“Oh yes, Sebastian’s collection,” his host muses, fingers poised under his chin in contemplation as Tardif rifles through the menagerie of junk.
“He's been such a darling about gathering up materials from the swamp. I thought you might find something suitable in place of your blade. Seems the Order left you without protection.”
Tardif scoffs again, an almost smirk in light of the vampire's snarky dash of spice, remembering all too well his confiscated gear, no doubt residing in the church's armory.
Many of these antiques are too rusted to be considered viable replacements, but some of the more recently excavated weapons had potential. He’ll need to clean them up a bit, do some test runs to be sure they'll hold up to the demands of a real fight.
The nobleman utilizes one of the foraged torches, hoping to make it easier for the hunter to pick from the array of sadistic toys, snuff the chill in the process, humans being the fragile creatures they are.
Tardif witnesses the multitude of attempts, the cave illuminated with each crack of flint rock, the vampire having a terrible time getting the sparks to stay lit, the dampness of their quaint little abode forestalling his quest.
The hunter finally decides enough is enough, distracting from his task to rip off a piece of his pant leg, taking a vial of oil from his pocket, wrapping the fabric around the torch wick, dousing it in liquid fuel.
“Try it now.”
“But your poor clothes,” Damian says, looking at them forlornly.
“Not the first time they've been torn into,” Tardif jokes, recalling their depravity in the woods.
“And certainly not the last,” the vampire quips, his expression softening before such chivalry, “Thank you.”
Romantic mood lighting in place, the stage was now set for the vampire to make his move.
“I am going to make myself more comfortable. You should too.”
As Tardif acclimates himself to his new surroundings, Damian throws off his hat, shrugging off his jacket too, leaving them to hang on a crest of stalagmites, a glorified coat rack.
The hunter doesn't think too much of it. Made sense to shed the extra layers after cavorting around in bog water, especially if they were holding up here for the night. He should probably do the same.
He takes a seat at the outskirts of the croc’s nest, a crude circle made of dried foliage, tugging off his boots, turning them upside down, a stream of excess water trickling out.
“I hope you'll forgive the frugal accommodations,” the vampire says, combing a hand through his hair, wringing out the ends, “couldn't find the time to redecorate.”
“Fine by me,” his partner snorts, shaking free the last of the water droplets from his gloves, setting them aside to dry beside his footwear.
Even without the finer comforts of life, the hideout served its purpose, saving them from the danger of being left out in the open and that's all a wanted runaway really cares about.
“I've been thinking,” Damian teases, candlestein allure in his tone as he toes off his only shoe, “perhaps, it is time for us to make another deal.”
Tardif is only remotely suspicious, raising a brow at the proposition.
“Wot kind of deal?”
The vampire grins, so glad he asked, approaching with quite the rigmarole, a ball-toed saunter, Tardif watching him closely as he bends, slinking down into his lap.
“This kind,” the blonde accosts, slotting them together, clothed thighs sliding along his partner's damp knees.
Maybe Sebby can smell it in the air, but the croc seems to know it's time for him to enjoy a nice long swim until some intermediate time later when the two men are done rutting.
With a splash the reptile leaves them, headed back out into the swamp.
“And wot exactly do I get out of it,” Tardif asks, enjoying the friction, feeling warmer already.
Damian seems disappointed, self-conscious of his worth, weary of his partner's greed. He places an elegant hand upon the warrior's chest, pushing a distance, eyes gleaming with retrospect.
“Is your satisfaction not enough?”
“Always sweeten the pot,” the axeman tutors, a life lesson taught to him by his fellow hunters. It was never wise to barter at a fair price, that's how you lose profit, always ask for more.
Seems the hallowed flagellant has taken it the wrong way, so Tardif feels it necessary to lay on the charm, a knuckle running along the ridge of a porcelain jaw, taking his cold cheek in hand.
He inches closer, heterochromia eyes flicking between Damian and his lips, pulling him in for a kiss, one the vampire is becoming more agreeable to the longer he commits to it.
Once he feels Damian kiss back, scrape hands around his neck in telltale longing, he knows he is forgiven. Warm-bodied hands tug at narrow hips, keeping the blonde paramore in place, finding it appropriate to slip his tongue in, graze it past sharpened teeth.
The vampire is startled, flinching in hesitance, but lets him in. The hunter tangles their mouths in velvet heat, but no doubt returns to lick along his fangs, tempting their bite. The flagellant gives him what he wants, what they both want, piercing into a curious tongue, sucking on the gushing wound in fervent sups. Now that the vampire is distracted, swept up in the taste, does Tardif topple him, pinning the taller man onto his back.
Damian chuckles from his lowly position, sucking his lips of all the blood he can, ”Must you always play the victor?”
The hunter trembles, watching as his lover’s eyes darken, how they reflect his budding desire, wants to see how deep they can become.
“Just works itself out that way,” Tardif replies, as if nature itself paid him favor, staring down at his pallid lover, water dripping from his dark bangs, “So, now that ye know whose toppin’, how far we goin’?”
“As far as you want,” the vampire remarks simply, walking claws up his partner’s soaked shirt. He can't see the skin beneath, but the garment clings so closely that he has a strong impression of what to expect.
The hunter only needs a moment to contemplate, smiling around a heady breath, “I'll be takin’ all of it.”
Rather than haggle him about the faults of avarice, the vampire must address his own apprehension.
“You would want to,” Damian asks, surprised, laying a hand flat against his partner’s sternum, “Are you sure you're ready?”
“‘Course I am,” the hunter declares, cheeky in his every move, “the question is, are ye?”
“I think I can handle it,” he counters, now gliding nails along his arm, “But first, indulge me, how many have you been with?”
Tardif grumbles, a garden of rose blooming across his tan features, averting the honesty of his eyes, “Should be asking ye that.”
If the vampire out ranked him in years, then it most likely applied to his number of bedpartners and the hunter doesn't like the condolences of second place.
“There have been a few,” Damian confirms with a nod, a reserved blink that shows off the spun gold of his eyelashes, “And you?”
“Some, maybe more,” Tardif says, glossing over the specifics, “None like ye, though.”
“I am flattered,” Damian purrs, arousal crackling all around him, making the hunter shudder with anticipation, “your first vampire.”
Tardif doesn't take kindly to being teased, serves it right back by grasping at the nobleman's clothes, rough hands pillaging all he has to offer.
Fabric snags in the human's haste for more contact, more skin, pushing the intrusive shirt and vest up to notch under the contours of his ivory chin.
The vampire gasps, his eyes pinched in an arch as well as clothes, callous hands rubbing over the stiffened peak of his nipple, making them swell with sensation.
“These are the only rags I have left. What am I to do if you ruin them?”
Despite the blonde's blithe objections, the brute doesn't slow his assertively brisk ministrations.
“Hafta run ‘round naked I guess.”
Damian’s not sure if he could. It would be too improper for one of his upbringing, too uncivilized. Best to leave such things to the animals, an enigma for the imagination to explore.
“You're much better suited for streaking than me.”
He may have seen Tardif completely naked from the waist down, but he wants to see the other half unveiled too, put both tantalizing pieces of the puzzle together.
“Later,” he coos, moving to kiss at Damian's neck, sucking at it, tasting his own blood, the drip of iron in his mouth not quite cauterized yet.
Now this was a curious sensation, having a human mouth suckle on him. It's enjoyable enough that he’s tilting his head, giving the barbaric warrior as much unexplored canvas as he could possibly want.
“Does that mean you will want this again,” the flagellant asks, almost afraid to wish it true.
“Was planin’ on it,” he speaks between open-mouth kisses.
“You do so love your plans.”
His laughter returns, effervescent as it bubbles out his throat. Well, at least he knows Tardif likes him enough to repeat the act. How reassuring.
“Hmmm,” the brute hums, tongue darting out to lick at the fresh bruises blooming on his partner's skin, “No more talkin’.”
“So impatient,” the vampire tuts, “It's barely been that long since I claimed your release.”
How could Tardif forget? The memory is carved just as deeply as the twin puncture wounds in his thigh.
“Please, my dear hunter, won't you undress for me?”
With a needle-like grip, the flagellant strokes the back of his partner's neck, just under the woven hairs of his braid, enticing his request.
“Fine,” he grunts, but only because he likes the way Damian begs.
It happens in a flurry, the two breaking apart just enough to divest themselves, Tardif already throwing off his shirt, kicking off his lower layers, discarding them into a messy wet pile along with Damian’s signature tights.
The trained killer is all muscle and scars, flesh bearing the hunter’s mark, the vampire running claws over the telltale tattoo, tracing the bold lines, flesh so firm and sunkissed.
“You are divine.”
The compliment makes the hunter grin, supplying one of his own in return.
“Ain't so bad yerself.”
“Good to know this form pleases you as well.”
Tardif snorts at the thinly veiled crack at his devious tastes. He wasn't expecting to get off on a monsterfucking either, but it's not like he chooses what has attracted to.
Damian's pale skin glows even in the dim light, so deceptively frail like porcelain, just waiting for him to carve into it with his teeth.
The huntsman leans down, biting at his nipple, hands traversing a path along the smoothness of his sides, grasping at his thin waist.
Damian moans, thrusting more of himself into Tardif's hands, his mouth, the huntsman's erection twitching with gratuitous anticipation.
Fuck the foreplay, they've done enough of it already. Time to get right to it.
The brute licks his fingers, coating them with enough spit to guide them down, brushing between the scars of pure white thighs.
Slick digits brush against his core, mixing with the dampness of the marsh still left on their skin, mapping the breadth of a sinuous edifice before pushing in, Damian accepting the stretch with a dignified grunt.
The flagellant lifts a leg, spreading himself open, drawing Tardif's reach further inside, all the while digging claws into his lover's arm.
It really has been too long, all the human can focus on his how fucking tight he is and goddammit, a few probing thrusts shouldn't make his cock ache with this much impatience, but it does.
He wants to know, needs to know what it feels like to have that ass take him whole, wrap around so much more than just trifling fingers.
Sooner than expected his touch retreats, the vampire raising a refined brow at his brief preparations, just getting used to his pervasive girth before it's gone, passions left empty.
“Can't wait no more,” he offers in explanation, a fleeting answer to his partner’s questioning eyes.
He yanks at the flagellant's hips, pulling them into his lap, holding his cock against the same dizzying heat that still lingers on his fingertips.
Both men gasp as he pushes in, pliant flesh giving way to his devout hardness and Damian thinks it feels so very good to be wanted like this.
“Tardif,” he shouts, brows clenched in a bittersweet symphony, “what delicious pain you bring me.”
“Thought you'd like that.”
The huntsman shifts deeper, swathed in a sheath perfectly tailored to him, pulling back just enough to drive forward again, length claimed by inches until he's finally buried, all the way to the hilt.
He pauses there, lets them savor the feeling before drawing his erection halfway out, dropping a bit of spit between them to ease the way, a vulgar means of lube dabbing out onto his shaft.
“You couldn't have done that before,” the flagellant pants, a critique of the younger man's faulty methods.
True, he could have. He just didn't want to.
“Hn,” he grunts, too busy thrusting in, letting the motion of their bodies spread the slick into the tinted rouge of his beguiling passage.
“Let me see yer wings,” Tardif all but demands.
Damian chuckles, calves resting on either side of the huntsman's tanned hips. “That would require a slight change in our positions.”
Not about to let that stop him, the brute pulls out completely, flipping his partner onto his stomach.
“Ye were sayin'?”
He doesn't join them again, not right away. He seeks to torture them both, rubbing his cockhead all over over the stark curves of his ass.
“There, please,” Damian grovels, gripping at any of the stray reeds he can get his hands on, ”Let me feel you.”
“Not til I see yer wings.”
Despite all his rapturous need, the vampire still hesitates, huffing out a warning. “It's difficult for me to control. It could be dangerous for you.”
“I'll take my chances.”
Tardif thrusts for emphasis, tip grazing into the dark slit of his entrance only to yank it back out, goading him to obey, making him blind with desire.
“Come on, then.”
“Yes, yes, alright.”
Damian obliges, a wriggle of skin around his shoulder blades, branching structures breaking through the canvas of his back, unveiling a beautiful translucent membrane, then two.
They're long in diameter, spanning the length of an arm's reach, fluttering as they unfurl, stirring up a small wind as they fan gently, up and down.
Tardif swears there's a chime, a beat that follows their appearance, as if Damians attached bells to himself, something entirely magical about them, but the human was expecting more.
“Should be four. Lemme see all of ‘em.”
Tardif seems to be lost in the shine, the complexity of their frailness, thrusting in just as the second set unveils, shuddering around the smack of their hips. He grabs at them violently, tugs at the delicate juncture of where undead flesh and bloodsucking pinion meet.
“Ahhh,” the masochist cries, more of pleasure than pain, dragging nails across the floor around him.
“Does it hurt?”
“Yess,” Damian hisses, absorbed in the rippling sensation, his wings vibrating.
Whether it's a sign of bliss or a means to fly away, the brute can't be sure.
“Do ye like it?”
Damian takes a breath, fist clenching, unclenching, searching himself for the answer.
“... Yes.”
The grin that happens upon the axeman's face is one of the widest he's ever made in his life.
He kisses around the flesh he abused, soothing it, if such things were possible, scales sprouting from the flagellant's newly grown appendages.
Oh, and what's this?
There is a bulb protruding around his lover’s lower back, similar to a bloodsuckers rear abdomen, but it is quite petite, nowhere near as engorged as he’s seen them become.
He wonders if Damian is aware of its appearance, but rather than ask, Tardif prefers to experiment, rubbing along the tender red joint.
The flagellant's long, reverberating moan tells him all he needs to know, fueling his motivations to squeeze at it, the mysterious organ protruding even more, fine hairs and scales popping up around the hybrid’s skin.
“Please ... again,” the flagellant begs, lost in the pleasure, so close already.
“Found yer sweet spot,” the brunette tells him, as if he doesn't already know.
“Tardif, will you … s-stop … teasing me,” Damian pants, barely holding himself back from the brink, jerking his hips, needing his thrusts.
Tardif continues his merciless assault, enjoying his partner's gratification more than his own, the blonde going taunt, crying out as he cums, coating his belly and the stone wedged against it.
Oh, that must be why.
“Brute, savage, filthy vampire hunter,” Damian growls, blistering with anger, not achieving his release the way he wanted to, “Look what you've done.”
“Teh, just say ye love it,” Tardif whispers, lips brushing against long pointed ears, “Love my hot, bloody cock burnin’ inside ye.”
The vampire makes a noncommittal noise, neither agreeing or disagreeing, brows knitted in askance.
“Perhaps, if you utilized your cock more, we wouldn't have this problem.”
Tardif grumbles, angered by the jab at his performance, affixing both his hands to the bloodsucker’s tortured waist, drilling into him ruthlessly.
It's worth it to hear the vampire cry out, his voice echoing off the perspiring sediment in a series of “Yes, Tardif, yes,” hole stretched past its limit with each strike of his raging polearm.
The brunette can't keep the extravagant pace for long, he's too close, wincing from how sweet it is, resorting to a loop of languid thrusts to stave off his release, but it's too late, he's indulged too much too quickly, already cumming violently into his partner, biting into the nobleman’s shoulder to stifle his moan, the sensation too good.
“Mmm ahhh, fuck, Damian.”
Compelled, the huntsman jerks forward, attempting a few more repetitions, his lover squirming from the ordeal, his insides raw from the lack of lube and the abrasive sex, Tardif equally as sore.
He came more than he thought he would, the substance following him out, filled to the brim with cream-colored heaven.
“Don’t go yet,” the blonde says, bending his wrist back, lithe fingers blindly seeking his, “let me hold you a little longer.”
Tardif sees no reason why he can’t humor the request, intertwining their hands, letting them rest there, still connected, body and heart vibrating as one as they fight to regain their breath.
He mouths bleary kisses over the breadth of his lover's neck, the potent welts at his shoulder, the intensity of his orgasm finally beginning to settle.
Damian can't say he's been called that before, a blush threatening to consume the entirety of his face, having felt such veneration, convinced Tardif is far more deserving of such adjectives.
The brute pulls out to lay down beside him, both men messy and lacking the means to clean up, the spent warrior thinking of the small pool the vampire had mentioned earlier to rinse off with, but they could save that for the morning after.
The flagellant snuggles up to his side, resting his disheveled head of hair on a thick-muscled arm, the insect feelers on his abdomen tickling the vampire hunter as they fold inward, pressed between them. He’ll have to remember to question the bloodsucker about those later, curious to how dexterous they could be, but for now he admires dark eyes blown bigger than the darkness around them, pale skin glistening with sweat.
“Do vampires dream,” he asks, playing with stray flaxen curls, twirling goldenrod thread around his bronze finger.
“I would say so,” Damian chuckles, reaching out to touch his lover's face, leaning in for a kiss, “I am in one right now.”
It's soft yet firm, lasting and warm, Tardif matching him in every aspect, hands holding the vampire in return.
“Gunna fall asleep,” the brute warns, eyelids falling shut, heavy lead sheets, the days of unrest finally catching up with him.
“Have I worn you out,” the vampire teases.
For once Tardif doesn't mind admitting to it, giving a barely perceptible nod.
“Wot 'bout ye?”
“I may want to go another round. After you've rested of course.”
“Won't make ye wait too long,” he grins in promise, lips pressing to the dolomite plains of his forehead.
As they lie there, Damian caresses him gently, coiling their legs together so that every part of them is touching, lulling the warrior until he's completely at ease, his speech reflecting it, slurred by bliss.
“Wake me up if somethin’ ‘appens.”
Damian chuckles, this side of his precious human so new and unexplored, so trusting to leave his body exposed before the cravings of a vampire.
The hunter need not worry, he would only drink from him if given explicit permission, his veins still infused with the rich draft of his gorgeous blood.
“Should I need rescuing, you will be the first to know.”
Tardif manages a lop-sided smile, Damian watching him drift off, tucking loose strands of hair back into place, making his beloved picturesque for slumber.
They have no coin, no legacy, just each other in all the world, but it’s more than enough for now.
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sdvwhim · 2 years
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pinkyhaert · 3 years
Nutcracker month 2020 by @artsynoova
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Day 17: { Able & Sebastian }
~ The sounds of roaring thunder and crashing waves filled holly's audials as the ship he was placed upon rocked violently with the tide. And the horde of mini tin soldiers weren't making his rescues attempts any easier.. Thankfully there’s more than One nutcracker from this world, and Sebastian was more than happy to help him take down the monster that was Hypnotized!Abel. Then again, when he heard Hollyberry’s Plan, his enthusiasm quickly diminished. But as the rabid tin soldiers and Storm grew more dangerous by the minute- they didn’t have much choice.
Sebastian; Fighting Hypnotized!Able: “You can Help at Any time now Holly!”
Hollyberry: “I’m working on it- If I’m not Careful I’ll accidentally hit you!!”
Sebastian: “*NGH!* Holly Take the shot take the shot TAKE THE BLOODY SHOT!!”
Hollyberry: “ Here goes nothing...”
Able: “S..Sebastian..? What happened..? My Head is Spinning...” Sebastian: "A Little Trash RAT came and smacked you with some sorta mask and then turned you into a murderous zombie."
Hollyberry: "um.. he's actually called a Tanuki." Sebastian; Bluntly: "I'm not calling him that." Hollyberry: "okay." Sebastian: " You nearly choked me out." Abel: " Ah- Apologizes.."
Hollyberry: " It's alright; Your not the only one who was technacilly forced to try and do me in today." Abel: Huh? Sebastian: "THERES MORE!? bloody heck.." Hollyberry: " Yep. And they're counting on me to come help them. im glad your both okay now, but i gotta get going!" Abel: "Good luck littol nutcracker! we'll put things right here." Sebastian: "- And if you see that little Trash Rat again; Give him my regards." ——-
Able & Sebastian belongs to @freckleocalypse
Hollyberry belongs to me :3c
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buffaloborgine · 5 years
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Taking your lazy demon boss to work.
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husbandmurders · 5 years
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A Star love you - Chibi ver.
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maplefox-memu09 · 2 years
Sebastian & Ciel Species Art Meme!!🐾🐾
Heyya! It's been like... Centuries since the last time I posted Kuro art related in this blog. Work, artblocks, my IG, & other things has been keeping me very busy😔😔 But hey, I actually draw quite a lot for this one, & I hope y'all like it😌
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In case y'all didn't know, a year ago I made a Species Meme just like this for my wolfdog OC & posted it to my IG.
But Then, 2-3 months ago, I got an idea about making a Species Meme for Sebastian since he can transforms into any kinds of creature, & I also always wanna draw him as animals! So, this art meme is very perfect for me :D
Though, I decided to include Ciel later on in the end cuz.. hey, why the hell not??'v')/🥔
Btw fyi, there's actually supposed to be a rectangle for Equine/horse, but I changed it to Cervus/Cervi/Deer species bcus the design I got for Equine! Sebastian is too... Bland for my liking lol😅
& Ciel only has 5 Species cuz I'm running out of design ideas lmaoo TwT🏃🏃🏃
Speaking of Ciel, I finally have the chance to draw my Demon!Ciel animal/ familiar form headcanon, Azure Hellhound, which it's actually ever got mentioned in my other headcanon post about post-season2 Kuroshitsuji × Moriarty The Patriot crossover AU ask (well I kinda mention it, but it's in the tags :v)😔✊
P.S : my friends keep calling dragon!Sebastian Dilf Daddy for some reason 😐😐🥴😐😐
Anyway, I actually have more drawings of Sebastian & Ciel based from the Species Meme, including more headcanons about Ciel's Azure Hellhound form (concept art & doodles). You can see them down below:) :
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Azure Hellhound :
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For this Demon!Ciel's concept art, I choose to not to make Ciel wear his garters like he usually do. & I also make him wear bow/lace-less boots, y'know- kinda like horse riding boots. I just can't help but feeling kinda uncomfy imagining him fighting with bows/laces & garters lol, I have a feeling they're going to slows him down😅
Demon!Ciel also rarely use his eye patch anymore. He only wears it when he have to interact with humans.
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Ciel could transform his familiar form into Chibi/pupper form ... Or as I like to call it, a Potat form🥔🤲😖
The idea of him having a chibi transformation of his Hellhound form is actually inspired from Lumine by Emma Krogell :'D. Like- I can't help it okay? He's too cute🥺
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I headcanoning demon!Ciel using his familiar form more often during combat cuz he is self-conscious about how small & fragile-looking he is in his human form:'>
In his familiar form, he can just tanks his enemies & act like a beast without caring his enemies' mockings
Though, Sebastian still trying to help Ciel getting used to fight in his human form because he knows it'll be necessary one day.
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okayy that's all I have for now :')
I dunno when I'm gonna post another Kuro art, but I just wanna let y'all know that I'm still into Kuroshitsuji. It's just that I'm more focused on grinding for my IG art account now😔🙏
Soooo yeah,.. cya later?? ;'D
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sweetmoonbunny · 2 months
Chibi Sebastian x Ciel
O!Ciel: padre, venir a la tienda de antiguedades a comprar muebles para mi habitacion no me parece una buena idea.
Vincent: oh, pero no me negaras que los muebles aqui son más sofisticados que los de cualquier otro lugar, no estas de acuerdo, hijo?
R!Ciel: sip, mira esto padre y hermano! *Saca un sable de una de las fundas viejas que hay en el lugar* incluso conserva sangre de sus enemigos! *hace una pose de caballero inclinandose sobre una rodilla hacia O!Ciel* yo la protegere, mi señorita
O!Ciel: ...payaso, bueno, buscare un baul.
(Saltemonos el proceso de transacciones, y de vuelta en la casa Phantomhive, O!Ciel esta revisando su baul cuando descubre un interruptor en este.)
O!Ciel: *presiona por curiosidad, y se abre un pequeño compartimiento con una cajita del tamaño de sus palmas* ...espero no haya polvo en esta cosa. *la abre para encontrar una aparente hermosa muñeca de un pequeño mayordomo. Al revisarla termina pinchandose la mano con un colmillo del tamaño de una aguja* pero que! Esta cosa es demasiado realista y conservada para ser una cosa vieja.
Sebastian: *despertandose tan placidamente hasta que escucho que lo llamaron "viejo".* mocoso a quien llamas viejo? *O!Ciel termina arrojandolo al suelo* mocoso si que te gusta ofender no?
O!Ciel: *sin ponerse a pensar tomo el aerosol mata moscas y se lo rocio a Sebastian.* Las plagas este año son más grandes y hasta hablan, eso es una sorpresa.
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evil-quartett · 2 years
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Request rules
My Deviantart
OC Masterlist
Drawtober 2022 Masterlist
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Yandere Charles kidnapping you
Yandere Charles with a suicidal MC
Charles Yandere Alphabet
Comte, Napoleon and Jean with a touch starved MC
Prologue with my OC Celeste, Part 1 2 3
Random Faust comfort oneshot
Vlad kills an innocent
Ikemen Flash Exchange
Hanahaki disease with Comte 1 2
Sebastian High School AU
Levi (Obey Me!) in mermaid AU
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Charles chibi on a cake
Napoleons profile historically accurate
Female Arthur with pride flag
Luna (OC) with Faust
Shakespeare playing the violin
Genderbend Sebastian
Napoleon with a face scar
Catboy Mozart
Jean dying in MCs arms
Catboy Charles in a maid outfit
Vlad and Charles kissing
Birthday art of the quartett for myself
Catboy Cafe au Charles
Post-Blooddrinking Vlad
Comte in historically accurate clothing
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Ikevamp characters being racists 1 2
Ikevamp characters views on women
Ikevamp characters last words
History fun facts
Leonardo 2
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Other stuff:
Charles Chocker
Letter from Mozart
Sebastians Teddy
Jean moodboard
Vlad moodboard
Reasons why Napoleon is a great person
Charles love
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
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Tradition vs Modernity vs Comradery
+ context & lore:
In the first drawing, Fernando is wearing a capote de paseo, which is what bullfighters wear before the match begins, as seen below:
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In the second, Seb is shouting the very familiar "Olé" which is shouted by the crowd to praise the matador. He's a little brat, so of course he's yelling it for himself, but he did get many 💐
The third(which was a random sketch I had that I didn't think I'd finish tonight, so ignore if its messy) has very important context to me. Before going to the final act and killing the bull, matadors dedicate their montera(hat)(and symbolically: their kill) to a a specific person in the audience(or just the public as a whole.) Seb and Fernando are finally in the same color! Seb is bowing!!! And Fernando is honoring Seb!!!! Also ignore that I drew Seb's post-retirement hair. Though, maybe this drawing is supposed to represent Fernando making a dedication to his now-gone rival 😔(Seb: stop telling people im dead!)
Now, some more lore :D
So I talked about this in my last matador post but I'll expand more. I think it's very funny to characterize Fernando in this au as this fun-hating traditionalist. Because you have to understand; he's only this way when it comes to Seb. Because you absolutely KNOW he was doing silly, unserious shit back when he was younger. But absolutely god forbid Seb do anything silly.
It's very ironic because there literally is a part in the third act of a bull fight where it's basically encouraged to be a bit silly. This is a tad morbid, but basically right before they deliver the killing blow, some show their mastery over the bull by doing some superfluous action(ex. kissing the bull, kneeling in front of the bull.) There's some guy who literally would lean on the bull and mime taking a call. But anyways, Seb would def do this. I've not been able to draw it exactly how I want, but he would bend down and do his little bull horn symbol and mime charging at the bull. (Fernando, trying to make up reasons to hate Seb: oh my god, look at this blatant disrespect, look how he is disrespecting the bull, I cannot believe how rude this boy is!)
Also there's something to be said about how the matador shows mastery over the bull by kissing it or bowing to it...and Seb is technically the bull in this au and Fernando is the matador. There's just this unfortunate level of weird power inbalance that still lingers even though their rivalry is over and can't be affected anymore. There was no succinct answer about who truly was better because Seb was forced out of it. So there's always gonna be this level of "is he just pitying me? Is he just mocking me? Is he just patronizing me?" on Seb's part whenever Fernando praises him or makes dedications to him. And Fernando's always going to be haunted by the fact that there's no answer to who is truly better because he'll never know if Seb had reached his full potential or not. Anyways, they also have nasty sex while wearing their costumes and do weird bull/matador roleplay :)
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Ah yes, back when they were young and not completely toxic and obsessed with one another! Good times amirite? Although I do assume it's not canon
CAN U IMAGINE IF IT WAS THO?? (Childhood friends to strangers to enemies to ...something-)
Honestly, I feel like peak wholesome Sebastian content is either non canon or can only be seen as cute out of context ngl. Which honestly is exactly what you want from a character like him
- 🌕 (Moon Anon)
Half of all the cute things I draw aren’t canon…😭😭 just random Aus and What ifs
I can actually!!! It’s like you go to visit your gramma and your mum takes you to the park and you meet this random kid there and you immediately become besties for like…an hour and then you have to leave and never see each other again 😭😭 (I speak from experience)
And then few years later you find out your BFF of one day is a serial k!ller and chose not to kill you cuz you owe them a second playdate like you promised 12 years ago….
I put symbolism in clothing 😌💅🏼✨ /j the half pants half shorts also have a hidden meaning which describes Sebastian’s personality 👁✨💅🏼
Yeah your right about that 😂. Non context Sebastian is the best Sebastian 👌🏼😌👌🏼 /j
ONE MORE THING! BESTIE TYSM BUT I’M STILL NOT THAT GOOD. Wait I can teach you how to make chibis tho :O gasp
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raspberrywhipz · 3 years
🧭 Navigating My Tags
Main Category tags 
stucky fanart : all Steve/Bucky arts 
Bucky fanart : all Bucky arts without Steve appearing
Steve fanart : all Steve arts without Bucky appearing
Alpine : arts with Bucky’s beloved companion 
marvel fanart : arts including other characters 
fav arts : my personal faves 
fic art : art relating to stucky fics 
fun stuff : non-fanart stucky fun 
fandom events  
charity events 
📌  detailed tags below (long list) ...
I tag very granularly so that I can quickly find specific arts and art styles 🔍🙃
🗓  Moments in Time ⏳
time passing : stucky through the ages
as kids 
CA: The First Avenger (WWII) 
CA: The Winter Soldier 
CA: Civil War
TFATWS : related to the show
What If...? 
Stucky moods 
loving hands 
dog tags 
kawaii : adorable 
misc outfits 
silver foxes 
parenting / with kids 
day out 
Howling Commandos 
Barbershop Quartet 
Team Cap
All Caps 
Steve specific 
Steve Rogers 
pre-serum Steve 
Captain America 
Nomad Steve 
bearded Steve 
artist Steve 
badass Steve 
Hydra Cap / WS Steve 
old man Steve 
dog Cap  
Steve’s birthday 
Chris Evans 
Bucky specific 
Bucky Barnes 
Sergeant Barnes 
Winter Soldier 
Cap Bucky
Bucky’s hair 
metal arm 
one arm 
BAMF Bucky 
grumpy Bucky 
grumpy soft 
White Wolf 
Bucky’s birthday 
Sebastian Stan 
🐱 Companions 🐻
Bucky Bear 
Cap Bear 
Devil Dino 
I’m gradually working on linking the remaining ones...  📝 in progress !
⚔️ 🏈 🧚🏼‍♂️  AUs  🎸🐺🦇 
AVAC : Avengers Academy
Planet Hulk
Supernatural beings
Transformed into Animals
Winged beings  
Gender swap 
🎄💞🎉 Holidays and Seasonal ❄️ 🍂 🌸
New Year 
Easter bunnies 
holiday sweaters 
✏️ Artist Things 🎨
art process 
mood lighting 
story panels 
tsum tsum 
calendar pages 
coloring pages 
pastel drawings / pastel paintings 
manip edits 
manip paintings 
physical crafts  
toy photography  
art roundups 
artist games 
art memes 
artist struggles  
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