#Cheating allegations
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quesocheeso · 26 days ago
wukong my poor guy.. no matter the universe he just cannot escape the cheating allegations 😔
i wonder how he'll react in the 3 am au about it, if he finds out about it. feel offended? or maybe mac makes a thowaway comment about it (pretending not to care but also gauging to see if its true from wukong's reaction) wukong might feel hurt mac would assume so? but also not sure how to show just how ridiculous that is, because oh no, that means he'll have to open the feelings box. ho ho the potential.
Throwing this out cause it’s kinda funny
But is it really cheating allegation if you’re not really together together y’know
Like there’s no actual commitment that’s stoping him from going out with someone else, so it’s not like it’s not possible
They’re not married like my other au so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it could happen
I think outwardly he wouldn’t show any hurt towards Macaque insinuating it, but inside he would be offended, but like he gets it in a way, like he doesn’t know what Macaque does 24/7 but he sure hasn’t pulled up with a random kid that shares his magical essence to a tea without the guy being a celestial monkey(which we know MK is a stone monkey that was born from the same stone as Wukong but like that’s later on) and instead is a normal mortal🤨
Like idk bout you but I’d be sideeying a guy tooo
I don’t think Wukong would be trying to justify it to Macaque but actually be proclaiming how ridiculous it is and also start questioning MK’s origin far earlier than in canon
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realbeefman · 10 months ago
the way he finishes wilson’s story as if he’s been there before as if he knows how wilson operates…
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grogumaximus · 10 months ago
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mirrorball-leclerc · 5 months ago
i genuinely think the funniest thing that could happen was if charles overtook norris in the drivers championship because they’ve been yapping about this “intense” championship battle between norris and max only for charles ‘one-stop wonder’ leclerc to end up p2 in the championship
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months ago
kremy being so patient with twig even though she very nearly had them pulling one of those moves that get you doomed to eternal torment in greek mythology (i.e. secretly feeding people their own young)...... his is the voice of the most soul-tired man in the world when he says 'twig... I've done a lot of fucked up shit in my time, but I'm not gonna feed them people'. he's not angry he's not even disappointed he's just resigned. he's a person who has to draw the line somewhere and he's drawing it
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guiltyasdave · 3 months ago
gentle reminder that your fave celebrity is still just a human being with flaws and that you only know them from how they present themselves in public. they’re going to make mistakes because they’re human, not some statue on a pedestal. if something in their personal life upsets you that much, you might be too attached to someone you don’t actually know.
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thevelaryons · 4 months ago
There are many different accounts in Fire and Blood raising questions about the paternal status of Laenor “father of five” Velaryon.
And Seasmoke, who had once borne Laenor Velaryon, took onto his back a boy of ten-and-five known as Addam of Hull, whose origins remain a matter of dispute amongst historians to this day.
They had his look, it was true, and Ser Laenor had been known to visit the shipyard in Hull from time to time. Nonetheless, many on Dragonstone and Driftmark were skeptical of Marilda’s claim, for Laenor Velaryon’s disinterest in women was well remembered.
It should not surprise us, therefore, that Grand Maester Munkun and Septon Eustace both dutifully assert Ser Laenor’s parentage…but Mushroom, as ever, dissents. In his Testimony, the fool puts forth the notion that “the little mice” had been sired not by the Sea Snake’s son, but by the Sea Snake himself. Lord Corlys did not share Ser Laenor’s erotic predispositions, he points out, and the Hull shipyards were like unto a second home to him, whereas his son visited them less frequently.
In this instance, it must be said, the tale told by the fool seems more likely than the versions offered by septon and maester. Many and more at Queen Rhaenyra’s court must surely have suspected the same. If so, they held their tongues.
Ser Willis Fell declared mournfully, “and now she has tied herself to Lord Corlys’s upjumped bastard. A snake for a sire, a mouse for a mother…is this to be our prince consort?”
Ser Laenor returned to Driftmark thereafter, leaving many to wonder if his marriage had ever been consummated. The princess remained at court, surrounded by her friends and admirers. Ser Criston Cole was not amongst them, having gone over entirely to the queen’s party, the greens, but the massive and redoubtable Breakbones (or Brokenbones, as Mushroom had it) filled his place, becoming the foremost of the blacks, ever at Rhaenyra’s side at feast and ball and hunt. Her husband raised no objections. Ser Laenor preferred the comforts of High Tide, where he soon found a new favorite in a household knight named Ser Qarl Correy.
Thereafter, though he joined his wife for important court events where his presence was expected, Ser Laenor spent most of his days apart from the princess. Septon Eustace says they shared a bed no more than a dozen times. Mushroom concurs, but adds that Qarl Correy oft shared that bed as well; it aroused the princess to watch the men disporting with one another, he tells us, and from time to time the two would include her in their pleasures. Yet Mushroom contradicts himself, for elsewhere in his Testimony he claims that the princess would leave her husband with his lover on such nights, and seek her own solace in the arms of Harwin Strong.
Whatever the truth of these tales, it was soon announced that the princess was with child. Born in the waning days of 114 AC, the boy was a large, strapping lad, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a pug nose. (Ser Laenor had the aquiline nose, silver-white hair, and purple eyes that bespoke his Valyrian blood.) Laenor’s wish to name the child Joffrey was overruled by his father, Lord Corlys. Instead the child was given a traditional Velaryon name: Jacaerys (friends and brothers would call him Jace).
Meanwhile, back in Westeros, Princess Rhaenyra had given birth to a second son late in the year 115 AC. The child was named Lucerys (Luke for short). Septon Eustace tells us that both Ser Laenor and Ser Harwin were at Rhaenyra’s bedside for his birth. Like his brother, Jace, Luke had brown eyes and a healthy head of brown hair, rather than the silver-gilt hair of Targaryen princelings.
In 117 AC, on Dragonstone, Princess Rhaenyra bore yet another son. Ser Laenor was at last permitted to name a child after his fallen friend, Ser Joffrey Lonmouth. Joffrey Velaryon was as big and red-faced and healthy as his brothers, but like them he had brown eyes, brown hair, and features that some at court called “common.” The whispering began again. Amongst the greens, it was an article of faith that the father of Rhaenyra’s sons was not her husband, Laenor, but her champion, Harwin Strong. Mushroom says as much in his Testimony and Grand Maester Mellos hints at it, whilst Septon Eustace raises the rumors only to dismiss them.
When pressed by the king, Prince Aemond said it was his brother Aegon who had told him they were Strongs, and Prince Aegon said only, “Everyone knows. Just look at them.”
Lord Corlys also had half a dozen nephews, however, and the eldest of them, Ser Vaemond Velaryon, protested that the inheritance by rights should pass to him…on the grounds that Rhaenyra’s sons were bastards sired by Harwin Strong.
Thus perished Joffrey Velaryon, Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, the last of Queen Rhaenyra’s sons by Laenor Velaryon…or the last of her bastards by Ser Harwin Strong, depending on which truth one chooses to believe.
“Rhaenyra’s relationship with Harwin Strong…she had three children by him, but we never see them get together for the first time or kiss. We never have a scene where they first slept together. We don’t know exactly what has happened and how he felt about that and how Laenor felt about him. There’s a whole story there. There’s at least a novella and maybe a novel, but we simply did not have the time to tell it. And it did not fit the format of my history book. But it’s a story and I would love to do that.”
The author’s statement here does confirm that in both book and show canon, Laenor is not the father of Rhaenyra’s sons. The true identity of the father of Marilda’s sons does still remain ambiguous in the book.
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leftneb · 3 months ago
the real danger of an f1 addiction is not the addiction itself but rather the withdrawal. I'm watching osu! clips again someone please shoot me thanks
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yujeong · 7 months ago
what can u say abt people who says korn cheated tonkla cheated.. because now that i know that they were in a relationship and not just a sugarbaby fuckbuddy thingy then cheating really took place but in korn's place don't u think tonkla allowed it... im sure he knows abt fasai... dont u think theyve talked abt it before.??
I'm going to be real with you anon, I need people to calm down about the cheating allegations at both Tonkla and Korn and the reason for that is because it doesn't matter in the slightest: based on what we've seen so far, Korn and Tonkla's relationship is far more complex than what it's been given credit for. First of all, the relationship has remained a secret since it began. That's what Korn's promise is based on - he knew he had to be in a higher position than the one he was back then in order to have the power to support his relationship with Tonkla publicly. What he never accounted for, though, was what his gaining power through his family would entail. That's where Fasai comes in. We only got 2 scenes of them together, but they were enough for me to understand at least the basics of their dynamic. Fasai helps Korn run his part of the business and Korn, in return, submits to her. This takes the form of sex, but again, sex is not the point. The submission is. Tonkla knows. Tonkla has always known. It's what his "You said it." was about, his hesitation to get Korn's pinky finger interlaced with his own, because he didn't quite believe Korn when he promised. Now, I have to make something perfectly clear here: Tonkla didn't allow anything because it wasn't his place to. He doesn't have a say in what Korn does and he knows it. He didn't show any hints of surprise when Korn mentioned Fasai to his father on the phone, because he knows and he has to live with it. That's why it hurts him and that's why he hooked up with Win and continues to keep him close. He's lonely, his needs with Korn aren't met, so he has to look for fulfillment elsewhere. Did they both cheat? Technically, yes. Does it matter? In a narrative sense yes, but not in the way people talk about. Do I care? No, because I'm interested in other things about their dynamic.
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tomfrogisblue · 1 year ago
nah it was so funny the janitor just piping up in the therapy session today "You know, Foolish is already taken 🙄"
roier ain't having none of that shit lmaoooo
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dejavalentine · 7 months ago
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should this be how i introduce my @infamous-if mc no am i gonna do it anyway yeah. so hyped for the update!! can't wait to be tortured by my own voluntary choices!!!
Innes Von Yang— ‘Ivy’ or ‘IV’
she/they (nonbinary)
Vampire aesthetic. She also has a lollipop gimmick, as in, she'll go out on stage with one. She's starting bringing unopened ones onto stage to throw into the crowd since it became a thing, but it actually started because she ran onto stage one time with one and some fans thought it looked cool so she kept doing it.
Appearance wise, she has choppy dyed hair with white red and black in the mix. East asian girl with beige skin, but she does full face makeup on stage based around goth and vkei. Might do an outfit collage another time…
Goes by Ivy because it’s her initials (her parents thought von was a middle name and didn’t realize it’s meant to be part of the last name)
Her stage name though is IV, as in the hospital equipment, but cause it’s also the roman numerals for four, her lucky number. She started using it to match with Seven, and he has this as his tattoo because it’s always been ‘her number’ even before it was her stage name. She still has her tattoo as well, and doesn't bother to conceal it.
"Sev!" and "Ive!"
Similarly to how Seven doesn't like Duckstein, Ivy hates her first name and any variations of it, treating Ivy as her name. "Don't call me Nezzie!!" (unless it was high school and you were Seven getting back at them for calling you 'Ducky')
Needs glasses but wears contacts! They worked hard on that eye makeup goddammit!! They just wore glasses back in high school though.
Has a Soundcloud they’ve been using since middle school. They started posting solo songs there which are usually indie pop or some other experimental sound different from the band.
She used to play the violin, but stopped when she got older and focused more on being a vocalist and dance. Ironically? Not that good with plants.
Girl the first meeting between them and August was so funny. “August, meet IV, the one I was telling you about." “You can just call me Ivy. It's nice to meet you." “Isn’t that the same thing…?” “Nah. Ivy— I-V-Y is based off my initials. IV— I and V, is the Roman numeral four.” “…For?” “Yeah, four!” “No for what?” “What do you mean, four what? Four just…means four.”
Deadly arachnophobia. She screamed her fucking lungs out on the bus when they thought they saw one and climbed onto Rowan while shrieking at him to kill it (it was some thread).
They became way more bitter and cynical over time, but out of spite (towards their parents, the world, Seven—) remain stubbornly ambitious and laugh in the face of whatever tries to take her down. It’s just easier and less embarrassing to be volatile than wistful or a doormat. It's for the sake of pride, really.
Closeted Soft Violence fan. You will have to threaten to kill her (or catch her deeply off guard) before she even thinks of admitting this.
She projects anger and spite in front of Seven because she can't help herself. When it comes to being vulnerable, she would always stamp it down or try to cover it up. Inwardly, she’s just really sad and wanting for what’s not really there anymore and never will be. You’re in his dms I’m disgusted by the enormity of my desire!!! We are NOT the same!!!
This is similar to how she acts around her parents. She still really wants to have a relationship with them but feels she's the one who has consistently had to try to have that, which makes her bitter and embarrassed as an adult. They make her feel like a meek little kid again and this time she doesn't even have Seven to fall back on when that happens-- which makes the feeling worse. AUGHH!!!
She’s really only chasing fame because that has to be what makes all of this hurt and effort worth it. Otherwise, genuinely, what was it all for? To share their music? Don't fuck with them like that. It stopped being about 'their' music when Seven left. They're a damn good band, Ivy loves her friends, and she has fun-- but it's just not the same goal without him around anymore.
Used to hate confrontation, but now dives into drama for the hell of it (even if she won’t start it herself necessarily). Generally hates being underestimated or pitied, and doesn’t like getting help because they’re not a ‘charity case.’ Has become kind of trashy and plays comic relief with Rowan alot. Speaking of him...
Her ship name with Rowan was originally ‘IRow’ (Ivy’s a shameless atla fan) but was quickly overtaken by ‘Bloody Hart.’ They’re not into each other but they did kiss while drunk once (which for them kinda solidified the fact they aren't into each other). Fans also coined ‘Snivy’ for her and Seven, though the two never dated.
Is rooting for Piercehart. She has the edits that have started rolling in saved on her camera roll already. They've also been victims of the shipping culture though #AutumnIvy (a typo that just...stuck? August isn't even a fall month!)
Started believing in the idea of fate after Seven left the band. If it brought them together once it can do it again (she refuses to think about it or accept this being the real reason why yet and just chalks it up as her committing to the bit.)
Worst Demeanor: Tweeted ‘Taylor Swift is mid’ then put their phone on dnd for the next two days. She still has it pinned to her profile.
Pinch Me— cause I must be dreaming!
Genre: Alternative Rock, dipping occasionally into Pop Rock
Fandom: Idealists
First album: Burn the Candle
Hit song: At Both Ends
GC: pretenders
xoxo to anyone who got this far have these two drabbles. first one was inspired by the very normal line of thought ‘man what if mc died before they could make up with seven’ (+haha they swapped how they feel about fate) and the second from the fact that sev canonically thought abt mc during their dates like DUDE !!!
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frantic-babbling · 6 months ago
thinking about the scientist by coldplay
except it's about darry and paul
except it's the glee cast version
so it's about darry and paul's overly dramatic breakup
choose your fighter: rachel/finn, santana/brittany, blaine/kurt, tw: mr schue--will/emma
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nichacabral · 4 days ago
Anyways I don’t really have skin in the game and not that anyone cares but here are my thoughts re: the RBR and Lawson situation
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piratebay · 3 months ago
me watching a next to normal bootleg 10 years ago: huh well. that's sad she had trauma. couldn't be me tho
me 8 years later:
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qrcane · 1 year ago
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woodsborostabathon · 5 months ago
will never understand how anyone could seriously hate vince. like if u do not find him fine as hell even tho he is. how can u not at least find it a lil bit Funny that this man fumbled his bitch so bad that he was resorting to pulling up outside her school in the middle of the afternoon in his purple 1971 dodge charger. parking within her line of sight. then just leaning on the whip and serving face for a few mins before dipping. nary a word spoken just there for the love of the game and to remind liv that he exists n still wants her sooooo bad 😭
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