#Charles comes alot later on
renslo161605 · 11 months
For context i have a comic about if Isaac Morgan lived on my blog js incase anyone is severely confused-
I want to warn everyone who likes my comic right now because it's dawned on me that I have a crippling fear of disappointing People and this may trigger it 😭
Spoiler warning if you care lmao
So obviously i get notifs every time someone likes my comic and I've noticed quite a few people who consistently keep up with it (I LOVE YOUS TO BITS BTW OMG <333) but i want to say that the longer the comics goes on it'll be less and less part of the story. It never REALLY disrupts the events of rdr2. But theres a point in the story where nearly every character is an oc. And again, it's still linked to the events of rdr2 but it's kinda in a way meant to be an entirely different story derived from the events of rdr2.
The only other canon characters that isaac gets to meet the rest of the story is Arthur Morgan (not really) Colm Odriscoll, Keiran Duffy and Charles smith
Apart from that theres mentions of all the other gang members but Isaac basically has his own story. I almost want it to be a plot point that his Arthur didn't make Isaac who he is. Isaac made Isaac who he is yk? He's not the same as Arthur, he doesn't have the same abilities, he doesn't have the same background, he doesn't have the same upbringing and he doesn't have the same life.
But yeah I'm really sorry if thats disappointing. I LUV YALL ANYWAY FOR KEEPING UP :))
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natailiatulls07 · 3 months
your Marguerite stories are the best parts of my day
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Jules Bianchi x Daughter!reader
Charles Leclerc x little sister!reader
Summary - There's a spider in Y/n's bedroom, Charles is trying to be a big strong man but sometime it's okay to be scared of a small spider
A/n - Aww thank you gorgeous!! This isn't my best, it was written on my phone so that explains alot lol
‘Ah fuck! Ew!’ I shout, jumping back from my bed. On the wall above my bed is giant black spider, one of my worse fears. Standing in the middle of the room, I contemplate if I should kill it or get it out somehow.
And then, out of fear, I decide that this little spider isn’t my problem anymore and Charles can deal with it. I mean it is his problem to take care of me, even if that means dealing with spiders. ‘Charles! I need your help please!’
Popping my head out of the room, down in the living room I can see Charles and Alexandra’s looks of concern as they jump up from the plush sofa.
Once they arrive, I nervously point towards the spider. Charles just gasps and turns to look at me with a shocked expression on his face. A laugh leaves Alexandras lips when she sees the spider; Unlike me and Charles, she isn’t scared of spiders.
We connect eyes, both of us having a cheeky glint in them, and we have the same idea. ‘Well Charles, can you get the spider?’ She asks him, biting her lip to hide the smirk.
I don’t even bother to hide my own mischievous smile.
Now stood just beside the bed, Charles now has a frown on his face. It’s very clear he doesn’t want to do this but he knows he doesn’t have much choice in the matter.
With a huff, Charles silently devised a plan. We watch as the clogs turn in his head. ‘Right! I need a glass and some cardboard.’ He declares before Alexandra walks down the hall to the kitchen, coming back with a wine glass and a piece of ripped up Amazon box and passing it to him. ‘Thanks..’
Hesitantly the driver approaches the wall, and I can how he is trying his best to hide how scared he is right now.
With how much he is hiding how scared he is, it doesn’t hide how long it takes for him to get even up to the wall.
Alexandra giggles before stepping over to him, taking the glass and the cardboard and with one smooth move, she has the spider trapped in the glass. She successfully scurries to the balcony to discard the little bug. I turn and look over to Charles who just has a defeated pout to his face.
Laughter escapes my lips with Alexandra’s own laughter joining mine a few seconds later. Walking into my bedroom I wrap my arms around Charles softly. ‘I know you didn’t do anything but thank you..’
I just know that the fail was a bit of a blow to his ego. He just rolls his eyes, wrapping his arms around me still. ‘Mmh I had it down, just wanted to give the spider a choice..’ He grumbles, almost a little childishly.
Alexandra joins the hug, chuckling at her partners little tantrum. ‘Whatever you say gorgeous!’ Earning one groan and one little giggle in return.
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
bound by heartbreak (cl16)
✦ pairing - charles leclerc x female!reader
✦ genre - coping with death, angst, alot of tears, happy ending
summary: bound by tragedy, charles leclerc and y/n bianchi, sister to the late jules bianchi, find solace in each other. on the somber anniversary of jules’ passing, their grief collides, pushing them to the brink. as they navigate the complexities of loss and guilt, their love and support become their only lifeline.
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The weight of the world seemed to press down on Charles as he stared out of the Monaco apartment window. The city, usually a vibrant tapestry of lights and life, appeared muted, a reflection of the somber day. Today was the anniversary of Jules Bianchi’s death, a scar that wouldn’t heal, a wound that reopened with every tick of the clock.
His phone buzzed, pulling him from the abyss. It was Y/N, Jules’ younger sister, his anchor in the storm. "Hey, are you okay bebe?" her voice was a gentle caress, a soft whisper in the chaos of his mind.
"I’m trying cherie," he managed, his voice barely audible.
There was a long pause, the kind that held more meaning than words. "I know," she replied, her voice trembling slightly. "I know charlie. I just want you to know that Maman is having a lunch tonight to celebrate Jules. He would want you to come." Charles swallowed a lump in his throat and then agreed. The loss was unbearable but Y/N made everything better.
They had shared a bond forged in grief, a silent understanding that transcended words. Y/N was more than just Jules’ sister; she was his confidante, his solace, his love. Their relationship, born from tragedy, had blossomed into an oasis of support in the desert of their shared pain.
Later that evening, they sat on the terrace, the city lights twinkling like distant stars. A gentle breeze carried the salty scent of the Mediterranean. Y/N reached out, her hand finding his.
"Remember that time Jules taught us how to make pasta?" she asked, a small smile playing on her lips.
A wave of nostalgia washed over Charles. He could almost hear Jules’ infectious laughter, see his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "He was a terrible chef, but we had fun."
They laughed, a bittersweet sound that echoed the complexity of their feelings. Sharing memories of Jules was their way of keeping him alive, of honoring his spirit.
As the night deepened, a silence fell between them. It was a heavy silence, filled with unspoken words and unyielding grief. Y/N stood up and walked to the edge of the terrace. She looked out at the vast expanse of the sea, her silhouette a stark contrast against the city lights.
Charles watched her, his heart aching. He knew that look, the mask of composure slipping, revealing the raw pain beneath. He stood up and joined her, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
"It’s okay to not be okay," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Y/N leaned into his embrace, tears silently tracing paths down her cheeks. "I miss him so much, Charlie, it's not fair. Why was he taken away so young? He never got to see me grow up, fall in love with you or make a family. I'll never get to see him again and it hurts." she sobbed, her voice muffled against his chest.
He held her tighter, offering silent comfort. Charles spoke up after a moment, "You know cherie, Jules spoke about you every second he could. He loved his little sister and I know for a fact that he is looking down at us smiling, knowing that you'll be okay. Maybe even wanting to chase me with a broom for dating you." They laughed as they cuddles closer. They stood there for what felt like an eternity, the city lights blurring into a kaleidoscope of emotions.
Later that night, as Y/N slept peacefully, Charles woke with a start. A cold sweat drenched his body, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The nightmare, a recurring visitor, had returned. It was always the same – the car, the crash, the helplessness. He remembered watching the screen, as Jules's car went under the safety vehicle and the pure agony on Y/N's face.
He stumbled out onto the terrace, the cool night air providing a momentary respite. He leaned against the railing, his gaze fixed on the horizon. The pain was overwhelming, a physical ache that consumed him. He was strong, he was Charles Leclerc, but even he had his limits. His body trembled, a silent earthquake within. The memory of Jules, sharp and vivid, was a relentless tormentor. His mind replayed the accident on an endless loop, a horror film he couldn’t escape.
He was alone, or so he thought. The weight of the world was crushing him, and he couldn’t breathe. The guilt was a suffocating fog, a constant reminder of his own survival. He was a Formula 1 driver, a man of speed and precision, but in this moment, he was nothing but a broken vessel.
A soft touch on his arm startled him. He turned to find Y/N standing there, her eyes filled with concern. She had woken up, sensing his absence from the bed.
"Charles?" Her voice was soft, a gentle anchor in the storm.
He tried to compose himself, to mask the turmoil within, but the facade crumbled. Tears, hot and uncontrolled, streamed down his face.
"I’m so selfish Y/N," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the city's hum. "I’m the worst kind of person. You lost your brother and I'm crying and making this about me. What kind of person does that?"
Y/N stepped closer, her arms opening wide. Without hesitation, Charles fell into her embrace, his body shaking with sobs. She held him tightly, her warmth a comforting shield against the storm raging within him.
"You’re not selfish, Charlie," she said softly, stroking his hair. "You’re hurting, and that’s okay. We’re hurting together. You lost Jules just as much as I did. He was your godfather bebe. You loved him and he loved you. Of course you're in pain."
"But it’s different for me," he protested, his voice muffled against her shoulder. "I survived. I’m still here, living my life, while he... he’s gone."
"And that’s incredibly hard," Y/N acknowledged, her voice filled with empathy. "But that doesn’t make you selfish. You’re grieving, Charles. You’re allowed to feel everything you’re feeling."
"I just want to make it stop," he confessed, his voice barely a whisper.
"I know," she replied, her voice steady. "But it won’t stop overnight. Healing takes time, and it’s a journey we have to take together."
They stood there for what felt like hours, the city lights a distant blur. In the quiet of the night, they found solace in each other's presence. It was in these shared moments of vulnerability that their bond deepened, a testament to their resilience.
Eventually, the intensity of Charles’ emotions began to subside. Y/N continued to hold him, her presence a constant source of comfort. Slowly, the storm within him began to calm.
"Thank you Y/N, I don't know what I could do without you." he whispered, his voice hoarse.
"Always cherie," she replied, squeezing him tighter.
They stood there for a few more moments, the silence between them filled with unspoken understanding. And as the first light of dawn touched the horizon, they returned to the apartment, hand in hand, facing the new day with a renewed strength, born from their shared sorrow and unwavering support.
As the first rays of dawn painted the sky, a sense of calm washed over him. He took a deep breath, the salty air filling his lungs. He would face the day, one step at a time. He would be there for Y/N, as she had always been there for him. Together, they would carry on, honoring Jules’ memory by living their lives to the fullest.
The sun rose, casting its golden light on the city. A new day was dawning, filled with hope and resilience. And as the world woke up, so did Charles and Y/N, their hearts heavy but unbroken, their love for each other a beacon in the darkness.
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
Ive seen alot of quote requests and I rly want a Leclerc x fem reader smut where they start out as enemies (example is like Ferrari and Mercedes or Ferrari and Redbull) pls and include these two quotes
“Youre so full of shit Ferrari boy”
“but you keep coming back”
Id be rly grateful if u could write this haha
Touch my rear wing, I dare you
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➪I like the idea! Hope you enjoy what I came up with :)
➪(I’m assuming you mean Charles and not Arthur btw)
➪Also, this both follows and doesn't really follow a specific timeline. I’m just using my creative freedom for this. Some people are cut out of the story because of the reader insert!
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!Driver!Reader
Warnings: (18+ content) smut, oral (both receiving), swearing
Word count: 5.6k+
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You had always loved racing. Your father was a retired Formula 1 driver and had always taught you and your brother the basics of it. You used to go watch him speed around for Ferrari, which shaped your dream to become just like him. Your brother and yourself were both determined to make it as great drivers. Your mother was a stay-at-home mom with a lot of time on her hands. Therefore, convincing her to take you and your brother karting was no big feat. Especially seeing as your father was a driver himself.
You rose through the ranks faster than your brother, despite having started later than him. Your mother was hesitant to let you race at first, but eventually allowed it. You were called a star and a prodigy. Seeing as you were the only girl there, it made sense. Especially because you hit every apex just right and your overtakes were near-perfect every time.
After karting, you moved further up the ranks, eventually being crowned regional champion in Formula 3 (regional) and moving on to Formula 3.
It was there you met him; Charles Leclerc. He was the only one who seemed to be faster than you. Not only that but the idea of it had gotten to his head. You never actually spoke to him, but you'd see a smirk creep up on his face once in a while after beating you. You wanted nothing more than to wipe it off with the sole of your shoe. You weren't superstitious, but there was sure to be karma coming his way sooner or later.
Luckily that karma came in the form of one George Russel and one Alex Albon. The two of them were just as competitive as you and Charles, eventually making the four of you gain a lot of attraction in the media. You were great friends with George. He always showed a tremendous amount of sportsmanship towards you. One time, he even helped you by letting you pass him, having you win the race. All the whilst Charles was left in the dust. You relished in it.
When Formula 2 came around, you were stuck, yet again, with Charles. That was also when you had your first real interaction. He went up to you before the last race and struck up a rather puzzling conversation. Puzzling in the sense that you had no idea why he was talking to you, or why he even wanted to.
“Hey, you're not a bad driver, but I would suggest you try to maybe stop sulking. People notice.” Infuriating. Absolutely infuriating.
“Maybe you should check up on that girlfriend of yours. I don't think she's into assholes. Maybe stop being one.” Even though you were in your own garage, you walked away. You couldn't stand being in his presence for a moment longer.
You were unlucky because Charles beat you and moved on to Formula 1 before you. You and he had been tied for the championship, but somehow he found his way around to beat you. It was then you realized you had to do something— anything to get into Formula 1.
Your luck seemed to only build after Charles left Formula 2, and you easily won the following championship, signing a deal with Alfa Romeo, which, to your surprise, was the worst thing to ever happen to you.
You'd somehow managed to place yourself in the same team as Charles, making him the only thing you couldn't destroy on the grid. You had to be a fair teammate to even be considered by your dream team, Red Bull. You'd seen Sebastian Vettel in his glory days, and you wanted the same for yourself. However, being in Formula 1 proved to be much harder than 2. You didn't really know what you had expected, because so many stars were competing for the championship.
It wasn't all that bad, though, because he never really said much and the two of you were somehow able to make it work. It was mainly due to the pressure of having to look good. You knew about the media and their swirling rumours. Many speculated that you were Charles’ side piece. It didn't matter to you, as long as you knew just how far from the truth that was.
After the 2018 season, you somehow managed to sign yourself with Red Bull for 2019, driving alongside Max Verstappen. He went on to become your best friend on the grid, as nobody really liked Red Bull and you had to stick together. Sebastian Vettel became a “father figure”, following the death of your father earlier in 2018. It hit you harder than any barrier had ever hit you, but you were able to get through it with the help of Vettel.
It was in 2019, that you finally started rising to the top and watching Charles start to lag behind. The feeling of watching him struggle was like a euphoric punch. Nothing made you happier. You and Max were a powerhouse of a team. He helped you, you helped him. He was more than happy with it, and so were you.
Everything led up to the 2022 season, where you started casually hooking up with none other than Charles Leclerc. It started at a party that Lando threw after the 2021 season had ended.
You were dancing out on the floor. Your dress barely covered your assets and you'd had more shots than you could count on your fingers. Completely wasted. That's what you were. What made matters worse was that you continued to do increasingly risky things like doing a handstand, which almost made your dress pull down with gravity. Everyone seemed to cheer you on, as they were just as drunk as you, if not more. Well, all but one. Charles lurked in the corner of the room. He didn't drink. You weren't sure why, nor did you care. But his eyes had been on you all night. The increasingly provocative behaviours you exhibited fueled something carnal within himself. Something he wasn't so sure he could control. He hated you, but at the same time… he hated the thought of someone getting their hands on you. He couldn't understand his line of reasoning. He didn't even think he had one.
The line was crossed when you came down to do a split on the floor, which ripped your dress; putting your panties on full display. Nobody but Charles paid attention to the severity of the move, so he pushed through the crowd and picked you up like you were nothing. He wasn't in control anymore. His brain had just switched to auto-pilot. Nobody realized he took you. Nobody realized the two of you were gone.
The next morning, you found yourself in a fluffy white bed, which horrified you. Your sheets were deep green and silk. Nothing like the bed you were lying in. On top of that, your clothes were gone and you were lying in your underwear. Groggy, you pulled yourself up and realized you were alone. Next to you was a bedtable with a glass of orange juice with a pill next to it. There was a card too and it was addressed to you.
“I bet you had a nice time last night. I had to leave early for a meeting, but I left you some things for your hangover. Call me if you need anything and leave whenever you want to.
– Charles”
You were beyond shocked. You were at a loss for words. Had you really slept with Charles? Charles Leclerc? The one person you hated on the grid? You could barely believe the two of you had a friendly interaction, let alone slept together. You quickly chugged the juice with the pill and got out of bed. You couldn't find your dress anywhere, so you decided to go find Charles’ closet. Everything was too big for you, but after some digging, you found a shirt and a pair of pants that you were able to adjust to your own size. You didn't care about your messy hair. You just had to get out of that house. When trying to remember what had happened the night before, you only added to the already existing headache. The conclusion then was; you slept with Charles after getting drunk and you would never ever tell a soul or do it again.
You debated whether to ask Max to come and get you, or call an Uber. You knew Max would pick you up and not ask questions… well if it didn’t involve Charles. You ended up paying for an Uber to not let the secret spill. Max was a trusted friend but you didn’t even want him to know. Vettel would likely just give you any advice a dad usually would, which was why you decided not to bother him either. Besides, everyone would probably be too hungover to care about anyone and anything but their bowel movements.
“Miss, where to?” Asked the driver. You told him the address and he started driving. Unlike other Ubers you’d taken before, this guy was chatty. He told you about his dog, a golden retriever that he named Lila. He talked about everything and nothing at the same time. You had to be careful not to accidentally tune his talking out like white noise.
After a while, you were finally dropped off and you were left alone to soak in the painful false memory of sleeping with Charles.
- End of flashback-
*Still not present. First race of the 2022 season
You walked around your car, gliding your hand around it, feeling the smooth metal against your gloves. That’s when your peace was disturbed by a voice you hated all too much.
“Are you ready for 22?” You turned your head to see Charles with a smug look on his face. You hadn’t seen him or heard from him since the day you walked out of his apartment. It was simply too embarrassing for you.
“Don’t talk to me. Go bother someone else,” you huffed. Max was talking to Horner in the back of the garage. You had nobody to save you from having to talk to Charles.
“After the night we had? I don’t think so,” he said whilst walking closer and almost touching your rear wing.
“Touch my rear wing, I dare you.” The two of you shared a brief look after you said that. Charles then took the liberty of walking closer to you.
“You know what? I have a bet. If I win this race, you come home with me. I just want to talk, okay? If you win… you can ignore me and treat me like trash. Deal?” You contemplated for a while but realized it was in his favour.
“Hey, that’s not fair. I don’t want to go with you and I certainly don’t want the Bahrain curse looming over my head. What kind of deal is this?” You spat. He only seemed to be amused by that.
“Slipped my mind. Okay, then let’s do it like this; whoever places the highest— wins.” You immediately shook his hand harshly and started prepping for the race.
You ended up in P2 with Charles taking the risk of the Bahrain curse. You couldn’t wrap your head around why he would risk the championship just to sit and talk with you. It didn’t make any sense. You didn’t want to talk about that night. Why would he want to? It wasn’t like the outcome ended in a pregnancy. There was nothing to talk about.
After the race, an interviewer came up to you after having talked to Charles.
“—And hello, P2! You were amazing out there! Even avoiding pole position! How do you feel?” You felt like you’d lost everything. It was miserable. You hated losing in races, but you certainly also hated losing bets.
“I mean, I feel great! I was able to stay on top; and to me, it still feels like a 1-2 for Red Bull.” You lied straight through your teeth. It was a strike of sheer luck that you were born with such an amazing PR ability.
“Charles said that you might be upset for placing behind him, care to comment?” You looked at the interviewer with a puzzled look on your face.
“Uhhh, I’m not sure what that’s about. Maybe he doesn’t know about the Bahrain curse?” You chuckled and quickly tried to make your way away from her. She waved and you waved back with a short smile.
Upon arriving at the Red Bull motorhome, you saw Max sitting on a couch with Kelly. He looked satisfied with the win for Red Bull.
“Hey, congrats on P2. Max was telling me about it,” said Kelly. You never really liked Kelly all that much, but she was nice to Max so you didn’t bother her. Penelope, her daughter, was cute and you’d sometimes offer to babysit her for them.
“Yeah, it was a nice race.” You grabbed a juice box from the fridge and let yourself slump down in a chair.
“Why do you look so defeated? This is basically a 1-2 for us.” Max and Kelly made sure to look concerned. You didn’t want to talk about it, nor did you want to think about it. You had to meet up with Charles anyway, so you decided to give a short and vague response, before leaving,
“I guess I’m just tired. I have to go now, actually.”
You waited by Charles’ car, knowing that the paparazzi were taking pictures of you doing so. You tried your best to remain anonymous though, wearing a thick hoodie with no print along with a cap, sunglasses, and a mask. Your hair was tucked inside the hood of the hoodie. Nobody could really tell who you were, but they’d certainly speculate.
“You look like a serial killer; waiting by my car with that outfit,” said a voice coming up behind you. You saw the many fans screaming and the paparazzi wanting statements. Charles ignored them and opened the door for you. Still not wanting to actually converse with him, you decided to sit in the backseat instead. The Ferrari driver rolled his eyes, sighed, shut the shotgun seat door and got in himself. You were not going to sit next to him. You knew that only bad things would come of it.
“So, I’m your taxi driver now? Why didn’t you just get in when I opened the door for you?” He sounded a bit pissy and it was in all honesty pretty entertaining to sit and ignore.
“Hmm. Okay. So you’re only talking when it’s absolutely necessary?” You ignored him yet again. It was a mystery how the drunk version of you got to talking with him— even going as far as sleeping with him. Ever since that night, you’d had dreams about it. You believed they were fragments of memories coming back to you. It was haunting to relive. All those dreams about him; about Charles, they were just like any adult movie you’d seen before. It was embarrassingly detailed.
Luckily, the awkward car ride was short. The two of you arrived at his hotel and quickly got inside. The fact that the two of you were going to be alone in his suite was daunting to you.
“Make yourself at home, I’ll get you something to drink.” You took off your sunglasses, cap, and mask, and sat by the table in the room. Charles served your drinks before sitting across from you. It was like a fever dream; being in a hotel suite with your one true rival.
“I know you might not want to talk about what happened four months ago… but I think we should,” Charles began. You dreaded the atmosphere. It felt heavy. Too heavy.
“Look, I have dreams about what happened and I just— I don’t really know what to say,” you shot in before he could say anything else.
“You remember? I didn’t think you would. You were so drunk, you know?”
“I remember alright. I’ve dreamt about that night so many times now, I think I’m going to go crazy soon.” You buried your face in your hands whilst sighing.
“Yeah… I think I would be embarrassed too…” you looked up in confusion.
“Embarrassed…? I know we’re not exactly mates, but embarrassing?” At the very least, he could’ve tried to be more sympathetic. You’d been extremely drunk that night.
“Yeah, you were so loud. I got complaints from my neighbours.” Mortifying. Absolutely mortifying. He wasn’t talking about your body. He was talking about your moaning. You weren’t sure how you’d recover from that one.
“Shit… but you were technically also a part of it. You’re making it sound like it’s all me.” You scowled at him.
“How was I a part of that?”
“Well, for starters, you’re the one who fucked me. I told you. I keep dreaming that… so much of it… I want to throw up.” It was probably a bad idea to have admitted that, but you didn’t want to lose the dispute.
“Fucked? You think we fucked?” He sounded genuinely surprised. His face also matched the tone of his voice, with his eyes wide open.
“Yeah, against the headboard… as I remember it, we went at it hard. On top of that, I was drunk… so can you blame me for being loud?” His shocked face suddenly melted into a smirk and his signature smug face after rubbing a victory in yours.
“So you’re telling me… you’ve dreamt about me taking you against the headboard in my apartment? Going at it hard?” Was he toying with you? You couldn’t tell.
“You know… that’s not what happened. You were so drunk I had to take you to my apartment. You were yelling and crying the entire time for some reason. I had to change you out of your dress because you threw up on it and you also threw up on the floor. You passed out minutes after you did so…” when you came to that realization, you were beyond embarrassed. The most embarrassing thing was the dreams that you admitted to having. Dreams that weren’t actual memories, but just your imagination. Did you want to fuck him? Was that it? You couldn’t bring yourself to think about it,
“If I’m correct… you were having wet dreams about… me?” You didn’t answer him. You simply got up from your seat and made your way to the front door. You had to leave. However, before you could open it, Charles pinned you to it, trapping you between his arms.
“What are you doing, Leclerc?” You looked at him with doe eyes. His breathing was ragged and you could tell he had some bad intentions.
“I have a new deal to make. For the rest of the calendar, let’s have it this way: whoever places highest wins.” He took a moment to breathe and stare into your eyes somewhat intensely.
“What about the winner?” You asked. The air felt hot and heavy. A knee was pushed between your legs.
“The winner…” he hesitated,
“The winner decides whether to fuck or not.” You gulped at his words and saw the look in his eyes.
“Deal.” The rest was history.
*Present time
It was the last race of the season and you were more than happy to finally take a well-deserved break. You had placed podium plenty of times and won against Leclerc more times than you could remember. The arrangement the two of you had set up was flawed, however. You both knew it was a bad excuse to hook up with each other, as neither of you ever chose to not fuck.
“Fuck, we need to bring this one home. If you win this, you’re the champion! First ever female champion and it’s for our team! Go out there and drive like your life depends on it, yeah?” Horner’s pep talks always got you into your racing mindset. He was the only person besides Max who was really able to lift your spirits like that.
“I’ll be there to fend off anyone threatening your pole,” said Max, who was getting ready to step in. You smiled and went in for a tight hug,
“Thanks, Max. Let’s bring it home for Red Bull!” The two of you got into your positions with your cars. The lineup was in your favour, as you’d placed pole in the qualifying session. Max was in P4, but you knew he’d have no problem working his way right behind you.
As soon as the race started, you sped off. It was smooth, and you worked most apexes just right. The radio sounded and told you that Max was right behind you, which put your mind at ease. You had nothing to be worried about as long as Max was on defense.
“So uh, Max just took out Sainz along with himself. It’s all up to you now. Leclerc is a little under half a second behind you. Your heart sank. Not just because of Max’s sacrifice, but also because Leclerc was behind you. He had the power to snatch the championship from you and graciously hand it over to another driver. You couldn’t have that happen. You simply couldn’t. You didn’t want to let Horner down, and you couldn’t bear to live with letting Max down after his takedown.
“Fuck, okay. I’ll fend him off as much as possible. We’re in the homestretch anyway, right?”
“Yes, just 5 more laps to go.” You gave it your all. You saw red. Everything was just about winning and keeping the Ferrari car behind you.
In the end, you won, but you actually couldn’t understand how. Even though you gave it your all, you did have tiny lapses of moments where Leclerc could’ve snuck in and gone for the win… but for some reason, he didn’t.
You were met with tight hugs and huge roars from fans. Max immediately lifted you up into the air and brought Christian over to do a group hug. Your interview was breezy and you felt like you’d won at life. All throughout listening to your national anthem and spraying champagne on your fellow drivers, you couldn’t help but think about Charles and why in the world he let you win.
You met up with Charles after everything. You decided to go straight to the Ferrari motorhome. There he was. In all his glory. He was scrolling through his phone, presumably checking his emails and his socials.
“Hey, uh, Charles… could we talk for a minute?” You asked. The look he gave you when he noticed was unreadable. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking or feeling. He followed you outside and to a more secluded area where you were sure nobody would be able to hear you.
“You let me win,” you began.
“I didn’t. All I did was—“
“Shut up, okay? I know you did. I just… I want to know why,” you sighed and put a hand on your hip.
“I think you deserved the win. That’s all,” he smiled and crossed his arms.
“You’re so full of shit, Ferrari boy,” you spat and looked away. There wasn’t much around you, but a brick wall and a fence. Nobody would be able to spot you with Charles. The last thing you wanted was for the media to think the two of you were fraternizing.
“—But you keep coming back,” he replied. You slowly turned your head, only to be shoved into the wall behind you. The brunette had both of your arms locked by his hands. There was no escape for you. You had to confront whatever the two of you had been running around doing for the past season.
“Tell me, why is it such a bad thing for us to just fuck and actually feel things for each other?” He whispered. You wanted to deny it. You wanted to deny everything. He was foul, he was rude, he was reckless, but he was yours… he’d always been yours. Ever since he broke up with Giatti, the two of you had an eerie air around each other. One that couldn’t be explained with your past. One that made your heart beat faster.
“You remember the dreams you had about Lando’s party? That was all you. You must’ve felt something for me to have dreamt something like that,” he continued. Oh gosh, the dreams. He just had to bring up the dreams. You knew, however, that he wasn’t entirely wrong. Your stomach would churn with butterflies whenever you thought back to your dreams.
“Screw just fucking. Why shouldn’t we date? Tell me why we can’t be with each other.” He looked directly into your eyes, desperately searching for an answer.
“I… I just can’t— I mean I… I hate you,” you said,
“I fucking hate you, Charles!” He started backing off, and you started cornering him against the fence behind him.
“I hate how you make me feel all of these things I’m not supposed to feel!” You calmed down, and once again, were shoved against the wall.
“Tell me all about how I make you feel. My place or yours?”
“Yours… my room is further than yours,” you said whilst avoiding eye contact.
Charles immediately took you to his hotel suite. It was right next to Hamilton’s. As soon as the door opened— you threw your arms around his neck and he told you to jump into his arms. Your legs were wrapped around his waist and the two of you made out feverishly. There was no time to bring it to the bedroom. The two of you were used to doing it in all sorts of places. The Ferrari driver placed you on a counter and you started stripping each other. He was impressed by your effort to wear matching lace underwear. Whenever you did so, you always claimed it was for yourself, but he liked to beg to differ.
“Fuck, tell me.” Charles was buried in your neck, you couldn’t make yourself answer.
“Tell me how I make you feel,” he gasped before going in again.
“Good… you make me feel so good,” you sighed. His lips latched onto every part of your neck that made you feel like royalty.
“You know what I mean, baby. Tell me how I make you feel.” his demanding voice was enough to make you pant harder.
“You make my… My heart beat faster,” you moaned.
“I feel fuzzy around you.” He loved hearing your declarations of love, so much that he couldn't take the slow pace anymore.
In a flash, he grabbed you by the hips and helped you to the floor on your knees.
“God, you're divine. Can you be a good girl and suck?” you stared at him as you removed his boxers, letting his dick spring free. It twitched in appreciation for your touch. You traced your fingers against a particularly prominent vein and heard his sounds of pleasure. He groaned and bucked his hips, needing your mouth. You met his wishes; starting by licking from the bottom to the tip. When you wrapped your lips around him, he tangled his fingers in your hair and started bobbing your head on his cock. You couldn't take all of him, but he pressed on, making you gag.
“You take me so well,“ Charles sighed, throwing his head back. With the help of his hand in your hair, you went faster, feeling his tip touch the back of your throat with every bop of your head. He seethed through his teeth and after a few minutes, you could tell he was getting close. He was grunting like crazy and pulling your hair as if his life depended on it. God, when he looked at you— he almost came. Tears stained your face and your mascara was running.
“Fuck, baby, I can't hold it anymore,“ he moaned and rammed into your face a final time, releasing his cum down your throat. You swallowed everything. He was breathless and so were you, but even so— he still had more stamina left. Stamina that he needed to use up.
“I want to taste you.“ He sat you on the counter again, before roughly spreading your legs. His fingertips teased you, grazing your inner thighs; getting closer and closer to your cunt.
“Hurry, I need you,“ you sighed and grabbed his hair.
“I said to beg for it.“ The Ferrari driver had a lustful gaze and his eyes were filled with a certain need. The insatiable hunger for you.
“Not good enough.”
“Please, Charles.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“Please… Eat me out, Leclerc.”
“Good girl,” he said before diving in. With a thumb flicking your clit, he began sucking, his tongue messaged your folds in an unreal way. He slurped as if he hadn't eaten in days and you were his salvation.
“Oh fuck, Charles!” You couldn't help but squeeze his head between your thighs. With one hand, he clenched your thigh tightly, continuing to suck you for all you were worth.
Your moans and gasps motivated him to go faster and thrust his tongue deeper into you. Your vision was blurry with pleasure. He was too good, and you couldn't take it for much longer.
“I'm going to cum,” you half-screamed and pulled him closer. He pulled away for a quick second to get a word in,
“Cum on my tongue, baby. Give it to me,” his words mixed with the pleasure of his tongue pushed you over the edge, and you found yourself releasing all over his mouth. He licked you clean afterwards and cleaned his face with a kitchen towel.
Whilst he was walking back to you, you noticed his dick being fully erect again. How that was possible, was beyond you. Apparently, he saw you staring; because he chuckled before trapping you in a delicious kiss. You tasted a bit of yourself on his tongue. It was so erotic, you couldn't fathom it.
“You taste like heaven, babydoll,” Charles whispered. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I'm going in. You're still on the pill, right?” He asked before doing anything. You nodded swiftly and bucked your hips desperately.
“Please, Charles.”
“Please what?“
“Please fuck me stupid, Charles” He was caught off-guard by your bold response. It flipped a switch in him that made him go rogue. You were immediately swept off the counter and bent over it instead. He pinned your hands above your head and rubbed your cunt before stroking himself a few times, and then entering slowly.
“Oh fuck, you're so tight.” You heard him groan. When he reached as far as he could with your current position, you arched your back to help him reach deeper. He rested to let you get used to him. You'd had sex more times than you could count, but somehow, you were always tight. This time wasn't any different.
After a few moments, you told him to move; which he did. He almost pulled all the way out, leaving just the tip in. From there, he slammed into you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your back arched like a cat.
“Fuck!” You couldn't help but scream out. The stretch was beyond amazing. He was doing you just right. With every moan and every call of his name, he gained more confidence. The confidence fed him the energy and stamina to go even faster and harder.
You were an utter mess. Your hair stuck to your forehead due to the amount of sweat that clung to it. You were seeing stars and it felt like you were choking. You repeatedly screamed out his name like a holy mantra. It was unreal.
“Scream my name louder, sugar. Let the entire hotel know who you belong to!” You obliged. Your screams got louder and his thrusts— wilder. You felt your legs going numb, so Charles lifted one and it helped him reach even deeper than before. His hips rutted directly against yours at that point. It was heaven on earth.
“Fuck, I'm so close!” You finally yelled.
“Cum with me, okay?”
You went at it like rabbits for a few more minutes before you felt your knot begin to undo itself. Leclerc’s thrusts became more and more sloppy. It didn't take long before you came all over his dick, which pushed him to fill you to the brim. The mixture of your essence and his dripped down your thighs. You couldn't move. You couldn't feel your legs.
“Let's take a shower and go take a rest.” He lifted you from the counter and swung you over his shoulder, walking into the shower. When he turned it on, you felt the hot drops of water rain down on your skin. He helped clean you, as you couldn't stand on your own.
“I'm sorry if I was too rough,” He said whilst scrubbing your back.
“No, I'm fine. This was amazing, Ferrari boy.” He chuckled at your nickname.
After showering, the two of you headed straight to his bed. You cuddled into him, feeling the rise and fall of his chest. Your legs were entangled with his and his arm was wrapped around you, pulling you almost fully onto himself.
“Did you mean it? Do you really have feelings for me?” He asked, looking at the ceiling.
“Did you let me win?” You asked.
”... Yes, I did,” he replied sheepishly.
“Then you have your answer.” With that, you found it hard to stay awake for a second longer; passing out whilst hearing the sound of his heart beating to yours.
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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tiredfinch · 3 months
also here's marauders music taste hcs (period accurate), but some characters aren't included bc I'm not super deep in fandom so I don't . know/think anything abt them.
james- I think he'd be a big fan of all the music of the now and maybe 10 ish years earlier. lots of sixties duwopy pop-rock like the beatles, the zombies and the turtles but also more contemporary stuff; Fleetwood Mac, Wings, the Pretty Things, Frank Zappa, the Eagles, Queen and Bowie (not glam, disco. so like thin white Duke era- not that he'd mind glam bowie I just think he'd prefer disco bowie)! also I think like Ambrosia and other 70s pop he'd dig.. but I think he would be totally in love with Fleetwood Mac, especially their album Mystery to Me- because it would remind him of lily. I think he, along with alice, would get lily more into fleetwood mac.
lily - I think she'd really prefer 50s rock and jazz .. blues and soul too, though I don't think she'd mind later rock. she just seems very buddy holly/chet baker/frank sinatra/ray charles/ella fitzgerald/nina simone, I also think she'd really like otis redding but he's 60s lol, oh and I think she would've LOVED the monkees when she wad younger and would think theyre brilliant.
sirius - glam glam glam and then also punk from the late 70s-81.. also goth+post punk music (ie. the cure, echo and the bunnymen, the smiths, siouxsie and the banshees, depeche mode, joy division ect ect) but I always think of goth as sort of a mid-late 80s thing so I don't think he'd have really been exposed to alot of goth bands because he was. in jail... but I think David Bowie, T. Rex, Lou Reed, the Velvet Underground, and then like Television, Patti Smith, the Clash, Iggy Pop, the Stooges. yk.. but also a lot of what James listens to as well!:3 bc they r bff! also I think remus and sirius share great love for queen :)
remus! - folk! and art rock! I think he'd like a lot of the glam sirius listens to and I think he'd be a very big velvet underground fan. as for folk, I think Bob Dylan, Vashti Bunyan, Donovan, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Janis Ian, Simon and Garfunkle, GEORGE HARRISON!! - that sort of vibe.. also also think he'd share folky stuff with lily and she would rather enjoy it !
peter - I don't think he really listens to music tbh, not in the way where he'd have favourites. just whatever is on the radio/the records his friends play!
alice - I think she lovessssss female artists and makes a point to listen to them. Carole King, Joni Mitchell, Janis Ian, Janis Joplin, Tina Turner, Kate Bush, Aretha Franklin, very varied but very girl, because I think Alice is a big fan of women doing things idk. bisexual moment 4 her. I think her and lily would also both share a really great love of Stevie Nicks and be like fanatics of hers.
frank - I think bro LOVES reggae idk. Bob Marley fan. culture/jimmy cliff/the gladiators. I also think he'd like a lot of "dad rock" bands, led zeppelin/steely dan/the eagles/the who/the kinks.. yar naur. he's a man❤️🙂‍↕️
severus - classical music snob, probably inherited from his mom. loathes rock n roll idk. seems like THAT SORT OF GUY..
regulus - lots of classical and jazz, but not in the way severus is like pretentious, I mean coming from a muscianship standpoint. I think he'd especially love miles davis jazz wise and beethoven+liszt classical music wise (ie. I think he'd have a great love for romantic music, even though beethoven isn't usually considered romantic- just LISTEN to moonlight sonata, it is DRIPPING with the emotion of romantic music).
I also have a list of music artists I think would be witches/wizards in the wizardings world, so I might post that soon:)
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pkspade · 13 days
Hey this is not something i usally descuss but I want to talk about my chapter 2 killer theorys for despair time okay? okay(also spoilers up to chapter 2 episode 13)
first things first, Xander,Min,And Arei, are clear, there dead and it is not possible for a dead person to do this crime
next, i want to clear people who are unlikly from a meta knowledge of how fangans work
Levi,Nico,And Arturo, we already discussed them early in the trial at some point, the most recent being Nico him being the Most likly but they are also non binary, and i don't see the author's killing the non binary character the chapter they came out,
now going on with the "they probably are not the killer based on story writting perspective, Teruko, David, and Charles are ALL also safe due to them being the protagonist,antagonist (Kinda, david is weird but even so he just would be a weird killer from what we know if you ask me) and support, all of them have a arch going on and is weird to kill them off now.
here is all the people i have crossed out from the meta perspective
(Xander,Min,Arei,Levi,Nico,Arturo,Teruko,David, and Charles)
Leaving the Following characters as suspects
(Eden,Hu,Whit,J,Veronika,Rose,And Ace.)
But wait we can still cross out more characters,
Eden's talk with Teruko would be a really weird scene if they killed her of only a few episodes later, J has not done, much besides call people hypocrits and bastards, and even if J and comment on points adding to points, I feel there is more to her coming and don't see her dying chapter 2, and i think the chapter card is a red hearing. I feel like a similar sentiment applys to Veronika, also adding to the fact she allows the writter to explain the characters thought process (Teruko,Ace,David,Levi) killing her now is unlikly due to how good of a writting tool she is (not hating on the writters, in fact that is a really good idea it just disqualifys her in my mind. and lastly.
this leaves just just Rose, Ace,Hu and Whit.
and here we have to bring gender BACK up, normally in fangans, and dangans, even as best as possible, and currently we have 1 dead male, and 2 dead females, and while this does not ON IT'S OWN clear Rose and Hu. other evidence adds up to make them clean in my book,
Mainly that Rose is connected to alot of cannon events and it would be a weird chapter to kill her in not knowing these facts (I know A similar things happened with Both Xander and Min but we learned those things post mortim and and that gives me more reason to believe she is innocent) and finally Hu, we are learning things about Hu, VERY SLOWLY, and it would be weird pacing if we just slowly learn things about Hu and then suddley we get slammed with a ton of new info, and she dies shortly there after (I know AGAIN this applys to Min and Xander but we both A. don't if all dead characters will get these and B. Hu does not seem to hold any plot relevence and if she does we lack evidence to prove it, and these videos were more about setting the scene of the fangan, and important names to think about)
and this just leaves Whit and Ace.
And with just close Whit is with Charles, and how Whit dying would destroy Charles and how Suspicous whit has been sense right before the body (aka the Hanging line, up to him being weirdly smart about the rope......i think he didn't do it, i think the author would like to let Whit and Charles get a little closer before revealing Whit to be an evil bastard and hurt Charles(also He is being uncomfortably helpful, and i doubt, the writters would pull the same trick twice in a row
Okay but why would he do it, simple. Nico/Levi
BOTH characters have threatend his life (Albeit he antagonized them so kinda his fault) and Nico STAIGHT UP TRIED TO KILL HIM. and his personality would make him a paranoid mess about this and make him try and get out asap.
And to add to that. during the trial,Ace mentioned thinking Levi was (at somepoint) a friend, and Levi (Claiming) he doesn't care if Ace bites the big one, i think both of these are Complete horse I think Levi DOES care about Ace, and seeing him die would upset him naturally, And I Levi , to an extent considers Ace a friend. so if Ace dies it would kick start some character development.
Anyways who do you think the killer is, Im excited to see theories^^
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tricerotopicpt2 · 4 months
Alright guys the fable smp pokemon au brainrot is back and full swing because ocie was posting about it so here's a couple of thoughts based on that (warning this post is a bit long 😅)
Ok ok, so it terms of what pokemon people would have and how they got them, here's the thoughts
I think icarus' partner pokemon would be an archeops they got from their dad. Something about the overworld foundation doing some kind of research with ancient pokemon and fable giving his kid one seems right. They'd also probably have a pom-pom style oricorio and a decidueye (something about a ghost type archer pokemon that bird shaped feels right). They'd absolutely have almost exclusively flying types. Charles is just a really high level torchic they got from and trade and cant use.
Rae would probably have an Espeon. It's just feels right for him between it being a psychic type and evolving through high friendship. Going with the idea of him studying psychic and dark types, an inkay could be good for that, but idk if it fits his vibe. I also think that a pa'u style oricorio could be fun because he could totally study its dancing and how that connect with its "psychic energy". Also it could be matching with icarus which is fun. While it's not dark or psychic, a lucario or riolu could also be fun because they literally sense auras. Like. It's their whole thing. A lucario evolves with high friendship, but it also might be a bit to strong for rae to own. Maybe a riolu that evoles later on.
Athena just gets all the fire types. And maybe some fairy and dark types. Their partner pokemon is absolutely a torracat. They deserve all the fire types. Athena could also have a baile style oricorio so all of prince trio can have matching bird guys (maybe I just like oricorio alot. But it's a fire type and it fits and its fun). Just give this guy fire pokemon. And also maybe an alcremie because baking.
On that same note, give Jamie a dachsbun. And some bear shaped pokemon.
Arisanna gets fairy pokemon, specifically I think her partner pokemon is a togekiss because I think the allays being togepi is really fun. Im not entirely sure about what other pokemon she would have tho. Maybe an azumaril because blue. I dont know how vexing would translate over to pokemon au, but vexed ari would absolutely have a tinkaton.
I think magearna comes into play somehow here, maybe Caspian would have it and fix it up. Idk I think magearna is a fun pokemon and could be a fun stand in for Raza. Similar thing with type null.
I think the first pokemon that ven would end of catching is an alolan vulpix. You cant tell me I'm wrong. Its literally a little white fox guy. It's probably the only pokemon he'll have for a while and probably won't evolve. Maybe he gets a ghost type pokemon later.
I'm starting to realize how much alolan pokemon I've given these guys. But to be fair, alola has fun pokemon and I watched the anime for it a lot after they took xy and xyz off Netflix.
I think the world sisters would probably just be besties with some legendaries/mythical. They probably wouldn't catch them, but momboo just hangs out with shaymin sometimes and ocie is homies with phione and manaphy. Or if we wanna stick with the alolan theme, tapu bulu and tapu fini.
I absolutely have way more thoughts, but this is what I'll say for now since I dont want this to be too long 😅. I want to hear more people thoughts on fable smp pokemon au's tho
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firefly--bright · 2 months
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b99 au has me like this can we have some more hcs pls pls pls pl
see u get me
U ASK AND I DELIVER here is part two to the headcanons (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ (+complimentary moodboard because I Feel Like It)
- ok so after the first date (which goes surprisingly well), you start hanging around the precinct more, and at first Connie and Sasha are ELATED because you didn't do it that often before jean. like they didn't realise that it was because you wanted to see him, sasha was just happy that you'd bring mid-day coffee to her and Connie was happy to just rant to you about how "no-one here trusts me ugh" (he's like a mix of Gina and Charles istg) and ur like mhm yeah it's totally not because you file your paperwork wrong everytime. totally, king. MHM.
- and jean usually grabs some lunch outside (which you notice!) and at this point you're not in an Established Relationship, aka you haven't had the "what are we" talk yet so it's mainly just you guys hanging out. right and eren recognises you and like jokes around with you and it pisses jean off SO BAD and eren (the little shit) KNOWS THAT. so he's just trying to get under jeans skin. and you become like this unofficial part of the family :3
- which, by the way, let's do this. who's who. Reiner is the sarge (yes he goes with the suspenders and yes eren and Connie objectify him because of his boobs). Connie and Sasha are partners because they work really well together since the beginning of Time and they're also really good at acting so they get assigned alot of undercovers. CAPTAIN LEVI it's in the name guys c'mon. hange is the autopsy..person. idk the actual name of it. but you get it. Erwin is Levi's husband and it's the whole arc of them basically adopting the precinct :) Mikasa and Armin are partners, jean and eren are also partners (most of the times) because they also work really well together. jean applied to be a lieutenant but that comes way later in the story. so hang on. for rn, tho, Armin is the lieutenant, and marco is the office assistant. ANYWAY
- right so. uhhh cue the Thanksgiving shenanigans. Levi (begrudgingly) invites the whole squad + hange, and asks everyone to bring your own dish. here's what happened
reiner ; guys ok we have to impress the captain and his husband-
eren : his name is Erwin. don't reduce him to just captain Levi's husband
jean : I don't think that's a reduction to his title
eren : stop bootlicki-
sasha : I don't know how to cook anything
Connie : she burnt the packet of ramen once.
Mikasa : the...the packet?
Armin : like, the plastic....covering?
sasha : mhm. I've solved alot of crimes.
Connie : yes she has
sasha : feminism isn't a joke.
jean just nods aggressively.
Reiner : right so....to avoid that... do you, can you possibly get someone to help you?
jean : their friend has a nam-
eren : what about titles now, horseboy?
Reiner : right. that could work.
marco : it really won-
jean : I THINK YEAH WE SHOULD ALL GO TO THEIR PLACE. MHM. yeah I think we should..... uh. yeah.
Armin : I'm sure the captain won't mind inviting them over as well
- yeah anyways that's how. it happened. long story short your apartment almost burned down but hey atleast you got the job done! with like twenty people in your small cube of a house!
- jean is the first one to arrive at your place (for no reason, haha) and you're like "oh good ur here Im babyproofing the apartment just in case." and he doesn't question it and just helps you and tells you about his Thanksgiving stories thoughout the years and you guys connect alot and he opens up alot too :3
-anuway. HALLOWEEN HEIST IS ALSO REAL AND IT HAPPENS. and you participate. the first year is pretty mild for you, you're jeans accomplice as he tries to beat eren's team to steal the captain's cup of tea. and it's a whole Thing and you do the thing you do best - distract the captain. again, surprisingly, you get him to open up a little while jean gets in through the office's ceiling and you're talking to the captain, sweating, "oh yeah no, totally, the DMV is crazy....MHM!! the lines were so bad when I went last." anyway. at the end, eren and jean are tied, back to back to a chair while the captain (very menacingly) asks them if they're proud of what they accomplished. turns out the captain won. (i have headcanons for this too but this post is becoming too long so,,)
- enough about the squad, more about you and jean. right, so soon after Thanksgiving, the two of you finally have The Talk. after a particularly long day at the precinct, jean is slumped over his desk doing paperwork and everyone has almost already left. Connie had come over to ur place to tell you about the shitty day he had, and you fed him some dinner after that, and he fell asleep on your couch while watching a show (not an uncommon occurence) and his situation got you thinking about jean. you usually tried not to bother jean too much by sending too many messages or calling a lot, so he knows it's important when he gets a call from you. and he takes a break from work and answers and he swears you breathe life into him after he hears you ask him how he's doing. he tells you that "these muscles aren't for nothing" which gets a sigh and a laugh in return. "how long are you gonna stay at the precinct?" you ask him. "i don't know, the works never ending." he says and you've already made up your mind, taking a Tupperware of the dinner you had made, along with a thermos of coffee and head on over to the place. when you're downstairs, you call jean again and tell him to come down too and he's like "what are you doing here holy shit it's late" and you're like "yeah I could tell u the same thing. i got u sum food open up slut" and he leads you to the balcony to get some fresh air while eating (also because if he were to spill even a morsel of food on his desk after the cleaning crew had gone home, the captain would have his head on a plate. anyway. the terrace/balcony. do u see the parallels.
and you and jean get to talking, you tell him about your day and then are like "I'm sorry if I'm distracting you." "no I like the distraction. i don't mind it." and you smile but then just come out and say it "hey so what are we?" and jeans like "??? have I not asked u to be my partner yet?" and you decide to tease him a bit and are like "partner? are u recruiting me to be a detective?" "no! i mean, if that's what...your passion is, then yes, but please be safe. oh ur fucking with me. okay." and u laugh and kiss him on the cheek and he's like "no that's not gonna cut it" and then he grabs your face (GENTLY) and kisses you so softly and helplessly that you're glad he's holding your face otherwise your bones would've just fallen to the ground without structure.
uhh yes. thats all. if you'd like angst headcanons. hmu 😈 I'm not kidding this is so fun for me to think about I've been Thinking About It for like a month now
also! moodboard time!
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tenaciouschronicler · 3 months
Misattributed Quote Retrospectives 4
"April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain." -American sports legend, Charles Barkley
A new quote, a new deepdive.
The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot is a central work of modernist poetry published in 1922.
The Waste Land is inconsistent in its narrative, style and structure. The poem shifts between satire and prophecy, and features abrupt and unannounced changes of narrator, location, and time. It actually alludes to alot of works considered classics in the west such as: Ovid's Metamorphoses, the legend of the Fisher King, Dante's Divine Comedy, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and even a contemporary song, "That Shakespearian Rag".
The poem is divided into five sections. The first, "The Burial of the Dead", introduces the diverse themes of disillusionment and despair. The second, "A Game of Chess", employs alternating narrations in which several characters display the fundamental emptiness of their lives. "The Fire Sermon" offers a philosophical meditation in relation to self-denial and sexual dissatisfaction; "Death by Water" is a brief description of a drowned merchant; and "What the Thunder Said" is a culmination of the poem's previous themes explored through a description of a desert journey.
Before the poem starts we get an epigraph, which is a quote, phrase or poem, that serves different purposes. These can be a preface, summary, counter-example or link to another work. Its in Latin and Ancient Greek from chapter 48 of the Satyricon of Petronius.
Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σίβυλλα τί θέλεις; respondebat illa: άποθανεῖν θέλω.
The original is untranslated however we do have the translation as follows:
With my own eyes I saw the Sibyl at Cumae hanging in a bottle and, when the attendants asked her what she wanted, she replied, "I want to die."
The quote we have is one of the more famous phrases and is the start of the poem and a part of "The Burial of the Dead". It describes spring as something to be dreaded, with the comforting static nature of winter giving way to the forcible activity of spring. I wont post the whole poem but I will post the first section of "The Burial of the Dead" so you can get a feel for the poem.
April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee
With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade,
And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten,
And drank coffee, and talked for an hour.
Bin gar keine Russin, stamm' aus Litauen, echt deutsch.
And when we were children, staying at the archduke's,
My cousin's, he took me out on a sled,
And I was frightened. He said, Marie,
Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free.
I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.
Eliot later regretted leaving notes for how his poem was supposed to interpret certain metaphors and allusions. This allowed broader interpretations- less as a work which incorporates previous Romantic ideals and more as a poem describing "alienation, fragmentation, despair and disenchantment" in the post-war period, which are considered typical features of modernist literature.
Reading this its obvious that, taking place in April, this story is going to go places we will not expect and will not be enjoyable (for the characters at least). Many things will occur that push them to change beyomd the comfort and stagnation of Winter. We have already seen echoes of T. S. Eliots disjointed style with Wandering Vagabonds pages literally being seperated from the main narrative. There may end up being others who will do the same.
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thearchercore · 8 months
not sure if you've seen this floating around twitter yet (and oops if you've already addressed it) but i saw this today morning when i woke up and just. Sighed.
(i don't have the tiktok link sorry)
i just think alot of these people comment on charles' pr without any significant data backing like the reach of his recent posts and LA vlog and instead what They and their tiktok friends think. but anyways yeah what are your thoughts lol
yeah! i saw this person's take on my fyp, unfortunately. i screenshotted it to my friends and was like, yeah that person is not getting it. even the comments seemed to disagree so it's not obviously a general consensus.
HOWEVER, that person did come back to my fyp later on with a video called "JUSTICE FOR CARLOS" which honestly told me everything we needed to know lol. the person who shot this "podcast" or whatever it was meant to be, claims that ferrari is fucking with carlos and he has been nothing but dedicated to the team, which, you know, questionable.
one comment said "classic example of trying to have 2 main characters in a story that only needs one." and i think they got it -- carlos wants too much from ferrari, things they cannot promise him. and this is their make it/break it contract renewal when it comes to charles, so they will more likely appeal to him than carlos, who's been at ferrari for a shorter amount of time.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
ok so...we all know that Chucky's never really had a father figure and doesn't do well with.....men putting themselves in that father figure role....
So he took it as a personal attack when his mom started dating again. He loves his mom dearly....it's the men he doesn't trust. Every man she dated he scared them off. And if any of her boyfriends disapproved of her son, Mary would kick them out immediately. Every single time....until.....she started dating this man named Liam. He was a really nice guy and treated Chucky with respect. Only one thing....Liam is Chucky's math teacher....and his jaw dropped. So whenever he went to school he was forced to see his mom's boyfriend each day. And He DESPISED IT.
The feeling only intensified when Liam or as Chucky refers to him Mr. Kalgo because calling him Liam is weird. Started trying to so father-son bonding. The only reason Chucky didn't retaliate was because he's a mama's boy and he would never want to hurt his mama's feelings. So he complied but was MISERABLE the whole time. Liam took the teen to football, baseball, and soccer games. Once he found out that Chucky was on the schools soccer team.....it was all over... Chuck had two cheerleaders....yes he found it sweet....BUT OH GOD WAS IT EMBARRASSING....It was bad enough that a teacher was dating his mom....BUT NOW HE WAS ATTENDING HIS GAMES??
Eventually, he came around to Liam. And the two EVENTUALLY started getting along. And Liam began to come over ALOT more.....and to Chucky's MAJOR discomfort moved in....which was a BIG no-no. And He immediately began to be an ass to Liam. Eventually they got into a HEAT argument were the two were in each others face.
"Charles.....I---I would never---"
"Forget it"
Eventually, the pieces began to connect that Chucky hadn't had the best experience with...male role models. So Liam's patience only strengthened... Later the two began to get close again...and since they had two incomes the family was able to move back to Jersey.
Tiffany was...shocked to see, Chucky with....a male parent in the household considering his past. Eventually, Mr. Kalgo, took up a teaching job and kept an eye on Chuck...
Chucky even slipped up once and called Liam, "Dad" by mistake.....however it never happened again after that.... And then.....Mary got sick......and she didn't get better. The two kept it a secret from Chucky since he was doing well and even taking college classes. Then she collapsed in front of her son.....and Chucky lost it....They two rushed her to the hospital...and she stayed there for a long time....and didn't leave.....Chucky was there when she died....and he snapped....He ran out of the hospital and almost got hit by a few cars. And packed up his things and ran away from home...and never came back....
Liam was distraught and searched everywhere and couldn't find Chalres.
Chucky had been living everywhere. Practically living off the streets. And staying with Tiffany from time to time....eventually got an apartment with Tiffany....and lost all contact with Liam Kalgo.
He still thinks of him from time to time and wonders what he's up too....and maybe if he should find him...give him a call....or something.
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theweeklydiscourse · 8 months
If the “fanboys” can use fanfiction published books to back up their claims and arguments for what they support, why can the opposite group (who supports the sequel films and the actors who play those characters) not use the books written about the sequel characters for their own evidence? Since Ben Solo is the character of the moment, his earliest moments were documented in detail in books that are essentially published fanfiction by contract. Those books talk about how Palpatine groomed him in the womb and Leia felt darkness that she couldn’t get rid of, and how as a toddler Ben wanted to a pilot like his father but both of them prioritized their own careers instead and he nearly died by the household droids. It’s not in the films or comic books so it’s not valid. Really? That’s the argument against creators invested in his character and backstory? There’s also the comic book writer Charles Soule who made an attempt to cover the backstory featured in the Last Jedi film, and claimed that Adam Driver was his ghost writer. Considering that comic storyline took a left turn into a dozen different galaxies and is still traveling, it’s impossible to rationalize that any film arc would be parallel to the equivalent dumpster fire that the comics turned out to be. Because at the time that was released, the episode 9 script was not available to anyone including actors.
It’s okay to have a head canon that fills in the gaps between what a film shows and what it doesn’t. But when the head canon goes completely off script to become the opposite of the film information, that’s when there is a problem. It doesn’t benefit anyone when fans (not the narcissist fanboys) are attacked, by the same people who say they share beliefs, for defending head canons and source material that runs parallel to the films and what we are given of specific characters and their dynamics, instead of an idea that is 3 million separate solar systems away. At the same time, alot of the struggles that Ben Solo went through are not unique because it follows all of the textbook definitions and levels of abuse. People who have never experienced any of them firsthand literally are unable to empathize with his character. Luke has zero use for Ben. His own parents don’t understand him because he is so different. Leia is Force Sensitive. Han is not. Even books that describe how the Force works say that every Force Sensitive has different abilities. That easily explains why Leia can’t help him, Luke refuses to unless it benefits him, and Han can’t. Don’t forget that Palpatine is PuppetMaster over everything.
Then you have the narcissist fanboys who were so angry that Ben Solo existed that they were the ones who rewrote every single facet of lore and science within that universe. To the point where a Force Sensitive is not even allowed to become a Force Ghost. If that ability is removed by the writers or anyone else, then that person cannot be revived later for another story. Same for the World Between Worlds. You can’t have two people in the same lineage in the same inter dimensional space have different rules, when the rest of who visits doesn’t have those same restrictions. Therefore a Ben Solo resurrection film is impossible for the future.
The rage that Ben Solo evokes from SW fanboys is something that needs to be studied. Their efforts to erase him and write him off into oblivion is a clear example of the petty spitefulness that broke the myth for good. He’s been hated by the fanboys since TFA (despite what people might try to have you believe) and it all comes down to them hating the idea of his character being taken in a sympathetic direction. They don’t care about the themes or coherence of the myth, all they really want is an empty and badass spectacle that’ll momentarily satisfy them, but isn’t what they need.
The foundation of people’s inability to empathize with Ben’s character was laid way back in the TFA era. Since then, the half-baked headcanons that circulated around the fandom have morphed into an unrecognizable mass of unexplained problems people have with him. TLJ shows us evidence of the abuse he experienced and actively characterizes Ben Solo as a victim in a way that no one had expected post-TFA. He’s overtly sympathetic and his character serves as a reminder that it was a fanciful idea to think that someone would just spontaneously become evil because of their heritage. TLJ makes it so that he can’t be written off as the kid with perfect parents who just went crazy one day, instead he’s more than that.
Also, on the topic of the “Jedi prerequisite” for becoming a force ghost makes me quake with rage. It’s a bullshit rule that only exists to exclude certain characters from coming back and is used arbitrarily. The rules are constantly being rewritten and revised to suit whatever narrative the person making those rules wants to enforce. For the time being, DLF is averse to anything Ben related (even though he was wildly popular and mostly well-received) and given that Adam Driver isn’t coming back, I’ve lost all hope for a potential resurrection.
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS — they say that we fall in love with three people in our lifetimes, but you only loved one and it's diluc.
CHARACTER — diluc x gn!reader
INCLUDES — diluc's backstory spoilers, hurt/comfort, second chances, closures, alchol intake, flawed characters, might be ooc diluc, character development, happy ending
NOTES — i got this idea from a tiktok video made by @/smalltalkpodcast, here is the link.
TAGLIST — @elychee @jupeater @v3nv5
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PUPPY LOVE — the fairytale love. the one that we think would last forever, but it wont. because we'll soon learn that fairytales dont exist.
you were sixteen when you first had your puppy love with diluc. the age where you thought everything can be magical forever. a love that was too young and hopeful for this world.
diluc loved you too, he was beyond infatuated. he loves being near you. he loves being your knight in shining armor. he loves you.
the type of love you two had is where you both will sneak out of your houses to meet each other under the willow where you both carved your names in a heart. the type of love where you were too joyful to wake up from this fever dream, wishing to stay like this for eternity.
you were seventeen when you had your first kiss under the glimmering moon you both used to watch. teeth clashing against each other without even knowing how to properly kiss a person. no one paid any mind to it though, all you can think about is the butterflies swimming in your stomach, his touch under your jaw, your burning love you had for each other.
everything was too unreal for you too feel, like something out of fairytale. you hope to stay like this forever. you wished to keep feeling like this for a very long time. but it was only a matter of time before you will wake up from everything, before you lose your love.
he turned eighteen when everything went downhill. he fell into the depths of misery and apathy. his father died and he suddenly resented his own sworn brother for some reasons he won't tell to anyone.
to say that this never affected your relationship was a big lie, because it did, alot. you also had your biggest fights around these times. it was too big that no one can swallow their own pride to fix this relationship. words that shoot to kill were said. it hurted the both of you, a lot.
just when you had enough of feeling like this, ready to swallow your own pride to fix everything, he suddenly disappeared without a notice, leaving you and your shattering heart into pieces for years without a proper explanation of his action. leaving you frozen in time while reminiscing your youthful days.
INTENSE LOVE — the love that will turn your world upside down. the one that comes with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. the one that will cause you so much pain. because it will teach you what you want and what you don't want.
when you thought that you've finally moved on and forgot about your past with diluc. just when you thought that buried feelings were dead already, that the pain you've went through vanished too like him.
he suddenly came back four years later as if nothing happened, as if he never left someone. the horror of your face showed it all as you stood one day infront of angel's share hearing the chatters of the drunkards about the return of the owner of dawn winery.
you know who they are talking about, ofcourse you do, how could you not when master crepus only have one child? and it's obviously diluc ragnvindr, your supposedly ex-lover.
mentioning his name made you feel bitter. you can only sigh as you opened the door of angel's share to meet up with your friends and also readying yourself to face him any second.
as you opened the door, the noise of the place greeted you. the moment you placed your eye sight in the counter, you saw him. he was talking to charles, not noticing your presence.
your mouth parted at the sight of him. ‘he's really here’ you thought before closing your eyes to calm yourself down. as you opened your eyes after the inhales and exhales, his ruby eyes found yours. you held your breath as you mainted the eye contact with him. you don't know what you look right now, does your face shows the look of resentment? hatred? or perhaps hopes that you can try again?
he looked away first as he continued conversing with charles without greeting nor showing any expression seeing you. your hopes were crushed. your heart feels heavy. you felt your throat creating a lump as tears formed in your eyes.
you questioned yourself why does it hurt being rejected like this. why did the feelings that you burried suddenly came back to life. why did the pain felt ten times worst than before. is it because when he's finally here infront of you as you hoped, he turned away from you?
he can bring you back to life but he can also be the cause of your death. you hated how your world revolved around him. you hated how you never find yourself to love again if it's not him. you swallowed before turning away and leaving the tavern. you can't face your friends when you're like this.
it went on and on like that, avoiding him as much as you could. but you know that things can't stay like this forever, you have to over come this. so one day, you went into the tavern by yourself. as you walked in, you sat straight in the counter and ordered a drink. you never glance at him as he hands you the glass, you muttered a small ‘thank you’ before drinking.
as hours passed by, you felt more relaxed like this despite diluc's presence. and maybe because of this, you got a little more carefree and drank more than you can take.
you know how people get braver whenever they got drunk? yeah, you do that also. it was closing time already and you were slumped over the counter, sleeping. diluc gently shook you awake while calling your name.
by the time you got awakened, you turned your head at him and blurted out words that he never expected to hear.
“do you know how hurt i was when you left without telling me? you stood me up, diluc. i was left for four years without a proper explanation, only the words of your headmaid that said you left. i once thought that you hated me because you just... disappeared...” you muttured while downpour of your eyes wet the wooden counter.
diluc was silent, he can't say anything. seeing you hurting like this because of him made him want to hide once again because he doesn't have the face to talk to you after the disaster he have caused in your life. after a few more silence, he cleared his throat before letting you hear his voice that you haven't heard in the last four years.
“tomorrow, if you still remember what happened tonight, then come and see me in the manor, i'll give you an explanation, i'll tell you everything.” he said before telling charles to watch over you as he left the tavern to do his nightly duties.
the next day, you nervously walked towards dawn winery. ‘this is it, you're finally getting the explanation you want.’
when you arrived there, adelinde escorted you to diluc's room. she knocked on the wooden door before telling him that you arrived. you heard the faint ‘let them in’ and then she opened the door for you. you thanked her and went inside.
as you walked in, your eyes wandered the structure and designs of his room. ‘not that too much of things, simple and plain, just like how he always likes it’ you shook your head at the thought of a memory before clearing your throat to let him know.
“please have a seat.” he gestured on the seat infront of him.
you nodded and sat on the chair. it was painfully awkward and quite, no one talked. getting irritated at this silence, you started the conversation first. “so, are you gonna tell me something?”
this startled diluc. nevertheless, he nodded before starting to give you explanations. he explained everything why he did that. how he wanted to avenge his father. how something surfaced between him and kaeya. the reason he resigned from knights of favonius. the selfish thing they did. everything, even how he barely managed to escape death given by the fatui harbingers.
by the time he finished, you went silent. then suddenly, he heard your sniffles. diluc was panicked, did he do something wrong? he stood up to find a something to wipe your tears but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“please don't leave me.” you whispered between your sniffles. you never said what you mean by that but both of you know there is something much deeper in those words. diluc looked away from you before placing his hand behind your head and pulled you towards his stomach and hugged you. you wrapped your arms around him while you sobbed, damping his shirt with your tears.
“wh- why didn't you atleast tell me? i- i could have understood it sooner, diluc.” you hiccuped as you hugged him tighter.
“i thought it will be the best for the both of us. i thought by leaving you will make your life better and safer from the things that i'm about to commit myself into.” he replied. he removed your grip on him and suddenly kneels infront of you that caused your eyes to widen. he held your hands, pressing a light kiss on them before he rested his forehead on them.
“w- what?” you stammered as you tried to make him stand up. never have you ever saw diluc kneel in both of his two knees to anyone. but now, he did infront of you to plead for forgiveness.
“but i was wrong seeing how hurt you are from my selfishness.” diluc looks up at you and you saw how his eyes glimmering as he mutters apologies.
“i'm sorry for hurting you, i'm sorry for being selfish. i know words cannot change anything but i really am sorry, y/n.” his voice shook lightly at the end of his word.
diluc's sudden return brought back the pain he didn't meant to cause you. his return made you look back at things and wished to stop this pain. his words made you wished you were a little too more push over back then so diluc never felt he was alone when you were there. you wished you matured at those times already so you never acted negligence when you didn't notice his life went downhill. you both made mistakes and you're glad that you and him reflected on it already.
this closure made you two want to improve yourselves. it made you realize your actions before, the actions of eighteen years olds who only knew that they love each other but never realized that they're also hurting them.
you two properly ended your relationship after the talk. breaking up for the best, for yourselves. if you're gonna ask yourself before what you want, your younger self will probably say that they want to resent diluc. but now that you have a closure, you realized that resenting him is too much of being selfish after he tells you how he felt when no one was there for him when his father died. when his brother told him the truth that created a wall between them. how he never felt your presence when he needed you the most.
you weren't there at his lowest, and him to you. you two were flawed back then, too blinded by young love. and now, all you want is to change yourselves for the better.
changing for the better means cutting things off and focusing on yourselves. you left mondstadt to chase your dreams. meanwhile, diluc promised himself and to you to improve each day, to cultivate the winery, and cherish the things that made him happy.
it was for the best, for you and him. for you to deserve each other. you realized that you have to be the best version of yourself first before loving someone.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE — the one that will stay. the one that will make us feel loved, adored, safe and secure. the one that we didn't see coming, but will make us feel home.
it was time to go back home, to mondstadt. years have already passed by since your break up and closure with diluc. chasing your dreams made you feel better, and you hoped he feels better too.
you know that you've changed yourself, and you hoped he did too. surely, you don't want to come back there if he's still the past flawed diluc right?
you know that you can never be perfect, so you settled on improving and changing yourself, there's not a perfect person after all, that includes you and diluc.
as you went down the ship, you smiled as you took in the city of freedom. it has been so long. you thanked the crews of the ship as they helped you down your things.
you're very happy to finally see your friends again.... and him. you won't lie to yourself, even as time separated you two, you still love him.
sometimes you thought to yourself is it possible to still love the person you hurt, who also hurt you? and the answer is infront of you as you stared wide eyed at the red-haired man who stand in the docks while giving you a welcoming smile.
your heart raced as he walked towards you, you scanned him. he looks so mature now, he still have that long hair but this time it's tied up. his features got even more defined. he became calmer and relaxed.
“welcome home,” he said.
he spread his arms as if signaling you to give him a hug. you didn't waste time before beaming at him and hugging him tight. god, you missed him.
“finally, after all these years. i won't lie but it certainly is hard living without seeing you for years, but i promised to myself and to you that i will change so i endured it all. and now, seeing you infront of me, it was all worth it.” seeing diluc genuinely smiling at you feels like a fever dream.
“i hope you achieved your dreams.” he said as he caress your hair. you find it hard to utter a word, you are beyond shocked to see how much diluc changed.
“i- i did, i am happy.” you manage to let it out as you continue gazing at him, awestruck.
“i am proud of you, remember that.” you smiled at him as your eyes watered. you removed your arms around him to wipe the tears. ‘it's nice hearing that from him’
“You know, even though we got separated for years, it's still you.” your eyes widened at his sudden confession. you swallowed before replying your truth.
“so am i, i find it hard just to forget about you.” you saw how his smile became wider. he held your cheeks and caressed them before glancing down on your lips.
“can i?” he whispered as his eyes returned to you.
“you may.” you answered before his lips connected with yours. you two have kissed before but this time, it's more meaningful and... it's right.
when you decided to come back here in mondstadt, the least thing you expected is for him to still love you, adore you, to still choose you, to stay. you two once made a mistake that ended up hurting each other. you two are in each other's arms again, but now, only unconditional and patient.
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note: i hope i didn't make diluc too ooc especially in the end. i initially thought this one will be very short but ig i got carried away lolol. also, belated happy birthday again luc!
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alltoolewis · 3 years
30 with lando pls
"Ride me."- Lando Norris.
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Summary- you and lando celebrate his highest placing poduim after you comfort his nerves before the Italian grand prix....
Words- 1808...
(Warnings- Alot of fluff & smut! 18+! You've been warned!)
You couldn't believe how quickly it all flew by. It felt like just yesterday when you met him... you the new photographer for McLaren, who didn't have a clue about F1, moving away from everything you knew to travel round the world taking pictures of cars worth more than your credit card & him, the new rookie, who had so much confidence on the track but who had near to none when it came to speaking to women... until you came along & And now here you were... 3 years later, moved in together, traveling the world doing the thing both of you loved & what a better way than doing that together.
Your hands trembled just looking at him pacing the room,you could tell he was nervous.. I mean who wouldn't be, starting P3 in one of the most anticipated races of the calendar....
"Baby your making me dizzy" you giggled,slowly making your way over to him as he reaches for your clammy hand.
"Im sorry" he sighed, leaning into your touch as you pulled him closer "just nervous... I mean with all the pressure of me and danny starting up the grid & McLaren not having the season they hoped for, its just getting to me.. and you-" stopping himself, he looked deep into your eyes and for the first time you could see the panic and fear glossing his eyes like smoke...
"Im what baby?" You whispered, gently tracing your fingers though his newly combed locks, an action that you knew relaxed him...
"Your here..."
Confusion washed over you gently let go of him, taking a step back to watch his new fear wash over him..
"I can stay back here lando... if I'm the one making you nervous... I'm sure they wont mind me sitting out on this one, they have so many talented photographers, they won't miss m-"
Put of nowhere lando pulled you closer, locking your lips with his, taking all the unnecessary words out of your mouth.
"I'll miss you" lando mumbled against your lips, before pulling away pushing your forehead against yours...
"Your not the issue baby.. its just I know how dangerous this track is & I just don't want you to see anything that you shouldn't.... I couldn't cope with mysel-"
This time is was you to interrupt him, lifting up his chin to meet your.
"Lando I know the drill.... its not my first rodeo baby, every race is a dangerous one... I knew what I signed up for the minute I started falling in love with you & guess what... I dont regret one bit & you know why...?"
"Why?" He whispered, voice full of uncertainty.
"Because you.." you sighed, locking your lips with him again "are the best driver on that grid and you I've never been more proud of anything or anyone in my life.... your gonna be okay... and im gonna be right there for here for you, together forever eh?" You say, smirking as you see his face light up at your words, reaching out for your outstretched hand, locking your fingers as he repeated your words..
"Together forever"...
"How many more laps left??" You sighed, hands beginning to tremble as you looked at the monitor, lando dropping down to 6th after his pit.
"26" zac sighed as he sat next you, placing a hand on your knee "hes doing well you know.... he a supers-"
However zak never got to finish his praise as gasps fill the garage, looking up to see Max's car ontop of Lewis's. Heart skipping a beat as you realised just how close it was to being lando...
"I have to go- I... what if it was him.. he was so close to them he was only a second away... what if" you whispered all the possible scenerios as tear filled your eyes, causing zac to pull you closer...
"Listen... you can't live your life with what ifs (y/n).. it could of been him but guess what it wasn't andd look where he is know!" He smiles looking up at the monitor just as lando overtakes Charles, reaching p2.
"I mean you could leave... but Together forever I heard?" Zac smirks as he places a headset on your knee as he gets up to get back to his place... "just in case you want to pop in and check up on him... you stresshead"
As the lap count increased, so did your heart rate, as you seen lando still at p2 with 1 lap to go and a 2 second gap between him and perez. Hands hesitating to pick up the headset that remained on your knee like a safety blanket. Only picking it up as the mclaren garage erupts in applause, not only has lando picked up his highest ever poduim but Daniel won!
'Lets fucking go lads' lando screeches as you place the headset on, zac giving you a little nod, letting you know you can talk to him.
"Baby" you whisper through the mic, voice trembling with pride and emotion.
"(Y/n)!!! We did it! We fucking did it!!" Lando screams as he makes his way to the last corner..
"We lando?!? I didn't do anything but hid behind zac the whole time" causing lando to chuckle before the set goes dead and the garage yet again erupts... letting you know the mclarens have parked up.
Lando was the first one out, immediately running over to zac and the rest of the team, and although you could tell he was ecstatic, apart of you knew that he was gonna be disappointed about not getting p1... but he's a team player & at the end of the day thats all that matters.
After the hugs from the team, it was your turn to be pulled into your sweaty boyfriends arms, in the biggest bear hug you've ever been given.
"I'm sooo proud of you baby" you whisper, running your hand through is wet locks. Tears welling your eyes for what felt like the 50th time today.
"I love you so much" he screamed, picking your feet of the ground as he twirled you around, so fast you would of sworn he would of got the fastest lap!
"And by the way" he smirks, locking your lips with his "theres no me without you...."
However your sweet moment was inturpted as you get rudely pulled away from eachother by a certain ecstatic Australian....
"Alright love birds, plenty of that later" grabbing lando by the shoulders, pushing him towards the poduims "continue that later please, me and loverboy here have a shoey to do"
Your heart melts as you hear landos laugh, even from 10 meters away, but nothing made your race more than seeing him mouth the words anyone would dream about hearing.....
"Cant wait too rip them clothes off".....
And by lord did he keep his promise, not even being able to close the door before your 'mclaren 4' tshirt was pulled from your body.
"Ive been dying to do this from the moment I crossed that line" lando groaned as he pushed against the wall, using all his last energy, locking his lips with yours. Tounges fighting for dominance as he unhooks your bra, throwing it carelessly across the room.
Before you knew it you thrown on the bed, just as carelessly as your long forgotten bra.
"How the fuck did I get this lucky" lando moaned as he hovers over your already shaken body, eyes gazing over your bare body, filling with not only with lust but love....
Sitting up you, you lock your lips again....
"I should be saying that too you.." you mumble against his mouth, flipping your body ontop of his as your hands trace down his bare chest.
"Ahh taking in charge I see" he smirks, throwing his arms at the back of his head, as your unbutton his belt, seeing his hard cock push against the poorly made cotton.
"Only the best for my champion" you whisper, pulling down the last layer before getting to work. Lips locking over the tip, as you look straight in his eyes, making sure he can see the collection of pre-come of your tounge as it traces on his tip.
"Fuck doll..." lando wheezed as your hand goes up and down his shaft, his hands pulling your hair back as you take him deeper down your throat. His groans filling the room as your eyes welled up for a different reason this time as you feel his tip against the back of your throat, however you didnt have time to enjoy your meal for any longer as he pulls you away. Leaning down, he latches your lips to his, moaning as he tastes himself on your tounge.
"Dont want to finish in your mouth"
Laying back down, throwing one of your legs over his waist causing you to straddle him....
"Ride me." He demands, and like the good girl you were you took no time to fulfill his needs. Pulling out a condom from under the pillow he wa layed on..
"Dont judge me.. i knew this was gonna happen"
Lando chuckled as you slipped the condom on him, positioning yourself before sinking on him, Causing both of your breaths to hitch...
"Fuck (y/n)... how the fuck are you still this tight after 3 years of fucking you" lando moaned as your hips start to rock against his waist, finding your familiar rhythm as his hands find your waist. The sound of skin slapping could only be heard, as you allowed him to fill you up.
"Fuck lando" you yell throwing your hand back as he places his hand on your clit, matching the rhythm of your hips "dont stop" you scream as he picks up the pace.
Using his free hand to continue guiding your hips on his cock, pushing his hips up to meet yours.
Moans filled the air, both of you knowing full well that the rest of the mclaren could hear your 'private celebration' however neither you seemed to care as your screams filled up the room.
"Im so close" you sigh as lando continues to meet your hips half way, leaning down to meet his lips.
"Me too baby... fuck me too"
Without out any more warnings, lando let go, feeling his seed fill up the condom that was still thrusting inside you.
"Come on baby let go" lando yelled, hand moving faster against your clit as he, attaches onto your sensitive tits. Something that he knew could bring you to cum hust on its own...
"Fuck!!!" You scream as the pleasure washes over you, collapsing on his chest as you both tried to catch your breath.
"I love you so much" he whispered as he pulled your swollen lips into one last kiss..
"I love you too lando" you whispered back, leaning back into his chest as he begins to comb his fingers through your hair, a action that after 3 years of love he knew would instantly put you to sleep... and like everything that boy does, he never fails...
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
personally, I don't think the Sussex are being told of the full plans for the jubilee. I think they've been told you can come as family to these specific events and that its, they've put out pr pieces trying to force their hand but its a firm decision going forward.
I also think its why they've semi shot in the dark with their PR about the jubilee. Two things can be confirmed, they won't be on the balcony, and saturday is Lilis birthday. The first one means any pr about it is dead in the water and the second one is speculation. They wanted speculation about who was attending. I HIGHLY doubt the queen will be, but when the uk tabloids got ahold of the story they made sure to note that the cambs would not actually be attending. likely do to an embargo they couldn't say much else, then what was it like 2 days later it was announced where all the high level royals would be?
They aren't communicating directly to the queen and Charles theres alot of people running interference and their schedules this week are BOOKED. meaning no surprise visits or last minute christenings. The royals are working this jubilee and the Sussex are there as family members no matter how hard they're trying to convince the world otherwise.
That's why I think some of these articles coming out about where Kate and the kids will be are just what H&M think are happening.
I also think TQ sending her own security to H&M is her way of keeping tabs on them and making sure they stay in line.
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flamingredanon · 2 years
In the Rhmg AU where Henry and Right are brothers.
Somehow Henry gets down from Earth to get to the bottom of things or something and Ri-Green spots him. Immediately he does as his protocol, despite small hiccups of glitches, and kills Henry…
Only for him to come back to life with no explanation, and the General repeating his words from before…
Green just followed orders again, killing the Toppat leader infront of him again, only for them to come back again and Galeforce sounding like a broken record at this point.
Something was wrong and Green couldn't quite figure it out, but then the Toppat leader began to speak.
"Bro, I know you are in there and I know things are confusing for you right now. But I came here to help you and bring you back home. No matter how many times you attack, I am going to keep it up."
Green fired again, somehow missing this time as the glitches found themselves getting worse.
"I'm not going to let them scramble your brain more. The General and that doctor aren't your creators and they are only wanting to hurt you and use you as a weapon to manipulate."
A shock filled Green's head as the weapon blast on the ground had disappeared.
"I am not going to give that bastard a chance to control you anymore, me and you are the only ones not effected by my time powers and I am using my all so I can save you. Think Right, don't you have a husband you miss very much, a best friend who loves potato slices as much as you, a Swedish friend who is known to be a huge rambling mom friend."
Green found the pain in his head getting worse, firing off one more shot that didn't even get close to hitting his younger brother.
His younger brother...
Green's human eye widen as his green cybernetic eye glitched to red. His name wasn't Green... he wasn't some weapon for the Toppats.
His name was Right, he was the older adopted brother to Henry Stickmin and he had a wonderful husband name Reginald Copperbottom.
Right stumbled for abit before Henry caught him, pressing a button on his hat that caused the two to be enveloped in a green light, teleporting them back to the Toppat Space Station.
Right had surgery on his cybernetics to remove all possible control that Galeforce and Dr V could have, truly freeing Right once and for all from the Government's control.
The Green personality wasn't destroyed, just removed and placed inside a Topbot body. It felt weird for Green at first, but he got to become his own person instead of just a weapon.
Henry collapsed as soon as he and Right got back to the Space Station, overusing his powers by alot. He woke up a day later and was just glad Right was back, even as his older brother stole his jello cup.
And Charles was able to rally up enough support to have Galeforce and Dr V arrested, making sure they paid for all their crimes.
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