#Char D1
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Renault D1s on parade in Place Stanislas, Nancy, 1936. The D1 was quickly phased out in 1937 because of its mechanical unreliability and relegated to colonial units in North Africa.
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How about D1 for diluc please??
“This hurts me more than it hurts you.”
cw: yandere behaviour, physical abuse, burning, diluc being mean but thinking he’s being kind, reader wears a nightgown but no pronouns or gendered terms are used.
Diluc's grip on your wrist is bruising. You can feel heat sizzling beneath his gloves, his palms searing - and you have to be grateful, then, for the little barrier the fabric provides, for if it were not in place . . . you're certain your wrists would be burning as well.
Your legs are covered all over with thorn pinpricks and cuts from brambles and vines; your nightwear (there had not been time for any dressing more appropriate) charred through in places from the convention of electro and pyro slimes you had accidentally stumbled across. The same slimes that Diluc had slew without a second thought; without having to exert more than a few beads of sweat upon his proud forehead.
You keep your mouth pressed in a tight line, mulish; after everything else, you will not give Diluc the satisfaction of tears, or begging. No doubt he would only wipe those tears from your eyes with his thumb and a look of terrible guilt on his face. No doubt he would only coo at you softly and murmur quiet hushings and reassure you that this is all for your own good - all the while locking another door, breaking down another escape route.
You're pulled through the house; your bare feet (this particular escape attempt had not left you enough time to put on shoes, though the luxurious soft slippers that Diluc allows you to wear in the house would have afforded little protection anyway) sinking into the soft pile of the carpet. You must be smearing mud everywhere, and Adelinde will not thank you for that - but you had not intended to be caught.
He pauses at the entrance to the guest room he has been keeping you in at Dawn Winery.
"Aren't you going to lock me in again?" You ask him, tasting bitterness on your tongue - but Diluc merely shoots you a look like a wounded animal.
"I can't trust you," he says, so softly you barely hear him, his voice low and soft. "I . . . I wanted to. I wanted to be a good man for you. I wanted you to feel safe. But every time you stumble into trouble_ on purpose_."
He does not let go of your wrist. Your heart skips a beat as he stands there, his jaw set, as he mulls over whatever decision he is about to make. You do not stumble into trouble on purpose, of course - any more than you'd stumbled into Diluc on purpose, that first time that had set course for so much of the rest of your life. You'd stumbled out of Dawn Winery on purpose, but only so you could be rid of the Winery owner and his burning crimson eyes and his hot whispers of how much he loved you and how safe he was going to keep you against your ear.
"Diluc?" You ask, hating how your voice pitches on the second syllable. He nods to himself, and then drags your wrist roughly down the hallway.
Towards his own bedroom.
"I'll have Adelinde move your things," he says, without looking back. "You can't be trusted alone. You'll bathe with me from now on. I'll bring you into my study when I work and Adelinde will be with you whenever I'm not, I'll have to take on another maid but it's worth it for your safety--"
"My safety?" Your voice rises in panic. You're not strong enough to shake him off, but you try and dig your heels in even so. "With _you _sleeping next to me, Master Diluc? With you by my side constantly, when you can barely stop yourself undressing me with your eyes when you come into my room to say goodnight already?"
A flush rises to his cheeks, but he pulls you along even so, until his oaken door is before you and he's pulling you inside into his inner sanctum. The blush does nothing to assuage the white-hot fear and anger roiling in your stomach - in fact, it just makes it worse. How dare he act so flippant? Like he is a man with a crush, and not a kidnapper, not a monster?
"I won't," you tell him, tearful (when did tears spring to your eyes? You suppose they must have started around the same time the hot burn of fear made a home in your throat). "I won't, Diluc!" The fingers of your other hand fasten helplessly around the door frame.
Diluc heaves a soft sigh, and turns. Slowly and deliberately, he raises the hand not currently ringed about your wrist to his mouth, tugging on the fabric with his teeth.
"This hurts me more than it will hurt you," he says, very softly and regretfully - and you realise with a whimper what he's going to do, as he grabs your other wrist and his bare palm collides with the soft, tender skin. A scalding heat rises where flesh meets flesh, a sickening sizzle and pop - and you are dragged bodily into the room and allowed to stumble away from him, hiccuping out pained noises, until you collapse by his bedframe on your knees in your poor stained nightgown.
Diluc closes the door silently. He turns the key in its lock and removes it with a click, dropping it into his pocket - but he remains silent. He removes his other glove and places it on his dressing table, and still he says not a word.
And then, he drops to his knees in front of you.
"Y-you're disgusting," you whimper out, cradling your poor burnt wrist in your other hand. Diluc won't allow it to get too bad, but right now you do not want to give him the satisfaction of asking for aftercare either. "Y-you know I won't stop trying to get away from you, don't you?"
Diluc's gaze is so, so sad as he looks at you - a man who has had too much put upon his shoulders. In another lifetime, in another world, perhaps you would feel sorry for him.
But not in this one.
"Darling," he says to you. "Angel. Beloved. You know I can't let that happen. You know I would go to the ends of Teyvat to keep you safe, don't you?" You swallow back more bubbling sobs, your chest heaving. "But . . . Ah. I didn't want to have to do it. It hurts me to hurt you, angel. But if it is to keep you safe . . ." A small, sad smile pulls at his lovely mouth.
And as he reaches down towards your bare feet and ankles - his vision at his hip pulsing to life and his palms bared - all you can do is scream.
#not sfw text#yandere diluc#yandere genshin impact#writing#drabble#ask game#physical abuse cw#burning cw#yandere cw#genshin impact posting
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“Hey, get off him, mate!! 🇬🇧💂♂️🫖🏉 Char, you okay, baby?? Here, let’s go. I’ll make you some tea once we’re back home, yeah?”
"get off of him!! 💂♂️"
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Oh yeah my dumbass warlock also played d1
He is not knowledgeable with anything d2
none of my chars existed back during d1, I started on xbox with my d1 characters, but I later switched over to pc before cross save was added.
Also I have transitioned since then, and all my chars were male
My current hunter is the one that's oldest now tho
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Sensor Digital de presión para medir la hermeticidad en cañerías de Gas con el celular
En Argentina, cuando el Gasista matriculado realiza una instalación nueva, la debe someter a una prueba de hermeticidad antes de aprobar la obra, para realizar esa prueba el gasista conecta un manómetro, con escala de 1 kg/cm² luego infla la cañería hasta llegar a una presión de 0,2 kg/cm², en una primera etapa las llaves de paso de los artefactos deben estar cerradas, se debe comprobar que la aguja del manómetro quede inmóvil durante 15 minutos, luego se repite la prueba pero con las llaves de paso de los artefactos abiertas, y los robinetes del artefacto cerrados.
La cañería se infla con aire, con un compresor o un inflador de bicicleta.
Un dato importante, la presión nominal del gas natural es de 20 gr/cm² y 28gr/cm² para el gas envasado, y la prueba de hermeticidad se haría a 200 gr/cm² que sería lo mismo que 0,2 kg/cm²
Esta es una foto del d1 mini con el sensor bmp280
//Código para quemar con el arduino ide:
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <Adafruit_BMP280.h>
// Cambia estos valores para conectarte a tu red Wi-Fi
const char* ssid = "cursodegas";
const char* password = "12345678";
// Crea un objeto BMP280
Adafruit_BMP280 bmp;
// Crea un objeto servidor
WiFiServer server(80);
// Variable para almacenar el tiempo de la última actualización
unsigned long lastUpdate = 0;
// Variable para almacenar la presión atmosférica local (en hPa)
float localPressure = 0.0;
void setup() {
// Inicializa el monitor serial
// Conéctate a la red Wi-Fi
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Conectándose a la red Wi-Fi...");
Serial.println("Conexión WiFi establecida.");
Serial.println("Dirección IP: ");
// Inicializa el sensor BMP280
if (!bmp.begin()) {
Serial.println("No se pudo encontrar el sensor BMP280, revisa las conexiones.");
while (1);
// Lee la presión atmosférica local para la calibración
localPressure = bmp.readPressure() / 100.0F; // Lectura de presión en hPa
// Inicializa el servidor
Serial.println("Servidor iniciado.");
void loop() {
// Declarar variables
float temperature;
float pressure;
// Espera a que se conecte un cliente
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (!client) {
// Lee la petición HTTP
String request = client.readStringUntil('\r');
// Actualiza los valores del sensor si han pasado al menos 2 segundos desde la última actualización
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now - lastUpdate >= 2000) {
temperature = bmp.readTemperature();
pressure = (bmp.readPressure() / 100.0F) - localPressure; // Lectura de presión calibrada en hPa
lastUpdate = now;
// Construye la respuesta HTTP
String html = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2\"></head><body>";
html += "<h1>PRESION </h1>";
html += "<p>Temperatura: " + String(temperature) + " °C</p>";
html += "<p>Presion: " + String(pressure,2) + " g/cm2</p>";
html += "</body></html>";
// Envía la respuesta HTTP
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
client.println("Connection: close");
// copiar hasta acá
Así se ve en el teléfono, muestra la temperatura tambien
Les cuento que el sensor es muy preciso, si tocan la cañería el calor de sus manos va a aumentar la presión y lo van a poder ver instantáneamente, al igual que si la cañería pierde, esto va a poner a prueba sus instalaciones
Vamos a usar:
sensor de presión barométrica bmp280
un esp8266 d1 mini
una pila 18650
un cargador de batería de litio
opcional, si arman la capsula con termo-fusión, o accesorios de pvc, pero no quieren desarmar para cargar la batería van a necesitar un módulo emisor y receptor cargador de celular inalámbrico
Conexiones: del bmp280 solamente vamos a usar 4 pines
vcc lo conectamos a la salida de 3.3 voltios del d1 mini
gnd a gnd
SCL va al pin D1
SDA va al pin D2
Por ultimo hay que alimentar al d1 mini, primero usaba un módulo dc-dc y lo calibraba a 3.3 voltios, pero en los otros modelos directamente conecté una batería de litio 18650 al pin de 5 voltios del d1 mini
Le pueden colocar un interruptor así queda mas práctico
Funcionamiento del dispositivo, el esp8266 D1 mini se va a conectar por wifi al celular, previamente, hay que configurar el hot-spot del celular, se debe colocar la misma ssid y contraseña del código, entonces una vez que el esp8266 se conectó, nos fijamos que dirección ip le asignó el teléfono, luego pegamos esa dirección ip en el navegador y podremos ver los valores del sensor de presión en el teléfono, la pagina se va a actualizar cada 2 segundos
Un dato importante es que el sensor bmp 280 entrega el resultado de la presión en pascales, en el código se cambia ese valor a hecto pascales y para que tengan una idea 200 hectopascales es igual a 0,204 kg/m² que serían 204 gr/cm².
Recuerde que si requiere una precisión mas exacta, por mas que la pagina diga el valor en gramos sobre centímetro cuadrado, en realidad son hecto pascales, puede usar una página web que haga la conversión, como no es una diferencia significativa para mi lo deje así.
Entonces si leemos 200 g/cm² en realidad son 204 gr/cm²
o si tenemos una lectura de 28 hectopascales en realidad es 28,55 gramos/cm²
para mi es lo mismo, no es un error muy grande, probé con otras ecuaciones en la parte que hace la conversión y divide por 100F pero me daba errores de medición
Para que sea mas fácil tomar la lectura de la presión, lo primero que hace el código es tomar una lectura y luego restarla a las siguientes lecturas, de ese modo se calibra el sensor a cero, para que entiendan, por ejemplo, antes de hacer esa modificación, el sensor media mas o menos desde los 946 hecto pascales, que es la altura a nivel del mar a donde estoy, entonces tenía que inflar la cañería a 1146 hecto pascales, obviamente el valor de cero se va a ir corriendo a medida que pasa el tiempo, entonces si dejan pasar mucho tiempo entre lectura y lectura van a tener que resetear el d1 mini, habría que ver si se puede colocar un botón de reset en la página así no hay que desarmar el instrumento
Acá se ven las cápsulas de pvc
La librería del bmp280 la pueden descargar de:
Deben recordar cambiar un valo, sino da error, tienen que entrar al directorio donde esta instalado el arduino ide, luego van a librerías, entran a (Adafruit_BMP280_Library), y al archivo (Adafruit_BMP280.h) lo tienen que abrir como archivo de texto y en la linea 37 cambian (0x77) por (0x76) guardan y cierran, y reinicien el arduino ide
La cápsula que vincula el aparato este a la cañería debe ser de pvc, probé con cañería epoxi pero cuando cerraba la tapa se cortaba la conexión wifi entre el d1 mini y el teléfono
habría que probar de colocar un módulo emisor y receptor cargador de celular inalámbrico y el módulo de carga para baterías de litio, el que trae protección y hacer la capsula totalmente sellada, con termo-fusión
Al principio usaba un arduino nano y el sensor bmp 280. Sacaba 4 cables desde dentro de la cañería para visualizar los datos en una pantalla oled, pero por mas sellador que colocaba, siempre, el aire se escapaba por los cables, así que opté por usar el esp8266 d1 mini que es uno de los módulos mas chicos, e introducir el sensor dentro de la cañería.
El código lo pueden quemar con el ide de arduino, antes tienen que instalar las librerías del esp8266, en este tutorial explican como es el procedimiento:
En esta parte del código pueden cambiar las credenciales del wifi que liberan desde el teléfono, obviamente tienen que coincidir así el d1 mini se conecta al wifi que libera el teléfono
const char* ssid = "cursodegas";
const char* password = "12345678";
Bueno eso es todo por ahora, esto es un prototipo, y lo comparto por si quieren probarlo o hacerle alguna modificación, muchas gracias a la gente del CEDER de Villa Carlos Paz, a mi primer profesor, que le gustaban mis proyectos y me alentaba a seguir adelante, se llama Roberto Muñoz y también al profesor actual, Andrés Bustos, me brindaron muchos consejos
Si alguien quiere que le venda un prototipo listo, la parte electrónica, la envío por correo, puede contactarme al 351-3854282
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Rise and Fall Ch 4 Retrospective
it's rescue time :DDDD
General Notes
This chapter is one i like! the action came out good, the rescue feels tense. I get to write abt one of my favorite little side chars for the first time (Aakse my beloved <3). Risen takes a nap! look at her go
in no particular order, here's the stuff i wanna talk more abt:
Risen's Pyrophobia
It's not super overt, but there are a few bits in here about Risen's newly-developed fear of fire (more specifically burning to death) post-fight with the Warlord. this is based on my headcanon that the first death a Guardian has after their revivial leaves more of a mark, both physically and mentally (might have touched on this last retrospective as well, can't remember). Risen now has a very large burn scar across her entire chest from where the Warlord used a Solar hammer to kill her. She is now uncomfortable around fire, especially Solar Light, and will become triggered by the scent of burning or being burned.
The Rescue
another scene i've been planning since practically day 1 of my serious outline of this fic. i don't honestly have a lot to add about it. The Eliksni were tracking Risen basically ever since her first encounter with them, although they lost track of her and ended up following the Warlords instead, hoping they would lead to her. The timing of this rescue came down to immense luck. Or perhaps it was fate.... :)
fun fact: the female Solar warlock here uses the Radiance super from Destiny 1, something that i.... totally forgot about until i was researching for this chapter. in my defense, i've been a voidwalker main since i started playing in D1 vanilla.
thats honestly kind of it lol. like i said, not much to add to this chapter, since like 90% of it is one long action sequence.
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Codeforces 854 (Div 1 + Div 2)
Very good number of questions solved (5!), reasonably bad point total (worse than some people who solved one fewer question than me, on account of me being slow and having some incorrect subs). Overall still a good result - two more decent competitions and I should make it to candidate master, which is the first respectable codeforces rank imo.
The main theme here is that I am slow. Excruciatingly slow. Maybe just because it's 6:30 AM for me, maybe because I have not really practiced speed at all and need to sharpen up a bit.
A - Took me a while to do this very easy problem. Just keep track of the time and go through. (17 minutes)
B - Use a queue, always divide the biggest element by the smallest, continue until the biggest element equals the smallest. Was hindered here by overthinking and also failing to realize that you shouldn't put the smallest element back in the queue initially (2 failed subs). (32 minutes)
C - Another one that took me a long time to conceptually figure out, despite not actually being that bad - make a counter, pair up the lowest, once you have an odd number of a certain character figure out how many distinct chars you have left - if it's 0, just stick in the leftover, if it's 1, stick the extra in the middle, if it's >2, stick the extra at the end and sort the remainder. (48 minutes)
D - Made the correct decision to eschew the easy version of this problem where it could be O(n^2) and just do the O(n) version. Took me forever to come up with the approach but once I did, managed a decent implementation. Unfortunately had a failed submission and a lot of hackiness involved in getting it to work properly - I had both a small conceptual miss that didn't ruin my approach but did require some nontrivial hackery AND a pretty significant implementation bug that had to be fixed. (65 minutes)
D1 and D2 are two problems, which is how I get to 5/9.
E - Looked doable if I had another hour, but at that point I had 18 minutes left and had already been coding for nearly three hours. Not happening this time.
Top 800/8kish, good enough to gain a big chunk of rating. Currently in the mid 1800s.
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The Ugly Bastard’s Glory: Char D1 vs Panzer IV at the Kasserine Pass
The Panzer IV by the time of the fighting in North Africa had gone through much refinement by the Germans, transitioning from an infantry support vehicle to the prime tank killer of the German army.
The Char D1 on the other hand has always been swept under the rug in the history of French tanks. Overshadowed by its immediate replacement, the Char D2, and even at the time of its introduction it was barely an adequate tank.
But as fate would have it, in February 1943 during the Battle of Kasserine Pass, a Char D1 fighting with the Free French Brigade Légère Méchanique managed to destroy a Panzer IV tank. How this was done is not clear, as the two tanks were separated by over a decade of tank development. The 47mm SA34 of the D1 was being phased out even during the Battle of France in 1940, so it is likely that the glorified Renault FT had gotten a clear shot at the side or rear of the Panzer from a close range.
With that being said, it must have been quite the embarrassment to have your crown jewel of blitzkrieg be knocked out by what looks like a Somua S35 that had fallen into a vat of acid.
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Renault Char D1
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[photo ID: starry deep space, a glowing white title and mysterious emblem, Architects of Destiny]
Guardians make their own fate.
After the mythological Golden Age came the Collapse. Humanity has all but fallen and the silent dead god known only as the Traveler hangs in the sky. The Last City is protected by Guardians, supersoldiers powered by the Traveler’s Light and risen from the dead — and the last defense of the Sol System against invaders.
The Darkness does not come as an invading army, though. It comes wearing familiar faces. It promises majesty. It claims to be correct. One Guardian clan finds themselves facing alien gods of flesh and machine, and the Darkness itself before it can bring about a second Collapse.
Origin: Destiny 1 and 2 (mostly canon compliant; video games need some stern words to become narratives; also fandom-blind)
Genre: scifi fantasy, hopepunk, post-apocalyptic, superhero
Includes: sprawling ensemble class, prattling philosophy on human nature, baby aliens, tragedy, love as a superpower, death isn’t the worst thing that can happen, betrayal, corruption and downfall.
The Architect Clan
[photo ID: a soldier with a rifle fading away into electric blue haze; titled with the name Leo]
Titan // Exo // arc, void, (solar)
I am the soldier in the war-that-never-ends.
A Titan who has trusted in the Traveler to bring them salvation, one day. For three hundred years, he watched a village grow into the Last City. Refugees rediscovered civilization. And, other Guardians became their heroes. He patrolled the walls. Just another faceless brick in them.
Now, he is thrust into the limelight as a hero, his name sung along with the likes of Saint-14, Lord Saladin, Commander Zavala. The weight is more than he can bear.
[photo ID: a cloaked wanderer in a desert with a glowing helmet; titled with the name Q]
Hunter // human // solar, void
Come home.
No one ever damn well asked Q if he wanted to be risen from the dead. He liked being dead. Who wants to be a soldier? Who wants to spend their second life in the mud and blood? He couldn’t give a shit about the hungry masses. They could rot. He would jump into his ship and fly as far as he could. Explore. Map unknown worlds. He had been chosen for a reason. He must’ve been important in another life and damn it, he would find out.
Oh. But why does his clan insist on the most dangerous strike operations? Why must they all be so eager to jump into the pit? Someone needs to ensure they come home.
[photo ID: a woman silhouetted against a stained glass purple supernova; titled with the name Cerys]
Warlock // Awoken // void
Mercy gives teeth to the evil and the weak-hearted.
A thrillseeker and Crucible champion, she was always out of place among the Warlocks. She joined the Praxic Order and their inquisitions out of a dim sense of duty. Without a scholarly pursuit, she figured she should do something. As the threat of Dark-corrupted Guardians grows — and finds a home in her mirror — she comes into a crisis of faith. Rises above it as a devout Praxic. She returns to her training and inquisitions with new conviction.
War cannot be won by the moral bankruptcy that began it.
[photo ID: a man in an ash-storm clutching a fireball streaking like a comet; titled with the name Ember]
Sunbreaker // Human // solar and more solar
The Traveler made Lightbearers. We made Guardians.
The Sunbreaker Clan was myth. Rogue Lightbearers who left the Last City in exodus over heated disagreements on religion and philosophy. Centuries later, their legend is of barbarian mercenaries of the forbidden Titan solar paradigm.
Ember was never the best of them — the strongest, the smartest, the kindest — but he is the last. Brutal and sarcastic, his mean streak earns him few friends. Grudgingly, he returns to the Last City, where he is an exile among strangers.
Completed Works
[photo ID: an alien warrior in a helmet with a spindly sigil and six glowing eyes; titled as House of Wolves]
Q rises from the dead and challenges the callous doctrine of war, even as his fireteam try to impart their ways. [35k words]
[photo ID: an endless pocket dimension of a flower field; titled as Black Garden]
The mythical Black Garden is open and its Dark heart whispers to the Last City. [13k words]
[photo ID: a macabre alien city with honeycombed windows and pods, almost like an insect colony; titled as The Taken King]
The Hive God-King comes in vengeance for his killed son, bringing a new dimension to the horrors of the Guardians’ war. [61k words]
[photo ID: a robed figure overlooks a series of snowy firepits and stately old flags; titled as Rise of Iron]
Leo’s obedience lands him under the eyes of the last Iron Lord, who asks for help avenging his sacred extinct order. [22k words]
Art credits: Unsplash for title and characters; Destiny concept/advertising art as made by Bungie/Activsion for work titles.
#writeblr#destiny 2#fanfiction#scifi#creative writing#original writing#when does fanfiction stop and original writing start?#wip intro#char intro#fanfic#writblr#d2#d1#oc intro#oc
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Pluhm. Awoken Titan. Ghost named Kitty. Panic bubble of safety and splodey-arms extraordinaire. Plants are her life and she’s certain she worked in Titan’s Solarium in the before-times. She fangirls over Queen Mara Sov and Saint-14, and has a crush on Osiris. Pluhm is optimistic to a fault and wears her heart on her sleeve.
#Destiny 2#Pluhm#my one and only char in this beloved game#named Pluhm because I would never change her shaders back in D1 and she looked like a fricken plum#The second I heard Oded Fehr on Mercury I screamed and never recovered
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Also, adding other indicators I left out cuz I was tired when I scheduled this. Sowiee It was not my intention to make this a 2 part series
Look 😮 at that little party in the Navamsa's 7th house🥳
🧊Moon, 🌋Pluto 🍒Venus :
you naturally attract maternal, romantic and passionate relationships. All of these Planets also aspect your ascendant 👆by virtue of oppositionp. There could be a powerful magnetic persona. Could talk about love, breakups, relationships. Forms potent emotional connections with people/ customers.
You could hold significant power over people. You definitely do grab attention.
💛🧑🦽Taurus sun in the 10th house - blessed BY Venus. The 10 th house is all about public perception and recognition. You're radiant. It could be a very good placement for fame in fashion, modelling, creative fields.
Do you sing?
We don't really look at the outer Planets in vedic astrology. But having Neptune in the 10th house of the d9 certainly lends you mysticism.
Now let's talk about your D1 and Lagna chart.
So as a Dhanishta Lagna, Mars significantly influences your ascendant. It lends drive, and sex appeal.
Being in Pisces, you could have a very sensuous, soft manner. Think Mermaid / siren vibes. Being in the third house it could show that you travel a lot for artistic creative pursuits. You could be someone who likes to do things and collect experiences.
The ruler of your Mars sign, Jupiter ( because traditional astrology) is in the 6th house of routine. So you could actually be a performing artist as I see it. I'm thinking if a Siren's song. Gemini is a sign that I associate with the spotlight. Someone who shares their talents with the world. A performer or an orator. It's also your colleagues and day to day grind. With jupiter there your luck is expanded.
Again Mercury and Neptune in the first house. Peole already see you as someone who communicates ( through song) or written / spoken word about things that matter( Capricorn). Mercury is in the Nakshatra associated with drums. Drums in ancient India were used to grab people's attention before announcements were made.
I'd say you've got an excellent chart for the performing arts.
Which creative careers have you been considering?
🦋 Will you send me tickets when you strike it big, pretty please?🎟️
Hi!! can ya see If i have some fame indicators??(If ya dont want It is fine!) Thx btw!
Yepppp so you have Dhanishta ascendant. What more do u wnat. Like people look a t u and think you're gorgeous. Elegant and are likely to succeed. Traditionally beautiful and may have musical / dance based talents
#Concert#Musician astrology#Astrology and fame#D1 analysis#D9 analysis#Vedic birth char vedic astrologer#Vedic astrology#Astrology placements for career and fame#Mercury a d Neptune in fhanishta#Mercury first house#Taurus sun in d9#D9 astrology#Navamsa chart#Pluto moon and venus 7th house of navamsa#Sunday birth chart reading#6th house Jupiter in gemini#Mars in pisces#Dhanishta rising#Ascendant
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finding out you played base d1 as kat and not meow is the plot twist of the century
lol right??? meow was the last char I leveled actually. I was doing the crucible step for the bad juju bounty? or something?? and I saw a hunter on my team zoom past me wearing the brown cloak from eris that made me think huh. that looks like kitty ears. I HAD to get that cloak that day
the rest is history <3
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Isle!Bruno Anon haunts u again: I came for the Family Healy &stayed for the Bruno!whump lol. Also ngl, WarGanglord!Alma as a concept I find appealing (AUs of AU, Isle!Alma alone, Isle!Alma &Bruno same time, Isle!Bruno w/ Isle!Alma at time closer 2 D1). Give her outside problems 2solve, she's good at organizing shit&people. I feel like her time on Isle (depending on how long/when in her char dev) could both harden (threats, prison PTSD bc every1 ther has it) &soften her(2ward who she cares abt).
i actually have this entire mental grimdark AU where alma decides that staying enclosed in the encanto isn't enough and she can only protect her family by conquering essentially the entire territory of gran colombia and ruling it with complete brutality.
it's a fun time! bruno quells the CIA with a vision from the eyes of kennedy's assassin and dolores is kept in a sort of minority report precog situation. but isabela is living her best life as essentially a serial killer so really who can say if it's bad or not.
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Renault FT with Char D1 turret - Colorized
This turret, named ST1, was designed by Schneider and was tested on a Renault FT because it shared the same turret ring diameter as the Char D1.
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The Renault SK, an early attempt by the French army to develop a true armored car, based on General Estienne’s idea of a char á roues. The vehicle had 12mm armor max and appears to borrow the turret of the Char D1 and early Char B1 prototypes. It was built in 1928 and tested up to 1931 but deemed unsatisfactory.
It should also be noted that the name Renault SK is most likely the production designation code, as Renault had used throughout the interwar years, most famously with the Renault FT
#chars#char#tanks#tank#french tank#french tanks#france#wwii#WWI#interwar period#char b1#char d1#Renault SK
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