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browneyesandhair · 11 months ago
Correct Bridgerton Quotes
Colin: It is necessary. For God's sake, Penelope, I arrived with you. I made it abundantly clear that I required your presence in the room, and I practically shoved Felicity out the door to fetch her watercolors. Why on Earth would anyone think that I wanted Felicity?
Lady Featherington: I love Penelope, of course, but -
Colin: But do you know her? She's lovely and intelligent and has a fine sense of humor. Who wouldn't want to marry a woman like that?
Penelope: *whispers* Thank you
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midnightwriteson · 30 days ago
Chapter 14 of Bad Habits is live. Mind the warnings. Enjoy!
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theformulaforsuccess · 6 months ago
Join Douglas Vandergraph as he dives deep into The Six Ghosts of Fear - lessons from Chapter 14 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. In this enlightening video, Douglas unravels the six most common fears that hold us back from achieving true success and shows you how to overcome them. Whether it's the fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, or death, understanding these fears is the first step toward mastering them. Don't let these "ghosts" stand in your way—watch now and start your journey toward a fearless, prosperous life.
#ThinkAndGrowRich #NapoleonHill #OvercomingFear #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement #WealthBuilding #MindsetMastery #FearOfPoverty #FearOfCriticism #SuccessMindset #DouglasVandergraph
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solomonyau · 2 years ago
what it's like inside my mind - Chapter 14 : 'An Honest Letter To My Writing'
If I’m being honest, about what I truly think of you,
I’d believe that this shallow depth of water that run beneath our feet will lead us to submerging ourselves,
Where the constant ticking of the clock will drowned out by blurred gunshots,
Wounds bleeding, gushing from the foresight of eternity
Pleading - to patch of bullet holes that were left within me, 
Filled- by the sorrow of constant sad songs Pulses - beating profusely faster by the minute
Shadows - echoing their cries of being left behind
Ligaments - bursting from their origins of where they were originally attached
Tattoos - bleeding from the needles that carved them
Sown hearts - screaming for their atriums & ventricles
Muscles - cramping at the sight of you 
Now isn’t this all anticlimactic..
I wouldn’t dare call myself a poet yet, for I have yet to surgically remove & repair these lessons that you have bestowed upon me
Giving me the morphing power of a power ranger,
Ranging my scopes, to fight the battles of the unknown, 
Splitting votes, about whether my honesty has been put to rest like the Pope
For better or worse, my message has yet to be sent to you so
If I’m being honest, about what I truly think of you,
I’d paint the world in white, for the monotone brightness that you seem to love so much would break these chains,
Allow the ink from my pen to be swerved on your skin, 
Dowsing colours from these black paintings only known to me,
Painting the world, with a glory of sunshine,
Extension of hands, reaching out to the abyss, 
Grabbing onto flask, to erupt these chemical reactions called love,
So this is my letter to you, 
For when dusk turns dawn, & my skin turns pale
As my withered hands reeks of arthritis, & I have yet learned to fail, 
Just know that these unspoken words of mine were ever so meant to reach the depths of you,
For I have only known to write letters, to the places where I have once left you. 
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qianqiancandyjar · 11 months ago
Struggle of the Caged Bird (Yokai Ninja AU Chapter14)
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Some explaining:
Originally Randy was wearing a Carpfish's Eye on the neck. It can't be took off and makes him colder in winters. If you remember, it's broken in chapter 2. The barrier thing is based on a headcanon from my Ninjavember 2023. It's my AU, sure I put it into use. ;)
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rhetoricandlogic · 7 months ago
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Review: The House of Discarded Dreams
by Anil Menon
In Ekaterina Sedia’s novel, there is a striking passage where the heroine Vimbai invokes the Rafflesia, an endoparasitic plant with flowers that “looked like slabs of meat and stank of rotting flesh.” Inextricably entwined around the host plant’s life support systems, the parasite is completely embedded inside the host and visible to the outside world only in the form of its grotesque flowers. The House of Discarded Dreams splits our veins to show us the oneiric parasites that suck us dry, prospering as we wither, flowering in our ruin.
We give these dream parasites various names. For Vimbai, a second-generation American whose immigrant parents came from Zimbabwe, the dreams take the shape of guilt. Guilt at not being American enough and guilt at being too American. Like many children of the Diasporas—Asian, African, Hispanic, and European— she’s caught in-between, an African soul trapped in a new world body. Her mother, an Africana scholar, is harsh, loving, driven, irascible and hyper-sensitive to history. Her father is weak and ineffectual. Unable to take the daily blowouts any more, Vimbai moves out into a rental. Her two roomates are decidely odd. Felix, for example, has a black hole that doubles as hair (perhaps a play on Cosmology’s no-hair theorem for black holes). Her other roomate Maya has her familiars, critters that are a cross between foxes and squirrels. The house begins to float away. A Psychic Energy Baby downloads itself from the telephone wires.
Though the exuberant fantasizing is fun, it sometimes leaves the novel with insufficient constraints. It’s a problem intrinsic to the fantasy genre. If fantasy adheres to rules and regulations, then it’s just an alternate Earth with an alternate physics, chemistry and biology. But remove the rules and regulations,and there’s always the risk of adhockery. It’s a tough tightrope to walk, and Sedia’s novel occasionally teeters. For example, there’s a scene where Vimbai is being drowned in a lake by the catfish (Chapter14). Along comes the Psychic Baby who saves her by sucking the lake dry. It isn’t that this sort of thing is unusual in fantastic literature. Indeed, there’s a Hindu myth involving the sage Agasthya that’s quite similar. Nor does it have to do with the specific solution: the story’s context makes it clear why the solution requires the Psychic Baby to drink the water and not, say, make ice from it. The problem really has to do with the long sequence of such events. Myths and fairy tales are short. But at novel length, the techniques of symbolic fantasy can be wearisome.
To be fair, Sedia is very careful with her images. The basic set of events is quite sparse and mostly play with water, light, drinking, drowning, body traumas and the insides/outsides of things. And she never wavers from her central question: what does one do if one’s dreams are not one’s own, but parasitic dreams, life-sucking dreams embedded by one’s heritage, parents, and the Other. In Vimbai’s case, these parasitic dreams are primarily due to her mother and to a lesser extent from the American society around her.
Vimbai’s mother is a fascinating character. In the grand narrative of the Hardworking Immigrant Citizen, there are two things of special interest. As the scholar Bonnie Honig pointed out, the immigrant is the only citizen to “explicitly consent to the regime.” Regular citizens may have the luxuries of resistance and dissent. The Immigrant, however, cannot complain about the status quo because they came voluntarily. The second (related) point of interest is that the Immigrant’s dream is assumed to correspond with the State’s interests. But in Sedia’s novel, Vimbai’s mother is an immigrant who neither consents to the regime nor embraces the standard immigrant dream. She’s inconvenient, exasperating and not very grateful. She is also fully three-dimensional. For me, Vimbai’s mother made the story. Iwould have liked to have seen a lot more of this fascinating woman. Perhaps this book should have been her story and not Vimbai’s.
Perhaps it is. When we follow Vimbai in her attempts to free herself, to make sense of her existence in what shouldn’t be– for her– the New World, what we are also following is a mother who seeks rest. In this journey, Vimbai is assisted and harassed by a variety of frenemies—an old grandmother, totem animals, ghosts of universes past, and the presence of good and evil everywhere. But most of all, it’s her mother who guides her to the resolution.
The writing is occasionally a little rough, especially at the beginning, where there’s a marked lack of precision and cohesiveness. The first chapter could have used a more careful editorial scan. For example, this sentence with its unclear pronouns:
“She wished she would pay as half as much mind to Vimbai’s problems and worries as she did to the white men trying to hijack her department.” (p. 9)
But these problems mostly disappear in the later chapters, and the narration is more cohesive and to the point.
Perhaps the point is a moral one. I disagreed with Sedia’s thesis—or rather, the implied author’s thesis– that the “good” includes a non-judgmental respect for the past and its beliefs. In the novel, things get their aura from their connection with the past, from their humility and from knowing their place.The new, the modern, the forgetful and the aggressive are the problem, not the solution. Thus Vimbai’s beloved animal is the tortoise because it does not “chase after things” and is “satisfied with what it has”and is “never aggressive and yet gets its way.” (p. 292) This immediately disqualified the tortoise as my favorite animal, but then again, an author is not obliged to respect the reader’s preferences.
We could imagine a different Vimbai. A Vimbai who takes a bulldozer to that termite-ridden ancestral house. One who couldn’t care less about colonization, old myths or her parents’ inexhaustible regrets. One whose beloved animal is herself. A Vimbai who might one day lead a nation much like herself: noisy, brilliant, future-oriented, pulsing with the blood of immigrants. On the other hand, this is no longer a fantasy.
The House of Discarded Dreams is a courageous novel. It avoids easy cliches, it’s driven by powerful conflicts and its solutions are not necessarily pleasing. It’s condescending to give the novel extra credit because Ekaterina Sedia, an author of Russian origins living in the US, chose the African disapora as her setting. But I’m very glad she did.
Review: The House of Discarded Dreams
by Anil Menon
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steve-rogers-fanfiction · 9 months ago
Modern Royalty: Chapter 14
Steve Rogers / Bucky Barnes Story
Follow the tangled romances and secrets of Steve Rogers, Sarah Carter (Blake Lively), and Bucky Barnes in this captivating Marvel fanfiction series.
Click the link for more:
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aston-axo · 1 year ago
I think I found it!
It's a pdf so you'll have to download the paper
Let me know if the link isn't working or if it isn't the right one
I downloaded it 👀 this is gonna be my bedtime reading tonight just the graphs and diagrams are making me excited to look at!
This is both 1) utterly fascinating thank you for finding this so much this stuff just utterly grabs my attention and 2) this is going to be so useful for my fic *wheezes*.
Thank you again !! I'll see about adding more of my thoughts after I've read it.
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rohanitecomics · 1 year ago
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Chapter 14: "House warmer" 🐢 https://rohancomics.com/dandelion/parttwo-chapter14/1/
Dande VS Ukko 🔥⚡
Biggest chapter since the first one! Comments and shares appreciated~
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fanficfanatic000 · 2 years ago
eddie munson x female reader
Chapter14 (i really l) Story: I just moved to hawkins )
Goes with Story of s4
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18 plus
don't read if under 18
"That thats what I lo……really like about you" He gulped and hoped you didn't hear what was said. You went to speak but you got interrupted by the others rushing into the van robin:"steve drive!!!!!" They were trying to get away from jason and his other freind. "Okay lets see what you guys got. " You search through the bags dustin:" we got a shot gun, 2 bats, nails, knifes, bear trap, lighters ,gasoline. And bug spray ."
You grabbed the little gas can,a bat, nails and a lighter. Steve: "we're here " You all jumped out of the van turns out you were at the hills of hawkins near the woods You walked over to a log with all the weapon making supplies and you sit down. Eddie:"heyy " his body towering blocking the sunlight his brown hazelnut eyes looking at your eyes. his dark curls fall over his shoulders like wave against the sand. This man is beautiful. "Hi eddie" He sat himself down to your right "whatcha makin?" "Oh hm its gonna be a bat with nails." You say as you hammered a nail into the wood. "Then whats the gas for?" He raised an eyebrow curiously. "Well after i get all of these in im gonna soak it in gas, so fire bat with nails" "Okay well im gonna go mess with dustin bye " He ran off hm? I wonder what that was about
Eddie pov: Steve: we're here Everyone jumped out of the van Oh there she is. She seems to have an idea to what she's making hmm? Let's go find out. The close he got the faster his heart rate got. "Heyy " wow she looks so cute "Hi eddie" her voice was soft and sweet It sent electricity through my heart. He sits down. "Whatcha makin?" "Oh hm ist gonna be a bat with nails " She hammered it in in 2 seconds Hm "whats the gas for?" The way her necklaces hang perfectly on her breasts it's beautiful . she's beautiful wait is she talking to me? Yep! Oh no fuck I'm hard I hope she doesn't notice quick think of somthing "okay well im gonna go mess with dustin bye" run munson run! Okay its gone not hard now just don't think about her.
Your pov: I wonder what that was about hm? You continue making your bat okay done lets see Robin and Nancy got guns steve also has a bat not as good as mine though eddie and Dustin made shields and spears The way eddie looks the bandana is tied around his head now unstead of tucked in his pocket. He darts a look at you only to see you were staring it gave you and him butterflies
Steve" all right lets go " you all loaded inside the van now ready for war.
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wangwill66 · 2 days ago
  本書教你 :
PART1 三年賺一倍的致富公式
Chapter1 選股法則1:擋也擋不住的趨勢,就是好趨勢
Chapter2 選股法則2:從護城河及含金量找到值得投資的贏勢股
Chapter3 價位判斷:再好的股票,也要買在合理價位
Chapter4 賣出時機:該斷的不要留,別跟股票談無意義的戀愛
PART2 戰勝人性的心理素質
Chapter5 耐心:用長期思維等待收穫
Chapter6 獨立思考:不從眾的勇氣,用細節看透表象
Chapter7 放大格局:賺錢不要過度自信
Chapter8 復盤:檢視自己的選股和思緒,不斷修正
Chapter9 定心:保持平常心,才能長期在股市裡獲利
PART3 賺取人生最重要的無形資產
Chapter10 財富自由的終點,是懂得知足
Chapter11 慢慢富,更有餘裕
Chapter12 無聊操盤,有趣人生
Chapter13 用減法淬鍊人生底藴
Chapter14 AI 時代,做一個有想法的人
  經營「股市隱者」粉絲專頁,粉絲人數超過7萬人。製播「股市隱者」Podcast,上架一週即登上Apple Podcast第一名。
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mistypurplespark · 6 months ago
After discovering Lucien's empty shack, the ordinary-looking man named Jackson acknowledged that even though Mag and Andre were not very helpful, they provided useful information. When Andre found only trash in the shack, Jackson identified the potential value of the items discarded by the rich in the dump site. Encouraged by the discovery, Jackson ordered his men to destroy Lucien's belongings and keep any money they found. Unwilling to waste time searching for Lucien, Jackson's gang proceeded to ransack his shack. Lucien, unable to defend himself, contemplated learning magic to protect himself. When Alisa intervened in the situation, she was attacked by the gangsters, prompting Lucien to finally take action and confront Jackson. In a physical altercation, Lucien attempted to overpower Jackson but was ultimately beaten and left bloodied on the ground. Despite his defeat, Lucien vowed to become stronger in the future. Jackson, recognizing Lucien's determination, advised him not to be too greedy and then departed with his men, leaving behind destruction and stolen money.
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caffedrine · 8 months ago
Keith Howell Master List
Main Story
Chapter01 Chapter02 Chapter03 Chapter04 Chapter05 Chapter06 Chapter07 Chapter08 Chapter09 Chapter10 Chapter11 Chapter12 Chapter13 Chapter14 Chapter15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter18 Chapter19 Chapter20
Romantic Route
Chapter21 Chapter22 Chapter 23 Chapter24 Chapter25 Epilogue
Dramatic Route
Chapter21 Chapter22 Chapter23 Chapter24 Chapter25 Epilogue
From Now on, You're My Woman
Lucky to be Loved
Two Ending Bonus - The Secret Only the Bookmark Knows
He is Me and I am Him?! Featuring Leon Dompteur
The Beast Tempts the Rabbit Featuring Kagari Amagase
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deblala · 7 months ago
Reich of The Black Sun - 14
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hiddeneosbymrsflowerpot · 8 months ago
Is young Noctis with chapter14 emo hair possible with your tools?
Yeah, it should be possible to make a mod that swaps the hair. In fact it's probably already been done. Check on Nexus mods.
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testbank-zone · 1 year ago
Test Bank For Canadian Income Taxation 2023-2024 26e By Bill Buckwold
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Test Bank For Canadian Income Taxation 2023-2024 26e By Bill Buckwold
  TABLE OF CONTENTS   Preface   Award-Winning Technology   CPA Competency Map   Part 1 A Planning and Decision-Making Approach to Taxation   Chapter1 Taxation-Its Role in Decision Making   Chapter2 Fundamentals of Tax Planning   Part 2 An Overview of Income Determination and Tax for the Two Primary Entities   Chapter 3 Liability for Tax, Income Determination, and Administration of the Income Tax System   Chapter 4 Income from Employment   Chapter 5 Income from Business   Chapter 6 The Acquisition, Use, and Disposal of Depreciable Property   Chapter7 Income from Property   Chapter8 Gains and Losses on the Disposition of Capital Property-Capital Gains   Chapter9 Other Income, Other Deductions, and Special Rules for Completing Net Income for Tax Purposes   Chapter10 Individuals: Determination of Taxable Income and Taxes Payable   Chapter11 Corporations-An Introduction   Part 3 The Corporate Structure   Chapter12 Organization, Capital Structures, and Income Distributions of Corporations   Chapter13 The Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation   Chapter14 Multiple Corporations and Their Reorganization   Part 4 Other Forms of Business Organization   Chapter15 Partnerships   Chapter16 Limited Partnerships and Joint Ventures   Chapter17 Trusts   Part 5 Selected Topics   Chapter18 Business Acquisitions and Divestitures-Assets versus Shares   Chapter19 Business Acquisitions and Divestitures-Tax-Deferred Sales   Chapter20 Domestic and International Business Expansion   Chapter21 Tax Aspects of Corporate Financing   Chapter22 Introduction to GST/HST   Chapter23 Business Valuations     Read the full article
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