#Chad on the other hand managed even when the love of his life fell head over heels for someone he met on holiday
hsm-sideblog · 2 years
The more I re-watch the HSM movies the more I’m convinced that Troy and Gabriella are not going to last through college...
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first love // Something to believe
🎶something to believe by painting promises
(AU) Steve Harrington x fem!reader
[a/n] back from the grave and ready to start writing again I introduce to you... a new series! this is just the beginning of a new and painful adventure for our favourite boy Stevie, hope you enjoy! btw the upside down doesn't exist, Eddie lives and Nancy isn't Steve's Ex (everything else is normal though).
[warnings] none!
first love masterlist here!
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Almost thirty and still painfully single, you’d come to the conclusion that maybe love just wasn’t for you. Sure your parents and friends loved you but nobody was In Love with you. Since freshman year of high school you’d been aware of your lack of romantic interests, wether it was Chad from biology who asked you out as a dare or Jake from math who was about as interesting as watching paint dry, nobody had seen you; nobody had wanted you. 
Except for Steve.
At 14 you weren’t sure if it was his adorably nervous smile or shining brown orbs that drew you in but since the first moment your eyes met you fell head over heels for him. No matter how much your parents hounded you on your feelings for the cute chestnut haired boy you chalked everything down to a right place, right time kind of thing. In secret you were a fool in love, smiling like an idiot any time his name was mentioned and in public you were simply a best friend, his best friend.
 While time passed and fate crowned him as the infamous ‘King Steve’ your feelings never faltered. Growing day by day, minute by minute, even when you were deemed a glorified personal assistant by his other so called ‘friends’, shunned aside among the ‘peasants’ unworthy of a royalties precious time. Short lived but a monumental time in his life, he managed to find his way back to you, like magnets yearning to meet, no matter the circumstances you could never be apart for long.
At 19 after watching him go through his fair share of girl friends and hookups you finally realised it was better to keep your feelings hidden. After all, trading years of friendship for one night of pleasure wasn’t worth it, not when you could have every other part of him, any day of the week, forever. In fact, if that was all you’d ever be you were more than happy to have the privilege of admiring him from afar even when it meant you’d never get close enough to call him yours. 
By 20 you and Steve were still the bestest of friends, welcoming new additions to the ever growing group. The newest addition being Eddie Munson the resident 'freak' which he proudly claimed. Along with Robin and Nancy everything had been perfect, too perfect. That should've been the first red flag, the second being that you entertained the idea of falling for a guy named Christopher. You may not have loved him but that didn't make it any better when you found him in bed with one of his exes, his excuse being that he used your status as the 'golden girl' and best friend to the ex 'king' to make said ex jealous, no shocker but it worked.
You vividly remember Steve consoling you that same night, jokingly pointing out your awful taste in guys, if only he knew. Before stating something that would change the rest of your life forever.
Sat side by side basking in the humidity of the summer air you laughed and joked as Steve told you of yet another fail at family video. You had been sworn to secrecy as he recalled tripping over in order to escape one of his overly enthusiastic past hookups. Knowing full well if Dustin ever found out Steve would never know peace again.
You don't know quite how long had passed between the jokes and the comfortable silence that currently surrounded you, but you decided that if you had to stay in one moment forever, it would be right now. The warm beer in hand and head rested on Steve's shoulder as you watched the night pass by could never compare to the nights you'd spent alone or with Christopher. Steve was your home and you were his. Which is why he knew he had to take a chance. A very stupid, idiotic chance, but a chance nonetheless.
A pact.
If the two of you remained single at 30 you'd marry each other. It was a no brainer. There would be no more question about when you would finally settle down and find a decent husband, but it also satisfied the stupid societal standard of the white picket fence dream. Although, what that meant would entail was to be worried about at a later point. Besides, who knew if the pact would still be valid in 24 hours, let alone another ten years.
[a/n] Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated and encouraged!
other works available here!
Tagging some mutuals who might be interested? @munsonsreputation @sweetpeapod @mysticmunson @acourtofsnakes @jesus-in-the-womb @chvoswxtch
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bansept · 4 years
This came out of nowhere while listening to the same depressing song for 2 hours and looking at Ichihime fanarts on the internet.
Feast, beloved Ichihime shippers, on my first angst.
Time had always run out.
Always too late to reach for something to hold on before falling on the ground.
Always too late to say sorry before hurting someone's feelings.
Always too late to reach a fragile glass before it shattered on the floor, myriads of cutting pieces landing in your hands and piercing you deep.
For the first time too late to reach the one you love.
How did it happen? What went wrong? What had caused it?
The day had started like every other, the sun rising, the birds chirping, and their eyes opening. One pair stared at the window near the bed, while the other scanned the room for the traitorous and never ending hiding slippers.
One figure had stood up, grumbling about being hungry, the other still staring at the clouds, their changing forms and the constant play of pastel colors on them.
Ichigo was still just a human, who gave his all and everything for the world he lived in, for the people he cared about. For the memories he wanted to keep making. His final form, black and unforgiving, had ripped him from all the powers he had obtained with intense training, leaving only a shallow and empty human.
Unable to protect.
Nothing could be the same, as too many changes had occured. How can one come back, or even start a new life when their view of the world had radically been transformed? The world, merciless and violent, could swallow him without Ichigo being able to do anything, for himself or for the others.
The only thing possible, doable, was to move on. Walk again, slower and with more fear than before, but walk still. Things would only be worse of he stayed silent, empty and depressed. So he talked, laughed and stared at his family, his friends, the ones he could still protect, by being himself : bratty and grumbling, yet kind and thoughtful.
Orihime, with Chad and Uryu, had taken over his duties, tracking Hollows and keeping everyone safe. Ichigo couldn't see it, couldn't watch them fight. But he knew.
"Are... Are you sure you want to thank me for that?" She had asked, eyes shaking while searching this own brown orbs for some kind of pain. He had come up after school, walking with her to make sure no one would follow. Damn students always after her like some hyenas...
"I'm sure. Nothing forced you and the guys to take over the hollow extermination, yet... You still do it. So thank you, Inoue."
His eyes had been sincere, thankful truly, when his head was tilted to the side. Orihime was taken aback by his lack of anger, jealousy, hell, discomfort at admitting he was sad. There was none of it, only genuine kindness.
"Ha... Well, we would be terrible if we didn't replaced you..."
Ichigo laughed shortly at her comment, agreeing silently while tapping his hand on his bag.
"Come on, don't you want to read some mangas? I brought the one we talked about." Ichigo rapidly changed the subject. It had been months, too quick for him to linger on it for too long without feeling a wave of hurt crushing him. With Orihime, it seemed this wave never came.
And for the next months, they got closer, sharing books, taking breaks between classes to discuss trivial things, sharing some left over bread she brought to his house... Holding hand, looking after the other. Hiding from their friends to be just them. Just with each other, gazing at the sky while the season changed.
Why didn't it continue that way?
Why did the day of the first too late came?
Why, after a peaceful time with each other, talking and sipping their drinks and walking while brushing their hands playfully, why did it happen?
Ichigo was distracted, for a slight second, and couldn't see the 5 men rushing to them, a murderous look in their hooded eyes.
Orihime was preoccupied by this tall man Ichigo couldn't see, with his white shirt, dark suspenders and blood eyes.
Ichigo handled the men, who managed to harm him, planting a knife between his ribs. They were too many, well trained and he was alone and scared for Orihime. Where did she go? What had happened to her? A fist in an eye socket, a knee crashing someone's balls. The men left, stumbling, bloody and whimpering.
Orihime looked around to see the man on an electric pole, their eyes glaring at each other, but she left to go back to Ichigo. The man was dangerous, but she had a feeling Ichigo would be in trouble.
Ichigo too was panting, wincing at the deep wound in his sides, pushing a hand on it to stop the bleeding, blood oozing out in rapid flow while his lungs tried to gather air and stock it. But to no avail.
Orihime saw him stumble on the ground, crying out his name and preparing her Santen Kesshun.
Until a blade came from behind, cold, splicing.
She fell to the ground, her white blouse being spread with dark blood, her shoulder refusing to work.
Ichigo watched her. The only thing he could do. Watch, bitterly, as the woman he loved bled out on the pavement, barely reaching out for her hand to grasp it.
"I... Love you...." He ushered, never wanting his last words to be ones of regret or shame. The russet woman looked up, hand going cold, but smiled the brightest she could, a tear rolling down her cheek.
"I... Too... I, love..."
And just like the glass you can't catch, her voice cracked, the tear wetted the pavement, and she was gone.
Ichigo didn't let go of her hand, even in death.
I hate angst.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
I know I missed Renji's birthday but if you ever have time, I would absolutely love to see anything about Renji and Orihime's friendship. I always headcanon him as her no.1 weird bakery experiment supporter, but really anything would be great! They just seem like they would be each other's go-to supports and I would love to see your take on them!
Anon, I have no excuse for why this took so long! RenHime BroTP is one of my very favorite things, but I managed to draw a huge blank on this and then I went through two concepts that didn’t work before I managed to hit on one that did. (Also, I did write two other Renji & Orihime stories in the Time of Many Drabbles, one where they make a cake and one where they act out Orihime’s fanfic)
Anyway, I love the Advance Team Arc, please enjoy this Advance Team Arc story about Renji and Orihime trying to cheer Rukia up by going thrifting, ft. the all-time greatest Renji clothing item.
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Orihime was headed outside for lunch, thinking longingly about her curry tuna fish sandwich, when a low, gravelly voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Oi, Inoue. You gotta moment?”
Abarai was leaning up against the wall of the school, his eyes scanning the school yard like he was waiting for a brawl to break out. Abarai reminded Orihime a lot of a guy in a prison movie. Not the guy that masterminded the prison break, but the guy who had the whole prison figured out and knew how to get illicit goods and would help the main guy escape even though they were sort of frenemies. Orihime found him a little bit scary, but in a cool way. They probably didn’t have motorcycles in Soul Society, but if they did, Orihime would bet money that Abarai would ride one.
“Sure!” she announced eagerly, and followed in his shadow as he silently rounded the corner of the building. He moved very quietly for such a big person, unlike Ichigo and Chad, who crashed and thumped wherever they went, especially when they went somewhere together.
“I gotta problem and I’m hopin’ you’ll be able to help me out a little.” Abarai shifted his shoulders a little, obviously uncomfortable in his school uniform.
Orihime knew all about the stresses of the undercover lifestyle. Clearly, he needed someone for an inside job, someone who knew all the subtleties of living a normal human existence. Fortunately for him, Orihime had been a normal human almost her entire life. “How can I be of assistance, Lieutenant Abarai?” she barked.
Abarai blinked at her. “Er. It’s not really mission-related. I need, um, some advice, I guess.”
Orihime set her jaw and tightened her fists. “I am short on life experience, but I have read many magazines. Ask me anything.”
Abarai waved his hands. “No! No! Look, you’re friends with Rukia, right?”
“Yes!” Orihime agreed. That was an easy one.
Abarai nodded quickly, happy to have found some firm footing at last. “The thing is, she’s been taking Ichigo’s vanishing act kinda hard.”
Orihime gave a tiny nod, her fingernails digging into her palms. The truth was, there was a dull, Ichigo-sized ache in her own heart, as well. She couldn’t stop wondering where he was and what he was up to and if he was getting good hearty lunches. She imagined it must be a thousand times worse for Rukia who had come all the way from Soul Society to just to see him.
“She gets real crabby when she’s worried,” Abarai continued on, continuing to scan the grounds, presumably for lurking Rukias. “She’s been getting on me for not having enough spare clothes for my gigai. I wouldn’t usually let her boss me around like this, but I thought it would make her feel better so I told her we could go, ah, shopping.”
“Oh, that’s so nice!” cried Orihime.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m a prince. But here’s the thing: Even though Captain Hitsugaya outranks me, I am technically the mission manager, which means I’m in charge of the budget, and I’d really, really like to come out in the black. Matsumoto already conned me out of a significant portion of the petty cash. I don’t think Rukia has a real good handle on human money and I sure as hell don’t. I told Rukia that we should ask one of her friends to come along and she said she’d ask you, and I just was hoping you could help me keep things, y’know, frugal, without making a big deal about it.”
Abarai looked a little sheepish even asking. Orihime remembered the size of Rukia’s house back in Soul Society, the beautiful kimono she had worn once she was no longer a criminal. Orihime knew all about having friends who had more money than you. Her resolve hardened and slammed her fist into her open palm. “A strict budget is no reason not to look your best!” she announced. “You have come to the right person, Lieutenant Abarai! I, Inoue Orihime, Thrifting Champion of Karakura, will help you out!”
Abarai’s face washed over with relief, followed very quickly by confusion. “The what champion?” he echoed.
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“You are a saint, Orihime!” Rukia declared as they marched down the street, arm in arm, Renji trailing grumpily a few paces behind, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “A gem! I offered to borrow something from Ichigo’s father for him, but this ingrate was having none of it.”
There was some low-pitched muttering from behind them.
Orihime was trying to picture Renji in the pink, ruffled tuxedo shirt Dr. Kurosaki had worn under his lab coat the last time he set Tatsuki’s sprained ankle. “I don’t think Dr. Kurosaki’s style would be quite right for him,” she suggested diplomatically. “I… guess… he’s supposed to be a teenager?”
Rukia heaved a sigh. “I suppose you’re correct, as usual.” She craned her head back over her shoulder for a moment. “You owe Orihime an ice cream for this, Lieutenant Hopeless!” She swung her head forward again with a huff. Renji shot Orihime a wink.
Orihime couldn’t quite figure out Rukia and Renji’s exact relationship. Rukia has described Renji as “her friend.” On one hand, she hadn’t said about the shinigami from Ten or Eleven. On the other, she called Renji a lot of rude names and harangued him a lot. Renji had seemed pretty concerned about Rukia when he had pulled Orihime aside that afternoon, but now he was all slouches and scrunchy eyebrows. He reminded Orihime of Ichigo.
Oh! Maybe there was something to that! Maybe Renji was being a grouch on purpose so that Rukia could yell at him and feel like she was yelling at Ichigo. Wow! That was some master-level friendship. Orihime wondered if she should be taking notes.
“Ah, here we are!” she exclaimed, pointing at a little, tucked away shop front.
“What sort of shop is this?” Rukia frowned, examining the cluttered store window.
“It’s a thrift store,” Orihime explained. “People sell old, but well-made clothes to the shop, and they resell them for much cheaper than new clothes. Sometimes you can find really neat vintage, designer things that a rich person only wore a few times and decided they didn’t want. Uryuu likes to look for really ugly things made from nice fabrics and then re-tailor them. I have to modify a lot of my clothes, too, because of-- well, you know.” She gestured vaguely at her chest.
“What a brilliant idea!” Rukia proclaimed. “That’s so practical! Renji, isn’t Orihime a genius?”
“I didn’t come up with the idea,” Orihime mumbled self-consciously.
“Maybe you should open a shop to sell off your brother’s spare kimono,” Renji suggested airily. He was definitely baiting Rukia now, Orihime could see it when she watched for it.
“I should!” Rukia declared, closing her eyes haughtily. “People would probably pay twice just because he wore them!”
Renji just snorted.
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“How about these?” Rukia asked, holding up a pair of jeans. “They look like the kind Ichigo wears.”
Orihime pulled her head out of the rack of pants she was sorting through, and Renji’s head popped up from the next aisle. “Hmm,” she said, tapping her finger on her lips. She knew what she wanted to say, but she didn’t want to make Renji feel self-conscious by talking about his body and also, she didn’t want to make it obvious how much time she’d spent looking at Kurosaki’s butt. “Those are skinny jeans. Abarai is a lot, um, more muscular? than Kurosaki-kun? He would do better with a straight leg cut, I think.” She wished Uryuu were here. She didn’t know that much about men’s clothes, but she had heard him say that once while lamenting Chad’s tragic commitment to bootleg cuts.
Apparently, Rukia had no such qualms about Renji’s positive body image. “Hear that, Thunder Thighs? This is where all those squats get you.”
If this bothered Renji, he didn’t let it show. “My thighs are majestic, Rukia. Some people enjoy a guy with a little meat on his bones, for your information.”
Rukia laughed then, a sharp, amused guffaw, almost a cackle. Orihime looked up suddenly. She was sure she’d heard Rukia laugh before, but it had been a high-pitched giggle, a girlish titter. There was a gleam in the shorter woman’s eyes, and at first, Orihime thought she was being mean to Abarai, but when she glanced at him, his eyes were twinkling and he had a slight smile on his face.
Orihime got the sudden sense that she was interrupting something, although she wasn’t sure how you could interrupt someone making fun of someone else. She ducked her head and focused on rifling through the rack of pants in front of her. “How about these?” she asked, holding up a likely candidate.
“Those look pretty worn out,” Renji frowned.
“They’re distressed, Renji,” Rukia explained pompously. “It’s human fashion. They come that way. It presents the illusion of leading a rough and tough, adventurous lifestyle, even for fancy boys like you.”
“Rukia,” Renji scolded her. “Members of the Sixth Company do not walk around with their knees on display, for anyone to see.”
Rukia snorted, and Orihime suspected they were making yet another inside joke. “How’s he gonna find out? And if he does, you can just tell him you fell down the stairs, he would definitely believe that.”
“Er, here’s another pair without any holes,” Orihime offered. “They’re black.” Uryuu also had a lot of opinions on black jeans, but she was pretty sure Renji could pull them off.
“Thank you, Inoue,” Renji said, extra-graciously, reaching over the rack to accept them.
“You better try them both on!” Rukia yelled in her bossy voice. “I demand to see the forbidden knees!”
“Whatever, you’ve seen ‘em, before,” Renji muttered, but he was still smiling.
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“Hey, Inoue!”
Orihime ducked past a rack of sweatervests, to where Renji was contemplating a leather jacket.
“Do humans still wear stuff like this? I know they were pretty popular a few decades ago.”
“Oh, yes,” Orihime agreed. “It’s a timeless look.”
Renji looked mildly shocked, but happy.
“That’s a really nice one,” Orihime added. “You should try it on.”
Renji didn’t seem like he needed a lot of encouragement to slip it over his shoulders. “I had a roommate who had one of these,” he admitted. “They look pretty dumb over a shihakushou, but Iba has never once let looking like a moron slow him down.” He grinned. “I was jealous as hell of it.”
Orihime clapped her hands. “Oh, Abarai, it looks so good on you!” It wasn’t even an exaggeration. It was black, a classic motorcycle cut, and it fit him perfectly. Orihime amended her mental movie casting of Renji: in a jacket like that, he could definitely be the protagonist of an American motorcycle movie, flicking cigarettes into the gutter and leaving a broken-hearted girl pining after him after he got run out of town for Raising Too Much Hell.
“Is it expensive?” Renji asked, holding out the sleeve with the price tag. “I don’t know what a jacket is supposed to cost.”
“It’s a very practical wardrobe staple,” Orihime advised. “Especially this time of year. It’s just starting to be jacket weather, and this will carry you through until winter, unless we have an especially cold one.” She checked the tag. “Leather jackets aren’t cheap, but this is a very good value. If you can afford it, I think it’s worth it.”
“I think I can make it work,” Renji murmured, obviously doing a bit of mental math.
“Hey, Abarai,” Orihime said, leaning forward, and keeping her voice low.
“Is it going the way you planned? Do you think we’re cheering Rukia up?”
Renji opened his mouth and then closed it again. “I think we at least took her mind off him for a bit. What do you think?”
Orihime contemplated. “She seems like she’s having a good time. I think she liked looking at your butt when you were trying on pants.” Renji raised a skeptical eyebrow. To be fair, Abarai had a very nice butt. Orihime was pretty sure she still preferred Kurosaki’s butt, but it hadn’t exactly been a trial. “On the other hand, she does yell at you a lot,” Orihime said quickly. “She’s very difficult to read.”
“Yeah, I know. It takes some practice,” Renji replied. “And she hasn’t been yelling at me. You haven’t begun to see Rukia yelling at me.” He rubbed his chin. “I think we’re doing a good job. Thanks, Inoue! I couldn’t have pulled this off on my own.”
Orihime blushed. “Oh, I haven’t really done anything!”
“I think you und--”
Orihime never found out what Renji was going to say, because Rukia came skidding into the coat aisle. She was wearing a denim vest, a feather boa, and a cowboy hat, and clutching something in her hands. “Hey! Hey, Renji! Renji, I just fou...nd…” She trailed off as her eyes scanned Abarai up and down, lingering on the leather jacket. Her mouth dropped open a little.
Orihime’s eyes darted to Renji, who looked paralyzed by this development. His hand went to his hair self-consciously, his fingers getting caught in his bandana awkwardly.
If Orihime had felt like a third wheel up until this point, she realized that sometimes bicycles can be very hard to ride if you aren’t used to them, and third wheels are helpful when you’re in danger of tipping over and crashing. “Rukia, look at the jacket Renji found! He’s being waffley! Help me convince him to get it!”
Rukia came back to herself suddenly. “It fits you perfectly, you fool! Listen to Orihime.”
“I dunno,” Renji drawled, having pulled his act together as well. “It’s kinda expensive.” He started to grab another coat off the rack. It was tweed and had elbow patches. “Might keep looking for a bit.”
“No!” Rukia commanded, and Renji’s hand reflexively dropped the hanger like he’d just touched something hot. Rukia cleared her throat self-consciously. “Speaking of things that are non-negotiable, look what I found for you!!” With a flourish, she unfurled the bundle in her hands, which happened to be a t-shirt.
At first, Orihime had no idea what she was looking at. Obviously, it was a t-shirt. If she had to guess, it had been printed by a garage band full of teens that played a lot of covers and had to bum rides to their gigs. There was a drippy looking skull and some words in English. It was objectively terrible. But in a charming way.
“I love it!” Renji shouted, with far too much enthusiasm. “I don’t read English very well, though, what does it say?”
“I don’t either,” Rukia admitted. “I think this says ‘red’, though.”
“It says ‘red pineapple,’” Orihime supplied. They had just finished the unit on fruits and vegetables in English class. She had gotten a 100 on the test.
Renji and Rukia both burst into gales of laughter.
“How much is it?” Renji wheezed. “I’ll pay a million kan for it.”
“They use yen here, you buffoon,” Rukia gasped. “It’s got an orange sticker, what does that mean?”
“That means it’s on special clearance,” Orihime explained, scanning the chart hung on the wall. “100 yen.”
“Ha, ha, that’s cheap! It’s mine!”
“You were skeptical,” Rukia lectured, wagging a finger, “But I told you, didn’t I, Renji? Orihime knows what she’s doing.”
Renji wiped a tear away from his eye. “Double ice cream for Orihime,” he agreed. “What would we do without her?”
Orihime’s face felt very hot. She waved her hands frantically. “Really, I didn’t--!”
“Also, remind me what ice cream is again.”
“You dummy!”
Orihime stopped protesting. Anyone who didn’t know what ice cream was definitely needed her help.
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Title: Be Mine {One Shot}***
Henry Cavill x Reader/Jason Momoa x Reader/Chadwick Boseman x Reader/Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, NSFW, Fivesome, PURE FILTH, SMUT 
Words: 6.5k
Summary: You are an actress and you know how the industry is as well as how difficult it is to get an inkling of free time. Due to this fact, you’ve been alone a lot and missing the attention and affection of the men in your life. You were looking to Valentine’s Day and the prospect of getting some much needed face time with them but because of their own busy schedules, you are out of luck and will have to spend Valentine’s day alone. Or will you?
Note: Request from @momobaby227 . I got this and my eyes bugged, and I clutched my pearls just thinking about the death sentence of this scenario. Since I am not the one to shy away from a challenge, here I go. Fingers crossed this works the way I want it to. 
Lee’s Valentine’s Extravaganza Finale!!!
 **Loosely Edited/Proofread**
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“Let’s take thirty everyone. Y/N, great scene. When we come back we’ll pick it up from scene twelve.”
 You nodded and gathered your robe before you made your way to your trailer.
 “Y/N, I was able to find the sushi you like and I picked up some freshly juiced beet, celery, ginger, and carrot juice,” Issana informed falling into step with you.
 “Thank you.”
 “This package was also just delivered for you.” She held out a medium-sized white box to you. You caught your name scribbled on top in nice script that looked almost like calligraphy. Also on the box at the top right corner was the acronym “HCJC”. You smiled knowing just who it was from.
 “Thank you Issana. I have some things that need picking up from a few places. Do you think you can handle it?”
 “Consider it done,” Issana responded. You smiled then ducked into your trailer letting your giddiness take over.
 You put your lunch on a nearby table and dropped into the couch to rip open the box. Once it was open you saw a gorgeous arrangement of pink long stem roses—your favorite. All roses were your favorite, but you also knew the meaning behind these roses. Early in your relationship you, Henry, Jason, Chris, and Chadwick came up with a way to send coded messages all through flowers. These pink roses while beautiful had a deeper meaning. Foreplay. You couldn’t keep the wide grin off your face as you opened up the pale pink envelope with your name on it.
 Pink roses, a favorite of yours but we know that you know that it means something more for us. Something deeper. It speaks of a prologue, a beginning of things to come.
Henry, Jason, Chadwick, Chris
  You smiled again and walked over to your phone ready to send a message thanking them.
 MSG: I love them. Thank you!
MSG Chad: Knew you would. How are you beautiful?
MSG: Tired and so ready to finally have you home.
MSG Chad: I know. Almost there.
MSG Henry: Time ticks too slow for me.
MSG Chris: Same for me.
 Your smile was wider as you burrowed deeper into the seat before your vanity. You should have been eating but you could only think of one thing—well four things.
 MSG Jason: Did you make it to the bottom of the box or just stopped at the flowers?
MSG Henry: You know she stopped at the flowers.
MSG Chad: Typical.
You snorted at their playful teasing of your short attention span. Walking back over to the box you dug to the bottom and saw a red sleeping mask with “Be Mine” written across it in white stitching. Your curiosity was piqued.
 MSG: Um….
MSG Chris: LMAO. I told you she’d say that.
MSG Henry: Cat got your tongue, love?
MSG: No, I just thought I already was yours. Are you guys trying to tell me something?
MSG Jason: Damn right you’re ours. Remember that especially when that pretty boy costar of yours asks to hang out. I’m not afraid to kill.
 Your laugh was loud and unexpected. Leave it to Jason to be the territorial one threatening violence.
 MSG Chad: I second that. I peeped that shot in Star. Tell him keep his hands to himself.
MSG: Oh my god, can you all chill out? It was nothing. His hand was on my back.
MSG Henry: How about he just keeps them at his side? He’ll live longer that way.
 You shook your head while rolling your eyes. Having one territorial boyfriend was chaotic, you had four of them. It sometimes felt like too much especially when they all ganged up on you like this, but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
 MSG: Okay everyone chill. Is someone going to explain this sleeping mask?
MSG Chris: Sleeping mask to most, for you a blindfold.
 Your jaw dropped as the possibilities swarmed through your head. After a few seconds, a devilish smile spread across your face as a shiver raced through you. just as you were getting ready to type a reply there was a knock at the door of your trailer. When you opened it there stood one of the set workers holding out a packet.
 “Rewrites.” You groaned and took the papers. Of course there were rewrites. As you skimmed them you realized it was for your upcoming scene.
 “Who would rewrite minutes before filming it?” you groaned as you dropped onto the couch and looked back to your phone to see the messages you’d missed.
 MSG Jason: A hundred bucks says she zoned out.
MSG Chad: Beautiful, you okay?
MSG Chris: Are your fingers busy?
MSG: Y’all aren’t funny. I’m fine, just got handed ten pages of rewrites for my next scene in twenty minutes.
MSG Henry: Yep, I can relate.
MSG Jason: Same.
MSG Chad: You got this baby.
MSG: I love your confidence in me, honey. 😘
MSG Chris: Focus. We’ll talk later.
MSG: Okay, love you guys!
 The rest of your day was long, hectic and exhausting. What was supposed to be a day that left you with enough time to meet your girls at a club ended up being you leaving set at one in the morning with no energy. After you made it home you managed to eat in a bath filled with lavender, gardenia, eucalyptus, and lemon oils. You didn’t even have the energy to try to facetime the guys. Shortly after that bath, you fell right to sleep in your custom-made bed.
 The sound of your name being shouted was what woke you up.
 “Girl, wake up!”
 You jumped up and looked around to see your three friends scattered around the room. You dropped back onto the bed and groaned.
 “Go away, I’m too tired.” You rolled to your side and plopped a pillow over your head.
 “Uh, no trick you gonna get up. we had plans,” Janaris blurted out yanking the pillow off your head.
 “J, come on I’m exhausted. I didn’t get in till two. Let me sleep,” you pleaded.
 “Nope. Come on we’re supposed to do the spa, hair, nails the works. Tomorrow is valentine’s day, we all got men we gotta look bomb for. Come on!”
 While groaning you sat up. she was right. The plan for the day was to prep for tomorrow and you only had a certain amount of time to do it, you were expected on set for night shoots.
“Fine, fine. Give me ten.” You begrudgingly walked past them into your closet to find some clothes.
 Thirty minutes later you found yourself parking at the spa. Fifteen minutes from there you were lying face down butt naked getting a well deserved massage and body treatment. It didn’t take long for your muscles to melt and your mind to drift. You didn’t know how much you needed this. You took a quick selfie and sent it to the guys.
 MSG: Prep begins now. I sure hope you appreciate all I do for you.
 Four and a half hours later you and your girls had finished at the spa and managed to find outfits and intimates for the night. You were getting excited. It had been almost a month since you’d last seen your paramours together. It had been a busy month thanks to your schedules. Beginning tomorrow they were supposed to be in town all of them at the same time. You planned on taking full advantage.
 By the time you made it to set that night, it was such a busy set that you didn’t get any downtime until well into the four o’clock hour. When you opened up your messages you saw several messages from Henry, Jason Chad, and Chris letting you know that they were all unable to fly in tomorrow. Just like that, your heart sunk.
 MSG: What do you mean you can’t fly in?
MSG Henry: My set times got switched and now I’m roped into filming through tomorrow and the day after.
MSG Jason: Me too.
MSG Chris: I had to fly out to yet another location for the day, so I can’t make it either.
You tried to hold back your tears and held out hope that Chad would at least be able to come home.
 MSG: Chad?
MSG Chad: I’m sorry baby, we’re so behind schedule any free time has been revoked.
 Your tears fell as disappointment filled you. Giving yourself a few moments to cry and wallow in your sadness and annoyance you shot back a message.
 MSG: Okay. I understand. Guess it comes with the territory.
MSG Jason: I’m sorry sugar.
 You could just about hear him whisper that in your ear like he always did when he was pressed behind you. Sighing you closed your eyes and tried to push away your sadness and any urge to roll into a ball. They probably felt bad enough and you didn’t want them to feel worse.
 MSG: It happens. No worries.
MSG Chris: We’ll make it up to you. 😛
MSG: You better, you four owe me so fucking big. So big you better bring your A+++ game when you come home.
MSG: I’m going to get back to work now. Love you.
 “Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. It’s fine, it’s fine.”
 It absolutely was not fine but at this point, there was nothing you could do about it. They were all in different places. You could fly out, but you’d only be with one of them and it probably wouldn’t be a problem, but you didn’t want to make any of them feel as if you’d chosen one over the other. This was one of the complexities of a relationship like yours.
 After giving yourself a good ten minutes to be resentful you toughened up and got back to work. no matter what was happening in your personal life, you were still a professional.
 Night shoot turned into a day shoot. You were able to film four scenes with minimal retakes. The director was so pumped about it he opted to continue on not wanting to mess with the easy groove that everyone had found themselves in. You weren’t angry with it because you’d learned that when things were going well you didn’t break the mojo by calling wrap for the day you continued until the juice ran out.
 When you got home it was turning six and you were exhausted. you’d been working for twenty-one hours. You didn’t even want to be home tonight of all nights, but your friends were probably neck deep in chocolates, roses, and lube and they were all probably getting their backs blown out. It was Valentine’s Day after all, the universal day for love, affection, romance and gifts that showed how much you were loved or how deep you loved. Sitting in your car staring at your dark house you were reluctant to go inside, but you had nowhere else to go.
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Once you walked in the dim flicker of candlelight caught your eye. Your foyer was filled with tall pillar candles in the shape of a heart. You were frozen, unsure what was happening. In the center of the heart was one lone peach rose with a note tied to it and a red box. Immediately your tears welled. When you bent to retrieve it, you smelled its sweet aroma. You sniffled and read the words written across it. It was Chris’ handwriting.
 Peach roses simply put for us it means one thing. Appreciation. You are appreciated.
 You smiled and opened the box to find a beautiful necklace with one charm on it—the letter “C”.  You followed the trail of peach petals which lead you to the living room. At the end of the peach petals trail was another rose. This one was a long stem yellow rose with a similar box and note. You smiled, retrieved it and smiled at the charm inside the box with the letter “J”.
 Yellow roses. I’m a man of few words. Plain and simple means I fall in love with you every single day.
 You wiped your cheek, smelled the rose and followed the now yellow petal trail through the house. It stopped at the steps where a similar set up waited for you but with a coral rose instead.
 Coral roses. You get these often, they mean one thing for us. Desire. Not a minute goes by where you are not desired.
 This was where the floodgates opened, and your tears flowed. This was incredibly sweet. You held the charm in the shape of a “C” close to your heart and followed the coral petals up the steps and down the hall. They stopped at your bedroom door which is where you paused and tried to get a grip. You knew thanks to the crying you looked horrible and you hated it. You dabbed your cheeks and sniggled once more then opened the door to see your entire bedroom filled with candles, roses of pink, yellow, coral, peach and red all around and Henry standing in front of the bed holding a red rose. Your tears began again. 
“Aww.” You took the rose and the box he offered then read the note.
 Red roses. They mean one thing for us. Seduction. You get them every day for one simple reason. You are loved, respected every single day and every single day the passion we feel for you is unbridled and never-ending.
 When you looked up, Jason, Chris, and Chadwick walked out from where they were hiding making you break.
 “Oh my god,” you whined through your tears. “I can’t believe you guys did this.” You couldn’t stop your tears.
 “I can’t believe you guys are here. You said--,”
 “Where else would we be tonight?” Chad approached you with arms wide open and you fell into them and sobbed a little more. You couldn’t believe he was right in front of you, you could smell him and it wasn’t a dream.
 “Oh my god, I missed you so much.” He smiled that toothy smile you loved and lowered his lips to yours giving you a soft, sensual kiss.
 “I missed you too.”
 Turning to your right you hugged Henry and moaned when his burly arms wrapped around you engulfing you in a cocoon of safety.
 “I love you so much.” You kissed him and savored the taste of his lips and shivered when his hand slowly trailed down to your waist.
 “I love you more, darling.” His British accent only gave you more shivers.
 You felt a hand at the small of your back and instantly you knew it was Chris. Turning to him you pulled him into a tight hug. Chris buried his face in the crook of your neck and moaned.
 “You smell good.” You felt his lips on you making you bite your bottom lip.
 “So do you.” his eyes zeroed in on your mouth and tipped your chin up so he could easily kiss you. it was a quick kiss but a teasing one, one that spoke of the promise for later.
 “Sugar.” Your smile was wide seeing your gentle giant—Jason. He bent and lifted you into his arms for a massive bear hug. His lips tasted like cinnamon and it hit you how much you’d missed the taste.
 “I missed you,” you whispered to him.
 “I can tell,” Jason joked.
 When he put you back onto the floor you couldn’t stop smiling being in the middle of them as they all towered over you. It hit you then just what they’d put you through on purpose. You narrowed your eyes and stepped back just enough so they could see your snobby pout and crossed arms.
 “That’s not funny what you did. I was so sad, I cried.”
 They all laughed which made you even saltier. “It’s not funny!”
 “Aww, you’re so cute when you’re mad,” Jason teased coming to you. “Like a little leprechaun,” he finished. Your jaw dropped as they laughed louder.
 “Wow, you haven’t seen me in a month and you’re calling me names? On Valentine’s Day? And you are all laughing with him? Fuck around he’d gonna mess it up for all of you and none of you will get to reap the rewards of a four-hour spa trip.”
 Just like that they all stopped laughing and straightened up. It was your turn to smile. “I’m so happy you guys are home.” You stepped back into them and they each touched a part of your body. Chad cupped your jaw and kissed your nose while Henry kissed your exposed shoulder. Chris kissed your other shoulder from behind you while wrapping his hand around your midsection. You melted onto him as Jason kissed your temple leaving Henry to claim your lips when you turned to him. 
“Dinner? We got delivery from your favorite place, it’s on the dining table,” Chris whispered.
 “The only dinner I’m interested in is the four-course meal in this room.” You turned to Jason and locked his lips in a searing kiss. His moan was instantaneous as he pulled you flush against him dropping his hand to your backside. You moaned on him and nibbled his bottom lip. Jason let loose a guttural groan that vibrated through him exhilarating you in the process.
 From behind you, you felt the zip of your dress slowly lower then felt lips kiss your shoulder blade. You felt another set of lips on your shoulder before they latched onto your neck. Moaning again you broke free from the kiss and angled your head back. The new angle gave Jason and Chris access to the other parts of your neck. Jason nibbled at your Adam’s apple leaving Chris to your left side.
 With all their mouths on you, you simply stood there and enjoyed the attention you were long overdue for. Henry sucked your earlobe into his mouth making you wrap a free hand back and around his head.
 “You’re a dream come true Y/N.” His whispered praise made you smile; it began to fill the void that they’d left when they went away. You were love starved.
 A pair of hands pulled your dress down your body letting it pool around your feet. Another pair of hands unhooked your bra from behind. Chadwick hooked a finger on one of the straps and slowly pulled it down then kissed the free skin there. You moaned his name in the candlelit room and hugged Jason’s head to your chest as he peppered kisses across your collar.
 “You have no idea how much I missed you,” Chadwick whispered before he turned your face to him. his eyes were dark, but you saw the magnitude of his love shining back at you.
 “Show me.” Before the words fully came out, his lips were on yours working to steal your breath. It wasn’t a hard task; you were already on the brink of losing your mind. With each of them giving attention to a different part of your body and playing on a each of your senses you knew you would be the first to lose it.
 You turned to Chris, pressing your back onto Chadwick and began slowly undressing him. the buttons of his shirt were quickly aggravating you, so you yanked his shirt sending the remaining buttons scattering around the room.
 “Anxious?” You smiled and nodded before you kissed him showing him just how anxious you were. As you kissed Chris you allowed your hands to roam over Henry and Jason’s torso. You lifted Jason’s loose hanging t-shirt and raked your nails across his rippling abs. A breathy moan escaped you which turned deep when you felt a mouth wrap around one of your nipples. The unexpected touch sent your ass poking out onto Chadwick giving you the perfect idea of how anxious he was. Within seconds a second pair of lips wrapped around your other nipple.
 One mouth sucked slowly, teasingly, while the other ravaged your breast quickly flicking their tounge across your hardened nipple. The sensations were so different it made you dizzy trying to keep up with it. Chadwick bit down onto your neck and snaked his hand around your stomach and into your panties to swirl his finger around your aching bud.
 Tearing your mouth from Chris the only thing to escape you was, “Fuck!” Seamlessly and on queue Jason bit onto your bottom lip allowing Chris to take over at your breast. Chris’ technique was different from Jason’s and more in sync with Henry. Where Henry savored your nipple in his mouth with soft nibbles and licks, Chris applied an intense amount of suction. Again, you moaned, but Jason’s mouth took it.
 Chadwick sped his finger on your clit, and you pulled your mouth from Jason to rest back on Chadwick’s shoulder. With your mouth free you were able to shriek out from the pleasure he was causing you. Chadwick pulled his hand from your aching bud and just when you were about to protest another hand crept to it and took over. Their movements were slower more torturous. You almost groaned out from frustration but just as you were about to you felt a finger slip between your folds and into your heat.
 “Oh my god, yes!” The finger retreated only to sink into again and again. It felt good but it wasn’t enough. As if you spoke the words instead of thinking them another finger joined the first filling you even more just as the finger on your clit sped up.
 “Oh fuck. Yes. Yes. Yes.” You were close and they all seemed to know it because the mouths on your breasts sped and concentrated on your nipple giving you maximum sensation. The finger on your clit gave you a gentle pinch and your knees buckled but you were held steady by the loves of your life.
 “Look at me, Y/N.” Your eyes fluttered open and gazed into Jason’s which only intensified the pleasure you felt sending you over the edge and that is how your first orgasm happened, in a secure and loving circle of love and support.
 “God you’re so beautiful when you come Y/N,” Jason whispered. You were tied of foreplay now, you wanted more. You bit your bottom lip as Chadwick’s finger came to your lips.
 “Clean them off.” Eagerly you sucked his fingers clean of your juices all the while never looking away from Jason. You swirled your tongue around Chadwick’s fingers and moaned. You could see he was holding on by a thread.
 “Mmmm, I taste good.” Chris and Henry stood and once again you were in the middle with each of them looking at you as if you were the prey. It was fine by you. Slowly you dropped to your knees and looked up to all of them. You had their undivided attention.
 “Who can get undressed first?”
 Slowly they began removing their clothes piece by piece, none of them looked to be in a hurry. They were teasing you, dragging this out as long as they could. It was then you decided to make them regret it and their trick on you. henry was the first to be fully undressed. You turned to him and marveled at his impressively thick length bobbing before you.
 Slowly, you reach your hands for it you could tell he was holding his breath; it was evident by the tight clench of his jaw. Deciding to tease him, you pause before you touch it. The hesitation makes him groan. When you finally touch him, Henry lets out a guttural growl. The sound of it makes you bite your bottom lip. You begin pumping your hands along his need he drops his head back with his eyes shut. After a few stokes, you give in to your desire and lower your mouth onto his length fully nestling his cock in the tight tunnel of your throat.
 “Oh bollocks, love!” He jerks his hips forward just a bit sending his length a few centimeters deeper into your throat. You moan and slowly begin pleasing him. Henry’s moans become louder with every move you make.
 From the corner of your eye you could see Chadwick slowly stoking his need. Pulling your lips from Henry’s cock a loud “pop” fills the room accompanied by Henry’s loud grunt. Sliding to stoop before Chadwick you waste no time filling your mouth with him. Chadwick sucks in a breath and moans. Gazing up at him you locked eyes and continued using a few of the tricks in your book to have him buck his hips forward. Just when you knew he was craving more you pulled your mouth free and moved to Jason who was not standing next to Chadwick.
 “Mmm.” You ran your tongue on the underside of Jason’s dick before pulling back to spit into your palms. when you lowered your lips onto Jason’s swollen need you wrapped your hands around Henry’s and Chris’ cock and expertly stroked them. looking at Chadwick you continued teasing Jason. Chadwick then wrapped his own hand around his desire and stroked it for you.
 The only sounds in the bedroom were the sounds of four grown men moaning and whimpering, all at your mercy, all filled with desire and need for you. You’d never felt more powerful. You sped your lips and hands and added a flicks of your wrist and tongue.
 “Fuck Y/N. your mouth feels so fucking good.” You moaned your response and buried him deeper into your throat. That was when he gripped your head and began rocking his hips gently feeding you damn near every inch of his dick. Every thrust forward you moaned making you squeeze the two cocks in your hands.
 When you pulled back from him you did it with a slurp that had him shivering. Luckily you went back to Chadwick and nestled him deep in your throat suppressing your gag reflex. The action took him by surprise, and he groaned loudly. When you pulled back you lowered your mouth onto Chris’ waiting appendage. At the first touch of your mouth Chris hissed.
 “Oh god yes Y/N.”
 You wasted no time on foreplay, you could see the fire burning behind his eyes and felt how much he needed. It rivaled how much you needed. You were now impatient to feel them inside of you. you opened up your throat and sank him balls deep.
 “Fuck!” Chris bucked his hips surprising you and making you gag. You pulled back and a glob of spit fell from your mouth onto your chest.
 You went back down the line giving each of them the attention they deserved, it was a big job but someone had to do it and you did it happily. You licked, sucked, slurped and deep throated each of them loving every minute they moaned, gasped, whimpered and shook. Before long they were each at your mercy and so close to the brink.
 You pulled back from Chadwick and gasped for air and wiped the corner of your mouth and chin. They were each stroking themselves gazing down at you on your knees covered in slobber.
 “Mmm, you taste good.”
 Henry held out his hand for you helping you to your feet and pulling you to him so he could passionately kiss you. you quickly got lost in the kiss a heavy “thwack” on your ass brought you back to reality. Behind you Jason bit his bottom lip and you knew just what to do. Walking to your family king size bed you sat down and watched each of them crawl onto the bed at different angles. Henry was to your right, Chris moved behind you, Chadwick was on your left and Jason right before you looking like the big bad wolf right before he said, “all the better to eat you with.”
 Your eyes slowly trailed over Jason’s body drinking in every muscular curve and tempting bulge. When your eyes landed on your prize for the night your teeth sank into your bottom lip. like a wolf stalking his prey Jason crept closer forcing you to slide back onto the bed. Your head dropped back onto the mattress and smiled seeing Chadwick’s dick bobbing over your head. Flexing it he made it bop you on the forehead. A wide grin spread across his face at that point.
 “I thought so,” he responded. Before you could get another word in you felt Jason’s lips latch onto your sex. You gasped loudly while arching your head back. Chadwick took the opportunity to stuff his dick right in your mouth muffling the moans that followed.
 Jason eagerly lapped between your legs going back and forth between fast flicks of his tongue and slow deliberate sucks on your sensitive pearl. You felt your hand being lifted and then placed on a cock. From the girth you knew it was Henry’s. another moan escaped you when Chadwick slipped another inch down your throat. Your grip tightened around Henry’s need as you stroked him. when you felt Chris’ length in your free hand you moved your hand in sync with the other and tried to synchronize your hands with your mouth keeping the same rhythm and pace.
 Jason switched his pace throwing your pace out of whack and making you lose your concentration and focus not to choke on Chadwick’s dick. Sensing that you were out of sync Chadwick pulled himself from your mouth in time for you to chough. Jason’s mouth stopped.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Don’t stop!” directing his back between your legs you rocked across his mouth using his face as your personal vibrator. Your moans got louder and louder. Soon you were arched onto your elbows holding his head by his long locks with one hand bucking your hips against his mouth. You could feel your orgasm rapidly approaching. The rest of them watched you enjoying the show.
 Beginning as a bright hot burning sensation in the pit of your stomach it unfurled to a rapidly spreading fire that engulfed your entire being sending spark after spark of electricity coursing through your legs and spasm after spasm of intense pleasure ripping through you.
 “Fuuuuuuck!” You screeched out while you shivered. Jason kept his lips firmly pressed to your soaking pussy giving you the most intense orgasm aftershocks you’d had in a long time. You clamped your thighs shut onto his head but he was not having it. he easily pried them apart and sucked forcefully on your clit sending your body into overdrive once again.
 “Oh my god. Fuck me!”
 “Who?” You looked at Chris pondering his question. You slowly looked at all of them and smirked mischievously.
 “All of you.”
 “I highly doubt you can take all of us tonight sweetheart,” Henry deduced. Your smile spread wider.
 “Are you sure about that? I did say you all owed me big time.”
 Each of them looked at each other speechless and shocked at what you were implying. Feeling impatient you didn’t wait for them to decide; instead you rose up and rotated poking your ass out to Chadwick and lowering your mouth onto Jason’s engorged heat. Jason’s reaction was instant, his hands clamped onto your head and he set the pace he wished you to go, and it wasn’t slow. You wiggled your ass for Chadwick again then pulled your mouth from Jason to look back to him.
 “I wanna feel you inside of me baby. Fuck me.” He smiled and rubbed his dick across your slit making you bit your bottom lip in anticipation.
 “You want this dick?”
 “Yes baby, I want that dick. Please.” In one smooth thrust he joined your bodies for the first time in a month. Jason turned your head in the same breath and pushed his dick back into your mouth.
 The pace Chadwick set was not a slow one. The way he filled you to the hilt sent you over the edge and you instantly came again. It was a tight fit, a fit you’d missed dearly. Every time he thrust into you the motion sent your mouth even further down Jason’s cock. It was like a seesaw, cause and effect and after a few minutes Jason was lost in his pleasure. Chadwick pulled from you with a loud grunt.
 After a few seconds, you felt the stretch of Henry sliding into you. You moaned again and savored the delicious stretch of your body trying to accommodate him. you knew you were out of practice and that it had been far too long. This was not the first night like this, the five of you had been in a relationship for five years now and have had many, many nights just like this one. Tonight though, it felt as if this was the first time. Henry’s grunts got louder and his thrusts sloppier before he sank into you to the hilt. You flung your head back and groaned.
 “Shit!” henry grabbed onto your shoulder and quickened his thrusts. In a matter of seconds another orgasm ripped through you making your head drop to the mattress which sent your ass even higher in the air.
 “Jesus Christ, Chris muttered. Henry pulled from you and made room for Chris to slowly push into you. this was his favorite position. He loved to watch the waves of your ass every time he slammed into you. With the first rough snap of his hips you gasped, on the second you groaned and by the third you shouted. 
“Mmm, Y/N.”
 You lifted your head in time to see two beautiful cocks in front of you. You swirled your tongue around one a few times and switched to the other. The way your body shook made it a little difficult to manage any well executed movements so you did the best you could. Your best was enough for them because their moans never stopped. After a few more thrusts you were unable to do anything but hold onto the sheets and incoherently blabber like a fool overdosed on pleasure.
 You didn’t even realize Chris had now moved to being underneath you until you felt one of them behind you. Looking back you locked eyes with Jason and knew what he intended. He paused and waited for your permission or refusal. Biting your bottom lip you nodded just as Chris rose up to give you a g-spot rattling thrust which had you squirting all over him.
 “Mmmm, wait, wait, wait.”
 Your body shook while everyone stopped moving giving you a small breather to catch your breath. After almost a full minute you looked back to Jason eyes lazy but full of desire. Chris pulled out from your heat and allowed Jason to slip inside for one, then two, and a third thrust before he slowly circled your second entrance. After a few moments of preparing you he slowly slipped the tip of his intrusion in sending a shiver across your skin. Slowly he fed you inch after inch until you couldn’t hold up your own body weight and you laid across Chris’ chest.
 You couldn’t process all the intense sensations you were feeling and it was just Jason slowly thrusting into you. his grunts got louder and louder. When you felt his hands grip your hips and squeeze you knew you were in for a pounding. Jason picked up his speed and it was then Chris continued rising into you. unable to move you just laid there letting the two men have their way with you, allowing them to bring you to the brink of pleasure. Your moans tumbled from you one after the other.
 A wave of intense pleasure washed over you and you sat up and rocked against the two of them and took Henry into your mouth and stroked Chadwick. Your entire bedroom was filled with the sound of wet skin slapping together, different volumes of moans and groans and the scent of sex, candles and roses. Chadwick grunted loudly and you knew he was about to come. As soon as you had the thought you felt spurt after spurt of his hot come coat the back of your throat.
 Moaning on him you swallowed every drop and tried to milk more. When he whimpered he fell back onto the bed plopping from your mouth. It was then you turned your attention to Henry wrapping your lips around him. You lifted your hand to his balls and slowly massaged him, the new sensation had Henry gripping your head and sinking deep into your mouth to release himself filling your mouth. Again, you didn’t waste any of it.
 With Henry and Chadwick down for the count you felt both Chris and Jason hold your body still as they both chased their own release. You shouted when their thrusts matched up with depth and speed. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and after a few thrusts you were gone, clenching around them dragging them down the rabbit hole of pleasure with you. they both shouted into the quiet room as they tried to bury themselves deeper and deeper.
 Soon you oprned your eyes to see the four of them above you.
 “Welcome back.”
 “Welcome--,” you began to find your throat dry, and your voice hoarse.
 “Have I told you how glad I am that this house is so far from any others? I think if there were neighbors we’d have several noise complaints by now,” Jason teased.
 “What—what happened?”
 “You passed out, love,” Henry filled in. your jaw dropped as you look from each of them. they all nodded answering the question in your eyes.
 “I told you that you couldn’t handle all of us tonight. It’s been too long,” Chris explained. In hindsight he was right, but you’d never let him know that.
 “I was going to take all the dick, or I’d die trying.” They all laughed loud. They knew by now you weren’t kidding.
 “Happy Valentine’s day baby,” Jason muttered. You smiled warmly at him and then at all of them.
 “I love you guys so much.” You intentionally locked eyes with all of them to emphasis just how much hoping they understood.
 “Go to sleep, you’re gonna need your energy,” Chadwick advised. you smiled.
 “Oh will I now?”
 “Yes, tomorrow we leave for four days in perfect seclusion in Napa and we have a month to make up for,” Henry informed.
 Your jaw dropped you didn’t know if you should feel excitement, anxiousness or fear.
 “Don’t worry, you’ll have something to fill that pretty mouth of yours soon enough,” Jason teased kissing you before he laid down. They all mirrored the same movements which had you a little confused.
 “Wait, you all have four days to go to Napa?”
 “Uh-huh, you said we owed you big right. We have four days to repay you,” Chris finished.
 You laid back down staring at the ceiling with wide eyes. Slowly you smiled, it was excitement you felt. In your head you repeated your words from before. Take all the dick or die trying.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Case Closed (Part 2/2) - Shalaska - pureCAMP
A/N - Part two! This is a monster of a fic and I hope it provides some joy! And terror and emotions.
One evening, Alaska found Sharon stood waiting at her desk, a guilty expression plastered across her face. Out of the corner of her eye, Alaska saw Jinkx frantically throwing a thumbs up in her direction, but she quickly ignored her friend’s overexcited encouragement and smiled.
“Hey, Needles. You okay?”
Sharon nodded, then shook her head. “Look, I’m a total asshole, but… I know you get off work early tonight, and I’m in for a long one,” She began, her tone apologetic. “I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but it’s my mom’s birthday tomorrow and I don’t have time to get her anything and I completely forgot to go yesterday. I know what I want to get her, but would you mind picking it up for me and dropping it off at my place when I get home? You’d be doing me a huge favour.”
She trusts me, Alaska’s mind supplied. Another part of it replied shut up.
“Of course! I know the feeling. I love my mom.” Alaska grinned. “Can’t believe you forgot to get her a present. How old is she turning?”
The guilt on Sharon’s face increased. “Sixty.”
“Sixty?! It’s a big birthday and you forgot? Hey, everyone, Needles hates her mom!”
“I do not!” Sharon defended herself, and then laughed. She grabbed Alaska’s hand and squeezed it, and Alaska tried not to overthink the action at all. “You’re a lifesaver, Lask, thank you so much. Here’s the money, here’s what I want to get her. You’re amazing.”
“I know.”
It wasn’t long until Alaska was off, and as she left the precinct, she waved at Sharon to show her she’d remembered, and then made her way to the superstore. Her evening plans had been pretty relaxed anyway, mostly consisting of binging the rest of her DVR and eating cheap popcorn in bed, so she didn’t mind the extra chore too much. 
Besides… it was Sharon. Embarrassing, but little else needed to be said.
Alaska was mindlessly musing on her sudden appreciation for Sharon as she perused the shelves, locating the perfume she’d asked for with ease (the scent wasn’t much to her taste, but given it was for a sixty year old woman, she shrugged it off). Jinkx had hinted that maybe Sharon liked her too, but then provided no evidence whatsoever and, as a detective, Alaska thrived on evidence.
Maybe she should make a case file about it and decipher it like she would for a crime. No… that was dumb. Sharon had her seven shades of confused, that was for sure.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn’t notice the man in a crude balaclava stalking past, a couple of aisles away. Thankfully, he didn’t see her, but as soon as her eyes registered it, she was fully alert. The man was pushing a shopper along with him, who followed his orders in abject terror. Alaska’s heart sank.
This had to be a robbery at best, or possibly even a hostage situation at worst. This was bad. Alaska was unarmed, and she had seen the glint of the gun pressing into the civilian’s back from the man herding her away. As she ran, she realised this was definitely not a solo operation, and things could get ugly fast.
Without a gun, Alaska knew she needed to hide. She stuffed the perfume into her back and crept along the aisles, furtively checking for any movement before she progressed. As soon as she was safe, she could call for help, but in the meantime, she needed to stay alive if she was to help any of these civilians. The squad needed to know about this. Sharon… Sharon needed to know about this.
The furniture display was mercifully empty. Alaska knew she had to think fast, and quickly decided the wardrobe was her best bet. At least she knew there was nobody nearby, and she could hide in there if only for a moment whilst she contacted her friends for backup. This was bad.
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Bring squad + backup to superstore asap, armed robbers
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Civilians taken hostage. Hiding in wardrobe, don’t have a gun
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Several guys, all in balaclavas. Counted six, could be more
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Plz be careful and be quick. 
Sharon [to Alaska Thunder]: Mobilising now. On our way.
There was a sound of footsteps squeaking on the linoleum. Someone had walked into the furniture department.
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: I hear footsteps. My hiding place might be found
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: Not sure how this will play out. Just in case I don’t get a chance to say it, I really care about you. You mean the world to me.
Sharon [to Alaska Thunder]: Seven minutes away.
Alaska [to Sharon Needles]: You’re amazing inside and out.
Sharon [to Alaska Thunder]: It won’t end like this.
The wardrobe door flung open. Alaska stashed her phone and held her breath as a pair of steel grey eyes met her, along with the barrel of a gun. 
“Move. Now.”
In any other situation, Alaska might’ve resisted. She’d done this before, following orders before surprising them with a quick escape and pulling a gun of her own, given that most robbers didn’t want to die as much as they just wanted to have control over their hostages. If only she had a fucking gun with her. She was an idiot. If she didn’t play this right, she and a bunch of civilians would die. 
She did everything in her power to stay calm as she was directed by one of the robbers into a small, lockable room, probably used by the staff. There were about thirteen others, their hands bound in zip ties and their eyes wide and frightened. Alaska was forcibly pushed in with them, tied the same way, and shoved to the floor.
The guard stood watch over them was tall and intimidating, his face also covered and the pistol at his side doing nothing to alleviate the terror that Alaska and the others felt. She had faith in her friends, of course, but she knew that one wrong move could cost a life. Again, if she had a gun, he would be easy to take down. Alaska had tackled guys twice his size many times in her career, but the sheer helplessness that she felt only worsened her fear.
One of the hostages, clearly the most fearful, had been gagged as well as tied up. He was writhing frantically, desperate to scream even through the gag. Without a second thought, the guard raised his pistol and fired it into the hostage’s foot. As he shrieked in agony, the rest of the room screamed.
Alaska took a moment to accept that this really could be it. At least, for now, she could hopefully bring some comfort to the civilians. After the gunshot, an alert on the guard’s earpiece caused him to leave the room from some privacy. This looked like it was going to be Alaska’s only chance, so she seized it.
“Everybody listen. I’m a detective, my squad are only a minute or two away. Everything is about to be under control, please stay calm and do what they say for the time being. Is anyone able to take off his gag?”
In times of crisis, Alaska knew she had to use her training and control the room. A woman beside the wounded man, who was sobbing from the pain, leant in as close as she could, and with some difficulty from her bound hands, managed to pull the gag out of his mouth. He looked as if he was about to scream again, but at Alaska’s kind but firm gaze, he just whimpered.
“Good.” Alaska surveyed her surroundings. “I’m positive there will be an ambulance when we get out of here, too. We’re in this together.”
A woman of about forty shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. “We’re all going to die in here. They’ll shoot us all like they shot him.”
Alaska did her best to look away, but still found herself drawn to the pile of blood pooling around the man’s foot at which the woman had pointed. She longed to provide more comfort, to reassure them that nobody was going to die and everything was going to be alright, but she knew she couldn’t. Those kind of promises couldn’t be guaranteed, and all of her training for years had advised against them.
“Please stay calm and wait for the reinforcements, okay? That’s all we can do.”
The guard returned, his eyes blazing. His gaze immediately fell on the injured hostage, who without the gag was crying and hyperventilating from the trauma.
“Who removed the gag? Who?!”
No one spoke. Everyone seemed to know that this was not the time for heroism.
“I did.” Alaska’s heart was racing. “Let us go and your charge won’t be as harsh. You’re facing life imprisonment for this. These people are innocent.”
The masked guard shrugged, levelling his pistol at Alaska’s chest. “May as well serve life for murder then.”
Alaska closed her eyes and held her breath. At the very least, she would die in service. 
“Freeze! NYPD, you’re under arrest.”
By the time Alaska’s eyes had opened, Latrice already had their guard with his arms pinned behind him, offering a tense smile in Alaska’s direction. Detective Michaels was busy at work freeing and escorting the hostages out, her gaze filled with relief as she freed Alaska and called in the paramedics.
“The rest of the squad are outside. They’ll be beside themselves to see you.”
There was no time to waste. The overwhelming chaos of a taped-off crime scene was practically joyous in comparison to the bleak terror of the little locked room, and Alaska just stood and tried to catch her breath as she took in the flashing red and blue lights, the officers bustling around, the ambulances and police cars pulled up around her. It was hauntingly familiar, yet eerie to have been part of the ordeal, not part of the rescue mission. 
Jinkx was in a huddle of panicked family members, always the best at offering support and comfort whilst the victim’s statements were being taken by Sasha and Shea. Latrice appeared a few moments later with her perp cuffed, followed by Detective Michaels - who Alaska had never quite felt comfortable calling Chad, despite her unthreatening nature, and was beginning to realize in the midst of it all that such trivial things like names didn’t matter. Three more guys were already cuffed and in police cars.
Just a few feet behind her, Sharon was wrestling another masked criminal into a car. When she finally succeeded and looked up, her expression was one Alaska never wanted to forget. If the sun dawning on a new day could be an emotion, it was written all over Sharon’s face and Alaska wanted to live in it.
“Are you okay? Holy shit, I was so afraid for you. Please tell me you’re okay.”
Alaska knew she needed to respond but she couldn’t; she needed to take in every detail of Sharon’s face and appreciate every inch of her because the moment it had hit that she might not see tomorrow, her mind had taken her straight to the woman stood before her, her brow creased and her eyes sparkling, terrified, her chest heaving. She had texted Sharon because she needed police backup, and she had texted Sharon because the first person that sprang to her mind in a life or death situation was her.
“I’m fine. They didn’t hurt me.”
Sharon’s eyes were startlingly blue. “Thank god. I was so worried, I couldn’t believe it. This was all my fault, I put you in this horrible situation all because I stupidly forgot to get a stupid gift for my mom. You could’ve died all because I sent you here, wrong place and wrong time.”
Inexplicably, Alaska felt calm. Nothing else in the world existed except for the two of them, having a conversation. There were no sirens or flashing lights, no imminent trauma or fear from a hostage situation. Perhaps it was the shock settling in, numbing her to her surroundings, but somehow, she mustered a reassuring smile.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. It wasn’t your fault. And here,” She handed over the bag, the perfume miraculously still inside. At the sight of it, Sharon’s eyes filled with guilty tears. “I put your change in with the gift and receipt.”
Sharon was speechless for a moment, wordlessly taking the bag and doing her best to swallow back her tears. They were stood inches apart, both still trembling from the ordeal, and Alaska’s heart almost broke at the uncharacteristic wobble of Sharon’s lip.
“You’re so…” She trailed off, her voice thick. “I’ll never be able to forgive myself for doing this to you, I’m so grateful you did my stupid errand but more than that I’m so happy you’re alive. I kept torturing myself the whole time, what if you didn’t make it and the last time I spoke to you face to face, I asked you to do something for me that didn’t even matter? I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you to this, and I-”
Alaska’s smile was soft, gentle. “Sharon.”
“-I felt so awful. I just-”
She needed to shut up, Sharon needed to shut up and Alaska couldn’t think of any other way to shut her up so she chose the only logical option, wrapping her arms around Sharon’s shoulders and kissing her until she fell quiet. It took hardly a second for Sharon’s lips to respond, deepening the kiss as she held Alaska’s face against her own and melted into her embrace. It said everything that she had been trying to - that she was afraid, that she cared, that after everything that had happened, the thought of wasting a moment more of any precious time they had with each other seemed in itself to be a felony. Sharon was cold but her lips were warm, her body felt like home despite how much it shook. Nowhere in the world was safer than this.
When they pulled away, Alaska longed to pull her back into another embrace, but she resisted. Sharon’s cheeks were furiously red and her mouth hung open slightly, as though she couldn’t believe what had just happened. Alaska understood exactly how she felt.
“I’m so glad you’re alive,” Sharon’s voice was a whisper, almost swept away in the chaos of the scene, but to Alaska’s ears it was the only sound in the universe.
Alaska reached for Sharon’s hands. “I couldn’t have died without letting you know how I feel.”
Sharon giggled. “Did we actually just kiss?”
“In the middle of a crime scene?”
“I think so.”
“And… did all of our squad witness it?”
Alaska turned. Jinkx, from her short distance away, was beaming from ear to ear, and Shea and Latrice were watching as though they were in the midst of a rom-com, not an actual crime scene. At least it wasn’t the whole squad, she reasoned. Willam would be all over the gossip.
“Most of them.” She laughed. “This doesn’t have to be anything, Sharon, I just… You were talking so much. It was the only way to get you to be quiet.”
“Alright, let’s go back to the precinct.” Sharon replied, her voice soft. “Looks like we’re all in for the long haul tonight.”
The grin on Alaska’s face stayed there all night.
There weren’t really any texts exchanged between Alaska and Sharon over the gratuitous weekend that Alaska was given off work to cope with the stress of the robbery. In that time, she chalked up their kiss to a rush of adrenaline from the chaos of the event, and contemplated changing her number so that her embarrassing texts would never haunt her again. 
Thankfully, everything seemed business as usual when she came back into work. She was immediately summoned along with the others into the briefing room, where her usual greeting from Sharon of a nod and a smile was no different to any other day. 
Still, Alaska averted her eyes when Sharon stood in front of the room to lay out her case.
“Okay, this one is pretty massive. I’m talking fraud, I’m talking identity theft, I’m talking hundreds of thousands of people affected by this. Anthony Bennecci is one of our most prolific identity thieves and I just got word from one of my sources that he’s planning on selling the government laptop he stole tonight. We could potentially arrest both the buyer and the seller if we play this right.”
Tidicue nodded thoughtfully. “Alright. I want Needles, Thunder, Royale and Monsoon on it. Sergeant, make sure there’s no shenanigans on this mission. I trust you and only you with a task of this importance.”
Latrice laughed uproariously as the rest of the officers left the room, settling into their duties. Alaska frowned at her, confused.
“What the hell was that about?”
Before Latrice could even answer, the unmistakable sound of Willam cut in. “I believe our Captain is referring to your little horndog makeout session from the other night that absolutely everybody knows about.”
Fucking Willam. It would be a mistake to underestimate the squad’s receptionist given her detective-like ability to uncover gossip and secrets from events that definitely had no way of being present at. Whoever her sources were, they were good. 
That being said, Alaska had extra reason to mentally curse Willam out over her blasé mentioning of the incident. The two were old school friends, practically raised together, and if there was anyone who could read Alaska like a book and identify the signs of a crush without needing any verbal confirmation, it would be Willam. So Alaska knew damn well that Willam could tell she liked Sharon and could tell that she wanted to forget the entire kiss had ever happened because it obviously didn’t mean anything - and she could tell that Willam had brought it up purely to rattle her.
Willam could be a little sadistic sometimes. Alaska loved her, but she was terrifying.
“Fucking hell, Willy, I swear I saw you at your desk two minutes ago.” Sharon swore, and then frowned. “Anyway, we kissed once for like, half a second because we were both happy she wasn’t dead. You’re overreaching a little.”
And you’re underreaching, Alaska thought, trying to ignore how her heart sunk at Sharon’s words and instead nodding in faux-agreement. Maybe the kiss meant nothing to Sharon, but that didn’t mean it was some peck on the lips, over in the blink of an eye.
Whatever. It didn’t matter.
Jinkx and Latrice exchanged knowing looks at Sharon’s defensive words, but to Alaska’s relief, said nothing. At least they were being professionals, for once. 
The incident, as Alaska was now calling it, didn’t arise again as they planned and began to execute the mission. Sharon had tracked Bennecci’s phone from an altercation an officer had with him a week ago, and found the location of a restaurant he was planning to go to that evening. From there, they had followed Latrice’s orders to set up surveillance in the most nondescript car they had, and headed out. 
As it turned out, high-brow criminals like Bennecci tended to have a lot of money, and the restaurant they pulled up outside of was more extravagant than Alaska had ever seen in her life. Her idea of a fancy night was a trip to Olive Garden and a bottle of white wine, whereas this place took fancy to a whole new level.
“Oh… uh, bad news, guys.” Jinkx stared at her phone. “This place is fully booked. There’s no way you’re going to be able to get in.”
Sharon sighed. “I need to catch this guy, I’ve been working on this forever. There must be something we can do.”
Latrice cleared her throat. “Hang on. I have an idea. Needles, take your hair down. You too, Thunder. And I think…” She dove into her jacket pocket, and then crowed triumphantly. “Yes! I knew I had my brown lipstick on me. Jinkx, borrow your red one to Sharon. You need to look convincingly dolled up.”
Knowing better than to question Latrice, as both her superior and a good friend, Alaska just laughed. “Damn, Sarge, I’m feeling a little objectified right now. Is there a reason for your makeover?”
As always, Latrice’s screech of laughter was a thing of beauty. “Shut up! Here, Needles, I’m trusting you with this so you best not fucking lose it, or I’ll eat you bitch. Now do you see my plan?”
Alaska saw the plan. In the palm of Sharon’s hand, at which she was staring in complete disbelief, Latrice had placed a shining silver ring, studded with tiny diamonds. Everything started falling into place all of a sudden.
“Hang on, why does she get the ring? Why can’t she propose to me?”
Latrice rolled her eyes, playfully. “Eh, you’re more butch. We’re subscribing to traditional gender roles here to try and make it more realistic to your average couple. Besides, that ring definitely won’t fit either of you anyway, but you can just keep it in your jacket and if anyone asks, show them and say you’re getting it resized. The story is - you’re a newly engaged couple. Congrats.”
Jinkx clapped her hands in glee. “I always knew this day would come!”
This was fine. Alaska was just casually pretending to be engaged to her colleague, who she was also kind of maybe a little bit in love with, who didn’t appear to return her affections, for the sake of an undercover mission so they could keep tabs on an identity thief. Just normal everyday stuff, really. Loathe to act as though any of the plans had got to her, Alaska squared her shoulders and dug in deep to her charms - even if others preferred to call it cockiness. She wore it well, after all.
As they walked inside, she made sure to put her arm around Sharon’s waist to make them look convincing as a couple. A few feet away from them, at the hostess stand, another couple stood waiting.
“That’s Bennecci,” Sharon whispered. “Keep eyes on him. Let’s go.”
They stood behind, smiling politely as the hostess informed Bennecci and his date that their table would be ready shortly. When she noticed them approaching, she faltered.
“Hi, do you have any tables for two?” Sharon asked sweetly, Alaska almost laughing at how much honey she had poured into her voice. Whatever this dumb schtick was, Sharon was really committing to it. 
The hostess winced. “I’m so sorry, the place is really busy tonight.”
They had caught Bennecci’s attention. He turned around and studied them for a moment, his hand all the while resting similarly around his date’s waist. His eyes were dark and calculating, but his smile seemed genuine. He had no reason to suspect them, after all.
“Oh, really? We were really hoping to get in… we just got engaged tonight, and we had our very first date here. Isn’t that right, darling?”
Sharon leaned into Alaska’s side, giggling and simpering. Alaska’s heart did a backflip.
Bennecci shrugged at the hostess. “There’s always an exception for love, right, ma’am? Always gotta bless the little lovebirds.”
The hostess nodded. “I’m sure I can find you something. Just wait here one moment.”
It took all of Alaska’s willpower not to be her typical annoying self and offer a mighty high five. Instead, she squeezed Sharon a little closer and shot a look of gratitude towards Bennecci - something she never thought she’d do. 
He was a tall, typically attractive Italian man who, according to Sharon’s case file, was fifty five years old. His hair was thick, dark and neatly styled, and clung to his arm was his much younger girlfriend, a tiny thing of bright highlight, glossy pink lips and bleached blonde hair. She couldn’t have been much more than twenty one.
“Congratulations!” The girlfriend trilled, clapping her hands in excitement. “Oh, I love weddings! My name’s Farrah, this is Tony!”
Bennecci nodded in acknowledgement. “Have a wonderful night, you deserve it.”
The hostess returned, four menus in her hands. “Right this way.”
By some strange trick of fate, the tables she had managed to locate were right next to each other - they would have an easy way to keep eyes on Bennecci all night, right up to knowing when he would be leaving. Latrice and Jinkx were stationed outside to spot him anyway, but Alaska fired off a quick text updating them on their good luck and then fell back into her role as acting fiancée. She could be especially loving since Latrice had allocated them enough for a decent meal from the department’s funds.
The moment they were seated, Farrah was all bubbles and sunshine and personal questions. Alaska wondered, briefly, if she knew that her boyfriend was a criminal or not. She spied the laptop bag at his feet, confirmation that the drop-off would be tonight, even if sweet Farrah didn’t seem to know anything about it!
“So! Tell us about yourselves! Names, how did you meet - oh - how did you propose?!”
Sharon faked a laugh. “Oh, I’m Sophia.”
“I’m… Blanche.” Alaska panicked. She hoped neither of them would catch her instinctive reference, although Farrah was definitely too young to recognise it. Judging by the looks on everyone’s faces, it was only Sharon who had noticed anything.
“Right,” Sharon continued. “We met a couple of years ago on a… champagne tour in France. We just hit it off right away, came here for our first date when we got back and here we are.”
Bennecci called over a waiter and spoke to him quietly whilst Farrah gasped and aww’d at the made-up story. Alaska’s stomach felt like it was twisted up in knots. She had, for the most part, been able to separate her growing feelings for Sharon from any kind of detective work she had to do, but now, undercover as a happily engaged couple, the lines were becoming uncomfortably blurred. Sharon’s easily unwavering commitment to the act certainly didn’t help Alaska’s situation at all.
A minute or two later, the waiter Bennecci had called over returned, an expensive bottle of champagne and two glasses on his tray. He placed them down on Alaska and Sharon’s table, then smiled and left.
“From us,” Bennecci said. “A gift, for the happy couple.”
As the meal went on, Alaska let her mind wander a little. She spoke and laughed and flirted on autopilot, expert enough by now on undercover acting to not be suspicious even when she was stuck inside her head. It was all so artificial, and yet it hurt - seeing Sharon across from her at a fancy restaurant, her lips painted red and her smile shining, her proud, albeit fake giggle as she showed off Latrice’s ring to Farrah’s eager gaze. All of it was a lie, and yet Alaska couldn’t help but wonder how things would be if it was real.
If Sharon really was her date. If they really were lovebirds, doted on by another couple purely for how happy they were together. 
The night drew to a close. When Farrah excused herself to the bathroom to touch up her makeup, Bennecci mumbled something about talking to the chef, picked up the laptop bag, and headed off.
Sharon stood up. “Okay, we gotta follow him. Let’s go.”
Dropping the act made Alaska feel a little more grounded, but it didn’t necessarily make her feel better. She followed Sharon through the tables, holding her by the hand to keep up the ruse, deciding to just shut off her brain altogether and focus on the man they were trying to arrest.
“The chef must be the buyer,” She hummed, peering down the corridor. From their vantage point, they could see just enough into the kitchen to where Bennecci was, conversing with one of the chefs. “Do you think he’ll make the drop-off here?”
Sharon frowned. “I don’t know, maybe he’s-  oh, he’s looking this way.” She paused. “Okay, this is happening.”
There was no time to ask what was happening, because before Alaska knew it, Sharon was kissing her. It was surprisingly soft, and tender - not rushed and desperate like their weekend encounter had been, but sweet and gentle and longing. When they pulled apart a few moments later, Alaska wanted to spend an eternity observing how beautiful Sharon looked, but had to level her gaze at Bennecci, who had approached, and smiled guiltily.
“God, sorry… we were just-”
Bennecci held a hand up to stop them. “Don’t worry about it. I know how it is to be young and in love.”
Sharon feigned a coy, embarrassed look, although Alaska noticed how her eyes had darted down to note that he was still holding the laptop bag, and thus hadn’t made the drop-off yet. “We just can’t keep our hands off each other… I’m just so in love with her, you know?”
Alaska’s heart hurt. 
There was little else to say as they exited the restaurant just after Bennecci. Sharon got into the car, returned Latrice’s ring and they started tailing his car a few metres behind, all conversation falling to the mission and only the mission. It was a good thing, given that Alaska was sure the mention of a second kiss in only a few days would be enough to finish her off.
Of course, they were acting as an engaged couple, so the impulsive action made sense. But at the same time, Sharon was confusing the living daylights out of Alaska’s mind.
Latrice watched as the car came to a stop, pulling over a safe distance behind and observing through her equipment. “Where is the buyer…. Oh, I see. Smart. He’s leaving it in that shrubbery, he’s not meeting with the buyer face-to-face. We need to split, two of us tail Bennecci and two of us wait to arrest the buyer.”
“These two can’t tail Bennecci, he’ll recognise them.” Jinkx pointed out, much to Alaska’s chagrin. “The two of you need to wait by the shrubbery in case anyone comes along. That way we can easily get two big fish between us.”
Sharon nodded. “Right. Okay, let’s do this. Is the backup squad car waiting for us?”
“It’s just down the street.” Latrice told them. “Get out, get going. Bennecci is setting off, we gotta follow.”
And then they were alone, in the darkness, stood against the thick trunk of a tree in the midst of the park as they watched for anyone walking past. Alaska couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“You kissed me.”
Sharon didn’t react. Her eyes were firmly rooted on the ground. “We needed to look like we weren’t spying.”
“I know. It was a good cover-up.” Alaska acquiesced, but pushed on. “I’m not mad about it. I’m just… You’re confusing me.”
Alaska took the silence as a hint to continue. “I know you probably read my messages from the other night and knew exactly what I was saying. I’m done hiding it, everyone saw anyway. I told you that I like you because I didn’t want to die having kept it a secret. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but we’ve now kissed twice and it feels like you’re just fucking with my head. But I know you’re better than that, and you would never intentionally hurt me, right?”
Sharon sighed. The seconds in which Alaska had to wait for a response seemed to stretch out forever, and it was excruciating.
“I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m just… trying to make sense of all this.” She looked up, meeting Alaska’s eyes. “I mean, what are you? A colleague? A friend? I don’t know how to navigate this. Ever since that stupid fake date, I mean it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed hanging out with you but…”
“Everything feels different since then.” Alaska finished, and Sharon nodded. “I don’t know how to go about this either. But I have to know if you feel the same when we kiss or if I’m just being strung along. Do you feel anything?”
Sharon swallowed. “I feel everything. I’m just not good at talking about this kind of thing. I always thought romance and dating was embarrassing… I’m terrible at it. My last relationship was three years ago and it ended in this weird stalemate. We weren’t unhappy, we just didn’t feel anything. It was like we wasted two years that we could never get back. I don’t know how I’m supposed to be sure of my feelings when it’s been so long without anything.”
“I don’t know either.” Alaska shrugged. “I just feel a lot when we kiss, and hanging out with you is fun, and I enjoy your company. Even when we’re at work at 3am and you’re stressed and short-tempered and I’m even getting on my own nerves. I still like you even then. I don’t even like Willam then, and I grew up with her.”
Sharon laughed.
“I’m not saying that we should dive right into a relationship or whatever, I just… maybe one day, when you feel more ready, we can take things slow and talk about this more. Because I like you, Sharon.”
In her peripheral vision, Alaska saw a man enter the park and start to wander, casually yet intently, towards the shrubbery when Bennecci had hidden the laptop bag. He stopped as soon as he noticed that he wasn’t alone, glaring straight in their direction.
“He’s here. The buyer,” Alaska hissed, as quickly as she could. “Well, here we go again.”
Their third kiss in a few short days was Alaska’s favourite kind - she had Sharon pressed against the tree trunk, somehow falling into a natural rhythm as though they were made to fit together. Sharon’s hands cupped Alaska’s cheeks, wantonly pulling her closer, needing to feel more of Alaska’s body against her own. Alaska took control of the pace, cracking one eye open to see if the buyer was convinced and then melting back into the embrace. Nothing felt as good as this.
As soon as they heard the rustling of the shrubbery, they broke apart and reached for their guns, aiming them at the buyer who immediately froze in horror and dropped the laptop bag.
“NYPD, freeze!” Sharon yelled. “We’re professionals! You’re under arrest!”
Once he was cuffed and in the awaiting squad car, they received word from Latrice and Jinkx that they had managed to corner and arrest Bennecci too. Back at the precinct, Sharon offered Alaska a tired smile and the weakest high-five they’d ever exchanged.
“Hey… if it’s not too forward, do you want to come over to my place tonight and talk about this? We can try and get on the same page… I like you too, Alaska.”
Alaska smiled, and was surprised at how light she felt inside. “Of course. I’d love to.”
They talked. There was more kissing, in the soft light of Sharon’s living room. Then Alaska went home, still reeling from the effects of a kiss goodbye, and spent the whole night lying awake in pure giddiness. 
Sharon lay awake with bright red cheeks, thinking about how she’d shared countless swift stolen kisses with Alaska, who had taken her on a terrible date for an elaborate joke, who always made her laugh, who worked well with her, who was her colleague, who was making her head spin.
There were some ground rules. They would take things slow, try dating without the entire world knowing, keep things light and fun, and not have sex right away. It seemed pretty fair. Also, they were kind of dating. So everything was perfect.
Willam was on Alaska’s case immediately. It was a pretty slow day at work, a good chunk of Alaska’s cases solved but with mounds of paperwork still to be completed. As much as Tidicue was fair with assigning cases, Alaska knew that it particularly bothered Latrice when all of the paperwork was undone, so she stayed late and dedicated the day to the world’s most boring task.
It had just hit eleven when she sauntered over to Alaska’s desk. The department had mostly emptied out - Sharon had left about half an hour ago, a wave and a smile her subtle goodbye. It was the perfect scene for an interrogation, apparently, as Willam’s expression was nothing if not scheming.
“Hello, best friend! Got time to talk?” She perched herself on Alaska’s desk, swiping all of the files into the open drawer as she did so. Willam cared very little about her job or anyone else’s, and sometimes Alaska regretted recommending her for the precinct.
Alaska rolled her eyes. “No, Wills, I was very clearly working.”
“But now you’re not!” She shrugged cheerfully. “So you can talk. I want to talk about how you’re definitely fucking Sharon, at the very least friends with benefits but I’m detecting a hint of emotion, so maybe-”
Alaska cut her off before she could continue. “Willam! Fucking hell, not here! We’re trying to keep things on the down-low.”
Willam’s face lit up, delighted. “Say no more! Grab your coat, we’re going to Shaw’s.”
“I have to work!”
As expected, Alaska’s protests fell on deaf ears. “Mhmm, I don’t see any work here. Let’s go drink and talk about your illicit slam-piece. I have some stories of my own to tell you about this hot Australian girl I met at a vegan protest. I was only there to get involved in the tits out kinda vibe, but…”
She was impossible to escape. Before Alaska even knew it, she had been dragged out of the station and into the bar, where Willam promptly ordered two margaritas and continued her story. The Aussie girl was called Courtney, and apparently they had hooked up four times in the space of a week between the hours of 1am-4am. Safe to say, Alaska didn’t hold out hope that she’d be a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding anytime soon.
A notification buzzed on Alaska’s phone.
Sharon [to Alaska Thunder]: <3
Alaska had texted earlier to make sure she had gotten home safe. She smiled at the confirmation, and then looked up to find Willam’s disturbingly white, wolfish grin bared in her direction. 
“So… detective on detective action. That’s gotta be a hot porn category, right?”
“You’re such a whore, Wills, oh my god.”
Willam shrugged nonchalantly and sipped her drink. “Come on, sis! I’m dying for some dirty deets on this, you can’t stiff me out! Lowkey always wondered what Sharon’s like in bed, she’s kinda hot. If you won’t tell me, I’ll have to bang her myself.”
The sheer forwardness of it all made Alaska burst into laughter. “Oh my god! You need to slow that libido down. I’ll tell you the bare minimum but it’s not like I have anything to share yet anyway.”
“You… don’t?” Willam looked confused. “I thought y’all were fucking, I could read your vibes and you’re both definitely giving off fucking vibes. I’m never wrong, what gives?”
For some reason, Alaska felt kinda embarrassed. Willam had hated her last girlfriend, who she’d been with for only about six months and broken up with a year ago. The breakup had been swift and painless, but Willam had rejoiced for a week, and ever since then Alaska had wondered if she just had bad taste in women or whether her best friend was an asshole. Needless to say, Willam was definitely an asshole. A loveable asshole, at least. 
“We’re… dating? I guess? We’re taking things slowly, trying it out before we make any big decisions.” Alaska confessed, then turned serious. “Don’t tell any of the squad, okay? We don’t want them knowing until we’re ready… if we get there.”
“Gross!” Willam exclaimed, pushing shots in Alaska’s direction. “I’m kidding, I guess that’s cute. I take it she’s the reason you’ve been wearing that cologne to work that you only wear when you’re trying to attract someone? Don’t think I don’t recognise that scent, bitch, I bought it for you in our senior year and it got you your first girlfriend. This ain’t my first time at the rodeo.”
Alaska laughed. “Sure, yeah, she is. I like her a lot, she’s fun to hang out with. Between you and me…” She paused and lifted her glass. “And these shots… I hope things work out for us. That would be cool.”
She knocked them back and winced. “Your alcohol taste is the worst.”
“Gets ya drunk,” Willam replied. “I wanna get wasted and I wanna fuck someone in this bar. Let’s go.”
“Oh my god, hi! You answered!”
“You called me! Hi, Laska!”
“What’re… what’re you still doin’ awake? I’ve been drinking with Willam!”
“Oh, Willam! I love her!”
“Me too!”
“I’ve been drinking a lil bit too! Where are you?”
“Gonna get in an Uber… too drunk to drive.”
“You should come hang out with me! I’m home ‘cus all my boring friends left!”
“Hey, I will! Bye bye, Tedective Needles!”
Alaska rolled over in bed, satisfied, her chest still heaving from exertion. Beside her, laying flat on her back with flushed pink cheeks and lips parted slightly, Sharon offered a smile. She was breathless, shining with sweat, and Alaska noted she was in the exact same state. The first orgasm had been sobering - the second mind-numbing, the third overwhelming, and the fourth rendering them both carefree and exhausted. 
Sharon was so fucking pretty. She made the prettiest noises, wore the prettiest lingerie, and could swirl the prettiest patterns with her tongue.
“We broke a rule.” She breathed, her eyes sparkling as they met Alaska’s.
Alaska pulled Sharon close, pressing their bodies together. “Mmm, yeah. I guess we did.”
The way Sharon’s eyes had darkened at the sight of Alaska in her boxers had sent shockwaves through her entire body, and as she relived the moment in her head, she stroked her hand along the curve of Sharon’s hip.
“It was so worth it.” Sharon grinned. “You are so gorgeous…”
Alaska bit her lip as Sharon started kissing into her neck, careful enough not to mark her skin. Maybe it was her post-orgasm haze, but it seemed to Alaska like this could really work out.
“All you, baby,” Alaska told her, arching her neck to give her some more room. “That’s all you.”
“Be mine, then,” Sharon punctuated each of her words with a kiss. “I don’t give a fuck about anyone else. Just be mine.”
There were varying reactions to their decision. Captain Tidicue told them solemnly that under no circumstances would she allow it to interfere with their work performances, then broke into a wide grin and laughed, totally unbothered by the change. Latrice and Chad offered polite congratulations, whilst Sasha and Shea high-fived one another and seemed to be collecting bet money from some of the uniformed officers. As for Jinkx and Willam - while both were ecstatic, they soon fell into a somewhat playful, somewhat serious argument over who had called it first.
(It was probably Jinkx, but Alaska didn’t fancy ruining Willam’s carefully constructed reputation, so she opted to not get involved.)
They were just… dating. And working together. It was fun. Sometimes they would go on cases together, other times separately, and then at the end of their shifts, they might head out on a date somewhere, or other times they’d go home and have mindblowing sex, or other times they’d go home and binge Netflix shows and eat ungodly amounts of ice-cream in their pyjamas.
Sometimes Alaska would look at Sharon in the middle of a mundane task, like washing the dishes in her apartment or bagging some evidence at work, and would wonder how she got so lucky. Then Sharon would voice her exact thoughts directed the other way, and Alaska would be sure that somehow, she had struck gold.
Time flew by. Families met families, friends met friends, criminals still committed crimes and they still brought them in, day after day. Action-filled days turned into weeks, which turned into months, and within the blink of an eye, their one year anniversary had started sneaking up on them. It had quite possibly been the best year of Alaska’s life, she thought, even as she walked into work wearing one of Sharon’s embarrassing old Hot Topic t-shirts with her uniform.
“Girl, what happened there?” Shea laughed, nudging Latrice to get a closer look. “Did your emo phase hit you again?”
Alaska laughed sarcastically. “Thanks, Shea, but no. This is Sharon’s monstrosity, not mine.”
“I liked Pierce The Veil,” Sharon shrugged, interjecting. “I don’t see the issue with it.”
“Anyway,” Alaska continued, determined to defend herself for the sake of her own pride, “There was a situation with my clothes last night, and none of them are wearable today.”
Latrice seemed amused, but unconvinced. “You don’t have a drawer full of your shit at this point? You’ve been dating for like, a year.”
“A year today!” Alaska winked, proud that she had memorised the date. “And yeah, I do. Turns out Sharon’s apartment has this antiquated sprinkler system that activates when the fire alarm goes off unexpectedly. It also turns out that I am a great chef, and Sharon is a terrible one.”
Sharon harrumphed. “I prefer ‘culinarily challenged’.”
“You heard it here first, folks, she’s a challenge.” Fully expecting Sharon’s mock-indignant shove, Alaska swiftly stepped out of the way to avoid it and grinned, too amused by herself to even pretend otherwise. Sharon folded her arms, but she was laughing too.
Shea shrugged. “I don’t get why you don’t just move in together. Makes life easier for both of you.”
“We’ve been planning to,” Sharon told her, “We just can’t get past the debate of whose apartment to choose. They both have equal shit points and good points.”
Tidicue stepped out from her office. Alaska wondered for a moment if their Captain was going to weigh in on the debate, but her unusually grave expression was unsettling. Everyone turned to look at her, a foreboding silence filling the room.
“A prison truck just overturned a mile down the road and seven high security prisoners have escaped and are now loose in the city. We need to bring them in as quickly as possible so that no civilians get hurt. Needles pair with Michaels, Thunder pair with Royale. We need to get going, now.”
They all but ran to gear up, studying the files Tidicue had handed them as they did. The crimes ranged from murder to grand larceny to arson, and the prisoners seemed like they were going to be nasty pieces of work. Perhaps it was a little bit unprofessional of her, but Alaska’s excitement for the thrilling task and her competitive nature seemed to rear their heads at the same time.
“That’s so sweet of the Captain to try and involve you two,” She smiled sweetly at Sharon, everyone aware that the playful argument was mainly aimed at her. “As if we’ll need you. Bless her, she really does have a big heart. Anyway, Sarge, I believe we have seven prisoners to single-handedly arrest and bring in?”
Latrice seemed happy to play along, and nodded. They turned towards the door before Sharon stopped them, her arm held straight out in offer of a damning handshake.
“Seven prisoners. Whoever catches the most gets to keep their apartment. Loser moves in with the winner.” Her eyes were gleaming, her own innate desire to be the best rivalling Alaska’s in the best way possible. God, Alaska loved her so much. Her determination almost made her look evil - it was hot.
Alaska shook her hand. “Deal. You’re on, Needles.”
Sharon shrugged noncommittally and sauntered out. “Let’s go, Chad. We got this shit in the bag.”
“Later, bitches!” Chad called after them.
Alaska, for one, was shell-shocked. “Did… did that just happen?!”
“You mean, Detective Michaels calling us ‘bitches’? Yes. Yes it did.” Latrice was equally as baffled. “Okay, we gotta move. You have an apartment to keep.”
It was a day of pure chaos. They remained in contact through their phones and walkie-talkies and signals whenever possible, determined to both ensure everyone had been caught for the safety of the city, and to try and win yet another stupid precinct bet. Latrice and Chad were completely unaffected by the results of the bet overall, and yet it seemed to have highlighted a fierce competitive streak within them both too. Chad was one hundred percent Team Needles, all the way, and Latrice was intent on saving Alaska’s apartment at all costs.
At their third arrest - the escaped arsonist, who they caught digging around in a bin in some dingy alley for discarded lighters - they paged Sharon and Chad, wondering how they were doing. On a police front, they needed to know who to look for and where. On a personal level, this was war. Alaska knew that they’d managed two so far, and their three meant that there was only one prisoner standing between winning or losing the bet.
Chad answered them. “Follow us on GPS, we’re tracking two guys that witnesses saw running together. That is, if we haven’t got them both and won by the time you get here.”
“10-2, copy that.”
Latrice tapped into the GPS on the police van they’d been granted special use of for the manhunt. Their current nemeses were about twenty minutes away, and depending on how long it took them to locate and chase down the prisoners, it could make it or break it.
“Just floor it,” Alaska insisted. “We have to catch these guys. For, uh, the good of the city.”
Latrice snorted derisively. “And for your apartment! Screw impartiality, I’m on your team and we’re going to fucking win.”
They were four minutes away when Chad paged them. “Thunder, Royale, do you read?”
“10-2, what’s going on?” Alaska answered, taken aback by Chad’s abrupt tone. 
“10-38, ambulance needed. Got the prisoners, one of them had a knife on him. Sharon needs help.”
Alaska’s heart leapt into her mouth. “C-Copy that. We’re two minutes away, take the prisoners in. Calling the ambulance now.”
The moment they arrived on scene, Latrice helped Chad move the prisoners into their van, and get them back to the station. Alaska flew to Sharon’s side, where a small group of concerned civilians had flocked around her.
“NYPD, please move out of the way! Fuck, Sharon!”
Somewhat reassuringly, Sharon looked okay. She offered a weak smile and waved limply, her other arm resting on a table as she sat outside one of the random food establishments on the street. One of the civilians quietly explained how she’d used her scarf as a tourniquet to help with the bleeding, and that she’d noted that Sharon seemed otherwise unhurt. Alaska could already hear the ambulances, mere seconds away.
“What happened? How did he…?”
Sharon shook her head. “It was stupid, I don’t know why I didn’t pat him down or anything. We were just cuffing them and he managed to sharply pull his hand away from me, pull out the knife and just slash at random. He couldn’t see what he was doing, I don’t think he even knew if he was gonna get me. I’m alright, but my arm fucking hurts.”
The panic in Alaska’s chest started to settle as the EMTs rushed over. Alaska thanked them for their help and got into the ambulance along with Sharon, which she could tell provided her girlfriend some small comfort. As fearless as she pretended to be, she wasn’t invincible. She held Sharon’s good hand the entire way into the hospital, just in case.
“You won the bet, at least?” Alaska joked, distracting her from the doctors cleaning and bandaging the wound. She was lucky - it wasn’t severe, it hadn’t nicked any main arteries - but it still hurt like a bitch, and Sharon’s face definitely emulated that.
Sharon laughed shortly. “Right. Four arrests to three. Go me!”
“So, I’m moving into your place. This is a pretty big step.”
Even in pain, Sharon had a way of looking mesmerising. At the end of the day, Alaska didn’t even care about the dumb bet. As long as Sharon was okay, it didn’t matter whose place they decided to live at. The point was that they’d be together, and it would be home. Their home.
“No, you’re not.” Sharon conceded, smiling in spite of herself. “We’ll move into yours. The neighbourhood is nicer, and you live right by that really good Chinese place…” She laughed. “Plus, I’m injured, and whatever I say goes until I’m better. Also, you have a bath and shower. That’s fancy as fuck.”
Alaska cracked up. “Okay. Okay, I’m down. Happy anniversary, babe. I’m sure you’ve had a great day.”
Sharon puckered her lips for a kiss, making Alaska laugh before she leaned forward to give in. “And you’ll watch Jeopardy with me tonight? And Return of the Living Dead?”
“Ugh, fine. Yes, I will.”
Alaska’s lease expired a year and a half after Sharon moved in with her. After that, they decided to look for somewhere else, and found a nice place that seemed doable on their salaries, in good condition, not too far from work and in a nice area (featuring all of their shared favourite takeaway spots). 
Life felt good. There was everyday mania, like underground drug rings and dirty cops and corruption, but at the end of the day they could retire home knowing they’d done a little good for their home. And once they were home… Alaska loved sharing her life with Sharon.
Sergeant Latrice Royale took the Lieutenant’s exam and passed it on her first try. The squad went out for drinks to celebrate, and Alaska recalled a very drunk karaoke group consisting of their new Lieutenant, herself, Sharon, Willam and bizarrely Captain Tidicue, butchering Wannabe by the Spice Girls as loudly as they could.
Detective Chad Michaels was promoted to Sergeant as the position needed filling. She then announced that she was expecting her second child, and Alaska and Sharon became very very proud god-parents of a little girl called Morgan.
Willam continued to fuck her way through New York with reckless abandon, or so she claimed. Alaska already knew that the wild escapades she kept describing were all with that Courtney girl, who she ended up finally meeting in a bar after six months of wheedling and begging to be introduced to her. She seemed pretty nice.
Detectives Shea Coulee and Sasha Velour were dating. Alaska was baffled at how she somehow had no idea, and upon asking Sharon about it, was met with hysterical, disbelieving laughter and “Babe, you’re the stupidest lesbian I’ve ever met. And I’ve met so many stupid lesbians.”
Detective Jinkx Monsoon remained one of Alaska’s closest friends and biggest supporters of her relationship. She made hints every couple of months, doing her best to be subtle - often pointing out that various dresses she had in her closet would make great bridesmaid outfits if ever they were needed.
Detective Sharon Needles… well, she was laying against Alaska on the couch, both of them spooning and watching some documentary together. She was still the prettiest girl Alaska had ever seen, and according to her, Alaska was and would always be the only woman in the world. In the midst of theorising about an old true crime case and who really did it (“Come on, Lask, I can come up with theories as we’re watching! We’re literally qualified to do that!”) she paused, shuffled onto her back so she could see Alaska properly, and smiled.
“What? What is it? Do you want more popcorn already?” Alaska asked her.
Sharon chuckled. “Nah, not this time. I want to get married.”
“We should go ring shopping, then.” Alaska mused, casual as anything. 
“Yeah, we should.” Sharon agreed.
There was a pause. The documentary kept playing - surprise surprise, the killer was a white male.
“Is that it?” Alaska couldn’t hold in her laughter any longer.
Sharon cackled with her. “Yep, that’s all. We’re engaged now, low effort proposal.”
Another pause. Then she continued, “Of course that’s not it! Come here so I can kiss you senseless and fool you into marrying me.”
The ceremony was beautiful. Alaska wore a fitted tuxedo, Sharon wore a white dress, and Alaska realised she’d never seen her fiancée - her wife - in white before.
Jinkx cried a lot. Willam pretended that she didn’t.
The brides barely took their eyes off each other.
“Mrs Needles.”
“Mrs Thunder.”
It felt good to say. It rolled off their lips nicely.
Captain Tidicue officiated, on their request. “You have the right to remain married. You are entitled to kiss the bride.”
So, she did.
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mystery flowers - a seblos oneshot <3
decided that i had to write this before next week’s ep comes out!! based on my post from yesterday lol where the flowers are from seb for carlos but he messes up and doesn’t attach the card - enjoy!
“We’ve got mystery flowers people!” Carlos shouted, carrying in an enormous bouquet of flowers and drawing everyone’s attention. Seb put down his brush, hoping his makeup would make his actual blush less obvious, but the entire cast and crew were looking at the flowers, so he had nothing to worry about. Maybe the size of the bouquet was a little bit overkill, but once he had started adding flowers he couldn’t stop. He had wanted to give Carlos an opening night gift to show his appreciation for all of his hard work on the show throughout the semester, and when he had found that basket abandoned in the barn, it had all come together. He picked the flowers from his backyard discreetly, but when his mom saw what he was doing and started yelling at him, the damage had already been done. It had still been worth it, though, to see the smile on Carlos’ face as he carried in the giant bouquet.
Seb was about to go up to Carlos and talk to him alone when he processed one of his words and Big Red articulated his next thought: “why mystery?”
Carlos shrugged and said, “there was no card, so I’m guessing it’s dealer’s choice, but, if I had to bet, I’d say it’s for our leading lady!” He pointed at Nini who returned a shy smile, and everyone returned to their state of pre-show chaos.
Seb knit his brow in confusion. Why did Carlos think the flowers were for Nini? He had very clearly written Carlos’ name (accompanied by little hearts) on a small piece of card and-
Seb stood up suddenly, earning a concerned look from Kourtney. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Seb stammered, his eyes darting around the room for his coat, “I just left something in my coat, I think.” Kourtney shrugged and continued doing her own makeup as Seb made a beeline for the corner of the room with the pile of jackets.
Once he found his corduroy jacket, his hands fidgeted frantically with the button on the right top pocket. He stuck his hand inside. Nothing. He opened the pocket on the other side and when he reached in he did feel the crisp edges of the card. Seb rolled his eyes at himself. Of course he had forgotten to actually put the card in the bouquet. He glanced around the room to make sure no one had caught onto what he was doing, but everyone was preoccupied with one last-minute emergency or another, including Carlos. He made his way back to the makeup tables and decided he would have to tell him about the flowers after the show.
As the cast walked off stage from the curtain call, bursting with energy, they all cheered and yelled incoherently. They had ushered Miss Jenn and Carlos onstage after all of the cast bows, and Seb had beamed with pride as the other boy grinned and bowed for the cheering audience. Their eyes met across the stage and when Seb caught up to Carlos in the wings the other boy took his hand.
“You were so good! Absolutely stole the show,” Carlos said, swinging their arms as they followed the rest of the cast backstage. “I told you you had nothing to worry about,” he squeezed Seb’s hand, earning a smile from the blonde boy. Their eye contact lingered for a few moments before Nini ran up to them and hugged them both.
“Seb!!! You were so incredible, it was so hard to hate you!” she gushed, and the boys laughed. “Oh my God, and Carlos,” she added, “might I just say, the best portrayal of Chad Danforth I’ve ever seen.”
“I second that!” Seb giggled.
“Let’s never talk about that again,” Carlos groaned. “But you? Nini Salazar-Roberts, you blew me away!”
Nini grinned, keeping her arms around them on either side. “Thanks! You know, knowing that the dean was here, it actually motivated me… Speaking of, I should probably go back out there and introduce myself!”
“Yes, go go go!” Seb pushed her back towards the stage and Carlos gave an encouraging thumbs-up. “I’m gonna go and quickly change out of these pants, they just don’t breathe at all,” Seb gave Carlos a knowing glance.
“Ok,” Carlos chuckled and raised his eyebrows as Seb rushed off to get his clothes, before turning to find Gina.
Once everything had quieted down a bit and most of the cast had filtered out, Seb, with the only trace of his Sharpay costume now the glitter in his hair, spotted Carlos packing up his binder in the corner of the room. He took a deep breath as his hand wrapped around the card in his pocket. Carlos glanced up and met Seb’s eyes with a smile. “What are you still doing in here? I thought everyone had already gone to Ashlyn’s.”
Seb fidgeted with his hands and looked down as he walked towards the other boy. “I was looking for you, actually…” Carlos raised his eyebrows in response, waiting for Seb to go on. “I know we joked about it earlier, but you seriously did such a good job stepping up to play Chad,” Seb said earnestly, as Carlos started shaking his head. “And I mean, as much as all the role-swapping tonight was an absolute mess, we managed to deal with it pretty well!”
“Luckily we had you as the star of the show to hold it all together,” Carlos smiled, swinging his bag over his shoulder.
Seb blushed, muttering a shy “thanks,” before realizing that he needed to say something now if he was going to. “Hey, um, before we go,” he started, Carlos glancing up expectantly, “I found the card that was supposed to go with the flowers.”
Confusion washed over Carlos’ face. “Wait, what do you mean?” he asked, and Seb held out the card in response.
“For you,” Seb said with a shy smile, and Carlos took the card, blushing at the little hearts doodled around his name.
“They’re from you?” Carlos asked, completely dumbfounded. He really had thought they had been for Nini. The possibility of the flowers being for him hadn’t crossed his mind at all, not even for a moment.
Seb nodded, gathering up the courage to respond. As a result, it came out all at once. “Yeah, I picked them on my farm this morning, did the whole arrangement as an opening night gift and even made the card, but because I’m an idiot, I forgot to actually put the card in the bouquet before leaving it in the hallway…” he trailed off with a shrug and a smile.
Carlos was overwhelmed. He still couldn’t believe the flowers were for him, let alone from Seb, the love of his life, or his crush, who was standing here all flustered in front of him. “You picked them yourself?” was all he managed to say, and Seb nodded sheepishly.
“I’m sorry- do you not like them?” Seb looked concerned, “I should’ve just bought a bouquet on the way here-“
“No, no, I love them, Seb!” Carlos reassured the other boy, putting his hands on his shoulders. “They’re beautiful,” he dropped his hands back down and cocked his head to the side. “But why didn’t you say something earlier? When I brought them in?”
“Well, you said that they weren’t addressed to anyone and I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of everyone,” Seb explained. “Especially after everyone thought that they were for Nini - I didn’t want to disappoint her right before going onstage,” he added, and Carlos nodded along.
“Ok, good point,” Carlos replied. “That might have dramatically increased the stress level in the room, and it was already pretty high, mostly thanks to me,” he chuckled.
Seb looked Carlos in the eye. “You know how incredible you are, right?” he asked. Carlos just stared back at him, speechless. “I didn’t just bring you flowers because I- I like you,” Seb blushed, and Carlos did as well upon hearing those words, “I brought them because you deserve them. This whole year you’ve been working so hard to bring this show to life, basically singlehandedly, when Miss Jenn was going through it, and no one has truly acknowledged that.” Carlos stared in awe at the boy in front of him. “I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you, Carlos, for everything, but especially for giving me what I’ve always wanted by helping me become Sharpay.” Seb’s heart was pounding in his chest, and he couldn’t believe he had said all of that, but he was glad to have gotten it all out.
Carlos took a step closer to brush the few stray hairs that were hanging down onto Seb’s forehead out of the way, resting his arms around his shoulders, and the blonde boy thought he would combust right then and there. “Thank you,” Carlos said, his voice softer than Seb had ever heard it before. “For the flowers,” he added, smiling and shaking his head in disbelief, “and for everything that you just said.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Seb smiled, glancing from Carlos’ eyes down to his lips and back, “it’s all true.”
Seb took another step forward and they both leaned in, their eyes fluttering shut moments before their lips connected. Carlos tightened his arms around Seb’s neck and Seb wrapped one arm around Carlos’ back, gently pulling him closer. The kiss was soft and careful but they pulled away after a few moments because they both found themselves smiling too much. Seb giggled and couldn’t help but give Carlos a quick peck right after they pulled apart, making the other boy blush even more. “Oh my God, you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Carlos said, keeping his arms around Seb’s neck and ruffling his hairspray-hardened hair with one hand. Some glitter fell into his face and Seb scrunched up his nose and eyes but still couldn’t stop smiling.
“Stop, the glitter’s gonna get everywhere!” Seb laughed, and Carlos pulled his arms back but shrugged.
“Isn’t that the point?” he asked, reaching for Seb’s hand and intertwining their fingers. Seb shot back a giddy smile and squeezed Carlos’ hand.
A thought suddenly dawned on Seb and he pulled Carlos toward the door. “We should really get going if we wanna make it to Ash’s in time for the cake!”
“Cake? No one ever told me about cake!” Carlos replied with just as much urgency. “But will you at least help me carry the flowers to the car, since it’s your fault that they’re so big?”
Seb laughed and picked up one side of the basket. “Of course,” he said, and they carried the bouquet out into the East High parking lot together with dumb grins plastered across their faces.
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descendants halloween week - day 3
prompt: haunted house
pairings: jay x carlos ; mal x evie
rating: T for references to abuse and sex
There was a reason Carlos declined to enter the haunted house with the rest of the Auradon group.
He wasn’t a wimp, as Chad had said. Nor had he been “too boring” like Audrey had implied. Carlos was neither of those things, and he knew it. These fake haunted houses - set up around Halloween with the primary purpose to scare the shit out of kids who’d never truly been scared in their lives - didn’t even raise the hairs on his arm. He could predict every single thing that would happen tonight inside the dorm building masquerading as a “scary mansion.” From fake blood on the walls to hired students to jump out with chainsaws and maybe even a dummy hung from a ceiling fan should Fairy Godmother have loosened up the restrictions on gore level, the Auradon students had spared no expense trying to make the haunted house as terrifying as possible.
But it was all fake.
Each bloody handprint had been left by a laughing Auradon Prep student; the cobwebs had been carefully draped with the lights on; and the screams from within were all in good fun. So no; whatever the group had just paid five tickets to enter into at that night’s Auradon Prep Halloween Festival was not a haunted house.
“Hey, Pup.” Jay approached the bench Carlos was sitting on now, holding two cups of punch. Briefly, Carlos wondered whether it was spiked, but the possibility vanished all too quickly: Auradon parties definitely didn’t allow alcohol. “They were all out of the pink punch, but I figured this was just as good.”
Handing him one of the cups, Jay sat down beside him and stared out across the lawn at the booths and tents set up. Despite the black sky and late hour, Auradon Prep’s Campus was lit up with lanterns and strung lights, looking almost too lovely to be considered eerie enough for a Halloween party.
“Thanks.” Carlos sipped the punch without even really tasting it, still too lost in his thoughts to fully focus on its fruity flavor.
“Something’s on your mind.” Jay arched his brow, and Carlos sighed. Jay was too perceptive for his own good.
“Nah,” Carlos lied, fidgeting with his remaining strand of yellow tickets. “I was just waiting for you to come back, that’s all.”
“Where are the girls?” Jay glanced around, as if he expected to spot Mal and Evie among the throngs of students.
Carlos managed a grim smile. “They left to find the ‘bathroom’ ages ago.”
And Jay groaned under his breath, rolling his eyes. “Damn them. Of course Mal is getting some tonight. Fuck, I really gotta get laid now.” He shook his head, and for a moment, Carlos wondered if he’d drop the previous subject. But after a moment, Jay’s eyes narrowed again. “But that doesn’t let you off the hook; what’s up? Did someone say something? Chad? Cause I’ll kick his ass, you know I will.”
“Chad is a moron.” Carlos truly didn’t care what Chad thought about him. “Besides, they all went to the haunted house anyway.”
“Haunted house?” Jay screwed up his face. “What the hell is that?”
“Some stupid thing they do here,” Carlos explained with a small shrug, gesturing to the dorm building with its flickering lights and screaming occupants. “They go in there to get scared. There’s fake blood and spiders and people yelling at you.”
“Why would they do that?” Jay’s eyebrows were knitted together in confusion.
“The adrenaline rush, I guess.” Carlos noted Jay’s relaxation and figured the other boy could understand that, at least; he’d always gotten off on dangerous building jumps or motorbike races down the dusty island roads.
“You didn’t go right?” Jay suddenly looked concerned. “Did they try and make you do it?”
“No.” Carlos scoffed a little, because really, as if he’d be so weak-willed as to let a bunch of princes force him into that building. “I have no desire to set foot in there or be chased around by people waving their arms. I got enough of that growing up, thanks.”
“Hell Hall.” It wasn’t a question.
Carlos figured Hell Hall was as close to a real haunted house as he would ever get. He hadn’t seen the place since they’d all left the island that fateful day - back when he was just fourteen - but still: fourteen years in that house was fourteen years too many.
Just then, Audrey came running back across the lawn, squealing alongside Jane. Their costumes - sparkly fairy wings and wands - glittered in the golden lantern light.
“Jay!” the daughter of Aurora laughed breathlessly. “Tell Jane she has to do the haunted house! It’s amazing! Even better than last year’s!”
Folding his arms, Jay grinned, and Carlos marveled at how quickly his energy morphed into flirtation. “Well, now, beautiful, were you scared? Shame I wasn’t there to hold your hand.”
Carlos knew Jay could care less about Audrey; he never cared about the girls he spoke to in that smooth purr. Still, he couldn’t help feeling a twinge of jealousy at Jay’s sudden and complete focus on the other girl.
“Yes!” Audrey laughed, shaking Jane’s arm. “But you weren’t there, and now I know where all the scary parts are! I can be your wingman, Jane!”
“Wingman?” Carlos wrinkled up his nose.
“Yeah.” Audrey shook her head, sending her perfectly curled ringlets bouncing. “Like - someone who can help look out for you once you’re inside.” Apparently, she was growing impatient because she turned back the way she’d come, still grasping Jane’s arm. “Come on! We’re going!”
“Fine!” Fairy Godmother’s daughter huffed at last. “But Aud, you have to stay with me! You can’t abandon me like last year when…” Their voices drifted away as they blended back into the crowd.
“I’ll be your wingman,” Jay announced suddenly.
“I’m not going into that house.” For a wild, panicked moment, Carlos wondered if Jay would grab his arm and pull him towards the thing. He wasn’t scared of the Auradon Prep dorms, but perhaps the memories lurking beneath the surface had him more freaked out than he cared to admit.
But of course, Jay did nothing of the sort, and as the anxiety-riddled moment passed, Carlos felt a bit ashamed at having even let the thoughts enter his brain. Jay didn’t try to force him or even insist they move at all; he just shook his head and took another swig of punch. “In life, I mean. I’ll be your wingman. Look out for and support you and shit. Not leave you behind.”  
Maybe the drinks were spiked after all because a warm glow washed over Carlos. He smiled softly - his first real smile since hearing about the haunted house - and felt bold enough to lean against Jay. The other boy was warm, his steady, firm foundation supporting him perfectly; Carlos found himself oddly comforted by the contact - a new experience for him.
A group of cheerleaders passed suddenly - their practically translucent “ghost” costumes sure to make waves during the costume competition. Plenty of people drooled over them as they passed, and Carlos waited for Jay to do the same. But although they giggled and fell over each other as they walked by, Jay didn’t follow them.
“I thought you said you needed to get laid.” Carlos looked up at Jay from his spot on the other boy’s chest, ready for him to pull away at any moment. “Aren’t they usually down for a hookup? I’ll hold your punch if you wanna go… you know… to the bathroom. Just - wash your hands when you’re done, avoid the bathroom near the science wing because I heard Fairy Godmother was heading there a few minutes ago, and say hi to Mal and Evie for me if you see them.”
To his surprise, Jay only wrapped his arms around him tighter. “I’m good, ‘Los,” he shrugged. “A wingman wouldn’t leave his… his guy over a one-night stand. I’m all yours.”
All his.
Ironically, Carlos owed this warm, flushed feeling to a haunted house.
Maybe I don’t wanna go inside one ever again, but I suppose getting a wingman out of it hasn’t been the worst thing in the world.
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danrdarrenc · 5 years
5 Christmases + 1 Christmas Eve
Will blinked awake to the early morning sun streaming through their window. Sonny’s arm was draped over his waist, his body a warm weight against Will’s back. Will turned carefully so as not to wake Sonny and smiled softly at his sleeping husband.
“Morning,” Sonny mumbled, half-asleep.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Will whispered.
Sonny smiled slowly and opened his eyes to look at Will. “I’m certain a little monster is going to wake us any second.”
Will huffed out a laugh and brushed his lips against Sonny’s before snuggling closer so they were nose-to-nose.
Sure enough, a minute later, the door opened and the bed bounced with the weight of a seven year-old.
“Daddies, wake up! It’s Christmas!” 
Will and Sonny laughed together and let Ari drag them out of bed and downstairs to see what Santa brought her.
* * * * * * 
Sonny woke to the first rays of sunlight peeking through the slats in their bedroom shades. Will was sleeping peacefully next to him, their faces a breath away. Their legs were twined under the sheets and the hands in between them were brushing. Sonny lifted his other hand to trace lightly over Will’s face. 
This past year had been nothing short of a roller-coaster of emotions: the divorce; finding out Maggie had been the one responsible for Adrienne’s death and that Victor had framed Will for it; Will being released from prison; Will insisting that Sonny be happy with Evan (”What happened will never go away, Sonny! It doesn’t matter that I didn’t do it!”); Sonny insisting that Will not being responsible did make a difference (”Of course it matters, Will!  All the reasons you gave me for not being together don’t exist anymore!”); them getting back together on their anniversary (”Husbands for life, remember?” Sonny asked before kissing Will senseless); their third - and final! (or so Sonny hoped) - wedding in August on the anniversary of Will getting his memories back. 
And now they were here, in their own apartment, settled again, and happy.
“I can hear you thinking,” Will said, popping open an eye to look at Sonny.
“Sorry,” Sonny said with a cheeky grin. “I didn’t mean to wake you. You looked so peaceful.”
“What were you thinking about?” 
“Everything that happened this year.”
Will blinked fully awake and his hand found Sonny’s under the sheets. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They kissed lazily for a long time.
“It’s so quiet,” Will whispered.
“That’s what happens when there’s no almost nine-year old monster in the house on Christmas.”
Will grinned.  They had dropped Ari (and all the presents for her) off with Gabi and Stefan after the Horton tree trimming the night before. She had spent Christmas with them for the past few years (just Sonny, last year); she had asked to be with her mom this year and they readily obliged. 
“What do you want to do today?” Sonny asked. 
“Can we stay in? Or do we have go to your family?”
“Staying in sounds like the best Christmas ever,” Sonny answered, kissing Will again.
After sleeping another couple of hours, Sonny made them pancakes and they exchanged their gifts for each other (a new watch [Will’s was lost in the accident] and journal for Will, and new gloves [Sonny’s were hopelessly worn out] and new pages for their photo album for Sonny). 
Together they opened their families’ presents: from Eric and Nicole they received a framed photo of a quiet moment between them from their wedding that they hadn’t known he’d captured; Sami, Lucas, and EJ had jointly sent them Italian chocolates and two expensive bottles of wine; Justin had bought them season tickets to the Cubs home games; John and Marlena had bought them the stereo system they were missing; Kate gifted them a weekend at the Green Mountain Lodge; and Arianna had drawn them a picture of the three of them and a puppy (her way of telling them she wanted a dog) and bought each of them matching pens with her allowance money.
When they finished with all their presents, they settled on the couch under a fuzzy, warm blanket, with cups of hot chocolate in their hands, and spent the rest of the day watching silly Christmas movies and snacking on the Italian chocolate and popcorn.
* * * * * * *
Will, Sonny, and Ari strolled through the Christmas market in Switzerland, Ari carefully cradling a cup of hot chocolate as she perused the stalls.  They’d already purchased three bags full of jewelry, tchotchkies, and various gifts for Gabi, her grandparents, and great-grandparents.
This Christmas they had decided to take Ari to visit Sami, Lucas, EJ, the twins, and Sydney, and follow through on visiting the European markets they had talked about so long ago. They were also going to stop by Carrie and Austin (who had reunited) and Noah while they were in Switzerland.  It was to be their last trip out of Salem for a while, with the babies due to be born in February.
“Daddy! Can I go on the carousel?!” Ari asked, looking up at Will. At almost eleven, she was in ways both very much a teenager and still a kid.
“Sure, Little Lady,” Will said. He still used the old endearment whenever possible, certain she wouldn’t tolerate it much longer.
She grinned, handed Sonny her empty cup, and ran to the carousel.
Sonny laughed, linked his fingers with Will’s, and together they followed Ari to the carousel to pay for her ride. 
* * * * * * * 
Their first Christmas with the twins was chaotic.  It started when Ari grumbled to get out of bed early, even though she was excited to open presents (although she would never let on that she was, she was too old now).  Then it took them an extra hour to get out of the house with two ten-month olds and a pre-teen than it normally would have and they had four different places to hit before they could collapse back home.
Their first stop was the Kiriakis mansion to visit Justin, Maggie, Victor, and Sonny’s brothers who had surprised them all for coming to Salem for Christmas this year. They had planned on only staying an hour but Maggie had insisted they stay for tea.
So an hour behind schedule, they headed to the Brady Pub to visit Roman, Kayla and Steve, Stephanie, who had also come to Salem for the holidays, Hope, and Shawn, Belle, and Claire, who had been released from Bayview the previous year.  At the Pub, they ate lunch, and the twins fell asleep in their carriage.
With the twins still asleep, and bellies full, they made a pit stop at Kate’s apartment, where they made up some time, managing to stay only a half an hour with the excuse that they had dinner plans and still needed to see John and Marlena. It wasn’t a complete lie as their dinner plans were with John and Marlena, but Kate didn’t need to know that.
The babies woke up crying somewhere between Kate’s apartment and John and Marlena’s townhouse, so they lost time again as they had to stop to soothe them.  Eventually, with one baby in Ari’s arms and one in Sonny’s, and Will pushing the now empty carriage, they rang the doorbell to the townhouse.
Brady greeted them with his four-year old daughter on his hip. 
As they were pulling off their coats and scarves, Paul appeared from the kitchen with his new husband, followed by Claire, Belle, and Shawn, who had beaten them to the townhouse from the Pub.  John and Marlena appeared shortly after, hugging Will and Sonny and Ari and cooing at the babies.
An hour later, they sat down to dinner, Ari chattering away about the presents she received and loudly and pointedly about the ones she hadn’t. 
* * * * * * * *
The Christmas before Ari’s nineteenth birthday she didn’t spend in Salem. Johnny, Allie, and Sydney had decided to spend the two weeks covering Christmas and New Year’s in Aruba and Ari had cajoled Will, Sonny, and Gabi into letting her go with them. Allie had promised Will that they wouldn’t let Ari drink (”Will, Dad is an alcoholic and I’ve had more than my share of days clinging to a toilet bowl.”), but he knew in his bones that Ari would have a drink at some point during the trip. 
“I have to give Ari credit though,” Sonny said after getting off the phone with her on Christmas morning.  “In all the times we’ve spoken to her, she’s never sounded even tipsy.”
“Should that worry us?” Will asked on a laugh. 
“No. I don’t think so. Ari’s a good girl. She’s not a partier,” Sonny said seriously. “I think I’m more concerned about her switching a paternity test or something.”
Will howled with laughter and the twins appeared from their bedroom to see what the commotion was.
* * * * * * * *
+ 1
After Julie passed away earlier in the year, Doug already passed two years before, Jennifer had offered the Horton house to Will and Sonny. With Chad, Abby, Thomas, and Charlotte permanently living in Paris, and JJ in London, Jack and Jennifer had decided to relocate to Paris to be closer to their family.  Because the apartment was feeling crowded with two teenage boys, and because Arianna was now married with a baby on the way, Will and Sonny thanked Jennifer profusely and accepted the deed to the Horton house.
And so it was their first year hosting the annual Horton tree trimming. 
“Adam! Make sure the boxes of ornaments are down from the attic!” Will called from the kitchen where he was checking on Sonny’s cookies. 
Adam huffed and begrudgingly put down his book to trudge up the stairs to the attic.
“Chris, can you help me with the tree?” Sonny asked, struggling. Chris jumped off the couch to help position the tree in front of the window.
“How does it look?” Sonny asked Will who appeared from the kitchen. 
“Looks great,” Will said with a smile.
Chris and Sonny high-fived as Adam came back downstairs, the two boxes of ornaments in his arms.
“Thank you,” Will said, as the doorbell rang. 
“I’ll get it!” Chris announced. A minute later he came back into the room with Ari and her husband, Jake.
“Ari!” “Sweetpea!” Will and Sonny exclaimed at the same time. 
“Merry Christmas, Dads,” Ari said, enveloping them both in a hug. “Merry Christmas, squirt,” she said to Adam, ruffling his hair as she passed behind the couch where he was sitting, reading again.
Ari giggled as he fixed his hair. 
“Who else is coming?” Ari asked Sonny as the doorbell announced another group of Hortons.
“Where are my favorite grandchildren?” Lucas called from the foyer. He, Sami, EJ, Johnny, Allie, and Sydney had all come in for Christmas. They were seeing Sami, EJ, Johnny, Sydney and their respective wives (Sydney had come out to the family as bisexual three years ago) at the Brady Pub tomorrow for Christmas. 
“Hi, Grandpa,” Ari said softly, who was the first to reach Lucas. “Merry Christmas, Aunt Allie.” 
“Merry Christmas,” Adam mumbled into Lucas’ hug. Allie laughed under her breath as she received the quickest hug in existence from Adam.
“Merry Christmas, Grandpa, Aunt Allie,” Chris said cheerily.
Jennifer, Jack, Abby, Chad, and the kids were the next to arrive, followed closely by Hope and Ciara.  Eli and Lani came next, toting their baby daughter, Violet, who was named for Eli’s mother who had passed away last year. Maggie and Sarah were the last to arrive just as Will was passing around Sonny’s cookies fresh out of the oven, and eggnog. 
“Before we hang the ornaments, I just want to thank everyone for coming,” Will said. “I know this year has been rough for some of us, but it’s also brought us some joy, I hope. I, um, I know living here, and hosting this party has a long tradition and is a lot to live up to. But I hope that we can do justice to Gran and to Doug and Julie, and Aunt Jennifer, of course.  So Merry Christmas and let’s decorate this tree!”
They all cheered and clinked glasses, and Will started the tree trimming by hanging Tom and Alice’s ornaments right at the top of the tree under the star.
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
I was only pretendending with Jim. Make it as sad as u can
Friends don’t kiss - Jim Mason x Male!Reader 
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A/N: This has literally been in my ask box since.. January. I’m really the worst; I’m sorry. But now that both my angsty miniseries are completed.. why not start another, right? 
I got inspiration to tackle this after talking about some Jim x Male!Reader concepts. I understand this was probably sent with the intention of Jim x Fem!Reader, but uhh here we are. I hope you all enjoy this. I think I’ve made it pretty obvious that my favorite genre to write is angst so! Please let me know what you guys think. 
Trigger Warning:  angst, mentions of homophobia + battling w figuring out their sexuality, light sexual mentions (no smut), violence
Plot: Jim and his friend face the judgemental society of Palos Verdes and battle their own inner demons. 
Word Count: 2k
Confusion ran through Jim’s mind.
“What are we doing?” Jim asked breathlessly into the boys mouth, “Just go with it,” he groaned in response, darting his tongue into Jim’s wet lips. 
Now he sat alone in his room with his thoughts for company. 
Y/N had dodged Jim’s questions about what it was they were doing. Besides the frequent late night car rides that were often filled with smoke and brushing lips. What were they? Jim loved Y/N. Even before he kissed him. 
Y/N was there for Jim since he first arrived to Palos Verdes. He took Jim under his wing and became his friend. 
He didn’t want all that to just be thrown out the window because of it. 
But selfishly, Jim wanted more. He wanted more than just late night kisses in secrecy. He wanted to laugh in dinners under neon light signs. He wanted to hold Y/N’s hand and drag him out of parties and kiss him against a wall. He wanted everyone to know. 
He didn’t know what he wanted them to know. Hell, Jim himself wasn’t sure what that was. He just knew that he wanted to be more than friends. 
Jim’s attention focused on the faint sound of the waves crashing furiously in the distance. One after another. It hypnotized him back to that night. The night they let their guards down for the first time. The first time they allowed each other to feel the other. 
Jim’s attention was tied to the smoke. 
Tied to the intangible. Tied to something that would slip between his fingers if his hand reach out to grasp it. 
In hindsight he can almost laugh at the metaphor. His friend - so close, so tempting to touch only to have it vanish before his eyes. 
Y/N’s head tilted towards Jim. He felt the sea in his eyes bore into him. The depth of Jim was much more than met the surface; Y/N felt lucky to be of the few allowed that privilege. 
Y/N extended his hand towards Jim, offering him the lightened joint. Jim’s slender hand found its way wrapped around Y/N’s wrist. Their hammering heartbeats were drowned by the sounds of the darkening ocean before them. Y/N could feel the tension rising in his stomach. Jim leaned closer. He’d never felt safer in his life. He let the stars above them protect them as his lips met Y/N’s. 
Jim would swear he felt the shift in Y/N’s mouth kissing him back. The fleeting moment ended and they both pulled away. 
“I, uh,” Jim laughed, attempting to hide his embarrassment. Friends didn’t kiss. “sorry, bro.” he pulled on the back of his hair, nervously. 
Y/N coughed, looking down at the sand, “No worries, man. It stays here.” He took another long drag of the tightly wrapped joint. Y/N peeked at Jim from below his lashes. His large hand grasped Jim’s bodysuit clad thigh, “It’s all good.” 
But it didn’t stay there. It followed Jim everywhere he went. They weren’t sure how or when the change happened, but it did. Stolen kisses and light strokes of skin were the new norm for them. And it confused Jim immensely. 
Apart from confused, Jim couldn’t help but feel the anger build in him.
“Why don’t we go out?” Jim suggested moments before, “Let me take you out, like,” he coughed into his fist, “like a proper date, I mean.” He sat on the floor, with his back pressed into the navy blue comforter of his bed.
Y/N furiously pressed into the buttons on the controller, staring blankly at the screen. “We don’t.. We don’t have to do that, Jim.” Y/N avoided meeting Jim’s sky blue eyes. Jim held the the depths of the ocean and the possibilities of the sky in his eyes.
But Y/N was too afraid to submerge in them. Too afraid of what they’ll think. Too afraid of being.
“Yeah..” Jim didn’t seem to pick up on the underlying tone of Y/N’s no. “But what if I want to.. Take you out.” he paused between his words. He heard the sigh escape Y/N’s lips as he set the controller down.
“Come here,” Y/N patted the bed, inviting Jim up. Zero hesitation, Jim lifted himself up and on the bed in a blink. His face was held by two large hands, pulling him in closer.
Y/N kissed Jim gingerly. Savoring his taste; attempting to erase his worries.
“Y/N..” Jim spoke against his friends kiss, “What are we doing?” he turned his face, giving Y/N access to his neck. Y/N brought his lips back to his, “Just go with it..” he kissed his again.
And Jim wanted to go along with whatever this was, but he couldn’t and he knew that.
“Mm,” he failed to suppress a moan, “no.” he shook his head. “Y/N…” he pushed the boys chest back, “Stop.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed, “Jim..”
“I - I can’t.. I can’t continue doing this,” Jim gestured in the space between them, “Without knowing.. What this is.” annoyance evident in his voice.
Another heavy sigh. “What is there to know? We’re friends, Jim.” Y/N tried to relax back into the mattress. Friends.
“Bullshit,” Jim got off the bed, “Friends don’t kiss. Not like we do.” he crossed his toned arms over his chest; defensive body language on display.
“Maybe I should go.” Y/N again, was met with the incapacity to face Jim with the truth.
The tension in the room was palpable. Jim felt caged in. All he could do was nod and stare as his best friend walked out his door.
The shrill sound of his phone ringing broke him out of the trance like sadness that washed over him. Buzzzzz Buzzzzzz Buzzzzzz, the phone dragged across the wooden nightstand. The glimmer of hope he felt thinking if Y/N calling, quickly disappeared when he saw the name CHAD burn brightly on the screen.
Jim brought the phone to his ear, allowing the rambunctious idiot to talk first.
“AYYYY JIMBO!” Jim hated the name. “‘Rent’s are outta town and I’m going all out, boy!!” he could hear his other friends yelling in the background.
“You coming or not, bro?” Chad asked,
“I’ll be there.” short answers is all he could manage now. Pushing the rejection down into his lower abdomen, he swore he wouldn’t think of it tonight. That was a problem for future Jim.
Y/N’s dad’s voice echoed in his mind. Words of hate that spewed out of his cracked lips engraved in Y/N’s brain. His fear stemmed from something much deeper than himself. Terms of aggression directed at love. Conflict stirred with Y/N.
I never should have let it get this far, his own brooding voice of reason repeated in his head.
The buzz from his back pocket made him jump. “PARTY @ Chad’s” the message read. Shoving it back into his pocket, he went home and decided that a party with pretty girls and booze was what he needed.
Empty cups and bottles littered the pathway to the door. Jim walked into the house that vibrated with the low bass of the speakers.
“Jim! Hey! It’s Jim!” Chad slurred out, draping his arms around Jim. “Here. You need a drink, buddy,” he laughed shoving the bottle of vodka into Jim’s chest. Chad stumbled out of Jim’s grasp and continued on his host path, greeting anyone who walked in the door with the enthusiasm of a used car salesman.
His lips latched around the mouth of the bottle; he tilted his head back allowing the briny liquid to dribble past his tongue. Grimacing in the way is burned his throat, Jim continued to swallow back the alcohol.
Bodies becoming blurs and word spilling without thought - Jim was drunk. Drunker than he wanted to be, if he were being honest.  “I don’t know you know like you just,” Jim doubled over, hands on his stomach as he laughed at his jumbled speech, “Dude, what the fuck am I saying?” Jim tried to keep focused on the person he was talking to, but the blank stare looking back at him told him the stranger was on another playing field.
Shaking his head and waving him off, Jim stumbled down the beige colored hallway. Multimillion dollar homes used to intoxicate the youth; Of course no one cared as long as they stayed out of their hair.
Numb fingertips scraped along the textured walls. Jim’s lean body tripped against a wooden bedroom door. Hazy thoughts led him to turn the knob.
“Oh shit!” he took a step back taking in the sight of the brunette sitting on the man’s lap. He couldn’t see his face, but the girl’s face was burning as she reached down to look for her shirt.
That’s when the man’s face was revealed to Jim.
Jim’s face fell; there was no hiding the hurt in his heart. Intoxicated state making his emotions far more prevalent in his actions. “What the fuck?”
Y/N was frozen still. Jim’s hardened stare and tensed jaw said it all. “I.. get outta here, man.” his eyes wandered back to the girl. She clutched her white blouse to her chest. She looked between both men, confused as to what was going on.
“Fuck you, Y/N.” tears stung his eyes as he approached the bed where Y/N sat, wide legged and paralyzed.
“Y/N..” the girls small voice rang in the room as she grabbed on to Y/N’s arm in fear. Fear of Jim.
Jim’s eyes were glazed over, but not by the alcohol. His eyes were glassy in cold anger.
Y/N’s shirt found itself fisted into Jim’s hands as Jim pulled him up by the collar, giving him a hard shove to his chest.
“Jim!” the girls sharp voice was ignored by the two. She scurried out of the room, getting away from the scene unfolding.
Y/N wasn’t inebriated, he was registering his thoughts as Jim attacked his broad chest. He grabbed Jim’s hands trying to pin them at his sides to keep him from hurting himself or him. He knew Jim carried a mean punch; especially when pissed. And he hadn’t seen Jim this pissed since some asshole messed with Medina at the beach.  
Snatching his arms back, Jim pushed harder. Y/N found himself slammed against the wall. The frames around him shaking by the impact.
“I thought you liked me,” Jim wiped at his face angrily. The redness around his nose and eyes mirrored the red he saw when he found Y/N with the pretty brunette in lace.
“I’m not raising a fucking homo.” his father’s words played in his head. The words he said when he found a note Y/N had written about the way he made a boy laugh in the 6th grade. “What do you think everyone would think of me, huh?” he’d storm around the room. “You’re gonna find yourself a pretty girl and forget about this fucking nonsense.” the note was crumbled by the roughness of his father’s hands.
Maybe it was the memories flooding back to Y/N or maybe it was because he found himself at loss for words. Staring into stiffness of Jim’s usual softened features, Y/N felt so much hate. Hate towards himself. Towards his father. Towards Jim.
“I was just pretending, Jim. I didn’t think you.. were taking it seriously.” he held Jim’s gaze. Shoulders squared and ready to refute anything Jim spat back.
Only he wasn’t ready for what Jim threw back at him. The crashing of white knuckles into his nose, sent the back of his head meeting the wall with a bang. Hot blood trickled down his lip and past his chin.
A fit of anger washed over him, shoving Jim back with everything he had in him. But Jim’s force was stronger; the build up of his fury was only amplified by the vodka he’d consumed. His movements were clumsy, but they were forceful. He tackled Y/N on the floor, pinning him to the ground as his fists collided with his face again.
Seeing raging white, the last thing he remembered was a strong pair of arms lifting him up by his shoulders and carrying him away.
Bruises and blood being that last thing Jim saw of Y/N.
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dirtyahs · 5 years
What Are We? (Tate Langdon x Reader)
This was requested by my pal @stellaholland i luv u so much bby i hope u enjoy :,)
Word Count: 4,814
Warnings: unprotected sex, teasing (sexual and nonsexual), kinda fluffy at the end! (take that lightly, i dont write fluff well lmfao)
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   You stood in front of your closet, continuously searching through the clothes as if something new was going to appear. You pulled a black skater dress off of the hanger and slipped it over your head, looking in your mirror, only half satisfied with the way it looked.    "You're just trying on the same dress in different colors, it's not that hard to pick one." You jumped when you heard a voice behind you, turning around to see none other than Tate. Your family had moved into the house about seven months ago. Both your mother and father were some kind of twisted horror fanatics, so they purchased the house knowing full well you'd be the owners of "Murder House." It was strange to get adjusted to at first, it's like living with ten other people, but only sometimes. Tate made himself visible the most out of everybody.    "How long have you been sitting there? Fuckin' creep." You scoffed, sitting on the edge of your bed to put on a pair of black boots.
"Long enough." He smirked at you, standing up to walk to your desk, flicking through your notebooks.    You saw Tate most often, but frankly, he was the last person you cared to see. He was obnoxious, arrogant, and overall just kind of a douche. You'd come home from school to see him laying in your bed listening to your music. Or you'd wake up in the middle of the night to things falling off of your bookshelf, furniture moving with no one being there. It was always him though. It's like he got off on just screwing with you; so he did. Quite often. Everybody else in the house was decent. Nora was sweet, she just cried a lot. Which was fair given her situation. Chad and Patrick were both okay individually, but when they were together, they were beyond irritating. Just so incredibly passive aggressive - you couldn't imagine being stuck in a house for eternity with someone you wanted to divorce.    You stood up, smoothing out your dress before grabbing your small bag and slinging it over your shoulder. Your parents had decided everyone was going to go out on a nice lunch today.    "Can you get out? I'm leaving." You pushed past him, opening your door and motioning him to walk out. 
"I can never get out, angel." He said, sounding just as conceited as ever, making his way to the door, leaning against the wooden frame. "But I guess I can leave you to your little lunch date with mommy and daddy." He teased you condescendingly. You'd done your best to not let him bother you, but he knew exactly how to get under your skin.
"Thanks for being so kind, Tate." You gave him the sweetest smile you could manage, slamming your bedroom door when the two of you had exited. 
ii.    You'd finally gotten home a few hours later. Your parents were very good at starting conversation with every server you'd ever had. They get talking, and then the server gets talking and it seems to last forever. They do always get some kind of discount or something free for being kind though. Your mom had been a server for a decent part of her life, so she was always extra nice to them.        Telling them you had homework to work on, you made your way upstairs to your room, hearing music coming from behind the door. Just as you suspected, Tate was sprawled out on your bed, hands behind his head, eyes closed. You sighed and walked over to your bed, smacking Tate's side.
   "Can you get the fuck out? I have homework to do." You hissed. You definitely weren't going to do homework though. You'd probably end up reading, or watching YouTube or something - but Tate didn't need to know that part. His eyes opened slowly, and you felt like you couldn't look away. He looked angelic (ironically.) His blond curls spread messily around his head, face peaceful, and most importantly, he wasn't talking, which made him look amazing. Without a word, he moved over to one side of the bed, making room for you on the other.
    "Tate, I mean it, get out. I've got shit to do." You tried to sound strong - however, you weren't very threatening.
"Whatever you've got to do, just do it quietly." He mumbled, eyes closing once again. Looks like you weren't going to be getting him out of your room. With that, you grabbed the book you've been reading and took a seat at your desk chair, kicking your boots off and putting your feet up on the desk. Your dress fell just a bit to reveal part of your upper thigh. Within minutes, you heard quiet snoring coming from the boy in your bed, blankets pulled up to his chin now. How he managed to make himself so comfortable in your room remained a mystery. It was his room first, technically though. You looked up from your book to see him snuggled tightly under the dark purple duvet, lips parted just slightly. 
You couldn't take your eyes off of him - he looked so  peaceful and quite beautiful honestly.     No - what the fuck are you thinking? You thought to yourself. You don't like Tate - you haven't since the day you moved into this house. He was rude and condescending and way too overly confident. He might be nice to look at, but that's all he had going for him. You had to shut those thoughts down immediately. You shook your head and picked your book up again, returning to the chapter you were reading. iii.    "Why are you going to school? Wouldn't you rather stay here with me?" Tate teased, leaning against your door frame, blocking you from leaving. He'd been there since you woke up, but he wasn't going to tell you that part. He'd watched you strip out of your pajamas and slide into your hip hugging denim jeans. He enjoyed seeing you - there was something so erotic to him about just watching you go about your normal routine. Not only was it erotic for him, he just liked to watch you. He was fascinated with the way you'd wing your eyeliner, or paint your lips your favorite pink nude. He liked seeing the way you'd quietly sing to yourself in the morning. Most people that moved into that house were terrified of him and everyone else there. You and your family were so different for him. Tate hadn't felt accepted probably ever in his life. Being accepted, and even admired was such a new feeling for him.     
"No, Tate I wouldn't. I need to go to class today." You huffed, slinging your bag over your shoulder and crossing your arms. He had that stupid smirk stuck to his face. Today, it was hard to tell him no. He did this every few days, and you always pushed past him without a second thought. Today, you kind of wanted to stay home with him. But you couldn't. You'd always done well in school, and it was something you took pride in. So you did what you always did and pushed past him, looking over your shoulder to see him watching you walk away. 
"Your ass looks cute in those jeans!" He called, blowing you a kiss oh-so sweetly. Your heart jumped a bit with his words.    You sat in the cold blue plastic chair, resting your head in the palm of your hand as your English professor babbled on about the assigned reading. The assigned reading that Tate wouldn't let you finish. You were sat in your bed, legs crossed at your ankle trying to finish the chapter. You looked up to see none other than your blond haired nuisance. He was wearing torn up black jeans and Doc Martens. You had the same pair. He crawled over the iron swirls of your bed frame, and laid next to you - uninvited. He tried to talk to you about whatever he could - about your book, about your boots, about himself, about how good he thought you looked in a denim mini skirt. His flirting was always sarcastic. At least it seemed that way. No matter how sarcastic he was though, somehow his words always made your heart flutter. No matter how much you tried to suppress it.    "(Y/N)? Can you tell me what happened to our main character in chapter 7?" Your teacher had her arms crossed over her chest, pulling you from your little fantasy - you just zoned out in class thinking about Tate fucking Langdon? Really?   
"I-well Mrs. Sanchez..." You stammered, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth, cheeks turned an almost electric red. How the hell did you get so carried off thinking about a boy you thought you couldn't stand? 
 "Please pay attention, all of this is important." She said, clearly unhappy with you. You were one of her favorite students, but she had almost ridiculously high expectations of you. Oh well, you thought, she'd forget about it tomorrow.    You closed your front door behind you. It was about 3 o'clock. Your mom and dad would be at work for another couple of hours. But you were sure you'd walk upstairs to find Tate curled up in your bed for his afternoon nap, just like you found him there every day. He was a bit predictable sometimes. You trudged up the stairs, desperately needing some alone time. You'd found yourself day dreaming about Tate more than once. You'd see something that reminded you of him, and you'd feel your heart jump in your chest. You'd thought about the little freckle on his nose, and the way he'd touch all his fingers to his thumb when he got a little nervous. You'd thought about the one time you walked into the bathroom to see him shirtless standing looking in the mirror. His jeans were unbuttoned and hung low on his hips. His muscular shoulders stiffened a bit when he saw your reflection.
"I-I..." You stuttered, unable to look away. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in here." Your cheeks were beet red, voice audibly shaking.     "That's okay," He turned around and took a few steps towards you. "You can walk in on me like this whenever you want. It seems like you're liking what you see." He growled, his hand moved to rest against wall next to your head.    You sighed and threw your bag to the floor, kicking your shoes off quickly. That memory ignited something in you and you couldn't deny the wetness forming between your thighs. Swiftly, you unbuttoned your jeans and slid them down your legs, crawling into your bed. You hooked your phone up to your speaker, playing your "Steamyyyyy" playlist, as if you'd ever been with more than one person before. You ran one finger down your chest, to your stomach, finally reaching your black panties, one finger rubbing light circles over your clothed clit. You let out a throaty sigh, gradually picking up speed. Your eyes were closed, head thrown back onto the black silk of your pillow case. You pushed the fabric to the side, your fingertip finally making skin to skin contact with the little bundle of nerves held between your soaking folds. Your lips remained parted, letting out desperate little whimpers every few seconds. Your free hand gripped at the sheets as your finger worked faster, whimpers eventually turning into loud moans. You hadn't been alone to do this in so long - honestly, you'd forgotten what it felt like. As alone as you felt, you logically knew you were never alone in this house. Tate was sat in your desk chair, a distinct protrusion pressing against his light wash jeans. His jaw hung open as he watched you, in shock over how beautiful you looked.Your mind was running with thoughts of none other than him; you thought about his fingers working you like this, his large hands caressing your skin, his full lips pressing kisses into your neck.     
"Tate..." You gasped, fully immersed in your fantasy, feeling that familiar tighten in your tummy, your fingers moved harder almost instinctively. Tate sat there, quiet. You'd finally rendered him speechless. His name fell from your lips several more times. His hand clapped over his mouth to hide his whimpers as you made his cock twitch against his boxers. Truthfully, he'd fantasized about you more times than he cared to admit. Seeing you like this was just a happy accident. He'd walked into your room with the intention to scare you, throw some stuff off of your shelves to mess with your head. But he stopped outside the door, hearing muffled moans. He opened the door slowly, eyes widening when he saw what you were doing.     Suddenly, the coil inside of you snapped and your legs started shaking. Your jaw hung agape, nails digging into the soft fabric beneath you.     
"Oh- fuck! Tate..." You hissed loudly, guaranteed that someone, somewhere in the house heard you. But, it was just Tate. He now stood at the end of your bed, watching as you soaked your fingers, his hand gently palming himself through his jeans. Once you'd finally ridden out your orgasm, you pulled your fingers from their spot between your legs, sighing deeply, satisfied. Your eyes finally opened and you looked around - still no one. Part of you was surprised Tate wasn't there to make fun of you. It was in that moment that you realized how loudly you'd been saying his name. You literally gotten off to him. He'd invaded your thoughts throughout the day and now he was doing it again in your only alone time. God dammit. You sighed and leaned up in your bed, rubbing your eyes. You couldn't keep playing this game with him - you needed to ask him what the hell his goal was. You needed to see what he felt for you. 
   You stood up and slid back into your jeans from earlier, making your way to your bathroom down the hall. The closer you got, you could hear a voice coming from inside. Your hand met the coolness of the door knob, but you stopped, feeling your knees weaken when you realized what you were hearing. From the other side of the door came strained grunts. Your heart was racing but you couldn't pull away. You pressed your ear against the door, the voice getting louder and louder. 
"(Y/N)," the voice hissed - your suspicions were confirmed, it was Tate. "I-I'm gonna' cum..." He hissed, letting out a loud, relieved moan. Your mind was racing, desperate to see what he looked like in that moment. Moments later, you heard the zipper of his jeans and quicker than you meant to, you began your little run down the hall and down the stairs, no doubt he heard your foot falls. Your heart was going to jump out of your throat, you were sure of it. It was your own fault for thinking you'd ever have any kind of alone time in this house. Tate never left you alone - he saw you. He had to. There was no way that was a coincidence. You opened he fridge, not really looking for anything, just trying to occupy yourself. You jumped when you saw two hands on either side of your head, making contact with the fridge. Speak of the devil.
   "Tate! You-you scared me." Whether he saw you or not, it was clear that something had you frazzled.    
"Can we talk?" His voice sounded deep, gravelly, almost like when he'd just woken up. You finally turned around and looked up at him. His hair was a bit messy, cheeks tinted a pale pink.    
"Yeah, about what?" Your voice shook with your words, hands clasped tightly in front of you. You looked up at him as he pushed his body closer to yours.    
"No need to act like you don't know what you heard." He growled, chest pressed tightly to yours. "And I'm not going to act like I didn't see you soaking your sheets thinking about me."
His dark eyes looked bright. He got some kind of thrill out of embarrassing you. You opened your mouth to say something sarcastic back, but no sound came out. Tate being this close to you was making your heart race, you didn't have the overwhelming urge to shove him away like you normally would.   
"I think," He whispered, lips ghosting yours, "You like when I tease you." He smirked, one hand moving down your side to your hip. "Why don't you tell me what you were thinking about, hm baby girl?" His lips brushing yours forced an unintentional moan from your throat, cheeks flushing almost instantly.    "I-Tate..." You were mesmerized. He had you in the palm of his hand and it excited him. "I wasn't thinking about you." You tried to lie, realizing just how dumb you sounded after the words came out.     
"Oh Tate," He raised his tone to mock you, "Fuck me, Tate." He chuckled down at you. "Nothing to be embarrassed about doll, I know you heard me saying your name just like that too." He gave your hip a firm squeeze. 
"After what, nine months in this house, I think it's time you live your fantasies." 
He held you tightly in his hands, spinning you two around so you were pressed against the edge of the counter top. You had nothing to say. Honestly, you were unbelievably excited. You'd thought about his hands touching your skin, his lips on yours, you've wanted this longer than you cared to admit. Your hand came up to hold one side of his face, taking a fistful of his hair and kissing him - hard. His lips worked against yours perfectly, feeling as if they were made to fit together. He got rougher, not hesitating to take control of you. He pushed you firmly against the cool marble behind your back, lips moving from yours down your jaw and to the soft skin on your neck. His kisses started gentle, but quickly got aggressive, nipping at the skin, leaving purple marks in his wake.
You tugged at the hem of his t-shirt, feeling him smirk against your skin before he pulled back to tug the gray fabric over his head, showing you his slightly toned torso. Your heart rate picked up once again as you looked him up and down. 
   "Your turn, angel." He cooed softly, watching as you followed his actions, tossing your tank top to the side. He smirked at you, using both hands to grope at your exposed chest, pressing possessive kisses to your chest.    
"I've always loved it when you don't wear a bra." He teased you, his playful, mocking tone returning.
"It's much more obvious than you think." He smirked and tweaked one nipple between his pointer finger and thumb, making you whimper from the slightly satisfying jolt of pain. You leaned your head back, allowing your eyes to shut as his tongue replaced his fingers, flicking over your nipple. Your lips were parted, letting out quiet gasps of pleasure. His now free hands moved down your sides and to your jeans, unbuttoning them with ease and sliding them down your thighs. You kicked them aimlessly to the forming pile of clothes on he floor.
His kisses started moving south, trailing them down your breasts, to your stomach, to your hips, finally reaching the thin cotton fabric that was now soaked between your legs. One of his hands came up to lift your leg over his shoulder, his lips pushing a few light kisses against your clothed pussy. You whimpered, desperate for him. You'd never admitted it to yourself, but Tate has always a central theme in your fantasies. He'd force his way into your thoughts without you even realizing it, and after you were done, you'd push it away and pretend like you'd thought about someone else. You didn't want to be attracted to someone as annoying and immature as Tate, but now he had his head between your thighs and you had no intention of stopping it.
   He'd pushed the thin fabric aside, flicking his tongue against your clit just once, to make you moan out in pleasure.         
"Stop teasing me, dick head." You half whimpered, half challenged him. You did want him, so badly, but you couldn't let him see just how wrapped around his finger you really were. With your words he roughly pulled your hips forward, forcing a harsh smack to your ass.    
"I like you much more when you're just moaning my name." He growled, but he listened to you. His lips attached to your clit and he began sucking lightly, not hesitating to push two fingers into your wet heat, making you squeal in pleasure. It'd been a long time since someone else's fingers had penetrated you, and somehow Tate was fucking amazing at it. He curled his fingers perfectly in rhythm with the way his mouth worked your clit. Your hands gripped the edge of the counter top, knees growing weak. You felt that tight heat rising in your tummy, his fingers and tongue getting you so close to release, much quicker than you ever did by yourself.     
"Tate- I'm gonna-" He stood up, smoothly lifting you up onto the counter, keeping your leg slung over his shoulder.    
"You're cumming on my cock." He growled dominantly, his eyes looking dark and almost feral. He kicked his jeans and boxers to the side, completing the pile of your clothes. You couldn't help but watch as he stroked his length a few times before lining it up with your entrance, pushing into you painfully slowly. You looked up at him, taking in his features. His jaw hung open a bit, blond curls hanging in his eyes. He looked as perfect as someone possibly could. Once he bottomed out inside of you, he looked up, beginning to thrust into you, starting slow and picking up gradually. 
   "Fuck-" He hissed through gritted teeth, "You're so fucking tight." His hands rested on the counter on either side of your hips, fingertips turning white from how hard he pressed into the surface. He kept up a steady pace for awhile before you felt his hips stutter - he was close. He brought one hand up and began rubbing fast circles over your clit, making your legs tremble around him.    
"Cum with me, angel." He growled, fingers picking up their pace, your lips barely brushing his as you felt that tightness return. Your jaw hung open now as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge. You watched his fingers and hips work in time against you, when all of a sudden you felt him release, covering your walls with his hot cum, forcing the coil in your tummy to snap. You came with him, nails digging into his shoulder, knees feeling weak before it was even over. You watched his face relax once he was finished, chest rising and falling quickly. He looked up at you through his hair, flashing a faint smile. He pulled out of you slowly, pressing a loving kiss into your cheek before bending down to dig through the pile of clothes to find his boxers. He slipped them over his legs, followed by his jeans, but you stayed in your spot on the counter.    "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He looked at you, jeans resting low on his hips.    "You get on my fucking nerves more than anything, and somehow you managed to have me up on this counter for you." You shook your head, blatantly in shock from what just happened. You didn't want it to end though. There was something about seeing Tate so vulnerable, yet so confident that just left you wanting more. He smirked, pulling his shirt over his head and shrugging.    "Neither of us are complaining." He smirked, tossing you your shirt and helping you down from the counter. You pulled your tank top on, opening your mouth to respond when you heard the key turn in the door - your parents were home.    "This isn't over, Langdon." You hissed, grabbing your clothes before rushing up the stairs, accidentally slamming your door much harder than you intended.    A few weeks had passed since your encounter with Tate, and there had been a repeat of those events every few days. You two started to pick up on what the other one liked. Like how you enjoyed having your hair pulled and Tate enjoyed when you'd kiss his neck. He liked having you in control. For someone as confident and douchey he was, he liked having you dirty talking him, being the more dominant one occasionally. And god damn, that boy was always in the mood. You'd feel his hands on your hips when you'd brush your teeth in the morning, or when you were getting ready for bed, he'd kiss down your shoulders the way he knew you loved. But you didn't mind. If he wanted it, you were happy to drop what you were doing and sleep with him. It was a fun little arrangement.    It was late, probably around 2 A.M., Tate was laid next to you, a blanket covering him from the waist down, his arms behind his head. You looked over at him, feeling your heart race a little faster. The more time you spent with Tate, the more you grew to appreciate him. He was funny, and charismatic. He'd make you giggle but then have you bent over your bed in the same minute. You couldn't help but miss the feeling of him when you slept alone in your bed. He was always warm.    You pulled the blanket tighter around your chest as you leaned up on one elbow, looking over at his sleepy face.        "Tate can I ask you something? It's kind of dumb, but I just need to know." You felt nervous all of a sudden. You weren't even exactly sure what you wanted with him. Could you be in a relationship with someone who died in the 90's? Was that even what he wanted? What if he just wanted to be fuck buddies? Is that okay with you? Your brain was jumbled with all these thoughts, interrupted when he looked over at you, skin almost glowing in the dim light.    "What's up?" He looked up at you, his finger drawing lazy circles on his chest. You took a deep breath and visibly shifted, clearly uncomfortable.    "What are we?" You blurted out, cheeks going red immediately. "Because we- we fuck a lot. You're in my room a lot. You never let me be alone, and I just don't want to say something weird, or continue being in the dark I guess." Your voice trailed off before you collapsed down onto your back again, suddenly unable to look at him. He looked over at you though, you couldn't meet his eyes.    "What do you want to be?"    "No, don't put this on me. Answer my question."    He sighed, and you finally looked over at hi,.    "(Y/N)," He started, looking over your chest before looking back into your eyes. "Honestly, this started as sex." Your heart dropped. "But you're right, we have spent a lot of time together. I like being in here with you, regardless of what we're doing." He moved to cup one side of your face.    "I don't want to tie you down, ever. I can't leave this house, and I don't want you to be stuck here with me." You opened your mouth to cut him off, tell him that you were willing to be here with him, for however long he wanted, but he cut you off, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip.    "How about this - you and me continue what we're doing here. We can be boyfriend and girlfriend here, but I won't be mad if you find someone else, out there." His words almost brought tears to your eyes. You hadn't felt cared for like this in so long, and to be here, this vulnerable and intimate made your eyes well up.    "Please just agree. If I could leave this house, I'd ask you to be mine right now, and I'd parade you around for everybody to see. But I can't do that, so we keep doing what we're doing, and see how things progress naturally." He flashed you a close mouthed smile, but it felt genuine nonetheless. One tear fell down your cheek, and you returned his smile.    "That sounds perfect to me. Boyfriend and girlfriend, kind of." You grinned before he pulled you into a kiss, hands wrapping around you to keep you in his arms - and you'd stay there as long as he wanted you to.
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angelicthor · 5 years
stay with me
in the lonely hour: part 8
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary:  Bucky Barnes has spent his whole life waiting for you but after the fall and his time with HYDRA, he thought his chance of finding you was over. But after joining the Avengers and meeting you - the girl he’d been waiting his whole life for - Bucky starts to question if he really can get his happily-ever-after, or if it really is too late.
warnings/genre: angst
masterlist | in the lonely hour masterlist
Tumblr media
Oh, won't you stay with me? 'Cause you're all I need This is love it's clear to see So darling, stay with me
You collapsed against the door as soon as it closed, bringing your knees to your chest as you tried to figure out what exactly was going on; was Bucky saying he loved you really just a trick of our mind? Did he not mean it? Is that why he’d been avoiding you? Had he been with that girl the entire time he was avoiding you? What if he started dating her when you were with Chad and never got around to telling you?
Your mind conjured a thousand and one different scenarios, each one worse than the last, your stomach twisting into knots at the thought of Bucky and that beautiful woman laughing at your foolishness. However, they all came to a screeching halt when you heard someone pounding on your door, the wood shaking beneath your back at the force.
“Y/N, open the door, please! You’ve got it all wrong, just- just let me explain, please,” Bucky pleaded to you, voice tinged with desperation and you knew no matter what the outcome you definitely needed this whole thing explained to you.
You slowly dragged yourself up from the floor, steadying yourself before you pulled the door open, Bucky nearly falling on you as he was resting his forehead against it and stumbling into your room, arms automatically wrapping around your waist as his optimistic gaze met yours only serving to make you even more confused.
“Y/N…” Bucky breathed out before his lips met yours in a tentative kiss, quickly pressing against yours softly before pulling away, the both of you staring at each other until you quickly moved to press your lips against his again, not caring in the slightest about anything else, he was yours in this moment and you were going to take it, his lips moving against yours frantically as if trying to show you just how much he loved you.
When the need for air became too much, you pulled away, lips swollen and chest heaving as you recovered from your passionate embrace, Bucky’s hair in complete disarray from the way your hands at tugged at it.
“You love me?”
“Of course I love you Buck, I’ve always loved you,” You murmured, watching as a dazzling smile lit up Bucky’s face and he pulled you into his arms, heaving a sigh of relief at hearing you say those magic words that meant the absolute world to him.
“I love you too Doll, so damn much. That woman you saw, it’s not what it looks like I swear; she’s my therapist, I called her because I needed to know what to do, I couldn’t keep ignoring you forever. She told me that I needed to hear you out and I went to find you but you were already coming to find me. I’m sorry I ran away babydoll, I just thought you didn’t love me back and I couldn’t believe I risked everything.”
“It’s not your fault Buck, hell I just did the exact same thing. And I’m sorry I froze on you, I was just so shocked, I didn’t know if it was real or not. But I do love you Bucky, more than anything.” Your thumbs brushed the tears away that managed to escape, Bucky offering you a watery smile which you could only return.
“What about Chad?” Bucky murmured, his warm breath hitting your face with every word.
You faintly chuckled at the question, shaking your head at your own stupidity; “I never loved Chad, I was just using him I guess, as a distraction. I realised I was falling for you and I didn’t think you’d feel the same and I sure as hell didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so I tried to shift those feelings onto someone else – fat lot of good it did me.”
“So you’re telling me, we wasted this whole time not being together because we weren’t honest with each other and tried to second guess each other’s feelings?” Bucky asked incredulously, resting his forehead against yours as if he couldn’t bear to be even that far away from you.
You let out a disbelieving laugh at the truth of his words, the both of you realising just how foolish you’d been, “Yeah I guess so.”
Bucky’s hand found yours as he lifted it in front of both your faces, holding out his pinky finger to you as you arched a brow at him. “Promise me we’ll never do anything this stupid again, we’ll always tell each other everything no matter what. I don’t want to lose any more time being afraid.”
“I promise.” You grinned as you wrapped your pinky finger around his, binding you to Bucky with the promise of your future together.
His free hand cupped your jaw as your entwined fingers fell to your sides. “I love you so much doll,” he sighed out against your lips and you knew you would never grow tired of hearing those words fall from his lips.
“I love you too Bucky.”
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blushing-kenji · 5 years
Kat had never thought of herself as a lucky person. Every time her and Shane would hunt for four leaf clovers she came up empty handed. Every guess made on the number of jelly beans in the jar was always wrong. Every competition entered she never even placed top three.
But Kat had learned a lot of things in the past few months of her life, mainly that her luck dispenser must have been pretty clogged up for 22 years because all of a sudden she was getting lots and lots of it.
Within a week she went from your average every day girl in a banana costume working her ass off to sell smoothies to Karen's and Chad's, to being mentored by her role model, Avery Wilshere, and winning One in a freaking Million.
It really was insane to look back on all the progress she had made within such a short amount of time.
One of the biggest milestones she had overcome due to her rise to fame was getting all of her firsts out of the way. Her first kiss, first boyfriend, first time... Her relationship was supposed to have been a fake one, but nothing she did with Raleigh Carrera was fake, not to her. And it turns out, it wasn't fake for him either. He was the first person she ever fell in love with.
And now, after the American portion of her world tour, things were starting to set in a bit. She still loved the performing and music writing, but it had become an obligation rather than a passion. Meeting fans and being able to inspire people was a dream come true, but the invasiveness of it all made her a bit uncomfortable sometimes. She loved Raleigh with everything in her, but the fact that they couldn't really be together was getting to her.
Like on one of the supposed best nights of her life here she was getting upset over a post of Raleigh and Yvette, his newest "girlfriend" and also runway model, kissing in front of the car he just bought her. Kat told herself not to let it bother her, she knew that Raleigh really did care for her and that being a playboy was sort of his thing.
She bit her lip in annoyance, leaning against the bathroom sink and staring into the mirror. Kat definitely wasn't as skinny as Yvette as the haters she had managed to collect very kindly pointed out to her. It was also brought to her attention that her teeth weren't as white as Yvette's, her hair not shiny like Yvette's, her skin not flawless like Yvette's...
"Katherine?" the posh voice of one of her closest friends (and also an extremely famous singer/ her ex-celebrity crush) Avery interrupted the critical inspection.
She turned, shoving her phone in the pocket of her black corduroy jeans in what she hoped was a subtle way, and quirked an eyebrow at him as he walked into the girls bathroom without any sort of reservations.
"Avery," Kat folded her arms across her chest an put on an over exaggerated british accent, "I'm not quite sure if you've noticed, darling, but this is the ladies restroom."
The accent elicited the usual reaction of the eye roll, head shake, and smirk which brought Kat a little joy. Even though she wasn't pretty like the girl her boyfriend was spending all his time with, at least she could make international pop-star Avery Wilshere laugh.
"Kat, darling," he replied with an equally obnoxious british mockery, "I'm not quite sure if you've noticed, but the party you're currently hiding from is missing its hostess."
She inhaled and counted to ten nice and slow. Fiona had an "end of American-start of European tour" party thrown and Kat could not feel any less festive if she tried. All she wanted to do at the moment was pout about her boyfriend making out with the hottest girl in the world.
Avery put a comforting arm around her shoulder, "there's two options here. One, you tell me what's bothering you and I do my best to comfort you. Two, you don't tell me what's bothering you and I pester you until you do."
"There's nothing wrong, Avery." Kat sighed, half trying to convince herself.
He replied with a disbelieving scoff. She planned on being offended by this but the second she met Avery's eyes she knew that there was no way she was going to be able to lie to him, his blue eyes saw straight through her.
"Okay okay," she held up her hands in surrender. "I just... I'm am feeling a little self conscious after seeing this." She slid the phone out of her pocket, not having to do anything more than turn it on for the post to be on the screen.
Avery took the phone, brows quirking up as he took in the picture. When he glanced back up at her, Kat just shrugged. She couldn't help her feelings of inadequacy, but she also couldn't help but feel a bit silly in them when she saw Avery's face.
"Katherine," he muttered, reaching out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You know as well as I do that Raleigh and this Yvette girl are in a contractually beneficial relationship. It's not real like what the two of you have."
The bit of confidence in her relationship brought tears to her eyes. At least someone had some confidence in it. She certainly didn't at the moment.
Avery hummed disapprovingly and wiped away a tear with his thumb. "Why don't you head home for the night. It's your last night in New York for a while after all."
The simple display of kindness brought the opposite response of the intended one, Kat leaned into Avery's embrace and let of a choked sob, wrapping her arms around his middle and nuzzling into his chest. She was glad that someone was here for her.
She wished it could have been Raleigh that was rubbing a gentle pattern on her back... but he was off with Yvette, probably breaking into abandoned buildings and racing together on his motorcycle through the streets of New York. Avery was next in line as her assigned emotional support while Raleigh was off with his true love and Shane was back home visiting family.
The bathroom door swung open, a drunk partygoer with hot pink hair and a gold slinky dress stumbled in, her heavily lined eyes went wide at the sight Katherine Fairfield crying in Avery Wilshere's arms.
The two made their quick escape after Avery made a show of being charming and polite as usual. Fiona sent Kat home the second she saw her puffy eyes and mascara tracks. Zadie was mad that Kat let said mascara track all the way down to the white cashmere turtleneck sweater she had so carefully picked out.
None of that mattered though. Once she was in the back of the limo she was free from the pristine appearance she was supposed to be upholding as a rising star. Hank was probably one of her biggest supporters and he knew when she needed a bit of privacy so he had the divider up. She was alone for the first time in a while in the back of that limo.
She cradled her head in her hands as she tried her best to rationalize her feelings. Avery acted as if she was being ridiculous, but Kat did have some self respect! Why was she letting herself believe in love when the boy who gave her that belief was running around with a different stunningly beautiful girl every other week! Sure, they face timed a lot and whenever fate allowed it they spent actual time together, but didn't she deserve better!?
But so did Raleigh...
He deserved to have someone in his corner offering him genuine love and support. Every part of his life was fake but at least he had her.
Kat wished she could believe what she was telling herself, but hadn't she and Raleigh gotten together after a fake relationship!? What was stopping him from liking one of these other girls better than he liked her!?
She was just so confused...
"Shit!" Kat jumped at the shrill sound of her ring tone.
She wiped at her eyes as she brought the phone the phone up to her ear.
"Hello?" she asked, realizing how dumb it was to not check caller id first. She was a celebrity after all. It could be a stalker, or someone calling to point out all her flaws, or demand money, or-
"Katherine what's wrong?"
Her racing mind was brought to a stop by Raleigh's worried voice. She wanted to be relieved, she had thought that maybe talking to him would bring her some sort of peace but all it did was make her feel nauseous.
"Princess?" Raleigh asked, still concerned.
Kat cleared the sadness out of her voice. "I'm okay Raleigh. I just really want to know how your date with Yvette went? A brand new car. That's pretty big."
Although she was able to keep the sadness out of it, she was doing an awful job of keeping the bitterness away.
It was silent on the other end of the phone.
"It's just... if I'm going to be your girlfriend I want to feel like I am. Right now I feel like a complete idiot while you're off with a new model every week."
The silence persisted for a moment, well, until Kat sniffled trying to keep herself from crying.
Raleigh sounded surprisingly panicked for someone quite as unflappable as himself when he finally spoke. "Kat, I'm on my way to your apartment right now. Let's talk about this face to face. Please don't cry." A note of desperation rang out near the end, making Kat cry even harder.
"Raleigh I can't keep feeling like second best to you. Every time you get with someone new, everyone compares me to them. And how do you think I come up? I'm always the uglier one. How do you think that makes me feel!?"
"Kat, you're not making any sense right now! Let's wait to talk about this till I'm there!" Raleigh practically begged.
She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, thought it didn't do much to fix the mess of makeup. "Raleigh I-"
"Please," he whispered, his voice sounding strained. "If I've ever been good to you, even just once, please just wait until I'm with you."
Kat took a deep shuddering breath. She knew that she loved Raleigh and that she shouldn't allow her insecurities to get in the way. She would be home in ten minutes and then she and Raleigh could talk in person. And even if it was just for them to break up, it would be better to do that in person rather than on the phone.
She brought her phone away from her ear and looked down at Raleigh's contact photo. A rare moment where the camera didn't catch him smoldering. He looked completely carefree, his thick brown hair sticking up in all different angles as he sat perched on the end of her bed, a goofy grin on his face because she caught him in the middle of putting his shirt back on. Kat smiled softly at it despite her confusion.
She really did love him.
"I'll see you in bit, Raleigh."
She let her phone drop to her lap as she ended the call. She didn't even know what she wanted when all of this was over!? It was clear to her that she still loved him, that picture of him on her bed brought back the warmth and pure joy she felt when she was with him. Did she even want to break up with him or was that just her insecurities talking?
Fiona would tell her to drop his ass. That she deserved someone who would understand her busy lifestyle and who would take it like a women. Hank would tell her to do what was best for her, that she deserved to feel like the queen she is. Zadie probably wouldn't care too much, though Kat knew that definitely wouldn't take shit from anyone.
But what would Shane tell her to do? Or Avery?
Shane would support her with whatever she decided to do, that her feelings are valid. Avery would do the same of course...
But what was she going to do!?
Kat jumped as the car door opened and took a second to collect herself before taking Hank's hand and stepping out of the limo. She scanned the street for Raleigh's motorcycle and sighed in relief when she couldn't see it.
"Here kiddo." Hank held a tissue out to her and she took it, not meeting his eyes as she dabbed at her face.
"Word of advice Katherine," Hank said as he held out his hand for the used tissue.
She shoved it in the pocket of her jeans, placing her hand in his rather than the tissue. Hank smiled softly at her and squeezed her hand as he moved to rest his sunglasses up on his his head.
"Do what's right for you. Not him. Not the fans. You. You're all that you have at the end of the day, and when the right person comes along, you'll have them too. Don't force yourself to be with someone who makes you cry like this."
Was Raleigh the right person? Or was he the wrong one? She just didn't know!
Hank put a comforting arm on her shoulder as the roar of a motorcycle made its way up the street. Kat felt the pit of dread in her stomach grow at the sound.
There was no putting off this conversation. She had never been this close with someone and so, naturally, she had never felt the heartbreak she was inches away from feeling.
Time seemed to slow as she turned to watch Raleigh drive up to her. The limo driving off was just white noise behind the motorcycle engine. Funny. She didn't even realize Hank had walked away?
Everything was a blur but Raleigh as he rushed over to her, her heart pounding a mile a minute in her chest. Of course he hadn't been wearing a helmet. She really should force him to wear one.
He stopped short in front of her, reaching out for a moment as if he wanted to touch her before forcing them to stay at his sides. Kat's heart hurt at his desperate look but she was feeling too dizzy to dwell on it.
She placed a hand on his wrist, shaking as she did. “Can we go inside?”
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: To Thine Own Self (Chapter 24)
A/N: Anyway Idk what I'm doing sorry. I also love Bonnie and she's so cute, bichon frise’s are SO cute. But yay! We know a Lil more about our hot choco boy :))
summary: Ted rushes after a concerning text
words: 1,971
warnings: Swearing, homophobia, homophobic slurs, bleeding, violence
Ao3 Link
Ted was sure of one thing when he got that message, he was definitely about to commit murder. Ok well, not murder perse but if Billy even breathed in the same direction as Tommy, Ted might literally punch him.
“Stop!” He shouted causing Chad to hit the breaks. He turned eyes wide extremely disappointed. Ted shrinks mumbling. “Sorry” he shakes his head shoving his phone into Chads face “We have to go back, please” He begged, he didn't have to Chad was already turning the car around. They drove fast but still careful. They hadn't been too far from the school so they had made it quickly.
Not quickly enough
“Billy please leave me alone!” Tommy shrieked as Billy cornered him, tracing his bony fingers over Tommy, he tried so hard to push him off but his hands just wouldn't move. Billy's friend surrounded him too until suddenly he fell back into the curtain collapsing onto the stage floor. “Ow…” He mumbled to himself. Billy laughed he grabbed Tommy pulling him up, digging his nails into his arms. Tommy struggled trying to pull away but two of Billy's friends planted him in place practically shoving him into the ground.
“Little baby gonna cry?” Billy spat, a justified remark seeing as Tommy could feel the tears burning his cheeks. He swallowed, just hold on. “You really think that I'm going to let you walk around school all happy to be a fucking queer? Mistake one, thinking you can do anything without my permission. From now on anytime you think of being happy holding that fucking weirdo's hand-” Ted oh god, that was it for Tommy. He shoved Billy away, hearing an umph sound.
“Don't you dare talk about him” Tommy felt himself light up, he could feel his eyes burning but for a different reason. Billy cracked his knuckles and approached one more time. He landed a punch, knocking Tommy's glasses off, he felt his nose explode with pain. He kept landing more until Tommy was seeing red. He fought back kicking up until feeling himself land a painful kick, street smarts.
(If he ever got out of this with enough joy left in him, Tommy was going to have to thank Ted and Paul for introducing John Mulaney)
“You're going to pay for that” Billy announced, Tommy couldn't see much through his blurriness but he could hear the door swinging open. He struggled to stay standing.
“No, you're going to pay for that” Professor Chad's voice rang out through the theatre. Tommy exhaled feeling relieved. If Ted wasn't so worried, he would have complimented Chads entrance line.
“Get away from him” Ted's voice was fierce, it was closer, Ted blinked his eyes open seeing the silhouette of another figure. Tommy choked back sobs. He collapsed to the floor, frantically searching for his glasses. He cried every move he made, he couldn't hear what was happening anymore but a ringing in his ears. He felt something wrap around him cradling him, he blinked once more but couldn't see anything. Another figure placed his glasses on his face, he rubbed his eyes opening them to see clearer. He saw professor Chad kneeling in front of him, pity seeped from his eyes. He dared look up to be met with Ted who wasn't looking at him but was holding him, burying his face in Tommy's hair. He let himself feels Ted's heartbeat, mimicking it himself. He tried, he really did, to listen to what Chad was saying but he couldn't, he was focused on Ted and he grasping Ted's arms that were wrapped around him. He watched from the slit of his eyes as Chad said something to him before standing up taking a phone call.
“Hey” A soft whisper muffled into his hair, Tommy felt a flutter in his heart, he clutched a little tighter, why was he breathing so heavy? “I'm so sorry…” Ted whispered again, Tommy shook his head, he couldn't speak but he tried. He buried himself further, Ted took him. “I'm so sorry” He repeated, “Are you ok?”Tommy took a deep breath before sitting up a little, he held his nose but revealed the blood dripping from his nose. Ted's eyes go wide before he turns to Chad.
Ted didn't let go the entire time, he didn't let go getting to the car, he didn't let go in the car, he didn't let go at the hospital and he didn't let go as the doctors fixed up Tommy's nose. No matter what Ted had his arm, or hand connected somehow to Tommy. And he didn't mind, he was scared, and tired and having that touch to Ted was everything. So he sat waiting as the doctors talk to Chad as he held onto Ted's hand. He didn't look at him but he felt his eyes droop.
“Tommy, should we call your parents?” Chad asked as the doctor waved goodbye. He was kneeling slightly as he talked. Tommy shook his head violently, he really didn't want to see them right now in his state. Hah, not that they were in the State, He thought. “Ok...ok” He sighed looking around “Um, let's get you to our house then,” Chad said, Ted nodded encouragingly, Tommy didn't care he just wanted to sleep. Ted moved on to the patient's bed noticing Tommy's sleepy state, he let him lean into him falling asleep.
“I know it's against the rules-”
“And not to mention illegal love” Chad added
“But I would really like to kill Billy” Henry finished whispering as he watched Tommy nuzzle into Ted, sleeping away on the couch. Chad nodded approvingly, he sighed tiredly. It had been a long day. “God, can you imagine what he would have done, had you not stepped in?” Henry felt baffled
“I'd rather not” Chad yawned, his voice firm.
“Can you take me home?” Tommy interjected, he was sitting up now. The professors couldn't see it but Ted was holding his hand tightly as they sat. He looked disappointed but was clearly trying to support Tommy. Chad and Henry glanced at each other raising their eyebrows.
“Are you sure?” Chad asked concern riddled across his face “But you sai-
“I don't want to call my parents...but I'd like to go home” Tommy explained hoping they would understand. So they said nothing more, Chad, Henry and Ted accompanied Tommy home. Ted walked him to the front, helping him as he fumbled with his keys. “Guess you can say you finally dropped me off” Tommy teased sadly as he unlocked the door “Not the best date but…” Ted chuckled softly. They stared for a while, Tommy could read Ted's face. “I'm ok dearest, I'm just tired and would like to be...alone for a while” He managed, his ability to speak returning comfortably. Ted nodded as he took Tommy's hands.
“I'm so sorry about tonight” Ted wouldn't meet Tommy's eyes, he didn't need to see him cry. He pulled him into a careful hug, Tommy accepted gratefully. “Goodnight Tommy,” Ted said softly into his ear, Tommy smiled as they pulled away. There was more he wanted to say but didn't know if he should, so after a silent moment, Ted walked back to the car. Tommy entered his house awaiting the certain ambush of a certain bichon frise.
“Bonnie!” Tommy exclaimed feeling excited for the first time that day. The little puffball came running towards him as he kneeled to meet her. She bounced on him smothering him with slobbery wet kisses nuzzled herself into him. He stands securing the dog in his arms turning on the main light in the house. The brightness invites him upstairs to his room where he carefully deposits his things and lays comfortably on his bed, that has the same red covers and blue paint chipping away on it,  cuddling with Bonnie. Bonnie, whos more than happy to see Tommy, bounces around the bed yapping sweetly as if telling Tommy about her day. Tommy listens as he opens up his laptop looking for a good show to watch, he just wants a distraction.
The morning came soon enough with both parties involved not recollecting the events of last night for a sweet few minutes of exhausted awakenings. But once the coffee hit, and the morning light bled into the homes, it was inevitable. Bonnie scurried up onto Tommy's bed where he laid still in his attire from the previous night. His glasses fall crooked on his face, and his computer leans on him, the screen dark but open. Tommy feels a cold, wet, flickering movement on his face, he giggles softly as his eyes open painfully. He moves his hand over Bonnie, petting her fluff. He yawns sitting up he grabs his phone checking for any important updates.
I really got to change that, Tommy thinks as he opens the chat.
Ted: Hey gumdrop, I just wanted to check-in
Tommy could feel his heart pump louder, Bonnie bounced around more clearly sensing his mood. Or maybe not. He sighed closing the message. He felt a small pit in his stomach as he ignored the message. He moved onto the next one.
Charlotte: Hey! Just wanted to ask if you had any idea about the rehearsal schedule?
Tommy scrunched his brows, making a mental note to check the timestamps of the messages. And to check his phone more often.
Charlotte: Nevermind, found it! :)
He read the last one sent feeling the pit grow bigger.
Charlotte: I heard about you and Ted, are you alright?
He closed out once more, trying to ignore the guilty sensation in his stomach. He checked the last messages.
Mama: Tommy, how many times must I tell you not to text me during work hours.
Oh, Tommy thinks, guess she finally saw my text. Tommy doesn't know why he bothered after his fight with Ted, his mother couldn't care less, nor would she even acknowledge that Ted was an important part of his life. He scoffs closing his phone and getting up making his way downstairs followed by a very excited Bonnie. He sludged tired through the kitchen grabbing his hot chocolate packs, starting to boil some water. As he waited he grabbed the last of the dog food feeding a very persistent Bonnie. He ruffled her fur sweetly turning back to his own ‘breakfast’ if you could even call it that. As he moved around the kitchen he begins humming softly, mumbling the words lazily.
“Why did I wander so far...from the man that the two of you knew I could be? I lost sight of all that mattered somehow...I did not see it then, but I see it now...I just didn't think I had it in me. So I made it harder than it had to be. Should've followed my heart, should've listened to you” He yawns, deciding to return to the previous verse as his phone goes bright showcasing his background. He smiles fondly remembering the day Ted and Tommy took the silly picture. The two of them, making silly faces, Simple, but he loved it. Bonnie finishes, planting herself at Tommy's feet. “Sure as the day follows the night, sure as the sky turns to blue” He sings, his voice raspy but still carries somewhat. “This much I know, this much is true…Above all else in whatever you do,” he pauses pondering
“You really think that I'm going to let you walk around school all happy to be a fucking queer?”
“This was stupid and we’ve just been pretending!”
“Son, it's just a phase”
“We will get you the help you need when we get back from our trip?”
“Such a disappointment”
“I love you”
“To thine own self...be true” He practically whispers the last part
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we get by with a little help from our friends 2/?
on ao3, part 1
Kyle took the steps at a slow ramble, pausing when he heard voices filter out the open window. He glanced behind him at the driveway but the only other car was Alex’s. 
He furrowed his brow. He’d been hoping to talk to Alex but he didn’t want to interrupt if he was busy with his Air Force buddies.
“Do not do that!” Alex’s voice suddenly cut above the low murmur. “Patrick, no! Please!”
Kyle was moving before he thought about it. He knocked once on the door before opening it. The three men in the living room turned to stare at him.
“Uh, hi,” he greeted. “I heard shouting. Everything okay?”
“Yeah everything’s fine,” Alex brushed him off. “Did we have plans?”
Kyle shook his head. “Nope. Just thought I’d stop by and say hi.”
“Stop by,” Alex repeated. “To my cabin that is at minimum a thirty minute detour from wherever you could be going?”
Kyle shrugged. He knew it was a lame excuse. “Are you guys busy?”
“Never too busy to hang out with new friends,” Chad replied brightly. 
Alex snorted as Patrick hid a smile. Kyle suddenly felt very wary.
That worry only increased when Chad bounced up from his seat and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, turning him around. “Say, friend, would you mind helping me with something?”
Kyle didn’t have a chance to refuse as Chad summarily escorted him out of the cabin, Alex and Patrick’s laughter following.
“What do you need help with?” Kyle asked as they went down the steps and behind the tool shed. Chad never removed his arm.
“Alex needs wood chopped,” Chad informed him, finally letting his arm drop as they came up on a giant pile of fallen trees.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Kyle said flatly.
“Nope!” Chad handed him an ax. “Let’s get to cutting.”
Kyle stared at him, confused as to how he could keep that smile on his face even now. He glanced back at the cabin, slightly uneasy leaving Alex alone with a man he’d just yelled at, but Chad quickly stole his attention and he lost himself in the repetitive thump of chopping wood.
Inside, Alex fell onto the couch as soon as the door closed behind Kyle and Chad. “I don’t need an intervention Patrick.”
Patrick eased himself into a chair opposite. “I’m not trying to stage an intervention, I’m just trying to be your friend.”
“Right, well, my friend would understand that I don’t want to talk about this,” he replied bitterly.
Patrick sighed. “Are you sure? Because the 17 voicemails I got from you over the last few weeks would suggest otherwise.”
Alex glared at him. “I was drunk for those and you know it.”
“Yeah, I know,” Patrick assured him. “But that’s how I know that you really do want to talk.”
Alex sank into the couch and put a pillow over his face. “No I don’t.”
Patrick laughed and Alex threw the pillow at him. 
“Alright fine. Don’t talk. Just listen, yeah?” Alex groaned but nodded for Patrick to continue. “You two suck at communication. I mean, you’re both fucking awful at it. Dealing with one of you is a headache and trying to coordinate with both of you is a goddamn nightmare. I have no idea how you’ve managed to make it this long, honestly.”
Alex covered his face with his hands and shrugged helplessly. He didn’t really know either.
“Oh wait, I do know,” Patrick continued, a faux lightness to his voice. Alex waited for him to continue but he stayed silent. When the anticipation grew to be too much he kicked out with this left foot.
“Don’t be a dick.”
“Look at me,” Patrick instructed quietly. “I don’t want to have to do this twice, Manes.”
Alex rolled his eyes but sat up and met Patrick’s gaze. “So what’s the secret? How have we managed to get this far?”
“Because you love each other,” Patrick stated simply. Alex groaned. “No, hey listen.” He stared Alex down. “You two have got some fucked up issues and I know that I don’t even know the half of it. You suck at communicating, like in general, but especially when it comes to how you’re feeling. Both of you have this complex like you can’t ever burden other people with your problems so you bottle it all up inside and then you get angry at each other for not knowing everything. But you’ve made it ten years because you both truly, honestly love each other. When shit gets hard, you both fight like hell to make it better.”
“I think you have a romanticized view of our relationship,” Alex told him, looking away as he blinked away a few tears.
“Maybe,” Patrick admitted. “You two are my very own soap opera, live and in color,” he teased gently. “But excepting all of that, let me ask you a question. Do you love him?”
Alex glared at him. “Of course I do.”
“Does he love you?”
Alex shrugged. “He used to.”
Patrick muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like save me from these idiots but Alex graciously ignored it. “Of course he does, dumbass. I can’t imagine what happened that you could doubt that but he does.”
“I wish I could be as confident about that as you are.”
Patrick stared at him for a second before he shoved out of his chair and crowded Alex on the sofa. Alex had about half a second to protest before he was swept up in a tight hug, Patrick’s body wrapping around him surprisingly easily. 
“I don’t know what the fuck happened but it’ll be okay, Alex.”
Alex closed his eyes and sank into the feeling of being held. He weighed his next words carefully. “My dad, he- he did something to Michael.”
“His hand, you told me.”
Alex shook his head. “No, more recent. Just a couple of weeks ago really. He uh- Michael’s been trying to get answers about where he comes from his whole life and we found them. It turns out my dad had them, he was holding on to all of it for some reason and then Michael had to watch as it all went up in flames. My dad, my family, cost Michael everything he’s ever worked for. And it was my fault.”
Patrick, to his credit, didn’t really react. So Alex kept going. It was surprisingly easy to talk to Patrick when he didn’t have to look at him but the warm arms around him kept him grounded. 
“I uh- I also told him we were done. He was selling copper wire on the side and I told him that I was an airman and I couldn’t be seen with a criminal.”
Patrick dropped his forehead to thud on the top of Alex’s. “You’re an idiot Manes.”
Alex closed his eyes and pulled away. “I know.”
“Ok so you were a dumbass and then your dad was your dad and now you think he doesn’t love you? Am I sufficiently up to date?” Alex wasn’t sure he liked the tone in Patrick’s voice but he nodded.
“It sounds so simple when you say it like that but it feels infinitely more complicated.”
“I’m sure it is. You don’t need to tell me all the dirty details, the highlights work fine. But what they tell me is that I need to lock the two of you in a room until you have an actual conversation.”
“He’s moved on Patrick. We’re done.”
Alex practically heard Patrick bite his tongue. “Maybe,” he agreed uneasily. “But I still think you two need to talk. You’ve been such a big part of each other’s lives for so long you can’t just let it end like that. Besides you two have a lot of common friends, myself included, and we’re not going to choose between you two so you’ll have to figure out a way to coexist.”
“We coexist just fine,” Alex protested as he shifted to the other end of the couch, suddenly craving a bit of space. “We did fine at the bar.”
Patrick leveled a look at him. “Yeah, you were fine. As long as you were on opposite sides of the room.”
Alex rolled his eyes. “We weren’t bad.”
“Alex, maybe you can bullshit your friends here who apparently don’t have a single fucking clue about you two, but I know you. And I know Michael. And I know you and Michael. You two got through that through sheer force of will and you were both miserable the whole time. It worked fine for one night but how long can you keep it up?”
Suddenly Alex was very much done with this conversation. “New topic,” he announced with a glare as he pushed to his feet. “What’s new in your life?”
Patrick didn’t reply as Alex left the room but then Alex didn’t expect him to.
Alex had time to grab a beer and drain it before Patrick appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. “If you really want me to drop it, I will. But I’m only here for a few days and I don’t want you to pretend everything’s fine while I’m here only to call me drunk in the middle of the night once I leave.”
Alex leaned heavily against the table. “Can we just- I haven’t seen you in almost two years and I don’t want your whole trip to be about my failed relationship. Is that too much to ask?”
“No, it’s not.”
Alex looked at him. “Maybe we can talk again later? Or tomorrow? Just- I don’t-”
Patrick nodded. “Of course, man. Whenever you’re ready.”
“Ah so we can just avoid it all together?” He quipped as he eased into a chair.
“Alex,” Patrick started.
“No, yeah, I know. I get it. We’ll talk before you leave.”
“So,” Alex started after the silence dragged on for a while. “How’s Carrie?” He really was an awful friend, Patrick had been here for almost two days and this was the first he’d bothered to ask after his wife.
Patrick shrugged as he took his own seat opposite Alex. “She’s good.”
Alex raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know.” Patrick leaned back in his chair with a sigh. “A few months ago we were talking about kids and now she’s talking about taking a break.”
“What? Why?” The few times they’d spoken recently, it had been either all about Alex or light, inconsequential small talk.
Patrick rubbed a hand over his head. “She says I’m different. That I’m not the man she married and she doesn’t know if she loves the man I am now.”
“Shit, Patrick, I’m sorry. That’s fucked up.”
Patrick shrugged again. “Maybe she’s right. Maybe I’m not the same man.”
“Maybe not, but she’s probably not the same woman. People change, that’s life.” Alex told him.
“I know. I know that, I do,” Patrick replied. “And she’s not the same, she’s different. But I love her all the same. I don’t know what to do with the idea that I’ve changed too much for her to love.” He cleared his throat. “But we’re talking. Started seeing a therapist to help us and I think it’s helping? I’m not sure, honestly, because the issue is on her end and she doesn’t want to share.”
Alex didn’t know what to say.
“It’s a mess. Because I want her to talk to me, to share things with me, but I also really don’t want to hear her tell me that it’s over, that there’s nothing there anymore.” He let out a humorless laugh. “It’s strange, I can talk to the therapist about this just fine but it’s a lot harder to talk to you about it.”
“You don’t need to if you don’t want to.”
“No I do. It’d hardly be fair to ask you to talk to me about Michael if I can’t talk to you about Carrie.”
Alex opened his mouth to reply but the front door crashed open before he could. A moment later, Kyle and Chad spilled into the kitchen desperately searching for water. Kyle raided the fridge while Chad just stuck his mouth under the faucet. 
“Are you two okay?” Alex asked with a chuckle.
“It’s hot,” Kyle panted in between sips.
“It’s New Mexico,” Alex replied, unimpressed.
“Yeah, yeah. Look are you two done with your talk or do we have to go back outside?” Chad looked over at them. Despite his cavalier tone, Alex knew that if asked, Chad would turn around and drag Kyle back outside.
“Nah, we’re done,” Patrick answered for him. Alex turned to look at him, more than willing to continue the conversation, but Patrick waved him off. Fair enough, they could both avoid uncomfortable conversations. “What time is it?”
Kyle twisted his arm to look at his watch. “Almost two, why?”
Twin grins spread across Chad and Patrick’s faces. “Barbecue!” Chad exclaimed as Patrick rubbed his hands together.
Kyle looked at Alex quizzically but Alex could only shrug. Then, as if on cue, a truck rumbled loudly up the drive and Alex glared at Patrick.
He shrugged unrepentantly. “You have no food and you can’t cook worth shit. I’m not turning down good barbecue.”
“Then go to his place!” Alex groaned. Kyle still looked confused.
“He doesn’t have a grill,” Chad answered. 
There was a knock on the door, surprisingly timid. Patrick looked at Alex before he got up. Alex really wanted to say no, that the night at the bar was enough together time for this week, but Patrick had had a point earlier. Patrick and Chad were both Michael’s friends as well and it wasn’t fair to them if Alex made them choose between them. With a sigh he waved Patrick on.
A moment later, he heard Michael’s voice gently teasing Patrick and then his footsteps as he walked into the kitchen.
“Make yourselves useful and go help Patrick with the food,” he ordered lightly as he dropped a bag on the counter. Chad smirked but said nothing as he shoved at Kyle’s shoulder until the other man left the room.
“Is this okay?” Michael asked when they were gone.  
“Yeah, course.” Alex tried to keep his voice light but Michael just stared at him. He tried not to fidget under his gaze. “It’s not ideal, sure, but they’re your friends too, Guerin. It’s not like we’re going to write up a custody schedule or something. We can coexist, right?”
Michael nodded slowly. “Right. Coexist.”
Alex opened his mouth to say something but once again was interrupted, this time by Patrick. He paused in the doorway and looked between them. “There’s more wood out back that can be chopped,” he offered.
Alex rolled his eyes. “I want food, not wood.”
Patrick nodded and that was it. No one brought up the awkwardness between Alex and Michael all afternoon and if, at some point, the awkwardness disappeared? Well no one mentioned that either.
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mercifuldeaths · 6 years
Vertigo: Ch 6: Pyro
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Vertigo: Chapter 6
This fic is in progress.
Jim Mason x Reader
Warnings for this chapter: Smut, drug use and side effects of such use.
Summary: Things were good until they weren’t. Jim starts falling back into old habits. He doesn’t mind.
Notes: This is really where things pick up, as I’m sure you’ll see. The last bit of this chapter is actually my favorite part in the whole story. I hope you enjoy pain. Because this is just the start. 
Word Count: 7.2 K
“You’re looking pretty cute over there, you know that?” Y/N nodded at her boyfriend sprawled out over her bed. Her father was out of town and it had been just the two of them for the past few days. They had just gotten done with a pretty long surf set and it was late afternoon, post-surf pizza delivery on the way.
She ran her fingers through her wet hair, snagging on a few tangles that made her wince. Jim was still looking up at her ceiling, face contemplative. He had changed out of his wetsuit and into a pair of sweats, ready for an evening of ironically terrible movies, pizza, and probably a good fuck. It should have been enough for him, and he hated feeling greedy, but it never was.
“Something interesting up there?” She went to lay next to him, the towel she dried off with lay abandoned on the floor.
“Mmmm. Not more interesting than this.” He reached behind her and grabbed a handful of her bare ass. He laughed, carefree, and kissed the top of her head. He didn’t deserve her, was the pervasive thought. Always an undercurrent in this mind.
“Come on, I have to get dressed. Food will be here soon.” She attempted to wiggle her way out from him. He gripped her tight, not letting her escape.
“You don’t have to do anything. Including getting dressed,” he challenged with a rougish smile and flipped her underneath himself.
“Jiiiim,” she couldn’t help but smile herself. “Not now, baby. Later, for sure,” she laughed and pecked him on the lips, but he leaned in and started deepening the kiss.
“Not now?” He pressed his hardness into her, still covered by his sweats. “I’m sorry I can’t help myself sometimes. I have this girlfriend who is absolutely the most stunning creature. And she walks around in a bikini all day. So you can imagine what that does to me.” His mouth moved downward and starting sucking on her neck, collarbone, leaving small bruises in their wake. She let out a small hum and tangled her fingers in his hair directing him further down to her breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and toyed with it between his teeth. He suddenly stopped. “Oh, but you’re busy, so,” he said sarcastically and went to get off the bed.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him in place, pulling him closer to her. “You’re a tease. You know that?” she mumbled kissing the side of his head while he went back to work kissing her neck.
“Me? A tease? Nah,” he said and ground his hips into her. He felt her buck up, seeking any friction.
“Jimmy,” she whined and he had to restrain himself from absolutely wrecking her right there. She could play him like a violin and knew exactly what made him tick. He went back to sucking on her sensitive breasts, avoiding the nipple. A tease, indeed.
He continued down, kissing the flat plane of her tummy, her hip bones, and when he got to her inner thighs he gave a particularly hard bite. She let out a small whimper.
He knew he had her.
“Baby, let’s go out tonight.” He nuzzled into the soft skin relishing the feeling on his lips.
She picked her head up off the pillow to eye him. “Is this bribery?” She nodded at his current position between her thighs while he started to give her folds the smallest kitten licks. She threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to her center. He pulled back and gave her the softest expression she had ever seen. God, he knew how to get her to do anything.
“Is it working? The bribery?” He leaned back down, starting to apply some pressure to his licks, teasing her entrance, but not enough for satisfaction. He licked a stripe up her and she shuddered.
“I wanted you all to myself tonight,” she whimpered and looked at his boyish face from between her thighs. She loved seeing him there, but much preferred it when he was at work down there rather than giving her little puppy dog looks. But then again, he knew that.
“You can have me. All of me...at Aaron’s. He’s having a thing. Small group of us. It’ll be really chill,” he mumbled against her cunt and she knew he was going to win. Between the looks and his persuasion techniques, he could have the world. He moved back to her kissing her thighs and she immediately missed his warm mouth pressed into her, tasting her.
She let out a sigh, desperate for any sort of real pressure. “Okay, whatever, we’ll go. Please just touch me.” Her hips attempted to grind into his lips but he pulled back again. She let out another dejected cry.
“...And you’ll wear that skirt? You know the one.” He couldn’t hold back his grin, head now resting on her thigh, looking up at her.
“Yes, Yes. I know the one.”
“Then we have a deal.” He said and quickly went to make good on his promise. He pressed his mouth to her wet folds, gliding his tongue through. He let out a small moan, loving her taste. Her back started to arch off the bed and he brought a hand up to tease her breasts, pinching and grazing over them.
He continued to lap at her wetness. “Babe. God, Jim,” she gasped out when he trapped her clit between his teeth, applying the smallest pressure. Her hands started pulling his soft brown hair from the root, pressing him further into her. He loved it, being completely surrounded by her, only able to breathe her in.
Changing course, he teased her entrance with his tongue, nose buried in her clit. She couldn’t help but feel warmth pool in her stomach, seeing him like that- her wetness spread over his mouth and chin. He continued like she was his last meal, his groans sending vibrations up her spine. She swept over the hair that fell in front of his eyes, she wanted to see him, always.
His tongue went back to her clit, then licking up and down. Her breaths were coming faster, eyes closing and her head falling against the pillow submitting herself to him completely.
“Babe,” she warned but he already knew she was close, knowing her body almost as well as his own. He hummed and slid a finger into her, slowly pumping it in and out. Another was added shortly thereafter. Her cries were high pitched and music to his ears.
She really started moving her hips in time with him, grinding down onto his lips and fingers. He pulled back and she whined from the loss of contact. “Are you gonna come on my tongue for me, babygirl?”
A loud cry escaped her lips and she nodded. “Yeah, yes.” He went back to sucking on her swollen clit mumbling, “That’s my good girl,” against her warm cunt.
It was the combination of his voice joined with the vibrations they created that took her over the edge, crying his name and throwing her head back. “Jim, Jim,” she chanted like a prayer as he continued to lap at her, riding out her orgasm with her, wanting everything she had to give him. He moaned throughout, catching every drop of her.
She gently started to pull him away, oversensitive to his touch. He smiled and licked her wetness off of his swollen lips. God, he really could never get enough of her. She lay gasping, eyes still closed, trying to slow her breathing. He laid next to her, brushing stray pieces of hair off her forehead, pressing small kisses to her temple. She let out a small giggle, something she often did when a little blissed out. He didn’t know why but it always made his heart melt, seeing the small smile cresting across her lips. She was completely relaxed, carefree.
She opened her eyes to look up at him, still smiling. “Let me…” she said as she went to cup his length in her hand. The doorbell interrupted and she let out a small sigh of disbelief. Jim just smiled, happy to see her happy. Running to the closet, she put on a bathrobe. “I owe you, I swear. Tonight…” She winked as she left the bedroom.
“Oh tonight I’m getting more than just that. So are you- that was the appetizer, honey,” he called after her and he palmed his cock through his pants.
“Good. I’m starving.” Her laughter echoed upstairs and he really wished his mind wasn’t on the dime bag of coke that would be waiting for him later.
He could feel it, the pull. It was like a magnet or gravity or whatever else controlled the universe. It was one of those forces that he could feel but not see. Nobody could see it. A force of nature, uncontrollable.
It wasn’t his fault that things were starting up again. Or probably not starting up, more like continuing, but his current coping mechanisms of ‘run away with Y/N and try to forget about things’ wasn’t flawless.
Parties had been a regular occurrence in his life, as well as Y/N’s. She was no angel, he came to learn. She had her own demons to fight and he was more than prepared to fight them with her-but when he couldn’t even face his own, what place did he have to tell her to do the same.
It was coming up, the day. He refused to call it what he supposed it really was, but Medina wouldn’t let him forget about it despite however many little pills he swallowed. He had started seeing Chad more frequently again who was more than happy to start selling to him regularly. “There he is! Our Jimmy’s back, boys!” They had clapped him on the back and shoved another beer in his hand when he had asked to start his regular pickups again. His eyes rolled but he gladly took the tablet, winking at Alex and the others.
Were things getting bad again? Yeah. Did he know that? Yes. Did he care? Not at all. After all, that could all be forgotten with a line, a pill, a pull-he didn’t give a single fuck.
And that was the plan for the evening. To forget everything. Everything except Y/N because honestly, that’s all he could handle. He’d managed to convince her to go to the party and he felt dirty for having to do it. He almost made himself sick watching her get ready-curling her hair and painting her lips in a soft pink, for what was more or less a glorified drug deal.
What was worse was that he knew that she would get high with him and it continued to break his heart a little more every time she leaned down for a line or would lick a pill from his hand like she had all those months ago. She was smarter than that. He knew it. Jim knew he was holding her down but he was also a selfish man. If he wasn’t he’d have given up the drugs and Y/N a while ago. If he was being honest, he probably should have never talked to her. She was too good, too smart.
He took a sip from the water bottle he was holding-trying to loosen the knots in his stomach- while sitting on Y/N’s bed, waiting for her to get her things together.
“Keep drinking that,” she eyed him. “You don’t want a hangover.”
He looked at her curiously.
“Hydration prevents hangovers. Come on, that’s rookie shit, Jim.” She smirked and walked over to him. She placed a delicate kiss on his full lips and he felt some of the lipstick transfer. They laughed as he rubbed it off and headed over to what Jim knew was going to be a good night.
It wasn’t a small gathering and both of them knew that it wouldn’t be. Jim and Y/N were funny, other people would say. They were both perfectly content to be away from one another, Y/N not hanging off his arm like a showpiece, both of them feeling a little freer.
Jim vowed to himself to start off slow. He didn’t want to hit a wall halfway through the night, not when he could extend it for as long as possible-until the sun rose and reminded him of everything that was waiting for him in the light.
He had taken two of the small pink pills Alex had offered, not exactly sure what they were, but really ready for anything. Y/N had escaped him a while back, probably to go find some of the girls she was slowly becoming the ringleader of. He knew that was certainly not intentional, the girls just tended to flock to her despite her constant indifference to them.
A few shots in mixed with those pills had him feeling a pretty good buzz, he realized as he leaned against the outside of the house where guests were now spilling onto the front lawn. He could start to feel the vibrations moving through the air onto him. The colors around him looked a little brighter and his conversations flowed more naturally. He had a nagging suspicion that it was acid or some shit he was rolling on but he couldn’t be bothered to find out.
Y/N’s voice rang in the back of his head about staying hydrated and he decided to head the warning. He found himself in the kitchen, but didn’t exactly remember how he got there. He dumped the warm beer in his cup and filled it with water, grumbling to himself about he wished it was that vodka monstrosity someone had convinced him to have earlier. Tasted like shit, but certainly got him fucked up in record time.
Thinking of Y/N had set him on a mission. Those girls can’t be with her all night. He started to meander through the house starting on the ground level. He found himself caught in a few mundane conversations before he would suddenly remember his goal and start up on looking for her again.
He felt himself smile when he heard her laugh coming from upstairs. Immediately he headed up there to see her for himself. The thought of her in those jeans, the skirt was unfortunately in the laundry, was already making his head spin and he knew how much she liked to fuck while they were tripping together. He had imagined that she already took something, never one to hesitate.
When he saw her he had to suppress a groan as she was surrounded by some of her groupies as well as the bay boys. With the drugs running through his system, he found that he could care less. Walking up to her, pushing one of the guys out of the way, he cornered her against the wall of the hallway.
“Mmmmmm,” he hummed and started nibbling at her neck, already marking her as his. “Y/N, let’s go.”
She mumbled, “Jim, I was talking to people,” but still threaded her fingers into his soft hair, pulling him closer.
“Don’t care. Just need you.” He gripped her ass and brought her center to grind against his hardening cock.
“Baby,” she mumbled. “I can tell you’re on some shit right now, but I’m not there yet.” He pulled back, disappointment decorating his eyes. “Maybe an hour?”
“But I want you now, God. Look at you.” He started slipping his hand down the front of her jeans, unable to contain himself.
“Jim,” she warned, her voice sobering him a little. Her eyes darkened just enough for him to get a rush, however, and he knew she was up to no good. “If you’re a good boy and wait, maybe there will be an extra surprise for you,” she whispered so faintly he could barely hear her over the thumping music and cacophony of voices.
With that, she took his wrist and guided his hand a bit further so his fingers became slicked in her wetness, grinding onto him a few times to be thorough. She then pulled him out of her and guided his hand to her mouth, gently sucking herself off of him. Jim swore he could have cum just from that image, alone.
When Y/N was satisfied, she dropped his wrist, cupped his length through his jeans and mumbled, “Be good for me, and I’ll be good for you.” Y/N turned on her heel and bounded towards the end of the hall. She heard Jim groan, wholly unsatisfied. “One hour!” He heard her call over her shoulder and smile with a girlish giggle.
It must have been about an hour later that Jim realized that he should start looking for Y/N. Strange, he didn’t think she’d last the full hour.
“Jim!” He heard in a voice he didn’t expect to hear ever again. Heather was calling over to him from the top of the stairs.
“Uh, hi,” he hesitated, whatever he took not helping the awkward air that had suddenly fallen over him. He didn’t think anything could have fixed the Heather situation.
“You need to get Y/N. She’s….” Heather trailed off and Jim couldn’t help the perplexed expression that crossed his face, looking up at her.
“What?” Maybe he didn’t hear right. Y/N and Heather certainly weren’t friends. Probably quite the opposite, in fact. Why were they hanging out together?
“Jim, I’m not doing this for you. I could literally couldn’t care less about you. But Y/N really isn’t good right now so could you maybe come figure this out?” she snapped.
Something clicked and Jim started bounding up the stairs to find Y/N. No no no no no. It was impossible. She wouldn’t.
He swore he heard Heather going off about how he was the reason for this-how he was going to get Y/N killed. That he was going to get himself killed, not that she cared of course. But he couldn’t pay that any attention as he could literally feel his high fading, adrenaline taking its place.
“Baby,” he was already saying despite not being anywhere close to the group of people standing around the open bathroom door, where he imagined she was. “Move, move.” He shoved the couple people that hovered, demeanor already telling them to leave. “Baby, Y/N, Y/N,” he called out to her.
She was propped up on the sink by one of the Aaron, one of the bay boys Jim was closer with, and he was trying to get her to drink some water. Her skin was pale and she was visibly shaking while suppressing the urge to retch again.
“Jim,” Aaron said a little firm, hoping to snap Jim out of whatever stupor took hold. Jim’s eyes snapped to his friend and he could feel himself actively trying to stay as sober as he could. “She’s been asking for you.” Aaron gestured to Y/N, still in his arms.
Jim stepped over and took her, holding her close to his chest on instinct. “What happened?” He couldn’t hide the panic in his voice. She was mostly asleep, or passed out more likely. Her head lolled over and he brushed the hair out of her fluttering eyelids. “What happened?” Jim said, more forcefully, demanding the answer when Aaron hesitated.
“Alex...he uh. He gave her some new shit.” The pink pills. Fuck. He knew they felt suspiciously familiar but Alex had claimed it was some new designer drug from Europe or whatever.
Y/N had mentioned to Jim that she had bad experiences with certain pills and she was usually careful to only take what she knew would have the desired effect. Alex wouldn’t tell him what it was so he doubted that she knew. She wouldn’t have taken it if she knew. Did he force her? Did she want to take it? Was this something else? One of those date rape things? His mind whirled, unable to keep up.
“Go get Heather,” he managed to choke out. Everyone looked at him like he had lost it, well aware of the bad blood between the two. “She’s a nursing student-go get her!” His raised voice caused Y/N to stir.
“Please, can you just go get Jim, I want to see-”
“Baby, it’s me. I’m here.” She didn’t relax like he hoped she would have. He started to maneuver them onto the ground so she was cradled in his lap, his chest pressed against her back.  “Did anyone go get-”
“God, yah I’m here. Calm down.” Heather walked over to the pair and closed the door behind her, keeping prying eyes out. Jim was grateful for that small mercy.
He could feel Y/N starting to get warm under his touch, her breaths coming faster.
“I told you she looks like shit,” Heather said too nonchalantly for his comfort.
“I think she’s allergic or something. I don’t know-she said she doesn’t do molly because she always has a bad trip but- I just- I don’t...” Jim stumbled over his words, trying to get things to happen faster. He could feel his own heart starting to race. Y/N was still unconscious, but starting to make slight twitching movements.
“She took too much. I don’t know what to tell you.” Heather stood above them, looking down, her sneer visible over her rhinoplasty nose.
“Heather, come on. This isn’t about us,” Jim begged through gritted teeth. He was trying to hold his tears back. This was the first time in a long time that he could say that he genuinely was scared. Because this was something that actually mattered.
He saw Heather’s dark eyes soften a fraction after looking at Y/N’s small movements and shivering breaths. His ex crouched next to Y/N and started taking her pulse, her eyes looking anywhere but at Jim.
“She’s warm. And her heart rate is too fast. So’s respiration. Jim, she’s overdosing.” Even Heather was starting to feel bad for the guy. After things ended, no matter how terribly, she was able to see him from a distance. She saw the changes in him.
Jim nearly passed out himself. “Overdosing?” His tone higher than he would have liked. “What am I supposed to do,” his voice cracked and Heather’s heart almost broke from seeing him like that.
“She’s going to be okay. I asked around and they’re pretty sure it’s glorified E. Even if this is a reaction or a bad trip or OD, E is probably the best way for it to happen. Just make sure she keeps breathing and have her drink some cold water when she wakes up.” She turned to leave the cramped bathroom but Jim’s small voice stopped her.
“Please. Stay.” She turned to look at him. “I’m scared,” he admitted and she could tell he was choking on his own tears, she had seen it enough when they dated.
“Jim,” she started but he interrupted by asking again. She sighed and resigned herself to sitting in the furthest corner from the couple. They heard the party start to die down outside as they sat in uncomfortable silence.
Jim couldn't take his eyes off Y/N. He watched her chest rise and fall, counting every time. ‘Make sure she keeps breathing’ he repeated in his head to make sure he stayed on task-terrified of what would happen if he didn’t. She’s going to be okay, she’s going to be okay, she’s going to be okay--
“You have to stop eventually, you know?”
He was pulled out of his trance like state of rocking himself and Y/N, mumbling, and running his fingers through her hair. Heather looked at him for the first time. “You’re going to get yourself killed.”
“What?” Jim looked back at her thinking that maybe he had missed part of the conversation. It had happened often enough when he was high.
“If you keep this up. I see what’s happening.”
Jim was still confused. “What’s...happening?” he managed.
“Jim,” she scoffed. “Everyone knows what’s going on. We all know what you’re doing and it’s worse than last time.”
“You don’t know shit,” he bit out, perhaps too hard.
Heather moved to stand up and Jim almost apologized. “She’s going to be fine. Just cold water when she’s awake. If in doubt, call an ambulance, please don't be stupid, okay?”
Jim only found himself to smally nod, looking back at Y/N’s peaceful, now flushed, face.
“Hey,” Heather said softer than he thinks she’s ever said to him before. He looked up to her dark eyes. “Just quit that shit, okay?” And with that she left the small room and gently clicked the door back shut.
A few moments later, Y/N started blinking her wide eyes. She immediately tried to grab Jim’s arm that was holding her to him, sensing it as a threat but when she heard the familiar voice and felt gentle touches, she knew it was Jim.
“Y/N?” his voice cracked.
“Hi,” she breathed out, trying to remain calm, knowing exactly what was happening.
“Are you okay?” he asked at a complete loss of words.
“No. But I will be.” She closed her eyes and felt unexpected tears fall. Seeming to take her cue and their privacy, he started softly cry, pressing his face into her hair.
“I could have lost you,” he sobbed out but she was still distant-feeling far and detached, poison still in her blood.
“You didn’t.” She knew she was saying these things but they felt like they completely bypassed her brain-going on reflex. Unable to feel. Numb.
“I didn’t.” He tightened his arms around her.
She mumbled something that he didn’t quite hear. “Hmm?”
“I’ve gotta stop this shit.” She looked at him, his pupils still blown, eyes red and puffy, face drawn. “We’ve gotta stop this shit.” She closed her eyes but the sight of him was still behind her eyelids. There was no room to judge because she knew she probably looked worse.
She felt him press his hand to her cheek and she turned to place a kiss in his palm. He didn’t know how to respond or if he even should considering how her eyes were glazing over again. “We’ve gotta stop this shit. He knew she was right. Of course, she was. She always was.
He should stop. And Heather had noticed-well she’s always been a nosey bitch, anyway- but even she was worried. Probably the person that hated him the most was worried about him. And he knew he still wouldn’t stop. He knew that this should scare him, and it did-for her. But had be been in her place, he couldn’t care less. In fact, something about that was almost a comforting thought.
Y/N’s eyes were shut but her lips moved softly. “It’s too much for me.  All this.”
Jim still didn’t know if he should answer. But he did, anyway. “It’s not enough for me. It never is.”
Medina squeezed herself into the pastel pink dress chosen for her by the not-so-blushing bride. It wasn’t tight like the embrace of a warm wetsuit, but instead the snug fit of  a noose around her neck.
Jim wasn’t home but she still hung his tux on the outside of his closet as a gentle reminder that today was the day.
Things had been good until they weren’t.
Medina saw the way his clothes started to fit looser, the way he would shake when trying to text. His jaw was clenched so hard half the time she thought his teeth would snap. Sometimes she would hear him try to stifle cries and screams while the shower ran.
Things were good. But they were horrible, too.
Y/N fell into his orbit and made him secure, safe. She wasn’t there though, not that day. The day was Phil’s wedding. Phil and Rebecca. Rebecca was some redhead nurse that had starting working at his practice a year ago. The upcoming date was having a snowball effect on both Jim and Sandy, who was currently locked in her bedroom, holed up with the blinds shut.
Medina still didn’t know if she wanted to go despite her already dressing and carefully applying makeup. She was still his daughter. A deep part of her still wanted to make him proud even if she was too embarrassed to admit it.
She and Jim had countless conversations about their father’s wedding, each worse than the previous.
“We have to go, Jim. We’re his only children,” Medina said kicking a rock off the cliff edge they were balanced on.
“I’m not going.” Final. She knew she shouldn’t press, but since when did Medina listen to limits.
“Just do it. It’s one day and then you never have to see him again,” she tried to reason.
His face was contemplative but his teeth still ground together-jaw tight. “Medina. I don’t think me being there would make it a better day. I don’t give a fuck about him and his new whore,” Jim’s words were scathing and she was happy their dad wasn’t there to hear them. She tried to convince herself that he didn’t mean them. “I’m on mom’s side, remember?”
“There are no sides in this,” she whispered, the crashing waves almost silencing her.
“Yeah. There’s always sides. And mom and I obviously know whose you’ve chosen,” he sneered as he went to stand up on wobbling legs. “Move.” He tapped her back with his foot, she still sat with her legs slung over the cliff.
She didn’t. She sat with her jaw almost as tight as Jim’s. “Medina, move or I’ll push you off this fucking cliff.”
She took one look at him and knew he was serious. Deciding moving was in her best interest, she did.
The conversations continued. Each time Medina’s comments more snappy and Jim’s pupils blown impossibly wider. He was always loud when he was like that so Medina was pretty sure their mother, and neighbors, knew exactly what was going on.
Jim was her best friend. The only person she could really talk to. The only one that understood her, and she was the only one who could understand him. But he wasn’t himself. She couldn’t think like him anymore.
“Mom,” she whispered outside Sandy’s locked door of her bedroom. When there was no response she knocked lightly.
“The fuck you want, Medina?” she screamed out, voice sounding raw.
“I’m going to head out, okay? I’ll be home late,” she still whispered.
“Where’s Jim?” The door swung open to reveal Sandy clinging onto dirty tissues, makeup running down her face, always clad in her bathrobe. She eyed her daughter with contempt.
Sandy pushed past her and continued to the living room, on the hunt for her son. “Jim!, Jim!” she started shrieking.
“He’s not here. I don’t know where he went,” Medina said gently. She was really trying her best with her mom as she could see how hard this day must be. Medina wasn’t a robot, she did have a little empathy for her. Granted that was overshadowed by an immense hatred.
“I know where he’s not. I know he isn’t abandoning me,” Sandy sneered. This was followed by a laugh that shook Medina to her bones. Sandy continued to look at her daughter as if she were under a microscope. “You look ridiculous. Flat a board, Medina.” And with that, she stomped back into her bedroom.
Medina sighed and tried calling Jim one more time before driving to the ceremony in her little yellow beetle. He didn’t answer. She was too exhausted to worry about him anymore.
The ceremony was beautiful, she admitted. It was full of soft colors and flowers, obviously was chosen by the new Mrs. Mason. The thought that she now shared her last name with another person made her shudder so she took another sip of her champagne.
Phil had given her a hug the moment she walked through the door to the wedding venue. When he asked if Jim was able to make it she pretended she didn’t hear him and swore that she saw him actually shed a tear. Letting herself be whisked from family member to friends of the new couple, her mind started to wander.
The Masons didn’t have much family, just some aunts from the east coast. Cooing about how much she had grown up and how much she resembled her grandmother had gotten old fast. Their next topic was worse.
Having to explain to everyone that Jim wasn’t there was horrid. She started making the stories more ridiculous as she went. “He tried to surf down the stairs.” “He’s donating his left kidney to an orphan.” “He was in a shark attack.” They all gave her strange looks. She didn’t care.
Rebecca was upset that the photographs were off center. It was supposed to be four bridesmaids and four groomsmen framing the couple in their photographs and at the ceremony. With Jim missing, she was the odd one out. The extra bridesmaid, Medina was forced to walk down the aisle alone, smiling, pretending her brother was by her side. She opted out of the photos and kicked her heels off the first chance she had.
Immediately following the ceremony was the reception which carried over the same theme of pastels and flowers. With a little champagne in her, all the colors started to blend in a sick imitation kaleidoscope. The night had passed in similar fashion to the ceremony. “Oh, yeah he’s actually really sick.” “He’s in the hospital.” “He died.” She couldn’t help but feel like now the excuses were getting closer to the truth.
Not a single person was satisfied with having just Medina there because that’s what it was, right? Just Medina. If Jim were in her place she would bet her life that they wouldn’t ask about her. Not even once. She rolled her eyes and speared another piece of her steak.
After dinner, she hid in the bathroom to avoid any more ‘Jim’ questions. She was running out of excuses for him. After taking a few shots she was starting to feel better, though.
I get it, Jim. She thought pretending he could hear her on the other end-something she had done since they were kids. Twin telepathy, or whatever. The room was fuzzy and warm where she perched on the edge of the sinks, watching videos on how to perfect your roundhouse cutback.
The liquor running through her veins did make her curious as to what those little white pills felt like. Fucking coward. That’s what he was. Unable to cope. Weak.
The thought of her twin brother suddenly made her furious. He was already everyone’s favorite, always got the attention, friends, love. He was perfect and nobody would ever let her forget it. And he still ran from it. Ran from every opportunity to be happy.
The only reason they still think he’s perfect was because of her. What if she stopped covering for him? Or was honest to their friends and family? “Why isn’t Jim here? Oh well, you see he’s probably tripping balls, high as a kite on some cliff, trying to run from all of his problems instead of manning up and handling them.”
And why the fuck was Y/N still with him? She had everything going for her-looks, personality, money, smarts. Why Jim? She was her friend first. Of course, she went to Jim. Everyone always does. Sometimes she wanted to take her friend’s pretty face and shove it in the waves. “Is his dick really that good? Or are you just desperate?” Medina smiled.
There was a sudden commotion outside and she figured it was time to cut the cake or whatever happens at weddings. She rolled her eyes and tapped on another video, not caring that she was probably using all their data plan. It was when she heard a familiar voice yelling did she decide she had to see this with her own eyes.
She couldn't’ hold back the biting laugh when she saw her lanky brother being dragged out of the building. Her legs started to follow despite her head wanting to do anything but.
“‘Dina! See! I know her!” he hollered and pointed to her over the shoulder of one of their uncles. Medina was pretty sure they didn’t recognize him. “Medina!”
He was in jeans and a tee shirt and looked like he had just been dipped in a pool he was sweating so much. Completely manic.
Medina stood, shell-shocked that this was even happening, her blood running cold. Without thinking she bunched up her pink gown in one hand, happy she lost the shoes hours ago, and stormed over to her twin. In her other hand she grabbed his forearm. Hard.
“Ow, stop that.” He pawed at her weakly as she dragged them outside near the valet parking.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she screamed, vicious. He just laughed in response, his head thrown back exposing his prominent veins in his neck.
“You’re the one that begged me to come.” He opened his arms and gestured to himself. “Well. Here I am,” and he kept laughing.
“You’ve lost it, you know that?” She moved closer to him and pushed his shoulders back, making him stumble a little. “You’ve gone completely batshit and you won’t even remember it tomorrow.” She pushed him again.
“No, no, no. I’m not the one that’s lost it, Medina. That’s you!” He pointed a long finger at her. “Going to dad’s wedding? His wedding.” He rolled his eyes so hard that he almost made himself fall backward. “Bullshit. It’s all fucking bullshit. All of this.”
“Jim. Go home. Don’t make this more embarrassing,” she demanded.
“For who? For dad? For you? Are you embarrassed by me?” He still was too loud. The valet parking workers had started to look on from the periphery. “‘Cause I’m embarrassed by you a lot but I don’t tell you that, now do I?”
She didn’t know what to say and held her breath. Maybe if she held it long enough she’d wake up and this would all be a nightmare.
She’d wake up in her childhood bed back home in Michigan and Jim would be next to her, crawling in because sometimes he was afraid of the dark. They’d be six again. A Sunday. Dad would be making pancakes. Mom would be slicing fruit. The news would be on but Jim would change it to Looney Tunes.
“You’re embarrassed,” he scoffed. “You embarrass yourself going around staring at people, being weird. I’ve had to talk you up to so many people trying to get you friends but you always scare them off. Sometimes I wish you were normal, God.” He looked at her, disgusted.
“Normal? Because this is so normal,” she gestured to him, his strung-out appearance, his too loud voice. Somehow he was still beautiful to her. “It’s not normal to stay cooped up watching your mother as a twenty-two year old man. It’s not normal to be so obsessed with her!” She was screaming now, too. Let them listen.
“Me? Obsessed with her? Oh, you’ve got it so backwards you don’t even know. It’s sad that you still have to convince ‘Daddy’ that you’re the favorite,” he mocked her. She had called their Dad ‘Daddy’ until Jim said it wasn’t cool to do that anymore. She listened to him. She always did.
“Jim, I’m fucking sick of this.”
His face took a turn. Going from pure rage into something marked of sadness. She saw tears start to well in his ocean blue eyes. “Why can’t it be different?” He couldn’t keep up with the conversation. It felt like his mind was being pulled in so many directions it was going to snap. Maybe it would and this would finally be over. Everything would be over.
“What?” she bit out, obviously still furious despite her confusion on his topic change.
“Do you remember when we went to Lake Michigan?” The questions made perfect sense in his head so he repeated it when she clearly didn’t understand. “We hid in those dunes, remember? We had to share the bed in the hotel and you twisted your ankle running on the beach?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Of course, she remembered. He knew she did.
“I only need you. That’s it. It’s you and me, whether you like it or not.” He smiled his thousand-watt smile but she could still see the hostility in his eyes, hiding behind blown pupils. “I made you laugh so hard-we laughed so hard.” His tears spilled over and fell onto his too prominent cheekbones.
“It’s never going to be like that again, Jim. It’s over. Move on.” She knew she was still yelling even though he had stopped awhile ago. They still stood facing each other, a few feet apart.
“I want it back. It’s me and you,” he repeated and he could start to feel the blackness creep into his vision. He kept nodding even though he willed himself to stop.
Medina continued as if he didn’t speak. “That’s your problem.” She had a revelation. “You don’t move on. That’s why you’re so much like mom.”
He stepped forward, fast and angry, and she shrunk back, genuinely scared of him like this. She honestly wasn’t sure if he would hurt her.
Something told her that he would.
Despite her better judgment, she continued. “You know? You’re becoming crazy like her, too. Relying on everyone except yourself.”
His eyes softened and he took a step back. He started biting at his cuticles until one bled. His head started to shake slowly, his eyes no longer seeing anything that made sense.
“Everyone is tired of your bullshit, Jim. Nobody cares anymore. We’re exhausted. This is exhausting.” She knew what she would say next would break him but to be honest, she stopped caring. “Ask Y/N.”
Jim’s eyes widened and he cocked his head. He ran his hand through sweaty hair and he kept blinking his red puffy eyes. It made Medina furious that she still loved him. Even like this.
She dropped her voice to just above a whisper. There was no reason for anyone else to hear it except him. “She’s done with you. Ask her. Everyone’s done with your bullshit. Even Y/N,” she sneered, knowing that she hit him where it would hurt long and hard.
He slid to his knees, unable to keep his vision upright. She didn’t go to catch him.
“I’m not your handler. I don’t want to take care of you anymore. I’m done.” Medina turned on her bare heel and started back into the party.
Time was different for Jim, but he knew he managed to get out, “I need you, Medina,” before he collapsed completely, his face scraping against the concrete. He tasted blood in his mouth, the copper tang grounding him to reality. The only thing keeping him there.
“I don’t need you, Jim. Not anymore,” was the last thing he heard before succumbing completely to the cocktail of pills and powders he had taken.
In his life, he had never felt more alone.
Jim in pain squad: @ccodyfern @langdonsrapture @langdonsdemon @coloursunlimited @thecinderellaposts @michael-langdon-appreciation @langdonalien @tarkofetis @stupidocupido @katiekitty261 @ovarydosed @lovelykhaleesiii @starwlkers @aveiangdon @heelsamizayn @americanhorrorstudies @sojournmichael @oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @tickled-pinkmoodpoisoning @codysfallenangels 
Special thanks to @thecinderellaposts @michael-langdon-appreciation @starwlkers @ccodyfern @babypinkstyles94 for letting me tease you all with more Jim content and then take forever to write it. ily <3 
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