#Cha Yu-Ri
dykedivorce · 16 days
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GOOD PARTNER | Han Yuri and Jung Woojin being equally in love with Cha Eunkyung
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Top 5 ships?
I’ll give you more than 5, my friend
Lee Rang/Yeo-hee (Canon, Tale of the nine tailed 1938)
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Jaime/Brienne (Canon, Game of Thrones)
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Lee Rang/Ki Yu-ri (Tale of the nine tailed)
They had such explosive chemistry!
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Ten/Rose (Sort of canon) Doctor Who
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Go Seung-tak/Cha Young-min (C’mon, they were in a romcom) - Ghost Doctor
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Jang uk/Mu deok (I refuse to watch season 2)
Alchemy of Souls
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Han Joon-hwi/Kang Sol A - Law school
(The script said legal drama, but Mr. Kim Beom wrote a rom-com here)
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krautundkimchi · 2 months
What is with K-dramas and the plotline of successful career women not being good mothers.
You can be any other type of mother - housewife, single, abused, even a ghost, but you cannot be successful in your career and a mother.
You damn well can be both!
Rage over...
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Don't come to my ass or pull a corn plate if everyone saw it the first time or I'll cry, I'm sorry I'm not observant at all 💔 just having fun with my special interest !! Don't be mean...
Like his eyes are not really shiny at first
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But get way shinier when they start running outside, and he makes a light chin movement/shake (Ui-Myeong shots right after looking at him like this)
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Thought I was REALLY delusional at first but the chin shake....throwing up and crying
He makes me so sad everyone, his mean guy mask really stayed on for 20 seconds and fell immediately FUCK he's such a good person I hope he gets a happy ending, in whatever way a happy ending is in an apocalypse world GOD I love him so much
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shatygrey · 4 months
i think what hurts a lot during one of the midong and yuri interaction is how yuri was supposed to go up after seowoo first walked, then when she started talking, etc and it hurts so bad because she kept on making more excuses so she doesnt leave her baby girl 😭🥺
i know in another life, yuri witnessed this all.
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dreamofbona · 2 years
anyone have any kdrama recs? i just finished the drama i was watching (twenty five twenty one, so good, highly recommend) and i need something new lol. stuff i've liked/disliked below for reference
fav shows:
the heirs
crash landing on you
twenty five twenty one
shows i liked:
extraordinary attorney woo
the king: eternal monarch
shows i didn't like (sorry):
vincenzo (i'm just not into spy/action)
abyss (it was okay)
record of youth
forecasting love and weather
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helenreads28 · 1 year
If for a second you saw a new chapter posted by me.....you didn't 🥹
My stupid ass today learnt why everyone is raging about not writing the new content on AO3 but rather write it on word or Google docs. I wrote quite a lot this week, but I did it on my phone, while my stupid ass had open the editing tag on my laptop too. Apparently, my sleep deprived mess of a self decided it would be a nice idea to save the old draft on my computer and now all my progress is gone 😭
Not to mention the fact that while I was realizing what happened I accidentally posted the old draft 🥹
So yeah, lesson learnt the hard way. I'm keeping everything on word now 🥹
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deaths-wife · 2 years
nothing I've ever watched or will ever watch will ever break me as much as Hi Bye Mama :')
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sweetvoidstuff · 8 months
Bittersweet II Cha Hyun Su x Reader
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Cha Hyun Su x Reader
Summary: In the aftermath of a nightmarish struggle for survival, strained bonds and lost memories characterize the heartbreaking exchange between you and Hyun Su, where a desperate attempt to bridge the gap between shared experiences unfolds, leaving a lingering sense of loss as you face an uncertain future together.
the first part, kinda ~~~~~ the next part, kinda
The last few hours unfolded as a nightmarish chapter in the ongoing struggle for survival. Your group of survivors had been taken hostage, forced to fight off scavengers seeking harm. The struggle for survival had strained your bonds, particularly the delicate balance after Ui Myeong's inclusion, triggering an unspoken personal turmoil with Hyun Su and the others but also between you two.
After your decisive move to aid the vent lizard monster, the atmosphere grew more strained. Pushing past Hyun Su, you rushed to aid the vent lizard monster, recognizing the fear it instilled in others, your determination to buy time for the creature clashed with escalating threats. Hyun Su and Ui Myeong had disappeared during the chaos, leaving you with a lingering regret of missing the chance to talk to Hyun Su once more. You had seen  his face as the others tried to kill the jelly monster.
Returning to the common area, you collaborated with fellow survivors, sealing the entrance in a desperate attempt to ward off hostile monster attacks and create a brief illusion of security for the night. The atmosphere remained charged with anxiety and uncertainty, survivors grappling with the aftermath of relentless assaults and the toll it took on their collective psyche.
Sang-wook's sudden dash with Yu-Ri on his back disrupted the makeshift sanctuary. Concern etched on your face, you inquired about the situation, opening a dialogue with Sang-wook to understand the urgency of their escape plan. His brief words revealed the desperate need for a refill of Yu-Ri's asthma spray, and with a sense of urgency, he handed you the car keys. Taking charge, you sprinted towards the abandoned vehicle, only to be abruptly blocked by a sudden force, sending you flying, disoriented, and confused as you overheard the end of their conversation.
"Does it matter? We won't be here. I will go with you," Hyun Su declared, bewildering you as you tried to pierce together the events that unfolded amidst the chaos. The urgency of the situation and the underlying tension left you grappling with the unknown.
Confusion reigned as you attempted to convey the urgency of Yu-Ri's situation, but Hyun Su's unfamiliar coldness dismissed your concerns as you came back up to your feed. The following sequence of events played out in slow motion, culminating in a moment of shock as Ui-Myeong aimed the gun at the departing duo, gunfire echoed, and Hyun Soo's anguished scream reverberated.
As Ui Myeong redirected the gun toward you, a sudden push threw you into a wall, pain radiating through your body, ultimately knocking you out. The chaos intensified with gunshots and screams, leaving the fate of Hyun Su and the others hanging in uncertainty.
Upon regaining consciousness, the landscape had changed once again. Sang-wook and Yu-Ri and even Mister Han were gone, leaving a void in the group dynamics. Hyun Su stood among the survivors, his memories wiped clean. Ui Myeong gone. The weight of the day's losses threatened to bring forth tears that remained elusive.
Stepping closer to Hyun Su, despite the heaviness that lingered in the air, you extended a hesitant hand, your fingers brushing against his arm as if seeking an anchor in the disarray that had become your reality. His eyes, a canvas of confusion, held a spark of recognition that flickered and faded like a distant star.
"You don't remember..." you began, the words caught in your throat as you gazed into the depths of his bewildered eyes. It was a plea, an attempt to bridge the gap between the shared experiences that seemed to be slipping away from him.
His expression softened, an acknowledgment of the void he couldn't fill. "Thank you for saving me again," you continued, the gratitude woven with a tinge of sorrow, sitting next to him. Every syllable carried the weight of moments that seemed destined to be forgotten.
A somber silence hung between you, punctuated only by the echoes of the distant hum of the shelter's generator. In that silence, you found the courage to address the unspoken pain that lingered between you and Hyun Su.
"I don't remember saving you. Or you," he confessed, his voice carrying the weight of an apology he couldn't fully understand.
The admission cut deep, like a wound that refused to heal. In that moment, you chose not to dwell on the fragments lost in the recesses of his mind but to weave new threads of connection. "It doesn't matter," you whispered, your voice a gentle reassurance that sought to bridge the gap. "I will always remember you."
Hyun Su's gaze faltered, self-doubt clouding his eyes. "Isn't it inconvenient for me to be here? Shouldn't you be afraid like the others?" he questioned, baring the vulnerability that lingered beneath the surface.
The words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the fractures in his memories and the trust that seemed to be slipping away. With a steadying breath, you addressed the uncertainty that loomed. "We've had this conversation before," you said, your eyes meeting his with unwavering sincerity.
You extended your hand like so many times before, a silent plea for him to hold on, to grasp the hand you were offering. His gaze didn't meet yours, the unspoken invitation hanging in the somber atmosphere. His eyes, filled with uncertainty, locked onto your hand, and you hesitated, uncertain if he would recognize the gesture.
 He didn´t. Uncreatin looking at your hand. In an act of boldness and with embarrassingly red cheeks, you gripped his hand, holding it tight. His confusion reflected in his expression, you held his gaze and, with a deep breath, spoke softly, "I trust you, Hyun Su." The words lingered in the air, a testament to the connection that surpassed the boundaries of fleeting recollections.
"With or without your memories, I trust you."
His gaze met yours, and you saw a flicker of gratitude in his eyes, as if sensing the depth of your unspoken pledge. A fleeting smile graced Hyun Su's lips, a fragile bridge between the past and the uncertain present.
In that moment, you chose to focus on the small victories, finding solace in the fragments that remained. The weight of uncertainty lingered, but the warmth of the connection you sought to rebuild offered a glimmer of hope in the aftermath of the day's turmoil.
Unbeknownst to you, this heartfelt exchange marked the last time you would speak with Hyun Su for a very long time.
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goodbuttaken · 22 days
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 3, [mostly czech, asian and pronoun-like] short names; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Ban (1 jméno, dřív i příjmení)
De (2 příjmení v Praze, 15 ex jmen)
Ill (31 příjmení, hodně v Náměšti nad Oslavou)
Ell (5 příjmení), Illie (1 jméno)
Elf (1 příjmení)
Ič (2 příjmení, FM)
Iš (16 příjmení, jižní Morava)
Ižo (10 příjmení, JV a SV cíp ČR) vs Ižóf (8, úplný S Čech) vs Ižof (4, úplný J) vs Ižol (4, Hradec Králové) vs Iž (9, Přerov/Zlín) + Izsó (14), Izso (3), Ižyk (1) a dřív i Izo
Id (2 příjmení, Praha)
Re (17 příjmení, skoro všichni Šumperk), Ré (5, taky)
Le (4 jména, 569 příjmení)
Ly (5 jmen, 6 příjmení)
Or (14 jmen, všichni v Brně + 2 ex příjmení)
Ot (1 příjmení)
Xi (další sudden ex jméno i příjmení), Wi, Ri
Ro, So, Xo, Co, Pho
Ra, Ka, Xa, Ca, Na
Xe, Te, Ce, Ve
Si (1 jméno + řada složených)
Xxx (do 2011 obojí; komunikace s těmi lidmi by mě *fakt* zajímala)
Pan (do r. 2011 51 jmen a 4 příjmení)
Lo (po redukci 2011 zůstalo 1 příjmení), La (4)
Do (1 jméno, 241 příjmení)
Vo (49 příjmení, ex jméno)
Ko (1 příjmení, ex jméno)
Lé (1 příjmení)
Foo (1 příjmení)
An (5 jmen, 1 příjmení) + složeniny, Am (ex jméno)
Ye (1 jméno, 7 příjmení), Yeová (2)
Yu (4 příjmení), Yuová (1), Yú
Au (2 příjmení), Ou
Du (1 jméno a 5 příjmení), Bu (stále 1 příjmení), Cu (6), Ku (2), Gu (1), Lu (1)
Mu, Fu, Ru, Su, Ju, Nu
Wu (1 jméno, 11 příjmení, ale do 2011 jich bylo 232 + 1 Wuová)
Tu (nyní 7 jmen a 3 příjmení)
Hu (17 příjmení, ex jméno), Chu (ex 11 jmen a stále 62 [dřív 267] příjmení)
Vu (6 jmen a 365 příjmení, ze jmen tohohle typu top přeživší)
Xu (19 příjmení, ex jméno), Qu (ex příjmení), Qi (jméno ještě ano)
Ky (34 ex příjmení), Ký, Ny, Hy, Dy, Cy
Go (1 příjmení, ex jméno), Ge (8 příjmení, 2 ex jména)
Yi (jedno jméno), Ai (taky)
Ia (6 ex jmen)
Ke (2 jména, ex příjmení), Que (1 jméno, ex příjmení)
Ač (11 příjmení), Áč (25), At
Oo (dvě ex příjmení), Uu (dvě ex jména)
Be (1 příjmení, 10 ex jmen)
I, A, E (vše ex obojí)
Y, Ý (ex jména)
O (4 ex příjmení)
Ayu, Uy
Ay (8 příjmení), Aw (1 příjmení, Kyjov)
Aia (jméno, Luhačovice)
Bi (ex 2011)
Sy (1 jméno, 1 ex příjmení)
Ba (9 příjmení)
Bá, Da, Dá, Tá, Bé
Bo (stále 3 jména)
Mo, Moo, Boo (vše ex 2011)
X (ex jméno)
Ya (jméno, Brno)
Ha (dřív 487 jmen a 365 příjmení, teď 22, resp. 66), Che (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Chi (3 příjmení v Kolíně + 2 jména), do r. 2011 taky Cha, Há, Cho a Huh
Tu (7 jmen, 3 příjmení), Tú (2 jména)
Hop (33 příjmení, ale i 2 jména)
Cá (1 příjmení, Cheb)
Cé (7 příjmení)
Ok (2 příjmení [ÚnL, Kladno], ex jméno)
Ox (3 příjmení, Teplice)
Oi, Oi Tak, Od, Ng, Šé, Oh, Ol, Ip, Is, Ib, Xú, Lý, Sú
Ťie (1, Praha)
Ji (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Di (1 jméno, ex příjmení), Mi (1 jméno i příjmení), Mí (ex jméno), Zi (2 ex jména)
Vi (4 příjmení, 14 ex jmen), Wi (5 ex příjmení)
Li (23 příjmení a 36 ex jmen), Ni (5 ex jmen, 28 ex příjmení)
Ut, Út, Er, Ur, Uz, Us
Fˇs, Bˇk, Wˇs (ex 2011)
Ině, Iňová (celkem 15, jižní Čechy)
Iňa (jméno, Hlinsko)
In (ex 1 příjmení + řada složených jmen), In Santi (3), Im
Pa Sait (1), Paa (1 v Karlových Varech)
Ma (4 příjmení, ex jméno)
Maąa (do r. 2011 jich bylo 5), Paąa (těch bylo dokonce 10)
Ao, Ąaąo
Bang (1 jméno), Bong (1 jméno i 4 příjmení)
V Yun (ex 2011), V Yacheslav
I ching, I ting, I ying (tj. varianty originálního názvu Knihy proměn)
D' Escragnolle Taunay, D´marco Odremán, Sita Nzolamesso Da S S (etc.)
pod. Al -, El -, Ó - (etc.) příjmení
Inyi (1 příjmení v Litovli)
Uyi (1 jméno v Ústí nad Labem)
Yuy Sya Gen, Sha Re Ja
Uj (11 příjmení, Ivančice + Vysočina), Új (ex)
Uc (8 příjmení)
Oz (3 jména v Brně, 1 příjmení)
Sič (30), Síč (65 příjmení), do r. 2011 i Sick
Onn (1 jméno, Brno), Oňa (1 příjmení, Bystřice p/H), Ong (2 příjmení, západ Čech)
Úa Séaghdha, Ün
Ág (3 příjmení, Blansko)
Lala (3 jména), Lála (1)
Chat (3 příjmení, dřív i jméno)
Gag (1 příjmení, Brno)
A. C., B K, K C, K. C. (ex 2011 příjmení), J C (ex jméno)
Jo (do 2011 obojí), Joo (26 příjmení, 1 jméno), Joová (4), No (ex), Ne (do 2011 jméno), Nee Tha Blay
Jojo (do 2011 příjmení), Nou Nou (2 v Brně)
Man (ex 18 jmen, příjmení běžné: 528)
Md a Mhd (do r. 2011 spousta arabských jmen, vyřazeno)
Jazz Jasper (Aš), Jax (Praha)
Je Young (ex jméno)
Gay (1 příjmení v Jihlavě, do r. 2014 i 1 jméno), That Gay (ex 1)
My (8 jmen a 1 příjmení)
That (ex 4 jména)
Ho (39 příjmení, dřív i jméno), Hoe (3 ex křestní)
Vy (1 jméno a 2 příjmení, Praha)
Ty (1 jméno)
He (2 příjmení, dřív 6 jmen), On (3 ex jména + složeniny, 1 ex příjmení)
His (2 příjmení, Přerov)
She (1 ex příjmení), Ona (19 ex příjmení), Ta (46 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Her (3 ex příjmení)
Oni (2 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Ono (2 příjmení, Brno)
To (18 příjmení, ex 6 jmen)
Them (1 jméno)
Nic (3, všichni v Orlové)
End (1 příjmení v Jablonci)
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purpleguitar · 2 months
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miss han 'i decided not to marry ever and i will not date before i secure my position' yu ri thinking about what love is while imagining cha eunkyung,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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salanaii · 4 months
Learn Korean with me - Week 20
Day 1 - 3: Vocab
** Don't forget your journals and of course Netflix.
읽습니다 Irg seub ni da Reads/reading
춤 Chum Dance
춥니다 Chub ni da To dance
잡니다 Jam ni da Sleeps
있습니다 Iss seub ni da Is/are/am/exists/there is/are
없습니다 Eobs seub ni da Do not have/does not exist/does not have
영화 Yeong hwa Movie/screen
공원 Gong won Park
감사합니다 Gam sa hab ni da Thank you (formal)
자동차 Ja dong cha Car
인기 In gi Popularity
입니다 Ib ni da It’s/is/am/are
괜찮습니다 Goaen chanh seub ni da It is okay/is okay/am okay
죄송합니다 Joe song hab ni da Sorry/I am sorry.
보냅니다 Bo naeb ni da Sends/send
차 Cha Car/tea
기타 Gi ta Guitar
야구 Ya gu Baseball
가구 Ga gu Furniture
지구 Ji gu Earth
피부 Pi bu Skin
나비 Na bi Butterfly
바지 Ba ji Pants
버스 Beo seu Bus
요리 Yo ri Cook
유리 Yu ri Glass
머리 Meo ri Head
휴지 Hyu ji Tissue
여자 Yeo ja Woman
소년 So nyeon Boy
오이 O i Cucumber
허리 Heo ri Waist
소녀 So nyeo Girl
우리 U ri We/us
후추 Hu chu Pepper
커피 Keo pi Coffee
나 무 Na mu Tree
나 Na Me/I
너 Neo You
아기 A gi Baby
소리 So ri Sound
표 Pyo Ticket
치마 Chi ma Skirt
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Categorizing Parent-related Trauma for male and female leads in Kdramas:
Orphans: Lee Hong-jo (Destined With You) Moon Gang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Moon Sang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Ha-ru (Extraordinary You) Naksu/Cho Yeong (Alchemy of Souls) Tak Dong-kyung (Doom at Your Service) Nam Ji-ah* (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Cheon Sa-Rang (King the Land) Jang Man-wol (Hotel del Luna) Yoon Yi-seo (100 Days My Price) Kang Young-hwa (Moon in the Day) Kim Do-ha (Moon in the Day) So Mun (The Uncanny Counter) Do Ha-na (The Uncanny Counter) Kang Tae-moo (Business Proposal) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, present version) Lee Heon (The Forbidden Marriage) Do Do-hee (My Demon) Ji Eun-tak (Guardian: The Great and Lonely God) Na Bong-seon (Oh My Ghost) Kang Cheol (W: Two Worlds) Do Da-hae (The Atypical Family) Yeom Hae-sang (Revenant) Jeong Ji-an (A Shop for Killers) Shin Jae-rim (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
Half Orphans with loving remaining parent: Eun Dan-oh (Extraordinary You) Koo Chan-sung (Hotel del Luna) Ye So-ran (The Forbidden Marriage) Nam Ha-neul (Doctor Slump) Yu Ji-hyck (Marry My Husband) Kang Hee-soo (Captivating the King) Choi Yi-jae (Death's Game) Im Sol (Lovely Runner) Ryu Sun-jae (Lovely Runner) Lee Chang (Kingdom) Lee Geum, Prince Yeoning (Haechi) Gu San-yeong (Revenant)
Half Orphan + Remaining Parent is THE WORST: Jang Uk (Alchemy of Souls) Kim Do-ha (My Lovely Liar) Lee Yul (100 Days My Price) Ahn Min-hyuk (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Seo Mok-ha (Castaway Diva) Gong Tae-seong (Sh**ting Stars) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, past version) Yi In (Captivating the King) Kang Ji-won (Marry My Husband) Kang Sun-woo (Oh My Ghost)
Parents (at least one) are THE WORST but Both Are Still Alive: Jang Shin-yu (Destined With You) Han Yi-joo (Perfect Marriage Revenge) Ko Mun-young** (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Mok Sol-hee (My Lovely Liar) Gu Won (King the Land) Crown Prince Lee Hwi/Dam-yi/Yeon-seon (The King's Affection) Do Bong-soon (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Woo Young-woo (Extraordinary Attorney Woo)*** Jung Ji-woon (The King's Affection) Kang Bo-geol/Lee Ki-ho (Castaway Diva) Yeo Jeong-woo (Doctor Slump) Hong Hae-in (Queen of Tears) On Eun-yoo (Twinkling Watermelon) Oh Yeon-joo (W: Two Worlds) Yoon Ji-ho (Because This Is My First Life) Nam Se-hee (Because This Is My First Life) Bok Gwi-ju (The Atypical Family) Moon Cha-min (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
Immortal Being that Still Somehow has Parent Issues: Myul Mang/Doom (Doom at your Service) Lee Yeon & Lee Rang (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Jeong Gu-won (My Demon)
Added trauma flavour: Parent was murdered in front of them (**Still counts if they survived the murder Parent tried to murder them Dying from seemingly incurable disease which makes their parents/guardian sad (If your parents are alive, you must pay for it by dying yourself) Adoptive parent/stepparent is THE WORST
Somehow has normal, alive parents: Lee Jun-ho (Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Has no backstory at all. We only meet his older sister and hear nothing about his childhood.) Shin Ha-ri (Business Proposal, her family is refreshingly normal, right down to her brother being sent out to find her when she's drunk) Oh Han-byeol (Sh**ting Stars, Again, we know almost nothing about her family, only that she has twin sisters. But she doesn't appear to have childhood trauma.) Park Yeon-woo (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, her mom being annoyed at her for something that is a crime doesn't count as bad parenting) Lee Young-joon/Sung-hyun (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, his trauma comes from a kidnapper, his parents faced a pretty impossible situation and did their best. They clearly love their kids) Baek Hyun-woo (Queen of Tears, nothing wrong with them out of the ordinary and they are in the drama a significant amount.) Ha Eun-gyeol (Twinkling Watermelon, very loving parents and the deafness and their reliance on him is not anyone's fault)
*Counting her as an orphan even though she gets her parents back after 20 years, she spent her childhood orphaned. ***This character is tricky because I understand why her mother wanted nothing to do with her, but her trying to manipulate the dad and also saying he didn't raise her properly made me so angry. Uncatagorized due to lack of clarity on parents: Soundtrack #1, Hospital Playlist, Happiness
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Pyeon Sang-Wook and Cha Hyun-Su || Narrative parallels/analysis
The parallels between between Sang-Wook and Hyun-Su were probably accidental but OMG i love them so much
Both had their lives ruined by some absolute trash of human beings, lost everything bc of them, except they took completly different path, but both ruled by violence
For Hyun-Su, it was violence to himself, for Sang-Wook violence to others. They also rejected people at first, but deep down they both REALLY need others and they only started to heal after letting people into their lives (they're also both rlly caring and sweet people, both in their own way and have that wet puppy look everytime someone talks to them lmfao)
There's also the scars they got from their respective aggressor, and how they became parias because of them, can be both in Green Home or in society. Also they both have this "monster" image, Hyun-Su literally and Sang-Wook because he killed a guy in front of like, 6 people (not blaming him)
Another little parallel is the "I wish it would have rained on this day" from Sang-Wook's "bully" (you get what I mean) and the "The weather was nice" from Hyun-Su's bully idk i just think it's cool !!
I honestly don't think they're that close, both in the show or in my AU, but I like to think they related to each other in some kind of way, they're a bit "mission buddies" not THAT close but don't mind being with each other !! (Hyun-Su went INSANE when Sang-Wook and Yu-Ri got shot istg this little guy would have done anything for people in Green Home I love him sm) I like to think they also knew each other a bit better thanks to Jae-Heon who often hanged out with them or something !!!!
My sillies, Sang-Wook would probably find a bit of himself in Hyun-Su he's probably kind to him (in the Sang-Wook way tho ofc) when he doesn't go berserk bc of that stupidass monster 😔 they sure get each other
(ending spoilers in that paragraph) - Knowing the last picture Sang-Wook ever had of Hyun-Su is literally a traitor....I might throw up over this one this is SICK to me
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youtifulkrp · 5 months
Most wanted?
Hello !
After polling our community, we were able to produce this list:
Loona... Cho Ha-seul , Wong Kahei ; Vivi , Jeong Jin-sol , Kim Jung-eun ; Kim Lip , Jeon Hee-jin , Kim Hyun-jin , Park Chae-won ; Go Won , Choi Ye-rim ; Choerry , Son Hye-ju , Im Yeo-jin
Vixx... Cha Hak Yeon ; N , Jung Taek Woon ; Leo , Lee Jae Hwan ; Ken , Han Sang Hyuk 
Dreamcatcher...  Kim Min Ji ; JiU , Kim Bo Ra ; SuA ,  Lee Si Yeon , Han Dong , Kim Yoo Hyeon ,  Lee Yu Bin ; Dami , Lee Ga Hyeon
BTS... Kim Nam Joon ; RM , Kim Seok Jin ; Jin , Min Yoon Gi ; Suga , Jung Ho Seok ; J-Hope , Park Ji Min
Mamamoo... Kim Yong Sun ; Solar , Moon Byul-Yi  ; Moonbyul , Jung Whee In ; Wheein , Ahn Hye Jin ; Hwasa
Girls’ Generation / SNSD... Kim Tae Yeon ,  Lee Soon Kyu ; Sunny , Stephanie Young Hwang  ;  Tiffany Young ,  Kim Hyo Yeon  , Kwon Yu Ri  , Choi Soo Young ,  Im Yoon-A ,  Seo Joo Hyun ; Seohyun
Soloists... Kim Hyo-jung ; Hyolyn , Lee Chae-rin ; CL , Kim Hanbin ; B.I. , Bang Yongguk , Jessica Ho ; Jessi
BTOB... Seo Eun Kwang , Lee Min Hyuk , Lee Chang Sub , Lim Hyun Sik , Peniel Dong Shin ; Peniel , Yook Sung Jae
iKon... Song Yunhyeong ; Song , Kim Donghyuk ; DK , Koo Junhoe  ; June , Jung Chanwoo
Winner... Kang Seung Yoon ; Yoon , Kim Jin Woo ; Jinu , Lee Seung Hoon  ; Hoony , Song Min Ho ; Mino
Kard...  Kim Tae Hyung ; J.Seph , Matthew Kim ; BM , Jeon So Min , Jeon Ji Woo 
GOT7... Lim Jae Beom ; Jay B , Mark Yi En Tuan ; Mark , Wang Jackson ,  Park Jin Young , Choi Young Jae , Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam ; BamBam , Kim Yu Gyeom
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shatygrey · 4 months
finished my rewatch of hi, bye, mama! last night and wondering what would happen if the show ended with an older seowoo and ganghwa instead of seowoo, ganghwa, and minjeong in the final scene. 🤔 someone had pointed that out in a reddit post and now it has me thinking…
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