#Château D’if
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jeffurlan · 8 months ago
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Château D’if, em Marselha
France 🇫🇷
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wretchedvulgarian · 2 years ago
dang I do not post about the count of monte cristo enough for someone who’s been to the château d’if
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ippilifasil · 1 year ago
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chateau-dilf · 3 months ago
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My Little Château d’If doodles
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hanakihan · 7 months ago
tbh in light of there being Count and Edmond, all they need is to have Rider Edmond Dantes before his imprisonment being an enthusiastic starry eyed young man while his two other versions just stand there looking like they saw some shit in their lives (and they did).
Idek it’s just funny having two avenger edgelords and then at least one of their version is a genuinely sweet young man dreaming of marriage to his beloved and sailing hcbfjcndjdnjd
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lafcadiosadventures · 1 year ago
Oh Dantès we’re really in it now
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ninadove · 4 months ago
So when the Comte de Monte-Cristo goes on a manipulation and murder rampage, he’s just “le spectre d’un malheureux que vous avez enseveli dans les cachots du château d’If” and also a “babygirl”. But when I, Milady de Winter —
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kulakligimdakihayat · 5 months ago
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view from le château d’If
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pen-inks · 6 months ago
ASMR ||🌊|| Villefort sends you to the Château D’If ||🚓|| Mouth sound, personal attention, letter burning, complete utter darkness and despair ||🇫🇷|| Ft. ASMRDantes
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months ago
being fictionkin of a classic literature book is so weird.
Like, oh, yeah.
That’s me. (normal me)
And this is also me. (Film me)
And this is ALLLSO me. (Musical me)
AND THIS (video game me…?)
This? (MLP me…?)
And this… (anime me-)
And can’t forget this! (Manga me,,,)
And. That’s- that’s not me, actually… (Sandwhich named after me)
Not to mention when you say “Oh! I’m Edmond Dantés !”
A few others will go, “I’m also Edmond Dantés!” And we will be like, five different completely different Edmonds.
Not that I mind it. Edmond is sick asf. Shoutout to all my Edmonds. Shoutout to doubles too. We need more Edmonds. /silly /j
It’s just a bit funny, is all.
Anyway, at least all of us can agree the Château D’if was kinda trash /lh
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thomas-querqy · 6 months ago
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo écrit et réalisé par Matthieu Delaporte et Alexandre De La Patellière, avec Pierre Niney, Laurent Lafitte, Anaïs Demoustier, Vassili Schneider, Anamaria Bartolomei, Julien de Saint Jean 😍
M’a rappelé que la première fois que j’ai entendu parler du Comte de Monte Cristo, c’était à l’occasion d’un voyage à Marseille quand j’étais collégien chez les frères Maristes : la visite du château d’If m’avait impressionné. Durant le film, il m’est aussi revenu avoir navigué au large de l’île de Monte Cristo sur le petit voilier des Michelet lors d’une croisière passant par la Corse, l’île d’Elbe et la côte Toscane. Je devais avoir une petite vingtaine, il faudra que j’aille fouiller dans la poussière des sacs de photos pour voir si j’ai quelques traces. Il me semble que ce n’était pas la croisière d’où ma sœur Bérénice avait rapporté un méchant staphylocoque doré. Yvon Michelet est mort il y a 3 ans, sa femme l’a suivi un an après, leur "petit dernier" cette année.
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Vassili Schneider
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Thierry Jouno et Hervé Guibert, Ile d'Elbe 1984. (Photo Hans Georg Berger)
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mzannthropy · 19 days ago
English language trailer (teaser?) for The Count of Monte Cristo from Swedish TV. It shows as a link but I don't know how else to post it.
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pedanther · 22 days ago
The Calendar of Monte Cristo: Chapter 113
September 1838, Wednesday: Edmond revisits the Château d’If. Maximilien and the Count arrange to meet on the island of Monte Cristo on 5 October. The Count sets off for Italy, while Maximilien remains in Marseille. [R]
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chateau-dilf · 3 months ago
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What if Ink Potts was still haunting me to this day and I made my own pony design of Villefort. What then.
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hanakihan · 3 months ago
tbh it’s been long ago I watched count of Monte Cristo adaptations but clearly from childhood I remember how I was frustrated with portrayal of his time in château d’if
like most adaptations loosely or briefly go through his imprisonment time to quickly move to meat of his revenge and while I understand such moves, many adaptations just miss the importance of his time here
it’s not only crucial to his development, it’s pretty much what also motivates him on his revenge quest
his imprisonment time is what breaks his psyche and moral compass, it’s what created fundament for count of Monte Cristo
even if adaptation does touch on his time here, it’s honestly more filled with melancholic feel and quickly jumps into his conversations with abbe faria
but everyone forgets he spend years here before even meeting with abbe faria and by time of it his psychological state was already yeeted the fuck out
because after watching several adaptations with my friend who didn’t read the book, said friend asked me what stopped Dantes from simply taking the treasure and start his life anew without getting involved into revenge that hard. like yes he started his revenge quest to make sure people involved in his demise get what they deserve and suffer as much as him, but most importantly ‘suffer as much as him all these years’ is literally the hell that was solitary prison cell for decades for him. it’s half about ruining his life and mostly about hell he went through, but adaptations make it appear as if he’s executing revenge with sound mind. he’s not, he’s clearly psychologically unstable and his goals and explanations are shifted despite what narration and he himself tries to make us believe
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castellsipalaus · 30 days ago
Château d'If
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El castell d’If, situat en una petita illa a la badia de Marsella, té els seus orígens al segle XVI. La primera menció històrica data del 1516, quan el rei Francesc I de França va ordenar la seva construcció per protegir Marsella de possibles invasions marítimes.
L’illa, de dimensions modestes però estratègicament situada, es va transformar en una fortalesa militar amb canons orientats cap al mar. Aquesta primera funció defensiva, però, es va demostrar en gran part innecessària, ja que mai no va ser atacada.
Durant el període medieval, Marsella i la Provença estaven sota la influència del comtat de Provença, una regió estratègica per al comerç marítim. Tot i que el Château d’If no existia en aquell període, la seva construcció posterior es va vincular a la tradició d’erigir fortaleses per protegir les rutes comercials i el port de Marsella, que ja era un centre clau al Mediterrani.
Amb el temps, la funció principal del Château d’If va canviar. Des del segle XVII, es va convertir en una presó estatal, guanyant notorietat per les condicions inhòspites i la seva reputació de ser una destinació de “no retorn”. Hi van ser empresonats opositors polítics, hugonots protestants durant les guerres de religió i individus acusats de traïció. Això el va consolidar com un símbol de repressió durant la monarquia francesa.
El Château d’If va assolir fama mundial gràcies a la literatura, especialment amb la novel·la El comte de Montecristo (1844) d’Alexandre Dumas. La història del protagonista, Edmond Dantès, que escapa de la presó després de ser empresonat injustament, va immortalitzar la fortalesa com a lloc emblemàtic de conspiracions i redempció.
Amb la Revolució Francesa i la transició a la República, el Château va perdre progressivament la seva importància com a presó, i al segle XIX es va convertir en un lloc d’interès històric. Va ser declarat monument nacional el 1926 i avui és una atracció turística.
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