#Ch 241-242
procuder · 10 months
can you tell more about Hellkaros?
OMG YES SURE!!!!!!!! As I live in his shoes, I'll talk about him briefly based on information from Hell arc so it'll not spoil the rest. The information that I have tried to piece together is only from the information we were given in the web novel from this arc. (I don't really like the webcomic Hellkaros. They made him look...meh 😒)
Let's study him like a frog!!! (I'm really excited) Hellkaros is the Watcher of the 19th Purgatory and the King of Hell. The previous King of Hell was his predecessor. We still have no idea how Hellkaros became the King of Hell. What a pity. He has been working non-stop for 670,000 years. His main duty was to judge all souls who descended to hell after death through documents.
According to Lloyd's perspective, he received his information from the novel, The Knight of Blood and Iron. He said that Hellkaros is a pragmatic person and also less terrifying than the Hell Knights under his command. And a workaholic.
He's a workaholic. A judge that judges hundreds, billions, and trillions of dead souls. He's piled under a mountain of work, so he punished the others only with formal documents and the rule of law.
Chapter 230
Hellkaros never took part in direct combat and killed no entity. Documents and judgments were his only weapons he wielded to determine the fate of others. He had just left the work that required use of force to Hell's Knights and glued himself to endless never-reducing paper works. Lloyd knew this well and he knew that Hellkaros had the least chance of posing any harm to him. And Hellkaros was the safest brother 😭😭 Like, really! Javier was concerned before because Lloyd looked less scary about meeting the Hell King. And Lloyd was just, man no worry, the King of Hell is the safest person in Hell!
But yeah. A lot of stuff happened after the Hell arc. It's a spoiler, so I'm ain't talking about them.
Also, Hellkaros wanted to live a comfortable life, such as going back to his house and doing things he had never done before, watching movies, reading novels he hadn't followed in a long time, and so on, but he couldn't because he had a lot of work to deal with. In short, he didn't hate being the Hell King. He always set a new transportation route every day, every hour, and even when he entrusted the job to the demons under him, nothing changed. Like, he got reports for every minute about transportation problems. He had to open a new route for 800,000 demons who were working to drive the carriage. So that's why lol.
He can't leave this duty either. Because if he did, cell division would stop and more would die. The microbial food chain will completely break down. And the entire planet will face massive extinction. This part clearly explains that he is such a highly responsible person since he has been doing this nonstop for 670,000 years. He's such a busy guy to be honest.
Judging those bacteria's souls is easy for him because of their simple souls. They don't possess the flaws like humans. Normally, human souls are either sent to Heaven or Hell. But with the bacteria, they don't require much deliberation. He can manage to do over trillions each day. The only thing that dragged him down was to set a new route for the demons for this job.
He could see through spirits and know the identity of each one. This was the reason why he knew Lloyd's real name. Even if Lloyd didn't tell him. He gives off an atmosphere of being tired and engrossed in work all the time, no different from an office worker. And it was highly likely that if he continued to work like this, he would end up like the previous king.
He is very interested in Lloyd's abilities. At first, it was just Lloyd's singing. He also admitted that Lloyd's singing was such a sound that even the Hell King like him would regret living to hear it. He can also loop Lloyd's songs a thousand times lmao. And later, he....covets Lloyd THAT MUCH. Yeah. The “I covet you, Kim Suho.” is real.
Hellkaros is a person who hates free generosity. He likes to give and take, like Lloyd, for his own and others' benefit. He is also a very smart person. And with his personality being so similar to Lloyd's that even Lloyd had to admit it. He will be a good business partner. And regarding the construction contract, it was Hellkaros who first offered it to Lloyd. Hey let me share this. I really like their conversation (which has been cut off...)
A sense of clipping anxiety gripped Hellkaros that he might meet the same fate as his predecessor, who ended his own life from depression after overworking for 38 billon years. And there was the despair that such a fate was unavoidable. All these years, such feelings haunted him. But now, the dark cloud of anxiety and despair that shrouded his heart for the longest time started to thin out. That was probably why Hellkaros stared at Lloyd differently and why he put on a content smile, unlike a while ago.​ “I like that.” “Yes, so that means-” “Kim Suho, I'll trust you and leave the railroad construction to you,” announced Hellkaros. “Thank you!” Lloyd hung his head down. He always welcomed new clients. And now, it was time to... “Time to sign the construction contract?” Hellkaros asked first. “My, that would make me the happiest man in the world,” said Lloyd as he smiled and rubbed his hands, inwardly praising the king. He indeed was the icon of fair judgment and negotiation. Lloyd admired how the king first suggested writing a contract even when he didn't say anything. This kind of client is so convenient to work with.
Chapter 232
Yes. IT WAS CUT OFF GOD DAMMIT. The reason why Hellkaros trusts Lloyd and lets this man do things he doesn't know about is gone. Just the short paragraph I have given as an example is enough to give the viewer a sense of the character's thoughts and attitude. Hellkaros' hopeless feelings and the thoughts that he would one day end up himself that had been chasing him all this time were now relieved because of Kim Suho, a man running around in a dimension that wasn't his own. How he trust Kim Suho, and what did he see in Kim Suho, and what side did he reveal to Kim Suho? We don't get it in the webcomic and I want to bite someone. I'M GOING INSANE NOW.
Also, ALSO. ALSO. He also had a daydream that he could leisurely enjoy a glass of highly acidic juice as he bathed in a volcanic hot spring too :D He also wanted to catch up on the novel, legends, and other tales he missed in the last 670,000 years. He watched Hellfix, Hellver series, Hellcha through his mana-powered mable. He has a house. But haven't removed the protection film yet.
And...Hellkaros has quite a sense of humor? Yes, it was kinda delusional because I was just completely drunk on his and Lloyd's conversation. He even shrugged and teased Lloyd. This shows how much I wanted to get his plush and throw it in the washing machine. Again, we don't see this in webcomic. I want to commit a crime.
Over 1250 words and I still can't shut up about this loser Hell King. So I'll stop here! The pictures below are what I've taken before: My favorite conversation after the railroad is completed, Hellkaros' analysis.
Hope you enjoy it~ This is such long ass post please don't mind me.
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After railroad is completed:
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Not sure if this is in ch 242 or 241. But yeah around this.
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hualianisms · 4 months
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ch 241 // ch 250 // revised vol 1 ch 15
xie lian being so lonely and having no one to listen to him for 800 years, but hua cheng loves listening to him talk and always wants to listen no matter what it's about or for how long...
(credit: ch 242 translated by suika & rynn, ch 250 translated by erushi, revised novel vol 1 ch 15 translated by me)
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crabapplebread · 2 years
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this chapter picture(?) sure reminds me of the new movie's draft poster
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bruh the organization should focus on employing safer password techniques than making puns. this would be a whole other story if the password was just a string of randon letters and numbers or smth lol
Vol. 24, Ch. 241
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ok so gin shot her like 5 times then shot himself in response to getting tranquilized by conan's watch??? he's crazier than i remember lmao
Vol. 24, Ch. 242
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daily-suna · 4 years
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hinata in the first panel.....
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makeste · 3 years
What I don't get is where does the arc switch leave Heroes Rising in the timeline? Bc as it is in the manga, the movie takes place between the MVA and the work study with Endeavor. Nine had a cameo in the MVA and after the interview training they just adapted we have the meeting where they reference the program from Heroes Rising. But Heroes Rising spoils the MVA with certain details, so with this switching, does this mean Heroes Rising goes after the 3rd movie in the timeline? It's confusing.
the thing to understand about it is that the order of events is not being changed at all. the only thing that changes is the order in which we get to see the events. so in the current anime timeline, MVA has already happened. and eventually when we finally get to that arc, the entire thing will technically be a very long flashback (which in fact was partially the case in the manga as well).
here's the rough timeline really quick lol it's never quick but it's as thorough as I could make it without going overboard. this is in chronological order:
late October (end of ch. 219) - the LoV encounters Gigantomachia in the mountains and are then teleported to Ujiko's lab. Ujiko sends Tomura on a quest to prove his worth by getting Machia to submit to him. Dabi begins his courtship with Hawks. the rest of the LoV goes back to the mountains to battle Machia for another month and a half.
end of November (ch. 184) - the Pro Hero arc takes place. Endeavor battles the High End in Fukuoka. Hawks continues his courtship of Dabi.
three days after the end of the Pro Hero arc (end of ch. 192) - Deku has his dream about OFA and AFO. the next day the Joint Training arc takes place. Shinsou is accepted into the hero course. Deku awakens Blackwhip.
early December (ch. 218) - Bakugou and Shouto pass their exam and get their Provisional Licenses. on their way home they encounter Soda Sam and kick his ass and become famous.
early December, same day as the Soda Sam fight (mid ch. 219) - Re-Destro kidnaps Giran and starts leaving lil bits of his hand around in places as a message to the LoV.
early-to-mid December (eventually shown as a flashback in ch. 231) - Dabi decides to give Hawks one more test. Hawks meets up with Jeanist and tells him about this wacky idea he has to fake-kill him and present his "body" to Dabi. Jeanist is all "lmao sure why not."
mid December (ch. 223) - Re-Destro calls the LoV and stupidly invites them to a death battle in Deika City. Tomura and the LoV are all "okay" and go to Deika City and kick RD's ass in what becomes known as "the Deika City incident", which the public doesn't know much about. the PLF is formed, and Hawks is inducted into its ranks.
some nebulous period during early-to-late December (Heroes Rising) - the Hero Work Recommendation Project takes place. the class 1-A kids go to Nabu Island for a couple of weeks. Ujiko finishes upgrading Nine, and Nine and his gang head off to try and take over the world, and promptly get their asses kicked by a bunch of high schoolers. Tomura then kills Nine because lol fuck him.
late December (ch. 241) - Bakugou and Shouto wind down their press tour. Mt. Lady visits U.A. to teach the kids how not to suck at interviews. the kids have their Christmas party on December 24th. Shouto invites Bakugou and Deku to come intern with him at Endeavor's Agency (ch 242).
New Year's Eve (ch. 243) - the kids visit their parents' homes for one night.
New Year's Day (also ch. 243) - the kids begin their internships.
first week of January (ch. 243 through 252) - the Endeavor Agency arc takes place. Hawks warns Endeavor that the enemy is 100,000 strong and will be invincible if they don't stop them in the next four months. Endeavor begins training the trio. Shouto invites Bakugou and Deku to dinner at his house. Ending attacks Natsuo. Deku figures out Blackwhip. 
early January, immediately following the EA arc (ch. 253 through 257) - the kids head back to U.A., but continue their internships alongside their classes. Ujiko puts Tomura in a vat for safekeeping. Aizawa and Mic visit Shiragiri in Tartarus. the HPSC calls Hawks and tells him to start investigating hospitals.
literally any time between January and the end of March - movie 3 takes place.
end of March (ch. 258) - the War arc begins.
so basically the anime right now is jumping ahead to late December and then early January to finish up the EA arc. and once that's done, we'll flash back all the way to October, and then jump ahead once more to mid-December for the conclusion of MVA. and once that's finished up we'll jump back to the students, at which point we will be entirely caught up with everything on both the students' and villains' sides. I think the season is still most likely to end on the "on that day all the heroes disappeared" cliffhanger from chapter 257 (though it wouldn't surprise me if they literally jump ahead from the end of MVA straight to that, and skip the Shirakumo stuff and then go back and show it at the beginning of next season). so yeah. a lot of bouncing around, lol, but it all makes sense in the end.
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B1 (CH 1-12): Mount Yujun (Bride)
B1 (CH 13-29): Ban Yue Arc
B1 (CH 30-44): Ghost City, Gambler's Den Arc
B1 (CH 45-57): Fang Xin Goushi Arc
B2 (CH 58-68): Pre-Ascension Arc
B2 (CH 69-76): Post-Ascension, Pre-War Arc
B2 (CH 77-88): YongAn Rebellion & Fall of XianLe Arc
B3 (CH 89-92): Mid-Autumn Banquet Arc
B3 (CH 93-101): Fetus Spirit Arc
B3 (CH 102-125): Black Water Arc
B3 (CH 126-132): Brocade Immortal Arc
B3 (CH 133-140): Rogue Cultivators, Haunted Inn, and Pre-Tong'lu Arc
B3 (CH 141-180): Mount Tong'lu Arc
B4 (CH 181-189): Second Banishment Arc
B4 (CH 190-198): The White-Clothed Calamity Arc
B5 (CH 199-207): Post-Tong'lu Arc
B5 (CH 208-220): Heavenly Court Arc
B5 (CH 221-228): Reunion & Battle in the Skies Arc
B5 (CH 229-234): WuYong Arc
B5 (CH 235-241): Final Battle Arc
B5 (CH 242-244): Ending
(CH 245): Yuanxiao Jie
(CH 246-249): Amnesia Adventures
(CH 250): Ghost King's Bedtime Story
(CH 251): Cave of Ten Thousand Gods/Statues
(CH 252): The Ghost King's Birthday
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artloife · 4 years
Skip Beat Timeline
As some of the rest of you are ALSO preparing for KyokoxRen Week 2020, here’s a rundown on the recent timeline of Skip Beat and KyokoxRen development.
Point the First!
The month of April has lasted in real-time FOR OVER SIX YEARS and it’s still not May yet. It’s lasted, so far, for 81 chapters. Did you get Skip Beat Exhaustion in the past six years?? Gee...I just dunno why.... (Honestly Sensei....how...how do you even do that? It’s amazing)
Timeline under the cut! 
Dates and Chapter Numbers bolded for convenience 
April 4th -Kuon kisses Kyoko in Guam (ch211) and tells her he loves her
April 11
Kyoko sees her mother and they discuss Kyoko's father after Kyoko saw both Shotaro and Ren the night before after her mother’s TV interview. (the kissing picture taken at 1:56 on 4.11 as referenced later)
After seeing her mother, Kyoko and Kanae meet up for the Lotus in the Mire talk, so Kyoko can get the lowdown on the character audition and whathaveyou. Kyoko sees Ren and Yashiro again that same evening, before Ren returns to Guam
the day after she sees her mother (the day is 4.12 as is seen on Kanae's phone in ch238), Kyoko sees Shotaro and tells him to back off, and that she's talked with both her mom, and his parents and she's gonna do what she wants yooo! TO REITERATE: Shotaro plants one on Kyoko, two days later, she does all that, lmaaao. You cray cray gurl.
Kyoko begins Momiji prep the next day
ch. 240 states that it's a month after White Day. So there's at leeeeaast a three day span of time between this chapter and ch238 but I believe it may be a little more, bc Kyoko's stage combat practice began, and she also met with Erika Koenji, and also did research on Morizumi and each of those occurrences happened on different days. In this chapter she also receives her White Day gift from Yashiro and Yashiro begins his stint as her temporary manager and says he'll do so for two weeks, until Ren returns from Guam
(RELEVANT LATER TO PUT THIS HERE: CH. 266.5 is when Kyoko receives the envelope postmarked 3.13, and it's referred to in this special chapter as having been received a month later by Kyoko (Mid April at the earliest, though it's far more probable that it was at the end of April, due to the following clues)
Eight days after that, (eight days into Yashiro's temp managing) in ch 241, Kyoko comes across Momose Itsumi and it's indicated then that Kyoko has yet to receive the WD gift from Ren. This would then be, at the very least, April 23rd
(Momiji Audition begins ch. 242, Kyoko is officially given the role of Momiji in ch256) 
As of ch245, We see Yashiro's phone and a text from Ren saying he's back 2 days early from Guam. So, if we take the factual date from ch238, of it being 4.12 when he left, and being gone for two weeks, and coming back 2 days early, it'd be 4.24, which is consistent with ch241, BUT Ren's phone in ch246 says 4.26, which is inconsistent with his leaving time, BUT we then do know the date of the Momiji audition and the 'when' of the events that take place that day. 
4.26 is a day that includes the following:
Momiji Audition
Ren's return to Japan 
Ren's discussion with Lory about the picture taken on 4.11 by that paparazzi
Kyoko being confronted by Koga about her feelings for Ren
Morizumi hears this convo, and weaves the first of her lies to unsettle Kyoko
Kyoko, on this day, at this point, IS STILL UNAWARE OF REN'S WD GIFT
In between audition segments, in an effort to avoid explaining the truth about her feelings for Ren, Kyoko lies to Kanae about the Morizumi-Ren connection and why it would be upsetting her
Morizumi withdraws from the audition, and Erika gets suspicious and sticks around, and sets a trap for Morizumi, which goes off when Morizumi and her manager try to throw Kyoko over a rail of the building while they've got her drugged
Ren and Kijima reunite and go get a drink and are joined by Kana at some point while at the bar
Kanae is offered another position by Producer Kuresaki that, from all context clues gathered so far, is an American production also involving Cedric D Bennet and Mr. Duris
Kana kisses Ren
Kanae and Kyoko talk about their offers, and Yashiro notifies Ren about Kyoko getting Momiji
Yashiro is still taking Kyoko around as temp manager, and Ren and her share a ride on 4.27 while Yashiro drives. Also in this chapter is the clue that the Darumaya Master is now remembering the letter he put in his safe a month and a half ago. 
4.27 includes:
that drive 
that clue
the Ren, Kyoko, Yashiro lunch
Ren giving Kyoko the dandelion ring and her calling him despicable 
Ren attempts to hold back his questions about the ShoxKyoko kiss paparazzi photo, (and that lasts until he sees them next morning at the Darumaya and they fight during the morning car ride) 
Kyoko meets Koga and others on the Lotus set
Kuresaki learns that Kyoko's combat instructor of the famous Uesugis and it's a guy he fanbois over
Kanae and Uesugi talk about her role some more
Kyoko saves her dandelion ring
another clue about the Darumaya Master keeping something in his safe
the dawn of a new day comes in ch266, April 28th, when Ren and Yashiro catch sight of Shotaro and Kyoko outside the Darumaya
In ch267, we get the reference to April 11, 1:56 am, the night of the second Sho and Kyoko kiss, which was the same night Kyoko saw that interview with her mom and also met Ren his one brief night back from Guam
Ren and Kyoko fight about that
Koga and Kyoko meet again after that
Later that night, Kyoko decides to not return Ren's text or call
In chapter 270, it's another new day, Kyoko's phone shows the date of 4.29, and this is the day after Kyoko and Ren fight in the car about that second kiss because he also saw Sho meeting Kyoko that same morning at the Darumaya
4.29 ALSO includes:
the magazine release of the RenxKana kiss, the reaction people had to its broadcast at the Lotus Set, Kyoko and Ren meeting at LME where Lory, Yashiro, and Kanae also witness Kyoko fleeing from him. 
the convo between Kyoko and Kanae about Cedric D Bennet and Mr. Duris, and Kanae auditioning for an American role in a production that involves both those individuals (Mr. Duris is 'Uncle Tiger from the Grateful Party, and Kuon's grandfather in American show business, and we learn this from Lory's convo on the phone with him that same day. He is also the 'Father of Champions' that Chiori mentioned ages ago) 
It also includes the Kyoko and Kanae talking about the Morizumi-love interest-Kana confusion in regards to Ren, and about Kanae learning English with help from Kyoko
Next Day: April 30, Bo and Ren meet (ch274) and talk about the Kana thing and the truth of his actual feelings. Kyoko and Ren meet almost immediately after that convo (ch277) in the building lobby. Kyoko flees again. Ren gives chase to the elevator 
They exit elevator and continue convo in a dressing room
Another mention of Cedric D Bennet and an American production
Ren actually openly voices his jealousy during this convo: PROGRESS. So does Kyoko!! DOUBLE PROGRESS
Ren and Kyoko are actually as honest as they can be about how they feel for each other: AMAZING
GIFTGIVING TAKE TWO: his own pendant this time instead of a dandelion ring like three days prior
1. Ren/Kuon will almost ALWAYS act upon his love for Kyoko as a consequence of something Shotaro does that (may or may not) show affection for Kyoko. 
Shotaro may be a plot device for the otherwise-and-previously-not-well-motivated female lead Kyoko (the inciting incident of the story in fact, tho she moves past it). BUT HE IS ALSO THIS FOR OUR SLOW-TO-ACT-ON-LOVE MALE LEAD REN LMMAAAAOO.  
Previous Examples:
 ‘Suddenly a Love Story’ Arc, ch.79-99 In which Ren behaves differently after seeing the Fuwa PV and getting caught up with the Beagle/Fuwa mess because they drag Kyoko into it. We see the first hints of ‘Kuon’ in this arc, hot on the heels of the implications of the ‘HoneyTrap’ practice arc.
The action Shotaro takes in ch145 for a Valentine's Day present, causes a five-chapter long mini-arc as Ren dares to be bolder with Kyoko in response, but winds up walking it back because he wanted to be considerate of where her state of mind was at the time. 
-Shotaro's behavior after the Dark Moon Wrap Party towards Kyoko, and his attitude towards Ren in that parking lot after Ren sees him and Kyoko together(ch190), directly causes the consequences shown between chapters 191-211, starting from when Ren breaks character in the Heels hotel room, all the way up until ch211 when Kuon finally says i do what i want, and lays one on Kyoko in Guam after he tells her he loves her.
2. BO, the CHICKEN CHARACTER THAT IS ALSO KYOKO can also SERIOUSLY motivate Ren. Ren was only truthful with himself about how deeply he felt about Kyoko during the Katsuki arc because BO pressed him to be. THIS ALSO HAPPENS HERE!! IT'S BO THAT TOLD HIM TO JUST SPEAK PLAINLY AND CLEAR UP ANY MISUNDERSTANDINGS. Kyoko didn't know it at the time, BUT SHE VIBE-CHECKED HERSELF WHEN SHE TOLD REN TO FACE IT HEAD-ON I CAN'T WITH THIS GUUURL
3. Also of interest, and relating to the above mentioned points, KIJIMA is also an instigator that applies to the most recent arc with him needling Ren about a teenager getting to Kyoko, and was there at the bar for DRAMATIC IRONY AT ITS FINEST, right before Kana laid one on Ren. He was also an instigator with the Dark Moon Wrap Party, and the Heels arc that led to the hotel room scene, because he’d been texting Kyoko the same day Ren saw Kyoko and Sho arrive together at TBM (chapters of the 180s to the 190s). Sho, Reino, Kijima, AND BO, can all motivate Ren in SUPER INTERESTING AND MULTI-FACETED WAYS!!!
4. Kyoko seriously fixated on Morizumi being the real love interest of Ren's. It took up sooooo many chapters you guys. It took up like... Thirty freaking chapters and two years of time in reality. To this DAY I can't believe that became such a fixation. Erika was so, so clear that Morizumi was a problem and would do anything to unsettle Kyoko during this audition. And yet, Kyoko never applied that to Morizumi's chatter except to get angry that Morizumi had tossed over Ren for the Cedric guy and had withdrawn from the audition without giving it her all. It could be an indicator of Kyoko’s one-track mind, but it really stretched the suspension of disbelief. 
Kyoko focused on this SO MUCH, that even though ONLY 3 DAYS HAVE PASSED and like... THREE PLUS YEARS IN REAL-TIME, she had completely forgotten they'd argued about Shotaro until REN BROUGHT IT UP! But damn do I love the parallel that BOTH Kyoko and Ren actually believed that Morizumi and Shotaro were 'actual' threats to the love they felt for each other. It's downright ridiculous and they are entire whole dumbasses. 
However... Kyoko's temperament about Ren and 'love' has been shaky since... The 190s chapters. This seemed like a deep dive of a spiral, leading to this 'Disaster Landfall' for sure. She'd been going around and around in circles about this 'highschooler', probably in an effort to make herself believe that it wasn't her, Kyoko, that was his target-though all evidence was showing otherwise. I mean, for heavenssake, she'd had thoughts back in the 90s chapters right before Karuizawa and right after the Katsuki Test, where her instinctual insight was telling her he was giving her preferential treatment, and she kept denying how that made her feel and ALSO DIDN'T EVEN VOICE IT OUT LOUD until ch. 201.
5. Sensei has a way of bringing drama in during the 70s/80s/90s counts of her chapters lol. I wonder what 280 to the 290s will bring.
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thecrenellations · 4 years
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Thick as Thieves Undead-Blog, Part Two | when your liveblog wakes up to drink some broth then goes back to sleep smiling because it trusts you | my notes from reading the book for the first time, Spring 2017
Format: Page number. My ridiculous thoughts (Context???)
Part One
Chapters 6-13:
Ch. 6 - Very intense chapter in which Kamet and Costis are captured by the slavers and escape
163. Costis <3 Muscles Good looking! (wow what a way to start this post)
one hot piece of attolian manflesh ... confirmed (people would call him this on LJ! I forgot about it for several years until reading this passage)
164. omg earring swallowed!
166. amanuensis? (perennial thanks to mwt for all the vocab words)
168. shit. severed hand.
172. wtf Costis don’t kill him
173. how do you silently kill someone like that?
174. wow fuck
men dead not even breathing hard. (compare to KoA assassination)
Everyone is a monster!
176. Thieves.
Ch. 7 - Lots of good conversation, potentially symbolic animals, and a surprise Eugenides
183. Grt scene (apologies)
184. now who’s asking rude questions? (about killing people)
186. lying to him <3
ok! unreliable narrator!
wait i thought they didn’t have slaves in Attolia?!
187. “I was unappreciated” ... I’m always lonely
so cute
188. me when mwt writes: what is this blatant unabashed fanservice?
189. Onarkus =/= Sandy?
190. okaaay #confirmed Gen!
195. he caught a snake (associated with a certain king and assumed bootboy “you viper” “you are a poisonous little snake” ... another ominous dead animal)
Is Costis’s earring for Eugenides (I was thinking of the god!)
196. a goat and a snake .... how poetic
Costis stalks goat ...
197. hmmm.... goat and hand and last trace of Nahuseresh (OMINOUS)
does Irene know her husband was a bootboy?
203. no this what? (“trouble with a maid” story exchange)
204. he was prepared to run away??
how old was he?
well this is a lot to chew on
205. K using past tense for N
C asking about slaves killed after emperor’s death... does he know?
Ch. 8 - This road trip was going great until SOMEONE fell in a well
208. Are Taymets taller than Eddisian mountains?
210. time passing, broad and focused
212. MY Attolian
classic minor mwt characters
215. singing Costis???
216. swearing gimme a break
please don’t let the Namreen kill them later...
217. Kamet says very little of what HE did/his interactions w them!
218. wot nice cut! (“Eleven days later...”)
219. “water finds a way” a saying from Eddis? how does C know that? also brings to mind QoA weather passages
Why doesn’t Kamet ask/wonder WHY Gen wants him?
223. They’re gonna do it? They’re gonna make it? So close!
224. does Eddis have comparable irrigation engineering?
227. NO!
228. u idiot you meant to leave him before!!!
at least look in the freaking well!!!
229. Kamet’s Face! wow he’s really in shock (at weapons shop)
230. SUCH FAMILIAR PHRASING! birds :( (I was caught up in the birds and completely missed the spilled wine!)
Ch. 9 - Retrieving Costis from the well, Ennikar appears again
231. “You’re certain he’s dead?” nice CUT
this time i heard him say?
was he talking?
232. thoughtfully tensing his lower lip?
who tf is this guy - another god?
mm grr I’m Kamet I have no friends
ok so he’s what’s his face Enkidu?
heroes walk the streets
234. AAH why
say his fricking name?!
god you’re so bad @ this
236. THIEF
238. omg so good flour!
239. OMG Costis. Nice. (Costis tries the Gen method of deflecting concern)
241. “as if we were close friends traveling together???”
242. Costis ... knows a hero when he sees one?
But ... delighted? not horrified?
Ch. 10 - Hanging out with Godekker
247. SO MANY HELPFUL STRONG MEN (Enter Godekker)
253. god so snarky
254. Kamet’s chops
fuck how is this book going to end???
256. You’ll never feel safe ... Gen + Relius’s fears?
258. Fuh!
259. Ok do i have hope?
he doesn’t have Tethys lesions does he?
263. aahhhh
Costis trusts him!!!! <3
264. Noli? where did he get that from?
265. yeah u did tell Godekker your name!
wtf is this god advice!
268. The So, so, so count in this book is OUT OF CONTROL!!! It may be a record.
Ch. 11 - Kamet’s stressful voyage
270. Lol Sophos is better @ assuming Attolian ships are there...
272. yesssss earring GOOD
274. yeah sure Kamet you still haven’t left!
I did not want to leave the Attolian!
276. watching Costis
277. my heart’s gonna break don’t leave, Kamet!
278. “as if the gods had cursed my wandering feet” nice. also iambic pentameter
also laying it on a bit thick there
280. Sea in the Middle of the World!
he’s so scared though. :(
the fuckin nerve!
Costis + Gen and their s3cr3t sign
281. nooooo it’s ok to lie, it’s endearing in this world!
also Costis seriously why do you think he would be ok w/ this!
I’m coming home! (to Attolia. In cursive, see image at top of post.)
282. war?
Ch. 12 - Dramatic times in Attolia
284. “I thought we were I + E” :o
shit where is his honor now (”I would have let you go”)
285. hey there Teleus...
my heart
285. yeah but C probs knows all those guards ... he thought punching Gen was the most embarrassed he’d been... (in retrospect, I don’t think he was embarrassed AT ALL during this scene. Costis fight mode was activated.)
yeah I mean she has given us the Magus all this time! (reflecting on the fact that Costis’s name has yet to appear)
286. Yesss angry Costis poking Teleus!
This is Something to imagine
287. THIS IS REALLY BAD (”the queen”)
holy shit
when is this???
she’s not THAT old!
288. THE room? (“filled with all the horrors I had fled in Ianna-Ir”)
289. 298 pages until this! (“Costis”)
289. Please stay alive Irene!
On some level I do feel that my childhood is ruined w the confirmation they banged. :( Gen is like 20! (Listen. I love them. I'm very happy for them. This is not exactly breaking news. 20-year-olds, and this one in particular, can obviously do anything they want. This note brought to you by me being Too Ace For This and having been both younger and older than him since first reading the books a very long time ago...)
292. Gggennn
293. Is this court respect a recent development? WHAT DID I MISS? (they watched him fight the entire guard, is what, c’mon me. Costis hit him on the head with an amphora.)
yeah we get it people underestimate Eugenides
294. is this Annux by any chance?
Boys ur making a scene!
King of Attolia vs of Attolians?
295. very ... dramatic
this is ... a private convo?
297. yup he’s Eddis’s best stalker!
Ch. 13 - Everything else that happens in this book!
298. “Do they know?” yeah wtf Gen
it’s like the new “and every1 was naked” (in KoA)
“and every1 was watching”
300. Gen: Yo Helen can u bring me that one coin?
Helen: sure. no prob
301. “Poor Costis”
yeah Melheret always sneaks up
302. “You’ve come from the prisons, not how an honored guest is usually received” UM ACTUALLY...
305. Kamet.... (crying in his room)
306.��“the kind of Attolia sitting on the footboard” oh my god yeah classic
307. Irene comes thru with the stats
Was Kamet at the battle at Ephrata?
310. talk with the kitchen staff good god i would like to know. So bizarre.
lol toting around an ambassador all nite? What would Teleus say?
while Irene’s sick ...
WTF will Costis do now?
312. names ... Kamet ... Ormentiedes? 
Creeeeeeeeepy Relius (probably about “there are some questions you might answer for us” but possibly about the cutting up and feeding to wolves comment)
314. business arrangement uh sure
Yeah ok write it all down
316. talking to Costis?
(a note: the version I read was an advance reader copy, and the only major difference was that it did NOT include the scene with “the young Erondites”)
318. Attolia smiled at him!
anything worth doing is worth overdoing lol
319. alternate readings of poem?
322. orange trees!
324. sent Onarkus away RECENTLY???
Is Brinna Sandy!
Cooks r weird (thinking about the entry for cooks in the Tough Guide to Fantasyland)
326. the magus!
an ACHING void
oh I know I’ll just GO!
poor Gen can’t have any friends...
331. they have duffles in Attolia
and with Attolian duffles, the story ends! Thanks for reading, feedback is welcome. I promise I have more developed thoughts about this book. For another weird journey, listen to my Thick as Thieves playlist, maybe.
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International hotlines
Some people feel more comfortable when they talk to a person irl, but without any commitment (like emotional etc). That’s why I decided to look up and list some of suicide hotlines so whoever needed that information, here it is (they are not in alphabetical order). 
P.S. please feel free to drop a word in my dms we can just chat for a while or you can rant about anything just letting y’all know
BEFRIENDERS WORLDWIDE --> www.befriendersworldwide.org/n...
IMAlive --> www.imalive.com
Kristen Brooks Hope Center 1-800-784-2433
Lifelibe Crisis Chat --> www.crisischat.org/chat
The Samaritans (UK) --> www.samaritans.org/branches
The Trevor Project (LGBTQ Youth) --> hotline: 866-488-7386 chat: www.thetrevorproject.org/chat
Youth America Hotline 877-968-8454
Grad Student Crisis Line 1-800-472-3457
 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA: 080 05 03 05
BOTSWANA: 3911270
EGYPT: 7621602
FINLAND: 010 195 202
ITALY: 800860022
PHILIPPINES: 028969191
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1 800 273 TALK (8255)
1 866 488 7386
Crisis Text Line
http://www.facebook.com/crisis... (support through chat)
SMS: Text "HERE" to 741-741
Kids Help Phone (for youth under 20)
1-800-668-6868 FREE
For youth older than 20, find a crisis center that serves your area
Helpline First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness
1-855-242-3310 (24h, free of charge)
5147234000 (Montreal), 18662773553 (outside Montreal)
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide
0800 068 41 41 (Monday-Friday at 10:00 - 22:00, weekends at 14:00 - 22:00 and holidays at 14:00 - 22:00)
SMS: 07786 209 697
116 123
Pieta House - Suicide and self-harming prevention center
1800 247 247 (24h free helpline)
SMS: Text HELP to 51444 (standard message rates apply)
Jigsaw – National center for youth mental health
01-4727 010
https://chat.telefonseelsorge.... (support through chat)
0800 111 0 111
0800 111 0 222
Nummer gegen Kummer
0800 111 0 333 (for teenagers)
Hablemos de Todo
Lifeline Australia
13 11 14
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
Headspace (for ages 12-25)
http://bb.org.au/1lmergR (send email at any time or talk through a chat from 15:00 till midnight, Australian time)
1300 22 4636
Rat auf Draht
Centrum Ter Preventie Van Zelfdoding
Centre de Prévention du Suicide
0800 32 123
http://www.cvv.org.br/chat.php (support through chat)
Национален център за безопасен интернет (Bulgaria internet safety center)
Национална телефонна линия за деца (national help hotline for youth)
116 111
Todo Mejora
https://todomejora.org/apoyo/ (support through email or chat)
HRABRI Telefon (for teenagers)
116 111 (Monday- Friday, 9:00 - 20:00)
Linka bezpečí
116 111
Pražská linka důvěry
222 580 697
Linka důvěry Ostrava
596 618 908
737 267 939
Linka duševní tísně Most
476 701 444 (9:00 - 21:00)
Skype: ldt.most
Linka důvěry DKC
241 484 149
Skype: ld_dkc
70 201 201 (every day 11:00-23:00)
116 111 (every day 11:00-23:00)
MTÜ Peaasjad
http://peaasi.ee/kysi-noustaja... (online consulting service)
Suomen Mielenterveysseura
010 195 202
S.O.S Amitié
09 72 39 40 50
Net Ecoute (for teenagers)
0 800 200 000
Step To Life Foundation
Κέντρο πρόληψης της αυτοκτονίας "Κλίμακα ΜΚΟ"
Χαμόγελο (για εφήβους κάτω των 18)
The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong (香港撒瑪利亞防��自殺會)
2389 2222
The Samaritans Hong Kong (香港撒瑪利亞會)
2896 0000
116 123
Kek Vonal
1717 (24/7)
http://www.sahar.org.il (in Jewish)
http://www.sahar.org.il/?categoryId=63068 (in Arabian)
Telefono Azzurro (for tenagers under 18)
http://consulenzaonline.azzurr... (support throuugh chat)
Telefono Amico
199 284 284
Suicide revention center for Tokyo(東京自殺防止センター)
03-5286-9090 open all year at 20:00 - 6:00 / (only Tueasdays) at 17:00 - 6:00)
0570-783-556 (Navi dial service at 10:00 - 22:00)
Befrienders Kenya
https://www.befrienderskenya.o... (support through chat)
Call or SMS +254 722178177 (7:00 - 21:00)
Call or SMS +254 736542304 (7:00 - 21:00)
371 67222922 (9:00 - 17:00)
371 27722292 (9:00 - 17:00)
Lithuanian Association of Emotional Support Lines
Vaikų linija (support line for youth)
116 111 (11:00 -21:00)
Jaunimo linija (support line for youth)
8 800 28888
Vilties linija (hope hotline)
116 123
8 800 66366 (10:00 - 21:00)
Linija Doverija (Support line)
8 800 77277 (Monday-Friday , 16:00-20:00)
SOS Détresse – Hëllef iwwer Telefon
116 111
Instituto Hispanoamericano de Suicidologia, A.C
+5255 46313300
0900-0113 (free, anonymous 24h hotline)
Support hotline for depression
0800 111 757
The Lowdown
SMS: 5626
0800 376 633
SMS: 234
Suicie prevention hotline Lifeline Aotearoas
0508 828 865
Nigeria Suicide Prevention Initiative - NSPI
+234 (0)809210643
Kirkens SOS
http://www.soschat.no/chat (support through chat)
224 00 040 (11:00 - 23:00)
Mental Helse Hjelpetelefonen
116 123
http://www.sidetmedord.no (support through chat)
ROS –Rådgivning om spiseforstyrrelser
http://www.facebook.com/nettro... (support through chat)
948 17 818
Telefon Zaufania dla Dzieci i Młodzieży (for children and youth)
http://www.116111.pl/napisz (support through chat)
116 111
21 354 45 45 (16:00 - 24:00)
91 280 26 69 (16:00 - 24:00)
96 352 46 60 (16:00 - 24:00)
Alianta Romana de Preventie a Suicidului
0800801200 (at 7:00 - 19:00)
ROCIT (for youth)
Your Territory (for youth below the age of 23)
8 800 2000 122
Centar Srce
0800 300 303
Samaritans of Singapore (新加坡援人協會)
1800 221 4444
Linka detskej istoty (24h support line for children and youth under 18)
http://www.ldi.sk (support through chat at 19:00 - 23:00)
116 000
Linka detskej dôvery
https://www.linkadeti.sk/linka... (support through chat)
055/234 72 72
Skype: linkadeti
02/638 15592
0907 404 291
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
0800 567 567
0800 70 80 90
0800 12 13 14
SMS: 31393
중앙자살예방센터 (Suicide prevention call center for Korea)
+82 2-2203-0053
보건복지부 보건복지콜센터 (Ministry of Education and Child Services' Call Center)
129 (24시간 위기상담 / 24h support)
정신건강증진센터 정신건강위기상담전화 (Mental health crisis consulting )
1577-0199 (24시간 위기상담 / 24h support)
Teléfono de la Esperanza
717 003 717
Tel 143
Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center (台灣自殺防治中心)
0800 788 995
Samaritans Thailand
(02) 713-6793 (Bangkok), 12:00 - 22:00
Ла Страда-Украина (La Strada Ukraine)
0 800 500 335
National hotline for underage (Monday-Friday 12:00 - 20:00, Saturday 12:00 - 16:00)
0 800 500 225
116 111
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That will be my last post with information everyone so take care of yourselves, take your meds and remember; life is all we truly have so enjoy it as much as you possibly can :)))
“List of International Suicide Hotlines.” International Bipolar Foundation, ibpf.org/resource/list-international-suicide-hotlines.
‘Χρειάζομαι Μια Γραμμή Βοήθειας Για Την Αποτροπή Αυτοκτονιών Για Μένα ή Για Έναν Φίλο’, el-gr.facebook.com/help/103883219702654
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thisurlplease · 7 years
GH Volume 1 Case Notes
A Timeline of the Events of Case 1. SPOILERS for Volume 1, Are There Really Lots of Evil Spirits!?
“We’ve been in school half a month...” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Ch 1.2, Pg 33
In Japan, the beginning of the school year starts in early April. According to Mai, they’ve been in school for half a month. This puts the timeline of the first case somewhere in Mid-April.
Case 1, Mid-April:
  Wed, Day 1 - Prologue
“At the moment, it’s raining outside.” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Pro, Pg 8
Mai and friends tell ghost stories in the A/V lab
Mai and friends meet Shibuya Kazuya
  Thu, Day 2 - Chapter 1 & 2
“The weather on the following day was lovely...” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Ch 1.1, Pg 23
Mai is startled by Lin in the old school building and causes one or more shoe shelves to fall over
Lin is injured
Shibuya pressures Mai into helping with his investigation since Lin is unable to walk
Shibuya and Mai begin the initial setup
Mai gives Shibuya the nickname ‘Naru’
  Fri, Day 3 - Chapter 3
“It’s Friday, the weekend is almost here, and the weather is beautiful.” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Ch 3.1, Pg 69
Introduction of Matsuzaki Ayako, Takigawa Houshou, John Brown, and Hara Masako
Ayako gets trapped in the classroom at the end of the first floor western corridor
  Sat, Day 4 - Chapter 4 & 5
“Umm… tomorrow is Saturday, though.” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Ch 3.4, Pg 112
Kuroda says she was attacked, but the video was mysteriously erased
Ayako performs an exorcism
The entrance window shatters and a chair moves in the second floor western classroom
Masako falls from the second floor western classroom
John performs an exorcism 
The roof of the second floor western classroom caves in
  Sun, Day 5 - Chapter 6 & 7
“Early morning? It’s already past eleven!” “It’s still before noon…?”  —Taniyama Mai & Shibuya Kazuya, Vol 1 Ch 6.1, Pg 158
Naru explains his theory about ground subsidence
First major poltergeist activity
Naru disappears
Mai gets hit by a shoe shelf and is knocked unconscious
  Mon, Day 6 - Chapter 7 & 8
“What time… is it now?” “Four o’clock. It’ll be dawn soon.” —Taniyama Mai & Takigawa Houshou, Vol 1 Ch 7.4, Pg 193
Mai has a dream about a ‘smiling Naru’, then wakes up at 4 am
The weekend is over, Mai returns to classes
Naru performs suggestion[1] on all currently involved in the case
John and Mai help Naru board up a classroom
  Tue, Day 7 - Chapter 8
“I went to school early the next day.” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Ch 8.4, Pg 211
Lin returns using a cane and films the opening of the boarded up classroom
The chair has moved and Naru explains the cause of the poltergeist
SPR finishes the case and leaves the school
The old school building collapses
  Thu, Day 9? - Epilogue
“A couple of days later, construction began on what little remained of the old school building.” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Ch 8.6, Pg 241
“Beyond the window, scaffolding was set up and the old school building was in the process of being dismantled.” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Epi, Pg 242
Demolition is in progress
Naru calls Mai at school to pay her for helping with the case and offers her a job
  Sat, Day 11? - Not featured in book
“Saturday, the day after tomorrow, then.” —Taniyama Mai, Vol 1 Epi, Pg 249
Mai goes to Shibuya Psychic Research on a Saturday to begin employment
It’s hard to say for sure whether ‘Day 9′ and ‘Day 11′ occurred the same week that the case ended, but it’s certain that Mai went to Shibuya on a Saturday, which she referred to as, “the day after tomorrow,” so that would make the day she received a call from Naru a Thursday.
[1] Naru says suggestion is similar to hypnotism, but not quite the same thing.
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hualianisms · 4 years
hualian + "forever"
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ch 180 // ch 241+242
when he was young, XL had always believed in ppl being together forever, that those who care about you will never willingly part from you. yet MQ left him, and even FX, who had never left XL’s side since they were 14, FX who had promised him “i will never, ever leave you”, rly went and left him too
after that, XL prob stopped believing in “forever”, his belief having taken a huge blow after watching his believers, his friends, his parents, everyone leave him one by one (everyone except HC).
but then HC promises XL “i am forever your most devoted believer”, “i will never leave you” (in chinese, these 2 quotes both have the word "永远"/“forever" in them), and keeps his promise.
HC also sees XL at his worst, lowest point, but unlike everyone else, he doesn’t leave XL, instead defies death again & again to come back to XL. (when HC said “there is no banquet in this world that doesn’t come to an end” in ch 241, he meant that in this world, nothing lasts forever, everything ends - except his love for XL.) and so XL comes to wholeheartedly believe in “forever” again, bc that's what HC promised him.
other than being contrasted with FX & XL, hualian are also contrasted with jian lan & FX’s failed relationship. all the other pairs in tgcf couldn’t create sth that lasts forever, but hualian managed it. forever exists, bc 2 people can achieve it. 
tl;dr hualian invented forever, eternal love
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emperornune · 5 years
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#lgbtq🌈 Civil Rights Violation: Perris Public Library 163 San Jacinto Ave Perris City, California Federal Laws broken: Title 18 : Ch. 13 §241. & §242. RiCO gangland Conspiracy charges; Abuses punishing Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly by Violator ·Tyler Klaas ·Rebecca and co-conspirators - Ceasar Mendoza of La Gare's Coffee, Diego Louise of Winchell's Donuts and Jessica Hanley of Denny's . Theses perpetrators have made discrimination and harassment their purpose against myself and the #homeless in Perris City here. They work near #children !! They are rude and deviant people. (at LAPD Headquarters) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-yk6XliQw/?igshid=13w6bpmgyw8dn
0 notes
jeeteshsurana · 4 years
Country code
<string-array name="CountryCodes" >
 private static final String[] m_Countries = {
    private static final String[] m_Codes = {
 val m_Codes = arrayOf(
0 notes
yyq123 · 5 years
VIM学习笔记 网页开发-输入字符实体(Input Character Entity)
字符实体(Character Entity),也称为转义字符串(Escape Sequence),主要用于在HTML代码中,输入如“<”和“>”等标签关键字,以及如“©”等在ASCII字符集中没有定义的需要转义的特殊符号。当解释程序遇到此类字符串时,将会解释并在网页中显示为真实的字符。
关于字符实体的更多信息,请参考Character Entity Reference。
我在Christian J Robinson开发的HTML插件的基础之上,制作了HTML-Editor插件,通过快捷键和菜单项来提高编写HTML代码的效率,并提供代码模板、色彩选择和网页预览等功能。
:let g:html_map_entity_leader = '\'
您也可以在HTML->Character Entities菜单中选择输入字符实体:
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键   non-breaking space       &<space> " quotation mark = APL quote " " " &' & ampersand & & & && < less-than sign < < < &< > greater-than sign > > > &> ™ trade mark sign ™ ™ ™ &tm ¡ inverted exclamation mark ¡ ¡ ¡ &! ¢ cent sign ¢ ¢ ¢ &c| £ pound sign £ £ £ &# ¥ yen sign = yuan sign ¥ ¥ ¥ &Y= € euro sign € € € &E= ¦ broken vertical bar ¦ ¦ ¦ &bb § section sign § § § &se ¨ diaeresis = spacing diaeresis ¨ ¨ ¨ &_" © copyright sign © © © &cO ® registered trade mark sign ® ® ® &rO µ micro sign µ µ µ &mi ¶ pilcrow sign = paragraph sign ¶ ¶ ¶ &pa · middle dot = Georgian comma · · · &. ¿ inverted/turned question mark ¿ ¿ ¿ &?
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 ← leftwards single arrow ← ← ← &la ↑ upwards single arrow ↑ ↑ ↑ &ua → rightwards single arrow → → → &ra ↓ downwards single arrow ↓ ↓ ↓ &da ↔ left right single arrow ↔ ↔ ↔ &ha ↵ carriage return ↵ ↵ ↵ &cr ⇐ leftwards double arrow ⇐ ⇐ ⇐ &lA ⇑ upwards double arrow ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ &uA ⇒ rightwards double arrow ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ &rA ⇓ downwards double arrow ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ &dA ⇔ left right double arrow ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ &hA
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 – en dash – – – &n- — em dash — — — &m- ‘ left single quotation mark ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ right single quotation mark ’ ’ ’ ‚ single low-9 quotation mark ‚ ‚ ‚ “ left double quotation mark “ “ “ &ld ” right double quotation mark ” ” ” &rd „ double low-9 quotation mark „ „ „ † dagger † † † ‡ double dagger ‡ ‡ ‡ ‰ per mille sign ‰ ‰ ‰ ‹ single left angle quotation mark ‹ ‹ ‹ › single right angle quotation mark › › › • bullet = black small circle • • • &* … horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader … … … &3. « left double angle quotation mark « « « &2< » right double angle quotation mark » » » &2> ′ prime = minutes = feet ′ ′ ′ ″ double prime = seconds = inches ″ ″ ″ ‾ overline = spacing overscore ‾ ‾ ‾ ⁄ fraction slash ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 Α Greek capital letter alpha Α Α Α &Al Β Greek capital letter beta Β Β Β &Be Γ Greek capital letter gamma Γ Γ Γ &Ga Δ Greek capital letter delta Δ Δ Δ &De Ε Greek capital letter epsilon Ε Ε Ε &Ep Ζ Greek capital letter zeta Ζ Ζ Ζ &Ze Η Greek capital letter eta Η Η Η &Et Θ Greek capital letter theta Θ Θ Θ &Th Ι Greek capital letter iota Ι Ι Ι &Io Κ Greek capital letter kappa Κ Κ Κ &Ka Λ Greek capital letter lambda Λ Λ Λ &Lm Μ Greek capital letter mu Μ Μ Μ &Mu Ν Greek capital letter nu Ν Ν Ν &Nu Ξ Greek capital letter xi Ξ Ξ Ξ &Xi Ο Greek capital letter omicron Ο Ο Ο &Oc Π Greek capital letter pi Π Π Π &Pi Ρ Greek capital letter rho Ρ Ρ Ρ &Rh Σ Greek capital letter sigma Σ Σ Σ &Si Τ Greek capital letter tau Τ Τ Τ &Ta Υ Greek capital letter upsilon Υ Υ Υ &Up Φ Greek capital letter phi Φ Φ Φ &Ph Χ Greek capital letter chi Χ Χ Χ &Ch Ψ Greek capital letter psi Ψ Ψ Ψ &Ps Ω Greek capital letter omega Ω Ω Ω &Og α Greek small letter alpha α α α &al β Greek small letter beta β β β &be γ Greek small letter gamma γ γ γ &ga δ Greek small letter delta δ δ δ &de ε Greek small letter epsilon ε ε ε &ep ζ Greek small letter zeta ζ ζ ζ &ze η Greek small letter eta η η η &et θ Greek small letter theta θ θ θ &th ι Greek small letter iota ι ι ι &io κ Greek small letter kappa κ κ κ &ka λ Greek small letter lambda λ λ λ &lm μ Greek small letter mu μ μ μ &mu ν Greek small letter nu ν ν ν &nu ξ Greek small letter xi ξ ξ ξ &xi ο Greek small letter omicron ο ο ο &oc π Greek small letter pi π π π &pi ρ Greek small letter rho ρ ρ ρ &rh ς Greek small letter final sigma ς ς ς &sf σ Greek small letter sigma σ σ σ &si τ Greek small letter tau τ τ τ &ta υ Greek small letter upsilon υ υ υ &up φ Greek small letter phi φ φ φ &ph χ Greek small letter chi χ χ χ &ch ψ Greek small letter psi ψ ψ ψ &ps ω Greek small letter omega ω ω ω &og ϑ Greek small letter theta symbol ϑ ϑ ϑ &ts ϒ Greek upsilon with hook symbol ϒ ϒ ϒ &uh ϖ Greek pi symbol ϖ ϖ ϖ &pv
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 Š Latin capital letter S with caron Š Š Š &Sc Ÿ Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ &Y" À Latin capital letter A with grave À À À &A` Á Latin capital letter A with acute Á Á Á &A'  Latin capital letter A with circumflex    &A^ à Latin capital letter A with tilde à à à &A~ Ä Latin capital letter A with diaeresis Ä Ä Ä &A" Å Latin capital letter A with ring above Å Å Å &Ao Æ Latin capital letter AE Æ Æ Æ &AE Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla Ç Ç Ç &C, È Latin capital letter E with grave È È È &E` É Latin capital letter E with acute É É É &E' Ê Latin capital letter E with circumflex Ê Ê Ê &E^ Ë Latin capital letter E with diaeresis Ë Ë Ë &E" Ì Latin capital letter I with grave Ì Ì Ì &I` Í Latin capital letter I with acute Í Í Í &I' Î Latin capital letter I with circumflex Î Î Î &I^ Ï Latin capital letter I with diaeresis Ï Ï Ï &I" Ð Latin capital letter ETH Ð Ð Ð Ñ Latin capital letter N with tilde Ñ Ñ Ñ &N~ Ò Latin capital letter O with grave Ò Ò Ò &O` Ó Latin capital letter O with acute Ó Ó Ó &O' Ô Latin capital letter O with circumflex Ô Ô Ô &O^ Õ Latin capital letter O with tilde Õ Õ Õ &O~ Ö Latin capital letter O with diaeresis Ö Ö Ö &O" Ø Latin capital letter O with stroke Ø Ø Ø &O/ Ù Latin capital letter U with grave Ù Ù Ù &U` Ú Latin capital letter U with acute Ú Ú Ú &U' Û Latin capital letter U with circumflex Û Û Û &U^ Ü Latin capital letter U with diaeresis Ü Ü Ü &U" Ý Latin capital letter Y with acute Ý Ý Ý &Y' Þ Latin capital letter THORN Þ Þ Þ š Latin small letter s with caron š š š &sc ß Latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed ß ß ß &sz à Latin small letter a with grave à à à &a` á Latin small letter a with acute á á á &a' â Latin small letter a with circumflex â â â &a^ ã Latin small letter a with tilde ã ã ã &a~ ä Latin small letter a with diaeresis ä ä ä &a" å Latin small letter a with ring above å å å &ao æ Latin small letter ae æ æ æ &ae ç Latin small letter c with cedilla ç ç ç &c, è Latin small letter e with grave è è è &e` é Latin small letter e with acute é é é &e' ê Latin small letter e with circumflex ê ê ê &e^ ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis ë ë ë &e" ì Latin small letter i with grave ì ì ì &i` í Latin small letter i with acute í í í &i' î Latin small letter i with circumflex î î î &i^ ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis ï ï ï &i" ð Latin small letter eth ð ð ð ñ Latin small letter n with tilde ñ ñ ñ &n~ ò Latin small letter o with grave ò ò ò &o` ó Latin small letter o with acute ó ó ó &o' ô Latin small letter o with circumflex ô ô ô &o^ õ Latin small letter o with tilde õ õ õ &o~ ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis ö ö ö &o" ø Latin small letter o with stroke ø ø ø &o/ ù Latin small letter u with grave ù ù ù &u` ú Latin small letter u with acute ú ú ú &u' û Latin small letter u with circumflex û û û &u^ ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis ü ü ü &u" ý Latin small letter y with acute ý ý ý &y' ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis ÿ ÿ ÿ &y" þ Latin small letter thorn þ þ þ
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 Ⅰ Roman Numeral One Ⅰ Ⅰ &R1 Ⅱ Roman Numeral Two Ⅱ Ⅱ &R2 Ⅲ Roman Numeral Three Ⅲ Ⅲ &R3 Ⅳ Roman Numeral Four Ⅳ Ⅳ &R4 Ⅴ Roman Numeral Five Ⅴ Ⅴ &R5 Ⅵ Roman Numeral Six Ⅵ Ⅵ &R6 Ⅶ Roman Numeral Seven Ⅶ Ⅶ &R7 Ⅷ Roman Numeral Eight Ⅷ Ⅷ &R8 Ⅸ Roman Numeral Nine Ⅸ Ⅸ &R9 Ⅹ Roman Numeral Ten Ⅹ Ⅹ &R10 Ⅺ Roman Numeral Eleven Ⅺ Ⅺ &R11 Ⅻ Roman Numeral Twelve Ⅻ Ⅻ &R12 Ⅼ Roman Numeral Fifty Ⅼ Ⅼ &R50 Ⅽ Roman Numeral One Hundred Ⅽ Ⅽ &R100 Ⅾ Roman Numeral Five Hundred Ⅾ Ⅾ &R500 Ⅿ Roman Numeral One Thousand Ⅿ Ⅿ &R1000 ⅰ Small Roman Numeral One ⅰ ⅰ &r1 ⅱ Small Roman Numeral Two ⅱ ⅱ &r2 ⅲ Small Roman Numeral Three ⅲ ⅲ &r3 ⅳ Small Roman Numeral Four ⅳ ⅳ &r4 ⅴ Small Roman Numeral Five ⅴ ⅴ &r5 ⅵ Small Roman Numeral Six ⅵ ⅵ &r6 ⅶ Small Roman Numeral Seven ⅶ ⅶ &r7 ⅷ Small Roman Numeral Eight ⅷ ⅷ &r8 ⅸ Small Roman Numeral Nine ⅸ ⅸ &r9 ⅹ Small Roman Numeral Ten ⅹ ⅹ &r10 ⅺ Small Roman Numeral Eleven ⅺ ⅺ &r11 ⅻ Small Roman Numeral Twelve ⅻ ⅻ &r12 ⅼ Small Roman Numeral Fifty ⅼ ⅼ &r50 ⅽ Small Roman Numeral One Hundred ⅽ ⅽ &r100 ⅾ Small Roman Numeral Five Hundred ⅾ ⅾ &r500 ⅿ Small Roman Numeral OneThousand ⅿ ⅿ &r1000
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键 ° degree sign ° ° ° &dg ± plus-minus sign ± ± ± &+- × multiplication sign × × × &x ÷ division sign ÷ ÷ ÷ &/ ∼ tilde = varies with = similar to ∼ ∼ ∼ ≅ approximately equal to ≅ ≅ ≅ ≈ almost equal to = asymptotic to ≈ ≈ ≈ ≠ not equal to ≠ ≠ ≠ ≡ identical to ≡ ≡ ≡ ≤ less-than or equal to ≤ ≤ ≤ ≥ greater-than or equal to ≥ ≥ ≥ ⊂ subset of ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ ⊃ superset of ⊃ ⊃ ⊃ ⊄ not a subset of ⊄ ⊄ ⊄ ⊆ subset of or equal to ⊆ ⊆ ⊆ ⊇ superset of or equal to ⊇ ⊇ ⊇ ⊕ circled plus = direct sum ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊗ circled times = vector product ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊥ up tack = orthogonal/perpendicular ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ ⋅ dot operator ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∀ for all ∀ ∀ ∀ ∂ partial differential ∂ ∂ ∂ ∃ there exists ∃ ∃ ∃ ∅ empty set = null set = diameter ∅ ∅ ∅ ∇ nabla = backward difference ∇ ∇ ∇ ∈ element of ∈ ∈ ∈ ∉ not an element of ∉ ∉ ∉ ∋ contains as member ∋ ∋ ∋ ∏ n-ary product = product sign ∏ ∏ ∏ ∑ n-ary sumation ∑ ∑ ∑ − minus sign − − − ∗ asterisk operator ∗ ∗ ∗ √ square root = radical sign √ √ √ ∝ proportional to ∝ ∝ ∝ ∞ infinity ∞ ∞ ∞ ∠ angle ∠ ∠ ∠ ∧ logical and = wedge ∧ ∧ ∧ ∨ logical or = vee ∨ ∨ ∨ ∩ intersection = cap ∩ ∩ ∩ ∪ union = cup ∪ ∪ ∪ ∫ integral ∫ ∫ ∫ ∴ therefore ∴ ∴ ∴ ¹ superscript digit one ¹ ¹ ¹ &1^ ² superscript digit two = squared ² ² ² &2^ ³ superscript digit three = cubed ³ ³ ³ &3^ ƒ Latin small f with hook = function ƒ ƒ ƒ &fn ¼ vulgar fraction one quarter ¼ ¼ ¼ &14 ½ vulgar fraction one half ½ ½ ½ &12 ¾ vulgar fraction three quarters ¾ ¾ ¾ &34 &frac13; vulgar fraction one third (HTML5) &frac13; ⅓ ⅓ &13 &frac23; vulgar fraction two thirds (HTML5) &frac23; ⅔ ⅔ &23 &frac15; vulgar fraction one fifth (HTML5) &frac15; ⅕ ⅕ &15 &frac25; vulgar fraction two fifths (HTML5) &frac25; ⅖ ⅖ &25 &frac35; vulgar fraction three fifths (HTML5) &frac35; ⅗ ⅗ &35 &frac45; vulgar fraction four fifths (HTML5) &frac45; ⅘ ⅘ &45 &frac16; vulgar fraction one sixth (HTML5) &frac16; ⅙ ⅙ &16 &frac56; vulgar fraction five sixths (HTML5) &frac56; ⅚ ⅚ &56 &frac18; vulgar fraction one eigth (HTML5) &frac18; ⅛ ⅛ &18 &frac38; vulgar fraction three eigths (HTML5) &frac38; ⅜ ⅜ &38 &frac58; vulgar fraction five eigths (HTML5) &frac58; ⅝ ⅝ &58 &frac78; vulgar fraction seven eigths (HTML5) &frac78; ⅞ ⅞ &78
字符 描述 Entity Decimal Hex 快捷键   en space         em space         thin space       ‌ zero width non-joiner ‌ ‌ ‌ ‍ zero width joiner ‍ ‍ ‍ ‎ left-to-right mark ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏ right-to-left mark ‏ ‏ ‏ ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent ˆ ˆ ˆ ˜ small tilde ˜ ˜ ˜ ℘ script capital P = Weierstrass p ℘ ℘ ℘ ℑ blackletter capital I = imaginary part ℑ ℑ ℑ ℜ blackletter capital R = real part ℜ ℜ ℜ ℵ alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal ℵ ℵ ℵ ⌈ left ceiling = APL upstile ⌈ ⌈ ⌈ ⌉ right ceiling ⌉ ⌉ ⌉ ⌊ left floor = APL downstile ⌊ ⌊ ⌊ ⌋ right floor ⌋ ⌋ ⌋ 〈 left-pointing angle bracket = bra 〈 〈 〈 〉 right-pointing angle bracket = ket 〉 〉 〉 ◊ lozenge ◊ ◊ ◊ ♠ black spade suit ♠ ♠ ♠ ♣ black club suit = shamrock ♣ ♣ ♣ ♥ black heart suit = valentine ♥ ♥ ♥ ♦ black diamond suit ♦ ♦ ♦
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khamgiodau · 6 years
I. ĐỊNH NGHĨA Phá thai bằng phương pháp hút chân không là phương pháp ch ấm dứt thai nghén bằng cách dùng bơm hút chân không đ ể hút thai trong tử cung từ tuần thứ 6 đến hết tuần thứ 12 II. CHỈ ĐỊNH Phá thai từ tuần thứ 6 đ ến hết tuần thứ 12 III. CHỐNG CHỈ ĐỊNH - Không có chống chỉ định tuyệt đ ối - Thận trọng đ ối với trư ờng hợp đang b ị viêm cấp tính đư ờng sinh dục cần được đi ều trị hoặc chuyển tuyến - Chú ý: không đư ợc làm thủ thuật tại tuyến xã những ca sau: + U xơ t ử cung to + Vết mổ ở tử cung + Sau đ ẻ dưới 6 tháng + Dị dạng đư ờng sinh dục + Các bệnh lý nội – ngoại khoa IV. CHUẨN BỊ 1. Người thực hiện Bác sỹ, y sỹ sản nhi, nữ hộ sinh trung học và cao đ ẳng đư ợc đào t ạo về phá thai bằng phương pháp hú t chân không. Thủ thuật viên và ngư ời phụ rửa tay, mặc áo, đ ội mũ, kh ẩu trang, đeo găng vô khu ẩn và kính bảo vệ mắt. 2. Phương tiện - Bộ dụng cụ hút chân không gồm: Bơm hút m ột van, bơm hút hai van, bơm hút MVA plus, các ống hút và dầu bôi trơn - Hai kẹp sát khuẩn ngoài và trong - Van hoặc mỏ vịt - Kẹp cổ tử cung - Nến nong - Bơm, kim tiêm gây tê t ại cổ tử cung - Bông gạc và dung dịch sát khuẩn - Thuốc giảm đau: Paracetamol 500mg, Ibuprophen 400 mg. Thu ốc gây tê tại chỗ Lidocain 1% hoặc Xylocain 1% thuốc co hồi tử cung, hộp chống choáng. - Bộ dụng cụ kiểm tra mô sau hút - Các phương ti ện xử lý dụng cụ và xử lý chất thải 3. Người bệnh 241 - Hỏi tiền sử về các bệnh nội ngoại khoa - Khám toàn thân - Khám phụ khoa - Làm test thử thai - Siêu âm (nếu cần) - Tính tuổi thai - Tư v ấn - Khách hàng ký cam kết tự nguyện phá thai (dư ới 18 tuổi phải có đơn cam k ết của bố hoặc mẹ hoặc ngư ời giám hộ) - Thai từ 9 đ ến 12 tuần nên chuẩn bị cổ tử cung bằng cách cho ngậm dư ới lư ỡi 400mcg Misoprostol, 3 giờ trước khi làm thủ thuật. V. CÁC BƯ ỚC TIẾN HÀNH - Cho uống thuốc giảm đau và kháng sinh 30 phút trư ớc khi làm thủ thuật - Khám xác đ ịnh kích thư ớc và tư th ế tử cung - Thay găng vô khu ẩn - Sát khuẩn ngoài, trải khăn s ạch dư ới mông - Đặt van, bộc lộ cổ tử cung và sát khuẩn cổ tử cung, âm đ ạo - Kẹp cổ tử cung - Gây tê cạnh cổ tử cung bằng dung dịch Lidocain 1% hoặc dung dịch Xylocain 1% - Đo bu ồng tử cung bằng ống hút - Nong cổ tử cung (nếu cần) - Hút thai - Kiểm tra chất hút - Đánh giá th ủ thuật đã hoàn thành - Có thể đặt dụng cụ tử cung ngay sau khi hút thau nếu đ ảm bảo buồng tử cung sạch, không có chống chỉ định và khách hàng lựa chọn biện pháp này. - Sát khuẩn âm đ ạo cổ tử cung - Gửi xét nghiệm giải phẫu bệnh lý những ca kiểm tra mô không thấy rau thai VI. THEO DÕI VÀ XỬ TRÍ TAI BIẾN 1. Theo dõi - Theo dõi mạch, huyết áp và ra máu âm đ ạo ít nhất 30 phút sau thủ thuật - Kê đơn kháng sinh - Tư v ấn sau thủ thuật - Hẹn khám lại sau hai tuần 2. Tai biến và xử trí - Tai biến sớm: choáng, chảy máu, thủng tử cung, rách cổ tử cung 242 - Tai biến muộn: nhiễm khuẩn, sót thai, sót rau, dính buồng tử cung - Xử trí: + Xử trí theo phác đ ồ cho từng tai biến + Thủng tử cung: nếu lỗ thủng nhỏ, không chảy máu, đ ảm bảo buồng tử cung sạch, cho kháng sinh, thuốc co hồi tử cung, theo dõi toàn trạng. + Nếu lỗ thủng to, có chảy máu trong hoặc chảy máu ra ngoài nhiều kèm theo tổn thương các t ạng trong ổ bụng phải phẫu thuật khâu lỗ thủng, phục hồi tổn thương các t ạng (nếu có) + Rách cổ tử cung : chèn bấc gạc ho ặc khâu vết rách + Nhiễm khuẩn sau hút thai : đi ều trị kháng sinh + Sót rau, sót thai : hút lại buồng TC, đi ều trị kháng sinh +.Bài viếtHÚT THAI ĐẾN 12 TUẦN xuất hiện lần đầu tại website http://khamgiodau.com
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koreannotebook123 · 7 years
Hơn 1000 từ vựng có phiên âm cách đọc. 1.첫사랑 [chót sa rang ] mối tình đầu. 2.월급/ wuol cúp/ tiền lương 3. 실연하다/si ron ha ta/ thất tình 4.잘 되네요/chal tuê nê yồ/ may quá 5.글쎄/kưn sê/ để coi. Để xem lại đã 2. 공 항 [kông-hang] sân bay 3. 국제선 [kucch’êsơn] tuyến bay quốc tế 4. 국내선 [kungnesơn] tuyến bay nội địa 5. 비행기 [pihengghi] máy bay 6. 스튜어디스 [sưthyuơđisư] tiếp viên hàng không 7. 여 권 [yơk’uơn] hộ chiếu 8. 비 자 [pi-cha] visa 9. 항공권 [hanggôngk’uơn] vé máy bay 10. 목적지 [môcch’ơcch’i] địa điểm đến 11. 수속하다 [susôkhađa] làm thủ tục 12. 탑승하다 [thaps’ưng-hađa] lên máy bay 14. 출발하다 [chhulbalhađa] khởi hành 15. 도착하다 [tôchhak hađa] đến 16. 연착하다 [yơnchhakhađa] tới trễ 17. 체류하다 [ch hêryuhađa] ở lại 18. 입국심사 [ipk’ucsimsa] kiểm tra nhập cảnh 19. 신고하다 [sin-gôhađa] khai báo 20. 왕복/편도표 [oangbôc/phyơnđôphyô] vé khứ hồi/vé một chiều 21. 리무진 버스 [limu-chin pơs’ư] xe buýt sân bay 22. 환 전 소 [hoanchơnsô] quầy đổi tiền 23. 수 하 물 [suhamul] hành lý 24. 좌 석 [choasơc] ghế ngồi 6. 택시 [thecs’i] tắc xi 27. 기사 [kisa] tài xế / lái xe 28. 횡단보도 [huêngđanbôđô] chỗ sang đường 29. dành cho người đi bộ 30. 육교 [yuk’yô] cầu vượt 31. 신호등 [sin-hôđưng] đèn giao thông 32. 사거리 [sagơri] ngã tư 33. 보이다 [pôiđa] thấy 34. 방향 [pang-hyang] phương hướng 35. 교통 [kyôthông] giao thông *** 38. 타다 [thađa] đi xe, lên xe 39. 갈아타다 [karathađa] đổi xe 40. 돌아가다 [tôragađa] quay lại 41. 막히다 [makhiđa] tắc (đường) 42. 세우다 [sêuđa] dừng lại 43. 직진 [chicch’in] đi thẳng 44. 우회전 [uhuê-chơn] rẽ phải 45. 좌회전 [choahuê-chơn] rẽ trái 46. 유턴 [yuthơn] quay đầu xe *** 49. 호텔 [hôthêl] khách sạn 50. 체크인 [chhêkhư-in] làm thủ tục nhận phòng 51. 체크아웃 [chhêkhư-aut] làm thủ tục trả phòng 52. 비용 [piyông] chi phí 53. 숙박비 [sucp’acp’i] giá thuê phòng 54. 프런트 [phưrônthư] quầy tiếp tân 55. 객실 [kecs’il] phòng khách 56. 싱글/더블 침대 [singgưl/tơbưl chhimđe] giường đơn/ giường đôi 57. 온돌방 [ônđôlp’ang] phòng có hệ thống 58. sưởi nền *** 61. 레스토랑 [lêsưthôrang] nhà hàng, tiệm ăn 62. 열쇠 [yơls’uê] chìa khóa 63. 귀중품 [kuy-chungphum] đồ có giá trị 64. 예약하다 [yêyakhađa] đặt trước 65. 모닝콜 [mô-ningkhôl] báo thức buổi sáng 66. 청소하다 [chhơngsôhađa] dọn dẹp 67. 세탁하다 [sêthakhađa] giặt giũ 68. 엘리베이터 [êllibêithơ] thang máy 69. 에어컨 [êơkhơn] máy điều hòa *** 72. 식당 [sict’ang] nhà hàng, hiệu ăn 73. 메뉴 [mê-nyu] thực đơn 74. 맛있다 [masit’a] ngon 75. 맛없다 [mađơpt’a] không ngon 76. 맵다 [mept’a] cay 77. 짜다 [ch’ađa] mặn 78. 시키다 [sikhiđa] gọi (món ăn) 79. 그릇 [kưrưt] bát 80. 후식 [husic] món tráng miệng *** 83. 밥 [pap] cơm 84. 김치 [kimchhi] Kimchi 85. (dưa Hàn Quốc) 86. 반찬 [panchhan] thức ăn 87. 먹다 [mơct’a] ăn 88. 마시다 [masiđa] uống 89. 배고프다 [pegôphưđa] đói 90. 배부르다 [peburưđa] no 91. 주문하다 [chu-munhađa] gọi món ăn/đặt hàng 92. 추가하다 [chhugahađa] thêm *** 95. 은행 [ưn-heng] ngân hàng 96. 창구 [chhangk’u] quầy giao dịch 97. 은행원 [ưn-heng-uơn] nhân viên ngân hàng 98. 고객 [kôghec] khách hàng 99. 통장 [thôngchang] sổ tài khoản 100. 입금(하다) [ipk’ưm(hađa)] gửi tiền (tiết kiệm) 101. 출금(하다) [chhulgưm(hađa)] rút tiền 102. 송금(하다) [sônggưm(hađa)] chuyển tiền sang 103. tài khoản khác 104. 계좌 [kyê-choa] tài khoản 105. (계좌를)열다 [(kyê-choarưl) yơlđa] mở tài khoản *** 108. 외환 [uêhoan] ngoại hối 109. 환율 [hoannyul] tỷ giá hối đoái 110. 매수(살 때) [mesu(sal t’e)] (khi) mua 111. 매도(팔 때) [međô(phal t’e)] (khi) bán 112. 환전하다 [hoanchơnhađa] đổi tiền 113. 자동입출금기 [chađông-ipchhulgưmghi] máy rút tiền tự động 114. 번호표 [pơn-hôphyô] phiếu đợi 115. (có đánh số thứ tự) 116. 수수료 [susuryô] lệ phí 117. 오르다 [ôrưđa] tăng lên 118. 내리다 [neriđa] giảm xuống *** 121. 버스 [pơsư] xe buýt 122. 운전기사 [unchơn-ghisa] người lái xe 123. 지하철 [chihachhơl] tàu điện ngầm 124. 역 [yơc] ga 125. ~호선 [~hôsơn] tuyến (số) 126. (tàu điện ngầm) 127. 요금 [yôgưm] giá tiền / cước phí 128. 버스정류장 [pơsư-chơngnyu-chang] bến xe buýt 129. 매표소 [mephyôsô] điểm bán vé 130. 교통카드 [kyôthôngkhađư] thẻ giao thông 131. 현금 [hyơn-gưm] tiền mặt *** 134. 구입하다/사다 [ku-iphađa/sađa] mua 135. 돈을 내다 [tônưl neđa] trả tiền 136. 타다 [thađa] đi (lên) 137. 내리다/하차하다 [neriđa/hachhahađa] xuống (xe) 138. 갈아타다 [karathađa] đổi xe (tàu) 139. 환승역 [hoansưng-yơc] ga đổi xe (tàu) 140. 단말기 [tanmalghi] máy quẹt thẻ 141. (thiết bị kiểm tra lên xuống ở xe buýt) 142. 찍다 [ch’ict’a] quẹt thẻ 143. 벨을 누르다 [pêrưl nurưđa] bấm chuông 144. 편의점 [phyơni-chơm] cửa hàng 24 giờ *** 147. 어디 [ơđi] đâu (từ hỏi địa điểm) 148. 가다 [kađa] đi 149. 똑바로 [t’ôcp’arô] thẳng 150. 오른쪽 [ôrưnch’ôc] bên phải 151. 왼쪽 [uênch’ôc] bên trái 152. 앞 [ap] trước 153. 뒤 [tuy] sau 154. 건너편 [kơnnơphyơn] đối diện 155. 이쪽 [ich’ôc] lối này 156. 저쪽 [chơch’ôc] lối kia *** 159. 여기 [yơghi] đây 160. 저기 [chơghi] kia 161. 택시정류장 [thecs’i-chơngnyu-chang] bến xe tắc xi 162. 지하철 역 [chihachhơ’llyơc] ga tàu điện ngầm 163. 지하도 [chihađô] đường hầm 164. 건너다 [kơnnơđa] đi qua 165. 걷다 [kơt’a] đi bộ 166. 돌다 [tôlđa] vòng / rẽ 167. 돌아가다 [tôrakađa] quay lại 168. 두 번째 [tu pơnch’e] thứ 2 *** 171. 사무실 [samusil] văn phòng 172. 전화 [chơn-hoa] điện thoại 173. 휴대전화 [hyuđe-chơn-hwa] điện thoại di động 174. 전화번호 [chơn-hoabơn-hô] số điện thoại 175. 전화를 걸다 [chơn-hoarưl kơlđa] gọi điện 176. 통화하다 [thông-hoahađa] nói chuyện điện thoại 177. 부재중 [pu-che-chung] không có mặt 178. 팩스 [phecs’ư] fax 179. 이메일 [i-mêil] thư điện tử (e-mail) *** 182. 여보세요 [yơbôsêyô] alô 183. 바꿔 주다 [pak’uơ-chuđa] chuyển máy 184. 자리에 있다/없다 [chari-ê it’a/ơpt’a] có mặt / đi vắng 185. 전해 드리다 [chơn-he tưriđa] chuyển (lời nhắn) lại 186. 메모를 남기다 [mê-môrưl namghiđa] để lại tin nhắn 187. 일정 [ilch’ơng] lịch trình 188. 직원 [chiguơn] nhân viên 189. 방문하다 [pangmun-hađa] thăm 190. 근무하다 [gưnmuhađa] làm việc *** 193. 병원 [byơng-uơn] bệnh viện 194. 의사 [ưisa] bác sĩ 195. 간호사 [kan-hôsa] y tá 196. 내과 [nek’oa] khoa nội 197. 안과 [ank’oa] khoa mắt 198. 피부과 [phibuk’oa] khoa da liễu 199. 외과 [uêk’oa] khoa ngoại 200. 치과 [chhik’oa] nha khoa 201. 이비인후과 [ibiin-huk’oa] khoa tai mũi họng 202. 진찰하다 [chinchhalhađa] khám bệnh *** 205. 주사를 맞다 [chusarưl mat’a] tiêm 206. 전염되다 [chơnyơmtuêđa] bị nhiễm (bệnh) 207. 유행하다 [yuheng-hađa] lan rộng, lây lan 208. 감기 [kamghi] cảm cúm 209. 눈병 [nunp’yơng] bệnh về mắt 210. 소화불량 [sôhoabullyang] khó tiêu 211. 아프다 [aphưđa] đau 212. 열이 나다 [yơri nađa] bị sốt 213. 기침이 나다 [kichhimi nađa] ho *** 216. 출입국 217. 관리사무소 [chhuripk’uckoallisa-musô] Cục quản lý 218. xuất nhập cảnh 219. 외국인 [uêgughin] người nước ngoài 220. 등록하다 [tưngnôkhađa] đăng ký 221. 외국인 222. 등록증 [uêgughin 223. tưngnôcch’ưng] thẻ cư trú người 224. nước ngoài 225. 신청서 [sinchhơngsơ] đơn xin, đơn đăng ký 226. 회사 [huêsa] công ty 227. 사진 [sa-chin] ảnh 228. 주소 [chusô] địa chỉ 229. 주 [chu] tuần 230. 개월 [ke-uơl] tháng *** 233. 첨부하다 [chhơmbuhađa] kèm theo 234. 연장하다 [yơn-chang-hađa] gia hạn 235. 수입인지 [su-ibinchi] tem lệ phí 236. 잔고증명서 [chan-gô-chưngmyơngsơ] giấy chứng minh số dư trong tài khoản 237. 출석증명서 [chhulsơcch’ưngmyơngsơ] giấy chứng nhận 238. tham gia khóa học 239. 어학연수 [ơhangnyơnsu] khóa học ngoại ngữ 240. 영수증 [yơngsu-chưng] hóa đơn 241. 제출하다 [chêchhulhađa] nộp 242. 평일 [phyơng-il] ngày thường 243. 붙이다 [puchhiđa] dán 244. 복도 [pôct’ô] hành lang *** 247. 약국 [yack’uc] hiệu thuốc 248. 약사 [yacs’a] dược sĩ 249. 처방전 [chhơbangchơn] đơn thuốc 250. 약 [yac] thuốc 251. 식전 [sicch’ơn] trước khi ăn 252. 식후 [sikhu] sau khi ăn 253. 조제하다 [chô-chêhađa] cắt thuốc, 254. chế thuốc theo đơn 255. 약을 먹다 [yagưl mơct’a] uống thuốc 256. 안약을 넣다 [anyagưl nơtha] nhỏ thuốc đau mắt 257. 반창고를 258. 붙이다 [panchhangk’ôrưl puchhiđa] dán băng cá nhân 259. 연고를 260. 바르다 [yơn-gôrưl parưđa] bôi thuốc mỡ *** 263. 소화제 [sôhoa-chê] thuốc tiêu hóa 264. 두통약 [tuthôngnyac] thuốc đau đầu 265. 감기약 [kamghiyac] thuốc cảm cúm 266. 멀미약 [mơlmiyac] thuốc chống say xe 267. 모기에게 268. 물리다 [môghi-êghê mulliđa] bị muỗi cắn 269. 염증이 생기다 [yơmch’ưng-i sengghiđa] bị viêm 270. 상처가 나다 [sangchhơga nađa] bị thương 271. 파스(물파스) [phas’ư(mulphas’ư)] cao dán (cao bôi) 272. 반창고 [panchhangk’ô] băng dán cá nhân 273. 연고 [yơn-gô] thuốc mỡ *** 276. 백화점 [pekhoa-chơm] cửa hàng bách hóa/ 277. siêu thị lớn 278. 점원 [chơmuơn] người bán hàng 279. 손님 [sônnim] khách hàng 280. 탈의실 [tharisil] phòng thay đồ 281. 매장 [me-chang] gian hàng 282. 현금 [hyơn-gưm] tiền mặt 283. 사다 [sađa] mua 284. 팔다 [phalđa] bán 285. 세일하다 [sêilhađa] bán hạ giá 286. 고르다 [kôrưđa] chọn 287. 결제하다 [kyơlch’êhađa] thanh toán *** 290. 품목 [phummôc] mặt hàng 291. 디자인 [ti-chain] thiết kế 292. 신상품 [sinsangphum] sản phẩm mới 293. 재고품 [chegôphum] hàng trong kho 294. 입다 [ipt’a] mặc 295. 마음에 들다 [maưmê tưlđa] vừa ý (lòng) 296. 비슷하다 [pisưthađa] giống 297. 할인하다 [harin-hađa] giảm giá 298. 교환하다 [kyôhoan-hađa] đổi lại 299. 환불하다 [hoanbulhađa] trả lại tiền 300. 취소하다 [chhuysôhađa] hủy, bỏ *** 303. 쇼핑몰 [syôphingmôl] khu mua sắm 304. 계산대 [kyêsanđe] quầy tính tiền 305. 최신유행 [chhuêsinnyuheng] mốt mới nhất 306. 화장품 [hoa-changphum] mỹ phẩm 307. 샘플 [semphưl] hàng mẫu 308. 인기가 있다 [ink’iga it’a] được ưa chuộng, 309. phổ biến 310. 크다 [khưđa] to, lớn 311. 사용해 보다 [sayông-he pôđa] dùng thử 312. 구경하다 [kugyơng-hađa] xem/ngắm 313. 예정이다 [yê-chơng-iđa] dự định 314. 어울리다 [ơulliđa] phù hợp 315. 비교하다 [pigyôhađa] so sánh *** 318. 흥정하다 [hưngchơng-hađa] trả giá/thỏa thuận giá cả 319. 정찰제 [chơngchhalch’ê] chế độ bán hàng theo giá quy định 320. 덤 [tơm] quà khuyến mãi, thêm 321. 스킨로션 [sưkhinrôsyơn] nước dưỡng da 322. (skin lotion) 323. 단골손님 [tan-gôls’ônnim] khách quen 324. 향기 [hyangghi] mùi thơm 325. 모자라다 [mô-charađa] thiếu 326. 싸다 [s’ađa] rẻ 327. 비싸다 [pis’ađa] đắt, mắc 328. 깎다 [k’act’a] mặc cả 329. 얼마예요? [ơlmayêyô?] giá bao nhiêu tiền? 330. 젊다 [chơmt’a] trẻ *** 333. 미용실 [miyôngsil] hiệu làm đầu 334. 머리를 빗다 [mơrirưl pit’a] chải đầu 335. 머리를 자르다 [mơrirưl charưđa] cắt tóc 336. 머리를 깎다 [mơrirưl k’act’a] hớt tóc 337. 머리를 감다 [mơrirưl kamt’a] gội đầu 338. 머리를 말리다 [mơrirưl malliđa] sấy tóc 339. 머리를 다듬다 [mơrirưl tađưmt’a] tỉa tóc 340. 층을 내다 [chhưng-ưl neđa] cắt xếp tầng 341. 파마하다 [pha-mahađa] uốn tóc 342. 염색하다 [yơmsekhađa] nhuộm tóc *** 345. 샴푸로 감다 [syamphurô kamt’a] gội đầu bằng dầu gội 346. 린스로 감다 [lins’ưrô kamt’a] xả tóc 347. 거울을 보다 [kơurưl pôđa] soi gương 348. 드라이하다 [tưraihađa] sấy tóc 349. 색 [sec] màu sắc 350. 머리 모양 [mơri môyang] kiểu dáng tóc 351. 커트머리 [khơthư-mơri] tóc tém, tóc ngắn 352. 단발머리 [tanbalmơri] tóc chấm vai 353. (đầu vuông) 354. 생머리 [sengmơri] tóc thẳng tự nhiên 355. 파마머리 [pha-ma-mơri] tóc uốn 356. 곱슬머리 [kôps’ưlmơri] tóc quăn *** 359. 이사 [isa] chuyển nhà 360. 돌잔치 [tôlchanchhi] tiệc thôi nôi, 361. tiệc sinh nhật 1 tuổi 362. 집들이 [chipt’ưri] tiệc tân gia 363. 결혼식 [kyơlhônsic] đám cưới 364. 청첩장 [chhơngchhơpch’ang] thiệp mời cưới 365. 선물 [sơnmul] quà tặng 366. 휴지 [hyu-chi] giấy vệ sinh 367. 세제 [sê-chê] bột giặt 368. 초대하다 [chhôđehađa] mời 369. 축하하다 [chhukhahađa] chúc mừng 370. 준비하다 [chunbihađa] chuẩn bị 371. 필요하다 [phiryôhađa] cần *** 374. 월세 [uơls’ê] thuê nhà trả theo tháng 375. 전세 [chơnsê] thuê nhà đặt tiền trọn gói 376. 구두쇠 [kuđusuê] kẻ keo kiệt 377. 성공하다 [sơnggông-hađa] thành công 378. 누추하다 [nuchhuhađa] bừa bộn, bẩn thỉu 379. 복잡하다 [pôcch’aphađa] rắc rối, phức tạp 380. 헤매다 [hêmeđa] lạc đường 381. 고생하다 [kôseng-hađa] vất vả 382. 아늑하다 [a-nưkhađa] ấm cúng 383. 엉망이다 [ơngmang-iđa] bừa bãi 384. 야박하다 [yabakhađa] bủn xỉn, lạnh nhạt 385. 용서하다 [yôngsơhađa] tha thứ *** 388. 관광 안내소 [koan-goang annesô] điểm hướng dẫn du lịch 389. 관광하다 [koan-goang-hađa] thăm quan 390. 지도 [chiđô] bản đồ 391. 국립중앙박물관 [Kungnipch’ung-angbangmulgoan] bảo tàng Trung ương quốc gia 392. N서울 타워 [ên Sơul tha-uơ] tháp N Seoul 393. 고궁 [kôgung] cố cung 394. 전망대 [chơnmangđe] đài quan sát 395. 한 눈에 보다 [han nunê pôđa] nhìn toàn cảnh 396. 많다 [mantha] nhiều *** 399. 제공하다 [chêgông-hađa] cung cấp 400. 구하다 [kuhađa] tìm kiếm 401. 따라오다 [t’araôđa] theo sau 402. 이용하다 [iyông-hađa] tận dụng / dùng 403. 편리하다 [phyơllihađa] tiện lợi 404. 시티투어버스 [sithithu-ơpơsư] xe buýt du lịch quanh thành phố 405. 볼거리 [pôlk’ơri] thứ để xem 406. 먹을거리 [mơgưlk’ơri] đồ ăn uống 407. 처음 [chhơưm] lần đầu tiên *** 410. 여행사 [yơhengsa] công ty du lịch 411. 관광 안내원 [koan-goang-anne-uơn] hướng dẫn viên du lịch 412. 2박 3일 [ibac samil] 2 đêm 3 ngày 413. 주말 [chu-mal] cuối tuần 414. 성수기 [sơngsughi] mùa nhiều khách 415. 비수기 [pisughi] mùa ít khách 416. 유명하다 [yu-myơng-hađa] nổi tiếng 417. 취소하다 [chhuysôhađa] hủy bỏ 418. 설명하다 [sơlmyơng-hađa] giải thích 419. 출발하다 [chhulbalhađa] khởi hành *** 422. 고속버스 [kôsôcp’ơsư] xe buýt tốc hành 423. 표 [phyô] vé 424. 첫차 [chhơtchha] chuyến xe đầu tiên 425. 막차 [macchha] chuyến xe cuối cùng 426. 편리하다 [phyơllihađa] thuận tiện 427. 추가 비용 [chhuga piyông] chi phí phát sinh thêm 428. 팁 [thip] tiền boa 429. 유물 [yumul] di vật 430. 유적지 [yu-chơcch’i] khu di tích lịch sử 431. 제주도 [chê-chuđô] đảo Jeju 432. 유채꽃 [yuchhek’ôt] hoa cải dầu *** 435. 여행지 [yơhengchi] địa điểm du lịch 436. 한옥 마을 [Hanôngmaưl] làng nhà cổ 437. 지붕 [chibung] mái nhà 438. 기와 [ki-oa] ngói 439. 전통 혼례 [chơnthông hôllyê] hôn lễ truyền thống 440. 결혼식 [kyơlhônsic] đám cưới 441. 한복 [Hanbôc] Hanbok 442. – trang phục truyền thống của Hàn Quốc 444. 역사박물관 [yơcs’abangmulgoan] bảo tàng lịch sử 445. 안내시스템 [annesisưthêm] hệ thống hướng dẫn 446. 셔틀 버스 [syơthưl pơsư] xe buýt chạy tuyến ngắn 447. 화장실 [hoa-changsil] nhà vệ sinh *** 450. 입장료 [ipch’angnyô] lệ phí vào cửa 451. 무료 [muryô] miễn phí 452. 기념품 [ki-nyơmphum] quà lưu niệm 453. 휴관일 [hyugoanil] ngày nghỉ 454. 문을 닫다 [munưl tat’a] đóng cửa 455. 운영하다 [unyơng-hađa] điều hành 456. 운이 좋다 [uni chôtha] may mắn, vận may 457. 발전 [palch’ơn] phát triển 458. 유람선 [yuramsơn] thuyền thăm quan 459. 민박 [minbac] ở trọ nhà dân 460. 우산 [usan] ô, dù 461. 462. *** 463. 우체국 [uchhêguc] bưu điện 464. 우편 [uphyơn] dịch vụ bưu điện 465. 편지 [phyơnchi] lá thư 466. 우표 [uphyô] tem 467. 소포 [sôphô] bưu phẩm 468. 내용물 [neyôngmul] đồ vật bên trong 469. 등기 [tưngghi] thư bảo đảm 470. 우편함 [uphyơn-ham] hòm thư 471. 국제 특급 우편 [kucch’ê thưk’ưbuphyơn] dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh quốc tế 472. 봉투 [pôngthu] phong bì *** 475. 항공우편 [hanggông-uphyơn] gửi đường hàng không 476. 일반우편 [ilbanuphyơn] gửi bình thường 477. 빠른우편 [p’arưnuphyơn] gửi nhanh 478. 규격봉투 [kyugyơcp’ôngthu] phong bì kích cỡ 479. theo quy định 480. 영수증 [yơngsu-chưng] hoá đơn 481. (시간이) 걸리다 [(sigani) kơlliđa] mất (thời gian) 482. (상자에) 넣다 [(sangcha-ê) nơtha] cho vào (hộp) 483. 부치다/보내다 [puchhiđa/pô-neđa] gửi 484. 우편번호 [uphyơnbơn-hô] mã bưu cục, số hòm thư 485. 택배 [thecp’e] dịch vụ chuyển tận nhà
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