jensojkaobecna · 4 months
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Mělo by se dělat víc fanartů na Fimfárum!!!
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weirdchristmas · 10 months
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Cert will be here sooner than you know!
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blackcrowing · 9 months
'Right Relationship' in the Modern World
To really discuss the idea of 'Right Relationship', a concept that is commonly held in most pagan cultures, we need to understand the function it filled in the cultures it was created in.
Among the Irish centric polytheistic circles I'm in, I have most often seen the concept of 'right relationship' referred to as cóir, correctness, correct form (of); proper (legal) arrangement (for); procedure, device, means (of doing someth.) but in my opinion might be more correctly referred to as cert, justice, fair dealing.
While both words have legal uses as well as non-legal uses I find that that the non-legal uses of cert more appropriately fit the idea than the non-legal uses for cóir. This is an important distinction for me because while 'right relationship' is important and has a strong level of social compulsion, it is, NOT inherently one of legal binding.
Historically, there was not a specific concept of 'right relation' there were several multi-faceted, overlapping, concepts that worked together to make a complex social network of proper relations and conduct that were all 'over seen' and intricately locked into the Other. We have the form of 'right relation' that is held specifically to a king, fír flathemon, as well as the supernatural and 'right relationship' role of the satirist in keeping those in power in check through their rhetoric and would risk their own health and abilities if they misused their role.
Commoners also had powerful tools offered to them inside the structure of 'right relation' via fasting, troscud. I think it is through this facet that I can best illustrate how the deep integration of 'right relation' relied on all of society and the backing of the Other to be effective.
With troscud those of lesser social status had the ability to force a higher social status person to redress a wrong doing. Essentially what would happen was if a lower status person was wronged in some way and the person of higher status would not redress the issue through normal legal or social means then the wronged person (or person of their family, should the wronged party not be able to do so themselves) would sit in front of the high status persons home and fast, for as long as it would take, to force a redress.
Seems simple enough, however if you think of society today... this would almost certainly not work... even if one fasted onto death it would hardly be a blip on the radar of someone of great means, like say Bezos or the like. It was effective in Irish society in this historical period because their integrated 'right relationship' society forced the social and supernatural leverage to apply adequate pressure. Social media and the court of public opinion does offer a type of modern analog but with significantly less cohesion and a significantly higher chance of failure.
So while the concept of 'right action' is intrinsically important to the fabric and functionality of Irish Paganism (and I would argue nearly all Iron age pagan traditions, though details vary) it has little or even no place inside modern society. Unless prehaps you wish to adhere to ridged social standards which those around you will neither know about nor participate in. You may choose to never, under any circumstances harm or quarrel with a guest of your household but that same guest might have no qualms about punching you at their cookout the next weekend.
I am of the option that while the principal of 'right relationship' remains admirable and nessicary to a functional society, our current society does not operate under the same social restrictions and customs of the past and those customs serve little use (in specific capacities) in the here and now.
The only reciprocal relationship of this kind that can be guarenteed in any capacity is that with the gods, otherwise a blanket concept of 'right relationship' from a pagan/historical perspective is null.
TL:DR The ethics of history are merely morals of today.
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republicbusiness · 2 months
Government in contact with Microsoft amid global Windows outage: Vaishnaw
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taikeyyyy · 3 months
the homoerotic tension between you and the person whose arm you're wrapping in gauze for your CERT class
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page-2-ids · 1 year
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ID: Two flags. The first has seven horizontal stripes, the middle is twice the height of the others. The colors are, from top to bottom, burnt yellow-orange, yellow orange, gold, light yellow, gold, yellow orange, and burnt yellow orange. The second is nine horizontal stripes; the first, middle, and last are twice the height of the others. The colors are very dark grey, dark purple-grey, violet-grey, dusty darkish pink-violet, soft red, dusty darkish pink-violet, violet-grey, dark purple-grey, and very dark grey. END ID
Firstcert: A gender related to the first concert that one went to or will go to
21Madicert|21Madicecert: A gender related to 21 pilots’ performance at Madison Square Garden on their Icy Tour
The Firstcert flag is inspired by my associations with the word first. The 21Madictert flag is inspired y my associations with 21 pilots
For anon
No Suggested Pronouns
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Intro to Networking
Here I will cover some basic terminology of networks. These definitions will be consistent throughout all computer networking. Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) networks are contained within a small building and have printers, computers, and other connected devices. Medium networks are contained within a larger office spaces. These two are covered under the concept of the Local Area Network…
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solorally · 2 years
Jan Solans y Rodrigo Sanjuan vencen en la 40º edición del Rallye Sierra Morena.
La 40 edición del Rallye Sierra Morena en Córdoba, primera prueba del SCER 2023, ha dejado un gran sabor de boca entre los aficionados al mundo del motor. El plantel de pilotos que se ha dado cita en esta edición ha sido impresionante, lo que ha hecho que la competición haya estado muy reñida desde el primer momento. Ares, López y Solans fueron los más destacados en la lucha por la victoria final…
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weirdchristmas · 2 years
Tonight is Krampusnacht (Krampus Night)! Learn about Krampus’ history from the man who literally wrote the book on Krampus, A Ridenour.
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blackcrowing · 10 months
My hollow heart reverberates with echoed cries, desperation.
like the pitiful wailings of a starving child
half dead with no understanding of why,
why they hurt
why they are forsaken
why they are without
I cut a tally in my soul for every mother desperate to shelter her children from pain,
left to hold their tiny corpses in her hands,
it is tattered and unrecognizable
leaking the vitality of joy
and still the call echos,
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graph100 · 5 months
mwahmwah how tall are you so this can be in the preguntas?
i am like 5'10" i think. maybe 5'11" but thats pushing it.
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caraecethrae · 10 months
does anyone understand where ERL got their understanding of Ceirt??
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page-2-ids · 1 year
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Powermancert: A gender related to one or more Powerman 5000 concerts or Powerman 5000 concerts in general
The flag is inspired by my associations with Powerman 5000
For anon
No suggested pronouns
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digiknow · 11 months
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solorally · 1 year
Victoria de Pepe López y Borja Rozada en el ACtronics Rallye Tierra de Madrid.
Click para ampliar Pepe López y Borja Rozada han vuelto a competir en la CERT – Rallycar, logrando la victoria una vez más. En esta ocasión, lo hicieron conduciendo un Hyundai i20 N Rally2 y formando parte de su nuevo equipo, Terra Training Motorsport. Click para ampliar Como actuales campeones del S-CER , Pepe y Borja dominaron de principio a fin el 4 ACtronics Rallye Tierra de Madrid. Aunque…
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justthuy27 · 1 year
Niềm dui vào ngày mưa 🫡 🥳
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