#Celestial Aquarius
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squareksks · 5 months
Lucy’s childhood ⭐️ +The Heartfilia’s 🩷
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Just wanted to draw Lucy with the celestial spirits she’s had since she was (presumably) a kid. I think aside from the staff her celestial spirits were her family. I believe they went out of their way to take care of her sometimes ^^.
And as a bonus just Layla and Jude because I didn’t want Layla and Lucy to look identical to each other. 🙌
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dionysianivy · 1 month
The Super Blue Full Moon // Sturgeon Moon🌕🐟
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The upcoming full moon on August 19th is a magical time for setting new intentions, connecting deeply with our inner selves, and breaking free from old habits. It's the perfect moment for fresh beginnings and welcome transformative energy into our lives.
Super Blue Full Moon correspondences:
Element: Air with influences of Water and Earth
Colors: Blue, Turquoise, Silver, White, Indigo, Aquamarine, Gold
Crystals/Stones: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Labradorite, Moonstone, Sodalite, Clear Quartz
Herbs/Plants: Sage, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Aloe, Rosemary, Mint
Animals: Sturgeon, Eagle, Owl, Dolphin, Raven, Lion
Symbols: Stars, Water, Full Moon, Fish
Deities: Uranus, Artemis, Selene, Thoth, Athena, Neptune (mostly Lunar deities)
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius with Leo influence
Activities To Do:
• Meditate
• Have a relaxing bath during the night
• Write down your desired intentions
• Connect with your deity or deities
• Cleanse your crystals
• Start a new project
• Let your creativity flow
• Dance in the night while the moon watches over you
• Do a tarot, rune, or oracle reading
• Cast some spells
• Connect with Uranus energy; seek the change you may have wanted for a while. Do something that makes you feel free
• Eat some fish (only if you like it)
• Be proud of who you are. Take a moment to appreciate yourself and be grateful for the things you have! The Universe loves you
• Harvest
• Wear something blue to connect with the symbolism of the color
• Enhance your curiosity and explore the things that fascinate you
• And finally, do everything that you want. It's your time to shine and let the moon bless you in every possible way :)
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pictures: Pinterest
Tips ♡
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beargyufairy · 10 months
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I’m in the wind
You’re in the water
Nobody’s son
Nobody’s daughter
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Man it has been killin me to post this and the mods finally gave permission! My piece for the @lucyheartfiliazine which is probs the biggest piece i've ever done to date!
Its also a partner piece, paired up with my good comrade @kiliinstinct who wrote a most excellent fic to go with it which you should all check out.
Leftover sales for the zine's also happenin! So if you wanna grab the zine and some merch just head on over to the blog to check it out!
[If the quality's yucky just click to enhance, u know how tumblr is lol]
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shinpikurage · 5 days
I feel like I would love Fairy Tail even more if it focused more on the celestial spirits and heavenly body magic
We focus a lot on all aspects about dragons and dragon slayers, but the stars are constantly important to the plot and the answer to many things. Being a celestial spirit is also really OP cause you can't die, not even if your key is broken, only if you turn human by breaking the laws
There's so much more I want to see, more stardresses in action, the silver keys, acquiring more silver keys, learn more about the spirits and what their previous life with other masters were like,their customs and dynamics, and more of all the lost magics of celestial users (because urano metria can't be the only one)
Honestly, if Fairy Tail started focusing more about Celestial Magic I would love it, and i know a lot of watchers would too
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eebibly · 29 days
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Spoiler warning I guess for 100 Years Quest? But more like I would like to be spoiled so if you don’t, then ignore this post.
I’m just starting the 100 Years Quest anime right now. I was hoping it would be a fresh start to Fairy Tail, but I’m only 2 episodes in and they’ve shipped themselves off to another continent and recycled the dragon plot again.
To those who know 100 Years Quest, do the celestial spirits even matter anymore? They’re what got me into Fairy Tail years ago but they just keep getting more and more neglected. I was hoping a sequel could be a good chance to see them more but it seems that Dragons are the most important part of the plot *again*. Are they ever significantly relevant anymore? (Not including her stardresses and also not including Aquarius). Basically, should I just not hold my breath?
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ohtobearandomftblog · 7 months
the stars never forget
well, they are able to forget in the short-term, but everything comes back eventually. be it memory magic (mest was able to affect loke), time (the spirits never mentioned the eclipse that sent the dragon slayers forward in time), or excessive trauma (... probably also the eclipse gate, actually)
spirits remember the beginning of time, the end of time, and everything within and outside that rigid format.
aquarius is able to see the markings of the very first heartfilia in lucy. she looks at her and, sometimes, forgets when she is
sagittarius remembers every animal to exist on earthland. hes not sure any currently alive even make the top 100 of his favorites
ultear and dimaria arent even close to the only mages who use time-based magic. their usage of it is fairly tame, compared to those of years long passed and years never to be seen. no matter how many times someone messes with the timeline, the spirits remember
taurus remembers the faces of everyone he has ever protected. if they had one, that is. hes not sure he likes the running tally he has, of how many features and names can be attributed to those long since dead
capricorn hates nothing more than getting information wrong because of the butterfly effect. how was he meant to keep the pasts separate when they were so similar? it should not hurt so much that he doesnt even know who were 'truly' his masters
do you know how much it hurts, to be unwillingly thrown back in time something as small as a week, and see people that do not recognize you? to be thrown further and further back, months to years to decades, and have the people you hold close not know you? not even be born yet? possibly never to be, if you put one single toe out of line
gemi and mini remember a time when the agria sisters were together the whole time, never separated, never criminals, never taken advantage of. they feel more sadness than hate that the sisters were split, that they ended up with sorano, that sorano turned to the oración seis
leo twitches and never takes his eyes off of sorano, whenever hes summoned in her presence. he remembers, more so than anyone else, of a time when aries was the cause of karen's death. of when leo was the one taken by angel. of when leo was further abused and tortured by those who shouldve protected him as he does them. and he cant do anything about it. not now, when it was aries taken by angel, when he wasnt abused again, when he cant talk about it. she wasnt terrible to him in this time, so who was he to blame her for another's actions?
he says his wariness is because of what she did to aries and scorpio and gemi and mini. lucy doesnt fully believe him. he cant say anything, though, because what if this changes the timeline again? they already messed up, with the existence of 'loke' instead of 'kirase'. what if another point against angel means lucy actively antagonizes her? they need her still, yes they do, they need sorano for future fights, so he cant say a damn thing
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fairiesheart · 2 months
Lucy having to break Aquarius’s key to summon the Celestial Spirit king goes down as one of the saddest moments of the Tartarous arc. Because not only do we see the bond between the two of them in more detail and how much Aquarius truly loves her but that whole fight we got to see Lucy summoning 3 spirits at once and fighting until her last breath because she KNOWS that she is the only one (at that moment) who can save her friends.
Really am looking forward to the moment Lucy is able to find Aquarius’s key again 🥺
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larimar · 1 month
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gruviaa · 6 months
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squareksks · 5 months
✨The 10 Gold Zodiac Keys✨
Aquarius ♒️
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✨ Virgo ♍️ Leo/Loke ♌️ and Cancer ♋️✨
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✨Aries ♈️ Taurus ♉️ and Capricorn ♑️ ✨
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✨Scorpio ♏️ Gemini ♊️ and Sagittarius ♐️ ✨
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Here are my personal headcanons for the main 10!! The sketches are a bit messy, but was trying to focus more on showing the new elements I added rather than quality 🙇‍♂️, but still hope you guys like ‘em ! ^^
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beargyufairy · 9 months
Just My Thoughts Pt. 2
Yukino & Star Dresses
Disclaimer: This is not a Yukino hate post. This is solely my opinion
I don’t think Yukino should have Star Dresses in 100 YQ
Lucy earned hers with a lot of hard work and sacrifice. I’m not saying Yukino didn’t work hard or anything but it is nothing compared to Lucy
Lucy sacrificed Aquarius to save literally everything and everyone. She was granted the first Star Dress (Aquarius) for her dedication and sacrifice from the Celestial Spirit King (who calls her his “old friend” and clearly has some admiration for her relationship with her spirits).
Aquarius was one of Lucy original golden keys. She was there during the hardships she faced with Jude after Layla’s death. She made Lucy feel less alone and loved!! Despite everything Aquarius says, she loves her like a child and gave her the opportunity to summon the King to save her guildmates. She knows that Lucy will be more alone and suffer if she didn’t make that choice. Ifeel like that deep connection demonstrates what Lucy is capable of.
I feel like Yukino having Star Dress severely down plays Lucy and her strength as a mage. Lucy deserved her powers beyond what she is shown for. Yukino has a good reputation and relationship as a celestial mage however Lucy considers her spirits as friends and worked hard so she doesn’t have to be put in a position where she needs to sacrifice them again.
I’m glad to see the two remaining Star Dresses but I feel like Yukino should’ve had some kind of test or situation where she needed to tap into that power like Lucy
What are your opinions on this topic?
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would you happen to have any HCs about how the spirits react to the aftermath of Aquarius’ key breaking?
For sure! Also sorry about disappearing the last couple of days. Life has been very hectic recently!
Loke and Virgo watched it happen (or at least knew it was happening) so they spread the news quickly
They both were so panicked that the rest of the spirits could barely understand them. It was the two of them screaming and gesturing wildly while everyone freaked out around them
Loke and Virgo both feel really guilty about it. Thinking they should've been stronger and could've stopped it. (they couldn't but guilt doesn't care)
The entire spirit world was buzzing with worry. Then the king left and they knew Lucy succeeded at breaking the key
Aquarius came back with tears in her eyes. She didn't say a word and locked herself away
The King returned to all of the spirits (minus Aquarius) waiting. They all begged him to make an exception and allow Aquarius to stay with Lucy
He refused and said Lucy and Aquarius both knew the price
Everyone was tip toeing around Aquarius. For good reason, she had turned her sadness into hostility
Scorpio was the only one able to get any info out of Aquarius. He was the only one she'd speak to in general
It wasn't the first time a key was broken, but it was the first time they had cared so much about the mage they worked for
You could feel the tension and sadness in the air. The spirit world lost all its spirit for months
Some tried to pretend nothing happened (Loke, Taurus, Cancer)
Capricorn was the only one that took it well. While he felt bad for both women, he understood what needed to happen
The rest felt like they were mourning. Even tho they had access to both women. It still felt like they'd lost someone
Surprisingly Aries was also able to get Aquarius to open up. No one knows what she did and Aries is sworn to secrecy
They all were super tense when Lucy summoned them for the first time. They saw what it had done to Aquarius and were terrified of what Lucy they would be greeted with
They could also feel Lucy's sadness through their keys
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 7 months
Manifest YOUR Dreams with the Mercury, Saturn Cazimi in Pisces
     On Feb. 28, we have a rare planetary event, involving the coming together of three major celestial bodies, and it's an exceptionally potent day to set intention to manifest your BIGGEST DREAM.
     The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn join forces in mystical Pisces, creating a cocktail of dreamy, committed energy. This is the apex of this week, the bond-making, oath-taking opportunity for commitment I was talking about earlier. With Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, joining the Sun and Saturn, our thoughts and ideas become infused with a sense of purpose and clarity. This alignment encourages us to articulate our dreams and ideals with conviction, to speak our truth with courage and authenticity. This transit is like a portal to your most aspirational ambitions, urging you to step through the door, step into your power and take charge of your destiny.
     The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn conjunction in Pisces, along with the Saturn cazimi, create a potent planetary portal that calls for introspection, commitment, and surrender. Pisces, the dreamy and intuitive sign that lives for imagining things beyond this world, invites you to dive deep into the waters of your subconscious and connect with something you can’t see, touch, or feel but can only sense. With the Sun illuminating your path, Mercury sharpening your mental faculties, and Saturn grounding your ambitions, this alignment encourages you to make a solemn oath to your dreams and ideals.
     Saturn, the ambitious & stern planet of discipline, limits and promises kept, brings a sense of responsibility to the mix, urging you to take your commitments seriously. Under the influence of the Saturn cazimi, you may feel a powerful urge–or a swelling, cascading concentration—to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to a cause or vision that resonates deeply with your dreams, feelings, and inner artiste. This cosmic conjunction reminds you that true success requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to surrender to something greater than yourself.
Learn MORE about this potent cazimi on The Cosmic Almanac
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