#Celaena and Nehemia
acourtofquestions · 2 months
The Assassin and The Princess
a Crown of Midnight exclusive scene
from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
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This story belongs to its writer Sarah J. Maas & the many affiliates it may concern. I claim NO ownership of this story, and give full credit to said parties.
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eospaint · 6 months
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Best friends and nothing bad happens to them 🤍
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goddessofwisdom18 · 3 months
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Just three court ladies forcing themselves to sit together, totally not with completely separate secret plans that the other ones don’t know about!! Definitely not!
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bibisbooktalk · 7 months
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Celaena was such a mood the whole book. I love her 😂
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ennawrite · 4 months
Nehemia & Dorian should have had more of a romance.
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leiawritesstories · 2 months
The Rustler
for @throneofglassmicrofics July prompt "Outlaw" 🤭🤭
Word count: 873
Warnings: thievery, breaking and entering
A faint breeze sent gentle ripples through the prairie grass, but no moonlight broke through the thick clouds blanketing the sky. The velvet darkness was a blessing, an ample shield for the figure weaving a zigzagging path across the wide-open field. When the person reached the rough, weathered pine planks of the stable, a soft breath of relief joined the midnight breeze, and the figure melted into the shadows, barely visible against the backdrop of the night.
The stable door, already left propped open for a cross-breeze, began to creak as it was nudged open, but the thief had countless hours of experience with creaking doors. Oil was poured onto the hinges, and within seconds, the door slid silently open, revealing the full width of the stables. A few of the horses chuffed but didn't startle, since it took far more than the door opening to scare a well-trained ranch horse.
Eyes scanning rapidly down the parallel rows of stalls, the thief grinned, a brief flash of teeth in the soft light of a single kerosene lantern suspended from the rafters in the middle of the stable. Just as expected--two pairs of thoroughbred Asterion stallions and two mares, all six of the fine beasts sleeping peacefully in their stalls in the middle of the open building.
"Shh now, boy," the thief murmured as the first stallion's door slid open and the horse stirred. "We're just goin' for a bit of a walk, now."
It took two hours for the thief to lead each Asterion out of the stables and guide an ordinary palomino into each stall, four stallions and two mares. Taking the guide lines of the Asterion horses, the thief gingerly tugged the stable door back into its original position and clicked her tongue as she led the surprisingly docile horses back across the open expanse of grass. Within a few moments, she and the horses reached a copse of sycamore and maple trees, which was more than ample cover for the thief and the horses alike.
The thief made an owl's low, throaty call in the back of her throat, and after half a minute, four additional figures materialized from the tree cover.
"Took ya long enough, Cel," one of them murmured.
With a snort, the thief nudged her companion in the side. "You're the one who insisted that I be careful, Ansel."
"True." Ansel took one of the stallions' guide lines and laid her hand flat on the horse's nose, softly coaxing the powerful animal to let her mount up onto his back. "Y'all comin'?"
"Hand 'em over, Celaena," another of the thieves said, coming forward to grab another set of guide lines. Celaena passed out the guide lines to the others, Elide and Nehemia, handed Nehemia an additional set, and kept both mares' lines in her hands.
Nods and mutters of assent came from the pack of horse thieves in the cluster of trees.
"Good." Celaena clicked her tongue and nudged her mare with her boot heels, and together, the four of them and their six newly acquired Asterion horses headed off into the night, swiftly becoming no more than another shadow melting into the thick darkness.
The stable door's unexpected silence was the first thing that tripped Rowan's inner alarm. He was so used to the damn thing screeching loud enough to wake the next three counties that its sudden lack of noise had him on high alert. He touched the hinge--oil. Fresh oil.
Inside the stable, he did a quick head count of the horses stabled there, simultaneously relieved and confused when there were none missing. His brows furrowed together beneath the wide, floppy brim of his ten-gallon hat as he crossed to Lumos's stall. The Asterion stallion was the first one his parents had raised, and Rowan had been riding Lumos since he was a young boy.
"Mornin', boy," he muttered as he opened the stall door. He reached up to stroke Lumos's nose--
And stopped short when his hand met coarse, ungroomed hair and a wide, flat snout.
Rowan dragged his stunned gaze up to the palomino stallion that had apparently materialized out of nowhere into Lumos's stall, refusing to believe his eyes until the golden-tan horse huffed an impatient sound and pushed its snout into Rowan's outstretched hand. As he stood there, frozen with shock, he looked into the other Asterions' stalls, half hoping to find the rest of them present but somehow not surprised when he found palominos in all five other stalls.
A muscle ticked in the corner of his grimly set jaw as Rowan yanked his hat brim down over his eyes and strode out of the stable with his eyes fixed on the ground. Sure enough, several sets of tracks were stamped into the dirt, among them one single set of large boot prints. From the depth, frequency, and size of the prints, Rowan deduced that there had been one or two horse thieves, most likely men about his own age and size, and they'd been goddamn efficient.
"Whitethorn!" Lorcan Salvaterre, his ranch hand, came jogging around the side of the stable. "We've got a problem."
"Yep." Rowan glared across his ranch, fury blazing through his blood. "Rustlers."
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ok so im finally reading Throne of Glass and…bruh
Celaena is amazing?? like she’s a badass assassin w a dark past and she kills people and has a wicked grin and regularly fantasizes about killing people who annoy her and can analyze the most gruesome murder scenes and fight inter-dimensional monsters-
but she’s also super feminine and loves pretty dresses and enjoys dressing up and looking good and actively enjoys parties and dances and jewelry and she gets really excited about candy bc she has a huge sweet tooth and she says sorry to the maids who have to clean up after her and she genuinely likes and respects Philippa and she protects her underdog competitors she loves dogs and respects kids and is like a really genuinely kind person-
and idk it’s just rlly nice to see a protagonist who is the epitome of a badass assassin warrior who is down to get her hands dirty and commit murder but who also blushes when she gets a crush on a pretty boy and makes friends wherever she goes
her teeth are red and you can’t always tell whether it’s from eating too much candy or ripping out throats and i respect that so much
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bookbitchx · 3 months
You know who I miss?
That sassy knob was 🤌🏼
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rainingriversofyou · 7 months
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Nehemia x Celaena
“I name you Elentiya." She kissed the assassin's brow. "I give you this name to use with honour, to use when other names grow too heavy. I name you Elentiya, 'Spirit That Could Not Be Broken.”
—Throne Of Glass
Artist: diabolical_victorian_cat
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
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feyres-fireheart · 1 year
Rereading Throne of Glass and I never caught it before, but Cain knew Celaena was actually Aelin, and I feel like the only way he could possibly know that is because he was the one who killed her parents and chased her through the woods. How else would he know about her waking up between her dead parents. 
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dylanswiftacheron · 4 months
saw a tiktok of someone talking about ToG and they said “so far my favorite character is princess nehemiah….” and i never closed an app so fast i can’t go down that rabbit hole tonight
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sunnybyler · 4 months
my thoughts on the first throne of glass book
so i finally started reading throne of glass two days ago and i just finished it and i rlly loved the first one! i didn’t start with assassin’s blade because i’m following the reading order sjm herself suggested. but i figured i’d give my thoughts on the book just for funsies. this isn’t like a review really just what i’m feeling abt the series thus far.
for quality i’d give it a 6/10 but for how much fun i had reading i give it a 9/10 and i care WAYYYY more about entertainment personally lmao. so overall i’d probably give it like an 8/10.
spoilers under the cut, obvi (including some from later books bc i know some spoilers)
• why are there so many exclamation points
• so i’m gonna be honest i’m beyond confused about celaena’s name. bc everything i’ve ever seen about tog talked about some chick called aelin. now i’m just kind of assuming they’re the same person somehow but i have no idea what’s going on in that regard
• it was an enjoyable read but you can def kinda tell it was written when sjm was younger lol. but i know the writing is just going to continue to get better so it didn’t bother me THAT much, though i must say i’m anxious to get to the later books for that reason
• this book was FUNNYYYY omfg dorian and especially celaena had me laughing out loud at times. i hope the books stay this funny
• I LOVE CELAENA SM. like that’s my girl fr fr. thus far feyre is still my fav sjm fmc but honestly celaena has potential to change my mind
• i also love dorian and chaol and i’m not gonna lie i lowkey ship her with both of them (which is a rarity for me usually i’m very passionate about one or the other in a love triangle). but that may be because i’m aware i should not get attached to either ship LMAO
• speaking of chaol i spent half the book pronouncing his name as chowl in my head which made him very hard to take seriously. but honestly i feel like that is 100% sjm’s fault bc the fuck you mean chaol is pronounced kale!? how was i supposed to know that
• i’m curious when more magic elements are gonna show up. like i thought this was another fae series am i wrong there? i mean elena was fae so. maybe i just need patience (but i’m gonna be sad asf if some sort of fae plot twist erases my bffs dorian, chaol, and nehemia from the story)
• okay but seriously once again what is up with the exclamation points. why are they so many. like it was genuinely jarring in the first few chapters. idk if it faded later in the book or if i just got used to it but it genuinely bothered me for a while. pls tell me this isn’t a thing in the later books bc i don’t remember it being an issue in acotar
• i think challenges and shit in books are so fun so i loved that the whole book was centered around it, lowkey wish we saw more of the challenges tbh
• that freak monster that cain was summoning is the stuff of nightmares. i already forgot what it was called but i made the grave error of googling fanart of it and it was actually terrifying
anyways that’s all i can rlly think of for now but i’m excited to keep reading! i’m super curious about celaena’s past because i can tell there’s sooo much we don’t know yet, but assassin’s blade (which i believe is at least partially her past? but maybe i’m wrong) isn’t until after crown of midnight so i’ll just have to keep wondering lol. but i’m very excited for crown of midnight i feel like shit is about to get very messy with her being the champion
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oreo102 · 6 months
I don’t think I’ve ever mention but I write btw… so like if you have prompts for any of the fandoms listed you can totally tell me and I will totally true to do it! (Also here’s my Ao3 account lmao https://archiveofourown.org/users/Oreo102 )
Fandoms I know enough to write about
Dr who- specifically 13’s era but I might be able to pull off River and Missy too (and 15 if you want a fic based only on my slightly deranged headcanons lmao)
3rd life/hermitcraft specifically Pearl, Cleo, Grian are the 3 I actually watch
MCU (no tony stark, I hate him)
Carmen sandiego
Harry Potter (not super likely tho)
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scarlet742 · 7 months
The fact that nehemia is gatekeeping more than needed, Chaol has started becoming complex with his feeling towards her, Dorian is about to loose his brain for his dim witted denial of him not just unleashing a certain portion of his magic out,
MOST OF IT- Celaena being in denial of her future and her acts and her being in general, she knows her duties, knows the position she’ll be at in future, is well aware of the direction all of the things happening around her are pushing her in- mort, elena, the iron-teeth witch, and the tapestry..
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Just started part 2 of Heir of Fire, these are some thoughts:
- Rowan is endgame isn’t he, bc Maas always gives them that hate-to-love progression we’re all thirsty for
- that’s fair, he has a tragic backstory, cool tattoos, scars, and green eyes so he’s in fact perfect
- Aedion my love, my poor baby
- Dorian, make better decisions buddy
- Luca = baby boy
- Emrys x Malakai fae husbands 2k23
- Chaol u are forgiven and i am enthralled by ur guilt-ridden, morally-conflicted, hopeless, dumb soul
- Celaena/Aelin still out here bein badass
- clinically depressed badass
- hey sister, me too, still badass
- Manon is my wife, i love her, i would tell her so as she ripped my throat our w her snazzy iron teeth and sexy bloodlust
- Abraxos my love, i will protecc
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