#Cecil started it
kitsands · 19 days
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He did this in 2012 and it worked
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Oh we posting old Cecil art?
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The ultimate tumblr sexyman rematch has middle aged tumblr users that haven't been heard of since 2015 clawing their way up from the grave to vote for a disembodied voice as the ultimate internet sex symbol
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iris-of-the-eye · 1 year
Tumblr ignorants: who is this Cecil guy? why did some nobody beat Komaeda, one of the og sexymen??
Everyone else: Welcome To Night Vale got scammed at Dashcon, you unpeeled carrots.
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airoarts · 3 months
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sexymen drawing for fun.. or for glory?
[ID: a digital painting of several Tumblr Sexymen. From left to right: Miguel O'Hara and Astarion kissing with tongue, Tony the clock watching them, Wheatley floating in front of them and looking at the viewer, the Once-ler grinning with malicious intent, Sans grinning up at Reigen, who is sweating at Komaeda's malicious expression and his hand on his shoulder, Bill Cipher lounging above Reigen's head, Raymond the cat in front of Komaeda, Spamton showing Ingo the train guy a pipis egg, Alastor grinning nervously at a huge purple eye representing Cecil Gershwin Palmer. end ID]
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one-chaotic-neautral · 3 months
Eye themed podcast mc's be like
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I drew them a wee bit ago but finished them up today cause some of y'all seemed to want to see them ^^
alt version underneath -scopophobia warning-
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tbh they were all really fun to draw, I wanted to try different facial features for each of them but they mostly ended up with long thin faces :') so I kinda still got a bit of same face syndrome there.
Personal notes- I lowkey headcanon Arthur's right eye, the one with the sandstorm scarring, got kinda damaged from that and is pulled a bit tighter. He's also got a nose that's been broken in the past, same as Juno. Juno ended up so pretty eeee, I wasn't sure how I wanted to do the eyepatch but I kinda like the design. Was going for a librarian look for Jon, but a rather disheveled and paranoid one. I'm really happy with how his nose turned out, I figured out how to shade noses through this piece. Cecil was very fun to do as well, I wanted to push his design a bit into more femme styles than I usually see cause I feel like Cecil's the kinda guy to fuck with gender a bit.
Arthurs design is probably set end of s3 start of s4. Juno's from s3 onward. Jon's around end of s2 through s3. Cecil exists out of times constraints.
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It’s me, im back, I have another headcanon
Ok ok so this one revolves around like derealization and stuff, but I think for a while Cecil would ask Carlos about the reaserch into the house that doesn’t exist. More specifically he’d ask about how they came to the conclusion that it doesn’t exist, and Carlos always likes to provide examples when explaining things to people so he compares something that does exist to the house. Then one day after they move in together Carlos finds a post it note where Cecil has listed out every single thing that Carlos has said about proving if things exist of not, all sorted into categories of “evidence I exist” and “evidence I don’t exist”. And afterwards any time Cecil asks a question about proving that something exists Carlos always tries to use Cecil as his example of something that does exist. Because he doesn’t know how to talk to Cecil about it but he still wants to reassure him that he’s real and he exists.
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lynnbutlertron · 17 days
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am i allowed to dump invincible doodles here?!!
also donald and cecil doodle im lowkey embarrassed about because it’s That Gay under the cut vvv (suggestive warning???? i think!???)
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i love to make the non pathetic men pathetic-er than the pathetic ones. i’m ill
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koszmarnybudyn · 6 months
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So that was something...
Oh also more cover art esque version:
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clambatch · 1 year
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call-me-oracle · 2 months
barbara gordon in dark nights death metal: the last stories of the dc universe (we fight for love)
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blurrycow · 1 year
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voxphantasma · 1 year
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give it up for the true tumblr sexy man 👁️‍🗨️💟
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cryoriku · 9 months
hc how i think the scions + some others are religiously
• minfilia - very much religious and loyal about it. it is just a personal thing for her and something that has been a comfort over the years, she would never be preachy but it's not something she hides either.
• y'shtola - y'shtola is very spiritual and believes in a lot of things, but it wouldn't be accurate to call her religious as she would never really care to worship any of them.
• lyse - canonically athiest. she thinks theyre probably real but considers them more a figurehead for people, yet doesnt think they deserve it, as people should live for themselves and their neighbors
• thancred - pays his respects and is passively religious (ie he'll get out of a situation by the skin of his teeth and thank thaliak but that's it).
• urianger - prays from time to time. he believes, but is more spiritual than religious; pays deep consideration to the gods' roles in everything, with a larger emphasis on nature/mysticism
• alphinaud - logical about it; believes more in science, but that science must have came from a god. although not overtly religious, he makes efforts to pay his respects to any and all deities, even if they are not ones he believes are most likely to be real
• alisaie - very similar to alphinaud in that she has a logical/practical approach to religion. though, she wants to believe that every god is real, and prays from time to time when a bit of lingering childishness has her doubtful and she needs a hand
• aymeric - church boy who go to church and read his enchiridion. aware of the dangers misuse of religion can cause (obviously) and aims to eliminate that, but still devout in his worship to halone
• estinien - performs religion more than he actually practices it, as it's just so engrained in ishgardian culture that he's caught some habits secondhand. he believes they exist(/ed), it's just not his thing really.
• haurchefant - tell me haurchefant doesnt seem like the guy you went to youth group with your whole life and your parents want to set you up w him because he seems like a good holy young man but when you hook up he's actually insanely horny
anyway thats all i got 4 now
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so about that poll
edit: glasses i remembered everyone gave him glasses
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milich96 · 1 year
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And now I give you... the weather 🎶🎶🎶
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