#Cbs ghosts Sass
Questions I have about Patience the puritan, and
Can she still see? She has been in the dirt, away from sunlight or electricity for over a century? So would it hurt her to be back in the light? Or would being a ghost render her unaffected by such sever changes?
What were her relationships like with Thor and Sass. Some people have pointed out that while Isaac was the one to let go of her hand, all three men kept walking without her. So does she want vengeance on them next.
On the flip side of that what were the three older ghosts relationships like her. Thor is still with Flower when Isaac and Sass tell the group about Patience and he never comments on her. But I imagine having to leave someone behind messed with his PTSD over what his old crew did to him, and that he does miss her/feel guilt. It is hard to say what Sass feels about her. Telling the story it seemed like he was annoyed/upset about her being gone now, but then his comment to flower "She might be feral. Do not engage" implies he is afraid of her. As for Isaac... well he was visibly fighting the urge to cry when he had to confirm what happened. So we know she was important to him.
On that note is Isaac being the one who let go of her hand the only reason she has singled in on him for revenge. It has been a hot minute since I took a history class, but generally when I read about Puritan villages the stories take place before revolutionary war. So I am guessing Patience died in between Sass and Isaac. We also know that a big part of Isaac's ark is that he has only in the last few years started to really understand his own romantic/sexual feelings. It is cannon that Isaac used to court women because that was what he thought he was supposed to do. The show already covered Beatrice ... are we sure she was the only women.
I am wondering if maybe the show will go the route, that Isaac and Patience used to be a couple after he died. That like Beatrice Patience eventually caught on that Isaac did not really feel romantic for her. But unlike Beatrice who accepted this and they lived as very close friends, could Patience believe he let go her on purpose? That getting her lost in the dirt was his way of breaking up with her? Drama
Flower says Patience was married to a man named Josiah, and talked about him a lot, along with butter turning, Isaac, and revenge? Was Josiah abusive to her? Does feelings about her treatment by him mix into her feelings for any of her old ghost friends.
Flower calls Patience her friend. Does Patience see Flower as her friend. Would she accept help from Flower if Flower saw her again and offered it.
What is Patience ghost power. Please make her one of the secondary ghosts who knows theirs. (Can we eventually see Stephanie and Nancy's too).
Purtian women were mostly homemakers, sometimes educated, very work oriented (again Flower mentioned Patience talked a lot about butter turning, This implies she was possibly a dairymaid on her husband's farm), up tight, and extremely religious. What balance between that and "Scary witch" will Pateince be? Note I am assuming that Patience was accused of witchcraft and put to death.
How long will it take her to move out of the ground and into the house/shed/some above ground structure on the property? How often will we see her once things settle?
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aflawedfashion · 7 months
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Sasappis | Ghosts 3x02
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glitchedgirly · 6 months
I absolutely loved "Man of Your Dreams" as an episode bc it highlighted an important dynamic between Jay and the ghosts. Jay tries so hard to interact and befriend all of the ghosts (especially when compared to Mike in UK (no hate to him, they're just very different characters)) and it's been shown that Jay is incredibly lonely. He loves his wife ofc, and he moved out to Woodstone specifically for her but otherwise there's nothing keeping Jay at Woodstone. No friends. No family. No real connections for the most part.
It's worth noting that whenever he does try and befriend anyone alive, the ghost almost always (intentionally or otherwise) interfere with those relationships and usually win out, despite Jay being unable to see or interact with them (think abt Sass, the tree, and the gardening couple)
So hearing that Sass could interact with Jay and simply chose to only exploit that connection would have prbly been incredibly painful on Jay's end. I am glad tho that Sass apologized and that the two of them are working towards a better relationship in that!
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ellerywithablog · 2 months
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he’s just so pretty
and a lil bonus asher (taken by roman)
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mooncalf87 · 3 months
I want to do art fight as a digital artist so here is a practice doodle >:3
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This is my first time taking digital art seriously sense. Idk whenever the hell my friends anniversary was
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pearlcaddy · 1 year
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CBS Ghosts 2.21
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kcdahippie · 11 months
Sass: So you're throwing a competing party just to spite Nigel? That sounds like a powder keg that could explode, causing tons of unnecessary drama in the house. Hetty: So you're in? Sass: Uh, yeah! Love it. Thank you for doing this.
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titanicnerd-blog · 5 months
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nether-moth · 2 months
Sass is Asexual because I'm Asexual and I said so
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Results: Ghosts Showdown
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You Have Voted For Your Favourite Character, and it’s
The Captain (UK Ghosts)
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Thor knows the word "lasciviously", he's firmly fucking with them with land ship
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Wish list for CBS ghosts season 4
Make Patience a recurring antagonist for at least 2-3 episodes before that story gets resolved and she gets regulated to a background character.
Patience character to be 50% good religious farm girl, 50% crazy witch. She also needs to have a wicked(ly cool) ghost power
More of Isaac loving dinosaurs
More solo development for Isaac
More of Isaac and Hetty's awesome friendship
No Nigel for a while. I do not like him. He did a lot of things in his and Isaac's relationship that are textbook abusive partner behavior.
I think it is about time for Jay's restaurant to start up, and I would like that to actually become pretty successful/profitable. Mostly because I would like Sam and Jay to have a bit more disposable income to do things around the manor, and I know the B&B is unlikely to become super busy next season (unless the show is ending , which I really do not want).
The difference in treatment between the above ground ghosts and basement ghosts to be addressed. I know after season 3 that they aren't going to move them all up stairs. But it would be nice if Sam and Jay could like furbish the basement , and then more Basement ghosts than just Nancy got invited to come upstairs for games or discussion.
Just to be clear I still want Nancy to keep making her frequent visits up stairs and hang out with the man 8. I just also would not mind seeing Stuart or another nameless basement ghost standing or walking by in the background on the occasion.
Explore Pete's power more. He does not need to hop on a plane and go across the country or anything, but let him keep going out into town and having adventures. Also let him keep going on dates with other random ghosts outside of the house.
I know that Pete&Alberta will probably happen at some point in season 4. The thing is though while that ship was cute in season 1, the way the ship was handled in season 2 soured it like milk to me. Both characters need a lot of development, and separate explorations of what they want out of a relationship, before I can ship them again.
H-Money is still a couple I kinda like. I do not expect them to get back together in season 4 (Please not another season that is fully devoted to coupling up all the character), but I would like them to start scheming together again. Let them figure out how to interact together as friends, and build a stronger foundation to eventually, in season 5 maybe, try again.
I have heard people suggest that Pete's power could maybe be extend to getting the other ghosts through the barrier if they are like holding onto Pete's hand. I want this. Now I know Sass will want to visit a Pizza Hut, and Issac a dinosaur museum, but I would say the most important thing to do with that would be to take Thor and Flower over to the Farnsby manor to visit Bjorn and his girlfriend Judy. It would also be cool if there was a lesbian ghost living there they could set up Nancy with. Since Nisaac is on a "respite" and queer representation (preferably healthy queer representation) is important.
Everyone remember in season 2 when we learned about Flower's super protective, formally MIA, army vet brother : Rob. You remember how the show's staff said they would love to have Rob come to the B&B for a visit, and were already considering actors who could play him? I want this episode. Also if you cannot directly tell Rob his sister is a ghost on the property, then can Trevor or Alberta use their powers to help Flower send a message to Rob. To say that she still loves him. I cannot deal that both siblings spent like 50 years thinking the other hated them when neither did. It is to sad.
It would be cool if we could also have Ira visit once too. I know Flower did not love him like she did Michael or does Thor, but he was still someone who was a big part of her life for a while, and knowing her cannonly had a large impact on his. Maybe we find that while he has done charities in her memory, trauma over watching her be killed by a bear has also lead him to sponsor bear hunts or poaching. Flower is horrified. Then Sam and Jay have to spend his visit looking for a way to convince him that is not what Flower would have wanted.
Four standard episodes for each season are a Halloween episode, an episode where Bela visits, one where Stephanie wakes up, and one where Crash appears and is slightly relevant. I have no idea what to do for an episode with Crash, but for the others
-Ghost animals on Halloween
-Home theater night for ghosts and guests on the night Stephanie wakes up, complete with all the drama of set up and shenanigans that going to the movies encores.
- Bela is broken up with Eric, she does not even like him. This time her and Jay's parents come with her for the visit. Bela wants all the latest gossip surrounding the ghosts, but they have to tip toe around the parents. Jay's dad does not fully support the B&B even without the knowledge that it is haunted, and Sam does not want to give her mother in law another reason to suspect that she might be crazy.
Owning back to the "Can Pete take the other ghosts off the property" theory, can Thomas Woodstone be a ghost who died visiting a neighbors property. We have no reason to see Elias again since he has decided to stay put in Hell. But Thomas reappearing could be interesting for both Hetty and Alberta. If he does show up though I want the twist to be that he is actually severally cognitively impaired (think Lenny from oMaM)... I mean the man was from an inbred family, played with lead based toys as a baby, had a cocaine addict mom, and a father who was a lot of things. He could not have been all there. Also address more on if Earl ever actually cared for any of the people he was two timing (again development that needs to happen to make Alberta want to go from dating an Earl to a Pete).
A Sasappis based episode that is not his death story. I feel like he needs at least one more episode exploring what his life alive was like, to be appropriately gutted when we learn about his secret death.
Actually maybe we can hold off on Sass's death and Hetty's ghost power until season 5. let's keep the element of mystery in the show for a little longer.
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aflawedfashion · 1 year
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Ghosts 2x09 | Double Holiday
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darthhope999 · 1 year
Okay, who tf do we think got sucked off?
I personally think it’s Nigel, unfortunately. If you have one I missed, answer in the comments!
(In case you’re new to the fandom, “sucked off” means sent to heaven, get your mind out of the gutter.)
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What I love about the dynamic between Hetty and the pre-industrial ghosts is the fact they knew her her whole life, as well as knew her family and descendents, so her history with them begins before her death.
 I love Thor being Gordon, and Isaac and Thor messing with her and her guest during a seance, Sass knowing she was “ the party guest who overindulges in cocaine and traps one in the corner, going on and on about Gilbert and Sullivan”. 
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