#Cautionary tale
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athinellis · 6 months ago
The tragedy in 1984 is that they do not actually kill the protagonist in the end but they kill him as an individual. And the final step to do so is not by destroying something directly related to himself but by destroying his feelings for another person. The final step to destroy a human being is to destroy their love.
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shaylogic · 7 months ago
I think about this a lot
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doomed2repeat · 4 days ago
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Seeing the discourse about blaming Polin fans for the reception to Simone’s new movie, but be aware that it’s toxic KA fans making tweets calling her new costar ugly. Same method as always- talking shit about someone’s looks out of a misplaced sense of competition. Dragging Simone’s new costar out of loyalty to Kanthony and JB was a choice, and it’s not a good one if your ultimate goal is to be a supporter of Simone’s post-Bridgerton career.
BTW this is NOT a thing exclusive to that sub fandom. I need some toxic Polins who swear they don’t want to watch Luke/Nicola with different love interests to learn from this behavior. Hype up your faves new projects by learning to treat them as an individual, and not as a packaged deal with whoever they starred with in Bridgerton. When White Mars comes out, PLEASE take this as a lesson not to shit on Lucy Hale to lift up Nicola or Polin (or Lukola) when they are very separate things.
They are ALL going to go on to make new movies with new love interests, and it’s only going to hold them back to keep comparing all of them to Bridgerton. This is unfair to Simone, unfair to Hero Fiennes-Tiffin and will be unfair to the careers of any Bridgerton lead who wants to make anything close to a romance going forward- and we WANT more romance movies!
You can prefer their chemistry with their Bridgerton costar as a set for sure, that’s why Hollywood used to pair the same actors up as a couple over and over again, but hating on their new costars or acting like they can’t have chemistry with anyone but each other or look good with anyone but each other is sabotage.
And before anyone comes crying in my replies because they missed my point and are upset a Polin fan is talking - I’ve said before I think Simone Ashley and Luke Newton were both done dirty by Bridgerton, so I don’t understand attacking one for the other. I hate seeing those fandoms fight because it’s obvious our frustrations with Bridgerton production are the same, and because Luke is considered a safe punching bag of the fandom, anything that goes wrong for SA almost always results in her fans coming for LN specifically, which is a pattern I personally hate. Check my blog, I’ve been consistent on this.
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royallyprincesslilly · 2 years ago
Cautionary Tale on Carbon Monoxide
So, for the last 2 weeks or so my smoke alarm/carbon monoxide alarm has been beeping sporadically. I paid it no mind because there was no smoke, nothing was burning and I did not think it could be anything else. I assumed the alarm or batteries were going bad because they had been here forever ago.
So, we changed the batteries and bought a new alarm, and installed them through the house a week ago. The beeping stopped. However, a few days ago while I was cooking the beeping came back. Again, no smoke in the home and nothing was burning. We are searching trying to figure out why it keeps going off.
I constantly have my essential oil diffuser plugged in and running so some searches came back saying certain essential oils might set off the alarm if strong enough and my 16-year-old has been fear rubbing herself with Citronella essential oils(repellent for mosquitoes) because whenever the door opened these new breed mosquitos fly in and she is terrified if her face and body looking like a swollen pepperoni pizza🙄😂. (The concerns of a 16-year-old who was looking out for her upcoming first day of school face card status lmao)
Finally, after some YT videos and Google searches, we began to suspect it was beeping because of carbon monoxide. So we hurry and get out of the house, food still on the stove half cooked, and wait for the gas/electric company to come to investigate and fix the problem.
When the tech comes he walks inside the house and instantly the machine he carried to check the PPM set off a reading of 41. This level is highly dangerous and prolonged exposure can result in health risks and possibly death.😳
He continued to walk through the house and found pockets in the house where the PPM was 38-41(still dangerous). He goes into the kitchen and instantly says, I see your problem. He goes to the stove and points to my favorite, can't live without have used almost every time I cook 11" Copper Chef casserole pot and says this is the culprit.
Apparently, the size of the pot covers my entire burner so there is no ventilation happening under the pot which is bad. He then points to another favorite pot on the back burner and says this one is also bad because of the size of the pot. He turned on the fire under the Copper Chef pot and instantly his machine went up to 144 PPM😳.
I was appalled. He asked about how we all were feeling and asked who the cook in the house was and of course it was me✋🏽. I felt fine. I usually always have headaches and feel tired, he said I could be suffering from long-term carbon monoxide exposure and should go to the hospital to be sure.
To make this longer story just plain ol' long, I say all of this to caution you guys on pot sizes for your gas stove burners and to say it could be the things/ways you least expect.
Tips from the gas/electric company tech
-Make sure your pot is not bigger/wider than your burner flames.
-Turn on your overhead vent or open your kitchen windows when cooking for either or both of these: 1) If your pots are bigger than the burner flames or 2) To take an extra level of safety.
-If you are using bigger pots try to open closet doors throughout your home because the carbon monoxide can creep into the closed closet and remain there for hours.
-In your gas using ovens do not have any liners or protectors(the ones you put down to prevent spills or drips as you bake) on the bottom of the oven if they come anywhere near the two ventilation slits in the oven(where the flames/heat rises).
-If you have done all of the above and constantly feel lightheaded, dizzy, persistent headaches, fatigue, sleepiness, be safe and just get it checked out in the ER or Urgent Care.
Be safe out there y'all. Carbon Monoxide is known as a silent killer.
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howifeltabouthim · 2 months ago
'If there's anything you want to say to her — any message of love — any urgent message of that kind — say it at once — don't wait until it's too late, or it may spoil your life as it has mine.'
L. P. Hartley, from The Hireling
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fruitcake5 · 2 months ago
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I don't want to fight you!" Who doesn't he want to fight?🤔
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 7 months ago
Meghan, thy name is PATHETIC!
These two numpties truly think they have outsmarted the world. Normal people don't repeatedly attempt to fool the world into thinking they are "whip smart" or accomplished by regurgitating childhood and adolescent fantasies. Meghan and Harry are clearly mentally deficient individuals with massive amounts of resources to serve as global court jesters.
During a festival that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Temu Royal Snowcation 🌨 ❄ Tour, these idiots dashed on the stage to CYA after MegaLiar's poor performance as the "FLUENT duchess" who couldn't be bothered to memorize the pronunciation of their host's proper title: /bee-seh-preh-see-dehn-teh/ but the whip smart MegaLiar referred to her new amiga as /v-ICE / 😬🤦‍♀️
Sparry who has a hot & heavy bromance with Argentinean polo player named Nacho pretended that he was too dumb to say a simple thank you and good night to the crowd. He enlisted the help of his soap actress wife (who snatched the mic) for the Spanish "translation" as if the croud was too dumb to translate the simple English phrase for themselves.
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Who is going to tell these idiots that even if she is the bilingual Duchess (which she's not) it would NOT make her special. You'd think the woman could speak Mandarin. 🥴
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How pathetic 🤑
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MegaLiar's need to overwhelm the internet with a lie about her being bilingual is just another reminder that this woman is a 1 trick pony with 1 ADULT accomplishment: sex with a drug addled brained prince. Sex with a dumb prince. Truly Pathetic.
What is Meghan Markle so desperate to Cover Up for the past 20 years? She literally flunked out of the state department before she could even get her foot in the door, yet she is constantly pushing & promoting "Argentina." She was humiliated into "relocating" to Madrid until her graduation ceremonies. Makes me wonder whether or not those sugarbaby rumors are true?
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If she worked in Argentina "early in her career," then why is Meg pictured on the set of General Hospital so she could gain the necessary credentials to work Hollyweird?
She's also pictured with another liar, her BFF Lindsay Roth Jordan, on the day they both graduated from Northwestern as "candidates for degrees in Communications."
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The Daily Mail:
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Newlywed and newly employed on Season 1 of Suits, and during promo for Season 2 she drops the lie about Argentina. Makes you wonder what else was happening in Argentina.
2011 and Just Married to Trevor Engleson. Finally she booked her 1st TV series, and she's visibly embarrassed by 1 innocent question. She opted to lie. She reached all the way back to ten (10)+ years ago instead of simply saying, "...5 years ago I was looking for work." What are you hiding Megsy?🤔
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She couldn't believe the question, "...what was I doing five (5) years ago?" She was embarrassed by 34 episodes as Season 2 Deal or No Deal model # 24 (2006-2007) would have been 8ish years ago so tell the truth Meg.
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July 12th 2013 Promotion for one of her blog affiliates "Birchbox" just prior to dumping Trevor. "If I wasn't acting I would most likely be working in politics have a career in politics. I had been working at the US Embassy in Argentina and was certain I'd get into a career in foreign service much like my character Rachel it was really tough for me to pass the foreign service exam, Rachel had trouble passing the LSATs, end up coming back to LA for a break and a friend of mine from college had given a manager a student film that I did, he called me the next day and was like you know what, I think you should be acting. So if you're constantly just on your A game and you're ready for when that moment arises that's when things can take off in a much bigger way. Success is reachable."
She wrote this for Birchbox: "USA's SUITS is one of our top summer TV shows—not least for its awesome female characters. While the guys of Pearson may rule the roost, it's the ladies who steal the show. Case in point: the whip-smart Rachel Zane, played by Meghan Markle. We sat down with Markle to find out about her foodie favorites, her background in Foreign Service, and the one beauty product..."
More lies on the red carpet
Mid Season 2 Promo at The Paley Center for Media Jan 14th 2013
"And I read that you were never originally going to go into acting!?"
Lies: "no I was gonna do politics...I grew up in LA so I grew up in this industry and obviously loved entertainment, my father's a lighting director I just always wanted to do something different and working in politics was exciting for me but I'm saying as we were driving up 2 blocks down the street is paper source. I used to teach gift wrapping classes there. I used to teach calligraphy classes there and so to be here tonight and to see that contrast happen in my life from an auditioning actress just trying to make it work to pilot after pilot to have one that's going into 3rd season with fans who are so supportive I mean I couldn't be more grateful. It's really amazing."
Almost 8 years later and she's on Craig Ferguson's show to promote Suits and still lying about her education and Argentina. Why?
I've always thought it was interesting that Meghan and Sparry were in Argentina around the same time, and of course Diana was there in 1995.
"On 23 November 1995, Diana, Princess of Wales arrived in Argentina to begin a historic, four-day visit to the South American country. While not an official state visit, the trip was undertaken by Diana in her newly-defined role as goodwill ambassador for Britain. The visit, which was the Princess of Wales' first international engagement since her controversial Panorama interview, was seen as an important step in the warming of relations between the UK and Argentina, the countries having fought one another in the Falklands War of 1982 and resumed diplomatic relations in 1990. The footage featured in this edit covers the full four days of Princess Diana's visit, including her famous meeting with Argentine president Carlos Menem, her visits to a number of charities and hospitals in Buenos Aires, whale-watching in Argentine Patagonia, and attending a charity gala banquet."
Prince Harry cuts short visit to Argentina.
Thursday, November 25th 2004 
Twenty year old Prince Harry flew back to London from Buenos Aires Thursday afternoon after the Argentine press revealed he had become a “head ache” for those responsible for his security.
Apparently the Prince was scheduled to return next week but Buckingham Palace decided to anticipate the date given the adverse press coverage he was receiving during his alleged "night incursions" to local pubs and discos.
Although British Airways desk said any information relating to Prince Harry was "confidential", from early hours the reinforcement of security measures in Ezeiza's airport was evident.
Local reports indicate Prince Harry boarded the plane in good humour.
The second son of the Prince of Wales arrived in Argentina November 12 and was staying in estancia "El Remanso" close to the town of Lobos in the province of Buenos Aires belonging to some British friends, where supposedly he was to take polo classes and rest before returning to England for Christmas and Sandhurst military academy next January.
However his sport activities in Argentina were known to be limited since the prince had an injured knee from a recent rugby match.
Mayor of Lobos, Gustavo Sobrero minimized the press versions about Prince Harry's behaviour, particularly last Wednesday early morning when shots were heard in a nearby farm which forced a quick security response in the area.
"This visit hasn't altered normal life in the area. Besides it is quiet common during the hunting season to hear shots", said Mr. Sobrero.
As to Prince Harry's alleged night escapades to town pubs Mr. Sobrero indicated that "as far as we are concerned we haven't been informed".
According to Buenos Aires daily "Página 12" on his return from town partying Prince Harry was in quite "bad condition" given his "uncontrolled consumption of alcohol".
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rotinmycore · 3 months ago
i never want to be fully understood, fully perceived, fully identified. wrap my name around your head twice and still come up empty when someone asks, “what is she like?”
i yearn to be a folklore legend, a hidden whisper, a tale of caution perhaps, that this is what happens when fire is suppressed.
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armory-rasa · 1 year ago
Bazubands part 1: A LESSON IN HUMILITY 🤣
So one of my projects for the winter break was to make a set of bazubands made for myself -- a middle eastern armor piece that provides all-in-one wrist/forearm/elbow protection, and the easiest way to get the coverage required for SCA fighting. (My garb is viking, but such are the exigencies of modern safety standards, that fighters usually wind up with a mix of armor types.)
Anyway, I packed up the necessary tools and materials and took them with me when I went to visit my parents, which is why the backdrop for these pictures isn't my usual workshop.
Found a pattern on google, cut it out of 10-12 oz veg tan, traced/carved/tooled it:
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(You can see why this is the easiest way to get elbow protection, it's WAY less fiddly than trying to do articulated plates around the joint.)
Soaked the elbow cop again (because it was starting to dry out by the time I was done tooling), rounded it out and stitched it up:
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Dyed it black, in my parents' backyard:
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(And if you use Angelus dyes, that's how you keep from spilling it -- the box has little perforations so that it can hold the bottle safely upright.)
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It doesn't show in that picture, but I have a metal bowl of wax (jeweler's casting wax) melting on the stovetop. I alternate between brushing it onto the leather, which looks like the picture above, and then putting the leather in the oven at ~200F, at 10-20 minute intervals, until the wax soaks in. Repeat until the leather is fully saturated and does not absorb more wax. (This often takes hours, so find something else to multitask with.)
But when you're done -- ta da!
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Your project will be thoroughly waterproof, very strong and hard, with a low lustre. It's functionally ABS plastic at this point.
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The next step was padding, so I got some sheepskin and and fitted it to the inside:
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(idk why it's so fucking orange, but the alternative was kind of a mint-mucus green. I think the orange is growing on me though.)
Time to pattern the other, simpler piece of the bazuband, because they're hinged to enclose your full arm:
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(I couldn't do this earlier, and therefore do both pieces concurrently, because I had no idea how much bulk the padding was going to add to my arm. I suppose you could wrap your arm in padding when you're measuring at the start.)
Slapped a quick design on it:
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(And carved & tooled it too, though I neglected to get pictures of that.)
And then--
I put it in the oven, and it lost its gd mind.
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Seriously, just -- words do not do this abomination justice. o_O
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Coming so close on the heels of the Khorasan pouch, which had turned out absolutely perfect and has been more widely shared and lauded than anything else I've posted, this was a humbling experience. 🤣 Like, yes you're good, Gabriel, but you're not immune to fucking up.
So what happened here? Why did the same leather as the bazubands, undergoing the exact same steps and processes, turn out like THIS?
I'd have to repeat the experiment to 100% confirm my theory, but I'm pretty sure the critical difference is that I was speed-running this one, and I didn't wait for the dye to fully dry before I started waxing it. It wound up with, essentially, wet leather hermetically encased in wax, and since the water didn't have anywhere to go, it did weird things to the structure of the leather fibers when it started heating up. And because I don't often work with wax, I had somehow never run into this situation before, and thus already learned that lesson.
Ah well.
It wasn't a huge amount of leather, and it was only like two hours of work, so I'm not that fussed about it. (More embarrassed than anything else, at what feels like a very rookie mistake -- and conscious that it could have been SO MUCH WORSE if that had happened to the larger bazuband pieces, which had a lot more time and materials sunk into them.)
Anyway, I'm going to tweak the pattern a bit, make it narrower at the wrist and a bit longer, and change the design to something that matches the dragon better -- and let it fully dry this time. 😂
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s-mt-rd · 2 months ago
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Corn Red Moon, 1990, Caroliner Rainbow Stewed Angel Skins.
There was a moon who would stay in the corner of your eye It would follow your bread smells and wring pantries dry  Knocking food down for bugs again and again  Corn Red Moon gets shot at but supper stealings don't end Corn Red holes in its bulb body waked a brand at it Nasty things are put together and bitter letters are writ. To a bank we went to see if they had a common earned Wages and politeness have this Corn moon turned Away out bang! bang you stealer it bored The Corn Red Moon went by a window and cannon ball hit abor! Corn Red Moon must have chuckled all night or more Corn Red Moon must have chuckled at us getting so sore!  Everyone all ground made a stew all day Potatoes and wrick soaps were added to the boiling array Out of the corner of an eye the Corn Red Moon came And it fixed its kernelly bulb somewhere above the steam  The cannon was fixed on a place in the haze Bang it roared hitting nought but steam and a head. The face it whapped was a rider for the bank. Tears were shedded and that cannon left unthanked. Corn Red Moon came around now and again of course Until a smartie made a flop pie taken from behind of a horse A bad taste pie and we had finally succeeded So if a Corn Red Moon sniffs at your crumbs horse muffins feed it
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3luejamz · 2 months ago
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cautionary tale thing
the reason why I'm saying this now instead of doing this a long time ago is because i dont like to be involved with drama and it makes me very paranoid but I'm saying this now because i feel the need to take this weight off of my shoulders and i want you guys to hear about my experience
i have history with this guy and he is... something
he has called me and said very weird and uncomfortable things that i have always got the ick with
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not only has toff said some very weird things to me, my friend told me how he said something extremely racist to her friend who is arabic and called them a terrorist
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this happened in a server called "shotgun hands" made for a game in the making that i used to be fond of and even was an artist in that server to help with the game concepts. unfortunately i never had a chance to make any concepts i had official because "they will be unliked", my friend also had a concept that was actually unique yet it was declined for the same reason
Toff INCLUDING OTHER PEOPLE have also said very mildly uncomfortable things
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their exact reaction to seeing normal female anatomy
not only that, theyre also transphobic and dont respect lesbians
now what makes it worse is that this guy who was once a friend i genuinely cared about is literally UNDER 16 YEARS OLD, not only has he said racist shit and horrendously uncomfortable things, he has also drawn NSFW but didnt publish it. i know this because he himself SHOWED IT TO ME OUT OF NOWHERE in a vc when he was streaming. Toff does have a twitter where he mostly posts there and posted sexual drawings, one of them including specifically brazilian miku.
i would show the images however i cant do it in one post due to it already reaching the maximum number. you can see the drawings in his twitter ( ToffTheDawg )
while he did ask me if i was uncomfortable all i said was a "im not sure", " idk" i only said those so i didnt wanna be seen as rude and i am a huge people pleaser. but i never said no.
i have talked about him to a lot of my friends, one of them being in the same shotgun hands server as him exposed his ass and almost got banned because of that, even muted by toff a couple of times and had to be unmuted by another mod.
in my honest opinion i believe that the reason why Toff is a mod now is because so he can ban whoever he wants and not take responsibility for also taking care of the server, not only that he has also did many things against the rules by sending minecraft porn
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also i was the one that scribbled the chest part out to censor it while in the og message, it was uncensored
this whole situation took a toll on me due to the fact that me and Toff were really close friends and i was interested in helping him through his journey in art and i was a muse to him. i even told him that he wasnt like the boys in my class because in the past that was when i didnt notice any red flags. i regretted saying that.
how did i meet toff? i was in a gravity falls server and he randomly sent me a friend request because he found me interesting as he was stalking the introduction chanel
he had also shown his irl face and because of how naive i was, i showed mine too which is VERY DANGEROUS NO MATTER HOW OLD UR ONLINE FRIEND IS, DO NOT DO THIS, toff has redrawn irl pictures of me and even made a drawing of my face which made me uncomfortable
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so yeah, never show ur irl face, never accept random friend requests, and please always try to put ur foot down if u feel uncomfortable so u wont be even more hurt
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allhailthe70shousewife · 2 years ago
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📡All Hail The 70s Housewife congratulates Madonna. All the plastic surgery and MediSpa treatments have been successful and her long-awaited, hard-won, and much dreamt of transformation into Edward G. Robinson is almost complete! Nice work, Madge🥂👍🏆⭐️
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confused-bi-queer · 1 year ago
Back on my MalMage agenda
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After almost 2 years of plotting and driving myself insane, I finally decided to publish the first chapter of my "MalMage is canon" fic.
A slow slow burn with a lot of angst and smut. Canon divergence.
I'm sorry Rainbow.
Cautionary Tale
Rating: E, and has MCD
Word Count: (45 k posted; 74 k in WIP)
What if the adults in the Carry On books were actually Watford students? What if we took MalMage seriously and gave them a real backstory?
This is the Carry On equivalent of "All The Young Dudes", and it starts in 7th year at Watford but with other students. Perhaps Malcolm and Davy?
Read on AO3
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a-disaster-piece · 5 days ago
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But also, like, what about another, opposite take on this, as more of a somewhat cautionary tale, of sorts.
"...She followed a light that wasn't her own...and then she died."
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fruitcake5 · 2 months ago
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Cautionary tale sans btw that's poisonous gas
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talefoundryshow · 1 year ago
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“Why?” is a question as old as humanity, and stories to help explain the “why”s behind seemingly unexplainable phenomena have existed for just as long. If you know where to look, the echoes of mythical etiology are still with us today.
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