#Catullus 8
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year ago
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@ Crosshair after he divorced Hunter joined the Empire
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thesarosperiod · 2 years ago
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was writing an essay on catullus translations, thought "what if catullus... but dialouge," and then this happened. something something poetry as a conversation between the poet and another (or themself)
(translation is not mine—this is a.s. kline's catullus 8; i rearranged the text and made some minor pronoun changes.)
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local-queer-classicist · 4 months ago
rip catullus you would’ve loved red album by taylor swift
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svbhuman · 9 months ago
guess which loser is, once again at a hotel, preparing for a class tomorrow 😾 i just finished and it feels like im still unprepared and i blame it on my boss for not giving me sufficient information 😾😾 stop chucking me new students you dont want to deal with and not giving me info about their skill level 😾😾😾
doing hor. odes 2.17 with her tomorrow because what else should i do. horace2.17 forever goated even though it falls off towards the end sorry sorry didnt say anything
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writers-potion · 5 months ago
Latin Phrases of love
Latin: Words/Phrases of Love ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
Thank you all for the attention that my Latin words/phrases lists are getting! (interesting latin phrases, soft-souning latin phrases)
Here are some Latin phrases regarding love:
aeger amore: love sick
aegra amans: [lover's disease] love sick
amo: I love
amor sui: self-love
amor habendi: love of possessing
animo fractus: heartbroken
caritas: love or charity
cupido: longing or desire
cum corde: with the heart
digitulus: [little finger] the touch of a finger
digitus auricularis: the ring finger
imo pectore: from the bottom of the heart
in saecula saeculorum: [for ages of ages] forever and ever
philtrum: a love potion
potentia amoris: the power of love
vinculum matrimonii: th bond of marriage
vis amoris: the force of love
amo et pax: love and peace
amo ut ivenio: love as I find
amor et honor: love and honor
amor gignit amorem: ove begins as love
amor amnibus idem: love is the ame in all (Virgil)
amor tussisque non celantur: love and a cough are not concealed (Ovid)
amor vincit omnia: love conquers all things
amore sitis uniti: be united in love
cedamus amori: let us yield to love
cor ad cor loquitor: heart speaks to heart
cor et manus: heart and hand
cras amet qui numquam amavit: let those love now, who never loved before (Catullus)
dulce periculum: sweet danger
fide et amore: by faith and love
fortis est ut mors dilectio: love is strong as death (Song of Solomon 8:6)
in omnibus caritas: in all things love
meminerunt omnia amantes: lovers remember everything (Ovid)
nihil amori injuriam est: there is no wrong that love will not forgive
nihil amanti durum: nothing is hard for one who loves
nihil esta more veritatis celsus: nothing is loftier than the lover of truth (Propertius)
non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis: not for you, not for me, but for us
redintegratio amoris: the renewal of love
serva jugum: [preserve the yoke] preserve the bond of love
si vis amari ama: if you ant to be loved, then love (Seneca)
ut ameris, amabilis esto: to receive love, be lovable (Ovid)
...and because ruined love is also love:
a vinculo matrimonii: [from the bonds of marriage] an absolute divorce
aurear compedes: golden shackles
corpus inane: body without a soul
succubus: a female spirit or demon believed to prey sexually on young men while they sleep
zelotypus: jealousy
expertus dico, nemo est in amore fidelis: I say as an expert, no one is faithful in love (Propertius - I wonder what this man had to go through to say this?)
neno in amore videt: no one in love sees (Propertius - seriously, what happened, Propertius?)
omnis amans amens: every lover is demented
res est solliciti plena timoris amor: love is full of axious fears (Ovid)
As always, happy writing.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! Also, join my Tumblr writing community for some more fun.
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
Reference: Latin for the Illiterati: a modern guide to an ancient language by Jon R. Stone, second edition 2009.
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marcusagrippa · 8 days ago
hi jase!! any recs to learn about caelius? i love the few things i know about him and i need More
hello!!!! yes i Do have recs :-]  however first of all
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i am not a classicist and haven't studied him / that time period in any sort of detail academically, so if i recommend an outdated text / miss something really obvious then please more knowledgeable mutuals correct meeee
wrt primary sources, all the letters from book 8 of ad familiares were written by him (cicero’s replies can be found in book 2) which are like. thee most important to read i would say
the pro caelio of course . i would also say r g austin’s third edition introduction to it is pretty good for more general overviews of Stuff, though it’s from the sixties so. take it critically
there are small little mentions/anecdotes about him around - seneca mentions him in de ira, he gets a little bit of valerius maximus, there's a tiny section on him in cassius dio and caesar mentions him briefly in his bellum civile
uhhhhhhhhh pliny mentions him also when talking about aconite which is how we know about the whole 'accusing bestia of being a serial killer who fingered his wives to death' thing (paraphrasing)
the only surviving bits of his oratory (to my knowledge) are in quintilian! awesome sexy in hybridam fragment save me
catullus & his world by t p wiseman has a section on caelius which is Really Good . and also like. catullus . read catullus 🫵
another older text is cicero and his friends by gaston boissier - again this is from like the 1800s so a lot of stuff is outdated (esp wrt catullus.? if i remember right. i also remember him being really mean about ovid for no reason :[ ) but you know. awesome and cool. corrupting intercourse etc etc
the only full length biography of him is by marina volponi - i have a pdf (thanks lu!) that i can send you if you’d like, though it is in italian 
this. i don't agree with a lot of what it says about caelius esp regarding his later life but it's fun!
comedy in the pro caelio 👍
these articles are all pretty good - i used to have a Hoard with many more but i've since lost it. wails.
(probably not what you were asking about but still - wrt historical fiction, the key / the lock / the door in the wall by benita jane karo are all caelius-y (the key + the door in the wall from his perspective) and fun, if not super accurate. attis of course. the cicero trilogy. he shows up like two whole times in masters of rome </3 and i haven't read it but i've heard roma sub rosa has a good caelius in !)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. hope that was at least a little bit helpful!
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thecardiackids · 1 year ago
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Catullus - Ave Atque Vale
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green-ocean · 1 month ago
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Text: "You are ruined. What will your life be? Who will 'visit' your room? Who uncover that beauty? Whom will you love? Whose girl will you be? Whom kiss? Whose lips bite? Enough. Break." - from poem 8 of "The Poems" by Catullus transl. by Peter Whigham.
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iphisesque · 2 years ago
my dashboard simulator
mutual 1: so basically if we go off of cicero we can deduce that catullus clodia and caelius did have a threesome
mutual 2: i want to shove a snake inside my pussy
mutual 3: [gifset of sam winchester] #call me dean the way i need his hole
mutual 4: when you think about it it's really all about st dymphna and anais nin and myrrha and electra and daphne du maurier an—
mutual 5: i need this anime twink to die a gory death so i can finally fuck him in peace
mutual 6: cyborg theory is so cool! [2 posts later] i hate ai art with a blinding passion
mutual 7: you guys have NO idea what you're talking about. anyways stream ultraviolence
mutual 8: stop overlooking the necronarrative feminist overtones of the pharsalia and start reading some theory for the love of god
mutual 9: [beautiful painting of a decomposing body] #i blog from here
mutual 10: [actual picture of a decomposing body]
mutual 11: need pussy from a guy who meows
mutual 12: just sent an anthrax letter to mutual 11
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consistentsquash · 1 year ago
Hp Rec Fest 2023 Recs by Squash
AO3 collection for the recs I made during this fest!
The fest mods deserve everything <3
Rec masterlist - links are for my rec blurbs.
31. A fav among favs: Almagest by eldritcher (2018). Harry/Voldemort
30. A precanon fic: The Unspoken and the Unsent by hollycomb (2013). Dumbledore/Elphias Doge
29. A postcanon fic: Candles Lit Against the Dark by perverse_idyll (2023). McGonagall/Grubbly-Plank
28. An underrated fic: A Cliff in July by Miss M. (2013) Millicent/Marietta.
27. A Muggle AU: Commonplace Magic by Acid, Sinick (2010). Snarry
26. A fic with an ending you can't stop thinking about: In Infinite Remorse of the Soul by perverse_idyll (2011). Snarry, Snape/Dumbledore.
25. A fic rated T: On Wednesday by Tryfanstone (2006). Snarry
24. A holiday fic: 10 Snarry Holiday fics.
23. A soulmate fic: Inch by Inch We Crawled Toward Each Other by Chatter (2017). Fleur/Hermione
22. An unfinished fic: The J. Alfred Prufrock Arc by vain (2003). Snarry.
21. A thought provoking fic: Brown Sugar by eldritcher (2018). Voldemort/Tom Riddle (Diary).
20. A G Rated fic: The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife by eldritcher (2021). Snape/Giant Squid.
19. Hottest smut fic: Both Sides Now by Predatrix (2006). Snarry.
18. A fairytale fic: The Lost World (short version) by perverse_idyll (2013), Snarry + Omphale by eldritcher (2015), Harry/Voldemort
17. A fic that made you cry: 10 Snarry fics to make you cry
16. A fic that made you laugh: 10 Snarry fics to make you laugh
15. Most recent bookmark: De Aegypto by squibstress (2023). Minerva/Rolanda
14. A fav series: Pandemic by eldritcher (2021) Harry/Voldemort
13. A fic over 100K words: Catullus 16 by eldritcher (2014) Harry/Voldemort
12. A WIP: Year of the Thestral by perverse_idyll (2022) Snagonagall, McGonagall/Hooch
11. A dark fic: King of Fat by rinsbane (2006) Snarry
10. A fest fic: A Matter of Time by danpuff (2022). Snarry
9. A rarepair fic: Extraordinary Lengths by MaxWrite (2009). Percy/Barty Crouch Jr.
8. A canon divergence fic: When the Rose and the Fire Are One by perverse_idyll (2010). Snarry
7. A canon compliant fic: Storytelling by kellychambliss (2010). Hermione/Minerva McGonagall
6. An unreliable narrator fic: Remember Me to Cheetham Hill by Delphi (2021). Snape/Filch
5. A non AO3 fic: Down the Rabbit Hole by RaeWhit (2008). Snarry
4. Fic + art: PS, I love you by mywitch and groot (2022). Snape/Hermione
3. A podfic: [Podfic of] Bad Girls, Bad Girls, Whatcha Gonna Do by wilfriede (2023). Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch + [Podfic of] Plenitude by wilfriede (2023). Amelia Bones/Hermione
2. A comfort fic: Epic of the Forgotten by eldritcher (2017). Viktor Krum/Voldemort + Sexing the Pumpkin by ratherbrightred (2007). Snape/Sirius Black
1 . A fav fic under 5000 words: Corresponding with Snape by asnowyowl (2010). Snarry
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madebypointlesswords · 2 years ago
Rating all the Latin authors I've read in the past two years in honor of my oral Latin exam tomorrow
Caesar (De Bello Gallico)
This is a weird one because while his prose isn't extremely difficult, it was also the first unedited work I read, so for lil 15-year-old me, this was very difficult. But I learned a lot from Caesar (especially that he made it an art to making his sentences as long as possible. We read an entire 200 words, and IT WAS JUST ONE SENTENCE.), and the sense of nostalgia while rereading it is very pleasant, so I will give you a solid 6/10
Pliny the Younger (Epistulae)
Mixed feelings about this one again. This could also be just because I despise prose. I really do not like it at all. Pliny's epistulae were pretty okay. I liked them a little better than Caesar's because of their variety (for those that don't know, epistulae means letters). His letter about the Vesuvius was a lot of fun to translate, even with all the hyperbata, but his letters about or to his third wife were very uncomfortable. Like, I get things were different back then. BUT YOU WERE 45, PLINY. 45. SHE WAS WHAT? 14? 15 TOPS? MY GOD. THAT'S A BIGGER AGE DIFFERENCE THAN I HAVE WITH MY FATHER.
Ovid (Metamorphoses)
Ovid is life Ovid is love. He was the one who introduced me to Latin poetry, and I will always love him for it. He was an icon and a legend. The poems of his that we read (Daedalus & Icarus, Latona and the Lycian peasants, Diana and Actaeon) were all bangers, and I love them all to death. I never wanted to go back to reading prose after this (but unfortunately, I will have to next year. ew)
11/10 (I love you, Ovid)
Vergil (The Aeneid)
*deep sigh* Listen. I love his complex works, and I have great respect for this poem but by the GODS. Vergil's poetry is the most difficult I've had to translate by a long shot. He made me rethink my entire career in Latin. I have considered quitting so many times because of this man. I felt like a complete idiot most of the time. This is not a guy to fuck with. Luckily I got through it on my finals (barely.) but Christ alive this man made my life difficult.
Horatius (Satires and Odes)
Horatius will always have a special place in my heart. We read his poetry right after Vergil's, and it almost completely restored my faith in my abilities. He's just my little guy and I have fond memories of translating his works. We still know many Latin phrases that he wrote (Carpe Diem being the most famous. Hello, DPS fandom). Also, he and Vergil were most definitely in love. I don't make the rules. I have evidence if you want me to elaborate.
Catullus (love poems)
Ah, Catullus. Horny poet of the year. Had a wild affair with an older married woman. Nepotism baby. Sappho stan. Didn't know how to budget, but we aren't holding that against him. Just wanted to write poetry and dance (who doesn't, honestly). Gave fuck-all about education. Wrote nearly all of his poetry about the older woman he had an affair with. Might I add that this woman was married to one of his father's bestest buddies? Yeah. Icon. Here's a kid's choice award.
Martialis (Epigrams)
This dude had ZERO chill. Roasted everyone in the city. Literally, no one is safe. Wasn't afraid to call people out by their real names. Some people allegedly committed suicide after being roasted by this guy. Translating his epigrams gave me more joy than hearing we had seen the end of Vergil. His humour may be a little silly now, but I will not accept any Martialis slander on my blog.
And that is all folks
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alexjcrowley · 5 months ago
I saw a TikTok of Cicero and Hortensius on the music of Non-Stop (I feel like just naming Hortensius is making this niche) as someone who hasn't really thought about Hamilton in...5 years now and I have realized many thing:
2) Cicero's existence answers the question: what if Alexander Hamilton was a looser? (yeah historically he comes before Hamilton but I don't care right now).
3) Mark Anthony is Jefferson.
"Where have you been?" "Mhhhh Par Egypt" "We have to win (against this kid Ottavianus)" "SO WHAT'D I MISS"
Come on Egypt (and Cleopatra) are his France
But he is the one who dressed like fake royalty (COME ON THE PHILIPPICAE, THE CABINET'S BATTLES ARE JUST THE PHILIPPICAE)
4) I don't care for the Greek God musical, give me a musical about Ancient Rome. Come on, it is just as controversial as a musical on founding fathers. And I do want to hear Cicero rapping the Catilinarian orations.
5) Also do you know we could have "Dear Theodosia" and "It's quiet Uptown"? Cicero's daughter, Tullia, affectionately called Tulliola, died on him when she was still young. I could talk a lot about this and how for her death Cicero created a new word in latin (taken from greek, actually: apotheosis) but if I start now I'll be very emotional.
6) "The Caesar Administration"
7) I would pay real money to see Cicero being beaten repeatedly by every historical figure in Rome
8) Atticus is his John Laurens's but like waaaay more annoyed by Cicero. He is also very "Why do you write like you're running out of time". Cicero used to write Atticus 2 times a week and an ungodly amount of pages, I want Atticus's song on "maybe I chose a bad friend".
9) Atticus coward villain song in which he gives his and Cicero's personal letters to Mark Anthony because I am not over that yet. It could be a but like Burn, you know. We're still talking letters. But Atticus is the little shit here.
10) The whole first number with people talking about Hamilton, but there are actual quotations on Cicero by fellow romans and later historians.
11) "Bright young man. Yo, who the eff is this?" will always be more Cicero-coded than any other historical figure. AT 26 CICERO CHALLENGED BASICALLY THE GOVERNMENT TO DEFEND A KID WHO WAS BEING ACCUSED OF KILLING HIS OWN FATHER BY THE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY KILLED HIS DAD SO THEY COULD TAKE HIS RICHES (I am oversimplifying a bit but what I said is essentially correct, reference is the Pro Roscio Amerino). And it was Cicero's first criminal law case. Fresh new kid from the block exposes dictatorship crimes. Nice.
12) Once again, I would pay actual money to see a song about Cicero writing the Pro Milone saying this is going to be his masterpiece and then being unable to recite it because the crowd is threatening to kill him. Just imagine Cicero with a song or without a song maybe reciting a few sentences on his own, a choir going something like "This is gonna the best oration ever" or "This is gonna be a masterpiece", "This is gonna go down in history as the best oration ever seen", you get the gist. And then he is in the square (well, the forum) and he is about about to start talking but you hear threats getting louder and louder, and a crowd with weapons, making noise with their feet (and swords!) and then Cicero just can't utter another word because he is too scared they'll kill him. His perfect oration, going to waste, not able to save his friend. Yeah I haven't got over this one either.
13) Cicero singing a song on how Augustus is going to save them. AH.
14) I think Cicero's Reynolds Pamphlet would be, you know, sentencing people to death without the provocatio ad populum (after Catiline's failed coup d'etat)
15) I already said that but Catiline villain song.
16) Funky neoteroi song. Can you imagine. Catullus and friends just following around Cicero to annoy him while he insults them.
17) Obligatory song on how Rome is changing and Republic is dead.
18) Is it a major event? No. But I would love to hear a take on what Caesar said to Cicero when they were walking all on their own after Caesar won on Pompeius. After Caesar won against Pompeius people were all expecting him in the Brindisi harbour and Cicero was dying inside because he had taken the wrong side. Again. So Caesar gets off the ship, Cicero thinks he is dead, but Caesar pardons him in front of everybody and then take him for a private walk, just them two. And sometimes instead of sleeping I think of what Caesar might have said to him.
19) I'd also need a general chorus to comment on how many bad decisions Cicero is taking.
20) song on Cicero trying to remain back his good reputation as he feels everything that he has ever known about Rome is changing and that's not his or Republican time anymore
21) angst Cicero song about holing himself up in his villa, writing philosophical dialogue because the time of politics and freedom is over
23) And then you see Rome become and empire with Ottavianus villanously declaring the Republic is no more
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al-mayriti · 1 year ago
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Mapping Madrid: Week 8
I KNOW it's been a while and i'm so so sorry. but look. Carabanchel! peace and love on planet earth <3. so... i had to get a book from carabanchel's public library and i was like... hey let's do a mapping madrid while we're at it! coincidentally the roulette has now twice in a row landed on carabanchel so. i had no other option. as you can see, however, the station featured in this post is Carabanchel Alto ('High Carabanchel'), which was the result of me walking around not really knowing where i was going and realising i was 50 mins away from Carabanchel and only 30 from Carabanchel Alto once i wanted to go back home. the bad thing is... Carabanchel is in my beloved line 5, whereas carabanchel alto is in the dreaded line 11. let me talk about line 11 for a minute, cause it made my trip back home twice as long (it almost took me 2 hours lol) and it's now my archnemesis. it is the shortest metro line in the city (with the exception of Ramal i guess. also they're now expanding it i think but still) and it only has one entry point through line 6, so it's basically a bottleneck. i hate it so much. en fin. Carabanchel is one of the 21 districts of Madrid, and it used to be an independent town back in the day before being annexed by Madrid. In fact, it was two towns, Carabanchel and Carabanchel Alto, that's why there's that distinction. It is a very working class area of the city, with lots of immigrants and diversity, and for me Carabanchel is the beating heart of Madrid, as here is where the biggest festivities and traditions take place, and the people here are the proudest and the bestest honestly <3 As I said previously, I mainly wandered around after going to the library (which didn't have the book I wanted rip) listening to a new podcast I just found (I really recommend it, it's called 'No hay negros en el Tíbet') and sitting for a bit to read some Catullus (<3). Most of the time I was in this kinda new-ish area, it reminded me a lot of Loranca, part of Fuenlabrada which is one of the big southern cities (here's a post about Madrid's peripheria I made a few years ago in case you wanna know more about that), where my cousin and uncles live. Only at the end I got to the traditional 'old town', but by then my phone was dying so i didn't take many pictures unfortunately. Also I am pretty sure I passed by possibly the most important place in Carabanchel, the old Carabanchel Prison, which was established during the Francoist era and was the largest and harshest prison in the country, torturing thousands political prisoners (NEVERMIND I JUST READ ON WIKIPEDIA THAT IT WAS DEMOLISHED IN 2008. NO IDEA WHAT I SAW THEN).
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http10cme · 11 months ago
The most common meaning for Lucifer in English is as a name for the Devil in Christian theology. It appeared in the King James Version of the Bible in Isaiah[1] and before that in the Vulgate (the late-4th-century Latin translation of the Bible),[2] not as the name of a devil but as the Latin word lucifer (uncapitalized),[3][4] meaning "the morning star", "the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing".[5] It is a translation of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל, hêlēl, meaning "Shining One".[6]
As the Latin name for the morning appearances of the planet Venus, it corresponds to the Greek names Phosphorus Φωσφόρος, "light-bringer", and Eosphorus Ἑωσφόρος, "dawn-bringer". The entity's Latin name was subsequently absorbed into Christianity as a name for the devil. Modern scholarship generally translates the term in the relevant Bible passage (Isaiah 14:12), where the Greek Septuagint reads ὁ ἑωσφόρος ὁ πρωὶ, as "morning star" or "shining one" rather than as a proper noun, Lucifer, as found in the Latin Vulgate. The word "Lucifer" appears in The Second Epistle of Peter (2 Peter 1:19) in the Latin Vulgate to refer to Jesus. The word "Lucifer" is also used in the Latin version of Exsultet, the Easter proclamation.
As a name for the planet in its morning aspect, "Lucifer" (Light-Bringer) is a proper noun and is capitalized in English. In Greco-Roman civilization, it was often personified and considered a god[7] and in some versions considered a son of Aurora (the Dawn).[8] A similar name used by the Roman poet Catullus for the planet in its evening aspect is "Noctifer" (Night-Bringer).[9]
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reiderwriter · 2 years ago
9 People You'd Like To Get To Know Better ♡
Thank you for tagging me @foxy-eva!!
last song: Highway to Heaven (English Version) by NCT 127
favourite colour: forest green
currently watching: I'm on season 8 of my criminal minds rewatch !!
last movie: barbie and it killed me ㅠㅠ
currently reading: The Embroidered Book by Kate Heartfield
sweet/spicy/savoury: sweet - I need a sweet treat after every meal or I will be upset.
relationship status: delusional 💕
current obsession: Spencer Reid, Dimension 20 and Going Seventeen (내 사랑스러운 호시, 넌 미쳤어)
last thing I googled: Catullus poem 16
currently working on: writing some requests this weekend~!!
No pressure tags: @daddy-dotcom @reidscaffeine @reidmotif @autisticallyreid @ssaronance @reidreaders @smurphyse @spencersfunkysocks @dreatine
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woodsteingirl · 1 year ago
catullus 8 my days and nights of catullus 8. the first line of catullus 42 also.. “why don’t you just die”
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