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jessigrino · 5 months ago
Día de Muertos y Halloween
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Más vale tarde que nunca :)
Cardi as a Catrin <3
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orphicauroras · 1 year ago
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Catrin and Gwyn by bookishkoda
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josei-lee · 5 months ago
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Ilustración del Día de Muertos que hice para @kyluxpinupcalendar2024
Kylo Ren maquillado como catrín y con traje de charro, comiendo un pan de muerto, con flores de cempasúchil adornando su cabello, y detrás un altar a su abuelo Anakin.
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masterandapprentice · 5 months ago
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"The most beautiful death"
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deezlees · 1 month ago
Day 6: What If...
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My "what if..." for Day 6 of @clonexocweek
So, what if CX-2 was Tech? Yes, it's cliche, but I enjoy the angst!
This is a Tech x Catrin pairing.
Artwork for this posted at the end since it contains spoilers!
This story is already posted over on AO3, but I ran out of time to write something new for today's prompt.
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Summary: While on a mission with members of The Bad Batch, an uninvited guest shows up. When their paths cross, Catrin senses there's a strange familiarity about the clone-x assassin.
Warnings & Triggers: Depiction of Fighting, Violence, and Blood.
Words: 2030
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She didn’t like being back on Coruscant at a time like this. It was too dangerous. But this mission was important, and Rex needed someone he could trust. And she needed a squad they both trusted. Still, she wasn’t happy that Hunter had brought Omega as well. She knew Omega was more than capable, an equal in all respects and worthy of working with them. But the Empire’s interest in her was troubling. Hemlock’s interest in Omega specifically could not be good.
She was deep in thought when Hunter’s voice broke through her concentration. “We’re at the extraction point. No sign of our contact yet.” His voice chimed from the comm unit on her wrist.
“Copy. No sign of anyone here either.” She replied.
“Nothing here.” Crosshair reported.
She sighed, and tried reaching out with her abilities again. She attempted to sense other living beings, other people. She could only sense her squad in the dark alley. It was difficult relearning to use her abilities, but she felt it was getting a little bit better each time. The loss of her powers on Eriadu had been a difficult blow, but one she didn’t regret. Out there, somewhere, Tech had to be alive. Otherwise, her sacrifice had been for nothing.
Time crawled by. Too much time. The tension in her muscles was growing, but not from strain, rather from anxiety. She felt a strange tingling sensation at the base of her neck. Something wasn’t right.
“I don’t like this.” She said quietly into her comm. “They should have been here by now.”
“I agree.” Came Hunter’s reply. “We’ll give it a little more time, then we’ll call it.”
“They’re not coming.” Crosshair said, his voice grave but direct.
Something caught her eye, the briefest flash of movement. She turned her head to look at what had moved at the far end of the alley. Something up on one of the buildings was different. That hatch hadn’t been open a moment before. A figure appeared from within the hatch and jumped onto the ledge below. They move quickly and silently. She recognized a clone-x assassin when she saw one.
“Incoming. Clone assassin. End of the alley, up on the north building edge.” She reported to the others. “Hunter, get everyone out of here now.”
“What about you?” Hunter asked.
“I’ll keep our uninvited guest busy and cover your retreat.” She told him, her tone leaving no room for debate.
There was a brief delay, then Hunter’s reply came back, “Crosshair, stay with her. Wrecker, Omega, and I will head back to the ship.”
“That’s not necessary.” She advised.
“Too bad. Do you copy Crosshair?” Hunter’s voice came through the comm.
“Copy.” Crosshair said in a dangerously low voice. She knew he was mentally preparing for the upcoming fight.
She watched the clone assassin stalk along the edge of the building’s ledge, keeping to the shadows. He moved carefully and skillfully, but there was also something oddly familiar about it. Could it be? She thought to herself. No. That’s just wishful thinking.
“Well, now we know what happened to our contact.” Muttered Crosshair, his deadpan tone coming through clearly on the comm unit.
“Crosshair, keep your position. I’ll draw him to you.” She instructed. It was time to find out who this mystery clone assassin was. She holstered her blaster and looked down. Only 2 stories up, an easy jump. She leapt down, landing softly on the ground below. Now to get their uninvited guest’s attention.
She sprinted across the alleyway like she was trying to move from one piece of cover to another without being noticed. She skidded to a halt behind some old cargo crates, then peered around the edge to see if it worked. It had. The clone assassin had seen the movement and turned her way. She could see him pull down a viewfinder from his helmet, clearly trying to get a better look.
She pulled out her blaster and fired a shot in his direction. He dove to the side to avoid her shot. She watched as he ran to the end of the ledge where the buildings met and a tangle of pipes and wires hung in chaos. He quickly climbed down them, dropping to better cover behind an outcrop from the next building. She fired 2 more shots in his direction, then turned and ran down the alleyway, in the direction of Crosshair’s position.
As she ran, she tried to reach out with her senses again, trying to hone in on the clone assassin. She found him, and could sense his cool and methodical temperament. Again, that strange familiarity washed over her. She shook it aside and focused on his location. He was pursuing her. Perfect.
“Status.” Crosshair comm’d.
“Coming your way now.” She replied, her voice coming in short huffs as she ran.
She sensed the blaster bolt a split second before it could find its mark, giving her the needed time to swerve sideways, the bolt barely missing her. A second shot pinged off of the wall inches from her head. She rolled to the side, taking cover. He was close, she could feel it. He was waiting, most likely for her to stick her head out and see where he was. She wasn’t falling for that. Let him wait. She mentally told herself.
She tried again to reach out with her senses. It was frustrating how ineffective her abilities were. Her old self could have neutralised the clone assassin in a second. Now she was barely more powerful than a youngling padawan.
There, he was moving again. Cautiously coming up on her hiding spot. She tensed in her crouched position, ready to spring. She saw the end of his rifle before seeing the rest of him. She launched herself upward, grabbed the rifle and yanked it down as he fired, the bolt hitting the ground uselessly. She followed through bringing her knee up into his stomach. He dropped the rifle, using his now free hand to aim a punch at her face. She blocked it with her other hand, the one holding the blaster, which sent it flying.
It was on. Now they were engaged in hand-to-hand combat. He was skilled, she had to give him that, but not as good as her. She blocked his blows, and managed to land a few punches. He threw a vicious kick at her side, and she spun to the side to avoid it. In that brief moment, the clone assassin pulled out a knife. As she finished her turn, he slashed at her chest with the blade. She blocked it with her arm, thankful for her heavily armoured bracers.
“Where are you?” Came the angry voice of Crosshair, muffled through her comm unit.
She didn’t have time to reply as the clone assassin slashed and stabbed furiously at her. She blocked and danced backwards avoiding the blows. She was waiting for a gap in his attacks, any opening to give her an advantage. He brought the blade down in a wide arch, from high to low. She spun past the attack, grabbed his arm and used his own momentum against him. She pulled down, throwing him off balance. But the clone assassin seemed almost ready for it and turned his fall into a roll. He sprung up and turned to face her.
That move. She knew it well. She’d taught someone that move before. Someone she had often spared with and taught him additional moves like it.
“Tech?” She whispered in disbelief.
The clone assassin launched himself at her again. She spun, aiming her kick high and catching him inside his arm holding the knife. The knife clattered to the ground, but he kept his momentum going and tackled her. They both fell to the ground, the clone assassin on top, pinning her. His hands went for her throat.
She had to know. She didn’t care that she should defend herself, fight back.
She shoved his arms away and reached up for his head, for the helmet. His left hand came back and locked around her throat. At the same time she found the face plate switch and jammed it with her thumb. The helmet’s face plate fell away.
She knew that face. It was the face of the man she loved, but she almost didn’t recognize it. It was twisted with hate and anger. He snarled down at her, his hand closing tighter on her throat. The rage in his eyes burned into her, it caused her more pain than any physical wound ever could.
“Tech.” Her voice came out as a desperate plea. “It’s me.”
Tech glared hatefully at her. She had one chance. One more time, she had to try and save him, like on Eriadu. She placed her hands on the temples of his head. He yanked his head back, trying to break free, but in doing so he loosened his grip on her throat. She lunged after him, clamping her hands onto his head, locking her eyes with his.
One chance. One moment. She poured all the power she had into her healing ability. The slightest orange glow shone briefly from her palms. She channelled everything she had and focused it on his mind, on his memory. Their eyes holding each other's gaze.
It happened all at once, in the briefest moment, and yet it felt like time slowed to eternity. She felt the blade of his knife slip between her ribs, tearing through her flesh. The pain, a hot agony, burning through her. As the blade found its mark, she saw the change on Tech’s face. The moment when his memory came back. The moment he recognized her. The moment all of Hemlock’s conditioning melted away. The moment the shock of what was happening was processed in his mind.
The hand around her throat dropped away. Tech looked down at her, confusion clear in his features.
“Catrin?” He whispered.
“Tech. Welcome back.” Catrin said weakly. She tried to smile, but a dreadful, liquid cough tore at her throat and racked her body with pain. She could taste the blood in her mouth.
Tech’s eyes widened, concern flooding his features. He tore his gaze away from her face and looked down to his right hand, the one still holding the handle of the knife. He let go of it, as if it had suddenly become red hot and burned him.
“What have I done?” He said, shock clear in his voice. He tried to pull the blade out, but Catrin grabbed his hand and stopped him.
“No. It will make it worse.” She explained. She wrapped her fingers around his hand, her other hand gently caressed the side of his face. “I’ve missed you Tech.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper. She wheezed, trying to breath, but it was getting more difficult.
“What have I done?” Tech repeated, more urgently, his anguish clearly audible. “What have I done!”
“Shhh.” She tried to sooth him, but it was too difficult to speak. She felt weak, her limbs heavy. Her arms fell to her sides. Tech placed his arms around her and cradled her gently.
“I-I…” She coughed again, more blood coming up. “I love you.” It was a barely audible whisper, but he heard her.
He pulled her close, holding onto her tightly. “What have I done?” He repeated over and over as he buried his face in her red hair.
It was getting harder for Catrin to see. There was a blur around the edges of her vision. Despite her eyesight fading, she knew a sniper shot when she saw one. The bolt of light flashed through the darkness before disappearing into its target.
She felt the impact through Tech’s body. Felt him go rigid, his hands digging into her as they gripped her like a vice. Then just as quickly, he let go, his body going limp. Tech rolled to the side landing beside her, the smell of burnt flesh filling her nostrils. The last thing Catrin remembered was the sight of Crosshair running towards them, Tech’s arms still wrapped around her, as the world went dark.
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sugar-zacharie · 5 months ago
💛 Rin & Len | Finado & Moribunda 🩵
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gil-galadhwen · 5 months ago
The Lady of the Marred Moon [Eskel Fic]
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Chapter 9 - Novice
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Catrin's training is in full swing and as summer begins to wane, a visitor arrives in Kaer Morhen - an honourary Witcher and to the surprise of the others, an old friend of the novice sorceress.
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Read here...
( Dividers by @saradika-graphics )
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shadowsingerspriestess · 2 years ago
Day 4: Family
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youkosoledad · 1 year ago
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Imaginé a este "Dios de la muerte" como un catrín de día de muertos, y me encantó 💀✨
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 1 year ago
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Los Catríneeees
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ulchthar · 4 months ago
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Some late drawings from my little dude c:
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callmeanxietygirl · 5 months ago
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Ya llegamos... Abran paso
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princess-grecia · 8 months ago
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Pasados dos personas humanos, Después tiempo los muertos de Catrin Charro y Frankenstein.
After two human beings, After a while the dead Catrin Charro and Frankenstein.
Geal (Catrin Charro) and Frankpasuchil (Frankenstein)
you do not copy stop! Do not redraw, you bend again! I’m looking at you! Police
Grecia: The art is mine!
#mexico #mexicofanart #frankenstein #frankenmuth #frankensteinfanart #catrinfanart #catrin
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gil-galadhwen · 6 months ago
The Lady Of The Marred Moon [An Eskel Fic]
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Chapter 8 - Night Terrors
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Five days after her injury, Catrin is starting to get bored up in her tower all alone, so she asks Geralt if she can share a room with someone downstairs. Luckily for her, Lambert is heading out on a contract so there's a free bed in the room he shares with Eskel…
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Read here....
( Dividers by @saradika-graphics )
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pedro-paniagua · 5 months ago
"Catrín (Altar 1)"
- Yo lo pregunto -
Yo Nezahualcóyotl lo pregunto:
¿Acaso de veras se vive con raíz en la tierra?
No para siempre en la tierra:
sólo un poco aquí.
Aunque sea de jade se quiebra,
aunque sea de oro se rompe,
aunque sea plumaje de quetzal se desgarra.
No para siempre en la tierra:
sólo un poco aquí.
- Nezahualcóyotl -
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 1 year ago
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I also did a Jack Stauber catrín :]
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