#Catholic High School
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These old photos of catholic high schools where priests and friars teach are making me come undone 😩
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k12academics · 3 months
The School St. Vincent Pallotti High School is the oldest coeducational, Catholic, secondary, college preparatory school in the Archdiocese of Washington. Founded in 1921 by the Pallottine Sisters, the school is located in historical Laurel, Maryland; the school attracts students from surrounding counties and the District of Columbia. Pallotti pursues its mission of promoting academic excellence and building Christian character in a small community atmosphere. This is accomplished by an emphasis on the values of diligence, integrity and discipline. The school offers a curriculum that draws on the best of traditional Catholic education while meeting the contemporary demands of a traditional liberal arts curriculum, a challenging four-year honors program, a wide range of Advanced Placement (AP) courses, career orientated Arts Academy, and a learning center for college-bound students who need individual support. Faculty/Staff Teachers: 43 Administration and Staff: 27 All teachers and administrators hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and the majority hold Masters or Masters+ degrees. The Student Community St. Vincent Pallotti High School is committed to maintaining the quality and diversity of its student body. Pallotti enrolls students from over 50 different schools in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s counties in Maryland, and the District of Columbia. With an enriching international program, Pallotti hosts roughly 40 students from the British Virgin Islands, Cameroon, Nigeria, the People’s Republic of China, Sierra Leone, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Vietnam. Extracurricular Activities Pallotti offers over 20 varsity athletic teams that compete in the Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) and Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland (IAAM) conferences. A variety of opportunities such as campus ministry, retreats, prayer services and liturgies, vocal music and band programs, artistic opportunities, and extra-curricular clubs are also offered.
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munchchockychocky · 11 months
I just realised that the term "I'll pray for you" isn't actually a common fraise, I just went to a catholic high school
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marineastronomy · 1 year
I never would've guessed the amount of pressure that comes with being one of the only out and proud queer seniors at a catholic high school.
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rakstagecombat · 1 year
Holy Cross CSS (NCDSB)
"Chris did an excellent job working with my students for a two-day workshop. Not only was he easy to work with, but he also continuously stressed the importance of safety when teaching the fight choreography while engaging the students. He was very professional, and the students responded very well to his teaching style. There was so much positive feedback, especially after we posted our fight scenes on our school's Instagram page. It gave the students confidence while learning how stage combat is done on stage and in film. This opportunity gave the students the experiential learning they needed for their Specialist High Skills major program, so I highly recommend Chris' workshop. I can't wait to have him back next year! "
~ Melanie Contini
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helloparkerrose · 2 years
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olliedollie1204 · 29 days
taps mic. clears throat. remus being the embodiment of the thoughts and fantasies thomas considered "forbidden" means he was, at least for a while, the sole embodiment of thomas' queerness as something to be feared or ashamed of or disgusted by. before any of the other sides could accept this about themselves, before thomas could accept it about himself. remus is the source and the holder of thomas' most unwanted thoughts, which at one point (and while this is technically subtext it is like 1 inch away from being text) included thomas being gay. if we get any dialogue or confirmation of this in the series I will do 1000000 backflips break my neck and pass out on the floor
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mimirjoo · 10 months
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earlier this week
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dilutedh2so4 · 4 months
Ruth and Naomi: Are They Gay? (part one)
[image is in public domain]
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“Ruth said, ‘Do not press me to go back and abandon you! Wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God. Where you die I will die, and there be buried. May the Lord do thus to me, and more, if even death separates me from you!’”
Ruth 1:16-17
You may expect this declaration of devotion to be made between two enamoured lovers. It does sound quite similar to wedding vows, especially "until death do us part" or even "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health." In fact, the YouCat (the Catholic Catechism designed for young people) quotes this exact passage in its section on marriage.
Yet these words were not made as a promise between husband and wife, but instead between two women.
The story of Ruth and Naomi can be found in the aptly named "Book of Ruth." In summary, Naomi's family move from Judah to Moab because of a famine. There, they meet Ruth and her sister Orpah. Naomi's sons marry the two women, and they live in peace for a time. Then, a sudden illness strikes, and both the boys (Mahlon and Chilion) and their father (Elimelech) die.
With nothing left, Naomi decides she must return to her homeland of Bethlehem (in Judah). Ruth and Orpah object, and offer to go with her, but Naomi tries to dissuade them. She says doesn't have any more sons for them to marry, giving them no financial or social security - to her, it seems, she is now useless and worthless. Orpah comes to accept this, remaining in Moab, but Ruth will not relent. It is here she makes her heartfelt speech stated at the start of this post, vowing her entire life to Naomi. Just normal friendship things! This causes Naomi to realise Ruth's love for her, so she finally accepts the offer.
Some of you may be thinking, "This is just platonic! This is just friendship! This is what any woman would do! Why do you have to make everything gay?"
Well, ask yourselves this: is it gay to leave behind your country and all the people you've ever known (including your sister) just to accompany another woman to her homeland?
...A homeland which you have never been to, and where the people there are your enemies? (Numbers 21, Judges 3)
...Travelling across a hostile desert environment, on your own for all we know? (see a map of Moab to Bethlehem)
...Despite your lover insisting you stay, and your sister deciding to stay, but instead you dedicate your life and soul to your lover? (Ruth 1:14-18)
Makes you think.
I can already see your objections: "But then Ruth married Boaz [her male relative]! Naomi told her to do it!"
Again, let us consider Naomi and Ruth's social standing. They were both women, both widows, both poor and starving. Ruth had to go foraging in the fields, collecting scraps of grain left behind so they could eat! (see Ruth 2:2-3, referring to Leviticus 23:22)
*this post is getting long so i'll post part two soon **sorry for the inconvenience lol
image credit: william blake
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lucyfrostblade · 5 months
heliocentric faith being based on evangelicalism and the bulbian church being based on Catholicism... brennan lee mulligan you will always be famous to me
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thirtyminutebreak · 1 month
"i don't believe in God, but i believe that you're my saviour" { newtmas fanfiction, thomas' pov }
{ A/N : possible tw? don't read if you're triggered by religious talk. also if anyone knows how to put italics on this app let me know im struggling!!! title from sailor song by gigi perez. PLS be easy on my this is my first fanfic in nearly a year! }
He was a Catholic.
I was an Atheist.
I didn’t really think of it when we met. We were in class, sat next to each other as the teacher played a video of the biology of a frog. Neither of us were really paying attention. He looked at me.
“This is super lame, huh?” I chuckled. He was charming, blond hair and deep brown eyes. My eyes darted down to scan his figure. I spotted the crucifix on his neck, mentally scoffing. I never understood how anyone could get such comfort from something so unreal. I didn’t say anything though.
“I’m Newt.” His name rolled off his tongue beautifully, accent thick, piercing through my ears. It was odd to me, but again, I kept my mouth shut.
Weeks passed and Newt and I spoke frequently. During class we exchanged phone numbers. I remember that night we texted for hours. We stayed up late. I stayed up much later than him, thinking about the conversations we had, and about his beautiful eyes. His eyes told stories. Mountains surrounded his pupil, a starry night sky as if it were painted by Van Gogh. I shook my head, closing my eyes and trying to sleep, yet all I could think of was blond hair.
One day, Newt and I had a sleepover. I entered his home, greeted his mother with a wide smile, exchanged ‘Nice to meet you’s with her and was escorted to his room. He seemed excited to have me. It didn’t seem as though he had much company over. I noticed he had inherited his mother’s blonde hair. That night, Newt leaned over his bed on his knees. I sat on the opposite end of it. He had a rosary clutched between his hands as he mumbled soft words. He opened his eyes, smiling widely.
“Do you want to try?” I felt conflicted. Praying to a God I didn’t believe in didn’t feel right, but I kept an open mind. Newt walked over to my side of the bed and instructed me to get on my knees. I complied. He placed the rosary between the two of our hands, lacing my skin with the purest intentions.
“I believe in God, the Father almighty…” Newt whispered gently, eyes squeezed shut. My eyes fluttered shut as well. I felt at peace.
Another time, he invited me to Church, and I agreed. Entering a Cathedral for the first time was wonderful. He opened the door and bowed, signaling for me to do the same. He dipped his fingers in the holy water font, signing the cross. I copy his movements. I see women with veils covering their hair, a Priest reading a verse as I’m ushered into a pew. Newt stood beside me, listening to the Priests words and sitting down. I watched as Newt received his communion. I sat down when everyone else did. I leaned on my knees and for the first time, really prayed. I prayed for God to give me a sign that this was what I needed.
The next few sleepovers go the same as the last. Playing some games, talking, praying the rosary.
This was different; too different.
I sit with Newt, hands clasped together around a rosary, softly caressing the beads while we prayed a decade. Newt leans in, making eye contact with me while he prays.
“Hail Mary, full of grace…” I lean in too; we’re breathing the same air now. Our bodies close. Newt closes his eyes, I do the same, except I lean in further. Our lips press together gently, and Newt freezes. I feel like a sinner, like I just ruined our beautiful, sacred connection. Fear shoots through my body as Newt slowly leans back. His eyes are wide with shock, with fear, with confusion.
“I should go.” I state, standing up and running out of his bedroom, past his mother who carried a plate of fruits, past his family dog, past the painting of the Holy Mary on the wall. I slip on my shoes, and I run. I run and run and keep running and even when I can’t anymore, I keep running. I’m a sinner. I started to believe what Newt had preached to me for months. Maybe there is a God out there, but it isn’t one in my favour. I try to forget the blond strands of hair, the brown mountains in his eyes, the cheeky smile, the stupid accent, and the rosary I accidentally ran away with. I pocket the rosary. I keep it forever. Newt texts me a week later, nothing more than a mere:
“Hi.” I felt horrified. I lost my best friend. I hoped he didn’t lose his religion with the loss of me (and his rosary). Religion was the only thing I had left of him. He never even texted for his rosary back.
“Hi” I texted back.
“I think we need to talk” He replied.
“K…Come over?” I typed. He was here in ten minutes, panting loudly with a few beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. It was normally a thirty-minute walk anyway, and he ran it. I had his rosary in my pocket, waiting for him to ask for it back, though I secretly used it to pray for him to come back to me every night. I opened my front door to him, and he smiled gently at me. The same soft, meaningful, pure smile he always smiled.
“Tommy?” He whispered. My heart ached. Was I his first sin? The thoughts wouldn’t stop running through my head, filling me with such deep dread, like I’ve never felt before.
“What you did wasn’t bad, Thomas.” Newt frowned, eyes welling up. I knew this was new for him, to be kissed, especially by a boy.
“We didn’t sin.” Newt nearly choked out. It was like he read my mind. I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand anything about this.
“Your religion is just so...hateful, Newt! Why would love be a sin, why should our love be sinful.”
“It isn’t.” I saw his eyes, full of sorrow. What I said hurt him. His religion was very dear to him. Very, very dear to him. He was very, very dear to me.
“It isn’t a sin, Tommy. It’s just not. God loves us…He…He wouldn’t let this happen if this was sinful. He wouldn’t hurt me like this; He wouldn’t hurt us like this.” Newt sobbed, and I pulled him to my chest. Maybe he was right. It felt wrong, praying to a God I didn’t believe in, but for Newt, I’d do anything. He pulled away from the hug and cupped my face, his eyes full of emotion, more emotion than normal. They were full of woe, but also full of hope. Hope and love. Newt pulled me into an innocent kiss, soft and passionate. It felt familiar, like home. For once I had a sense of belonging, and who better than with Newt?
“ God does love us, Thomas.” Newt said, voice a bit panicked, like he was begging me to believe it. I just stood there in silence, holding onto Newt, hoping that I was comforting him.
thirtyminutebreak on a03
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bartonbones · 1 year
not enough ppl talking about the arsonist genes in the berzatto family....mikey wanting to burn down the beef for insurance money, carmy letting a grease fire get out of hand, setting his apartment on fire....there's no way donna hasn't (purposefully or not) started a fire or two herself so i guess what i'm asking is when does/did sugar get to light shit ablaze cause i refuse to believe it skipped her just because she's a girl
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k12academics · 1 year
The School St. Vincent Pallotti High School is the oldest coeducational, Catholic, secondary, college preparatory school in the Archdiocese of Washington. Founded in 1921 by the Pallottine Sisters, the school is located in historical Laurel, Maryland; the school attracts students from surrounding counties and the District of Columbia. Pallotti pursues its mission of promoting academic excellence and building Christian character in a small community atmosphere. This is accomplished by an emphasis on the values of diligence, integrity and discipline. The school offers a curriculum that draws on the best of traditional Catholic education while meeting the contemporary demands of a traditional liberal arts curriculum, a challenging four-year honors program, a wide range of Advanced Placement (AP) courses, career orientated Arts Academy, and a learning center for college-bound students who need individual support. Faculty/Staff Teachers: 43 Administration and Staff: 27 All teachers and administrators hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and the majority hold Masters or Masters+ degrees. The Student Community St. Vincent Pallotti High School is committed to maintaining the quality and diversity of its student body. Pallotti enrolls students from over 50 different schools in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s counties in Maryland, and the District of Columbia. With an enriching international program, Pallotti hosts roughly 40 students from the British Virgin Islands, Cameroon, Nigeria, the People’s Republic of China, Sierra Leone, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Vietnam. Extracurricular Activities Pallotti offers over 20 varsity athletic teams that compete in the Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) and Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland (IAAM) conferences. A variety of opportunities such as campus ministry, retreats, prayer services and liturgies, vocal music and band programs, artistic opportunities, and extra-curricular clubs are also offered.
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hisbucky · 1 year
Hen, hissing: Eddie. Stop staring! Eddie: But, but I can't look away... Hen: It's just Buck, Eddie. Focus! You're stronger than this! Eddie: I'm strong. I'm strong, yeah - Hen: ...did that freshman just spill his drink all over your crush? Eddie, praying: Praise be the Lord and may he have mercy on the thoughts I'm thinking.
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Me to Google: I think my new hyperfixation isn't a new tv show or book, but A Literal Person
My phone: *notification pops up* Get Help
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 years
Christmas Traditions | 141 x Reader
Idc if it's not December yet, it's Christmas time. Might do a part two with Alejandro, Rudy, Konig, and others (need to do research on non-UK Christmas traditions)
John Price
Christmas is the only time of the year he can truly get away from work and he makes sure to get as far away as possible. He's rented a little cottage as north in Scotland as he can get.
You drive a car full of stuff up on the 20th, he allows 10 minutes of Christmas music per hour on the road.
He cuts down a tree for you, even if it's not totally legal to do so.
Most of the ornaments are yours, he never decorated before meeting you. He likes watching you stretch to reach the higher branches and will pick you up by the waist if need be. He likes putting the star on top.
You mostly spend your time together in bed or by the fire.
He's a splurge when it comes to gift-giving, a couple small gifts and then something big like a kitchen-aid mixer or something else expensive you've been wanting.
Spends Christmas night dancing with you even if he has two left feet.
Wishes he didn't have to leave on the 27th
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
He likes going out of the country for Christmas. Doesn't want to be in London, especially after Picadilly.
You almost miss your flight, running through the airport.
The location is always a surprise.
This year it's Gibraltar.
You have a nice hotel overlooking the ocean
Spend time at the beach and Christmas market.
The two of you spend Christmas eve watching old movies and drinking wine.
You love the trips but hope next year he'll bring you to meet the family. Maybe give you a ring too.
Matching Pjs, tea and biscuits is how you spend Christmas morning
John 'Soap' MacTavish
He's the one that buys the matching pjs.
Loves Christmas more than anyone else in the group
Takes you up to Scotland to meet the family even if you've only been dating for a couple months. His mom refuses to let him miss it.
Sings songs the whole drive up
Apologizes profusely for having to leave for midnight mass with his mom, and will hold your hand the entire time if you choose to go.
His mom barely leaves the two of you alone so any 'alone time' is in the car.
Not the best at gift giving, he watches you and his mom walk around the market and buys whatever you pick up. You have a lot of funny phrase mugs now.
Teaches you the proper way to pronounce "Nollaig Chridheil" (Merry Christmas in Scots)
Drags you outside when it snows to either build a snowman or pelt you with snowballs
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Wouldn't even realize it was Christmas if it wasn't for you
He kind of panics because he didn't plan anything or get you any gifts
Lots of last-minute shopping.
Gets a little charlie brown type tree. You're both taller than it but make orange slice ornaments and a popcorn garland. It makes the flat smell incredible if a little buttery.
He can put up with one movie so pick carefully. He might fall asleep but he's still wrapped around you.
You fall asleep on the couch as the little spoon and wake up the next morning with a stack of presents by your little tree. He's somehow still behind you.
Traditional English breakfast and tea Christmas morning
You got him a bracelet with your name and the date you met stamped on it, even if he can't wear it in the field it's always in a pocket.
You can convince him to go with matching socks but nothing more
He's just glad the two of you are together and will try to do whatever tradition you want if it makes you happy.
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