#Cater Drabble
Direct Message ~ *Cater Diamond*
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Summary: It started as a DM on MagicCam. Who would have thought he'd find the love of his life?
Pairing: Cater Diamond X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 962
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @savanaclaw1996 @goseew
It started with a DM on his MagiCam account. At first, Cater didn't think much of it. He thought it was some fan trying to ask him out. But on second thought, he decided to open it. Who knows? Perhaps it was some kind of threat that he needed to report?
Instead, he got a simple message: Hey, I like what you post! You're really cool!
It didn't say much, really. Cater got those kinds of comments all the time on his posts. But this was a direct message. And for some reason, it felt more sincere and genuine. It made his heart stutter in his chest.
So of course he had to tell Trey all about it! He spent an hour overanalyzing the content of the message over and over and over again, trying to get an idea of what prompted the person to message him. It also didn't help that he spent at least twenty minutes scrolling through their account.
When Trey mentioned he should message them back, Cater freaked out and went on a thirty minute tirade on why he simply could not do that! The person who messaged him, they were cool and charming and absolutely way out of his league. To DM them back, that would be like breaking the ultimate rule! However, Trey eventually got to say that it was also impolite to leave someone on read.
So for the next hour and a half, he painstakingly crafted the perfect message to send back: Thanks! I like the stuff you post too!
After he sent it, he hated every word.
But almost immediately, he got a message back: Aww, thank you! Hey, do you know the address of the cafe in your third photo? It looks amazing!
And just like that, he sparked a conversation with the person who DM'd him. There wasn't a second in the day he didn't have his nose in his phone, typing message after message to the random person who messaged him first. At first, the others thought it was kind of sweet he found someone he liked so much and could relate to. But the longer it went on, the more Cater got obnoxious about it.
"Oh my Seven! You know my friend on MagiCam loves that kind of dessert!"
"My friend on MagiCam just sent me the funniest joke! I have to show you!"
"I just found out my friend on MagiCam is studying to be a mage too! Isn't that so cool?"
Riddle was the one who told Trey to pull Cater aside and tell him to do something about his friend on MagiCam. The Heartslabyul dorm leader wasn't one to condone relationships, believing they interfered with school work, but even he could see that Cater's work was suffering by not being in a relationship.
Trey decided to take the easy and subtle approach. He invited Cater into the kitchen and made him a snack before casually asking what kind of snacks his friend liked. Obviously, he turned it into a whole lecture of what they like and don't like to eat. When he could finally get a word in edgewise, Trey asked if he would consider inviting them over for some food or something like that.
Cater froze at the insinuation. "Oh no, I can't do that! That's a thing couples do! You should know that, Trey!"
"But don't you like them like that?" He countered.
His friend blushed. "N-no."
"That's what I thought." Trey rolled his eyes before placing a comforting hand on Cater's shoulder. "You like them. They like you. At the very least the two of you should meet in person. See if you still like each other outside of MagiCam and could possibly make a relationship work. It couldn't hurt to try."
"It could ruin everything! What if I don't like them in person? That could ruin our entire friendship!" Cater wailed.
"You won't know if you don't try. Besides, I know you. You will always be curious about what your friend is like no matter what. Might as well take the leap now."
After much debate and consideration, Cater decided to do the impossible. He messaged his friend to meet him for tea. And of course, they said yes.
In the time leading up to the fateful meeting, Cater was an absolute wreck. Ace often joked that he was like Riddle right before an Unbirthday Party. But he couldn't help it! He was about to meet the person he harbored secret romantic feelings for! How could he not be nervous?
When the day came, the garden was immaculately decorated and Cater was wearing his best clothes. He kept playing with his hair and chewing on his bottom lip as he waited for them. He was worried they were going to be late or not even show up.
But right when the clock struck tea time, there they were. Or rather, there you were, in your Royal Sword Academy uniform. Even in real life, your eyes were still as bright and your smile still as adorable. You were like a MagiCam post come to life. And it gave Cater some relief.
"Hi!" You cheerfully greeted him. "It's an absolute treat to meet you in real life, Cater!"
His heart flipped at your voice and he nodded, trying not to get too tongue-tied. "It's a pleasure to meet you too. Shall we?"
He felt his mouth go dry as you took his arm and smiled at him so bright, it almost blinded him. "Lead the way, Cay-Cay."
It was at that moment he knew; you were more perfect than any MagiCam post he could ever like. And he also knew he owed Trey big time for the push to meet you in real life.
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Feelings Thawed
Character; Cater Diamond
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, pining, ice skating (to various degrees of success)
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; This is a present/thank you to my mutual @i-like-forgs. I hope you enjoy this ice skating scene with Cater, and that you get to skate soon!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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The brisk wind bit at your nose, and you pulled up your scarf, trying to keep away the offending wind. Around you it was a winter wonderland, all made possible in the temperate conditions thanks to Cater, who was filming you skating around on the frozen pond’s surface.
“You know,” you hollered, making sure that you caught his attention, “you should join me! It’s fun!” You came to a stop by the pond’s edge, where Cater was standing with a large thermos.
Cater just shot you a wink, handing you the thermos. “This is for you though, silly!” 
He was deflecting, you could tell; behind that bright and cheery smile that he always seemed to wear around others, you knew when there was something off with Cater. You accepted the thermos though, and took a sip of the spicy apple cider, still piping hot.
You gave him a look and pulled lightly on his coat sleeve. “Yes, but it’s more fun with others, come on Cater!” You stepped back onto the ice, and slowly skated near him, waiting with an eager smile.
He looked at you, and then back at the ice, but he stayed standing in the light snow, shooting you that smile. “But I can’t take photos if I’m out there with you!” He scratched at the back of his neck.
Liar. “Cater,” you looped back around and stepped onto the bank, balancing on your skates, “do you not know how to skate?”
Cater’s smile turned sheepish, and his ‘ahahaha, looks like my gig is up’ chuckle made its appearance. He had been found out. “Never got the chance to,” he hid his face slightly in his scarf, either to keep the cold at bay or to hide that his cheeks were turning pink. “So I’d just slow ya down.”
You took his hand into yours, “Well, I could teach you if you wanted. Just a warning though, you’re gonna fall on your butt a lot, might get a few bruises.”
Cater looked down at your entwined hands. Mittens and gloves separated your skin from touching one another, but Cater could swear that he could feel the sensation nonetheless through the layers of fabric.
“You would? Even if I pull you down with me?” 
The last question wasn’t just about the ice skating; Cater didn’t want to force you to do anything that you didn’t want to… and that included being his friend. His heart seemed to whisper stronger emotions though, but he didn’t want to ruin what the two of you had.
You walked him out to the ice, and the both of you swiftly fell down on the ice, hard. But you just laughed and got right back up again, “Well, we did just fall. There isn’t anything scary about falling down; yes it stings and might leave a gnarly bruise, but in order to move forward we have to fall and get back up. So yes, is what I guess I’m saying.”
Cater looked up at you, the sun illuminating you and the snow glittered behind you. You were holding your hand out again, waiting for him. And Cater took your hand. 
It took him a while to get the hang of it, and he fell down quite a bit, but every time he fell down you helped him back up. And by the time that the sun was setting in the west, the both of you were cold, and both were going to wake up tomorrow with some bruises. It was fun though, which is all that mattered… but that whisper in Cater’s heart was by now singing, and maybe he would listen to it, but for now, he was happy with how the way things were, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, especially with how much you had smiled today. Your smile and knowing that you had fun with him was enough.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tags; @eynnwwyjth, @ithseem, @krenenbaker, @silvers-numberonefan, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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uolarieclosed · 2 months
park jongseong ☆ ! love story
━━━ in which your neighbor, park jongseong had your heart since the beginning …
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SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who has been your neighbor ever since pre-school, you grew up with him just next door.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who would throw rocks at your window late at night when he couldn’t sleep and wanted someone to talk to.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who changed his schedule to be in the same classes as you.
“since when did you have ap geography?” you ask, taking jay’s schedule. “i applied this summer, i guess i got in.” jay snatched his paper back. in actuality, jay spent all of last year trying to get the best grades in his class.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who takes the same extracurricular activities as you even if he isn’t the most fond of the broadcasting crew or the photography club.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who takes photos of you, claiming you could be on the cover of the next school magazine.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who confesses by creating a short film of all the videos and photos he took of you, displaying it in the auditorium while he stands behind the curtain with flowers.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who falls asleep beside you when you study too late into the night, complaining in the morning about his back pain.
“my back,” jay groans as he stretches his body. “why’d you fall asleep here?” you frown, feeling guilty. “cause you’re here.”
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who back hugs you whenever you’re in the kitchen alone, leaving small pecks on your sensitive skin.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who is comfortable with just admiring you. if you’re doing your homework or watching a movie; he’ll lean his head on his palm and stare at you with a fond smile.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who keeps a polaroid of you in his wallet.
“who’s that?” one of his classmates ask as he pays for his snack. “my beautiful girlfriend.” jay shuts his wallet quickly before walking away.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who is front row to all of your musicals/plays, screaming the loudest whenever you’re on the stage.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who has the dumbest signs made for you.
“oh my god,” you peek behind the stage curtain, making eye contact with the poster your boyfriend was holding up. ‘MAY I BE THE BEAST TO YOUR BEAUTY!’ — you were playing belle.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who never gets you angry, agreeing to everything you say even if you urge him to say what he’s thinking.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who doesn’t find the meaning of being angry over something that can solve itself.
“you shouldn’t hold things in jay,” despite getting in an argument together, you still care. “it’s not a big deal, just come here.” he opens his arms with a small, tired smile.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who writes you letters as if he were a secret admirer and he leaves them in your locker.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who spends lunch on the bleachers with you rehearsing your lines for your next play, contemplating trying out for theater because you have to kiss a random boy.
“what if i tried out as prince charming?” jay stands up, his hand on his chin. “you can’t act!” you push him down on the bleachers again, but jay laughs, catching your hand and kissing it.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who has a drawer in his bedroom dedicated to all the things you leave behind—as well as his backpack.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who cracks a (very unfunny) joke to all of his friends but only looks at you to see if you laughed.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who calls you just to hear your voice if he hasn’t seen you in a while.
SCHOOL BOYFRIEND JAY who’s had a crush on you ever since he knew the meaning of love, and the meaning is you.
© 2024 uolarie
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DRABBLE: True Love and Tribulations
"And so the fairies sought out the Princess's True Love to break the curse."-Sleeping Beauty
A renovation gone wrong leads to the Prefect falling down Ramshackle Dorm's basement. Or the basement's basement, because they were not aware of a much lower floor underneath.
There's so much magic condensed below ground that even they, a non-magical human, can feel the cracklle of magic in the air, giving them goosebumps as they wander around to find a stairway to get back to the top. Grim was of no help because he left earlier to run some errands for Yuu. And their mobile was broken upon impact, along with their body were it not for the stack of mattresses they fell on. Too bad their phone had to bounce down to the cold floor. The Ramshackle ghost were on a vacation too, leaving Yuu truly alone to navigate the dark.
And there they find themselves into a secret room with a spinning wheel.Their intuition told them to run, however the threads, snakelike, ran after them, grabbing at their limbs until they're dragged into the room. Malevolently, the sentient threads pull wrap around their hand, pulling it closer until a finger pricked itself on the sharp spindle.
They immediately fall into slumber.
That's how the NRC staff found them, snoozing on the cold hard floor.
Ofcourse, Crowley was to blame for all this. Long ago, he had purchased a replica of Spinning Wheel from the Legends of Old, for educational purposes ofcourse, yet unfortunately the dang thing was cursed. It began attacking students and was fortunately subdued before it can make any further damage. After the incident he discarded it somewhere where he forgot, which just happened to be the Ramshackle dorm.
"That's a lot of yapping, how do we solve this?!" Complained Grim, worrying about his henchment. Who will feed him now? How can he attend class without them, he doesn't have hands for taking notes!
The NRC staff stared daggers at the Headmage, with Professor Trein giving him the sharpest glare.
"Well, if I recall correctly-"
"Whaddya mean correctly? Are you unsure, wahhh you're useless!" The cat monster interfered.
Crowley bit his retort back. "Ehem, as I was saying...from the incident from many years ago, the professor who met the same fate as our dear Ramshackle prefect was able to recover..."He paused for dramatic effect."Only after his spouse arrived and gave them true loves kiss!"The headmage reveales, clapping as if the solution was so easy."So that's it, we just need to find their true love!" He cheered.
The NRC staff groaned in frustration.
"Where do we even find their "true love"", Professor Crewel asked, saying the last word as if it tasted vile on his tongue.
"Are you aware that the students in our insitution, although talented are..."Professor Trein trailed off.
"Foolish, untrained and unmannered?!" Crewel continued."Do you positively think the Prefect could have found romance when they are surrounded by such unruly, pups? I don't think the student body have a molecule of romance in their bones, just a penchant for trouble."
"Hey now, let's give credit where there is due. They're not all bad."Sam added, "however, I see what you mean..."
Vargas nodded.
"Well, we'll find out once they get kissed and wake up."Crowley said, twiddling his thumbs.
Longer amount of silence...
"Are you...are you expecting to leave it by chance? What, thats an AWFUL IDEA, headmage!"Trein exclaimed, massaging his temple. "Are you telling us that you'll just let ANY student allegedly their true love to try to wake them up...by KISSING THEM?!"
Crowley went quiet.
He truly did not think that through.
In the end, they kept the whole thing a secret while trying to find ways to cure the Prefect. They made excuses about the Prefect's whereabouts to the student body. Unfortunately, they forgot to make their excuses match so soon, the jig was up.
Dorm leaders, upperclassmen and the Prefect's friends demanded an explanation.
To cut the whole thing short, the NRC staff went along with Crowley's plan to find Yuu's "true love" with the caveat that any one willing to try to save them must prove their worth, with pieces of evidence and even testimonies, which shows that there is a certainty that he and the Prefect had something special. Ofcourse this is cross-examined by Grim and the Ramshackle Ghosts because they know the Prefect the most.
The whole thing was taken with utmost seriousness, courtesy of Crewel and Trein, that anyone who joins in the Trial for fun, not taking seriously, gets demerits and an extra detention.
And so here is our Dear Prefect guarded by their own Council of Elders Proffessors, sleeping until Prince Charming passes the trial.
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twst-drabbles · 8 days
Heartslabyul 8
Summary: Ace and Deuce are fighting again. You watch from the window how the rest of the plant nymphs handle this, because you’re kinda in pain from a not so good fall, and horrible sleeping posture.
(Every time I imagine these little plant nymphs, I always imagine a kazoo playing in the background. Specifically for Ace and Deuce.)
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While you’ve been slowly upping your daily activity, your body is by no means a tough one. Years upon years of just isolating yourself in your house and rarely venturing beyond the needed groceries really put a number on you. You’ve only started hiking, but even with the best safety measures, it was only a matter of time before you ate shit.
It was just real unfortunate that it was your knee that took the brunt of the fall. Never have you despised moist weather and mud more. You did hobble your way back home, and at first it wasn’t really all that bad, but then after a day of rest, the pain just got worse. It’s not enough to warrant a hospital visit, but you definitely can’t stand to put much weight on it.
Today is a day of suffering for you. If you didn’t want to do things before, you definitely don’t want to do anything now. You don’t even want to go outside to do your usual sun bathing routine.
Haa… you’re going to have skip Riddle’s tea party. He’s not going to like that. You really don’t want to do anything.
Which is why you didn’t bother getting up from the sofa when you saw Deuce pounce on Ace’s head. Ace screamed and ran around as a distressed chicken would, arms flapping and trying to pry Deuce off, but Deuce continued to whale on him.
You tapped your cane on the window’s edge. “Hey!”
But they didn’t listen, too caught up in whatever plant nymph arguments they’re having.
You shrugged. Oh well. They’ll probably solve it eventually. It’s happened before, where Deuce tried to use Grim as a steed but ended up crashing into Ace’s tulip garden project. At least this time, they’re not biting each other.
Off to the side, you heard a loud leaf whistle. So loud that it even temporarily stopped Ace and Deuce’s fighting. There was shuffling, lots of shuffling, and then there was a storm of Cater’s, all packed together and kicking up dust as they ran towards Ace and Deuce.
Trey, atop the shoulder of the front most Cater, looked very focused, as though on a hunt to take them down.
Oh. Oh, Ace and Deuce probably did something bad huh?
“Oh wow.” You turned off the TV and adjusted yourself, wincing when your knee twitched. It isn’t as swelled as it could be, but ugh, the muscles within hurt. The burning was horrible when you woke up this morning, but at least it’s stopped now.
To your right, there was a set of sharp clicks and clanks. You take a look and found Riddle to be there besides you, his little table and chair right next to your elbow as he set up his tea set.
Riddle attempted to return your gaze with grace and poise, but the stiffness of his body and the slight frown on his face told you all. He’s grumpy. And annoyed, but is trying so hard to keep it all in via that prince-like attitude.
You chuckled then pointed to the flattened Ace and Deuce after failing to fight off the stampede. “Aren’t you going to do something about that?”
When Riddle looked towards them, both Ace and Deuce’s head popped up and looked upon their main flower with dewy, watery eyes.
Riddle blinked, thinned his eyes, then sat himself on his chair and sipped on his tea, fully and completely ignoring them.
“Guess not, huh?”
Ace and Deuce flattened further, practically sinking into the grass beneath them, probably drowning in misery now.
Oh they definitely did something. Whatever they did, it wasn’t against Riddle but probably Trey or Cater. Or both of them. Either way, Trey is looking down upon them with crossed arms and eyes full of disappointment, now that the battle-fire vanished from him.
Riddle, with the help of his root system, set down your own teacup. One of the newer cups you’ve recently bought and placed in the shelf inside the shed. At the bottom of the teacup, there was an image of a hedgehog, napping the world away.
It was soon filled with Riddle’s own tea mixture. Riddle has stopped sipping his and stared unblinkingly at you. He’s watching, waiting for you to drink it all up. He’s not very good at hiding his concern for you.
You sipped, nice and slow, and laughed when two Cater’s carried off Ace and Deuce towards the little bathtub spring they’ve recently built. Trey followed with his brushes, and comically sized toothbrush on his back.
Riddle sighed and all the tension on his little shoulders left him.
“I’ll be fine.” You relaxed as well. “I just need a few days. I just took a really bad fall, is all.”
There was a light hum from Riddle as he sipped his tea. He grumbled a little, but fell silent upon you lightly patting his head. He huffed in embarrassment, but ultimately didn’t stop you.
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Good Old-fashioned Lover boy
in which he pines for you in his unique ways
format: song lyrics drabbles
characters: cater, jade, floyd, malleus
content: pining; no thoughts, head empty, only fluff; irene's favourite love languages: singing, dancing, physical touch and quality time; severe brainrot for queen's GOFLB
reader is not yuu, reader is gender neutral
song used:
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"I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things
We can do the tango, just for two"
cater would take you to the light music club room an hour or two before the official meeting time. he would strum his guitar in a more gentle manner than his usual upbeat style, and he would sing songs that he thought you would love, keeping your song preference in mind. there were times he would play songs you both knew by heart, and he would extend his hand to you, as you both dance away in the empty club room. just the two of you.
he might not say it out loud, but he adored those moments. they were short but sweet, and he cherished them with his entire heart so long as it is still beating. because those moments are the ones he shares with you.
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"I can serenade and gently play on your heartstrings
Be your Valentino, just for you"
jade leech is a busy man. besides his schoolwork, his role as the vice housewarden, and his own club, he barely has much time to be with you. and oh how he hates it.
the next time he sees you, he would invite you to his club room, keeping you close to him as you both take care of the mushrooms. he would even hum the merfolks' entrancing melodies that he learned before his venture on land. oh how he adores that cute little blush you adorn every time his gloved hand brushes yours, or when you sneak glances at him thinking that he wouldn't notice. it puts a silly smile on his face, knowing one day you would sing with him a perfectly harmonised melody of your own.
he doesn't mind waiting for you, he is a patient man after all. he doesn't mind, as long as you choose him in the end.
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"Hey, boy, where'd you get it from?
Hey, boy, where did you go?
I learned my passion in the good old-fashioned school of lover boys"
there are many words people would use to describe floyd. spontaneous, unpredictable, bat-shit crazy. but never in his life has he heard someone calling him "passionate", and that dumb brave soul being you.
so naturally, he was intrigued. the little shrimpy wasn't afraid of him? but you were so tiny and fragile and cute, he could just eat you up! he decided to stick with you for a few days, just to make sure :)
you really weren't afraid of him or his infamous squeezes, you even reciprocated most of them! floyd was ecstatic, he ultimately decided to greet you every day with squeezes and hugs reserved just for you shrimpy!
you wouldn't refuse his growing affections for you right, shrimpy? after all, he has binded his heart with yours, he likes you too much to let you go <3
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"I'd like for you and I to go romancing
Say the words, your wish is my command"
malleus is THE textbook definition of a good old-fashioned lover boy.
a literal crowned prince, the future ruler of a land, and one of the most powerful mages in all of twisted wonderland. that's who he is. to say you have someone of such status falling for you, people would brush it off as a joke due to how utterly ridiculous that claim sounded.
of course, outsiders wouldn't know the entire details. your late night rendezvous are something malleus looks forward to the most in his years long time being alive. you are the first ever friend he made, and the only friend he had, it is only natural he grew emotionally attached to you. his affections were more and more obvious with each night you spent together, talking and dancing the night away, how his eyes were on you, and you only, and how he gave your hand a tender kiss at the end of each meeting before he (regretfully) had to return to his dorm.
he hoped you could reciprocate his love one day, and he would wait for you, until the end of time.
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @shyhaya @ceruleancattail @dove-da-birb @moonlit-midnight @hisui-dreamer @cecilebutcher @leonistic @ang33333333l @siren-serenity @krenenbaker @twistwonderlanddevotee @axvwriter @minimallyminnie @iseethatimicy @siphoklansan @bun-lapin @red-viewe @thehollowwriter @jaylleoo14 @wordycheeseblob
reblogs are appreciated!
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eydi-andrius · 1 year
Ours, huh. (Malleus Draconia x Reader)
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a/n: just an exercise after my long break. also, malleus was so adorable at the current event. where he came three hours early so he will not miss his first vacation outside briar valley
cw/tw: unedited, pure brainrot for malleus
🐉 🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉
"I definitely heard that thunder loud and clear." Cater nervously laughed and looked outside the window of the mirror chamber.
It was true though. The once beautiful morning slowly turns dim as dark clouds with lightning crawl out and hide the sun.
"Wow! I've never seen Tsunotarou make that kind of expression before. Look! He's turning really scary." Grim grimaced and made sure to move closer to you as he watched Malleus' expression turn darker and scarier. The more you stare at his hulking stature, the louder the thunder outside.
Jamil was not at fault though for making Malleus angry. A royalty without an escort to a public event will surely be a problem. A national security level of problem. You're actually weirded out that Sebek wasn't here wreaking havoc because Malleus will go out alone. Lilia probably has him on a chokehold.
"Why was that? Draconia has been here for three hours. I think he was that excited to join you today." Crowley, just like how useless he was, emphasizes how much Malleus has been looking forward to this trip, more than doing his job as a professor and interfering with the problem at hand.
You watch Malleus' mood turning sour, as he hears the professor's words, and Jamil trying his best to make his point across when you hear Trey coughed behind you. You looked back at him and Trey nodded at where Malleus was standing. A frown was your only response, wondering what he meant. His only reply was an exasperated sigh when you did not understand him. He then opened his mouth to speak without sound, mouthing about Malleus again but you're far too slow to understand that too.
Done with the way you and Trey danced with each other, Cater held your shoulders, and forcefully made you look back again at Malleus. As you turn, a loud crack of thunder hits near the school that makes you flinch. It took you awhile to regain your composure but once you got yourself together, you almost choked in fear on how furious Malleus is looking right now.
If he was in his dragon form, he probably would have eaten and swallowed Jamil – whole.
Not giving you enough time, Cater pushed you towards Malleus and you tripped in front of him. Good thing his reflexes were fast and he was able to catch you on time. The air of anger and malice immediately vanished and his eyes softened as he looked at you.
Ah! They want me to take care of Malleus for them. These Heartslabyul friends of yours. You wonder if they were truly your friends or they were just using you when they needed your help. Tsk.
"Child of man, are you alright?" Tone soft and calm, he asked you. He even checked if you have any scratches from your accidental tripping.
"I am fine, Tsunotarou. Was it true that you waited for three hours here?" When Malleus blushed at your question, you also blushed in return.
"I did. I was afraid I would miss it so I woke up earlier than the agreed time."
Still a little excessive though. Was the thought inside your head but you know too well that Malleus' fear was valid. Somehow, even with his tall stature, people always miss him out or completely forget him. It always has been a mystery to you, especially when you never forget to invite him in everything you do. It wasn't that hard.
"You must be tired waking up that early. But I'm so glad you're coming with us today. Right, Jamil?" You looked at Jamil, who looked like any minute now he would pee in distress. So with your eyes, you silently begged him to just agree.
With no other choice, and with the incestent of Kalim, he agreed.
Glad that everything worked out, you intertwined your arms to Malleus' right arm.
"Let's enjoy our first vacation outside NRC, shall we?" You asked him with a broad smile and a tilt of your head.
He looks surprised at first with the gesture. His eyes wide and mouth agape. But when he got himself back, he gave you a sly grin.
"Ours, huh. Well, let's enjoy it together then." He gave you a smile and you did not fail to notice how the flowers seemed to bloom and the sun shone brighter outside before the mirror took you all to your destination.
Let me know your thoughts! And thank you in advance for your likes, comments and reblogs! <3
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letterstoear · 2 months
Picking you up from Sam’s shop at 2am for no apparent reason
Synopsis: What happens when he picks you up from Sam’s shop?
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Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Bonus characters |
Notes: Character x gn reader, short drabbles, twisted wonderland, can be read as lovers or friends,
Also please be sure to check out my shop: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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🌹Gets one text from you that’s sent on accident that you’re at Sam’s shop and now he’s on his way. 
🌹When he arrives, he’s not surprised to see you out late outside of the dorm, but he does drag you away.
🌹Lectures you about how neglecting your sleep will cause you to develop bad habits
🌹Eventually gets you talking about why you were there at night on your way back to your room
🌹Once you enter your dorm room the two of you are so tired you two end up sleeping like little sheep together 
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❤️Say less, he’s there and he may or may not bring Deuce alongside with him
❤️Just there to have fun, late night talking and for the snacks, all on you of course
❤️Okay well he might pay for some, if you’re lucky, but probably only for his own 
❤️Doesn’t ask you why you’re there, to Ace he’s only to talk about it you want to 
❤️However, he will tell you not to do this again without him being there
❤️The two of you end up sleeping outside of Sam’s shack, but Sam brings you two in because he can’t leave you two outside, bad for business
❤️Hides you two in a freezer or something
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♠️ Doesn’t Walk but runs to where you’re at
♠ He’s worried your down in the dumps about life 
♠ Those late-night thoughts be hitting you like an iseaki truck, at least in his mind
♠ Imagine the look of shock on his face when he sees that you’re just in need of some help for carrying your late-night snacks
♠ On the way back the two of you eventually chat while sharing some sort of handheld snack 
♠ Once you arrive back at the dorm, your dorm leader rises from the ashes to scold you
♠️Deuce survives the night because Riddle is like a plank of wood once his head hits the bed 
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🔶Bestie what were you thinking, going out late and not inviting Cater? 
🔶I actually think he would be grumpy about it at first 
🔶Has to think about it for a good five minutes before he decides to go
🔶Get ready to meet up with you, but by the time he gets there you’re already asleep
🔶Homeboy takes way too much time to get ready 
🔶Doesn’t carry you back home or anything, just goes back to his dorm
🔶Probably leaves a sticky note on your head, after taking a photo of you 
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♣️ Rushes over to you
♣️ Concerned and curious 
♣️ Why would you go out late at night? Were you hungry, had you missed dinner? Were you depressed? 
♣️ Once he arrives, he’s picking you up to talk about the reason you had been there at the first place
♣️ Depending on the reason he might scold you, but would probably try to reason with you
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cloudcountry · 1 year
nrc & random word prompts (part two)
SUMMARY:  Part two of the Random words + NRC students = This
COMMENTS: i think its funny how riddle got both lesson and uniform. its very fitting!! ruggie got both joy & glow and thats just the cutest :(((( love him. i also think its so funny that epel got makeup. the second the random word generator gave me that word i was like :/ "oh dear" LMAO sebek got demonstration the first time and instruction this time...? he's teaching you a lot, huh?
Riddle Rosehearts & Uniform
Someone’s eyes are boring into your back and you can feel it. You wrinkle your nose as you turn your head, prepared to scold whoever is staring at you but the words die in your throat as he places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Your tie is crooked.” Riddle said, his face so close as his hands brushed against your uniform, “You need to fix that.”
You stood perfectly still as he tightened the piece of fabric, adjusting it with expert precision. Riddle said nothing as he pulled away, nodding in approval before he turned on his heel and walked away.
You still felt his hands pressing against your collarbones, warm against your covered skin.
Trey Clover & Concentrate
“Concentrate.” he murmured, his chest rumbling against your back.
Your hands were shaking as they frosted the cake with his guidance, his hands cupping yours gently.
“Concentrate, Prefect.” he chuckled, squeezing your hand gently as he guided you along the circular edge of the cake.
You tried to focus on the task at hand, but his presence was too distracting. Resting your head against his chest, you tried to ignore the soothing warmth that surrounded him and the pounding of your heart. Trey pressed a single kiss to your forehead, once again preventing you from concentrating as you allowed his hands to maneuver you as he pleased.
Cater Diamond & Capture
The sound of a camera shutter made you roll your eyes playfully, turning to Cater with an amused grin. His phone was positioned towards you, tilted a bit to the right as he beamed at the screen.
“Gorgeous.” he swooped over and kissed your cheek, pulling back with a loud “muah.”
“Hey! Come here, pretty boy. You can’t pull a fast one on me like that.” you protested, watching as Cater admired his phone screen.
“Aww, but you’re so nice to look at!” he cooed, looking up just in time for you to cup his face.
Cater flushed at the gentle contact but kept an easy smile on his face, staring into your eyes. You said nothing as you kissed his cheek, trying to pour as much love and affection as you could into the touch.
Deuce Spade & Indirect
“I’m so thirsty, I really shouldn’t have forgotten my water back at the dorm-” Deuce sighed, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
“You can have some of mine.” you passed him your water bottle, wrapping a white towel over his shoulders, “Your time has improved from your last run. It seems like your uniform finally fits right.”
Deuce stared at your water bottle as if it was a venomous snake, eyes wide and unsure.
“Prefect, are you sure?” he asked, hands clutching the ends of the towel.
“Huh? About the uniform?” you met his gaze, following it to your outstretched hand with your water bottle, “Oh, yeah! It’s not a problem. Go ahead.”
He took it from you, trying to calm his nerves as he pressed the mouth of the bottle to his lips and drank.
An indirect kiss was all it took to have him daydreaming the rest of his run.
Ace Trappola & Disappointment
It was supposed to be just the two of you. It was supposed to be you and him, hanging out and stargazing, because you’d mentioned how much you loved the night sky and he wanted to prove that he paid attention to you.
Just the two of you! Grim was not supposed to be here!
Ace sighed as the cat monster held up all of your attention, making you feed him pudding from a cup as you rubbed his belly. Maybe it was his fault for telling you it was fine to bring Grim along, but he panicked because he was nervous and didn’t know what to say when you showed up with someone else in tow.
Oh well, he turned his gaze towards the night sky, a soft expression on his face, He’d confess how he felt next time.
Leona Kingscholar & Willpower
Being patient and stepping back was never really your thing. Day in and day out, you had to deal with the knowledge that he was waiting for you to make the first move. It was like he was mocking you, waiting to see how long it would take until you broke. You had no intention of doing so, not when your pride was on the line.
No, you were going to make the stuck up prince who only cared about himself break.
Day in and day out, the same thing. Stolen glances across the room accompanied by lazy smirks and playful glares. As much as it flattered you to know that you caught his interest right back, you wouldn’t allow that to stop you from completing your mission.
You would wait for him. And when he finally breaks, you’d be able to brag to everyone that you knew that yes, you two were finally together, and did they know who broke first?
Ruggie Bucchi & Joy
Even the bright lights of the carnival couldn’t outshine the smile Ruggie had on his face.
Cotton candy in one hand and two funnel cakes in the other, he dragged you through the booths, winning game after game for you. You weren’t sure how he managed to win so many, as it was common knowledge that they were all rigged, but every time you asked him he’d laugh and avoid the question.
It occurred to you that the whole reason you were here was because Ruggie knew you’d been having a rough week and wanted to lift your spirits a bit, and he’d definitely surpassed even his own expectations. Right now, in Twisted Wonderland, with one of the best people you’d ever known, you couldn’t be happier.
Jack Howl & Judgement
“I’m not intimidating.” he deadpanned, staring at the student across from him dubiously.
“But you are! I bet the Prefect was scared of you too at first! You’re cold and unapproachable.” the student shuddered as Jack’s confused gaze turned into annoyance.
“No they weren't.” he huffed, irked at the thought of you thinking he was anything but safe.
“No I didn’t.”
Both boys nearly jumped out of their skin (although Jack didn’t show it) as your voice came from behind him, staring at the other student curiously.
“Why would you think that?” you asked, “Jack was never cold to me.”
Jack can’t agree with you there, he remembers your first meeting being very cold, but he’s happy you didn’t see him that way now.
“Don’t judge him for me.” you hummed, “Jack is a very warm and safe person!”
He needs some way to stop his tail from wagging whenever you say things like that.
Azul Ashengrotto & Price
“I want to go out with you.” 
Azul’s business facade immediately shattered, leaving a fumbling flustered mess in his wake. His eyes wide behind his wiry frames, he looked at you like you’d grown a second head.
“I- Prefect, you what?”
“Whaaat? Did you mishear me or something? I said I wanted to go out with you! Can you grant my wish?” you asked.
You were so sure of what you wanted and it showed in your expression, your body language, and oh Great Sea Witch Azul didn’t know how he was supposed to handle this.
“Did…Did Jade and Floyd put you up to this?” he inquired, trying to find any reason why you would request to meet with him to ask him something so outrageous.
“No. I like you.” you said, “What’s the price?”
“I-! I haven’t accepted your terms yet!” he couldn’t help the pitchy squeaks escaping his mouth, face aflame at the confession that you made so casually.
“Oh. Well, do I have to change anything? Do you want to go out on a specific day, or at a certain time, or right now?”
“Right now?!”
Jade Leech & Horizon
The tent rustled in the wind, breaking the sleepy haze cast over you and your companion.
“Morning.” you breathed, head flopping to your left.
Jade seemed to have been awake for a while, his gaze fixed on you with a soft smile.
“Good morning, Prefect.” he reached over and patted your head, “Are you ready to go back to Night Raven?”
“Jaaade, I just woke uuuup. Can’t you wait a few minutes?” you threw your arm over your eyes dramatically.
He laughed beside you, leaning over to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll prepare a quick breakfast then. You sleep as long as you like, dear.” he hummed, getting up to leave the tent. 
“Waaait.” you sat up, rubbing your eyes, “Wait for me. I wanna watch the sunrise with you.”
Jade’s heart squeezed as he laughed again, grabbing your hand and tugging you outside.
“Then come. The morning awaits.”
Floyd Leech & Destruction
You could only stare at the mess in your kitchen, eyes scanning over the batter and flour sugar and maple syrup on the ceiling, walls, floors, counters…
And in the center of it, a pouting Floyd.
“What did you do?” you asked, stepping into the room cautiously.
“I was trying to make you cupcakes!” Floyd huffed, crossing his arms even tighter over his chest, “I wanted to see how excited you would get. I thought it’d be fun be then I got bored and left the mixer unattended and then-”
“Floyd…” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in between your fingers, “I appreciate the gesture, but next time please tell me when you’re planning on making something.”
He perked up immediately, throwing his arms around your legs.
“Ooooh, Shrimpy! Your annoyed face is really funny too. Let’s bake sometime!” he giggled.
“Yes, let’s. For now we should clean up the kitchen. I’ll give you a kiss if you help.”
“Just one?!”
“Fine, as many as you want.”
Kalim Al-Asim & Absolute
The sunlight streamed through the windows as you slowly untangled the sheets from your legs. Kalim was still dead asleep next to you, his face pressed against your shoulder. Blinking away the sleep from your eyes, you felt your heart seize at the sight in front of you. He was so pretty when he was calm, arms loosely wrapped around you as he snuggled closer in his sleep. Peaceful moments at NRC were few and far between, but at this moment you felt the safest you ever had. It was absolutely calm, something you hadn’t had in months, and when absolute love accompanied it, it made this moment almost unbearable. Trying to avoid crying so early in the morning, you tore your gaze away and stared at the ceiling.
If there was any reason to stay in Twisted Wonderland, it would be seeing Kalim every morning, waking up next to him, and kissing the sleep away from his eyes.
“Mmm…sunshine?” his eyes cracked open, a smile slowly spreading across his face as he registered your presence, “You’re so warm.”
“Kalim.” you choked out as he snuggled closer, resting his head over your heart, “You’re going to make me cry if you keep this up.”
“What? No no no, don’t cry.” he mumbled, clearly half asleep as his hands brushed over your face and his thumbs wiped up imaginary tears, “What’s wrong?”
“You’re so cute. I love you so much. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sleep alone ever again.” you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into you, holding him tightly.
“Don’t scare me like that!” he yawned, eyes fluttering shut again, “I just want you to be happy. If you cuddle with me every night I don’t think that’s a bad thing.”
“It’s not, but…Kalim, you didn’t say it back.” you pouted.
“Oh…! I love you too! So so much.” he pressed a kiss to your shoulder, smiling serenely.
Jamil Viper & Sweet
Jamil couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Prefect? What are you doing here?” he asked, looking from you to the basket of sweets in your hand.
“I wanted to do something for you. Since you work so hard all the time.” you held out the basket to him, “I made them all myself, I hope you like them.”
“...You what?” he blinked, leaving the basket dangling on your outstretched fingers.
Why were you doing this? What did you stand to gain from it? Were you trying to get closer to Kalim? He narrowed his eyes, eventually deciding that no, you wouldn’t do such a thing. You were selfless and often concerned for people you didn’t even know that well. It was part of the reason you got so involved in the Overblots that had been happening.
Jamil took the basket from you, peaking at the contents. There seemed to be a great variety of baked goods, and they certainly looked homemade. Perhaps you’d picked up a few tricks from the Heartslabyul Vice Housewarden?
“You can share it with other people if you want, but I made it for you. Only you.” you seemed to look right through him, understanding exactly what he thought of this surprise gift, “Take care of yourself, Jamil.”
The basket felt out of place in his hands as he watched you leave, without saying hello to Kalim, he noted. He’d unpack what had just occurred later, when he could comprehend your sudden kindness. Jamil set the basket down on the kitchen counter and got back to work, preparing dessert for the party Kalim had thrown, once again on short notice. Your basket lingered in the back of his mind, and he knew that nothing he made would satisfy him the way your food would.
Vil Schoenheit & Brag
Vil was never one to get embarrassed.
You were the only person that made him feel something close to it.
You had the same adoration as Rook in your eyes when you looked at him, except yours was far more soft and sweet. Your eyes never scrutinized, picking out every pound of fat on his body like Rook did. Instead, you cherished him regardless of whether or not he put a pound on last week or lost one. It was flattering, how you followed him around and listened so intently when he talked, bringing him healthy snacks when you saw him running past Ramshackle and a water bottle that felt far too important to be plastic.
Vil could take care of himself, and you knew that. You just liked taking care of him too.
He didn’t like to brag, but receiving special treatment from you that not even your Heartslabyul friends received made him very grateful.
Rook Hunt & Listen
You were all too familiar with Rook’s inability to listen to other people’s boundaries. The poor Savanaclaw students could attest to that, and unfortunately, you could as well.
As a student from a foreign realm, you had no choice but to deal with the attention that brought. You’d given up on your “quiet school life” a long time ago.
It got to the point where you became so used to the strange student’s presence that you started listening to him.
He talked about Vil a lot, and you just as much. It was offputting how much he seemed to notice about you, like studying your diet and estimating your height in freakishly accurate ways. You had to tell him to stop a few times when he got too invasive, and you were surprised when he listened.
Granted, it didn’t stop his admiration for the weird student from another world, but you were starting to understand him better.
Epel Felmier & Makeup
This was a weird way to be reliable.
Epel couldn’t deny the fact that he was familiar with makeup, no matter how much he didn’t like it. Vil had drilled the basics into him the second he’d been sorted into Pomfiore, but maybe everything did happen for a reason.
Because you needed help with your makeup, and Epel was finally useful to you in a way that Ace or Deuce couldn’t be.
His brow furrowed as he dusted your face with blush, his own blush growing. Why did makeup involve being so close to someone?!
It wasn’t fair that you were so nice looking and that you’d called him over when Vil could have done better and Rook was definitely available-
Breathing deeply, he focused on the brush again.
He needed to make this perfect for you.
Idia Shroud & Courtesy
All of that effort trying to avoid the notorious school extroverts, wasted. India had found himself cornered by the one and only Kalim once again, with invites to various parties being shouted in his ears.
He just wanted to go back to his dorm! Why was that so complicated!
But it’s like he could say no, that was rude and he didn’t want to end the conversation with a promise to go to a different party, because they just weren’t his thing and he wished people understood that.
“There you are!” a familiar voice called, and Idia couldn’t help the way his head shot up to face you.
You were smiling as you approached him and Kalim, looking like a savior in your ill fitted NRC uniform.
“Come on, our train is leaving soon!” you said, eyes darting from him to Kalim, “Unless…are you doing something different this afternoon?”
“Oh, do you have plans with the Prefect?” Kalim asked, letting go of his hand, “You could have just said so! I hope you two have fun!”
Without waiting for another word, Kalim rushed down the hallway, leaving you two alone.
“Thank you.” Idia said through his tablet.
“No need.” you waved him off and continued on your way, leaving him blessedly alone.
Ortho Shroud & Tiptoe
“We have to be quiet!” Ortho hummed, bouncing on the spot from how excited he was, “Big brother is going to love this, just you watch..”
“I believe you. You put so much thought into this, I’m flattered you wanted me to execute it.” you smiled, holding the various gift bags in your arms.
“It’s his birthday! He wanted to spend it alone, but I know he likes you a bunch! He’ll thank me for this later.” Ortho fist pumped.
Before you could process his words, Ortho quietly levitated towards his brother’s dorm room and motioned for you to follow him. As quietly as possible, you reached the door and knocked on it. Before Idia had a chance to answer, you flung it open with a smile.
“Happy birthday!” you and Ortho yelled, causing a confused Idia to almost throw his controller at you two.
Oh, how you loved these two.
Malleus Draconia & Mood
It was common knowledge that the prince of Briar Valley had a soft spot for you.
His morning mood was usually affected by whether he got a hug from you outside of his class or not. One day you were running late, and NRC experienced such a gruesome thunderstorm that people were instructed to stay inside.
Nobody should have that much control over someone’s mood, and yet everyone could tell just how much he cared for you. It made some students swoon and others pretend to puke, but at the end of the day it was just you and Malleus in your own world, slowly dancing on the front lawn of Ramshackle and holding hands while watching the stars.
There, in your arms, he was happy.
Lilia Vanrouge & Proclaim
Everything seemed to be dramatic when he was around.  Unfortunately, this time, his dramatic tendencies weren’t funny.
Kneeling at your feet, Lilia concentrated on cleaning the blood from your arm. He said nothing as he wrapped the flesh in bandages, and you were thankful for the brief silence because the display of power from him before had shocked you. It’s not that you didn’t know he was strong, you just weren’t expecting him to jump from the ceiling and obliterate the students that had decided to beat you up.
“I will always be there.” he mumbled, meeting your gaze seriously, “I’ll be there quicker next time. I’ll teach you how to defend yourself. I promise.”
You swallowed thickly and nodded.
“Thank you.” he face softened, “Thank you for letting me protect you.”
Sebek Zigvolt & Instruction
“HUMAN! Are you listening?” Sebek yelled, slamming his hand on the table you were seated at.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Totally!” you yawned, eyelashes fluttering, “I’ve totally got it. What were you saying?”
He huffed, face turning red at your distracted state. He should feel frustrated, so why was this making him flustered? You should be the one embarrassed!
“HUMAN!” Have you been getting enough sleep?  He furrowed his brow as you yawned again, “It doesn’t seem like you have!”
“Oh, uh. Definitely not. I’ve been doing the chores that Crowley assigned. You know, janitorial duties or whatever?” you finally met his gaze, pretty eyes staring up at him as he tried to keep himself composed.
“Sleep then! I’ll tutor you later!” he huffed, glaring at the floor with red cheeks.
“Mmmkay. Goodnight.” you mumbled, slouching over on the table.
He huffed, throwing his jacket over you. He’d stand watch while you rested, just in case.
Silver & Delay
The day’s classes had finally concluded. With the weekend starting tomorrow, you and your classmates were finally free.
You were spending your time productively right now, leaning against a tree as Silver slept on your lap. He really was beautiful, hair fanning around his head like a halo as his chest rose and fell. You wouldn’t dare compare his angelic sleeping state to yours…you shuddered at the thought. There was no way anyone slept as pretty as him.
Sure, you’d be a little late getting to Ramshackle and maybe Ace and Deuce would be there worrying about your whereabouts when you were supposed to have shown up for their weekly movie night, but this was more important!
It didn’t take long for Sebek to come crashing through the bushes, mouth open to yell at you for taking away Silver, but you shushed him angrily.
“He’s sleeping! Don’t you dare ruin this for me!” you huffed.
“I will never understand why Silver has chosen to court you of all people.” he grumbled, narrowing his eyes at you.
You just stuck your tongue out at him.
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euphor1a · 1 year
Namjoon gives you a belly bulge
thirst drabbles (7/∞)
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fandom » bts
pairing » namjoon x f!reader
rating » 18+ (minors dni!)
genre » smut, established relationship.
word count » ~ 550
warnings » profanity, dom/sub undertones, belly bulge, big d*ck!joon, size kink, rough sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, dirty talk, lmk if i missed anything!
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Another whimper escapes you, eyes closed shut from the bliss that enraptures your mind and body. Namjoon buries his nose in the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. His hand, gentle yet firm, puts pressure on the bulge that has appeared in your belly. You gasp, soon followed by a groan that reverberates in his throat.
“Would you take a look at that! Fuck. Your little pussy can’t even take my cock properly.” He nips on the sensitive flesh of your neck. You jerk a little in response, overwhelmed by the feeling of his cock filling you up so well. Namjoon repositions himself to look into your eyes.
“Look at me, baby, c’mon.”
The moment you open your eyes to meet his gaze, he starts to pull out. You shudder, feeling all those veins and ridges of his length dragging deliciously along your gummy walls. Before you can process anything else, Namjoon thrusts back inside. You cry out as you’re pushed upwards from the force.
“Joonie—” your voice is small, barely audible. He sets a pace that is ruthless, cock repetitively hitting all those sweet spots inside you. The sounds you make with each of his thrusts are like punctuation. Your eyes roll back whenever his tip brushes over your cervix. You’re overflowing with fluids, leaking and gushing around him. Some of it runs down your inner thighs, slathering over him also.
“You’re making a mess, baby, fuck.” Namjoon catches your lips in a searing kiss. Your back arches, breasts pressing into the hardness of his chest. He growls when he feels your pebbled nipples against his skin.
“M– ugh, I need more!” you whine, breaking the kiss abruptly. Your hips buck up to match his rhythm. Namjoon lets his hand slip between your joined bodies, gently stroking the belly bulge.
“Oh baby,” he rasps, “wonder how your cute tummy will look when all nice and round.” Your pussy clenches when you realize what he’s implying. “You’d love that, won’t you? Do you want me to breed your little womb? Yeah?”
“Fu–fuck— Joonie! Yes!” A strange wave of carnal desire pulses in your body. Namjoon notices immediately.
“Is that what you want, hm? Pretty tits full of milk for our baby who’ll grow inside your tummy?”
You shudder against him, his hips roughly pounding into you. He takes the hold of your left leg to place it on his shoulder, cock now hitting deeper into your pussy.
“I’m gonna fill you up with all my cum, baby,” he mutters under his breath, pressing a kiss on your stomach. “And you’re gonna keep every single drop of it in your pussy like a good girl. Okay?”
However, you’re way too preoccupied to answer his question, brain addled at how good he’s screwing you, promising you things you’ve never dared to think about. Namjoon doesn’t appreciate your silence. His hand slowly runs down from your belly bulge to clit, a shocked gasp escaping you.
“Answer me, baby. You’ll keep my entire load inside your pussy like a good girl, right?”
You clench around him upon those words, lips moving to utter a breathless “yes”. Your teary eyes meet his, head nodding fervently. Namjoon can’t help but groan at your eagerness, thrusts turning sloppy.
He loves you so, so bad. And it will be the same for your kid.     
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 💌 author’s notes ꒱
thank you so much for reading <33!! i hope you enjoyed it hehe 🫣! this a repost from my old blog but i edited it and added more... stuff 🥴! apologies for any mistakes left in there!
consider leaving a reblog or a comment to let me know what you think of this!! feedback through asks will be appreciated too! support your local writers, it keeps us motivated to create and share 🌸!
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twisted-broth · 6 months
Cater isn't great at comforting people. For how much he talks, he never seems to have the right words. When he finds you crying on your bed, he doesn't know what to say, his silver tongue turned lead. Instead, he crawls into bed with you and gently pulls you into his lap.
You collapse into his chest, tears soaking his shirt which you're clutching like a lifeline. Cater strokes your hair, his other arm keeping you held close to him. He doesn't ask what's wrong, it wouldn't change anything. If you want to tell him, he'll listen. Otherwise, he would gladly sit in silence with you for however long you need. Some people who know Cater would have assumed that he can't stand silence, but he really doesn't mind it. Especially if it's with you.
He presses his lips to the top of your head. Even as your sobs reduce to sniffling and quiet gasps, he doesn't break the comforting blanket of silence wrapped around the two of you. Cater holds you impossibly closer to him. Even if he can't articulate it, he swears to himself that he will do everything in his power to make you happy again.
When you finally pull away from him your eyes are red and puffy. You hastily wipe the snot away from your dripping nose, embarrassed to let your boyfriend see you in such a state. He smiles at you as he gently hold your head in his palms, paying no mind to the wet spot on his shirt. A thumb comes up to wipe away the stray tears on your cheeks. He brushes the hair out of your face and lays a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I got you, baby. Let's get you some water, yeah?"
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artpenumbra · 2 years
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Heartslabyul’s flower nymphs based off of @twst-drabbles‘s Pet AU stories. I highly recommend reading their works if you want unique takes on AU’s and some more.
Their designs are from me delving into as many of the blog’s loredump/resources as I could to get some image of how to draw these guys as accurately as possible. I ended up just throwing things together to see what will stick, I’m very proud of Riddle though. 
Honestly it’s been a while since I drew anything TWST(at least publicly), so I’m deeply nervous about sharing fandom stuff again...
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loverofazul · 1 year
quick disclaimer for tumblr
Im posting this again cause tumblr decided to mark it as a mature/sexual theme
pls dont do that again, its not, its cuddles, simple as that
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𝑯𝒖𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 Pt.1
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-Heartslabyul Dorm-
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Riddle couldn't help the warmth of his face as you held I'm close. Your fingers carefully running through his hair as he cuddled into your chest. Eyes closed tightly, he squeezed your waist, mumbling his words.
"I....I love you....My Heart"
He heard you hum, his fingers digging into your clothes as you mumbled back--his face burning even brighter.
"And I love you, My King"
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Ace couldn't help but take in a deep breath, inhaling your scent with a smile. It was a calming one. One he couldn't help but feel comfort and warmth in. It was your scent, the person he loved.
Pulling you closer to his chest, he tightened his arms around you. "I love you so much, My Royal"
The male felt you grip the front of his shirt, pulling yourself closer to him. "I love you too, My Prince"
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Deuce could feel his face heat up as you placed a kiss on his forehead. He buried his face further into your collarbone, placing a shy kiss on your skin. He couldn't help but shiver at your giggle, your breath cold on his warm skin.
"Love you, My Blueberry" You had mumbled into his hair, placing another kiss on his head.
Gulping nervously, the male let out a shaky breath and mumbled back. "Lov-Love you too, My Dear"
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Trey chuckled as you whined and pulled him back. He laid on his back, running a hand down your back as you snuggled into his neck. Your breath against his skin made him shiver slightly, his cheek resting on your head.
"I love you so much, Pretty Boy/Girl"
Your arms tightened around his waist as you mumbled sleepily. "Love you so so soooo much, My Tart"
A small snort left the male's mouth at the nickname.
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Cater hummed in content as he snuggled into your stomach. Your fingers messed with his hair, running through it and twisting it between them. He could feel his mind start to get foggy, sleep overtaking his senses.
He was able to slur out his love for you before drifting to sleep. "Love yous soo much Sweets"
"Love you as well, My Model" You mumbled back, closing your own eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep.
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anzynai · 1 month
some twst tickle drabbles i wrote!!
sorry ive been inactive pls dont forget abt me 💔💔💔 i wanted to write more drabbles but there’s only three and considering they r drabbles, they r very short. pls enjoy anyway
also i wrote these three for friends mostly so ive had them for a while but just never posted. sorry😔🙏 *dies*
1. lee azul, ler floyd
“Floyd, no one else can cover your shift. You need to work it,” Azul groans, pinching the bridge between his eyes.
“I don’t want to. That’s booooring,” Floyd whines, leaning over Azul.
“Floyd, you said you— hey, w-wait!” Azul feels a poke to his side and jolts. His head whips toward the eel in shock. “F-floyd, stohohop this nohonsense..!”
“Nah, I’m good.” Floyd starts squeezing Azul’s sides, wrapping his arms around the housewarden.
“Stahahahap! J-jahade?!” Azul laughs, unable to help it, and he looks for Jade for assistance, who had been watching it all unfold the entire time.
Jade smirks sadistically and clicks his tongue. “Alas, even I cannot stop my brother when he’s like this. You’ll just have to.. wait until he’s bored.”
Until he’s bored? Floyd was as unpredictable as unpredicatable comes! Who knows when that would be?
“G-gah! Stohohop Flohohoyd!” Azul accidentally snorts around his next giggle when Floyd jabs at a particular sensitive spit and suddenly, he wants to die of shame.
“Awww,” Floyd cooes, unrelenting in his attack when Azul’s laughter becomes more intense, while Jade chuckles behind him.
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!”
2. lee epel, ler riddle
“h-hehehey!” riddle giggled, when epel peppered his face with kisses. the blush on his face was absolutely delightful and it just made epel want to kiss him more.
“you’re amazing..” epel mumbled against his face, twitching when the fingers around his waist tightened their grip. while distracted, riddle began to lightly tickle his sides, and he rolled back, causing the bed to creak.. “gahaha!”
“it’s about time i return the favor, shall i?” riddle said, voice smug and epel didn’t resist the laughter threatening to spill from his lips.
riddle started kissing his face— from his cheeks, to his parted lips, and his forehead. epel closed an eye, feeling tingly and a bit flustered.
“this ain’t fahahair!” he giggled, riddle’s fingers dancing along his hips and tummy.
“fair?” riddle chuckled, amused, as he planted a kiss on the corner of epel’s mouth, almost teasingly.
“nohoho, y-you’re tihihickling me!” epel cried, his hands uselessly pushing at riddle’s. riddle kissed the other corner of his mouth.
“and you look really..” a pause, then a kiss to epel’s lips, longer and more meaningful than the others. epel tried to kiss him back, but it was a bit difficult while laughing. “..lovely,” riddle finished, pulling away. with it, his fingers stopped tickling him, instead rubbing his sides in a more comforting manner.
“i love you,” epel smiled, when he caught the other’s lips again.
riddle smiled at him, pulling epel closer. “i love you too.”
3. lee cater, ler trey
“hnng!” cater squealed, feeling a finger run down his spine. he immediately straightened up, flinching. he whipped his head to glare at the culprit.
“trey, that was #NOTCOOL,” cater turned around, placing his hands on his hips. trey chuckled.
“my bad, i was just curious,” trey admitted.
“curious?” cater raised a brow at that.
“if you were ticklish. you always tense up when someone touches your back.” trey shrugged nonchalantly.
“i— what?!” cater gasped, his face heating up. he put a palm to his cheek, embarrassed. “you.. noticed that?”
“of course i did,” trey chuckled again, reaching to pinch at cater’s hips. cater jumped away, embarrassed.
“i’m not ticklish!” cater blubbered out, and trey looked at him, disbelieving until a smug grin appeared on his face.
“is that so?” trey asked, coming closer. “so you wouldn’t laugh if i did this?” more calculated this time, he lightly squeezed at cater’s sides and cater froze, biting his lip.
“n-no.. way..!” cater squeaked, resisting the urge to flinch and gasp until… “ah!”
“there it is,” trey said, amused. cater squeezed his eyes shut when trey started tickling him for real after he had giggled.
“nohoho! trehehey!” cater cried, shocked. never did he once think he would get tickled by trey, but.. well, it wasn’t so bad. plus, he thought to himself, he will definitely get him back!
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4e7her · 11 months
october writing prompt #15 - "even if you hate me, i'm yours.”
character: cater diamond, twst
contains: yandere themes, gn reader, reader is yuu
"What are you doing, Cater?"
The Heartslabyul junior just grinned at you, something flirty and lighthearted surely on the tip of his tongue. Like it always was. He always downplayed whatever you asked of him, always acted like he could do no wrong or that you should be happy to just be around him.
"Don't act like that, songbird! Come on, you'll love it, promise."
So, probably trying to drag you into some scheme or another. That seemed like all he ever did. Last time it landed in you being locked out of Ramshackle overnight. You weren't doing this again.
"No. Absolutely not. You need to cut it out, seriously. I'm not just here for your entertainment - go bug Adeuce or something. I have things I need to get done, and playing in your little games is not on that list."
"Reallyyy? Not even for meee?" He croons at you with something mischievous dancing in his eyes, and you're half-tempted to check for hidden cameras if he's acting like this. He had been on a kick with stupid little pranks lately. Whatever he's thinking of was sure to get him plenty of views on Magicam, that's for sure. "C'mon, just this once! I won't bug you again."
"You say that every time." He frowns when he sees you sigh, and you internally cheer at the idea that you might be able to shake him off. "Grim is waiting back at Ramshackle. I've gotta go."
Cater blocks you off when you move to leave, blocking the hallway. You glare at him, but something seems... off.
His tone is sweet, honeyed as always, but something about how he's cutting off your way out sends chills down your spine. There wasn't anyone else around - it was just you two, and it was the end of the hallway. All that was behind you was a couple empty classrooms and the bathroom, where you had just come from.
"Cater, move." It's a fight to keep your voice strong, but you do it, glaring at him with all that you can muster. "I have to go."
He smiles at you, but his eyes are eerily blank.
"You know, I don't think this is really fair. I'd do anything you asked me to, really, but whenever I ask you anything you're just full of excuses."
A step forward, a rising aggression in his stance.
"Any time I come around, you act like it's the worst thing in the world to see me. Do you hate me?"
There's not a chance to even open your mouth, taking steps backwards every time he moves closer, hands moving to your pockets to see if you have anything to get yourself out of here if worst comes to worst.
You don't.
There's not enough time to try and get into your bag, not with how he's cornering you.
"That's okay, songbird. Even if you hate me, I'm yours."
[click here to go to masterlist.]
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twst-drabbles · 6 months
Heartslabyul 7
Summary: The plant nymphs always finish eating before you do. So, you watch them skitter about as you continue munching. Fast little walkers, all of them are. It’s nice to hear their little feet on the table.
(I’m… not having a good time. The house was without water for a bit and we got it back, but then the house sprung a gas leak so we were without hot water just as a cold front came in. And we have a gas stove, so we couldn’t boil water. And then I found the body of a stray cat I liked right on top of that. Back to back. Really puts a damper on the good mood I finally managed to grab after months of apathy… I need a distraction.)
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Honestly, it was rather difficult for you to eat early in the morning. Nothing to do with sleepiness muting your hunger, more that your appetite just wasn’t present. Your stomach growled, it twisted this way and that almost to the point of nausea, but no matter what you looked at, nothing grabbed at you.
So, instead of looking for something to spark that craving, you just picked a bland enough food that won’t overwhelm you with its taste and texture.
Little pit-pats quickly raced towards you and you looked down. Ace bounced on one foot as he struggled to pull himself up on the lip of the bowl. When he finally got his torso over, Ace took one look, one sniff of what you’re scooping up, and his face creased up in a disappointed frown.
You took another bite and pushed Ace off with your pinky. “Get off, you’re not getting anything from me.”
Ace glared at you, grabbed your napkin just to spite you, and stomped off. Well, not quite stomped. His feet pattered against the table in that way budgies do when they’re really determined to get to a place without flying. You’re pretty sure these little creatures are incapable of walking slowly.
Not even Trey and Riddle are exempt from this. Trey’s steps were very close to one another as he set up the table for the Roseling. In his concentration, he walked with the same amount of purpose as Ace was doing.
The chair Riddle was supposed to be sitting at was empty, for he beamed out of it as soon as he saw Ace being a little brat. His petals were fluffed up and jiggled almost violently with his quick steps as he raced to Ace with that stormy look on his face.
Ace, snickering to himself obliviously, threw the napkin right over the munching Deuce. Suddenly without vision, Deuce sat up in a panic and dashed around the table, flapping about in an effort to get it off but can’t.
You snorted just as Riddle gave Ace a good smack on the head and a binding thistle for his pranks.
Cater and his clones, who were tapping away at your phone at maximum efficiency, looked up just as Deuce knocked right into him. Like a set of bowling pins, all the Caters were knocked and scattered away.
You finally decided to intervene and cupped Deuce just as he was about to roll right over the edge. “Woah, careful there.”
One Cater was rubbing at his head while the others skittered right over to your hand. Almost gliding, the way they all walked. They each grabbed a side of the napkin and ripped it apart. Deuce’s head popped out through the whole like a sprout, clearly confused and but relieved to be free.
Trey had stopped his set up for a moment, looking over the chaos with a skeptical eye. His attention was on Riddle squeaking at Ace who sat on the ground, grumpy. Then it landed on your hand as the Caters patted at Deuce was still a little dizzy from all that rolling.
Then he noticed you looking at him. You raised an eyebrow and only then did Trey just, looked away. Continued to set up the table like he didn’t notice anything was wrong.
Just to bother Trey a little bit, you reached over and poked Trey’s legs. He jumped up a good three inches into the air before skittering around faster.
You chuckled. You really like the way they all walked.
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