#Cat Urine Toxic
the-great-donatello · 2 years
He won't make it. Sounds like he cares more about his own self-pity then you. -⭕
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coven-of-genesis · 2 months
Ten lesser-known facts about witches & witchcraft
Witch Bottles: In the 16th and 17th centuries, people believed in the protective power of witch bottles, which were filled with items like nails, hair, and urine to ward off evil spirits and witches.
Flying Ointments: Historical accounts suggest that witches' "flying" was sometimes linked to hallucinogenic ointments, often made from toxic plants like belladonna or mandrake, which were applied to the skin.
Familiars: Witches were believed to have familiars, which were often animals like cats, toads, or birds that assisted them in their magical work. These were considered evil spirits in animal form.
Witch Hunts in the Americas: While the Salem witch trials are well-known, fewer people are aware that other parts of the Americas, such as Brazil and the Caribbean, also had their own witch hunts and trials.
Malleus Maleficarum: This 15th-century book, also known as "The Hammer of Witches," was a significant text that contributed to the witch hunts in Europe. It outlined ways to identify, prosecute, and punish witches.
Witch Marks: During witch trials, accused witches were often searched for "witch marks," unusual blemishes or growths on the body believed to be signs of a pact with the devil.
The Witch's Sabbath: A folklore belief held that witches gathered for secret nocturnal meetings, called sabbaths, where they worshipped the devil, performed rituals, and engaged in revelry.
Witchcraft in Ancient Times: Witchcraft isn't a solely medieval or early modern phenomenon. Evidence of magical practices and beliefs in witchcraft can be traced back to ancient civilizations, such as ancient Greece and Rome.
Witchcraft as a Capital Crime: In many parts of Europe, witchcraft was considered a capital crime, punishable by death. This led to the execution of thousands of people, primarily women, during the witch hunts.
Modern Witchcraft: Contemporary witchcraft, often referred to as Wicca, is a recognized religion that emerged in the mid-20th century. It emphasizes the worship of nature, the practice of magic, and the celebration of seasonal festivals.
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143staytiny · 7 months
Okay Lovelies!
It is 🩷Valentine’s Day🩷tomorrow (I freaking love Valentine’s Day so prepare for that lol) so it is time for your yearly reminder to
Check the Bouquet for Toxic Flowers!!!!
This is so so important if you or your loved one has pets!
Here is a fantastic article on plant toxicity: Pet-Safe Flowers: Non-Toxic for Cats and Dogs by Bouqs.com
Please read this for more information but I will share some of their infographics here for quick reference.
Here is a list of Potentially Toxic Flowers for Both Cats and Dogs: Calla Lilies, Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Daffodils, Delilahs, Freesias, Gladioli, Hyacinths, Hydrangeas, Iris, Lily of the Valley, Ranunculus, and Tulips. Also, I’m not sure why they aren’t on here but Lillies are incredibly toxic!!! Please note this is NOT a comprehensive list so please check the ASPCA website or ask your florist for recommendations.
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Next we have some signs of poisoning in cats and dogs: These signs my include Vomiting, Diarrhea, Lethargy, Nosebleeds, Rapids Heartbeat, Excessive Panting, Decreased Urination, Excessive Thirst, and Lack of Appetite. If your pet displays any of these symptoms, take them to the vet immediately!
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Now, what can your bouquet safely contain? Here is a list of safer flowers for cats. This list includes Asters, Celosia, Orchids, Roses, Sunflowers, and Zinnias. Please always check with the ASPCA guides for toxicity information!
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And a list of safer flowers for dogs. This list includes African Violets, Asters, Celosia, Orchids, Pansies, Petunias, Roses, Sunflowers, and Zinnias. Again, check with the ASPCA before making your purchase.
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Roses are a classic at Valentine’s Day and all year round and are among the safer options. I have both cats and a dog so I always opt for roses or orchids, especially when giving flowers as a gift.
Also, be mindful of the ‘flower food’ packets that come with your bouquet! I don’t know if they are harmful but I never use them. Simply change the water regularly and recut the ends of your flowers at an angle to extend their life.
Please make sure to keep these things in mind to keep Valentine’s Day happy, romantic, and safe!
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(A common and relatively safe occurrence. Still, still try to keep all bouquets out of reach from pets!)
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devoted1989 · 3 months
can my cat be vegan?
This is a very long article but it is comprehensive and will answer all your questions if you’re thinking of putting your cat on a vegan diet. I hope it will be helpful.
the obligate carnivore 
Not all carnivores are obligate carnivores.In fact, most aren’t. But all members of the cat family are. 
As obligate carnivores, they cannot digest plant-based foods efficiently. Eating meat is a biological necessity. 
 One of the defining characteristics of an obligate carnivore is a requirement for a high amount of protein in the diet. They are so dependent on protein that if their diet is lacking an adequate amount to supply their energy needs, they will break down their own body muscle and organs. 
The true carnivore will occasionally eat other foods, but the primary nutritive source must be meat for them to survive. This is because the protein in animal tissue has a complete amino acid profile. 
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Plant proteins do not contain all the amino acids critical for the health of obligate carnivores, and unlike humans who have the physiological ability to turn plant proteins into the missing pieces needed for a complete amino acid profile, cats don’thave that capacity. 
Cats need the amino acid taurine in their food to prevent blindness and certain kinds of heart disease. Cats cannot produce taurine in their own bodies; rather, they must eat foods containing taurine to obtain it. 
Taurine is supplied almost exclusively by meat and seafood and little to none from vegetables. 
Cats require approximately 200-300mg of taurine per meal, which is easily supplied by a diet that is more than half raw meat.  
Ornithine, another amino acid, is manufactured in the body and is necessary because it binds the ammonia produced from the breakdown of protein. Most animals manufacture the amino acid ornithine through various processes, some of which require arginine.  
In cats, the only method of producing ornithine is to convert it from arginine. Arginine helps remove by-products of the broken-down protein in their diet. arginine is only found in low amounts in plant-based diets.  
An arginine deficiency will lead to drooling, lethargy and convulsions due to the toxicity built up from the protein – and even death. 
Cats also lack the enzyme which can convert beta-carotene to retinol, the active form of Vitamin A. Therefore, they require a pre-formed Vitamin A, which is present only in foods of animal origin, and is usually included in cat foods as retinyl palmitate or acetate. Deficiencies of Vitamin A are rare, but signs include night blindness, retarded growth, and poor-quality skin and coat. 
Arachidonic acid is one of the essential fatty acids. Cats cannot manufacture arachidonic acid from linoleic acid or gamma-linolenic acid, so it must be supplemented in their food. Arachidonic acid is necessary to produce an inflammatory response. It also helps to regulate skin growth, is necessary for proper blood clotting, and is necessary for the reproductive and gastrointestinal systems to function properly. Arachidonic acid is found in animal fats as well as peanut oil.  
Cats on a vegan diet can develop abnormally alkaline (high pH) urine due to the more alkaline pH of plant based proteins in comparison to the acidic pH of meat-based foods which cats have evolved to eat. 
When the urine pH becomes too alkaline, there is an increased risk of formation of bladder crystals and/or stones. 
Such stones can create irritation and infection of the urinary tract and require veterinary treatment. In male cats the stones can cause an obstruction of the urethra, so the cat cannot urinate. This is a life-threatening emergency requiring immediate veterinary care. 
the cat’s biological make-up 
The feline digestive tract is short and is unable to process the nutrients contained in plant matter. It also causes them to need a highly digestible diet. Not only is the cat’s diet necessarily full of highly digestible proteins and fat, the proteins and fat can be very quickly digested as opposed to plant matter, which is slowly digested.  
Cats have scissor-like teeth and generally, strong jaws made for grasping and tearing up their prey. Their jaws do not allow motions for actual chewing or masticating; rather, they are made to cut their prey and eat them quickly. They do not chew their prey because they can mostly digest them in their stomachs. Their tongues are raspy because they use them to scrape the meat from the bones. 
Domestic cats did not evolve much further beyond their ancestral need to eat an all-meat diet because they thrived on this particular diet. They were physically and powerfully designed to eat primarily meat. 
the risks of commercial pet food 
However, questions must be asked about the origins of the commercial meat-based foods we are feeding our pets. 
The domestication of the house cat together with the growth of the commercial pet food industry, has changed the food we feed our cats, especially in the past 50 years or so. In the quest to profit from slaughterhouse waste products, owners developed meat by-products, digests, and meals.  
Over time other non-animal products were blended as filler to help make the pet foods even more profitable. It has only been in the past 20 years or so that commercial pet food manufacturers have started looking at pet nutrition seriously. However, much commercial pet food is made up of meat products not fit for human consumption simply because it makes financial sense. 
Even if we are not going to cross over to a vegan diet for our feline friends, we must make sure that we are not feeding them the “excesses” of factory farming. Apart from the obvious desire to feed our cats a high - quality food, it is worth spending more on a scientifically based diet that may lead to a long and healthy life. 
attention to possible health issues 
Is it possible to raise your cat vegan? Only if proper attention is given to providing a food that is nutritionally balanced and complete. Supplementation of taurine and arginine is absolutely essential. Cats also requireconsiderable amounts of Vitamin A. 
 In the case of commercial vegan cat foods, a urinary pH level of 6.5 is should be targeted. 
Cats on a vegan diet can develop abnormally alkaline (high pH) urine due to the more alkaline pH of plant based proteins in comparison to the acidic pH of meat-based foods which cats have evolved to eat. When the urine pH becomes too alkaline, there is an increased risk of formation of struvite (also known as magnesium ammonium phosphate) bladder crystals and/or stones.  
advice from vegancats.com 
“Unless you are very committed to following the advice outlined on our site by feeding your cat a properly balanced diet as per the information below, we recommend that you mitigate the risk of urinary tract problems by feeding males cats a 25-75% vegan diet and females a 50-100% vegan diet. Of course, many cats (both male and female) will thrive on a simple vegan diet and never have any complications from urinary tract infections or crystal formations, but you need to be prepared to adjust the diet accordingly for cats who may be prone to such issues”. 
We do not believe in making companion animals suffer through recurring health complications simply because we’d like to feed them an exclusively vegan diet; rather, we believe that people should do the best they can to find a balance that keeps their companions healthy while reducing dependency on meat products to the greatest extent.” 
Whatever you decide – it is, of course, your decision - it is advisable to research the pros and cons and to discuss your options with your vet. It may turn out to be healthier for your cat to not eat the way you do. In the long run, it is best to give your feline companion a long happy life than to make him/her conform to your choices. 
Jennifer Larsen, DVM, PhD, veterinary nutritionist and assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of California, Davis Veterinary School says the following guidelines should be followed if you are considering a vegan diet for your cat: 
· Only consider or feed commercial diets that have gone through feeding trials and meets the requirements for AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) compliance. 
· Consult with a veterinary nutritionist who can analyse your commercial or homemade vegetarian pet diet and make recommendations for additional health safeguards. 
· Schedule more frequent wellness exams, including blood work, with your family veterinarian - at least twice a year, even for young pets eating vegetarian diets. 
what the experts say 
Pet care professionals who warn against vegetarian diets for cats empathize with pet owners’ concerns that lead to these decisions. Believing its biologically or physiologically ok to switch your cat to one of these diets is to deny all the science proving otherwise. 
Below you will find some of the leading veterinarians in the world stating their opinion on a vegan diet for your cat: 
Lew Olson, PhD, author of Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, makes this analogy: “Trying to feed a cat a vegan diet would be like me feeding my horses meat. You’re taking a whole species of animal and trying to force it to eat something that it isn’t designed to handle. 
“People do this to make themselves happy,” says Olson, who worked in psychotherapy before changing careers in the early 1990s. “It’s not about the animal. When people tell me they want to feed a vegan diet, I say, ‘Get a hamster, get a rabbit.’” 
 “For cats, it’s really inappropriate. It goes against their physiology and isn’t something I would recommend at all, “says Cailin Heinze, VMD, a board-certified veterinary nutritionist and assistant professor of nutrition at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. 
 Vitamins A and D: Dogs and cats cannot make vitamin D in their skin, so it needs to be in their diet. And the vitamin D needs to be D3, which comes from animal sources, not D2, which comes from plant-based sources. “People and dogs can use D2 to some extent, but cats really need D3,” Heinze says. 
the risks of feeding your pet a vegetarian or vegan diet  
· Inadequate total protein intake (less than the 25 grams per 1,000 calories recommended). 
· Imbalance of the certain amino acids, such as taurine and L-carnitine (dogs and cats) or essential fatty acids arachidonic acid (cats only), in particular. 
· Deficiency in vitamins and minerals (such as B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, and iron) that are obtained ideally, or only, through meat or other animal products. 
· If allowed to continue long enough, these dietary problems can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible medical conditions. The one veterinarians mention most often is taurine-related dilated cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart with weak contractions and poor pumping ability). Low taurine can also lead to reproductive failures, growth failures, and eye problems. 
· For the sake of your cat’s health, wellness and longevity do not make the mistake of putting them through this slow death. The chances of you seeing the sign of their immune system and organs shutting down before it’s too late is very slim. 
 Veterinarian Marla McGeorge, a cat specialist at Portland, Oregon’s Best Friends Veterinary Medical Centre, argues that the problem with forcing your cat to be vegetarian or vegan is that such diets fail toprovide the amino acids needed for proper feline health and are too high in carbohydrates that felines have not evolved to be able to process. As to those powder-based supplements intended to bridge the nutritional gap, McGeorge says that such formulations may not be as easily absorbed by cats’ bodies as the real thing. 
With thanks to Veg Family, Feline Nutrition, catsanswers.com, cattime.com, veganhealth.org, Huffington Post, Well - Minded Pets, PetNutritionSystems & vegancats.com 
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thatbanditqueen · 2 years
Against the Wall Chapter 1
An Austin Butler 1980s Hollywood Christmas Story
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This is Chapter One of a 3-part story I plan to post between now and NYE. It’s my first AB fic, my third fic ever... so be kind. I’m convinced, as always, that its... well.... not great... but whatever. I’m committed to seeing how many bars and alley ways my characters can f*&k in.... Please share/reblog if you enjoy, and let me know your thoughts!
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve 1987, and Austin finds himself at a Silverlake dive bar, where he meets the voluptuous and insecure Hannah. Both struggling to make it in the movie biz, they embark on a tumultuous relationship....
Rating: Explicit
Warning: smut, so 18+ only please, vaginal, oral, drugs, alcohol, references to toxic relationships, infidelity.
Words: 13.8 K.... the next one won’t be as long, exposition....
Playlist to keep you company as you read....
Chapter One: Bruised Bananas
 1:16 a.m. Thursday, December 24, Technically Friday morning, December 25, 1987
The Black Cat Lounge, Silver Lake
“You sure its ok for me to go, Han Han?”
Hannah leaned in, struggling to talk over the sound of Depeche Mode reverberating through the small, dark club.
“Course! I know you don’t get any in Iowa, so go have fun with Rod.”
“I think his name is Todd! OK….   maybe you’ll meet someone before closing? You’ve been working your brains out, you deserve a good Christmas fuck,” Sara looked into her friend’s eyes, and kissed her  cheek. “Call me tomorrow? I live near Abe’s, maybe I’ll stop by and say hi…”
“Yes, please, Sloan’s back from New York and she’s bringing her latest victim, I’ll need you…”
Sara nodded as she followed Rod or Todd or whatever to the door.  Hannah sipped her vodka tonic, relaxing, she felt warm and happy. The air was full of cigarette smoke, chatter and excitement. New Order’s “Bizarre Love Triangle” started and she hummed along, enjoying how the loud synth boomed through her body as she basked in the glow of the Christmas lights around the bar, the only bright spot in an otherwise almost pitch black room.  Christmas Eve girl’s night was their tradition, usually there were five or six high school friends but tonight it was the two of them. Sara was home from the Iowa Writer’s Workshop for a week, so when Rod or Tod or whatever his name had started buying them drinks, Hannah was happy for her. Sara paused and look back, eye brow arched silently confirming one last time that it was really ok to leave Hannah on her own. Hannah hoisted her thumbs up in the air and smiled broadly. Lopsidedly. Drunkenly. She rubbed her eyes, forgetting she had make up on. A fuzziness grew at the top of her head. You should go too… go pee… then leave.
There was a long line at the bathroom. This is going to take forever…..  Hannah pushed up the sleeves of her black, sequined blazer, wondering if she could make it home first. Even the thought of peeing made her want to burst.  Don’t risk pissing yourself in the cab, just be patient, get in line.  Her stomach dropped a bit when making eye contact with some of the girls leaning against the wall, looking her up and down. She suddenly felt self conscious, fat, ugly….. New year’s goal, get down to a size twelve you stupid cow. Smoothing down her tight leather mini-skirt as she shifted in place, she argued with herself, that’s just your mom talking, shut up and love your self, stupid. Then a genius idea struck, and she walked towards the men’s restroom and swung through the door, making eye contact with the solitary man washing his hands.
“Of course there’s no line, s’totally unfair, isn’t it?” She said, winking, he smiled as he left.
The relief was immediate. Hannah sat there in the stall, she had never been so happy to sit and pee quietly in a bathroom. She pulled up her fishnets, arranging herself to leave when she heard the door followed by trousers zipping open. Oh well. Boobs first, Hannah made her way to the sink, grateful for masculine bathroom etiquette, the blonde white guy at the urinal kept his eyes forward while she washed up. She dried her hands, slowly, enjoying the voyeurism of watching him shake, zip up and turn around in the mirror, unaware of her. He stopped and grinned when he noticed her, blue eyes alight with surprise.
“Whooo, hey, what’s a bathroom like you doing in a girl like this?” His voice was gravelly and his eyes laughed, drawing Hannah in, she turned toward him as he twisted the faucet. Hair combed back in a high, messy, casual quiff, his square cheekbones were an invitation. He continued talking, washing his hands, laughter in his voice.
“Either you’re the most convincing drag queen I’ve ever met, or you’re lost….”
Hannah shifted, drawn in by his warm voice, the challenge of his droll banter… she ran her hand through her curly auburn hair.
“I’m just starting the bathroom revolution, baby, if you don’t have to wait in line, neither should we.”
“Ok, Gloria Steinem,” he said slowly, extending the last “nummmm” with a flick of his tongue, mouth open, looking her up and down. A bemused smile curving in his lips. It sent a shiver up her belly and through her chest as she felt the impish tenor of his voice roll over her.  
“Ya know, you actually strike me as the sort of girl who probably spends a lot of time hanging out in men’s restrooms…. checking out the goods…. picking up dates…” 
“Ha!” Hannah’s head flew back, she weaved and steadied herself, leaning further into the counter. “You got me! That’s my plan here.” Emboldened by his smile, she leaned closer and whispered, “Tell me, is it working?” 
He brushed one of her errant curls behind her ear, looking into her eyes, and then at her breasts as they heaved up and down in her low cut silk top. Biting his lip, he dropped to her ear.
“Well, you definitely got my attention.”
The air hitched in Hannah’s throat, his breath was on her neck and she shuddered as butterflies danced through the walls of her vagina. What the fuck is happening? Is he really flirting with you? Ughhh, why are you turned on? He isn’t even your type, he looks like a stock broker…  hot, country club, beautiful yuppie scum… oh fuck it. Maybe it was the warm comfort of being drunk in a low lit room, maybe it was the thrill of being in the men’s bathroom, or maybe it was the way she could still feel the heat of his finger behind her ear. Whatever it was, Hannah broke her rule to never make the first move and drew his head down to her lips. He tasted like beer and smelled like a mix of Jasmine and amber earthiness. 
“Hey there… you’re pretty friendly for a bathroom occupying revolutionary…” he muttered, softly returning her kiss. 
Hannah’s wound her arms around him, pulling him closer.
“Don’t tell anyone but we’re all pretty easy, sex is a….” she smushed her lips against his, tugging him further down as his hands grabbed her ass, lifting her onto the sink.  “… an important part of our militant agenda… ahhh,” she moaned as he sucked at the nape of her neck, hands on top of her fishnets. 
His attention became more intense, returning to her mouth with savage, sloppy kisses, nudging his tongue in and pushing hers down before flicking the tip 
“God… you taste like strawberries…” he whispered, earnest, eager.
“That’s my …ughh… lip smackers…”
Hannah widening her legs as he pushed between them, her skirt riding up as his thumbs traced her inner thigh. She wrapped her legs around him and felt his cock stiffen. He stepped back to catch his breath and her mouth felt swollen, raw, and needy, she longed to feel his strong lips pressing back against her, owning her, compelling her to open up and bring him in. His eyes followed as his left index finger traced down the front of her shirt, slowly, grazing her breast, looking back into her eyes expectantly.
“Hey, let’s slow down….” 
Hannah’s response was dulled by the arousal vibrating between her legs, she bit her lip. 
“Hmmm….wait, what?”
“We should go back out there - dance? ”
She took a deep breathe, noting the bulge of his erection as he ran his fingers through his  dirty blonde hair, relishing how his sure hands grabbed her and tenderly lifted her off the counter .
“Unless you want to turn me around and just have your away with me here?”
“Public sex isn’t really my thing.” 
“Ah, you are more of a gentleman than I am, sir, I would have had my way with you right here and now…” Hannah winked, enjoying the blush that spread with his smile as he took her hand. She didn’t recognize herself, talking this way, the words just stumbled out of her mouth
“C’mon.” Something in Hannah’s belly curled as he grabbed her hand, his strong grip pulled her to him and she became an extension of his body, fitting neatly into the curve of his armpit, giddy as he looked down at her with a goofy grin on the way to the dance floor.
The music enveloped them as he unfurled her and moved his shoulders, swaying his hips to the sounds of Siousxie and the The Banshees. She turned and backed into him, moving in rhythm, lifting her arm to pull his mouth to her neck, rubbing her ass into his hips, turning back to wrap her hands around his neck. They moved together, awkwardly at first, then relaxing to meld in synchronicity to the beat. The slow, sad opening chords of Duran Duran’s “The Chauffeur” blared out and Hannah leaned into him.
“This is the last call song, it’s bar time.”
“Oh, cool… I need air anyway….”
Hannah moved towards the front door, then felt his hand on her shoulder,  he was nodding toward to the back exit.  Hannah pulled him into her arms as they stumbled into the alley, now he was walking her back to the brick wall across from the club, behind a set of dumpsters. She leaned into the cold surface, feeling its uneven rough ridges through the back of her thighs. The sharp sensation arousing her even more.
“What’s your name, anyway?” She asked.
She whimpered as he kissed her, shallow at first and then deeply, slowly, his hands pressed on either side of her.
“I’m…. Hannah….”
“Hannah…..that’s my favorite name….”
“Liar….. “
“It wasn’t before tonight… but right now it’s… “ he kissed her neck, “the only name…” he kissed her clavicle, ”I wanna know….”
He paused, stepping back and taking a joint out. Hannah looked him over, like her, he was dressed head to toe almost entirely in black, punctuated by a metallic dark blue dress shirt that blended in with the rest in the darkness. The contrast made his blonde hair and lightly tannned skin all the more radiant. His bright blue eyes shone with lust as he lit up the joint and inhaled. Hannah reached over, taking it without asking, looking into his eyes intently as she leaning up to shot gun the smoke into his open lips.  Austin’s fingers traced the side of her cheek, down her jaw. 
“You are pretty cute, you know… for a sharp tongued broad who likes to harass men in the john.”
Hannah’s eyes sparkled as she gasped a “ha,” but he could see that his fingers  flustered her. Austin liked the idea that he was making her blush, making her speechless, smirking as her lips hung apart. The look of pure, unadulterated desire on her face made his cock hard, it had been at half mast since they left the bathroom. Her brown eyes looked up at him with awe, not demanding attention, not  expecting anything, she looked genuinely thrilled just to be there, standing in his shadow and fooling around. It had been a long time since he was with a woman who didn’t seem to demand constant flattery and praise. Austin looked back into her eyes, they seemed unsure, playful, innocent, an effect heightened by how hard she was trying to seem confident and experienced, grabbing the joint out of his hand in mock defiance. He lost himself watching her, wondering what it would be like to taste her as he took it back and sucked in another hit, savoring the strawberry lip balm that lingered on the tip of the joint. His left hand moved into the wall as he hovered over her, smiling down at Hannah. He was torn between a primal desire to protect and care for her, and pillage every orifice. The tenor of her voice and the way she seemed almost overwhelmed by their closeness on the dance floor gave him the impression she didn’t do this sort of thing with strangers often.
“So….Hannah…. nice to, uh,  meet you …” 
She smiled, a blush returning to her cheeks as her eyes fell to the ground, her hips falling further against the wall. Austin inhaled and held her chin up so he could now shotgun the smoke into her mouth. Her eyes answering his unspoken question by pressing her hands on his shoulders as she held in the hit for a few seconds, her forehead now grazing his, their noses touching. The sensation was intensely intimate, and Hannah’s expression shifted to a challenging smile as she took the joint back from him once again. Austin felt a bolt of electricity go up his spine and settle at the base of his skull, his whole body buzzed. He was transfixed, unable to break eye contact as his fingers moved up and down the voluptuous, soft curves of her hips. He loved the way her body welcomed his hands, warm, pleasant, comforting, he wanted to submerge himself into her plush bosom. His thought of his last girlfriend, all tight skin and bones, a sharp edged bird. 
Hannah’s dark curls bobbed up and down like her tits, Austin couldn’t help touching them. He pulled on a curl, watching intently as it sprang up and down, then doing the same experiment with her right breast, caressing beneath it and then lifting it up to watch it bounce. He could spend hours just watching the buoyancy of these tits heave above him. He leaned in, now his lips were again on her neck, his hands moving down her thighs, a moan escaping her mouth through the rich, exhale of smoke. She threw the joint on the ground, hands moving under his jacket, as Austin traced up her thighs. His fingers moved up her skirt, almost absentmindedly, seeking out the warmth inside her panties and between her legs. Hannah arched into him as his fingers lightly grazed the public hair at her entrance, looking up she saw uncertainty in his eyes.
“Is this ok?” His voice was low, cracked, his mouth parted. 
She nodded and he kissed along her jaw, moving  into the base of her neck, then her ear, his fingers delving between her and slowly, carefully, yet purposefully, stroking up and down over her clit, finding the moisture and using the slick to rub her in rhythm with her hip as it thrust forward. He joined her, rutting against her leg, gently sliding his index finger lower, into her cunt, gasping as he worked the tight clench, using his thumb to follow her moans, noting how she trembled most when he thumbed a half circle along the left side of her nub. She became slippery and soft, opening for him, her hands around his back, she moaned into the alley, her back rubbing against the rough bricks behind her with abandon. Shiny, black sequins from her blazer spiraled to the ground.  Austin stopped nibbling her ear, shifting above her, looking into her eyes.
“You are….. so beautiful,”  His cheeks flush, his thumb flicking back and forth, Hannah moaned out as he pushed his middle finger into her now.
“Don’t do that.” She said, looking up at him.
“Does that hurt?” He asked, pulling his second finger out, maintaining his slow, rhythmic flex.
“No, I mean what you said. Don’t talk …like that. Don’t lie to me, don’t say cheesy things because you think I need them… I don’t… I… ughh…. I don’t want you to be nice to meEEeee…”
Austin’s smiled as he felt her shudder, unable to stop her voice from trembling under his touch. Then he considered what she had said, his brows furrowing as he stopped fingering her. 
“Hey.” He moved her hand to his cock, hard and protruding through his trousers. His voice was low but firm. “I don’t like it when people tell me how I feel, or what to say…. Feel that? I’m not here saying things to be nice… you turn me on. I think you are beautiful… and I don’t care if you agree, honestly…”
She looked up at him, her large brown eyes serious. “I just can’t take it when men are…  nice to me.” She kissed his chin, her hand slowly rolling over his member. “I want you to be mean, be rough…hurt me…” 
Austin shook his head, his thumbs flicking over her nipples as he glided his hands over her breast.
“What… so you would prefer me to call you like… an ugly slut while I pound you into oblivion?”
Hannah nodded.
Austin’s bit his lip as she moved her hand, continuing to rub the outline of his cock and then pulling on his belt.
His left hand went to the base of her throat, tightening a little, then releasing as she paused.
“Sorry baby, mean and rough ain’t my thing…” he turned her around, slowly, and pressed her against the wall, she felt the cold brick against her cheek as he lips warmed her shoulder, sucking and nibbling as he slowly rolled her skirt up. Hannah gasped, moaning into the bricks, as Austin spoke, his words punctuated by each kiss to her neck. 
 “If you want me to fuck you... you’re going to have to take me….  Nice and slow…”
He arched his eyebrow as Hannah looked over her shoulder at him and nodded in assent.
“Yeah, ok pretty boy…  fuck me then….  Do you, uh, have a condom?”she asked, trembling. Hannah had never had a man treat her this way, it was the most baffling sensation, he asserted his dominance while seeming reverential. She hadn’t been with anyone since Eddie, her last serious boyfriend, and he was punishing in bed, taking pleasure in degrading her as he punched through her like a jack hammer. She felt all the blood go to her core as Austin promised to fuck her slowly, and she throbbed for him even more.
The need in her eyes made Austin momentarily unable to talk, just nod, grabbing his wallet and pulling out a condom, relief washing over him that there was one because he hadn’t planned on having sex tonight. He looked around, briefly brought out of lust’s heady daze of to put his wallet away, condom wrapper in mouth. He glanced down the alley, ensuring they were alone, even somewhat hidden from the back of the club behind the dumpsters. However, he knew anyone walking by would catch them, and the prospect both terrified and excited him. Looking back towards Hannah, he realized she was watching him ardently as he undid his trousers, letting them slide to the ground, shoving his briefs down and rolling the rubber on.
Testes pulled up in the cool night air, Austin leaned into Hannah for warmth, kissing the cushy softness of her ass, lowering her panties, swearing out with a whispered apology as he accidentally ripped her fishnets, he was so eager,  hurriedly sparked on by the arousal building in his stomach at the sight of her plump, heart shaped bottom. His hand cupped the softness and then slapped it gently, the pliant give of her cheeks tightening his erection as he halted at her entrance and slowly nudged forward, finding it still somewhat tight, yet also slick and welcoming. As he hesitated, Hannah pushed back on to him.
“I said fuck me pretty boy…” 
Austin let out a half laugh that turned into a moan as he reveled in her snug, inviting pussy, moving cautiously as he felt her soften and stretch.
“Does this feel ok?”he asked in her ear, and she nodded.
“Harder.” She called out, looking over her shoulder, seeing his mouth open in silent concentration as he surged gently into her again.
“Like I said, don’t…  tell me….” He kissed her shoulder, and grabbed her more firmly at the hips “….what do to….”
He plunged back into her, taking care to remain slow, steady, controlled, savoring how her soft hips moved back to meet him with each forward movement, never fully leaving her warm cunt as he burrowed deeper and deeper, opening her further up to him with every thrust. His right hand moved from her waist to her shoulder, as he pushed her harder against the rough surface of the wall without realizing it, fixated on kissing her neck, then just on breathing as he began to pump into her with slightly more force and speed.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He growled into her ear, she moaned back loudly, then his head fell forward into her back.
“Mmhmmm….. oh god….”
“Hey, let me know when you are close, ok?” He panted.
Hannah gasped, heaving. Just tell him, tell him, you don’t cum during sex… But she couldn’t, she didn’t want to discourage him, ruin the mood, stop him from continuing his steady thrusts that felt so good she planned to think of them later, alone, touching herself. So she nodded, gasping out “Okkkk…”
Austin pushed her further into the wall, increasing his rhythm.
“Ughhh, let me know if I’m hurting you, ok…?”
“No… this is good, I’m umMM… good” she said meaning it, but followed with a lie. “I’m getting close.”
His head fell into her back and he kissed her blazer. Her rough, scratchy, sequined blazer. He kissed it over and over again, as he grabbed at her side, her waist, her neck, his other hand pushing the wall over her shoulder for balance. Hannah felt the pebbly indentation of the bricks gouging into her own hands, too distracted by the pummel of him inside her to notice the pain. Desperate moans escaped her lips, she focused on the crush of Austin’s frame into her, shuddering as she pushed backwards into his insistent lunge. Reveling in the sensation of his hands brushing away the hair at her neck to kiss her, the rhythm of his cock plunging into her, the sounds of his breath, the firm yet considerate lilt of his voice. She moaned out loudly, trying to summon the sound of convincing orgasm, leaning back into him, and crying out. 
He followed a few minutes later with his own exclamation, breathing out a succession of “oh gods” in a low, frantic howl, heaving in and out several more times, then grabbing her hips to stop, extracting himself gently, holding her at her waist, kissing her neck one last time. Hannah leaned forward against the wall, catching her breath as she heard him tie off the condom and throw it over the top of the dumpster, then zip up his pants. His sweet, steady manner was jarring in comparison to her previous lovers. The ache of the rough, sharp bricks against her face and hands suddenly begin to set in, but her legs wobbled slightly and she leaned back to the wall to steady herself, a few after shock twitches as she tried to move. He took off his jacket and used it to wipe between her legs, carefully bringing her underwear and most of her stockings back over her bum as lightly as he could, smoothing her skirt down. Hannah rolled against the wall to turn around, still panting, and took in the satisfied, foolish grin on Austin’s face.
“Hey…” he murmured, his lips pursed together as they curled, his fingers brushing her hair out of her face, taking her hand, kissing the back of her wrist. “This is… crazy…I’ve… I’ve never done anything like this.”
Hannah inhaled deeply, tucking her shirt in.
“What, sex in public?”
“Yeah, s’not really my thing. And with a stranger. A crazy one who tried to make me hate fuck her….”
Hannah’s cheeks reddened.
“Yeah… I usually can’t get it up for nice guys… right? Ugh, gag me with a spoon….  I just don’t go in for the ‘oh baby you’re so beautiful’ routine….”
“Too bad, because baby…. you are so beautiful…”
“Just stop … ”
“What’s your deal?”
“Look, I know I’m ok, maybe cute, but I can’t stand it when guys exaggerate… I’m no super model... I actually have one in my family…. so I know what beautiful is…”
“Well… I’ve dated girls like that… Trust me, they ain’t all they’re cracked up to be. Petty, dramatic, high maintenance, no sex drive because they are STARVing? No…  I actually think I prefer having something soft to hold onto… ” He leaned down to kiss the top of her cleavage.
Despite her best efforts to stay cool and aloof, a genuine smile beamed through Hannah’s face as she swatted him away from her boobs and guffawed.
Austin paused, leaning above her, blazer slung over his shoulder. Hannah eyed it, thinking how he used it to wipe away her sweat and slick, how much it would cost to dry-clean. Although, something about Austin gave her the impression he didn’t worry about dry-cleaning bills. He probably grew up in a big, expensive house, going to private schools, belonging to a country club. Suddenly self conscious, she wiped under her eyes.
“I must look like a mess…”
“A beautiful mess…”
“Ok, seriously, stop… you’re the beautiful one, pretty boy, really…”
Hannah soaked in the warmth of his breath, and trembled looking up into his eyes. He searched her face, an inquisitive look spreading he glanced down the alley.
“Hey, let’s go back to your place.”
“What? Why? I don’t even know you….”
A “ha!” escaped Austin’s mouth, floating up into the dark Christmas Eve sky. “Are you kidding me ? I was just inside you…”
“Look, I’m staying with a friend who lives down the street… we can’t go back there, I actually came here because he was fighting with his girlfriend… So we’re going back to your place… I’m not finished with you yet.”
“You didn’t cum…Tell me I’m wrong?”
She stuttered. “It doesn’t matter, we both had fun…”
“ ‘It doesn’t matter…’ is definitely a no… “
“You don’t owe me anything…. It’s late, and I’m actually" Hannah stopped as a yawn escaped her lips “ quite tired…”
His lips turned into a mischievous smile. “I do owe you, and I always settle my debts… I might be more of a feminist then you are… female orgasms are my favorite…” He raised his fist and pumped it to the sky, laughing at her eye roll.
“OK,” he continued, “This is ridiculous, shut your pretty face and let’s go already.” 
Austin winked as he whisked her next him, putting his arm around her as he walked them down to the end of the alley and into a cab. 
A simple framed poster for Some Like it Hot in Italian greeted Austin as he followed Hannah into her small, second story studio apartment awash in film posters, art, dirty coffee cups and empty beer cans.
“It’s a mess, sorry, when I’m not working I’m sleeping…. Can I make you some tea?” She asked, an anxious energy in her voice as she turned around, slipping off her shoes and blazer. Grabbing a hair clip from the kitchen bar that clearly doubled as a filing cabinet, rolodex and table, Hannah pinned up her sweaty, curly hair. 
He shook his head. “So, what do you do? You know… when you aren’t seducing men in alleys?”
“Ha! You are fucking hilarious… that was also my first time doing anything like that…” 
She grabbed his hand as he tried to pull her back into an embrace, turning to the sink, filling a glass with water.
 “I’m an editor….  film editor…. I’m working a few so-so jobs right now but.. I’m working on my networking skills…”
“Oh, so you're in the biz?”
“Yeah… yeah… you?”
“Yeah, actually, I’m an actor..”
“No... no! You seem too nice for an actor… too smart…”
“What exactly is that supposed to mean?”
“Everyone knows actors are just empty vessels… vain stupid empty vessels…  they are the worst…. I’ve never met one who wasn’t a complete asshole. Think they’re the most important part of a movie… don’t understand the real artistry is the invisible stuff….”
“Like editing?” He grinned.
“Yes! Editing, writing, sound, camera work… everything else! Editing makes the movie… s’what puts the story together, otherwise it would 100s of hours of different takes out of order…. All actors have to do is show up and let other people dress them and do their hair and feed them their lines…. Ugh, I hate actors.”
Austin grabbed Hannah and pulled her onto his lap as he sat on her orange, leather arm chair, the only place he could see to relax, and kissed her with a smile.
“Ok, ok, I give in, you win, actors are slime and editors are unappreciated artistes…”
She put her arms around his neck.
“Hmm, see, you are smart…. For an actor… So, Austin, you been in anything I would have heard of?”
“Not unless you’ve been watching a lot of NYU student films….”
“Oh no, you’re not still in college, are you?”
“No, I graduated last year, just been living in New York, going out on auditions, I’ve had a few bit parts off broadway…”
“Anything promising.” She watched his face light up.
“Yeah, actually…” he looked down coyly, “I just scored a part in Sydney Pollack’s next movie, I’m moving back out here for it. My agent said its already opening up more  auditions… s’really exciting, actually…”
Hannah paused, her hand ran through his hair.
“Wow, Austin…  Pollack, good for you…. Wait, you said you are moving ‘back’?”
“Yeah, I actually grew up in Anaheim….”
“Oh no, you’re an actor AND you’re from Orange County?” She leaned into his neck all mock agony.
“What? What’s wrong with Orange County?”
“Everything… I know all I need to know…  next you’re gonna tell me you voted for Reagan… wait, don’t….”
“What’s wrong with Ronald Reagan” he laughed, taking her head in his hands and kissing her nose. “You are such a fucking fuss budget, you crack me up….” Drawing her head next to his, mussing her hair, looking up at the art on her wall, absentmindedly kissing her forehead.
Hannah embraced the pleasant comfort of Austin’s arms, looking at his profile, noticing the way his hair seemed to fall into a disheveled coiff yet still seemed effortlessly sexy. I’m lucky I met you before you were in a movie… who knows the next time you’ll have a one night stand with an average girl…. She flicked the bottom of his earlobe, and he turned toward her. 
“Wanna fool around?” He asked her and she gently slapped the side of his cheek with her hand.
“Don’t you get tired? It’s almost 4 … we should set up the bed…. I probably smell amazing,” sarcasm dripped from her tongue. “But honestly I can’t be arsed to shower.”
Austin moved his hands underneath her knees and around her shoulder, lifting her up, smelling her crotch, armpits, hair as she giggled and shrieked.
“Smell fucking amazing… you smell like fun….”
Hannah jumped up, extending her hand to lead him to bed. Which was standing upright on the wall of the living room.
“Wow, a Murphy bed? I’ve never actually seen one of these in-person…”
“Yeah, they don’t have these in Orange County, do they? I’m guessing my apartment could fit into one of your mansion’s bathrooms…” He shoved her shoulder with a ha ha ha as she kept talking. “This apartment was built in the ‘30s. It’s small, but it’s all I can afford and it’s only 15 minute over the hill into Burbank.”
“Oh, are you working at Warner?”
“No, I’m free lancing it, I’m at a little post house, we do a lot of Disney’s stuff…”
“Wow, look at you….” An expression of respect formed on his face as he watched her pull the bed down. He knew a few editors from his program at NYU, they were all dudes. Every editor he’d ever heard of was a dude. His own brief experience learning basic editing in a required class had shown him how much he detested that kind of work, he was not cut out for the grinding, thankless schedule of postproduction and the patient attention to detail it demanded.
“The sheets are dirty —“
“S’all good with me —“
“I guess I should change…”
Austin moved toward her, she froze in silence as his hands slowly untucked her shirt and lifted it over her head as she shifted, a nervous laugh startling out of her throat. She looked up at him, dazzled by his attention, soaking in his reverence as the back of his fingers trailed over her naked belly, turning her around as he kissed her back and unclasped her bra. Throwing it to the side, he turned his attentions to unzipper her skirt, bring her back to face him as he pulled her skirt down with her fishnets and panties to the floor, kissing the smooth skin over her plump belly,settling on his knees to lift her feet one-by-one as he gently took her clothes off. He drew her down to the edge of the bed, looking into her eyes.
“There, I think you’re ready for bed…..”
“Ha….” She said, almost breathless, pushing up on his shoulders. “I need to brush my teeth…” she patted him on the head, ambling to her little bathroom, looking back over her shoulder to see him watching after her naked bottom with a happy, dazed look on his face.
12:05 p.m.  Friday morning, (Technically it had been afternoon for six minutes)  December 25, 1987
It was when Austin tossed into her and began snoring on the top of her head that Hannah woke up, finding his left hand cupping her breast from under her shirt. She lay there for ten minutes, enjoying the cozy warmth of his body as it spooned into her. The hard dagger of his morning wood jabbing in her ass made her sizzle, she hadn’t even really gotten a good look at it in the dark, but she knew it was a girthy bugger from slight soreness that lingered between her legs. His embrace was wonderful, but she couldn’t bear Austin’s snoring, it got increasingly louder and made her cracking hangover unbearable. How the fuck can someone so hot make these unholy sounds? Despite her best efforts to disentangle herself without waking him, she saw his eyes blink open as she held his arm, hesitating to find the best place to put it. His hand grasped hers and kissed the back of her palm, groggy, half asleep, he rubbed his eyes.
“Hey…. beautiful…” a sunny smile greeting her as he gathered her from behind back into his arms, smushing his lips into the curve of her neck.
“Hmm…. beautiful, huh…  forget my name?” She asked, turning inward to look at him with a teasing grin. He planted a strong peck on her lips. 
“Oh Hannah, I wasn’t that drunk… you know athletic activity helps keep the mind alert when drinking…” Austin wiggled his eye brows.
“Oh it does, huh? That is some bullshit…”
He smiled as he kissed her again, now hovering over her, her hips sideways against him. The unmistakable bulge of his cock against her ass. 
“It does…. I remember everything….. so, why are you so feisty this morning?” He said, gazing at her breasts. “Oh, right, now I remember… I still owe you a —"
“Austin ha! No… you don’t owe me anything—“
He put his finger to her mouth.
“Shhhhh….  Trust me, I’ve slept with more women than you, most girls don’t cum during sex… at least at first with me … ” he winked, his lips returning to their home on her neck.
“Oh? And how many women are we talking about here? What’s your sample size?”
Austin sighed, and stopped moving his hand up her thigh, settling back and leaning into her shoulder, his hands snaking around to grasp her tightly.
“Do you really want to know?”
“What do you mean?”
“How many?”
“I was just questioning your research methods,” Hannah turned to kiss his cheek, looking up into his eyes, a nervous laugh escaping “I’m just joking around….  I don’t know anything about you, I don’t know your last name, I don’t know how old you are…  last night was fun but…I’m a big girl, I know how this ends….  I don’t expect you to share your ...” she kissed his chin and flicked hair out of his eyes “... life history with me.” Hannah kissed him on his lips, and rolled over to get up. He pulled her back to him.
“Hey! Where do you think you are going… “
“To make coffee?”
“Oh no you don’t… ” he leaned in to kiss her again, barely detaching his mouth to mutter in-between soft, sloppy pecks to her lips. “My last name is Butler,” smush, “I’m 23,” smish, “I don’t do a lot of one night stands…." smash “I’m kind of a serial monogamist…” smosh “I’ve had … let’s see … three serious girlfriends …” smush, “and a handful of on-again-off-again casual relationships…a few one-time things, ” smash, “but I actually like good sex…” smosh, “and I find sex is just better when you get to….” smush, “know someone’s body…” he finished with a wink, brushing his fingers along her face. Each kiss sent a bolt of electricity down Hannah’s spine, and she sighed when he stopped, running her index finger lazily along his bare shoulder.
“Do you know how many people you have slept with? Like ever?“
“Probably around 25… counting everything… Do you? Do you keep a list or just use a bathroom turnstile or what?” Hannah let out a laugh, and shoved him as he grinned, kissing her neck, and working his way lower, trying to lift off her shirt. Flames ran up through her torso but she swatted him away. Folding his arms on top of her belly, he rested his head and looked up at her.
“Your turn….” He slapped her thigh. “Full name?”
“Hannah… Rosenfeld…. 24… Leo….  two serious boyfriends … I’ve probably slept with about 10 people, total.”
“And how many of them made you cum?”
Hannah looked up at him, blushing, and turned to talk into the pillow.
“I can’t talk about this with someone I only just met…”
She rolled off and went to the kitchen area. Austin pushed up in bed and watched her. 
“Why not? It’s perfectly normal and natural.”
Hannah looked at him over the kitchen counter as she filled her kettle with water. 
“It’s…  it’s complicated …”
Austin got up and walked over, taking the kettle out of her hands, gliding his fingers up and down her sides. Hannah quivered, leaning back into the counter, hands pushed against the hard laminate surface, she breathing louder and louder as his fingers moved to her panties, his muscular abs grazing over her breasts, his mouth hovering over her ear as he spoke softly, deeply.
“S’not complicated…”
He kissed under her ear, his hands worked inside her underwear, brushing over her, before moving down on his haunches to take them off, kissing the soft woolly patch at the apex of her legs. Hannah gasped as he rose and grabbed her by the waist, hoisting her up on the counter as she snorted.
“Austin..” She hit his arm. “What are you doing?”
He shushed her, putting his fingers into her mouth, and then bringing them between her folds. Hannah felt a tension building in her stomach, her chest began to ache and she inhaled deeply as he parted her thighs wide, a serious look on his face as he returned to her eyes.
“Just …relax….”
“But I ——“
His lips were soft as he kissed her, stroking the flame that was growing in her core, feeling the wetness that was developing.
“Please…I fucking love doing this….” 
Hannah gasped and nodded, watching him lower himself onto the floor, the thought that his quads were incredibly strong for someone so skinny passed through her mind. It was quickly gone as she heard him moan approvingly, fingers parting her outer lips.
“Good, you are so damn beautiful…” 
She laughed, vibrating at the way he enunciated each syllable in bee -ut - a - fulll. Playfully slapping the side of his head, they exchanged a lusty glance as he looked up at her with a devious smile, then resumed his attention to her pussy. Hannah’s eyes squeezed shut and she fell back on her elbows as Austin leaned forward kissing her inner thighs, enjoying the whimpers emerging from her mouth as he rubbed her center with his thumb. Making his way in, one soft kiss at time, he put her legs over his shoulders and opened her further with his hands.  
He smiled as her back arched and bit his lip, then leaning in to flick her lightly with his tongue, back and forth. The sensation was almost too intense on her clit, and Hannah called out in-between moans, embracing the tingling feeling growing in her depths as he moved the tip of his tongue in circles around her. Burrowing further, he nudged her clit up and down with his nose as he kissed and laved her entrance, then turned back to her pulsating round nub. Hannah called out indecipherable words as his tongue darted up and down the left side of her clit, long and slow, then shifting to lick across in quick, short staccato movements. She twitched as she felt the warm breath of his mouth on her nub, then thrusting forward as his right index finger slide into her and crooked up, gently swirling until Hannah jolted up with a cry. Austin paused and looked up at her, finger inside her but stilled.
“Uh, yeah… I just ….”
“Hmmm…. I feel like Columbus, did I just discover Hannah’s G spot…?”
“Columbus was a genocidal ….” She breathed out, chest heaving. “maniac….  But…. I do think you are …on to something…”
Austin laughed, and Hannah smiled at his blissed out eyes and goofy smile, his chin covered in her slick.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No…” she whispered.
“What was that?”
“No please god….. don’t stop…. Don’t ever stopppp” Hannah called out, trembling as she felt the hum of his self satisfied laugh against her clit, the feel of his index finger pushing in and out of the spongy, soft bundle of nerves inside her walls caused her to spasm uncontrollably. The more slippery she became, the more acutely she felt each stroke of Austin’s pointed tongue beckoning her into oblivion. The contrast between the light flicks of his tongue and the firm, forceful movements of his fingers drove her over the edge. A heat began to violently develop inside her core and Hannah screamed out as euphoric wave after wave spread through her pussy outward to her thighs and up through her belly button. Austin continued to press her clit gently with his thumb as he fell back on his shins, enraptured by the way her face contorted into a look of painful ecstasy.
“Uhhh. Stop…. Enough… I can’t ….” 
He laughed, gripping her thighs as he stood, wiping her dampness along his wrist, kissing her, stroking the sides of her legs. Hannah faltered trying to push up on her elbows against the counter, her arm hit the faucet, splashing water on them and into the sink. Austin stood between her as she pushed it off, stroking her thighs.
“Oh god…” she wiped her brow, tasting herself on his lips with a soft kiss.
“You ok?”
A soft, sweaty glow radiated across Hannah’s face, she grinned at the stiffness of Austin’s cock against her thigh. She worked his briefs down, glancing up to see the fierce need within his eyes, his lip parted as she brought him to her entrance at the edge of the kitchen counter, inhaling as he sunk into her slowly, feeling the pinch, the soreness from last night all but gone. He stopped, not moving as she thrust up into him. Austin gasped sharply, his length fully within her. His hands at her hips, he moved his right hand up to cup her face.
“Hey… I don’t have any more condoms.” He said, thrusting back slowly, and then forward a little, moaning. “Ahhh god, you feel so amazing…. But … we should stop.” 
Hannah leaned back, arms over his shoulders, uttering a frustrated grunt.
“I definitely don’t have any condoms either… fuck… you could just pull out… “ she offered, bringing him back into her, arching her hips into him, relishing the sound of his “fuckkkkk” as he stretched her open.
“Are you on the pill?”
She shook her head, “No, I just got off in August… dry spell… figured I’d just use condoms and go back on if I started dating someone… fuck…” She didn’t share the real reason, how she thought it would be easier to loose weight off the pill. She didn’t want to break whatever spell made this handsome, too handsome, man think she was fuckable.
“OK, yeah… let’s stop… I gotta go to a Christmas thing…. and fuckkk… ok…. we should .. definitely stop… ” 
“Hmm… I don’t… want … to either… but … I have ... same …”
Austin paused, just standing there, still buried to the hilt in Hannah. He kissed her, deepening with each one, tightening his embrace as Hannah whimpered. He looked down into her eyes.
“I want to see you again.”
“I have a thing…”
“Take you out… like on a date….”
“Ok.” Her voice was soft and breathy.
He pulled out of her, slowly, evincing a deep moan.
“I’m going to go buy the biggest box of condoms….” He promised, smiling into her with another kiss.
Hannah laughed, putting her hand around his dick, feeling her slick lubricating him as she tugged.
“I could still get you off?” She offered, puckering her mouth with a loud POP.
He looked over at the clock, it was 1:30.
“Fuck, god… but… ughhhh…. its ok… I’m a big boy… and I gotta jet,  I have two different parties I have to go to, and I’m already gonna be late…”
Hannah traced the ridges of the corded muscles along his abs, nodding, knowing she also needed to shower and get ready for her day. He helped her off the counter, kissing her, and  moving to find his clothes.
“So, what are you up to? Rosenfeld…. does your family celebrate Christmas?” Austin was on the ground looking for his pants.
“My uncle does, for his wife, they’re having a big party.” She leaned into the sink, watching as he searched for his clothes, now sitting on the bed, buttoning his shirt, pulling on trousers.
“Oh, do you have a big family?”
“No… he just knows a lot of people…. It’s just me and my dad here in LA…. ”
“Ohh… “ he smiled, as he bent to pull on his black slip on shoes. “Your pop meeting you there?”
Hannah shifted, running her hand through her hair.
“Um, no, he and my uncle don’t really talk….  s’a long story…. the short version is,  my dad’s an editor too… like a sound editor, he and my uncle started out together, my uncle’s a ... uh... a producer… they both came out here, found some success… and, well, about twelve years ago my uncle agreed to invest in my dad’s business idea, a full service sound design company … then.. well, my aunt convinced him not to at the last minute.. the whole thing kind of tore our family up….”
Hannah inhaled, and stopped talking. She didn’t tell him how her father had dealt with the devastation of defaulting on his loan by drinking. Heavily. How her mom ran off to San Francisco and then back to London, to her family, to get away, leaving 12 year old Hannah there. Which was ok, if she’d had to choose, she had always been closer to her father anyway. But things got messy, her father had made the horrible decision to restart his life buying a trailer in Malibu, in a small, unofficial retirement park full of nosy old people. Hannah had to transfer from her crunchy, alternative artsy private school to Santa Monica High, the nearest public school to where they now lived. Suddenly her commute to school went from 10 minutes to an hour, and that was probably the easiest part of high school. Pot, ice cream, music and her small coterie of friends had made survival possible until she escaped to college. Things were better now, her dad was three years sober in AA, working intermittently, though mainly non-union, TV and straight to video stuff. Hannah longed to buy him a big house, set him up, let him rest, he had been grinding for thirty years. She wanted to free him, help her father move on from his disappointed, disoriented life adrift these last ten years. Hannah stopped, feeling she had overshared.
She took in Austin’s look of warm sympathy, his low “Oh… wow…”
“Hey, I didn’t mean to get heavy… but.. no, I won’t see him today… we have a tradition, we swim in ocean at dawn on New Year’s day, so I’ll drive out to his place in Malibu and see him then…. But, uh, yeah, I like started trying to mend things with my uncle about two years ago.. ha…. You know, after I graduated from UCLA and started looking for work…. My uncle is a producer… I guess I am shamelessly trying to use him….”
Austin walked over, putting his hands around Hannah.
“That’s how this business is, I’d do the exact same thing - you have to use every advantage you have, because it’s not about how good you are…. It’s about who you know…”
5 p.m. 
The sounds of the party downstairs floated up to the guest room where Hannah had snuck off to call her friend Sara, excitedly running through the events of the last 24 hours.
“It’s like, a Christmas miracle babe… I might actually start liking this fucking holiday… When can you get away? Come meet me here, and we can go get a drink at Barney’s… I wanna hear all about Rod Todd.”
“Yes…. It’s definitely Todd, and I don’t think my night was as exciting as your’s… Give me another hour or so and I’m there…” Sara promised. 
Hannah smiled, she had been grinning all day, hearing Austin’s voice every where she went. If she squeezed her legs she could almost imagine feeling him between them as he asked to see her again, his hard length still inside her. She straightened her white blouse walking downstairs, she even smiled at the sound of the Vienna boys choir as she ordered a glass of red wine at the bar, nodding and making small talk with some of the other people there. The guests were mostly from Paramount where her uncle was Vice President of Development, but there was an assortment of people from other studios, talent agencies, competitors and random acquaintances. Right now, Hannah was learning how her uncle’s accountant had walk-on roles in several films last year. Hannah guessed over a hundred people were wandering around the party throughout the downstairs and back yard of her aunt and uncle’s vast Bel Air mansion. 
A caterer walked by with bacon wrapped scallops, and Hannah had only popped one her mouth when her younger cousin Nathan ran up and grabbed her hand.
“Mfph… caor-ful nat-tin,” she swallowed, steadying. “Wheww, I almost spilled my wine.”
“Mom said to come find you, Sloan just arrived with her boyfriend, she wants a family photo.”
“Ok, ugh, how do I look?” Hannah asked, brushing off Nathan’s hand as she followed him to the front of the house. “Oh, how much of an arrogant douche is this one?”
“I can’t tell, he looks like he could go other way..”
Hannah laughed and then stopped in her tracks as they rounded the hallway, the air left her throat and she jumped back, startled, her hand jerking back and spilling red wine all over her white blouse, her purse dropping to the ground.
“FUck fuck fuck…” she whispered, as she bent down to grab it. You are insane, every where you go, every voice you hear, you think it’s fucking Austin. But as she stood up, she saw Austin’s horrified face looking back at her, her thin, gorgeous cousin Sloan hanging on his arm. Her model cousin Sloan. Her 20 year-old model cousin Sloan. Sloan’s mouth agape in a shocked laugh as her aunt ran over, the British accent made her voice all the more shrill.
“Hannah, oh god, did you get any wine on the carpet? Dear dear, now we’ll have to wait to do the photo… Abe, ABE!  Get Gigi out of the kitchen for me…”
Hannah trembled, putting her glass on the nearest side table, thankful all the wine had spilled on her shirt, and none had landed on the pure, white carpet. She closed her eyes, wishing to be anywhere else as her aunt turned her around and started walking them away from the group, looking back to yell.
“Please excuse me, Austin, it was so nice to see you again. I have to go get my clumsy niece sorted out…  Sloan, show him around, won’t you? We’ll do the photo later….” She moved Hannah forward. “What am I going to do with you, Hannah? I just hope we can find something that fits… maybe one of Abe’s dress shirts… oh, I think I have an oversized holiday sweater that will work.”
Hannah looked at herself in the mirror of her aunt and uncle’s master suite. A large, oversized ugly bright red Christmas sweater dwarfed her body, almost completely covering her blue mini-skirt. She fell back onto the large, soft bed, arms spread, doom enveloping her. She felt the hairspray on her dirty hair crunch. Of course. You knew he was too good to be real. Maybe you imagined last night … maybe he was just a figment of your delusional mind…. ? Wallowing in self pity, the sound of the door disturbed her from her reverie.
“It’s ok, Elaine, I’m coming - I just need a moment…”
She jolted up at Austin’s voice, watching from across the room, arms crossed, eyes glaring as he closed the door.
“Fuck off….”
“Hannah, it’s not what you think.”
“No, look… Sloan and I broke up last week… she just… I just… she asked if I would come do this one last thing as a couple… it meant a lot not to tell her mom right now… I was gonna be out here anyway…"
Hannah looked down as he strode over, backing away as he tried to embrace her, wiping the tears at her eyes.
“Please, don’t be like this… fuck… this is the most unreal fluke … ya guys don’t even have the same last name…”
“We do have the same last name,  Rosenfeld is too ugly for a model, too Jewy, Sloan shortened it to Rose when she moved to New York after high school … ”
“Hannah.” He stepped closer. “C’mon, it was an honest mistake.”
“Ok, so if it’s not such a big deal, why didn’t you mention this morning that you had to pull out of me to go take your ex-girlfriend to her family’s Christmas party? …. It’s all about who you know, isn’t Austin? Tell me. ” Hannah jeered, wiping more tears away. “Is Abe producing the film you’re in?”
Austin growled, fighting off her swats and grabbing her by the shoulders, holding her still. He wanted to choke her and fuck her into submission and comfort her all at once. The fear and anger in her eyes caused him to back off.
“Just stop, ok, you’re not being fair… " he relaxed his grip, Hannah went slack and fell into his arms. “Oh Hannah…  I’m sorry… you’re right… Sloan… we really are broken up… but … it did feel weird meeting up with her... today…. after last night… this is… gnarly…. but I like you…  I still wanna see you again, is that so crazy?” 
He took her by the chin, gently, looking into her face, searching for recognition. Her expression tensed, a stony smile formed as she pushed him away.
“Here’s the thing, Austin. Babe. There’s a girl code. Friends, cousins, their exes are off limits.”
As her feet padded down the stairs, Hannah almost ran out the door as Wham’s “Last Christmas” came over the sound system. Landing with a thud, instead, she stalked over to the bar and ordered two double vodka tonics, downing one after the other, then grabbing a glass of egg nog from the punch bowl and liberally spiked it with rum. Pacing across the room, she saw Austin come down, her mind now racing to form an escape plan, only to disintegrate inside as she watched Sloan approach her, arm around an enthusiastically smiling Sara.
“Hannah, thank god you are all cleaned up, look who I found on the front doorstep?” 
Hannah inwardly groaned, as Sloan waved Austin over, continuing.
“Hey, why don’t we all go downstairs to the den? We might find some snow after all out here in sunny California…” Sloan snaked her other arm through Hannah’s as she tried to protest.
“Hey Sloan, Sara and I have to be some—"
“I don’t mind.” Sara chimed in. 
“Don’t be silly Han Han…. Austin, bring that hot bod over here…” Sloan commanded, leading them around the house to the downstairs den, a dark room with the largest TV in the world. 
No one was around, and Sloan plopped down on the couch, opening her purse to pull out a mirror and a small coin purse, from which emerged a little baggie of white powder. Expertly lining rails of coke, Sloan paused to look up. Austin slowly went over to join her, and Sara sat on her other side.
“Are you partaking Hannie?”
“Is everyone else?”
“Why not…” Sara sighed.
Austin eyes caught Hannah’s, as she nodded. “Then yes, please…”
“What’s with you Hannah, anyway?” Sloan mumbled, rolling up a $100 bill. 
“Hannah met someone last night…” Sara giggled.
“Really?” Sloan arched her eye brow, and snorted two lines, handing it to Austin, who shook his head slightly, muttering why not as he leaned in.
“I don’t really —“
“She really likes him…. What did you say? He was the sexiest guy you ever met? Ever?” 
Hannah shot Sara a dirty look, trying to communicate that she would kill her if she uttered one more word.
Walking over, Hannah sat across them below the coffee table, taking two rails up the nose, sniffing hard as the taste hit the back of her throat. 
“I’m so happy for you Han Han…” Sloan turned to Austin, who coughed as she explained, “My cousin has dated some real losers….” 
“That’s not true…” Sara feebly added.
“What happened to Billy from last year?” Sloan asked.
Hannah responded through gritted teeth. “Billy is my very gay, very single, good friend.”
“Oh, well, we were all just glad that psychopath was out of the picture…”
“Psychopath?” Austin murmured. Hannah shot him the look of death, running her hand through her hair, tapping the mirror for Sloan to put more blow out. 
“Eddie.” Sara added, as Hannah formed the powder into more lines, and snorted. “He was the worst, I’m sorry Hannah, but he was.”
Sloan nodded, “Yeah, oh boy… what ever happened to him?”
“His band went on tour with Minor Threat and he cheated on me… what can I say, I seem to attract losers, gays and cheaters.” She raised her eyebrow, looking Austin straight in the eyes, and then stood up.
“So Han Han, still editing The Mickey Mouse Club …?” Sloan swiped more coke out with her finger, smearing it on the inside of her gums.
“I think she’s actually editing all the Disney original TV shows right now, right?” Sara tried to break the awkward silence following Sloan’s condescending tone.
“I think I’m gonna head out, Sara?” Hannah’s voice was curt, Sara nodded, and joined her, a bewildered look as she followed Hannah out to her car. Aunt Elaine never got a family photo that day, and Hannah filled in her friend as they drove to the bar and proceeded to get very, very, very drunk, swearing off men forever.
Forever lasted about five hours.
Hannah left her car in Westwood Village. The second thing she saw after she fell out of her cab, feeling her sheer black stockings rip, badly, as she stared at the pavement laughing at the cruel joke we call life, was a pair of white, leather dress oxfords at the base of white pants. Very similar to the ones Austin had been wearing earlier that day. She heard the cab door close, and an Austin-like voice ask what he owed, before strong hands came under her arm pits and tried to pull her up.
“Fuck off … I’ve got it all unner controllll” she rolled away, laying flat on her back, feet slumped over the curb. Austin walked between her knees, his cool eyes looked down at her.
“I told Sloan about last night.”
Hannah blinked, rolling up on her elbows.
“What? Why would Sloan tell you ’bout last night?”
“You are such an idiot.” Austin sighed, looking up at the stars, laughing to himself and shaking his head as he looked back down at Hannah, drunk, a confused expression hovering above the large Christmas sweater, black tights torn across both thighs, blue mini skirt askew. He mused to himself that it looked like two rats had fought in her hair. The ridiculous spectacle made his cock stir even more, he couldn’t explain why. “Give me your keys, we can talk upstairs.”
Hannah pushed herself up, swatting his hands away, then promptly dropping the keys as they came out of her pocket.
“You gave me bruises, ya know, gonna call you Bruiser…”
“Yeah… s’ its your hips…. Yer too fuckin’ skinny…. I’ve some light bruising on my ass, Ssssara confirmed this for me in the powder room at the skey lub.”
“Ski Club?”
“Klee Clunk”
“Oh, right, the Key Club… oh boy, how many places did you guys hit?”
“Ev’ry place…. And I can’t believe you gave me bruises with your stupid sharp skinny sips…”
“Ok, babe, duly noted.” Austin laughed, shaking his head further, grabbing her keys and sweeping Hannah over him as she started to stumble forward, carrying her up the stairs over his shoulder, getting her cleaning and falling asleep next to her for the second night in a row.
January 1988 - July 1989 
It started out casually enough, neither one wanting to ask the other what they were doing, avoiding talking about what this relationship was. In fact, they barely spoke for the first few months, their lips otherwise occupied as they were drawn to each other by the magnetic attraction that only grew in intensity each time they laid eyes on one another. On the first three dates, they couldn’t even get out the door before the graze of an arm over a chest or the kiss of lips saying hello on a cheek would become the catalyst for heaving, sweating, swearing, groaning, primal, squelching, slapping, bruising, choking, senseless, neighbors-banging-on-the ceiling, wall, floor, fucking. Usually followed by a session of panting on the bed, leather chair or kitchen floor, exhausted and conceding that they should just order delivery. And then commanding a repeat performance once their energy returned.
“So…” Austin moaned, in flagrante, after date number two had been derailed by Hannah’s fingers brushing lint off Austin’s sweater.  “Am I really the sexiest man you ever met?”
“Ughhh… shut the fuck up… I was hung over… clearly brain damaged from the alcohol… just be quiet and fuck me, you ugly sod …”
“If I’m so ugly, why’d ughhh… keep me around?”
“Imma a slut for uggos… you’re all so insecure you compensate with that tongue …. *moan*… its the low self esteem….  plus you got me hooked fucking me from behind… didn’t have to see that fucked up mug… ”
Every time Hannah sighed or looked at him with her big doe eyes, his lips would part in awe and his cock would propel him forward, his mouth seeking out her pleasure like a beacon being guided home. Finally they agreed they had to meet in public if they ever wanted to successfully leave her apartment, so he would pick her up at work and take her out, undeterred by her protests that it was too expensive as he arrived at the valet stand in front of Orcini’s, Chinois, The Ivy, her voice raising higher and higher as she argued In-N-Out was just as good.  Austin spent a lot of nights finding new ways to make Hannah’s Murphy bed creak before he found his own place on the Westside, and got settled in a small, modern rental up in the hills.
It was a day in late May, Hannah had just started working on her first feature as an assistant editor, when Austin proposed they stop using condoms. She was sitting on the marble counter of his house, eating chow mien out of the container in a Talking Heads tee-shirt. He was in his briefs. Both exhausted, he’d been shooting his second movie, playing Emilio Estevez’s  younger brother.
“I mean, I’m not seeing anyone else… are you?”
“Well,” Hannah fiddled with the edge of her sleeve, “I’m so busy wrapping this McTiernan picture I really haven’t had time to meet anyone else.”
“Is it any good? I can’t believe they cast Willis, he’s a TV star.”
“I love Moonlighting…”
“Still, is he believable as an action hero?”
“You’re just jealous…. “
Austin took the noodles out of her hand and pulled her into a kiss.
“OK, no more talking about other guys… what do you say? You’re on the pill now, right?”
Hannah nodded.
“OK, I’ll get tested…. You’ll get tested… And voila… ”
She kissed him as he lifted her up, legs wrapping around him while he carried her to the bed room.
Despite her misgivings, Hannah brought Austin out to Malibu for tea at her dad’s trailer. It was a Sunday afternoon, and her heart burst as she watched Austin engage with Avram, not hesitating to talk movies and nodding as her father explained his theories about film school, “waste of time, scholars never make good directors, they’ve got their heads in books,” how Mel Brooks was not funny, “but no one has the balls to tell him the truth.” Austin praised sound editing, particularly dialogue editing, as the most important and unappreciated part of making a movie. And he was particularly gracious every time he tried to tell her father he liked movie he’d worked on.
“Hannah told me you worked on Chinatown, it’s one of my favorite movies…”
“Ughhh, what an awful film,” Avi groaned, frowning, his British accent drew out every vowel. “It had real potential, but Polanksi can’t help himself.”
Hannah stifled her laughter, waggling her eyebrows at Austin as she went to get more biscuits. He jumped up, offering to bring the tea cups in.
“I’ve never met someone with so many strong opinions… about film… and I went to NYU… ”
“My father hates every movie, especially the ones he worked on. I can’t tell you how many times he dragged me out of a movie theatre to walk out of something 30 minutes in.”
“He does know that you and I majored in film, right? When he tells you it is stupid to study film?”
“Yes, he knows that one of us went to the best film school in the country —“
“And the other went to UCLA…” 
“Ha! …. But Austin, my dad started working in this industry when he was 16, a poor Jewish kid from London, he followed his brother and his career to another country, always having to learn on the job. Always having to prove him self, no one to support him. And then everything with my uncle… He is bitter about how the industry is changing, no one ever had to go to film school to break in until the ‘70s…. And in some ways, he’s right, imagine how much more experience we’d have if we hadn’t wasted four years in expensive classrooms…”
Austin introduced Hannah as his girlfriend for the first time at the after party for the Estevez movie premiere. His publicist, Min, was sweet to her face, though she had made Austin promise no public appearances together. He walked the red carpet alone, meeting Hannah inside, where he found Min smiling as Hannah relayed her own editing credits from the year, making a mental note to discuss publicity and relationships with Austin later. 
In their next meeting, Min explained. “You have the potential to be a leading man, Austin, trust me, you do not to be tied down… to an editor? No. Please, trust me, actors are always better dating other actors. Or super models. Or pop stars.”
He brushed it off, explaining it was his private life, and he knew what he was doing. A part of him wondered if being in a committed relationship was wise, fair, good for his career, but those doubts disappeared as he watched Hannah cum on his face the next morning, her dopey smiled sent sparks to stomach, and he pushed up to cover her plush, red lips with his, the taste of her pussy all over his face. Riding her to the hilt and exploding inside of her, Austin shouted “fuckkkk” in rhythm to the sounds of their flesh smacking, filling the empty hillside below his open bedroom window with vulgar noises. That was the day he told her he loved her, pussy drunk, blissed out, nuzzling together in the cosmic afterglow of energetic coitus, endorphins flooding their systems. Austin twisted her hair. 
“Hannah Hannah Bo Bana Banana nana … I think I love you.”
Turning, she kissed the side of his chest, her fingers trailing down his chest.
“I feel it too, Bruiser."
“You should move in.”
“What? This is the first day we’ve spent together all week. You’re busy. I’m busy. So just move in already. Then at least we can do this everyday.”
But of course, they did not fuck everyday. They didn’t even see each other everyday. Some nights, Hannah would fall asleep on the cutting room floor working for a deadline. Austin had to go to Idaho to shoot a western, and he became close with his co-stars, Robert Downey Jr. and Kiefer Sutherland, returning to LA with a stronger proclivity for nose candy, taking the weeks in-between projects to join his newfound playmates on the club scene. He would call Hannah from the pay phone at whatever bar they went to, asking when she would be there. Telling her he found the perfect alley for their anniversary. Some nights she ventured out, Hannah had always enjoyed feeling music pound through her soul, but she found she didn’t just enjoy getting high every night and she needed the blow to stay up until 4 with them and get to work the next morning. And so, on many nights, Hannah would just collapse at home and wake as Austin came in.
She met his family, briefly, at Christmas 1988. Dinner was small, quiet, just Austin, his father and older sister Ashley in the large dining room of a large, stucco house in Anaheim. Hannah had foregone her usual thick eyeliner and studded black leather jacket, buying an outfit at JC Penneys and wearing her grandmother’s pearl necklace. She hated herself, as she looked in the mirror and asked her self, “Would Nancy Reagan approve?”
She burned the dress in July, as she packed her things and moved out of the Hollywood Hills house. The female voice on the other end of the phone line still reverberated through her head. Austin was shooting on location in Arizona, it was his second leading role.  At first Hannah had questioned whether the hotel operator had connected her to the right room when a women’s voice answered the phone. She paused, thinking carefully.
“Oh, hey, um… is Brian there?”
She could hear the shower running in the background, and then Austin’s distinct voice shout out.
“Don’t answer the phone!”
The mystery women giggled, then spoke into the receiver.
“Sorry, no Brian here, you must have the wrong number.”
“Oh, this isn’t room 335?”
“No, 334… Austin, don’t, you’re all wet!”
“I thought I said not to pick up the phone?”
There it was closer, deeper, in the midst of some sort of exertion, was he tickling her? Kissing her?
Hannah’s mind raced and her imagination ran wild as she listened to a commotion of fabric and limbs while the phone receiver dropped to the floor.
Muffled voices continued.
“It was for the room next door… why don’t you want me to pick up the phone?”
“Shut up, just promise me  -" more feminine giggling as he spoke … “you won’t, ok?”
Hannah hung up after that, adrenaline coursed through her veins, and a sharp, nervous ache ran up her tummy and settled at the top of her chest. Pacing through the living room, through the kitchen, and back again, she started shouting at herself.
“Fucking idiot, fucking actors, fucking Orange County, fucking Reagan, ugh, you fucking stupid cow… you can let this go.” She breathed. “You love him. You knew. This was bound to happen. If you were honest with yourself, you knew. You knew. You knew the minute he told you why he had moved out here. Any real relationship would be impossible. But no, you didn’t care, did you? It was fuuuuun. He was hooot. It felt goooood. Losers, gays and cheaters, Hannah. This is as good as it could ever be. You can push it down, smother it, kill your jealousy and take what he gives you.”
She slumped on the ground, banging her fists into the hard wood floor, seeking out it’s cold to temper the crazy, frenetic heat overtaking her body. Now, she was taking a shower, drinking a beer as the water pummeled down. Three beers later, cold, shivering in the empty bathtub, she had convinced herself to just pretend she didn’t know, act like nothing happened, you love him - that is all that matters. 
But then he called her later that night, whispering “Hey Hannah Banana,” into the phone as he always did, his gravelly confident voice exuding fidelity.  She wondered if this was even the first time, she couldn’t tell the difference. He had the same deep timbre, extolling honeyed devotion from Arizona as he told her about his day and laughed at her sarcastic jokes.
Hanging up, hate overtook her. She played with the idea of throwing his stupid record collection down the hill. Sitting in indecision for five days, she knew she had to make up her mind about what she would do. He was due to come home in a week. At night, she forced herself to picture him fucking someone else, an anonymous mystery woman didn’t seem real enough, so she pictured Sloan, sucking his dick, riding him on top, crying out his name as he devoured her pussy. Hannah was so anxious she could barely eat, subsisting on coffee and digestives for the next few days. Her whole body trembled through a meeting with the director Joel Schumacher,  and Mike, the supervising editor shifting to stare at her periodically and then cornering her to ask if she was ok.
So Hannah made up her mind and started to form a plan. She grieved, chain smoking on the bed, a bottle of vodka in her hand, listening to the mix she had made of The Cure, Depeche Mode, Joy Division, smiling as she stabbed out her cigarettes into the ground, ruining the hard wood floor, thinking of Austin loosing his security deposit. She continued playing stupid on the phone when Austin called, although more and more she let the message machine pick up, feigning a busy work schedule when they talked. She signed the lease on a a little studio in West LA, near Wilshire Boulevard, packed her shit and moved out. She cried as she burned all love notes, valentines, cards, mix tapes and photos of them together in the fireplace before she left. And the dress from Christmas, she would never try to be something she wasn’t for any man. Ever again.
It took Austin two days to notice she had moved out. He arrived home late on a Monday night, assuming Hannah was still at work, he passed out and slept until noon. The past month on location had been a blur. He had wanted Hannah to come with him, and was resentful at her and her career, because they only occasionally had breaks that overlapped. They’d been able to sneak away for a weekend in Cabo, a few days in Vancouver. But it would have been cool to have her keep him company on this shoot. He was busy filming, beginning almost every day at 6 a.m., but the cocaine helped, and he felt like a champion working through the day and going out at night with some of the other actors.  He convinced Bob Downey to come visit him when he had a weekend off,  they drove to the Grand Canyon together, and dropped acid, then missed their paid and scheduled guided tour and ended up laying on the hood of his Beamer gazing at the stars and pondering the meaning of life. 
On his first morning back in LA, Austin got dressed and drove out for meetings with his agent to discuss his the next project, calling home and Hannah’s work no avail trying to reach her. He ate dinner alone at the at Chateau Marmont bar on a whim, drinking a whiskey and talking with the bar tender for a while. He wasn’t famous, yet, not really, and he enjoyed the anonymity, although he nearly jumped out of his skin with joy when Demi Moore recognized him as she entered the restaurant with Bruce Willis. They’d met when she was dating Emilio Estevez, and Austin took the opportunity to gush to Willis about how much he loved Die Hard and how he always thought Willis had action star potential watching Moonlighting. Leaving the Chateau, Austin ended the night with a drive through Hollywood, listening to Genesis and U2 on his tape deck, before growing lonely at home and wondering where Hannah was. He called her work again with no luck, drank a half bottle of whiskey and passed out. It was the next morning, unpacking his suitcases from Arizona, that he noticed Hannah’s side of the closet was empty. Austin frantically walked through the house, opening dresser drawers, looking through the bathroom, checking to see if she had left a note on the fridge or any travel receipts at her desk. His first hope was that she’d gone on a spontaneous trip with friends. Or maybe out to visit her father for a few days. Austin’s heart sank when he saw the empty frames above the mantle, the specks of burnt cards and photos in the fireplace. He wasn’t sure how much she knew, or how she found out, but he punched the wall until his fists bleed, raging at himself for being so stupid, for getting carried away, for screwing around with one of the supporting actresses.
It hadn’t been the first time another actor had flirted with Austin. Indeed, flirting, pranks, late night philosophical discussions, it was all common practice between the crew and the talent, especially on location when the everyone lived at the same hotel. For a month. However, this had been the first time he had given into temptation. Kim was 20 years old, beautiful and carefree, with none of Hannah’s angst or deep insecurities, although he later realized there wasn’t much depth to her personality at all and he got bored. Quickly. In the beginning, it had been freeing and wonderful, even exciting, to explore and get to know a new female body, to end the loneliness he’d been enclosed in over the first week and a half in Arizona. Why did anyone live in the desert anyway? He asked himself as the dry heat hit his face every goddamn day. The way Kim had pursued him was also incredibly flattering. She waited for Austin by his trailer, caught his eye on set while she bite her lip, cornered him at the hotel bar, causing him to smile a mischievous knowing smile every time their eyes locked, to know she wanted him, to feel the power he held over her. It stroked his ego and poured gas onto the fire that would blow up his relationship with Hannah. The sex daze wore off after a week and he realized what a huge mistake he had made. They had nothing in common and it was increasingly annoying how she didn’t get any of his jokes, or slipped into a form of baby talk in bed that grated his nerves, especially when he was hung over. It was worse when Kim began holding his hand on set, probing him about the future, and looking at him impatiently as she talked about going to the premiere together. Like a man, Austin said nothing, and suffered through another ten days of mediocre sex and companionship with Kim before breaking things off the moment shooting concluded.
All of this flashed through Austin’s head as he drove to Hannah’s work, yelling at the receptionist who explained Hannah was not working on anything there, she’d finishing before deadline, and had no idea if Hannah was working somewhere else or coming back in the near future. Swearing under his breath, Austin walked back and forth in the parking lot, squeezing the bridge of his nose, palming his hand through his hair. He considered driving out to Malibu and shaking down Avi, but he couldn’t bare to look Hannah’s father in the eyes, afraid she had shared what had happened, or worse, hadn’t and he would have to explain why he had no idea where his girlfriend was. Racking his brain, he wasn’t sure what to do. He had met several of Hannah’s friends, but didn’t know their phone numbers. It was pure dumb luck that he happened be driving down Wilshire Boulevard in a daze and saw her small, blue Honda hatchback parked down one of the side streets. He immediately recognized the Dukakis 88 bumper sticker in exactly the same place he’d watched Hannah paste it as he teased her relentlessly with promises to cancel out her vote by pulling for Bush. Parking across the street, he sat waiting, unsure of his game plan, but unable to leave. He put the radio on and leaned back. Thrumming the steering wheel, he didn’t see her walk past his car from the apartment building behind him and frown as she recognized his profile. Movement on his periphery startled Austin, and he looked over his shoulder to see Hannah’s beautiful, heart shaped ass running slowly back up the block in low black heels. Springing into action, Austin ran after her, his Nikes and jeans giving him the advantage.
“Hannah! Hannah….” He caught up and blocked the sidewalk, panting deeply. “C’mon Hannah, I made a mistake… one mistake… haven’t you ever made a mistake while you were drunk?”
Crossing her arms, sighing, she resisted the urge slap him.
“Yes. Christmas Eve. 1987.”
Read Chapter Two Here
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creepypasta-darling · 2 years
What happened when Julius met LJ? What are your HCs regarding Julius when it comes to the rest of the creeps?
(I'm not sure why but I feel like julius would get along very well with liu and bloody painter)
Anon you are absolutely right!
Julius the Dressmaker + How He Met The Creeps
I feel like he was alone for a long time. He just didn't need another partner in crime or another person getting in the way.
He met LJ at the local Speakeasy. Everyone there was confused on why a monochrome clown was there. They started to talk and LJ saw right through Julius. "So, you're like a demon, right?" The question caught Julius off guard and had him questioning whether or not to leave or kill LJ right there. "It's okay, I'm somewhat of a deity myself. You should meet some of my friends, you might get along with them."
That's how he met Candy Pop and Jason. Julius and Jason hit it off right away, but it took at least another decade for Candy Pop to even care about Julius. It wasn't until Julius one day brought one of his creations that Candy Pop even saw potential in Julius.
With becoming friends with Jason, he became friends with Vine. They met by accident because about another decade later Julius came to visit Jason, and Jason and Vine were hanging out. Which put High Alert in Julius's mind. Was he already going to lose a friend? But alas, he just gained a new one once Vine saw how much Julius's design looked like dolls.
Because Julius and Vine got along well, Vine had Julius met Papa Grande. Papa Grande was very skeptical of Julius, and the two never really got along well. They are two lone wolves when it comes to one another.
Because Julius had made friends with LJ's close friends, LJ invited Julius to the mansion to hang out In 2015. LJ introduced Julius to everybody there.
BEN, Puppeteer, and Suicide Sadie all thought Julius was a ghost at first due to his complexion. They tried to make him out how he passed so they could make him meet Sally. Julius, though, never told them.
Jeff and Nina didn't like him at all. Indifferent, passive, and ignorant towards him, even. Smile Dog liked getting pets so he tried to get Julius to pet him. Grinny Cat also tried to get close to him upon first meeting.
The Proxies saw right through Julius and decided to stay away. (I headcanon that the Proxies are kind of casteist and don't really like the demons. Hopefully I'll expand on it later but it's a big thing that is hard to explain. Think of Hamilton though. "Immigrants, we get the job done." But with demons.)
Speaking of demons, there was a small power struggle between him and them. EJ usually keeps out of stuff like that, but Kagekao was trying to pull pranks on Julius as soon as he entered the building. Yeahh that didn't really go well. Since they always hang out in the basement and LJ has his own room up near the actually demon/deity floor they don't interact a lot so that saves the heartache.
Clockwork liked Julius. He reminded her a lot of herself and Helen, who she deeply admires. Any artistic person usually gets on her good side, so it's no wonder she liked him lolz. Him, on the other hand, finds her desperate and clingy. And where he hates women it's hard for him to respect her. ESPECIALLY because she's so outspoken and dominant.
When he went to leave the mansion after hanging out he found the cabins. There, he met Helen and Dina. Helen and Julius instantly clicked when Julius saw Helen painting and using a body for a reference. Dina took some getting used to. It took a few times of Julius coming over for her to leave the two alone. (I headcanon Dina has BPD which is me projecting but it really makes sense for her character lolz. So it's hard for her to leave Helen alone.)
Then, he met the Rake, Momo, and BOB. Did not like any of them. Found them too be "too ugly" and in need of fixing. Which resulting in him getting toxic urine on him, which he did not appreciate.
All in all, he made quite a few friends, and there's only a few he doesn't know yet. He still has no idea about Zalgo and Zalgo's children, which is a good thing. And Puppeteer one day wants Zachery to meet Julius. Even if it's just to spy on him lolz.
I hope these were okay!! I'm so sorry this post is so long I got so excited to talk about it because I have this whole timeline I've thought about posting about when the creeps entered the mansion and how they interact with each other lolz. I'm so glad that I got to post some of it with Julius lolz I hope you guys like it!
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kitramune · 10 months
This is not my usual fandom posting so feel free to ignore it but in light of posting pics of my rabbits I've gotten a lot of other rabbit pics in my feed and I don't want to call anyone out, but education is always key, so... I'll just share my stance here: Rabbits do NOT belong in cages. Rabbits may seem lazy since they are crepuscular (like cats, meaning active at dawn and dusk) but they are extremely active when they are, and need space to roam and binky and run and hop. A cage is not that. Cages are also impractical af since they cost upwards of $100, whereas you can make much more adequate space by buying those puppy exercise pens for like $40. Save your friend, and save your wallet. Rabbits do NOT belong outside. Domestic bunnies have no way to regulate their body temperature and will very easily overheat or freeze if left outside. That's not even accounting for predators like neighborhood cats tormenting/scaring them or breaking in to get them. Rabbits do not belong on hard floors, nor do they belong on most advertised substrates. Rabbits do not have paw pads. Just fur and bone. A hard surface can cause sore hawks (open wounds on the feet) at best, and permanent splayed legs at worst. Many substrates are also toxic or hazardous for them to ingest. Rabbits can't vomit like a dog or cat, so if they ingest something bad, they are very at risk for blockages or toxicity build-up. Generally safe exceptions include recycled paper bedding or baked pellet bedding, in their litter box. For flooring, I recommend an area rug that they can't dig or chew up. Speaking of litter boxes, those little corner ones that come with cages? Ditch 'em. (Spayed and neutered) Rabbits are exceptionally clean animals, but they do poop constantly throughout the day due to how their digestive system works. Those tiny boxes are going to fill up even if you manage to make them comfortable for the bun, and then the rabbit is forced to get feces and urine all over its paws, or it's going to say "screw that" (understandably so) and eliminate all over its space. Preference for hood vs no hood etc is going to vary depending on the rabbit, but go with a large cat litter box and clean it every 1-2 days depending on the bun or your own tolerances. Get a large, heavy dog water bowl. Rabbits on a healthy diet drink a LOT more than you'd expect. Elowen is only like 4lbs and I have to change her huge bowl every day. I say heavy cuz rabbits like to throw their bowls. Those little water bottles for cages are also pretty garbage. Not only are they bacteria traps that are ridiculously hard to clean, they don't give enough water and your bun is at high risk for dehydration. Drinking out of a bowl is far more natural for the lil guys. Brush them and clip their nails! They will groom themselves but rabbits have very heavy sheds and because they can't cough up hairballs like cats, it's a blockage risk if they have a ton of excess hair. Long nails in a rabbit will also increase their risk for splayed legs and other health issues. That healthy diet I mentioned? It needs to be about 80% grass hay. Make sure they have a steady supply, especially in their litter box (rabbits have an "active gut" meaning they eliminate while grazing) If you have a hard time with Timothy Hay because of allergies or dust, I recommend good quality orchard grass or oat hay. Pellets should be given only at mealtimes measured by the rabbit's weight. More is liable to make your rabbit overweight. Pellets should be 19% fiber MINIMUM. Untreated or washed leafy greens are also important. (I get those pre-washed baby spring salad mixes for Elowen cuz I'm a big dummy lazypants). Fruits and veggies should be treats only, due to the sugar. (Yes, the carrot stereotype is a LIE. I know.) Hay naturally keeps their gut healthy and their teeth filed. If you notice a rabbit not eating for a few hours, take it seriously. G.I Stasis is no joke, nor are overgrown teeth. X_X
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whiskerandsprig · 6 months
Feline Friends and Green Companions: Navigating the Safe Greens for Your Cat
Cats and plants share our living spaces, bringing joy, comfort, and a touch of nature’s beauty into our homes. However, the coexistence of our feline friends with our green companions can sometimes pose hidden dangers. A number of common houseplants are toxic to cats, potentially leading to a range of health issues. On the flip side, many plants are perfectly safe and can even contribute to a stimulating environment for your pet. In this article, we’ll delve into which plants to keep and which to avoid to ensure the safety and happiness of your furry family member. We’ll also explore the signs of a sick cat, so you can act swiftly should your pet ingest something harmful.
Plants That Pose a Danger
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Lilies (Lilium spp. and Hemerocallis spp.): Extremely toxic to cats. Even small ingestions can cause severe kidney damage.
Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta): Contains cycasin, which can cause vomiting, liver failure, and potentially death.
Diffenbachia: Can cause oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips, and tongue, difficulty swallowing, and vomiting.
Azaleas and Rhododendrons (Rhododendron spp.): Contain grayanotoxins that can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and potential central nervous system damage.
Tulips and Hyacinths (Tulipa and Hyacinthus): The bulbs of these plants contain toxins that can cause intense stomach upset, drooling, loss of appetite, depression of the central nervous system, convulsions, and cardiac abnormalities.
Safe Greens for Your Cat
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Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): Known for its air-purifying qualities, it’s safe for cats and often attracts them with its dangling spiderettes.
Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata): A non-toxic plant that adds lush greenery and is safe for cats to brush against or nibble.
Cat Grass (Dactylis glomerata): Specifically grown for cats to eat, it can aid in digestion and help prevent hairballs.
Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): A safe, non-toxic plant that adds a tropical flair to your decor while being safe for curious cats.
Catnip (Nepeta cataria): While not a plant to be grown in large indoor gardens due to its intoxicating effects on cats, it’s completely safe and can provide hours of entertainment.
Recognizing the Signs of a Sick Cat
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Knowing the signs that your cat has ingested a toxic plant is crucial for their well-being. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and include:
Vomiting or Diarrhea: Often the first sign of something wrong.
Drooling or Difficulty Swallowing: Indicative of oral irritation caused by toxic plants.
Lethargy or Weakness: A sign of systemic poisoning.
Difficulty Breathing: Can indicate a severe reaction, requiring immediate veterinary attention.
Seizures or Changes in Urination: Particularly concerning signs of poisoning that demand urgent care.
Creating a safe, stimulating environment for your cat doesn’t mean sacrificing greenery. By choosing pet-safe plants and being vigilant about the potential dangers of toxic ones, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Always monitor your cat for any signs of distress, especially if you introduce new plants into your home. Remember, when in doubt, consult with your veterinarian to ensure the health and safety of your beloved pet. Together, you and your feline friend can enjoy a lush, vibrant home filled with life and joy.
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puppyexpressions · 1 year
Is it Safe For Dogs To Drink From Puddles?
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From personal experience, there are two inevitabilities of dog ownership. The first is that, at some point, you will step out for a walk and forget to take water for your dog. The second is that your dog is always happy to stick its nose into the smelliest thing around. So you have a thirsty dog, and there is a murky, stinky puddle over there? Bingo, problem solved. Or is it? What are the health risks to your pet from drinking from puddles?
The bugs that lurk (in the puddle)
Surely the worst that can happen from picking a bug up from a puddle is an upset tummy? Well, possibly. But given the most likely cause of this upset tummy is Giardia, and it is one of the most common causes of acute gastroenteritis in humans and animals. Apart from being very unpleasant for your pet (and for you cleaning up), Giardia can be quite difficult to treat. It is also not uncommon for a pet to have repeat bouts after they have recovered from the first one. Even worse, it is a zoonosis, which means it can potentially be transmitted from pets to their owners. Fortunately, it looks like this is rare in reality, which is a silver lining.
Then there is leptospirosis, also known as “Weils’s disease”.
That’s the one that your dog catches from rat urine, which can contaminate stagnant water. It is a serious bacterial infection that can cause liver and kidney failure. Dogs can contract it through contact with water contaminated by infected urine.  It can be pretty tricky to diagnose and very difficult to treat. Worse still, it is also a zoonosis. However, pet to owner transmission is probably very rare, with people most commonly contracting it through swimming or water sports in contaminated water bodies. It should be mentioned that leptospirosis in dogs is uncommon in the UK; this may be due to vaccination (none of the affected dogs in one study was vaccinated) or underdiagnosis.
The new puddle-lurking nasty on the block is Angiostrongylus Vasorum, AKA Lungworm or French Heartworm.
Infections in pet dogs by this unpleasant parasite have become increasingly common in the UK over the last two decades, particularly in the South East and Wales. Lungworm can cause lung disease, bleeding problems and neurological disease. It was previously thought to be transmitted by dogs eating slugs and snails. More recently, evidence has suggested that gastropods shed the parasite in the environment, and dogs can be infected by drinking contaminated water.
And what about the toxins on your doorstep? A tale for all seasons.
Even that harmless-looking puddles around your home could be life-threatening. Ethylene glycol is a commonly used ingredient in antifreeze products used in cars. It can easily leak from parked vehicles to contaminate puddle water. It’s highly toxic to dogs and cats, and only a small amount needs to be ingested to be fatal as it causes kidney failure. It has a sweet smell which means it is readily licked by dogs. Every year, sadly, several dogs (and even more cats) die in the UK after ingestion of ethylene glycol. As an antifreeze product, this risk is higher during the winter months.
Then there is the danger of blue-green algae blooms caused by cyanobacteria. This natural phenomenon occurs most commonly during the summer months when the perfect conditions for explosive algal growth are most likely. The toxins produced by these blooms are dangerous to humans and dogs when ingested. Blue-green algae can often be visible by a blue-green foamy scum on the water’s surface. The local authority will put up prominent warning signs at times of high risk. It is imperative to keep your dog on the lead and out of the water when these signs are up. If your dog does somehow get into the water, it is recommended to take them directly to the vet for decontamination as toxic signs (tummy upset, tremors, wobbly gait, seizures) can start within an hour of exposure.
And then there is the bigger picture…
As with all issues environmental, the concern about environmental pollution is increasingly coming to the fore. Pesticides, herbicides to pharmaceutical residues and hormones, from agricultural, industrial and domestic use affect wildlife and the environment, and our understanding of how this happens is improving all the time. With that comes the realization that there is also a knock-on risk to our health and our pets. Yet still, the environmental levels of surprisingly few of these polluting substances are monitored. So exactly what, if anything, and how much of it ends up in your average puddle is unknown and, for this reason, drinking from puddles is generally not recommended.
My dog has been drinking from puddles for years, and she’s okay. What is the risk, really?
From reading this article, you would not be blamed for thinking that all puddles glowed fluorescent green and that it comes across as a bit alarmist. And you would be right. Most likely, a quick slurp from a puddle will do your pet no harm. Indeed, there is no need to contact your vet when your pet does so unless there are specific circumstances, like known blue-green algae risk or ethylene glycol exposure. What this article attempts to do is describe some of the potential harms of drinking from puddles. The trick is to take precautionary measures to minimize the risk, such as ensuring your pet is fully vaccinated and protected against lungworm if they insist on splashing through puddles. But the safest precaution of all is to always carry drinking water for your pet.
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pocheservicesllc · 4 days
House Cleaning for Pet Owners in Tampa: A Complete Guide
Pet ownership is one of life's greatest joys, but it comes with its own set of challenges—especially when it comes to keeping your home clean. Whether you have a furry friend who sheds all over the house or a pet that occasionally has accidents, maintaining a clean and healthy living environment can be tough. For pet owners in Tampa, this guide provides valuable tips on how to keep your home spotless, and when you need professional help, Poche Services LLC is here to provide top-notch house cleaning services.
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House Cleaning for Pet Owners
Pets bring immense joy, but they can also introduce allergens, dirt, and odors into your home. This is especially true in a city like Tampa, where the warm weather can exacerbate pet-related cleanliness issues. Regular house cleaning is essential for several reasons:
Health and Safety: Pets can carry germs and allergens, which can affect your health. Regular cleaning reduces the risk of infections and respiratory issues.
Odor Control: Pets can leave behind unpleasant odors. Thorough cleaning helps to keep your home smelling fresh.
Comfort and Aesthetics: A clean home is more comfortable and inviting. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of fur, dander, and stains.
Longevity of Furnishings: Pet hair and dander can wear down furniture and flooring. Cleaning helps preserve the life of your furnishings.
DIY Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners in Tampa
While professional cleaning services like Poche Services LLC can make a significant difference, there are several steps you can take to maintain a clean home on your own:
1. Regular Vacuuming
Pet hair can quickly accumulate on floors, furniture, and upholstery. Regular vacuuming is essential to keep your home free from pet hair and dander. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap allergens effectively. For carpets and upholstery, consider using a vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair.
2. Use Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products
Some cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to pets. Always opt for pet-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products. Look for cleaners that are specifically formulated to be safe for pets while still being effective at removing stains and odors.
3. Frequent Washing of Pet Bedding and Toys
Pet bedding and toys can harbor dirt, dander, and bacteria. Make it a habit to wash these items frequently in hot water to kill germs and keep your pet's space clean. For items that can't be machine-washed, use a pet-safe disinfectant spray.
4. Address Stains and Odors Immediately
Accidents happen, especially with young or elderly pets. Address stains and odors as soon as they occur to prevent them from setting in. Use an enzyme-based cleaner to break down organic matter and eliminate odors. Avoid using ammonia-based cleaners, as they can attract pets back to the same spot.
5. Maintain Your Pet's Hygiene
One of the best ways to keep your home clean is by maintaining your pet's hygiene. Regular grooming, such as brushing and bathing, reduces shedding and dander. Cleaning your pet's paws after walks can also help minimize the dirt they bring into the house.
Common Cleaning Challenges for Pet Owners
Pets bring joy, but they also introduce specific cleaning challenges that require extra attention. Here are some common issues pet owners face:
1. Shedding
Pets, especially dogs and cats, shed fur throughout the year. During peak shedding seasons, the amount of fur can be overwhelming. Regular brushing and vacuuming can help control shedding, but fur can still find its way into nooks and crannies.
2. Accidents and Stains
Even well-trained pets can have accidents. Urine, vomit, and other messes can leave stains and odors if not addressed promptly. Cleaning up accidents quickly with an enzyme-based cleaner is crucial to prevent permanent damage to your flooring and furnishings.
3. Odor Control
Pets can leave behind a distinctive odor, especially if they spend a lot of time indoors. Regular cleaning, washing pet bedding, and using odor-neutralizing products can help keep your home smelling fresh.
4. Allergens and Dander
Pet dander consists of tiny flecks of skin that can trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. Frequent cleaning and the use of air purifiers can help reduce allergens in the home.
Professional House Cleaning Services for Pet Owners in Tampa
While regular cleaning can help maintain a tidy home, pet owners in Tampa may find that professional cleaning services provide the deep cleaning necessary to keep their homes truly fresh and allergen-free. Poche Services LLC specializes in house cleaning tailored for pet owners, ensuring your home is clean, healthy, and inviting.
Why Choose Poche Services LLC?
Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products: We use cleaning products that are safe for your pets, avoiding harsh chemicals that could harm them.
Thorough Cleaning: Our team tackles all areas of your home, including those hard-to-reach places where pet hair and dander can accumulate.
Odor Removal: We use specialized techniques to remove pet odors, leaving your home smelling fresh.
Stain Removal: Our professionals are skilled at removing stubborn stains caused by pet accidents, ensuring your floors and furnishings look their best.
Customized Cleaning Plans: We understand that every home and pet is different. We offer customized cleaning plans to meet your specific needs.
Services We Offer
Deep Cleaning: A comprehensive cleaning of your home, including floors, carpets, upholstery, and hard-to-reach areas.
Odor Elimination: We use advanced techniques to neutralize pet odors and leave your home smelling fresh.
Stain Removal: Expert removal of stains from carpets, upholstery, and hard surfaces.
Routine Cleaning: Regular cleaning services to keep your home consistently clean and free from pet-related messes.
Tips for Maintaining a Clean Home Between Professional Cleanings
To keep your home in top condition between visits from Poche Services LLC, here are some tips:
Brush Your Pet Regularly: Regular brushing reduces shedding and helps keep fur from accumulating around your home.
Keep a Cleaning Kit Handy: Have a cleaning kit with pet-friendly products readily available to tackle messes as they occur.
Designate Pet-Free Zones: Create pet-free zones in your home, such as bedrooms, to reduce the spread of fur and dander.
Use Doormats: Place doormats at entryways to catch dirt and debris from your pet's paws before they enter the house.
Choosing the Right Cleaning Schedule
The frequency of professional cleaning services depends on several factors, including the number of pets, their size, and their grooming habits. Here are some general guidelines:
Weekly Cleaning: For homes with multiple pets or pets that shed heavily, weekly professional cleaning can help keep your home in top condition.
Bi-Weekly Cleaning: For single-pet households or pets with minimal shedding, bi-weekly cleaning is often sufficient.
Monthly Cleaning: If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors or has minimal impact on your home's cleanliness, monthly professional cleaning may be adequate.
The Benefits of a Clean Home for You and Your Pet
A clean home is not only more comfortable for you, but it's also healthier for your pet. Regular cleaning reduces allergens, minimizes the risk of infections, and creates a safer living environment. Additionally, a clean home can reduce stress and improve the overall quality of life for both you and your furry friend.
Keeping a clean home as a pet owner in Tampa can be challenging, but it's essential for a healthy and comfortable living environment. By following the tips outlined in this guide and enlisting the help of professional cleaning services like Poche Services LLC, you can enjoy the company of your pets without sacrificing cleanliness.
Poche Services LLC offers house cleaning services specifically tailored for pet owners in Tampa. Our team of professionals uses pet-friendly cleaning products and techniques to ensure your home is spotless, odor-free, and safe for your furry friends. If you need house cleaning services in Tampa, don't hesitate to contact Poche Services LLC for a customized cleaning plan that meets your needs.
Call us today to schedule your cleaning and experience the joy of a clean and pet-friendly home!
This content provides a comprehensive guide for pet owners in Tampa who are looking to maintain a clean home. It promotes Poche Services LLC as a reliable and pet-friendly cleaning service, making it an excellent choice for your Tumblr post.
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catdograbbit · 2 months
A renal diet is a specialized diet that is designed to support the kidney health of cats with kidney disease. Kidney disease is a common condition in cats, particularly as they age, and it can have a significant impact on their overall health and well-being. A renal diet can help manage the symptoms of kidney disease and slow down its progression, allowing cats to live longer, healthier lives. In this article, we will explore the importance of a renal diet for cats, how it can support feline kidney health, and the key nutrients to look for in a renal diet. Key TakeawaysA renal diet is important for cats with kidney disease to manage their condition and improve their quality of life.Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting feline kidney health and preventing kidney disease.Common causes of kidney disease in cats include aging, genetics, and underlying health conditions.Symptoms of kidney disease in cats may include increased thirst and urination, weight loss, and decreased appetite.A renal diet can help manage kidney disease in cats by providing the right balance of nutrients and reducing the workload on the kidneys. Understanding the Importance of a Renal Diet for Cats A renal diet is specifically formulated to support the kidney health of cats with kidney disease. Kidney disease occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to effectively filter waste products from the blood. This can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body, which can cause a range of symptoms and complications. A renal diet is designed to reduce the workload on the kidneys by providing easily digestible proteins, limited phosphorus, and controlled levels of other nutrients. The Role of Nutrition in Supporting Feline Kidney Health Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting kidney health in cats. A balanced and appropriate diet can help reduce the workload on the kidneys and slow down the progression of kidney disease. Cats with kidney disease often have reduced appetite and may experience weight loss. A renal diet is formulated to be highly palatable and appealing to cats, making it easier for them to eat and maintain their weight. Common Causes of Kidney Disease in Cats Common Causes of Kidney Disease in Cats Age (cats over 7 years old are more susceptible) Genetics (some breeds are more prone to kidney disease) High blood pressure Urinary tract infections Obesity Toxic substances (such as antifreeze or certain medications) Dehydration Chronic kidney infections There are several common causes of kidney disease in cats. The most common cause is chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is often seen in older cats. Other causes include acute kidney injury (AKI), which can be caused by toxins, infections, or other medical conditions; polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a genetic condition that causes cysts to form in the kidneys; and kidney stones or urinary blockages. Identifying Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Cats It is important for cat owners to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of kidney disease in their pets. Some common symptoms include increased thirst and urination, decreased appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, it is important to consult with your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. How a Renal Diet Can Help Manage Kidney Disease in Cats A renal diet can help manage kidney disease in cats by reducing the workload on the kidneys and providing the necessary nutrients to support kidney health. The controlled levels of protein in a renal diet help reduce the production of waste products that the kidneys need to filter out. Additionally, a renal diet is low in phosphorus, which can help slow down the progression of kidney disease. Key Nutrients to Look for in a Renal Diet for Cats When choosing a renal diet for your cat, there are several key nutrients to look for.
These include high-quality, easily digestible proteins such as chicken or fish; limited phosphorus levels; controlled levels of sodium and potassium; and added omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can support kidney health. Tips for Transitioning Your Cat to a Renal Diet Transitioning your cat to a renal diet can be challenging, especially if they are used to eating a different type of food. It is important to make the transition gradually, mixing small amounts of the new renal diet with their current food and gradually increasing the proportion of the renal diet over time. It may also be helpful to warm up the food slightly or add some water to make it more appealing to your cat. Homemade vs. Commercial Renal Diets: Pros and Cons There are both homemade and commercial options available for renal diets for cats. Homemade diets can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your cat, but they require careful formulation and monitoring to ensure that they provide all the necessary nutrients. Commercial renal diets, on the other hand, are formulated by veterinary nutritionists and are specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of cats with kidney disease. They are convenient and often more palatable for cats. Frequently Asked Questions About Renal Diets for Cats Q: Can a renal diet cure kidney disease in cats? A: Unfortunately, there is no cure for kidney disease in cats. However, a renal diet can help manage the symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. Q: Can I feed my cat regular cat food if they have kidney disease? A: It is not recommended to feed your cat regular cat food if they have kidney disease. Regular cat food is not formulated to support kidney health and may exacerbate the symptoms of kidney disease. Q: How long does it take to see improvement in my cat's condition after starting a renal diet? A: The timeline for improvement can vary depending on the severity of your cat's kidney disease. Some cats may show improvement within a few weeks, while others may take longer. Working with Your Veterinarian to Develop a Renal Diet Plan for Your Cat It is important to work closely with your veterinarian to develop a renal diet plan for your cat. Your veterinarian will be able to assess your cat's specific needs and recommend an appropriate renal diet. They can also provide guidance on transitioning your cat to the new diet and monitor their progress. In conclusion, a renal diet is an important tool in managing kidney disease in cats. It provides the necessary nutrients to support kidney health and can help slow down the progression of the disease. By working closely with your veterinarian and following their recommendations, you can help improve the quality of life for your cat and ensure that they live a longer, healthier life. FAQs What is a renal diet for cats? A renal diet for cats is a specialized diet that is designed to support the kidney function of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD). It typically involves reducing the amount of protein, phosphorus, and sodium in the cat's diet. Why do cats with CKD need a renal diet? Cats with CKD have reduced kidney function, which means that their kidneys are less able to filter waste products from their blood. A renal diet can help to reduce the workload on the kidneys and slow the progression of the disease. What are the benefits of a renal diet for cats? A renal diet can help to improve the quality of life for cats with CKD by reducing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. It can also help to slow the progression of the disease and prolong the cat's lifespan. What are the key components of a renal diet for cats? A renal diet for cats typically involves reducing the amount of protein, phosphorus, and sodium in the cat's diet. It may also involve increasing the amount of water in the cat's diet to help support kidney function. What foods should be avoided in a renal diet for cats? Foods that are high in protein, phosphorus, and sodium should be avoided in a renal diet for cats.
This includes many types of meat, dairy products, and processed foods. Can a renal diet for cats be homemade? It is possible to make a homemade renal diet for cats, but it is important to work with a veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist to ensure that the diet is balanced and meets the cat's nutritional needs. How long should a cat be on a renal diet? Cats with CKD will typically need to be on a renal diet for the rest of their lives. The specific duration of the diet will depend on the severity of the cat's condition and their response to treatment.
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tricountyanimal · 2 months
Chocolate Poisoning in Pets: A Sweet Danger We Must Avoid
As pet owners, we all know the joy of indulging in a chocolate treat. But for our furry friends, chocolate can be a serious danger. Chocolate poisoning in pets is a serious issue, but it’s entirely preventable. By being mindful and proactive, you can ensure that your pets stay safe and healthy. If you suspect your pet has ingested chocolate, At Tri-County Animal Hospital, we see the distressing effects of chocolate poisoning in pets far too often. Let’s dive into why chocolate is so harmful to pets and what you can do to keep your beloved companions safe.
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Why Is Chocolate Dangerous for Pets?
Chocolate contains substances called theobromine and caffeine, both of which are toxic to dogs and cats. These compounds are stimulants that affect the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. While humans can metabolize these substances without issue, pets lack the necessary enzymes to break them down effectively.
How Much Chocolate Is Too Much?
The toxicity of chocolate depends on several factors, including the type of chocolate, the amount consumed, and the size of your pet. Here's a quick guide to different types of chocolate and their potential dangers:
Milk Chocolate: Contains lower levels of theobromine but can still be harmful, especially if consumed in large amounts.
Dark Chocolate: Much higher in theobromine than milk chocolate and thus more dangerous.
Baking Chocolate: Extremely high in theobromine and can cause severe poisoning with just a small amount.
Even a small amount of chocolate can be dangerous for pets, so it’s essential to keep all chocolate products out of their reach.
Symptoms of Chocolate Poisoning in Pets
If your pet manages to get their paws on some chocolate, watch for the following symptoms of poisoning:
Increased thirst and urination
Restlessness or hyperactivity
Tremors or seizures
Rapid breathing or an increased heart rate
The symptoms can start within a few hours of ingestion, but they might also take up to 24 hours to appear. If you notice any of these signs, don’t wait—contact us at Tri-County Animal Hospital immediately.
What to Do if Your Pet Eats Chocolate
Assess the Situation: Try to determine how much and what type of chocolate your pet ate. This information will help us at Tri-County Animal Hospital provide the best possible care.
Contact a Veterinarian: Call us as soon as possible. If you have a pet emergency, reach out to our emergency services immediately.
Follow Instructions: We might recommend inducing vomiting or bringing your pet in for a check-up. Always follow the specific advice given by your veterinarian.
Avoid Home Remedies: While it might be tempting to try remedies you find online, they could do more harm than good. Stick to professional guidance to ensure your pet’s safety.
Prevention Is Key
The best way to handle chocolate poisoning is to prevent it altogether. Here are some tips to keep your pets safe:
Store Chocolate Safely: Keep chocolate and other human treats in a secure place that pets can’t access.
Educate Family and Friends: Make sure everyone in your household understands the risks and keeps chocolate away from pets.
Consider Alternatives: Treat your pets with pet-safe treats designed specifically for their dietary needs.
A Sweet Note of Caution
Chocolate poisoning in pets is a serious issue, but it’s entirely preventable. By being mindful and proactive, you can ensure that your pets stay safe and healthy. If you suspect your pet has ingested chocolate, don’t hesitate to contact us at Tri-County Animal Hospital. Our team of dedicated professionals is here to help your furry friend through any emergency with the care and compassion they deserve.
At Tri-County Animal Hospital, your pet’s well-being is our top priority. Together, we can keep those wagging tails and purring companions happy and healthy—without the danger of chocolate.
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small-but-mighty · 4 months
Smallies Vs Society
Now most of the big cooperate pet stores no longer sell dogs or cats. But they still do sell smallies. Guinea pigs, gerbils, mice, hamsters, ferrets, and rabbits just to name a few. When an individual goes and buys an animal from these stores, there are no requirements besides being at least 18. Individuals selling these animals may not be entirely trained on the care requirements each of the animals require themselves and therefore are not able to educate those who are purchasing these animals. Now thankfully, I'd like to note, this is not always the case. Coming from a personal background of working at a pet store, I have met and learned a lot from individuals working there, and I respect and appreciate all that they do to try their best educating the public while still being required to allow sales. But it's not always the case. A lot of these purchases are on the spot. So with little to no knowledge, individuals are relying on marketing and advertising which is directly available in front of them to get supplies for the animal. This immediately is a problem.
Although it has improved a bit over the years, a lot of the habitats sold in stores, are not size appropriate for the creatures that they are being advertised for. I myself have even fallen for this, when I first purchased my guinea pig (I worked at the pet store at the time and I was unaware of how many were in the shelter. Please adopt, don't shop.) I purchased a starter kid advertised for being for guinea pigs. The cage was so small, that by less than six months of age, I could tell it was way too small! He did not have enough room to run around. Today, my guinea pig lives in a cage that was advertised as being for a rabbit. Now I am also the owner of a lionhead rabbit, and that cage, would be nowhere near big enough for her to live in. Truthfully, the cage is not even big enough for two guinea pigs to live in and probably is the smallest size a single guinea pig can live comfortably in.
Bedding, is a huge problem. The paper based bedding like carefresh is expensive. The wood shavings that are available in stores, advertised for smallies, are more bedding for a smaller price tag. To people who don't know any better, it's a no brainer. But the wood shavings create a toxin when they are urinated on and harm the lungs of the creatures living in it. And remember, they're living in a confined space with this toxin so it can cause a significant amount of damage. In order for wood to be safe for use as litter, it must be kiln dried. The horse pellets that are sold at farm stores are often a good affordable option. As for the cage bedding, for animals that don't burrow, using fleece is the most affordable option and creates less waste. Animals that do burrow, although the paper bedding is more expensive, it's the safest option. Even the paper bedding has things to look out for though. Some of the bedding is colored with dyes and or scented with fragrances. Some smallies have more sensitive skin than others and the dyes can cause skin irritations, I have also seen the dye bleed onto the fur of the animals living on it (after all, the paper is ultimately going to get wet). The fragrances can be toxic as well, the sensitive little respiratory systems are not designed to live in lavender fields. Smell is also a way of communication and way of marking territory, so by messing with the smell of your pet's home, it makes it more difficult for them to feel safe.
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Food is overwhelming. There are so many different varieties, colors, and prices. The food available for pets on the market varying in quality is not a problem exclusive to small animals, but this is a small animal blog, so we are going to stick to them. The healthiest foods are usually the ones with no seeds in them. But of course, the ones with the seeds in them are the ones that are the most affordable, and they are also more readily available. You can go to Walmart and get a bag of cheap guinea pig food, that contains seeds and high amounts of fat and sugars, but there isn't any high quality food or brands. This causes not only a high amount of animals becoming obese, but they're also developing medical issues that can be contributed to the poor diet. This includes bladder stones, GI stasis, and diarrhea. People are often unaware that for rabbits and guinea pigs, hay needs to be the main part of their diet and they require an unlimited amount, without the hay, these species teeth may develop issues which can lead to more serious problems and can even result in death. Even hay has varsities individuals need to be educated about. Timothy hay is the healthiest everyday hay variety for most species. Using different hays such as oat hay and orchard hay are a great way to add different textures for enrichment and as treats, but they don't have the correct nutritional needs. Alfalfa hay has a high concentration of calcium, it again can be used for enrichment or as a treat, but it really should only be readily given to very young guinea pigs and nursing/ pregnant mothers who need higher levels of calcium for development. Using Alfalfa as the everyday hay can cause further issues with bladder stones from too high of a calcium intake.
Now this is a lot of information. Most of which I have acquired from working with the smallies for years. So what is causing people to buy these animals without any of this information? I'd like to think that it's the societal need for instant gratification. Especially during the pandemic, people had more time, there was some extra funds coming from government assistance, and there was not a whole lot to do. Pets stores were still open, and there were possible companions there that were able to come home instantly. There are no requirements, all you have to do is sign a quick form. Then everything (in theory) you need for them is right there in the store. People also are not educated on the lifespans of these animals. Many people don't realize that some of these species are not just a 1 or 2 year commitment. While some are, some species such as rabbits, can be as much as a 12 year commitment. The oldest I've heard for guinea pigs is 9 years. Today, at the shelter, we have seen in increase in the surrender of animals that were purchased during the pandemic. People are back to work, there are more housing issues, and inflation makes keeping them difficult, people may not have realized just how long they would have these animals. There is also a few reasons for surrender that are far too common, and unfair to the animals themselves, that are just evidence of the irresponsible purchasing, such as they poop too much, or the kids lost interest.
Now this post has not even begun to address that smallies are also very neglected when it comes to medical needs/ care. But I wanted to try and paint a picture of just why so many small animals end up in the shelters, and how society has contributed to this. I also wanted to try and address why so many of these animals are not getting their basics needs met. It is not a simple problem to be solved, and proper education is one of biggest needs in helping to solve the problem. Supply and demand with proper education will force stores to (again in theory) have proper resources and supplies that pet owners need, they will have to change their marketing to meet the needs of responsible owners. There's still many issues in the animal welfare world that pet stores contribute to, but that was not the purpose of this post. I wanted to show just how the societal need for instant gratification is affecting the lives of smallies. An animal is not a toy and is not an easy investment, they are not gifts, they are a responsibility. They each have their own needs, personality, emotions, and they all are full of love. We just need to be responsible in this society to recognize that.
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poophissuperior · 10 months
5 Tricks to Stop Cats from Marking their Territory
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Our beloved kitties are going to have accidents. Despite our best efforts to litter train them and try various behavioral tricks, our cats still go through a phase of claiming their space that wreaks havoc on our homes. This is a natural way for them to claim a space as their own and to send messages to other animals in the area. For example, they might be telling potential intruders to stay away or letting other cats know that they are ready to find a mate. Unfortunately, this habit of declaring their territory can become a problem when our feline friends decide to do it in inappropriate places, like our favorite rugs or furniture. Thankfully, there are a few simple steps you can take to address the problem, like POOPH products.
1      USE POOPH
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Do you love your cat but hate the smell of their litter box? Say goodbye to unpleasant odors with the POOPH Kitty Litter Box Saver. This innovative product saves you time and money by reducing the need to scoop frequently and throw away unused litter due to the stink. Simply sprinkle some into the litter box before your cat goes, and let POOPH's unique odor molecule dismantling technology do the rest. 
POOPH doesn’t stop there, as the brand’s Kitty Litter Odor Eliminator is widely regarded as the most effective solution for eliminating unpleasant scents caused by your cat's waste. What sets POOPH apart from other products is the fact it is odorless, and it does not rely on chemicals or perfumes to mask the smell. POOPH is capable of neutralizing and preventing aromas that might attract your cat to repeatedly use the same area.
POOPH Pet Odor & Stain Eliminator is a top-selling pet odor and stain eliminator that is leading the market. This innovative product uses a non-toxic, mineral-based formula to remove stinks quickly and effectively. It is designed to purify the area and eliminate all types of smells and germs. Cleaning with POOPH is a breeze as it works instantly. Plus, it is completely safe for both people and pets, as well as environmentally friendly. For added convenience, Pooph is also available in a travel-friendly 2oz bottle.
2      Keep Outside Cats Away
Ensure that your indoor feline feels like the only one in the world. You can always place motion sensors outside the house, as well as obstruct specific windows to prevent your pet from catching sight or scent of outside cats beyond the reach of the motion sensor deterrents. Some owners use wax paper on particular windows to restrict visibility when their cat can still see other animals outside.
3      Encourage Body Rolling
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4      Stimulate Cats’ Hunting Instinct
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Encourage your cat to play in the areas where they have been urinating by using a wand toy. This will help shift their mindsets from being anxious and stake their claims to feeling confident and engaged in hunting.
5      Strategically Place Food
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To change your cat's association with making potty on your property, try placing their food in the areas where they have been going. Cats tend to keep their eating and urine areas separate, so this can help discourage the naughty behavior.
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petbestdiet · 10 months
Can Dogs Eat Cat Food? Understanding the Risks and Differences
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When it comes to our furry friends, we often sensation about their dietary favorites and whether they can spoil in various treats. One communal question dog holders have is, “Can dogs eat cat food?” It’s common to catch our canine companions sneaking into the cat’s food bowl. This article will discuss the risks associated with dogs consuming cat food and the fundamental differences between cat and dog nutrition.
Can Dogs Safely Consume Cat Food?
While dogs and cats have different dietary needs, occasional cat food consumption is unlikely to harm your dog significantly. However, it’s essential to remember that cat food is not expressed to meet the nutritious requirements of dogs.
3.1 The Nutritional Needs of Dogs
To confirm your dog remnants healthy, they need a well-balanced diet that comprises:
High-quality proteins for muscle maintenance and repair
Carbohydrates for energy
Important fatty acids for a strong coat and skin
Vitamins and minerals for overall well-being
3.2 The Nutritional Composition of Cat’s Food
Cat’s food is planned to meet the specific supplies of feline physiology. It often covers higher levels of protein and fat, which may not be appropriate for dogs in the long term. Additionally, some cat foods might lack the important nutrients dogs’ requirement for their health.
Can Dogs Overeat Cat Food?
Dogs can certainly eat cat food, but it is essential to monitor their intake prudently. In excess, cat food contains more fat and protein than dog food, which can reason weight gain and other health glitches. It is vital to remember that dog and cat nutrition supplies differ significantly, and cat food may only provide some of the important nutrients dogs need to prosper.
Why is Cat Food Bad for Dogs?
When expended consistently, cat food can be straining a dog’s liver and kidneys because of its high protein and fat content. Furthermore, some cat food may contain certain components that are safe for cats but can damage dogs. For instance, cat food may have higher levels of vitamin A and ta urine, which, when ingested in large quantities, can lead to vitamin toxicity in dogs.
The Difference between Cat and Dog Nutrition
The main difference between cat and dog nutrition lies in their nutritional requirements. Cats are force flesh-eaters, meaning their diets mainly consist of meat. In difference, dogs are omnivores and requirement a balanced diet of proteins, starches, and fats. Dogs need a diversity of nutrients, including vitamin D, as they cannot production it from sunlight as cats can. Making informed diet choices for pets requires sympathetic these differences.
Tell you the Difference between Dog Foods.
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What is the best way to prevent dogs from eating cat food?
Preventing dogs from raiding the cat’s food bowl requires some management and training. Here are a few helpful tips to keep your pup away from cat food:
Separate Feeding Areas:
Designate separate eating areas for your dog and cat. Place their bowls in different rooms or at a distance that is not easily accessible for the other pet.
Feeding Schedule:
Establish consistent feeding schedules for both pets. It will prevent dogs from eating the cat’s food and help their digestion.
Elevated Feeding:
Consider using elevated feeding stations for cats. Cats can jump onto higher surfaces, making it difficult for dogs to reach their food.
Training Commands:
Teach your dog basic obedience commands like “leave it” or “stay” to discourage them from approaching the cat’s food.
Supervise your pets during meal times, especially in the initial stages. It will allow you to redirect your dog’s attention if they attempt to eat the cat’s food.
Why Do Dogs Love Cat Food?
One of the main reasons dogs are drawn to cat food is its developed fat and protein content. These nutrients are often more edible to dogs and can create a partiality for cat food over their own. Moreover, the smell and taste of cat food can petition to dogs, making it hard for them to struggle.
What If My Dog Accidentally Eats Cat Food?
It is improbable that your dog will suffer any important harm if he consumes a small amount of cat food by coincidence. If it becomes a regular occurrence or your dog consumes a large quantity, you should monitor them carefully for any signs of digestive upset. In such cases, you should refer your veterinarian for proper management.
Can Puppies Eat Cat Food?
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If you want to see this in more detail, you can click on this link to view it, Can Dogs Eat Cat Food?
Can Small Dogs Eat Dry Cat Food?
Small dogs have different nutritional needs compared to their larger complements. While some small dogs may stand the occasional consumption of dry cat food, it is not an appropriate spare for their regular diet. Small dog breeds need the right balance of nutrients to uphold their health, and feeding them cat food can lead to inequities and health problems over time.
If you want to obtain more information about wet cat food, click on this link. How Much Dry Food to Feed a Cat per Day: A Comprehensive Guide
Potential Risks of Dogs Eating Cat’s Food
While occasional nibbling on a cat’s food may not cause immediate harm, continuous consumption can lead to several health issues for dogs.
Digestive Issues
Cat food is rich in proteins and fats, which could lead to digestive upset in dogs, causing symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or gastrointestinal discomfort.
Obesity and Weight Gain
Due to its high-calorie content, lengthy cat food ingesting can lead to obesity in dogs, particularly those with an inactive lifestyle.
Nutritional Imbalance
Regularly eating cat food might result in nutritional deficiencies in dogs, leading to various health problems.
Allergies and Sensitivities
Some dogs may grow allergies or compassion to certain constituents commonly found in cat food, leading to skin or gastrointestinal problems.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are There Any Health Risks If My Dog Eats Cat Food Frequently?
Yes, there are health risks related with regular cat food ingesting for dogs. The higher fat and protein content can lead to weight increase and stress on the organs.
Can Be Eating Cat Food Because G astral Problems in Dogs?
Yes, overwhelming cat food regularly can lead to peptic problems such as upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs.
Are There Any Nutritional Assistance for Dogs from Eating Cat Food?
While cat food may contain some helpful nutrients, it is not expressed to meet all the specific nutritional supplies of dogs.
What Are the Components in Cat Food That May Be Harmful to Dogs?
Cat food may contain higher vitamin A and ta urine levels, which can harm dogs in large quantities.
Should I Be Worried If My Dog Occasionally Eats Cat Food?
An occasional nibble is unlikely to cause important harm, but regular ingesting can lead to health issues in the long run.
Can Dog Food Be Harmful to Cats If They Eat It?
Dog food lacks certain nutrients that cats need to thrive, so regular dog food consumption is not recommended for cats.
Are There Any Long-Term Effects of Dogs Consuming Cat Food?
Long-term ingesting of cat food can principal to obesity, nutrient imbalances, and strain on the liver and kidneys in dogs.
My Dog Ate Cat Food, What Should I Do Now?
If your dog ate a small amount of cat food and appears fine, closely monitor them for any signs of discomfort. If any problems arise, consult your veterinarian for leadership.
In conclusion, while dogs can eat cat food, it is not suggested due to the alterations in their nutritious needs. Cat food is advanced in fat and protein, which can lead to health glitches if expended frequently. It’s essential to ensure your dog is fed a balanced diet designed for their requirements. By implementing proper feeding strategies and understanding the potential
originally published at https://petsbestdiet.com
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anayafiha · 10 months
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Exclusive Offer: Feline Fresh Natural Pine Cat Litter 1-Pack!
Feline Fresh Natural Pine Cat Litter minimizes pet odors to help keep you and your furry friend happy. This product is made of 100 percent pure southern yellow pine pellets, which neutralize ammonia smells from urine that can linger inside of a cat box. It also lasts longer than most clay litters. This biodegradable cat litter doesn't contain any chemical additives, making it a more environmentally friendly choice that's safer for your pet. This non-toxic, flushable product absorbs up to four times more odor-causing liquid than competing brands. It doesn't create any dust, so your cat won't track it throughout the house. Stock up on this 7 lb Feline Fresh cat litter for every litter box in your home. Whether you have one or multiple cats, you'll find that it creates less mess than many other brands and is quick and easy to use. It's also available in a clumping variety (sold separately).
Visit our online store www.a2z-productsales.com to place your order today and experience the difference of Feline Fresh!
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