#Castlevania nocturne spoilers
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alucarddaily · 1 month ago
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"Love is a fragile, capricious thing in this cold, fleeting world. But if anything can redeem anyone, then yes. Love can redeem them."
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aquilaofarkham · 1 month ago
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ifishouldvanish · 1 month ago
Olrox!! Olrox no!!! The redemptive nature of love is NOT deontological!!! Your ethic of care has gotten twisted, bro!! It is not enough to do something out of love!!! Your expression of care cannot be successful if the object of that care is not receptive to it and the consequences it brings!! You're repeating the cycle of trauma that brought you here in the first place!! Olrox—!!!
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serialsunset · 1 month ago
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Now WHERE has the love been for her???????
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mysteryanimator · 1 month ago
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This is just episode 8 HAHAHA
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anxitea-shop · 1 month ago
This scene intrigued me a lot:
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"I am afraid Olrox" ,HE IS AFRAID OF DEATH DESPITE HIM TELLING US THAT MONKS SHOULD NOT FEAR DEATHHH , and he tells Olrox. He wants comfort, wants A WAY OUT. He does not want to DIE. I feel this is a half permission for the 'DEED'.
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On the other hand, Olrox listens intently, and it's attentive, he comforts him, secures him, mulls over THAT way of saving him, take times to.
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Orlox comforts him phisically, and not only that, its a romantic gesture, affection, "It's gonna be fine", and the words MY LOVE the ultimate we AND THEM need to hear that, they indeed are connected more that phisically.
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Mizrak is scared of what's to come, of turning of course, BUT DOEST NO REFUSE, is not TERRIFIED to push Olrox away, remember, half permission, half acceptance.
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Resignation, after the pain of the bite, then crying for what's to come, even if hell go to hell, he's not alone.
And as an extra:
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Putting the eroticism aside, Mizrak can no longer bask in that ray of light, he's rigid, unmoving possibly really angry. RIght after this he shows that he IS in a rage, then goes for the Olrox neck, and Olrox let's him , because HE IS THE FIRST drop of blood that he starvingly wants. In some works vampires, are drinking each other's blood and is seen as erotic and can be equalled with s3x, as they feel euphoria.
And in conclusion:
I'm crying my heart out right now, credit for this analysis to @b-l-u-e-equinox , she did an amazing job!
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Thank you for reading
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movfie · 1 month ago
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They’re perfect ❤️
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medu-nefer · 1 month ago
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go-haywire · 1 year ago
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Castlevania: Nocturne | 1x07 | Blood Is The Only Way
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prettynerdieworks · 1 year ago
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I CANNOT be the only one who was waiting for him to say this, right?
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spandexinspace · 1 year ago
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Castlevania: Nocturne 01.08 - "Devourer of Light"
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divineandmajesticinone · 1 year ago
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CASTLEVANIA: NOCTURNE (2023-) I 1.06 "Guilty Men to Be Judged"
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ifishouldvanish · 1 month ago
This is probably me reading waaayyy to much into things BUT I'm presently being haunted by Thoughts™ of that last scene with Olrox and Mizrak.
Like Mizrak spends the season doubting his standing with God and trying to atone for the role he played in realizing the abbot's plans. He's wracked with guilt and knows that hell is waiting for him.
And then we have Olrox who knows this, knows what he's done, knows how he feels about it. We see him physically hold Mizrak back and force him to stop and look at what he has wrought. Yet every time Mizrak dismisses him, Olrox returns to basically yell, "I know! I know, and I still love you!" He's extending the grace Mizrak is certain he does not deserve in the eyes of his God.
One of the more crucial myths about Quetzalcoatl is a story in which humanity has been killed off as punishment for vice and greed, or even just as collateral in a spat between deities—but Quetzalcoatl believed in humanity so much that he went to the underworld to retrieve everyone's bones, and, through the sacrifice of his blood, gave humanity the gift of life again.
And I keep thinking about the line, "the devil is easy to cheat".
Of course, the mesoamerican pantheon doesn't have a 'devil' per se, but it does have Mictlantecutli, who is the ruler of their underworld. And a key part of this myth is that when Quetzalcoatl went to the underworld for everyone's bones, he didn't want to give them back. Quetzalcoatl had to use trickery to steal the bones and escape with them.
So I keep thinking about this shot in particular:
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To me, it echoes this one from season 1:
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I've already written about the symbolism of Olrox's introductory scene at some length, so I won't repeat myself here, but I liken this shot of Julia to a sacrifice. So, you know... by proxy I'm now likening Olrox in this last scene to a sacrifice.
But this time the roles are effectively reversed. Julia, a human sacrificed to a god, and Olrox a god (or at least an avatar of one) sacrificing himself for a human, for someone he believes to be deserving of life.
Like I look at this scene and I think about these things and this shot of Olrox seems to say, "drink of my blood, feast upon my flesh". To say, "your God won't save you, but I will." To promise, "if the devil tries to take you, I will venture into hell to steal you back. I will offer myself to grant you life again."
Of course, the life Olrox is giving Mizrak here is a dark and twisted thing, but it's also an achingly beautiful expression of a god's unconditional love.
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serialsunset · 1 month ago
I think Maria killing her dad is one of my top 3 Castlevania moments ever. The lack of score when the dragon comes out of the portal and when it incinerates Emmanuel, it’s fucking eerie and drives home the stakes of the scene. Maria isn’t doing something heroic here, it’s frightening and it’s hollow, even if you agree that Emmanuel deserves it, and I love it. It’s almost a denial of catharsis.
And then when Maria can’t send the dragon back, that was such a gut punch. She can’t go back, she can’t will away the thing she’s summoned. Eugh, it all just got me feeling some kinda way.
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Nocturne Season 2 has officially confirmed that Alucard did, in fact, spending at least six generations as the Belmonts' "favorite uncle" and I might curl up and die of cuteness from that statement.
Apparently Juste knew him from meeting him "a total of three days" when he was fourteen, and Juste's father and grandfather "went on and on" about Alucard like he was "some sort of favorite uncle."
Hearing Juste say all of that turned me onto a puddle.
Alucard teasingly/jokingly apologizing for not being around to "bring toys" and "give fishing lessons" while Juste was little was amusing as banter, but I love the implication that Alucard probably did just that for Juste's dad, granddad, and so on.
Alucard's reason for becoming distant with the Belmont family broke my heart 😢
He was "tired of seeing Belmonts die," y'all 😭
Also the line "It's been so long since I was young, I'd forgotten what it was like."
Just kidding, yes I can, give me more!!!!
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optionalgs · 1 month ago
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