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aquilaofarkham · 1 month ago
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years ago
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Rhiannon Draga → Chyler Leigh → Witch
→ Basic Information
Age: 1081
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Powers: Heliokinesis
Birthday: June 21st 
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Religion: Hellenism 
Mark: O Mordha ( Moore )
Generation: 1st
 → Her Personality
Rhiannon has always been motherly, starting first with her younger twin brother and continuing on. In her present stage of life it comes out very clearly in regards to the treatment of her children and her mentees. It can also come across when she deals with younger patients in the emergency room. She is known for being one of the more gentle mentors - often being the one to take on mentees that need a more gentle hand to get them to come out of their shell.   Those with her family’s mark are known to be ambitious and innovative when it comes to growing with their magic. Rhiannon uses this in her work as a Charms Master as well as in her mentoring. Due to her working with mentees that may need a gentler hand, Rhiannon tasks herself with coming up with ways to get them to come into their powers. She likes to have them build up their network of friends and contacts so that they can branch out and learn. Her ambition can get the better of her when it comes to her work in the medical field, and it is largely the reason she became a surgeon in two different areas, and has been contemplating getting another degree in the next couple decades or so. 
Despite her motherly nature, Rhiannon can be known for being rather impulsive in nature. While this trait has calmed slightly since her marriage to Vlad and the birth of their children, she can get into rather sticky situations. She is also rather possessive of her family, something Fallon seems to have inherited from her, much to Rhiannon’s dismay. She has a great awareness of this trait and has been working on controlling her possessiveness to try and move past it. She has gotten better, but she still struggles with it. Her age can make her prone to bouts of depression, which tends to be worse during the cold winter months. She tries to focus on various activities during this time in the hopes of combatting her moods. During these months, it is far easier for her anger to fly out of control and for her to become vindictive or cruel to those who push her too far.  Her anger is also something that she is working on - again, her husband and children being the major factor in her wanting to get it under control. She also doesn’t like to become harsh with her mentees and it can be a problem during her depressive moods. 
 → Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Trauma and Plastic Surgeon and Charm Master
Scars: 3 Claw Mark Scars From a Cat Shifter 
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Early Morning Runs and Experimenting with Charms
Two Dislikes: Pineapple and Cinnamon 
Two Fears: Losing Her Family and Cages
Two Hobbies: Making Pottery and Making Charms
Three Positive Traits: Ambitious, Compassionate, Gentle  
Three Negative Traits: Stubborn, Possessive, Impulsive 
→Her Connections
Parent Names:
Aurina (Mother): Rhiannon had a strained relationship with her mother almost from the start. Aurina favored Deaglan over Rhiannon, often leaving her on her own. As Rhiannon got older it only became worse, eventually leading to Rhiannon’s leaving.
Sibling Names:
Deaglan Moore (Brother): Rhiannon is older than Deaglan by 2 minutes and the short time did nothing to quell her motherly instincts. However, due to Aurina’s very obvious favoritism of Deaglan, the two fought often all the way up to when Rhiannon left home. They reconnected years later and have since worked through their issues. The two are extremely close and have made sure to keep in touch over the centuries. 
Children Names:
Fallon Draga (Daughter): Rhannon and Fallon have a challenging relationship. She tries to spend as much time with her and Alucard as her busy schedule will allow. However, she is very aware of Fallon’s feelings about her mentoring another Heliokinetic. Rhiannon sat down with Fallon recently to talk to her about attending therapy about the jealousy issues currently directed at Raul. Fallon agreed and Rhiannon is thinking about taking some time off in the next few years to dedicate to spending time with her husband and children. 
Alucard Draga (Son): Alucard is far easier to deal with than his sister. He has always been the calmer of the two, and he doesn’t share the same issues as Fallon when it comes to having jealousy. Rhiannon loves that Alucard finds it so easy to make friends and she is thankful that has hobbies that he enjoys so much. She does her best to make it to his lacrosse games to cheer him on. 
Romantic Connections:
Cormac Flynn (Late Husband): Rhiannon and Cormac met and married when she was in her early 20’s. They were married for about a decade before he was fatally injured in a battle. Losing Cormac was heartbreaking for Rhiannon and is an underlying cause to her sometimes over protective tendencies towards her family. 
Vladimir Draga (Husband): Rhiannon and Vlad have been together for almost 300 years. He is the only person she had wanted to start a family with since her first husband died. Vlad means everything to her and she is happier now with Vlad than she has ever been before. Vlad always seems to know what she is thinking and what she needs. 
Platonic Connections:
Nathaniel Clarke (Mentee): Rhiannon took Nathaniel as a mentee due to his powers and overly quiet nature. She is hoping that since their powers compliment each other, it will help him feel more comfortable and he will come out of his shell.
Raul Santiago (Mentee): She was thrilled to find out that another Helio user was in Chicago and more than happy to mentor him. He is doing well, and she is pleased with his progress on his advanced powers. She allows him to sit down with Vlad on their days out of training in order for him to learn spell crafting. 
Lyla Wilhelm (Former Mentee): Lyla caught her eye when Lyla and Emmett moved to Chicago. Rhiannon approached her offering her a mentor ship and the two became fast friends. Their relationship was close enough that when Lyla and Emmett wanted Vlad to train Audo, Rhiannon was more than happy to speak with her husband. Lyla has always been a figure in her children’s lives as well, taking care of them when they were little and Rhiannon and Vlad had engagements to take care of. Rhiannon already knows that if she and Vlad were to ever have more children, she would trust them with Lyla in a heartbeat. 
Emmett Wilhelm (Friendly): Despite her husband’s dislike of Emmett, Rhiannon is quite friendly with him. The two met through Emmett’s wife Lyla while Rhiannon was training her, and Rhiannon even spoke to Vlad about mentoring Audo for them. 
Eimear (Former Mentor): Eimear is the first of the supernatural world that Rhiannon ever came into contact with. She travelled with Eimear for a large portion of her early life, learning how to control her powers and blend into human society. They parted ways not long after Rhiannon reached her mid-500’s.  Rhiannon hears from Eimear very rarely, but the two have kept in touch.
Kudzai Rinker (Friend/Council Member): Rhiannon is friends with both Kudzai and Minsky outside of being Council Members together, and she and Vlad used to join them for couples night. Having a friend who is around her age is a great help when it comes to understanding melancholy that can take hold of witches and warlocks. Rhiannon’s heart broke for Kudzai and Minsky when Jamie died, and she has done everything she can to be there for her friend. 
Minsky Edison (Friend/Council Member): Minsky is one of Rhiannon’s close friends. The two met some time ago and have gotten on well ever since. They have been known to spend some time together outside of the council meetings, particularly before he and Kudzai separated when Minsky, Kudzai, Rhiannon and Vlad would all have couple nights together. Rhiannon knows that losing Jamie was hard on both Kudzai and Minsky and tries to be there for anything her friend needs. 
Jace Cicero (Friend/Council Member): Rhiannon considers Jace a friend and is thankful that he took Fallon on as his mentee. She knows that Fallon can be a handful but she also knows that Jace is a dedicated mentor. There is no one else that she would pick to be training her daughter. 
Ronan Cleirigh (Council Member): Aside from Council meetings, Rhiannon does not see a great deal of Ronan. She respects him as a powerful warlock. 
Lawrence Cocci (Former Mentee): Despite their mentoring relationship not lasting very long, Rhiannon and Lawrence keep in touch. She was glad that even with their short time together she was able to help him learn and master his phoenix form. 
Nathan Cleirigh (Friend): Rhiannon and Fallon both go and see Nathan regularly, and Rhiannon has sent patients to him. 
Viktor Draga (Brother-In-Law): Viktor and Vara were both travelling with Vlad when Rhiannon met them. Rhiannon has always been close to Viktor and enjoys spending her time with him. The two of them got into a lot of trouble when they were younger and traveling. Rhiannon enjoys those memories. 
Vara Sookram (Sister-In-Law): Viktor and Vara were both travelling with Vlad when Rhiannon met them. Vara and Rhiannon have a standing brunch date set for every Thursday. Rhiannon often goes to Vara when she wishes to discuss things to surprise Vlad. 
Villard Draga (Brother-In-Law): Villard is the youngest of Vlad’s siblings. They don't really get along well, as Villard tends to act too immature for both her and Vlad’s liking, making it a rare thing when he comes to visit. 
Vaughn Draga (Brother-In-Law): Vaughn is the eldest of Vlad’s siblings, but is the newest addition to the family. Rhiannon likes him and tends to get along with him alright, but she is not as close to Vaughn as she is Viktor and Vara. 
Hostile Connections:
None, Rhiannon doesn’t bother keeping up with it. 
Lyr (Maine Coon Cat Familiar): Rhiannon has had Lyr for some time and he is her constant companion. 
→ History
Rhiannon and her twin brother were born to a young woman by the name of Aurina. She and her brother grew up in a small village on the coast of what would later become Ireland. Rhiannon’s childhood was somewhat idyllic, despite a constant tendency to butt heads with her mother. She and her brother were both gifted with great magical prowess, though they both went largely untrained for most of their lives. When Rhiannon reached 20 years old, she had a fight with her mother that ended up leading to her setting off on her own and eventually marrying a young man. However, their marriage didn’t last long, as about 8 years after they married he was killed in a battle between two clans.
Rhiannon then left the area she had lived in for most of her life, wanting to find somewhere to call home. She spent a good 100 to 150 years on her own, teaching herself how to survive. She was alone until she met an older witch by the name of Eimear. Eimear offered to teach Rhiannon how to control her powers and how to properly survive and interact with the mortal world. The two remained together for almost 400 years before Eimear told Rhiannon there was nothing more she could teach her. The two parted ways and Rhiannon began to travel on her own once more.
After some time, Rhiannon came into contact with a warlock named Vladimir Draga and his family. Vladimir and Rhiannon eventually began courting and after some time, were married. She began travelling with them, the family settling every so often as they made their way across the world. Eventually, they made their way to the New World. They moved around the country before settling in what would become Chicago. They have been together for close to 300 years and now have two children, twins named Fallon and Alucard, who were born a little over 70 years ago. → The Present
Rhiannon has been thinking about taking on other mentees in addition to Raul and Nathaniel, but has yet to find anyone that catches her eye. She has also been thinking about focusing on having a mentee that is for charms rather than someone who is for a section of their powers. However, again, she’s yet to find anyone and has begun to wonder if her lack of finding someone is an indicator of needing a break. She has thought about taking time off from being a mentor once Raul and Nathaniel have moved on and just focus on working on her charms. She has also been debating talking to Vlad about them going off somewhere for a decade or so, either with Fallon and Alucard or even just the two of them.
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happyk44 · 1 month ago
[ID: The first two images show Alucard standing in front of Olrox, who is holding Mizrak protectively close in his arms. The two of them look at each other as Alucard says, "Not the first time you've saved my life."
The third image is of tags reading: #alucard castlevania #olrox #castlevania olrox #DID THEY HAVE A THING?????? HOW MUCH DID ALUCARD GET AROUND DURING THOSE 300 YEARS /end ID]
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