#Castiel's POV
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bloodydeanwinchester · 1 year ago
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dean immediately clocking 2014!dean's jealousy like "what could this mean???"
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inlovewhithafairytale · 9 months ago
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POV: Dating this emotionally unstable man and being his comfort. or Dating Dean winchester
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 months ago
Romantic Theory
Romantic Theory by 2street2car Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 6.9k
Dean doesn’t just remember Hell; he remembers being raised from it, too.
Dean’s back from Hell. He’s… acting a little odd, a little “kooky,” as Bobby says. But that’s to be expected when a guy comes back from the dead and crawls his way out of his own grave, right?
Especially since the thing that saved him swallowed him whole in the process. 
This is Lazarus Rising but told a little to the left.
I was one of the lucky people who got to watch that particular episode completely blind. I remember the growing feeling of dread as Bobby, Sam, and Dean try to figure out what brought Dean back to life. This fic makes me experience that again, but multiplied by one hundred— even upon reread.
This fic is told through multiple POVs: the gas station owner as he watches video footage of Dean’s return, Ruby, Sam, and Bobby. We watch Dean’s strange behaviour through them. The use of outsider POVs is very effective as, while the events are familiar to us as they follow the plot of the episode, the new perspective allows the author to really lean into the horror of everything that happens. If this story was told through Dean’s eyes, this fic would be completely different. By the end of the fic, the reader is on the edge of their seat waiting for Cas to arrive. 
Primed and ready for the closing lines to steal their breath away.
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leoisalright · 1 month ago
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random spn doodles from my sketchbook :0
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mixtpecas · 7 months ago
cause the thing about romantic theory for me is. dean knows cas from hell - someplace dean thought he would be for eternity, where he was the worst possible version of himself he could be. nobody could ever save him and nobody would ever choose to save him if they could see what he had become - until something did. something more powerful than dean could even understand saw him at his worst and still saved him. and this makes dean feel so devoted and grateful that he takes all of these actions as signs of goodness. but bobby sees it from the outside and sees the way cas looks at dean. and all bobby knows is dean's scar in the shape of a hand and bleeding ears and broken glass and pamela's burnt out eyes. and bobby knows that just because someone did something out of love doesn't mean they're anything close to good.
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polymona · 13 days ago
How spn s16 should start:
…heat of the moment ♪
Sam’s eyes flew open. He glanced around in confusion.
♫ Telling me what my heart meant ♪
It’s his old room in the bunker. How? What? Last he remembered he was an old man on his deathbed. Dying. Wait. He did die.
♪ The heat of the moment showed in your eyes ♫
Is this heaven? No. He flailed his arm wildly at the clock radio trying to silence that infernal song. No, Asia would be the last thing playing in Sam’s personal heaven.
The music just wouldn’t stop, even after several attempts of hasty button mashing in the dark.
♫ 'Cause it's the heat of the moment The heat of the moment The heat of the moment ♪
Giving up on the alarm clock, Sam scrambled out of bed to click on a light—and caught his reflection in the mirror.
♪ The heat of the moment showed in your eyes ♫
He’s young again. Not a single grey hair in sight. Oh god, his family, his wife! Wait, what was her name again? Did he marry Eileen? The memories of an entire life were fading so quickly now. He was left with only a blurry face when he tried to picture the woman he married.
♫ And when your looks have gone and you're alone ♪
Okay this is freaky. Who is doing this? What is going on?
♪ How many nights you sit beside the phone? ♫
That raises a good question, Sam thought. Where even is my phone? It wasn’t on the bedside charger, or anywhere on his person. The one thing that could clear up many of his uncertainties such as what year it is was mysteriously nowhere to be found.
♫ What were the things you wanted for yourself? ♪
That’s enough, Sam thought, unplugging the clock radio entirely and returning silence to the room.
It was quiet enough that he could hear footsteps outside.
"Planning on sleeping all day, Sammy?"
"Dean." You’re alive. I haven’t seen you in years. I lived a whole life without you in it.
"You alright, Sammy?" Dean asked carefully, as he took in the disheveled look of the room that Sam had practically torn apart trying to locate his phone. That and Sam was looking at Dean like he could cry. "Rough night?"
"Fine. Everything’s fine." Sam said stiffly. "How are you?"
"Awesome," Dean replied, stretching in his hotdog jammies and dead-guy robe. "Or I would be if someone would quit hogging all of the hot water." He gestured down the hallway. "Anyway, coffee and breakfast awaits."
"Wait, what?" Sam said, quickly tossing on a hoodie and following Dean down the hallway.
"…says he likes the way the water molecules feel, but we all know that the only reason anyone takes that long is…" Dean punctuated his sentence with a rude gesture with his fist and a waggle of his eyebrows.
"Dude," Sam frowned, but then had a sudden realization. "Cas is in the shower?"
This was all happening so fast. Sam couldn’t even begin to process that not only was he suddenly young again, Dean didn’t die years ago on a rusty nail, and Castiel was alive and well and thoroughly enjoying the bunker’s facilities.
"Hello Dean," Castiel greeted warmly, appearing in the hallway still dripping wet from his shower wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. "Apologies, I forgot to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom."
Sam watched as his brother fought to keep his eyes on Castiel’s face, but kept flicking over his expansive bare chest to his wide shoulders and back around to his lips. Huh.
"No problem, sunshine," Dean said, quickly averting his eyes. "Just get your ass to the kitchen table before your omelet gets cold."
"Yes, Dean." Castiel replied, eyeing Dean like he was the only breakfast menu item he was interested in devouring today.
If I’m dead, there’s no way this is my personal heaven because I would not want to be reliving my brother and his best friend eye-fucking each other every damn day for the rest of eternity.
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melanieathene · 20 days ago
Thy Will Be Done
I didn’t understand much of anything when I was Jack, just Jack, Lucifer’s new-born son. Everything was new to me. I was new to myself. I didn’t know if I was good or bad, I simply was. And who knows what I might have become, had Cas not been there for me from the start.
Cas... and the Winchesters. Three father figures for the orphan who had expected none. Not that Dean trusted me at first. And who could blame him? Power without reason or control is a scary thing. But he trusted Cas, and that gave me the hope that he would someday come to trust me too.
That trust was not easily won. There were far too many setbacks, too many times when he hated me, even wanted to kill me. But nevertheless, in his own gruff way, Dean taught me duty, respect — and who better to teach me righteousness than the Righteous Man himself.
Sam gave me friendship. He taught me patience, diligence, and nurtured my insatiable thirst for knowledge.
And Cas? Cas taught me love. Free and pure, love flowed from him to Sam, to Dean, to me — you did not have to be an angel to see it. He was my protector. He believed in me when I did not even believe in myself.
We were a strange, dysfunctional family. But we were family. All four of us believed that.
And then Cas was taken by the Empty...
And, soon after that, I became God. All Chuck’s power, all His knowledge poured into me. And because my three fathers had helped shape the man I was, so too they shaped the God that I became: kind and just; forgiving and peaceful; all knowing and, most of all, full of love.
I loved all of my adoptive fathers. I loved all of the humans and angels now in my care. But, most of all, I loved Cas. Although I had become the Father of All, still he was my father. There was so much more he had to teach me...
I could not be without him. And so, I took him from the Empty. He and those whose names he spoke of with the greatest longing, with the deepest affection: Joshua, Balthazar, Anna, Gabriel, Samandriel. These angels all became my trusted lieutenants as we began to reform Heaven into all that a heaven should be, but Cas was my right hand man. I trusted his opinion above all others. And in all things we were were in complete agreement, save for one crucial matter...
Earth was for living humans. That was my firm belief, and so it became my law. Earth did not require divine intervention. It had seen far too much of that under my predecessor's reign. I would keep an eye on the happenings there, of course, but it was off limits to the angels. This was hard for Cas to accept. He raged, he wept, but I could not — would not — allow any exceptions. Not even for my favourite father. Over and over, he begged to become human himself, but this too I would not allow. I needed him by my side.
For a while, all was well. Great progress was made. Angels and human souls worked together, and perfect harmony prevailed.
In all hearts but one...
Clearly, the greater portion of his heart remained on Earth, with one human in particular.
I once naively thought there were limitations on love: the heart is only so big; it has room for only a select few. As God, my comprehension expanded to encompass love for all. But, what I initially failed to understand, is that there are different types of love — and while all of them are true, not all of them are equal.
Cas loved me as a son.
Cas loved Sam as a brother.
But Dean... Ah, that was a different story.
I had always known that Cas loved Dean but, only now, as I saw the omnipresent sadness on his face, did I begin to understand the fathomless depths of that great love. The desire that lay behind it. The passion, the longing for more. The sad conviction that it could never be. The acknowledgement that love, unrequited, was the cruelest love of all.
But I also knew something that he did not know: Dean loved him too.
Something in Dean died when the Empty stole Cas away. He tried to hide it; he had no time to lose himself to grief with the world to save. And, after that war was won, he put on a brave show. He buried his feelings deep. He forced a smile on his face and lived each day as if it were a gauntlet he had to run.
He was tired. Bone-deep weary.
When the vampire’s attack impaled him on a protruding nail, Dean welcomed death as an old friend. He didn’t pray. He thought the angel he had always prayed to was lost to him forever. What further use had he for prayer? He believed the nail to be a fatal blow, that it saved him from the slow death that was his life.
And I — I who could have healed him with a thought, who could have given Sam’s mind the tiny nudge it needed to override Dean’s protests and call the paramedics — I let him die.
As Dean had always suspected I might be, I was the instrument of his death. My will, not the nail, ended his days on Earth. Because Cas needed to be with him, and Dean needed Cas too. How could I stand by and watch them both suffer needlessly?
And so Dean came to Heaven.
It took a while for Cas to forgive me for that. It took longer still for him to overcome his fear of facing Dean, of hearing what Dean’s response to his ill-timed declaration might be.
But when that reply came, when Dean confessed his love...
The joy it sparked in my heart to see them come together was unlike anything I had ever known, but the joy that flared between them shone brighter than the brightest star.
And so I left them to their happy reunion. Holding each other tight. Locked in a lover’s embrace. Trading kisses and murmuring tender words that had been denied for far too long.
And I looked upon what I had wrought and, lo, it was very good.
* * *
Also posted to AO3. Come and visit me there!
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twinchesterr · 7 days ago
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(Based on an actual conversation I had)
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cascodeddeangirlie · 18 days ago
phone? check. wallet? check. keys? check. soul? check. wait. soul?
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littlebluejaydraws · 1 year ago
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Every fool's got a reason for feeling sorry for himself, and turning his heart to stone
ID: A series of 3 digital drawings showing Dean and Castiel from Supernatural. They are all simple black line drawings on white backgrounds with block shading in grey with occasional red highlights, and lyrics written over the images. The first image shows Dean crawling out of his grave from episode 4x01. The viewpoint is from above, and shows Dean shoulders up emerging from the hole, with a rough wooden cross marking the head of the grave. The lyrics read: "Tonight this fool's halfway to heaven/ and just a mile out of hell". The second image shows Dean stabbing Cas' chest from episode 4x01. The side of Dean's face is just visible to the left of the image, with Cas facing him, and Dean's hand still holding the knife. There is red on Dean's knuckles and running down from where the knife is buried in Cas' chest. The lyrics read: "And I feel like I'm coming home". The third and final drawing shows Cas front on, the pose taken from episode 4x01. There are bullet holes in his coat and red blood running from the tear over his heart, where Dean had stabbed him. There are loosely sketched black wings stretched open behind him. The lyrics read: "These are better days, baby/ There's better days shining through/ These are better days, baby/ Better days with a girl like you". End ID.
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 1 year ago
Prompt: okay but cas would show up with a handful of weeds, with the roots and dirt still on the bottom, and give them to dean because 'it's the human tradition to bring flowers, right?' and dean would 'yeah. yeah cas that's right' because that is how they say i love you @deanspunchingbag
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Title: Surprise me
Pairing: Castiel x Reader (they/them)
Characters: Castiel, Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Word Count: 1,254
Summary: What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Thank Jack that Castiel doesn’t know you’ve been in love with him for a while. If only he would reciprocate your feelings, even a little.
Warnings: Alcohol, consensual licking of arms and neck (sort of)
A/N: This was the first idea I came up with for the prompt and it became self-indulgent. Hush. This is in second person POV.
What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Dean, of course, interrupts you and explains to Castiel, for a couple hours, how to flirt with the ladies and men. You just giggle and chuckle at the stories he tells. It’s even funnier when Dean makes Castiel “practice” these “new moves” on him. Dean keeps at it, and finally the angel seems to be getting the hang of it.
Suddenly, Castiel gets up and goes to get everyone another round of beers, deciding to all get a shot of tequila, salt and lime. He sits back down next to you and distributes everything evenly. He tells you “The bartender said it could be a good tool to flirt with so I thought I’d try, but they didn’t explain how.”
Dean tells Cas to watch Sam and him. Sam and Dean eye each other in their silent communication, they salt and lemon their wrists and lick before shooting the tequila. You giggle when you see their faces.
The brothers aren’t big tequila people,they prefer whiskey or bourbon.
Castiel looks confused and says “That doesn’t seem very flirty.”
You giggle at them and tell Cas that “It isn’t. They’re chicken.”
Castiel then asks you to show him how to shoot the tequila flirtatiously. You know you’re a bit more than buzzed for this, and mumble “What the hell, why not?”
“Okay,” you begin. “I’ll show you. The idea is to make it as close to a body shot as you can, since putting your mouth on someone can be considered flirting if not a potential interest in sex.” You tell him step by step how to make a tequila shot flirty and sexy by taking the ladies wrist—you take Castiel’s wrist, in this case, and place a kiss on the sensitive area/spot inside before licking it.
You tell him how “Most people will laugh it off. That’s when you salt the wet area on their wrist so it sticks.” You salt his wrist and then grab the slice of lime, telling the blue-eyed man to open his mouth only a little. He looks confused, but does as instructed.
You notice Dean and Sam eyeing each other again and nod. They make some excuse to get up, and walk away as you continue teaching the angel.
You stick the lime in Castiel’s mouth to hold it. “The idea is to get a subtle kiss here. They’re going to come and bite the lime to get the juice, and you can either let them have the lime when they do, keep the lime so they only get the juice and you get the lip press, or if you wanna be a true sneak, spit out the lime and get the kiss you want instead.” You smirk at him, not telling him you’ve always been scared to do the latter.
Castiel quirks a brow at you and you have to stop the shiver that it causes, dominating you so easily.
He’d only have to do that brow at you and you’d probably do whatever he says. You can feel yourself beginning to get wet.
Ignoring it, you continue your lesson.
“So, you lick the salt, juice the lime and shoot the tequila, but this is the flirt…sexy way.”
He squints his eyes at you.
“You ready?”
He nods. “Yes.”
Still holding his wrist, you proceed to lick his wrist.
With his free hand, Castiel removes the lime and asks, “If this were you doing this to a man or woman, what would you do?”
“Me?” You ask. “For a guy I wanted to sleep with, I’d just ask him if he wants to go back to my place for sex. Men tend to like directness, from my experience. Women, though, I’d flirt with and tease. I’d probably do what I’m doing right now and make sure I was the one with the lime, so we could make out instead of shooting tequila.”
“You haven’t tried flirting with men?” Castiel inquires.
“I have, but I get nervous for some reason. I’ve taught many friends how to successfully flirt, but for some reason I end up acting like a fish or stuttering when I try to flirt with me.” You roll your eyes and shrug. “It’s easier to be friends with people I like than it is to actually…pursue,” you quietly confess to Castiel.
Castiel tilts his head, keeping his eyes on you for nearly a minute in silence. The silence isn’t awkward, but calming and companionable.
It is one of your favorite things about Castiel, you think to yourself. You can just sit together and do different things, but still feel like you’re engaged and doing something together…or maybe that is just you.
And then, he asks a really weird question: “How do you like to be flirted with?”
You furrow your brow at the question, initially confused, but then you think about it. You look down as you think, then say the first thing that comes to mind when you’ve gone on really good dates. “Be interested in me and actually listen to what I’m telling you. Tell me about you, your past, your history, experiences that I might be able to relate to, about your family and friends, your aspirations…”
Castiel’s head tilts the other way as his blue eyes continue to watch you.
“Be accepting of me and my truths, my authenticity. I may have been born female, but I am very good at taking care of myself. I’m choosing to be here with you when I could be elsewhere. Be satisfied I’m here with you.”
“You are,” agrees Castiel. “And others. You care very deeply about your found family, as you call us.” He uses air quotes and slightly smiles. He leans forward, getting your eye to look into his. He is mere centimeters from your face. “I’m very happy you came out here with me tonight. It makes me very happy to spend time with you.”
“Thanks, Cas,” you give him a small smile, feeling your cheeks heat up. Your brow furrows again. “Cas, are you flirting with me?”
He looks down at his wrist. You follow his gaze and see that you’re still holding it, but resting on the table now. He gives a sheepish smile and nods looking at your hand.
Your heart races as adrenaline pumps through you at this disclosure. You take a deep breath and exhale. Then, you rotate and slide your hand into his. “Okay.”
He looks at you, confused. “What do you do when they realize they’re flirting back?” Worried, Cas’ blue eyes search your face.
You grin at him. “How bout we get outta here, just the two of us?”
It takes him a few extra seconds to connect the dots and nod. “Yes, okay.”
He scoots out of the booth and you follow him, keeping his hand in yours. You look around for the brothers who are sitting at the bar, chatting.
You both walk outside, looking up through the light pollution to see the moon and brilliant Venus close by.
“Where to?” He queries.
“Surprise me, Angel.”
He bends down and plucks a daffodil that has broken through the asphalt parking lot. Castiel hands it to you. “For you.”
You smile and take it, putting it behind your right ear.
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thefableddestiel · 11 months ago
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fandom-eater67 · 1 year ago
I'm the one who gripped you tight-
and shook you so hard to try to get you to see something in yourself that I was the only one who thought to try and see..
and you didn't until your hands touched the dirt of the earth and never resurfaced again.
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allthestaars · 7 months ago
sam winchester you are so important to me
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chlochette-sunde · 5 months ago
14x15 - Peace of Mind
That episode was a Castiel fest, I had such a blast ❤️
I mean:
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And of course the coparenting scenes with Dean and the fight with Justin!Sam (link to The Prisoner / link to the bloopers XD)
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the-gray-ghosty · 1 year ago
"Dean and Sam were obsessed with each other" I say into the mic. The crowd boos. "They're right!" Someone yells from the crowd. It's castiel himself, the angel who witnessed sam and dean's obsessivness more than anyone else. He knows I'm right.
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