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littlebluejaydraws · 2 years ago
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Looking at the creamy surface of the liquid, Castiel wonders why he never thought of doing that, then at Dean's pleased smile, wondering why he did. Map of the World, Chapter 7 / What Love Can Do- Bruce Springsteen
ID: A series of seven digital drawings of Dean and Cas from Supernatural, showing Dean making Cas coffee, along with lyrics from What Love Can Do by Bruce Springsteen. The drawings are all rough sketches in black on a white background, with mid tones in pink in every second image. The lyrics areas follows. 1: "There's a pillar in the temple where I carved your name, there's a soul sitting sad and blue", with Cas sitting at a kitchen table and Dean leaning on the same table looking at him. 2: "Now the remedies you've taken are all in vain", with an image of bottles piled up around a trash can, viewed through the legs of Cas' chair. 3: "Let me show you what love can do, let me show you what love can do", with Dean facing away and pouring coffee into a cup at the kitchen counter. 4: "Darling I can't stop the rain", with a birds-eye-view of a coffee mug as Dean adds sugar to it. 5: "Or turn your black sky blue", with a close up of the coffee mug as Dean passes it to Cas. 6: "Well let me show you what love can do", with Cas taking a drink. 7: "Let me show you what love can do", with Dean and Cas sitting facing each other at the table and smiling. End ID.
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twochildreninamoteldemo · 9 months ago
Crazy thing is that Adam raised a cain really is about both Sam and deans relationship to John in different ways...
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thembo-cowboy · 2 years ago
dean winchester would have lost his mind at lost in the flood by bruce springsteen.
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pinkcadillaccas · 1 year ago
Also not to Springsteenatural but ghosts is a dean song
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micamicster · 3 years ago
Okay, Dean Winchester, Castiel, and Bruce Springsteen, go 👀
This readmore is going to be less of a courtesy for a long post and more of barrier protection between the rest of the dash and the toxic waste simmering beneath <3
So the very meta answer to this is that Bruce Springsteen is a glaring absence on the supernatural soundtrack, despite the soundtrack being consistently a high point of the show and contributing a lot to the show's americana muscle-car aesthetic. Which you would think Bruce Springsteen would be a part of! But the way I've always seen it, Bruce is a much more complex interrogation of american masculinity than supernatural is interested in being. So you've probably heard me say that supernatural would be Good if bruce was on the soundtrack and reflexively if bruce was on the soundtrack supernatural would be a completely different show (secret good supernatural in my head). But it's not about that, it's about characters, so...
Dean: Just like bruce's absence is significant on the show soundtrack, bruce is significantly absent from dean's own music collection. Bruce makes him vaguely uncomfortable in ways that repression boy hasn't and won't analyze. If dean for real ever listened to one bruce springsteen song even once it would crack him like an egg hurled at a passing car so he simply doesn't
Sam: Enjoys him. Brings up the bruce/clarence kissing once to Dean as a sort of experiment to see how dean reacts. Dean reacts by getting super fucking weird and jumpy about it and turning up the music (Prove It All Night) incredibly loud to drown sam out and sam is forced to chalk that up as another inconclusive result to the "is my brother gay or homophobic" question.
Cas: Only likes two categories of music, Music Dean Likes (because dean likes it) and pop girlies (because he's gay im serious this is canon character trait of castiel). If music does'nt fall into those two catagories it is placed in a third catagory known as Unimportant
Linking to my springsteenatural playlist so that you see the full extent of what I'm working with here (brainworms)
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flowernerdcastiel · 2 years ago
okay but My Lover Man by Bruce Springsteen??? a destiel banger. 
i simply LOVE springsteenantural and it’s such a shame we never got to see the winchesters bros blasting thunder road bc the cw was broke
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calvins-dad · 3 years ago
@deanwinchesterapologist 's springsteennatural posting made me realize that yeah, at the end of the day both of them are just dancing in the dark
Link to the YouTube version in the notes!
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nichester · 4 years ago
2020 Creator Wrap!
Favorite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Thanks for tagging me @applepiips <3 I don’t really think of myself as a creator (my main output on this blog is yelling and what might generously be termed meta) but I have made a couple of things this year that I’m proud of, so thank you for thinking of me!
This Tom Yum Goong set: my first experiment with giffing! I had an intense action movie phase of quarantine which the rest of tumblr did not share lol
Mad Moses gifset: which did NOT get enough attention despite being my most galaxy brained take of all time
Lovesick Soundtrack season One and Two: I’m still really proud of these despite not finishing the series (I’m too unloved to watch season 3 rn I will get to it!)
Did not make it this year, but it got like 60 more notes recently so I’m putting it on here anyway: my springsteenatural playlist, aka the soundtrack to the secret good supernatural that lives in my head. ur all welcome.
And of course, this monstrosity, the biggest and most entirely unanticipated quarantine project, and what I’m the most proud of, is Edge of Seventeen, my fic about my first love, Lily Evans.
I’m always nervous to tag other people, but if you’re following me (even if we’re not mutuals) and you haven’t done this yet, please consider yourself tagged, and @ me if you make a post! I want to see everything you’ve made this year!
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supersapphical · 3 years ago
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don't mind me, i'm having a breakdown over bruce springsteen and clarence clemons because bruce said "he was elemental to my life and losing him was like losing the rain" about clarence after his death
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rotzaprachim · 3 years ago
i do feel a single jason isbell song could puncture the whole winchester spinoff thing like a dart into a balloon
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littlebluejaydraws · 1 year ago
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Every fool's got a reason for feeling sorry for himself, and turning his heart to stone
ID: A series of 3 digital drawings showing Dean and Castiel from Supernatural. They are all simple black line drawings on white backgrounds with block shading in grey with occasional red highlights, and lyrics written over the images. The first image shows Dean crawling out of his grave from episode 4x01. The viewpoint is from above, and shows Dean shoulders up emerging from the hole, with a rough wooden cross marking the head of the grave. The lyrics read: "Tonight this fool's halfway to heaven/ and just a mile out of hell". The second image shows Dean stabbing Cas' chest from episode 4x01. The side of Dean's face is just visible to the left of the image, with Cas facing him, and Dean's hand still holding the knife. There is red on Dean's knuckles and running down from where the knife is buried in Cas' chest. The lyrics read: "And I feel like I'm coming home". The third and final drawing shows Cas front on, the pose taken from episode 4x01. There are bullet holes in his coat and red blood running from the tear over his heart, where Dean had stabbed him. There are loosely sketched black wings stretched open behind him. The lyrics read: "These are better days, baby/ There's better days shining through/ These are better days, baby/ Better days with a girl like you". End ID.
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calamitysong · 4 years ago
um well. well. um. you see
hoping to finish amv by tomorrow 🙏
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thevioletcaptain · 3 years ago
terrible news i'm back on my springsteenatural bullshit
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pinkcadillaccas · 4 years ago
Bruce Springsteen has daddy issues and that is why every Springsteen song is about dean Winchester in some respect
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samofnazareth · 4 years ago
everyone wants to talk about springsteenatural no one wants to talk about wainwrightnatural
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chocolatecakecas · 4 years ago
Dean listens to Bruce Springsteen idk what else to tell you
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