#Cast the Dice 2020
vintagerpg · 10 months
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Like Cairn, Rogueland (2020) is another RPG built out of some of Knave’s DNA, this time combined with Ars Magica’s approach to free form magic.
On the surface, this is a much more D&D-like system. The prime difference, really, is the magic system, which sort of builds off the D&D convention that thieves can use magic items and scrolls without being formally trained in them.
The system is two parts. First, the players needs to make a Wisdom save when confronted with a scroll. Success allows them to attune with the scroll, which reveals the scroll’s randomly generated key words, one for an Action, one for an Object. So, like, Tranform and Sound. Or Destroy and Animal. All spells are assumed to have a range of 40 feet, a duration of level x 10 minutes and does damage (if applicable) of a number of D6 equal to the casters level. There are no other requirements, so spell effects can be as broad or specific as the caster desires so long as it fits within those admittedly loose parameters. Once a spell is cast, the scroll is destroyed (though multiple casters can use a scroll to create an item imbued with the spell properties, which is marginally more stable. Failures produce arcane feedback, resulting in physical damage (in dice equal to the character’s level, so potentially A LOT). Specific effects can also be ignored in favor of harnessing pure arcane energy to damage or heal (a la Wonders & Wickedness).
That’s basically it! There are a couple encounter seeds, some broadly detailed hexes to explore and two dungeons. Quick, clean and efficient.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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Back in P4G. Yukiko's whole thing seems to be that she's so anxious about her family's inn that she misses a lot of social cues, especially ones she doesn't want to deal with right now, like romance. Also, this dude from another school just showed up to ask her out??? Where the fuck is there even another school around here?
Don't go to a second location with strangers.
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I've lived in these exact types of small towns, lmao. They call it a suburb but it's very rural. If you have a fucking field and multiple farmers around, that's a rural town.
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holy shit chie. i'm trying to give you a fair shake here but damn. Punching people in the nuts and asking invasive questions and revealing your best friend has never had a boyfriend is a LOT.
It's very odd but even though everyone here is around the same age as the P3P cast, Chie strikes me as emotionally much younger. But hey, I was harsh on Yukari in P3P and got schooled when she turned out awesome. I got hope for you, Chie.
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Okay so. School was let out suddenly because a murder. ALSO THE BODY WAS HANGING FROM A TELEVISION ANTENNAE. And come to find out, it was the local reporter who's embroiled in some... local... scandal thing? (If this game expects me to care about a councildude who did an affair, idk man, i just work here.)
She was hung upside down. Interesting. As a Hanged Man Stan, I have to say that the card is often about a willing sacrifice. You are suspending yourself in an inverted state in the hope of having some sort of epiphany brought on from the new perspective. It comes at a significant risk though, as you may be dooming yourself to death or madness by taking that chance.
While the Wheel of Fortune is about fate being kind or cruel, Hanged Man is about taking the dice in hand and rolling them. I don't know if this lady was an investigative journalist, but if she happened to place herself in a dangerous situation in the search for a scandalous truth and died for it, that's Hanged Man to a T.
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This shot is pretty.
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Went to the shrine and it told me to get the fuck out. Hey, rude.
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Well at least he let me ride on his bike, that's cute. I can't tell if I like Yosuke (not Yusuke, I guess that's ANOTHER Persona character, whoops) or if I just really like his voice acting. Hard to tell.
After class he invites me out for grilled steak as thanks and uh
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This is entirely my damage of coming from an incredibly food-insecure upbringing, but man, what the fuck, Chie. You already KICKED HIM IN THE NUTS, you don't get to extract more concessions.
Okay, do I like Yosuke, or do I get Cheerful Bully vibes from Chie? HM.
also yukiko you're like 16, please don't even step on a weight scale, goddamn. send me back to Iwatodai, please. I think P4 has mentioned girls' weights more already than in the entirety of P3P.
Anyway, Yukiko is off to work on her very concerning teenage eating disorder while Yosuke takes everyone to the local...
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Junes is easy to dismiss as a Japanese Walmart--
wait. i have to google something right now.
Okay, Walmart tried to move into the Japanese market by purchasing a chain called Seiyu, but as of 2020 they are almost entirely out of the game, sold most of their shares, and apparently they just don't do well in non-American markets. Interesting to know!
ANYWAY MY POINT WAS, Junes is less Walmart and more Target-meets-Costco. A very pleasant place to shop with good marketing and food provided on-site, but also still undercutting and screwing the local businesses. Yosuke works for TargetCo. Costget.
also Chie complains that Yosuke changed the plan from grilled steak to food court and I'm plastering on a smile and chanting give her a chance, we are less than two hours in here.
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Saki works here too, she's "senpai" so I assume a senior, and Yosuke's got a transparent crush and she is Not Interested. Also the vibes are Bad, like she can tell Yosuke is a good guy but his business is putting her family's liquor store in jeopardy, so.
Man, remember when my group drama was whether Junpei and Akihiko could successfully talk to girls at the beach? Man. 😬😬😬
Saki comes over to basically neg Yosuke???? So our man Reverie asks her if she though Terezi and Vriska were pale or black or red until she leaves, saving the day. Phew.
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Aaaaaaand here we go. Some PLOT. Thank you god. Everyone agrees to try the Midnight Channel thingie.
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Did this game have these anime cutscenes originally? I avguely remember them but not how LONG they are. Were these repurposed from the anime or made bespoke? Anyway, they look great.
Saki is on the Midnight Channel, and then our heroic dumbfuck almost gets eaten by the TV.
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good job, idiot.
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talenlee · 11 months
October 2023 Wrapup
Dread Month draws to a close! The spookiest of nights, the dawn of the dead, the uh, thing! We shed our shackles and dance in our bones, and tomorrow, go about the business of being people, once again, sloughing out into the drawing heat and the growing, burning, hateful light of a sun that resents us and we celebrate in spite of it. You know, the normal and natural way everyone relates to this time of the year.
Alright, let’s do the Game Pile articles!
Don’t Go In There, a dice chucker board game made in a charming dice tower
Backwater, a really interesting TTRPG about a post-apocalyptic vision of the parts of America that are allowed to stay permanently soggy
Phantom Ink, a hidden information ghosty game in the vein of Mysterium
Carrion, a video recreation of one of my favourite articles to read aloud from 2020
Then there’s the Story Pile!
Bloodthirsty Hearts, a fiction podcast about queer girls fighting gargoyle vampires at a convention in which they learn the valuable lessons that all systems of privilege and power aren’t as important as talking to your gay crush.
The Lighthouse, a black and white movie about what enters you when you take yourself far away from everything and empty yourself.
Jujutsu Kaisen, spoiler-free, a contextualising post about how a great Shounen Battle Anime with horror elements make the idea of shounen anime nonsense.
John Carpenter’s Halloween, from 1978, a movie that is both way better than I expected, and full of all sorts of deliberate choices that people seem to replicate for no good reasons.
Willy’s Wonderland, which is, unironically a Five Nights At Freddies fan movie made by Nicolas Cage in a month and really quite good!
This month also featured a somewhat bumper load of D&D content. First, I did some worldbuilding for Cobrin’Seil, both in revealing a new location, Uxaion, which is a necrocybermagepunk city. It’s an adventure city where you can contend with economic harm and threats, and where you can also just murder your way through cops that only respect the utility of your body as a potential undead – it’s a place for wight privilege. Then I also presented the player backgrounds for characters you could make from the Szudetken province. Along with that, I made an article about Evil Gods, and the antisemitism built into the framework of the D&D Lich, and since I was just in the territory, I made fun of the 4e D&D Vampire character class, even though I think it’s a great idea. Then, in this month’s How To Be article, where I got to hold high Harrowhark Nonagesimus, drowned sad vomiting goth of the Locked Tomb franchise, I also gave a long-form discussion of how to translate a prominent, small-cast character’s vibes in a team based game.
Up here, there’s also room to talk about an OC, Z3R0, and about the ongoing, relentless onslaught of capitalism in the creation of more than half of all valid Commander cards in the past five years.
This being October, I once again did a set of Dread Readings. I know that a lot of my friends have never partaken of a lot of classic, historically important horror media. At first, Dread Readings were Lovecraft Stories, trying to make the difficult readings of his old texts into something more approachable. Then, the year after, I started picking up short stories from other, equally classic horror material that could help – in my opinion – familiarise people with different kinds of horror that you know, didn’t just continue being Lovecraft.
This year, the four Dread Readings are:
HP Lovecraft’s The Thing On The Doorstep, which I bring up as the time Lovecraft dabbled in issues of gender.
A chapter excerpt from Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind In The Willows, in which Mole and Rat meet the Horned King, a totally normal thing to randomly have in an otherwise pretty Christian book!
Destiny’s No Rez For The Weary, a lore tab entry from a videogame. I liked it because it’s horror in a science fantasy space that isn’t
Paul Jenning’s Granddad’s Gifts, a haunting story from an Australian kid’s author. This is a story I really like as an example of horror used to a different romantic effect than just fear.
It wouldn’t be October, the ongoing Dread Month, without some real downer articles. Do you want to read me being a huge downer? No? Okay, well, here are links anyway. I wrote about the Silent Hill Wiki Circumcision Incident, about how we examine the death toll of Chernobyl, about the way we all live the life of Lovecraft’s horror, about the creation of an alternate reality in the form of all media that wants to pretend the Pandemic never happened, and most of all, the horror of a history seeing suicide by immolation become more common. Know what really sucks? Since writing that article I remembered the Arab Spring was kicked off by another one!
Next up, what about this month’s T-Shirt? Since I’ve been watching Jujutsu Kaisen, this horse meme and the narrative of the series came together:
This design was one of those ones where I, with enough work, was able to put together a few variations. Redbubble lets me stick things in collections, and so, here! Have a collection for your consideration of which version looks best to you.
Work-wise, this month is the tail end of semester, which means I have been, I think, marking student work every single day of this month. I’m trying to make sure my students are getting attention they need, and still also provide plans to my cohort of teachers about how we can refine these subjects going forward. This is in addition to my phd work, which…
It’s weird?
I’m excited to work more on my phd tomorrow morning. Like I am genuinely thinking about the stuff I stopped working on today and want to pick up tomorrow. There’s a mindset shift on that front that’s been really hard to get my head around. I’m glad of it.
I’m also kind of boiling with game ideas, and without a theme – and with the upcoming no effort november vibes I’m aiming for… we might see more chill vibes going forward!
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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tlbodine · 2 years
Vampire Double Feature
Our newest film challenge puts us at the mercy of a random number generator -- which is a fun way to find stuff I might not otherwise know about and try watching things that may be outside our comfort zone. And because randomness is fun. (Yes I stole this idea from a podcast and no I'm not sorry)
Anyway, I previously posted a list of vampire movies we shortlisted for our first roll, "pure-horror vampires." Below are the two we settled on.
Afflicted (2013) is the directorial debut of Canadian filmmakers Derek Lee and Clif Prowse, who also play the main characters. It's a found-footage style low-budget film following a pair of dudes on a Eurotrip that goes horribly awry when one of them comes down with a slight case of vampirism.
Sensing a path to viral fame, they initially document and upload his transformation, but things soon take a dark turn. What follows is a lot of body horror (achieved often with some neat practical effects and camera tricks, which I appreciate)
This is a perfectly solid film and deserves a lot more attention than it got. It's doing something clever with vampirism, the characters are reasonably genre savvy, and while the plot doesn't really tread any new ground or uncover any brilliant wisdom, it's a perfectly fine showcase for some cool effects. I have certainly seen significantly worse found footage movies.
We joked (but it's totally true) that this movie and What We Do in the Shadows should be essential viewing for newbie Vampire: The Masquerade players -- the "what you think the game will be like" vs "what the game is actually like" experiences.
My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To (2020) was written and directed by Jonathan Cuartas. It's about two siblings struggling to care for the, uh, special needs of their younger brother. Needs that involve, among other things, not exposing him to sunlight and routinely killing people so he can drink their blood.
Let me just get this part out of the way: this is not a "true horror" type movie. For that part of the dice roll, it fails. I did really like it, though. It's the sort of film I enjoy a lot -- a tiny cast, minimal settings, microbudget indie film with a primary focus on character interaction, dialogue-driven storytelling, rich atmosphere and compelling, messy themes that get explored without a clear resolution.
I think most of those type of movies fall under the "mumblecore" genre. Around here we just call them Tiana Movies, and I fucking love them.
Anyway. So the central conflict of this film is that vampirism is a chronic, debilitating disease, and however tragic and sweet their baby brother is, being his full-time caretakers has begun to take a tremendous toll on the older siblings. Caring for him is an unreasonable ask -- they have to find new victims all the time, run a perpetual risk of being caught or injured in the process, and their lifestyle forces them into social isolation and poverty. It's not fair that they have to do this. But if they don't, who will? There is no security net in place to protect baby vampires.
The movie lingers on the painful realities of this "unmovable object, unstoppable force" conundrum, winding its way toward an inevitable tragic conclusion. But in painting the situation as hopeless, I think the film actually shines a light on all the many ways their situation could have been better -- which is, I think, the function of a really good tragedy.
I'm curious to hear people's reads on this movie through a lens of ableism, because on the one hand it is bleak in its resolutions...but on the other hand, I think the question it asks is a valid one. It's a movie that leaves you with a lot to think about, if you let yourself engage with the material.
I think it would make an excellent double feature with Lamb, for reasons that are difficult to articulate but which feel very accurate. If anybody has seen this movie, please come talk to me about it.
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moonlitcomet · 2 years
Two asks for now if you don’t mind:
Which OC that you currently still draw is the oldest, as in when you created them?
What’s some lore about Soul Rune Cier that hasn’t been mentioned on world anvil yet?
Lol good call on "that I currently still draw", because Luchrokt was made in 2015, but Chris was made in 2009 [albeit I don't draw him anymore].
As for SRC lore... hmm. The Cierian Trading Card Game [CTCG] is something I made a while back and gets mentioned in passing, even had its own detailed ruleset and several cards I made for that purpose back in 2020.
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I realized about midway through it that the CTCG would be better off as a simple video game than an actual card game due to how the stats are calculated.
The Cierian Trading Card Game is a massive-scale card game spanning thousands upon thousands of people, characters, creatures, and objects found throughout Cier. Popular duelists, RHGs, actors, heroes… etc. Chances are if you're well known at least somewhere, either famously or infamously, you have a card. They're created by the company Fangdemon, which produces other similar merch such as shirts and posters- most famously their card game, though. Fangdemon pays royalties to every living person they make and sell cards of, either through direct donations into bank accounts or couriers designated to provide a selling service. The card game is designed to be simple[lol], with basic stats and attacks for every card. 
There are the STAT POINTS - Health - Physical damage you can take. Once this stat reaches 0 your card is knocked out for the rest of the game. Attack - How much damage you deal with a standard attack. Dice rolls determine the range of your damage dealt. Defense - How much you can resist damage, represented as a percentage. 200% will reduce damage taken by half. [High-rolled turns can bypass Defense stat entirely] Speed - Determines which card will move first in a round. Spirit - Ability to resist SPIRIT damage. If this stat reaches 0, your card's DEFENSE will drop every turn.
There are the CHARACTER CLASSES - Attack - Based around attacking and dealing damage. Has high attacking stats. Defense - Based around defense and taking hits for other characters. Status - Based around inflicting ailments and buffs/debuffs to other characters.
There are the ATTACK TYPES - The left ATTACK on the front side of your card is your active. This deals a fixed amount of damage and may or may not have a bonus effect latched onto it [such as a defense boost or debuff]. The right ATTACK on the front side of your card is your passive. Upon certain conditions being met, it will be activated and will either deal damage or add an effect to your/your opponent's card[s].
There are the ARCANE TYPES - The type of ARCANE on your cards is based on the COLOR OF THE HIGHLIGHT AROUND YOUR CARD'S TEXT. BASIC - White highlight. Does nothing. FIRE - Orange highlight. Has a 20% chance of inflicting the BURN condition which deals a token of damage every turn. WATER - Blue highlight. Extinguishes the BURN condition. LIFE - Green highlight. Has a 5% chance of healing a token of damage upon casting an attack. EARTH - Beige highlight. Has a chance of naturally hitting multiple enemies. DARK - Black highlight with white text. Has a 20% chance of inflicting DARK TAINT which deals a token of SPIRIT damage every turn. LIGHT - Yellow highlight. Has a 20% chance of healing DARK-inflicted statuses on user/ally. MECHA - Silver highlight. Has a 10% chance of increasing the user's DEFENSE. TOXICA - Purple highlight. Has a 20% chance of inflicting the POISON condition which deals a token of damage every turn.
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radwolf76 · 2 years
2022 Tumblr Top 10
1). 270 notes - Jul 27 2022
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(See also the followup posts.)
2). 177 notes - May 15 2022
Color Theory in the Shower
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3). 167 notes - Sep 5 2022
Nyan Cat at the DragonCon 2022 Masquerade Contest
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4). 108 notes - Mar 12 2022
The House Panthers Are Confused With A Sudden Lack Of Couch
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(See also the followup posts.)
5). 95 notes - Aug 15 2022
Remember The Absurdly Large Ball Of Yarn From A Few Days Ago?
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(Note: this is a full grown, 12 pound adult cat, not a kitten. that yarn’s just that absurdly large.)
6). 70 notes - Apr 12 2022
Prepare yourselves, it's almost time again.
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(I can’t go a single year without at least one Homestuck-related post in my Top 10. This one was from 4/12, Homestuck Eve)
7). 53 notes - Aug 12 2022
You ever look at a scene in a movie, and say to yourself, “THIS. This is exactly why they were cast in their later iconic role.”?
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(See also this reply post.)
8). 47 notes - Aug 28 2022
Smudge Needed A Day Off, So Lucky Is Filling In
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(My first Blazed post, in celebration of hitting 1,000 Followers.)
9). 47 notes - Apr 7 2022
(Weird Al, working Quality Control at the Schcukman Pharmaceutical Company’s Nasal Decongestant Factory)
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10). 40 notes - Jun 4 2022
I know I've told the story here before, but I actually found the Netflix promotional shirt I wore to work an after-hours Blockbuster store inventory back in 2000
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Honorable Mentions:
My 1,152 Followers (Up 33% from last year).
[tumblr]’s own Year in Review generator , which only lists half the posts of @jetblackcode​‘s TumblrTop10 but does offer up a bunch of other stats.
My Miette Halloween Costume post from 2021, which last year at this time was at 428 Notes, but blew up this year and is at 6186 Notes, becoming my most popular post ever.
My reply to a video of Dr. Tatiana Erukhimova stabbing a potato with a knife and hammer, consisting of an image of Bill Nye captioned “Inertia is a property of Matter”. None of the [tumblr] stats tools that I’ve found tell you what your most popular reblogs are, but I was seeing likes and reblogs on that reblog several times a day every day for a few months.
Similarly, my replies to posts by both spitblaze and chansaw. If I had a nickel for every time someone posted advice to new [tumblr] users that was just the text of “This is not a place of honor ...” long term nuclear waste burial site warning, and I replied with a photoshop of the DashCon Ball Pit in front of the proposed “Field of Spikes” warning monument ... I’d have two nickles, but it’s weird that it happened twice. But one of those posts inspired @th3b33skn33s​ to draw some wonderful art of a genetically engineered Ray Cat hissing angrily at the [tumblr] t in the ball pit as its bio-luminescence genes are triggered by the elevated radiation.
Some impromptu crafting the other day to make more storage for my ever expanding dice collection inspired others to go do the same.
The couch was not the only new furniture that the housepanthers had to adjust to.
Like everyone else, I had a post queued for the April First Crash.
I mess around with Hero Forge a lot, and post my stuff here and on the /r/heroforgeminis/ subreddit. The CEO of the company saw a .gif I had made, and decided that .gif making needed to be an official feature.
The Netflix shirt from 2000 mentioned above, that I found while emptying out my storage unit, wasn’t the only treasure unearthed. This Big Mac styrofoam clamshell did better numbers on reddit than here, but my most popular reddit post is still only a third the size of my most popular [tumblr] post.
And if you hadn’t noticed from two fifths of the top ten list, the household has new cats this year. We still miss the old boys especially around the holidays, but the Voids bring us much love and laughter.
Previous Year’s Top Tens: 2021, 2020, 2019
Created by TumblrTop10
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arcadian-vampire · 2 years
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Beginning of the pandemic (2020) -> year Whatever The Din Fuck of the pandemic (cast ur vote here roll the dice spin a wheel ur guess is better than mine at this point)
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dkbpics · 4 months
dates are tagged (year(XX))(month)(day)
ex: 200225 (february 25th, 2020)
post will be dated according to kst, even if posted from another country, so as to not make it harder for myself.
i post seongsik's (teo) pictures/videos here, but that does not mean that i condone what he did nor think that he should be allowed back in the group. you can still search for his pictures along with ot9 pictures, but i will not link to them.
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go by member
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go by era
Youth | Sorry Mama (미안해 엄마)
LOVE | Still (오늘도 여전히)
GROWTH | Work Hard (난 일해)
The dice is cast | ALL IN
REBEL | Sober
Autumn | 24/7
PEAK TIME | Coco Colada | Turning Point (prod. 周宪)
I Need Love
We Love You | 말했잖아 | All Yours
HIP | What The Hell
Urban Ride | Flirting X
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go by site
[concept photos]
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Lee Changmin | E-Chan
Jang Dongil | D1
Kim Gwanghyun | GK
Yang Heechan
Jeong Seongmin | Lune
Hwang Junseo
Amanuma Yuku
Han Harry-June
Name Day
! ! !
i will post videos at some point but since pictures are easier, those will come first
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ligiaonwlz · 9 months
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"It is no honor to be tolerated. Every spiritual tradition says love your neighbor as yourself, not tolerate them."
- Isabel Wilkerson, “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” (2020)
(ID: an image of the book, "Caste: The Origins of our Discontent"by Isabel Wilkerson in English and in Spanish. Behind the words on the cover of the book are different people in black and white. Below the book is the quote that was said above in the post.)
"No es ningún honor ser tolerado. Cada tradición espiritual dice: ama a otros como a ti mismo, no lo toleres".
- Isabel Wilkerson, “Casta: Los orígenes de nuestros descontentos” (2020)
(D: una imagen del libro "Casta: el origen de lo que nos divide" de Isabel Wilkerson. Detrás de las palabras en la portada del libro hay diferentes personas en blanco y negro, en, inglés y en español. En la imagen en inglés tiene debajo del libro la cita que se dijo arriba.)
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roll-britannia · 11 months
0 notes
sounds-right · 1 year
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Dal 30 giugno 2023 è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme di streaming "TUTTI I SANTI" (Blackcandy Produzioni), nuovo ep di Giulia Pratelli dal quale è estratto l'omonimo singolo in rotazione radiofonica. "Tutti i santi" è un brano che prova in qualche modo a descrivere la distanza più difficile da misurare e raccontare che è probabilmente quella che ci separa da chi se n'è andato per sempre, spalancando una piccola crepa affinché da questa possano entrare (e uscire) i sentimenti, i ricordi, la rabbia, la nostalgia e tutte le imprecazioni possibili. Un piccolo percorso per ritrovare quella voglia di cantare che in certi momenti ci abbandona ma poi, in un modo o in un altro, ritorna. 
Spiega l'artista a proposito del brano: "Nella vita accadono cose che non dovrebbero accadere mai, come la perdita di un'amica, di una persona cara e importante. In momenti come quelli si può provare ad incollare la crepa o spalancarla del tutto, lasciando entrare e uscire sentimenti, ricordi, abitudini. TUTTI I SANTI sono quelli a cui rivolgersi, anche malamente, di fronte a ciò che sembra insuperabile e che ci fa passare la voglia di cantare... che però prima o poi, senza sapere come, per fortuna ritorna." 
"Tutti i santI" è un piccolo EP homemade, che contiene due brani inediti e una nuova versione di "Nodi" (già contenuta in TUTTO BENE, 2017) interpretata qui in duetto con Setak, cantautore abruzzese e amico di Giulia. I tre pezzi sperimentano sfaccettature diverse dello stesso tema: la distanza.  Il lavoro, prodotto e arrangiato da Luca Guidi, è breve ma intenso e in esso le canzoni di Giulia si affidano a sfumature nuove e atmosfere sospese, che ruotano attorno alla chitarra, elettrica e acustica. 
L'illustrazione e l'artwork sono opera di DISEGNACCI (Riccardo Pratesi), amico e artista meraviglioso che, giocando con il titolo del lavoro, ha preso spunto dall'idea di una vetrata medievale per rielaborarla in chiave laica e moderna. A fianco e attorno alla figura centrale della cantautrice, infatti, si notano vari elementi che raccontano il lavoro e le canzoni che lo compongono, come il microfono, la casa, i nodi. 
Tutti i santi
Come Stai
Aggiunge l'artista sulla nuova release: "Questo EP è un lavoro piccolo e sincero, un breve percorso che attraversa tre possibili luoghi della distanza: quella irrimediabile di Tutti i santi, quella da accorciare di Come stai, quella di cui prendere possesso e consapevolezza di Nodi. Senza particolare pianificazione e nonostante provengano da momenti diversi, queste tre canzoni hanno trovato una casa comune e mi hanno portata nello stesso posto perché, come dice un amico, dopotutto la musica sa dove andare". 
Giulia Pratelli, che ha più volte attirato l'attenzione di grandi artisti quali Fiorello (che dal 2014 l'ha accolta nel cast della sua Edicola Fiore), Enrico Ruggeri e Grazia De Michele, negli anni è stata ospite nel concerto di Marco Masini, mentre ha aperto i live di Edoardo Bennato, Diodato e Mirkoeilcane. Nel 2018 è la cantautrice a dare la spinta propulsiva per creare e organizzare "Come è profondo il mare", uno spettacolo in omaggio alla musica di Lucio Dalla che la porta a cantare nei teatri e locali italiani insieme a Tommaso Novi, Giorgio Mannucci e Luca Guidi. Nell'estate 2020 apre alcuni concerti di Paolo Benvegnù. Nello stesso anno entra a far parte della scuderia di Blackcandy e l'inizio della collaborazione è segnato dalla pubblicazione di "Un'altra domenica (canzone a casa)", brano del quale qualche mese dopo verrà pubblicata una speciale live session acustica. A gennaio 2022 esce l'album "Nel mio stomaco" anticipato dal singolo "Qualcuno che ti vuole bene" feat. Bianco. "Tutti i santi" è il nuovo ep di Giulia Pratelli disponibile dal 30 giugno 2023 dal quale è estratto l'omonimo singolo in rotazione radiofonica.

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tarditardi · 1 year
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Dal 30 giugno 2023 è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme di streaming "TUTTI I SANTI" (Blackcandy Produzioni), nuovo ep di Giulia Pratelli dal quale è estratto l'omonimo singolo in rotazione radiofonica. "Tutti i santi" è un brano che prova in qualche modo a descrivere la distanza più difficile da misurare e raccontare che è probabilmente quella che ci separa da chi se n'è andato per sempre, spalancando una piccola crepa affinché da questa possano entrare (e uscire) i sentimenti, i ricordi, la rabbia, la nostalgia e tutte le imprecazioni possibili. Un piccolo percorso per ritrovare quella voglia di cantare che in certi momenti ci abbandona ma poi, in un modo o in un altro, ritorna. 
Spiega l'artista a proposito del brano: "Nella vita accadono cose che non dovrebbero accadere mai, come la perdita di un'amica, di una persona cara e importante. In momenti come quelli si può provare ad incollare la crepa o spalancarla del tutto, lasciando entrare e uscire sentimenti, ricordi, abitudini. TUTTI I SANTI sono quelli a cui rivolgersi, anche malamente, di fronte a ciò che sembra insuperabile e che ci fa passare la voglia di cantare... che però prima o poi, senza sapere come, per fortuna ritorna." 
"Tutti i santI" è un piccolo EP homemade, che contiene due brani inediti e una nuova versione di "Nodi" (già contenuta in TUTTO BENE, 2017) interpretata qui in duetto con Setak, cantautore abruzzese e amico di Giulia. I tre pezzi sperimentano sfaccettature diverse dello stesso tema: la distanza.  Il lavoro, prodotto e arrangiato da Luca Guidi, è breve ma intenso e in esso le canzoni di Giulia si affidano a sfumature nuove e atmosfere sospese, che ruotano attorno alla chitarra, elettrica e acustica. 
L'illustrazione e l'artwork sono opera di DISEGNACCI (Riccardo Pratesi), amico e artista meraviglioso che, giocando con il titolo del lavoro, ha preso spunto dall'idea di una vetrata medievale per rielaborarla in chiave laica e moderna. A fianco e attorno alla figura centrale della cantautrice, infatti, si notano vari elementi che raccontano il lavoro e le canzoni che lo compongono, come il microfono, la casa, i nodi. 
Tutti i santi
Come Stai
Aggiunge l'artista sulla nuova release: "Questo EP è un lavoro piccolo e sincero, un breve percorso che attraversa tre possibili luoghi della distanza: quella irrimediabile di Tutti i santi, quella da accorciare di Come stai, quella di cui prendere possesso e consapevolezza di Nodi. Senza particolare pianificazione e nonostante provengano da momenti diversi, queste tre canzoni hanno trovato una casa comune e mi hanno portata nello stesso posto perché, come dice un amico, dopotutto la musica sa dove andare". 
Giulia Pratelli, che ha più volte attirato l'attenzione di grandi artisti quali Fiorello (che dal 2014 l'ha accolta nel cast della sua Edicola Fiore), Enrico Ruggeri e Grazia De Michele, negli anni è stata ospite nel concerto di Marco Masini, mentre ha aperto i live di Edoardo Bennato, Diodato e Mirkoeilcane. Nel 2018 è la cantautrice a dare la spinta propulsiva per creare e organizzare "Come è profondo il mare", uno spettacolo in omaggio alla musica di Lucio Dalla che la porta a cantare nei teatri e locali italiani insieme a Tommaso Novi, Giorgio Mannucci e Luca Guidi. Nell'estate 2020 apre alcuni concerti di Paolo Benvegnù. Nello stesso anno entra a far parte della scuderia di Blackcandy e l'inizio della collaborazione è segnato dalla pubblicazione di "Un'altra domenica (canzone a casa)", brano del quale qualche mese dopo verrà pubblicata una speciale live session acustica. A gennaio 2022 esce l'album "Nel mio stomaco" anticipato dal singolo "Qualcuno che ti vuole bene" feat. Bianco. "Tutti i santi" è il nuovo ep di Giulia Pratelli disponibile dal 30 giugno 2023 dal quale è estratto l'omonimo singolo in rotazione radiofonica.

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Dal 30 giugno 2023 è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme di streaming "TUTTI I SANTI" (Blackcandy Produzioni), nuovo ep di Giulia Pratelli dal quale è estratto l'omonimo singolo in rotazione radiofonica. "Tutti i santi" è un brano che prova in qualche modo a descrivere la distanza più difficile da misurare e raccontare che è probabilmente quella che ci separa da chi se n'è andato per sempre, spalancando una piccola crepa affinché da questa possano entrare (e uscire) i sentimenti, i ricordi, la rabbia, la nostalgia e tutte le imprecazioni possibili. Un piccolo percorso per ritrovare quella voglia di cantare che in certi momenti ci abbandona ma poi, in un modo o in un altro, ritorna. 
Spiega l'artista a proposito del brano: "Nella vita accadono cose che non dovrebbero accadere mai, come la perdita di un'amica, di una persona cara e importante. In momenti come quelli si può provare ad incollare la crepa o spalancarla del tutto, lasciando entrare e uscire sentimenti, ricordi, abitudini. TUTTI I SANTI sono quelli a cui rivolgersi, anche malamente, di fronte a ciò che sembra insuperabile e che ci fa passare la voglia di cantare... che però prima o poi, senza sapere come, per fortuna ritorna." 
"Tutti i santI" è un piccolo EP homemade, che contiene due brani inediti e una nuova versione di "Nodi" (già contenuta in TUTTO BENE, 2017) interpretata qui in duetto con Setak, cantautore abruzzese e amico di Giulia. I tre pezzi sperimentano sfaccettature diverse dello stesso tema: la distanza.  Il lavoro, prodotto e arrangiato da Luca Guidi, è breve ma intenso e in esso le canzoni di Giulia si affidano a sfumature nuove e atmosfere sospese, che ruotano attorno alla chitarra, elettrica e acustica. 
L'illustrazione e l'artwork sono opera di DISEGNACCI (Riccardo Pratesi), amico e artista meraviglioso che, giocando con il titolo del lavoro, ha preso spunto dall'idea di una vetrata medievale per rielaborarla in chiave laica e moderna. A fianco e attorno alla figura centrale della cantautrice, infatti, si notano vari elementi che raccontano il lavoro e le canzoni che lo compongono, come il microfono, la casa, i nodi. 
Tutti i santi
Come Stai
Aggiunge l'artista sulla nuova release: "Questo EP è un lavoro piccolo e sincero, un breve percorso che attraversa tre possibili luoghi della distanza: quella irrimediabile di Tutti i santi, quella da accorciare di Come stai, quella di cui prendere possesso e consapevolezza di Nodi. Senza particolare pianificazione e nonostante provengano da momenti diversi, queste tre canzoni hanno trovato una casa comune e mi hanno portata nello stesso posto perché, come dice un amico, dopotutto la musica sa dove andare". 
Giulia Pratelli, che ha più volte attirato l'attenzione di grandi artisti quali Fiorello (che dal 2014 l'ha accolta nel cast della sua Edicola Fiore), Enrico Ruggeri e Grazia De Michele, negli anni è stata ospite nel concerto di Marco Masini, mentre ha aperto i live di Edoardo Bennato, Diodato e Mirkoeilcane. Nel 2018 è la cantautrice a dare la spinta propulsiva per creare e organizzare "Come è profondo il mare", uno spettacolo in omaggio alla musica di Lucio Dalla che la porta a cantare nei teatri e locali italiani insieme a Tommaso Novi, Giorgio Mannucci e Luca Guidi. Nell'estate 2020 apre alcuni concerti di Paolo Benvegnù. Nello stesso anno entra a far parte della scuderia di Blackcandy e l'inizio della collaborazione è segnato dalla pubblicazione di "Un'altra domenica (canzone a casa)", brano del quale qualche mese dopo verrà pubblicata una speciale live session acustica. A gennaio 2022 esce l'album "Nel mio stomaco" anticipato dal singolo "Qualcuno che ti vuole bene" feat. Bianco. "Tutti i santi" è il nuovo ep di Giulia Pratelli disponibile dal 30 giugno 2023 dal quale è estratto l'omonimo singolo in rotazione radiofonica.
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micro961 · 2 years
Leea Clem in lizza per la Finale dell’Euronewmusic
L’artista di Bari si esibirà nel contest internazionale che quest'anno farà tappa in Italia
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Leea Clem, vola a Brescia per la fase finale dell’EURONEWMUSIC – The European Song Contest, il grande concorso europeo per emergenti.
Originale, creativa emozionale e talentuosa, con il suo sound internazionale Giulia Clemente in arte Leea Clem, giovanissima cantautrice pugliese, in un percorso lungo 3 mesi, con il suo brano è riuscita a convincere la direzione artistica di Euronewmusic – The European Song Contest e ad aggiudicarsi così a pieno merito un posto nell’attesa semifinale del Contest, che si terrà nei giorni 28-29 ottobre 2022 presso il Teatro Gloria di Montichiari in provincia di Brescia, in cui affronterà l’ultima sfida da sostenere per arrivare a recitare un ruolo da protagonista nella Finale Europea del prossimo 30 ottobre sempre al Teatro Gloria, stupenda cornice di questa tre giorni di musica.
Il traguardo raggiunto da Leea, 17 anni di Bari è davvero importante considerando gli oltre 300 tra artisti e band partecipanti provenienti da tutta Europa.
Durante le semifinali, alle quali Leea Clem prenderà parte, andranno in scena le performance degli artisti provenienti da tutte le regioni d’Italia per un vero e proprio Live Show.
Leea, dopo aver partecipato alla verifica di idoneità e successivamente alla fase “Casting Online”, il 29 ottobre si esibirà live al cospetto di giudici che nella musica hanno e continuano a lasciare una traccia davvero indelebile quali Diego Spagnoli da oltre 40 anni con Vasco Rossi e svolge il ruolo di direttore di palco nonché di " Maestro di Cerimonia", Chicco Gussoni chitarrista fra più richiesti nel panorama musicale pop italiano dal 2018 nella band di Claudio Baglioni dopo aver suonato praticamente con “tutti” e non a caso nel 2011 la prestigiosa rivista musicale InSound, gli ha conferito il premio come “ Miglior Chitarrista elettrico italiano”, Massimo Biggi speaker radiofonico da sempre appassionato di musica tanto da portarlo ad ideare e condurre programmi dedicati alla sua storia e Roberto Bazzani da oltre 20 anni regista radiofonico a RTL 102.5 la prima radio nazionale.
Un sogno per tutti i giovani artisti emergenti italiani che per Leea Clem è partito facendo ascoltare il suo inedito “Fool for you” alla Direzione Artistica composta da Demis Facchinetti Artista con ottimi risultati, nel 2010 terzo a “Italia’s Got Talent” e nel 2016 entra nella compilation “Sognando Sanremo” con grandi artisti della musica italiana come Renato Zero, Nek, Patti Pravo e tanti altri con il brano “100 Baci”, dal 2020 discografico e produttore, Vincenzo Damasco artista e autore musicale con un background musicale di tutto rispetto culminati nel 2018 quando presso il Conservatorio “Nicola Sala” di Benevento e si laurea in “Composizione con i mezzi elettroacustici”, e Antonio Carlo Lava un nome che ai più dice poco perché dietro le quinte ma nel mondo della musica da oltre 20 anni, dove ha collaborato con i maggiori artisti a livello nazionale tra cui J-Ax, Paola Turci, Marco Mengoni, Biagio Antonacci, Francesco Renga, Fabrizio Moro e altri, facendo loro da personal security e road manager nei loro tour e nelle attività di marketing legate alle promozioni dei loro brani; è stato per anni il personal assistant di Adriano Celentano ed ha partecipato a diversi Festival di Sanremo facendo parte dello staff di Claudio Baglioni.
Leea ha convinto la direzione artistica che ha valutato la traccia da lei inviata tenendo in considerazione i seguenti criteri di valutazione, arrangiamento, tecnica vocale e strumentale e qualità del brano interpretato, criteri essenziali e imprescindibili che gli hanno permesso di essere tra i 40 semifinalisti di EURONEWMUSIC – The European Song Contest e rincorrere il sogno di vincere questo prestigioso contest.
Il prossimo appuntamento per Leea Clem con Euronewmusic sarà il 29 ottobre al Teatro Gloria di Montichiari per scoprire se, con il suo talento, si meriterà l’accesso alla Finale che si svolgerà sullo stesso palco il 30 ottobre.
 Isabel Zolli Promotion Agency
Sede Operativa: via Simone De Saint Bon 47 – Roma
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xxdustnight88 · 4 years
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Chasing Away Your Chills
Fandom(s): Harry Potter/Supernatural Challenge: October 13th: Huddling for Warmth Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Ginny Weasley Rating: Explicit Summary: While on a solo camping trip to the States, Ginny decides that she wants to go home. As if by fate, she stumbles upon Dean in the forest and suddenly life becomes an adventure again. Word Count: 4,950 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27410668
Written as part of the #31DaysOfWritingChallenge and for @xover-connection and @rarehpbingo
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xover-connection · 4 years
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Weeks 2 & 3 Round Up: July 5th-17th 2020
Title: Books and Soul Bonds Author: GaeilgeRua Rated: General Audience Pairing: Loki/Pansy Parkinson/Thor   Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Fours Trope: Arranged/Forced Marriage   Word Count: 1,193 Summary: While on holiday, Pansy finds that she’s unable to leave her work at home. How will it affect her time away?  
Title: Celebrations in the Sun Author: GaeilgeRua Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: 3 of a Kind Trope: Birthday Word Count: 2,527 Summary: Tony plans a surprise vacation to celebrate important events in his husband and wife's lives. A trip to a tropical location makes everyone happy.
Title: An Escape from her Thesis  Author: starrnobella Rated: General Audiences Pairing: Hermione Granger/James "Bucky" Barnes Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Small Straight Trope: Almost Kiss Word Count: 2,623 Summary: Grad school took up all of Hermione Granger's precious free time. If she wasn't in the library, she was at home sitting behind her computer typing away at her thesis. One night she decided that she had earned a break and agreed to a date with a gentleman she met by happenstance getting coffee one afternoon. That break may have been the best decision she had ever made.
Title: Hidden Feelings Author: articcat621 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Hermione Granger/Sherlock Holmes, Hermione Granger/John Watson Universes: Harry Potter, Sherlock Score Fulfilled: 4 of a Kind Trope: Wedding Word Count: 559 Summary: Hermione's wedding day is full of joy, but also a little heartbreak.
Title: Mischievous Abounds Author: Aleysia Snape Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Loki/Hermione Granger/Dr. Stephen Strange Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Twos Trope: Magical Accidents Word Count: 513 Summary: Loki accidentally ingest Amortentia thinking it was alcohol.
Title: Not Quite Forgotten Author: remarkable1 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Sorting Hat/Cloak of Levitation Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Large Straight Trope: Birthday Word Count: 893 Summary: Why can't Doctor Strange find the Cloak of Levitation? Why is the Sorting Hat so sad?
Title: Precious Memories Author: xxDustNight88 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Tony Stark/Pansy Parkinson Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Full House Trope: Hurt/Comfort Word Count: 4,351 Summary: It's almost their fifth wedding anniversary and Tony wants to do something special to celebrate. In his search for some of Pansy's favorite memories, Tony learns quite a bit about what she holds dear, and what he does as well.
Title: Reforged Friendships Author: VoldyIsMyFather Rated: Mature Pairing: Sirius Black/Natasha Romanoff Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Twos Trope: Locked in a Room Word Count: 885 Summary: Trapped in an unused classroom, Natasha and Sirius re-evaluate their friendship
Title: Shades Author: SquarePeg72 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Loki/Pansy Parkinson Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Large Straight Trope: Almost Kiss Word Count: 1,217 Summary: Loki decides to break Pansy out of her break up blues by taking her to a festival. Will it work?
Title: Time Portal Author: Aleysia Snape Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Hermione Granger/Dr. Stephen Strange Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Score Fulfilled: Sixes Trope: Locked in a Room Word Count: 525 Summary: Hermione stumbles upon a mystic room and tries to use Alohomora to get her out.
Title: What Can Never Be Author: remarkable1 Rated: Mature Pairing: Young Albus Dumbledore/Lady Sif Universes: Fantastic Beasts, Marvel Score Fulfilled: 3 of a Kind Trope: Friends with Benefits Word Count: 1,049 Summary: An unlikely, clandestine exchange between men and gods, and an even more unlikely friendship exchange, that can never become more.
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