#Cass has marked Danny as hers
proneterror204 · 1 day
Vampire Cass!
Stupid Fruitloop and his stupid schemes! Right on Danny's class trip to Wayne Enterprises in Gotham, Vlad tested his Plasmius Maximus 2.0. Effectively taking away all of his Ghost powers for the whole day. In Gotham! He looks enough like a Wayne kid! He swears he already feels watched from the shadows.
Cass was restless. There was something in Gotham that was driving her instincts crazy. She already had her special smoothie from Alfred to curve her cravings, but there was something in town she needed to sink her teeth into. She needs to find it.
He's lost. Of course he's lost. just his luck he gets separated from his class and lost. Stupid Dash pushed him right into a dark alley! This is Gotham! He was literally almost mugged! Sam and Tucker weren't gonna answering his texts. Mr.Lancer had taken their phones because of Tuckers tech addiction being a distraction. "Not paying attention in Gotham could lead to disaster." How about being in trouble and needing to call for help? Great! now he's lost in an alley and... Someone was right behind him weren't they?
Cass was on the boy in an instant. He had good fighting instincts, but not good enough. She ducked under the punch he threw and grabbed his wrist. He used the other arm to block, she grabbed that wrist to and pinned both arms over his head and held them there with one arm. He then rammed his knee into her gut, but wasn't nearly strong enough to stop her. She grabbed the leg by the outer thigh and lifted it up moving closer into the boy. Putting her leg in-between his and leaning forward into his neck to drink.
Danny had no idea what was going on! He was standing on one leg, pinned against a wall, arms held above his head, and a woman was biting his neck. A sharp sting on his neck made him whine. He couldn't think straight and was starting to feel dizzy. The woman on him let out a sensual moan and he felt himself drift into unconsciousness. "whelp, second times the charm" Danny thought as he drifted away.
This boy tasted so good! He was like nothing she had ever tasted before! There was something foreign and exotic in his blood. When she had bitten him he gave out this little whine that was SO attractive, She had involuntarily moaned into him. She was enjoying every moment of this. The way he felt, tasted, smelled, the way he... He was unconscious! OH No! Too much! She needed to pull out now!
Danny woke up in his hotel room for the school trip. He still had his clothes on- Nope never mind! This was not his shirt! His favorite white shirt with the red oval was gone and now he was wearing a black shirt with one of the bat symbols on it. And his neck hurt!
"Cass where did you get that shirt?" Tim was sneaking into the kitchen, trying to get another cup of coffee. Where he found his sister in a obviously well-worn white and red shirt that he had never seen before. It clearly wasn't Cass's, though he knew she was a clothes thieve. She only gave him a smug look and said "mine".
Danny has no idea what happened in Gotham or how he got this mark on his neck. But he knows Vlad won't stop staring at it and won't come within 10 feet of him. He literally used it to case Vlad out of his house and down the street. It was hilarious! Maybe he should go back to Gotham and try to find out what happened.
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dcxdpdabbles · 18 days
I saw a post, and it has given me Ideas
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(gonna just copy & paste what I put in discord)
I'm thinking. what if, say, soulmarks have A Shape that all soulmarks Just Are. like, a square with swirly shit inside, and danny has a soulmark
but it's the wrong shape
now imagine, if you will, someone actually from the DC dimension has a soulmark that's the same shape as danny's
I.E. the wrong one
(gonna say cass because of course I am)
so you've got one person in this universe who has a soulmark that is a different shape to literally every other sentient or sapient being in said universe, and then you have danny, who either for his whole life had a random mark on his body that nobody knew what the fuck it was, or, upon entering the DC universe, he suddenly has A Thing on his body
(imma say on his left shoulderblade)
and so plot happens, he makes friends with cass. maybe he decides to try ballet, maybe she's mugged whilst in civvies and danny intervenes, who knows
(also, you can pry Built-Like-The-Lovechild-Of-A-Fridge-And-A-Brick-Shithouse danny from my cold dead hands)
but, let's say 6-12 months down the track, cass and danny are hanging out (they tell themselves that but literally everyone else can tell they have feelings for one another)
and a rogue attacks
and they zero in on cass because Wayne
and danny Does Not React Well
since there's no GIW here, he transforms into phantom, and lo & behold, there's no more DP on his chest. instead, it's The Soulmark
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I like the idea that fate still gave Danny a soulmate, and Danny was not raised with this idea of the one being totally against it. It's fascinating that he has a mark he never understood but called a birthmark because that is what it was to him. Noting more and nothing less, even if it's an undeniable symbol, one could even say it looks like a tattoo with how intentional the shape is. And now it's so much more.
He thinks the reason people are so obsessed with birthmarks in this world is cultural differences. He doesn't bother to ask because then he would stand out for not knowing. This is something even little kids have a concept about.
They all just accept that their soulmate is out there waiting for them. Danny, though? He never had that idea while growing up. Oh, he knows the concept of having that one special someone, but to actually have the universe decide who that someone is for him before he was even born? He doesn't like it, nor does he agree. He sees the universe attempting to take his free will from him.
Does that stop him from going insane the moment he thinks Cass, the lovely woman who had a similar outlook on soulmate marks as him (She was always wrong. Her mark came out wrong. No one has a mark like her. She has no one. She refuses to let that break her so she turns her nose up at soulmates) is in danger? Nope.
He goes full monster mood and Cass can see her mark on him and she is so weirdly excited. Yeah he's a monster of nightmares but he's kinda hot and funny. Plus, he can cook!
Bruce may not like him, but Alfred will, and that's all the approval she needs.
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Soulmark AU again
So in this AU, Dani was born to look 8 (I never understood why she looked 12 but whatever. Danny was 14 in this AU) and Damian arrived at Gotham when he was 10.
Dani traveled the world for around a year before she meet Damian when they were 9. Damian is with the League at that time
Obviously, they are soulmates. You can decide their mark.
As per League custom, any heir must kill or destroy any distractions.
And that includes Soulmates (because Ra’s is an ass)
So, Damian’s first solo mission, he has to track down his soulmate and kill her.
But when it was time, he couldn’t do it.
He let her go, telling her to never contact or try to find him, and he would do the same. Dani leave, very angry (Poor Baby bat didn’t think he had another option)
He burned the body of a dead deer, and told his mother that he scattered Danielle’s ashes in the river.
Years go by, Damian moves to Gotham, and never mentions Danielle to his family. He didn’t even tell them that he knew who they were. He was ashamed 9f what he tried to do. Even if he didn’t manage to succeed.
When they’re both 16-17, Damian comes across Danielle in Gotham (she doesn’t know he was there. She never tried to look for him)
And because she was left dry by her soulmate when she was 9, she’s kind of bitter.
So she leaves, but she told him he would have to deal with her presence because she and her older brother are in Gotham for the foreseeable future.
Damian sees this as a golden chance to get her forgiveness and gain her trust.
The only way for that to happen is if his family doesn’t meddle. The only ways that’ll happen is if they doing know.
So Damian never tells them.
Dani doesn’t tell Damian she’s a ghost, nor why she and Dante are in Gotham (GIW got a hold on Danny and he’s healing in the GZ)
Dani attends Gotham Academy with Valds money. And she and Damian share a couple of classes. Meanwhile, the GIW is in Gotham searching for the High Princess and High Prince. Siblings of the King.
Shenanigans include
-Damian and Jason becoming a regular at the bookstore Dani works at, but they come at different times.
-Steph and Cass are on a date when they run into Damian and Dani, also on a date. It quickly becomes a double date.
-Alfred and Clockwork are old friends and Alfred is either a ghost or extremely liminal.
-Titus and Cujo friendship.
-Wiggles the dragon. I recently found out he existed and live him already
-Bruce getting shot while on Patrol and the closest place was Dani’s and Dante’s apartment
-Peopel can sense when their soulmate is about to die/get extremely hurt. Dani senses Damian is in danger and kills(?) (at least gravely injured) his attacker
-Sam visiting Gotham and strangling the Joker with Undergrowth powers
Each member of the Royal family needs their own Knight (typically their soulmate/lover of choosing. Sometimes not)
Dante decides to have Fright Knight as his Knight (as soulmates or friends you chose)
Danny has Sam and Tucker, so he’s extra safe.
Dani has Damian.
The reason this is funny is maybe there’s a trademark summoning scene and maybe the knight shows up with the royal member, or maybe they show up first to scout if it’s safe.
So there’s a summoning and Damian pops in the middle of the circle looking confused
If he didn’t know he was Dani’s knight, even better.
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space-dreams-world · 10 months
DPXDC soulmate prompt au:
Everyone has a soulmate. Even if the way you meet your soulmate is different, you can still feel a click in place. Even with different species, romantically or platonically, and multiple soulmates. ( like one person has by sight, and their soulmate is by touch. Basically, you can have soulmates with the same markings or two different types and still work)
So, Danny, after becoming Phantom and dealing with the ghosts, finally finds a way to shut down the Portal around his last year of high school, and multiple people aren't happy about that, i.e. his parents, the ghosts, Sam, the GIW, and even Vlad as he was banking on the fentons for his shit to work, and he had plans surrounding Danny's family.
He gets run out of town by Amity and his parents after they uncover his secret. Danny then spends the next few years in space, discovering aliens.
(During his disappearance, the GIW are disbanded, Vlad doesn't have access to the zone anymore and asking for him to search in space is a permadeath sentence for him, his parents regret their Gung ho attitude and miss him. In a twist of faith, an accident kills them off, and they are working through their regrets in the zone, waiting to see Danny so they can pass)
Now, as I mentioned at the top, this is a soulmate au, so in Death, Danny is able to get a feel for soulmate, like if his soulmate had a marking for him to recognize even if his soulmate identifier is lock on sight. (He essentially has an advantage of figuring out his significant other as he has his soulmate symbol on him.)
So, whose Danny significant other? Look no further than Gotham depressed himbo dad, Bruce Wayne, whose soulmate identifier is a tattoo of Danny's mark.
This could be pretty early on in his hero career or after Duke is a part of the Bats, but basically, Bruce goes on a space mission with the league and in one of their stints to get info, Danny immediately recognizes Batman's mark which was his soulmate clue. So, Danny, who hasn't spoken human or been on earth in years, has zero in on him,but they don't get to talk before Bruce heads back to earth, but Bruce knows there is something off about the possible alien man.
On Bruce's side, he hasn't seen anyone that has made it work, except if if you want to make it a polycule with Superman. (Dick has his redhead squad or the titans, Jason ends up with Roy or someone else, Tim has Bernard and Kon, and Damian is starting to platonically be friends with Jon. Cass has found her soulmate in Stephanie.
(The Joker is a weird case where he has a soulmate that isn't born yet or died already, or he has no one and that why he is crazy and scars the Bat symbol on him as he sees his enemy with no soulmate either.)
Anyway, something big happens on earth, like an invasion, and the Bat is almost killed before a bright light descends upon the sky and removes the threat. Batman, once recovering his sight, sees the same masked alien man from before. Once they regroup, the masked man removes his helmet, and Bruce finally gets his soulmate connection. Danny has aged significantly since his first departure of earth and attempting to relearn earth's customs and figure out what happened with his family and friends.
( Jazz is soulmates with Talia and is in a secret relationship with her after Damian is made.
Sam is soulmates with Paulina but despises this, which causes her some mental instability, and refuses to acknowledge their bond, somehow still banking on Danny being her knight, and rebrands herself as Pamela Isley or Poison Ivy and finds love in Harley.
Tucker actually renames himself after Amity as Silas Stone and has a child. He works with Alien Tech to see if he can find his best friend again.
Dani is only made after Danny's return to earth but loves her indefinitely as he feels that the Portal had robbed him of a good life with offspring.
And Dan is working on his aggression in the zone.)
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castrianamore · 1 year
Bitter, Had the Heart
DC X Danny Phantom Crossover
Chapter 1: to see or to mistake
TW: Graphic depictions of Corpses, Mutilation, vile smells
Tim Drake was a brilliant Detective. He was a shareholder of Wayne Enterprises. Middle child of the family really. He was working on his degree in business at Gotham U, as expected. He also excelled, as expected. Nothing could have prepared him for this, though. I’m all his years of detective work nothing was quite this gruesome, this brutal. This slow.
A horrified terror filled expression struck across two gang member’s faces. Their deceased bodies had entrails splayed over the alley and he held a rag over his nose and mouth at the smell. It wasn’t just the decay setting into the bones and souls. It smelled like rotten eggs, sulfur. Mixed with the metallic scent of iron and blood and disgust.
Nightwing landed next to him.
“Oo that’s not pretty,”the man whispered. “Damn that stinks.” Time handed over a rag to his elder brother who very gladly put it over his nose.
“You’re telling me. This is one of the more brutal and gruesome cases I’ve seen in a while…” Tim was trying to take in what he could from below. They had to have been tortured alive as they had their entrails removed, at least most of the other rogue’s in Gotham made their subject’s deaths quick, even if painful but these? This was a new breed of brutal and horrific.
Tim was frustrated. He was a fucking detective for gods sake.
“How many is this now?”Nightwing looked at his younger brother before back down at the bodies.
“8… I think we can classify this as a serial case right now,”he huffed. He pulled out a notepad writing things down.
Smell of sulfur.
Entrails spread out.
Claw marks on the walls.
Symbols written into the alleyway walls in the blood of the fallen.
Faces frozen in horror.
This was the 7th and 8th one and of course it was similar to the others. Smell of sulfur. Entrails spread out. Once they got the autopsy report back he high suspected the heart will have been removed and a bite being taken out of the kidney if there even was one.
“So Gotham has another mysterious serial killer whose signature is as gruesome and messy as the Joker’s entire existence.” Tim had been frustrated with this case since it started and he was beyond grateful for the help. A lot of the bats were in on the case at some point. Duke had been trying to do Daytime recon. Tim and Dick were keeping up with police investigation, namely Dick who claimed he was coming from Bludhaven to help with the case. Got them both the inside information.
Bruce and Damian were trying to track down anything and it had been all hands on deck to keep a watchful eye on the city. Cass and Steph were off-planet apparently dealing with something from the covert ops team of Young Justice. Barb was doing her best to play eyes as she kept an eye on the various cctv footage around the city, but Gotham was big and there was always crime to attend too.
Tim was stretched thin himself. He normally had shareholder meetings in the mornings at least once a week, sometimes twice, and after that it was to his college classes. Tim had college, patrols, the company. Fuck. Let alone the occasional charity galas and other events he had to go to not only as a wayne but as a head of the company as a whole.
Tim was running on fumes as this case was running him dry. That was another reason why Dick was in town to lessen the load on Tim. He liked college and he knew that he wan’t exactly the most social person let alone the most normal(look at his job?) but he did want to do things sometimes with his friends. Though, he was sure his ‘friends’ probably wouldn’t be around for super long. Having mundane friends outside of super hero life was hard, let alone a romantic relationship. He had tried with the other heroes. He had tried with civilians but the civilians just couldn’t understand the time necessary and the excuses he was going to have to make.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to pursue a romantic relationship but it just simply felt as if he had no choice but to not. Wow, he was tired if hid mind was going off on it’s own separate tangent in mind distracting him from the task at hand. Speaking of…
A small flash of one of the police’s camera’s caught him off guard. Unbeknownst to the group a man in black tech wear with white accents and a mask pulled over his nose was crouched by the body. Hands gloves and a hood up over barely visible black hair. He was taking a sample it seemed of, what was that? How did he not notice that?
There was a green viscous liquid and he just collected it, not just an incredibly small amount, but what was on the body at all. It reminded him far too much of Lazarus water for his liking, but if someone had poured gelatin in it.
“Wing,”Time stated wide-eyed at him.
“I see.”
“We have eyes on a potential suspect,”Tim called over coms.
“Do not engage, follow,”Batman’s words echoed back to him. Duh. They wanted information on the dude. The two backed into the darkness a little more as soon as the police-men turned around he was gone. Tim and Dick watched his foot catch on the ledging as he climbed onto the roof of the building pulling down his hood and looking around. Eyes covered by a pair of goggles that were a stunning and haunting green color. Then it seemed he spotted the bats even from their vantage point, and as soon as they noticed. The man took off running.
“Shit!” Tim exclaimed, moving to jump onto the roof to pursue .
“Red! No engaging!”
“I’ve been following this shit for months, I’ve never been then close to a lead Nighty!” He exclaimed moving to follow.
“Language! But, really?!?” Nightwing followed after time the two moving with ease.
“Stop!!!” He yelled at the black masked figure who merely cocked his head to the side running backwards for a moment before jumping across to the next roof doing a roll. Experienced in parkour at least as Tim and Dick followed suit. Fuck he was fast.
“We need to corner him,”Dick hissed.
“Don’t tell B…”
“Don’t tell B what?”Dick replied before Tim threw two batarangs at his target.
“Red!” Dick exclaimed as the man dropped sliding on his knees to avoid the first one but as he got up the second one hit his leg. Bullseye. The person tripped holding his leg for a moment. A small grunt of pain could be heard as he scooted away from the two of them. The way their face was covered left no idea what thoughts crossed their mind. Nightwing landed next to Red as they stared at the man backing up against the wall to the roof.
“Don’t make us hurt you anymore. Tell us what you were removing from that crime scene,”Red threatened, grabbing his bo staff off his belt and letting it unfurl. The person shook their head as they used the short wall to stand up limping heavily. They weren’t incredibly close to the ground at the moment. At minimum a solid 8 stories high.
Pretty far up Tim would say. Which made the next move shake him. The man looked at them and slowly shook his head and by the time they both realized what they were doing their hearts broke. They gave him a farewell salute with two fingers and fell backwards off the edge of the building and neither himself nor Hightwing could catch him in time. Both running desperately to the edge wide eyed with panic.
It wouldn’t have been the first time someone had committed suicide to escape them. Tim doubted it would be the last either. Fate had it out for them in that way. Fate had it out for them in a lot of ways as Tim would find out over the course of events.
Though they never heard a smack against concrete as they rushed to the side, nor a scream of terror. So when they looked into the alley way the man wasn’t there anymore. Dick and him quickly using grappling hooks to get down.
“What the…”
“Where did he—“
“Infrared?” Dick suggested they both moved to look around them. Just the coldness of the alleyways and setting mid January weather. It was freezing in this alleyway.
“Is that a bed?”Dick pointed out the small campaign at the very back of the alley. A few cardboard boxes set up as a table with a few remains set there. Messy soaked sheets sat on top a cardboard bed with a messy pillow half destroyed it seemed
“Of course it’s a bad.” voice drawing them both out from their mission. “I never thought this would be the way I finally run into Two bats. You’re in front of my sleeping spot.”
They looked up to see a young man(teenager?) he only stood about 5’3. He was bundled up with a hoodie and a black trench coat over it. A soft blue scarf wrapped around his neck, hands shoved into his pockets with piercing blue eyes and ruffled black hair being held down by the matching blue beanie. He looked cold and from the infrared sensors on him the man was abnormally cold compared to most normal humans. A metà Maybe?
He had deep tired circles under his eyes. Skin far too pale to be healthy and a guant looks to his cheeks. His clothing almost just draping off his thin frame. He looked like he was very very sick if Tim could guess.
“Sorry for intruding, then,”Dick spoke up walking in front of him. Giving him a nod that he saw it too. “Did you happen to see a man fall from what roof?”
The man shifted and looked concerned Tim’s eyes looking of his shoulders, eyes, lips. Trying to pick up any subtle mico expressions.
“I just got back from classes, man,”The man sighs rubbing his forehead. “I’m half asleep and running 3 red bulls and a pack of saltine crackers.”
“Can we ask where you’re coming from?”Dick gave a charming gentle smile.
“The library.”
“I see, well we’re looking for a man dressed in all black with goggles with bright green lenses and black hair. He was sporting tech wear. You can give the police a call if you see anything?” Tim pulled out one of Greyson’s cards after he spoke. “We’re working with Detective Greyson at the moment for any leads so you can call the precinct if you see anything.”
The man took the card tossing it over his shoulder.
“ACAB, so can I sleep now? Or are we going to be playing a fun little game of 20 questions with me being the epicenter of the bats hyperfixations.”
“Ah… no, not at all. Have good night,”Dick stated as Tim was trying not to laugh as the man grabbing him grappling them up onto the roof. It was silent as they got a few blocks away before Tim burst out laughing.
“He just…”another laugh,”YEET!” Mimicking the card being thrown over his shoulder.
“That kid is suspicious.” Dick huffed maybe a little salty his normal charms didn’t work on him.
“He’s sassy not suspicious.”
“But his body temperature was—“
“He’s probably a meta Nightwing. Don’t tell the bats that you’re a meta, remember? It’s kind of Batman’s whole reason for keeping the city the way that it is, to protect metas.”
“You’re right.”
“I know. The kid looked exhausted the only thing I picked up from him was that he was beyond annoyed that he had to wait a second longer to go to bed. It’s,”he paused to look at his wrist. “2am.” A pause. If we was a student the mostly likely place he would have been would be the library. Even if you were walking from Gotham U library or a cafe it wouldn’t have taken you two hours to get where they were.” The library and most cafes closed at 11 or midnight.
“What did you realize? You’re smile fell.”
“The university library closes at midnight.”
“Okay and?”
“And this part of town is only a 45 minute walk from the library.”
“Is he our culprit they both have black hair. Could be especially if he’s a Meta explain why he was able to get away from us so fast.”
“I doubt it, that kid looked… sickly to say the least, but he was definitively hiding something.”
“So what was he hiding that he didn’t want the bats to know?
By the time they made it back to the alleyway the mysterious kid was gone.
“Dammit!”Tim exclaimed. This case was frustrating. Everything was going wrong.
“Look we at least know one thing right?” Dick was trying to make light of the situation. “He goes to Gotham U.”
“Dick.. we’re going to find hundreds of people who fall under the broad category. Let’s search “Black hair blue eyes” into the student database and see how many we come up. Let alone the fact that black might not be his natural hair color.”
“Hood could find him…”
“No, Hood has enough on his plate with these murders finding a homeless kid is not part of the problem at hand. The dude didn’t hurt anyone.”
“But if we run into him again,”Dick stared at the quickly disassembled bed the few ratty sheets now gone. “Do you think we could get him to the hospital for some help? Meta or not his readings were… rough.”
“We can’t force people into getting help all the time. It’s one thing for rogue’s who are more than a little insane but a guy who’s sick in the alley way?” Tim shook his head with a sigh rubbing the back of his neck. “We’d be chasing after half of Gotham.”
Tim rubbed his forehead a little frustrated with the general turn of events going on right now. Why couldn’t he get a lead on this fucker. He doubted that googles person would be much help. They looked like an investigator themself but at this point it was a lead and Tim was desperate. Each murder was more gruesome than the last like they were pushing their victims and themselves every time they did it. It had to have been a beast right?
“We need to find the masked person…”
“Yeah no I agree. Whatever they pulled off the body they were looking for that. They knew it would be there.”
“Think he’s the murderer?”
“Probably not, but they seem to know more than us which is concerning in its own right.”
“Not wrong there little bird.” Dick sighed. “We should leave. Head back to the cave.”
“Best, I have too many classes in the morning.”
“You have coffee addiction, you’ll be fine.” Dick smirked as they started back towards the cave moving to write a report of what they encountered on their patrol.
“You trying to feed my coffee addiction?”
“Absolutely not, B might kill me with that one,”Dick snorted.
It wasn’t as if Tim could sleep even as they got back to the manor to crash for night after writing their reports. He remained long after Dick had gone to get some sleep. Eyes focused on the screen and then down at his drawing in front of him. A rough sketch of the new person of interest.
Those eerie glowing goggles were stained into his mind as he leaned back in his chair looking at the file they had created for him.
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height:5’3 ~
Weight: 115-130lbs~
Appearance: Black hair in black tech wear and a respirator over his mouth and glowing green lensed goggles. White motifs along the outfit with a white D symbol over the left side of the chest.
Status: Unknown
Alignment: Unknown
All these unknowns. How were they supposed to figure it out. He had to meet this person again. He had to find them. He didn’t have a choice. This person was a key in his case. He sent a text to Jason.
“Keep an eye out for a guy that roughly looks like this” He sent an attachment of the drawing he did of the rough outfit in greyscale and what he saw.
“Oh… I know that dude. The people called him Distortion.”
Jason knew of him? How did?
“How?” Cue Tim’s annoyed thoughts at how Jason didn’t care to share this information with them. Any of them. “And you didn’t think a new body on the streets who has a name wasn’t something you wanted to share with the class?!?”
More little bubbles as he was typing.
“He belongs to me that’s all you need to know. He’s an associate. A valuable acquaintance.”
“Well your associate was found removing evidence from my crime scene and bolting.”
“Need to know basis, Tim.”
“Do you know his identity?”
“Can i have it?”
“Absolutely not. He doesn’t want to be involved with the Bats or on your radar. I’d advise deleting the file you’re creating on him. He doesn’t take well to being on record right now.”
“Don’t know Don’t care but he’s incredibly useful and I’d like to keep him on our side and he was very hesitant on even coming to me. He only came to me because he’s operating out of my territory.”
“At least the guy has some respect.”
“He has street smarts. Now back off Tim. You know I let you in on a lot and that’s why I’m telling you this, but him? Distortion? Let him do his thing. If he tells me anything I’ll let you know.”
“What do you get out of this?”
“An investigator.”
“You have us?”
“Not all crime is big enough to involve the bats. Not all crime I can do all the work for for myself. He helps me out locating information and in exchange I leave him the fuck alone.”
Tim stared at the texts.
More typing bubbles.
“You tell Dick, Damian, or especially Bruce about this and I will rat you out for the Yelen case.”
Tim would be silent after all…
He stared at his doodle, ripping it up. It looked like shit anyways. He rubbed his face frustrated really as he made no changes to the file. Dick didn’t have to know about what he knew. This felt wrong to him though. Not just the whole Jason apparently knowing of the guy. If Jason knew of the guy but he remained under the radar of the rest of the bats it was concerning, and even as close as he was to Jason he wouldn’t put it past that guy to keep his issues to himself.
He always thought of himself really. First and foremost. It had been that way since his return mostly. It wasn’t like he never tried. Birthdays and holidays he’d show up. Tim wasn’t going to like that he noticed the mans change in demeanor the past year had done for him. A decrease in murders Jason committed in Crime Alley.
It was subtle enough unless you were looking for it, it wouldn’t be noticed, but tim did. Tim did notice. It reminded him of that breakdown he had a while ago. The anger returning to his brother like it had been there all along slowly increasing. The pit madness returning with a full force nearly driving Jason away from everyone. Jason wouldn’t talk about why the pit madness hit him so hard again.
He wasn’t exactly a feelings guy. None of them were. Dick was the most open of the Bat siblings to openly talk about their emotions and hell Duke had the most normal of a life before it all. Even he was hesitant. They all saw the Black Canary at least once every 6 months and that was only after a begrudging agreement with Black Lightning and the rest of the justice league. Most of they, themselves, weren’t involved in the justice league.
It was also why Cass and Steph being asked to go seemed to set him off. It wasn’t his place.
“He belongs to me..” Tim whispered out the words with a slight possessive tome looking at their texts chewing on his lip a little. A small habit he picked up when he was lost in thought and alone. Usually only when he was relaxed and with family. He couldn’t let people read his microexpressions out in public.
“For a solitary man, that’s quite a possessive statement Jason,”he mumbled into the batcave before standing up and walking up the stairs to his room. Not that he got much sleep either.
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
how about vex and one of the kids, cure wounds?
Oh oh! This lets me indulge that headcanon of mine that emotionally gutted you! You know - this one.
It isn't often that Gwennie gets injured, surprisingly enough. She's as enamoured with inventing and explosions as Percy is, but she's also much more fireproof and does actually have a modicum of sense - she knows not to pick up anything sharp and look both ways before crossing the street (or, better yet, to cross the street safely on Trinket's back) and besides which, Percy's very good at bandaging the children up from their inevitable cuts and scrapes well before she returns from a patrol.
So it's rare to see Gwen, a little teary eyed and one hand held gingerly, at the door to the library. Even before spotting the tears she knows something's wrong: Trinket's head swings up from where he'd been sprawled in a sleepy pile on the floor, and she knows how protective of his little siblings Trinket is.
"Mummy?" Gwen's voice is quiet and has that little hitching breath that means even though she's not crying now she had been recently. "I hurt myself."
She steps in when Vex gestures, holding out her hand and oh. Oh, that's nasty. It had taken them a bit of time to see how bruises and burns and cuts look on Gwen's scarlet skin, but this is a nasty graze, thickly clotting dark blood across the heel of her palm like someone's tried to crust her skin with living rubies.
Gwen's blood, though, is far more precious to Vex than any ruby she might encounter.
"Oh darling," she says, taking her daughter's hand in hers. Gwen runs warm - just as warm as Percy to the exact same degree - and the first thing Vex does is press a kiss to Gwen's palm. Kiss it better may not really work, but it soothes the children and with Gwen especially she and Percy have gone out of their way to show her that she's loved. "Let me fix that."
Cure Wounds is an old and familiar spell and it's easy to cast, the words a soft murmur against her daughter's skin before the magic takes effect.
"Oh," says Gwen, as the green-gold washes over her hand, catching around the edge of the graze like water at the shore, sparkling instead of frothing and when it finally fades away the start of the scab does too, leaving behind clean, unmarred skin. "Oh!"
"There we go," Vex says and presses a kiss to Gwen's forehead. "All better."
Gwen's silent, examining her hand closely before comparing it to the scar on her arm - the only mark left on her after a playfight with Danny went wrong and a glass had been smashed. Percy had patched the children up, and everything healed fine, but- well. First scars tend to be remembered.
"Mummy," Gwen says slowly. "Daddy has a lot of these." She points to her scar. "But you can heal things so they don't do that."
"Yes," she says, unsure where Gwen's going with this.
"Can you heal them too? These-" She points at the scar again.
"Scars," she says. "They're called scars."
"Scars," Gwen says. "Can you heal them?"
If only. There's a lot Vex would give to have been able to heal Percy of even half of what Ripley had inflicted on him. She'll settle for the bitch being goddamn dead.
"Scars are what happen when you don't heal bad injuries with magic," she says. "They're how the body heals on it's own." She pulls back her sleeve, shows one of the small bitemarks she has from when she'd been raising Trinket. "See?"
"Oh," Gwen says, still frowning, still clearly thinking. "Daddy was hurt a lot then."
Oh. Oh it's this conversation. Vex has managed to avoid this conversation with all of the children so far - they've all taken it to Percy. She'd thought Gwen would too - the two are thick as thieves and it's quite adorable really - but. Well.
"Yes," she says. "By the same people who hurt your Auntie Cass."
Gwen is still thinking. She doesn't seem upset - and Vex credits herself as being very good at reading her children - but she's not entirely sure what Gwen's thinking at all.
"Uncle Tary says people come up with new spells all the time."
... Okay this is a jump.
"Your Uncle Tary likes to make up stories," she says with a smile. "But yes, some people do develop new spells."
"And Daddy invents new techno- technyli- Tek-no-log-gy." Oh Gwen stumbling over long words shouldn't be so cute but it always is. "And Vesper says that people find new things out all the time too."
Gwen nods, simple and determined, clearly to herself, so much her father's daughter. Vex waits for her daughter to look back up at her and lets her have space to speak.
"I'm going to find out how to heal scars," Gwen says. "But you can't tell him. He'll make The Face."
Oh boy will he. Vex is having a hard time not making it herself now, and covers for that by reaching down to hug her daughter.
"I'm sure you will," she says into Gwennie's pigtails. "Shall I help you find some books on it?"
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castrian-amore · 11 months
Bitter, had the Heart
Dead Tired(Danny Fenton x Tim Drake), Tim Drake-Centric, unfinished, the author is plotting, temporary character death
1/46 chapters | Chapter Length: 3,486 words
TWS FOR THIS CHAPTER: Graphic Depictions of corpses and mutilation, Mentions of vile smells
Chapter 1: To see or to Mistake
Tim Drake was a brilliant Detective. He was a shareholder of Wayne Enterprises. Middle child of the family really. He was working on his degree in business at Gotham U, as expected. He also excelled, as expected. Nothing could have prepared him for this, though. I’m all his years of detective work nothing was quite this gruesome, this brutal. This slow.
A horrified terror filled expression struck across two gang member’s faces. Their deceased bodies had entrails splayed over the alley and he held a rag over his nose and mouth at the smell. It wasn’t just the decay setting into the bones and souls. It smelled like rotten eggs, sulfur. Mixed with the metallic scent of iron and blood and disgust.
Nightwing landed next to him.
“Oo that’s not pretty,”the man whispered. “Damn that stinks.” Time handed over a rag to his elder brother who very gladly put it over his nose.
“You’re telling me. This is one of the more brutal and gruesome cases I’ve seen in a while…” Tim was trying to take in what he could from below. They had to have been tortured alive as they had their entrails removed, at least most of the other rogue’s in Gotham made their subject’s deaths quick, even if painful but these? This was a new breed of brutal and horrific.
Tim was frustrated. He was a fucking detective for gods sake.
“How many is this now?”Nightwing looked at his younger brother before back down at the bodies.
“8… I think we can classify this as a serial case right now,”he huffed. He pulled out a notepad writing things down.
Smell of sulfur.
Entrails spread out.
Claw marks on the walls.
Symbols written into the alleyway walls in the blood of the fallen.
Faces frozen in horror.
This was the 7th and 8th one and of course it was similar to the others. Smell of sulfur. Entrails spread out. Once they got the autopsy report back he high suspected the heart will have been removed and a bite being taken out of the kidney if there even was one.
“So Gotham has another mysterious serial killer whose signature is as gruesome and messy as the Joker’s entire existence.” Tim had been frustrated with this case since it started and he was beyond grateful for the help. A lot of the bats were in on the case at some point. Duke had been trying to do Daytime recon. Tim and Dick were keeping up with police investigation, namely Dick who claimed he was coming from Bludhaven to help with the case. Got them both the inside information.
Bruce and Damian were trying to track down anything and it had been all hands on deck to keep a watchful eye on the city. Cass and Steph were off-planet apparently dealing with something from the covert ops team of Young Justice. Barb was doing her best to play eyes as she kept an eye on the various cctv footage around the city, but Gotham was big and there was always crime to attend too.
Tim was stretched thin himself. He normally had shareholder meetings in the mornings at least once a week, sometimes twice, and after that it was to his college classes. Tim had college, patrols, the company. Fuck. Let alone the occasional charity galas and other events he had to go to not only as a wayne but as a head of the company as a whole.
Tim was running on fumes as this case was running him dry. That was another reason why Dick was in town to lessen the load on Tim. He liked college and he knew that he wan’t exactly the most social person let alone the most normal(look at his job?) but he did want to do things sometimes with his friends. Though, he was sure his ‘friends’ probably wouldn’t be around for super long. Having mundane friends outside of super hero life was hard, let alone a romantic relationship. He had tried with the other heroes. He had tried with civilians but the civilians just couldn’t understand the time necessary and the excuses he was going to have to make.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to pursue a romantic relationship but it just simply felt as if he had no choice but to not. Wow, he was tired if hid mind was going off on it’s own separate tangent in mind distracting him from the task at hand. Speaking of…
A small flash of one of the police’s camera’s caught him off guard. Unbeknownst to the group a man in black tech wear with white accents and a mask pulled over his nose was crouched by the body. Hands gloves and a hood up over barely visible black hair. He was taking a sample it seemed of, what was that? How did he not notice that?
There was a green viscous liquid and he just collected it, not just an incredibly small amount, but what was on the body at all. It reminded him far too much of Lazarus water for his liking, but if someone had poured gelatin in it.
“Wing,”Time stated wide-eyed at him.
“I see.”
“We have eyes on a potential suspect,”Tim called over coms.
“Do not engage, follow,”Batman’s words echoed back to him. Duh. They wanted information on the dude. The two backed into the darkness a little more as soon as the police-men turned around he was gone. Tim and Dick watched his foot catch on the ledging as he climbed onto the roof of the building pulling down his hood and looking around. Eyes covered by a pair of goggles that were a stunning and haunting green color. Then it seemed he spotted the bats even from their vantage point, and as soon as they noticed. The man took off running.
“Shit!” Tim exclaimed, moving to jump onto the roof to pursue .
“Red! No engaging!”
“I’ve been following this shit for months, I’ve never been then close to a lead Nighty!” He exclaimed moving to follow.
“Language! But, really?!?” Nightwing followed after time the two moving with ease.
“Stop!!!” He yelled at the black masked figure who merely cocked his head to the side running backwards for a moment before jumping across to the next roof doing a roll. Experienced in parkour at least as Tim and Dick followed suit. Fuck he was fast.
“We need to corner him,”Dick hissed.
“Don’t tell B…”
“Don’t tell B what?”Dick replied before Tim threw two batarangs at his target.
“Red!” Dick exclaimed as the man dropped sliding on his knees to avoid the first one but as he got up the second one hit his leg. Bullseye. The person tripped holding his leg for a moment. A small grunt of pain could be heard as he scooted away from the two of them. The way their face was covered left no idea what thoughts crossed their mind. Nightwing landed next to Red as they stared at the man backing up against the wall to the roof.
“Don’t make us hurt you anymore. Tell us what you were removing from that crime scene,”Red threatened, grabbing his bo staff off his belt and letting it unfurl. The person shook their head as they used the short wall to stand up limping heavily. They weren’t incredibly close to the ground at the moment. At minimum a solid 8 stories high.
Pretty far up Tim would say. Which made the next move shake him. The man looked at them and slowly shook his head and by the time they both realized what they were doing their hearts broke. They gave him a farewell salute with two fingers and fell backwards off the edge of the building and neither himself nor Hightwing could catch him in time. Both running desperately to the edge wide eyed with panic.
It wouldn’t have been the first time someone had committed suicide to escape them. Tim doubted it would be the last either. Fate had it out for them in that way. Fate had it out for them in a lot of ways as Tim would find out over the course of events.
Though they never heard a smack against concrete as they rushed to the side, nor a scream of terror. So when they looked into the alley way the man wasn’t there anymore. Dick and him quickly using grappling hooks to get down.
“What the…”
“Where did he—“
“Infrared?” Dick suggested they both moved to look around them. Just the coldness of the alleyways and setting mid January weather. It was freezing in this alleyway.
“Is that a bed?”Dick pointed out the small campaign at the very back of the alley. A few cardboard boxes set up as a table with a few remains set there. Messy soaked sheets sat on top a cardboard bed with a messy pillow half destroyed it seemed
“Of course it’s a bed.” voice drawing them both out from their mission. “I never thought this would be the way I finally run into Two bats. You’re in front of my sleeping spot.”
They looked up to see a young man(teenager?) he only stood about 5’3. He was bundled up with a hoodie and a black trench coat over it. A soft blue scarf wrapped around his neck, hands shoved into his pockets with piercing blue eyes and ruffled black hair being held down by the matching blue beanie. He looked cold and from the infrared sensors on him the man was abnormally cold compared to most normal humans. A metà Maybe?
He had deep tired circles under his eyes. Skin far too pale to be healthy and a guant looks to his cheeks. His clothing almost just draping off his thin frame. He looked like he was very very sick if Tim could guess.
“Sorry for intruding, then,”Dick spoke up walking in front of him. Giving him a nod that he saw it too. “Did you happen to see a man fall from what roof?”
The man shifted and looked concerned Tim’s eyes looking of his shoulders, eyes, lips. Trying to pick up any subtle mico expressions.
“I just got back from classes, man,”The man sighs rubbing his forehead. “I’m half asleep and running 3 red bulls and a pack of saltine crackers.”
“Can we ask where you’re coming from?”Dick gave a charming gentle smile.
“The library.”
“I see, well we’re looking for a man dressed in all black with goggles with bright green lenses and black hair. He was sporting tech wear. You can give the police a call if you see anything?” Tim pulled out one of Greyson’s cards after he spoke. “We’re working with Detective Greyson at the moment for any leads so you can call the precinct if you see anything.”
The man took the card tossing it over his shoulder.
“ACAB, so can I sleep now? Or are we going to be playing a fun little game of 20 questions with me being the epicenter of the bats hyperfixations.”
“Ah… no, not at all. Have good night,”Dick stated as Tim was trying not to laugh as the man grabbing him grappling them up onto the roof. It was silent as they got a few blocks away before Tim burst out laughing.
“He just…”another laugh,”YEET!” Mimicking the card being thrown over his shoulder.
“That kid is suspicious.” Dick huffed maybe a little salty his normal charms didn’t work on him.
“He’s sassy not suspicious.”
“But his body temperature was—“
“He’s probably a meta Nightwing. Don’t tell the bats that you’re a meta, remember? It’s kind of Batman’s whole reason for keeping the city the way that it is, to protect metas.”
“You’re right.”
“I know. The kid looked exhausted the only thing I picked up from him was that he was beyond annoyed that he had to wait a second longer to go to bed. It’s,”he paused to look at his wrist. “2am.” A pause. If we was a student the mostly likely place he would have been would be the library. Even if you were walking from Gotham U library or a cafe it wouldn’t have taken you two hours to get where they were.” The library and most cafes closed at 11 or midnight.
“What did you realize? You’re smile fell.”
“The university library closes at midnight.”
“Okay and?”
“And this part of town is only a 45 minute walk from the library.”
“Is he our culprit they both have black hair. Could be especially if he’s a Meta explain why he was able to get away from us so fast.”
“I doubt it, that kid looked… sickly to say the least, but he was definitively hiding something.”
“So what was he hiding that he didn’t want the bats to know?
By the time they made it back to the alleyway the mysterious kid was gone.
“Dammit!”Tim exclaimed. This case was frustrating. Everything was going wrong.
“Look we at least know one thing right?” Dick was trying to make light of the situation. “He goes to Gotham U.”
“Dick.. we’re going to find hundreds of people who fall under the broad category. Let’s search “Black hair blue eyes” into the student database and see how many we come up. Let alone the fact that black might not be his natural hair color.”
“Hood could find him…”
“No, Hood has enough on his plate with these murders finding a homeless kid is not part of the problem at hand. The dude didn’t hurt anyone.”
“But if we run into him again,”Dick stared at the quickly disassembled bed the few ratty sheets now gone. “Do you think we could get him to the hospital for some help? Meta or not his readings were… rough.”
“We can’t force people into getting help all the time. It’s one thing for rogue’s who are more than a little insane but a guy who’s sick in the alley way?” Tim shook his head with a sigh rubbing the back of his neck. “We’d be chasing after half of Gotham.”
Tim rubbed his forehead a little frustrated with the general turn of events going on right now. Why couldn’t he get a lead on this fucker. He doubted that googles person would be much help. They looked like an investigator themself but at this point it was a lead and Tim was desperate. Each murder was more gruesome than the last like they were pushing their victims and themselves every time they did it. It had to have been a beast right?
“We need to find the masked person…”
“Yeah no I agree. Whatever they pulled off the body they were looking for that. They knew it would be there.”
“Think he’s the murderer?”
“Probably not, but they seem to know more than us which is concerning in its own right.”
“Not wrong there little bird.” Dick sighed. “We should leave. Head back to the cave.”
“Best, I have too many classes in the morning.”
“You have coffee addiction, you’ll be fine.” Dick smirked as they started back towards the cave moving to write a report of what they encountered on their patrol.
“You trying to feed my coffee addiction?”
“Absolutely not, B might kill me with that one,”Dick snorted.
It wasn’t as if Tim could sleep even as they got back to the manor to crash for night after writing their reports. He remained long after Dick had gone to get some sleep. Eyes focused on the screen and then down at his drawing in front of him. A rough sketch of the new person of interest.
Those eerie glowing goggles were stained into his mind as he leaned back in his chair looking at the file they had created for him.
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height:5’3 ~
Weight: 115-130lbs~
Appearance: Black hair in black tech wear and a respirator over his mouth and glowing green lensed goggles. White motifs along the outfit with a white D symbol over the left side of the chest.
Status: Unknown
Alignment: Unknown
All these unknowns. How were they supposed to figure it out. He had to meet this person again. He had to find them. He didn’t have a choice. This person was a key in his case. He sent a text to Jason.
“Keep an eye out for a guy that roughly looks like this” He sent an attachment of the drawing he did of the rough outfit in greyscale and what he saw.
“Oh… I know that dude. The people called him Distortion.”
Jason knew of him? How did?
“How?” Cue Tim’s annoyed thoughts at how Jason didn’t care to share this information with them. Any of them. “And you didn’t think a new body on the streets who has a name wasn’t something you wanted to share with the class?!?”
More little bubbles as he was typing.
“He belongs to me that’s all you need to know. He’s an associate. A valuable acquaintance.”
“Well your associate was found removing evidence from my crime scene and bolting.”
“Need to know basis, Tim.”
“Do you know his identity?”
“Can i have it?”
“Absolutely not. He doesn’t want to be involved with the Bats or on your radar. I’d advise deleting the file you’re creating on him. He doesn’t take well to being on record right now.”
“Don’t know Don’t care but he’s incredibly useful and I’d like to keep him on our side and he was very hesitant on even coming to me. He only came to me because he’s operating out of my territory.”
“At least the guy has some respect.”
“He has street smarts. Now back off Tim. You know I let you in on a lot and that’s why I’m telling you this, but him? Distortion? Let him do his thing. If he tells me anything I’ll let you know.”
“What do you get out of this?”
“An investigator.”
“You have us?”
“Not all crime is big enough to involve the bats. Not all crime I can do all the work for for myself. He helps me out locating information and in exchange I leave him the fuck alone.”
Tim stared at the texts.
More typing bubbles.
“You tell Dick, Damian, or especially Bruce about this and I will rat you out for the Yelen case.”
Tim would be silent after all…
He stared at his doodle, ripping it up. It looked like shit anyways. He rubbed his face frustrated really as he made no changes to the file. Dick didn’t have to know about what he knew. This felt wrong to him though. Not just the whole Jason apparently knowing of the guy. If Jason knew of the guy but he remained under the radar of the rest of the bats it was concerning, and even as close as he was to Jason he wouldn’t put it past that guy to keep his issues to himself.
He always thought of himself really. First and foremost. It had been that way since his return mostly. It wasn’t like he never tried. Birthdays and holidays he’d show up. Tim wasn’t going to like that he noticed the mans change in demeanor the past year had done for him. A decrease in murders Jason committed in Crime Alley.
It was subtle enough unless you were looking for it, it wouldn’t be noticed, but tim did. Tim did notice. It reminded him of that breakdown he had a while ago. The anger returning to his brother like it had been there all along slowly increasing. The pit madness returning with a full force nearly driving Jason away from everyone. Jason wouldn’t talk about why the pit madness hit him so hard again.
He wasn’t exactly a feelings guy. None of them were. Dick was the most open of the Bat siblings to openly talk about their emotions and hell Duke had the most normal of a life before it all. Even he was hesitant. They all saw the Black Canary at least once every 6 months and that was only after a begrudging agreement with Black Lightning and the rest of the justice league. Most of they, themselves, weren’t involved in the justice league.
It was also why Cass and Steph being asked to go seemed to set him off. It wasn’t his place.
“He belongs to me..” Tim whispered out the words with a slight possessive tome looking at their texts chewing on his lip a little. A small habit he picked up when he was lost in thought and alone. Usually only when he was relaxed and with family. He couldn’t let people read his microexpressions out in public.
“For a solitary man, that’s quite a possessive statement Jason,”he mumbled into the batcave before standing up and walking up the stairs to his room. Not that he got much sleep either.
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Worldbuilding for The Red String of Tim Drake Is A Fucking Liar
The fic is here
1.       Basic rule differences
a.       Not everybody has soulmates
b.       Not everybody who has a soulmate only has one at a time
c.       Soulmates do not have to be romantic—they are often assumed to be, because of amatonormativity, but it’s pretty common to have platonic bonds or completely ignored bonds. Soulmates are an option, that’s all.
d.       Soulmates do not have to be people—they can’t be non-sapient things or animals as far as anyone knows, but someone can be soulmates with a city or a song or a piece of art. It’s weird, but it does happen. The average citizen doesn’t know this, but doctors will.
e.       Not everybody who has a soulmate, knows they have a soulmate.
2.       Types of soul bond
a.       Red string of fate – grows more taut the closer you are geographically
b.       First words – the first words (if any) that your soulmate says are on your body, may appear only after meeting
c.       Last words – the last words (if any) that your sm says are on your body, may only appear after meeting
d.       Color touch – blooms of color appear on your body where your sm has touched
e.       Countdown – each sm has a countdown on their body in unspecified units until either they meet their sm or the sm dies. These are two different variants, just indistinguishable until meeting/death.
f.        Color vision – you are completely monochrome colorblind until you meet your sm
g.       Tattoo – each sm has a tattoo-like pattern, which move to interact when sms are in contact
h.       Shared skin – your skin shares the same marks
i.         Deathless – sms cannot kill each other, often combined with another
j.         Emo bond – sms share strong emotions without context
k.       Shared dreams – sms appear in each other’s dreams
l.         Memory flash – upon first physical contact, each sm experiences the best and worst day of their sm’s life, past and future
m.     Moon compass – every time a sm throws something under the full moon, it moves toward their sm
n.       Touch bond – sms each feel noxious stimuli and skin-on-skin contact from the other sm
3.       List of known soul bonds
a.       Bruce Wayne has a touch bond with the city of Gotham (he does not realize this, but it’s true)
b.       Alfred used to be soulmates with Martha and Thomas Wayne via a countdown-to-death bond, and is now alone. Martha and Thomas had something else going on between them.
c.       Dick simply does not have a soulmate
d.       Barbara has memory flash bond (angst!), but has not met hers yet and does not particularly want to pursue it
e.       Jason has a primarily platonic color touch? bond with Roy, who is also his boyfriend. They are both also dating Starfire, but Kori has no metaphysical ties to them
f.        Tim has a touch bond with Danny (and later, both will have a bond with Kon)
g.       Cass and Steph are soulmates via a skin marks bond
h.       Damien is developing the red string of fate with Jon Kent (and refuses to acknowledge it)
i.         Jack and Maddie share a touch bond, Maddie has a color vision bond with Vlad, and all three of them share a no-kill bond
j.         Roy and Jason with a touch bond is A Story For Another Time because Yikes ™
k.        Sam Manson does not have a soulmate (or possibly has a moon compass bond she refuses to interact with because she would HATE that and it would be hilarious)
l.         Tucker sure has somebody’s last words imprinted on his ankle. It’s like an ENTIRE paragraph. Possibly two. He does not know whose. (It might be Danny’s, but also that would be a lot of soulmates for one kid... Hm. I have not decided.)
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Updated list of the bitches in this system because Gods know we needed it, go!
• Fae- Actual owner of the body. Has not been fully “themself” since they were like 6 (when Harl got here). Always co-cons with someone because they can’t stand being out alone.  Doesn’t know or care what we do with their life. Terrified of people. Has left us alone for extended periods of time. If you think you’ve talked to them, there’s a 99% chance it was actually Claire, Amanda, or Becky.  Actually a very sweet kid, but very hurt. Will go to the end of the world for their friends. Can hold a grudge like nobody’s business. Paints themself as a bitch but is a softie. Their mom cannot tell the difference between them and Becky. Diabetic, to Nidia’s displeasure. Closet Gryffindor turned Slytherin in order to survive.
• Amanda – Our system’s “guard dog”/Head Bitch in Charge. Much more complicated than that. The real author of Fae’s thigh scars (barely visible now), and maybe the only reason we made it through high school. The little voice that says “kill everyone and blame it on me”. Zero concern for consequences for herself. Impulse control consists of “Jail is awful and Fae doesn’t deserve it”.  She’s over 30.
• Lisbeth (Sally)- Just…Sally. The other voice that wants to kill everyone but doesn’t because she actually thinks about the consequences of her actions. Max is technically her partner, but we don’t talk about that (you can ask). I think she’s 30-something, but might as well be Fae’s age.
• Claire- Possibly Fae’s projection of herself into different universes. She can be 6, 17, 24 and 35. Last name Constantine. From Liverpool. Awful accent. Please don’t call her Australian. Another closet Gryffindor turned Slytherin.  Most of Fae’s friends are actually hers. Has been Fae for longer than Fae has been Fae. Likes soccer and we’re sorry. Punk. Hella Punk. Also hella broke.
• Mara- Claire’s sister (maybe twin). Approach with caution. (One of the several sexual alters, can be the same ages as Claire) Responsible for most of Fae’s awful dating decisions.
• Valentina- Rarely comes out, but she’s apparently God? We don’t know. Seems like she knows everyone, though. She always looks 20-something, but we know she’s older.
• Nidia- Claire’s daughter and the pure incarnation of Fae’s ADHD. A Jedi. Weirdest kid EVER. Super compassionate. Wears heart on her sleeve.  Can be 5, 9, 16 and 21. Impulse control is 100% artificial, but existent. Can, like Amanda, drink up to 3 cans of Monster Energy Drink in a row without batting a lash. Will eat ALL THE CANDY. The reason we need to carry an extra insulin syringe with us most of the time. Pours fun dip and sweetarts into her drinks. The kind of kid child leashes were invented for.
• Hellena- Mara’s daughter. STAY AWAY. Evil incarnate. Abusive A.F. Can and will destroy you. In her 20’s
• Christine- Hell’s identical twin. Remember that girl in Mean Girls who wants to bake a cake out of sunshine and rainbows and smiles? Christine is that cake. Rarely out. Same age as Hell.
• Evey- Hell and Chris’ big sister. That one kid with the pink hair and lots of tattoos. Zero impulse control.  Always looks like a teenager for some reason (not over 25)
• Vlad- Agender/Genderqueer mystical creature of the forest. Valentina’s child. Awesome person in general. Permanently 17.
• Harley- Yup. THAT Harley. You know the drill. She’s actually the one who makes all the fun plans because she’s the one who has the energy for it. Gets along with everyone until she doesn’t. Can drink us all under the table. Can drink you under the table. Has been Fae for longer than Claire has been Fae. Was the first one here, so she has tattoo privileges. And dating privileges. And everything privileges, basically. If I say how old she is, I may not live to see another day. Fae’s real mum. Will take you to Petco on exam week to pet puppies. Will yell “doge!” out loud.
Pets every dog. Will steal Teddy from Max.
• Edward- Mr. Nigma, sir. Somehow has better makeup skills than all the girls here combined.  If his attitude was as nice as his eyebrows, he’d rule the world by now. EVERYTHING HAS QUESTION MARKS. Knows more than anyone.  Is actually a genius. Wastes his time trying to school the little ones (and trying to get Naya to use proper words).  Smug bastard. Probs 40-something.
• Cass- Also from comics. EVERYTHING IS YELLOW (yiyo). Doesn’t talk much, but is always fun to have around. Will make you watch animated movies and take you to Starbucks. Will also make you work out. Can be 5, 9, 18 and 25. Smol Cass is a fan of pokemon. If it’s yellow, it belongs to her.
• Naya- Cass’ child. Has her own language, featuring words like “kaijukata”, “pakato”, and “omashii” (“Kaiju attack”, an insult of her own invention, and her word for “mother”.) There are no sidewalks, only pedestrian lanes. Biggest Kaiju Enthusiast. Wants to be Mako Mori.
• M.J.- Has been here for as long as Harley has. Isn’t around as much. The difference between her and Claire is that you can actually understand what MJ says when she gets mad. Probs 25 forever.
• Danni- Amanda’s daughter. Will also fuck you up. Has the weirdest kinks.  23
• Miranda- Danni’s daughter. Don’t ask. Also a sexual alter. 21
• Martha- Miranda’s sister. Level-headed.  A psychiatrist. 21. Actually the most mature person in this head, along with Tári.
• Alice- Nidia’s daughter. Also a psychiatrist. Likes psychoanalyzing people. Type 1 bipolar. Thinks all Arkham inmates are humans and wants to help. Will probably end up as an Arkham Inmate herself. Age slides. Toddler Alice is the devil. Can be 5, 9, and 21
• Alyssa- Mara’s best friend. Take Alice out of wonderland and teach her ballet, then add a sprinkle of Luna Lovegood. Permanently 17-ish.
• Robin- Alice’s little sister. Wants to be Carrie Kelly when she grows up. Terrified of squirrels. Can be 5 and 18. Lesbiab. Lesebeb. Girls. Yes.
• Tári- Alice and Robin’s eldest sister. Autistic. Genius extraordinaire. Loves to talk to Eddie. Often one of them leaves the conversation feeling stupid (it isn’t Tári). Loves Legos. REALLY LOVES LEGOS. Forensic Anthropologist/ wants to be Bones when she grows up. Vegetarian. Can be 12/17/21.
• Frances- Harley’s kid. Don’t ask, this was super weird. Frances herself is super weird. She hears voices. The voices tell her to do things. She rarely listens. Actually super polite. Has “opal” hair. 18-20. We don’t really know.  If we’re gonna have a sub-system, it will probably be because of Frankie.
• Shilo- Shilo Wallace. Infected by her genetics. Her nightmares are the worst. Once made Amanda and Sally fight over a pair of combat boots just so she could get to keep them. Probably Becky’s best friend in here.
• Bellatrix- That one got here on her own. Over 50. Still looks great.
• Azula- also got here on her own.
• Cassiopeia- Bella’s biggest mistake. Best teacher ever. Resident hipster chick. Is actually here to keep a little group of alters from causing too much mayhem.  28.
• Ascella- Lesbian extraordinaire. Sees dead people. I’m not even kidding. Permanently 23.
• Jamie Moriarty- Another one who got here on her own. Our self confidence boosts and power trips. Will maybe kill someone. Better than you and is not afraid to let you know.  Fae’s teachers were terrified of her.
Everyone’s terrified of her; I don’t know who we think we’re kidding. 32.
• Lestat- Fae’s gay vampire boyfriend. Is rarely around anymore. Probably for the best. 260-ish years old. Prick.
• Lindsay - THE definitive Sexual alter. From a comic book oneshot. Amanda on steroids, but if Amanda knew how to socialize. Loves horror, movies, photography and monsters. 26. 
• Becky - Called “morbid” for a reason. Disabled as all fuck. Autistic/ADHD, connective tissue disorder. A lawyer. Loves to argue. Jon Crane’s wife (at least here). 30ish. Always cold and always in pain. If we cancel plans, it’s most likely her fault and she’s sorry.
• Liliana - Necromancer. Big Titty Goth GF. We love and cherish her, alcoholism and all. Will never be over Jace and she knows it.
• Chandra - Pyromancer extraordinaire with severe ADHD. A lot like Fae in a lot of ways. Decidedly Pansexual, thank you very much. 25.
• Vraska - Ravnican to the core, but also a fantastic pirate. Great leader, good friend, fun to be around. Has the huskiest voice in the system. Has the worst flashbacks out of all of us. Can be 19 and 29. • Kari - Vraska and Jace’s kid. Hypermelanistic gorgon, telepath like her dad. Fun to be around. Can be 7, 12 and 25.
• Ral - Very very Izzet, and very very gay, and we love him for it. Very intelligent, good at fixing and making things with his hands. Confident, charismatic, and a workaholic. Tomik’s husband. Sometimes with Max. In his 40’s
• Tomik - Ral’s husband. Quiet, but very caring and polite.Also very smart and hard-working, always loves to learn new things and meet new people. 27-ish. Very gay, too. Makeup skills up there with Eddie’s.
• Teysa - Tomik’s boss. A Boss Ass Rich Bitch, and we love her lots for it. Very polite and interesting to be around. Could buy us all and our families ten times. Old, but looks to be in her early 30’s.
• Avacyn - An angel from Innistrad. Here to protect us. Really likes listening to old pop-punk and emo music with Max. Very sweet to be around, although she can be a little literal-minded.
• Olivia - A Vampire and a bitch. Liliana’s...ex? Something. A lot like Teysa, but much more fun-loving and impulsive.
• Nahiri - Doesn’t come out much. Stern but caring, very savvy, doesn’t take anyone’s crap. Can hold on to grudges like her life depends on it. 
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 7 October 2019
Quick Bits:
Batman & The Outsiders #6 concludes “Lesser Gods” from Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini, and Clayton Cowles. We get another “Batman’s doing something naughty” hint as Ishmael and co attempt to turn Cass and Duke to Ra’s al Ghul’s cause. This is less a hard end than a twist to lead into what might be coming next.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Hammer / Justice League: Hammer of Justice #4 gives us an explanation for what the Stranger did to zap the heroes across their respective realities, even as the more hot-headed Justice League members continue to cause problems on DC’s Earth. I’m still loving the eerie darkness that Michael Walsh is bringing to the art. It keeps it more consistent with the feel established by Dean Ormston and Dave Stewart, making it feel more like a Black Hammer story.
| Published by Dark Horse & DC Comics
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Blade Runner 2019 #4 concludes the first arc. Michael Green, Mike Johnson, Andres Guinaldo, Marco Lesko, and Jim Campbell have done a great job capturing the overall feel of the Blade Runner franchise and it pays off here with one hell of a harrowing end, with a nice twist for what’s to come.
| Published by Titan
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Buffy + Angel: Hellmouth #1 begins the event in earnest, even though you really do need to read the prelude issue of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to get the real first part of this story, from Jordie Bellaire, Jeremy Lambert, Eleonora Carlini, Cris Peter, and Ed Dukeshire. It’s good. As Spike and Dru’s first step in opening the Hellmouth causes havoc through Sunnydale, Buffy and Angel team up to try to stop what’s coming next.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Catwoman #16 has some truly stunning, beautiful artwork from Joëlle Jones and Laura Allred. It might also have a huge change on Selina’s status. Though, how exactly it fits in with “City of Bane” or anything else is anyone’s guess. Still, very nice artwork.
| Published by DC Comics
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Coffin Bound #3 is even darker and more disturbing than what we’ve seen in the first two issues, going deep into some of Izzy and Cassandra’s past, while Cassandra’s sister learns how to be a peeler. Dan Watters, Dani, Brad Simpson, and Aditya Bidikar are doing something very different with this series.
| Published by Image
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Collapser #4 feels like both a test and a turning point for Liam, one that almost seems like he failed. Liam’s new manager turns out to be a “Star Person”, and it feels like she’s leading him into temptation, as we seemingly can’t trust what we see. Mikey Way, Shaun Simon, Ilias Kyriazis, Cris Peter, and Simon Bowland are continuing to delivering one of the best, strangest trips out there.
| Published by DC Comics / Young Animal
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Contagion #2 keeps this largely street-level, only reaching out to the Avengers as more or less support for the moment, as Iron Fist tries to deal with further eruptions of the contagion. Ed Brisson, Stephen Segovia, Veronica Gandini, and Cory Petit certainly make this feel grim as everything continues to go wrong.
| Published by Marvel
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Detective Comics #1013 reveals more of what Mister Freeze has been up to, pushing some rather disturbing experiments as he continues to try to find a cure for his wife. Including a rather troubling cliffhanger that looks like it might upend a lot of what we think we know about Freeze’s situation. Very entertaining story here from Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke, Keith Champagne, Christian Alamy, David Baron, and Rob Leigh.
| Published by DC Comics
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Doctor Doom #1 is an offbeat debut from Christopher Cantwell, Salvador Larroca, Guru e-FX, and Cory Petit. While it shows us some of the day to day runnings Doom does for Latveria, it sets up a mystery as his countries missiles and more launch an attack on a moon project designed to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Nice bits of humour in this one.
| Published by Marvel
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Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Terror - Season Two #1 is a welcome return of this series, with a fun lead story playing through many of Poe’s luminary tales in “The Tell-Tale Black Cask of Usher” from Dean Motter, Alex Ogle, and Julie Barclay. Really great seeing new work from Motter. This issue is rounded out by the usual poetry, prose pieces, and the return of Hunt Emerson’s Black Cat.
| Published by Ahoy
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Event Leviathan #5 works further at the identity of Leviathan, throwing a few more suspects on the fire, along with the possible death of an important character. Also, you’re probably never going to guess who this issue points at being Leviathan. Gorgeous artwork from Alex Maleev as always.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Flash #80 continues to dismantle the new forces and characters built up recently as Zoom and the Black Flash separately try to eliminate the force users. Great art here from Scott Kolins and Luis Guerrero. Kolins is the perfect choice to usher in this next stage in Zolomon’s story.
| Published by DC Comics
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Gotham City Monsters #2 is even better than the first issue, working through Melmoth’s resurrection and gathering the team with invested purpose to bring about his end. There’s also added depth in that Melmoth may very well be right about part of his plan, just not necessarily in his execution. It could add some modicum of moral quandary depending on which way this goes. Steve Orlando, Amancay Nahuelpan, Trish Mulvihill, and Tom Napolitano are doing some very nice work here.
| Published by DC Comics
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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #2 continues the confrontation with Woodrue, building on elements from Justice League Dark, even as something is very, very wrong with Poison Ivy. There’s a more refined, controlled humour here than what we see in the Harley Quinn series itself and it seems to fit the more serious tone of the subject matter. I’m really liking the art from Adriano Melo, Mark Morales, and Hi-Fi.
| Published by DC Comics
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Hawkman #17 brings Carter’s battle with the Shadow Thief to a close, but he takes a turn for the worse as the title runs deeper into the “Year of the Villain” event and the fallout from The Batman Who Laugh’s infected. It’s interesting how Robert Venditti, Pat Olliffe, Tom Palmer, Jeremiah Skipper, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft deal with these multiple spinning plates. Especially that very nice cliffhanger.
| Published by DC Comics
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Ice Cream Man #15 is one of the stranger issues, which is really saying a bit considering that the series itself is regularly very strange. It’s dark, with a protagonist who seems to be suffering a psychotic break. W. Maxwell Prince, Martín Morazzo, Chris O’Halloran, and Good Old Neon continue to work magic with this horror series.
| Published by Image
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Invaders #10 continues “Dead in the Water” from Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, Butch Guice, Alex Guimarães, and Travis Lanham. Some interesting complications here as Roxxon is further added to the mix and Roman starts making more problems for Atlantis. A really nice set up for something new from Steve and Namor too.
| Published by Marvel
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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1, like Harleen #1 before it, surprised me. There’s a current saturation of Joker and Harley Quinn stories at the moment, spurred on by the movies, and it kind of tempers expectations. Thankfully, though, the start to this story from Kami Garcia, Mico Suayan, Mike Mayhew, and Richard Starkings is really rather good. It sets Harley as a criminal profiler, trying to figure out Joker’s murders, really getting inside this new take on her character and developing a more grounded crime thriller. The art from Mico Suayan is gorgeous, presented in greyscale, in contrast to the full-colour, photo reference of Mike Mayhew for flashbacks. I thought it was an interesting choice to present it that way, bucking convention for the flashbacks taking on a faded appearance. It gives the overall story a grittier feel for the present.
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label
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Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Allegiance #1 is kind of a slow start to this intermediary step between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker from Ethan Sacks, Luke Ross, Lee Loughridge, and Clayton Cowles. There’s an interesting bit of showing just how evil the First Order really is, but a lot of what we get here is a regathering of the team. Gorgeous artwork from Ross and Loughridge.
| Published by Marvel
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Justice League Odyssey #14 sees Dan Abnett, Chriscross, Cliff Richards, Le Beau Underwood, Danny Miki, Scott Hanna, Rain Beredo, Pete Pantazis, and AndWorld Design keep building this new team to confront Darkseid and his “new gods”. I really quite like the inversion of what we saw at the beginning, as Jessica Cruz is now working with villains attempting to do something heroic. We also get a reveal of Okkult, who is probably who everyone thought he was in the first place.
| Published by DC Comics
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Livewire #11 gets at a point that was seemingly dropped in the wake of Harbinger Wars 2 in what the US government and their arms-length black ops group did in the Massacre, of how problematic rounding up and murdering a group of people are via American laws. I love that Vita Ayala, Tana Ford, Kelly Fitzpatrick, and Saida Temofonte pick it up here and incorporate it into another angle for this political warfare.
| Published by Valiant
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Loki #4 concludes “The God Who Fell to Earth” and Loki’s conflict with Nightmare in fairly inventive fashion. Daniel Kibblesmith has been delivering some fairly interesting ideas here while planting more seeds for different permutations.
| Published by Marvel
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Oliver #4 was well worth the wait. Gary Whitta, Darick Robertson, Diego Rodriguez, and Simon Bowland pack this confrontation full of action, with some absolutely beautiful artwork from Robertson and Rodriguez. Some very harrowing character moments as the story takes its next turn.
| Published by Image
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Outer Darkness #11 is insanely good as John Layman, Afu Chan, and Pat Brosseau give us the first part of the two-part “season finale” to the series. The crew take shore leave as Rigg goes about interviewing what we think are replacement crew and a meeting with his superior, and then...well, you’re really going to have to read this issue. Great stuff.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Pretty Deadly: The Rat #2 is magnificent, delving into more of the existing mythology from the previous volumes, while still continuing on the new narrative for this era that started last issue. The repeated incorporation of visual motifs inspired by the film industry is a very nice touch. Kelly Sue DeConnick, Emma Rios, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles are giving us a very compelling mystery here.
| Published by Image
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Ronin Island #7 pushes the bandits and the Shogun into confrontation and...none of it goes exactly to Kenichi’s plan. Greg Pak, Giannis Milonogiannis, Irma Kniivila, and Simon Bowland continue to unfold this story in interesting ways, while Hana and Kenichi’s childhood lessons come back to both haunt and empower them.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Shoplifters Will Be Liquidated #1 is an interesting debut from Patrick Kindlon, Stefano Simeone, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. Set within a rather expansive big box store, it presents an extreme look at consumer culture and the lengths that this store’s loss prevention staff goes to in order to get their man. It’s rather cutthroat, literally.
| Published by AfterShock
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Sonata #5 unveils a bit more about the planet and the Lumani, revealing an interesting depth to their technology that’s seemingly been abandoned and their method of reproduction. Mixing that in with the action of trying to save members of the two colonizers in conflict keeps the pace moving along. Gorgeous artwork from Brian Haberlin and Geirrod Van Dyke.
| Published by Image / Shadowline
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Spawn #301 continues the story and structure of #300, with Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo, Jason Shawn Alexander, Clayton Crain, Jerome Opeña, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia, Peter Steigerwald, Matt Hollingsworth, John Rauch, Greg Menzie, Jay Fotos, and Tom Orzechowski breaking it down into numerous chapters, dealing with the various different elements. Some interesting new characters revealed again, even though we only get a bit about them.
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple #3 reveals a few more secrets in the past, even as the Inquisitor searches for them in the present. Gorgeous artwork from Paolo Villanelli and Arif Prianto. It definitely feels like something weird is going on here.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle #2 is another great entry into this series, with a central story illustrated this time by Kelley Jones and Michelle Madsen. It’s a wonderful monster story with one of Tarkin’s experiments, showing us what really makes up a monster.
| Published by IDW
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Supergirl #35 sees Marc Andreyko, Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, FCO Plascencia, and Tom Napolitano juggling about as many plates as they are over in Hawkman. There’s “Year of the Villain” stuff and a rather deep tie-in to Event Leviathan as Leviathan makes a pitch for Kara to join him.
| Published by DC Comics
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Superman #16 reunites Jon and Damian one last time before Jon heads off to join the Legion in the future, from Brian Michael Bendis, David Lafuente, Paul Mounts, and Dave Sharpe. It’s a fun, heartfelt send-off with some very funny moments, including a renaming of Leviathan that will hopefully stick.
| Published by DC Comics
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These Savage Shores #5 brings an end to one of the most beautifully told stories in comics in the past few years. Ram V, Sumit Kumar, Vittorio Astone, and Aditya Bidikar have done an incredible thing with this story, giving new depth and nuance to tragic romance and the vampire story. This conclusion is heartrending as we see how far Bishan will go for love, in an epic confrontation between vampire and raakshas. Everyone owes it to themselves to read this series. Simply phenomenal.
| Published by Vault
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Thumbs #5 is the conclusion to what has been a wonderful series from Sean Lewis and Hayden Sherman. There are some really interesting ideas, subverting the ideologies of both factions, showing realizations that maybe there might just be a better way.
| Published by Image
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Triage #2 delves deeper into the three multiversal versions of Evie, contemplating how they came about while trying to figure out a way to stop whoever it is that’s hunting them. There’s some sweet and funny character moments with the main “normal” universe’s Evie and Tab. Phillip Sevy is doing a great job of juggling both the ordinary and extraordinary in this story.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Vampirella/Red Sonja #2 is more fun from Jordie Bellaire, Drew Moss, Rebecca Nalty, and Becca Carey. The issues between Vampirella and Sonja become greater, even as they get a spell to understand one another. There’s a really nice mix of humour and action here.
| Published by Dynamite
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Web of Black Widow #2 is another great issue. What Jody Houser, Stephen Mooney, Tríona Farrell, and Cory Petit are doing here feels perfect for Black Widow, giving us an action-packed story full of intrigue, even as it keeps us off-balance as to what exactly is going on.
| Published by Marvel
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Wonder Twins #8 throws in a prison break and a high school reunion into the reasons why you should be reading this series. Mark Russell, Mike Norton, Cris Peter, and Dave Sharpe deliver another humorous chapter to this series, with some rather interesting heartbreak.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Other Highlights: Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #3, Age of Conan: Valeria #3, Amazing Spider-Man #31, Animosity #24, Batman Universe #4, The Batman’s Grave #1, Battlepug #2, East of West #43, Future Fight Firsts: White Fox #1, Ghosted in LA #4, GI Joe: A Real American Hero #267, Go Go Power Rangers #24, Gwenpool Strikes Back #3, House of Whispers #14, Immortal Hulk: Director’s Cut #5, Joker: Year of the Villain #1, Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #5, Magnificent Ms. Marvel #8, Marvel Action: Spider-Man #9, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #11, Oblivion Song #20, Postal: Deliverance #4, Power Rangers: The Psycho Path, Powers of X #6, Reaver #4, Redneck #24, RWBY (print) #1, RWBY (digital) #4, Secrets of Sinister House #1, Star Wars: Target Vader #4, Thought Bubble Anthology 2019, TMNT: Urban Legends #17, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #49, Unearth #4, Usagi Yojimbo #5, Wonder Woman #80
Recommended Collections: A Walk Through Hell - Volume 2, Baltimore Omnibus - Volume 1, Battlestar Galactica Classic: Counterstrike, Battlestar Galactica: Twilight Command, Black Hammer ‘45 - Volume 1, Blossoms 666, Hack/Slash vs. Chaos, The Silencer - Volume 3: Up in Smoke, War of the Realms: Punisher, Wizard Beach
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d. emerson eddy is ready for some shashlik.
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Ika Wong was on Reality Recaps March 22, 2019 to discuss bbcan7.
The full interview will be posted on youtube soon. This is a small recap.
Eric wants Ika on the challenge, but Ika says she couldn’t do it.
Anyone she talked to preseason who has changed a lot? Damien she didn’t like, but he is one of the most likeable guys. She’s surprised he won the power both times. Eric also says that Canada feels connected to him, ika says he’s a great representative of First Nations.
As a BB fan, what’s it like getting to have the inside track with her access this year? It’s an extension of her experience, it’s really cool doing it for now. She wants someone else to experience that too. Eric says to let them experience it in 10 years.
Her theory on the blood veto? She thinks you get an advantage but you get blood on your hands, whatever choice you make, the HGs will know it was you.
If she could insert Dem, Cass and Karen in the game, what three would she knock out to put them in? Cass in place of Kyra, working with Chelsea. She changes her mind, Cass and Karen for Kiki and Este, she finds them dull. For Dem in place of Mark, she doesn’t like him.
Karen doesn’t like gamesplaining, Ika’s problem with it is when they have things wrong because they say so much crap but production will show us the one thing they said that was correct.
Differences in plans between bbus and bbcan? Bbus shows her who they’ll be in the house, that’s why it’s easier for her to choose who she’ll root for. Bbcan wants to be politically correct and don’t give her as much, more concerned with image.
Not necessarily a fan of Adam and Sam but they are being themselves and she can appreciate that as a past player, they’re giving them content to talk about.
Should Sam distance herself or include herself in others deals? They’re already targets, even if she got out Adam somehow, she’ll still be a target.
In bbcan history, showmances go far, so should Sam and Adam be targeted now? She has a soft spot for showmances now, so people should use it to their advantage, it’s two votes. Take them out during a DE, but use them before then. The pretty boys see Sam as a threat not an asset.
First to be evicted out of the pretty boys? Anthony or Adam, Mark has better outside relationships, and Dane too.
Pretty Boys is such a bad name, if she had to name them, it would be A Mess.
Eric says that in Canada, guys not having teeth is hot, what does ika think? She asks Dem and he says the teeth thing is more him being goofy and it is a bit of respect, he has friends like that who take their teeth out for fun. Ika says Dem has all of his teeth and Eric says to keep it that way.
Thoughts on Cory’s challenge? Ika thinks she did it well but it sucks she had to, it was so early. Everyone seems to have forgot about it.
Kiki and Mark, is there a showmance? She doesn’t know, doesn’t see it, but she also said she’d never get into one. Kiki would use anyone and anything to get anywhere.
Ika swears that she did not fake her reaction to the rabbit, she didn’t know she was afraid of bunnies. BB did not ask their fears, she probably would have said bugs, never would have thought bunnies. She’s fine with puppies, they just can’t have red eyes, she doesn’t like cats. She secretly judges people who own cats.
Someone asks if she’s required to watch live feeds, she says no, not sure why she would be, she doesn’t watch but will update on Twitter and sometimes put them on.
Most disloyal HG? Dane. And maybe Mark, he cares about himself.
Person in the house who’s most likely to shred a letter from loved ones? Kiki, she wants to be badass.
Thoughts of HOH not playing in POV? She doesn’t like it, should be able to defend your nominees. Ika likes the original rules.
How did she like delivering Wendy’s? She was embarrassed to be in the outfit but it was fun. Did she get a frosty? She didn’t get any food.
What was up with Kevin’s hair? Ika says to ask Kevin and Pili.
Which hg would she align with? Kiki and Este possibly because they’re loyal. Damien needs some guidance and needs someone to trust. Maybe Chelsea too, she thinks she’s smart.
Would ika play again? She says no, she played twice, she gave enough of her and we’ve seen enough of her.
Would she do an all star season? She feels like it’s in her best interest to not. She doesn’t talk to many BB people, and their job would be to get her out. She had fun the last two times and if she went back, she thinks she would be targeted right away. She’s just not in the BB world as much, going in she wouldn’t have established relationships.
What about cbbus and Canada vs US? No. She says she’s not a celebrity, Eric asks if she’s seen the celebrities...
If her kids wanted to, they should. But she knows about the things after and the things people don’t know and she would be scared for that for them.
What one twist would she implement? She wants to bring Pandora’s box back.
She thinks Eddie will go far because he’s not seen as a threat.
Ika doesn’t like how Kailyn lied about her age, every house is different so her reasons weren’t totally valid. She likes that she showed up and played her heart out.
F2? She rolls her eyes and laughs. She can see Este, by the time people see her as a threat it’ll be too late.
Who does she want to leave in the double? One of the pretty boys and one of the boring people.
Wouldn’t have liked being in the house with a psychic. She was shady. She really only liked dem, Karen, Gary, Cass and Dallas early on.
Favorite bbus and bbcan players of all time? She can’t choose just one, there’s different reasons. Dr Will, Danny Donato, the original badass. Rachel Reilly. Josh. Janelle. bbcan, she is more biased because she also knows them and it taints her from giving a true opinion on game player only, she’s biased in her opinion. Ika says she will say Demetres.
Any plans on getting married? “That’s a question for demetres, cause I’m not asking him.” Ika asks Dem if he’ll marry her, and he says yes. Ika says that he’s put on the spot, but Dem says he’s not even on the screen, he’s not on the spot. Eric: “I hear guys like that, being out on the spot on the internet.” So Dem comes on screen and she grabs him by the neck, and shakes him and asks if he’ll marry her, and he chokes out yes.
Did she know the mooch was not a real player? She thought it was weird and she still doesn’t believe he wasn’t a real player.
Someone comments that her interviews are incredible, and Eric agrees, says the start of the season wouldn’t be the same. She thanks the fans for engaging with the interviews.
Ika says she would love to have a partner in the interviews, like Cass and Gary, Eric says to pitch it and she says she did lol
Ika thanks the fans for always supporting her and having her back, the unconditional love.
He brings up her YouTube channel and she says she didn’t want to plug it because they’re not consistent. Eric says everyone needs to watch the chicken nugget challenge. He says it was so funny how she just let Dem do it.
Eric says when jury starts they’ll have her back on.
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bixpicks · 5 years
Bix Picks 2019
20. Omni - Networker (Sub Pop)
Stripped down post-punk-pop Like Television demos Or Wire unplugged
19. Earl Sweatshirt - Feet of Clay (Warner/Tan Cressida)
In confident mode Earl’s crushing anxiety Sounds light and carefree
18. FKA twigs - MAGDALENE (Young Turks)
Hints of Björk. But Just the music, not her voice, So you might like it
17. Alasdair Roberts - The Fiery Margin (Drag City)
The fair bonny lad Sings for thee new songs that sound A hundred years olde
16. Rustin Man - Drift Code (Domino)
Pastoral delight From former Talk Talk bassist A warm, rural treat
15. Fontaines D.C. - Dogrel (Partisan)
Feral, Dublin punks Match smart, heartfelt lyrics to Urgent blasts of fun
14. Hemlock Ernst & Kenny Segal - Back at the House (Ruby Yacht)
Dream matchup dazzles With notes from the underground. Beats and rhymes and life
13. Thom Yorke - ANIMA (XL)
Paranoid android Tries to make digital sense Of analog woes
12. Thee Oh Sees - Face Stabber (Castle Face)
Look at that cover! We need more of this and less Of everything else
11. Bon Iver - i,i (Jagjaguwar)
Fractured and searching Claustrophobic and glitchy Yet rife with feeling
10. Tool - Fear Inoculum (RCA)
First ask yourself this... Have you changed in thirteen years?? Exactly. Enjoy.
9. Michael Kiwanuka - KIWANUKA (Interscope)
Proclamatory Statement of artist and self Proud, strong and sublime
8. Angel Olsen - All Mirrors (Jagjaguwar)
Among synths and strings Angel soars, finds her groove and Fiercely stakes her claim
7. Cate LeBon - Reward (Mexican Summer)
Quirky, cryptic koans That leave their mark.  Artful, with A strange insouciance
6. Bill Callahan - Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest (Drag City)
Married and content, Domestic bliss has dulled none Of Bill’s mordant wit
5. Billy Woods & Kenny Segal - Hiding Places (Backwoodz Studioz)
Grim transmissions from Deep within the rubble of Black America
4. Black Midi - Schlagenheim (Rough Trade)
Nihilistic yet Palatable. A tetchy, Confident debut
3. Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains (Drag City)
Profound, poetic Funny and gutting, Berman Saved his best for last
2. Big Thief - U.F.O.F. + Two Hands (4AD)
Haunting, anodyne And beguiling in quiet But transcendent ways
1. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen (Ghosteen Ltd)
Threnodies weighing Love and loss. Cuz that’s how you Cap a trilogy!
HONORABLE MENTION (in alphabetical order)
75 Dollar Bill - I Was Real (Thin Wrist) Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - I Made a Place (Drag City) Danny Brown - uknowhatimsayin¿ (Warp) The Comet is Coming - Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery (UMG) Deerhunter - Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? (4AD) Floating Points - Crush (Ninja Tune) Froth - Duress (Wichita) Steve Gunn - The Unseen In Between (Matador) Cass McCombs - Tip of the Sphere (Anti-) MIKE - Tears of Joy (10K) Modern Nature - How To Live (Bella Union) Sean O'Hagen - Radum Calls, Radum Calls (Drag City) Panda Bear - Buoys (Domino) Tim Presley's White Fence - I Have to Feed Larry's Hawk (Drag City) Gruff Rhys - Pang! (Domino) Ty Segall - First Taste (Drag City) SUNN O))) - Life Metal (Southern Lord) Swans - Leaving Meaning (Young God/Mute) Josephine Wiggs - We Fall (The Sound of Sinners) Wilco - Ode to Joy (dBpm)
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I was tagged by @xcandyslice
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people.
1. Drink: Water
2. Phone call: Work
3. Text message: Bianca
4. Song you listened to: Let It Go - Idina Menzel (Yes, I still love this song. Sue me)
5. Time you cried: When I found out I didn’t get full time at Publix. This was several weeks ago. I was so angry.
6. Dated someone twice: No
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No
8. Been cheated on: No
9. Lost someone special: No
10. Been depressed: Yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope, I don’t drink ever.
12-14: Pink, blue, and purple
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: No. I have had fictional crushes but nothing ever serious.
17. Laughed until you cried: Uh…no?
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah.
19. Met someone who changed you: Nope, unless you count your boss at work.
20. Found out who your friends are: Yup
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t even go on FaceBook on anymore due to the political crap.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them that I knew either at school or work.
23. Do you have any pets: I used to have a bird. But she died years ago, even though my dad, brother, and I still talk about her to this day by keep making new nicknames for her. XD
24. Do you want to change your name: Sometimes. But most of the time I don’t because I do like my name.
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Nothing. I think worked.
26. What time did you wake up: Uh…6 am but only to take a shower and go back to bed pfft
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching a let’s play.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Getting Cars 3, Despicable Me 3, and Captain Underpants on DVDs.
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Just a few minutes ago.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Wish I did better in school.
31. What are you listening right now: Various youtube videos.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?:  Uh…I don’t know.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Stupid people.
34. Most visited Website: Deviantart, youtube, and tumblr
35. Mole/s: Nope
36. Mark/s:  Nope
37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a vet
38. Hair Colour: Brown
39. Long or short hair: Medium length
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Does a fictional character count?
41. What do you like about yourself: Drawing my OTPs. :3
42. Piercings: Ears.
43. Blood type: Uh…I think it’s O?
44. Nickname: Chrissy
45. Relationship status: Single, sadly
46. Zodiac: Pisces
47. Pronouns: She/Her
48. Favorite TV Show: Danny Phantom still
49. Tattoos: Nope.
50. Right or left hand: Right handed
51. Surgery: Nope.
52. Hair dyed in different color: Nope. Though I had thought about it.
53. Sport: Hell no…
55. Vacation: I would like to go somewhere. Anywhere is fine.
56. Pair of trainers: Nike?
57. Eating Currently: Nothing
58. Drinking currently: Nothing but probably water
59. I’m about to: Color more on photoshop and Sai
61. Waiting for: movies to come out on DVD
62. Want to: get better at NSFW art
63. Get married: Yes!
64. Career: Deli Clerk
65. Hugs or kisses: Both but I love hugs the best
66. Lips or eyes: Both I’m sure
67. Shorter or taller: Both
68. Older or younger: Uh…both again for this?
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I like both lol
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship.
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: Hell no
75. Drank hard liquor: No. Again, I don’t drink and I never will
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope, I keep my glasses safe.
77. Turned someone down: Yes.
78. Sex in the first date: No duh
79. Broken someone’s heart: Don’t think so?
80. Had your heart broken: …yes
81. Been arrested: Heck no.
82. Cried when someone died: Both fictional characters and my family members.
83. Fallen for a friend: No.
84. Yourself: I wish…
85. Miracles: The Lord has helped me several times so yes.
86. Love at first sight: I do believe that when someone meets their soul mate, they feel something they never felt before, so I would have to say yes.
87. Santa Clause: Honestly, I still believe in his spirit. Thanks to Rise of the Guardians.
88. Kiss in the first date: Sure.
89. Angels: Yes.
90. Current best friends’ names: Bianca, Chelsi, Erica, Ki, Sam, Cass, Lai, and Kammy.
91. Eyecolor: Between brown and hazel
92. Favorite movie: Rise of the Guardians, Beauty and the Beast (original cartoon), Princess and the Frog, Tangled, and the Cars franchise.
I tag no one. It’s up to anyone if they wanna do this.
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taiey · 7 years
A directory of all my interesting things (2/2)
Stretching the concept of “monthly” self-rec to its limit here... Obviously you should go look at all of these, but bold marks the most interesting things. ♥ 
Full-arc picspam
Doctor Martha Jones. 
You’re a physician?
troll appreciation post
Just one day leave me behind, a million miles from home.
Clara/Martha parallels.
This Is War
jewellery + thinky
There is no gun
eye-closing for the dead
Martha Jones exposes the plasmavore in Smith and Jones.
Don’t mention it.
Martha meme:
8 moments of medium awesome
Martha & the Doctor: 1/2/3
Hath Peck
Milo & Cheem
“moments of revelation”
the authority thing
finding beauty
media fan
What does the legend say?
perfectly reasonable question
their hit single Did Shakespeare Hit On You? (Did You Walk The Earth?)
“this job is way below my pay grade “
the way the hands keep holding
Celebrating New Who: March 23rd: Favourite Character
minor characters
At work
you need that boy/like a bowling ball/dropped on your head/which means not at all
[pictured: the sheer magnificence of Martha Jones]
That thing where Martha suddenly drops the non-violence doesn’t actually feel like character development to me.
“they say she’s going to save the world.“  +1
Family +1
“I reckon you’ll find someone worth believing in.”
in The Shakespeare Code
in 42
And you leave because you’re certain Of who you want to be…
Looks like a lady / Thinks like a leader / Shoots like a boss
contempt/confusion face
“Should’ve been that the Doctor fell for her.”
She persisted.
Full-arc picspam
the root of my problems with series 2.
Except that implies, in this big grand scheme of gods and devils, that she’s just a victim.
when do rose and mickey break up?
So I ship Mickey/Rose...
the uber-salty sonic screwdriver post
it’s as if the only reason she’s given a life is so she can renounce it in demonstration of her devotion to the Doctor
what we had / don’t mean a thing
And Lot’s wife, of course, was told not to look back.
‘just’ a companion
Other Doctor Who
the most inexplicable DW cliffhanger explained.
moffat’s women are not identical [series]
consequences, theoretically part 1
Cass from Night of the Doctor
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang make my heart sing.
Dream Lord
Voyage of the Damned vs The Day of the Doctor
Jackie/Davros quote
I need a hero!
my personal peak Moffat salt
[person] doing stuff  [series]
You have all the weapons you need. Now fight.
The Master: I deserve
“Mickey Smith, defending the Earth.”
“I was here.”
awesome moments
“I’m happy right now.”
The picspam of insufficient bitterness
Pearl’s description
trailer gifs
Robot Proximity
little things
Danny Pink: 
I don’t want to see more things; I want to see the things in front of me more clearly.
references in Series 9
Tanya Adeola in For Tonight We Might Die
We are the music-makers
in story  
Newtons Sleep
Amy vs River on faith.
Why I hate 10.
eternal imprisonment
a silliness and conceit unrivalled by any other character in history.
the Doctor spending two-and-a-half minutes straight pointing a gun at two people who could kill him with one hand.
the ‘too famous’ arc
Amy/Clara Jolene
Bechdel Test
Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons? [Yes.]
I love Moffat’s Doctor Who because it is feminist.
[black] Doctor Who characters being awesome.
Terrible things have been done to protect you. They are not necessary.
Companion per series [series]
i iz in ur series 2, endorsing polyamory
Disruptive influence. Nice to meet you.
Lady of the Two Lands
Your fight for survival starts right now.
Series 6
Aliens of London / World War 3
the wedding of river song moment
Midnight: Do we have a deal?
(The actual list of my favourite new who episodes.)
It’s about the triumph of intellect and romance
“London Glamour” Woman
With Moffat it’s all details, and they matter.
telling different, non-daughter stories
Moffat ladies + tearing power from the things that have hurt you.
In which the Doctor kinda inspired Davros’ obsession with survival
Lucy Saxon, but with underlying RTD grief
series 9, diversity of the supporting cast.
Non-violent awesome
Moffat characterisation: I know how they define their very worlds.
dw female characters + technology
‘it really doesn’t matter’ YES IT DOES
new who characters [series]
companions + central conflict
The extended food/relationship metaphor
If we deny our happiness, resist our satisfaction, we lessen the importance of their deprivation.
companions + canon titles
Greenworld (incomplete)
How often is the resolution “kill the things”?
Moffat 100% sexist
Non-Doctor Who
Book edits:
Iron Cast by Destiny Soria
The Twice Lived Summer of Bluebell Jones 
Rachel Berenson: warrior // princess 
Katniss & Gale
The Fifth Season; N. K. Jemisin. 
Firefly AU: both Tam siblings as Alliance operatives.
I fight like a girl
Character meme
what is fridging
Mary Watson
An non-exhaustive taxonomy of character love
Black Widow SNL Parody Trailer //  Supergirl First Look Trailer were really quite different
Black Widow: I have a very specific skill-set.
Daenerys Targaryen is Azor Ahai reborn
“The Election of 2016″ (hamilton)
Momento: you do not know who you are
Bridge to Terabithia
Gwen Stacy (616)
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fathersonholygore · 6 years
AMC’s Preacher Season 3, Episode 4: “The Tombs” Directed by Wayne Yip Written by Mark Stegemann
* For a recap & review of the previous episode, “Gonna Hurt” – click here * For a recap & review of the next episode, “The Coffin” – click here Back to Hell, for the first time in ages! A guard goes to a cell, letting the prisoner inside know: “It‘s time.” Of course, you know who it is— the Saint of Killers (Graham McTavish). They head for the elevator, so he can get back to business. Hell’s quite the place, a lot of interesting architecture. Satan (Jason Douglas) is waiting in his office with the Angel of Death. Satan and the Saint have a talk. They discuss the man’s breakout, when he went back to Earth to hunt down the preacher, Jesse Custer (Dominic Cooper). Seems the Dark Lord doesn’t like what it did to his reputation, so it’ll require making “amends.” That is, a bit of torture. The Angel of Death gives the Saint of Killers a nasty whipping, though he’s not overly affected. But it gives Satan a thrill. It’s all good, man. In the real world, Tulip O’Hare (Ruth Negga) is busy trying to get information out of Madam Boyd (Prema Cruz). She gets trapped in Boyd territory. Luckily she’s a “crazy bitch,” and she gets herself out of there with the Madam with a bit of sheer will and gunfire. Jump to back in the day, down in the tombs, where young Jesse (Will Kindrachuk) was ringleader of the circus in the Tombs at Angelville. He was their big presenter. Jody (Jeremy Childs) was a bare knuckle staple at those events. And TC (Colin Cunningham) had all those who gave over their souls to Madam L’Angell (Betty Buckley) locked up, awaiting a chance to fight in the middle of the ring so they might get back them back. In present day, Jesse stands in the Tombs like years ago, watching his old pal, the vampire Cassidy (Joseph Gilgun), fend off the paedophile science teacher who’s spent an eternity down there. Eventually, Cass kills his opponent. He doesn’t get any time to celebrate, though. Jesse kicks him around a bit in front of TC and Jody. A nasty situation, even if it’s all part of an ultimate plan. Soundtrack note: Great tune, fitting the Southern atmosphere and setting of Preacher. More of the past. We see Madam Boyd has history with Jesse. She tells Tulip, in the present, the preacher was the “worst person” she’d ever loved. We see them when they were young. They were secretly having a relationship behind the back of those at Angelville. He was continually having a problem with reconciling the L’Angell business with life. He drove her away, purposefully, to keep her from danger. This is a recurring theme in Custer’s life— pushing people away, hurting people, whether it’s Sabina, Tulip, Cassidy, in order to keep them from being hurt worse by the fallout of his horrific personal life. Such as currently, he’s chopped Cassidy into bits and he’s putting the vamp, in pieces, inside a box to ship him out of there. The vamp thinks it’s bullshit, though this is the only way Jesse knows how to do things. Back in day again, we see Jesse doing his thing at the Tombs. Sabina’s brother turned up looking to find Jesse, attacking him in the ring. The two men went fist to fist brutally. And Jesse strangled him to death in front of everybody. Hooooly shit. Following that he went back to hosting the sick show, even going so far as to quote Gladiator. In the present, Tulip refuses to believe Madam Boyd when she tells her the story.
In the Tombs, Jesse tells people “God has left Heaven” at the latest show. They’ve also discovered the vampire’s gone— he’s also escaped his box at the shipping store. Well, the preacher is actually shutting the place down. He refuses to let it continue. That is, until the vamp returns singing “Danny Boy.” He’s back for a fight, too. Good ole Irish lad. This pits him against Jesse. The two kick the shit out of one another, using fists and weapons alike. The preacher begs his friend to take the fall. At that moment, Tulip enters to see the carnage between the two men. She witnesses Jesse renouncing God and putting a makeshift stake into Cassidy, looking like a veritable monster. Once it’s all done Cass and Tulip take off together. Although the vampire tries to stress that Jesse’s only a “product of his environment.” And on top of that, Ms. O’Hare can’t bring herself to go. She pushes the vamp away to keep him safe. That recurring theme is the same for her right now, she’s in a position where she has to hurt someone to ensure they won’t be hurt worse by her collateral damage. Only she doesn’t realise Cassidy’s being watched by the Grail, as well. Tulip goes back to Jesse, she knows the truth and she only wants him to be honest with her. She wants to be trusted, like a proper partner. So, Jesse tells her about what happened to Sabina’s brother. In reality, the guy was trying to kill him, and he was forced to do what he did out of self defence. It all just went to bolster Jesse’s reputation amongst the fans at the Tombs, creating a sick identity for him. In Hell, Satan tells the Saint he has a mission for him. A bit of retrieval. He needs “two someones” brought back downstairs. They’re threats. It’s got to be a less lethal excursion, so the Saint can’t use guns this time. If he gets the job done, then he gets his weapons back, and he can go back to killing, searching for his preacher. I wonder who the two are, huh? I will forever love this series. Enough said! “The Coffin” is next time. Gonna get more fun from here on in, though that’s par for the course at this point, I suppose. Giddy up. Preacher – Season 3, Episode 4: “The Tombs” AMC's Preacher Season 3, Episode 4: "The Tombs" Directed by Wayne Yip Written by Mark Stegemann…
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londontheatre · 7 years
Chelsea Walker
The Royal Theatrical Support Trust (RTST) and Nuffield Southampton Theatres (NST) are delighted to announce that Chelsea Walker has been awarded the 2017 RTST Director Award, with Tinuke Craig as runner-up.
As winner, Chelsea will now get the unique opportunity to direct a full-scale, fully-funded production of a classic play, to be co-produced by Nuffield Southampton Theatres, English Touring Theatre (ETT) and Theatr Clwyd in 2018. The production, which will run from March to June, will premiere in the main house of NST’s new city-centre theatre, NST City, before going on a tour of the main houses of theatres across the UK, concluding with a run in the Anthony Hopkins Theatre at Theatr Clwyd.
After a successful national call-out for entries, Chelsea was one of 7 finalists selected by a prestigious Selection Panel to demonstrate their directing skills in workshops and a final interview stage. The selection panel comprised: chair Sam Hodges (Director at Nuffield Southampton Theatres), Howard Brenton, Tamara Harvey (Artistic Director at Theatre Clywd), Patricia Hodge, Stephanie Street, Richard Twyman (Artistic Director at English Touring Theatre), and Danny Lee Wynter.
Winner, Chelsea Walker said: “I’m thrilled to have won the RTST Award, and I’m really grateful for their support as I make this next step in my career. These platforms for young directors are rare and invaluable. I feel very lucky to be given the opportunity to work with the brilliant NST, ETT and Theatr Clwyd. The process of applying for the award forces you to be rigorous and interrogate the kind of work you want to make. I’d like to thank the RTST, Sam Hodges, Tamara Harvey, Richard Twyman and the wonderful, welcoming panel for making the process so warm and invigorating.”
The 2017 scheme supports the RTST mission as a charity dedicated to promoting theatre and drama. Chairman of the RTST, Sir Geoffrey Cass, said: “The RTST Director Award had 7 finalists of the very highest quality, selected from a strong field of 50 candidates. Two full days of workshops, at which the 7 finalists had to direct professional actors, observed by our very experienced panel of judges, followed by interviews, were a thorough test of their directing skills. The prize was a unique opportunity to direct a production, which would be staged by Nuffield Southampton Theatres, Theatr Clwyd, and English Touring Theatre. The collaboration of the RTST with these three companies has admirably achieved encouragement of emerging theatre professionals and the promotion of regional theatre – two of the Trust’s primary objectives”.
Mark Hawes, Deputy Chairman of the RTST, said: “RTST Director Award winner Chelsea Walker is demonstrably a director to watch, and NST City – Southampton’s sleek, new-build led by Sam Hodges – will definitely be a theatre to watch. We’re thrilled to be the catalyst for Chelsea’s launch into mid-scale, main-house directing as part of NST City’s first year programme – and for Nuffield Southampton Theatres’ co-production with English Touring Theatre and Theatr Clwyd, which will propel a national tour of a re-imagined classic directed by Chelsea. Exciting times ahead for British regional theatre”.
Samuel Hodges, Director at Nuffield Southampton Theatres, said: “It was an unbridled pleasure watching seven of the country’s future directing stars generously share their process and ideas with us. Chelsea blew us away with her insight, openness and skill and she was a unanimous winner. I can’t wait to work together and for audiences across Britain to see what she can do.”
Chelsea Walker directed the first major revival of Low Level Panic by Clare McIntyre at the Orange Tree earlier this year. Her previous directing credits include P’yongyang by In-Sook Chappell and Chicken Dust by Ben Weatherill (Finborough Theatre), Klippies by Jess Sian (Southwark Playhouse) and Lean by Isley Lynn (Tristan Bates). She has also assistant directed on Wild by Mike Bartlett (Hampstead Theatre), Routes by Rachel de-lahay (Royal Court), and The Little Mermaid, adapted by Joel Horwood (Bristol Old Vic). She was a runner up in the JMK Young Directors’ Award 2016, is a director on the Old Vic 12, and is a script reader for the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize.
http://ift.tt/2qSX0br LondonTheatre1.com
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