#Casper x norm
mayrine · 5 months
this time in fic form 🔥 🔥
Norm has an awful day at work, but his husband is there to take care of him
This fic is for @fishy-sandwich thank you for being an amazing friend and for introducing spacemoth into my life, truly the best yaoi out there
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butchdykenormallen · 2 months
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come get your fooood
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a-norm-a-day · 4 months
norm in a "kiss the chef" apron, cooking burgers
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Day 16 of drawing Norm for fun ^_^
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
IK THIS SOUNDS RLY pushy and like weird and ermm crigne but i just wanted to kniw if ur opinion shave changed on spacemoth and maybeermm ramble a little mayhaps???
OK OK SO. FOR STARTERS. THEY R CANON. TO ME. LIKE THEYRE STRAIGHT UP CANON I SOMETIMES FORGET THEYRE NOT. IRELALY HOPE ONE DAY... DIRECTDOGGY ACKNOWLEDGES YOU AND MAKES DIALTOWN 2 JUST TO PUT SPACEMOTH IN IT.....ok im sorry ijsut lodst my train of thought iliterally dont remebr what iwas.talking about. a really romantic silly nightcore (NOT sped up. nightcore) song jjusst started playing and it reminds me of spacemoth :) eventhough its kind of about ... missing a chance with someomey ou love/... I CAN PRETEND ITS ABOUT SILLY MAKING OUT JUST PRETEND JUST.PRETEND.
BUT !!!!! THEYRE VERY SILLY MALEWIFE MOTH X SPACE COWBOY THE ULTIMATE DUO whenever isee a cowboy nowadays im like haha..norm..... but also egbert bc the one flash where egbert dresses up as a cowboy. i think theyd go off on their yeehaw endeavors (am i useing that word right) together BESIDES THE POINT. theyre the type to drink (i mispelled this as dirk) a smoothie togethet with two straws . their dynamic is so funny to me its like a magical girl x normal guy except theyre both old men
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idk if this is anyting idk if this makes sense.but you get me
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psikologrehber · 5 years
Yeni Nesil Erkeğin İlişkiden Beklediği 7 Şey
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Her nesille birlikte ilişki anlayışı, süresi ve tarafların ilişkiden beklentisi de değişiyor. Peki Y kuşağı ve milenyallerle birlikte erkeklere neler oluyor? İlişkiden ne bekliyor, aşkı nasıl tanımlıyor ve ideal partnerlerini nasıl tanımlıyorlar? Araştırmaya göre yeni nesil erkekler yaşça kendilerinden en az iki ve en fazla 11 yaş büyük kadınlarla ilişki yaşamayı istiyorlar.
Savaşma, Uzaklaş
Özellikle internetin içine doğmuş, elinde telefon ve sosyal medya uygulamalarıyla büyümekte olan nesille birlikte ilişkilerin tanımları da sürekli değişmeye başladı. Artık yeni nesil erkek daha ilişkiye bile başlamadan atıp yenisini almaya meyilli. Kanada Guelph Üniversitesi’nden Dr. Sarah Hunter Murray, “Buna hayaletleme denir” diyor. Asıl adı Ghosting ya da sevimli hayalet Caspering olan, Türkçe’ye “Hayaletleme” diye çevrilebilecek olan bu eyleme göre milenyal erkekler hoşlandığı kişiye teklif ettikten ya da kendini belli edip ilgi görmedikten sonra hızlıca uzaklaşıp yeni birinde şansını deniyor. Bir nevi hayalet sevgili ama Casper gibi sevimli, savaşçı değil.
Tek Eşlilik Konusu
Hollanda Wageningen Üniversitesi’nde yürütülen bir çalışmada erkekler, “Erkek tek eşli midir” sorusuna, yüzde 48 oranla “Evlendiğimde ya da bir ilişkideysem evet” cevabı verirken, yüzde 44 “Hayır” ve sadece yüzde 8 oranla “Evet” cevabını veriyorlar. Yani yeni nesil erkeğe göre bir erkek ya hiç tek eşli değil ya da özünde tek eşli değil ama ilişki içerisine girdiğinde toplumsal norm gereği tek eşli hale geliyor. Nitekim arkadaşlık uygulamaları Inner Circle, OKCupid ve kadınların kurduğu bir kaçamak uygulaması olan Gleeden dataları, erkeklerin sosyal platformlarda aynı anda ortalama 4 kadınla iletişimde olduğunu gösteriyor. Üstelik araştırmalar bu sefer bu konuda yeni nesil erkeklerin yalan söylemek yerine bunu açık bir şekilde yaşamayı tercih ettiğini gösteriyor. Yani erkekler her geçen nesil tek kişiye bağlanmak konusunda tereddütlerini artırıyor. Aldatmak azalıyor ama açık ilişki oranı artıyor.
Tanımak için Daha Çok Zaman
Roni Caryn Rabin New York Times’da yayınladığı makalesinde, “Yapılan araştırmalara göre Y kuşağı ve milenyal erkeklerin evlenme ve çocuk yapma yaşları bir önceki kuşaktan çok farklı değil ancak bu erkekler kadını tanımak için daha çok süre geçirmek istiyorlar” diyor. TUİK verilerine göre erkeğin evlenme yaşı 26.7. 2010 yılından bugüne üç yaş artmış. Dolayısıyla Türkiye için geçerli sayılmaz. Kaçamak sitesi Gleeden’a göre de erkeklerin ilişkiden sıkılıp kaçamak arayışına başlamaları sadece üç yıl sürüyor. X kuşağında bu oran yedi yıldı. Yani yeni nesil erkek geç evleniyor, erken sıkılıyor.
Geleneksel Kadına Dönüş
Y kuşağı ve milenyal erkeklerin pek çoğunun anneleri ve ablaları ekonomik olarak özgürlüğüne kavuşmuş kişiler. ABD Hukuk Enstitüsü verileri kadınların açtığı boşanma davalarının her yıl 1,8 kat arttığını gösteriyor. Bu da yeni nesil erkeklerde kadına ve ilişkiye olan güvenin giderek azalmasına neden oluyor. Ancak bu durum ortaya, “Geleneksel” diye tanımladığımız kadına olan özlemin giderek artmasını sağlıyor. Facebook ve Gleeden araştırmasına göre erkek kullanıcılar içinde uzun süreli ilişki için en çok ilgiyi çekenler profillerinde en çok geleneksel kadın imgelerini taşıyan kişiler. Yani her ne kadar erkekler tanımak için daha çok zaman isteyip ilişkinin adını koymasalar da dönüp dolaşıp geleneksel kadınlarla uzun ilişkiler kurmak istiyorlar.
Erkek Olmak Yerine Mutlu Olmak
“Erkeklerin tıraş bıçağı! Gerçek bir erkek gibi! Özgür erkeklerin parfümü!” bu ifadeleri reklamlardan biliyorsunuz. Her yerde bir erkek olmaktır gidiyor. Smartinsights’da yayınlanan bir araştırmaya göre erkekler artık pek de oralı olmuyor. “Erkek olmak, güçlü olmak” milenyal erkek için yeterince motive edici şeyler değil. Onun yerine erkeklerin yeni tercihi sakin, mutlu ve cinsel kimlik kodlamalarından arınmış bir ilişki. Eskiden Zuka, Yonja gibi arkadaşlık sitelerinde gözlemlenen kelimeler, “Alfa, özgür, adam” gibi kelimelerken şimdilerdeki popüler arkadaşlık uygulamalarındaki profillerde en çok gözlemlenen kelimelerin, “Gezgin, kendi halinde, komik” gibi kelimeler olduğu verisi aslında pek çok şeyi kanıtlıyor.
Olgun Yaşlara İlgi Yoğun
Elitesingles tarafından 2017 yılında yapılan araştırmaya göre 450,000 geç Y kuşağı ve ilk milenyal erkekler arasında yapılan araştırma, erkeklerin kendilerinden daha büyük yaştaki kadınlarla birlikte olmayı tercih ettiklerini gösteriyor. Araştırmaya göre yeni nesil erkekler yaşça kendilerinden en az iki ve en fazla 11 yaş büyük kadınlarla ilişki yaşamayı istiyorlar. Bunun nedeni de “Olgun bir ilişki yaşamak istemeleri.” Arkadaşlık uygulamaları Tinder, Bumble ve Gleeden tarafından sağlanan verilere göre 35-44 arasındaki olgun kadınlar da kendilerinden yaşça küçük erkeklerle birlikte olma eğilimi gösteriyorlar.
Hemen, Şimdi!
Milenyal erkeğin en büyük sınavı sabırla. Youtube verilerine göre bir videonun ortalama izlenme süresi 4 dakika. Melek yatırımcı için yapılan sunumlar artık 4 dakikaya indi. Çünkü yeni çağ yatırımcılarının, girişimcilerinin ve hatta öğrencilerin odaklanma süresi 4 dakika olarak hesaplanıyor. Böyle bir nesil için ilişkide de uzun flörtleşmeler ve cilvelerin olmasını beklemek çok zor. Videoları bile hızlandırıp izleyen neslin karşısındakinin konuşmasını ne kadar dinleyeceği meçhul. Yeni nesil erkek doğrudan hedefe gitmeyi seviyor ama asıl soru, ilişkide duygusal olarak derinleşmek ve paylaşmak isteyen kadın bu konuda ne yapacak? Read the full article
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hkfnkk · 5 years
BTY-S11 - Remplacement Batterie compatibles pour FSP 200W SwitchingB540 9PA2009901 f...
Etat: ADVENT Neuf
Composition: Li-ion
Tension: 11.1V
Capacité: 7200mAh
Couleur: noire
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Batterie ordinateur portable pour BTY-S11 
1.Envoyé habituellement dans les 24 heures!Prix Bas et Haute Qualité Garantis ! 2.100% Garantie d'achats sécurisés!1 ans Garantie! Batteries Toutes Marques Batterie pour PC Portable 100% neuf! 3.Les spécifications de cette batterie générique pour répondent en tous points aux normes du constructeur d'origine !
Compatible Type/Réf:
Cette batterie est également compatible avec les modèles suivants :
MSI Wind
MSI Wind U90, U100, U100X, U110, U115, U120, U123
Advent 4211, Advent 4212
LG X110 série
LG X110,LG XD110,LG X-110 série
LG X110 10" UMPC série
Medion Akoya Mini E1210, Akoya Mini E1210 série
MSI Wind 10" Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind NB10051 10" Display Mini Notebook (Pink)
MSI Wind NB10052 10" Display Mini Notebook
MSI Wind NB10053 10" Display Mini Notebook
MSI Wind NB10059 10" Display Mini Notebook
MSI Wind NB10060 10" Display Mini Notebook
MSI Wind U100 10" Pink
MSI Wind U100-002US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-016US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-030US 10-Inch Netbook
MSI Wind U100-043US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-053US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-244MY Netbook
MSI Wind U100-279US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-280US 10-Inch Netbook Pink
MSI Wind U100-411US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-420US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-432US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-439US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-451US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-641US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-1616NXP 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-1616XP 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U100-1618XP 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U110 ECO Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U115 Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U120-001US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U120-020US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U120-024US 10-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U123-001US 10.2-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U123-002US 10.2-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U123-003US 10.2-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Wind U123-004US 10.2-Inch Mini ordinateur portable
MSI Microstar Wind U100
MSI Microstar Wind U100-286MY 10? Notebook
MSI Microstar Wind U100-286MY 10? Notebook - Black
MSi ordinateur portable série
MSI Wind U100, MSI Wind U100-002LA, MSI Wind U100-035US, MSI Wind U100-036LA,
MSI Wind U100-037CA, MSI Wind U100-035LA, MSI Wind U100-030CA, MSI Wind U100-002CA, MSI Wind U100-053LA, MSI Wind U100-001CA, MSI
Wind U100-030CA, MSI Wind U100-039LA, MSI Wind U100-039LA, MSI Wind U100X, MSI Wind MS-N011, MSI U100W-085NL, MSI U100X
Mouse Computer
Mouse Computer U100 Mini Notebook série
Mouse Computer LuvBook U100 Mini Notebook série
Tsunami Moover
Tsunami Moover T10 série
Tsunami Moover T10 série
Casper Minibook
Datron Mobee
Datron Mobee N011 série
Datron Mobee N011 série
Proline U100 série
Proline U100 série
CMS ICBook M1 série
CMS ICBook M1 série
Roverbook Neo U100 série
Roverbook Neo U100 série
Ahtec Netbook LUG N011 série
Ahtec Netbook LUG N011 série
Notre boutique garantis: Où que vous soyez, ce BTY-S11 batterie de Portable-Batterie.fr vous asssure de pouvoir utiliser votre aussi longtemps que possible. Nos batteries sont de bonne qualité et de haute capacité, donc vous ne finirez pas avec un ordinateur à court de BTY-S11 batterie en plein milieu de journée. Qualité : Les BTY-S11 BATTERY batteries Compatible™ sont assemblées à partir de cellules de qualité. Un processus d'assemblage rigoureux et le respect de normes qualitatives élevées nous permettent de vous proposer ces produits au rapport qualité/prix imbattable. Garantie : Portable-Batterie.fr garantit cette batterie 1 an. Augmenter la durée de vie de sa batterie BTY-S11 d'ordinateur portable
Ne pas dépasser le courant de décharge indiqué par le fabriquant de la batterie sous peine de l'abîmer considérablement, Mais pour toutes les batteries, l'écart de 0,1 volt (V) dans la tension est sans risque.
Un nouveau pack batterie ADVENT BTY-S11 doit être chargé entièrement avant utilisation
Un nouveau pack batterie ADVENT BTY-S11 a besoin d'être complètement chargé et déchargé (cycle) plusieurs fois avant de fournir sa pleine capacité
Ne pas exposer la batterie à des températures élevées de la chaleur ou le gel.
Déchargez et rechargez complètement votre pack batterie ADVENT BTY-S11 , Il est conseillé de faire cette manipulation 1 à 2 fois par mois
Les batteries rechargeables finissent par se decharger d'elles même lorsqu'on ne les utilisent pas pendant un certains temps. Ne laissez jamais vos ADVENT BTY-S11 batteries totalement déchargées . Elles doivent réster stockées dans un état de charge maximales et ranger dans un endroit a température ambiante loin de la chaleur au sec et loin d'autres objets métaliques.
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I tried the sneakers people call 'the most comfortable ever' — here's what happened
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On Cloudswift running shoes in Glacier/White (Photo: On)
Whether you’re familiar with On running sneakers or just hearing about them for the first time, one thing is clear: They’re revolutionary.
On’s journey began back in 2010 when two Swiss friends and one former professional athlete decided to take on the multi-billion dollar sneaker market. Casper Coppetti, Olivier Bernhard and David Allemann set out to create sneakers that feel like “running on clouds.” Fast forward to 2019 and On has galvanized more than three million runners (including professional athletes, celebrities and everyday runners) in over 50 countries to stand behind On as a brand that’s on a mission to change the experience of running.
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On Cloudswift in Rust/Rock (Photo: On)
Knowing all about their mega successful On collection: the Cloud X, Cloudflow, Cloud 50 | 50 and more, I decided to test On’s newest release: the Cloudswift. These sneakers are specifically designed to be used in urban environments, where hard concrete sidewalks and streets are the norm for a runner’s playground.
To give context, I’m not usually a runner and my typical sneaker repertoire consists of the usual suspects — Nike, Adidas, New Balance, etc. But I was curious to see if On sneakers truly lived up to expectations or was it all just hype.
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On Cloudswift running shoes in Glacier/White (Photo: On)
At first glance, I was immediately impressed with the Cloudswift’s design. Even from a fashion editor’s strictly aesthetic point of view, I’d wear these sneakers any day of the week—running or not!
I tested a pair in Glacier/White, although they’re also available in Plum/Dawn and Teal/Storm for women. The colors vary slightly for men: Rock/Slate, Denim/Midnight and Rust/Rock.
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On Cloudswift running shoes in Denim/Midnight for men (Photo: On)
The sneakers are comprised of a breathable, stretchy mesh upper, while a silicone molded cage wraps around the shoes and helps keep your laces and feet in place. There is a connected padded tongue and collar, which is one of my favorite more subtle design details. There’s nothing I hate more than a shoe’s tongue, frumpily shifting to one side during use. This ensures the shoes have a consistent sleek and stylish look the entire time. Plus, it makes it 10 times easier to slip on and off just like a pair of comfy socks.
The Cloudswift features On’s proprietary Helion technology — a superfoam cushion that enables incredible performance, durability and responsiveness, especially in a place like New York’s concrete jungle. Did I mention it’s super-light too?
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On Cloudswift running shoes (Photo: On)
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On Cloudswift running shoes (Photo: On)
Running around my Brooklyn neighborhood is often taxing on my feet because of its low responsiveness and absorption with each step on the asphalt. I was amazed by how light and airy my feet felt throughout my run and especially how stable I felt with each landing. This is thanks to both the Cloudswift’s Helion technology and extra rubber reinforcements on the soles of the shoes which help provide traction and soft landings.
The Cloudswifts are designed with specially engineered mesh fabric that is breathable too, which is especially critical during summer runs as the temperature heats up.
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On Cloudswift running shoes (Photo: On)
Each pair of Cloudswift sneakers feature On’s innovative Cloudtec technology which as On puts it, “CloudTec is the first system to offer cushioning only during the landing phase (when you actually need it). As soon as you strike the ground, the Cloud elements lock firm to form a solid foundation for natural, powerful propulsion. Prepare for take-off.”
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On Cloudswift running shoes (Photo: On)
My feet felt like “walking on air” throughout my neighborhood run in Brooklyn and I couldn’t be more excited. The rumors are true. It’s hard for me to believe these comfy, chic sneakers are in fact—running shoes.
To add icing on the cake, everything from the engineered mesh fabric to the Helion superfoam gives these shoes next-level comfort, seemingly made by the sneaker gods.
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On Cloudswift running shoes (Photo: On)
Bottom line, I’ve found my new favorite running shoes. I can’t wait to check out the rest of On’s stylish and functional offerings!
Overall, reviewers shared similar, over-the-moon experiences. As one reviewer said, “The most comfortable pair of running shoes I've ever had. Had a pair of On Cloudsurfers but these are performance boosting to another level. Would highly recommend.” Another wrote, “I received my On Cloudswifts last week and was very anxious to try them out. After two long runs in them, I was hooked! My feet didn't hurt and even resolved my sciatic pain after long runs....They are very lightweight, supportive, breathable and hands down the best shoes I have owned.”
What are you waiting for? It’s time to get On it.
On Cloudswift for women
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On Cloudswift running shoes (Photo: On)
Shop it: $150 (available in three colors), zappos.com
On Cloudswift for men
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On Cloudswift running shoes (Photo: On)
Shop it: $150, (available in three colors), zappos.com
The editors at Yahoo Lifestyle are committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. At times, we may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page.
The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.
Read More from Yahoo Lifestyle:
• People say these sneakers are the most comfortable ever: 'Like walking on a cloud'
• 'Feels like walking on air:' Are these the most comfortable sandals ever?
• 'Incredibly comfy': Why everyone is obsessed with Rothy's flats (including Meghan Markle)
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The new Hamilton is a girl! (Lin x female!reader)
{a/n: first part yay! Um yeah I hope ya like it, I got things wrong yes I know, um enjoy} Warnings: idk man if I have anything please tell me, so I know Summary: you get the part, only thing Lin doesn't know one very important part, you are very much a girl Lin had been in London when he got the email about the new Hamilton, a sound file attached, he put his headphones on, pressing play, the music started and he heard a slightly higher voice, but it was damn close to his when he played Hamilton, he found himself getting into his voice, reading the email, ‘Lin, so we found someone, half Hispanic half like a mix of the U.K. And like Poland, higher-low tones, no actual acting experience besides like middle school musicals, would be the shortest Hamilton we’ve had, around 5’3, youngest too, only 21, photo attached’ clicking the image was a short black haired guy, a slightly more androgynous vibe, but I mean he’d seen guys who looked like girls all the time, it wasn’t unusual for younger guys on broadway to have slightly more feminine features they looked young, which wasn’t always bad, I mean if Javier could play an older Hamilton, why not a younger one, the guy had talent, able to rap and spit, met other requirements he seemed like a good fit, though when he was done here he would half to see for himself, they would be in rehearsals right now, seeing as the new cast members wouldn’t be going on officially for a year almost, practice was the most important thing for his show. Sighing her hit reply quickly ‘I approve, have him fitted for costume, I wanna see him when I come home, let's see what this kids got’ he looked at the photo again ‘Kids good looking,’ Lin sighed shutting his laptop before sighing figuring he should sleep at some point. Your pov: The call had come when you were at work, answering as you stacked books on the shelf of the library ‘New York city morgue you slice ‘em we dice ‘em this is Casper speaking how can I help you’ the laugh on the other end made you smile ‘(Y/n), it tommy kale, so the powers above, the holy creator and final decision maker has approved, welcome to the show mister Hamilton’ you dropped the books in your hands loudly your coworker looking at you laughing, you held your finger up ‘So I...i made it, like for real?’ You wanted to scream but held it in ‘You did, rehearsals start bright and early tomorrow, we gotta get you ready for stage and for Lin's approval in a few months’ your throats went dry at his name ‘Um...does he know the one major thing, ya know um..you know...that I kind of have tits and stuff’ the sigh gave you your answer ‘We wanted to keep that secret for now, only so he goes in blind to see you are perfect, trust us okay, so i’ll see you tomorrow then?’ Sighing you nodded ‘Tomorrow bright and early’ with that you hung up before squealing dancing around happily, your co-worker rushed up ‘What's going on? Did you get it? Are you the new sexy Hamilton?’ You looked at her nodding she smiled hugging you tightly ‘Oh my god! I’m so happy for you! The first female Hamilton, breaking doors for all the ladies shoved into gender norm roles on stage’ you smiled nodding ‘Yeah expect, the original and creator said before that on broadway it would be colorblind but not genderblind, he has no idea i’m not ya know a guy’ her smile fell nodding ‘Well then you prove you are more than able,’ you nodded sighing as you got back to work. Lets just say sleep was impossible that night. The months passed quicker than you expected, the costume fitting was the uncomfortable part, you had heard from many of your trans* friends that binders sucked for the first few days, and they sent you tips to make it slightly less rib crushing, you thanked them, today you were going to be all dressed up for the creator himself to see how you would look on stage, it was no surprise he was slightly worried, seeing as you would be the shortest Hamilton, not your fault you got your mother's height, you buttoned the shirt over your now flat chest sighing, what was nice was the not needing like an industrial sports bra for once, damn your grandmother's big breast gene, sighing you sat in the makeup chair, as they smiled helping make you look like a true Hamilton, they had helped the flood you called your hair, which you had warned would never grow down like Lin's in a year, you cursed the teenage years of bleach and dye. Soon you could hear the voices of happiness of friend reconnecting, the voice you knew all too well as the Lin-Manuel Miranda, you wanted to puke. Soon you were ready, an encouraging shoulder squeeze from the ensemble girls you had become fast friends with helped ‘You will do great, Lin is a sweetie, he has hawk eyes during practice but after he is the sweetest man you’ll meet’ you nodded walking into the practice room seeing the now famous grey sweater, he was here, this was it, dream achieved or dream destroyed, he held it in his hands, he had the power to put the understudy in over you, he could just put you in the ensemble, not that you would complain, but you had sort of grown to make Hamilton your own. Sighing you walked in fully the menturninga d smiling,Lin's eyes took you over as tommy and Alex spoke to him his eyes not leaving yours as they walked up ‘Lin this is (y/n), our new Hamilton’ he looked at you nodding ‘He looks good, the shoes bring his height up at least a little, and the costume fits nicely, he's a regular ten dollar founding father’ you smiled nodding ‘Thank you’ you tried to make your voice just slightly deeper as you spoke, he nodded ‘Alright show me your skills mister hamilton’ you nodded as they turned going to watch you guys rehearse, you heard the music start and on cue you walked out doing your best not to fumble because of your nerves, soon you had forgotten that Lin was even watching, it was the cabinet battle where the horror you tried to stop happened you fumbled the first verse, then the tripping over your feet didn’t help, soon the song ended and you wanted to curl into a hole and never come out, sighing a break was called, you were told to stay behind, the ensemble girls walked by squeezing your shoulder to help calm you, you now stood alone with Lin and Alex and tommy, Lin looked at you nodding ‘So, the fumbled lines and tripping, they happen to everyone, nerves will do that, I...God you are amazing, like wow, you look the part, you sound the part, this is amazing!’ You smiled nodding ‘Really? I’m not doomed to the cage of rejected cast calls?’ Lin threw his head back laughing ‘No, no you're not, in 6 months time, you will be on stage, and the world will never be the same’ you nodded as they dismissed you to go change, practice was done for the day. You nodded practically skipping back to get your normal clothes. Wiping the makeup off you saw your female features appear sighing, when he finds out you would be screwed. Slowly and carefully you peeled off the costume hanging it up before slipping pulling off the binder groaning happily as you could breath again, you didn’t hear the door open ‘Hey I just wanted-’ you turned quickly forgetting you were topless, Lin stood eyes wide mouth open ‘Your a...you have...um’ you grabbed your shirt holding it over your chest unable to say anything, ‘Um...excuse me’ the door, shut but you heard the shouting Alex and Lin were loud you changed slipping your normal clothes on, before sitting on the couch your head in your hands fighting the tears, this was it, you were done, Hamilton was pulled from your hands. You bit your lip as the tears fell down your cheeks, sighing you stood pulling your hoodie and bag on wiping your eyes before walking out, and straight into a solid force falling back you caught yourself looking up at Lin who looked back,at you before coming in and shutting the door ‘So, here's the deal, i don’t like the fact I was lied to, but I understand, so, you are still Hamilton, cause damn your good, but, i want to work with you on some things, voice tone and pitch, and movements, we are gonna make this the most convincing Hamilton okay’ you looked at him smiling nodding ‘Yes sir’ he smiled before pulling you into a hug, ‘Welcome to Hamilton’ you smiled nodding against his chest your arms around his waist. Soon you broke apart, he walked you out and offered to walk you home which you accepted. The conversation was natural and normal between you, friendly, once at your apartment complex he sighed ‘Well good night mister hamilton’ you laughed ‘Goodnight mister Miranda’ he laughed nodding you walked up the steps turning to wave good bye as you pulled the door open...turning ‘Wanna come up for like coffee? I mean if ya want’ he nodded following you. You felt the beginning of a wonderful….whatever this would be.
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gerardofontenelle · 5 years
In past Neo Taipei’s collectivist society system, each resident was assigned to a certain role and identity. Adult male were work warriors; adult female were ideal mothers and wives ; juveniles were test machines caged in invisible uniforms. The beautiful future could be expected if you followed the right path of norms and rules. 《 First Memory Pawnshop 》, a brand-new service brought by Shiya Corp, initially is in response to Taiwanese eugenics policy. This service is planned to assure the healthy growth of all underaged registers and to become the future elites in the society. The registers can keep/discard/reset the memory of certain period at their sole discretion before reaching the legal age. In the process of resetting the first memory, the pawnbroker assesses the value and uniqueness of the memory-related object to determine to accept or not, and the collateral and memory will be both retained in the shop for 30 days as loan term. The borrower can redeem the collateral and memory before the end of the loan term, if the loan is repaid at higher interest plus the handling fee. Otherwise, the pawnbroker will forfeit the collateral and also resell the memory. To avoid receiving stolen items, the pawnbrokers normally would ask the police to keep the collateral for 21-30 days. One day , when Ching Wu was on her way to work, she accidentally heard the conversation inside the First Memory Pawnshop between the delivery boy, Huang Ho, and the boss of betel nut stand, Hsin Tsou. She then seriously considered to continue the in-system way of life or just take the uniform off and reset her life by pawning her memory.
Client | CHANEL Taiwan Distributed | PPGROUP Presenter | Ive Hu Director | Yuen Hsieh Associate Director | Shu Fei Zou Producer | Sheng Hong Yu Executive Producers | Gene Ku Chien , Evannis Ma , Clyed Liu Starring | Ann Hsu , River Huang Production House | Sika Film Production Assistants | Casper Chiu , Shi Chen , Chen Yu Jiang Creative Director | Gene Ku Chien Director of Photography| Wei Yu Tseng First Camera Assistant | Yung Sen Lin Camera Assistants | Ji Hong Lai , Che Meng Tsai Production Design | Shao Chu Huang Art Department Assistants | Guan Ni Chen , Yu Chen Hong , Mitty Chung Gaffer | Yi Hua Chang Lighting Assistants | Chien Chi Chang , Chih Yuan Cheng , Ting Feng Chiang Key Grip | Bryan Lin Grips | Si Wei Lin , Ming Chun Kao , Yeh Lin Extra | Hsuan Ju Cheng , Xin Ju San , Yu Chen , YI Lun Chen , Dao Yu Lin Editor | Yuen Hsieh , Shu Fei Zou Post | Shu Fei Zou Animation | Klaire Chen Typography | Shu Fei Zou , Klaire Chen Music | Tzusing Tu Styling Artists | Gene Ku Chien , Yuyi John Styling Artists assistant | Yiwen Wang Lead Hair Artist | Liren Wei Hair Styling Artists | Stanley Hsu , Adam Lee , Candy Huang , Marlin Lin , Eon Hsu Hair assistants | Wilson Lin , Bonny Lin ,Stacy Lau Make Up Artists | Yi Li Chen , Hong Shen Chen Tattoo Artist | 彫易 Hori Ho Dress and Accessories | CHANEL Special Thanks | Dickies , Lin Miao Jung , IRENE SJ YU , NLF , Fevolution
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mayrine · 5 months
This time in collection form!!!!
this collection was made by me and @fishy-sandwich where we will post our spacemoth fics there are already 3 fics in there with more to come!!!!!
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butchdykenormallen · 9 months
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i really like them. 3 hours spent on my nonsense
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a-norm-a-day · 5 months
Norm getting kissed by Casper
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Day 12 of drawing Norm for fun ^_^ mwa mwa!
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mayrine · 6 months
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The best yaoi ever made by @fishy-sandwich
Refrence I used under cut
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mayrine · 4 months
SPACEMOTH PART- Ermmm I forgor
Summery: Norm sets up a date with his husband! Things (don't) go exactly as planned!!
Go read it!!!
Also go follow @fishy-sandwich
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