#Carrier Screening before Pregnancy
marksmelodies · 10 months
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nct dreams reactions to meeting your baby who looks just like their dad for the first time
dad nct dream x fem reader
warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex and pregnancy
minors dni
note: i went crazy on jaemins part bc he’s so girl dad coded
“they’re here” mark looks at you
today was the day jae was going to meet some of his uncles, getting yourself situated on the couch holding your baby, mark let the guys in, immediately they all stand around in awe at the sight of yours and marks child
“woah he looks just like mark” chenle says
“well isn’t he the cutest thing ” jaemin gasps
“you wanna hold him?” you look to chenle as he seems completely indulged at the baby in front of him
“yeah of course” he says as you stand up handing him your child
“hi jae it’s your coolest uncle chenle, im gonna spoil you so much” he smiles as the baby looks up at him with his big brown eyes that look exactly like his fathers
“yeah right he’s going to love me more” haechan whines
one by one the boys carefully pass jae around
“mark your genes are strong, hes literally your spitting image” jeno says
“yeah man that’s my mini me” mark laughs
as the boys all get the chance to hold him you place jae in his crib, not long after he starts crying, mark picks him up slightly rocking him side to side calming him down
“isn’t he already the best dad ever” you say to the guys
“i remember meeting mark when we were kids and now he’s all grown up and a dad” jaemin says
“yeah man it’s really emotional seeing you two start a family together, it’s beautiful really” renjun states
“i still claim the credit of setting you two up so technically you all should be thanking me” haechan laughs
“oh shut up i would’ve ended up with her whether you were there or not haechan” mark jokes
you and mark look at your baby in awe
“we did good” he whispers as he kisses your head
“yeah we really did”
after buckling your baby boy into his car seat you walk to the passenger side getting into the car “all set” renjun asks before leaving the driveway
you and renjun were going to introduce the guys to Chaoxiang, as you pull into the parking spot you get chaoxiang out of his seat before placing the binki into his mouth
“babe you have everything?” you ask renjun who’s carrying the baby bag
“yeah we’re all good” he says heading to the dorm, a few seconds after knocking an excited mark opens the door
“hey come in, we blocked off apart of the room and baby proofed it” he says leading you to the area
“thank you guys” you say as you place the baby carrier onto the counter
renjun taking chaoxiang out of his carrier caused him to cry due to the sudden movements but renjun quickly calmed him
“oh my god he’s adorable” they say in unison as renjun gives the baby to mark
“he’s definitely renjuns kid” mark laughs
“he has all of his dads features” you say
“even the eyebrows are the same” jisung laughs
as the boys are all talking to renjun about fatherhood mark sits down next to you
“i bet this month has been rough on the both of you” he says
“yeah it’s definitely a big change but i wouldn’t have it any other way” you sigh
“you have a beautiful family y/n i cant wait to watch it grow” mark says
“thank you mark”
renjun walks up to you giving you a quick kiss
“they’re already asking when we’re trying for another one” renjun laughs
“oh god i don’t even want to think about being pregnant again for the next 3 years at least” you laugh
“you’re doing such a good job mama, i’m proud of how strong you’ve been” he gives you another kiss
“thank you jun, you’ve been so helpful and supportive throughout all of this, i love you so much”
“i love you more sweet girl”
you were currently at the dorms watching a movie with your boyfriend and his members
as the movie plays as jeno lays next to you rubbing your pregnant belly, feel yourself getting thirsty, looking over to jeno his eyes are focused on the screen
“i’m going to get some water” you say getting up and walking to the kitchen, chenle was standing by the microwave making popcorn as you tip toe around him to get a cup from the cabinet
chenle was facing you as you put ice into your cup, all of a sudden you feel liquid tricking down your leg and onto the kitchen floor
“oh my god” you lock eyes with chenle
“my water just broke” you say as chenle eyes go wide noticing the pile of liquid on the floor
“JENO” chenle yells on the top of his lungs
jeno quickly gets up from the couch walking into the kitchen, he knows exactly what happened by the look on both yours and chenles faces “ baby we need to go to the hospital” he says walking into his room quickly grabbing the bag you packed for when you went into labor
the boys are now up from their spots in the living room standing around the kitchen anxiously
“i’m sorry clean it up” you say looking at the liquid that’s still on the floor, grabbing some paper towels
“are you kidding y/n don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault, don’t worry about it” renjun says grabbing the towels out of your hands
“alright i think i got everything, let’s go meet our babygirl” jeno says to you as you head to the hospital
after hours and hours of painful contractions it was finally time to push, jeno standing right beside you as you squeezed his hand with every push
“you’re doing so good one more big push for me” the nurse says
finally the cries of your babygirl are heard as she enters the world
you look up to jeno crying as he smiles wider than you’ve ever seen, tears rolling down his face as well “you did such a good job, i’m so proud of you” he pushes the lose hair sticking to your sweaty forehead out of your face, placing a kiss to your head
the nurse looks at your baby in her arms and then to jeno and then at you“oh she looks just like her dad” the nurse smiles and handing the baby off you you “here she is mama you’re beautiful babygirl” the nurse says
“she’s so tiny” you stare at her in awe as tears continue to stream down your face
after spending one on one time with your daughter you give her to jeno as he takes her small frame into his arms “hi baby it’s your daddy, i can’t believe you’re finally here, you look so much like me” jeno giggles
after resting for a while the boys came to visit shortly, all standing in the hotel room looking at the baby in your arms
“jeno she has your nose” jaemin smiles
“and your eyes” chenle adds
“she has your lips and eyebrows too” renjun says studying the baby’s face
“she’s so incredibly beautiful, just like her dad” you say looking up at jeno as he kisses your lips
the guys get a chance to hold her, they all feel an overwhelming sense of love for her
“you’re already so loved” mark whispers to her
“we all promise to protect you sweet girl” jaemin says once the baby is in his arms
chenle takes the baby into his arms as he looks at her and all of her beauty, trying to blink the tears forming into his eyes he quickly hands the baby back to you before walking away wiping his tears
“awe chenle why are you crying” the boys tease him, he takes a minute wiping his eyes that are now red “ she’s just so precious, im so happy to be her uncle” he scoffs and shakes his head at himself for being so emotional
“she already loves you so much” you say to chenle as you and jeno try to hold in your tears
“you guys are going to be amazing parents” they all say
“such a beautiful family, im so happy for you both” haechan says
“hey sweet girl” haechan says as he holds his baby in his arms as she looks up at her dad with big eyes
“what time are the guys coming over” you ask your husband
“they should be here anytime now” haechan says
the doorbell rings and the boys pile through the door waiting to meet their niece, haechan walks in either the baby as they all coo at the sight of her
“wow shes gorgeous” renjun whispers
“just like her mama” haechan places a kiss to your lips
“she looks a lot like me though” haechan stands proud
“yeah she does, she’s literally your twin” mark laughs
you all let them hold her and talk to her while you and haechan sit on the couch together
“we should let them come over more often, free babysitting” he jokes
“all jokes aside im really proud of you and everything you’ve done for our family, i love you” he says kissing your temple
“thank you babe that means a lot”
you continue talking to the guys as they finally hand your baby back to you
“i’m gonna feed her” you look to haechan before going into the nursery, as you finish up you hear the guys talking about you
“she’s incredible honestly, i could never have gone through what she did and the fact that i didn’t hear her complain about the pain she was in once, she’s literally the strongest woman i know” you husbands voice echos through the house
“she’s such a good mom already, you found a good one haechan im really happy for you and your new family” mark says
you walk out of the room acting obvious to the conversation you overheard as you burp your daughter
“hey love i can do that, why don’t you get some rest” haechan says taking the baby from you as he puts her over his shoulder patting her back
“okay yeah i think ill lay down for a few, i love you ” you say going in for a kiss
as you lay down in your bedroom your mind begins to wonder how lucky you are for such an amazing husband, you knew no matter what life brought to you, as long as you were with him everything will be okay
jaemin sits on the couch with his toddler on his lap watching cartoons
“layla baby come get dressed your uncles are coming over to see you and your sister” you yell to your daughter
“coming mommy” she says running to her room
once you dress layla, brush her teeth and style her hair you let her play in her room making your way to you newest addition to your family min-jun changing and feeding her, you speed walk to the kitchen to clean up the breakfast table and do the dishes before you can get yourself get ready, as you approach the table all the dishes have been cleared and the table has been wiped down, looking to the kitchen you see jaemin scrubbing the dishes in the sink
walking over to him you hug him from behind
“everyday you remind me of all the reasons i married you, thanks for cleaning up babe” you say leaning your forehead against his back as you take in a deep breath, he wipes his hands dry before turning around engulfing you into a hug “ you don’t have to thank me, you’re not responsible for doing everything around here” he kisses your lips
“oh i would so have sex with you right now if i could” you say laughing
“those days of having alone time are long gone” he jokes
“yeah i love my little cockblockers though” you say as layla comes running into the kitchen
you and jaemin look at each other trying not to laugh
“speaking of the devil” jaemin says picking her up ticking her stomach causing her to laugh
“i got it from here babe go get ready” jaemin says, you nod walking into you and your husbands shared room
taking a shower, getting dressed, styling your hair and doing your makeup all the span of 25 minutes is a new power you attained since becoming a mom
“layla come in mommy and daddy’s room really quick” you say as jaemin joins you walking to the bedroom
you both sit on the bed with her as she looks up at the two of you
“mommy am i in trouble” she asks
“of course not sweetheart, daddy and i wanted to talk to you really quick before your uncles get here”
“now you know mommy just had your sister a little over two months ago” jaemin asks
“yup” she smiles
“well your uncles haven’t met her yet they are going come over today to meet her” he continues
“even though their attention might be on your sister that doesn’t mean that they don’t love you just as much, the same goes for mommy and i, today we have to make sure your uncles are careful with your sister because she’s not a big girl like you are yet, she needs a little more help from us” jaemin says
“okay but will daddy and uncle haechan still play dolls with me” she asks
“of course honey, we wouldn’t miss it for the world” jaemin says kissing her head before letting her run off
you lay your head on your husbands chest for a moment taking a deep breath
“you were made to be a dad, it comes so naturally to you” you say kissing his lips
“i can say the same about you, you’re the best mommy i know”
you latch your lips onto jaemins as you stratal his hips, jaemins hands immediately going to your side and your ass
“fuck baby” he hisses as you grind yourself onto his clothed dick
“i want you so bad ” you moan as you nibble on his ear
“what’s up- oh shit” haechan says bursting through your bedroom door
“jesus christ” jaemin says as you two practically jump off eachother
“who the fuck let you in” jaemin says trying to palm the boner in his pants
“my sweet angel layla” haechan laughs
“i thought we told her not to open the door” you say looking to jaemin
“yeah for strangers, sadly this idiot isn’t a stranger” he says
“daddy uncle haechan is here” layla says running into jaemin arms as he picks her up
“yeah baby i can see that, why don’t you, mommy and uncle haechan go wait for the others to arrive, daddy has to take care of something real quick” he says as she runs off again, jaemin stares at you and then at haechan letting out a deep sigh before rolling his eyes heading into the bathroom
you cant help but laugh as you bring haechan to see min-jun
“she’s beautiful” haechan says staring at her
“yet again another mini jaemin” you say laughing
“she looks exactly like him” he says
“you said the same thing about layla” you chuckle
hearing a knock on the door you open it as the rest of the dreamies come flooding in
“uncle jeno” layla runs up to him as he picks her up, after layla says hello to all of her uncles they follow you into the nursery
“layla let’s go play in your room” haechan says
“oh my god i feel like i’m looking at jaemin” chenle says as he hold your daughter
the guys pass around your daughter as jaemin comes into the room
“how come every baby she pushes out looks exactly like you” mark laughs
“my genes are strong what can i say” jaemin shrugs his shoulders
haechan appears in the doorway of the nursery
“i wouldn’t be surprised if next week jaemin comes into practice saying y/n is pregnant again, i walked into them nearly making baby number three today”
“someone should definitely babysit tonight” jaemin says as he wraps his arms around you
“oh stop it” you say smacking his arm
“daddy” layla yells from her room
“coming princess” he yells back before leaving the nursery
“i pray everyday that min-jun doesn’t turn out to be another daddy’s girl” you laugh
the boys stay for dinner as layla sits between haechan and jeno, you excuse yourself early to feed min-jun, jaemin walks into the room as you’re feeding her
“my mom said she’ll watch layla tonight” he says excitedly
“why?” you ask
“i told her we desperately needed some alone time and she offered to take her for tonight”
“jaemin you seriously just admitted to your mother that you want to have sex” you say disgusted
“i mean you are my wife i don’t see what the problem is”
“geez you’re too open and honest sometimes” you sigh “ i mean if layla wants to sleep over there then that’s fine i guess ” you say
returning back to the table you hear jaemin asking layla about the sleepover
“a sleepover with grandma?!” she says excitedly
“yes sweetheart after dinner we can go pack your bag”
“yay i’m so excited” she says
“oh me too” jaemin laughs as the guys just stare at the both of you
“he’s absolutely ridiculous” you roll your eyes
“baby number three let go” haechan jokes
“oh don’t worry he’ll be wrapping it” you say loud enough for jaemin to hear as the guys nearly joke on their food
the boys all say their goodbyes to your girls as they head out
“oh thank god min-jun is asleep and layla almost packed” jaemin says walking back into the living room
“ i’ll drop layla off at your moms” jeno says
“really, that would be so nice of you” you say hugging him
“yeah no problem, enjoy your alone time” he says smirking as he pats jaemin on the back
“layla are you almost done picking out what plushie you want to bring” you husband yells
she comes out of the room with her big backpack on
“uncle jeno is going to take you to grandmas okay” you say your goodbyes as jeno carries her out of the house
closing the door you take a deep breath
“let’s go run a bath sweetheart, i’ll bring the baby monitor” jaemin says
as you lay in the bath together, jaemins arms wrapped around your waist “i didn’t know i genuinely needed this tonight but i definitely did, thanks babe” you say
“just wait till we get into bed, i’ll be giving you something else you definitely need” he says kissing your neck
backstage after the performance you text chenle to come meet you in the hallway of the dressing room he walks out kissing both you and his son jiahao
“good job today lele you did amazing” you kiss him once more
“oh my goodness what does his shirt say” chenle notices your sons shirt
you hold jiahao up so that chenle can read what is printed onto the shirt
“you think you’re cool? well my dad is zhong chenle” he reads aloud
“haha i love it babe” he laughs taking jiahao from you kissing your lips
“let’s go see your uncles huh?” he says bringing you and your son into the dressing room
“oh my god”
“he so cute”
“let me hold him”
the boys all yell from inside the room
“calm down you’re gonna scare him” chenle rolls his eyes, handing his son off to renjun, the boys all take a good look at him
“chenle hes your carbon copy” renjun laughs
“yeah he’s got your big head” haechan says
“yeah chenle had the easy part in the making of him yet here he is, after being inside of me for nine months looking exactly like his daddy” you joke
“and you love it” chenle kisses you head
“yeah i do” you nod
“gosh he’s so cute” jisung says looking down at the boy
“of course he his he’s my kid” chenle jokes as jisung rolls his eyes
“sit down my love, rest for a little” chenle says to you, chenle joins you on the couch
“i’m so proud of our little family” he says as you rest your head on his shoulder
“i am too lele, thank you for being such a good dad ”
“i’m only half as good as you are babymama” you slap his arm playfully
“i hate when you call me that”
“i know” he chuckles
you and jisung were laying comfortably together on the couch until your daughter ha-yun started crying from her crib
standing up you walk over to her taking her out of her bed, sitting back onto the couch with jisung you take the binky out of her mouth as you pull your shirt down replacing it with your nipple
jisung smiles at the two of you as he places his arm around your shoulder
“i love my girls” he says pressing a kiss to your temple, once you finish feeding your daughter you pass her to jisung so that he can burp her
“i think the boys should be here anytime soon” he says getting up placing the baby over his shoulder as he pats her back
you get up and head to the bathroom making yourself look a little more presentable
“babe” you hear jisung yell across the house
“what” you yell back
“ha-yun threw up all over me and the boys are on their way up can you take her for a second” he says
you can’t help but to laugh a little bit
“yeah i got her go get cleaned up”
as the boys arrive you open the door for them telling them that your daughter is in her crib as
they all stand around her
“you can pick her up and hold her if you want” say sitting back on the couch
jeno picks her up rocking her back and forth
“holy shit it’s literally a girl version of jisung” haechan says looking at your daughter
“speaking of jisung where is he?” chenle asks
“ha-yun threw up on him right before you guys got here” you say chuckling
“good girl” chenle coos at your daughter slightly shaking her foot
“i heard that” jisung says walking back from the bedroom
“she’s so adorable” renjun says
“she’s jisungs twin” you respond
“i cant believe our little jisung is a dad now” mark says
“he’s all grown up” he adds
“i still remember the day jisung called me freaking out about him knocking y/n up” chenle laughs
“i wasn’t freaking out” jisung defends himself
“i’m pretty sure you were, i didn’t even get the chance to say hello before you were like ““ holy shit i got my girlfriend pregnant”” chenle uncontrollably laughs
“yeah well it doesn’t matter now i have my beautiful girls, my lovely little family” he kisses you
“you guys really did make a cute baby i cant lie” renjun says
“thank you” you smile
“i still refuse to believe my little innocent jisung helped make this baby” haechan jokes
“innocent is crazy, how do you think babies are made haechan” jisung laughs
“ew i really don’t want to think about you two doing it” chenle makes a face
“you corrupted him y/n” haechan laughs
“guilty as charged” you say kissing him once again
“i have a feeling that this is one of many babies to come into the park family” jaemin laughs
“we’re already talking about trying for another one next year” you say half joking half not
“geeze jisung, make sure to put a ring on it before the next one at least” renjun laughs
“y’all are gonna be real busy” haechan makes a grossed out face
mark hits his shoulder
“shut up dude you’re so annoying”
“i meant busy with two babies” haechan defended himself
“no you didn’t” chenle laughs
“enough about our sex life” jisung says
“you all will understand one day when you meet the one” you smile to jisung
hope you enjoyed, this was so fun to write!!
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riddles-fiddles · 1 year
The pregnancy scenario is so gorgeous, I love!! And perfect timing, I literally had a dream the night before about having a kid with Leona and Idia (two different dream timelines of the same scenario converging later as a kind of after party). I thought you might get a kick out of my brain’s toy box nonsense :3
The Leona timeline was very sweet, him comforting me after someone attempted to kill me for imperfect human genetics, and then getting me pregnant to spite the killer. Idia was too nervous to kiss me to wake me up from a Maleficent curse sleep. He eventually woke me up and we then had a kid who I think was called Scoot? Started with an S and had a double O in the middle.
At the after party scene, both the kids looked like the Tsums of the father, since my brain struggles to render babies in sleep XD But the fathers were both thrilled and proceeded to show them off to everyone around them!
Honestly this is so cute anon!!! You're making me want to write more domestic scenarios with the boys,,,
Leona knocking you up in spite from the killer is so him lmao but ohhhhh think if the killer was hired by his parents to erase you out of his life. Just makes Leona more possessive of you, so when you finally grow a bump visible enough he'll be walking around with his hands always somewhere on your body, making sure to let everyone know you are his most perfect human mate (and he'll personally throw hands at anyone who even dares look at you with any hint of disgust or mockery). When the baby arrives, Leona is so lively - his lazy demeanor never truly leaves his soul, but at least now he has one motivation to get up from bed and slack off - especially if it's a girl! I can totally see him being such an endearing girldad, the type to make feminine voices when playing house and always getting so invested when throwing fake tea parties, also gets his daughter the biggest unicorn on the fair, no matter if he needs to go through some ridiculous game. Either be it a girl or a boy, Leona's favourite thing to do is go to small walks with his baby on his shoulders, squealing in excitement from all the stimuli around them, teaching them about everyday things like what is a butterfly, why birds chirp, and so on. You could say your child really did bring a light to Leona's life.
Idia... he wants to give the baby an unique name, or something regarding the online games or otaku media he consumes, but all you need to do is bat your eyelashes and hold his hand in a death gentle grip to sort his mind out of this idea. Idia's very nervous and overly cautious around the baby, always, and easily freaks out from the smallest ractions - when the baby sneezes, when they cough, even innocent, bright squeals sends him spiraling into an anxious coma. He's horrified of the idea of accidentally dropping his own child or just hurting them in some way, so he's always with a firm grip around the head and body, sustaining them even with trembling hands. He's very dedicated though, so Idia is always close to them, literally. He'll have the baby secured against his chest in a baby carrier while gaming, sometimes making effect sounds to amuse them; you know they truly are Idia's child from the way they look so enthralled to the screen, curious eyes scanning every move, every change of scenario like they're actually understanding something. He finds it annoying to go out in public with them though! His child is just so freaking cute with their cheeks so rosy and squeezable every stranger wants to talk and cuddle them, making Idia feel proud and at the same time mortified, fighting the urge to just turn heels and run back home as fast as possible. Idia doesn't care what gender his child is, but you can be sure he'll want to dress them in gamer onesies and clothing. 'Player three' and 'level 1 human' kinda shit, you know? But he will neeeeever admit he's doing it because he secretly finds it cute; god forbid Idia Shroud enjoying something so normie. Cringe.
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Home Is Where The Heart Is
18+ content MDNI
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pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x sarah grant (fem!oc) characters: sarah grant, jake seresin, the bradshaws (bradley, alyssa, and leia), the dagger squad, penny and amelia, sarah's team and assitant coach Cameron Kamp, misc characters warnings: language, military homecoming, pregnancy, pregnancy hormones, crying, brief mentions of religion, cheesy lovey dovey shit, THIS DOES CONTAIN SMUT, you have been warned, breeding kink, pregnancy sex, a ruined pair of jeans, oral (fem recieving), unprotected p in v (don't be dumb) word count: ~8.5k a/n: this story is inspired by ‘His Little Girl’ (bradley bradshaw x reader) by the lovely @roosterscockpit​​  ( @milesdickpic​ ) and characters from this story are mentioned. also, yes, the oc is based on me lol (well a fantasy version lol) PLEASE READ: i know it's been a while but this part in the story takes place in late June this is part 8 in the series, found here -> j and s universe loose summary: it's time for a reunion
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They say home is where the heart is, but what about when your heart is on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean? Is that where your home is?
Cause that’s where Sarah’s heart was. Thousands of miles away, on a floating hunk of metal. It shouldn’t be there, it should be by her side. Her heart should be rubbing her back and cradling her growing belly. Not getting sonogram photos in the mail. 
But that’s where it was, because that’s where Jake was.
Their home rarely ever felt like one when he was gone. It was quiet and cold. 
Except for the days Sarah and Jake got to video call. 
Sure, it wasn’t exactly the same – but they would take what they could get.
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“We still need to have a baby shower,” Jake said as he watched Sarah clean from her computer on the counter. “I’m not having one until you get home, Jake,” she answered, a sigh behind the words. She’d told him the same thing since after the gender reveal.
He sighed, watching her move around the kitchen, “Sarah, what if I’m not back by the time you have the kids? Then you’re stuck at home with nothing.” She shrugged and wiped down the counter, “I’ll go shopping then.”
“Sarah, the whole point of a baby shower is to eliminate the need for us to spend our own money,” Jake said, trying to get her to understand that it was okay to have one without him.
Sarah stopped cleaning and looked at him. “Jake, there are things I want to have your opinion on. Like strollers and carseats and cribs. I want to buy those things with you, I want to do all that with you.”
“Jake, I don’t want to do these things by myself. I’m already having to set up the nursery by myself.” 
He furrowed his brow, “The squad isn’t helping you?” She sighed and scratched her forehead, “No, no, they are. It’s just… I want your say in these things. I need your opinion.”
Jake gave her a small smile, “Sweetheart, the nursery doesn’t need to be fancy. We’ll be moving after the wedding anyway.” Sarah sighed and rubbed her belly, “I guess you’re right… I just miss you. They do too.” He nodded, “I miss you too Sugar. I’ll be home before you know it.”
“When do you come home?” She asked him softly, hand still rubbing her belly. He sighed, “I’m still not sure…” Sarah bit her lip and nodded.
“I’m so sorry, Sugar… I wish they would decide, I want to be home with you.” She gave him a shaky smile, “I know you do, Love… I want that too, but as long as you come home, I’ll be happy.”
Jake smiled at her, “I love you, Sugar.” 
“I love you too, Cowboy,” she smiled back before looking at the list on the fridge and sighing.
“What’s wrong Sarah?”
She shook her head, “Oh it’s nothing. I just remembered all the stuff I need to get for the banquet that’s not this Saturday but the next Saturday.”
Jake smiled, “How much have you gotten done?” Sarah groaned and rubbed her face, “None of it. And I have so much to do…”
She didn’t want to hang up on him, having him on her computer screen helped her to feel like he was home. Made the home feel less lonely, made her feel less lonely. And the twins got to hear their dad’s voice. 
“I don’t wanna hang up either Sugar…”
Sarah sighed and looked back at him. He always seemed to know what she was thinking, even a million miles away Jake could read her like a book.
She leaned on the counter, giving him a soft, loving look as she smiled. “But we both have things we need to do…”
Jake nodded, resting his head on his fist, “Unfortunately…”
“We’ll talk tomorrow?” Sarah asked, hopefulness in her tone but she knew it wasn’t a guarantee.
He nodded and sat up, “But I can’t video call tomorrow, so it’ll have to be over the phone.” She nodded and stood, her hand rubbing her belly, “We look forward to it.” Jake smiled, love engulfing his eyes as he looked at her.
“I can’t wait til I’ve got ya back in my arms Darlin’. The day can’t come fast enough.”
“I love you Jake. So do they.”
“I love you too Sarah. And you two little troublemakers in there, Daddy’ll be home soon.”
Sarah sighed and readied her cursor on the “End Call” button. “Bye Darlin’.” “Bye Sugar.”
They ended the call at the same time before their tears could fall. Both waited until the little light by the camera turned off before they broke down crying.
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Over the next week and a half, Sarah and the squad got all the decorations ready for the banquet. They put together the centerpieces and planned out where everything would go.
The centerpieces weren’t too hard to make. One of them was simply a bouquet of daisies and greenery with a softball in the middle; the other was a vase with softballs in it and a yellow rose and green hydrangea flower arrangement on top.
Amelia had gotten extremely into baking, and she was actually quite good at it. So, to save a little bit of money, Sarah asked her to bake a few of the desserts for the team. Most importantly, gift softball cookies for the seniors with their name and number on them. Sarah, of course, bought her the ingredients and paid her for her work.
Other desserts would be brought by parents and players, along with fruit and veggie trays.
Cyclone offered to cook, grill or something, but the school insisted on paying for it to be catered since they weren’t paying for much else. 
So, the team decided on both pasta and barbeque. Sure, not exactly tied together, but girls like their options!
And with all of it being taken care of, all Sarah had to do was sit down and make the awards, which didn’t take very long at all. 
Then all she had to do was wait for the day.
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The morning of the banquet Sarah woke up early, the twins wanting to start the day as soon as possible.
“Alright babies, okay okay I’m up,” she groaned as she sat up in her bed. She took a few breaths as she sat on the edge of her bed, massaging her lower back. “It’s 5:30, Penny and I aren’t setting the Hard Deck up until 10. Why can’t I just sleep in?”
She got out of bed and went to her and Jake’s closest to get her clothes out for the banquet. A shin length cream colored dress, one of Jake’s shirts that matched the school's colors, and a pair of tan Nike shoes.
Sarah was not about to wear heels, not with her sore and swollen feet. Sandals were also off the table, because again her feet were swollen and she couldn’t see past her belly to see her toes to paint them. 
Could she have gone to get them done? Sure, but the one smell that managed to make her sick this far into her pregnancy was the smell of a nail salon. So she had resulted to socks and using press ons or glue on nails from the store.
“Okay, I just need to wash my face and freshen up, then get dressed.”
She went to the bathroom and turned the water on to let heat up while she re-tied her bun and put on a headband. 
Once the water was warm, Sarah grabbed her morning face wash and wet her face. 
“Oh, Finley,” she hissed as she started to wash her face. 
Finley seemed to have a preference for being active early in the morning and loved to kick virtually the same spot all the time. 
“You have got to chill, baby girl,” she said, looking at the side of her belly that her daughter was occupying. “I know you’re excited about Mama’s busy day, just can you kick somewhere besides my bladder?”
She watched her belly move with another kick. “Thank you baby.”
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After getting dressed, Sarah gathered what wasn’t already at the Hard Deck and put it in her car.
“Okay, now I won’t forget those… but what do I do in the meantime?”
She looked down at her belly, “Let’s start planning a shower, just so Daddy and Mama don’t have to start from scratch.” Sarah grunted a little at the kick she received, but it was gentle so it also made her smile. “Alright, laptop and my water cup and to the couch we go.” She set an alarm for 9 and sat on the couch. 
Opening her laptop, she went straight to Pinterest and began pinning ideas into a board for her and Jake to go through later. He may be on a ship in the middle of the ocean but he was still going to be a part of the planning process. She cared about his input and a few thousand miles wasn’t going to change that.
So for the next few hours she compiled ideas for decor and food, games and prizes. She found a few lists of items for a registry just to have something to go off of. 
By the time her alarm went off she had a lot of ideas in that board along with her having gotten distracted by food recipes and pictures of cows and puppies.
She got up and packed her laptop away in her bag before she grabbed it and her phone. Swiping her keys from the bowl, she locked up the house and went to her car.
Once she was seated and buckled, she put in an order at Chick-fil-A so she could pick it up before meeting everyone at the Hard Deck.
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When Sarah got to the bar, pretty much everyone was already there, most likely cleaning or waiting for her to arrive.
She got out of her car and slipped her bag onto her shoulders before grabbing the food bags and the drink carriers. However, once she got situated with the drinks, she noticed the framed awards sitting in her front seat. 
“Shit,” she cursed, trying not to fumble the drinks and send them crashing to the gravel of the parking lot. “I just had to order drinks… shit okay Sarah, just do the easy, smart thing and sit everything down, pick up the awards and then grab everything else. You can do that.”
And she did exactly that, managing to tuck all the awards under her arms and then re-pick up everything.
Sighing, she walked toward the bar’s door, making sure to move carefully so as to not drop anything.
Inside, Penny noticed Sarah coming towards the bar, looking like a Jenga tower trying to walk and not fall over.
“Oh my goodness gracious,” she said, sitting up a bit straighter as she noticed Amelia come out of the bathroom. “Hey, Amelia, will you go help Sarah? She’s trying to do a single trip and I don’t want her to fall.” Amelia nodded and immediately went to go outside, “Yeah, sure Mom.”
As Amelia headed to the door, Sarah had stepped onto the sidewalk to go to the stairs.
But as she brought her other foot up, she didn’t get it quite high enough which caused her to trip.
She, thankfully, didn’t fall, but in her attempts to keep herself from falling forward she stuck her arms out to balance herself. And as she stood up straight to catch her breath and held her hand to her chest to calm her racing heart, she looked down and realized that her quick response had caused her to drop the awards and the two drink carriers.
She swore in frustration, “Dicks!” 
“Oh my god are you okay?” Amelia immediately asked as she opened the door, having seen the near fall just as she opened the door. 
Sarah nodded, “I’m fine, I just dropped the drink and awards…” Tears stung her eyes as she spoke, looking down at the mess at her feet.
Both Sarah’s shout and Amelia’s tone had caught the aviators’ attention and they immediately came outside.
“Hey what happened?” Bradley asked, coming out first with worry on his face as he looked between Amelia and Sarah. 
“I just tripped, Roo, I’m fine,” Sarah told him before sniffling a little bit. She cleared her throat a bit and held the bags of food out, “Least I didn’t drop the food.” Bradley nodded and took them, handing them off to Amelia.
He stepped forward and felt something crunch under his foot. When he looked down he realized that it was only ice but there was still shattered glass and some plastic from the frames that had broken off. He heard Sarah sniffle again.
Bradley looked at her, watching her shake out her hands before covering her face. He knew she was on the verge of tears so he tried to comfort her, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. We can clean it up.”
“I dropped all the fucking drinks, I’m sorry guys,” she said, as annoyed frustrated tears slipped down her face. She huffed and looked at styrofoam cups that sat broken on the concrete. “I’m really really sorry guys. I just didn’t want to come back outside and I-”
“Hey, hey,” Javy said, gently grabbing her shoulders. “Hey, look at me.” Sniffling, Sarah lifted her gaze to Javy. “There she is. Hey, don’t worry about this, it’s just drinks.” Nat came over, her and Reuben squatting down to pick up the cups and carriers. “Yeah, it’s alright, there’s drinks inside or someone can go pick up drinks,” Mickey said, already pulling out his keys. Bob nods next to him, “Yeah, there’s a convenience store just up the road. Fanboy and I can go get drinks.”
At the reassurance from her friends, Sarah nods and wipes her face, sniffling as she calms down a bit. “Yeah… yeah you’re right. You’re right…” 
She took a deep breath and looked down at the mess again, tears gathering up again at the sight of the broken picture frames. But she swallows the tears and squats down, mumbling a little to herself to try and stay calm.
“The awards don’t need frames, the girls won’t c-” She stopped mid amendment when she turned them over, finding that the spilled drinks had soaked and stained the cardstock. “Damn it…”
She covers her face as the frustrated tears fall once more, “They’re ruined… this day is already off to a bad start…”
Javy shook his head and squatted down with her, “Hey, no, none of that pretty mama.” He tilted her chin up and wiped the tears from Sarah’s cheeks, “We still got all day to make up for this accident. Bob and Fanboy already left to go get more drinks, and did you bring your laptop?” She nodded, “Yeah, it’s in my bag.” “Good, I’m sure Penny has a printer in the office and you can reprint the awards in there. We can make the day better,” he helped her to stand and she giggled a bit as she wiped her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, Jav, you’re right. I guess it’s just the pregnancy hormones and the stress of today. Thank you.” He nodded and smiled, “Course, now let’s get inside and eat. I bet the little bugs are hungry.”
Just as he said that, Finnegan kicked Sarah’s bladder, “Yes, they are, but now I also reeeaaallly have to pee.”
They all laughed at that. “Then let's get you inside.”
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After breakfast and the Hard Deck getting a thorough cleaning from the squad while Sarah reprinted the awards, they all went out for lunch before getting last minute decor and supplies.
When they got back to the bar they got everything set up. The squad moved picnic tables down to the sand to clear the deck as much as necessary while Penny, Amelia, Alyssa, and Sarah swept what sand they could off the deck. And one table was set up to hold gifts and awards.
After that was taken care of, decor such as banners and light were strung up. Rooster and Payback hung a flag sign that read “CONCESSIONS” above the door from the deck into the bar. The food and drinks would be set up inside to keep bugs and sand from getting into it.  
All of the table decor and smaller things would be set up later so they didn’t get snatched or knocked off and broken.
Once the big stuff was out of the way, the squad gathered in the bar to have a victory drink before heading home to shower and get ready.
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While Sarah and the others headed straight home to get showers and change, Bradley had to take a quick detour.
“Bradley, where are we going?” Alyssa asked, realizing he wasn’t headed toward their home.
He chuckled a little, “You’ll see honey, but you can’t say anything. Sarah’s team wants to surprise her with something.” He turned toward the dockyard, “Or should I say someone?”
Alyssa’s brow furrowed, a little confused by the vagueness, but she went with it, “Alright.”
Bradley just chuckled, driving down the road before pulling into the dockyard and parking. “Okay, do you want to come with me or stay in the car?” Alyssa shrugged, “How long are you gonna be?” He shook his head as he unbuckled, “Not long at all, Honey.”
She nodded and rubbed her bump, “Okay, I’ll stay here, but I won’t promise I’ll be awake by the time you get back.” He chuckled and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
Rooster got out of the Bronco and jogged toward the docks.
There were a few people there still, but a lone pilot, off to the side on his phone, stuck out to him.
“Yo! Hangman!” 
Bradley waved with a huge grin on his face as Jake looked up at him, “Bradshaw! Took you long enough!” Jake walked over to him, pulling him in for a quick hug and patting him on the back, “Long time no see Rooster.” He chuckled, clapping Jake on the shoulder, “C’mon, let’s go. You hungry?” 
“Yes, I’m starving actually.” “Well, let’s get you to the house and you can eat the leftover pizza in the fridge. If Leia and Mav haven’t yet.” 
Jake nodded and chuckled, “Yeah, let’s go.”
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A few hours later, after changing, scarfing down a few slices of pizza, and getting a lot of Leia cuddles, Jake and the Bradshaws left for the bar.
“Are you excited to see Aunt Sarah again Uncle Jakey?” Leia asked him from her spot next to him in the backseat. Jake nodded with a bright smile, “I am Leia, but she doesn’t know I’m home yet, so you have to keep it a secret. Can you do that for me?”
Leia nodded her head enthusiastically and saluted him, “Yes, operation don’t tell Aunt Sarah Uncle Jakey is home is a-go!” Jake and her parents laughed. “Thank you, Captain Bradshaw,” he said, saluting her back.
They both laughed a little more before settling.
Jake looked out the window, looking at the California sky as his mind drifted.
His only thoughts were of Sarah and the two little bugs she was carrying. Being on that carrier so far away, not being able to be near them at all made him feel horrible. He’d missed out on so many milestones of her pregnancy. Of course Sarah told him everything and sent him plenty of photos, but it just wasn’t the same.
Hell, he didn’t only miss her pregnancy milestones, he missed her career milestones.
This was her first year as head coach of the softball team and she took them to the state championship and won! Sure, he saw it through a phone camera and still celebrated with her. But he wished that he could have been in the moment with her. Share her joy with her in real time.
She got fucking coach of the year and he didn’t get to celebrate with her over dinner. He didn’t get to walk around the grocery store or the mall and tell everyone he saw that his girl was “an amazing coach with the plaque to prove it" just to see the shy smile on her face as she blushed.
But he was here now and he was going to make up for lost time.
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Sarah walked around the bar, greeting players and their parents as they walked in. 
She honestly sounded like a gleeful broken record, greeting everyone in generally the same way. “Hi, so glad you could make it! We’ll be starting around 5, seating is outside but you’re welcome to play pool or darts as we wait until then.” And multiple variations of that.
Everyone mingled and played the various games inside the bar, a few of them going out to play cornhole, which was graciously provided by Warlock.
“Aunt Sarah!” 
At the sound of the littlest Bradshaw’s voice, Sarah gasped playfully and turned to greet her, “Leia Rey!! Oh how are you? Did you have fun with Papa Mav today?” Leia nodded and hugged her, “I did!” Sarah smiled at her, “That’s great! Well, I’m sure the girls would love to know you’re here. If it’s okay with your mama and daddy, you can go say hi.”
Leia turned to her parents with her puppy eyes, “Can I Mommy?” Alyssa nodded and laughed, “Yes baby, but don’t go outside unless you tell me or daddy okay?” “Yes ma’am!” 
She ran off to the group of girls, who immediately got excited to see her and lifted her onto the pool table.
“Those girls love her so much,” Sarah said as she turned back to Alyssa and Bradley. “Yeah they do.” 
Bradley was smiling like an idiot trying not to spill the fact that Jake was currently using his spare key to take Sarah’s car to kill time until speeches.
“Okay, I’m going to get some things situated, then I think that we’re gonna get started.”
Both Alyssa and Bradley nodded as Sarah smiled and walked away.
“Thank goodness… I’m so bad at keeping secrets,” Bradley sighed, rubbing his face. Alyssa chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, “Well, you’ve done good so far Honey. Just a little while longer.”
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After checking what needed to be checked, Sarah got everyone’s attention.
“Hey! Hi everyone! We are so so happy you could make it out tonight, and be with us to celebrate your girls and the hard work they put in this year. First we are going to eat, then our AD, myself and Coach Kamp, and one of our seniors will give a speech, and finally we will end with awards and photos!”
The group clapped and cheered a little.
Sarah smiled and clapped her hands together, “Okay, I’m going to say grace really quick and then we can all dig in and go sit outside.”
She said a quick prayer over the food before everyone dug in and got a plate of food to go sit out on the beach.
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About halfway through everyone’s second plate, or dessert, they decided to start speeches.
The Athletic Director was up first. He introduced himself and told everyone how long he had been with the school, and all that fun stuff. He talked about the team's stats over the season. Praised the girls and their dedication and effort, praised the coaches for their roles and impact on the team.
“I must say, we’ve had plenty of coaches over the years, but Coach Grant really stands out. She came here and brought an energy that the students adore. She’s done an absolute fantastic job, and no discredit to Coach Kamp. Both have created a team like none other, and it is their first official year coaching together. I can only imagine what the future holds for the program.”
Sarah smiled at him and shook his hand before a quick hug as her assistant took the microphone.
“Okay, so most of you know me, I went to school with a lot of either your younger siblings or older children,” Cameron said, pulling a laugh from everyone. “These girls have been such a delight and blessing to coach and watch progress throughout the season and I can only imagine where these seniors will go. Can we get another round of applause for the 2023 State Champs!”
The crowd clapped and whistled, dying down once Cam spoke again. 
He continued to brag about the girls sharing some funny things that happened before moving to talk about Sarah.
“Now, this woman right here, she is a beast. She came here last year being thrown into the head coach position of not one, but two sports. And she has absolutely killed it. She cares so much about her students and her players, and it’s truly a privilege to coach with her.”
Sarah chuckled and shook her head as Cam pulled her in for a side hug. “Stop, oh my goodness!” She fanned her face, “Pregnancy hormones and speeches don’t mix.” Everyone laughed and clapped as Sarah took over the microphone.
She smiled and wiped her eyes, “Oh gosh, so I’m going to apologize now for both my previous crying and any future crying that occurs.”
Sighing lightly, she looked around at everyone, “Wow… okay okay, so as most of you know, I am not from here, if you couldn’t tell from my accent. I come from a small town in Arkansas, one where everyone knows everyone. I wish I could say I don’t know how I ended up here, but we all know that isn’t true.”
Tears pricked her eyes at the vague mention of Jake, but she cleared her throat and pressed on. 
“But I feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be. Truly, I feel so blessed. I hope I’ve proven to you this past year just how much I care for my students and players. I know the way I approach things can be a little different than coaches in the past but… that’s why I’m here. I want every one of your children to succeed on and off the field, and in and out of the classroom. And that means I will do what I have to to make sure that happens.”
She looked at the tables where the players sat, “This group of girls… they are so so hard working. And I hope I made as big an impact on them as they’ve made on me. I was so nervous, so unbelievably nervous to come here and start coaching. It’s… It’s very different from how I was coached. And I knew I was going to step on toes with how I was gonna coach my team. I want to thank you all for sticking with me and trusting me.”
Sarah let out a watery chuckle as she watched the seniors fan their faces and wipe their eyes. 
“Oh my seniors, I wish we had more time together. But I’m so very thankful for the time we had. My door will always be open to you, for whatever you need. And I know that you will be successful, whatever you put your mind to.”
Teary eyed with shaky smiles, the seniors got up and shared a group hug with her.
Parents and the school’s photographer snapped a few photos of the lovely moment before they pulled away, Lauren taking the microphone.
“Don’t put away your tissues just yet folks,” she said, wiping her eyes with a laugh. “All of us put a speech together and I was elected to read it. And I am so so excited.”
Lauren looked at Sarah, “Coach, I know you want to sit down, so we have a bar stool for you to sit on. Because you deserve to have a seat.” Sarah shook her head with a light laugh and sat on the stool. 
“I’m aware this sounds like the one I gave at the basketball banquet, but please bear with me, it’s worth it to listen to the end.”
The teenager pulled out a sheet of paper and cleared her throat, comically sipping a cup of water before starting.
“As student athletes, coaches make up a pretty big part of our career. They teach us so much more than our sport; they teach us valuable life lessons. Such as: leadership, teamwork, accountability, punctuality, and so many more I can’t name off the top of my head. These lessons will stick with us all of our lives, lessons that we won’t forget.
You thank us for taking a chance with you, Coach… But we want to thank you for taking a chance on us.
Thank you… for pushing us. For pushing us to be our absolute best on and off the field. We are sure there are countless times that you wanted to ring our necks, instead you lit a fire under our feet and didn’t let us settle for mediocre. Because we are so much more than that. Thank you for seeing that when we didn’t.
Thank you, Coach… for believing in us. For not letting us quit and taking time to show us how much you care. You have given us so much support in such a short time and we will forever be grateful for that. 
Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made. The hours spent working with us and making us feel seen and heard. The hours you lost sleep over us because you could have slept in, especially the last 7-8 months, but you wanted to give us every opportunity you could to practice.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.”
Sarah was sobbing by the end, a shaking hand covering her mouth but not hiding the smile. Lauren and the other seniors were crying as well, all coming in for another hug.
“Okay, we have a gift for you. But don’t open it yet, okay?” Lauren said as she wiped at her cheeks. “And we have another surprise for you, but first the seniors have one more person we want to thank.” 
Lauren turned toward the door, gesturing with a slightly trembling hand while smiling, which caused everyone to turn toward the door.
“Will Lieutenant Jake Thomas Seresin please come to the stage?”
It almost took too long for his name to register in Sarah’s brain but the moment the blond aviator was stepping out of the Hard Deck, she was sobbing again. Slipping off the barstool with little grace, she ran as best she could to her fiancé with him meeting her quickly in an embrace. 
Sarah couldn’t form words through her tears, but she didn’t need to. She was clinging desperately to Jake’s jacket with one hand as the other threaded in Jake’s hair. Her hot tears wetted his neck but he didn’t care, she was in his arms again.
“I’m here Darlin’. I’m here,” he said lowly, cradling her head as he wrapped an arm around her waist. Tears pricked his own eyes, feeling the twins kicking as Sarah’s bump pressed to his abdomen. 
Sarah pulled back and rested her forehead on his, “You’re home… you’re really home.” Jake smiled and nodded, “I’m home Sugar.” She let out a watery giggle before kissing him deeply, fist balling in his shirt to make sure he wouldn’t go anywhere. 
Jake reacted similarly, both hands holding her jaw to keep her close before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and one hand on her bump.
The kiss was electric, months of separation being mended by this one act. Tears of longing turned to ones of joy as they mixed together on their cheeks. And in that moment, two souls were making up for time lost.
Everyone around them cheered, clapping and some were most definitely crying. 
Sarah and Jake lips disconnected as they laughed, meeting together again in quick succession before they turned to everyone with smiles. 
“Who knew? I know some of you knew, who was it?” Sarah asked, wiping her eyes and pointing an accusatory finger at them all. The crowd laughed and Jake kissed the top of her head, “I don’t know about the parents but the squad knew and the girls knew, this was actually their idea.”
Her jaw dropped and she looked at her players, “What?”
They all laughed and proceeded to explain that when Jake had video called the week before the state championship game that is when they planned everything. It was a simple plan really. Once they knew the date Jake was coming home, they all agreed that doing it at the softball banquet would be best because they wanted to be a part of the reunion.
“Oh my goodness, girls… thank you,” Sarah said before they all had a quick group hug.
When it disbanded, Jake kissed Sarah’s temple before sitting down, Leia immediately climbing into his lap. She smiled after him before getting back on the deck and grabbing the microphone.
“Alright, who is ready for awards?”
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When they got home a few hours later, they were nearly on one another when the door closed.
“Sugar, while I love this dress, I need you to take it off before I tear it off of you. I’d hate to ruin it,” Jake nearly growled in her ear as she shut and locked the door.
She bit back the moan, but leaned back against his chest, “Take the food to the kitchen and meet me upstairs, Daddy.”
“As you wish, pretty mama~” Jake rasped in her ear, hand running over her bump before he nibbled her ear.
He turned to go towards the kitchen, smacking Sarah’s ass playfully before going to put leftovers in the fridge as she tossed her bag on the couch before going upstairs.
When she got upstairs and in the bedroom, she immediately started getting undressed. 
Her shoes got thrown toward the closet, her socks thrown haphazardly toward the basket by the bathroom door. She took Jake’s button up off and laid it on the bed before slipping her dress down her body and letting it pool at her feet. Last came her bra and panties, falling to the pile at her feet.
She put Jake’s shirt back on and went to the bathroom to wait for him.
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Jake hadn’t even bothered to put leftovers in the fridge neatly, he shoved things over and found places where they would fit for now. 
He took the stairs two at a time, his tight jeans being both a hindrance and his drive to get to his bedroom faster.
When he got there, the first thing he saw was the pile on the floor next to the bed and both his jacket and shirt joined them.
“I’m in the bathroom Cowboy.”
A wolfish grin split his features and he toed off his shoes, thankful to have changed out of his work boots. 
He walked into the bathroom, seeing the love of his life with her hip against the counter, his shirt barely covering her nipples. “Oh, look at you, my gorgeous girl,” he drawled out, immediately putting his hands on her hips to pull her close.
“My handsome man~” She purred, her hands going straight to his chest. 
Grinning, he planted a kiss on her lips. Innocent and delicate at first before his hands were pushing the button down off her shoulders, immediately turning the kiss into hungry and desperate.
Jake pressed Sarah against the bathroom counter, his large, calloused hands roaming her now naked body.
“Fuck, Sugar, I missed you so damn much~” He grunted out between hot kisses.
Sarah’s head fell back, exposing her neck to her fiancé as her nails scratched his torso. “I missed you too Cowboy~” Her hand grazed over the bulge in his jeans before palming him, “I missed this too~”
His hips bucked involuntarily at her touch, craving the skin on skin contact. His body ached for her soft caresses and fleeting kisses, the chill left behind on his hot skin after her fingers danced along his muscles. He ached for her.
The low groan vibrated against her neck, sending a wave of arousal through her. Jake’s head nuzzled slightly against hers before he kissed her again.
Her hand threaded into his hair as his hands softly rested on both sides of her bump. His thumbs traced soothing circles on her skin and she brought him closer.
Jake moved to the side, just to get a better angle to deepen the kiss and bury his hand in Sarah’s hair. 
His unoccupied hand moved down to run its fingers through her folds. “Damn, pretty mama, so wet for me already~”
“You’ve been gone for weeks, Jake. The moment I saw you, my hormones went fuckin’ nuts~”
A needy growl bubbled in Jake’s throat as her hand palmed him in time with the movements of his fingers and she purred against his lips. 
After a few more seconds, Jake brought his fingers up to his lips before parting the digits and watching her arousal string between them in a poor attempt to keep them together. Moaning, he slipped the coated fingers in mouth, letting his tongue clean the silky sweetness off of them.
“Mmm, just as sweet as I remember~” 
She whimpered and captured his lips, wanting just a little taste. Jake responded in haste, his tongue dipping into her mouth and sharing whatever was left. The hand in her hair tugged a bit and the other cupped her neck as he pressed her against the counter.
When they pulled back for air, they rested their foreheads against each other.
“Jake, baby please, I need you between my legs. I’ve missed your mouth on my pussy, please~” Sarah begged against his lips. Her nose nudged his gently, contrasting her desperate plea to have him eat her out like a man starved.
He chuckled lowly and gently nudged her nose back, “You don’t gotta ask me twice, Sugar.”
He kissed down her body, following the goosebumps left by his fingertips until he was on his knees and lifting her leg over his shoulder.
Jake groaned at the sight before him. It was a sight he saw countless times before, but a sight that never got boring.
Humming, he pushed his tongue past her lips, moaning the moment his senses took in everything. His eyes fluttered shut and he worked her cunt from muscle memory. He didn’t need to see to draw pretty sounds from his fiancée’s throat. He knew every curve, every spot that made her putty in his hands.
Every swipe and flick of his tongue drew a moan from her lips. Desperate, pleading moans as her heel dug into his back.
Sarah gripped the counter, blindly trying to reach for Jake’s hair to ground herself. “Fuck Jake!” She managed to finally find his golden locks and thread her fingers through the strands. “Oh shit, don’t stop~”
Her moans bounced off the tile of the bathroom, echoing and letting Jake hear them for a second time. He could tell she was close, having been deprived of his touch for too long. He couldn’t blame her, he was desperate too.
Jake ran his hand up her leg, a feather light touch until he got to her entrance and easily pushed two digits inside. “Fuck Sugar… y’ so damn tight~”
“Oh fuck, Jake I’m gonna cum~”
“I know, darlin’. I know, cum for me~” He grunted out, his inflamed chest rumbling with the words as he curled and twisted his fingers.
Sarah’s head fell back, a strangled moan forcing itself from her throat as she pulled at his hair and white knuckled the counter to keep herself upright.
The sensation made Jake open his eyes, looking up to see his fiancée as she came. But his eyes caught sight of her baby bump, and Jake fucking lost it.
His lips wrapped around her clit and his other hand dropped to palm himself through his jeans. He moaned and hissed as she clenched around his fingers and lightning shot up his back.
Jake’s hips jerked as his cock twitched and he grinded harder against his own hand, chasing his high just as he brought his Sarah to hers. He saw dots behind his eyelids as his abdomen flexed and reached his peak.
The gentle tug of his hair pulled him back to the real world. Back to the bathroom where his future stood looking down at him with a fucked out expression on her face.
“You alright down there Cowboy?” She asked lightly with a soft smile as she caught her breath. He nodded, a grin splitting his face, “I’m fuckin’ amazing, Sugar…”
She giggled as he stood up, her eyes flickering down, “Oh, Honey, you um..” He chuckled and nodded, reaching over to turn the shower on, “I know, I know.”
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While shower sex is usually very fun, Sarah did not want to stay in the shower any longer than she had to. She had been on her feet a lot that day and she was terrified of something happening and her slipping and falling.
So they saved it for the bed, not particularly caring that they had just gotten clean. Jake just got home and they were going to have proper sex, they could just have another shower in the morning.
After drying off, Jake laid down on the bed, Sarah crawling on after him.
“You’re sure about this Honey?” Sarah asked as she straddled Jake, her damp hair dripping onto his chest. “I don’t want to crush you.”
Jake chuckled and reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear, admiring his fiancée in the warm light of the lamp. “You won’t Sugar, I’ll be jus’ fine.” 
She nodded and guided her hands to the headboard, “I feel like this is not the position we should be doing this. Because my hips already hurt and I don’t feel like I look sexy up here.” He snorted a little, “I think you look sexy all the time, but if your hips hurt we can switch positions. Your comfort comes first Darlin’.”
“Okay, thank you Jake, because you would have been doing most of the work anyway,” Sarah giggled and moved off of him. He sat up and pecked her lips, “Of course Sugar, how do you want to do this?”
She hummed and kissed him as she thought, “Hmm, I definitely need to be on my side.” Jake nodded and kissed her neck, “We can do that. How do you want me, pretty mama?” 
“Inside me Jake, that’s where I want you.”
He hummed and pressed his lips to hers and laid her down, “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
As she laid there, the golden light of the lamp made her glow even more than the pregnancy had.
“God you’re beautiful,” Jake nearly whispered. Though he was always confident when he complimented her, he was just so amazed by her.
He cupped her cheek, thumb grazing her cheek bone. She looked up at him, her warm, tender brown eyes filling this pit in his chest and making his eyes water.
“Fuck.. Sarah I.. I was so homesick… I missed those beautiful brown eyes, looking at me with so much love…”
Sarah teared up as well, her nose and throat burning with emotion as she held his hand to her face. “Jake…” He shook his head before leaning down to press his lips to hers. “It’s okay, I’m home now. I’m home.” 
She smiled at him, the infectious expression spreading to Jake’s face before he kissed her again. 
“Let me make up for the time I was gone,” he mumbled against her lips before kissing her shoulder as he moved to lay behind her.
Jake slid an arm under her neck to play with her breasts, his other hand sliding the head of his cock through her folds. 
“Fuck Jake, please~” 
He smiled and laced his fingers with hers as he pushed in slowly. 
Sarah gasped lightly, moaning as she squeezed his hand, “Ooohh fuuck, Jake~”
“Oooh now that feels like home~” Jake groaned, a playful twinkle in his eye. 
Sarah couldn’t help but laugh a little, rolling her eyes at him. “You’re not funny,” she responded, though her tone and smiling face portrayed the opposite. “Oh Sugar, I’m hilarious,” he said, gently squeezing her hip and nipping at her jaw.
She shook her head playful, making Jake laugh. 
When he sobered up, he placed a gentle kiss behind her ear before he started to slowly move.
The slow push and pull of his hips was both pleasuring and infuriating. She could feel every inch and ridge of his cock with every drag, but the pace left her crawling towards the edge.
“Jake, faster Darlin’, please~” She nearly whimpered, letting go of his hand to reach for his head, gripping his hair with gentle desperation.
It wouldn’t take much convincing, Jake was just as desperate as she was. Having been stuck on a carrier with nothing but photos and memories to get the job done. He needed this just as much as she did.
With a small, airy groan, Jake nodded and gripped under her thigh as the other hand massaged her breast. “As you wish, Sugar.” He picked up his pace, his top leg hooking over hers to both adjust the angle and give himself more room. It was faster, but still gentle – knowing that she was sensitive and didn’t want to do anything too rough or crazy.
“Fuck, Jake, I missed you~” Sarah moaned, pulling his damp hair and arching back into him. Her other hand fisted in the sheets, white knuckling the duvet as her fiancé fucked her. “I missed your tailor made cock filling me up~”
“Oh shit~” Jake rasped out against the skin of her neck, biting down on her shoulder as his hips snapped. “Oh! Jake~” She yelped out in surprised pleasure as she held his head in place. “Damn, Sarah, you can’t just fucking say shit like that~” 
He said that, yet he wanted to hear more. More about how they were made for each other, like puzzle pieces – a perfect fit. More about how they completed each other – two halves that made up a whole.
Sarah turned her head as best she could, arm hand moving to dig its nails into Jake’s hip. “You’re perfect for me Jake, so perfect~”
Jake’s head fell into the crook of her neck, a small grunt escaping and vibrating against her skin.
Propping himself up on his elbow, and while keeping his movements steady, he captured her lips desperately. His hand came up to cup her cheek as he deepened the kiss, swallowing her moans.
She disconnected their lips, “Jake, I’m close. I’m so fucking close~”
He pressed their foreheads together, his green eye watching her face intensely as he started to grope at her chest purposefully. 
The slacking of her jaw and the way her eyes fluttered shut as he gently tugged and rolled her nipples had him dangling on the edge himself.
“Oh fuck shit~” Sarah moaned out, her nails leaving crescent indentions and raised red trails on his hip before her hand moved to his thigh for the same purchase.
The short, one syllable moans hit Jake’s ears and he was reveling in them. Loving the way he could feel her clenching around him, her soaked walls fluttering as she vibrated his being with her moans of ecstasy.
“Shit, Darlin’, I’m close. I’m so close~” Jake panted, nearly whimpering as her nails dug into his thigh on a mission to replicate the art on his hip.
She moaned again, muffling herself with his lips before barely pulling back to whisper. 
“Let’s cum together baby~”
Jake was sure his eyes rolled back for a second before letting out a guttural moan as he locked their lips together again.
He desperately chased his high, doing his damnedest to get Sarah to hers.
“Ooooooh fuuuuck! Jake I’m gonna cum~”
“I’m right there Sugar,” he rasped out. “Just hold it a little longer.”
She whined and shook her head, “I can’t, I can’t~”
He nodded and pressed his lips to hers, waiting just a few seconds before growling against her lips, “Cum, fucking soak my cock Sweetheart~”
Simultaneously, the rubber bands in their abdomens snapped, both moaning out each other’s names in pleasure as they came.
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After a few moments, the euphoria dampened as they caught their breath. 
Jake smiled and pressed his lips to hers, “I love you, so so much.” Sarah giggled, pecking his lips, “I love you too, Cowboy. I’m glad you’re home.” “Me too Darlin’. I missed having you by my side.”
She smiled and kissed his cheek before yawning a little.
He chuckled, lightly kissing her shoulder before gently pulling out, “Let’s get you cleaned up so you can sleep.” She hummed and nodded in response as he moved, quickly grabbing the still wet hair towel to clean her up with.
She hissed a little bit at the contact but hummed at the gentleness of her fiancé.
When he had her cleaned up, he kissed her thigh and stood up, moving to get clothes for them both.
“Wait, Jake, I need your help.” He turned to her, seeing her reaching for him, “With what?” She huffed a little, “I gotta pee and I’m stuck. I can’t sit up.” 
Jake covered his mouth and tried not to laugh as he went over to help her carefully sit up before standing. 
“Okay thank you, I’ll be right back,” she said before pecking his lips and waddling to the bathroom.
He shook his head with a light laugh and slipped on a pair of boxers before grabbing another pair and an oversized t-shirt.
Once Sarah came back, he helped her into the boxers and his oversized shirt before they got into bed.
“I think I’m about to have the best sleep I’ve had in months. Now that I have my heart back.” 
Jake looked down at her and smiled with a light chuckle before kissing her nose, “Were you this cheesy when we met?” “I think you rubbed off on me a little, but it only enhanced my already cheesy cheesiness,” she replied, pecking his jaw.
“But seriously Jake, you are my heart. I love you, forever and ever,” she said lowly, kissing his lips as his eyes glossed over a little. 
He let out a slightly watery chuckle, dampened by emotions as he spoke, “I love you too Sarah, forever and ever.”
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hi... hello... yes yes i know it's been a while since i posted anything really related to this series
but i still hope you enjoyed! and yes i did get emotional at parts of this i hope you did as well
im going to be doing a back story piece for the series soon, and the next up date will be baby shower HC's and the birth is coming soon!
thank you so much for being here even though i'm very behind, i truly appreciate you all my darlings 🥰
I do have a pinterest board set up for this, just to help me get into the vibe (one is to help with future parts, one is only for the current parts)
if you want to check it out and get more of a feel for the dynamic going on---- you can click right --->   here
if you would liked to be tagged in this series, please comment or reblog the masterlist linked at the top! or you can comment here!
j and s tags <333: @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia @mayhemmanaged @nobody7102 @djs8891 @kmc1989 @marbledaesthetics @fangirlbang @penguin876 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @bellaireland1981 @memeorydotcom
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Reincarnation AU
Oh IDW Rodimus (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠)
I can imagine how happy he was to be able to hold the (happy) bitlet as soon the lil one came out of the incubator (with Drif right behind them), he goes with him all/most of the time ( the baby is a mama's boy who loves the fire)
About cyberverse 🤔, the fans of the show made me like soundwave x hot rod/Rodimus, maybe during the arc where they were separated by a wall? Or before it
Oh yeah, he cried when he finally got to hold his baby for the first time, after bitty had been in the NICU for several weeks. He's so tiny and lightweight, Roddy's so afraid of breaking him. Handles him like a fine glass sculpture, and whispers the entire time 💖 baby is very content to curl up in his carrier's arms, tiny hand curled round one of his fingers, and sleeps so soundly snuggled just above Rodimus's spark
As for cyberverse...
With the planet now split in half and a peace treaty they're supposed to be a biding by (Autobots, I am fucking talking to you), Hot Rod's got a good amount of free time on his hands. Finding out he's sparked sends excited ripples through the entirety of the autobot forces, and Hot Rod rides the wave, milking his condition for all it's worth while everyone falls all over themselves to cater to his every whim. You're having a baby, Roddy, let me carry that for you! Here Roddy, have some extra energon! You're eating for two, after all. Sure Roddy, I'll go fetch you whatever you want. So on and so forth. It's a pretty easy pregnancy--kid rarely kicks him, it doesn't make him sick, and he's got a minimum of 5 people waiting on him hand and foot at any given moment. He's living the life and is sooo pleased with himself
He's not taking it as seriously as he should, honestly. The baby shower gives him everything he thinks he'll need, and he's never really been around newborn sparklings. How hard can it be? They cry, they throw up, they have to be rocked to sleep, kinda like a fussy turbohound pup. He's gonna be a cool super mom, he thinks, coasting through motherhood with a sparkling that's surely going to be his best friend
Then, he goes into labor, and halfway through Ratchet gets a troubled look on his face and yells at First Aid to set up the privacy screen. Something's wrong, they can't get a read on the baby's spark, and they have to perform emergency cesarean. It's a huge wake up call for Hot Rod, seeing the medics desperately rubbing his newspark's chest, First Aid begging him to come back, to live, and even when the bitty's body suddenly jerks and they begin to cough and wail, it's not a relief. The medics rush to get the sparkling stabilized, straight into a NICU incubator while they determine what the root problem is
Cyberverse Hot Rod, I'll be honest, is not ready for a baby. Significantly less so than IDW Rodimus, at any rate. He's never had to be responsible for another living thing before, especially one so helpless and reliant on the care of others, and he's horribly immature + prejudiced. He hasn't been taking this seriously at all, and it doesn't really hit him that this is life or death until he asks the medical team, "I mean... he'll be ok, right?"
And Ratchet just gives him this forlorn look, optics unreadable and face grim. "I dunno, kid."
That answer sends a foreign wave of panic crashing over him, and he tries to get off the medberth. Saying he has to see him, he- he has to see his baby, he can't die, this can't be happening, no, NO-
It's an incredibly sobering experience, and completely rewrites all of his plans for the foreseeable future. He was looking forward to a grand debut party where he'd shuttle his adorable baby around and soak up all the compliments and attention from everyone, perhaps taking them on a tour of Cybertron to see the sights. Now, though, he has to be sat down by Ratchet and take a very stern lecture on looking after his son's health. He's incredibly frail, some of his internal components aren't fully formed yet. He'll need to drink specially filtered energon and shouldn't be exposed to extreme temperatures--that means no space surfing--and until his little body can strengthen and his balance system can properly self-calibrate, no fast driving. None. At all. 30 mph, max, no exceptions. Baby shouldn't be in a confined space with more than 3 people at a time, and everyone needs to decontaminate thoroughly before they touch him. On and on it goes, a long laundry list of things Hot Rod's gonna have to menorize, fast, if he wants to keep his son. Cruel as it may seem, Ratchet makes it abundantly clear that if Hot Rod can't take this seriously and keep the baby healthy, they'll have no choice but to remove the sparkling from his care and pass the responsibility to someone else. Roddy does not want that to happen, so vows to do his best
Will he succeed? Well... that's a story for another day 🤭
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coochiequeens · 1 year
"From tapping into savings, asking family and friends for assistance to searching for surrogacy grants and loans, intended parents can find financial planning assistance from their surrogacy agency."
By Amanda Mushro
Diving into the world of surrogacy can feel overwhelming for hopeful parents who want to expand their family. Not only do they have to learn how surrogacy works in the U.S. and other countries, they have to find a willing surrogate and hope that the end result is a healthy baby. That's just for starters. Then they have to ask: How much does surrogacy cost? When it comes to the price, they can expect to pay thousands of dollars during their journey.   
Destiny Blackmon knows this all too well. “I would say about $100,000 in total,” she tells TODAY.com about the cost of surrogacy. “To date, we’ve spent $80,000. The eggs themselves were $20,000, and the lawyer, travel, clinic, insurance all were separate costs each time. Once the baby is born, I’d say we will have spent about $100,000 in total for both of our surrogacy journeys.”
But if you ask Blackmon, she says the years of research and planning, the emotional ups and downs and the money were all worth it in the end.
If you are wondering how much surrogacy costs, experts say the amount will vary for each family. “There are so many factors that will ultimately dictate the total cost of the journey but a good 'all-in average,' including surrogate compensation, agency fees, legal fees, insurance, etc. is approximately $125,000 to $175,000,” said Stephanie Levich, founder and president of Family Match Consulting.
Here’s what you need to know about the surrogacy cost in the United States and how much you should save before you start on your journey.
Costs of surrogacy
Agency fees: $15,000 to $30,000 
In order to connect with possible surrogates, many families choose to work with agencies. From medical screenings for surrogates and egg and sperm donors, counseling services for all parties, helping intended parents understand insurance policies, and negotiating the terms of the surrogacy and legal agreements, prices vary greatly for each agency. 
“Surrogacy agencies exist throughout the country to help intended parents find a surrogate, also referred to as a gestational carrier,” said Levich. “An obstacle that many intended parents face is that an agency may not have an available surrogate that meets a client’s criteria at any given time, so it’s common to encounter long wait lists before a match is found.” 
Surrogate fees: $30,000-$60,000
The gestational surrogacy costs are the compensation for the surrogate for medical testing and screenings, carrying and delivering the child and the emotional and physical journey of surrogacy. The surrogate’s fee will depend on their location and whether she has worked as a surrogate before. Also this fee may increase if the surrogate is carrying multiples (twins or triplets) or if she has to have a cesarean delivery. 
Legal fees: $5,000-$15,000
The total price of all legal aspects of the surrogacy will vary based on location and the lawyers used. 
Embryo creation: $20,000-$30,000
For prospective parents using a gestational surrogate, embryo creation will need to happen. Through IVF, this embryo is implanted into the surrogate. 
Egg donation: $20,000-$30,000
Donor eggs are used for a variety of reasons, and again, a variety of factors will decide the price of a donated egg(s).
In vitro fertilization: $10,000-$15,000
The average cost for one in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle is more than $12,000 but varies based on location. 
Insurance costs: $10,000-$30,000
While most health insurance plans do not cover surrogate pregnancies, hopeful families will be expected to pay the premiums and deductibles for their surrogate’s insurance plan or pay for the surrogate to have medical insurance. 
Additional costs: Varies
When creating budget for surrogacy, most agencies will give the advice to include a budget for extra costs such as maternity clothes for the surrogate, extra medical expenses if they arise during the pregnancy, travel and lodging if your surrogate lives in another part of the country and you will be visiting before and after she gives birth, and the usual expenses of preparing bring a baby home. 
How to pay for surrogacy
From tapping into savings, asking family and friends for assistance to searching for surrogacy grants and loans, intended parents can find financial planning assistance from their surrogacy agency. According to Levich, this is why it’s imperative that prospective parents find a reputable agency that has been vetted.
She recommends using services to find an agency who will help guide families through this process. “As a fertility consultant that has worked in this field for over 20 years, I tell prospective surrogacy clients that my hope isn’t to sell them on any singular path, but instead, to educate them on the various options that are available so they can make the most informed decision in regards to the right path for them,” said Levich.
Is surrogacy cheaper than IVF?
Surrogacy is not cheaper than IVF. Since IVF is a built-in part of surrogacy, IVF alone costs less. Levich said she often reminds prospective parents to budget for the IVF medications into the overall equation, which can typically cost around $3,000—$5,000. 
Is surrogacy covered by insurance?
According to Levich, most stages of surrogacy are not covered by insurance. “When surrogates are under the care of a reproductive endocrinologist, the screening, embryo transfer and monitoring fees are most often not covered by insurance,” she said. “After the surrogate is released to the care of an OB at approximately 12 weeks of a pregnancy, her personal insurance will be utilized.” 
This is when the parents will pick up the bill for the surrogate if she uses her health insurance or purchase insurance for the surrogate.
“Many insurance policies have surrogacy exclusions so it’s imperative that prospective parents work with insurance professionals who specialize in surrogacy to help determine the best, safest and most cost-effective plan to secure throughout the surrogacy pregnancy,” added Levich.
The bottom line
While growing your family and bringing a baby into the world is a priceless gift, the reality is, the cost of surrogacy in the United States can be well over six figures.  For Blackmon, the ups, the downs and the hefty price tag were all worth it. 
“The amount of information and the changes in laws across the country and even in the world make the cost of surrogacy very difficult," said Blackmon. “My husband and I are so thankful that there are people out there willing to help families who just want to have a baby to raise in love. It’s absolutely possible. Be encouraged.”
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topguncortez · 2 years
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I posted 1,703 times in 2022
That's 1,703 more posts than 2021!
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660 posts reblogged (39%)
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I tagged 1,208 of my posts in 2022
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#topguncortez - 791 posts
#top gun - 183 posts
#top gun imagine - 171 posts
#top gun fan fiction - 145 posts
#top gun fan fic - 140 posts
#top gun maverick - 126 posts
#top gun maverick fan fiction - 119 posts
#top gun maverick imagine - 118 posts
#top gun maverick fan fic - 115 posts
#professor jake seresin - 87 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#i have been asking myself this question since that blonde fucker showed up on the big screen in may of 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Reaper- B. Bradshaw
pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x pilot!female "Reaper" word count: 4.6k request?: yes warnings: arguments, cursing, top gun shit, smutty, pregnancy, death. synopsis: There are some fears from the past that Bradley can't quite shake. But is your love enough to change things for the future?
Being called back to Top Gun was never in your deck of cards. You knew that being the best of the best meant that you were always on the Navy’s radar. You were one of the three pilots with a confirmed shot in the past thirty years. You were called ‘Reaper’ for the kill and the fact that you were basically soulless. You didn’t care much about anyone else but yourself. You were a team player in the sky when you had to be, but on land, it was every man for themselves. Except, when it came to Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw. 
You met Bradley at flight school years prior and had hit it off hot and heavy. Your very first interaction ended with you naked in his bed. That’s how every off base interaction went with the two of you. Drinks, laughs, slight glances, secret touches and hoping to avoid everyone's eyes as you both walked to Bradley’s bronco and drove to his barracks room. It had gone on for weeks now, even prior to being stationed at Top Gun. 
You didn’t even think anything of it. You summed up your late menstrual cycle to the stress of flying and the mission at hand. Your cycle had always been a little off, the flying at supersonic speed didn’t help. The last thing to ever cross her mind was that she could be pregnant. She had always been careful, she knew that there was no room for children at this point in her career. She was just getting started, she was in top condition, was the top of her class, didn’t have anything holding her back from being sent around the world to do god knows what. But here she was, standing over the small bathroom sink in her barracks room, covering her mouth with her hand as she sobbed. 
This could not be happening. Not a day before she was to board a carrier and be taken to the middle of the ocean to possibly be chosen for one of the most dangerous missions of the century. She knew exactly who’s baby it was too. Someone who also didn’t want children. You and Bradley had talked about it one night, as you were coming down from your highs, you had asked him about kids. You had shared that you wanted kids at some point, but you could wait for a bit on them. But Bradley, he wanted nothing to do with kids. 
— — —
“You don’t ever want to know the feeling of holding your own newborn, soft and fresh into the world, against your chest, their big eyes looking at you like you are the only care in the world. You don’t want that feeling?” You had asked him, playing his fingers as you laid on his chest. Bradley sighed, and kissed the top of your head. 
“I also don’t want another kid growing up in this world without a father. Or having to stand beside their weeping mother and trying to understand why dad isn’t ever coming back. Or having to grow up and be the man of the house.” Bradley responded. 
You gulped, closing your eyes as Bradley’s words hit your heart. You knew he had fears about his career, every time he left the carrier it could very much be his last time. You also shared the same fears as him. You feared never coming back, never seeing your mom or your friends or even Bradley again. . But you never knew this fear of his. This one, was something dark and rooted deep within him. You opened your eyes and looked at his brown ones, seeing tears well up in his eyes. 
“Nah,” He sniffled, “It’s old ghosts and shit. I don’t want to talk about it. Not right now, not with you, in my bed. . . naked.” 
“I am,” You said and rolled on top of him. His hands went straight to your hips. You two hadn’t bothered to get dressed after the last time you had sex. There was nothing in between the two of you, and you could feel his cock already getting hard. You leaned down, pressing kisses to his neck, as you ground your hips lazily against his. 
“Fuck, keeping doing that and I’ll cum against my stomach like some teenage boy.” Bradley moaned, tangling his fingers in your hair, pulling your head back. He crashed his lips to yours, and you lifted your hips slightly, and lined him up with your entrance. You sunk down on him slowly, feeling a slight burn as he stretched you, “Still tight every single time.” Bradley grunted as you took him in completely. 
“Oh fuck,” You moaned and started moving up and down in his lap. His hands roamed your body, bringing you closer to him, if that was even possible. 
— — — 
You had a lot of fears, one of them being the fact you have been flying at supersonic speed and flipping upside down. You had no idea what kind of damage you could’ve been doing to the unborn baby in your uterus. You went directly to the medical wing that morning, getting a quick physical and paperwork for a profile. You were quite shocked when the doctor told you that you were 6 weeks along, but everything looked good, which was a small weight off your shoulders. 
The next thing was to board the carrier and talk to Maverick. You knew he would be deciding on who are the other five aviators that go with him on the mission tomorrow. You also knew that Maverick would choose you and Rooster. If there was anyone Maverick trusted more than Iceman and Goose, it was you and Rooster. You had worked with Maverick in Lemoore, and before you, Maverick had worked with your old man while in Iraq. You were a good pilot, and Maverick knew that. 
The flight deck was quiet as you stood on it, the scent of salt water filling your senses, as you wrapped your jacket around you. You were half way in the middle of the pacific ocean right now, watching the sunset on the endless ocean. Usually, being on the flight deck alone brought you comfort, it was your quiet place to think, but your mind was running a mile a minute. You were thinking of how you were going to tell Maverick not to pick you and the reason why. You thought about not telling him, about waiting to see if he would choose you, but you knew that you couldn’t even take the risk. It wasn’t just about you anymore. 
Standing outside of Maverick’s office door, you took a deep breath. You knocked, and waited for him to call you in. 
“Reaper,” Maverick said, looking at you shocked, “What’s up?” 
“You can’t choose me.” You said. 
“Wh-why?” Maverick said, and crossed his arms over his chest, looking rather upset. Were you backing out? Were you scared? You are the best ot the best, the top fighter pilot in the US Navy, and you are standing in front of him trying to- 
“I’m pregnant,” You said, handing him the profile you had gotten from the doctor, “Six weeks.” 
Maverick’s jaw dropped, looking you up and down, “You’ve been fly-” 
“I got checked out this morning, and the doctor said everything looks okay. Not the first time this has happened in Naval history,” You laughed, looking at your hands, “I. . . I need you not to choose Bradley either.” 
“I can’t lose him,” You said looking at Maverick with tears in your eyes, “I can’t. I won’t.” 
“This isn’t your decision to-” 
“You’ve already robbed one child of their father, don’t be the cause of another one.” 
See the full post
1,719 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
Hotshot- J. Seresin
pairing: J. "Hangman" Seresin x pilot female!reader (callsign: Hotshot) word count: 3.8k warnings: SMUT, PIV, dumbifcation, unprotected sex, hair pulling, spanking, public sex based on this request (i apologize in advance, i had to change it up a bit to fit the idea. so sorry, but still hope you like it!)
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Hangman knew the rule. Hell, the rule had been established because of him. No fraternizing with other top gun cadets. It made for messy times while flying through the sky. Too many feelings were involved as they argued about who slept with who and who did what with who and who didn’t text who back. There was no room for all of that when they were flying at supersonic speed and fighting for their lives. Some of the pilots found it dumb, when they sat in the briefing talking about the new rules and regulations. 
One of them in particular was Y/N Y/L/N, call sign Hotshot. She didn’t think it was necessary to have to sit in a class about fraternizing and safe sex when the one person the class was directed at was sleeping. She hated Jake Hangman Seresin. She hated everything about him. And He hated her. 
Both of them had been born to Top Gun graduates, and the rivalry between them had started from birth. Their dads had gone back and forth fighting for who was top of the class (ultimately it was Y/N’s dad), and the fight spewed over into Y/N and Jake. Y/N had a lot to prove during her year at Top Gun, she was one of only five females in the program. By the time graduation rolled around, she was one of two (the other being Phoenix). 
She didn’t have time to worry about feelings or sex when she was fighting to be one of the best. Hangman had tried to get to her, flashing that ridiculous smile, or taking his shirt off when it wasn’t necessary, or buying her a drink. But she wouldn’t budge. She had earned her nickname when in one of her dogfights with Hangman, she had pulled a cobra move, and flipped over him to take him down. Hangman hated it, and she never let him live it down. 
Hangman had thought when they graduated Top Gun that would be the last time he saw Hotshot, until he got called back. The hard deck was the last place he’d ever thought he’d see her. But the second she walked in with Rooster, he felt his mood sour. She looked great, and he hated to admit it. The shorts on her body showed off her tan legs and the tank top on her body showed off her toned arms. Hangman clenched his jaw as she walked towards them, gaining the attention of the other male counterparts. 
“Guess they just let anybody back,” Hangman said. 
“Clearly, you’re here,” She fired back as she greeted the group. 
“Where have you been?” Phoenix said, hugging her friend. 
“Here, there, everywhere. When you graduate top of the class,” Y/N said, looking over at Hangman, “You get to pick where you want to be.” 
“And yet you chose to stay here, in fighter town,” Hangman smirked, “You finally let a man into that cold dead thing between your legs?” 
“You finally treat that raging case of chlamydia?” 
Hangman rolled his eyes as the group broke out in cheers for the comeback. Everyone crowded around Y/N, leaving Hangman to seethe in his spot, glaring at her. She had a way of getting under his skin and making him irritated. He knew better than to let a rival bother him this much, but there was just something about her that he couldn’t shake. Normally, if it was a male counterpart he would just box them or go in rounds until they couldn’t offend each other anymore. But with Y/N he always stopped himself from saying anything too far. He did respect her, he would never admit it out loud, but he did. 
“I see you and Bradshaw came together…” Phoenix looked over at the brown haired man. Y/N rolled her eyes. Ever since Top Gun, Rooster and Hotshot had been friends. They bonded over the shared trauma of losing a parent in the service, only thing was, Hotshot was old enough to vividly remember that day and Rooster was not, “Oh come on! Four years and nothing!?“ 
“Zilch.” Hotshot answered. 
“It’s cause Rooster’s too pussy and Hotshot’s too bitchy,” Hangman added in, “Ya know what… Hotshot’s probably still a virgin.” 
“Why are you so obsessed with my sex life? Is yours so boring that you have to fantasize about mine?” Y/N asked him, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Sorry babe, not my type,” Hangman smirked and took the pool stick from Bob, “But i’m sure i can make arrangements if you need to let off a lil steam, cause I’m good, Hotshot,” He spoke lowly as he lined up his shot, and without breaking eye contact sunk in the pool ball, “Very good.” 
“I think i just vomited in my mouth,” Y/N responded and walked away from Hangman, leaving him to get teased by the other males. Hangman clenched his jaw, his eyes following her as she disappeared and saddled right up next to Rooster on the piano bench. 
— — — 
Hangman was pissed as he walked on the tarmac. His body felt hot, and it didn’t help that the hot California sun was beating down on him as he marched up to where Hotshot was climbing down from her plane. Phoenix gave her a high five and congratulated her on being the first in their class to actually defeat Maverick in the dogfight. Hangman unbuckled his helmet and threw it, making Hotshot jump in surprise. 
“What the hell was that!?” He yelled, the muscles in his neck straining, “You fucking left me!” 
“It’s called a dogfight, Bagman, don’t you know how this shit works?” Y/N said, taking off her own helmet. 
“You left me fucking hanging!” Hangman had been pissed the second that Maverick broke through them, flying side by side. Hangman was shouting different orders on which way to go, not even bothering to check and see if Hotshot was following. He had checked over his left when Maverick had done a cobra move over him, and at the same time, Hotshot got behind them to shoot both of them down. 
“Sounds familiar. . .” 
“You fucking bitch,” Hangman seethed and squared up next to her. Their bodies were so close they could feel each other’s breaths. Y/N had to look up slightly as Hangman towered over her, “This is the reason you’re alone and you're dried up. No one that fucking fiance of yours cheated-” 
“Enough!” Phoenix yelled, stepping in between the two, “You guys have been nonstop with this petty shit the whole time! It’s fucking annoying. Get over yourselves.” 
Y/N scoffed and turned away, walking towards the hangar. Hangman grinded his back teeth as he watched her walk. Bob gingerly held Hangman’s helmet towards him and Hangman rolled his eyes, snatching it back from him. 
“Are they ever going to stop?” Bob asked. Their petty fights had been happening all week and everyone was growing tired of it. It was worse in the classroom when they’d go sit after a dogfight or pathway run and Maverick would ask what they did wrong to get the other one or their team killed. They both had a hard time admitting defeat. 
See the full post
1,938 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Baby On Board- B.Floyd 
pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x wife!reader word count: 6k (its a long one) type: angst warnings: top gun shit, child birth, near death experiences, cursing. synopsis: being placed on a top secret mission weeks before his wife's due date was not what Lt. Floyd had imagined married life would be like.
note: thank you so much for 600! it's crazy how much this blog has grown in such little time! keep sending in requests!
She was his highschool sweetheart. From the moment Bob laid eyes on Y/N their freshman year of highschool, even with braces and acne and a ridiculous haircut, he knew that she was going to be his wife. She was perfect, smart, popular, kind to everyone and he was. . . well he was just Bob. A dork, a nerd, sweet and kind and too pure for this world. He could remember how badly he was sweating and shaking as he approached her lunch table, some cheesy valentine’s day card in his hand and asked her to the school dance. He thought he would get laughed at, but his heart filled with even more love as she pulled out a valentine of her own to give to him. 
Bob had shocked everyone when he decided to go into the navy, including Y/N. They had talked about their futures, and Bob had briefly mentioned going into the navy, but he wasn't certain. So when he came home and told her he enlisted, she was shocked but proud of him. Her heart broke when he left for boot camp, and would wait by the phone or mailbox for a call or letter from him. When he came home with a buzzed cut, a bouquet of flowers and a ring, they both knew they didn’t want to be apart from each other. They got married in a small ceremony in his parents backyard, it was like a fairytale for both of them. 
Both Bob and Y/N had agreed that they wanted kids. They weren’t ever too keen on actively trying for kids, but they weren’t doing anything to actively prevent it either. At first, they were going to let nature do its thing, agreeing that it’ll happen when it happens. But after two years of nothing, they knew that it was time for some intervention. It broke Bob’s heart when the doctor told them it was going to be nearly impossible for them to have a baby of their own. He watched as the light in her eyes diminished. She told him that she was okay, that it would be fine, but Bob could hear her crying in the bathroom when she thought he was asleep. 
Bob stood by her side though, never leaving her. He held her hand in doctors appointments, when they had decided on doing hormonal treatments, Bob was always on track with timing, and keeping track of everything. When he noticed that her body had started to change, and her mood was different and her period was late, he went out and bought every kind of pregnancy test there was to get. He sat by her side on the bed as they waited for the timer to go off, and was the first to look at the results. 
Seven months later, Bob and Y/N were glaring at each other from across the kitchen. Her belly had popped some weeks ago, and she was now supporting a nice round bump. She looked on the verge of tears as Bob had explained the document that was sitting in between the two of them. He was being called back to TOPGUN, something that he never thought would happen. The first time around, they had been married for only about a year, and Bob was excited to be chosen to go. He got permission to take his wife with him, and that was all he needed. Now, things have changed.
Y/N was not thrilled at all about Bob being called back. There was no other information on the document other than time and place to be. They had arranged on base housing for the both of them, but they both knew that Y/N couldn’t leave Lemoore. It wasn’t a good idea for her to be far away from her doctor, not when time was ticking away closer to her due date. 
“Why can’t they send someone else?” Y/N asked, running a hand through her hair, “Can you tell them I’m pregnant?” 
“Did,” Bob sighed, “Technically the baby isn’t born yet so I don’t get any sort of paternity leave. I would still only get 21 days anyway.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes, of course he didn't, “There’s nothing you can do?” 
“It’s non negotiable. You can come with-” 
“Come with!?  Bob, look at me, I’m the size of a water buffalo-“ 
“No you’re not-“ 
“Shut up,” Y/N said, getting angry. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes and turned on her heel and left the kitchen in tears. Bob sighed, knowing the majority of this was caused by pregnancy hormones but it still didn’t make it any easier. He knew that there was a possibility of him getting a last minute deployment or special detachment, like this one, that could take him away from Y/N and his unborn child. He just didn’t think it would ever come true. Bob grabbed the sheet of paper and read it over again. Doing the math in his head, he should be back in time before Y/N has their baby, but it still didn’t bring him any comfort.
He pushed himself from his spot, walking to the freezer to get an orange crush popsicle for Y/N, and then walked down the hall. He found her sitting on their shared bed, looking out the window. Bob sat down next to her and offered her the popsicle. 
“Thanks,” She murmured. 
“I know it’s not ideal-” 
“No, it’s not,” Y/N sniffled as she opened up her popsicle. 
“You could come with. . .” 
“Bob, I’m seven months pregnant. I don’t think it would be a good idea.” 
“It’s also not a good idea to have you here alone either,” Bob said and Y/N sighed, “At least, if you’re in Miramar with me, I’d be there in a matter of minutes if something happened,” He grabbed her free hand and intertwined their fingers, “Up here, yeah we are alone, but you’ll be even more alone if something happened and I’m seven hours away. It would bring peace of mind to me, if you came with me.” 
“Well,” Y/N sighed, “Looks like we’re both going back to TOPGUN.” 
Bob smiled and leaned in to kiss her cheek, and then slid off the bed to kneel in front of her, both hands going to her growing belly. It always made her giggle at how Bob’s large hands could cover her whole bump, but it also brought her a sense of security. 
“You, my little one, can’t make any surprise appearances while we are there, you hear me? You stay right in here for the next six weeks and we won’t have an issue,” Bob said to her belly, and got a small kick in return, “I think they understood me,” He said looking up at you with his lopsided grin. 
“I’m sure they did.” 
— — —
It was almost too hot to do anything, even by the ocean in Miramar. Y/N had told herself when she got pregnant, she didn’t want to be pregnant during the hot months, but living in California, it was always hot. The drive down had been awful, having to stop almost every hour so she could pee, or being constantly uncomfortable. Bob felt bad, knowing that she was only doing this for him, but he let her complain as much as she wanted to. Bob had heard that everyone was gathering at the Hard Deck, a local bar that he and Y/N had frequented the first time around at TOPGUN. Y/N had opted not to go with him, as she wanted to just stay in the air conditioning of their tiny on base house. 
Y/N had done what she could to make herself comfortable while being in Miramar. She went grocery shopping, to the beach a couple times, met with one of the OB’s on base (which Bob had gotten out of training early to do), but for the most part she kept a low profile, trying to stay as cool as she possibly could in the southern california heat. Her favorite part of the day was when Bob would come home, and lay his head in her lap and tell their child all about his day. His eyes always lit up as he talked about the simulations and the dogfighting. He would get so animated about it, it was adorable. 
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2,292 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Opposites Attract 2- J. Seresin
pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x shy female!reader word count: 5.6k (Issa long one) warnings: top gun shit, mentions of death, mentions of sexual themes, angsty synopsis: The day of the faithful uranium plant mission is upon us, who will return home to their loved ones, and who will not. part 1
a/n: I will probably be making Opposites Attract into a mini series! let me know what you would like to see in it! also request are still open!!
Hangman had never liked deployment day, and he grew to hate it even more when he met his wife. He hated having to leave his friends and belongings behind to spend months on end on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean. When he was young and single, he loved it. He would almost volunteer for any chance to go out to sea, but that all changed when he met Y/N. The first time he ever left her was the hardest. Being in the middle of the ocean, no way to contact her, no way to hear her voice or see her. The only thing he had from her was a letter she had stuffed into his duffle bag when he wasn’t looking. He would read that letter every night to the point he had basically memorized it. The second his boots hit the ground in Coronado Island, he was running to go find her. 
The goodbyes never got easier, but the welcome homes did. Hangman could hardly keep himself contained as he would stand on near the edge of the aircraft carrier, as they would salute as they came into dock. He’d have to constantly remind himself not to run in his dress uniform, that the admirals and captains were watching him, but he would fail himself and take off running towards her. And She was always there, waiting for him. From just standing by herself, to supporting a growing baby bump, to holding a small child on her hip, Y/N never missed when Jake would come home off the ship. 
Now, Jake prayed he’d be able to have that moment again. 
Jake knew Phoenix had probably told Y/N a little more detail than what Jake was willing to give to her. But that night after putting Alex to bed, Jake walked into their shared bedroom and found her crying on the bed. His heart broke at the sight, and he moved to her quickly, wrapping her in his strong arms as she cried. 
“Please,” She hiccuped, “Please come home.” 
“I will do everything I possibly can to come home,” Jake said to her, and kissed her temple. 
That night Jake helped her unwind, knowing her mind was running a mile a minute. He drew her a bath, filled it with the lavender scented bubble soap she loved so much. He helped her undress and made sure to tell her how beautiful she was. He lit some candles he found lying around the house, and helped her get into the bath. Jake sat on the ground by the tub, holding her hand and answering any questions she may have about the mission to the best of his ability. 
“So you’ll still be gone for three days?” Y/N asked. 
“Yes, a day to get out there, the mission day, and a day to come home,” Jake answered. He knew he should’ve just told her about it to begin with instead of dancing around the details. 
“So this. . .mission, plan thing, you don’t know who’s actually going on it? Captain Mitchell hasn’t told anyone yet?” 
“No,” Jake sighed, “Kind of annoying too that we don’t know who’s flying with who yet. But there will be six of us, two foxtrot teams, two solo pilots.” 
“And the goal is to just fly in and blow up this plant thing and then fight these missile things and come home.” 
Jake smiled, he loved hearing her try to explain his job. Y/N had grown up around the Navy, her dad being a WSO prior. She knew a little bit more than the average person, but at the same time she didn’t want to know. She would rather live in a world where she didn’t need to know her husband was flying at supersonic speeds to destroy the enemy a hundred some feet above the pacific ocean in his own flying death trap. But, whenever she did talk about it, her face would light up with this sort of childlike innocence, that reminded him of Alex, and it would bring a smile to his perfectly chiseled face. 
“That’s the goal,” Jake nodded, “If everything goes well-” 
“You survive,” Y/N said, “But if it doesn’t. . . someone comes home with a flag draped over their body.” 
Jake looked down at their hands. It was times like these where Jake wished he could’ve found an easier calling in life, like a doctor or math teacher. Y/N had heard the screams of wives and mothers as they opened the door to see two naval officers in uniform. Or watched as an officer stepped off the ship first, carrying a perfect folded flag and walked over to one of the family members waiting. Y/N could remember her stomach dropping as she watched an officer walk directly towards her, folded flag in his white gloved hands. She felt like she was going to be sick as he handed the flag to the woman next to her. Y/N had to act quickly and hold her up as her knees gave out and she screamed so loudly, the sound would stay with Y/N forever. 
“Hey,” Jake said, and moved to wipe a tear falling from her eye, “Don’t think like that, okay. I know it’s scary, but I am flying with the best of the best. We will all do what we can to come home, that’s our main goal, is to come home.” Y/N sniffled and nodded, nuzzling into the warmth of Jake’s hand, “Now come on, before the water gets cold.” 
“No,” Y/N pouted, “I wanna stay here forever!” 
“You’re like Alex,” Jake laughed, “Come on, sweetheart, can’t have you turning all wrinkly on me.” 
“Would you still love me if I was?” 
“Sweetheart, I will always love you, even when we are both old and wrinkly,” Jake smiled and leaned in to kiss her soft pink lips. 
That night Jake held her close, neither one bothered to wear anything to bed, sleeping completely naked. Y/N used to shy away whenever Jake would look at her body. She would cover herself up, or make him close his eyes and turn around. The first time Jake had ever seen her completely naked, he just wanted to stare at her for hours. She was perfect, every single thing about her. Jake took his time memorizing her curves and lines, telling her how perfect she was. She slowly got more comfortable with being nude around him and letting him see her. Jake about creamed his pants the first time she ever walked over in lingerie. He had no idea she could be such a minx. But now, it was almost second nature for them to sleep somewhat, if not completely nude, wrapped in each other's arms, feeling each other in their most vulnerable state. 
When the sun came up the next day, the two of them fell in sync getting each other ready for a busy day. Y/N and Jake both made breakfast, as Y/N prepared lunch for him to take. Jake also got Alex up too, the little boy only seemed to be happy waking up when it was Jake who got him out of bed. Y/N smiled at her two boys as Jake walked in carrying him on his hip. 
“Morning, love,” Y/N said and kissed his cheek, “We got a fun day planned. Penny is going to take us sailing!” 
“Penny?” Jake asked, looking at her, “Since when do you talk to Penny?” 
“Since she told me about the farmers market when I was at the grocery store the other day,” Y/N shrugged and went back to making Jake’s lunch. 
Jake nodded and kissed Alex’s temple before setting him down, only for him to run straight to Y/N. Jake was happy that Y/N was slowly breaking out of her shell. He worried about her when he was gone on missions or detachments like this one. She was shy, and tends to stick to herself. He remembered some of the hard phone calls when Alex was a newborn. Y/N would break down and beg for Jake to come home, or even threaten to leave and move back to San Diego to be closer to her family. She felt alone, she had no one there in Lemoore. But overtime, she had taught herself how to ask for help when she needed it and found solace in some of the older navy wives in their neighborhood. Now, being down in San Diego for the time being, she had found a friendship in the local bar owner. 
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2,694 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Opposites Attract- J. Seresin
pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female!reader word count: 3.7k warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of child birth, top gun things synopsis: how can Hangman, cocky, arrogant Hangman fall in love with a girl who is so different than him and raise a family completely opposite of him. based on these requests:
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He must’ve gotten it from his mother. She was a shy person. Usually choosing situations where she didn’t need to talk to anyone new, where she could just smile and nod and look to her husband to do all the talking. His fellow pilots were confused by them: how could loud, obnoxious, bragging, douchebag Lt Jake “Hangman” Seresin, find someone as sweet and quiet as Y/N. It was one of life’s great mysteries. Her very first interaction with the group of Top Gun aviators had them all puzzled on how Hangman had secured her as his wife and hid her from them all.
“Who’s the babe at the bar?” Payback said, eyeing her from across the pool table. Hangman looked at his line of sight and smirked. 
Sauntering over to where one of the pool balls was at, he leaned over, “That” he said, lining up his shot, “Is my wife.” He rammed the cue stick into Payback's gut making him double over in pain. 
“Her? The quiet little thing over there?” Phoenix said, looking at her. Y/N waited patiently for Penny to get around to her, not yelling and trying to catch her attention like the other patrons at the bar, “What did you do? Hypnosis? Stockholm Syndrome?” 
“Why is it so shocking that I'd be married to her?” 
“Cause you’re nothing alike! She’s nice and you’re an ass. She’s pretty and you’re an ass. She’s quiet and you’re-“ 
“An ass?” 
“Precisely,” Phoenix said as Hangman’s wife made her way back over to him. She walked directly to him, her head down not making eye contact with the other pilots. Hangman put his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss, making her cheeks go red. 
“Penny is busy, i’ll go back up-“ 
“I got it, love,” Hangman said, kissing her again. 
“You sure? Cause I can-“ 
“It’s all good,” Hangman smiled at her. She nodded as he stepped past her, but not before giving her ass a light smack. She all but squealed at his action, turning even redder if that was possible. She turned her head slowly, looking at the eyes of his fellow aviators who were all looking at her. She gave them a shy smile, before turning her head and moving out of the way, and back towards Hangman. 
“There’s no fucking way,” Phoenix muttered. 
Everyone was enthralled with watching Hangman and his wife interact the whole night. It was a completely different side to him than any of his classmates had ever seen. His smile wasn’t a cocky arrogant one, it was bright and full of love as he twirled her around the makeshift dance floor in the Hard Deck. She giggled as he pressed kisses to her neck, singing the words of a song back to her. 
“How did we not know about this?” Rooster said, looking at his enemy. 
“This had to have happened recently,” Coyote said, taking a sip of his beer, “The whole aviator world woulda been talking about it.” 
“Or he never told anyone until now,” Bob said with a shrug causing them all to look at him, “What?” 
“It’s Hangman. He brags about everything. We would’ve known,” Phoenix said. 
“Never know,” Bob said again. 
But Bob was right, as much as Hangman wanted to show her off, and brag about her, he knew that she wouldn’t want that. She was quiet, and kept to herself and that’s what drew him to her. She was the shy girl at the bar in San Diego, his very first duty station, and Hangman knew the second he saw her, she was going to be his. She played hard to get at first, partially because she didn’t really trust him. She had heard the things the other girls around base had said about him. That he was just another pilot with a good smile, only there for a couple weeks before jetting off to the next place. He had a lot to prove, and he would be damned if he left without you by his side. 
So he worked his charm over the three weeks he was there. He managed to break down her walls completely, wooing her the old fashioned way. Hangman proved the chivalry wasn’t dead, as he opened doors for her, always greeted her with a kiss on her hand, bringing her flowers for every date and at random times during the day, texting or calling her goodnight, walking her to the door after dates or waiting in his car to make sure she got all the way in the house and turned her bedroom lamp on to let him know she was safe. 
When those three weeks came to an end, their goodbye was tearful and painful. Y/N stood in the airplane hangar with the rest of the aviator and naval wives, husbands, partners, kids, families, and hugged Hangman (or Jake as he had become to her) as fat tears rolled down her cheeks. He pulled away from the hug, holding her face in his hands and wiping the tears away. 
“Don’t forget about me when you find yourself surrounded by beautiful women overseas.” She said, sniffling. 
“Sweetheart, it would take a whole army and then some to make me forget about you,” Jake said, which made her blush. Any sort of pet name he called her had a red hue climbing up the back of her neck, “Just don’t forget about me.” 
“I could never, would never!” She smiled. Jake looked at her, her soft eyes looking into his. And for some reason, some spell was cast and Jake didn’t hesitate but to lean in and kiss her for the first time. 
That kiss had sealed the deal for both of them. The second Jake had landed back stateside, he went running to her house, finding her out in her garden, dirt and sweat on her face. Jake ran right to her, not having a care in the world, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her. 
“Marry me.” 
“What?” She said, looking at him like he had grown a second head, “Did you hit your head? Is this from the lack of oxygen? I know what they say about that, what is it, g. . . g-loc? Yeah, g-” 
See the full post
5,513 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
would love to hear any headcanons about mel raising alex, ruth's own attempts to mother alex, how alex reacts to melruth, etc!
Oh my god I just spent like an hour answering this and then got Blue Screen of Death, im gonna murder someone istg
Oooh parenting, that’s my jam. For ease I’m going to ignore Melanie’s Wife AU for this. Some of these contradict each other and some are out of order because fuck the police
Melanie reading every book and journal about pregnancy and birth that she can find and then becoming a paranoid mess
Melanie having a traumatic birth
Melanie getting postnatal depression and anxiety
Melanie struggling to breastfeed
Wilford offering Melanie a year off work because he’s not American an asshole, but Melanie being unable to stay away for that long
Melanie struggling to put on a baby carrier and cursing because “I’m an engineer how hard could this possibly be?”
Melanie deciding she wants to do Montessori parenting and her own parents being so confused like “girl why is your infant on a mattress on the floor” and “you cannot expect a two year old to make their own fruit salad Melanie”
Alex being a late walker and a late talker and Melanie being so hurt and confused because she’s sure she did everything right
Alex going from practically non-verbal to reading books by herself in the space of a few months because she’s hyperlexic
Someone suggesting Alex is displaying autism traits and Melanie laughing because “if that’s autism then I’m autistic too ha ha ha”
Alex traumatising other pre-schoolers by telling them where meat comes from
Melanie forgetting Alex one too many times at daycare that her parents finally just agree to watch her
Melanie’s mom teaching Alex how to do housework and saying “your mom just won’t learn this, that’s why she can’t keep a man”
Melanie telling Alex bedtime stories that always involve a perpetual motion engine
Melanie and Alex getting into screaming matches because Melanie doesn’t know how to work through her parenting triggers
Alex being sick to death of always being compared to her mother
Melanie deciding on a whim to homeschool Alex, but sending her back to school a week later after Wilford caught Alex doing algebra at the helm
Alex catching every cold and snotty nose and Melanie making her disgust obvious every time she has to wipe a nose or use a snot sucker
Melanie forgetting she was supposed to meet her parents and Alex at Disneyland, forcing her dad to go on all of the rides with Alex instead
Ruth’s character rehabilitation of Melanie being squarely aimed at Alex, not other passengers
Ruth using the weed trade route to sneak little trinkets of Melanie’s to Alex on Big Alice
“God you look just like her when you concentrate”
“How are you, Alex?” because there’s not much more she can ask whilst he is there
Ruth beating herself up for not getting on the pirate train because she promised Melanie one thing and she failed
Ruth praying more for Alex’s safety than for Melanie’s because Melanie can take care of herself but keeping Alex safe was supposed to be her job
Ruth barely being able to look at Alex when she finds out Melanie is dead because her face is too stark of a reminder
Alex: why should I even talk to her?
Ruth: because every single decision she makes is out of love. For you. For the train. For humanity.
Ruth choosing New Eden even though she desperately wants to choose Melanie, because she promised to look out for Alex. Ruth leaving because “I love you too much to stay”
Ruth plaiting Alex’s hair in New Eden
Alex becoming a mentor to Winnie since they’re practically sisters now
Alex coming out to Ruth
Alex sometimes coming to ask Ruth to tell stories about what her mom was like in the time they were apart. Alex sometimes wanting to tell Ruth what her mom was like before the freeze. Ruth just putting on a brave face the whole time because Alex is more important than her feelings, even if seeing her reminds Ruth every day how much she misses Melanie.
R: Alex I need to talk to you. I’ve been thinking of moving in with your mom because she’s really important to me, I hope to be by her side forever, but I don’t want to make it weird for you because you are the most important thing to her always and I respect that.
A:... just leave a sock on the door and I’ll know to sleep in the engine
R: No that’s not what I… I mean yeah that’s a good tip and we’ll probably do that but
R: what I’m asking is - is it okay if I sit next to you and knit whilst you and your mom play chess? Is it okay if some days I bring back noodles from the market? Is it ok if some of your mom’s nights off I take her to look at the stars? Is it ok if I tidy the pile of shoes by the door and add mine? Is it okay if I leave some teabags next to the coffee? A: You already do those things, Ruth.
R: Ok but can I do them officially, or?
21 year old Alex cuddling up to Ruth on the sofa eating ice cream because they both had bad dreams about Melanie leaving them again:
A: hey mum, tell me again what it was like, when you and mom first started working together
R, pulling a silly face: you already know that story, Alex!
A: yeah but I just like hearing about how she didn’t realise you were flirting with her for seven years like Jesus mom you useless sapphic
Alex asking Ruth how to tell Carly how she really feels. Ruth “sorry kiddo I’ve been in love with your mom since the day I met her and I still don’t know how to tell her”
“Hey mom, this is kinda a weird question, but did you and Ruth ever… ya know? ‘Cus she’s always kinda making eyes at you.”
A: At the same time as Ben??? MOM!
M: it was a weird time, Alex. 
A: I think you’re probably poly, mom.
M: poly…nomial?
A: polyamorous jesus christ mom it means you can fall in love with more than one person at a time
M: oh. Yeah that sounds right.
“Will you two just kiss already?”
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idealfertilityivf · 3 days
IVF Fertility Center in India: A Comprehensive Guide to IVF Treatment
The journey to parenthood can be filled with challenges, but advances in medical science have opened new doors for couples facing difficulties conceiving naturally. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most widely used fertility treatments around the world and has proven to be a lifeline for many. India, with its world-class medical infrastructure, is fast becoming a preferred destination for IVF treatments, offering both affordable and high-quality care. Among the most trusted names in fertility treatments are the numerous reputable IVF clinics across the country that provide personalized, compassionate, and advanced fertility services.
This article explores IVF treatments, what to expect, and why India is becoming a top choice for individuals and couples seeking fertility treatments.
What is IVF Treatment?
IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a process where an egg and sperm are combined outside the body in a laboratory. Once fertilized, the resulting embryo is transferred back into the woman’s uterus for natural implantation and pregnancy. IVF is often the go-to option when other fertility treatments like medication or intrauterine insemination (IUI) have not been successful.
This technique is particularly useful for couples dealing with various infertility issues, such as:
Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
Ovulation disorders
Male infertility factors like low sperm count
Unexplained infertility
IVF treatments have evolved over the years, offering greater chances of success and fewer complications, making it one of the most trusted fertility treatments globally.
Why Opt for IVF Treatment?
IVF treatments offer a ray of hope for couples who have faced obstacles in their journey toward parenthood. Here are several reasons why individuals and couples opt for IVF:
High Success Rates IVF is one of the most successful fertility treatments, and with advancements in medical technology, its success rate has increased significantly. Many couples who may have otherwise struggled with fertility issues can now have biological children through IVF.
Treatment for Various Infertility Issues IVF is versatile in its approach. It can address a wide range of infertility problems, including ovulation disorders, tubal blockages, and male infertility factors. For individuals or couples facing complex infertility issues, IVF may provide the best chance of achieving a successful pregnancy.
IVF with Donor Eggs or Sperm In cases where either partner cannot provide viable eggs or sperm, IVF allows the use of donor eggs or sperm, thus offering a solution for couples who may not be able to conceive with their own gametes.
Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) IVF can be combined with Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosisto screen for genetic disorders in embryos before implantation. This is particularly important for couples who are carriers of genetic conditions and wish to avoid passing on inherited disorders to their children.
Personalized Care and Monitoring IVF treatments, particularly in top IVF clinics across India, focus on providing personalized care that meets the unique needs of every patient. Constant monitoring and individualized treatment plans ensure that patients receive the best possible care and attention throughout the treatment process.
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Why Choose India for IVF Treatment?
When considering fertility treatments, it's important to choose a country and clinic that not only offers advanced medical treatments but also provides holistic support. India stands out as one of the Best IVF Centers for several reasons:
Comprehensive Care Approach Leading fertility centers in India focus not only on medical treatments but also on addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of fertility. Fertility challenges can be incredibly stressful, and a supportive environment can make a significant difference. These clinics provide counseling, emotional support, and a tailored approach to ensure that patients feel informed and supported throughout their journey.
World-Class Facilities and Technology IVF clinics in India are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and adhere to international standards. They use the latest IVF techniques and molecular diagnostics to provide patients with the best chances of success.
Experienced Fertility Specialists The fertility specialists in India are highly experienced and have helped countless couples achieve successful pregnancies. They have a deep understanding of both the science and the emotional journey involved in fertility treatments, offering compassionate care at every step.
Tailored Treatment Plans Each patient’s infertility case is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. IVF clinics in India offer personalized treatment plans tailored to the specific needs of each patient. This individualized approach helps maximize the chances of success and ensures that patients are comfortable with their treatment options.
Holistic Approach to Fertility The journey to parenthood is more than just a physical process—it also involves mental and emotional aspects. Top IVF clinics recognize the importance of a holistic approach that supports patients medically, physically, and emotionally. This ensures that the treatment process is smooth and reassuring for every individual.
IVF in India: Why It’s a Growing Destination for Fertility Treatments
India is fast emerging as a hub for fertility treatments, especially IVF. Several factors contribute to the country’s growing reputation as a top destination for individuals and couples seeking assisted reproduction technologies (ART):
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Cost-Effective Treatment Compared to many countries in the West, the cost of IVF treatment in India is significantly lower. This affordability, combined with the availability of cutting-edge technology and highly qualified specialists, makes India an attractive option for individuals from around the globe.
Top-Quality Medical Care India boasts some of the best medical facilities in the world, particularly in major cities. Fertility hospitals and private IVF clinics are equipped with the latest technology, and the standards of care rival those in developed countries.
Internationally Trained Specialists Many fertility specialists in India have received training and certifications from leading institutions around the world. This level of expertise ensures that patients receive world-class care during their treatment process.
Legal Framework for ART India has a well-defined legal framework governing assisted reproduction technologies. This includes clear guidelines on surrogacy, egg donationand sperm donation, and embryo transfer, ensuring that patients are protected throughout the treatment process.
Supportive Environment The medical tourism industry in India is well-developed, and many fertility hospitals offer services that cater to international patients. From visa assistance to accommodation and post-treatment care, the infrastructure is in place to make the experience seamless for international couples.
How IVF Treatment Works: The Step-by-Step Process
For those unfamiliar with IVF treatment, here is a brief overview of the typical steps involved:
Initial Consultation and Evaluation The first step involves a consultation with a fertility specialist. During this phase, tests and evaluations are conducted to understand the underlying causes of infertility and to design a customized treatment plan.
Ovarian Stimulation The woman is given hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. This increases the chances of retrieving healthy eggs for fertilization.
Egg Retrieval Once the eggs are mature, they are retrieved from the ovaries through a minor surgical procedure.
Fertilization The retrieved eggs are combined with sperm in a laboratory, and fertilization takes place. Once the eggs are fertilized, they become embryos.
Embryo Transfer After a few days, one or more healthy embryos are selected and transferred to the woman’s uterus.
Pregnancy Test A pregnancy test is conducted approximately two weeks after the embryo transfer to confirm whether the treatment has been successful.
IVF treatment is a life-changing option for individuals and couples facing infertility challenges. With its cutting-edge technology, personalized care, and holistic approach, India has emerged as one of the best destinations for IVF treatment, offering world-class fertility services at a fraction of the cost compared to other countries. Whether you are seeking treatment at a fertility hospital or a private IVF clinic, the expertise, care, and compassion offered by the fertility centers in India are unmatched. With increasing success rates and affordable treatment options, India continues to shine as a destination for those seeking to realize their dream of having a child.
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medicalline007 · 17 days
IVF and Genetic Testing: What You Need to Know Before Starting
When embarking on the journey of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), many couples or individuals consider genetic testing as an essential part of the process. As fertility treatments evolve, so too do the options available to optimize the chances of a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. IVF and genetic testing work together to provide deeper insights into the embryos, helping to detect potential genetic abnormalities and ensuring the best possible outcomes. Before starting the IVF process, it’s crucial to understand what genetic testing entails, how it can influence your treatment, and why it might be the right option for you.
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What is Genetic Testing in IVF?
Genetic testing in IVF involves analyzing the DNA of embryos created through the IVF process to identify any chromosomal or genetic abnormalities. It is typically performed on embryos before they are transferred into the uterus, a procedure known as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). The goal is to select the healthiest embryos for transfer, thereby improving the chances of a successful pregnancy and reducing the risk of miscarriage or genetic disorders.
There are different types of genetic tests that may be conducted during an IVF cycle:
Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A): This test checks for chromosomal abnormalities, such as missing or extra chromosomes, which can lead to conditions like Down syndrome or miscarriages.
Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Disorders (PGT-M): This test screens for specific genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell disease, particularly if one or both parents are known carriers.
Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR): This test looks for chromosomal rearrangements, which can lead to structural abnormalities that may prevent embryo implantation or cause miscarriage.
Why Consider Genetic Testing?
Increased IVF Success Rates: Genetic testing helps identify embryos that are most likely to result in a healthy pregnancy. By transferring only chromosomally normal embryos, the chances of a successful pregnancy are higher, and the number of IVF cycles required may be reduced.
Reducing the Risk of Genetic Disorders: For couples with a family history of genetic diseases, genetic testing can significantly lower the risk of passing on these conditions to their children.
Lower Risk of Miscarriage: Embryos with chromosomal abnormalities are more likely to result in a miscarriage. By identifying and transferring only healthy embryos, genetic testing can help reduce this risk.
Tailored IVF Treatment: The results of genetic testing can help doctors tailor your IVF treatment plan to increase your chances of success. For example, in some cases, certain medications or protocols may be adjusted based on the genetic health of the embryos.
Who Should Consider Genetic Testing with IVF?
Not all couples or individuals undergoing IVF require genetic testing, but it can be particularly beneficial for the following groups:
Women over 35 years old: As maternal age increases, so does the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. Genetic checking out can help mitigate this chance.
Couples with a history of miscarriages: If you’ve experienced multiple miscarriages, genetic testing may help identify if chromosomal issues are contributing to pregnancy loss.
Couples with known genetic conditions: If either partner is a carrier of a genetic disorder, genetic testing can ensure that the healthiest embryos, free of the condition, are selected for transfer.
Couples with failed IVF cycles: If previous IVF attempts have been unsuccessful, genetic testing might provide answers and increase the chances of success in future cycles.
The Genetic Testing Process in IVF
IVF Cycle Initiation: The first step in the process is the traditional IVF cycle, where eggs are harvested from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a lab setting.
Embryo Development: Once the eggs are fertilized, the embryos are allowed to develop for 5-7 days until they reach the blastocyst stage, which is optimal for testing.
Biopsy and Genetic Testing: A small sample of cells is taken from each embryo and sent for genetic analysis. This process does not harm the embryo.
Embryo Freezing: While the genetic tests are being performed, the embryos are frozen to preserve their viability for future transfer.
Results and Embryo Transfer: Once the genetic test results are available, the healthiest embryos are selected, and one or more may be transferred to the uterus to begin the pregnancy.
Best IVF Treatment in Delhi
Delhi has emerged as a hub for advanced fertility treatments, offering some of the best IVF services in India. If you're considering IVF with genetic testing, it’s important to seek out clinics that offer state-of-the-art technology and expert care. For those looking for the Best IVF Treatment in Delhi, it’s crucial to choose a clinic with a proven track record of success, particularly with genetic testing protocols.
Best IVF Doctor in Delhi
Finding the right doctor is equally important. The Best IVF Doctor in Delhi will not only guide you through the IVF process but will also ensure that genetic testing is performed with the highest level of precision and care. A knowledgeable doctor can help tailor your treatment to your specific needs, maximizing your chances of success.
IVF and genetic testing offer a powerful combination for increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy and minimizing risks associated with genetic disorders and chromosomal abnormalities. Whether you’re seeking to improve your IVF success rates or ensure that your child is free from genetic conditions, understanding the role of genetic testing is vital before starting your IVF journey. With the Best IVF Treatment in Delhi and guidance from the Best IVF Doctor in Delhi, you can make informed decisions and take the best steps toward building your family.
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rsp-uae · 25 days
Genetic Counseling and Testing: Vital Resources for Avoiding Down Syndrome
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Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs when an individual has an extra copy of chromosome 21, leading to developmental and intellectual challenges. While the condition is widely recognized, many prospective parents are unaware of the steps they can take to reduce the risk of having a child with Down syndrome. Genetic counseling and testing play a crucial role in providing valuable information and guidance for those looking to avoid Down syndrome and make informed reproductive choices. This article explores the importance of these resources and how they can assist families in planning for a healthy future.
Understanding Down Syndrome: Causes and Risk Factors
Down syndrome occurs due to a random error in cell division called nondisjunction, which results in an extra chromosome 21. The condition is not typically inherited, but certain factors can increase the likelihood of a Down syndrome pregnancy:
Maternal Age: Women over the age of 35 are at a higher risk of having a child with Down syndrome. As maternal age increases, so does the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
Family History: While most cases of Down syndrome are not inherited, having a family history of the condition may slightly increase the risk.
Previous Pregnancy with Down Syndrome: Parents who have had a child with Down syndrome have a higher chance of having another child with the condition.
The Role of Genetic Counseling in Avoiding Down Syndrome
Genetic counseling is a critical service for individuals or couples planning to conceive, particularly if they are at an increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome/متلازمة الداون. Genetic counselors are trained professionals who provide information about genetic conditions, discuss testing options, and support families in making informed decisions.
Risk Assessment: During a genetic counseling session, the counselor will review the couple's medical history, family history, and any previous pregnancy outcomes to assess the risk of Down syndrome. This information helps in determining whether genetic testing is advisable.
Education and Awareness: Genetic counselors educate prospective parents about Down syndrome, including its causes, symptoms, and potential challenges. They also discuss the implications of the condition and the available options for managing it.
Testing Options: The counselor will explain the various genetic tests available to assess the risk of Down syndrome, helping parents understand the pros and cons of each test. They also discuss the timing and accuracy of these tests, which is vital for informed decision-making.
Genetic Testing: Tools for Early Detection and Prevention
Genetic testing can identify the risk of Down syndrome during pregnancy or even before conception. These tests are essential tools for parents who want to avoid Down syndrome or plan for a child with the condition.
Preconception Testing:
Carrier Screening: Carrier screening tests can be performed before pregnancy to determine if either parent carries a chromosomal abnormality that could increase the risk of Down syndrome. This information can help couples make informed reproductive choices.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD): For couples undergoing IVF (in vitro fertilization), PGD allows for the screening of embryos for chromosomal abnormalities before implantation, reducing the risk of Down syndrome.
Prenatal Testing:
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): NIPT is a blood test that can be performed as early as the 10th week of pregnancy. It analyzes small fragments of fetal DNA circulating in the mother's blood to detect the risk of Down syndrome with high accuracy.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) and Amniocentesis: These tests involve sampling placental tissue or amniotic fluid to directly examine fetal chromosomes. While they offer definitive results, they are more invasive and carry a small risk of miscarriage.
Gender Selection and Genetic Testing: In some cases, parents may consider gender selection as part of their family planning strategy. Although gender selection itself does not prevent Down syndrome, it can be combined with genetic testing to ensure that only healthy embryos are selected for implantation during IVF. This approach allows parents to reduce the risk of chromosomal abnormalities while also choosing the gender of their child, which can be significant for balancing family dynamics.
Emotional and Ethical Considerations
While genetic counseling and testing offer valuable insights, they also come with emotional and ethical challenges. Prospective parents may face difficult decisions based on the test results, such as whether to continue a pregnancy if Down syndrome is detected. Genetic counselors provide support during these challenging times, helping families navigate their options and make choices that align with their values and circumstances.
Emotional Support: Genetic counselors are equipped to provide emotional support to couples facing the stress and uncertainty of genetic testing. They offer a safe space to discuss concerns, fears, and hopes for the future.
Ethical Considerations: Deciding whether to pursue testing or take action based on the results can raise ethical questions. Couples must consider their beliefs, values, and what is best for their family when making these decisions. Genetic counselors can guide these conversations, ensuring that families make informed and compassionate choices.
Genetic counseling and testing are vital resources for individuals and couples looking to avoid Down syndrome and plan for a healthy family. By providing comprehensive risk assessments, education, and testing options, these services empower parents to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. While the process may involve complex emotional and ethical considerations, the support of a skilled genetic counselor can help families navigate these challenges with confidence and care. As science and technology continue to advance, genetic counseling and testing will remain indispensable tools in the quest to ensure a healthy future for all families.
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Is the surrogate mother cost in Ghana affordable?
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Many people have a stereotypical view of Ghana, picturing it as a country with huts and elephants. However, Ghana is much more than that. It's a growing nation with international airports, high-class hotels, hospitals, and amenities comparable to any well-developed country. Ghana is also known for its affordable surrogate mother cost in Ghana.
In Ghana, accessing surrogacy and hiring a surrogate is straightforward and more streamlined compared to many other countries offering surrogacy services. The cost of a surrogate mother in Ghana is significantly more affordable than in other nations. Surrogacy is a top-notch process known for its success in helping intended parents conceive a healthy child.
Who is a surrogate mother?
A surrogate mother is a woman who agrees to carry a pregnancy for a couple or individual unable to do so due to medical reasons. Typically, a surrogate mother is:
Young or in her late 20s
Healthy and physically fit
Free from substance abuse
Experienced in either surrogacy or pregnancy
Free from severe or genetic diseases
Finding a surrogate mother in Ghana is straightforward, as many women are willing to carry pregnancies to help the intended parents. While there may not be strict regulations for surrogacy, fertility centres ensure that intended parents face no issues during or after the procedure, offering an affordable surrogate mother cost in Ghana.
What does the agreement between the surrogate and intended parent(s) entail?
To ensure a smooth and legally sound procedure, the intended or commissioning parent(s) and surrogate mother sign an agreement before beginning the surrogacy process. This contract includes terms that are mutually agreed upon by both parties. Typically, the intended parent(s) draft the agreement with the assistance of a lawyer. The surrogate mother then reviews the agreement to ensure it represents her interests. If any adjustments are needed, she can make them with the guidance of her attorney before sending them back to the intended parent(s).
Then, if necessary, the attorneys representing both parties will negotiate any terms and agree. Once all parties are satisfied, the surrogate mother and intended parent(s) will sign the agreement, and the procedure will proceed accordingly. The expenses will include an affordable surrogate mother cost in Ghana.
Surrogacy does not have specific governing laws in Ghana, allowing individuals to choose the process to become parents in the country. We offer top-notch methods and experienced surrogacy experts to assist you. Your surrogacy costs in Ghana can be made more affordable through our centre. The process ensures high success rates as the surrogate mother conceives and delivers the baby. You will have full parental rights, and the surrogate mother will not retain any rights over the child.
Gestational method – In this surrogacy method, the gametes used are from the intended parent(s) or donors if needed. The gestational carrier does not contribute her DNA to the baby, as the egg is not hers. Experts often recommend the gestational method because it is safer and ensures that the baby does not share any DNA with the surrogate mother. In another method, where the surrogate's egg is used, parents must choose more carefully, as the child will inherit some of the biological traits and characteristics of the surrogate mother.
While surrogacy in Ghana lacks strict legal regulations, at World Fertility Services, we strongly recommend the gestational method to our clients. Our center has successfully assisted numerous individuals in achieving their dream of parenthood without complications. We collaborate with surrogacy agencies to provide our clients with an affordable cost of surrogate mothers in Ghana. What does the whole surrogacy cost include?
What are the stages in the surrogacy procedure? 
Screening of Surrogate: This involves assessing the surrogate's health and reproductive fitness. We ensure she is capable of conceiving and delivering a child, allowing you to select a suitable match confidently. Our experts conduct various medical tests to confirm her suitability.
Compensation of Surrogate: You will compensate the surrogate mother, typically in stages—first after selection, then upon conception, and finally after the child's delivery.
Gametes Collection: Fertility medications are administered to the intended mother to enhance egg production and ensure healthy eggs for fertilization. Eggs are retrieved using advanced technologies and hormonal injections, while the male partner's semen sample is collected and prepared by our experts.
Fertilization: Eggs and sperm are fertilized in a laboratory setting, monitored closely by our experts. Highly fertilized eggs are selected after five to six days. Meanwhile, the surrogate mother's uterus is prepared with hormonal injections.
Implanting Embryos: Selected fertilized eggs are transferred into the surrogate's uterus using advanced technologies.
Pregnancy Monitoring: Our experts recommend waiting for two weeks before confirming pregnancy through blood tests or other check-ups.
Delivery (Natural): The mentioned cost covers childbirth through typical methods such as vaginal delivery.
Medical Expenses throughout Pregnancy: You are responsible for covering the surrogate mother's check-ups, medications, and other necessary accommodations during the pregnancy.
How much does a surrogate mother cost in Ghana?
The surrogate mother cost in Ghana is quite accessible compared to Western developed nations. In 2022, surrogacy services will be widely available in Ghana, allowing many to successfully achieve pregnancy. Due to the involvement of third-party services and the availability of surrogates from middle-class families, the cost ranges between USD 33,000 and USD 38,000, making it a more affordable option for intended parents.
The cost of a surrogate mother in Ghana is significantly more reasonable compared to industrialized nations. This cost typically covers surrogate screening, sperm collection, egg retrieval, medications, embryo implantation, pregnancy tests and monitoring, medical expenses for the surrogate, accommodations, and surrogate compensation.
Still, the cost of surrogacy in Ghana can vary based on several factors. The quality of eggs and sperm plays a crucial role in ensuring successful conception and minimizing the risk of pregnancy failure, which can impact overall costs. Additionally, the surrogate may require various accommodations beyond medical and hospital expenses, contributing to the overall surrogate mother's cost. 
What is the best surrogacy center in Ghana?
At World Fertility Services, we value transparency and importance for both our surrogates and patients. We guarantee very low surrogate mother costs in Ghana. We provide excellent procedures at fair prices, assisting our clients legally, emotionally, and financially with efficient care at a fair surrogacy cost in Ghana. We guarantee things like surrogate testing, excellent medical care, and legal support. We have become well-known worldwide for offering excellent care at reasonable prices. We have a long list of happy clients who, although feeling hopeless, are now proud parents of healthy children.
Keeping a record helps select a suitable surrogate mother in Ghana at World Fertility Services. Couples should always research the surrogate mother's previous medical history and family background. After choosing the ideal surrogate mother, the top fertility doctor at the top fertility center will conduct medical exams and testing before initiating the surrogacy procedure. The fertility center will also evaluate the surrogate mother's mental health to verify her fitness and mental health for the surrogacy procedure.
To assist intended parents and surrogate mothers in making decisions and clearing any doubts they may have, the fertility center will offer the best counseling sessions. To avoid any thoughts of being fooled or scammed, the fertility center makes sure patients are fully informed about the surrogacy package before beginning the surrogacy procedure. To guarantee honesty and simplicity throughout the surrogacy process, full details regarding Ghana's surrogacy fees are also provided.
Couples thinking about surrogacy should look into several surrogacy clinics in Ghana to select one that meets their needs. Prominent surrogacy clinics such as World Fertility Services provide all-inclusive surrogacy treatment for $35,000 to $40,000. In general, Ghanaian surrogacy expenses are less than those in other nations. The entire cost of surrogacy in Ghana can differ depending on several elements, including the intended parent`s age, the cost of travel and accommodations, the clinic's reputation, the number of miscarriages, and past unsuccessful IVF procedures. The total surrogate mother cost in Ghana may also include extra fees for medical examinations and legal contracts.
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norwestobstetrics · 2 months
Genetic Counseling and Testing in Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Genetic counseling and testing have become essential components of modern obstetrics and gynecology. They provide critical insights into potential genetic conditions that can affect both the mother and the baby. These services enable informed decision-making, early interventions, and personalized care plans to ensure the best possible pregnancy outcomes and overall reproductive health.
Importance of Genetic Counseling
Genetic counselling involves a detailed assessment of family history and medical background to identify the risk of genetic disorders. This process helps expectant parents understand the likelihood of passing on genetic conditions to their offspring. Genetic counsellors offer support and information, assisting families in making informed decisions about genetic testing and potential interventions.
Types of Genetic Testing
Carrier Screening: This test identifies individuals with a gene for a recessive genetic disorder, such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. Carrier screening is typically recommended for couples planning a pregnancy or during early pregnancy to assess the risk of passing on these conditions.
Prenatal Testing: These tests are conducted during pregnancy to detect genetic abnormalities in the developing fetus. Common prenatal tests include:
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): A blood test that screens for common chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): A test that involves taking a small sample of placental tissue to detect genetic disorders.
Amniocentesis: A procedure where amniotic fluid is sampled to test for chromosomal abnormalities and genetic conditions.
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT): Used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF), PGT screens embryos for genetic disorders before implantation, allowing parents to select embryos free of specific genetic conditions.
Benefits of Genetic Counseling and Testing
Early Detection and Intervention: Identifying genetic conditions early in pregnancy allows for timely interventions, such as medical treatments or specialized care plans, to manage or mitigate potential health issues.
Informed Decision-Making: Genetic counseling provides comprehensive information about the risks and implications of genetic disorders, enabling expectant parents to make informed decisions about their pregnancy and future family planning.
Personalised Care Plans: Based on genetic testing results, obstetrician gynecologist Castle Hill can develop personalised care plans tailored to the specific needs of the mother and the baby, ensuring optimal care throughout pregnancy and beyond.
Ethical Considerations
Genetic counseling and testing raise critical ethical considerations, including privacy, consent, and the potential psychological impact of test results. Genetic counsellors must provide clear, compassionate communication and support to help families navigate these complex issues.
Genetic counseling and testing are invaluable tools in obstetrics and gynecology. They offer critical insights into genetic risks and enable proactive, personalised care. By understanding the benefits and implications of these services, expectant parents can make informed decisions that support the health and well-being of both mother and baby. Embracing genetic counseling and testing as part of reproductive healthcare ensures that families are better prepared to manage potential genetic conditions, fostering healthier outcomes for future generations.
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Bella Vista, NSW 2153
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fertilitycentrekenya · 2 months
Ensuring Healthy Pregnancies: Understanding PGD Costs and Benefits at Fertility Centre Kenya
At Fertility Centre Kenya, we are committed to offering advanced fertility treatments to help couples achieve their dream of parenthood. One such groundbreaking procedure is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of PGD, its benefits, the PGD cost in Kenya, and why Fertility Centre Kenya is the best choice for this procedure.
To get PGD treatment at a lower cost in Kenya :
To get surrogacy treatment at a lower cost in Kenya:
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Fertility Centre Kenya IVF Center is a legally Certified ART.
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What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)?
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a sophisticated procedure used to identify genetic defects in embryos created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) before pregnancy. PGD helps couples at risk of passing on genetic disorders to their offspring to ensure the birth of healthy babies. The process involves screening embryos for specific genetic mutations or chromosomal abnormalities, thereby increasing the chances of a successful and healthy pregnancy.
The PGD Process
IVF Procedure: PGD starts with the standard IVF process. The woman’s ovaries are stimulated to produce multiple eggs, which are then retrieved and fertilized with the partner’s sperm in a laboratory.
Embryo Development: The fertilized eggs develop into embryos over the next few days.
Biopsy: On the third or fifth day of development, a few cells are carefully removed from each embryo for genetic testing.
Genetic Analysis: The extracted cells undergo genetic analysis to detect specific genetic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities.
Selection and Transfer: Healthy embryos free from genetic defects are selected for transfer into the woman’s uterus. The remaining healthy embryos can be frozen for future use.
Who Should Consider PGD?
PGD is particularly beneficial for:
Couples with a family history of genetic disorders
Carriers of genetic mutations such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia
Women of advanced maternal age
Couples with repeated IVF failures or recurrent miscarriages
Those seeking to prevent the transmission of sex-linked disorders
Benefits of PGD
Increased Success Rates: By selecting genetically healthy embryos, PGD increases the chances of a successful pregnancy and reduces the risk of miscarriage.
Prevention of Genetic Disorders: PGD allows couples to avoid passing on serious genetic diseases to their children.
Informed Decision-Making: Couples gain valuable information about their embryos, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding their fertility treatment.
PGD Costs in Kenya
The cost of PGD in Kenya can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the genetic testing required, the number of embryos tested, and the specific fertility clinic chosen. At Fertility Centre Kenya, we strive to provide affordable and transparent pricing for our PGD services.
Breakdown of PGD Costs
IVF Cycle Cost: The initial IVF cycle, including medication, monitoring, egg retrieval, and embryo culture, forms a significant part of the total cost. This can range from KSh 350,000 to KSh 600,000.
PGD Testing: The genetic testing component of PGD can vary depending on the number of embryos tested and the specific genetic conditions being screened for. This can range from KSh 200,000 to KSh 500,000.
Additional Procedures: Other procedures such as embryo freezing and storage, and subsequent embryo transfers, may also add to the overall cost.
Why Choose Fertility Centre Kenya for PGD?
Expertise and Experience: Our fertility specialists, geneticists, and embryologists are highly experienced in performing PGD, ensuring the highest standards of care and success.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: We utilize the latest technology and advanced laboratory techniques to provide accurate and reliable genetic testing.
Comprehensive Care: From initial consultation to post-treatment support, we offer comprehensive care tailored to meet each patient's unique needs.
Ethical Practices: We adhere to strict ethical guidelines and legal regulations to ensure a transparent and ethical PGD process.
Affordable Pricing: We are committed to making advanced fertility treatments accessible by offering competitive and transparent pricing.
Success Stories
At Fertility Centre Kenya, we have helped numerous couples achieve their dream of having a healthy baby through PGD. Our success stories are a testament to our dedication and expertise in this field. Here are a few testimonials from our satisfied patients:
Jane and Mark: “After several failed IVF cycles and heartbreaking miscarriages, we decided to try PGD at Fertility Centre Kenya. Thanks to their expertise, we now have a healthy baby girl free from the genetic disorder that runs in our family.”
David and Susan: “PGD was a game-changer for us. We were able to identify and select healthy embryos, and now we are proud parents of twin boys. We are forever grateful to the team at Fertility Centre Kenya.”
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a powerful tool in the field of assisted reproduction, offering hope to couples at risk of passing on genetic disorders. Fertility Centre Kenya is proud to provide this advanced procedure with the highest standards of care and expertise. Our transparent pricing, state-of-the-art facilities, and dedicated team make us the ideal choice for couples seeking PGD in Kenya. If you are considering PGD, we invite you to consult with our specialists to discuss your options and embark on your journey towards a healthy pregnancy and a happy family.
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healthcarehubhh · 3 months
The carrier screening market is estimated to driven by shift towards non-invasive prenatal testing
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The carrier screening market provides testing to determine whether individuals carry a genetic variant associated with a disorder that could affect future children. Carrier screening tests examine numerous genes linked to severe inherited conditions and enables prospective parents evaluate their risk of having an affected child. The tests analyze a DNA sample, usually collected via a simple blood or saliva sample, to look for the presence of mutations in specific genes. Carrier screening allows expectant couples make informed family planning decisions and is done before or early in pregnancy. The carrier screening market is estimated to be valued at US$ 2.34 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 17% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the carrier screening market include Eurofins Scientific (US), Invitae (US), OPKO Health (US), Fulgent Genetics (US), Quest Diagnostics (US), Sema4 (US), Myriad Genetics (US), Illumina (US), and Thermo Fisher Scientific (US). The rapid growth in carrier screening can be attributed to increasing awareness about genetic disorders and availability of high-quality testing options. Technological advancements enabling analysis of multiple genes simultaneously have boosted adoption of carrier screening tests. Market Trends The shift towards non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) using cell-free DNA analysis is a major trend in the carrier screening market. NIPT allows analysis of fetal DNA from a simple blood draw of the mother and has significantly reduced risk associated with invasive procedures like amniocentesis. Increased direct-to-consumer marketing of carrier screening tests is another notable trend as it enables self-guided at-home testing without involving a healthcare practitioner. Market Opportunities Expansion into new regional markets presents lucrative opportunities for players. While North America currently dominates the carrier screening market, growing awareness in developing countries will drive future growth. Growing popularity of panel-based tests examining hundreds of genetic variants simultaneously also provides opportunities for market players to offer comprehensive yet affordable testing options. The carrier screening market is estimated to be valued at US$ 2.34 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 17% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Impact of COVID-19 on Carrier Screening Market Growth The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the growth of the carrier screening market. The restrictions imposed during the lockdowns across regions led to delays or cancellations of non-essential medical procedures and appointments. This affected market growth in 2020. Telehealth and home sample collection services helped sustain some level of market operations during this period. However, annual screening and non-time sensitive testing volumes reduced sharply. As the pandemic unfolded, it highlighted the importance of genetic screening in disease preparedness. This increased awareness levels about carrier screening tests among consumers as well as healthcare providers. The demand started recovering in 2021 as lockdowns eased and healthcare facilities resumed full operations with safety protocols. The market is projected to witness high growth during the forecast period with rising focus on preventive healthcare as people recognize the need for being prepared in case of future infectious disease outbreaks. Market players are exploring opportunities in direct-to-consumer testing models and using digital tools for virtual consultations to further aid market recovery.
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drnishamangal · 3 months
What are the primary fertility treatments offered at Fertility IUI Center?
At Fertility IUI Center, which focuses on fertility treatments, the primary treatments offered typically include:
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI):
This procedure involves placing washed and prepared sperm directly into the woman's uterus around the time of ovulation to facilitate fertilization.
Ovulation Induction (OI):
Ovulation induction involves using medications (such as Clomiphene citrate or Letrozole) to stimulate the ovaries to produce one or more eggs, increasing the chances of conception during intercourse or Fertility IUI center in Malviya nagar,Jaipur.
Fertility Medications:
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Prescription medications that help regulate or enhance ovulation, improve egg quality, or support the uterine lining conducive to embryo implantation.
Monitoring Cycles:
Regular monitoring through ultrasound and blood tests to track follicular development, hormone levels, and the timing of ovulation, optimizing the chances of conception.
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT):
For couples undergoing IVF, PGT can be offered to screen embryos for genetic disorders before implantation, reducing the risk of passing on inherited conditions.
Donor Sperm Program:
Providing access to donated sperm for individuals or couples where male factor infertility or absence of a male partner necessitates its use for IUI or IVF.
Support and Counseling:
Emotional support and counseling services to help individuals and couples navigate the emotional and psychological aspects of fertility treatments.
Embryo Freezing (Cryopreservation):
Freezing and storing embryos created during IVF for future use, either in subsequent cycles or for fertility preservation purposes.
LGBTQ+ Family Building:
Tailored fertility treatments and options, including donor sperm or egg, reciprocal IVF (where one partner provides the eggs and the other carries the pregnancy), and gestational carrier arrangements.
Third-Party Reproduction Services:
Facilitating arrangements for gestational carriers (surrogacy) or egg donors, when needed, to assist individuals or couples in building their families.
These treatments and services are designed to address a range of fertility challenges and preferences, providing personalized care and support to individuals or couples seeking to conceive. Specific offerings may vary based on the clinic's expertise, patient needs, and technological capabilities.
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maternidad24 · 3 months
Feskov Human Reproduction Group: Pioneers in Fertility Solutions
 Feskov Human Reproduction Group: Pioneers in Fertility Solutions
In the realm of assisted reproduction and fertility solutions, the Feskov Human Reproduction Group stands out as a beacon of hope for individuals and couples striving to realize their dreams of parenthood. With a commitment to excellence, innovation, and compassionate care, this renowned group has earned a reputation as pioneers in the field. Let's delve into what sets the Feskov Human Reproduction Group apart and how they are transforming lives worldwide.
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Who is the Feskov Human Reproduction Group?
Led by the visionary Dr. Dmitry Feskov, the Feskov Human Reproduction Group is a leading fertility clinic based in Ukraine. With a team of experienced specialists, embryologists, and support staff, they offer a comprehensive range of assisted reproductive services to individuals and couples from across the globe.
What Sets Them Apart?
1.Cutting-Edge Technology: The Feskov Human Reproduction Group employs state-of-the-art technology and techniques in their fertility treatments, ensuring the highest standards of care and success rates.
2.Personalized Approach: They understand that every individual and couple is unique, and they tailor their treatment plans to meet the specific needs and circumstances of each patient.
3.International Reach: With a focus on international patients, the Feskov Human Reproduction Group offers comprehensive support and assistance to individuals and couples traveling from abroad for treatment, including assistance with travel logistics and accommodation.
4.Ethical and Transparent Practices: Transparency and ethical practices are paramount at the Feskov Human Reproduction Group. They prioritize patient well-being and ensure that all procedures are conducted with the utmost professionalism and integrity.
Services Offered
The Feskov Human Reproduction Group offers a wide range of fertility services, including:
- Egg Donation: For individuals or couples in need of donor eggs to achieve pregnancy.
- Surrogacy: Comprehensive surrogacy programs for intended parents seeking the assistance of a gestational carrier.
- IVF (In Vitro Fertilization): Advanced IVF treatments utilizing the latest technologies and techniques.
- PGD/PGS: Preimplantation genetic testing to screen embryos for genetic disorders before transfer.
- And More: Additional services such as sperm donation, embryo adoption, and fertility preservation.
For those facing challenges on their journey to parenthood, the Feskov Human Reproduction Group offers a beacon of hope and a pathway to fulfillment. With their dedication to excellence, innovation, and compassionate care, they continue to lead the way in the field of assisted reproduction, transforming the lives of countless individuals and families around the world.
If you're interested in learning more about the Feskov Human Reproduction Group or exploring fertility options, don't hesitate to reach out or visit their website for more information. Your journey to parenthood begins here.
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