#Caroline isn’t perfect either but became the perfect friend for Bonnie without doing the most.
cancerian-woman · 1 year
🔥 + bonnies friendships (either in general or with a specific person)
unpopular opinion: on Bonnie’s friends but in the end it makes sense why Enzo, Damon and Caroline are arguably the most important people to Bonnie first then Elena etc etc. Bonnie(and the rest of the group) would’ve been okay if she/them let Elena go. I know the writing says otherwise but hear me out. — lowkey turned into a barolena meta lol.
Bonenzo/Bamon both are built up on Bonnie depending on them when she had nobody else. It gave her room to see the good in them from her side of things. Makes her very dependent on somebody else. It filled up her abandonment issues. Which is never properly addressed in canon & she definitely has issues with her parents. The feuds for both ships is funny sometimes bc well…Enzo/Damon both started their relationships with her that way.
Elena reminds Bonnie of life pre-supernatural world. The life that was safe and normal. Bonnie spent most of her time with Elena and had her to lean on for anything. We don’t get enough of Bonnie’s emotions but we can tell Bonnie sees Elena/her orbit (and then everyone else as family) vice versa. Back to the point BE seemed to do just about everything together naturally. Cheerleading, sleepovers etc.. Bonlena also play into that Petrova x Bennett line repeated circle—which i think can have negative tones but pen in that lmao. The writing stopped aiding in Elena caring about her friends when she certainly did at first and thus Bonlena fell out without actually falling out heavily. But this does build an argument for Bonnie being okay, if Elena left her alone. With Bonnie having feelings in her own friendships and those feelings being loud.
Caroline plays into this because she slowly becomes the friend Bonnie needs without it being given too much focus. Baroline isn’t necessarily about life or death and has plenty of more non-serious moments. Keeping tvd’s weird “we’ll talk about Bonnie’s relationships without giving it focus” Caroline does defend Bonnie here or there. doing things like: begging Abby to stay or telling Elena, Bonnie suffers because of her. killing witches. Having Caroline admit when she’s selfish. stealing from Elena there with her happier bonding moments with Bonnie. Both Caroline and Elena have their moments just like the rest of the gang with Bonnie. Where Elena lacked, Caroline filled up the spaces that Elena had with others.
During Elena’s no humanity arc she didn’t act like Bonnie’s friend. Or anyone’s really. I think it’s something to be said here. That Bonnie is actually reflecting her choices in what Elena said to her. I know people think Elena attempting to kill Bonnie was the last straw or should’ve been. I think this should’ve been the moment the wheels started turning in Bonnie’s head. Plus Elena’s attempt. If Bonnie was allowed to be mad and stay that was after Elena bit her then it wouldn’t have been much Elena could’ve done with that. But fight for forgiveness. Humanity-back on/Human Elena would have a bigger time struggling without Bonnie’s presence than Bonnie would’ve had without Elena. Both Bonnie and Elena have lost a lot yes. But Bonnie is known for that independence and Elena isn’t.
Neither Rudy or Abby ever apologized (well)for how they treated Bonnie and while an apology from somebody would’ve been seasons late. It equally could’ve been nice coming from Elena during season 5-6. Bonnie still NEEDED family or support from them. Which she never actually has outside the vortex of the MFG. Yet has no feelings or ill thoughts to her family.
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petertingle-yipyip · 7 years
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//highly requested: Part two to the Kol breakup. //tagged list: @thegingerthatwaited //
//warnings: swearing. near smut, not all the way. HELLA long. if you want happy, don’t go after the big warning sign //
Part One
Las Vegas was always fun, carefree fun that helped when things back home got intense. I had decided to spend a few weeks there every once in a while to escape the constant epicness of Mystic Falls. As fun as fighting the bad guys was, a girl needed a break. Plus, Vegas was constantly an all you could eat buffet. There were a lot of men out there that came out looking like a full course meal. Some actually became the meal.
Often times, I brought someone with me either for damage control or a partner in crime. Sometimes Caroline or Elena, sometimes Bonnie or Enzo, and even Damon a few times. Once I brought Stefan and it was… Well it was definitely memorable but not something I would repeat in this century, considering he’s banned from many casinos and an Applebee’s…
But this time, I decided to travel alone. Everyone was thriving in their own lives, I didn’t want to interrupt. Caroline and Stefan were living happily ever after as a married couple. Damon was reunited with Elena. Bonnie and Enzo were travelling Europe. Hayley was watching over Hope. The Mikaelsons were living their lives on their own for the first time in centuries.
They were well from the letters and phone calls I often received. Rebekah was happy in New York with Marcel. Elijah was living it up in France. Long lost Freya had come into their lives and was with a beautiful werewolf girl named Keelin. Klaus was here and there, not settling down anywhere yet. And as for Kol, well last I heard he was in San Francisco with Davina and on his way to being married. Good for him.
I no longer despised Kol. I did not feel the way I used to about him, but I did miss him. He was a huge part of my life and suddenly he was gone but I knew that a part of me would always belong to him, always want to be with him. I did not forgive him for attempting to compel me simply for the fact that he broke his word. He swore to never compel me, and yet he stood before me with the audacity to try it. I wasn’t sure I would be able to forgive him let alone love him again, but I wished him well. I didn’t have it in me to wish harm on anyone except my enemies. And while Kol pissed me off and hurt me, he was not my enemy.
Luckily, my daylight necklace also served as a vervain container. I wore vervain not to protect myself from his compulsion, but from Klaus when I started wearing it. Yet Klaus never tried to compel me.
Everything reminded me of Kol. The white rose bushes reminded of the times he brought me those same flowers, just because he felt like it. The local baseball teams reminded of when Kol took me to the game on a date, how excited he was and the way he invested himself in every second. The people walking their dogs reminded me of the months I would beg Kol to buy me a dog and the day he came back with a dog instead of a carton of milk. Some of the men walking by smelled of his cologne, some wore his favorite color. The posters for the Spiderman: Homecoming film reminded me of the nights we spent watching every Marvel movie we could get.
I walked down the Strip, pushing my sunglasses up my nose and admiring the scenery as I spoke to Rebekah on the phone. Las Vegas was beautiful in its modern glory and I loved being there. It was brilliant in the day and even brighter at night. The walks in the day were my favorite. There was less people, less to be distracted by. I could walk without a care in the world.
“How is my dearest Y/N?” She asked cheerfully.
“I am fantastic.” I smiled. “Taking some time in Vegas.”
“Enjoying the dancers, I assume.” She teased.
“Well of course, Honey.” I laughed. “That’s one of the best parts of Vegas.”
“Who’s your companion this time around?”
“Flying solo, actually.”
“What about that boy you met, Parker? No wait, Pedro. No, Porter.”
“Peter.” I corrected. “But no, he would’ve been more a hindrance honestly.”
I had nearly walked past him, nearly made it by without speaking to him as I hoped it would’ve gone. He nearly didn’t recognize me, but once it clicked behind his eyes, he spoke on it. I had only registered him as an extremely handsome face and a lean body that I wouldn’t mind bring under or on top of. Never had I thought I’d see him here, on the streets of my favorite vacation spot. Just my luck.
“My apologies.” I said politely after I accidentally bumped into the handsome man. “Sorry, Bekah. Ran into someone, anyways-”
“Y/N?” He asked, causing every cell I’m my body to freeze. I slowly turned and saw him staring at me in disbelief… Oh no. “Y/N Y/L/N, is that you, Darling?” 
“I’m sorry.” I choked. His voice was deep and silky, full of hope and desire and what seemed like love. It was just as attractive as I remembered it. “You must have me mistaken.”
But he didn’t. I was Y/N. I was exactly who he thought I was. He knew it as well as I did.
“Y/N?” Rebekah said on the other side of the phone still. “Y/N, what’s going on? Was that Kol? Y/N!”
“I’ll call you back.” I said slowly. “Something came up.” I lowered the phone and ended the call before he spoke again.
“You don’t remember me?” He said softly, his voice betraying the hurt he felt. “After these few years, I’m forgotten?”
“I’m really sorry.” I tried. Although I didn’t hate him anymore, I did not want to face him. His deep, entrancing eyes scanned my figure, admiring the way the light fabric clung to my hips and billowed at my chest. The curves of my waist and the glowing tan of my legs. “But I’ve never heard the name Y/N or seen you before. I really must be going. My friend is waiting for me.” I lied.
“I know I haven’t been around lately but surely this handsome face isn’t something you’d forget.” He smirked, refusing to let me leave. “I bought her that dress, sweetheart. So you’re either my long lost Y/N and you’re playing hard to get, or she has a very convincing doppelganger. If you don’t want to answer, I’ll be forced to use different means of getting my answer… Unless of course, that’s what you’re into. Y/N did like it just a little bit rough now that I think about it, nothing she couldn’t handle of course. She was really into-”
“While your ego, blatant kink shaming, and dominant attitude are surely unforgettable, pretty boy” I commented, taking a few steps to stand in front of him without thinking. The small action reminded me of the many times I was this close to him, his hands roaming my body and leaving goosebumps in their wake. It reminded me of how I would stand this close to him and purposefully tease him until neither of us could take it anymore. “I’m afraid I have no recollection of meeting you before.”
Pretty Boy didn’t do Kol any sort of justice. He was way more than pretty. He was the best looking boy I had ever seen. He was interesting and exciting, dangerous and reckless, loving and caring, sexy and dominating, but would sometimes submit. He was perfect…
No, No I couldn’t have these thoughts. I decided a long time ago that I was done with Kol. I stopped loving him years ago. I stopped caring for him the moment he left.
“You never called.” He said plainly, starting to reach for my arm but deciding against it. “I thought we ended on better terms than that. Rebekah often updated me on how you were, since you disappeared.”
I said nothing but I rolled my eyes behind my glasses. I crossed my arms and stared up into his beautiful, deep brown eyes. He was just as handsome as I remembered maybe more, with his boyish smirk and lean build. The mischievous glint in his eyes was still shining. His hair was carefully styled, a perfect length for his face.
His black long sleeve hugged his body well with rolled up sleeves that were perfectly showing off his arms. Arms that had slammed me against the wall. Arms that had held me up. Arms that held me against him. Arms that threw me against beds, tables, counters.
His hands were shoved in his pockets. Hands that tore my clothes apart and got lost in my hair. Hands that roamed my body and knew every curve, dip, and valley. Hands that were nimble and commanding.
I cleared my throat and shook my head when I realized I was falling back into old habits of loving him. While I had set myself on not loving Kol ever again, seeing him in front of me, I felt myself losing my resolve. He smirked down at me as he realized I was admiring him.
“I’m sorry, what did you say your name was?” I asked, trying to remain steadfast in my attempts to not care for him romantically. I would be his friend if he wanted, but I refused to be his lover again.
“The one and only Kol Mikaelson, but you can call me Pretty Boy if you wish. I kind of like it.” He smirked. “And you are the eternally stunning and sexy Y/N Y/L/N. Although, I liked to call her-”
“Fine.” I groaned and put my hands on my hips. I didn’t wish to hear any of his pet names for me since they were wildly inappropriate and embarassing in a public setting. “Yes, it’s me. Hello, Kol. What do you want?”
He smiled proudly as he continued.
“Did you really forget me?” He asked, feigning hurt. “I thought after everything-”
“Cut the bullshit, Kol.” I cut him off harshly. “You tried to compel me. All those years ago in New Orleans, you tried to compel me. You wanted me to not hate you so it would be easier for you to live your life. Break ups are hard, whatever, but you broke your word and that’s what hurt the most. It was nice to see you again. Please, do forget to write. Bye now.”
I shoulder checked him as I walked past him, proud that I didn’t fall victim to his charm. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t close to it. In our time apart, I had forgotten just how charming he could be.
In all the years apart, I never thought I’d come across Kol again. I thought if I pushed my feelings for him away, never acknowledging them or processing through them, they’d stop. Seeing him again and being in such close proximity, I was confused. More confused than I had ever been.
“Wait!” He called, jogging to catch up to me as I was trying to settle my thoughts and get away from him. “How do you… I thought I…“
“I’ve been wearing vervain since I turned.” I responded easily, waving my hand to brush it off. “Never trusted Klaus not to compel me. Ironically, he wasn’t the one to be concerned about.”
“I’m sorry, about everything.” He attempted before I stopped and turned to face him. He looked at me with regretful eyes and I knew he meant it. But I couldn’t let him sweet talk me.
“It’s fine.” I shrugged. “Don’t apologize for something you can’t control. We don’t control how we feel, but we do control how we act on it. You should’ve respected me a hell of a lot more than you did. I loved you more than anything and you walked away from it all…”
“I know. I know.” He said, running his hands through his hair in a frustrated manner. In that moment, I was suddenly reminded of just how attractive a stressed Kol Mikaelson was. “I fucked up. I’ve thought about how I hurt you everyday since I left.”
“Well, it obviously didn’t bug you too bad. I heard you got married. Congratulations.” I added sarcastically and turned to leave again. Every minute I stayed, I was reminded of how much I loved the son of a bitch. I was reminded of every fucking thing relating to him that I tried to forget for years. Every single ounce of love and devotion I had for him was coming back and I couldn’t fight it much longer.
“Please, Y/N.” He said softly, causing me to stay where I was.
I couldn’t remember how long it had been since Kol had spoken so softly to me. He would use that soft tone when he came home from a rough day of fighting for or against his family, when he was bummed out, when he just wanted company, or when he was truly upset about what he had done.
“Oh fuck it.” I sighed and offered him my hand. “We can talk back at my place.”
He hesitantly took my hand and followed me to the condo I bought when I first started staying out here. We walked in silence, his touch reigniting old flames within me.
It was a mistake. I knew it from the moment I stopped to talk to him. He was going to hurt me again. He was going to break my heart. How many more ways were there for him to rip my heart out, anyways?
Finally we reached my place and stepped inside. He made his way to the couch as I headed to the kitchen, tossing my sunglasses on the table by the door.
“Would you like anything?” I offered. “I’ve got AB+ and bourbon.”
“Bourbon, neat. If you don’t mind.” He replied.
I came back with two glasses and the bottle. His neat, mine on the rocks. I sat on one end of the couch and he sat on the other. There was a full cushion between us and the tension in the room was heavy. Quietly, we drank from our cups.
“So this is where you went after New Orleans?” He asked.
“It’s more of a vacation spot. I actually live in Mystic Falls now.” I replied with an awkward nod.
“I’m sorry.” He finally said, stirring his glass thoughtfully.
“Stop apologizing.” I said flatly with a shrug. “It won’t change anything and you know that… How is she, by the way? How’s she handling the extra power?”
I nodded.
“She’s great.” He replied with a slight nod. “Lovely girl. She did die for a bit due to the power but she came back. She died a second time but the Hollow brought her back. You would’ve loved her, very resilient and powerful… Reminded me of you in a lot of ways.“
“ Well, I think you loved her enough for both of us.” I added sarcastically. “Too bad she didn’t stay dead though.”
“Are you mad?” He asked genuinely. “Do you hate me? You should. I did the worst thing possible to you. It’s one thing to break your heart but to try to compel the pain away, I had no right. You must hate me.”
“I’m frustrated, yes.” was all I answered with. I should’ve hated him and I wanted to. I couldn’t… I didn’t…
“Sexually?” He teased with a wink.
“Oh my god.” I groaned and put my drink down before getting to my feet. “What do you want from me, Kol?”
“What do you mean?” He asked, confused.
“Why didn’t you just let me walk by? Why did you have to come back into my life? Why now?” I questioned with my arms crossed. I was getting fed up. It’s been almost two decades and suddenly he wants to come back in my life? No call, no text, not even a letter in all this time. How dare he stand here and thinks a few ‘I’m sorry’s will fix everything
“Y/N, I know you won’t believe me, but I do still love you.” He said, setting down his glass before standing up and closing the distance between us. He gently uncrossed my arms while I rolled my eyes, I don’t know why I let him, and held my hands in his. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
“You chose her.” I stated, keeping my eyes on the floor. “You abandoned me.”
“I know…” He placed my hands on his chest, pinning them with one his and used the other to tilt my head up to his.
The feeling of his shirt under my hands. The tension in his muscles beneath my touch. The desire to pull it off and run my nails lightly down his chest and his back…
“Please don’t, Kol.” I breathed, realizing that I was falling victim to my old feelings. I wanted him in every way possible, but I also wanted him to leave, to never show his face in my presence again.
“Don’t what, Darling?” He leaned closer, moving his hand to my cheek.
“I can’t.” I turned my head away from his touch and taking a step back but it wasn’t far enough to free my hands from their spot above his heart. “I spent years trying to forget how much I loved you and now here you are, trying to pretend like we’re completely okay. You’re married for fuck’s sake. And maybe I met someone else.”
“Did you?” He asked curiously.
“Yes.” I lied. “A sweet, kind boy named Peter.”
While I did know a boy named Peter and I may have had a relationship with him, he was not my boyfriend. He was nothing more than a casual hook up, but it was the best defense I had against Kol at the moment.
“Are you two exclusive?”
“Does it matter?” I scoffed. “You do have a wife, in case you forgot.”
“Not anymore.” He admitted. “We didn’t work out.” He shrugged.
“As much as I do still want you, I can’t.” I finally said, stupidly admitting everything. “I can’t because you tried to control me with no thought of how I felt about it  You betrayed my trust and you broke my heart. I can’t let myself get hurt again.”
“Give me one more chance Darling.” He pleaded, putting his free hand on my hip. “I promise I will not hurt you again.”
“Kol, I-” I tried to argue.
“No, Y/N.” He stopped me. “I know I cannot change what I did but I can try to make up for it. I can try to fix what I broke. I still love you, Y/N. I never stopped loving you. Davina was fantastic but she just wasn’t you.”
“Then why did you choose her?” I finally asked. “Why did you throw away four centuries of love and support and appreciation, four centuries of a real connection for a handful of years?”
“I don’t know… She was…” He admitted and shook his head. “But through everything, she couldn’t compare to you, not to any aspect of you.”
His words were hypnotic. They always had been. He always knew exactly what to say and what voice to say it in. I wanted to kiss him, to hold him, to touch him. But I knew I shouldn’t. I knew I couldn’t. It would destroy all the walls I had built between myself and Kol. But then again… what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Right?
“How so?” I finally spoke, a slight smirk on my face as my hands gently rubbed his chest. I had caved. The look in his eyes, the closeness of our bodies, it drew me right back in to him. All those years I tried to distance myself, it didn’t matter. I was right where I started with him. I knew I was going to regret this.
“Well for starters,” He began, a slight pep in his voice. “her skin wasn’t quite as soft.” He said, gently running his fingers over my arm and up to my jaw, placing a kiss on my exposed shoulder. “Her voice wasn’t as silky, her lips not as full.” His thumb ran over my lips. “My name didn’t sound quite the same when she moaned it. Can you remind me of just how that sounds?”
I hummed slightly, melting under his touch. His hands abandoned their former positions and moved to squeeze my hips slightly, pulling me against him. “Fuck, Kol.” I moaned slightly. A groan sounded from his throat as he pressed his lips to my neck.
“What else?” I asked, swallowing hard to keep my composure.
“Her back didn’t arch the way yours does.” He pressed a hand against my lower back, my chest now flat against his. He moved his mouth and pressed a kiss to the spot where my throat met my shoulder. I automatically tilted my head to give him access and my eyes slowly shut. “She didn’t have this one spot on her neck.” He mumbled against my skin.
“Wait, Kol.” I pushed him back by his chest. “Don’t think this changes anything.” I said, attempting to salvage whatever restraint I had left.
“Do you love me still?” He asked softly. “Or do you love your boy Patrick?”
“What does Peter matter?” I answered. “Oh Darling, are you jealous of him?” I mocked him with words he used against me the last time we spoke.
He chuckled slightly. “I’m jealous of any man who you allowed to touch you that isn’t me.“
“I’m not a rebound girl. I’m not going to be some booty call that waits around to fuck whenever you’re needy. This isn’t going to be a regular thing.”
“I never considered you to be one.” He nodded. “You are simply the only girl I cannot forget. A thousand moons and a thousand years can pass while we’re apart and I will still be thinking about your lips, your eyes, your voice. Every minute of every day, you are the one constant thought that has been with me. You are all I need in this world. I would do anything for you, always and forever.”
“In that case…” I bit my lower lip. “Why don’t you keep telling me what you like about me.”
“Does this mean you pick me over Paul?” He smirked, lifting me by my waist. My legs hooked around his waist tightly and his hands rested under my thighs. My arms hung loosely around his shoulders.
“Peter.” I corrected, placing a kiss on his forehead. “But maybe you can convince me.”
“We fit like two puzzle pieces, my Darling. And Davina didn’t wrap around me quite the way you do.” He commented and quickly moved us to the kitchen table. I kicked off my heels and hooked my fingers in his belt loops and tugged him forward.
He laid one palm flat against the table, the other kept my body pressed against his. I moved one hand to the back of his neck and pulled his mouth to mine.
Slowly, both hands moved to be under his shirt, savoring the familiar feeling of his body under my fingertips, and pushed the fabric up. He pulled away only to remove the article of clothing and throw it across the room.
He pushed me down to lay flat against the table and ran his hand down my chest and stomach. He placed a kiss on my lips, my collarbone, the center of my chest.
My fingers ran through his hair as his lips came back to mine. Our mouths were in perfect sync, just like before. I parted my lips and his tongue explored my mouth, crashing against my own. I tugged his bottom lip between my teeth and he groaned.
“You do that so much better.” He said in a whisper and I pushed myself up with a smirk.
“I can do a lot of things better.” I winked and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the bedroom.
“I missed you so much.” He sighed, eagerly following me.
“Don’t act like I sent you away.” I commented, shutting the door behind us.
“What can I say?” He chuckled. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
I slid my dress off my shoulders and laid back on the bed as he climbed over me, pressing his lips down my exposed body.
“So does good sex.” I moaned, my back arching against him.
“That’s the way you remember it?” He asked, sounding offended. “I distinctly remember great sex.”
I flipped us so I was straddling his hips and I leaned down to place a kiss on his chest, grazing his skin with my fangs and drawing a groan out of him. “Maybe you can remind me.” I whispered in his ear and he shivered slightly.
“I wonder…” He trailed off, rubbing one hand against my thigh, the other moving to my bedside table as my mouth worked in the other side of his throat. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and watched the movement of his other hand. He slid open the top drawer and pulled out a navy blue tie. “So this is where my tie has been.”
“Was that yours?” I teased against his skin before pulling my mouth away. “I hadn’t noticed.”
I slid down his body, placing wet kisses along his exposed torso before my mouth reached the hem of his jeans. I undid the button and zipper with my teeth and he assisted in ridding himself of the fabric.
“That’s new.” He smiled as he sat up and I climbed into his lap. I rolled my hips against his as his lips found my collarbone.
“I picked up a few new tricks.” I shrugged with a teasing smile.
He chuckled and changed our positions. He pinned my hands above my head and tied them to one of the posts of my headboard with his tie. I pulled against the restraint but didn’t escape.
“All these years, and I can’t touch you?” I flirted with a pout, resting one leg around his waist. “How is that fair?”
“So you do want to touch me?” He teased.
“Hmm… The feeling is fading.” I answered with a smirk.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’ve been wanting to touch you for quite some time.” He smirked, his eyes clouding with lust.
“What are you waiting for, Pretty Boy?” I teased, lifting my head to meet his lips. His body rolled against mine and I pulled away to let out a moan. “Fuck me.” I groaned.
“I plan to, Darling. Just making up for lost time.” He said, dragging his thumb across my lips.
Kol and I reunited for what felt like hours, both of us climaxing multiple times. Now he slept silently next to me while I answered the twelve calls and twenty three messages from Rebekah.
“Dammit, Y/N. Where have you been!?” She exclaimed when she picked up. “I’ve been trying to reach you for hours! Or did you forget that we were supposed to talk?”
I climbed out of bed, sliding into my black satin robe and slippers as I traveled to the kitchen to talk.
“I’m sorry, I was a bit busy.” I chuckled and I knew she was making a face of annoyance back in New York. “But I’m here now. So what’s up?”
“Kol told me a few weeks ago he was planning on heading to Vegas to get a break from Davina soon. I guess they’ve been fighting a lot lately, something about him being distant and talking in his sleep about something or someone she didn’t like.” She said and my mind raced. Could it have been me he was mumbling about? “Was that him I heard earlier, when you ran into someone?”
“Are they still together?” I asked, attempting to feign neutrality. “He was the one who was in my way a few hours ago… He seemed like he was having a good time.”
“Oh, no.” She groaned. “Please tell me nothing happened between you two.”
“Weell…” I trailed off.
“Dammit, Y/N.” She scolded. “He’s still married! What did he tell you?”
“He lied again…” I realized and pushed my tongue against the inside of my cheek in irritation. “And I fucking fell for it. God, I’m such an idiot! Why can’t I just be done with him? After what he did before, I let him right back into my life! Bekah, why am I like this?”
She sighed softly. “Don’t blame yourself, Y/N. He knows you too well. He knows exactly what to say to tug your heart strings and make you putty in his hands… But think about it this way, maybe they are on their way out and you two can try again. But for the moment…”
“I’m so fucking pissed I could snap his neck. I might even be willing to dagger him at this point.” I laughed in annoyance. “Hey, I heard something more important the other day, something MUCH more relevant. Did you hear that Hope figured out how to get the Hollow out of you guys so you can be a family again?” I changed the subject.
“Yeah.” She answered, not pressing the subject of Kol again. “Hayley called me the other day and told me. I cannot wait to see my annoying lot of brothers again. Marcel doesn’t quite care for them, but he knows how much I miss them.” I could hear the smile in her voice and it made me happy to know Rebekah was finally having a happy life.
I heard Kol stirring in the bedroom and the joy I felt for my best friend was replaced with a burning annoyance and growing hatred for the man I once loved with my whole heart. “Hey, I’ll see you next week. I have something I need to take care of.” I said in a tight voice.
“See you soon, Y/N. Take care.” She said and ended the call.
I slammed my phone on the counter and stomped back into my bedroom. I collected his shirt on the way back and the rest of his clothes. He smiled warmly as I walked in but his expression changed as he saw my face.
I threw his clothes at him and his eyes widened in shock.
“Rebekah callled.” I said, crossing my arms. Admittance settling on his face, knowing he was caught in his lie. “Told me something rather interesting. How many times are you going to fuck around with me while you have Davina, you lying son of a bitch? I’m not something you can pull out of your pocket when you’re bored!”
“Y/N, please.” He said calmly, tugging his jeans on. “Let me explain.”
“No.” I said firmly. “Get the hell out of my apartment. I’m completely done. Don’t call. Don’t text. Don’t even fucking write. Do one thing for me and just disappear again, why don’t you?”
“There’s more than just-” He began, pulling his shirt over his head.
“NO!” I yelled. “You cheated on me with her before and now you cheated on her with me! I’m DONE. I thought we could start over but no, we can’t. Get out before I snap your neck and throw you in the streets.”
He nodded slightly and collected his phone before heading towards the front door.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He sighed, a hand on the doorknob and I ground my teeth in annoyance. “I do love you, that was never a lie. And I do want you back. I’m going to divorce Davina, that’s why I came here but I’m sure Bekah told you that. Judging from the look on your face you don’t want to hear anything out of my mouth. We needed a break but I don’t see it working out anymore and when I saw you again, looking as beautiful as you do, I knew I made the wrong choice all those years ago… Will I see you next week, when Hope rids my siblings and I of the Hollow?”
“Maybe.” I admitted nonchalantly. “But don’t expect me to speak to you. I won’t be there for you, not in the slightest. I do not want to hear you speak my name again. I know I will not speak yours.”
He nodded sadly and left. I took a deep breath, now feeling worse than the first time Kol left. He used me. I didn’t know if I should believe what he said. Why should I? He lied to me about her before. I felt horrible, used and disrespected. How dare he. I would not speak to him the next time I saw him. Mystic Falls was MY home. He would not make a fool of me there. It now looked like I needed a new vacation spot since Vegas was now tainted. Seeing my friends again in a week helped with the terrible feelings, but seeing Kol there sucked.
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empressofmoon · 8 years
Alpha Omega
Feeling inspired. Again my first fanfic so please excuse grammar, typos etc.
Chapter 3 - Secret Secret Place
Finally the nights over for her. She threw the towel at Matt the owner who always closes the bar to make sure that there is no trouble. Caroline grabbed her bag and a nice set of tips she earned tonight. “Alright Matt, I’m out.” she said as she waved good bye. “Alright be careful Care, a lot of newbies in town.” he said concerned. “I’ll be fine and you know it. I can take care of myself.” said Caroline. “I’m not worried about you, I’m worried about them.” He laughed as she slipped away into the crowd towards the door.
The night air was refreshing. The bar as a wolf kind of sucked. It was always too hot for her and mixed with too many smells. She ran warm as a Omega and as a wolf her senses are keen. Mystic Falls was a quaint small town in Virginia.  You would never guess from a picture that it was one of the few apexes of the supernatural world. That was her families doing of course. Her ancestors welcomed all races as long as they followed their Wolf Pack law, over the years all the races trickled in. It made it complicated at times, but it also made it diverse and she had encountered most all varieties of supernatural beings. Her father allowed the races to have their own Alphas so to speak. Together there was the council, each race represented and vote counted to overall governing law. Walking through the town center to she spots Bonnie, heir to the Bennet witch line and other bestie.  As a child she grew up around the heir to the other races. They became close friends.
“Bons” she waved at her. Bonnie smiled as they walked toward each other. “I heard there is the meeting of the secret secret place tonight. Got a text from Katrina, must be serious. Please don’t tell me its just a guy she met?” Caroline laughed. “Yup, its a guy. “ “She is going to get in trouble. You know how her dad feels about her dating outside the line.” “As if that ever stopped her.” Huffed Caroline. “No it did not” said Bonnie with her eyes wide incredulous.  “Come on you can ride with me I have to pick up Elena.” with that they both hopped in her yellow death trap as her father called it and Bonnie drove to the secret place.
The secret place was only used for moments of extreme importance. This is where the girls would meet and pour out their souls. Most all good and bad moments lead there. This is where Bonnie came the first time she learned she could do magic. This is where Caroline came after her father died and its where Elena came when she found out she was Human, being born from a Fae as a twin, there was a 50/50 chance she could go either way. Her sister twin Katrina was Fae and she wasn’t. While Elena was two minutes older she was no longer the princess heir it instead fell to her sister Katrina who by no means wanted the position.  Both were born human but in puberty stage a Fae takes its form and comes into their own. Elena didn’t. It was one of the darker times at the secret spot because it meant that Elena would die before Katrina. Fae’s were not immortal, but had longer lives than humans. This spot so many years ago when the founding families came together and the girls met was there life bond. No matter how far or where each path took them to their lives they knew at the drop of a call they could inact the blood pact they made so many years ago to call on each other the founding sisters in good time and bad.
Caroline lost in her memory of this place was jolted when Bonnie nudged her shoulder. “Here we are” “Hurray” said Elena who was not happy about being squished in the back. She jumped our the back and stretched her legs. “Jesus, Bonnie cant you magically make the leg room back there bigger. I feel like a sardine. “ as she cracked a few bones in her stretch. “We have been through this before Elena, I can not use my magic like that. “ said Bonnie rolling her eyes. Caroline stepped out the car and began walking into the woods to the secret spot which was in fact just a old worn down abandon house. She could feel it the changes coming in the air and it hung heavy on her mind. As she climb the old cricked steps she could see the candles lit up the bare and dirty living room floor. Katrina was already there.
“Yay you made it “ she gleamed, eyes sparkling in the way only a Fae could. “ I only broke two hearts tonight. I have been very good.” said Katrina. “ Very good indeed.” laugh Caroline as she sat on the cool floor. Bonnie and Elena walked in and they encircled each other on the floor. “Alright why have we be called into this meeting Kat,” said Elena slightly annoyed. “Boys toys are not suppose to be the reason for a call to arms.” “Its not a boy toy.” said Kat with a wrinkled nose. “Alright spit it out them. What is it ? What made this guy so important that you called us here.” Said Bonnie, arms crossed with a raised eyebrow. Kat looked nervous she figged a bit with her hair. This was unusual as Kat was never nervous the complete opposite of Elena. If it wasn't for the same face, well you wouldn't even know that they were sisters. “Spit it out Kat. Its okay. We are in the secret secret place. What is spoken here shall never be repeated. We are here for you.” said Caroline. “Ihavefoundmymate.” Said Kat with a ramble. “What??!?!” all three girls screeched. “I have found my mate.” Said Kat slowly as she said each syllable. All three girls stared and blinked. This was insane. She was the first. It is said that each supernatural creature found a pairing to live with a perfect match. When they met a soul make is placed on there hand. Kate held up her hand. A  small tree symbol between her thumb and her pinter finger was there. “HOLY SHIT” said Elena. “Who what, where, Who is he or she. We are cool with a she too. OMG DAD is going to flip.” “i’m so not telling Dad yet, he is not going to like him. He .. he…” she hesitated . “Oh Kat you better get talking . You do not just drop a bomb like that on us and not say who it is.” Said Bonnie. “Yeah seriously?!?!” said Caroline. “I don’t think you guys are really going to like this, especially you Caroline.” said Kat “oh dear…” said Elena. “Its Elijah Milakelson.” Said Kat Jaws dropped. I am almost sure we placed holes in the earth. “Wait what the same Mikalelson that want to create a Omega registry that threatens everything about my life?’ Screeched Caroline. Elena and Bonnie looked between the two girls a bit clueless. “What registry?” “I’ll explain in a minute Bons.” said Kat. “Yes that Mikaleosn and my mate bond may actually help you. Please don’t judge him so quickly. “ She pleaded. Caroline squinted assessing the Fae’s face. She could never be mad at Kat especially for something like this. It was a mating bond and one by the looks of her hand symbol that was fated. I can’t blame her for her Fate. “ Fine. Tell us everything.” Said Caroline. And so she did.
Apparently Elijah was the kinder, gentler and more reasonable of the siblings. Kat explained that when they met and he kissed her hand shortly after the burning sensation came and bam, one mated symbol appeared as it did on his hand. Elijah like his other siblings is a Vampire. A Vampire and Fae mating is essentially unheard of.  The entire day they glanced at each other. Kats heart she said was beating like a hummingbird, but they both held their composure. They both continued the day without speaking of it and instead focusing the diplomatic exchanges that took place, but after the  various debates of the day he pulled her aside , slamming her into a wall and kissing her till the very air exploded from her lungs. She could feel his pull on her. Kat swooned as she told the story.
“So that’s it.  We talked and we both agreed that it would be best and more formal if he comes here personally to help with the transition and to speak to my father about taking me as his mate or at least he said to start the courtship process formally. He is very formal and he holds his duties and honor very dearly to his heart.” she said as she sighed thinking of him. Caroline laughed. “ OMG, you totally fell for the up tight guy How is he your mate. Your… well you…” she said as she gestured her hand over her. “I mean you aren’t exactly formal or proper or well anything like the way he sounds.” “Thats probably why she is his mate. There suppose to be a balance Care. All things in nature must balance.” said Bonnie. “ Hey, don't go all JuJu on us now. “ said Elena. “Can’t help it. Its the truth. That means he is everything she isn't and vice versa. They will complement and balance each other. He will probably be the only person in history who could be Katrina Petrova to heel.  It make sense, if you think about it.” said Bonnie. “Please no one can bring me to heel.” huffed Katrina. “She not saying it like that Kay, he just going to be your balance. I am happy for you” murmured Elena her eyes a bit far away. “Doesn’t that also change the dynamic, I mean what about the alliances and Mikaleson take over.” question Caroline. “It will, which is why he is seeing to the transition personally with his family. They are all coming to Mystic Falls. I notified everyone today. They will be here before the week is over. If my father accepts I will be eventually a Mikaleson as well and it may place my family higher up the food chain so to speak. If my father declines, it could also mean disaster for Mystic Falls, its rather delicate.” said Katrina. Her brow wrinkled in worry.
“Don’t worry Kat, we will have you back. No matter what.” said Caroline. “I’m not worried about me, as his mate he will always protect me and you know that, I am worried about everything else. Everyone else. Especially you. We all have a Family or bonds to protect us. I don’t like this registration. It makes things very dangerous for you. Why don’t you just join Tyler’s pack . Take rank. He will protect you. He does care for you Caroline.” she said. All the girls nodded in agreement. “I just can’t. I can’t bow my head to the Family that took everything from me. I care for Tyler too, but its not like he is my mate and plus he has Hayley she hates me. There is no way I am going to be second to the Alphas girlfriend. Don’t worry I will be fine. Its not like I am not the only one in town who hasn’t agreed to the Mikaleson tribe. Okay?” All the girls looked concerned. “ What if they ask you to leave? I heard rumors that may happen when they come.” said Elena. “Over my dead body will I leave Mystic Falls. This is my home and this where all of you are and this where our secret place is. You guys are my family. You are all I have left and can depend on. I won't be bullied. Look guys I survived everything, I can make it through this too. “ said Caroline reassuringly. Though inside she was worried. This three girls were all she really had. When Tyler dad took over he made all the wolves lest Tyler swear never to protect her to shun her. She had managed to make it on her own until Tyler killed his Dad for leader of the pack. He had offered her a place in the pack always, but she declined. She just couldn't’ call those people pack after they turned her backs on her and her father. She knew they weren't bad people, but that she just couldn’t trust and depend on them in that way anymore. So she went loner. “Alright enough serous talk. I brought drinks” said Kat. Bonnies eyes rolled “ Here we go. As tradition the secret place drinking begins. I can’t wait for the hangover.” All the girls giggled as they passed the giant bottle around.
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wtcopy · 8 years
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Age: Seventeen Occupation: Junior at St Judes / Bus Boy at the Mystic Grill Location: Brooklyn Faceclaim: Zach Roerig + Incredibly Warm-Hearted, Responsible, Comedic   - Unlucky, Broken, Doubtful
Being one of the rare few people that are actually genuinely kind in New York might just be a miracle. Right here is New York’s biggest softie with a solid, strong core. If we look at St. Judes, it’s rather difficult to accept the fact that anyone could hold such a genuine and true heart, and be able to hold onto that for so long with such a harsh society surrounding him. Of course, Matt makes it seem like an absolute cakewalk — like anyone could be warm and genuine if they really allowed themselves to. Ever since a young age, everyone knew he was always going to be the one to survive, the one to care for others as well as hold his own. Despite the family he was born into, with an absent father and a prostitute for a mother, he found strength in his terrible upbringing. Where others fell, he stepped in to save the day. When others needed help, he was the first to offer without even thinking. He harnessed the terrible choices his parents made, and decided to steer clear of the mistakes they made. Because he hoped for one day, one day where he could grow up and be nothing like them. Matt wanted to be someone worth remembering, sure. Someone who was known for good, aside from the reputation his family had bestowed upon his name. However, no matter how hard he tried, escaping the idea of what his family was, and what they had done to themselves and their reputation, was rather difficult. Vicki Donovan — Matt’s sister, on the outside appeared normal, despite her tendencies to skip school and her tie in with Tyler Waldorf. But the reputation of his mother left Matt believing he would always be known as the neglected Donovan kid, the abandoned and the one to grow up too fast. Since his mother left, he had a broken home, a heavy heart, and a strive to look after and protect his sister like no other. In reality, with his heart he deserved the world, but life never worked that way. For a long time, he thought he had found the one person that would add light into his world…Caroline Forbes. A bubbly blonde from the Upper East Side who’d managed to pull Matt out of the rut he was in, eager to show him that this world was worth living. And for a long while, it worked fantastically. He had managed to crawl out of his shell, and start to show people that comedic side nobody knew existed. But just when his world seemed to be looking up, he found himself delving into something he didn’t believe worth it. The drama going on between Caroline and Blair Waldorf seemed all too much to bear because his girlfriend was consumed in her hatred of her. He’d lost the light he’d previously been exposed to. The one that shone on his dark little world and gave him hope. All he would hear from Caroline was her hatred of Blair, and soon enough that was all his relationship came to be. After a number of tries to express this to her, he realised it was only getting worse. He couldn’t take the drama, his own sister being more than enough to handle amongst everything else. There were real issues in the world other than hating on and envying others for their social status. Caroline became the one person he never thouht her to be. Soon enough, he broke things off with Caroline, not able to handle it anymore. As hard as it was to let her go, she needed to grow up and realise that it wasn’t worth it, and he’d be there when she would. He’d always be there for her, he loved her. Now, Matt tried to get by, working, going to school.. cracking jokes to brighten up his world a little. He misses Caroline, but things are complicated — especially now that he’s started to develop feelings for her best friend, Bonnie Bennett. They grew close one night, after matt was comforting her, almost ending in the two locking lips. When they pass each other in the halls, or run into one another, it is never mentioned. He knows what could go wrong if they dwelled on that issue, or if something happened between them.. but it doesn’t make it any easier when he spots her in the hallway. Things just seem to keep going wrong in Matt’s life, happiness always that much out of reach. First his parents, then his drug addict of a sister, and now relationship problems. Not to mention, Matt is struggling in keeping up with the bills his mom has left for him.. and for once, the good guy is forced to do something terrible just to get by.
Just when you think someone could be perfect, you can be proven wrong. Nobody is aware of what Matt is doing, but the innocent face he upholds isn’t as innocent as it seems. See, being the responsible one means Matt will do just about anything to make sure he and his family can get by. Even if it’s just him and his sister, he knows he has to step up and be the man.. just like he always has. Thus, Matt has found himself doing something he would normally deem immoral, unethical and unjustifiable. Something illegal, wrong. While working shifts at the Mystic Grill, he often finds ways to steal money from the till. Bussing tables? You can bet he’s stealing tips that were left for other waiters. Not only is he stealing money, he’s started creating fake IDs for the underaged individuals of New York. Most Upper East Siders need one, and they certainly have the money to obtain one. Seeing as though he’s talented with the computer, and knows how to do it, Matt has become the go to guy for IDs to help people get into bars. It’s wrong, he knows that. He also knows how much trouble he could get into if anyone finds out, but Matt can’t afford paying for the bills all by himself. He will do anything to survive, to ensure his sister’s safety. He has no other choice. Of course, seeing as Matt is a good guy, his guilt gets the better of him at times.. and he tries to return the money he takes as often as possible, often trying to see it as borrowing rather than stealing.
✘ Aaron Rose, Vanessa Abrams & Nate Archibald: For someone like Matt, it’s no surprise he has a decent amount of friends. He’s the nice guy around school, and everyone knows it. He will go out of his way to make friends with someone, which is why he hit it off with people from all different cliques. He and Aaron have gotten pretty close since school started, having common personality traits and together, the two make others laugh like crazy. Then there’s Vanessa, the free spirit who he works with. Matt loves how opinionated she is… Sometimes he’s a bit taken back by it all, but he enjoys their friendship. They’re close, and often share their inner thoughts with one another. And lastly, there’s Nate Archibald, Caroline’s cousin. Surprisingly, after Matt and Caroline broke up, Nate and Matt remained friends seeing as though they have been friends for awhile now. It’s a little awkward at times, but they try not to let that ruin their friendship. ✘ Vicki Donovan: The one person Matt would do anything for, is Vicki, better known as Vick by Matt. The two stick together through and through. But it’s no surprise there, seeing as though he’s her little brother. However, sometimes it seems like Matt is the older sibling, especially since he knows that Vicki is acting out and doing things she shouldn’t be doing. But instead of scolding her, Matt just tries to be there for her. He loves his sister, and just wants to her to be safe. He couldn’t handle another runaway in their family, and often treads and tiptoes around her with caution. Vicki is fragile, that much he knows. He just wants her to be home, to be safe. He isn’t too fond of the relationship she has with Tyler, either. But there’s not much he can do about that—upsetting her would be the worst thing he could do. ✘ Caroline Forbes, & Bonnie Bennett: The ex girlfriend that he will always have feelings for her, and her best friend — the almost kiss. That’s what Caroline and Bonnie are to Matt, and that’s why being around either one is a stressful task. He loves Caroline, and feels like he always will. His care for her is undying and, though they didn’t work out, he will always have a soft spot for her. But Caroline has changed to the point where he can no longer see himself being with her, not right now.. but maybe someday. However, Bonnie has caught his eye. He knows there is no possibility of them being anything as she is his ex girlfriend’s best friend, but he can’t stop thinking about her. Matt doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but he can’t ignore his feelings either and it’s slowly driving him up the wall. ✘ Tyler Waldorf: Frenemies… Perfect way for Matt to describe his friendship with Tyler. Inseparable since elementary school, they have always been best friends, joined at the hip. However, with the values Matt has always maintained growing up, he disagrees with several of Tyler’s choices and the arrogant attitude he flaunts around New York. What makes him stick around, however, is knowing that somewhere in Tyler is good. And the world deserves to see the good in his best friend. Matt is also his voice of reason, the one always trying to do the right thing and encouraging Tyler to do the same. It bothers him that Tyler screws with his sister sometimes and upsets her, but he finds himself simply reminding Ty to treat her good.. and for a while he does. He can’t give up on his friend. He might not always agree with the things he does, but he will always care for him.. and that’s enough for him to stay around.
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cancerian-woman · 10 months
Dying to hear your thoughts on Bamon! I'm forever conflicted because I don't like Damon the majority of the time, but yet I can't help but adore his dynamic with Bonnie. I'd love to hear why you prefer them to delena and what you think their romance could have been like if the writers had the guts to go there :)
I think that's a common feeling with Damon tbh from non-Damon fans. I feel the same most of the time don’t worry! Bamon does have really nice moments.
Liking Bamon for me comes with criticisms. First, and this isn’t just an Elena problem before I get into it! Everyone in some form becomes complicit and so forgiving when it comes to Damon. Consequences do not exist when it comes to Damon. In the end, Elena, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, Liz, Matt etc etc WILL forgive him. Having Damon go in these periods where he wants to be changed means nothing because he’s forgiven all the time anyway.
It really was the sirebond plot that made me against Delena. Not all couples were going to be like pre-Klaus Forwood or 1-2 Stelena and that’s fine it’s a show about humanizing vampires. After the sirebond plot and the writers really revolved all of Elena around Damon. Elena wasn’t mad at him about anything longterm. Elena became less present with her friends too. Which wasn’t like her in the earlier seasons. (This goes for both brothers) Elena got to have more room to be upset with either of them without lessening her agency.
Bamon romantically I’d see that similar dynamic they had in the prison world. What I would change though is seeing more of Damon apologizing for his behavior. I like that Bonnie holds her grudges against him but that complicit part still exists. Longterm what Bonnie finds likable and accepting about Damon. We learned how Damon sees Bonnie, but not the other way around. In a post-szn8 sense I think they’d grow closer from grieving together (Elena, Enzo, Stefan.) actually this reminds me of one of my fave Bamon fics ha. I don’t think they’d be perfect, and I don’t expect them to be either but that wouldn’t matter to them.
To sum it up I ship Bamon, they have nice moments but I’m critical of them bc of Damon being Damon.
Thank you for the ask!
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empressofmoon · 8 years
Alpha Omega
Feeling inspired tonight. Again my first fanfic so please excuse grammar, typos etc. Chapter 2 - Grill Me It had been a little over a month since the Mikaelson came to town. Tyler had submit as did most of the pack and the town. From what she heard here and there about them Klaus was a hybrid, born a wolf and his father suppressed his gene. He grew up human until his mother turned him and his siblings into a vampire. The first vampires at that. She had basically tangoed with one of the most Ancient creatures on earth. Yay she thought. And now he managed to break the witches curse of suppression he became something new entirely. His pitch came with all Alphas becoming hybrids as well. Half Vampire, Half Wolf. They would be stronger and faster than there betas or an average Alpha. This was suppose to bring peace since most wolfs were the law and hopefully to her surprise there intention apparently a new world order of peace love and harmony. She didn't buy it. It looked more like he was making a empire and he was to be king. Where there is a king there is always someone there to challenge them. She new this all too well. Things are not that easy. But most folks joined from all over. Even the Fae, which shocked the hell out of her because they don't do anything they don't want to. No one tells a Fae what to do. There are tricksters and extremely fickle. She should know her best friend was one. Speaking of here she comes. Of course her first stop back to mystic falls would be the grill she has never really been sure if its for the bar or her. She shrugs and preps her friends usually drink. “Hey Care bear!” Gleam Katrina Petrovia. Her hair literally sparkled, if not the fact they had been friends since grade school she would be intimidated by the chestnut beauty. “ Well how was the trip. A diplomatic bore?” said Caroline as she passed the girl her favorite drink The Love Bite. Bless the mans heart who gets wrapped up in hers. Katrina Petrovia was the daughter of the local Fae king who had also submitted to Mikaleson. To say most of the eastern US had really at this point with a few old Alphas holding out and the rare individual like her. “Yes it was, interesting at times. Some interesting changes coming into effect under Mikaleson rule. Your not going to like it. Oh I did meet someone, but Ill tell you that later.” Caroline eyes narrowed. She knew the Mikalesons were trouble. They had been changing things a lot. So far, they had been good. In the Mikaleson territory it wasn't allowed segregation for instance. She liked that. Made everyone equal in a sense. Among the races was a bit of tension. For instance Vamps were not always keen about wolves since their bite could kill. You wouldn't dare walk in their exclusive clubs. Not that you were allowed to anyway. Its why she liked the grill, Her first boyfriend Matt a human owned the joint and he didn't care who came in. As long as you didn't cause trouble. She was slowly becoming more aware of how most people she knew were under their control by joining. All of Tylers pack had joined, which of course meant most of the towns Humans. Then the Petrovia Fae’s and their alliances. It seems the Miklaesons name carried more influence than she care to admit. “Alright cough it up.” Caroline said as she braced herself for the news. “There is going to be a national registry. Its for all races and packs/clans, but for wolves they want to know who is mated, unmated and who is Alpha, Beta and omega. A bunch of genetic testing too, something to do with class of wolf or lineage? I can’t remember. “ Wow, that a big bomb to drop there. Omegas like her, well they are somewhat rarer of all the species but they are ideal partners for alphas. The balance shall we say. Most packs are very protective of the Omegas and I am sure that is why she has managed to stay okay her in Mystic Falls. She is omega. If Tyler had banished her she would probably end up in dungeon somewhere claimed by a Alpha to be mated to. A loner omega pretty much makes her rare. While she is werewolf she isn't as strong as everyone else so defecting from a pack isn't really safe. Thanks to Tyler she has been lucky, but most aren’t. Thats what makes a registry so scary. If she registered everyone would know she is basically fair game. No pack, no family and Tyler can only protect her so far before she either has to submit or leave. All she really has is Kat here. She heart sank. She swallowed hard. “Yeah pretty much what I thought your reaction would be. Its already started in other areas. I suspect they will be here again soon to help personally oversea this and set a few things in order. You may have to leave Care, I mean i have heard of a few ways to hide you being a Omega, but everyone knows. Ya know? I mean you were betroved to Tyler before…” Her voice trailed off not wanting to speak about Carolines hardest memories. “You can say it Kat. I am not made of glass. My Alpha dad had a Omega first born daughter. My mother died giving birth to me leaving me the heir, but thats not possible when you are a Omega, we both know that. Everyone saw that as a weakness and he was dethroned by would be Father in Law. Its okay. Tyler killed his dad over it and became Alpha, I just couldn't take my place by his side Kat. You know that. It was all too much, so I defected and didn’t submit. I have been lucky, luckier than most Omegas without a pack. Lucky that Tyler knew me all those years growing up and didn’t force me to submit. Tyler in his own way has kept me safe. It helps also that most of his pack was my Dad’s so they all know and have some respect for the man and me. Plus you know I take no shit right?” she said flippantly. “ I know I just want to stir up any bad feelings. You are my bestie. And you know that, plus if your not here who the hell am I going to go shopping with.It’s not like Bonnie likes to do that.” her eyes twinkled. No seriously they twinkle. Dam Faes were gorgeous, they seem to twinkle and glow whenever happy and she was extra happy considering. “So whats with the Sparkles Katrina? Could it be that mystery guy?” said Caroline as she whipped and pick up the bar in front of her for a bit. “Maybe ..” She grinned “However, I must tell you under total secrecy. So not here. Too many ears. “ She said “I get off in an hour. Ill meet you at the spot?” Said Caroline. “Perfect! Now I am off to flirt with some of these Mikaleson clan new comers. How many do you think I can make swoon?” She said as she adjust her top . Caroline laughed . They did stand a chance. “ The question who doesn't swoon?” Katrina beam and headed out into the grill stalking her prey. I swear if that girl wasn’t a Fae she would be the best vampire ever. Once she had a prey in her grasps they didn't stand a chance
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