#Carlos Ferrater
filteredarchitecture · 7 months
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Jardín botánico Barcelona Carlos Ferrater
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lepetitlugourmand · 6 months
Michelin France 2024 - Un millésime d'émotions
Le très adulé, respecté, craint, régulièrement décrié et souvent incompris, Guide à l’emblématique couverture rouge, qui fait rêver ou trembler les chefs depuis sa création, a annoncé lundi dernier en direct de Tours, sa sélection et ses nouvelles étoiles 2024. C’est un millésime où, au cours de cette soirée, s’est ressenti beaucoup d’émotions, de joie, de fébrilité et de sincérité sur scène et…
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French Riviera (Französische Riviera)
Nice - Nizza
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Cap Ferrat
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Monte Carlo (Monaco)
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chaplinfortheages · 1 year
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Caption reads: In 1957 Charlie Chaplin and his family lived in Switzerland at Vevey. Chaplin came to Nice in a Swissair plane in search of a quiet villa on the Côte d’Azur. At his arrival he was interviewed by a journalist of Radio Monte Carlo. Chaplin had no difficulties in finding a house at Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat. It was a villa once occupied by President Auriol. Chaplin and his family stayed there for many months, but he did not buy the house. Nice 1957.
Photographer Edward Quinn (x)
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jpbjazz · 4 months
Né le 23 septembre 1947 à Angoulême, en France, Christian Escoudé était d’origine tsigane par son père. La famille Escoudé, qui était d’origine espagnole, s’était installée en Charente lorsque les troupes nazies avaient envahi la France en juin 1940. La mère de Christian était d’origine charentaise.
Également guitariste, le père de Christian avait été très influencé par Django Reinhardt. Christian avait commencé à apprendre la guitare avec son père et son oncle à l’âge de dix ans. Après avoir joué dans différents bals de la région, Christian a été engagé en 1969, à l’âge de vingt et un ans, par l’orchestre d’Aimé Barelli à Monte-Carlo, dont il fera partie jusqu’en 1971.
Au début des années 1970, Escoudé s’installe à Paris et travaille comme musicien de studio avec des vedettes de la musique pop comme Jean Ferrat, Michel Fugain et Nicole Croisille.
Escoudé a amorcé sa carrière professionnelle en 1972 en se produisant avec le trio du batteur Aldo Romano, qui comprenait également Eddy Louis à l’orgue et Bernard Lubat à la batterie. Plus tard, Escoudé s’était joint au Swing String System de Didier Levallet et au Michel Portal Unit. Après avoir remporté le Prix Django Reinhardt décerné par l'Académie du Jazz en décembre 1975 (il est un des seuls guitaristes de jazz à avoir remporté cet honneur), Escoudé avait formé un quartet avec le pianiste Michel Graillier, le batteur Aldo Romano et le contrebassiste Alby Cullaz (qui fut bientôt remplacé par Jean-François Jenny-Clark). Escoudé avait travaillé par la suite avec Michel Portal, Slide Hampton, Martial Solal et Jean-Claude Fohrenbach.
En 1978, Escoudé s’était produit au Festival de jazz de Nice aux côtés de John Lewis, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, Freddie Hubbard, Philly Joe Jones, Elvin Jones, Lee Konitz et Shelly Manne. La même année, Escoudé avait joué pour la première fois au Festival de Samois dans le cadre d’un hommage à son idole Django Reinhardt. Il a aussi enregistré avec le contrebassiste Charlie Haden. L’année suivante, Escoudé s’était produit au Festival de Dakar avec un trio composé du pianiste René Urtreger, du contrebassiste Pierre Michelot et du batteur et compositeur d’origine suisse Daniel Humair.
À l’été 1980, Escoudé avait obtenu une des grandes chances de sa carrière lorsqu’il avait été invité à jouer en duo avec le guitariste de fusion John McLaughlin, avec qui il avait fait une tournée aux États-Unis, au Brésil et au Japon. L’année suivante, Escoudé s’était joint au big band de Martial Solal. Après avoir joué aux États-Unis avec le quartet du batteur Shelly Manne en 1982, Escoudé a formé son propre quartet avec  Olivier Hutman aux claviers, Nicolas Fitzman à la contrebasse et Jean My Truong aux percussions. Ces deux derniers avaient été remplacés par la suite par Jean-Marc Jafet et Tony Rabeson.
En 1983, Escoudé forme un duo avec le violoniste Didier Lockwood. Le groupe s’était par la suite transformé en trio après l’ajout du guitariste belge Philip Catherine. Après avoir formé un trio avec le violoncelliste Jean-Charles Capon et le contrebassiste Ron Carter en 1985, Escoudé avait formé le Trio Gitan avec Boulou Ferré (le fils de Matelo Ferret) et Babik Reinhardt, le fils de Django. En 1987, il se produit en duo avec le pianiste Michel Graillier.
En 1988, Escoudé s’était joint à un quartet composé de Jean-Michel Pilc, François Moutin et Louis Moutin. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait fondé un octet avec les guitaristes Paul Challain Ferret, Jimmy Gourley et Frédéric Sylvestre, l’accordéoniste Marcel Azzola, le violoncelliste Vincent Courtois, le contrebassiste Alby Cullaz et le batteur Billy Hart.
En 1990, Escoudé s’était produit au légendaire Village Vanguard de New York avec le pianiste Hank Jones, le contrebassiste Pierre Michelot et le batteur Kenny Washington. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait enregistré un album entièrement consacré à des compositions de Django Reinhardt. L’album avait été enregistré avec avec un orchestre à cordes. En 1993, Escoudé enregistre à Los Angeles avec Lou Levy, Bob Magnusson et Billy Higgins.
En 1998, Escoudé avait enchaîné avec ‘’A Suite for Gypsies’’, un album de jazz-fusion destiné à honorer les enfants gitans morts dans les camps de concentration nazis. Deux ans plus tard, Escoudé remporte le Grand Prix de la SACEM.
À l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de la mort de Django en 2003, Escoudé avait formé un big band de dix-sept musiciens dans lequel il explorait l’héritage musical de Reinhardt tout en y incorporant ses  propres idées harmoniques et rythmiques. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait créé le  New Gypsy Trio avec David Reinhardt (un autre parent de Django) et Martin Taylor (aussi connu sous le nom de Jean-Baptiste Laya). Après avoir publié l’album Ma Ya en 2005, Escoudé avait formé le Progressive Sextet avec Marcel Azzola, Jean-Baptiste Laya, Sylvain Guillaume, Jean-Marc Jafet et Yoann Serra.
En 2012, Escoudé avait rendu hommage à l’auteur-compositeur Georges Brassens dans le cadre de l’album ‘’Christian Escoudé joue Brassens: Au bois de mon cœur.’’ Participaient également à l’album le contrebassiste Pierre Boussaguet et la batteuse Anne Paceo, ainsi que des artistes invités comprenant la violoniste Fiona Monbet, le clarinettiste  Andre Villeger, le guitariste Biréli Lagrène et le guitariste manouche de onze ans Swan Berger.
En 2019, Escoudé avait surpris tout le monde en lançant à l’abbaye de Saint-Amant-de-Boixe un second album en hommage à son idole Django Reinhardt.
Christian Escoudé est mort d’un cancer le matin du 13 mai 2024 à Saint-Amant-de-Boixe (Charente), près d’Angoulême, à l’âge de soixante-seize ans. La mort d’Escoudé avait été annoncée par Max Robin, le directeur artistique de la compagnie Label Ouest qui avait publié son dernier album intitulé ‘’Ancrage.’’ Décrivant Escoudé comme un grand musicien, compositeur et improvisateur, Robin avait souligné son engagement dans la musique.
Escoudé avait été victime d’un cancer particulièrement foudroyant. Jean Ledroit, un ami et voisin d’Escoudé à Saint-Amant-de-Boix ‘’On devait jouer avec lui il y a trois semaines à Mansle mais il était déjà malade. C’est brutal {...}. On a perdu un monstre sacré du jazz, le digne successeur de Django Reinhardt ’’.
François Ducharme, l’ancien président de l'Académie du jazz et un des programmateurs de l'émission de radio "Club Jazzafip", avait ajouté: "Un musicien intuitif avec cette poésie au bout des doigts. Un enfant de la balle, comme on dit, à qui on a mis une guitare dans les mains et qui en a fait son métier très jeune, jouant dans les bals, localement, avant de monter à Paris".
Caractérisé par un style très mélodique et très chaud, Escoudé avait participé à l’enregistrement de plus de 50 albums au cours de sa carrière. Le style d’Escoudé était un mélange de bebop et de musique gypsy. Passionné par le jazz, Escoudé s’intéressait également à la musique de chambre. Comme compositeur, Escoudé avait été très influencé par Gil Evans, Claus Ogerman et Antonio Carlos Jobim. En 2022, Escoudé avait vu sa carrière être couronnée par la remise d’un prix Victoire d'honneur du Jazz.
Reconnu pour sa modestie et son sens de l’humour, Escoudé ne s’était jamais enflé la tête avec ses réalisations. Françoise Giroux-Mallot, la mairesse de Saint-Amant-de-Boixe, avait commenté: ‘’C’était quelqu’un d’accessible, modeste et bienveillant.’’ Au cours d’une de ses dernières entrevues, Escoudé était d’ailleurs demeuré très terre-à-terre. Il avait précisé: ‘’On les perd forcément {nos illusions} à un moment mais je pense avoir respecté mon intégrité. Je n’ai jamais été très loin dans les excès, ce n’est pas dans ma nature.’’
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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Mexico, the Latin North American Nation: A Conversation with Carlos Rico Ferrat on JSTOR
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ofhouses · 3 years
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920. Carlos Ferrater /// House for a Photographer (J.M.Ferrater House and Studio) /// Llampaies, Girona, Spain /// 1992-93
OfHouses presents Houses of the 90′s, part II: SuperSpanish. (Photos: © Lluis Casals, José Hevia, Carlos Ferrater i Lambarri. Source: Arxiu Històric del COAC.)
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joselure · 6 years
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Comercial para CGBarrios Comunicación
Carlos Ferrater Lambarri (Barcelona, 1944) Arquitecto diseñador de la lámpara Diabolo producida por Ditalight (Karmelo Tamayo). Diseño gráfico de Natxo Carrasco.
VBO Bilbao
Foto © Joselure www.joselure.com
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albessan · 7 years
Para ser creativo has de ponerte al filo de la navaja, en una zona de altísimo riesgo, si no, no producirás nada.
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veredes · 3 years
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Imprescindibles. Recordando a Coderch
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trouvetoday · 8 years
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Salva López
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umolhonocigano · 8 years
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orebic-travel · 4 years
Monaco Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Monaco Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Monaco – What this destination lacks in size, it makes up for in reputation. Join the fairy-tale glamor of this principality with our footage of this spectacular …
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waugh-bao · 2 years
If I may add to your Charlie’s arms collection, if you search ‘blind-magazine up close and personal with The Rolling Stones,’ there is an article that has another picture of Charlie in a tank top at Nellcotte from a slightly different angle. I love everything about it.
Haha, thank you for the tip:
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I didn't remember to include it in that thread, but I’m pretty certain this is from the Exile era as well:
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Charlie was often living with Keith at Nellcôte for days or weeks at a time, because his own house in the southeast of France was something like a 3 hour drive away, and the recording sessions were unpredictable, to say the least, so I do remember mentioning in one of the retrospectives that he he had his own room there and occasionally borrowed clothes from Keith. Which would explain the higher than usual instance of tank tops.
Just because I can, and I think it’s both endearing and funny, Keith’s comments on Charlie’s living situation during that era in Life contain his only criticism of him in the entire book, i.e. that he just wasn’t getting as much Charlie as he wanted:
“I remember being a little dismayed that Charlie had decided to live three hours away. I would have loved to have Charlie around the corner so I could call him and say, got an idea; can you pop by? But the way Charlie wanted to live and where he wanted to live was in fact about 130 miles away, in the Vaucluse, above Aix-en-Provence. So he would come down from Monday till Friday. So then I had him there, but I could have used a little more.”
But he’s quick to explain that, really, is was only because Charlie was too cool to be there, and he could never cramp Charlie’s style:
“To Charlie [living on the southern coast of France] it was an absolute no-no. He has an artistic temperament. It's just uncool for him to live down on the Cote d'Azur in summer. Too much society going on and too much blah blah. I can understand totally. Charlie's the kind of guy that would go down in winter when it's horrible and empty. He found where he wanted to live and it certainly wasn't on the coast, and it certainly wasn't Cannes, Nice, Juan-les-Pins, Cap Ferrat or Monte Carlo. Charlie cringes from places like that.”
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stua · 3 years
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Today we bring you the lobby of Hines building, a project by Sutega in Barcelona that features a suspended sculpture by Jaume Plensa and STUA Costura sofa and armchairs. Architect Carlos Ferrater. COSTURA: www.stua.com/design/costura
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emma-what-son · 3 years
How Sir Philip's son cast a spell on Emma Watson: The super-woke Harry Potter star and the playboy son of the disgraced Topshop tycoon - it's hard to think of a more unlikely romance, writes ALISON BOSHOFF
One can almost see her eyebrows raised in quizzical disdain. Hermione Granger would surely disapprove.
Pictures emerged this week of Emma Watson, the serious-minded Harry Potter actress and eco-warrior, hopping out of Sir Philip Green’s family helicopter in Battersea, South London. Curious, some would think, given Emma’s long-standing war against fast fashion, that she would accept a lift from the fallen King of the High Street.
More curious still, however, is that Emma, 31, has apparently been enchanted by Brandon Green, Sir Philip’s 28-year-old son, whose longest relationship to date seems to have been with a Belarusian bikini model. Could there be a more unlikely romance?
Aside from both being awash with money —Brandon is an heir to a £2 billion fortune, while Emma is said to be worth about £59 million —they appear to have almost nothing in common. Yet according to a friend, a certain magic is in the air.
‘Brandon has been wooing Emma,’ says one source. Another says: ‘They are an item, although she hasn’t met the family yet.’
Emma, who once mused about being ‘self-partnered’, has certainly had more suitors than her single status would have you believe.
At 17, an early boyfriend was rugby player Tom Ducker, but her most serious romance seems to have been with another rugby player — and fellow Oxford student — Matt Janney, with whom she broke up in 2015.
Then there was another Oxford student, Will Adamowicz. The relationship lasted from 2011 to 2013.
She was then seen out and about with actor/producer Roberto Aguire, whom she first met in 2005 on the set of Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. She also seems to have a particularly weak spot for young tech millionaires, as she has dated at least three of them, most significantly U.S. entrepreneur William ‘Mack’ Knight, whom she split from in late 2017 following a two-year romance.
Then came a six-month love affair with handsome Glee actor Chord Overstreet. They broke up during the summer of 2018.
She was then spotted sharing cocktails with tech CEO Brendan Wallace, a New Yorker, now 38, who is co-founder of a venture capital fund. By summer 2019 she was rumoured to have moved on to another tech millionaire, Brendan Iribe, CEO of Oculus.
She most recently split from her boyfriend of two years, businessman Leo Robinton.
It’s a longer list of amours than you might expect for someone who claims to be ‘self-partnered’, but then Emma is a woman who solemnly examines her life.
‘The boyfriends or partners I’ve had have generally made me feel really cherished. They have built me up,’ she said.
Quite how Brandon — who featured in Tatler’s ‘most eligible’ list in 2014 and was once caught patting Kate Moss’s bottom — fits into Emma’s orbit of admirers, remains to be seen. Although, like Emma’s other admirers, he does have a job running a tech investments company.
So who is this handsome young man — and what does Emma see in him?
Born in 1992, he was raised in Monte Carlo with big sister Chloe. His mother, Tina, is resident in the tax haven and was the ultimate owner of the Arcadia group, which went into administration last year. He went to the principality of Monaco’s International School.
To say his was a gilded upbringing would be an understatement. A source in Monaco says: ‘All the time he was growing up, the Greens would never fly commercial, always in their private jet.
‘They have a private chauffeur and in the family penthouse at the Roccabella building in Monaco there are uniformed maids standing to attention in every room just in case someone needs something. That’s the lifestyle Brandon was born into and has always thought was completely normal.’
He and Chloe have the use of the 109ft yacht Lionchase — Sir Phil has the 295ft Lionheart —which is moored in Monaco in the winter and cruises around the Med all summer.
I’m informed that his mum will pick up ‘seven-figure’ boat bills for the pair of them at the end of the season without blanching.
Brandon’s 2005 Bar Mitzvah caused a stir. It was held at the Grand-Hotel du Cap-Ferrat, with entertainment provided by Beyonce, Destiny’s Child and Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli. There were 300 guests over three days, all hosted by Sir Phil, who was then the boss of Topshop, BHS and Dorothy Perkins, all part of the Arcadia group.
When he was younger, Brandon seemed to be happy to join Chloe in a celebrity-packed party lifestyle. Locals say he was ‘practically living in Monaco’s Sass Café and partying until dawn every morning with a bevy of models’ in his 20s.
Kate Moss — a friend of his father — spent much of her 2011 honeymoon break with Jamie Hince on board his yacht and they got on famously. In 2013 he was spotted playfully groping Moss’s bikini-clad bottom while on holiday in St Barth’s. At the time he was 21.
When she was 21, Emma Watson had been famous for a decade and had just finished making the Potter films.
While Brandon found life one long, joyful party, she was struggling introspectively with having money and acclaim. As she recently said: ‘I’ve often thought, I’m so wrong for this job because I’m too serious.’
She felt physically sick when she found out how much money she had earned from the Potter films, and considered not renewing her contract to complete them.
Following stellar A-levels, she took an English degree at Brown University in Rhode Island — over five years, due to disruption from filming.
Brandon Green doesn’t have a degree. There was some idea that he might buck the family trend and go to university, but Sir Phil told an interviewer at the time: ‘It’s up for discussion,’ and evidently it was decided that was not the right path.
Instead, he spent years learning the ropes of the fashion business with Sir Philip and working for Arcadia.
As the BHS scandal raged in 2016 — after Sir Philip sold the company to a bankrupt, with a hole in its pensions provisions — and the company went bust, Brandon was sent to host a table at the Met Gala Ball in New York in his father’s place.
For three years, he was also a regular at the Topshop show at London Fashion Week, sitting with model Jourdan Dunn and chatting to Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.
He began to go to Cannes, again as part of Topshop’s presence at the film festival, and to attend the Amfar charity gala on the arm of girlfriend Maryna Linchuk, a Victoria’s Secret model who towered over him.
But when Chloe became more involved in the family business and started designing shoes, Brandon stepped back from the spotlight.
They are a close family, all the more so since the woes that beset the Arcadia Group and Sir Philip before it collapsed. In fact, this seems to have acted as a wake-up call for Brandon.
A source said: ‘Once Philip fell from grace so badly, all the A-list celebrities and many of the world’s elite dropped the Green family completely. It really shook them up.
‘There was a party in Monaco that a family friend threw for them in the middle of the BHS pensions scandal. Brandon looked around aghast and said to Tina, “We don’t know anyone here!”
‘They felt the world hated them. Philip would fill his days doing laps of Monaco on foot with his bodyguard and personal trainer. Tina would busy herself in her art gallery or with her interior design business. There were a lot of tears; it was an awful atmosphere for the staff and for the family.
‘Brandon could see how transient popularity is and how big A-list stars had been using them for free holidays on their yachts for years. The whole experience sparked a “woke-over” in Brandon.
‘He got very interested in biodiversity and saving the oceans. He does a lot of charity and advocacy work with both Monaco’s Prince Albert’s Foundation and Princess Charlene’s Foundation. He is a trained deep-sea diver, he is very into fitness and gets involved with galas and charities that help the planet. He does frequent beach clean-ups and whatever he can to help.
‘It’s all very low-key, as he doesn’t want to be seen to be doing charity work for PR. But he’s been getting Tina to donate a hefty amount of money to charities that help save the planet too, saying they should do some good with their huge fortune.’
A second source says it is now Brandon, rather than Chloe, who is the apple of Tina’s eye, and he who is seen as the one who will eventually turn the family’s public reputation around.
A friend says: ‘He is very disciplined, intelligent and keen on study. He reads a lot, he travels a lot. He’s polite and well-mannered. Whatever he does, he embraces it fully. His parents are proud of him.’
His hobbies include skiing, at which he excels. He trains almost daily and took part in a gruelling cycling and swimming charity event last year for Princess Charlene of Monaco’s charity, going from Corsica to Monaco.
The friend adds: ‘He eats right and doesn’t drink or party — he is a very nice young man.’
How Brandon came to meet Emma, whose woke credentials may prove challenging for his family, is somewhat unclear, although it is believed his newfound interest in charitable ventures may have steered him her way.
Last year Miss Watson joined the sustainability committee at Kering, the owner of top fashion brands such as Gucci. She was labelled ‘Hollywood’s queen of ethical dressing’ by Vogue.
She has been taking a break from acting after appearing in the 2019 film Little Women but remains an active advocate for ‘race and gender justice’ via various charities. In 2014 she became a UN Women Goodwill ambassador, and she also ran a feminist book club, Our Shared Shelf, on Twitter.
She loves writing poetry, jigsaws, cats and nights in.
Her first purchase with the Potter millions was a ‘brick-like’ Toyota Prius. She said: ‘It’s sensible and boring, like me.’
Not that Emma is as staid as she says. In conversation with Gloria Steinem at an event in London in 2016, she revealed that she subscribes to a sex education website called OMGyes.
It’s a far remove from the days when she was cast in the Harry Potter films at nine years old, having been found via the theatre club she attended. She only completed filming the last Potter when she was 20, in June 2010.
Sources who knew her in the Potter days say her father Chris’s influence was paramount, even though she lived with her mother in Oxford.
The experience of growing up on Potter was so constricting and stressful, when the cast and crew held a ‘wrap party’ at Harry’s Bar after the final set of reshoots in 2010, she didn’t attend.
She said in 2017: ‘It’s something I’ve really wrestled with. I’ve gone back and quizzed my parents. When I was younger, I just did it. I just acted, it was just there.
‘I was finding this fame thing was getting to a point of no return. I sensed that if this was something I was ever going to step away from, it was now or never.’
Post-Potter, her films have been generally low-key. It is said she turned down the La La Land role that brought Emma Stone an Oscar.
Her £3 million London home was selected after she viewed it over Skype, because she can come and go unobserved.
That’s not to say her life is in any way normal: her social circle includes fashion figures such as Antoine Arnault of the LVMH dynasty, she has been the face of Lancome perfume and launched a collection with the ethical fashion label People Tree.
The question now is, will Emma finally find lasting love with a most unlikely Green?
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