#Carla Hardy
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onenakedfarmer · 7 months ago
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BROKEN MIRRORS [Gebroken spiegels] Marleen Gorris Netherlands, 1984
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flashfuckingflesh · 1 year ago
Feminism Fights EVIL The Only Way Possible in "Broken Mirrors" reviewed! (Cult Epics / Blu-ray)
The Best Depiction of the Unpleasant Side of Brothels.  “Broken Mirrors” on Blu-ray. An Amsterdam brothel Happy House Club clings to the good girls that remain employed to pleasure the reprobate and insensitive johns that visit.  Dora, a virtual working girl lifer, brings in new blood, Diane, a young mother desperate in need of financial support because of her drug addicted husband.  Night after…
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badmovieihave · 5 months ago
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Bad movie I have Superbad 2007
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violentjo · 8 months ago
What scene do you think we had to see more? Carla being eaten OR armin yapping about water that glows like fire?
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wisegardenbluebird · 8 months ago
BONJOUR, TRISTESSE (En la muerte de Françoise Hardy)
Muere Françoise Hardy, icono del pop de los sesenta Francisco R. Pastoriza          En 1962 una cantante francesa de 18 años irrumpìó con fuerza en el panorama musical internacional con una canción que conquistó los corazones de todos los adolescentes de aquella generación. En España aquella melodía sencilla y fácil de tararear fue también un éxito monumental y hasta el No-Do  sacó a su…
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ants-personal · 2 months ago
Christmas posting i think the bbbs would have they typical Christmas party its one of the few times everyone sorta gets along maybe its cause Carlas there and isnt afraid to smack back of heads
Donnie Chris and Jess are the ones whod bring the weed and alcohol taking hits and shots making games out of them and flipping off customers that cant read the sign on the door that says they are closed they get rowdy and loud over the music the other no named employees side eye them but free is free and so you have the group inside a few sneaking off to do somethings that will out them on the naughty list
Hardy and Carla join a little bit mostly making sure the restaurant doesnt burn to the ground Carla bought gifts for everyone Hardys gift is he closed the restaurant for a day
And that leaves our main two outsiders randy who doesn't drink hee been nursing the same cup for an hour after Carla handed it to him telling him to have fun hes stiff and stressed awkward. Meanwhile benson simply chooses not to participate hes only there so he doesnt hear it from donnie and carla the next day watching from the background he brought his own six pack and is sitting on the counter its the one day a year hes not un uniforn and the only one to notice is randy
Who has slowly gravitated towards benson thwy dont say anything dandy standing close to bensons leg finally putting the cup down and wiping his hands on his pants benson without looking asks if christmas makes randy nervous cause hes jewish or something
which starts thier small conversation that has small laughs and smiles randy blushing and them making fun of the others
Its far later into the night when a few are passed out in the booths and others have left carlas cleaned a bit before her and hardy are in the office going over important work things that benson mentions as he and randy are leaving that oh yeah he picked something up on the way here he wasnt gonna do gifts but it he saw it and it was to perfect randy is flustered and before he can get a word out benson is digging into his pocket and grabbing randys wrist before dropping a keychain of a silver bambie with butterflys
Randy stumbles over his words tries to gove it back he doesnt deserve and benson tells him he doesnt have to keep it he can toss it or give it away for all he cares (he cares) before he shrugs and walks away fishing for a cigarette (it was a big deal for him hes just good at masking okay)
Randy holds the keychain to his chest and catches up to benson promising to make it up to him
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wankerwatch · 2 months ago
Commons Vote
On: Motion to sit in private
Ayes: 1 (100.0% Lab) Noes: 49 (68.8% Lab, 12.5% Con, 10.4% DUP, 2.1% RUK, 2.1% Ind, 2.1% UUP, 2.1% TUV) Absent: ~600
Day's business papers: 2024-12-06
Individual Votes:
Labour (1 vote)
Alex McIntyre
Labour (33 votes)
Alex Ballinger Allison Gardner Ben Coleman Bill Esterson Calvin Bailey Chris Bryant Chris Elmore Christian Wakeford Danny Beales Emma Hardy Fleur Anderson Gen Kitchen Georgia Gould Janet Daby Jeff Smith Joe Powell Lilian Greenwood Linsey Farnsworth Louise Jones Miatta Fahnbulleh Nicholas Dakin Peter Dowd Peter Lamb Rachel Blake Rupa Huq Rushanara Ali Samantha Dixon Sarah Jones Scott Arthur Simon Opher Stella Creasy Torcuil Crichton Will Stone
Conservative (6 votes)
Alex Burghart Christopher Chope David Simmonds Gagan Mohindra Matt Vickers Rebecca Paul
Democratic Unionist Party (5 votes)
Carla Lockhart Gavin Robinson Gregory Campbell Jim Shannon Sammy Wilson
Reform UK (1 vote)
Richard Tice
Independent (1 vote)
Alex Easton
Ulster Unionist Party (1 vote)
Robin Swann
Traditional Unionist Voice (1 vote)
Jim Allister
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journaldenimportequi · 7 months ago
Lundi 8 juillet 2024
Comment lui dire adieu
Ce n'est pas la grande forme. Je veux dire, mentalement, parce que physiquement, je vais pas trop mal, enfin, je grossis, les gens pensent que je ne fais rien de mes journées mais c'est faux : je grossis.
Mais je déprime pas mal, épisodiquement. Là ça m'a encore repris hier, dans la nuit, envie de crever. J'ai réfléchi et j'ai pensé qu'il fallait que j'aille manger, alors je suis allé manger du Saint Nectaire avec du saucisson, ça m'a remonté le moral, la bouffe, ça fait du bien.
Je souffre un peu, oh, c'est rien par rapport aux gens qui ont de vrais raisons de souffrir (malades et handicapés, je les surnomme les infortunés lorsque je les croise, et je que me réjouis d'être bien portant). Mais voilà, c'est la misère affective qui provoque mon désarroi. Quand est-ce que je vais arriver à être heureux tout seul ?
J'essaye de rencontrer des filles, ça me coûte même pas mal de pognon, sur Tinder... je match avec des filles et puis on discute, quand elles daignent me répondre mais ça ne va jamais plus loin. Mais enfin, de quoi je me plains, après tout cela ne fait que 10 mois que je suis célibataire ! Whatever...
Je me suis forcé à écrire ce soir, j'ai eu raison, parce qu'au fur et à mesure où s'écrivent ces lignent ma peine s'envole, le pouvoir de l'écriture...
Il faut que je vous dise, le mois dernier, il est arrivé un malheur, malheur prévisible hélas, mais voilà, Françoise Hardy est morte.
Et, un peu sur un coup de tête, j'ai décidé de me rendre à ses obsèques.
Alors me voilà une semaine plus tard à Paris, où j'ai loué un Airbnb, et je suis allé au Père Lachaise (que je commence à connaître, parce que ce n'est pas la première fois que je m'y rendais).
Que dire de l'événement... au début, j'ai trouvé que c'était un peu un cirque digne de Cannes en période de festival, tous ces gens qui commentaient l'arrivé des people... il en est arrivé un paquet, de Nicolas Sarkozy (avec la fidèle Carla) à Mathieu Chedid, en passant par Etienne Daho qui est passé à côté de moi, arrivant par le côté du public, reconnaissable malgré son bonnet et ses lunettes noires, et puis la première dame, Brigitte Macron, et puis bien sûr Thomas et Jacques Dutronc, qui ont été applaudis.
Et puis le cerceuil est apparu et en l'apercevant ma gorge s'est serrée, je l'avoue.
Ensuite retentit une musique : Et Si Je M'en Vais Avant Toi, j'ai trouvé ça très beau.
J'avais acheté une fleur, une rose blanche, et je me trouvais un peu bête parce que je ne savais pas où la déposer, de plus, bizarrement, quasiment personne n'est venu avec des fleurs... J'ai fini par la déposer quelque par à côté d'une photo de Françoise et de quelques fleurs qui avaient été accrochées là.
Je ne me suis pas éternisé. J'ai dû rester une heure et demi. Et puis je suis reparti, après la cérémonie. Je n'ai pris aucune photo, je pensait bêtement que ce serait indécent en telles circonstances mais j'avais probablement tort puisque la plupart des gens prenaient des clichés à tout va.
Quelques temps plus tard après ma sortie, j'étais sur un banc non loin de l'entrée du Père Lachaise, lorsqu'on m'a abordé. Il s'agissait de Benoît, une homme que je connais via les réseaux sociaux (et particulièrement par le forum « Sugar Montain »). Cela fait trois fois en un an que je me fait accoster comme ça par une connaissance des réseaux. C'est plutôt agréable, parce que ça me fait socialiser. Benoît était accompagné d'un jeune ami à lui et ça m'a permis de faire aussi sa connaissance. Depuis, nous nous suivons mutuellement sur Instagram.
J'avais parlé de Berlin, ici, il y a quelques temps. Ce projet est tombé à l'eau, comme souvent, en fait. Avec mes amies on fait des plans excitants et au final ils ne se réalisent pas, c'est une habitude. Mais je garde cette envie de voyage. J'ai réfléchi et il me semble qu'en économisant seulement quelques mois (c'est à dire en cessant de dépenser des centaines d'euros en bouquins chaque putain de mois) je pourrais facilement me payer un autre séjour à New York. Ca me trotte dans la tête depuis un moment. J'ai rêvé de New York pendant toute ma vie, et puis j'y suis allé, et depuis, je ne rêve que d'y retourner. Ce projet se concrétisera t il ? Ou sera t il empêché par ma tendance maladive à procrastiner ? J'aurai voulu y aller avec mon frère, histoire qu'il s'occupe de régler toutes les choses pratiques que j'ai la flemme de prendre en main, mais selon lui, il ne peut plus se rendre aux USA pendant plusieurs années parce qu'il a fait un voyage à Cuba. Cette idée me semble surprenante mais c'est en tout cas ce qu'il prétend. Et si j'y allais seul ? Justine, ça ne l'intéresse pas. Mais peut être que Canel serait encore enthousiasmé par cette idée, alors je pourrais y aller avec elle...
On verra, mais en tout cas si ça se fait ce sera en 2025.
Je me suis rendu qu'on d'une chose, récemment : je suis un artiste sans œuvre, et ça, c'est une vraie tragédie.
Dans 3 jours je me rendrai à nouveau à Lyon pour le concert de Cat Power, donc je vous parlais dans la dernière note, vous savez, celui où je suis censé rentrer gratuitement sur invitation en échange d'un papier. Ca me remontera peut être le moral.
Allez, je vous laisse, j'ai écris deux pages, c'est déjà pas mal, non ?
Bande son : The River, Bruce Springsteen
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kivaember · 10 months ago
o/! Was thinking on your Coral post and was wondering: Would the Coral mutate on new planets or would it 'stay the same'? Like if it appeared on a planet with hotter biomes, could it eventually mutate to not burn so easily/faster fire recovery? Would it have to give 'something else' up to adapt this way or would it be strength to strength? (It also sounds like it'd eventually reach a situation where you could achieve Coral Release on other planets/through eventually combining the Coral from several planets...would that be possible?)
Also, also, any thoughts on what might happen if Coral was to arrive on Earth...?
Thank you for the question! The short answer is yes, Coral would be strength to strength when it comes to its adaptability.
After several hundred years, the Coral colonies on each planet would be different to each other depending on the adaptations it needed to do, and how it settled into that ecosystem (if there is one, provided its not some mining habitat bolted onto the surface of a barren moon). This is where the Coral finds humans to be the perfect host for it, bc it would allow these different colonies to, ah, cross-pollinate?
So an example: a Tau Ceti Coral colony would be different to a Rubicon Coral colony, and both would have adaptations that neither have. A group of humans move from Tau Ceti to Rubicon, and this introduces the Tau Ceti Coral to Rubicon Coral - on a very tiny scale, but upscale that with frequent traffic coming to and from, as well as intermingling from humans from different planets breeding with each other and- well, you get the idea.
Humans are the perfect hosts for Coral because they're gripped with wanderlust and different groups frequently mingle. It lets the Coral be in a constant state of evolution and change, and seeds them further across the galaxy.
As for Coral Release... I believe that in its natural, stable state like in above, Coral Release would never happen. From the looks of it a lot of Coral needs to be densely packed in a highly pressurised and small environment, and be triggered by... something... whereas if its just naturally chilling in the environment, doing its own thing, it's "inert". Coral would be universally abundant after several hundred years, yes, but very specific conditions would need to be set to cause a Coral Release, and by that point Coral itself might've evolved to the point where it could consciously prevent Coral Release, because it would be detrimental to them as a whole - and lose them their perfect symbiotic hosts.
NOW ONTO EARTH... if Coral was to arrive on Earth and given a chance to seed into the planet, it'd actually be better for Earth in the long run. Coral would stabilise the climate and with a bit of help from human and terraforming technologies, actually encourage hardy plants to start growing in the wastelands, etc. It'd be very slow-going, but overall the effects would be positive.
Earth humans as well would find their lifespans increasing, lmao. I mentioned before, but the average lifespan of an unaugmented but "pure-blood" Rubiconian (their lineage traced back to the original colonists) is around 120 years old, whereas on Earth, the life expectancy is crazy varied depending on your citizenship status.
A worker? You're lucky to see 45. A bronze citizen? Average lifespan is about 70. Silver and gold? About 90. Platinum? Now you're reaching Rubiconian averages, and that's if they have deep enough pockets to pay for longetivty treatments, rather than it being natural. The problem is that living on Earth as it is is actively detrimental to any living being. It's highly irradiated, the air is unclean (even with all the air filtration systems they've installed in their cities), and when it rains there's all kinds of stuff in the water despite their best attempts to clean up the atmosphere.
Carla's a good example of Rubiconian longevity. She's unaugmented, but she's pushing around 95 by APV time, which is old by Rubicon standards, but not elderly. Walter, meanwhile, is also unaugmented, and is Rubicon's version of "middle aged" in his late 60s. However, he feels a lot older - older than Carla, in fact! - because he grew up in the Ganymede slums which was actively detrimental for his health. The average worker life expectancy on Ganymede is, again, around 45, bc of all the toxic fumes and low food/water quality combined with the stressful and long work hours. It definitely made a massive dent on Walter's lifespan, and it would've been a lot worse for him if he hadn't been Rubiconian. Definitely would've had some form of COPD or the like otherwise.
Flatwell, meanwhile, is an augmented Rubiconian, so his lifespan is ridiculous. While the rough living on Rubicon has certainly taken its toll on his body, he's "only" 70 and so people assume him to be much younger than he actually is. No one actually knows how long an augmented Rubiconian can live for, bc they actually haven't reached the end of their natural lifespans yet. It's something Flatwell tries not to think about too much because he finds it a bit unnerving to think that he may potentially outlive Ziyi from her dying of old age while he's still alive, lmao.
(Rusty was also very shocked to discover how "short-lived" Earth humans were when he infiltrated Arquebus. Was literally baffled when he learned that 60 is considered super old on Earth when that's just middle age for a Rubiconian, even a Rubiconian on post-Fires Rubicon.)
Uh, wow I went off topic a little but YEAH. Coral. It's nuts.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years ago
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Broken Mirrors will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on August 15 via Cult Epics. The 1984 serial killer thriller is known as Gebroken spiegels in its native Dutch.
Marleen Gorris (Antonia's Line) writes and directs. Lineke Rijxman, Henriëtte Tol, Edda Barends, Coby Stunnenberg, Carla Hardy, and Marijke Veugelers star.
Broken Mirrors has been newly restored in 4K from the original 35mm negative. It includes reversible artwork. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by film scholar Peter Verstraten
1984 interview with sex worker Margo St. James
Promotional gallery
Situated in an Amsterdam brothel, two whores rebel against their lot in life. Meanwhile one of their customers, a serial killer, kidnaps a housewife.
Pre-order Broken Mirrors.
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redcreekfm · 28 days ago
Mw 45+ fcs?
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          𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐄𝐄 taís araújo, lee pace, park heesoon, diego luna, rachel weisz, colman domingo, zoe saldana, anthony mackie, daniel craig, milo ventimiglia, penelope cruz, maggie q, halle berry, mahershala ali, pedro pascal, winona ryder, laz alonso, jessica chastain, tom hardy, laverna cox, carla gugino & cillian murphy !
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survivorsfm · 1 year ago
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*       ANONYMOUS   ASKED       :       can you give me some faces that your members want to see ?
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hi, lovely anon ! we asked our members and these are some of the faces they'd love to have around here: laura harrier, brianne tju, simone ashley, anna diop, annabelle wallis, natalia dyer, mason gooding, diego luna, henry golding, george mackay, michiel huisman, oliva scott welch, taylor russell, diego luna, yahya abdul mateen ii, jessica henwick, dianna agron, brittany o'grady, oscar isaac, milly alcock, aurora perrineau, jaz sinclair, carla gugino, christian serratos, drew starkey, willa fitzgerald, halle berry, archie renaux, josh segarra, mackenyu, go minsi, woo do hwan, jessica chastain, ritu arya, lakeith stanfield, morena baccarin, rachel weisz, kate siegel, seychelle gabriel, linda cardellini, tom hardy, joseph quinn, jack quaid, tomer capone, karl urban, karen fukushima. also, in case you need even more ideas, here is the link to our mw sideblog !
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improvemyhome24 · 2 years ago
Carla’s Garden Tour - FineGardening
Today’s photos are from Carla Z. Mudry in Malvern, Pennsylvania. I was part of my very first garden tour on June 24, The Hardy Plant Society Mid Atlantic Member Garden Tour. Even when it was raining, they came. And they liked my garden! And they loved all of the birds we share the garden and woods with. During the early part of the tour we also had a doe drop off a fawn in the woods, but the fawn…
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voluptuarian · 2 years ago
Idk why but I have this weird thing where I'm constantly trying to cast modern actors as other, past actors. Like I need a reason for Mia Goth to play Shelley Duvall. I think Robert Pattinson would make an interesting Buster Keaton. I am also forever full of sadness and regret that Carla Gugino never played Rita Hayworth. Recently I was like "hmmm could George Clooney play Boris Karloff?" (still not sure about the acting part but as far as physical resemblance goes I think it'd be interesting) I am constantly dying for someone to make a show about the 60s/70s horror industry because I imagine Krysten Ritter would make a fabulous Barbara Steele (look at her and tell me I'm wrong) and in my dreams somebody lets Tom Hardy totally off the leash and casts him as Vincent Price.
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lclthlcved · 1 year ago
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Blinking once, and then twice in complete silence Barrae processed what it was the other was saying. Just a fin for food? That wasn't even a hardy meal and it only further confused her. The surface dwellers always were so inefficient with their hunts and never took the right trophies either. Another reason she despised them so. Shaking her head with an annoyed huff at the apology.
Taking one heavy step forward she'd all but shout at the other, confidence radiating from her. " Do not apologize for threatening me. You are in every right to do so if you thought I was a threat. If you are different from the Faeries here then do not allow their soft, pathetic, sorrows taint your strength. You have nothing to be sorry for as you were readying yourself justly for a fight. Only the weak feel a need to feel sorry for hurt feelings. The fact you are sorry is more insulting than anything you've said to me. "
Always it was with soft surface dwellers showing this pity at a hair trigger. It disgusted her. Carla appeared to be strong, at the very least unique in their appearance and Barrae would have hoped they'd be different from the others. Sneering at the term Dark Elf she'd spit on the ground, not at Carla but surely a clear sign of disgust.
" Drow. " Barrae would correct her. " I assure you I am nothing like the Faeries, or elves, as you call them. My people will not be categorized as another, lesser, breed of elf when we wish nothing to do with their kind. "
"Yes. I am indeed a shark, a sharkin to be more precise. and as for the FIN..many people use them for meals. it is something that I find quite disturbing if I have to be honest with you. and some people do not really want to go to the lakes and just rip a fin off of another animal they want the more sentient ones. which is disgusting but there is not much I can do truth be told. But knowing that you also look like someone who has quite the hard time around here. I assume a apology is in order. I am sorry for threatening you already. "
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The Shark-woman would smile slightly as she slowly started to walk her way over to Barrae , there was a large shark tail that followed behind the woman. quickly she would stab her dagger into the ground before offering a clawed hand to the other
"My name is Carla Vistian . I am a Sharkin.. that is what I am not just a sharkin. you know.. shark person... sentient more sentient then some of those brainless fuckers out there. I can at least use a weapon. and I have disposable thumbs.. but... mm I am not to familiar with the races around this part. what are you? a dark elf of sorts... I mean I want to know but I do not know the proper term"
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cutelanguagestuff · 4 years ago
French music recs
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Françoise Hardy - Suzanne
Françoise Hardy - Fleur de lune
France Gall - Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Brigitte bardot - Moi je joue
Jane Birkin - Jane B
Marie Laforêt - Saint-Tropez blues
Carla Bruni - Quelqu’un m’a dit
Vanessa Paradis - Il y a
Niagra - Pendant que les champs brûlent
Clio - T’as vu
Clio - Haussmann à l’envers
Requin Chagrin - Sémaphore
SOKO - Diabolo menthe
Juniore - Je fais le mort
Patrick Watson - Je te laisserai des mots
La Femme - Où va le monde ?
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