#Caregiver Mach
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CG Mach x Little Pilby ideas/headcanons?
I think mach would be a good mama to pilby, but also be a bit more stern with them when needed.
đȘ» CG! Mach & Little! Pilby hcs đ
â đȘ»; Mach barely discovered what age regression is, however, she tries to inform herself to help Pilby in whatever they needs.
â đ·; Pilby calls Mach as "Momma" or "Miss M.", sometimes they also calls her "Miss Purple" (this because of her outfit)
â đȘ»; She usually calls Pilby like: "little one", "apple bloom", "honeybun"...
â đ·; Mach makes sure that her little caterpillar carries their blanket, she knows that its their comfort object...
â đȘ»; Pilby lives with Mach, has their own room, although sometimes they likes to sleep in her room.
â đ·; Oh! They also knows that when their playtime is over, they should pick up their toys.
â đȘ»; She notices certain behavioral changes when Pilby wants to be Little.
â đ·; She taught Pilby to make signs to indicate when they wants to be Little or needs help.
â đȘ»; Mach has drawings of Pilby in her office, some hanging, others kept in a drawer, she keeps them safe.
â đ·; Wherever they go, she always takes them by the hand, and in some cases carries them.
â đȘ»; Although she is not expressive with words, her actions speak more for her. Whether with a kiss on the forehead, pats, hugs or even picking them up.
â đ·; However, she is very loyal to the rules, if she knows that her caterpillar misbehaved, she gives him a time out.
At the end of the time out, she sits down with Pilby and they talk to find out what happened.
â đȘ»; Mach always makes sure her little one is well fed and rested!
â đ·; Sometimes when she is very busy, she uses a babysitter to take care of Pilby (this part is free interpretation)
â đȘ»; They share activities, either at tea time, or even, Pilby takes momma by the hand to play with them.
â đ·; Mach doesn't mind working while she has Pilby sleeping on her lap.
â đȘ»; When Pilby cries or has a sensory crisis, she tries to help them, either by taking them away from the place to a safe place.
â đ·; Mach usually brushes her little caterpillar's hair.
â đȘ»; Pilby is a secret Little, so Mach knows not to force them.
I plan a oneshot of them in the future! I loved making them hcs, Don't hesitate to write to me if you need anything else (â  â ââ âżâ ââ  â )â âĄ
#regretevator agere#age regression#regressevator#sfw agere#agere fandom#agere requests#agere#Pilby agere#Little Pilby#Mach agere#Caregiver Mach#Mail-Honey-Time!
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Regressed pilby being put to bed in their crib/nursery by caregiver mach. I wanna ask for bottle feeding and pilby being a bit fussy over It just wanting to keep playing with their toys. Thank you I'm sorry if it's weird ah!
Not weird, don't worry!
"SweetheartâŠ" Mach said quietly, as Pilby was hugging their pink teddy bear. They were surrounded by pillows which helped them sit, surrounded by a lot of stuffies. They slowly turned their head towards Mach. "Time for beddie byeâŠ" Mach sat on the bed. Pilby whimpered, hugging the bear even tighter. They seemed to be very fussy about going to their crib. They shook their head, their antennas lowered. Mach sighed softly. "Pilbert, i know you want to keep playing with your toys⊠But it's bedtimeâŠ" Pilby whined quietly, and their eyes watered a bit. They were very, very fussy at the moment. Mach knew Pilby wasn't the type of someone who would throw a tantrum, but they could be very fussy. "Baby, i never wan't to harm you⊠I care for you a lot, sweetheartâŠ" Mach muttered, caressing Pilby's cheek. She wiped their tears away, as they looked at her with puppy eyes. "So, will you listen to me?" Mach asked, and Pilby nodded. "First, we need to give you milkesâŠ" Mach gently picked Pilby up, and walked towards the kitchen. She opened the fridge and took out the carton of strawberry milk. Then, she poured some of it into the tiny kettle - Pilby prefered milk to be warm. After a short time, Mach poured warm, pale-pink drink into the bottle. She took of Pilby's pink pacifier and gave them the bottle. Pilby started suckling it, closing their eyes. Mach slowly swinged them, which made them feel like they were in the cradle. She hummed a lullaby for them. She smiled softly. Pilby was such an angel⊠After Pilby finished the bottle, Mach walked towards bedroom and put them into the crib. Pilby was now very sleepy. They yawned, as Mach covered them in a blanket. "Goodnight, PilbertâŠ" Mach kissed their forehead. Pilby fell asleep before Mach closed the doorâŠ
#sfw agere#age regression#agere caregiver#little space#sfw regression#age regression caregiver#regretevator pilby#hammerhonk#regretevator#regretevator mach
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**Anleitung fĂŒr angehende Mommys, Daddys und Caregiver: So erziehst du dein Baby zu einem glĂŒcklichen WindeltrĂ€ger**
Du willst, dass dein Baby nicht nur Windeln trĂ€gt, sondern sie auch mit Freude akzeptiert und liebt? Dann schnapp dir jetzt einen Kaffee, setz dich hin, und lies aufmerksam, wie du das in den Alltag integrieren kannst. Denn es geht hier nicht nur um Windeln â es geht um Erziehung, Kontrolle und ganz viel Liebe.
1. **Der Morgen beginnt mit der Windel**
Stell dir vor, dein Baby wacht auf, reibt sich die Ăuglein und du kommst direkt ans Bettchen. Bevor es ĂŒberhaupt aufsteht, ziehst du ihm eine frische Windel an. Dabei sagst du ihm, wie wichtig es ist, immer eine saubere Windel zu tragen, damit es sich den ganzen Tag wohlfĂŒhlt. âSchau mal, wie weich und bequem die ist, genau das braucht mein kleines Baby fĂŒr einen guten Start in den Tag!â
Lass keinen Zweifel daran, dass der Tag nur richtig beginnen kann, wenn die Windel perfekt sitzt.
2. **Der Windelwechsel als liebevolles Ritual**
WĂ€hrend des Tages, nach dem FrĂŒhstĂŒck oder vielleicht nach dem MittagsschlĂ€fchen, nimmst du dir ganz bewusst Zeit fĂŒr den Windelwechsel. Mach daraus ein Ritual: Lege die Wickelunterlage hin, bereite alles vor, wĂ€hrend du mit deinem Baby sprichst. âJetzt machen wir dich wieder frisch und sauber, damit du dich rundum wohlfĂŒhlst. Du wirst sehen, wie gut dir das tut!â
Vielleicht summst du dabei ein kleines Lied oder erzĂ€hlst eine Geschichte darĂŒber, wie wichtig es ist, dass dein Baby immer eine saubere Windel trĂ€gt. So verbindet es das Wickeln mit Geborgenheit und NĂ€he.
3. **Windeln als Teil des Spielens**
Nachmittags, wenn es Spielzeit ist, sorgst du dafĂŒr, dass Windeln ein Teil der AktivitĂ€ten werden. Ihr spielt gemeinsam mit Stofftieren, und alle haben Windeln an â genauso wie dein Baby. ErklĂ€re, dass die kleinen PlĂŒschfreunde auch Windeln tragen mĂŒssen, weil sie dann glĂŒcklich und entspannt sind. âSiehst du, wie fröhlich Teddy und Hase sind? Das liegt daran, dass sie sich in ihren Windeln so wohlfĂŒhlen!â
Mach es normal und selbstverstĂ€ndlich, dass Windeln Teil jedes Spiels sind, so wird es fĂŒr dein Baby zur alltĂ€glichen Gewohnheit.
4. **Belohnungen fĂŒr braves Windeltragen**
Wenn du abends siehst, dass dein Baby den ganzen Tag ĂŒber brav seine Windeln getragen hat, gibt es natĂŒrlich eine Belohnung. Das kann ein extra langer Kuschelmoment sein, eine besondere Gute-Nacht-Geschichte oder ein Lieblingsspielzeug, das nur herausgeholt wird, wenn es die Windel ordentlich getragen hat. âDu warst heute so ein braves Baby in deinen Windeln, da bekommst du jetzt eine extra lange Gute-Nacht-Geschichte!â
Dein Baby wird schnell merken, dass das Tragen der Windeln zu positiven, liebevollen Erfahrungen fĂŒhrt.
5. **Trost und Geborgenheit bei Unsicherheit**
Es gibt Tage, da ist dein Baby vielleicht unruhig oder traurig. Dann ist es wichtig, dass du ihm zeigst, wie seine Windel ihm Trost spenden kann. Halte es im Arm, wiege es sanft und sage: âKeine Sorge, dein Windelchen hĂ€lt dich warm und sicher, du bist geschĂŒtzt, solange du sie trĂ€gst.â Lass es die Weichheit und Sicherheit der Windel spĂŒren, wĂ€hrend du es beruhigst.
Mit der Zeit wird dein Baby verstehen, dass es in seiner Windel immer Trost und Sicherheit finden kann.
6. **AlltÀgliche Kontrolle und Bestimmtheit**
WĂ€hrend ihr einkaufen geht, spazieren oder Freunde besucht, gibst du deinem Baby das GefĂŒhl, dass es nichts Wichtigeres gibt, als dass die Windel immer gut sitzt. Wenn ihr unterwegs seid, fragst du beilĂ€ufig: âFĂŒhlt sich dein Windelchen noch gut an? Ich sorge dafĂŒr, dass du dich den ganzen Tag wohlfĂŒhlst.â Lass es zur Routine werden, dass du immer wieder nach der Windel schaust und klar machst, dass es dein Job ist, sich darum zu kĂŒmmern.
So lernt dein Baby, dass du jederzeit die Kontrolle hast und es sich in seiner Windel immer auf dich verlassen kann.
7. **Strenge, aber liebevolle Reaktionen bei Widerstand**
Sollte es jemals vorkommen, dass dein Baby versucht, ohne Windel auszukommen, bleibst du streng, aber liebevoll. Setze dich mit ihm hin, erklĂ€re ruhig, aber bestimmt: âEs ist wichtig, dass du deine Windel trĂ€gst. Ohne Windel bist du nicht vollstĂ€ndig, und Mommy/Daddy möchte, dass du dich immer sicher und geborgen fĂŒhlst.â Danach ziehst du ihm die Windel wieder an, ohne Diskussion, und zeigst klar, dass es keine Alternative gibt.
Durch diese klare FĂŒhrung versteht dein Baby, dass die Windel nicht verhandelbar ist und dass sie ein Ausdruck deiner FĂŒrsorge ist.
Mit diesen alltĂ€glichen Anwendungen wird dein Baby die Windel nicht nur akzeptieren, sondern sie als festen und liebevollen Bestandteil seines Lebens schĂ€tzen lernen. Du formst nicht nur sein Verhalten, sondern gibst ihm auch die emotionale Sicherheit, die es braucht, um in seiner Rolle als WindeltrĂ€ger wirklich glĂŒcklich zu sein.
Guide for New Mommies, Daddies, and Caregivers: How to Raise Your Little One to Be a Happy Diaper WearerYou want your little one to not only wear diapers but also to joyfully accept and love them? Then grab a coffee, sit down, and read carefully about how you can integrate this into daily life. Because itâs not just about diapers â itâs about upbringing, control, and lots of love.
1. The Morning Begins with a Diaper
Imagine your little one waking up, rubbing their sleepy eyes, and you come straight to the bed. Before they even get up, you put a fresh diaper on them. While doing so, you tell them how important it is to always wear a clean diaper so they can feel comfortable all day. âLook how soft and comfy this is, exactly what my little one needs for a good start to the day!âDonât leave any room for doubtâthe day can only begin properly when the diaper is perfectly in place.
2. Diaper Changes as a Loving Ritual
During the day, maybe after breakfast or a midday nap, you take the time for a diaper change. Make it a ritual: Lay out the changing pad, prepare everything while talking to your little one. âNow weâre going to make you fresh and clean again, so youâll feel good all over. Youâll see how much better youâll feel!âPerhaps you hum a little song or tell a story about how important it is for your little one to always wear a clean diaper. This way, they associate changing with comfort and closeness.
3. Diapers as Part of Playtime
In the afternoon, when itâs playtime, make sure diapers are part of the activities. You play together with stuffed animals, and everyone is wearing diapersâjust like your little one. Explain that the little plush friends also need to wear diapers because thatâs what makes them happy and relaxed. âSee how cheerful Teddy and Bunny are? Itâs because they feel so comfortable in their diapers!âMake it normal and natural for diapers to be part of every game, so it becomes a regular habit for your little one.
4. Rewards for Good Diaper Wearing
In the evening, if you see that your little one has worn their diapers nicely all day, thereâs, of course, a reward. This could be an extra-long cuddle time, a special bedtime story, or a favorite toy that only comes out when the diaper has been worn properly. âYouâve been such a good little one in your diapers today, now you get an extra-long bedtime story!âYour little one will quickly realize that wearing diapers leads to positive, loving experiences.
5. Comfort and Reassurance During Uncertainty
There are days when your little one might feel restless or sad. Then itâs important to show them how their diaper can provide comfort. Hold them in your arms, rock them gently, and say, âDonât worry, your diaper keeps you warm and safe, youâre protected as long as you wear it.â Let them feel the softness and security of the diaper while you soothe them.Over time, your little one will understand that they can always find comfort and safety in their diaper.
6. Everyday Control and Determination
While youâre shopping, walking in the park, or visiting friends, you give your little one the feeling that nothing is more important than having the diaper always in good shape. When youâre out, you casually ask: âDoes your diaper still feel good? Iâm making sure you feel comfortable all day.â Make it a routine to regularly check on the diaper, and be clear that itâs your job to take care of it.This way, your little one learns that you always have control and that they can always rely on their diaper to keep them safe.
7. Firm but Loving Responses to Resistance
If thereâs ever a time when your little one tries to avoid wearing a diaper, you stay firm but loving. Sit down with them, explain calmly but firmly: âItâs important that you wear your diaper. Without it, youâre not complete, and Mommy/Daddy wants you to always feel safe and secure.â Then you put the diaper back on them, without discussion, and make it clear that thereâs no alternative.Through this clear guidance, your little one will understand that the diaper is non-negotiable and that itâs an expression of your care.With these everyday practices, your little one will not only accept the diaper but also appreciate it as a loving and essential part of their life. Youâre not just shaping their behavior, but also providing the emotional security they need to truly be happy in their role as a diaper wearer.
#ab dl lifestyle#age regression#domme mommy#ab/dl community#ab/dl diaper#ab/dl lifestyle#mommy k!nk#ab/dl little#ab/dl stories#ab/dl story time#abdlgirl#abdldaddy#abdlgermany#abdlmommy#abdlboy
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Suche einen lieben CG/Daddy :)
Hii also ich weiĂ eigentlich gar nicht was ich genau schreiben soll... Aber versuche es einfach
Ich bin Pia, bin 19 und suche einen Caregiver/Daddy.. aber wir können auch erstmal einfach nur schreiben miteinander und bin ein Little aber hab noch keine wirkliche Erfahrung, wĂ€r auch schön wenn mir jemand noch viel erklĂ€rt drĂŒber :)
Ich erzÀhl einfach mal bisschen was von mir
Hobbys von mir: hmm ich liebe Pokemon aber wenn du dich mit Pokemon nicht auskennst ist das ok xd zocken generell ist cool und ich gehe gerne spazieren!! Hab auch viele PlĂŒschtiere und Pokemon Sachen! Ansonsten hab ich leider kaum richtige dinge die ich mache...
Leider hab ich auch paar Psychische Probleme und hab kaum Freunde, deswegen ist es generell toll einfach auch jemanden zum schreiben zu haben
Kontaktieren kann man mich jederzeit ĂŒber Discord, heiĂe dort: pik4chw
Einfach Freundschaftsanfrage schicken :) wÀre cool wenn das hier jemand liest und sich meldet
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REGRETAVOR: my Pilby and Mach headcanons!
thought of an age regression plus disabilities headcanons for those two.
more info under the cut!
Age regression headcanons:
Pilby is little and Mach is their caregiver (gf/partner). But if Mach is busy, Split can be their caregiver or babysit them for now. Their pacifier looks like:
Disability headcanons:
Both Pilby and Mach are disabled! (Pilby is an wheelchair user and Mach is deaf)
(let me know in the comments or reblog if there's any mistake I make)
Credits: animated divider, bow divider, SFW interaction only divider
#đ§Œ âą little rillie talks! à«źââ
âá#regretevator#regretavator pilby#regretavator mach#Pilby#Mach#regretavator split#split#pilby x mach#mach x pilby#sfw agere#sfw age regression#age regression#agere#agere blog
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avalil au where lilith is the grim reaper and she keeps trying to go get ava to drag her down to death and every time ava is like hang on let's play a game and if I win you let me have a little longer and lilith's like. fuck it, I'm my own boss I guess I can let this happen. and she just keeps losing to ava and every time ava asks for just a little longer lilith just lets it happen because she's very whipped (if you ask her she is honoring the letter of their agreement). until one day ava's more morose than usual (she got murdered by her caregiver. she's not super into this whole "living" thing as much right now.) and lilith is like. hey let's play checkers and ava's like girl if it's my time to die then I don't rly have a lot worth living for so I'd by alright with dying right now actually. and lilith has this moment where she's bodyslammed with the realization that she's not okay with ava dying so she lets ava go again and ava goes back to life (as graceful as ever, which is to say her consciousness slams back into her body at mach 3). then there's like a stretch of years and years and years where lilith doesn't see ava at all and she's like ??? and then it's been 50-60 years and then lilith finds ava again except this time ava loses their little game (it was ava's turn to choose. she is deliberately bad at chess) and lilith is like. I'm sorry I have to take you to the great beyond. and ava's just like, it's not scary with you next to me.
#this is incomprehensible but do you see my vision#do you see it#it's avalil to me#avalil#take a shot every time I say like if you wanna get alcohol poisoning
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â Regressor Doppio Dropscythe Headcanons â
Here are some of my personal hc's when it comes to him being an age regressor! Thought of these as I was working on his moodboard and just thinking of them makes me happy ( âžâžÂŽêł`âžâž)
(Note: While these are headcanons I have for him as a regressor, that does not mean I don't/can't see him as a caregiver! Lots if not all characters tbh I don't ever really think too strictly as an "age regressor" or as a "caregiver" only. I tend to just think of them as well... them, and depending on if I'm thinking of them from the lens of being an age regressor, caregiver, or flip I adjust accordingly. Like for example, while I have done multiple things with Doppio as a regressor, the first time I thought of him in terms of agere related things was actually as a cg in a personal secret fic idea (which I loved and still love and need to write but I'm so rusty orz).
Anyways, onto the headcanons!
- Personally I would say that 95% of the time when Doppio regresses he's in the little kid range of 4-6! (though more often then not he's in the upper ages of 5-6)
- Energetic. So energetic. Way too energetic depending on who you ask. Doppio is always moving around when he's regressed. Whether it be simply tapping his hands on a table or running mach speed through a playground, something is always in motion.
- This is probably why one of Doppios favorite activities to do when regressed is to go out to parks and other high energy places like arcades, trampoline parks, etc. Places where he can be free to be active and have fun (and burn off some energy in the process)! I like to think that playgrounds (whether indoor or outdoor) even become a bit of a subtle positive trigger for his headspace.
- Has a very active imagination when regressed. Shouldn't be a surprise with how active his brain and imagination is when big as well. Playing pretend, acting, telling stories are all along Doppio's alley.
- He also enjoys drawing, but definitely prefers doing more "arts and crafts" type of art! Especially if it includes glue :D
- He has two specific plush toys that he especially loves when regressed and are his best friends. A black wolf plush and a small chick plush. Definitely comfort items that work on both big and regressed Doppio and are for SURE helpful to have when caring for him.
- Earlier I said 95% of the time he regresses between 4-6, and that's cause 5% of the time, usually if only ever when he feels really sick, exhausted, and/or due to really negative emotions, he instead slips way younger, usually to baby age of <1 to maybe 1 and a 1/2 maximum.
- While not always, due to the usual circumstances in which he tends to slip this young its more often then not involuntary, and sometimes acts more along the lines of vent/upset regression. Expect lots of tears, whimpers, clinginess, fussiness, and maybe even a couple flailing fits.
- Other than that, the activities of baby Doppio aren't usually much more than sleep, sleep, and more sleep. Not a lot of movement, nor lots of noise or activity. Just a very tired 'eepy baby.
- His really young headspace is very rare to come by for others, even within his close circle. Not only from circumstance but also because Doppio feels a little more embarrassed with it compared to his usual regression due to how "out of character" it is for him. In his words as he puts it, being "super lame and uncool".
- Despite his worries, his friends never mind. Xsoleil especially, no matter if he is regressed or not, will always be happy to take care of one of their own <3
#side-of-hcs#cee's rambles#regressor! Doppio Dropscythe#nijisanji agere#vtuber agere#fandom agere#sfw agere#agere#agere fandom#age regression#agere headcanons#age regression headcanons#regressor headcanons#me when i only remember the third time posting vtuber agere to use the tag vtuber agere ahaha... orz im sorry
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Daddy DL/Caregiver im GroĂraum Stuttgart sucht Little Girl
Ich bin 38 Jahre alt und ein sensibler feinfĂŒhliger Mann mit viel Herz und Ruhe und einer auch durchaus weiblichen Seite. Oder wie eine Freundin ĂŒber mich sagte: Sehr harmoniebedĂŒrftig und ein lieber KuschelbĂ€r.
Als Besitzer einer kleinen Firma in Stuttgart bin ich trotz allem von Natur aus ein Alpha und wo nötig auch Dominant und durchsetztungsstark. Ich stehe mit beiden Beinen fest im Leben, bewohne eine 75 qm Wohnung in einem der schönsten Vororte von Stuttgart fĂŒr mich alleine. Es liegt mir im Blut sich um andere gut zu kĂŒmmern und viel zu geben.
Ich habe erfahrung mit einer ADBL Beziehung die fast 11 Jahre! gehalten hat... leider ist sie kurz vor Corona wegen verschiedenen UmstÀnden zerbrochen. Ich schreibe hier definitiv nicht zum Spaà oder um "mal zu gucken" sondern meine es ernst und suche auch etwas ernstes.
Windeln mag ich gerne an meinem GegenĂŒber sehen, ich mag das Knistern und den Geruch des Kunststoffs sowie den Geruch der Creme und des Puders... Ich möchte gerne Liebe und Geborgenheit geben und freue mich wenn ich das von meinem Little Girl zurĂŒck bekomme. Gerne möchte ich mit dir auf der Couch kuscheln und spielen und mich um dich kĂŒmmern und vielleicht deine lieblings-Kindersendung ansehen. Als Daddy weiĂ ich natĂŒrlich wenn es Zeit fĂŒrs Bett ist oder fĂŒr einen Windelwechsel aber ich kĂŒmmere mich auch um dein Leibliches wohl. Ich bin ein guter Koch und verwöhne dich auch mit leckeren Speisen. Ich spiele Gitarre und kann dir auch dein Lieblingslied spielen. Egal was die Welt da drauĂen macht, bei mir kannst du dich fallen lassen.
Ich selbst trage auch gerne mal eine Windel, da ich das GefĂŒhl "eingepackt zu sein" gerne mag. Little bin ich selbst aber nicht, schon der klassische Daddy.Â
Statur ist Daddy-like... Bart mit leichtem Daddy-Bauch, habe aber noch volles Haar (blond, lÀnger) und ein paar Tattoos. 175 cm und ca. 86 kg. Bilder kann ich bei ernsthaftem Interesse gerne senden.
Du weiĂt nicht wie du mich anschreiben sollst?! Ein einfaches "hey hallo..." reicht, den Rest mache ich :-)Â
Kik: WindelDaddy85 Telegram: Chaoscommander85
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LGBTPHOBIC, racist, sexist, fatphobic, ableist, pedo/MAP, zoophile, anti-furry, anti-neopronouns/xenogenders, proshippers, Israel supporters, ask box donations, anti-agere (age regression), entirely NSFW account w/o SFW side account (kđ§Œnk, gore art, etc), mean user
Before you follow:
I'm sensitive, easily overwhelmed, introverted, socially awkward (sorta), might be whiny, demanding and clingy sometimes user who's agere user! Please be gentle, kind and patient with me! /srs /gen Please use tone tags when talking to me! (a list of tone tags) My general content is mostly SFW most of the time! But for anyone who's agere but only want completely SFW then my other account is "rils-little-blog" (Not very active there tho!) But my account (this main account) isn't exactly safe for users under 12 or maybe who are age regressors (if little space); I swear a lot (but I censor it with emojis), I might reblog/blog something suggestive or slightly NSFW (but this will be rather rare and I would put TW tags to it!), I might do candy gore art (rarely draw stuff like that!). If I did something wrong please kindly and calmly tell me in a most gentle, kind way of tone! /srs I sometimes like to use "!" At the end of my sentence! But it doesn't always mean I'm yelling or screaming at you. /gen Be at least 15-18+ user! I like childhood shows! I'm a multifandom user. I'm a furry! /srs I will block anyone I don't like even if they didn't do anything bad! (My reasons is because I find you or them uncomfortable! /Gen) Please DO NOT tag me in serious topics (ex: war, abuse, drugs, etc...) as I get easily overwhelmed and get anxious by that! Please only tag me in tag games! (especially if it's agere game) /srs /gen If you saw me in games (Roblox, Pony Town, etc) please don't RP or even say hi to me as it will make me feel uncomfortable and nervous! /srs /gen If I unfollow you it's either: I accidentally unfollow you, you did something bad, you're not very active anymore, quitted, I don't like the blogs you make anymore. Which I know the last one sound icky to some but y'all can't just control me on who I follow and unfollow sometimes. if I ever unblock you it's either because I'm giving you another chance or I forgot what you did. (Though I'll blocked you again if I got uncomfortable) I'm quite picky at some things. I'm quite honest sometimes. I might make unfunny jokes so be prepared for that! (Both are sfw and sometimes a bit suggestive and nsfw) This account is btw one of those "ask the characters and creator" blogs!
my interests: blaze and the monster machines, team umizoomi, childhood shows, regretevator, blaze x crusher (blasher/fire strike), watts x starla (wattsla/starlight), zeg x stripes (zepes/fluffy dino), crusher, blaze, split x bive, mark x wallter (wallmark), lampert x infection/kasper, pilby x lampert, poob x pest, mach x dr retro x folly, splatoon, marina, marina x pearl, frye, frye x shiver, agere game post, sanrio, kuromi, shark, mlp
likes: (when caregiver to little/agere me): attention, affection, comfort and reassurance!, getting compliment, cute stuff like plushies! :3, genuine safe stimboards video, ASMR, reblogging and commenting my blogs, getting asked if I'm okay or asking about my AU characters or maybe my OCs as well, Fluttershy, agere edits, agere (wholesome) post
dislikes: getting ignored, being mean, horror, war related post, donation related post, vent related post, rant related post, NSFW, my post flop, feeling overwhelmed, loud noise, being alone, getting angry or yelled at me, unsafe stimboard, school
please put TW on your NSFW, gore art post or I'll block you! (Much better if you have a SFW account to safely interact with!) If I interact with someone or something problematic, please tell me in my ask box instead! (With full real genuine proof of it!) I don't like Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel but normal fans and nice anti of the show/Viv can interact! please don't ask me to be moots with you! /nbr (because I'm uncomfortable with it. /Gen), I'm comfortable when we get to know each other first before fully being friends! /srs Please always credit my works! (art, animation, story, edits, etc) Though you may trace my art in PRIVATE only as I don't want to see! I will get uncomfortable if you did post your traced art of my art in public. /Gen /srs Please don't force me to reblog something I don't want to see! (ex: serious topics, reblog bait, etc...) I get overwhelmed by it. /srs /gen y'all can get inspired by my ideas and stuff but don't do it heavily (aka entirely copying it!), unless it's a trend. No NSFW fan made stuff of my OCs, persona (aka ME!) and my AU characters! No making headcanons of my OCs, persona (aka me!) and my AU characters! please don't ask me for donations, here's my reason why (in link). Please be at least active and interactive with me! /nf /lh (just saying that because I felt lonely and ignored)
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What is the Most Popular After School Activity?
Whenever the final school bell rings, parents and other caregivers ask themselves what to do with their little ones. Do the kids have any home activities for children or are they more into organized games? The choices are innumerable and it is a question that has perplexed many educators and parents alike. Sancta Maria International School, an IB curriculum school in Faridabad, offers holistic learning beyond the classroom. This article explores the most popular after-school activity and why children love it.
The Significance of After-School Activities
Ultimately, after-school activities define a childâs overall development. They allow children to explore their passions, acquire new skills, and find new friends besides those in class, among others. Furthermore, such events help kids to relax and unwind from a tiring day at school, thus lowering stress levels.
Opening Up Pathways to Creativity
Itâs crafts for kids that tops the list as one of several different favorite choices! Who would ever think that paper, glue, and scissors could produce so much joyfulness and inventiveness? Crafts for kids provide an outlet for self-expression while aiding fine motor skills and problem-solving abilities. Painting or pottery allows them to let loose their imagination and create something extraordinary.
This is art-based child development according to our international school. In this regard, there are multiple crafting activities which form part of our after-school program including DIY jewelry making through to paper-mache creations. Our trained teachers carefully supervise studentsâ exploration ensuring safety.
Getting Active with Fun Activities for Kids
Crafts rank above fun activities for kids which promote physical movements, among others, second on the popularity scale. Children can engage in soccer, dance, or martial arts during out-of-class hours, hence frequent active body movements by these young ones. These sports ensure pupilsâ good health by strengthening both their balance, coordination, and fitness levels.
According to Sancta Maria International School, physical activity is essential for the all-round growth of a child. Besides soccer, basketball, and gymnastics, we also offer other numerous activities in our after-school program. This aids in shaping their personality, building confidence, and independence as they are handled by trained instructors and coaches.
The Rise of Digital Learning
Digital learning has recently increased its popularity as an after-school activity. There are several online educational platforms where children can access educational resources from home. The benefits that come with digital learning include flexibility, convenience, and personalization among others.
Our belief is that the 21st century needs a lot of digital teaching at Sancta Maria International School, an IB curriculum school in Faridabad. Some of these materials are made available through our after-school program such as online interactive games, quizzes, tutorials, etc. Our dedicated teachers help learners navigate the digital world by providing necessary support, enabling them to acquire lifelong skills for this century.
The Verdict is a Surprising Revelation
But what is the most common after-school program? One may be surprised about it. The most prevalent childrenâs after-school choice according to a recent study is⊠(drum roll)⊠staying at home! Yes, kids love being at home doing things that make them joyful. These include different sorts of childrenâs crafts, fun activities for kids, and other alternatives.
At Sancta Maria International School, we reckon that every child has his or her talents and hobbies. Therefore, we have planned an after-school program that will work on each kid individually in terms of his or her cognitive development. Generally, the most popular after-school activity is a manifestation of the childâs personality and creativeness. Craft kits for kids, play for children, or digital study, everybody has their own interest.
For this reason, Sancta Maria International School, one of the leading IB program schools, offers broader programs apart from the usual curriculum-based learning. One such example is our after-school initiative which exposes children to various activities aimed at improving their intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional growth, and social adaptation.
So, what are you waiting for? Encourage your child to explore their interests and passions, and discover the joy of after-school activities.
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now i needa see folly regressed mach cg..
Hot take (I am wrong)
Just some sleep deprived doodles because I really love Folly already
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Little Pilby art/Hcs please? <333
đ Little Pilby Headcanons đ
â đ ; Pilby's little age is 3-5 years old.
â đȘ; Pilby has a fluffy blanket! One which they always carries with them when they is in agere.
â đ ; They is a non-verbal, usually babbles or points to ask for things.
â đȘ; A very sensitive little caterpillar. Sometimes they may just sob or even cry because they misses their mom so much.
â đ ; Enjoys eating sweet things, although they prefers apple pieces. Also enjoys drinking apple juice in their sippy
â đȘ; Likes to wrap themself in the sheets, pretending to be in a cocoon.
â đ ; Has a small collection of stuffies and porcelain clown dolls.
â đȘ; Their has coloring books and lots of crayons, also paints with their fingers.
â đ ; When finishes drawing, looks for Mach to show her their drawing.
â đȘ; Mach is their caregiver, although she is aware that Pilby is very shy about their agere, she always tries to support them and take care of them.
â đ ; Mach usually distracts the little caterpillar by telling them stories. The afternoons are story time.
â đȘ; Split for a while was their cg too.
â đ ; If they grabs something with their lower hands, they won't let go.
â đȘ; Sometimes they hides in the boxes together with Jaova.
â đ ; They has playdates with Poob and Prototype!
â đȘ; When they feels overwhelmed, hugs their own tail, usually rocks to calm down.
â đ ; Enjoys seeing the flowers, it brings back memories of when they was with their mother.
If you need anything else, don't hesitate to send a letter! (â  â ââ âżâ ââ  â )â âĄ
#regretevator agere#age regression#agere#regressevator#sfw agere#agere fandom#agere requests#swf agere#Pilby agere#Mail-Honey-Time!
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Regretevator Fanfic Requets are open đâšđ
PartyNoob is a toddler regressor and a playmate
Pest is a flip (caregiver lean) and a kitty regressor
Lampert is a caregiver
Infected is a flip (big brother caregiver and a toddler regressor)
Bive is a flip (mama caregiver lean), regresses around 5-7
Split is a mama caregiver
Both Wallter and Mark are father caregivers
Pilby is a baby/newborn regressor
Mach is a mother/big sister caregiver
DrRetro is a babysitter
Ships are PartyBeetle, Spive, SkaterLight, Wallmark, HammerHonk (Pilby x Mach)
Fluff, hurt/comfort and happy fics
Platonic relationship fics
Romantic relationship fics
Y/N fics (Y/N can be a regressor or a caregiver)
NSFW stuff
Any variants of DDLG, ABDL or age-play
Any other k1nks or f3ti1sh stuff
Darkship stuff
I hope you read the rules!
#sfw agere#age regression#agere caregiver#little space#sfw regression#age regression caregiver#partybeetle#hammerhonk#spive#wallmark#skaterlight#party noob#regretevator poob#regretevator pest#regretevator wallter#regretevator mannequin mark#regretevator bive#spive regretevator#regretevator infected#regretevator lampert#regretevator pilby#regretevator drretro#regrevator mach#regretevator
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Mami Papi oder Abdl-Beziehung gesucht
Hey meine Lieben, Ich bin Max bin 22 Jahre jung und bin ein kleines Little im alter von 3 Jahren. Ich bin schon lange auf der Suche nach einem Caregiver bzw. Mami oder Papi, vielleicht wenn jemand interesse hat und man sich besser kennt auch eine Beziehung hihi! Ich komme aus der nÀhe Hannover und suche eine Person, die mir die Geborgenheit und Liebe geben kann, die ich in meiner Kindheit nie bekommen habe.
Das Kommt auf dich zu: Wenn ich im Littlespace bin bin ich in meiner Welt wo ich so sein kann wie ich möchte und meine Kindliche seite zeigen möchte also ist es nicht einfach nur auf mich aufzupassen sondern auch mich zu Wickeln oder mir eine flasche milch oder multisaft zu geben. Auch ist es bei mir der fall wie denke ich bei fast jedem Little das ich sehr gerne Kuschel oder aber auch mal meine Ă€ngstliche Seite zeige wenn ich angst habe. Ich mag es auch sehr mit Mami oder Papi zusammen zu spielen oder auch einfach nur einen Kinderfilm zu schauen oder zu basteln. Auch gehört es fĂŒr mich dazu, das ich ab und zu Mittagsschlaf mache denn kleine Littles sind schnell mĂŒde wenn sie so viel erleben hihi. Was auch nicht Fehlen darf, ist das Mami oder Papi wenn zeit da ist mir eine Gute Nacht geschichte vorlesen oder mir ein einschlaflied vorsingen/summen. Wenn Mami oder Papi damit einverstanden ist freue ich mich auch wenn wir mal einen Ausflug machen. Mein Letzter Punkt ist, das Mami oder Papi natĂŒrlich auch dafĂŒr sorgen mĂŒssen, dass windeln und so weiter VorrĂ€tig sind. Aber nach absprache steuer ich definitiv dazu aber das klĂ€ren wir dann wenn ihr mit eurem Little privat redet hihi.
Du bist immernoch dađ„°
Mein Teddy hat mir gerade zugeflĂŒstert, das er sich auf euch freut genau so wie ich hihi!đ„ș
Wenn ihr Fragen habt ob zu meiner Person oder dem Thema generell habt keine Angst, ich beiĂe nichtđ„șđ„°
Nadann vielleicht bis bald und wir vermissen euch!đ„ș
Euer Max und Teddy Leođ§žđ„°
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i only have one oc so I just made them :3 this is myla! (they/them)
they were born in rural nz (auckland, to be more specific) and live in hamilton currently! they moved with their family when they were 14 and sought out a job so they could save up to buy a bird. they ended up getting a job at a bowling alley, where they met their girlfriend, mach, and they bought flappy (the bird) when machi and them started to date! they've been together for six years since then, and live in a shared apartment. they visit their parents regularly, often bringing them little treats to share. they love baking, and they're learning how to play the drums! :3 should I do one with their gf? tags! (/nf): @scary-caregiver @katiethecreature
Use this picrew to make your comfort OC them tell us a bit about them.
This is Mayberry. It eats rats and chihuahuas, bites ankles, headbuts shins, licks sugar off tables, hangs bones off its clothes, talks in Shakespearean English, has an undying grudge with Shakespeare, shoves dead things in jars and it also crochets little mittens. Mayberry is a creature from my current novel. Mayberry is the reason for many conspiracy theories. Loch Ness monster, big foot and most other conspiracy creatures were just Mayberry on a stroll.
Oh deary me!! What will Mayberry do next I wonder!!!
(Mayberry looks quite a bit more nonhuman-like in my novel).
Tags: (no pressure dears)
@elliot-rambles @randomasstalkingdeer @junip3r-tree @chaoschaosshit @goblin-grandee
+ anycreature who wants to join!!
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Iâm sure weâd all love to hear some CG!Toshinori!
⥠Most certainly!
⥠Toshinori is a man of many hats. Former #1 Hero, ex-Symbol of Peace, eighth holder of One for All, teacher, father figure- Why not toss caregiver on top of all that shebang?
⥠Seriously, this guy has got to be a workaholic or something, because he seems to pick up a new responsibility at every corner.
⥠Being a caregiver though? Probably one of the healthier responsibilities a guy could take on.
⥠Yagi still holds this desire to take care of people and be someone that others can rely on, so taking care of someone in their headspace could really fill that void.
⥠He'd probably stumble through it a bit at first and try to get as much information as he can because of it!
⥠Absolutely great with nourishing a little's imagination. He's seen and done a million and one things- of course his stories will be taken to heart.
⥠And, since he was super dramatic and grandiose in his All Might persona, to the point of being very campy, he can sometimes be allowed to play pretend- health permitting, of course.
⥠Kind of a sucker for his baby.
⥠Sure, he was a hero and could ignore a monologue from just about any villain in favor of laying down the law, but with his little one? Puppy eyes are his kryptonite.
⥠He's so tall, all the good forbidden stuff is ALWAYS out of reach. The absolute cruelty đ
⥠However, he lacks the strength he once had as a hero- But, he still has his reflexes!
⥠This usually works out well in some cases (I.e.): Pacifier about to drop on the floor, little pushing their plate off the table, something getting knocked over, etc.
⥠But, sometimes his little will scamper up to him and his instincts say: Catch, clown.
⥠And, well. đ€Ą
⥠The guy's made of papier mache and well wishes, it's just his lot in life.
⥠He's still a competent caregiver and fuels the flames of imagination Impeccably.
⥠Physically affectionate to his core, he'll dole out head pats like it's his job.
⥠Can and will spoil his baby with whatever they might want if they ask politely!
⥠Has pictures of his little in his wallet, and he will show them off if he's allowed.
⥠If his little needs a leash, he might end up getting drug across the parking lot.
⥠Again, composed of popsicle sticks and hope.
⥠Loves to be called dad in any form!
⥠His go to nicknames for his little are: Sunflower, cub, baby, little one, young "name".
⥠10/10 Caregiver, can't get enough of this dude.
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