#Caregiver!spider punk
outlandish-dreamer · 6 months
I've been feeling kinda down lately, but can I request some headcanons for Cg!Hobie with spiderman!regressor!minor!reader who's trying to get into punk culture but feels like they're copying him? im sorry if im way too specific :c
(can I be 🕸️anon, please?)
Of course 🕸️that's not too specific at all! I'm sorry it's taken me a minute to get to, but I hope you're feeling a little bit better :) And I hope this is okay!!
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Given that he's Spider-Punk, he'd have immaculate music taste and once he gets to know you, shares it with you too! It's something you bond over, even if you're not exactly into the subculture just yet.
He casually recommends you some bands like the Bad Brains, or The Muslims, just because it's stuff he thinks you'd be interested in. You give 'em a listen and after just general interest, you find yourself falling deeper into the culture as a whole. It's not just about the music of course, so you delve a little deeper into what it actually is.
Once you do though, your kind of unsure of what it means to you. How to really immerse in it. So much of it resonates with you and you want your own perception of it, but you're not quite sure where to start. That doesn't mean you don't have a good example though! Hobie's a ton of inspiration.
I can imagine that when he finds out, he's nothing but supportive. Like, he gets genuinely excited, eyes lit up and everything. He has someone who's into the same thing he is? Hell, yeah he'd be into it. "Wait, really? Thas' amazin'! No, really. You think I'd lie to ya? Pfft no chance mate. I'm just excited we got somethin' in common!"
He'll try to hang out with you more often now that he knows you're both into the same thing! Not only is it something you can both talk about, but it brings you closer.
He doesn't mind at all if you take inspiration from him or "copy" him. He knows it's not the easiest to figure your way out with this sort of thing. He wants you to have your own thing, but he's cool with it either way. Even giving you some advice and especially helping you out whenever you need it.
Brings you to his shows and even teaches you how to play if you're interested! (Or if you play a different instrument, you play together) If music's something you bond over that is. If not, he finds other ways to share it with you/get into it.
Fuck societal and gender norms, you two do whatever you want. The more people who're just utterly confused, the better because hey, it's not their life!
And fuck capitalism too, in every way. You pirate, help out those who need it whenever you can regardless of their "status," and just do/be whatever you want. That's the whole point of it anyway, and Hobie couldn't be happier to do it with you.
And really, you both are like two peas in a pod. Different yeah, but always there for each other. You're friends! And being a part of the same subculture only brings you closer together. Even if you weren't, you'd still be close, but it's just nice to have that. Plus, Hobie's got someone else to relate to and he wouldn't trade that for anything 🖤
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cheezyratz · 1 year
❤️ let’s you listen to “I Am a Poseur” by X-Ray Spex
🎶 Thinks you look adorable in his vest
🎸 Will talk to you in complete sentences but doesn’t mind if you babble or baby talk.
🖤 will diy outfits for u
❤️ 100% takes old/broken plushies and sews them together to make a franken-plushie
🎶 I imagine he’s not the biggest fan of cuddling, but he still likes to hold you. (Maybe a really long hug, maybe picking you up and holding you ❤️)
🎸 If you ask he’ll put on a runway show for you
🖤 Will definitely teach you how to play the guitar
❤️ If you like to watch them when you’re regressed, he’ll watch horror movies with you
🎶 He’d get a bunch of temporary tattoos and fake piercings for you ^^
🎸 Loves kissing you right on your forehead
🖤 Will always remind you that you’re amazing, and no one can tell you otherwise ❤️🎶🎸🖤
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HOBIE!!! :D (Also new style of Moodboards??? Do we prefer this style to the other style??)
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napandmilktime · 2 months
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。⁠:゚⁠template made by @/multi-fandom-agereg゚⁠:⁠。
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littlespacereader · 1 year
Can I request cg!spiderpunk with spidey! little reader who starts having accidents in littlespace and she's rlly embarrassed cause she's a hero? Thanks! Feel free to ignore!
Heck no I’m not gonna to ignore!! I absolutely LOVE this idea!! This is such a huge issue a Regressor superhero might have! Trying to save the world but what if you need someone to save your world?! What if an accident happens while fighting crime?! I couldn’t love this idea more! So I hope you enjoy this fic! Feel free to send me another idea!!
The Little Spidey
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Caregiver! Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) & Spidey Fem Little! Reader
Tags: an accident, pull-ups, fighting, stuffies, hiding/reveal of regression, sippy cups, stuffie,hurt&comfort
Nicknames: darling, sweet one, love
Alright let’s do this one last time.
My name is Y/N L/N. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for 3 years I’ve been the one and only Spider-Girl.
Thats is, until I realized there’s a whole multiverse full of different Spider people! Recently I became a part of this Spider-verse, which had its ups and downs.
My universe was completely different from everyone else’s, which took some getting used to. In my universe Age Regession was a normal every day thing for people. It wasn’t shamed at or thought of the wrong way.
I’m one of the age regressors in my universe. I regress really young so on missions I usually wear a pull-up, just in case I begin to regress or can’t find a bathroom in time. And trust me, with the long hours of crime fighting, this has come in handy on numerous occasions.
My suit is designed by yours truly. It has a special feature that wearing a bulky pull-up or diaper isn’t shown. It just looks like a normal Spidey suit. I carry a backpack with me at all times with supplies for myself and some extra gear for missions.
Because regression it wasn’t mainstream in most of the other universes, I kept it to myself. That way I wouldn’t have to embarrass myself infront of the other Spideys. There were some universes where regression was just a normal every day thing like mine but those were rare to find, and it was hard to ask incase the answer was no.
After joining, I quickly became friends with Hobie and Pav, my two best friends. The three of us would travel to different universes and kick some butt together! We really worked well as a team!
Pav always strikes me as a Regressor. But I never have the courage to ask him in fear of him asking me if I’m one.
I often visited Earth-50101 to see Pav and spent time in Mumbattan. But I spend most of my time with Hobie in Earth-138 London.
Hobie and I are the closest. He made me feel welcomed the moment I joined the group. Miguel and Jess can be a bit intimidating at times, but Hobie always takes me under his wing.
He makes me feel comfortable and he never lets anyone yell or order me around. He’s a very free spirited freedom fighter. In London I watched his concerts with his band and in my universe we got ice cream together. He’s versatile.He also has the coolest Spidey moves with his guitar! It’s sick!!
He introduced me to Pavitr. Now the three of us hang out all the time! And when we’re not hanging out we’re fighting crime together!
Despite our close friendship I’ve kept my regression hidden from them. When they come over I just hide all my little gear and when we’re out I fight my hardest not to regress.
So with my regression under wraps I continue to fight crime now not only in Queens, NY but in the multiverse as well! Nothing can go wrong!…….Or so I thought.
Today was my day off, if that’s even possible for a Spidey. I decided today I’m going to regress and relax the rest of the evening. Hobie is practicing with his band, Pav is on a date with his girlfriend and my watch hasn’t gone off with a new mission. So I’m taking a me day.
I ran to my bed room and grabbed the box from underneath. I ripped the box open and grabbed my favorite stuffie and pacifier immediately. Then I had a choice of sippy cup: am I feeling princess or hearts today? Ummmmmmmm…….hearts!
With my things in hand, I walked into the kitchen. As I washed and filled my sippy cup I started to ramble off everything that’s been going on to my stuffie. Gotta let him know all the juice crime fighting details.
Then I made my way to the couch, plopping infront of the tv to watch hours and hours of cartoons. And hours and hours and hours…..
I woke up some time later to the buzzing of my watch. I quickly jumped up and spit my pacifier out before answering.
“Y/N! Where have you been? We been trying to contact you.” Jess aka Spider-Woman yelled at me.
“Sorry I was asleep after a long day. What’s up?”
“We got another anomaly. Suit up we’ll be there soon to pick you up.” And with that the call hung up.
Be there soon?!?!?!
I immediately started to shove everything under my couch or in the couch cushions. Then I ran into my bedroom to get changed fast! I quickly suited up but not without pausing in my bathroom.
I forgot a pull-up, how stupid of me let me just-
Suddenly I heard a portal open in my living room. “Y/N! Where you at?” Hobie yelled out.
I eyed the pull-up and then the door. It’s okay, it probably won’t be a long mission anyway. Just in and out and I’ll be back before I know it. I’m totally not feeling Little in the slightest so I should be fine without protection. Wait who am I lying to?
With that little pep talk I stormed out of my bathroom, grabbing my back pack on the way, and greeted everyone in my living room. There stood Jess and Hobie ready for the next mission.
“How was practice?”
Hobie rolled his eyes, “Don’t get me started! What practice? I was two second from going on when these guys called.”
“Don’t they know you’re trying to be an artist!” I said all dramatically.
He laughed and smirked, “Oh darling don’t you know? I’m already an artist.”
“Come on you two, we got a mission to complete.” Jess redirected.
The three of us set our watches to Earth-3624 and then we took off into the portal.
The mission is simple, or should I say was simple. There was a Doctor Octopus found in the wrong universe. We were tasked with finding him and sending him to the right Earth. Only problem is he was somewhere in the middle of NYC. So we had all of NYC to find him…just the four of us…looking for one person…in all of NY.
If you’re saying to yourself “Wow that sounds impossible” you’re totally right.
The night began to drag on and on and on. I was exhausted from the constant searching for hours on end. It didn’t help I was also fighting myself from regressing. But as the night dragged on it seemed Doctor Octopus was winning and I was losing.
My regression nagged at me every single moment. All I wanted to do was find a place to curl up, grab my pacifier and take a nap. But I couldn’t! Not now! I had a job to do!
What didn’t help the most was the nagging feeling of needing to go to the bathroom. I know what you’re thinking and you’re right, I should’ve gone before I left. But I was in a rush! I didn’t even know I had to go! Now I’m sitting on the roof squirming every two seconds.
Everything was so frustrating! I’m stuck on some stupid Earth looking for stupid Doctor Octopus in the middle of the stupid night!!…..Okay, maybe my regression was kicking in more than I thought it was.
“Hey,” Hobie swung up onto the roof I was sitting on. “How’s the search going?”
“It’s going.” I said a bit frustrated. “How about you?”
“About the same.” Hobie said, sitting on the edge of the roof next to me.
“I can’t believe they got us working this ridiculous mission. You think Miguel and Jess could just handle this on their own. But noooooo. Instead they pull the two of us in the middle of the night to try and find this wackjob.” I ranted away.
“That’s right Y/N! Stick it to the man! Let that frustration out.” Hobie smirked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I started to squirm in place a bit. I crossed my arms infront of my chest in an effort to mask it.
Hobie eyed me curious but didn’t say anything about it. “I know Jess is searching on the upper east side. I just wanted to join you midtown and make sure you’re doing alright.”
“I’m doing okay. Tired but okay.” I tried to reassure him. But I felt as though he could see right through me. Before he said another word I changed the subject.
“I don’t understand how we’re supposed to find Doc Oct in all of New York.” I said dramatically.
Hobie laughed. “Yeah, what do they expect? Him to come to us?”
The moment those words left Hobie’s mouth we both felt it, our Spidey sense. Of course we jinxed ourselves.
We flipped backward and just out of range for a giant sign that was flying towards us. I landed back on the roof and looked over to an adjacent building. There, standing bold as ever was none other than Doctor Octopus.
“Hello Peters.” He smirked.
Hobie swung over first. “Yeah you’re wrong on both fronts mate.” He swung his guitar at him, landing a nice blow sending the Doctor backwards.
“Once you go against one Spider-Man you go against them all.” He swung his arms again, this time hitting Hobie and sending him backwards.
Now I stepped up, running up, casting my webs and swinging full force towards the doctor. I managed to wrap one of his arms up, but while I did he grabbed me with another. With my leg trapped in his claw, he leaned back and threw me to the roof of a building next to him.
The back of my head hit the ground hard and for a moment I was seeing stars. I was drifting, I wanted to get up and help but my body just wouldn’t let me. I started to fade into darkness for a moment. Both in and out of consciousness.
It was at this time my regression decided to give in. Choosing for itself that it needed to regress more than anything else. What tipped it over the most was the warm feeling I started to feel between my legs. Tears started to fall from my eyes as I realized I was having an accident.
Then came the float gates. My regression wrapped around me like a warm blanket, trying to comfort me in a time of pain and embarrassment. I just want to go home. I don’t want to be here with my wet suit and headache! I just want to go to sleep with my stuffie at home, my pacifier and my pull-up.
I shut my eyes, not wanting more tears to escape. I had to get up, I had keep fighting. What kind of hero would o be if I couldn’t.
“Y/N? Hey! Y/N! Are you okay?” Hobie’s voice echoed in the background. I could hear his footsteps as he ran over to me.
Oh no. Nonononono!
Hobie and I caught eyes the moment I opened mine. He saw everything already. How could I explain the puddle beneath me or the tears streaming down my face?! I’m supposed to be a hero, someone who takes care of others. But I can’t even take care of myself.
There Hobie stood, not disgusting or confused, but worried and concerned about me. “Awwww sweet one-.”
“I’m fine.” I said with a cracking voice. Tears still fell from my eyes as embarrassment filled me.
I tried to sit up fast but he stopped. “Wow wow wow there darling you might have a concussion. Easy does it, easy now.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and helped me to sit up slowly.
He sat beside me, letting me lean on him for support.
I tried my hardest to talk between crying, “ I-I can explain…it just…just-”
“You’re a Little? I figured as much. No need to worry yourself with worries. You’re okay, it’s all okay love. I’ll take care of everything.” He said plain as day.
Maybe it was the concussion. “What?” Was all I managed to say.
“You know, on my Earth everyone knows about regression. It’s more common than you would think. Plenty of Earths know about regression, even if they aren’t as open about as our Earth’s are.” He went on to explain.
“But all of that doesn’t matter right now. Right now we need to get you changed and padded. Then we need to take care of you and your concussion.” Hobie threw his guitar to his back and lifted me bridal style into his arms.
“Wait.” I tried to say.
“What?” He raised an eye brow.
“Don’t we have to get the bad guy?”
“The bad guy? First off, I don’t listen or do what anyone tells me, especially Jess or Miguel. Second off, I already too care of that for us.” He gestured to the roof across from us. There all webbed up stood Doctor Octopus.
“I already phoned Jess who’s on her way to take care of the boring details. I say we get a move on before she starts ask questions we’re not going to answer.” He explained.
After a moment I nodded my head, wrapping my arms around his neck. With the click of his watch Hobie and I were soaring into another portal.
Before I even realized it we were back in my apartment. Hobie walked us into my bathroom, setting me down on the counter top. Then he began to search around.
“Where are your pull-ups at Y/N?” He asked searching under the sink.
To be honest, I was still in shock from this day. Blame it on the concussion but I couldn’t even fathom that this is even happening.
As I watched him raid my bathroom I spoke up, “What are you doing?”
“I just told you I’m looking for your pull-ups.”
“Why?” He stood up and walked back over to me, “Because we need to get you changed before you get a rash or worse.”
I stared at him, still in disbelief. “Why are you doing this for me? How come you don’t think this is weird and why are you being so-.”
He immediately stopped that train of thought by holding my hand in his. “Hey, hey hey. No more worrying about big thoughts okay? Like I said earlier, regression is something I’m familiar with. I’m happy you have an escape from this life as a Spidey. It’s a safe and healthy coping mechanism. I don’t find you or any of this weird. More than anything I want to take care of you.”
“You don’t see me as a weak Spidey because I’m a Little?” I asked, still a bit insecure.
“A weak Spidey?! Hell no!!” He shook his head. “Do you think Pav is a weak Spider-Man?”
I looked at him confused but shook my head no.
“That makes two of us. Pavirt is a Little too. He regresses around the same age as you. Doesn’t matter if you regress, you’re still a Spidey. Don’t get me wrong, I love Pav and I take care of him from time to time when he regresses. But his girlfriend tends to him most the time, I’m just the babysitter. But there’s something special about you. You bring out a side of me that I didn’t know I had.”
He sighed, “I realized early on you were probably a Little, so I kept a careful eye on you. Before you, I was still the cool artist you see before you today. But I was always missing something…something amazing. And I realized that amazing something was you. Without or without your regression. I think you’re truly amazing.”
He leaned forward and took my hand in his, “If you’ll have me, I’d like to take care of you whenever you’re regressed. That way you have someone watching out for you and taking care your needs. I can see you regress pretty young so you’re gonna need a careful eyes watching your trouble maker self.” He smirked.
“So…what do you say?” He asked.
I honestly couldn’t believe my ears. Hobie wants to be my Caregiver?! Also Pav is a Little?!! But mostly, Hobie the “coolest, mysterious, rule breaker” Brown wants to be my Caregiver?!
In disbelief yet happy beyond belief, I smiled and squeezed his hand. “Yes. I’d love for you to be my Caregiver.”
Hobie smirked and squeezed my hand back. “Trust me darling the honor is all mine.”
“But first and foremost let’s get you changed out of that wet suit and into something more comfortable. Now for the final time where are your pull-ups at?” He said dragging the last part out.
“They’re in my backpack.” I shrugged it off and handed it to him.
Hobie took the backpack from me and started to take all the supplies he needs out.
“So you don’t think I’m gross?” I asked, still anxious about the whole accident.
“Nope. You’re a younger Little. Happens all the time. It’s no big deal at all.” He said as if it was nothing. But he’s right, it really is nothing. It’s just an accident. “Alright let’s get you changed darling.”
Hobie helped me take my suit off. He grabbed me a fresh pair of pjs and a new pull-up then proceeded to change me into both.
“There,” he stood back admiring his work. “All nice and cozy!” He picked me up and carried me into the living room. “See? Nothing to worry about. It’s as if it never happened.”
I hugged him tightly in his arms, “Thank you.”
He smirked, “This is just the beginning.”
He carried me over to the couch and set me down. “Hold on, who’s this?” He pulled my stuffie from the couch cushion. “Y/N you didn’t tell me you had a friend over. Introduce to your mate.”
“Hobie this is (your fav stuffie name).” I said introducing the two.
“Pleasure to meet ya.” He said, shaking the stuffies hand. I started giggling.
“Now, I want you resting on this couch. I’m going to get you some juice and a cold compress for your head, okay?”
The moment Hobie left I immediately started to miss him. He’s only been my Caregiver for not even 5 minutes and I’m already so attached to him. Plus he wasn’t even that far! He’s literally just in the kitchen.
Luckily he returned soon, sippy cup of juice in one hand, and a damp towel in the other. “Alright sweet one sit up for a second,” he sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap. “There we are.”
He laid the towel on my forehead which felt sooooooo nice! He handed me the sippy cup before he grabbed the tv remote. “Alright let’s see what your earth has on the telly.”
I always thought that as Spider-Girl I had to be the one taking care of everyone else, but Hobie made me realized what I needed more than anything was someone to take care of me too.
I haven’t felt safe like this in a long time. Just leaning against him, watching some mindless show on the television and feeling safe and cared for. I curled into his side and rested my head on his shoulder. He leaned forward and placed a kiss to my head.
We stayed like that the whole night, just Little Spidey and Caregiver Spidey.
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Hi hi! Love your writing! Can I request headcanons of cg hobie brown? I think he'd be so fun! There needs to be more spidervere agere
‹ 🎸 › Hobie Brown As a Caregiver
🎀 : As much as I don't like to post after I already posted recently, I couldn't pass a hobie headcanon. Thank you for asking anon! Hope you enjoy :] ✨
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🎸 : unlike Miles and Pravitr he's completely a rebellious caregiver. Bedtimes? Nah, rules? Not unless you really need them, and he encourages you to get in a little of his shenanigans here and there
🎸 : he often gets his ear torn off by the others about how he takes care of you
🧸 : he has a hard time directly comforting when you need it. He's not around it alot and since you're in a vulnerable state he has to find his own ways to help you
🧸 : even if it's just a pat on the shoulder or telling you you're fine
☕ : He's not the one to use petnames. At first he didn't use them at all or kept forgetting, but slowly began calling you them now and again
☕ : punk/bugger/kid/rebellion/little dude is his usual petnames for you
☕ : he's not that affectionate either, though that doesn't mean he doesn't like a good cuddle or hug sometimes. In fact he finds it comforting, but he won't admit it
🎸 : out of all the spider people, he is the most active when it came taking you places and getting you out of the house. Pravitr loves Taking you places like parks, sure. But what about carnivals, pools, hiking and concerts? Hobie is your guy for that stuff
🎸 : "Hey, little dude, how about instead of sleeping we skip to go to a concert? I heard they're selling cotton candy!~"
☕ : he might've snuck you out of the house several times during his times of taking care of you— even if he gets an earful from Miguel or Gwen the most at the end
🎸 : if he upsets you in any way, he'd just write letters to you and give them to you full of apologies. Usually containing: horrible drawings (don't worry he tried his best), him writing sentences on sentences of him being sorry, and just sappy things
🎸 : he apologizes like you're about to bite him for it
☕ : "They asked for no pickles.."
🎸 : he'll never admit it, but he can get jealous whenever you're being babysat with someone else that isn't him. like.. so jealous he'd tear up
🎸 : don't worry though, a simple hug or you just being yourself around him makes him feel instantly better
☕ : "back off, man, they're just a kid."
🎸 : not overprotective but protective enough to tell others to back off if you're overwhelmed. If Miguel expects you to do a heavy job Hobie will do it instead instantly.. maybe scold Miguel a bit in the process
🧸 : If you happen to fall asleep that isn't in your bed, he'd carry you "bridal pose" or pick you up by your armpits and make sure you're covered up and comfortable in your room. Don't worry he'll let you have your sleep. Afterall a little one like you needs it
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‹ 🎸 › Mini fic of CG!Hobie — "You're too little for that"
🧸 : for all little ages! This is just hobie babying you
hobie studied you from across the room, seeing you quietly make cupcakes for the others. No special occasion but you thought it would be nice thing to do Afterall. Lately you've been secretly Regressing, feeling bad for it you kept it to yourself. Hobie started to catch on but you'd quickly denied it or do something that made him forget about your behavior change. It worked for a few days but hobie knew you a bit too well. He's been your caregiver for about two months so there wasn't going around it. Not now or anytime soon. Before you know it you slipped completely. you try to grasp the little parts you have left to stay big, but it was too late. Hobie raised an eyebrow, catching on what happened. Even though in your regressed state, you continue to make the cupcakes. You weren't even half done.. and this was harder than it looked. You grabbed the ingredients and put it inside the blender, about to turn it on before a soft hand cupped yours, stopping you in your tracks. You looked up to see Hobie, who had a curious look on his face. It was almost unreadable but you can tell he was more confused than anything.. maybe just his neutral expression? He just tilted his head at you before he let out a soft chuckle. "Hey, hey how.. c'mon, kid.. you aren't getting past me with that 'oh I'm a big kid' bullcrap.. you're too little to bake by yourself. Here, let me help you..”
🎀 : SUGGESTIONS ALWAYS OPEN FOR ANY FANDOM! +mini fics like this are now open! So suggest that if you'd like ✨
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
Fluffy Friday request because I am obsessed with every one you've written
Age regression reader hides the fact they are a little from hobie but he eventually finds out and decides to be a caregiver or smthing and they have fun
Idk I'm bad at requests lol sorry <3
I hope I wrote this ok since I'm not familiar with the topic but I did my best at researching it ❤️ thank you for reading my work!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-punk x gn! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, cw food mention, FLUFF
Hobie comes home with you nowhere to be seen. You're usually at home at this time of day, he puts the ice cream in the freezer before it melts. He then promptly calls your name, looking for a sign of you.
“Love?” He knocks twice at the bathroom door, opening it, he finds it empty.
Scratching his neck, he enters your shared room. Hobie’s eyebrows rise up in surprise, your floor has a mountain of your plushies on it, all stacked together like a mound, a mountain of fluffy stuffed toys. If not for your socked feet poking out, he would have kept on looking for you.
He sighs fondly. Crossing the small space, Hobie wordlessly lays next to the pile. He's now glad that you've put a carpet inside the room or he'd be worried about the chill making you sick.
Hearing his footsteps and feeling the slight rumble he made when he laid down, you stick out your hand from the pile, a soft fluffy bear falls out of the pile in a squeak, for a second the mountain looks like it would topple over, but it doesn't, standing tall despite the disruption.
You flex your fingers to invite his touch.
Hobie doesn't waste time in cupping your hand, thumb lovingly rubbing your skin, immediately bringing you comfort, dare you say more cozy than the soft pile on top of you.
“I've got ice cream in the freezer” he whispers as to not disturb the bubble of peace you've made.
There's a muffled hum coming from inside the mound. Your hand tightens around his, squeezing thrice. He understands completely.
“Alright, later then”
You both lay there silently, just basking in each other's presence.
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🎸 def a big brother caregiver, have you seen the way he acts around younger spider people?
🎸I feel he would tease you alot no in a mean way tho more in a playful way
🎸he would encourage you to go against the rules he's trying to turn little you into an anarchist
🎸he'll definitely steal little gear for you
🎸ya know how some punk parents give their baby tiny leather jackets? Yep that's hobie he'll even help decorate it however you want
🎸very protective of you even if your not regressed your his baby sibling after all why wouldn't he be?
🎸he'll make you your very own dimension bracelet so you can visit him whenever
🎸he'd encourage you to come of your shell more and be more confident
🎸he definitely took regressed you to a concert that some point
🎸if your sensitive to louds sounds he'll steal a pair of noise canceling headphones for you and decorate them however you like
🎸in short hobie is a very out of the box caregiver but still protective of you
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bouquetshark · 1 year
regressor! wasabi and caregiver! dr bones headcanons if you wish to accept?
Regressor!Wasabi Cookie Headcanons
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As a general baseline, Wasabi Cookie is still as unhinged as ever, which can be a very...concerning thing for Dr Bones to deal with despite her brilliance as a scientist———firey breakthroughs, and unorthodox methods. From her outlandish experiments to her reckless abandon; she can be quite the handful! This, however, does not mean she isn't loved. Quite the opposite, actually.
CW: some body horror & limb detachment mentions at the bottom! Nothing explicit, but be warned.
• Regresses from 19-17, very fluid in sliding. Wasabi isn't very secretive about her regression, in fact she's quite shameless; but Cookie's have yet to ask her about it - Mustard included. So it's a secret but not really.
• Wasabi Cookie makes her own food, usually..mainly because her diet is extremely questionable (and potentially dangerous). Which always puts Dr Bone's into a kahoot. She's been permanently banned from using the oven.
• When Wasabi drives, she's very prone to speeding —even out of regression because she has no care for traffic laws, so Dr Bone's drives or lends her a bike.
• Has been feeding a small colony of cat's, and managed to get them all microchipped and constructed them an outdoor cat house that connect's to her house. So now there's just 5 or 6 cat's encouraging her shenanigans and rubbing against Dr Bone's leg's.
• Knows how to play the electric guitar, does so frequently. She can also play the flute, but most don't believe her on that one—despite the giant flute case in her laboratory. A lot of Cookie's assume it's a bomb. Which is understandable considering Wasabi's history with explosives. She does actually really enjoy playing though, and is really good at it. She finds it relaxing.
• Wasabi's love language is psychical touch and quality time; just co-existing with Dr Bone's or doing parallel play with him is enough for her. Though that doesn't mean she isn't a fan of cuddles! Quite on the contrary, actually, she's pretty clingy when she isn't doing experiments.
• Very gentle with Dr Bone's, and actually has a fear of one of his limbs just.. popping off in her hand. Or him disassembling because he doesn't have dough. This has yet to happen, thankfully.
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Caregiver!Dr Bone's Cookie Headcanons
As a general baseline, Dr Bone's Cookie is a very caring, excitable, and passionate caregiver. Though, he can sometimes get over the top, or even helicopter esc...Wasabi helps him regulate, just not with his anxiety. Dr Bone's love's her very much; but she can be very unhinged when she wants to be. No matter what, though, Wasabi is very healthy!
• Dr Bone's Cookie frequently work's overtime or double-shifts to ensure his patients safety and well-being (he really doesn't need to do that most of the time), so by the time he gets home he's absolutely exhausted. He can't count the amount of times he's fallen asleep at his desk and woken up in bed.
• Likes to listen to Wasabi play the guitar —he finds it impressive and soothing. Same with the flute! He's never been one to play any instruments; but is overall curious on the topic.
• Is very afraid of explosives, which doesn't really par well with Wasabi's culminating interest in them. Has jumped into her arm's more than once out of terror.
• Wasabi bought Dr Bone's Spotify Premium for his birthday, he absolutely loves it. On that note, Wasabi introduced Dr Bone's to the punk and rock scene—he absolutely adores the band's Eyes Set To Kill and Eths. His favorite songs from them are Liar in the Glass and Crucifère.
• Despite his spooky appearance, Dr Bone's doesn't dress up for Halloween. The same cannot be said for Wasabi, however, as she has won at least 40+ costume contests in her lifetime.
• Dr Bone's is extremely afraid of spider's, Wasabi is the saving grace that set's then outside or keeps them as pets.
• Enjoys playing chess with Wasabi, he hasn't won once against her and he still doesn't know how (she's been eating the pieces when he isn't looking). /ref /nsrs
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naferty · 6 years
It was a close vote! Thank you, everyone, for helping me decide! For Halloween, here is Peter’s first Halloween for the Stroganoff au!
“Who’s the cutest little pumpkin that I have ever seen? Is it you? Is it?”
Peter blinked up at him with a gummy smile and legs kicking, making Tony’s heart melt.
“That’s right, it’s you! Yes, it is,” Tony cooed, unable to help himself. His pup was inside a pumpkin costume. The black spots making up the carved eyes and mouth on his fluffed middle and a mushroom cap on his head with a green stem sticking out on top. Perhaps Tony was being biased, but no one could deny his kid was the cutest tyke around. Whoever said otherwise can fight him on it.
And today he was going to show the world.
Peter’s first Halloween, and by default, his first ever little holiday. Tony had been looking forward to this, having picked out his pup’s costume the moment stores began stocking their shelves with candy and illegal amounts of orange. Steve might have thought him silly for it but the alpha was just as guilty as he was, planning the day down to the T weeks prior.
Leave it to Steve to make sure everything was absolutely safe for his mate and child on this night where ghosts and spooks and really inappropriate firefighters wander the streets freely.
“How are my favorite vampire and pumpkin doing?”
Speak of the alpha. Steve was standing by the doorway with his tattered costume dangling on his person and wolf ears sticking up on the top of his head. On his hands were fur-covered gloves and on the ripped patches of the costume fake fur was sprouting. The fond smile the alpha was giving them was made ridiculous with the sharp canines peeking through his lips.
Tony grinned to reveal his own. “They’re doing great and are ready to get this going.”
“Buck and Nat are ready and waiting and Happy just arrived. I’ll grab the bag and meet you at the door.”
Tony turned back to Peter. “You hear that? Uncle Bucky and aunt Nat are here. Let’s go see them.” Through his excited wiggling, Tony managed to lift his pup up and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before heading to the front door.
Standing near it he found Bucky and Nat waiting. The pair was wearing matching ballerina costumes that appeared straight out of the Russian Nutcracker with a little dash of Halloween. Bones were painted over the limbs of the fabric and Tony barked out a laugh when he noticed them both sporting dark makeup around their eyes, making them look like raccoons.
“Bucky do your makeup for you?” He asked her. He’d seen it before and wouldn’t be surprised if she fell victim to it as well.
She shrugged with a smirk. “I figured if we do a matching costume I better go all out. He doesn’t have a career in makeup, but at least he’s consistent.”
“Yeah, he has the raccoon eyes down. No doubt I’ll go to him if I’m ever in the mood for shadow eyes.”
“He’s also right here and can hear you both just fine,” Bucky said with a wave. “Hand over my nephew. At least he doesn’t judge me.”
“Not yet anyway,” Tony obliged, carefully passing Peter over and preening when both alphas ‘aww’ at the image Peter created. Work well done if he said so himself.
“You ready for your first Halloween, Pete? Going to steal all the hearts around?” Bucky bounced the pup a little.
“Pretty sure you’re not going to get him back at the end of the night,” Natasha commented as she made faces at the pup, who gave her his adorable gummy smile and wiggled his arms against Bucky’s chest.  
Steve chose that moment to appear. The baby bag hanging on his shoulder. “We better damn well get him back at the end of the night. Heads will roll if not.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re head alpha. Intimidate and glare and growl. No one is taking him away, you punk,” Bucky was first out the door, followed closely by the rest. As stated, Happy was waiting for them, but surprisingly so was Jarvis. The elderly alpha had on his classic suit but for the festive spirit, he also wore a witch hat as well.
Tony had not been expecting to see the alpha for that night. “I thought you were going to spend the evening handing candy out to the kids.”
“I had planned to, yes,” Jarvis nodded, “but Master Rogers asked me here to help.”
“I also asked if you could stop calling me ‘Master Rogers’ but you continue to be stubborn about it.” Jarvis hadn’t even attempted to appear innocent, making Steve snort. “I thought maybe it’d be nice to have him help when Peter gets tired. Have fun with friends with no worries and Jarvis gets to spend time with the pup.”
“Which I will happily do so.”
“If you’re sure, Jarvis. I don’t want to ruin your night.” Tony hated being a nuisance to his old caregiver, especially when his old bones weren’t what they used to be.
“Nonsense.” The elderly alpha opened the door of the black limo for them, successfully taking half of Happy’s job for the night. Not one to be outdone, Happy offered the infant car seat to them as Tony and Natasha were first to pile in.
Peter was safely buckled in and the rest of them got comfortable in their seats with Jarvis taking passenger side up front and Happy driving. The ride to Rhodey and Carol’s place was short. The two-story building standing tall and proud with spider webbing and spooky ghosts floating on the walls and doors and pumpkins decorating the edges of the house. Tony had to admire the pair’s work as they walked up to the front door. Even little tombstones were set up to lead their way to the party.
A knock on the door and it was Rhodey who welcomed them. His costume consisting of white wrappings around his face, neck, and arms in a very poor attempt of a mummy.
“You didn’t even try!” Tony felt betrayed, nonetheless going for a hug.
“Hey, I had to plan and get everything for this party,” Rhodey happily returned it, “I wasn’t going to let Carol anywhere near the decorations. They’d go missing. Didn’t get enough time to search for a costume.”
“Fine. I guess I’ll let you off the hook.”
“And I’ll forgive you for being late to my party.”
“Fashionably late.”
“No difference. All of you get in here. Everyone’s been waiting to see the star of the night.”
Rhodey waved them inside, welcoming and offering drinks to Happy waiting inside the limo, who kindly declined. The driver bid a quick goodbye and told them he’d be around the neighborhood to pick them up later.
“Jarvis, good to see you,” Rhodey offered a hand.
“Likewise, Master Rhodes,” Jarvis kindly shook it. “Anywhere, in particular, you want me?”
“Besides over with the others and having fun hopefully?”
“The night is still young. We will see.”
“I’ll take it. Come on, this way.” Rhodey led them down inside to where a large majority was gathered. They turned the corner just in time to see Clint yank his head up from a basin full of water just outside the window and everyone clapping in joy for him. In his mouth was an apple that he was trying to grin around.
Rhodey chose the moment everyone’s laughter and clapping died down to announce their presence. “Guess who’s finally here!”
Everyone and their mother lifted a drink in a cheer for them.
“About time!” In much Van Dyne Fashion, Jan came barreling down, pushing anyone else trying to reach them first out of the way. Her sparkling fairy wings helping along by attacking them all with glitter. “I’ve been waiting forever to see this little guy again.”
“Jan you just saw him yesterday,” Tony said fondly. Peter blinked at them from his arms.
“Feels like forever.”
Carol soon joined them. Cat ears sticking up from her blonde hair. “Trying to keep him away from us? We know your tricks.”
“As if we could. Both of you will break the door down while Pepper called the repairmen at the same time.”
“Aww, aren’t you the cutest little pumpkin I ever did see,” Jan cooed at the pup, squeaking when Peter chose that moment to sneeze. Carol was not far in joining her in the cooing. In fact, once everyone made sure they weren’t holding drinks or their costumes didn’t have sharp points, they began migrating over to their area to fawn over the pup.
Among them was Clint with wet hair from his bobbing for apples adventure and a penguin onesie. Sam was wearing a similar onesie that was of a giraffe and, as if they had planned a trio, Bruce was also wearing a onesie and was a proud turtle among the spooks. Thor, with his golden mane and his nose painted dark, appeared very much of the cowardly lion and Jane stood next to him to as Dorothy. A sulking Loki was the tin man and had probably been nagged to join in the festivities by his brother and there hiding behind a sofa was Hank in all his glorious lack of costume self.
Somewhere in the corner was a brooding Nick Fury with Maria Hill. Both wearing wizard hats. An odd sight for bosses to create. They were probably coerced into coming by Carol, most likely. Tony’s own boss, Pepper, with her bright red outfit representing little red riding hood, was making her way along with the others. Tony’s dearest friend May and her husband Ben were with her and May looked ready to take anyone stopping her from reaching her goal down.
Together they all created a sea of smiles as they stampeded their way towards them. Plenty of smiles. A lot of smiles, and not a single one aimed at him or at Steve. No, they were all meant for one tiny person and Tony wouldn’t have it any other way.
He had to back up a little when they all gathered around him. A bit overwhelmed and fearing they might accidentally push him down. Steve’s steady hand on his back helped him remain steady. In his arms, Peter was bombarded with ‘hello’s’ and kisses and so much attention Tony was surprised the pup didn’t immediately get fussy from so much stimulation. In fact, Peter basked in it and seemed to happily suck up everything they gave him with little trouble. His arms and legs waving excitedly before freezing in place when a new face came forward only to continue all over again when they began making funny faces. All the while Tony preened as they complimented Peter’s appearance and looks.
He had to admit. He and Steve made a pretty cute kid.
“Get the feeling you won’t be getting your mate and pup back for a while,” Bucky said to Steve. In his hand was a drink he managed to snatch while everyone stampeded over.
“From the preening I see, I don’t think he minds it one bit,” Natasha said through the sip of her drink. “Showing them off, Steve?”
“Can’t a fella be proud?” Sometime during the mobbing, Steve ended up being pushed back, leaving Tony to fend for himself. Steve wasn’t worried. He knew their friends were careful and he trusted them. It was probably why he wasn’t growling for them all to get back.
Nat had to give it to him. “Guess he can. I’d be proud, too.”
“Come on, Punk. Bet I can still beat you at bobbing for apples,” Bucky challenged, chugging his drink down in one go before racing to the basin.
“As if!” Steve scoffed and chased after him.
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aew-kun-age-regression · 10 months
-Miscellaneous Masterslist-
(part 2, cause I can't add anymore links to part 1)
Caregiver!Indiana Jones StimBoard (Indiana Jones)
Caregiver!Commander Mills StimBoard (65)
Caregiver!Elmont (Jack The Giant Slayer)
Caregiver!Ahkmenrak (Night at the museum)
Caregiver!Jedediah & Octavius (Night at the museum)
Caregiver!Holly (Red Dwarf)
Caregiver!Larry Daley StimBoard (Night at the museum)
Caregiver!Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)
Caregiver!Elijah Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)
Cozy Christmas Moodboard
Twin Stars StimBoard (Sanrio)
Caregiver!Noob Saibot (Mortal Kombat)
Valentine's Day Moodboard
Personal Regression Moodboard
Regressor!Nimona (Nimona)
Caregiver!Larry Daley (Night At The Museum)
Regressor!Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit)
Caregiver!Nicky Harper (Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn)
Ballet Moodboard
Nostalgia Moodboard
Mermaid StimBoard
Applejack Moodboard (My Little Pony)
Soft Moodboard
Twilight Sparkle Moodboard (My Little Pony)
Rainbow Dash Moodboard (My Little Pony)
2000's Punk Aesthetic Moodboard
Personal Roadtrip Moodboard
Stuffie Moodboard (Roxie - Individuals Stuffie)
Stuffie Moodboard (Yellow Bunny - Individuals Stuffie)
Fluttershy Moodboard (My Little Pony)
Rarity Moodboard (My Little Pony)
Pinkie Pie Moodboard (My Little Pony)
Rainy Day Moodboard
Self Indulgent Nostalgia Moodboard
Famous Five Moodboard
Stuffie StimBoard (Tuppy - Individuals Stuffie)
Self Indulgent Nostalgia Moodboard
Dork Diaries Moodboard
Fem Doll Moodboard
Teen Nostalgia Moodboard
Caregiver!Larry Daley (Night at the museum)
Camp Moodboard
Nature Aesthetic Stimboard
Winx Club Moodboard
Deer Moodboard
Bluey Moodboard
Caregiver!Karlach (Baulders gate 3)
Wild West Themed
Personal Teen/Tween Themed
Summer Themed StimBoard
Teenre Sleepover Themed
Regressor!Princess Peach (Mario)
Babre Themed
Mermaid StimBoard
Caregiver!Steve (Blues Clues)
Neo/Matrix Themed
Caregiver!Donna Noble + Regressor!14th Doctor
Regressor!Arnold Rimmer StimBoard (Red Dwarf)
Nostalgia Moodboard
Regressor!Spider (Heartbreak High)
Summer Themed Moodboard
Personal Teen/Tween Themed StimBoard
Caregiver!Rosa Diaz Headcannons (Brooklyn 99)
Ghoulia Yelps (Monster High)
DNI Banners
Jedediah, Ahkmenrak, Octavius, Larry (Night at the museum)
Hiccup Haddock (How to train your dragon)
Havik & Reiko (Mortal Kombat 1)
Kabal (Mortal Kombat 11)
11th Doctor, Amy & Rory Pond (Doctor Who)
JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)
Winx Club
Dork Diaries
Gabby's Dollhouse
Andrew Spencer & Mia Brooks (Love, Victor)
Jane Margolis
Paci Icons
Midas (Fortnite)
Dave Lister (Red Dwarf)
Syzoth (Mortal Kombat 1)
Michelangelo (TMNT 2012)
James Conrad (Kong Skull Island)
Carmen Berzatto (The Bear)
Mileena (Mortal Kombat 1 & 11)
Cinnamoroll & Pompompurin (Sanrio)
Sebastian Castellanos (The evil within 2)
Howl Pendragon (Howls Moving Castle)
Victor Salazar (Love, Victor)
Dipper (Gravity Falls)
Spider (Heartbreak High)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
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