#Card holder phone cover
you--nes · 6 months
Leather Card Holder Wallet Case For 14 Pro Max 13 12 Phone Bag
0 notes
atinyfeels · 5 months
Ateez: he says something hurtful to you [3]
Masterlist // part one | part two
author's note: don't mind how rusty it is. its been four years, lets write a part three ♡ hope you enjoy!!
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The sound of the bell dinging made you look up from your book. A young couple was walking through the door of the book store. They were holding hands and smiling as the older man at the front desk greeted them. You sighed and placed the book in your hands back onto the top shelf. This was the first time in 3 weeks you had managed to push yourself out of bed. Your apartment had become a sad lifeless room that you struggled to even call home.
Feeling like you made a mistake, you turn around and began walking towards the exit. As you opened the door, the cold spring air pushed towards you. Your apartment building wasn't far from the bookstore, a mere 5 minute walk. You were almost there when you noticed a man standing outside the door. He had his hood up and his jacket hood over his head, but you could recognize him from a mile a away.
"Seonghwa?" You call out, making the man look up and over at you. It was indeed him, he was dressed in all black and looked as if he hadn't slept. You walked up to him and stared at him for a moment before speaking again. "Do you want to come inside?"
He didn't verbally say anything, instead he only nodded yes. You opened the door to the building and walked up the stairs towards your apartment on the 3rd floor. When you both walked inside, you closed the door behind you and looked at him. He was scanning around the room, as if he was looking for something he had forgotten.
"What are you doing here, Seonghwa?" You asked, making him pause and look up at you.
"I think I forgot something," his words sounding more like a question.
You furrowed your eyebrows and crossed your arms over your chest. It had been 3 weeks since you seen him, what could he have forgotten this late? "Do you know what it is? If it shows up, I can drop it off another day."
He shook his head. "The thing is, I didn't forget anything."
"What do you-" he cuts you off, "I've been thinking of things to say, excuses that would make me come back here. Come back to see you. But the only thing I could think of was, I messed up. These past 3 weeks have been torture without you."
You blinked a few times, trying to make sense of what he was trying to say. "But you said...you said you didn't love me anymore. You were the one who packed up your things and left me."
"I-I know. I don't know what I was thinking at the time. The group was at a high popularity stage and we weren't seeing each other so often. You & I barely spoke and at the time I thought, maybe that's what I wanted. But when I told you I didn't love you and I saw the look on your face, I knew it wasn't what I wanted. But I couldn't take it back."
You swallowed hard, trying to fight the tears that you didn't even realize were appearing. "So what are you trying to say?"
"I don't want to be apart from you. I want to be your boyfriend, I want to stay by your side even when it gets rough. I want to make up for how much I hurt you during these past few weeks. Please, Y/N, let me come home."
Clearing your throat you continued to stare at him. "You're going to have a lot to make up for."
"I know," he says stepping forward and pulling you into a tight embrace.
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You opened your front door to find a delivery driver standing there with a bouquet and a tablet.
"Y/N?" he asks, making you nod as before you sign your name on the tablet. "Have a nice day."
Before you even responded, he started making his way down the hall. Sighing, you closed the door behind you and grabbed the note that was attached to the vase. "I'm really sorry." You put the card back onto the holder and walked into the dining room. Ten other bouquets were covering your table, all of them with different messages, all from the same person. You placed the bouquet down on the table before pulling your phone out and dialing your boyfriend's number.
It didn't take him long to answer with an out of breath, "hello?"
Mentally, you smacked yourself in the face. "You must be a practice, I'll call you later."
"NO!" He shouts before you even get a chance to pull the phone away from your ear. "We were just about to take a break so you called at a good time."
For some reason, you felt as if that was a lie but you kept it to yourself. "I'm just calling to ask you when you're going to stop sending me endless amounts of flowers? My dining table is running out of room at this point."
"So you got my flowers!" He said in a more cheerful tone, "Did you like them?"
You sigh running your finger along one of the petals, "I'm not really a roses type of person. But they are pretty."
"Really? I'll have to change the flowers. Maybe I should've gone with a variety instead of all the same flower," he rambled, mostly talking to himself.
"Joong," you say, cutting him off. "You have to stop sending me flowers, I don't have room for them."
"I want to make up for the things I said the other day. They were hurtful and I was putting myself before you." He tells you, his tone changing to a more serious tone.
"I was in the wrong too," you confess, finally admitting to yourself that he wasn't the only one in the wrong in this situation. "I was being petty when I called Yeosang instead of you. I really wanted to tell you but I was being too stubborn about our fight. I'm sorry for how I treated you."
"Does this mean I can come home now?"
You chuckle and roll your eyes, "you were always allowed to come back home."
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"She's my girl, isn't she?" San says loudly, laughing as he and Wooyoung go over what was said in your classroom.
You were blushing furiously as Yunho was looking down at his drink, his cheeks flushed as well. The two of you were aware of how dramatic your altercation with the girls in your class. It was as if it was something straight out of a teen show.
"Honestly, we should direct a movie for it!" Wooyoung cheered as San agreed.
"It will be a huge hit amongst romance fans," San agreed before taking a drink of his water. "Maybe we can have IU play as Y/N."
"Alright they get it," Seonghwa said, making the two boys quiet down and change the topic. Seonghwa looked over at you as you began scooping a piece of cake onto your fork. "We're happy you were able to join us, Yunho has talked about you a lot."
Your head shot up towards Yunho who was looking at Seonghwa with wide eyes. You could tell he was silently cursing at the older member in his head. "Well, I'm glad I was able to join," you say, smiling back at Yunho.
After parting ways with Yunho's friends, Yunho insisted on walking you home. The two of you were walking in silence, neither of you able to think of something to talk about.
"So," you blurt out, making him look down at you. "Why did you call me pathetic?" You swallowed hard, this wasn't what you wanted to talk about. But you weren't going to be okay without talking about it.
Yunho stayed silent for a moment, trying to find the words. "For years, I had this image of me as this guy who had multiple girls on his arm and couldn't keep a stable relationship. But that's not true, I've never been the type to play with girls. I've never done random hookups and honestly girls don't confess to me. Everyone just made up this person in their head and I kind of went along with it."
You looked up at him as he brushed his fingers through his hair. He let out a sigh and continued. "But when I first met you, you didn't pay attention to me. You didn't care about the rumors circling around me. And then when I saw the letter with my name on it, I..I don't know. Maybe I got worried you started seeing me like everyone else did. My ego got ahead of me and I spoke without even thinking about it. I've never thought of you as anything, pathetic. And I am really sorry for saying those things to you."
You give him a small smile and grab his hand with yours. "This is the reason why I fell for you. I knew you weren't the guy everyone expected you to be, you're much more than that."
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It felt like you had been walking for hours until you had finally reached your place. Your heart was aching with how much it had gone through in just one day. "You're so goddamn annoying." "I didn't know how to let you down gently." You felt like he saw you as a joke, like someone in his shoes couldn't possibly be with you. You've never felt so down on yourself until today.
You wiped the tears off your face and made your way into the bathroom. Reaching down, you started the water in the tub and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your mascara was visibly on your cheeks, your face red from rushing home.
Slipping your fingers under the hem of your shirt about to take it off when there was a buzz at the front door. You sighed and turned off the bath water before making your way out of the bathroom. Walking through the living room and up to the door, you placed your hand on the knob before pushing it open. Yeosang stood before you, out of breath and looking very distraught.
"What, Yeosang?" You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. For the first time, you didn't care how you looked in front of him. You didn't bother attempting to fix the makeup on your cheeks or brushing your hair back with your fingers.
"I care about you," he starts, "I care about you a lot. And I know right now, in this moment it's not the romantic feeling you feel. But I am attracted to you, Y/N. But I'm not ready for any kind of relationship and I don't want to give you any kind of false hope. I didn't mean to call you annoying, you could never annoy me. I should have been more mature and told you how I originally feeling instead of insulting you and giving you false hope."
"You hurt me, Yeosang," you choked out, feeling the tears build up once more. "I apologize for overwhelming affection I showed. I should've thought before doing so. But you made me feel so awful, and I understand that you don't want a relationship but there's literally any other way we could've handled this."
He nodded in agreement, "I agree. And I'm really sorry for how I treated you. If one day, we can fix this, I really hope I can make it up to you."
"Me too. Goodnight, Yeosang." With that you closed the door and pressed your back to the wall with a sigh
❀ 6 months later ❀
You anxiously paced back and forth in your living room. Twiddling with your thumbs as you waited for buzzer. When the sound finally happened, you took a deep breath and opened the door. Yeosang appeared in front of you with a smile on his face, holding a flower in his hand for you.
"You look amazing," he tells you, handing you the flower and planting a kiss on your cheek. "So, are you ready for our date?"
You smiled back at him, "absolutely."
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Your chest was rising fast as your laid down the mat. You had just finished another work out with San, but now you were beginning to regret your life choices. When San told you he'd help you, you didn't realize he was going to make your whole body feel like jelo.
San rushed up to you with a smile on his face, "How was it? Did you feel the burn? Did you enjoy the workout? I was thinking next time, we can add more reps, maybe a little more cardio."
Oh how you wanted to throw this man out a window. You squinted your eyes at him, "Go away."
He laughed and sat down beside you, "You're so cute, you know that?"
Wincing at the pain, you pushed yourself up and sat beside him. "There's nothing cute about making your partner suffer, San. I'm never coming with you again. And if I do, I'm definitely not training with you."
San leaned over and gave you a kiss on the head, completely ignoring how damp your hair was. "How about we get out of here and grab some snacks for a movie night?"
You quickly looked up at him with hopeful eyes, "ice cream too?"
He laughed and nodded, "ice cream too."
Excitedly, you got up and held your hand out for him. "Come on, I need to shower after this."
"Yeah, you really do smell pretty bad," he joked as you helped him up.
You eyes widened as you let go of his hand, making him fall back onto the floor with a thud. "Says the one who smells like a swamp monster."
"Hey!" He called after you as you left him alone and went towards the locker rooms.
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You smirked at yourself in the mirror as you stared at yourself in the mirror. The tight red dress was going to get you in trouble and you were hoping it would. The more you thought of Mingi getting jealous the more you found yourself being attracted to him. Tonight there was a party that was being thrown for another idols birthday.
You were showing up later than the Ateez members, but you decided to go ahead without them and with a group of girls instead. When you arrived to the party, you hadn't realized how packed the party was going to be. Mingi was friends with many, but you never thought that you'd be in a room with this many people before. You made your way over to a table where a couple of Stray Kids members were sitting.
"Changbin!" You said cheerfully, he stood up and greeted you with a hug while Felix gave you a polite nod. You took a seat beside Changbin and looked around the room. "Have you guys been here long?"
Changbin shook his head. "We just got here maybe ten minutes before you. You didn't come with Mingi?"
"No, they said they were going to be a little later than me so I came with others."
The three of you stayed sitting down, talking and making jokes when you felt someone tap your shoulder. Looking up, you find Mingi his eyes piercing down into yours. Oh, he was not happy.
"Sorry guys, but I've got to take this one home, she's got a long day tomorrow," Mingi tells the other two, not even looking at them.
Mingi grabbed a hold of your hand and helped you to your feet before making his way towards the door. You could overhear Felix say, 'Long day tomorrow or long night tonight?'. Mingi guided your way out the door before the two of you were on the sidewalk. He rose his hand, waving towards a taxi driver that was headed in your direction.
When the taxi stopped, Mingi opened the door for you and whispered in your ear. "You're aware what you did, yes?"
Your body shivered at his words as you nodded, feeling a bit excited. "I know."
"Good, get in."
You slide into the car and Mingi follows after you. He tells the driver your apartment complex as he places his hand on your knee. The thought you having an endless night made your cheeks flush. You couldn't wait to get home.
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"What are friends for?"
For some reason, for the first time, you didn't like the sound of those words coming from him. As you continued allow Wooyoung to sweet talk the sponsors, you found yourself stealing glances at him every chance you could.
You were staring at him for a moment when you felt a hand touch your arm. Looking up, a woman old enough to be your grandmother was giving you a warm smile.
"You must really love him," she says, cutting you off guard.
"O-Oh, we aren't dating. We're just friends, we're really close and I didn't want to be here alone," you explain, giving her a soft smile.
She shakes her head, not believing a word you say. "You wouldn't look at someone that way, unless you were in love. And whether you realize it now or not, you are in love with him. I looked at someone like that before."
"Your partner?"
Her smile fades a little before she brings it back. "No, the person I was in love with never found out. They were the right person, but the wrong time. If you're in love with this man, you should tell him. Before it's too late."
"Y/N." The sound of Wooyoung's voice made you turn around to find him looking at you. "Are you ready to go? I think this party is starting to become a bummer." You turn back to look at the woman, but you don't find her anywhere in sight. "Y/N? What are you looking for?"
Looking back up at Wooyoung, you shake your head. "N-Nothing. I'm ready to go."
Before waiting for a response, you make your way towards the exit. Wooyoung followed behind quickly, calling your name as you followed you to the lobby and outside the building.
"Y/N!" He yells once more, making you stop but you didn't turn around. "What happened in there? What's wrong?"
Your head was flooded with so many thoughts. Your heart racing of the thought that you could possibly be an item with Wooyoung. Was that something you wanted? You were so comfortable around him, the thought of being intimate with him gave you butterflies in your stomach. Turning around, you look at the very confused Wooyoung.
"I can't be friends with you, Wooyoung." You didn't even think before you blurted it out. Your hands were shaking with how anxious you were.
Wooyoung looked at your shocked and then became sad, "Is it because of what I said earlier? I promise you, you are an amazing person. You're gorgeous, fantastic and-"
You cut him off, "I think I'm in love with you!"
You silently cursed at yourself as the two of you went silent. You couldn't bare to look at him, you didn't want to know what look was on his face. The words came out without you thinking about it. Maybe you didn't have to think about it. You were definitely in love with Wooyoung.
"Want me to help you figure it out?" He asks, his voice suddenly much closer now. He was standing right in front you, without you even noticing that he moved.
"W-What-" was all you managed to get out before Wooyoung lifted your head up with his fingers. Without hesitation, he pressed his lips onto yours. Your stomach felt like it was doing flips as you places your hands on his hips.
Once you pulled away, he looked down at you and licked his lips. "I've been in love with you this whole time."
"You have?" You say, sounding more like whisper.
He nods, "Did that help you figure it out?"
"I-I'm not sure, can we do it again? Maybe a little longer, I didn't get a good read." Wooyoung let out of laugh before he nods and presses his lips onto yours once more.
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You gripped onto the plastic bags that contained 8 lunch boxes. Today was the first day you were going back to the practice room since you talked to Jongho a couple days ago. You felt more nervous than you ever had. The thought of seeing Jongho again, knowing he had feelings for you, made your stomach do flips.
Knocking on the door, you pushed it opened. "I brought food!" Looking up, you noticed how dark the practice room was. "Hello? I could've sworn Seonghwa told me they were here today."
You flipped on the lights and noticed a table in the center of the room with a bouquet of flowers sitting in the middle. Setting the bags on the floor, you walked up to the table and read the note that was there.
"Will you do the honor of being my girlfriend? P.S turn around."
Turning around, you find Jongho standing by the door. His cheeks were already flush as he made his way over to you.
"You did all of this?" you asked, meeting him halfway.
Shyly, he nodded. "I didn't want a big grand gesture but you deserved something a little more than that." You smiled at him, which made him return it. "So what do you think?"
"I'd love to be your girlfriend!" You say, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a hug.
A loud applause made you pull away and find the rest of the members cheering. Your brother looked at you and gave you the thumbs up, making you blush.
"Well now that that's settled, can we eat now?" San whined, already looking through the bags to find his box.
You and Jongho laughed and walked over, helping everyone sort out their boxes. The 9 of you sat in a circle, you sitting in the middle of Jongho & Seonghwa.
"So where are you going for your first date?" Wooyoung asked, making everyone look over at Jongho.
Jongho shook his head, "I'm not telling any of you." Seonghwa cleared his throat and looked over at him. "Oh right, we're going to Lotte World." The group laughs as Seonghwa nods, approving the choice.
"I can't wait," you say to Jongho, giving him an excited smile before he smiles back at you.
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
When You’re On Your Period
word count: 575 || avg. reading time: 2 mins.
pairing: Komori x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
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You had no idea how to position yourself. Laying flat hurt, on your side hurt, on your tummy hurt, fetal position, upside down, somewhat diagonally, nothing helped. You rolled out of bed and waddled over to the window, opening the blinds to watch the twinkling city lights. Your boyfriend snored softly and mumbled something behind you, his arm reaching out to your side of the bed, undoubtedly attempting to squish your soft tummy for comfort like he always did but when he didn‘t find you, he sleepily sat up.
Spotting your silhouette dark against the moonlight he let out a yelp - with your hair down and in an oversized shirt you looked like a ghost.
Komori cleared his throat and lowered his voice an octave and a half to regain some manliness. “Babe?“
“Hm?“, you hummed miserably and turned to him.
“Gorgeous, why are just standing there? Come back to bed.“ To underline his point he patted your pillow.
“Can‘t sleep.“, you pouted.
You nodded.
He sighed and scooched out of bed to join you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. You leaned back against him, covering his hand on your cursed stomach with yours.
“What can I get you? Hot bath? - Heating pad? - A massage? - Medicine? - Snacks?“
You shook your head each time but hesitated at the last one.
“You want snacks?“
“… Maybe? But it‘s already midnight. It‘s way too late for food.“
“Says who? Did you learn nothing from Lord of The Rings, babe? Do we have to watch it again to remind you? There is breakfast, yes -“, he changed his voice to get into character, “but what about second breakfast?“
You giggled as he went on, “What about elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Din-“
“One of these days I will lock you out of every single one of our streaming services. Your obsession is going too far.“, you chuckled. He gasped dramatically and hugged you tighter, muttering into your neck, “You wouldn‘t dare!“ and gave you a kiss.
You looked out into the night together for a moment, before he gave you a gentle quizzical squeeze, “So, snacks?“
“I‘m feeling… chicken wings…“, you said, squinting thoughtfully.
“Then chicken wings we shall have. Go put on some shoes, babe.“ He pressed another kiss to your cheek and let you go, walking over to your dresser where he had his own drawer, and pulled out some socks.
You added a comfortable sports bra to your ensemble and grabbed a pair of slippers, following him excitedly.
He had his fingers entwined with yours on the middle console of the car, raising your hand to his lips every so often as he drove.
Starry eyed you fought back tears as he listed your order perfectly, from memory, to the bored worker at the drive-through.
You pulled into the almost empty parking lot, the paper bags smelling heavenly of greasiness and salt, ready to appease the demons causing the cramps.
As you divided the food amongst you he was busy fumbling with the phone holder on the dashboard. It was customary that you would watch a show or a movie while eating in the car. He sat back eventually, looking really satisfied when the title card appeared and an all too familiar soft spoken monologue began. He grinned and winked, “What? You haven‘t locked me out of the streaming services yet.“
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art: @s-dotte on Twitter
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Idia with a cosplayer SO
How did it start (Idia):
○We all know how invested Idia is when it comes to the series he enjoys so it would only be natural that he followed accounts that post content for those series.
○He most likely found his future SO account due to this fact. They were cosplaying a more niche series that he had been hyperfocused on so he had never hit the follow button faster.
○This would have spiraled into him becoming one of their biggest supporters. Always interacting with posts, sending anonymous messages, going to fan meets mostly digitally but sometimes in person when he was brave enough
○I would say he'd even have either drawn fanart for them, or made some type of merch, we'll say a Keychain in this case to give to them during the one time he was brave enough to go to a fan meeting in person.
How did it evolve:
○Imagine Idia's shock finding out his favorite cosplayer was attending NRC and is in the same dorm as him. When he's the Housewarden!
○Idia almost thought it was his eyes tricking him but the sight of a familiar Keychain used as a phone charm made him realize it was real.
○Was Idia going to approach them? Absolutely not, but to his horror delight they ended up joining the board gaming club.
○Things were made worse when they recognized him. How is someone supposed to react when their favorite cosplayer remembers them. Idia almost short circuited that's for sure.
○Idia didn't pursue a friendship with them but they pursued one with him.
○Idia almost thought he was living in a dating Sim at this point. And he was the capture target. His future SO was relentless. Always going to his dorm, dragging him out when they weren't busy with class, building a friendship with Ortho, working on their cosplans in his dorm, listening when he talked about his interests/sharing their own. Anything and everything they could do they did.
○And eventually one day they approached him with a request. They wanted him to cosplay with them for their next event....that is cosplay a couple. To say Idia.exe stopped working was an understatement. He tried to cover his embarrassment by jokingly asking if they were asking him out and he got a serious yes. He almost fainted on the spot but managed to agree.
As a couple:
○From then on it wasn't just his SO who was a famous cosplayer he became one himself to his horror. Their fans were now his fans and he just had to suck it up and accept his fate.
○Couples cosplays are a must! But only from series they both genuinely like. He'll be super embarrassed if you're going to cons in cosplay together but He'll suck it up for you. For private photoshoots he's a little more comfortable but is still embarrassed when his SO posts them.
○His dorm wasn't just his own anymore. It was shared with his SO. You could clearly see they practically lived there.
○Cute gaming sessions, and by that I mean him gaming and his SO working on a project and commentating.
○Friday movie nights are a must. If he doesn't get time to just sit with his SO in his arms binge watching series he'll combust
○Designated bag holder Idia is real. He's the bf walking around the con with all of his SO stuff and he doesn't complain one bit. Why would he when his partner is cosplaying one of his favs and looks so genuinely happy to be interacting with fans
○Idia takes the best photos btw. Both in cosplay and out of cosplay he's always prepared. He'll use drones, go out of his way to get the best angles and even edit the photos himself If his SO asks. He's their number 1 supporter
○Idia will fight to pay for things. Need fabric? You know his card information. At a con and see some merch you want? Here's his card grab anything you want, and actually get multiple of some of the keychains or pins so he could match with you. Basically if you want something you'll get it. He has the money to spare and it's more meaningful if he spends it on you.
○He's a pro at making props. With his technical skills he's making props that actually do the same things that they do in their individual series
○He's very interested in the creation of cosplays as a whole but cannot sew whatsoever so he sticks to what he knows and just enjoys watching his SO work.
Notes from Riri:
You will never have a more supportive Bf than Idia istg. Sorry if this isn't like an actual fic I just wanted to get this out of my head. But lmk if you like content like this and my asks are always open! I'm not a pro at writing but hey I'm here to be delusional so that's what I'll be
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sturniozo · 9 months
In The Shadows I
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Most people that work for their father’s company have no choice, they’re thrown into it against their will. I was no different. Ever since I learned what my father really did for a living he had decided it would be what I do to. And I do it well. I’ve been training since I was 16. Now, 6 years later I’m the greatest assassin his company has ever produced.
My father runs a business, a hit man business. Some people are rich enough to hire people like us, people like me. We don’t just kill, we erase. We make people suffer and we make them silenced. Some people hire us just to investigate, gather information on an enemy.
You wouldn’t believe the amount of people that have wanted others dead. Exes wanting revenge, spouses wanting to collect life insurance, adult children sick of their parents. Some of their reasoning isn’t even good, but hey, moneys money right?
The cash isn’t even why I do it. It’s the thrill. Being undercover, being sneaky, solving things people had made difficult because they thought they were smart enough to hide them.
Everything I do, I do for the thrill. That rush of adrenaline that I’ve yet to let anyone who cares about me know about. Most assassins are like me though. No one really does it for the money. That’s just a bonus.
My father’s the only one who knows what I do. He made me what I am today. A killer. Not even my boyfriend of two years knows. He thinks I’m a planner at a company that sells stocks. That’s my cover. Thats my lie.
My eyes snap open as I hear my alarm go off. I dig under my pillow for my phone and shut off the alarm. I set my phone down on the night stand and rub my eyes. 5 am. I look over to my side and see my sleeping boyfriend, Luke. No doubt he went to bed not even an hour ago. He spends most nights staying up all night playing video games.
I sit up in bed and yawn. I get up and make my way to my bathroom. I take a quick shower before leaving to my usual coffee shop for breakfast.
The barista hands me my usual order with a smile. I’m used to seeing her here almost every day. Her usual days off are Wednesday and Friday. I sip on my coffee as I head back to my car. The clock on the console reads 6:53 am. I set the coffee down in the cup holder and drive off to the building I spend so many days in during my childhood, before I knew what it held.
I park in my usual spot, right next to my father’s car. I get out the car with my purse and my coffee, heading to the building entrance. I nod at Bobbie, the security girl, as I swipe my access card. It grants me access to the building and I head straight to my father’s office as I do every morning.
“Ah, good morning my dear.” My dad says as he gets out of his chair and walks to me for a hug.
“Good morning, Dad.” I say as I hug him back tightly.
He pulls away and smiles at me. “What do you have for me today?” He asks.
I dig through my purse and find a little paper bag. I hand it to him. “Open it.” I say while biting my lip to contain my excitement.
My father smiles at me and opens the little paper bag, letting a ring fall out onto his hand. “24 karat diamond?” He asks as he examines it.
“Yep. Fresh off the finger of a very unlucky divorcé.” I tell him.
“Ah, so this is the proof of contract completion for that Mrs. Aubrey then?”
“Ms. Aubrey.” I correct. “And yes, her ex husband won’t be bothering her or her children anymore.”
“That’s a good girl, I knew I could count on you.” My father smiles and puts the ring back in its paper bag. “I’ll have it delivered to her tonight, expect your payment in full my tomorrow morning dear.” He sits back down in his chair.
I sit down in the seat in front of his desk. “That’s my last contract, I’m officially out of running orders.” I say with a laugh.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ve got something for you.” My dad smiles as he begins typing away at his computer.
“What is it?” I ask, leaning in.
“I’ll tell you in a bit, go on back to your office dear.”
“Why wait?”
“There’s more than just you and I for this contract, it’s a big one.”
I smile brightly. My father’s finally giving me a big important contract for my own. “All right. Just call my office when you’re ready for me, Dad.” I say with a smile as I get up from the seat.
“I’ll see you in a bit, dear.” He says as he waves me off.
I walk out of his office and to the elevator. My father’s office is on the top floor, while mine is about seven floors below that, a bit more than 2/3 of the way up the whole building. I walk out of the elevator and see the cubicles. I’m glad I got to skip that part.
I walk down the cleared walkway to my office, but am stopped when someone waves me over.
Casey. She started here as an information analyst just over a year ago. Now she profiles the subjects of our contracts. She’s the one who decides which assassin does what job.
“Hey, Casey.” I rest my arms over her cubicle.
“So, your new contact.” She smiles at me.
“I take it you chose me?” I laugh.
“No, this one came straight from the big man, your dad.” She says.
“Ah, okay. So you have no idea what it is then?” I ask.
“Nope.” She shakes her head.
“Then what did you call me over for?” I ask with a laugh.
“To gossip, duh! What else?” She laughs.
“I’m not one to gossip, Casey, you know that.” I say as I begin to walk away.
“I just wondered if you heard anything about the new guy.” She shrugs.
I turn back to her. “New guy?” I ask.
“He’s on loan from another industry. Apparently he’s their best assassin. Might even be right up there with your skill.” She chuckles.
“Who is it?” I ask.
“Well, I didn’t get a name, but he’s handsome. I snuck a peak at his photo in his file when I was in your dad’s office yesterday.” She smirks. “He’s gorgeous, like a god!” She whispers.
I laugh. “He’s a trained killer?”
She nods. “His file was definitely an assassin file.”
I shake my head. “Don’t be spreading this around. Idle gossip isn’t what people come here for.” I say before walking into my office.
I shut the door behind me and let out a breath. I walk to my desk and set down my now half drunk coffee and my purse. I rub my temple and check the time on my phone. 8:14 am.
I groan and lay my head down in my arms on my desk. No contracts, no one to research or study. Nothing. I sigh and start scrolling aimlessly on my phone.
I get bored fast and see my phone down on my desk. I run my fingers over my face and bounce my knee up and down. The agony and boredom is killing me.
I shake my head and begin searching through my drawers, taking everything out and organizing everything. Within an hour I have everything in my office rearranged. I step back and look at it all, smiling.
I turn around and look out the glass wall of my office. Anyone who looked in here would think I was crazy. I just tore apart my entire office and rearranged it all in an hour, just out of boredom.
Staring out the glass I see someone who makes my breath hitch. Matt Sturniolo. Matt worked at this company years ago. He was one of my father’s greatest assassins. He even taught me most of my tricks. But that all changed when Matt betrayed me.
The call finally comes. My father telling me it’s time to go back up to his office. I have a weird feeling in my stomach, a feeling Matt has something to do with it.
I make my way to the elevator and go back up to my father’s office. I walk out of the elevator and stop when I see him. Matt standing in my father’s office. Just talking with him.
I gather my courage and walk into his office, ignoring Matt completely. “Got the call,” I say to my dad. “What’s the contract?”
“Y/n, you know Matt Sturniolo.” My dad gestures to Matt. I side eye him before looking back at my dad.
“Yes, I remember him.” I mumble.
“He’s your partner for this contract.”
My jaw drops. “He- what?” Matt laughs and I turn to glare at him. “What’s so funny?” I ask him.
“Just you.” Matt says. “You’re like a high school girl with a grudge.”
I glare at him before turning back to my dad. “There’s got to be someone else, or I could just do it myself!” I tell him.
“No, you two are the best assassins I’ve ever met, the best trained killers, the best investigators, the best of the best. I need both of you for this.” My father says in a demanding tone.
“What’s the contract?” Matt asks.
“Finley Wilson.” My father stands up and hands both Matt and me a folder. “Collector of rare curios. He’s not the target though, your job is to befriend him. Pose as a couple in search of useless art and befriend Wilson. Find out who he cares about the most.”
I stare at my father. “Us? A couple?” I point between Matt and myself.
“I won’t hear any of your complaining.” My dad says. “This is an important contact, I want reports every night. Your flight leaves tomorrow afternoon, I suggest you be ready then, understand?” My father says sternly.
I nod and keep my mouth closed.
“Good. Don’t worry, I’ll have your things for your cover sent with you. You’ll need to make a believable couple, and Wilson will have to believe you’re a rich couple looking to buy his curios. That is important. You need him to believe this cover. He’s paranoid, it won’t be easy.”
Matt closer the folder and holds it under his arm. “Where are we going?” He asks.
TAGS: @sturniolopookie @savageking3 @tastesousweet @jko3005 @sturniolo0ntop @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer
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eobardthawneallen · 1 year
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:3c @sowideasea thanks for the prompt of ygo friendship shenanigans (sorry to Jonouchi)
[ID: In a chibi style at a restaurant table scene with Ryou, Yugi, Anzu, Jonouchi and Honda is drawn.
Ryou is sitting on the bench laughing with closed eyes, a fist close to his mouth to cover it, the other by his stomach. next to him Yugi is building with cards a tower over Jonouchi's head, he has a card on one hand close to the top of the tower, the other is on the table.
Anzu is smiling standing, filming with a pink phone she is holding with both hands on horizontal mode.
Jonouchi is sleeping, he is drooling, has his head over an arm. he has blue drawings over his face and hand. a little spiral mustache and a smiley face on his hand. next to him Honda is smiling with closed eyes, he is holding a marker with blue point.
there is a black napkin holder with salt and pepper containers. the cards are pink by one side and blank by the other.
clothes are mostly their casual DSOD clothes except for Ryou, anyway, Ryou is wearing his light blue shirt with the stripe white and blue shirt under it, for Yugi the light purple dress shirt with rolled sleeves up the elbows with his black with metallic framing and the purple vest. Anzu is wearing a yellow trutle neck with no sleeves, and a pink skirt with a belt, Jonouchi and Honda are both wearing a green jacket with a white shirt, but Jonouchi's green is more light and saturated. END ID]
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creaturecomfxrts · 7 months
Dipper and Mabel pines headcanons?
FINALLY getting around to answering these! since im better at them, heres some college age headcanons that apply just as much to how i view them in the show!
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transmasc. duh. of course
parents are INCREDIBLY supportive, super understanding. hes on hormone blockers in the show and starts HRT as soon as hes able, getting top surgery and bottom surgery in his early 20s
bisexual! ran into a guy junior year of highschool and went oh GOD. this is wendy 2.0 im going to die
LOVES board games. so much. not just dungeons and dragons and monopoly im talkin everdell, wingspan, cascadia, catan. he loves a good think. he also loves dragging everyone else into playing them with him. he always wins. almost always, anyway
absolutely adores college and everything about it hes a little freak. totally ends up being the president of a few clubs, co creating some, etc. made an occult club AND a hiking club at his college
loves doodling, loves horror. his teachers? not so much. they try not to look at the weird ass creatures he draws on the margins of his very well written homework.
probably goes into something smart. like biochem. or um. stem. im (author) is a liberal arts major all i do is write gay fanfiction.
PSYCHOTIC ASS DORM ROOM. he barely decorated it like a classic college male but has a conspiracy board and thats it. which is full of strange shit hes seen outside of gravity falls. to be fair its very well documented and somewhat neat, just…. strange decor. he lives in a single (introvert)
COVERED in tattoos, but always abides by the suit rule (all tattoos need to be able to be covered by a suit to be professional. he knows this bc hes a neerrrrddd). he has really sick sleeves of runes and other occult like things hes found interesting. he has cipher related tattoos as well and also even got ford to design a few.
he has PROMINENT eye bags. he will never fix his sleep schedule
ended up working as a summer camp counselor for a while right outside if gravity falls! the kids loved him but he couldnt stand the heat and bugs all the time so he only did it for a summer or two
even after turning 21 he doesnt actually drink that much, hes a craft beer enjoyer and likes to make it himelf (Much later in life)
ALWAYS stays in touch with mabel. if anything happens in either of their lives you better BELIEVE theyre already on the phone with eachother
medical marijuana card holder
smokes to help eith his anxiety. it works WONDERS
coffee drinker but actually Does put cream and sugar is coffee. sometimes. other times hes too tired and just thugs it out
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THE number one it girl ever
NUMBER ONE TRANS ALLY EVERRRRRR she loves her brother so much
pansexual!! she loves cool people, thats her motto
went to a fashion design school, is loving it despite drowning in work
began dying her hair in cool ways through highschool, now she always has some of her natural color present but goes a little crazy on the highlights
found out about huge dangley joke earrings. went absolutely crazy. has an entire space on her desk dedicated to her many many earrings. she has babies, knives, bags of doritos, aliens, glow in the dark ones, anything you could imagine.
fantastic at fashion design. stuggled a lot with the fancier stuff but her teachers were floored when they let her go wild on casual comfy wear. she excells in combining fashion and comfort in really exciting and colorful ways.
a party girl through and through, loves clubs, raves, concerts, anything!
video game lover as well, cracked at pvp games.
still boy crazy, just less so (has had like. 10 college boyfriends)
literally the sweetest friend ever. she loves hosting movie nights and tea parties (bc who wouldnt. theyre awesome)
tea drinker, loves floral teas with honey
HATES. black coffee. a starbucks frap girlie 4ever
has been scouted for modeing multiple times and only accepted when it was a commercial with puppies
love love loves making friendshio bracelets. knows all the patterns, all of her friends have a hefty amount of a bunch of different ones because she just keeps making them
anywwy, here you go! i love these two so much, i hope ive done them justice!
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pedropascalito · 3 months
The Last of Us Joel Miller Character Study S1E1: Joel's Drawer(s)
His literal drawer(s).
I changed the shadows to try to make out what he keeps in this top drawer and to the best of my eyes:
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A green CD case. I have a green CD case just like this I keep DVDs in. Twins with Joel!
Sunglasses or eyeglasses case, which, come on Craig Mazin, we couldn't get even one shot of Joel in sunglasses? Have you never watched Narcos? Pedro looks divine in sunnies. Have you never watched We Can Be Heroes? Pedro looks divine in eyeglasses. Petition for more Pedro roles who canon wear glasses, please. Anyway...
Some sort of leather case/dopp kit style bag. Wrong shape for CDs, and I don't remember ever seeing a cassette holder like this. And that would be unlikely in 2003. Perhaps a keepsake box? It's well-worn around the edges and looks older, so whatever it is, it's important to Joel.
Random paper, maybe business cards or phone numbers?
And of course, money
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6. What looks like a checkbook cover, which were def still in heavy use in 2003
7. The checkbook is resting on a darker object that I would guess is an address book. These were still very common in 2003 as we were making the transition from paper books to phone contact lists. I still had a contact book because at that time if you changed your phone, you could not export/import/sync contacts, so w had a master list. (I still have mine I think, but I don't update it anymore.)
8. The yellow plastic device looks like a stud-finder I used to own, which would not surprise me and would match the construction ephemera we saw on the desk. But, perhaps someone else knows what this is?
9. The white trim looks like the top of a catch-call basket and I can't figure out what the orange loop is. Not a headband. Maybe a kind of strap?
10. There looks to be some metal pieces inside the basket, and a metal device outside of the basket against the back drawer wall. It almost looks like an older pencil sharpener, but other than that, I can't guess. Anyone else have an idea?
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11. It looks like a roll of Smarties candy under the stud-finder(?). I love the idea of Joel stashing candy in his drawer.
I love that the brown leather case and checkbook cover are classic, simple yet elegant in leather and very practical, and the brown leather case looks especially loved. I wonder what he keeps in there?
All together, this drawer is functional, relatively neat, and obviously he is not worried about Sarah borrowing money or seeing these possessions. Maybe he even leaves the candy for her, knowing she'll be in the drawer at times. Cutest dad ever.
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ERAS TOUR GELSENKIRCHEN: everything you need to know
HAPPY THE ERAS TOUR IS FINALLY COMING TO GERMANY WEEK! Here's a list of things to consider for the concerts in Gelsenkirchen which will be continuously updated. (check out my navigation post for additional information and my tag #eras tour germany for questions I have already answered!)
WHAT YOU SHOULD DO BEFORE THE SHOW (via the organizer's website (DE/EN)):
open your tickets in the eventim app once before the show (so that they are downloaded already in case your mobile data isn't working)
forward the tickets belonging to other members of your group to them
enter the stadium as a group! the person who has bought the tickets needs to show their ID for you to get inside
ITEMS THAT PERSON SHOULD HAVE WITH THEM: booking confirmation (printed or on your phone), ID
make sure to plan enough time to get to and from the arena!
list of forbidden items (only in German, lmk if u need a translation!)
another list of forbidden items specifically for the eras tour show (in German and English)
you are NOT allowed to camp on the arena ground!
Where to enter the arena based on your tickets
you may receive a free ticket for public transport to get to the concert, the instructions can be found on the organizer's webiste under ÖPNV/public transport
no face coverings allowed, except for masks or religious coverings
pieces of clothing/costume that obstruct other people's view are prohibited
the venue is card only!
early entry (for VIP ticket holders of the category 1 and 6): 3:30 pm
regular entry: 4:30 pm
Paramore will come on at 6:15 pm!
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kiiyunz · 5 months
a look into kihyun’s bag(s) ☆
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whatever bag kihyun has chosen to sport for whatever he’s doing—whether that be a casual backpack hanging off of his back or well-worn shoulder bag bouncing around him as he runs from one place the next with his usual endless energy—there’s always two things that’ll be completely certain: one, that said bag will be filled to the brim, occasionally spilling over with everything he’s attempted to cram in there, and two, it’ll be absolutely covered in decorations. stickers, keychains—his favourite is a candy era mark keychain, and he has about 3 of them—pins, you name it, and he’s probably stuck it on there in some capacity. even when he’s in his low-effort outfits and feeling a little lazy in his dress, the one thing that’ll always be colourful is his bag. it’s loud, too, and while he might be able to creep up on his members and give them a fright without the addition of one of the countless bags and backpacks he’s acquired over the years, when he has them on you can hear him coming from a mile away (which he finds mildly annoying when he wants to scare jisung but the maknae has already turned around and levelled him with an unimpressed stare by the time he gets there, alerted by all the jangling the singer is doing).
inside his chosen bag for the occasion, as previously mentioned, you’ll probably find enough knick-knacks for a lifetime. of course there’s the essentials: his phone, laptop, wallet, keys, charger cables, headphones, his passport if it’s for the airport, and his shitty & nearly-broken 3DS (which he uses mostly when he's bored, and only for a few select games he’s found he can tolerate more than any of the battleground games jeno is always trying to get him into. his go-to’s are tomodachi life, mario kart, luigi’s mansion, and, on occasion, mortal kombat). but there’s also quite a few things he usually has on him as well. the compact digital camera he’s began to take places more often, occasionally a manga volume or two, sunglasses, jewellery, packs of playing cards, odd photocards in their various holders from his extensive collection, stickers, lighters, both half-empty & brand-new flavour cartridges, extra laces for his shoes, random lego figurines from one place or another, at least one pair of extra headphones, and of course general items he's just never gotten around to getting rid of: things like receipts, or train tickets, or beads or gems that have fallen off one thing or another—the list only goes on.
safe to say, it’s never a boring experience going through kihyun’s bag. he wouldn’t be much help in a crisis (unless renjun has reminded him to stuff his various vitamins and painkillers in there, along with a few plasters for good measure), but he would be a great source of entertainment if anybody was in need of a little lift-me-up. he really doesn’t mean for it to get to such a mess, but over time it just piles up and he can never quite bring himself to sit down and properly empty it all out again. renjun and mark have definitely tried to help him when he comes to them with a determined look in his eyes and says that that day is the day, but about twenty minutes in he usually ends up either getting bored and playing on his 3DS for the rest of the time or making excuses for every single little item inside by providing the older members with some sort of anecdote to let them convince him to keep it (even if it’s completely ridiculous—because with mark especially, if kihyun looks up at him with wobbly eyes and begs him not to throw away an old & empty pack of gum, he’s not going to do a thing).
overall, while it’s a complete mess, to kihyun his bag makes perfect sense. it’s almost like a magic hat, with the way he can dive a hand into it and come up with just the thing he was searching for. he acts overly devastated when he loses so much as a button from any of them, and uses every one he gets until it’s on the very brink of falling to pieces in the middle of the street. a few people have referred to him here and there as the ‘korean jane birkin’ with how well-loved all of his bags clearly are.
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yuzuwakano · 8 months
Niko Ikkis room isn't very decorated. He's never been one to care about things like that, but the things he does have are unique and special to him. A twin sized bed sits in the middle of the room, adorned with not much more than a single pillow and light blue blanket. On the left of the bed closest to the door, is a small nightstand. In the bottom drawer is a number of gacha figures, keychains and small knick-knacks. In the top drawer is Nikos' collection of YU-GI-OH cards, along with everything he would need to play and trade them: photo sleeves, toploaders, cards and envelopes from Daiso. On top of the nightstand is a lamp that constantly stays on until Niko decides to sleep, from the base of which Niko has his phone charger plugged in. 
On the other side of the bed is a tall shelf set, in its shelves are Nikos collection of manga and anime CD sets for his more favored series and a few school journals, with the exception of the center shelf holding an expensive Madoka Magica figure. Akemi Homura is hovering above the base plate in a sitting position with her legs crossed over each other as if she was in a chair. She's wearing a black dress, shorter in the front and spanning out in fabric and feathers in the back. Behind her are large black and gray wings whose feathers blend with that of her dress, spinning around in a tornado of shadow until it meets the base plate underneath her. 
Across the room is a dark brown drawer with a small TV on top. On the left is a small figure, it's wonky, and half of the time Niko can hardly name the character from an anime he hadn't watched since he was 12 but his mother had got it for him on his birthday, so displayed it was. On the right is a small stack of manga pushed up against the wall, a laptop charger wrapped around itself, and a poetry journal that's gone untouched since he started playing soccer.
Pushed against the farthest wall, underneath a large window, is Nikos desk. A dark brown, matching the drawer set. On the left is a white pencil holder, filled with pencils and pens he's collected over the years, a light blue mousepad and white mouse. On the right is Nikos laptop, propped up on a stand, and another lamp, which was also constantly on. In the center is a small stack of school work, books, journals and homework with a stray pencil sitting on top. The desk chair, a dark blue fabric and wheeled, was a constant representation if Niko was home, wearing his school blazer when he was and bare when he wasn't. 
The walls were basically white, with the smallest tinge of blue that made Niko wonder if his parents had meant to get pure white and didn't notice the true hue. There was a Death Note calendar above his desk next to the window, constantly opened to June 2019, displaying an image from the opening sequence of Light and L on top of two buildings, staring each other down.
Above his bed was a framed picture of him and his parents after he won his first large YU-GI-OH championship at the age of 9. He's holding a trophy plate in one hand and a large bouquet of flowers in the other and his hair is awkwardly pushed out of his eyes via his mother who insisted that ‘just for the pictures’ their matching eyes would be on display. His parents are behind him smiling excitedly and leaning down to match his height. Behind him are 2nd and 3rd place, a mildly annoyed acne riddled teenager and a royally pissed off middle aged, balding, fat man who ended up cussing the child out in the parking lot. Nikos thought about a million comebacks for that guy since, but that day he only hid behind his father who told the man to get a life. 
Standing in his doorway, Niko drops his bag, after so long in Blue Lock Niko realized his bedroom wasn't too different to the prison-like dorms of the facility, and he lets out a “I need a poster,” under his breath. He couldn't help to imagine what the other Blue Lockers rooms looked like, were they as underwhelmed as he was? Or were their rooms covered wall to wall with posters, pictures and decoration. He tried to imagine what they would have, what did they like other than soccer? Did Kurona have shark posters? Would Reo have expensive paintings? Niko imagined Otoya’s wall covered in photos of him with all of his alleged girlfriends and let out a huff of a laugh.  
Collapsing on his bed, Niko pulled out his phone, excited to catch up on what he had missed while in the facility and trying not to be sour about his lack of notifications. Nikos' phone answered his silent wish for him buzzing with a new notification. Maybe: Isagi xxx-xxx-xxxx 
Maybe:Isagi: hey niko! it's Isagi! 
Isagi: me and a couple of other blue lockers are gonna go out tomorrow! we're meeting at a cafe in shibuya and probably going to an arcade and maybe karaoke after, wanna go? 
Niko: No, not really.
Isagi: oh okay !! no worries !! enjoy your break !! 
Niko: You too. 
That was a no brainer. Niko would rather be doing anything else than walking around a crowded city and being forced into doing karaoke by people he would hardly call friends. Isagi Yoichi means well, but he can mean well with his actual friends. Maybe this is why Niko didn't have any…
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thanks for reading! i know its a bunch of nothing but i couldn't not post for nikos birthday :3
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theahole · 2 years
Okay, spent my leisure money this month on 2 @shiftythrifting grab boxes of stuff.
The big one was Halloween stuff:
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With a weird dog, a bat, a big plastic skeleton that folds in two (its head spins), broken neon skeleton, a skull pencil topper, weird sticky hand, stuffed cat & pumpkin, bucket o' goodies, 2 eye patches (one for each eye), Ty's Scary the Witch, and a bear with a squished hat in a bag.
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Here's what was in the bucket: plastic pumpkins & skulls, spider & ghost rings, plastic babies, candy, witch & cat stakes, witch figure & hollow ghost.
I also got keychains & charms:
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The little notebook has a weird cover that's sort of lenticular but never resolves into anything I pick up on. It's full of a kid's drawings, so I'm keeping it forever. Next to Planet Hollywood Chicago is a globe that doesn't even try. It spins, though. Batman is great. A samovar missing a leg. There's oreo and heart-shaped cake phone charms, heavy metal baseball glove, Van Gogh in heavy plastic, a cow-print card holder, the AFLAC duck?, candy brand I never heard of, great blingy turtle, a roast fowl, a dozen eggs, and a diver advertising something.
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Here are the stickers and stuff that were also in the box.
There was also a worm on a string, but my roommate grabbed it before I could get the string fully unwound. He took the worm off the string!
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mirrorsblogs · 2 years
𝐀 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐊. 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙗𝙪𝙮𝙖 𝙖𝙧𝙘, 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜.
𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙞𝙩!
The morning was always tiresome for you. There was rarely a reprieve as first your alarm annoyed you then reminders for the day then emails till you got so overwhelmed that you just turned off your phone. Groggily you picked yourself up before soon realizing your upper half was anchored into place.
To your side Nanami groaned slightly and tightened his hold on your body. You tried to push his hand away but to no avail.
“Kento you have to let me go.” From this view you had on his face he smirked and pulled you even closer.
“Do I?” The lilt in his voice made you laugh in the morning, a rare sight. “But I don’t think I want to.” 
His voice was gruff from not being used for a while and it made you blush heavily. 
“I have to head to work and I could miss the train!” You whined in an effort to lessen his hold on you but it did nothing.
“Sleep in, I can drive you.” His lips kissed slightly on your neck before moving to your cheek then to your lips.
“Mmm let me brush my teeth.”
“‘s fine.” His voice muffled slightly. You smiled and leaned in to connect your lips.
“Fine but we should get going soon otherwise we’re going to hit traffic.”
He did not respond but instead got up and walked to the bathroom quietly. Strange, you thought.
“You ok?” The worry in your voice was apparent as you made your way into the bathroom behind him.
“I just have a weird feeling about today.” You watch from the side as he slathers some shaving cream on his face.
“Maybe somebody will fender bender us.” Both of you had been praying for that since you wanted someone to pay for all the damage already incurred to your car.
“Maybe.” He was uncharacteristically silent again and focused on shaving his face. You sighed and began your own morning routine.
After thirty minutes both of you were ready for work.
“Why’re you dressed up like that?” Nanami pointed at your halo and wings that accompanied your usual work outfit.
“It’s a Halloween work party thing. Best outfit gets a gift card to that new coffee place near my work.”
“I forgot it was Halloween.” You smiled and handed him his usual weapon of choice.
“Don’t worry I’m sure people will just think you’re supposed to be a corporate assassin or something.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He shook his head and grabbed the keys from their holder. When you both hopped into the car immediately soft jazz started to play. Nanami moved to change the station knowing you hated jazz in the morning but you stopped him.
“No, it's fine. You always like listening to it on car rides anyways.” 
“Thanks. Sorry about this morning, I don't know what came over me.”
“Hey it’s ok we all get into those moods.” You placed your hand over his hand that was resting on the console.
“You know I love you right?” You instantly blushed, still not used to hearing those coveted words of affirmation from the man sitting next to you.
“I know. I love you too.” You smiled at him but his face remained on the road. The car ride was silent until Nanami’s phone pinged.
“That bastard.” Nanami continued to curse at his phone as he veered off your usual commute. “Gojo needs me to pick up Itadori. Do you mind?”
“No no. I think it’s endearing to see you take care of someone.”
“He’s just a student. I shouldn’t get attached anyways.” You did not comment on knowing that the ensuing conversation would cover all those Nanami had lost.
The car pulled up to the Jujutsu Tech campus and a boy with pink hair quickly hopped into the car.
“Hello Nanamin!” 
“Don’t call me that.” His voice was stern but you could see the affection brimming behind his eyes.
“Did you know-” Itadori’s voice was interrupted by Nanami cranking the radio up. You rolled your eyes and turned the radio back down as you saw Itadori’s depressed expression.
“Continue.” Nanami sent you a deadly look but did nothing to comment nor stop you. Itadori continued on and on about his days which you listened intently to.
“So there’s a thing inside you that’s like evil?” You turned around and poked his cheek slightly.
“Yeah, exactly.” He swatted your hand away.
“Wanna know more?” A mouth appeared on the side of Itadori’s face which made you crack up even more.
“No thank you.” You said politely but the mouth did not take that for an answer.
“You don’t want to know more about me, really?”
“Itadori-kun.” Nanami looked at him sternly through the rearview mirror. Sukuna was shut up thereafter as Itadori concentrated on keeping him locked away.
You listened to Itadori’s musings and rants for a few more minutes before you arrived at your workplace. Just as you were about to get out, Nanami's phone pinged again.
“We’re heading nearby. If you need anything, call me.”
“Oh where about?” You turned back around to glance back at Nanami.
“Shibuya Train Station.”
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diaryofanidiot · 1 year
Hey,I would like to make a request for the obey me bros + side characters with an exchange student MC who was from Alice in borderland and was playing a game before they got transported to the devildom. They still remembers everything that happened in the Borderlands. It can be headcanons,or a short one-shot,or whatever you feel comfortable writing.
Two of my biggest fandoms ily random user <33 Let's do this thing)
Tw: vague ptsd mentions, anxiety attacks, shock, gunshots, and horror
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"Welcome to the Devildom... why are you covered in blood?"
Lucifer had picked your name at random for the exchange program
Similarly, you had been sent to the Borderlands at random.
4 weeks before the date you were set in motion to be transported to the devildom, you disappeared from the human world.
3 of Clubs.
A physical game. And a low number at that.
You couldn't help but give a bittersweet smile as you looked down at the phone displaying the card.
Your visa was set to expire in two days. It was tempting to just let time run out, but something In your gut refused to let you die
You listened as the disembodied voice explained the game.
"Game: Theme Park. 3 of clubs."
"Players must find the exit while avoiding the mascots."
The voice counted down to game start as you stretched and looked around at your fellow players.
A group of three sketchy guys leaned against the amusement parks directory wall. Your instincts told you to avoid them.
An elderly man looked down at his phone nervously, his hand gripping his cane. He looked new and getting a clubs game was just bad luck on his part.
A young couple held hands as they awaited the countdown. You could depend on them a little, but if it came down to you or them, they would no doubt sacrifice you for their lover.
The finally a guy around your age, stretching similarly to you.
'I'll run with him' you decided.
As the game started, you took off in the same direction as him, looking around for an exit. No mascots to be found just yet.
He noticed you and nodded your way as you reached the gate. It was chained up.
"No way of getting out here." He panted.
A scream sounded from the other side of the park. You cringed as it was cut short with a gunshot.
You noticed a ferris wheel and had an idea. "We should climb that.:
The guy looked at you in bewilderment.
"Not all the way, just enough to get a birds eye view."
"You're crazy." A smile emerged on his face. "But it's not a bad idea."
The two of you took off towards the ferris wheel, your head on a swivel, keeping an eye out for the mascots.
As you reached the ferris wheel, the young man knelt down to give you a boost.
Just as you put your foot in his hands for him to push you up, another gunshot rang out, pinging against the metal Ferris wheel.
The two of you whipped your heads to see a man in a bear costume holding a machine gun
Coming up behind the "bear" was another mascot in a beaver costume wielding a machete.
"Split up!" The guy yelled, letting go of your foot and booking it toward the bumper cars.
You ran the other way, being followed by the machete holder. Toward the house of mirrors.
As you reached the house of mirrors, the third and final mascot stepped out dressed in a frog costume and weilding a spiked bat.
Dread filled your stomach as you realized that this was the exit and it was being guarded the whole time.
So close to winning but an enemy on either side, you decided to take your chances with the frog.
You put up a good fight but by the end of it, you were on your knees. You clutched the phone in your hands as you watched the mascot raise his bat.
He swung.
You braced for impact and closed your eyes.
It never came.
Diavolo stepped forward as the new human exchange student materialized, fully prepared to give his welcome speech.
However, your torn clothes, broken phone, and the blood stains covering you made him falter.
Lucifer scowled and quickly moved between you and Diavolo. He already didn't care for humans but this was sketchy.
Meanwhile, when the impact of the spiked bat never came, you slowly peeled your eyes open.
Maybe someone won the game before you were killed. That had to be it.
That wasn't it.
You blinked and rubbed your eyes at the change of scenery. It didn't go away.
"Lucifer, the human is screaming."
Were you? Oh shit you were.
A white-haired man dressed in black stepped forward and knelt beside you, not touching you as to not further your panic.
You looked at him with wide eyes as you hyperventilated. Was it all a dream? Did you wake up? Did you die? Too many questions in your head.
"My name is Solomon..." He spoke slowly, aware you must've just gone through something horrific. "You're safe. You're in the Devildom. Can you tell me what happened to you?"
Your words came out jumbled. The only clear ones being "death games" and "visa"
Solomon frowned and turned toward Diavolo. "They need medical attention... and maybe a sedative til we can figure out how to move from here."
Diavolo agreed and sent for a doctor.
In the meantime, the brothers watched on with confusion and concern as you were aided by Solomon and Barbatos.
The latter wrapped a blanket around you after seeing your thousand yard stare, and the former tried to coax more Intel from you.
Eventually, the emotional detachment that sunk in allowed you to tell them more. Solomon thought you were spewing nonsense, but Barbatos, familiar with the multiverse, knew you told the truth.
Your future in the exchange student program would be uncertain, but it was eventually decided that you couldn't be sent back right now. If only for the concern that you'd just be sent back to the Borderlands.
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averyauthorship · 1 year
Highly recommend this writing exercise for anyone with original characters: Come up with the contents of their bag. An author visited my workplace recently and this was her tip, so I gave it a shot. It really helps with writer's block, and it helps you get to know your lil' guys a little bit. (I also added phones because that is another great glimpse into the person.)
The bag: A square, black backpack with a Lord of the Rings keychain and a space needle pin on it. The straps are a little frayed because she has been using it since high school. It’s very practical and spacious.
Inside the bag
Emotional support water bottle
Laptop (covered in various stickers)
A pile of discarded/forgotten elastic headbands
Notebook filled with DM scrawlings
At least one book at all times
Wallet with keys attached
Phone: iPhone (a couple generations old) from high school, cracked screen, yellowed clear phone case with a couple stickers stuck inside. Both the home screen and lock screen wallpaper are the Eye of Sauron.
The bag: A generic gray backpack with an Adventure Zone lanyard with keys and his wallet clipped onto the outside in a little card holder.
Inside the bag
Work laptop (it’s sort of a brick, old and thick, but it runs numbers well)
Switch (in case he gets bored at work)
Personal laptop
Creased up old comic book
Glasses case w/ wipe
A bottle of coke that he’s been working on for a week
Phone: An older iPhone in an opaque red phone case with black D20 phone grip. His home screen wallpaper is a picture of him and his dad at his sister’s quinceañera, and the lock screen is a picture of his dad’s EMS dog Mariposa.
The bag: A very big tote bag (pink).
Inside the bag
Collapsible wireless headphones (pink)
Nail kit for emergencies (including file, clippers, clear polish, etc.) (pink)
Hairbrush (pink)
Tinted sunscreen (pink, somehow)
Cat shaped wallet (pink)
An unacceptably heavy chemistry textbook (not pink)
Phone: The newest iPhone (she saved up for it) in a (pink) sparkly case. Her lock screen is a picture of the best smoothie she ever had in her life and her home screen is a selfie of her and Sam on a hike.
The bag: An army green satchel bag absolutely covered in pins and buttons (including, but not limited to, a Green Day button, a pan flag button, a trans flag button, one that says, “Screw you I’m hilarious,” and various other ones with cheeky little phrases).
Inside the bag
A journal stuffed full of receipts and scribbles that they use to keep track of store inventory and purchases. (They log everything into a computer too, but they like having a physical copy on them in case their internet or computer poops out.)
Folgers instant coffee (travel sized packets)
Pocket knife
An absolutely fat ring of keys on a Dark Crystal lanyard
Big sunglasses (stolen from their mom when they moved out halfway through high school)
A leather pouch with a clasp instead of a wallet (filled with loose cash, change, and one card)
Phone: They never upgraded to a smartphone, so they have the same flip phone they had in middle school. The wallpaper is a very unflattering picture of Link that they took after he fell asleep on the couch during a sleepover. They also have an iPhone for work, but it only supports the internet so that they can post about their tabletop store “The Do’s and Don’ts of Dice” on Instagram.
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fff777 · 7 months
watched episode 1 of dream x dream with 3j :3
is this the entirety of the 3j content that they'd spoiled? (i'm assuming this was during alley-oop?)
nana mode already on XD
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omg they have photocards with the cute card holders ;_; who gave that to them XD
they're going to "be like fans" and have meals with photocards lmfao
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jisung was disappointed that he didn't have photocards of fans and had to eat with his own photocard...what a thing to say lol
jeno keeps playing with the fluffy card case
the guys were giving jisung shit about coming in that way because jaemin had to shrink in on the seat lol
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what a nice place :3
aw jisung is so serious about his ideas for triple j content :3 and jeno is so seriously listening while jaemin is just chattering in the background
taking pics with the photocards :P
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jeno: ...what do the fans do after they take pictures...
jeno is the oldest and the taste tester hehe
jaemin: *samoyed jokes*
jisung: ...are you done
jisung: i don't like sour cream
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jaemin said that jisung will get a lot of views on cooking videos, but nomin wants him to do it with no help and no audience
jisung: i'm not actually that bad at cooking, i just do it for the bit
normal dream things
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also jaemin: if a samoyed eats that, it needs to go to the hospital
jisung hates the sound of silverware clinking and squeaking against each other
they got caught when playing video games when they were young lol
jisung used to live with his family and only went to the dorm during breaks :o
the guys laughing at the fact that jisung used to have to give his phone to his mom before going to bed so that he wouldn't use it in bed XD
before they started living at a dorm, jisung's mom once drove them to the subway station and jeno still remembered that :3
more photocard photos heh
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see this is normally what i think about when i think of photocard meal photos. i imagine the photocard being propped up so it feels like you're eating with someone else
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jaemin's been watching a log of nctzen vlogs uwu and he wants them to show their faces....you know he really is like that eh. anyway he asked them to show their faces and they started to do it but now he's complaining about how they only show their faces partially covered XD maybe we fans are the true cryptids XD
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and then jaemin complains that he clicks on a thumbnail with a face but the video only has hands XD it's because fans are shy, jaemin
official announcement from president na XD
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see jisung and jeno get it XD but jaemin is complaining about the sheer numbers of people not showing their faces lmfao
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nana v pose
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aw, they're discussing etiquette and habits of nctzens when they hang out with their friends
lol jaemin is convinced that fans get together to celebrate nct's accomplishments
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they're talking about things that fans do together and i won't lie...it would be fun to have some czennie friends :3
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samoyed never goes away
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for reference, this was his face when he saw the bird lol
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lol they're full
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jisung and jaemin liked the pasta and they were surprised when jeno said he liked the baguette ^^;;
jisung concerned with the vibes they were giving off while leaving their meal and jaemin was all "I DO WHAT I WANT!"
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they're going to watch videos together like czennies ^^;; honestly i don't watch videos with my friends but that's just because i have too much shame lol
awww they're going to watch fanvideos and fan compilations together!!! i think this'll be fun :3
jeno: we were crazier when we were younger
my guy you are only 24 years old but no, i get what he means, as a 23-24 year old i did facepalm at some of my old memories lol
they're having soooo much fun watching
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awww the guys didn't know that johnny and jaehyun were going to come to their cafe :3
lol jeno said filming the cafe video was actually very tiring XD i can imagine, especially since jeno and jaemin were actually making drinks
aw, jaemin was so moved that the fans were just singing never goodbye on their own before a performance
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of course romantic little jisung would be moved too <3
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lol jisung wants to fight more XD
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this was filmed on valentine's day and jisung prepared a cake :o
ahhh next episode will be more 3j :D this was a lot of fun <3 <3 <3
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