#Car Restoration: Gaining Motivation
myrefersofficial · 2 years
Key Trends Of The Indian Consumer Market In 2023
In recent years, the consumer products business has seen a profound transformation. The worldwide health crisis has spurred a surge of new consumer goods trends, mostly driven by consumer desires. A shift in demography may cause the continual need for enterprises to reinvent goods based on new technologies.
Also, businesses must provide value to customers and, most importantly, be truthful and clear about their brand strategy. Digital-first firms must know that these primary dynamics will impact the consumer goods market. Also, they assist organisations in shaping R&D to suit consumer desires. 
According to several studies, the aspirations of consumers in developing nations will surpass those in wealthy nations. There shall be several key trends of the Indian Consumer Market. This article will discuss some of the latest consumer behaviour trends in 2023 and how they will affect businesses. 
Top 5 Key Trends Of The Indian Consumer Market
#1 Consumer Preferences 
People's buying habits have been altered by the pandemic, but not in the way you might expect. The future of buying will be more complex than a shift to online while brick-and-mortar establishments fade into obscurity. If a brand's vision and ideology connect with those of its consumers, it gains its allegiance immediately. 
More than 50% of consumers still prefer in-person shopping because they can see and touch the products, and those who prefer internet shopping suggest they only do so partially. However, this does not negate the growth of online shopping. From 2018 to 2022, online shoppers increased by almost 40%. 
People will continue to prefer in-person shopping much into the future, following the epidemic, despite the existence of online shopping. Product type will not affect the decision to buy online. Instead, it will depend only on the buyer's desires. Some industries have more online shoppers than in-person shoppers and vice versa. 
For years, Amazon has been a popular retailer of electronic devices. It's the sort of product that folks purchase online. But the delivery of groceries? This service was typically utilised by specific client groups, such as seniors and young professionals living in urban areas without cars. The majority of folks just visited the supermarket. 
However, this does not imply that individuals will only utilise it. The likely scenario is that they will take advantage of both possibilities, selecting the one that works best in the given circumstance. For most individuals, the behaviour pattern will fluctuate between online and in-person interactions based on various factors, including their mood on a given day.
#2 Craving For Convenience
In an era where business strategies have been spun on their heads due to social distancing safeguards, brands have been forced to go innovative. The last few years witnessed upmarket sit-down restaurants offering takeaway, stores adding pickup options, and hygiene-motivated initiatives such as cashless payment and contactless delivery gaining traction.
In the future, it is improbable that consumers will desire to abandon these comforts. Many still prefer eating at home, whether it's a home-cooked meal or pizza delivered from their favourite restaurant. As pandemic precautions are loosened, companies must consider restoring normal operations following the key trends of the Indian Consumer Market.  
They must start providing consumers with the increased convenience alternatives they have been accustomed to and will continue to want. Consumers will select brands that provide many convenient service alternatives without compromising the product quality and the cost of services or products. 
#3 Security For Loyalty 
Customer loyalty has always been one of the most reliable strategies for increasing revenue and sales. However, does brand loyalty appear to be declining? According to the report State of Consumer Behavior 2021 by Raydiant, 48% of consumers have substituted an online purchase for an in-store purchase of a specific product. 
A quarter of users claim they are switching bands more frequently than in the past. These figures may not constitute a majority, but they are nonetheless substantial. The harsh reality for brands is that the initial reason for a brand move is largely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is whether or not the customer prefers the new brand.
In addition, consumers increasingly rely on reviews when making purchasing decisions. Before making a purchase, 89% of consumers will read reviews. Collect customer testimonials to distinguish oneself from the competition. Consumers will explore more options and choose the one they enjoy the most, regardless of past buying history.
#4 Consumer Knowledge
While organisations conduct research to comprehend consumer preferences and interests, modern consumers are also interested in learning more about brands before making a purchase. Numerous young, tech-savvy consumers utilise social media and other digital channels to increase their understanding of the brand's ethics, goals, etc.
Research conducted by Deloitte in 2021 revealed that approximately 28% of buyers have stopped purchasing specific products owing to environmental concerns. In addition, the study revealed that 64% of participants want firms to reduce their packaging, while 46% want brands to clarify where their products come from.
#5 Desire For Value
Consumers seek value in the quality of products, customer service, and other areas. Today's consumers purchase from brands that share their values and beliefs. In the retail industry, sustainability is one of the hottest themes. Since 2016, 70% of searches have been for sustainable items.
89% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand they believe positively impacts the world. Numerous businesses have created methods to demonstrate to clients their eco-friendliness. Consider the purchase of an item from online stores that are packing their products in recycled paper to reduce their carbon footprints.
Customers will seek genuine, transparent brands to make their purchasing decisions meaningful. The consumer products industry has seen tremendous upheaval in recent years. Recent global health concerns have sparked a surge of key consumer trends in the Indian Consumer Market, mostly driven by customer preferences.
These developments may result from a shift in demographics, the ongoing need for businesses to reinvent their products based on new technology, provide customers with value, and, most importantly, be honest and transparent with their brand strategy. E-commerce companies must remain conscious of these key market dynamics.
Now that consumers have invested in their at-home activities, it is probable that they will remain after the pandemic has passed. Firms whose products can benefit from this trend (such as home office equipment) will flourish. In contrast, brands whose previous business strategies relied on people coming to them would have to adapt.
These trends will influence the consumer goods industry and help organisations shape R&D to meet consumer needs. Several research indicates that consumers' expectations in emerging nations will surpass those of developed nations. So, it’s high time to follow these Indian Consumer Market Trends for your E-commerce business. 
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Car Restoration: Gaining Motivation
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/car-restoration-gaining-motivation/
Car Restoration: Gaining Motivation
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  By Mark Weisseg
This is a typical American garage having a car somewhere in the process.
I think we have all been there whenever we start a project with high expectations and dreams of finishing her promptly for the car show cruise period. Instead, this is what happens to all too a lot of. Dust piles up, the auto tires go flat, tools get dispersed and when you walk into the garage area all desires to go at the vehicle again get lost.
An answer There is a solution also it starts with the basics. Put all of the tools away. Wash the car. Manage the garage and then leave. Return another day and when you swing open up the door it is an entirely new picture. They say good way to select an important decision, is to collect all the facts, get them in order, after that go away and do something completely different. After that decide. It’ s the same along with sorting out the garage. Obtain things in order, go do something otherwise, then come back fresh.
You can return to your original strategy and start a new. The car in the image certainly is worth all the work and energy so convince yourself you are doing the appropriate thing. Turn on some music and perhaps crack a cold one to begin. You need that push to start once again and these simple ideas will work. At this point, it’ s up to you to stay centered on the task at hand and not get hidden again and have the same problem inside a short span.
Vehicle restoration can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, especially if you do it all your self. Focus on small jobs, one at a time, after that move on. If you think of everything at once, it’ s too much.
Help remind yourself you have a darn cool vehicle and that when you are done people can admire your work and many thumbs up can come up your way. Nothing would be even worse than selling your project locally simply to see some other doofus finish your vehicle and now show it off towards the world. It’ ersus your baby so get out there plus rock that cradle.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
The post Car Recovery: Gaining Motivation made an appearance first on Muscle Car .
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barnesandco · 4 years
AYESHA!! Can I request, "their entire body freezing for a second when their love kisses them?" For any character you feel inspired to write for!
The Pay Off
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: brief mention of therapy and allusions to Bucky’s recovery after Hydra.
A/N: This.. got wildly out of hand.... and really, really wordy. I love these prompts and I want to write all of them while my WIPs stare at me feeling betrayed.
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Like sunshine honey, the woman who has been sitting two seats down from Bucky at the library for the past four months, with a smile the ambience of New York dawn aimed unguarded at the book in your lap. He’s spoken a grand total of 37 sentences to you in that time, each one laden with the weight of this new existence he is carving out for himself, softly, a breakfast knife through butter. Every interaction with you -- every stolen glimpse up from his own space magazine -- leaves his throat parched but prickling with that sensitive heat that makes him want to thirst more. Like the tingle of salt after ocean water. 
Wetting his lips, he tries to refocus on the page in front of him. It details the scientific contributions of the Hubble Space Telescope, with a colorful side-box about the Nancy Grace Roman, who pioneered the notions of sending telescopes into space to unearth its secrets. The magazine is one from a neat stack to his right, a treasure of information he gathered to go through when he arrived today, but he isn’t making the amount of progress to finish reading by closing time.
Every Avenger has made a comment on getting a library card, to no avail. Sam’s information, Steve’s offer to do it in Bucky’s stead, Natasha’s suggestions of giving a fake name, and Wanda’s kind offer to come with him if he doesn’t want to do it alone, along with Tony’s centenarian-themed jokes and Shuri’s gift of a Kindle containing every book she could buy, have all been politely refused and tolerated in turn. Initially, it was because he likes it at the library. It’s the quietest place he has, and is coming to claim as another safe space. An escape. Now, however, there is a new variable he does not want to introduce to the team.
The woman who sits two seats down from him. You come her every afternoon, a book bag in one hand and a gigantic tote full of Lord-knows-what in the other, both dumped on the table before you go to find a book. He’s close enough to smell watermelons and strawberries, pink, sweet-summer things, reminders of a blueberry sky and sugary lemonade, memories he doesn’t remember having but can taste in the heavy air between them. It had taken him two weeks to discover that the scents were coming from the markers that he saw peeking out from the tote, stationary behaving the same way certain books do, enabling him to live a life he has never had.
Your life is a mystery to him, but he guesses at it, reading you. A rainbow of stray marker lines litters your hands almost perpetually, coming alive when they move rapidly as you check books, sometimes chuckling softly at a particular sentence. Once, he caught a Cheese Whiz stain on your cable-knit cuff, and at another occasion, saw you. Bucky is often overcome by the feeling of sonder at the realization that the clues he is gluing together make for a complex life, a marvel of an individual. There is guilt too, for his curiosity. But your eyes, even looking down, are captivating, and he is too far gone to stop. 
The idea of asking you out, of engaging in conversation beyond the moments of stranger familiarity, scares him still. Last time you spoke was when you laughed aloud at the set of examples one particular student had given for an assignment on sensory details. Zachary, age 11, had written that cow poop was a smell he did not like, sending his library companion into brilliant, bubbling laughs that you cut off too soon when you remembered where you were. At that point, you had looked around to see if anyone noticed, and spotting him, offered an apology he had rejected, on the condition that you share the joke. And you did.
But initiating the moment takes something more than what he has right now. His hands, mismatched and cold from the table, empty and longing, shut the magazine.
The courage arrives on a Thursday. An ordinary day, by all accounts, only Bucky is on his fourth week of actual therapy, and got to the library through the subway, instead of Steve’s motorbike. Small victories fill his chest.
Only, you aren’t there when he gets in, and he panics. Fear and disappointment wrestle for a spot in his belly, claiming a tie in knots and weights, as he paces through the aisles of shelves in what he hopes is an unsuspicious speed. Giving up hope, he’s returning to his seat, head bowed, dismayed, when something collides against his side.
It’s you. A hurricane of movement with a slushie in one hand, your eyes also on the floor, and you crash against him with a shriek too late to save either of you. The slushie, cold and blue, spills out and lands on both of you, as you tumble, hands on Bucky’s elbows while his are on yours as he pulls you down, and you land in a heap of ice-water and sticky saccharine snow, a warm weight on top of him.
The library goes silent, for a breath, and then, when the shock lifts, two librarians come rushing from around some hidden corners, by which time you and Bucky have composed yourselves enough to stand and start to apologize profusely in cut-off sentences and shaky stutters. The slush is sinking through his clothes but there is a flush in his cheeks, and somehow, looking at your beautiful face, he has never been warmer.
When the slushie has been cleaned up with rags -- his hand is starting to shiver -- he stands with more sorry on his tongue, but you say, with a grin, “I guess you really fell for me, huh?”
The quip is surprising, but he laughs. Looks between your now-blue blouse and his inky t-shirt, and makes the leap. “Maybe I can get you another drink to make up for it.” And the pleased shock on your mouth, lips parted slightly and breath still recovering, is worth every step and fall it took to get to that one line.
It goes well. He won’t call it a date, in spite of everyone else’s juvenile cooing and teasing when he leaves the Compound on a Saturday evening in his car. It’s a 70s Mustang, body the color of his old Commandos coat, and the interior a shiny black lined with golden stitching and accents. Royal and his very own. Turning towards the neighborhood you live in, he recalls the months it took to restore the damn thing, the last weeks of which were spent practically living in the garage, breathing on the anticipation of this monstrous achievement.
Queens is neon lights and family-owned delis, the scent of tacos mingling with that of curries, and there’s a different language in each window front. You said you lived in an apartment a couple of stories above a Vietnamese bar. 
You’re exiting just as he gets out of the car, and it takes a moment to catch his breath. In jeans and a silk shirt, you are the sun, and he cannot wait to get to revel in your warmth for at least one evening. 
It goes well. With the exception of nerves he can’t rid himself of but rather ignores, everything is perfect. You had enjoyed his handmade picnic in Central Park, and his disgruntled commentary on how things used to be when you got stuck in traffic on the way back. His imitations of Steve and Tony had you in stitches, after which you had fed him Doritos from a packet he did not know was in the glove-box. 
Smooth sailing, soft as cream and just as gentle, the night, until you get back. It is late, and the lights are starting to flicker out of shop windows, and you go a little bit quiet, discontinuing the steady stream of chatter you have been maintaining with him. 
Something is in the air. Something sparking with promise. It hushes your voices and tightens his throat and has his hand trembling when he opens his door and then yours to let you own. You stand in the pale glow of the corner streetlamp, and his hands are in his pockets like he’s sixteen again, wanting to kiss a girl but unsure how to go about it.
Fortunately for him, you’re not a girl. You’re a woman. Made from electric fire and whatever strength that holds the cotton clouds in the sky, luminous and wondrous. 
“I know that was a bit more than a drink, so thank you for agreeing to this,” he says, meeting your eyes.
Your finger is tracing the face of your watch absently as you smile at him. “I had a great time.”
“Really?” Bucky blurts out, and then hurries to suspend the disbelief.
The answer you give him has his heart doing somersaults. “Yeah. I’d actually love to do this again if you feel the same.”
“Of course. Yes, obviously.” He puts a brake on his train of speech, explains as he walks a little closer to you, close enough to count your eyelashes. “I’m sorry, I haven’t been on a date in 80 years, and I’m a little rusty, but--”
Like the event that started it all, your first kiss is a crash. You lean up slowly and he has time to stop you but he doesn’t. He lets you kiss him and freezes, from head to toe, upon the feeling of your soft lips. Stopping within seconds, you lean back, sheepish, ready to back away and run, he’s certain. His head clears, he thinks a little straighter. 
“Sorry, will you let me try that again?” He asks, clearing his throat, and you lift your hand to hold his. 
The warmth of your hold envelopes the back of his human hand, and twists your grip so your fingers are intertwined, so much more surface area to gain heat and the motivation to seek further touch from. “If you stop saying sorry, sure.”
He closes his eyes before you do, and this time, the meeting of your lips is soft. A kiss, not a crash, an elegant collision of mouths and shared wants. In a few breaths of movement, as your other hand rises to his hair and his holds your waist, you come closer, and Bucky grows breathless. The kiss lasts for what feels like minutes too long and hours too short at the same exact time, as you break away with a gasp for air that has pride blooming under his sternum. 
Eyes shining, he hopes he’ll get to do that again. As you kiss his cheek and turn to your door, he looks forward to sitting two seats closer to you on Monday.
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soyatenada · 3 years
hi babii
in your soul i instantly see a fuel tank on a car. you've been running on low fuel for a while. the tank is almost empty. something inside you wants to be restored and gain more life energy, and you feel drawn towards a wholeness, a dream about a life of energy and motivation, and so you set out to fill the tank. but... you know how when you're having a nightmare, and you try to scream in the dream but nothing comes out? that's how it is with you filling your fuel tank. you're pressing the handle on the gaspump, but nothing comes out. the gaspump is symbolic for the things you do in life to give you newfound energy and joy. you know exactly which things you need to do. but when you do them, you gain nothing in the end. like you're a black hole incapable of receiving something so simple. and god damn that's frustrating
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skateofministry · 3 years
Breckenridge Skate Park to host skate contest fundraiser Saturday for injured resident
Chris Waker and his partner, Darien, posture for an image throughout CrossFit Breckenridge’s Memorial Day Murph exercise previously this year. Darien Waker/Courtesy image
Before a snowboard mishap in December 2020 left Chris Waker with a life-altering neck injury, the Breckenridge Skate Park was the regional snowboard coach’s off-snow sanctuary.
To Waker, the park was a location where he might get away from the world’s diversions. When skating, he got in a circulation state, no matter what he was riding.
“He was an all-terrain vehicle, in a way,” Will Rivera, Waker’s buddy, stated about Waker’s skateboarding. “He’d skate every feature — from street to bowl to snake run. He was a very good skateboarder and was just part of the community. He would just be there, randomly.”
On Saturday, Sept. 18, at the Breckenridge Skate Park, Waker will get the opportunity to socialize with pals he hasn’t seen given that he suffered a neck injury while riding at Copper Mountain Resort last Christmas Eve, breaking the C5, C6 and C7 vertebrae in his neck. Saturday’s fundraising occasion, called “Skate for Wake,” is slated to include a street contest, a bowl jam and a snake run for numerous departments from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The occasion will likewise include skate, ski and snowboard rewards and free gifts in addition to a quiet auction to raise cash for Waker as he advances bit by bit to get better from an injury that has actually left him with restricted movement underneath his neck.
“It’s cool to get the skate industry together and share a passion that’s helped me through my whole life,” Waker stated.
Saturday’s occasion came together thanks to the cooperation of the town of Breckenridge. With Waker’s true blessing, regional skateboard coach Rivera asked Steven Rosenthal, the town’s skate park authorities, if they might collaborate on the fundraising occasion.
With the town — in addition to regional hosts and sponsors — on board, the charity event happened at the exact same website where Waker has actually carried out much of his healing: the Breckenridge Recreation Center. That consists of strength work and physical treatment 3 days a week with Josh Jones of Avalanche Physical Therapy.
Waker’s partner, Darien, stated he has actually made amazing development thanks to one little turning point after the next in restoring his strength. She stated he’s brought a professional athlete’s dedication to his healing, remaining hectic all summer season with whatever he can do to improve. That consisted of getting a clinical-trial treatment of stem cells a month earlier from the Mayo Clinic.
“The first year to two years is pretty critical in trying to get as much back, so my goal is to hit physical therapy super hard my first two years and see where I can get to,” Waker stated.
Chris Waker, right, drives an ATV with an unique adaptive steering system previously this summer season throughout his healing from a neck injury that has actually left him with restricted movement. Darien Waker/Courtesy image
At the core of Waker’s physical healing has actually been his time at CrossFit Breckenridge, where he and Darien exercised prior to the mishap. There, the fitness center’s owner, Dan Messinger, has actually trained Waker in a one-on-one style after he and Waker spoken with adaptive professional athlete Kevin Ogar.
Ogar, who runs CrossFit WatchTower in Englewood, teamed up on concepts for Messinger to train Waker. The weekly gains with specifically created devices and weights are making it possible for Waker to take huge leaps forward, whether that be working his method approximately driving a side-by-side, all-terrain car with adaptive controls or having the ability to utilize his triceps muscles and raise his arms much greater than he might previously this year. In reality, Waker set a brand-new individual record today of raising 20 pounds overhead. The advancement motivates him, as it’s an indication his triceps muscles are recuperating, which is an indication his C7 vertebra, which manages the neural messaging system, might be enhancing.
“Four months ago, he was not even able to wave at someone,” Darien stated. “Now he’s able to keep his arms high up and elevated. And he’s just being a little more independent with getting around town. He’s stronger pushing a wheelchair and trying to be independent.”
Wherever Waker’s healing takes him, the regional neighborhood exists to support him. It was John George, owner of Mountain Wave in Breckenridge, that contributed the adaptive steering gadget that Waker utilizes to drive an ATV. It’s the very first time given that the mishap that Waker has actually had the ability to go back to something comparable to the mountain sports he likes, like dirt cycling, snowmobiling and mountain cycling. And thanks to the gadget, he’s able to drive in spite of restricted movement in his fingers, as it’s created to have motorists orient it with natural-reflex wrist function.
As for Saturday, Rivera stated he and Waker believe it will not just be a fantastic neighborhood charity event however likewise a great display of regional skateboarding.
“I know people are going to show up from all sorts of places,” Rivera stated. “Chris has some old friends — pro snowboarders and skateboarders — so he does have a very big reach there. And I know that he just wants to bring people together.”
The poster for Saturday’s Skate for Wake skateboard contest fundraising occasion at Breckenridge Skate Park in Breckenridge. Darien Waker/Courtesy image
Source link
from Skate World. Skateboard News, skateboard shop https://ift.tt/2YYqGtj
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tracybirds · 4 years
Part 3
A ‘what-if’ story based on “The Man From TB5” where the Hood recognized John in the scene when he makes himself known (instead of John stuttering).
*waves* this one has been so many many months in the making and half the people I want to hug and say thank you for making sure this kept going probably don’t have a clue how much they helped. Big thanks to @gumnut-logic and @plantmuffin in particular and of course @kenzie-running-free for prompting this story in the first instance!
[Part 1] | [Part 2]
The landscape was monochrome and he couldn’t tell if it was due to the environment or the sick feeling in his stomach that had yet to subside. He glimpsed a vast chasm beside the car as he was whisked inside, the snow on the mountains stark against the slate grey of the sky.
It didn’t seem to matter to the Hood if John knew where he was being taken. He seemed to relish in the absurdity of the situation, pausing now and then to exclaim over the labyrinthine cabin in a bizarre house tour where his only guest was being prodded along with a gun. Although the rooms sheltered him from the wind, there was no inviting fires or cozy blankets for John to warm himself, the cabin’s interior as cold as its architect. His jacket had been long discarded, lying forlornly at the bottom of the valley, and John knew this tour was more about disorientating him than showing off any kind of austere affluence.
The temperature had steadily dropped with each descending staircase and John knew they were now deep in the heart of the mountain when he was ushered into a new room. The walls were covered with wooden panels and a single light hung from the roof.
“Strap him in.”
The henchmen hurried to comply, forcing John into a chair and tightening the straps.
John winced as the strap around his chest was ripped off and reapplied, the sound of velcro grating against his ears.
“Really, Hood? Velcro? That’s the best you can do?”
“Quiet, Tracy.”
“Should have left me at the party if you wanted me quiet.”
The Hood gestured to the henchmen to leave.
John fought to rein in his temper, bubbling close to the surface in response to his frayed nerves and the sustained supply of adrenaline. He needed to cling to cool logic, to allow the sharp ice of the air to penetrate his blood.
The last echoing footstep faded into silence.
His pulse throbbed loudly in his ears, overpowering the sound of steady breathing.
The Hood’s lip curled as he turned, his smile becoming a leer as he gazed hungrily at him.
“Now, John. Let’s not waste any more time. I have something you want. You have something I need.”
A wave of his hand and a small, square circuit board appeared on the table between them. John could see immediately this was no fourth grade raspberry pi construct; nanoprocessors lined the board and he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the sheer number of integrated circuits soldered in place.
“Impressive hardware.”
“Your approval is gratifying. It’s the best I could pull together at such short notice. You see, I came across a program recently that I find rather fascinating. Unfortunately, my defences rather ripped it to shreds and I need someone to reverse engineer it.”
John narrowed his eyes.
“You can’t be surprised that the first person I thought of was you.”
He spoke in a reasonable tone, one John was familiar with. They were just two businessmen, aiming to strike a deal. Each had something the other wanted. John had the programming know-how. The Hood had his freedom. All there was left to do was settle the cost.
“And what a happy coincidence we happened to be attending the same party. To think I met this little thing while I was sourcing my invitation.”
“Open source invite, was it?” John scoffed lightly. “You weren’t on any guest list I saw, or did you forget your RSVP?”
The slight curve of the Hood’s upper lip curled into a sneer as he looked down at him.
“Must have gotten lost in the datastream,” mused John. “I can’t imagine Parker would let your name slide by.”
“Enough,” he snapped. “Analyse the code and make it afresh for me. And I’ll let you go, no further hostilities.”
“Out of the kindness of your own heart? How generous."
The Hood’s eyes hardened.
“Restore it,” he spat.
A stand off between them, the Hood’s frenzied words against John’s cool refusal to play games.
“I need equipment for that,” said John, hardly raising an eyebrow at the loss of control. He toyed with the circuit board, thumbing the familiar soldered components. “What do you think this is anyhow?”
The Hood reached out and snatched the small device away from him.
“This is the remnant of the computer program I discovered shredding my defences as I worked my way inside the lovely Lady Penelope’s firewall. A feisty little program, but of course I recognised your fingerprints all over it. How long has it been since you’ve made an AI? It was certainly more sophisticated than your attempts in college.”
His eyes gleamed as he spied the surprise that flitted over John’s carefully controlled face.
“I know about them too. You always were one to watch. I might have recruited you if you hadn’t fallen off the face of the Earth; I suppose I have your father to thank for that.”
“If you know so much, what do you need me for?”
“Only a portion remained once my own programs got to it. Ripped to shreds, see, by more offensive parties.”
“So your work is no more than a blunt instrument. You couldn’t remove my firewalls, so you smashed the gatekeeper to pieces, is that it?”
“That was before I knew what – and who – I was dealing with. The loss is regrettable, but fortunately it is not final. You have what remains, and you can create another AI for me if necessary.”
“Just like that? What makes you think I’ll agree?”
“An exercise in intellectual curiosity? A bargaining tool for your own freedom? I’m sure I can provide suitable compensation for the task.”
“You should know my rates are pretty competitive.”
The Hood stood straight, a look of scorn on his face.
“This negotiation only lasts as long as you cooperate. If we cannot come to a mutually acceptable agreement, I will take what I need instead.
“Desperate men take what they can get.”
“Then we understand each other.”
A warning nestled in pleasantry and sharp, hungry eyes.
John smiled thinly.
“I’m a desperate man, Hood. How many chances are you going to give me?”
He leaned forward, tugging slightly against the restraints.
“I’ll only need one.”
A snarl echoed around him and the Hood pounced, springing forward in a flurry of motion. He caught John’s head in his hands and shoved him down.
John jerked forwards, the table slamming into him before he had time to blink.
Dazed, he could hear the Hood’s voice ringing loudly above him.
“That’s the difference between you and I. I know you Tracys. Far too noble and high minded to get your hands dirty.”
His brave face was marred by the involuntary cringe away from the Hood as he leaned down next to his ear, furious and close.
“No, that’s what you use my niece for.”
John’s head jolted up, anger and indignation burning cold in his eyes.
“Don’t act like you care about Kayo.”
“Of course I care about her. She spent so much of her childhood by my side.”
The words caressed his skin like silk, leaving chills where they struck in his heart. A fact that he couldn’t refute, but one he had guessed long ago.
His brothers had been asleep when Kayo arrived in their home, unaware that a silent, skittish girl was about to join their family. John had seen it though, the way their Grandma had wrapped her arms around her and welcomed her inside. He’d seen too, the ferocity on his father’s face and the glistening eyes that belied Kyrano’s steady stoicism. Years of built bridges and broken walls as a slow trust grew between brother and sister, fear finally put to rest when Kayo had given up her final secret.
“What did you do to her?”
“I merely nurtured her abilities. Her short-sighted father would only stifle her growth. She loved being by my side, the power it gave her. You could ask her yourself if you only do as I say.”
He leaned forward and placed a holomonitor on the table, sliding it towards John.
“What will motivate you more do you think? Calling my niece in on her debt to me? Watching your brothers fall to Earth as I rip your home from orbit?”
His thoughts raced his pulse, searching for a way out. He couldn’t hope to convince the Hood to let him go, not when he had so much to lose. Whatever he said, this was not a game of cooperation, but one of survival. A zero-sum, where the Hood would gain whatever John was willing to give up.
His freedom. His mind.
His brothers’ lives.
His sister’s security.
Or a computer program.
There was only one option that lead to the best outcome for John, no matter the Hood’s next move. An unpleasant accusation slid into his head, a sly reminder that his brothers would never give in to such demands.
He dismissed it at once. He’d never been delusional enough to believe he was the best of his brothers.
John gazed steadily at the Hood.
“I’ll do it.”
His hand stretched out between them, triumphant in silent mockery.
John looked away.
The Hood smiled.
“It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Mr Tracy.”
[Part 4]
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libraryofvenus · 4 years
Four Quartets: East Coker - T.S. Eliot
In my beginning is my end. In succession Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended, Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their place Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass. Old stone to new building, old timber to new fires, Old fires to ashes, and ashes to the earth Which is already flesh, fur and faeces, Bone of man and beast, cornstalk and leaf. Houses live and die: there is a time for building And a time for living and for generation And a time for the wind to break the loosened pane And to shake the wainscot where the field-mouse trots And to shake the tattered arras woven with a silent motto.
   In my beginning is my end. Now the light falls Across the open field, leaving the deep lane Shuttered with branches, dark in the afternoon, Where you lean against a bank while a van passes, And the deep lane insists on the direction Into the village, in the electric heat Hypnotised. In a warm haze the sultry light Is absorbed, not refracted, by grey stone. The dahlias sleep in the empty silence. Wait for the early owl.
                                   In that open field If you do not come too close, if you do not come too close, On a summer midnight, you can hear the music Of the weak pipe and the little drum And see them dancing around the bonfire The association of man and woman In daunsinge, signifying matrimonie— A dignified and commodiois sacrament. Two and two, necessarye coniunction, Holding eche other by the hand or the arm Whiche betokeneth concorde. Round and round the fire Leaping through the flames, or joined in circles, Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter Lifting heavy feet in clumsy shoes, Earth feet, loam feet, lifted in country mirth Mirth of those long since under earth Nourishing the corn. Keeping time, Keeping the rhythm in their dancing As in their living in the living seasons The time of the seasons and the constellations The time of milking and the time of harvest The time of the coupling of man and woman And that of beasts. Feet rising and falling. Eating and drinking. Dung and death.
   Dawn points, and another day Prepares for heat and silence. Out at sea the dawn wind Wrinkles and slides. I am here Or there, or elsewhere. In my beginning.
What is the late November doing With the disturbance of the spring And creatures of the summer heat, And snowdrops writhing under feet And hollyhocks that aim too high Red into grey and tumble down Late roses filled with early snow? Thunder rolled by the rolling stars Simulates triumphal cars Deployed in constellated wars Scorpion fights against the Sun Until the Sun and Moon go down Comets weep and Leonids fly Hunt the heavens and the plains Whirled in a vortex that shall bring The world to that destructive fire Which burns before the ice-cap reigns.
   That was a way of putting it—not very satisfactory: A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion, Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle With words and meanings. The poetry does not matter. It was not (to start again) what one had expected. What was to be the value of the long looked forward to, Long hoped for calm, the autumnal serenity And the wisdom of age? Had they deceived us Or deceived themselves, the quiet-voiced elders, Bequeathing us merely a receipt for deceit? The serenity only a deliberate hebetude, The wisdom only the knowledge of dead secrets Useless in the darkness into which they peered Or from which they turned their eyes. There is, it seems to us, At best, only a limited value In the knowledge derived from experience. The knowledge imposes a pattern, and falsifies, For the pattern is new in every moment And every moment is a new and shocking Valuation of all we have been. We are only undeceived Of that which, deceiving, could no longer harm. In the middle, not only in the middle of the way But all the way, in a dark wood, in a bramble, On the edge of a grimpen, where is no secure foothold, And menaced by monsters, fancy lights, Risking enchantment. Do not let me hear Of the wisdom of old men, but rather of their folly, Their fear of fear and frenzy, their fear of possession, Of belonging to another, or to others, or to God. The only wisdom we can hope to acquire Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless.
   The houses are all gone under the sea.
   The dancers are all gone under the hill.
O dark dark dark. They all go into the dark, The vacant interstellar spaces, the vacant into the vacant, The captains, merchant bankers, eminent men of letters, The generous patrons of art, the statesmen and the rulers, Distinguished civil servants, chairmen of many committees, Industrial lords and petty contractors, all go into the dark, And dark the Sun and Moon, and the Almanach de Gotha And the Stock Exchange Gazette, the Directory of Directors, And cold the sense and lost the motive of action. And we all go with them, into the silent funeral, Nobody's funeral, for there is no one to bury. I said to my soul, be still, and let the dark come upon you Which shall be the darkness of God. As, in a theatre, The lights are extinguished, for the scene to be changed With a hollow rumble of wings, with a movement of darkness on darkness, And we know that the hills and the trees, the distant panorama And the bold imposing facade are all being rolled away— Or as, when an underground train, in the tube, stops too long between stations And the conversation rises and slowly fades into silence And you see behind every face the mental emptiness deepen Leaving only the growing terror of nothing to think about; Or when, under ether, the mind is conscious but conscious of nothing— I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. Whisper of running streams, and winter lightning. The wild thyme unseen and the wild strawberry, The laughter in the garden, echoed ecstasy Not lost, but requiring, pointing to the agony Of death and birth.
                                   You say I am repeating Something I have said before. I shall say it again. Shall I say it again? In order to arrive there, To arrive where you are, to get from where you are not,    You must go by a way wherein there is no ecstasy. In order to arrive at what you do not know    You must go by a way which is the way of ignorance. In order to possess what you do not possess    You must go by the way of dispossession. In order to arrive at what you are not    You must go through the way in which you are not. And what you do not know is the only thing you know And what you own is what you do not own And where you are is where you are not.
The wounded surgeon plies the steel That questions the distempered part; Beneath the bleeding hands we feel The sharp compassion of the healer's art Resolving the enigma of the fever chart.
   Our only health is the disease If we obey the dying nurse Whose constant care is not to please But to remind of our, and Adam's curse, And that, to be restored, our sickness must grow worse.
   The whole earth is our hospital Endowed by the ruined millionaire, Wherein, if we do well, we shall Die of the absolute paternal care That will not leave us, but prevents us everywhere.
   The chill ascends from feet to knees, The fever sings in mental wires. If to be warmed, then I must freeze And quake in frigid purgatorial fires Of which the flame is roses, and the smoke is briars.
   The dripping blood our only drink, The bloody flesh our only food: In spite of which we like to think That we are sound, substantial flesh and blood— Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.
So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years— Twenty years largely wasted, the years of l'entre deux guerres Trying to use words, and every attempt Is a wholly new start, and a different kind of failure Because one has only learnt to get the better of words For the thing one no longer has to say, or the way in which One is no longer disposed to say it. And so each venture Is a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate With shabby equipment always deteriorating In the general mess of imprecision of feeling, Undisciplined squads of emotion. And what there is to conquer By strength and submission, has already been discovered Once or twice, or several times, by men whom one cannot hope To emulate—but there is no competition— There is only the fight to recover what has been lost And found and lost again and again: and now, under conditions That seem unpropitious. But perhaps neither gain nor loss. For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.
Home is where one starts from. As we grow older The world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated Of dead and living. Not the intense moment Isolated, with no before and after, But a lifetime burning in every moment And not the lifetime of one man only But of old stones that cannot be deciphered. There is a time for the evening under starlight, A time for the evening under lamplight (The evening with the photograph album). Love is most nearly itself When here and now cease to matter. Old men ought to be explorers Here or there does not matter We must be still and still moving Into another intensity For a further union, a deeper communion Through the dark cold and the empty desolation, The wave cry, the wind cry, the vast waters Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my beginning.
(For help understanding this poem, check out this article: https://voegelinview.com/a-pattern-of-timeless-moments-pt-1/)
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theocpiattorney · 4 years
Orange County Personal Injury Attorney
Accidents happen, however whilst the ones injuries bring about a tragedy, you need a skilled trial legal professional assisting you thru the complicated global of private damage litigation. When you've got the proper legal professional operating with you, we paintings difficult to get better all of the damages you're entitled to below the law. We will take a seat down with you to talk about the case and any viable outcomes. Once we be given your case, we come to be dedicated to taking all steps essential in getting you compensation. We will attention our efforts in your scenario and use all of the assets to be had to get you the quality viable results. If you're going through a life-changing damage, the demise of an own circle of relative’s member, or another demanding situation because of wrongful movements of another, it's miles a tough time. We apprehend this and could take care of your case with integrity and compassion to present you and your own circle of relatives the aid and private interest you deserve for the duration of this attempting time.
The Orange County Personal Injury Attorney team has an extensive track record handling negligent corporate giants. 
We are equipped to combat company greed to defend you, the client that suffers while protection is overridden for profits. We are there whilst you want safety because the end result of a harm sustained in a vehicle mobile accident, slip and fall, or different negligent movement through another. Our legal professionals attempt to preserve the ones accountable liable for their movements and pay repayment for the ones they have got wronged. We can cope with accidents resulting from industrial vehicles, risky assets conditions, or creation accidents. Orange County Personal Injury Attorney is there for you while agencies interact in unfair practices, and also you go through non-public harm because of the ones practices. An individual may be harm anywhere. A harm can manifest whilst crossing the street or on foot throughout a moist branch shop floor. No rely how your harm has occurred, if a person is liable for your accident, they're accountable. With the assist of Orange County Personal Injury Attorney, you aren't alone. We will assist you via the prison system of gaining repayment, and cope with all required office work and investigations, whilst your attention on restoration your accidents.
What Orange County Personal Injury Attorney Can Do For You
Orange County Personal Injury Attorney has the experience, resources, and conviction to analyze your case, irrespective of what the circumstances. We recognize the monetary struggles your accidents can be inflicting in addition to the emotional and bodily problems you're going through. It becomes our assignment to make this method as painless as viable and nevertheless acquire the first-class viable outcome.
Our offerings excel while managing customer trauma, and we can paintings with you with compassion and determination to look which you get hold of the repayment because of you. Being acquainted with the Orange County courtrooms, we're prepared to visit trial or negotiate together along with your coverage service in addition to address the protection groups out of court. You will now no longer be upset with our precise technique to customer care that has set us other than different regulation corporations with inside the area.
Orange County Personal Injury Lawyer has had many successes in prevailing repayment for our clients. Some of the instances we've got labored on include:
  Motor car injuries concerning a wrongful loss of life
Motorcycle injuries
Premises negligence wherein damage has come about because of improperly cared for properties
Auto defects that have led to a damage
Product legal responsibility that has induced damage because of a faulty product
Dangerous avenue situations wherein a motive force changed into negligent of their using abilities
Many different conditions which induced non-public damage or wrongful loss of life because of another's negligent actions
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black-ice-and-flame · 5 years
“Somebody loved me?”
Part Two of what I’m now dubbing, ‘The Love of the Forgotten’ series
Summary: S/O has a memory-erasing quirk and they use it on; shinso/shigaraki/dabi to make them forget they ever existed after dying in battle. The memories only being restored with photographs or videos
Shinso’s part
Word count: 5,223
Inspiration: The Night We Met by Lord Huron
WARNINGS: Alcohol abuse, a little gory (not excessive though), character death, mentions of abuse, and self-harm
Under the cut! I hope you enjoy the next installment of pure angst  
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They loved him
Their Tomura. 
They knew he was going to be important to them the first day they met. Mainly because he really did change every aspect of their life. 
“You came!” F/N launched themselves off the swing they were on and into their best friend. They wrapped their arms around the little boy who stood there stiffly, not moving his arms to hug back, hands shaking. 
F/N had hoped Tomura would show up today, it’s been exactly three days since they last saw him. They had only met two weeks ago but the shy boy had already become a big part of F/N’s life. 
“You have more bandaids today.”
F/N subconsciously tugged down their sleeves further, grasping their fabric around the chain of the swing so even their hands were hidden. Wanting to ignore her gravelly-voiced friend's comment. 
“I tripped over one of my toys again. It’s fine Tomura-chan.” 
Tomura lips thinned into a line, he gripped tighter onto the chain as he tried his best to keep his pinkies off it. 
All For One had let him stay here while he ran errands nearby the park. Tomura initially never thought he would speak to anyone, but for some reason, he was drawn to F/N. 
He didn’t really know why. Maybe it was the fact that they were by themselves too. Or it was because of the look in their eyes. A vacant but sad look that should be foreign on a child’s face but looked at home on theirs. 
Tomura knew the secret they hid behind their fake smile and cheery demeanor. He may be young, but he’s been through enough to see similar signs he showed himself. 
F/N’s parents abused them.
“What do you think?”
Tomura came out of his thoughts to F/N looking at him. “I wasn’t listening,” he mumbled and was ready to get a reprimand or an eye roll from F/N because of his absent attention. 
They surprise him again, instead of the yelling he used to get from his father. 
“It’s okay! I asked if it would be okay if I came over to your house? So when you can come out to play I can come to you!” 
“No.” Tomura’s answer was quick and short that it F/N stopped their swinging. ‘Mast-” He turned his head away, “You can’t come over.”
F/N didn’t bring it up again the rest of the time they played together.
“When are you gonna come back?” F/N asked kicking their feet, the sun was starting to set behind the two kids, casting their shadows in front of them. 
“Whenever I’m allowed.” Tomura wished he could come back every day. Meeting F/N had been the one small source of light in his current life. 
Tomura watched as F/N;s whole face dropped. They stood up immediately and he watched in slight confusion as F/N stood in front of him, almost as if they were protecting him. 
F/N’s dad stalked over to them as F/N’s mother stood a few feet away, arms crossed over her chest and lips turned down. 
“You were supposed to be home an hour ago! Do you understand how much time we wasted driving around to look for you?” F/N’s dad reached down and grasped both of their wrists in his hands, dragging them closer. 
“I’m sorry dad,” F/N whispered. “I just wanted to stay with my friend.”
Tomura had never heard F/N’s voice like that before... 
So afraid. 
As F/N’s dad grabbed their shoulders and started shaking them, insults spewing from his lips, Tomura stood up slowly from the swing. The seat falling to the ground behind him with a thunk from having disintegrated the chain attaching it.
“We should’ve never had you. If you were a boy maybe you’d be at least tolerable-” F/N’s dad cut off with a horrifying scream of pain and F/N felt their dad’s right hand disappear from their shoulder. 
F/N’s eyes widen and backed away as they were nudged by an elbow. They kept their eyes trained on the back of a black-haired head. Tomura?
Tomura stood in front of F/N with one hand held out in front of him. His red eyes were crazed and wide.
“Don’t come near them ever again or next time it won’t just be an arm,” Tomura growled.
F/N’s mom dashed forward already crying for her husband, trying to help him get up. She looked at Tomura with tear-filled eyes, “you monster!” 
“You’re the monsters! Who shakes their kid like that?” Tomura’s whole body was shaking in anger. He took a step towards F/N’s mother who flinched back while keeping a grip on her husband. 
“Tomura.” The voice was small and the hand that grabbed the back of his shirt felt even more so. 
Tomura looked over his shoulder and swallowed back his anger at F/N’s teary eyes. He turned his back on F/N’s parents, hearing their mom cry as she helped her husband back to the car. 
F/N stood beside him now, his sleeve wrinkling between their clenched fingers. 
“Let’s go,” Tomura mumbled to them. 
F/N looked at him as more tears fell from their eyes, “b-but my dad.” 
“I’m not letting you go home.” Tomura huffed watching as F/N’s mom pulled away. “Not if they’re going to be there.” 
F/N sniffled and let go of his shirt and for a second Tomura felt his chest tighten in fear, thinking that F/N would run after their parents. 
But then they linked their pinky through his, just so they could have skin contact with him. 
“L-Let's go.” Even though F/N’s voice trembled they still had a determined look on their face. 
Even after Tomura had gained better control of his quirk F/N still kept the habit of linking their pinky through his. 
F/N stood next to him as All For One talked him over the plan for attacking U.A. in a few months.
 Over the years they’ve watched Tomura grow from a quiet but caring soul into something twisted and warped due to his foster dad’s influence. F/N tried their hardest to keep him from going too far and thought they succeeded. 
Though hearing him so eager to infiltrate U.A. and cause some destruction made F/N realize that maybe...
This isn’t where they should be
“There’s still time to change your mind about this you know?” F/N ran their fingers through Tomura’s light hair.
Tomura looked up from the handheld game into F/N’s eyes. “What are you talking about?” 
F/N bit the inside of their cheek and cleared their throat before continuing. “The plan All For One has, breaking into U.A.? You can change your mind.”
Tomura lifted his head from F/N’s chest, eyes narrowing as he looked at them. “Why would I do that? Master’s finally given me a chance to prove myself, that his training hasn’t been for nothing.” 
F/N could see him getting worked up and grabbed onto his sleeve, squeezing his arm gently to try and calm him down. Another habit F/N still had from childhood, grabbing onto Tomura’s clothes. It was both for a sense of security and for Tomura to just know that things were okay, that he was okay. 
“I know,” F/N said as they twisted the fabric of his shirt between their fingers. “I’m just saying you don’t have to do this just because of him. We can always just, we can leave still Tomura.” 
F/N nodded their head vigorously leaning in closer to him. “We can just get out of here, we can go do our own thing. We won’t have to follow anyone or do anything we don’t want to do.”
We don’t have to be this way. Was the underlying meaning they were trying to get him to see. 
“How can you think like that?” Tomura rasped out. “Master was there for me when no one else was and he saved you from your-”
“He didn’t save me Tomura,” F/N cut him off, letting their hand cradle his face. “You did.” 
Tomura leaned into F/N’s touch but still looked unsure about what they were saying. 
F/N dropped their hand and let their forehead rest against his. “Just promise me you’ll think about it?”
When he nodded F/N closed their eyes and pecked Tomura’s lips softly. “I love you.” 
They knew Tomura wasn’t really one to be very affectionate but they liked when he showed them small bits of affection. This time being burying his face into F/N’s neck and wrapping his arms around their waist. He was already wearing his special gloves, for holding his handheld earlier, so he didn’t hesitate in pressing his hands flat against F/N’s back. 
As F/N stroked his hair they couldn’t help but think of a life where they were able to run away and live the life they wanted. A life of peace, a life without the possibility of Tomura becoming a villain. 
But F/N knew happy endings like that didn’t exist.
“Do you know why I asked you here?”
F/N laced their fingers together, hands resting in their lap, trying to look anywhere but at the deformed face sitting across from them. 
“No, but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me anyway.” F/N bit their tongue to keep from saying more. They had never liked Tomura’s foster father, not after it was clear that the man had other motives for taking Tomura in as his own. 
“I’ve heard that you’ve been putting ideas in Tomura’s head. Doubts,” All For One’s voice was calm but F/N could hear the edge behind it. 
“I just wanted him to know there were other paths for him to choose. Choices to make for himself and not for you.” F/N was scared in All For One’s presence, but they weren’t going to let him see that. 
All For One chuckled, “I’ve taken Tomura in when no else would. If I had left him there they would’ve locked him up and treated him as a villain already.”
“As if you aren’t grooming him to be one,” F/N glared as the leaned back in their chair, crossing their arms over their chest.
All For One smiled cooly, “I even let him bring you in, even though I had a suspicion from the beginning about how you would turn out. I could’ve made Tomura send you home to your parents but I didn’t. Wasn’t that gracious of me?” 
F/N was silent just staring as the man rose from his seat slowly walking around the table before stopping right next to F/N. 
“When Tomura came to me last night, talking about how he wasn’t sure he was ready for the attack on U.A. I knew it was your doing.”
“Why did you bring me here All For One?”
“I think you know already,” when he rested his hand on F/N’s shoulder they immediately wanted to shrug it off, but they were too wrapped up in the thought of what they knew was going to happen. 
“You have two options, one I take your quirk for myself and turn you into one of my experiments. I can easily tell Tomura that you ran away, betraying him.”
F/N stared down at their fingers, clenching them together tightly as they whispered, “or?” 
“Or,” he continued. “You can use your quirk to erase yourself from his life, every aspect of you, your influences, aspirations for him. It will be like you never existed.” 
“How long till I leave,” F/N already knew this was going to happen as soon as they were warped here. 
“I want you gone by tomorrow morning before he wakes up. Considering how your quirk works I don’t see that being a problem. Then Tomura can get back on the right path I’ve made for him.”
F/N wanted to protest, wanted to scream their lungs out that they deserved more time with Tomura before they left. In the end, they just hung their head as hair fell in their eyes and hugged their stomach. 
When F/N was warped back to the bar they didn’t look up from the ground, not even when Kurogiri spoke. 
“I will try my best to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.” Kurogiri wanted to at least give F/N that. 
F/N mumbled, “he’ll still be hurting himself by being a villain. I wanted to take him away from this. I wanted-” 
“He would’ve never left in the first place.” 
“You don’t know that.” F/N left for Tomura’s room. They wanted to see him now more than ever. They would burn every moment of tonight in their mind to make sure they would never forget it. 
As soon as F/N stepped in the room they had Tomura’s immediate attention. 
“What did master want with you?” Tomura sat up from his mattress with narrowed eyes. F/N new that their traveling to see All For One wouldn’t be kept from him. 
“He just wanted to talk about the future, involving me.”
F/N gave him a small smile, lowering himself onto the bed and looking toward the screen. “This a new game?”
When they grabbed the control from him Tomura would usually protest but there was something in F/N’s face that made him pause. 
“What did he really talk to you about?” Tomura pressed. 
F/N chewed their lip trying to focus on the game, wanting a distraction. F/N was afraid if they didn’t hyperfocus on something else they would burst into tears. 
They could feel their hands start to shake, not noticing they had already lost the game minutes ago. F/N just stared blankly at the screen. 
Then they felt tears run down their cheeks. 
“Damn it,” F/N’s voice cracked as they reached up to wipe the tears away but they just kept coming. 
Tomura reacted immediately and captured F/N’s face in his hands. His eyes were wide and his fingers rubbed over their cheeks. 
F/N found comfort in that gesture even if his skin was rough. It was something they were going to miss. 
“What happened? What did he say? I can do something if he hurt you,” Tomura knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against his master but he wouldn’t let him hurt F/N. 
F/N decided there was no point in not telling him when he would have to forget by tomorrow. 
“I have to leave Tomura. I can’t, I can’t stay here anymore,” F/N whispered. “Not when I have to watch you become something like this.” 
“It’s all I was made for, it’s what master’s trained me for. I thought you understood that.” Tomura frowned. 
F/N shook their head, resting their hands over his. “That’s the thing, you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to follow the path he made for you. You haven’t even given yourself a chance to forge your own.”
Tomura snatched his hands back and looked away, scratching absentmindedly at his neck. “It’s because I’m not ready to walk my own path. That’s why I have Master to help me. I thought you would eventually help me, but you want to leave?” 
F/N knew Tomura was beginning to panic, which made this all the more painful. They grabbed his hand gently and dragged it away from his neck. F/N wondered what happened while they were gone, usually, they were the one who helped keep Tomura from scratching hard enough to draw blood.
Who would help him when they left?
“I’m sorry. I’m probably just too worked up from talking to All For One. Let’s sleep,” F/N wrapped their fingers around his and squeezed softly. “Please?” 
Tomura wanted to push for more information but figured if he did it would just upset F/N even more. He could always ask what happened in the morning. 
When he moved to lay down F/N felt their shoulders slump in relief. They moved and laid down next to him. 
“I love you Tomura.” 
Tomura rested his head on the same pillow as F/N’s so they were practically nose to nose. His hand reached to grab onto their shirt, dragging them closer. 
F/N knew they should’ve done it there. They could’ve done while they wrapped their arms around his back, grasping onto his shirt themselves. They could’ve done it when they buried their neck in his shoulder. But F/N still wanted to be able to help him one last time. 
It was a familiar routine for both of them. Almost like clockwork. F/N even started waking up beforehand. 
Tomura curled up in a  ball against F/N, rocking back and forth as he held his hands over his ears. The sounds from his nightmare still lingering in his ears. He wanted, no needed, to block it out. 
“Erase it, please.” 
It was the only time F/N ever hears Tomura say please. The only time they ever see his tears. 
Tomura looked up, his red eyes were watery. “Make it go away...” 
F/N murmured soothing words to him, letting their fingers run through his hair, “it’s okay, I’ll make them go away. I’ll make the memories go away.” 
It was that moment that F/N knew it was time. So with tears of their own, with their fingers still tangled in their lover's hair, they erased themselves. It was like they were physically seeing the memories of them being shattered like a glass window.  
With a heavy and shaky exhale F/N leaned down and pecked his forehead. “It’s okay,” they whispered. “You can sleep now.” 
Tomura tugged F/N back down to lay with him, clinging more than before. F/N clung back just as tight, holding back more tears.
When it was early in the morning they packed up what little belongings they had. Making sure nothing that could disrupt what they’d done was left behind. F/N stared at the picture they had in their hands, one of the only ones they could manage to get of Tomura and them together. 
They were going to miss him... 
F/N looked down at the one person in their lives that they knew they could count on to be there. Where else were they going to go now? They kissed the crown of Tomura’s hair and walked out of the bedroom, hugging the picture to their chest. They didn’t spare Kurogiri a glance as they walked out and left the bar. 
Leaving the only source of love they’ve ever known behind. 
F/N looked up instantly at the panicked voice of their coworker. Shota Aizawa. They didn’t know how they managed to be able to get the job they had. Maybe it was just due to the pity the pro hero had felt when they found F/N, either way, they would be forever grateful. Being his teacher assistant made F/N feel a bit more fulfilled in their life. Even if the hole would never fully heal. 
“Someone broke onto campus, we need to patrol the grounds let’s go.” 
F/N didn’t hesitate in following, the worst thoughts flooding their mind. The main one being, was Tomura finally here? Did he manage to get in? 
F/N didn’t want to have to face their former love but knew that when things came down to it, they had too. They had chosen their alliance and knew it was the right one. 
They were more than relieved when they found out it was just the media, but a glance at the front gate made their heart drop into their stomach. They recognized the ash left behind from the usage of the owner's quirk. F/N swallowed back the bile in their mouth. 
Should they tell them? They had to warn them right? Thought a part of F/N’s heart still wanted to be in denial, wanted to deny the thought that Tomura was going through with All For One’s plan. 
Those thoughts stayed with them on the bus ride to the USJ. The chatter of the students falling deaf on their ears. 
F/N was only dragged out of those thoughts by a voice. 
“Miss L/N, can you tell me more about your quirk?” 
F/N looked into the sparkling curious eyes of Izuku Midoriya. They had admired the boy for his dedication to knowing information about multiple quirks. 
“Of course Midoriya, what do you wanna know?” F/N smiled softly. 
The boy immediately opened his notebook and start scribbling before asking his questions. “So you can erase people’s memories?” 
F/N nodded, “yes, I’m able to erase memories and ideas from people’s minds.” 
“Do you have to know what the memory or thought is to be able to erase it?” Izuku asked glancing back up. 
“Yes, I can’t really erase what I don’t know,” F/N said with a chuckle. They waved off Izuku’s embarrassed murmuring. 
“That’d be cool to be able to erase stuff from people’s mind,” another student with a wide grin said, Kirishima. 
“Yeah, you’d basically be able to rehabilitate villains right?” Uraraka asked. 
F/N shrugged their shoulders, “I’ve never had the opportunity, but I’m not sure I could do something like that. There’s still the drawback aspect of my quirk.” 
“I’ve been meaning to ask what that was,” Tsuyu asked raising a finger. “What is the drawback of your quirk? We’ve never seen you use it so we haven’t really had a chance to guess.” 
F/N was glad the students were curious about them, they were so hesitant about taking the job because they were sure kids wouldn’t like them. 
“The drawback is that if an image or video of the memory is seen by the person I erased it from, the memory will be restored. So let’s say I, uhm,” they stumbled for a second, “erased the memory of a person from someone’s life. Even if they were to see that person face to face they still wouldn’t recognize them.” 
Izuku furiously scribbled down every word as F/N continued. 
“It specifically has to be a photo or a video of them shown for the memory to be restored.” 
“Huh, I wonder why it is that way,” Tsuyu wondered as a ribbit fell from her lips. 
“Enough questioning,” Aizawa said from the front as the bus stopped. He stood up, “we’re here.”
What came to follow was like a horrible nightmare come true for F/N. 
One glance of the swirl of purple and black made F/N freeze in place. The sight of a pale hand and a blue head of hair popping through the warp hole almost made F/N faint. 
F/N knew they couldn’t hesitate, so when Aizawa lept into action they were far behind him. Their quirk was great for a physical fight, but they had been taught how to fight properly by some of the best teachers that U.A. had to offer.
F/N punched a villain to knock them out and looked up just in time to see Tomura run toward Aizawa. Their eyes widened and they ran towards their boss and former boyfriend. 
“Aizawa!” F/N shouted leaping through the air and pushing their boss out of the way. F/N felt a hand grip theirs and they barely had time to look up into a pair of red eyes before they felt the pain. 
Maybe it was Karma for all those years ago? F/N wasn’t sure but as their right arm disingrated they fell to the ground at the feet of Tomura. A shower of blood and viscera exploding around them.
“You got in my way,” Tomura’s voice growled. 
The voice F/N registered for many years with love and happiness was now foreign to them. F/N couldn’t hear anything else but a ringing, their vision slowly fuzzing like t.v. going out. 
The last sight F/N saw was of Tomura leaning over them and a hand outstretched. 
As Tomura walked away quickly from Izuku Midoriya, hands stuffed in his pockets he got a slow manic smile on his face. His face twisted crudely. He finally was able to understand, his vision of a distorted future forming in his mind. 
He never paid attention to anyone around him, but as he walked out of the mall his eyes caught sight of an old and faded posted of a child. Tomura stumbled a bit and growled softly as a pain shot through his skull. 
Tomura knew he had to get out of here quickly, so he walked faster until he got outside. But then he saw the large television screen, the news reporting on the death of a hero from a few weeks ago.
Usually, he enjoyed the sight of another hero falling, but when their picture flashed on the screen he immediately clutched his head with eight of his fingers. His head was burning like his mind was on fire. 
As he tripped over his own feet walking back into the bar all of it came flooding back. The memory of soft hands cupping his face. The feeling of lips against his. Hands that grasped at his clothes, a warm smile and soft words. And shockingly, there was love. 
“Ah, you have returned, I suggest you’ve made a decision?” Kurogiri.
“What happened to them?” Tomura spat out looking at the man behind the bar.
“What happened to who Tomura?” Kurogiri’s eyes narrowed. 
“F/N, what happened, what did you all do to them?” Tomura couldn’t control himself anymore and slammed his hands down on the counter. The material of it starting to decay. 
“Calm yourself,” Kurogiri said lifting his hands. He didn’t want to become Tomura’s next target. 
“Calm down? What happened? What did you and the master do?” Tomura asked his hands starting to dig at his neck, nails scraping against his skin. “Did you get rid of them because you thought they were going to keep me from doing what you wanted?” The words F/N spoke to him were echoing in his head. 
You don’t have to follow the path he made for you. 
“It was for the best,” a voice spoke through the screen. 
Tomura snapped his head toward the sound of his master's voice. “For the best? They could’ve stayed, they could’ve helped, then I wouldn’t have-” Tomura started scratching harder at his neck. I wouldn’t have killed them.
"They were trying to deter you from our plans together Tomura, ones that we’ve been training for your whole life.” All For One felt no remorse in his decision, even if it ended up with F/N dying at Tomura’s hands. 
Tomura just stood there, not saying anything, still scratching at his neck and ignoring the blood flowing over his fingers at the scratches. He didn’t say anything else and when he lunged toward Kurogiri the warp villain thought he was going for him, but Tomura moved past him and grabbed a random bottle of alcohol. 
“I’m leaving, don’t follow me.” Tomura snapped as he uncapped the bottle and threw the cap aside taking a swig from the bottle. “I don’t want to hear from anyone.”
He didn’t wait for a reaction as he walked out taking another drink, his other hand still scraping the skin of his neck. Tomura pulled up his hood and ignored stares he got as he drunk straight from the whiskey bottle. 
Tomura didn’t want the memories back but they wouldn’t go away, no matter how much his balance deteriorated, or how slurred his mumbled words got. He had stopped scratching his neck for a while because he was to preoccupied with trying to drink enough for the memories of F/N’s smile and loving eyes to erase from their mind again. He wanted to get rid of the last moment they saw them, underneath his own hand, it crumbling away. It just wouldn’t go away. 
As his unsteady feet moved without his knowledge he felt sticks crunch under his feet and he glanced up, squinting to clear his vision. When he realized where he was he wanted to throw up the contents of his stomach. 
Tomura kept his eyes trained on the old and rusted structure, the long-forgotten chains swaying in the breeze. The seats were cracked from years of use, but for Tomura it still brought up the same feelings. 
He stumbled over to it slowly, swaying, he finally managed to get to it and plopped down on the seat. Tomura finished the last swig of the bottle, his head was whirling and the world around him spun. 
“Would it be okay if I came over to your house to play?”
Tomura glanced at the swing next to him and the ghost of a child F/N sat next to him. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Tomura never cried in public, he only ever cried with them.
“You came!” 
Tomura remembered how it felt when they jumped off that swing, their arms wrapping him up in a hug. F/N was the only person who seemed happy to see him at that point. They were never afraid to touch him. 
“I love you Tomura.”
Now it was an adult F/N, their eyes holding nothing but love. The hallucination reached out their hand and Tomura immediately thrust out his own toward it. When his hand passed through the obvious facade is when the tears finally fell. 
“I’m sorry,” he rasped out. “I’m so fucking sorry,” he sobbed. 
Somebody had loved him, actually truly and genuinely loved him. And he killed them. 
“I love you,” Tomura said out loud. The words were strange rolling off his tongue, but he didn’t care. “I love you F/N L/N!” He shouted as more tears poured from his eyes. 
Tomura sat there for a few more hours before slowly standing up. Knowing he had to leave before anyone around the area woke up to see him. He turned and stared at the swing set behind him. He let one hand rest on the arc and wrapped his fingers around it. 
The swing fell apart under his deadly hands and Tomura watched it crumble. Everything from here on out was going to be done for F/N. 
It all started with a swing. 
Tomura didn’t know why All For One had left him here. Surrounded by all these other kids. He glanced at hands, his fingers curling inward. With one touch he could’ve ended any one of their lives. 
He looked up to a pair of bright eyes and blinding teeth. 
“I’m F/N L/N! Come swing with me!” He didn’t even have an answer formed before they grabbed his wrist and dragged him over toward the swings. 
Tomura watched as the rest of the structure broke apart and fell to the ground. 
It would end with a swing. 
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Car Restoration: Gaining Motivation
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/car-restoration-gaining-motivation/
Car Restoration: Gaining Motivation
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  By Mark Weisseg
This is a typical American garage having a car somewhere in the process.
I think we have all been there whenever we start a project with high expectations and dreams of finishing her promptly for the car show cruise period. Instead, this is what happens to all too a lot of. Dust piles up, the auto tires go flat, tools get dispersed and when you walk into the garage area all desires to go at the vehicle again get lost.
An answer There is a solution also it starts with the basics. Put all of the tools away. Wash the car. Manage the garage and then leave. Return another day and when you swing open up the door it is an entirely new picture. They say good way to select an important decision, is to collect all the facts, get them in order, after that go away and do something completely different. After that decide. It’ s the same along with sorting out the garage. Obtain things in order, go do something otherwise, then come back fresh.
You can return to your original strategy and start a new. The car in the image certainly is worth all the work and energy so convince yourself you are doing the appropriate thing. Turn on some music and perhaps crack a cold one to begin. You need that push to start once again and these simple ideas will work. At this point, it’ s up to you to stay centered on the task at hand and not get hidden again and have the same problem inside a short span.
Vehicle restoration can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, especially if you do it all your self. Focus on small jobs, one at a time, after that move on. If you think of everything at once, it’ s too much.
Help remind yourself you have a darn cool vehicle and that when you are done people can admire your work and many thumbs up can come up your way. Nothing would be even worse than selling your project locally simply to see some other doofus finish your vehicle and now show it off towards the world. It’ ersus your baby so get out there plus rock that cradle.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
The post Car Recovery: Gaining Motivation made an appearance first on Muscle Car .
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klvht · 4 years
The Occult vs. “A Cult”
The Occult vs. “A Cult”
How many can agree that Christianity is a cult?
I thought so too, at first.
I grew up in a Catholic faith, went to a Catholic church, and attended a Catholic school. Over the years, it has changed. I have been to a few different churches, but all focused-on God.
I believe a couple days ago, that God put it on my heart to write about the occult and witchcraft, but I wasn’t sure how to, in order to get my full point across; So I figured I’d just share my journey.
As many of you know, I used to live in Salem, MA & have been visiting there for most of my life. (Shout out to Mr. Roy who had brought my father up there almost his whole life as well, R.I.P.) Don’t get me wrong, Salem is a BEAUTIFUL place, and I love it there, even til this day. The area is super peaceful, has an amazing history, and is overly beautiful. I believe that Salem is one of the centers of witchcraft, and unfortunately, I got into it too. I used to read oracle cards, use a pendulum, practice spells, create sigils, the list goes on. Even as a little girl, my parents were getting their car fixed, and there was a witch there who wanted to speak with me, for whatever reason, which now I find funny that I ended up walking down the same unrighteous path as her later on in life (but as early as 12 years old).
Let’s go back to the home that started it all... upstate, NY. I got my first pack of oracle cards when I used to live in a house built in the 1800’s; my mom purchased them for me. They were contained in a beautiful package littered with “Angel” messages, that would help me tell the future. I also had my first pendulum in that house that I purchased from a visit in Salem. It was a beautiful home, the first one my parents purchased, and we had acres of land, including and above ground pool, a separate garage/bay/barn area, chickens, guinea hens, and an awesome pup.
Above the garage/bay/barn area, there was a door. You walked up the stairs in my backyard, up the hill to the right, and found it. It was very weird, but since the home was so old, we never thought anything about it. I remember the first door, and first room. It was wood, dark, damp, and gross lol. But if you kept walking forward, you came to this second door. I cannot stress enough that this door had Satanic writing all over it, including warnings saying “demon/devil inside”, “do not open”, had a big pentagram on the door, as well as sigils written all over it in what I believed to be red paint or ink. Thinking about it now, I wish I never had the curiosity to open that door, I wish I understood that it was a true warning, whether people believed it to be or were just fooling around. I truly believe upon opening that door is what could have led to the outpouring of demonic and evil spirits in that house, and could have latched on to my family, because once we moved into that home, things were never the same. I remember a trap door being in there, and I remember a burst of warm/hot air that came out as soon as I opened it. It took me a while to open that door, and I’m not sure if that was the only reason, but there were ghosts in my house, and demons, and no one knew any better. My mother saw, felt, and heard a few different ghosts in that house. One she called the ‘cowboy ghost’ which stood in the doorway in one of the hallways that went by my living room and led to the upstairs. She was also in our downstairs bathroom one time, and heard a woman call out “Hello…” as if she just wanted my mother to know that she was there. Lastly, my mother was asleep on the couch one day, and woke up to something screaming in her face, which I know now, had to be a demon. My sister at the time, who could not have been older than 4 when we were living at that house, saw a little boy ghost walk straight through the wall. I never saw anything, but I never really have, I’ve just always been the one to feel presences.
There was sooo much negative energy in that house, and sorry to say it, but so much had manifested over time and had increased the greediness, heartlessness, separation, and negativity in my family. I didn’t see my parents much, they ran a successful construction business out of the home, us kids would NEVER go downstairs or walk around at night by ourselves, and my brother was definitely attacked and latched to in that house.
Upon seeing, feeling, and experiencing all this, my mom went to the local psychic to find out what was going on. She did not know, but trust me, you guys should NOT be relying on a psychic to tell you about your life. The psychic may tell you true things, they may be able to see your home through their ‘third eye’, and they could probably predict things that actually came true at a later date, BUT their messages come from Satan, and other evil spirits who wish to destroy, manipulate, and kill. I’ve experienced this a few times, I’ll elaborate in a few paragraphs to come. The psychic my mom went to, described our home “to a T”. She spoke about my grandfather who had passed, and other life experiences my mom had gone through, which most psychics start off with to gain trust. Then she moved on to how a dark entity was basically scaring my brother day in and day out; he wouldn’t even shower alone. She told my mom how our home was a “walk through” for spirits because there were two cemeteries on each side of the home, down the road both ways. I don’t remember if we ever tried to pray Jesus over the home, or had a priest bless the home.
My mother became ill in that house. Long story short, she collapsed on her and my father’s wedding anniversary in 2005, and my dad resuscitated her. I fully believe she has been latched on to, regardless of what anyone says. It has been 15 years, and the doctors STILL don’t know what is fully wrong or what happened that day. She has had multiple operations, been on a variety of medications, and still, cannot seem to get better.
My most recent encounter was with the New Age religion, earlier in this quarantine time, sometime in February 2020, which seems to collaborate all types of faiths, such as buddhism, chakra practices, satanism, witchcraft, meditation, spirit guides, and even some excerpts from the Bible. The problem was, that I have always known that I had a type of psychic gift, as well as, I considered myself to be an empath; and while that may be true, I did not hold the true meaning or source of these gifts, that were given to me by God, and manipulated by Satan.
What I got out of being involved with multiple groups of “The Great Awakening”, moving from “4D to 6D consciousness”, practicing “meditation” to find my “spirit guides”, “the law of attraction”, etc. was that it is ALL motivated by Satan and manipulated to deceive the souls created by God, to fool them, and to use them for his purpose, just by putting a simple twist on the subject, and to practice this type of inclusivity that the world had never seen before. That’s the thing about Satan, he appears warm & fuzzy, cool & collected, cares about all types of love and inclusivity, JUST to deceive people. He’s an evil mastermind. Remember that when he decides to reveal himself and push his new world order, just as the Bible says will come in these end times.
Let me tell you, the New Age religion is false. I found myself headed down the path very abruptly, and it was like I could not focus on anything else. Whatever demons I was letting into my life legally, (because that’s what you do when you welcome and practice in sin, worldly matters, emotions, feelings, and forms of witchcraft), were now starting to manifest and turn my whole world upside down. I was in a dark and depressed time, suicidal thoughts were again surfacing, I wasn’t caring about my wellbeing, I was hateful towards others, the list goes on.
One day I was meditating to find my “spirit guides”, and idk maybe about 10-15 minutes in, while focusing on my ‘third eye’ chakra, I saw a demon. A literal demon. It was crawling on all fours, had menacing, scary, sharp, flesh ripping teeth, and it JUMPED at me. (Think of those stupid jump scare videos on social media). As SOON as that happened, I called out to Jesus and said the ‘Our Father’ prayer, and instantly at once, I felt safe again. It was either that day or a few days later, that Jesus visited me in a dream to save me once again, because I had decided to focus on dark powers to give myself purpose, identity, and power. He was there for me, even though I left the path that He was with me on.
Others that I have spoken to that once practiced meditation and finding ‘spirit guides’, said that as soon as they turned to Christianity and Jesus once again, the same thing happened. These ‘spirit guides’ were demonic in spirit, but appeared as nice, helpful beings initially. This is terrifying stuff guys, but that’s what Satan is all about. He wants to deceive you until the very last second when Jesus comes, just so you will worship Satan and his beasts, rather than knowing that you can call on Jesus anytime to come help. There really is no way to “close the circle” as some witches call it during some of their sacrificing, or “white magic” rituals.
I have to admit, that I do feel guilty and a bit of groaning within me because I waited so long to write on this, because God put it in my mind and in my heart a couple days ago. And now look, there’s a full moon/eclipse that’s happening tonight, and witches all around the world are trying to “hex the racists”, “restore order”, and “bring peace” with their practices TONIGHT. I’m just glad that God showed me that before I went another day without writing on this subject.
Again, if you have any questions or want to hear more about my experiences, (I have plenty more that I may write about), feel free to comment or inbox me.
Thanks for reading,
God Bless You,
Jesus Saves.
I love you guys.
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mosquecannon17-blog · 4 years
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vaginal Canal tightening device.
Do I need a Gp referral For Facelift surgical Procedure?
Which locations Can Be treated With Hifu?
What Is Mole, growth and Skin Tag Removal?
Why Are Cars Facelifted?
Due to its distinctively developed transducer system customers frequently feel very little discomfort throughout the therapy. Any type of unpleasant feelings normally decrease instantly following the procedure. Visual appeal Lab is committed to ensuring your wellness and wellness. During your preliminary Ultraformer III examination, we evaluate your case history with each other to guarantee that this procedure is appropriate for you. However, outcomes may occupy to 3 months to show and also they will certainly remain to improve for approximately 7 months blog post therapy. People may experience skin inflammation for a few days after the session. Some light swelling, prickling or inflammation may happen temporarily.
Less typical impacts consist of small discoloration as well as skin level of sensitivity. The dimension of the treatment area as well as the strategy picked impacts the duration of the HIFU treatment session, which can vary in between 30 and also 90 minutes. We will certainly have the ability to provide you a quote during your appointment. In the past I have actually tried all sorts of systems to assist with my stretch marks and also lower as well as tighten my child stubborn belly after the birth of my youngsters. The only treatment that I have seen outcomes with is the Lipofirm Pro!
What surgery makes you look younger?
A facelift, which is also known as a Rhytidectomy, will give an individual a relaxed and younger appearance. In order to be a suitable candidate for a facelift, an indiviudal should have adequate skin elasticity to ensure the procedure is effective.
This includes moving the handpiece over the area as well as providing pulses of power to achieve the desired result. Your therapy may be a little unpleasant however should not be painful and any type of discomfort must rapidly diminish promptly after treatment. At your appointment, we will certainly take a full case history and also evaluate your suitability for the treatment. We will then coordinate a custom therapy strategy with you, based upon your issues and also what you wish to achieve from the treatment. Very hardly ever one may experience small soreness for a couple of hours after the therapy in addition to swelling or tingling in the therapy location for up to a few weeks. There may also be wounding as well as feeling numb on dealt with areas but this ought to settle 2-4 weeks following the procedure. Ultraformer III has been called the comfortable choice to surgery and also Ultherapy.
Do I required a General Practitioner recommendation For Facelift surgical Treatment?
You might have an MRI scan and also numerous samples of prostate tissue taken. This will give the medical professionals a clear image of where the cancer is in the prostate. HIFU can be offered to the whole prostate when there might be cancer in greater than one area, so that all areas of cancer are dealt with. You might additionally have other tests, such as a CT scan, MRI scan or bone check, to see if the cancer cells has actually infected other parts of your body. A continual surge in your PSA degree can be an indication that the cancer has returned. If your cancer cells does come back, your physician or registered nurse will chat with you about additional therapy alternatives.
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A lot of people endure the therapy well while the power is being delivered. Discomfort and also discomfort related to the treatment are temporary and also are just experienced throughout the therapy. A three dimensional alternative to an intrusive facelift, without any cosmetic surgery and no down time. All skin consultations will be done by phone to evaluate your viability.
After my training course and a little Physio I am entirely back on form. The therapy really helped me get my self-confidence back, as well as the will to begin training once again. Tone, tighten up and also strong skin on your confront with this pioneering therapy.
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Results from tests and very early cases in the very first 5 years are extremely motivating with way of living results far better than many various other typical treatment options. The HIFU procedure normally lasts between 1-4 hours, depending on the size of the prostate, as well as is either done under basic anaesthesia or an epidural as well as IV sedation.
Which locations Can Be treated With Hifu?
What Is Mole, wart and Skin Tag Removal?
Our reference campaign deal is valid whatsoever centers for any kind of plan. Share this page to your pal and then get in the coupon code, "FRIEND30" when scheduling your Free assessment. The HIFU treatment is perfect for those individuals who intend to boost their face, tighten up the skin as well as overall battle indicators of aging. Whilst the therapy doesn't harmed, you may experience minor pain throughout the treatment, similar to a light prickly feeling. Did you know that you can schedule your appointment in either of our aesthetic facilities in Nottingham or London? We're devoted to supplying a high quality, personal and also practical solution for each and also every one of our clients, making it as very easy as possible for you to gain access to our very skilled experts. Schedule in at our Nottingham or London facility today, we can't wait to see you soon.
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These men will certainly have regular examinations to watch on the cancer that is not treated. Some guys who have focal HIFU have only one location of cancer cells in their prostate. Focal HIFU deals with a smaller location of the prostate and takes one to 2 hrs. It might be suitable for guys who have cancer that requires dealing with in just one location of their prostate. You may have a catheter placed in at the beginning of the therapy to drain pipes urine out of your bladder. A catheter is a slim tube that is passed into your bladder, either with the penis or through the wall surface of your abdomen. You will have a general anaesthetic so that you're asleep during the therapy.
On the early morning of your HIFU treatment, you'll be offered an enema to clear your bowels. You'll additionally be asked not to eat or consume for around six hrs prior to your HIFU. If you're having focal HIFU, you will typically most likely to a testing appointment initially
One of the large advantages of the HIFU Facial is that it's a non-surgical therapy that can be done in a single treatment.
You can see the results quickly, and also the renovations remain to be seen for up to nine months as your collagen is restored.
HIFU is secure, effective and also an excellent solution for training and tightening the jowls, minimizing great lines around your eyes, nose as well as mouth, tightening your skin around your jaw and also neckline as well as reducing hooded, saggy eyelids.
High intensity focused ultrasound is in some cases made use of as a therapy for very early prostate canceror prostate cancerthat has actually returned after radiotherapy.
Rather than surgery, the Ultraformer harnesses ultrasound innovation to radiate energy to the SMAS layer to tighten, lift and plump the skin.
Focal therapy making use of high-intensity focused ultrasound for localized prostate cancer.
It is given as component of a scientific trial, so it is just available in some medical facilities in the UK.
Because of this, it's only readily available in specialist centres in the UK or as part of a medical test.
These tests will certainly help your specialist target the area of the prostate that requires to be dealt with. As Lipo Sculpt offers a Coolsculpt Surrey is reasonably brand-new understanding regarding the long-lasting advantages as well as results is raising daily.
I have constantly been fairly athletic, yet lately because of injury I have actually been not able to educate and as a result my chest as well as Abdominal muscles have actually gone a little bumpy. After visiting the clinic the therapist informed me that due to absence of activity, my blood circulation has decreased and also I have actually established cellulite.
How much does a ponytail facelift cost?
Cost: $8,000–$11,000. The Hair Trick: A DIY ponytail placed just right will yield impressive results too, even if only for an evening.
Transurethral resection of the prostate is a procedure to eliminate prostate tissue as well as improve the circulation of urine. This operation is sometimes used before HIFU to lower the danger of some urinary system troubles after the therapy. Ask your physician or registered nurse which kind of HIFU might be ideal for you. HIFU could be suitable for you if your cancer cells is had inside your prostate. The Content on Our Website does not comprise advice on which you must rely. Professional or specialist advice must constantly be sought prior to taking any kind of activity associating with clinical aesthetic treatments.We make reasonable initiatives to ensure that the Web content on Our Website is full, accurate, and up-to-date.
Why Are Cars Facelifted?
Can a facelift help smokers lines?
Unfortunately, a facelift is not effective at treating those all too common lines around the mouth (smoker's lines). Even patients who do not smoke can develop these lines, sometimes fairly deep. To correct those, a resurfacing procedure needs to be performed.
HIFU treatment takes mins, during treatment it is common to experience some pain as well as a tingling feeling relying on the intensity of the ultrasound. This introducing treatment uses the current cosmetic modern technologies to help tone, tighten and also solid skin on the face, which assists to lower the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as leave the skin looking rejuvenated as well as younger. We can quote the rate for treatment after a preliminary complimentary consultationwith you. If the person selects a body contouring therapy, fat cells are gotten rid of using lipolysis.
Ideal cosmetic results are achievable with just one therapy session, the study images below give an instance of the results from HIFU treatment. targets adipose tissue by using high-intensity ultrasound power creating thermal coagulation to fat cells. The energy generated penetrates below the skin surface and creates mobile friction within cells. As aesthetic medication has advanced, ultrasound has verified to be an outstanding tool for a number of medical procedures. Complete Body Care offers innovative Skin Firm treatment for the face and body utilizing High Strength Concentrated Ultrasound. An usual adverse effects of ageing hangs, sagging skin, triggered by the exhaustion of collagen as well as elastin in the dermis. Ecological elements such as sunlight damage and smoking can better decrease degrees.
If you have focal HIFU, you might have low-risk cancer in another location of the prostate that is not dealt with intentionally. You will have routine tests to keep an eye on the cancer cells that is not dealt with. These might consist of PSA examinations, MRI checks, and also prostate biopsies. You might have a few of the adhering to symptoms directly after therapy, or they may establish time later on. Talk with https://southampton.lipo-sculpt.co.uk/ or nurse if you have troubles with erections or other sex-related problems. They can discuss your therapy alternatives as well as organize complimentary therapy on the NHS. Some males have troubles getting or keeping an erection after HIFU.
What is the best face tightening procedure?
Laser resurfacing This is the most effective procedure for tightening loose skin. Unlike the laser treatment described above, this procedure requires some downtime. You'll need to stay home for 5 to 7 days. Laser resurfacing also gives you the fastest results.
If you aren't able to have a basic anaesthetic for health and wellness reasons, you might be able to have a spine anaesthetic to ensure that you can't feel anything in your lower body. With this, you will also be provided some medicine to make you drowsy.
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This is since it can damage the blood vessels and also nerves that control erections. For some males this will certainly enhance, but for others this will be a longer-term side effect of HIFU. The following adverse effects can establish right after your therapy. If you have hormone therapy or a TURP before you have HIFU, these can additionally create side effects. Various other males have an additional area of cancer cells in their prostate that is not treated on purpose. This cancer cells is not treated since it is less most likely to spread out (low-risk cancer cells) and it might not trigger any type of troubles.
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The Price of Perhaps not Having Disability Insurance
Even with personnel, small business owners can be seen as single-person operations. No matter just how much you pay someone to help you manage, industry, or produce products for the small company, nobody is really as dedicated to its achievement and revenue technology as you are.  disability insurance for physicians
Should you become sick, injured or otherwise unable to benefit medical reasons, you could no more manage to contribute to the achievement of one's business. You may also no further manage to motivate and oversee personnel, and may very well not be literally capable of dedicating the time and energy to your business so it needs. Not only will this end in the fall of your current revenue however it will even imply that your business cannot pay you an income. This is why all small business homeowners should spend money on equally short- and long-term disability insurance policies.
Many people take for granted that Cultural Protection disability benefits will soon be paid to them when they're no longer able to function and generate a paycheck due to their business, however, this is not generally the case. It's notoriously difficult to get the Social Protection Government (SSA) to accept your application for disability benefits. Additionally, when counting entirely on Social Protection, you're topic for their definition of disability , their waiting period and their gain limits.
As a small company owner, you take advantage of using the dangers that all entrepreneurs accept. Your travel may right donate to the total amount of money you're in a position to get from your business. Taking the risk of Cultural Protection taking care of you, and limiting your disability income to Cultural Safety levels isn't a suitable risk nor could it be reflective of the specific money you could have when you have your own personal disability insurance policy.
Still another issue when you depend on Social Security is not only will you've to hold back for the program to be accepted but you have to also feel the SSA's waiting amount of five months before gain funds begin. When you get your own disability insurance policy, you are able to know what waiting time you are comfortable with. The longer your waiting period, the lower your advanced will be as a lengthy waiting time reduces the entire total that the disability insurance plan must pay out.
Disability insurance and your job go turn in hand. Developing any career requires the expense of time and money; nevertheless, a lifetime career created through sheer hard work alone is never safe. A straightforward crash can conclusion your career, and however, you'll never know when an accident will occur. Accidents could cause equally short-term and lasting disability. Reports show that one or more of each seven individuals will be prey of disability before he is 65 decades old. Any type of disability might have terrible effects on a person's household, as you'll be unable to help your family and pay costs at the exact same time. As well as that the disability also comes with its own expenses. Your medical expenses may possibly increase and continued expenditures without extra income can very quickly weaken all your assets. Maybe you have considered a predicament wherever you'd be unable to offer your loved ones? There is number purpose to fear because you can safeguard your source of money through a disability insurance policy.
Individual disability insurance can pillow you against the financial hardships resulting from a disability. This insurance goes quite a distance to restore an important percentage of missing money as a result of vomiting or injury. You should use the insurance payments to pay for constant expenses as you recuperate from the damage or illness. Many people have a tendency to think that medical insurance is sufficient for almost any wellness related occasion; nevertheless, that's perhaps not the case. Independent of the medical costs that include an injury or illness, you will also have to carry on paying your mortgage, car funds, and other insurance premiums. With disability insurance , you are able to spend the mandatory items needed, but it's also possible to be in a position to truly save some money for the future. Lots of people ignore the likelihood of becoming impaired, not knowing that they are at good risk. A small monthly or annual cost to a disability insurance approach can prove to be beneficial, whilst the everyday functioning environment is full of potential hazards for disability. Moreover, the current world is consistently confronted with lots of difficult-to-cure diseases.
Many employees enroll in class disability insurance ideas; nevertheless, several group options have uncertainty factors connected and they are not always the best option. Party insurance options will often be altered or canceled unexpectedly. Also, often times you are unable to take your class insurance program with you whenever you change employers. It can also be essential to note that group insurance has constraints, such as for instance just to be able to use it when you are fully disabled. That can be quite a huge disadvantage because most forms of disability are known to be partial. Meaning, they do not render you entirely disabled although maybe you are unable to conduct your many important tasks. As well as the aforementioned negatives, the benefits from class insurance options are taxable, the terms are occasionally perhaps not modified often, and they're typically outdated in relation to inflation.
Signing up for a disability income insurance plan is the best issue you can certainly do to guard your revenue and protect your family. Keep in mind that there are lots of various kinds of disability insurance policies. Some derive from certain professions while the others are more common and income based. The most typical forms of disability insurance contain disability insurance for physicians, dentist disability insurance , medical resident, and attorney disability insurance among others. Different occupations have different groups and every insurance approach has a set of functions and rules. The total amount payable each month varies in one policy to some other and clients are free to create their choices depending on their level of income and profession. The length of time within which advantages are compensated stages from a couple of years to age 67. In a bit of good plan, premiums are waived through the disability time and some programs keep with changes in inflation. That being said, it is definitely clever to find the most readily useful disability insurance business and policy correctly for you era, revenue and financial needs.
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mczreads · 5 years
Gods of Jade and Shadow
Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Published July 23, 2019 by Del Ray.
4 stars
Casiopea Tun yearns to leave her life of servitude and see the big cities of the world. She dreams of fast dances and faster cars, finding temporary escape through books, while her family forces her to cook and clean and tend to her cruel grandfather and her equally awful brat of a cousin, Martín. One day, she opens a trunk in her grandfather’s bedroom and unleashes the god of death. Hun-Kamé, Lord of Xibalba, requires Casiopea to travel with him to restore his godhood and reclaim the throne of the underwold from his brother, Vucub- Kamé. The ensuing story is part fantasy quest through Mexico and Xibalba, and part coming-of-age tale as Casiopea experiences the power of her words and choices.
The direct narration style and the taut thematic threads reminded me of the fairy tales and myths I read as a child. In those tales, an omniscient narrator tells us the stepmother is wicked, the princess is the most beautiful, and the warrior is cunning: thus it is so. The point of those stories is not so much the motivations of each character, but the lessons learned from being cruel or brave or clever. Gods of Jade and Shadow strikes a balance between a traditional fairy tale of archetypes and a contemporary novel with developed characters. At times the story can feel like it is telling instead of showing, but given the subject matter, I can forgive this stylistic choice.
The alternating settings of 1920s Mexico and the Xibalba heighten the supernatural aspects of the story; the Jazz Age encourages new trends in fashion, music, and technology, which seem frightening to those clinging to tradition, while the Mayan underworld remains constant and eternal, yet utterly surreal.
I haven’t read a true fantasy book months, and this novel was a gratifying return to the genre. I felt grumpy whenever I was kept from reading, and now that I’ve finished it I want to re-read it immediately. I’d recommend this book to anyone, but more specifically to people I know so that we can enthuse over it together.
Spoilers behind the cut.
I am a simple, flawed human who knows what she enjoys. When I saw this listed as a Book of the Month selection, I had a feeling it would satisfy at least one of my interests: 1) world mythology, 2) a young person lives the life they deserve after they stop feeling obligated to garbage people, 3) mortal and immortal fall in love after a dozen chapters of angst and pining. I got lucky on all three counts, though not in the way I expected.
Humans are storytellers, and I will always enjoy reading the myths different societies establish. I’m woefully ignorant about Mayan mythology, so everything god and monster introduced in the story was new to me. That was a relief. I wasn’t distracted by details that didn’t match the stories I heard previously, which sometimes happens in books with Greek and Roman figures, so I was able to focus on how their existence functioned in the story. I’m also a sucker for characters who love books and writing. Casiopea’s beloved father was a poet. Books are her comfort, and once she leaves home, they are her only frame of reference for everything outside her daily life. She can’t help but compare everything to a story, even as she reminds herself that life is not a fairy tale. Moreno-Garcia plays with the reader’s expectations of a story as well. She lays the narrative track early, so by the time the reader arrives at the climax, there’s an unshakeable feeling that the ending has already been decided. There’s the possibility of other endings--and part of me hoped it would end differently than it did--but none of them would have honored the story or been true to Casiopea’s character.
Moreno-Garcia says her book is not YA, but Casiopea is a young adult and her character arc is the unifying element of the story. I loved getting to know her and seeing her react to increasingly higher stakes. Casiopea is opinionated and has a strong sense of justice; she gets in trouble because she holds everyone to a high moral standard. This gets her in trouble with her family, who treat her mainly as a servant, but is particularly aggravating to her cousin, Martín. Martín is the only male heir of the wealthy family, an attractive young man who secretly fears leaving the familiarity of his hometown where everyone knows to treat him with respect. He’s mediocre yet entitled, which seems like it should be harmless but in the real world seems to cause the most damage. He is weak, and Casiopea recognizes his weakness, so the two clash often. The usurper Vucub- Kamé selects Martín as his mortal champion, and Martín’s behavior at the command of the god compared to Casiopea’s highlights her bravery. Of course, she is not fearless, and her trepidation manifests at what seem to be ordinary instances. When her hair is cut short in flapper style, her anxiety is both endearing and telling. She is a young woman, and her small Catholic town and society at large has plenty of opinions of what a young woman should look like. Readers can tell that living with an oppressive family in a judgemental town has deeply affected Casiopea, and watching her overcome these small moments of apprehension is satisfying to anyone who’s tried to overcome their internalized toxicity.
The most compelling part of the story for me was the relationship between Casiopea and Hun- Kamé, and I feel like this dynamic will be the deciding factor in other’s enjoyment of this book. There’s plenty of valid criticism of stories where young women fall in love with men with more life experience, through either age or immortality. When Casiopea opened the trunk containing Hun- Kamé’s remains, a bone shard pierces her hand and the resulting blood revives him. This bone shard connects them, allowing him to grow stronger but draining her of life. The reanimated Hun- Kamé appears as a grown man and seems dismissive toward Casiopea’s hesitance to travel with him; after all, he is a god, and human morality doesn’t apply to him. I felt a fair amount of trepidation at the start of their relationship. What mitigated the creep factor for me was that while they are connected, Casiopea’s mortality turns Hun- Kamé more human. His body appears physically younger and parts of his godly consciousness fade; he loses the perspective of a god and starts to react as a human would. He gains more respect for Casiopea’s views and behaves accordingly. The more equal footing makes their eventual attraction more palatable. In the end, even though there is an option to be together, Casiopea is the one who decides they should honor their original desires and reclaim the throne for Hun- Kamé, even if it means they can’t be together. As gratifying as a slow-burn romance can be, I think it’s even more rewarding when young characters recognize that the overlap between being in love and being satisfied is actually only a small part of a larger Venn diagram.*
The novel ends with Casiopea driving--not riding--into the distance, after all the narrative threads have been knotted off. It’s the ending the story deserved, though I would love to read more about these characters. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel, and in the meantime, I’ll be looking for an excuse to re-read this book.
*I say this as someone who pouted for a few hours before actually finishing the book.
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dedicatedseeker · 6 years
Monochrome Week 2019 Day Five: Role Swap
A/N: This is late cause I wasn’t feeling well, but hopefully the length makes up for it. Set in an AU where weapons exist but semblances don’t
Kali Belladonna resisted the urge to roll her eyes upon seeing her husband and daughter training yet again. She knew how much Ghira fretted over their daughter's safety, but to Kali, Blake was still a young woman who needed to take breaks. She leaned against the door and decided to give them a few more minutes before making her presence known.
It wasn't as if they needed to train excessively, she mused. After the Great War, Menagerie had established itself as Remnant's most formidable kingdom and elevated the Belladonna name to its famed status it was known for now. As for Blake, the mage was already proving to be quite intelligent and capable, if her assistance in the war didn't already showcase her potential.
For the past five years, their family attempted to negotiate peace between the remaining Remnant kingdoms. Alas, old prejudices made it difficult for any concrete agreement to be reached, especially with the inferiority that various human leaders felt under Faunus presently. Thus far, they only had alliances with Vale and Vacuo and even managed to stockpile supplies with the latter should the need arise.
Kali wanted to believe that peace could truly spread across Remnant, but it was getting increasingly harder with recent rumors of insurrection and the previous month's break in at Vacuo. Fortunately, the only loss suffered was a train car full of potion ingredients stolen. The only clue discovered was a strand of white hair, which motivated Blake to train harder in order to capture the perpetrator.
Sparks of light magic caused Kali to return her attention to her family. Father and daughter were both breathing heavily, having just finished another spar. Kali decided to make her presence known before they passed out from exhaustion.
“I’m so glad I can finally spend some time with my family because there’s certainly no way that any more training is happening today,” Kali stated sternly, making sure to keep her gaze locked onto Ghira. She smirked as Ghira gulped imperceptibly and turned to glance at Blake, who quickly bit back her objection before steadying her resolve.
“Mom, I’ve almost mastered the new spell that we’ve been working on-” Kali held up a hand to stop Blake’s objections. She knew her daughter’s light magic was improving by the day, but Kali wasn’t having it. Huffing, Blake walked off.
Blake made her way across the courtyard her parents had built for training. She didn’t want to stop yet, especially since she was so close to gaining another spell to use. Sighing, she resolved to take advantage of the break before an unfamiliar noise near the entrance made her pause. Her ears perked up, and she made a sweep of her surroundings. She didn’t notice anything amiss, so she turned to her magic to double check.
Closing her eyes, she focused her aura and allowed it to guide her search. With her magic, she was able to ‘see’ the environment along with all the individuals present within. The familiarity of her home seemed the same as always except for the presence of a dark aura hiding behind a tree.
Opening her eyes, Blake considered her next actions. Sensing that she hadn’t been suspected yet, she was currently at an advantage. However, knowing how talk of rebellion had been increasing lately, she knew that the upper hand she held now wouldn’t last long.
Immediately knowing her cover would be blown, she unsheathed Gambol Shroud and quickly infused her light magic with her weapon. As she did so, she heard a swear and the unmistakable sound of a weapon being drawn and the crackle associated with dark magic. Blake turned to meet her assailant, their weapons clashing, causing a black and white spark to release as their magic mingled and knocking them away from each other.
Since Faunus were faster than humans, Blake recovered first and took the opportunity to give a hasty once-over of her opponent. Two details stuck out to her instantly: she was fighting a human who wielded a rapier, and that human had a familiar shade of white hair. Suddenly, she had more motivation to stop the mysterious snowy-haired beauty. Blinking, she chastised herself. That wasn’t what was important now.
Gripping Gambol Shroud tighter, she watched as the other mage got back up. She could practically see the calculations running through the woman’s mind. Preparing herself to either retaliate or chase her, she readied her stance.
Instead of striking with her blade, the attacker surprised Blake by casting a spell to disarm her instead. Expecting the woman to quickly strike following her ploy, the Faunus concentrated on channeling her light magic but was astonished when her foe threw aside her sword to fight with her magic instead. It seemed that this woman wanted a fair fight, which was something she wouldn’t have expected from her knowledge of Vacuo’s heist and the supposed involvement of her adversary.
“Are you going to drain away the essence of these trees to strengthen yourself now?” Blake couldn’t keep the resentment out of her voice as she recalled the various rumors she had heard about dark magic users. She noticed the other woman’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but Blake refused to fall for another trick.
The white-haired woman shook her head as if to clear it of confusing thoughts. Readying her own magic, she met Blake’s eyes with a sharp gaze. “This was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission. It doesn’t have to end in bloodshed.”
Blake scoffed. As if a person who had the ability to remove life’s essence would be anything but violent. She decided that if her enemy wasn’t going to make the first move, then she would take advantage of the standstill.
Wanting to test her opponent, she channeled a tiny spark of magic and aimed it at the woman’s feet. The woman was more graceful than she expected, easily dodging the blast and retaliating with one of her own. Fortunately for Blake, she wasn’t exhausted enough that she couldn’t hold on her own.
The two mages exchanged blows back and forth for a while before one strike from them clashed and caused a fire to ignite in the middle of the courtyard. Shocked, they both paused their duel and began to think of ways to stoke the flames. When they simultaneously opened their mouths to object to the other woman’s interference, the fire began to spread quicker. Reaching a silent temporary truce, their priorities shifted to putting out the fire.
Weiss began to draw out essence from the fire, giving Blake ample time to channel her light magic and evaporate the flames. This process took quite a bit of time considering how much the fire had already spread, but they eventually managed to restore the land to how it originally was. When they had finished, they were both spent.
They held gazes and came to a realization. If they could accomplish this working together, what more could they do if they continued to cooperate? Perhaps they weren’t so different after all.
A/N: This ended up being much longer than anticipated and sets up for a potential continuation, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do so yet. Tell me what thoughts you may have, and thanks for reading!
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antoine-roquentin · 6 years
Bannon, whose populist organization The Movement plans to offer support on polling and messaging to like-minded politicians, has said he doubts nationalists can gain a majority but hopes they can win a third of the assembly’s 705 seats.                                                     
Such an outcome is “feasible,” says José Ignacio Torreblanca, head of the Madrid office of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank with branches across the EU.                                                    
Controlling such a large group of delegates would allow populists to “change the conversation” and influence EU policy – either by forging alliances with moderate conservatives or tempting other parties to adopt their views simply to try to steal their voters, Torreblanca says.                                                  
At a minimum, it would also secure national right-wing governments from the threat of sanctions by Brussels, which require a two-thirds majority, he adds.          
Most of the experts interviewed by Haaretz doubted that Bannon could play a key role, since several far-right leaders – including Le Pen – have been extremely lukewarm toward his efforts.                                                    
“I doubt that Bannon has the ability to unite these forces, because nationalist movements have a natural tendency to avoid EU-wide alliances,” says Pirozzi. “Still, it is very significant that such an experiment is being conducted. And while it may not bear immediate fruits, it can certainly do so in the long term.”                                                    
With or without Bannon, Europe’s populists will have a strong showing, she says, and moderate political forces seem unable to rise to the challenge. “The opposition to this wave of nationalism has been much weaker than you would expect,” says Pirozzi.                                                    
Perhaps because mainstream parties have managed to stay in power in the heart of Europe – with Macron in France and Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany – “people don’t realize the danger,” says Frank Paul Weber, a journalist who worked as a spokesman for former German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble.                                                    
This complacency can be deadly in EU elections, which have traditionally a low turnout, giving an automatic advantage to the highly motivated voters of extremist parties, warns Weber.                                                    
Even though the EU’s legislative body has a hand in deciding everything from food safety issues to car emissions, “Most people don’t know what the EU Parliament does,” Weber says. “While in the United States it’s quite clear what is the difference between a Republican- or a Democrat-controlled Congress, here nobody understands what’s at stake.”                                  
For this election, the EU has launched a website that aims to gather activists who will work to get out the vote. But most experts agree that the bloc’s traditional political forces have been too slow to adopt the grassroots action and social media savviness that has helped propel the world’s populists.      
“Progressives in Europe should learn from the [U.S.] Democratic Party, which just regained control of the House largely thanks to grassroots mobilization and a host of young, diverse candidates,” says Jean-Pierre Darnis, a professor of international relations at the University of Nice. They should also be open to alliances with new movements and nontraditional parties that have already mastered the tools and messaging of today’s politics, he says. One example would be the resurgent Greens party, which has enjoyed strong results in local elections in Germany. A solid alliance between these forces should be able to maintain stability and block any moves by even a large contingent of far-right parties, Darnis says.                
But what policies would be favored by a European Parliament with a strong Euroskeptic bloc?                                                    
Far-right parties would quickly try to tighten border controls – both within and without the EU – and move to deport immigrants, who are their unifying cause célèbre, says Torreblanca.                                                    
They would also move to remove sanctions on Russia and improve ties with Moscow, out of admiration for President Vladimir Putin’s strongman policies and his support for nationalist forces across Europe, Torreblanca says.        
Finally, there would be a strong push to halt the progress of – or even undo – the monetary union, while allowing each state more discretion on their economic policies, he says.                                                    
“These right-wing groups are all different in background, but as nationalist groups they are united in wanting power to be restored to the state,” says Oded Eran, a former Israeli ambassador to the EU and now a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.                
On an international level, such an outcome is likely to be welcomed by Washington and Jerusalem, Eran notes. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long been cozying up to Europe’s populist parties, such as Hungary’s Fidesz, Poland’s Law and Justice, and the Freedom Party of Austria, despite the anti-Semitic statements or neo-Nazi roots of some of their members.     
“If Brussels is weakened, this will certainly play into the hands of both Israel and Washington, who prefer to deal with individual states in conducting foreign relations, security arrangements and economic ties,” Eran explains.
american intelligence agencies have a long history of interfering in european elections to ensure the victory of a preferred candidate
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