#Captian Marvel
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my one semester of fashion school was very important cuz now i draw all my clothes with seams and shit: behold
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Billy you will always my be favorite🥺
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monotonykillsartist · 7 days ago
(Note this all before anyone outside of Fawcett knows who Billy batson is)
So Billy was in gotham for a simple mission, getting a magical herb that was local to Gotham. Obviously he had to come as Billy Batson and not as Captian Marvel cause he didn't want to get caught by batman. He was walking around a for a while before he spotted some of the herbs growing by an alleyway, with a grin he ran over. The sooner he got what he needed the sooner he could get out.
Unfortunately nothing in life could be that easy. In the middle of the alley there was a gun, with a grimce he picked it up. As he was contemplating how to properly throw away a gun, does it get recycled it's metal right? Or does it get thrown in the regular trash bin?
An ommunous cackling sound starts coming from the other side of the alley way and a shadow figure stands watching him. A trash can gets knocked over startling him and he accidentally pulls the trigger the figure drops, the laughter remains. Billy drops the gun and runs toward the figure with whispered profanity spilling from his mouth.
"I'm sorry, it was an accident" in rushes in a panic trying to stop the bleeding but the man dressed as a clown stops laughing and still a wide smile on his face.
"HELP!! SOMEBODY PLEsse" his voice wavers he's still putting pressure on the bullet wound. A thud drops down behind him. "It was an accident, I don't, I think" he sniffles "I killed him" he whispers out.
He turns and looks at who he persums is batman behind him and instead finds a man stock still with red metal helmet with glowing eyes. He shivers, red hood, he's not opposed to killing the bad guys like batman.
"I swear it was an accident I didn't- I wouldn't- ...I did it tho I killed him" Billy looked away from red hood and back at the man he killed, he was dressed as a clown gods was he going to a birthday party did he not only kills someone but also ruin another kids party. He is the worst.
"You-" a shaky voice starts hesitated for a second before continuing, "fuck you killed the Joker, that's-" he breaks off into a wet sounding laugh. Billy tenses shit did this guy know this clown was it for his kids birthday.
"It's fine kid your all good. I can take care of it from here. Don't play with guns, tho got it" Red hood says his voice sounding oddly warm.
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(So I had a couple ideas for this same premise, Billy accidentally or sometimes "accidentally shooting and killing the Joker so here's another route this could have taken)
"HELP!! SOMEBODY PLEsse" his voice wavers he's still putting pressure on the bullet wound. A thud drops down behind him. "It was an accident, I don't, I think" he sniffles "I killed him" he whispers out.
"Fuuuuccccckkkk did that kid kill the joker!" A baffled voice asks. Billy turns to see two cops and picks his lips nervously.
"Hey kid common up back away from him, Jim watch the kids, could be a set up" Billy swallow and walks over to the cop who remained behind eyes trained on his partner one hand ready to radio for help the other hovering over his holster.
"Shit, well I'll be damned. The kid got a lucky shot." The cop who approached the body said with a grin after checking for a pulse. "Officer Jackson speaking, the jokers dead" he spoke into his radio.
"Are you sure?" A voice asked over the radio in disbelief "pretty sure, bullet through the heart would have died almost instantly no pulse kicked him even no response, sucker's dead as a door knob" the office replied relief and joy in his voice.
"Aye Jim take the kid out for dinner kid deserves it, wait yold on" officer Jackson says pulling out his wallet pulls out 4 20s and a couple tens. "Here kid take this, all ongot on me right now but I feel like I gotta give you something not enough but all I got on me"
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(Or if it does end up going to court)
Billy on the stand: I did it I killed.
Lawyer: please don't listen to my client he is in shock he had a recent encounter with the Joker
Judge nodding along: strick that from the record and disregard that statement
Jury after seeing a grainy video of Billy shooting the joker: he is guilt free let the child go and he should be given a sum of money for the court wasting his time
The watchtower
Captian marvel: hey bats I hope you had a good birthday
Batman grunt
Billy as Cap grins what do you get for a man who can have buy or do anything something he can't buy or do himself. Like kill his sons killer. Pss he's been in several wars and has a license to kill what one more body to the count. He does notice that batman looks alot less stress then he usually does. Best birthday present ever.
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grey-tumbles-and-falls-down · 6 months ago
"we need more complex female characters!!" yall were hating on The Marvels, BEFORE IT EVEN CAME OUT
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currentlysleepingus · 21 days ago
I'm bored
I want black canary to be Danny's aunt and for them to have a close relationship, which means that Danny calls green arrow uncle. I want danny to learn how to use an bow and arrow, I want danny to drop by at his place unprompted, I want danng to be close to the other members in ways that leads everyone to think that they alone adopted danny and that he's just friends with the rest because danny never stays in one place for too long so somedays he's getting chased by Barry for breaking OSHA again in his house or is seen wearing a sonic hoodie when in central city to help out with crime. I want hal to be a cool uncle who tells danny all about his travels in space and stuff, I want wonderwomen to be a mentor and the one ellie normally goes to, I want Shazam and phantom to have a rivalry, I want danny to accidently crash land into the Kent's farm while Clark was away and have Jon find him. Danny is promptly taken Back to his house and becomes friends with him, he kinda gets adopted, that parts up to debate but he's going to be apart of the Kent's one way or another, I want batman to help him immediately, I mean common he's prime adoption bait, he also gets ellie and they both go to Gotham academy once they find both of them in Gotham. I want ellie to explore the ocean and meet aquaman, I want her to get adopted.
Please, we need more of these relationships and danny being friends and such with the Kent's. A lot of us keep thinking of the YJ Superman instead of the other Superman, and it hurts because danny would fit right in. From the Midwest, check, has many abilities and is kinda op, check, learning how to control his powers while needing to hide them from the public I mean come one the Kent's would love him and he could meet them by either falling from the sky after a battle or meeting them via a field trip.
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imaginaryskeleton · 2 months ago
Pspspsps Shazam fandom tell me your favourite comics, I've only really read the 2023 run
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choaticgypsyvicking · 6 months ago
why dose everyone on this app call him captian marvel? His books stopped being called that in the 80s, and he's been calling himself SHAZAM in universe since 2009, that's a long fucking time guys!
Like show the man some respect and call him bye his name, don't dead name Billy batson, that wizard gave him his name in a literal sense.
Pluse there no way that EVERYSINGEL ONE OF YOU are old enough to be to nostalgic and stubborn to call a charcter bye a name they haven't used for more then ten whizing years!
Like I get it if your referring to him and the wizard in the same sentence or if your only referring to his orginal self from Fawcett comics and earth 5
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year ago
Carol: don’t worry, i’m not cheating on valkyrie, i’m only technically married it was a favor
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just-marvel-polls2 · 3 months ago
Marvel Christmas Poll thing 4
(Theres probably going to be like 5 parts of this question) Who would YOU most like to…
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loveipromiseimnotinsane · 1 year ago
Monica waiting for Carol as a kid,,,, now Carol's waiting for her.... i-
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mxqdii · 1 year ago
distraction - c.d
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pairings: carol danvers x reader
summary: carol looks a little too good on a mission, causing reader to get hurt
warning(s): mention of injury
not proofread
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me and carol are on a simple mission, get rid of the drones, and get out 
well, at least i thought it was simple
technically, none of this is my fault, carol is the one who just had to look this good during our mission
like i said, not my fault.
her sleeves are rolled up, her hands glowing, her-
“y/n look out!” she yells, snapping me out of my trance to turn over seeing a drone come flying towards me at full speed
without any time to move, the drone hits me, hitting my cheek and upper arm
“fuck!” i yell in pain
carol looks over at me, eyes widened, using a burst a power to quickly eliminate the rest of the drones
she runs over to me putting both hands on my shoulders 
“baby why didn’t you move?” 
i wince at her touching the arm that got hit, seeing her hand quickly leave that area
while mumbling a quick “sorry”
“sorry- sorry, i was distracted” i say
“clearly” she mumbles back, causing me to glance at her 
we get back onto the spaceship, her grabbing my hand leading me to the bathroom
“sit” she points to the counter 
i jump up on the counter, seeing her rummage through the drawers looking for her first aid kit
she grabs bandages and cleaning solution
“babe you don’t have to-“ i start, quickly getting interrupted 
“shh, let me do this for you” she says and i almost melt right there
“you said you were distracted, by wha hm?” she asks and i sit there trying to think of an excuse
giving up, i mumble “it’s not my fault” 
“who’s fault is it then, pretty girl?” she says 
see this is exactly what i mean when i say i get distracted.
“caree” i whine, seeing a smirk fill her face as she places to bandage on my cheek
“alright, all done.” she says and i hop down
“thanks for helping me babe” i say, walking to our bedroom
“i mean- i kinda had to, it was my fault isn’t that right baby?” she says teasingly
i turn around seeing her trying not to laugh, this girl is gonna kill me.
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @prettysturniolo @its-jennarose @lea0518
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melina-mellow · 2 years ago
No one better say anything bad about Kamala Khan. That's my little sister you better be prepared to deal with the consequences of insulting her.
Same goes for Carol and Monica as well. So you better watch your tongue when speaking on them.
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i was on the bus so i drew Captain Marvel taking the bus. why is he taking the bus? Zeus keeps on zapping him out of the sky, why? cuz zeus petty idk
the bubble says: sorry zeus wont let me in the sky
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cachow-it · 5 months ago
Billy batson doesn’t know about 9/11 send post
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puffinpatrol · 10 months ago
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School doodles with billy,
special feature: star girl :))
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currentlysleepingus · 21 days ago
I'm bored
This can be adult Danny phantom and captain marvel and Barry Allen or kid phantom, Shazam and the flash.
Danny's an unknown entity who was raised by mad scientist and had impulsive and intrusive thoughts and questions but doesn't know how to properly do it in a lab setting that isn't like baking. Barry is a scientist, Shazam is a magical being that has an encyclopedia in his headnon magical creatures but not their properties and such Why don't we have more flashfam waking up at three in the morning to find the ghost king, champion of magic, and their dad jamming out to a song while performing magical scientific experiment ls like putting vampire blood in things and putting ectoplasm into things. Or doing the most random shit that would be illegal if it wasn't with Shazam and phantom.
Please I just want all of them to be jamming out to a cringe pop song and getting all of the words wrong because flash decided to give Shazam ectoplasm and phantom ichor and ambrose just to see what happens and they gave his something with a lot of sugar to see what would happen, they also keep feeding him things that they make that's supposed to have a lot of calories to combat his high metabolism. Could phantom overshadow Shazam or flash. Could flash phase through phantom, does it have the same effect as phantom flying through people? Could he go through phantoms ice, can flashes lighting make Shazam detransform. What would happen if a vampire bit danny, would he turn into a vampire or be and undead twice over, what would happen of it bit Shazam, would his shazamness filter it out? Can the vampires bit be filtered, is it like a piosen or a venom that turns it victims into its own. Kind via overwriting it's DNA or is it something else entirely. Ca it be filtered if your bitten, could you become immune. Are all three of them immune via flashes high metabolism filters it out before it gets the chance or he faces it out of his body. Does it even work on phantom. Would Shazam voices scare the vampire before it can do anything or does Shazam demigodlyness make it so it doesn't work.
Danny's basically like a green ooze wizard with how he's making and arranging things to both of Shazam and Barry's dismay
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grey-tumbles-and-falls-down · 7 months ago
there was nothing heterosexual ab this
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