#Captain Crimson fanart
magnetaz6 · 2 months
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× I don't have sketches from today's episode ( I'll do something later ) but I do have these two and spoilers for the upcoming sticker pack, these husbands have couple stickers yeahhh
— Characters cr: Captain Crimson [ @newbiecwest true husband ] and Fortegreen [ My true husband ] from Among Us animation by Rodamrix ( YouTube ).
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crimsonmonsoon · 5 months
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In an alternate universe where Bucky got the movie he deserves. This movie would simultaneously follow him as the Winter Soldier 1946-1950s while also paralleling to present day Bucky who is fighting a social war and trying to fix his public image so that the Winter Soldier can become the hero. Except this would never work but I’m playing pretend. Reality he would rename himself to White Wolf but that character exists in the comics as Black Panthers brother and he’s another anti hero and Bucky can’t have that. Tho I’m so down for him becoming Shuri’s adopted brother.
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rachmob · 18 days
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What about alzheimer+ a part of the monster that killed your wife is inside you
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orbitular · 2 months
so guys I ermm I uhhhh . this is probably the ONLY piece of work I will give them but I had to get it out of my system at least 💥 shoutout if you're a real cygson fan
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pirritheclown · 1 year
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A shitpost on all of Jack Rose's possible dads
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vllerei · 29 days
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happy marriage to the cuties
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knuttydraws · 2 years
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Day 12 of @14daysdalovers 2023 - Crimson Love and death is peak romance, right? (im sorry mr Fenris, but you dont have a red ribbon monopoly in this house ❤)
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
26 ASK! :DDDD🎉🎉🎉
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I do not.. :/ Sorry!
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:DDD Thank you!! ☕ I'm hanging in there as best I can <:) Thank you for the well wishes. I hope the same for you!
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@boxofcreampuffs (SKJAJD HORSE XDDDD)
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@chaotic-public-menace (Post in question)
<XD While that is true, this comic is way overdue. Its taken me some weeks to make and it should have been up like a month ago! I just wanna get it done already so I'm trying to not get distracted by FNAF and other drawing ideas-
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I haven't actually decided on whether or not the other Addison's were good or bad guys. This would change their reaction to seeing Spamton.
I had this idea that Spamton's world is a lot like Seam and Jevil's. Its more cruel and wicked than the original Deltarune.. And Spamton might not have been particularly close with the other Addison's.. They had no time for bonds or relationships. It was a dog eat dog world, every man for himself.
Branching off of that, one idea I had was the other Addison's had become jealous of Spamton's success and tried to kill him by pushing him into the acid pools.. Only for Spamton to survive and reemerge as a horrific looking creature..
If I go with the evil Addison story.. some Addison's might run away in fear just because of how horrific Spamton looks. Though some might deliberately abandon him becuase they hated him/were jealous of him and felt like he deserves this.
If I go with a story where the other Addison's weren't responsible for the acid fall.. they might still run away in fear. Seeing this horrible beast.. not realizing its one of their own.
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XD No problem! Soft boi Gregory is best Gregory!
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In my AU, none of the other Glamrock's know that Gregory exists. But if they did, maybe Roxy would envy it a bit..? Having someone look up to Freddy and not her might hurt her ego a bit.. :(
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Oh no no, his top and bottom row of teeth are separate. Like these pictures here show,
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(Post in question for the pictures)
The top row of teeth all fused together and became one big cracked tooth. And the bottom row did the same. But the two rows are separate and he can still open his mouth.
To think that if while he was initially melting, he had kept his mouth closed? His teeth would have melted together and he wouldn't be able to eat anything easily.. if at all.
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Please don't draw fanart of any of my stuff. There are no exceptions.
(Also thank you💖)
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Thank you! :DDD
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You just made their night XDD
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Thank you! I'm hanging in there 😅 I hope you are well too! :}}
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They're dry :x
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I imagine that Bonnie Bowl might have a flashlight.? And Pirates cove would have a box of confiscated Bon-cams XD
I don't really remember what the other collectables were in the game so I don't really have a reference to go off of..
Buuuut,,, maybe from Bonnie bowl you could also get one of Bonnies signature bowling balls? A purple bowling ball with a rabbit ears print on it somewhere.
And for Pirates Cove perhaps a cheap pirate captains hat? I had this idea that there's 100s of these cheap captain hats that Foxy gives away to the kids every day. So maybe that could be a collectable too? :00
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XD Once I'm done with this project that will be me. Posting the most painful angst I can conjure up
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I have not. But something tells me its about Hares/Rabbits XDD
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Yeah, me and some friends theorized about that. We thought "Maybe Vanessa or William is taking care of the animatronics and keeping them clean"
But even if they were, you cant help certain wears and tears. They would look noticeably worn, stained, torn in some places and a bit brittle in others after so many years of just existing.
They also missed out on a lot of scares by making them pristine. Bonnie's face could have had a crack/split down the side. "Oh yeah that's been there for a while, its fine" Only for it to fall of later in the movie revealing these piercing red eyes and a Childs head lodged in Bonnie's face/jaw.
Or Chica could have her beak come off or dangle down and reveal colorful wires hanging down.. and.. is that a childs arm.?
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(Post in question)
Oh yeah, he'd be scared. Even the Captain is spooked in that AU XD
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@kaiserdarken (WAAA SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE! I was originally going to draw something as a response to this but I never got around to it and it got burriedddd.. my apologies. Better late than never I suppose-)
I do celebrate Halloween, which means Bibi and Jangles would as well XD For Halloween I like to dress up in some way and carve pumpkins. Although I forgot to carve any this year and didn't have a good opportunity to dress up unfortunately-
I can see Bibi wanting to dress up and carve pumpkins too. But he might not actually be strong enough to puncture a pumpkin to carve it <XD He'd need some help-
Jangles would just eat all of the candy. Plus pumpkin pie and more candy-
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(Again one of those asks I was going to respond to with a drawing but never got around to ittttt.. I'm sorry-)
Its been so long since you sent this I cant actually remember what it was referring to.💀 IM SO SORRY! Its still funny though! <XDD
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(Another ask I was going to respond to with a comic- sorry for the lateness!)
Thank you so much! And yeah, "Jangles looks like Papyrus," I get that a lot <XD
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(Yet another late ask that was meant to have a drawing attached😭 Sorry!)
(Bibi sweating profusely) "PLEASE do not die for me- I prefer you were alive--"
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@minnesotamedic186 (ANOTHER late ask meant to have its own post but I got lazy😭💔Sorry!)
The basic idea for my Kirby AU is that I took the other metaknight's and added them to the Kirby Right back at Ya universe :00 I cant remember what info I shared before because this ask was sent so long ago.. but I'll just recap Axe Knights story because it has the most detail!
Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower, and best friend. He was with Metaknight from the very beginning. They became star warriors together when they were both a bit young. Axe Knight truly believed in Metaknight. He saw greatness in his friend, he saw a true hero. And he truly believed Metaknight was going to end this war and save the world. Its because of this adoration and belief, that Axe Knight devoted himself to Metaknight and proclaimed himself to be his first follower.
It was not too long after when tragedy struck. A battle broke out and Axe knight sacrificed himself to protect Metaknight. As he lay on the ground, dying from his sacrifice.. he saw Metaknight too laying on the ground nearby. Unmoving, and in a pool of his own blood. Axe knight died with his heart twisted in grief. Thinking that his sacrifice had failed. And that his best friend had died.
Metaknight of course survived, and Axe Knights sacrifice was the only thing that saved him. But Axe Knight didn't know that before he died. Metaknight buried his best friend and left that planet in grief. Forever changed by this loss..
But Axe Knight.. wasn't totally gone. Axe died grieving, thinking that this world lost a great warrior; Metaknight. Thinking that it was so cruel Metaknight didn't get to live longer. To travel the universe and save lives. They were robbed of a hero. Because of Axe Knights failure. His soul was so disturbed that it couldn't move on. He later crawled out of his grave, with a fiery determination to make things right. To go out there and save as many lives as possible. To protect anyone he can and to help all who need him. Because that's what Metaknight would have done.
Eventually after years of blindly wandering the universe.. battling monsters and saving innocents.. he crosses paths with dreamland. He finds himself in a little town full of Cappys.. And then he runs in to a familiar face...
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I was going to draw a comic of Jangles making a vlog style video. "Hey guys, welcome to pranking with Jangles. Today I'm gonna prank Bibi by throwing this cheese slice at his face!"
He sneaks up behind Bibi who is sitting on a beanbag and reading or something- "Hey Bibi" He turns around
Jangles throws the cheese slice and it completely misses and just splats on the ground. "Oh oops"
Bibi: "????"
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@uay778 (The last ask that I was going to draw something for and never got around to. So sorry!)
I was going to draw a comic to this where I replace the bandages with clean, fresh ones. But then they immediately get soaked with blood again XDD Its just a part of my design!
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choicesjanuary2024 · 9 months
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Listed in alphabetical order by artist name. If I missed adding one on this list, or missed reblogging, please let me know.
Chronicles of a Crimson Summer 11 (ID Fic & Edit, Cas x MC)
Songs that describe my pairings (ID & It Lives Songs)
Starlit night (WtD Fic, Troy x MC)
chosen family (CoP Fic, Trystan)
hello, goodbye ~ jimmy rose (CoP Fic, Jimmy)
laplace’s angel (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
meeting at a crosswalk (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
slam poetry (MAH Fic, Stevie x MC)
A Different Fate - Final Chapter (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
A Little Mess (OPH Edit, Tobias x MC)
A New Perspective (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
A Tipsy Winter Tale (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Clucking Amazing (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Different Destinations (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
If the hat fits… (CoP Fic & Art Commission, Trystan x MC)
It Always Starts Somewhere…. (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Pen-sive (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Pietro & Azul (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
Stress Reduction (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
The Morning (WtD Fic, Eli x MC)
Trystan’s 2023 Holiday Recap (CoP Edit, Trystan x MC)
Twenty-Five (WTD Fic, Troy & MC)
A Prince for the Holidays (Blades Fic, Aerin x MC)
His Barbie, Her Ken (Nightbound Fic, Nik x MC)
Loyal to be Royal (Nightbound Fic, Nik x MC, Garrus x MC)
Daddy’s Girl (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Making It Work (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Miami Nights: Before and After (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
New Year Wishes (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Whatever It Takes (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Alex as the Winter Princess (Nightbound Art, MC)
Aerin x Raine (Blades Art, Aerin x MC)
Aerin x Raine (Blades Art, Aerin x MC)
Ash Clark (ILITW Art, OC)
Captain Pandrosion Elara (AtV Art, Sol, Meridian, Kepler, MC)
Casey MacTavish (OPH Art, MC)
Coffee Date(s) (CoP Art, Trystan x MC)
Detective Lilah Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Ethan (OPH Art)
Gabriel Rose (CoP Art)
Imtura Tal Kaelen (Blades)
Inspired by Mal x Daenarya (Blades Art, Mal x OC)
Kajsiab (Alpha Art, MC)
Kieran (TCH Art)
Lancelot x Guinevere Silhouette (Guinevere Art, Lancelot x MC)
Leaf, King of Birds (TCH Art)
Lilah Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Luca O'Rinn (ID MC)
Mal Volari (Blades Art)
Marianna Howard (Desire and Decorum Fanart, OC)
Nia Ellarious (Blades Art)
Nora Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Sabastyan Thorne Case File (CoP Art)
Saini Rusanen (ID Art, MC)
Tatum x Aubrey (FA Art, Tatum x MC)
Together We Win (Blades Art, MC)
Trystan (CoP Art)
Tyril Starfury (Blades Art)
Wallace (Blades Art)
Happy New Year (RCD Fic & Art Commission, Thomas x MC)
Helios - Emma’s Arylu (TE Art, Familiar)
#plantlove (OPH Fic, Bryce x OC)
Post Christmas Bliss (RCD Art Commission, Thomas x MC)
Spread Joy #841 (Blades Edit, Mal)
Tuneless Wonders (TE, Fic & Art Commission)
Valax (Blades Art)
Hades of House Nightbloom (Blades Art Commission, MC)
I Wasn’t Built For Iceland (AME Fic, Carson x MC)
We’ll Figure It Out (Untamable Fic, Kit x MC)
In Her Arms (CoP Fic, Vasili, Juliana)
The Skies (Blades Fic, Imtura, Ventra)
Turning the Page (TRR Fic, Liam x OC)
A 2AM Christmas Tree Farm [1/2] (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Babysitting the Demonic Duo (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Home without - Part One (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Progression (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Tabloids, or a story in 5 headlines (CoP Fic, Trystan x Emma)
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CFWC LGBTQIA Masterlist - Jan 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🌟Choices Holidays 2023
Captain Pandrosion Elara 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹 | Sol, Meridian, Kepler, Pedrosian by @/artbyainna (IG) (C: @lilyoffandoms)
Sol x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Aerin Valleros x M!elf!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Aerin Valleros x OC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Blades Fanfic ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Tyril x elf!mc x Mal x f!human!mc - @storyofmychoices
Healing Herbs 🎨🏳️‍🌈 🔹| f!Aerin Valleros x MC by @gaiuskamilah
Springs Eternal 🎨🏳️‍🌈 🔹| Mal Volari x MC - @gaiuskamilah
Tyril Starfury x MC 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹by @gaiuskamilah
Bloodbound MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹by @vampirkit
Gabriel Rose 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹by @lilyoffandoms
Kieran x MC Fanart 🎨Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd (C: @lilyoffandoms)
Grandchildren: Leonel 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Estela Montoya x MC - @marmolady
Aiden Zhou x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @hydn-jpg for @cadybear420
Breakfast Roast ✒️🏳️‍🌈| m!Cas x m!Gabriel x NB!MC - @aria-ashryver
Cas Harlow Fanart 2🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹by @aallotarenunelma
Immortal Desires Fanart ✒️🏳️‍🌈 | m!Cas x m!Gabriel x NB!MC - @aria-ashryver
Immortal Desires MC Fanart 🎨 🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @aria-ashryver
Immortal Desires NB!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @aallotarenunelma
Snow in Crimson, Starlight in Gold (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| m!cas x m!gabe x m!mc - @aria-ashryver Chapter 38: Heaven is Not Fit to House a Love Like You and I
Abel Flint Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹by @aallotarenunelma
Lincoln McQuoid x M!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @somewillwin (C: @linkysmommy)
No Second Chances ✒️🏳️‍🌈🟣| Lincoln Aquino (McQuoid) x M!MC - @linkysmommy
Noah Marshall x M!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @errajay
Snowed in at the Cabin ✒️🏳️‍🌈🌟| Lincoln McQuoid x NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Spirit, Stay Gentle (1/2) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| Lincoln McQuoid x M!MC - @abelflints
The Rainbow Recipe Book ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹 by @aallotarenunelma
Hold Me Close ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Gabe Ricci x M!MC - @choicesmc
Serving Cunt and Justice 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Multiple Characters by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Countdown to 2024 🎨🏳️‍🌈🌟| OH F!MC, OH F!OC, OH F!MC2 art by @/artbyainna (IG) (C: @lilyoffandoms for @storyofmychoices @jerzwriter)
Halloween (Series) ✒️🏳️‍🌈| OH M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
"I'll pour... Now tell me more!" ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Bryce Lahela, F!MC - @jerzwriter
Anything But Common (Series) ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Hana Lee & MC - @silvermillenniumqueenneptune Magical Misadventures in Miscellany
Unexpected (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Liam x Maxwell x Riley - @angelasscribbles Chapter 12: The Beginning
Jeff Duffy x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
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cluelessmoose · 3 months
You Can Go No Further for the ask game
You Can Go No Further-
Wild Centric, in which his placement in the shrine was the Sheikah choosing to sacrifice their dying hero so his body could be tied to his cause by less kind means than loyalty.
Wild doesn't have a choice when it comes to saving his kingdom, the same ancient power that lights his eyes and fuels the shrines leaving him little more than an unwilling puppet to wield the sword against the Calamity. He's made to be the perfect hero- scraps of the other Champion's powers strengthening him. Memories wiped to prevent any allegiance to anything but defeating Ganon and securing the last of Hylia's royal bloodline. Soul tied into his body with rules and guides and boundaries, all to make him the perfect, pliable hero.
Link doesn't matter, only his soul in his body with his abilities, and if they must be bent to breaking into the shape Hyrule needs him to be to survive, then so be it.
(Hylia's big picture and often sacrificial view of kingdom saving makes for a poor hero from the POVs of the Chain and between that and his reticence towards his duty (dislike of being mind-locked into action) and disregard for doing any more than the bare minimum (difficult to break free enough to engage more than is necessary per the magic binding him), Wild is rather unliked. It's not his fault that Hylia is a terrible hero, and that he can do nothing but be dragged along to her and the ancient magic's whims.)
This is all based on a specific tumblr post of breath of the wild fanart showing Link and the message that shows up in Breath of the Wild when you reach the edge of the map and hit the invisible wall- You Can Go No Further. Unfortunately, I cannot find it to link it, and not for lack of trying.
Wild cannot leave the kingdom, cannot ignore Ganon or monsters, cannot do anything but follow shrines to grow strong enough to kill his enemies. Cannot die, between the magic in his veins tying him to this fate, and he may have been proud, may have chosen it freely but for how it soured the instant it became chains anchored in his bones.
He stands before them, bare-boned and crumbling and with his puppetted soul shining through his eyes. 
“What kind of hero are you, even?”
It is hissed like a curse, contempt in every word and slash of Warriors’ mouth as he spits it at Wild, eyes blazing as the taller hero looms over him. There is blood over the Captain’s tunic and glazing both their blades, monster dark compared to the incriminating crimson of Hyrule’s hands as he sits back from a too still body, trembling with what proves to be fury as his eyes turn to Wild. 
They’re all watching him, blame and judgement crushing his already sparse words within his lungs. Wild’s glowing gaze flicks from them to blink blankly back at Warriors, untouchable beneath the cottony shock, the lashing wound of a question too instantly grievous for him to register the devastation at first. 
What kind of hero…?
The worst kind. No hero at all. Worthless of any praise or pride. Nothing but a weapon in Hylia’s hand, guiltless by default. Nothing but a victim himself, and how can he save others when he’s-
Warriors turns away from his empty stare, cursing, and the lost feeling only deepens as the tangible hate thickens around him. There are no friends, here, and these heroes are only allies because the Goddess wills him through every portal, proving him a part of this mission even as he remains unable to fit in with the heroes. 
Wild stayed silent in the face of the accusation and in the days following, but the question continued to ring, echoed in every glare and frown and cold shoulder. 
What kind of hero are you, even?
A perfect one, by the highest authority on the matter. 
Hylia had ensured it to be so.
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fangbangerghoul · 10 months
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Fleeting Pleasures
Chapter 7: No Rest for the Wicked Ghoul has confessed her sins to Delgado while Andreja and Sam finally have a real lead to bring themselves closer to their captain. Our characters stories are getting closer to tying back together once again and wow there are some misconceptions for both parties.
Fanart of our dear, sweet innocent Ghoul below: -by me
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Ao3 Link
No Rest for the Wicked
Tap. Tap. Tap. His fingers struck the edge of the control panel in front of him rhythmically waiting for the call to come through. He was hyper aware that it would and he was surprised the Chair didn’t come here to lecture them herself. Andreja sat to the left of Sam, engrossed in her tablet as she exchanged notes and intel with Vlad to decipher some of the Crimson Fleet messages they had gathered. On the surface they seemed like garbled nonsense but Sam was no stranger to cracking ciphered messages from his youth. 
“How much of the truth are you going to tell her this time Sam?” Andreja muttered sarcastically into the silence and Sam couldn’t tell if it was rhetorical or not. 
“That makes it sound like you are accusing me of lying to Ms. Morgan.” Sam’s mouth twisted into an unappreciated smirk. He wasn’t too keen on having this conversation with her again. The months were starting to add more pressure on the delicate relationship they had to begin with. “I never lied to her.” 
“Yet, you never told her about the fact that we have had no communication with our Captain for 3 months now.” Andreja’s rigidness in her voice reflected how she felt about their actions for the past few months. Her tolerance for Sam’s deceitfulness towards the others was drawing to an end and he knew that. It was over when she went behind his back to tell Sarah the missing details.  
“She knows, to an extent.” Sam exasperated while his head was trying to remember which parts of the truth he had hidden from Constellation. There was a moment in his pursuit to find their friend where he crossed the line and instead of thinking rationally like he normally would he let his emotions take over. The results of that broken boundary were bloody knuckles and a dead man underneath him.
“I mentioned communications were spotty when I decided to drop off Cora.” He muttered back to her in defense as if that should have been enough. They both knew it wasn’t. 
“Sam, we have been chasing leads for months now with no hope of getting any closer. It is time we ask for help.” Andreja demanded, her voice breaking into a higher pitch from the stress. She had circles under her eyes but they both did and the wear and tear from stress and being continuously on the go was getting to them. Burning them out even. Sam conceited with his hands held up and tried to turn his body in another direction to find something else to distract himself. 
Sam’s chest felt heavy and to relieve some of the pressure he let out a large sigh. The way his chest expanded with his lungs and then released had him feeling some of the soreness that ached in a few of his muscles. The last ship they infiltrated had more bodies on it and for once Sam wasn’t 100% sure if he was going to make it out of that one. It was one thing to be doubtful of his abilities and another to just be statistically out matched. Andreja came through with her viciousness and all of the excessive training she had been pouring her energy into.
“And this is for the Carmilla file?” An unfamiliar voice spoke in a low volume and Sam perked up realizing that Andreja was whispering to someone. The way the name was said made him suspicious of the conversation along with the fact she never brought up the fact she wanted to have a private call. Andreja had whispered to the other line but he couldn’t quite make out what she was discussing and that made the hairs on the back of his neck prickle in alert. Andreja tried to look within her peripheral vision to discreetly see if Sam was listening but then she very carefully tried to wrap up her conversation.
“What’s the Carmilla file? Is it another lead?” He asked with hope that perhaps it was more useful information than compared to what they had managed to gather thus far. The both of them were keeping the vagueness of the intel they received from Sarah because what they really had was nothing, just hunches. Several hunches that seemed like miscellaneous puzzle pieces that almost fit together but couldn't quite stick. Andreja and Sam had been using the coordinates and data from each of the ships they raided and interrogated to map out possible routes the Crimson Fleet frequented in hopes that maybe that was the key to all of the pieces and leads. 
“Yes and no.” Andreja said very carefully, her mouth slightly parting as if she wanted to add something but the words wouldn’t come out. 
“Well, if it’s going to help. I’d like to know. It’s not like I’ve kept any information from you.” He gritted his teeth trying to not let his quick temper get the best of him. He hated how easy it was for him to get riled up nowadays but even with the thought of something possibly being kept from him raised a special kind of hurt and anger within him. 
“Carmilla is Ghoul’s given name.” She caved to his questioning in a hushed tone as if there was someone else listening on the ship. “Delgado has been requesting information on that name in particular. Which means somehow, he knows it.” 
“Carmilla?” Sam said the name and it flowed off his tongue like sweet wine. He repeated the name within his thoughts a few times, becoming acquainted with it and trying to add it to the familiar face he would often think of. Ghoul, Carmilla, his captain, all titles to a person who was shrouded with mystery and never bothered to share much of herself with anyone. At least not often with him.
“How do you know it? I never even heard the commander refer to her as anything other than Ghoul.” Sam’s eyebrow peaked, skeptical of Andreja. The SysDef never seemed inclined to use that name and they knew practically everything albeit the information was occasionally out of date. 
“She told me, privately, when we were in each other's company.” Andreja looked away, seeming embarrassed by the confession and that gave Sam feelings he couldn’t even explain to himself. That was when a darker realization started to spread into his head like a swarm of Flying Leeches that infected the air space of his mind. It was a flash of an image, a scene of her tied, breathing heavily, and badly injured. Delgado stands over her starved and broken body, forcing her to confess to him. Sam felt he was going to bubble over with flames and fury before he tried to confirm this fear, “How did he find out?” 
“I’m….I’m not sure honestly.” Andreja said in a hushed voice her eyes becoming distant, possibly coming to the same conclusions. Sam saw her start to fidget with the tablet within her hand before she began to make herself look as if she was pulling up information she had been gathering. “She said, only her adopted mother knew.” 
“Imada?” He said with displeasure remembering that conversation with disdain. That particular event in Neon that correlated with the thought was when she acted impulsively and put the rock Walter and the Constellation wanted over her own damn life. He felt more of his anger start to spread to his temples, his knuckles whitened. The rage he felt over the things he had seen her go through and the possibility that Delgado was making her go through even worse. If given the chance Sam planned to kill that man with his bare hands over principle. 
“The information that has been traveling between the Fleet and their spies has been extensive. I might have their next location pinpointed. I planned to send the information to Vlad for him to look it over.” Andreja’s eyebrows were drawn together the more she read what was on the tablet in front of her and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to ask her anymore.  
“What do you think it says?” Sam pushed for the information and even though he looked calm on the outside he was feeling the mask slowly start to slip away. Every thought he had was a question or a concern and he felt his body energize with all of the frustration and tension that he had accumulated over the past three months. Sarah would be calling them soon and he needed to breathe before she would. His boots clamored on the metal floor of the ship while he now started to pace back and forth, breathing and trying to soothe the ever-present anger that ate at him. 
“It’s strange because it gives out the location of The Sondor but it is followed by announcing a public execution. Which is absolutely unheard of according to some of the contacts I have been in touch with.” The pieces of their puzzle were looking more and more foreign to each other. 
“Public execution?” Sam couldn’t stop the growl that came from his throat when he repeated the notion back to her. It was not the usual style of the Crimson Fleet and he felt a pit in his stomach. “Delgado could be making an example out of her, for the UC SysDef and anyone else who tried to infiltrate The Key.”
Andreja just nodded slowly refusing to hold eye contact with him as if it made the situation any less real. Sam couldn’t hold his mind to the present and he felt himself slip into a disassociated headspace. 
Sam blamed himself for a lot of things. Blamed himself for not being more honest with Constellation who, as he would say himself, was basically his family. He felt guilt for leaving Cora behind when he swore, he would take her everywhere no matter what. This blame would turn to guilt that spun into frustration and eventually led to a deep bubbling pit of anger within himself. A growing bubbling pit of flame and fury that wanted to exit his being with haste as it eroded his insides. The vicious cycle he felt his emotions go through was wearing him down but every time he felt himself ready to turn in the towel there would be a glimmer of hope. ‘She was alive,’ or ‘These coordinates brought us that much closer’ something would drag him back to the original mission and that was bringing Ghoul back from hell. Or Carmilla. The thought of the name left a sour taste in his mouth, it was another example of the walls she placed around herself when he was too close. Another reminder he was always one step behind or just out of reach of all the things he cared and longed for. 
“Sam?” Andreja’s voice was distant but the void of space he found himself staring into was now present in his consciousness and he blinked himself back onto the ship. His eyes turned to her now worried and grimace expression while her eyes checked him over to see if the lights were still on upstairs. 
“Yeah?” His voice sounded far away to himself and he cleared his throat in an attempt to call it back home. “I got lost in thought.” 
“Sarah is going to be calling in any second, are you going to be able to talk to her about this?”
“Yeah, of course.” Sam rolled his shoulders as if he was pushing his problems off his back. 
“Sam-.” Andreja began to say something but a small arrangement of melodic beeps interrupted her and she looked more defeated as usual. They both knew what the notification was and a part of Sam wanted to try to avoid this conversation all together but he knew he had a lot to answer to and he could at least be a man about it. Not run whenever the Chair of the Constellation was going to give him a lecture worse than any of the ones he ever received from his father. He accepted the call and Sarah Morgan was on screen, lips pursed, eyebrows furrowed, and more stress lines than Sam thought he had ever seen on her face. 
“Are these reports real? Am I to believe that two members of Constellation have gone on a pirate killing spree?” There was an incredulous tone within Sarah’s rhetorical questions. No greeting just straight to the point as she seemed to reread the slate in front of her. There wasn’t any real way of denying her questions and it was clear how she lunged in at the start of the conversation they weren’t going to be allowed the chance to try. Her blonde hair and poised stature was visible on the screen as her face scrunched together more and more by the minute. Sam was in no position to disagree with her. He knew the consequences but that voice in the back of his head also wanted to say 'damn the consequences’. The SysDef refused to save their own agent and no one knew the actual condition their captain was in.  
“We did what we had to. A lot of those ships left us no other choice-.”
“Choice? The choice should have been coming back to The Lodge so we could plan a course of action!” She interrupted him immediately and it packed quite a bite. “If you two would have told me the gravity of the situation months….and seriously MONTHS AGO? It could have been dealt with properly. Not to have Delgado and his Fleet of pirates’ keen on killing the both of you now!” 
“There’s nothing I can say that will change the decisions we ultimately made.'' Andreja spoke out loud and looked between the screen that displayed Sarah and where Sam stood looking hesitant to speak. Sam knew the hesitance was mostly because it was her idea to come to Sarah earlier on and Sam refused. “However, we both came to the conclusion that less members involved is safer for Constellation.” 
“That’s not your decision to make.” Sarah’s voice was like a calm fury now. Her blue eyes trying to penetrate the screen that was between her and them to burn holes into their heads. “You both are representative of what it means to be a member of Constellation. As of lately you both have made choices that are no better than the pirates you have been trying to go up against. I expect you two back to The Lodge immediately.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Sam said halfheartedly. His body was stiff as he tried to look convincing. He didn’t have any plans of going back immediately but she didn’t need to know. One more lie wasn’t going to affect anything. “I may have not made the most respectable choices lately but you have to know I did it for Ghoul, for Constellation. And I would do it for any of the others.” 
“Trust me. I know that.” Sarah's exasperated and it seemed to release some of the fumes that were burning within her eyes earlier. “We look out for one another together. You of all people should have known that and out of everyone I expect you to operate with better caution.”  
Sam felt the sting of disappointment from her words and he sucked in his breath. He knew his actions were far beyond what he normally would do. He could see himself from the outside, worn down, tired, battered and all for one person. He also knew he would do it again in a heartbeat for her and he wasn’t sure if that made him insane or something entirely else. 
“Yeah. We can talk more about the situation when we get there.” He said trying to wrap up the call to end it already. He felt his fist tighten from the tension of the situation. He was having to lie to someone he respected again but he knew if The Sondor led them to Ghoul it could finally be over. 
“I have organized most of the intel and other information we have gathered on the situation. So, I will share that with everyone when we reach the Lodge.” Andreja added her focus torn between the conversation and the tablet in her hand. Sarah ended the call after saying a few more things for Andreja to focus on but as soon as he was sure it was completely over he turned to her.
“You are probably going to have to go ahead without me.” Sam told Andreja once the room fell silent. 
“Yeah right. After all this time?” Andreja rolled her eyes at him, a sight he never thought he would ever see from the likes of her. “To the Sondor?”  
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Delgado heard the water turn on from afar as he still focused on calming his temper, his breathing. He was angry, livid, at the truth that spilled from her mouth. She was a traitor all along and she slipped past his defenses so easily. It was shameful for him to think about and the hit in his pride just consumed his thoughts. He stood in his room looking out the window to the black sea of stars that was out there tapping his foot while his jaw felt so tight and rigid. She had a hold over him that he was trying to shake off. Her whimpers, the way her mouth and skin tasted, everything about her had him feeling like he could lose himself inside of her for hours more. Delgado knew he was rough with her, not as rough as he could have been. She took all of him, submitted to him even if it was in exchange for her own sweet release, and watching her underneath him was sublime.
‘That fucking bitch’ The thought repeated within his mind in annoyance and frustration. Delgado was trying to think of anything else but then he heard her faintly get into his personal shower and soft whine came from her. A whine probably from the pain and soreness within her tender muscles, he thought begrudgingly. He was able to tell she hadn’t cleaned herself in a few days with how much blood and dirt was caked onto her skin and in her hair. Delgado wondered if Ghoul even ate in the last few days. Several of his assigned contacts that kept tabs for him within The Key would always comment on the obscene amount of aurora she had been ingesting, something that needed to end if he was going to utilize her to her fullest potential. 
Delgado knew he couldn’t kill her. He acknowledged if she was anybody else, he would without a second thought. The UC had made several attempts in the past to get past the defenses of the Crimson Fleet and most were painfully obvious from any perspective that wasn’t military. The last attempt the man had faltered so easily with his lies and his attempts to be something he was not. After the third time hesitating with an order Delgado was swift to fire his gun directly into the traitor's head. It was as if she belonged within the Fleet and everything about her was the complete opposite of what the UC SysDef’s or Ranger’s could ever produce. Ghoul was a wild card, she did not shy from violence or moral ambiguity, and at the end of the day was more ruthless than some of the members he had with him over the years.
His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the water in the bathroom was no longer running and he heard soft steps creep into his room. That was when Delgado turned to see her naked body and reddish-brown hair dripping wet and it reminded him of a painting he saw in his parents’ house long ago. A memory so far back he never thought of it to resurface ever again. She stopped in her tracks and he noticed how relaxed the muscles in her shoulders were compared to when he normally saw her. Her confidence transcended the room and Delgado felt himself catch his breath even if his mind was still consumed with her betrayal. 
“About time, you reeked like an animal.” He wanted to make his annoyance with her known and dragged out the emphasis of the insult. Delgado was unwilling to waver from his anger towards her not just yet. She gave him one of her lazy, bored looks. Her skin was decorated with all the marks he left on her and the water glistened off of her perfectly. It was causing mixed emotions and the vortex within his mind was giving him a headache. 
“Do you need something else?” He growled as his thumb and index finger began to rub his temples for relief. It at least gave him an excuse not to look at her any longer with his furrowed brows and tense jaw line. 
“Clothes, you ruined mine and no one pays me anything because I can’t leave this fucking place to do work.” Ghoul snipped at him. Her voice was not as aggressive as she usually was but there was still that rugged undertone to her that demanded for others to steer clear from her. He understood a part of why it existed but she was still rude as fucking hell for it.
“Look over in that storage crate. I am sure there is something in there even for a traidora.” He felt his tongue roll the perfect r’s with his venom and was satisfied with the landing. Delgado watched her face pinch in annoyance and heard a soft sigh come from her and for once she didn’t bother to argue back. The lack of response had a smile tug at his lips thinking about how perhaps he should have fucked her delirious sooner. 
Delgado walked over to his night stand where an older bottle and a glass sat waiting for him every night. It was his favorite dark liquor he kept a supply of from his home planet. He fell into his nightly routine of pouring a glass and throwing back the first shot before refilling for the second time to sip on for the evening. He could feel her eyes on his back and it made the air around the skin of his torso feel colder and give him goosebumps. Instinctively he rolled his shoulders to release some of the tension he felt before he bothered to acknowledge her. 
“Am I allowed to leave or-” Before she finished with something smart to say he interrupted. 
“You are not allowed out of my sight until I decide.” He said with a sharp warning. She was silent again and this time he turned around to look at her again. She was wearing another one of his older shirts and it hung off of her cozily. He felt his groin twitch at the sight and he leaned back on the nightstand, grinding his teeth.   
She tilted her head at him as she observed what he was doing and her eyes locked onto him like a snake after something in particular. That was when Ghoul started to slowly move closer to him with her movements delicate and well thought out. He watched her curiously and sipped on his glass as she stopped only a step in front of him. She reached out unapologetically and swiped the glass from his hand and before he could protest she held her finger up at him. Delgado thought about yelling at her but decided to let her quench her thirst for the moment. She did lose quite a bit of blood because of him. 
“Are you done?” He asked her as she made a small gasp for air after downing his glass within seconds. She ignored his question and went for the bottle beside him. Delgado grabbed her wrist and stopped her within an instance. “How about you ask? Or do they not teach you manners at SysDef?” 
“The SysDef didn’t teach me anything and I am thirsty.” 
“You really do act like a fucking animal sometimes.” 
“You would know.” 
“What you should know is how lucky you are to be alive right now. I could have just placed a bullet within that thick skull of yours already and cut my losses.” Delgado sneered at Ghoul with disdain.
“It’s never too late-.”
“Cut the crap, Rook.” He used the grip on her arm to make her face him and their bodies were now close enough to touch. “Did you infiltrate My Fleet just as a death wish? Where is the ambition I see burning in your eyes when you are in the cage?”
“You act as if I wanted to be here in the first place.” She snarled at him and reaffirmed the feral nature inside her that caught his gaze in the first place. He looked at the way her lips curled and for a moment he was going to lean in and kiss them again. She had a gravitational pull on him and he wasn’t ready to satisfy it. “What part of ‘they made me’ did you not understand?” 
“For someone who was made to join the Crimson Fleet you did a helluva job getting in.” Delagdo said with a cocky grin thinking of the irony of Ghoul’s words and how her actions were the complete opposite. She was in denial of her place among the Fleet and that was something he could use to his advantage. 
“It’s not like it was hard.” She scoffed at him as she yanked her wrist back and poured the glass. Ignore the underlying threat written across his face. Delgado didn’t know what the hell he was going to do with her. He knew there were things he’d like to do to her but when it came to the Fleet only a few ideas came to mind and one of them was locking her in a room until he didn’t feel this rage when he looked upon her stupid face. He felt another rise of anger with how nonchalant she was about joining the Fleet as if there weren’t dozens of graves from those who failed to meet his standards. 
“You still have a lot to learn, Rook.” His body leaned more towards Ghoul's, their faces inches from each other’s as he towered over her. His body was stiff and rigid and he knew he was at his limit with her smart mouth, once again. 
“Enjoy the night in your cell.” He snatched the glass back from her and she gave him a stupendous look as if he just muttered gibberish to her. He walked towards the door of his room and once he reached the archway he snapped and grabbed the attention of the two men who were still dicking around with their game of cards. They did not make him wait as the two taller captains came into his room to grab Ghoul. Little did she know he already had spoken to them prior to letting her roam about and clean herself in his private quarters. There was a lot she didn’t know and that made him tickle with delight. Ghoul was thrusting herself around amazingly, having the sudden energy to try and take down the men who held her but they were now more experienced with her wild antics, enough to know when to loosen and tighten their grip on her. 
“Fuck you, Delgado! And fuck your stupid Fleet!” Ghoul screeched as the men passed him with her. She tried to lunge at him but he only laughed at her attempts. 
“Now you are starting to sound more like a real traitor. Maybe in the morning I will find it in myself to forgive you but for now, enjoy your cold, dull evening bitch.” He slammed the door in her face and tried to block out her loud threats and anger. He had to finish getting himself together for his meeting with his Second in Command.
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rosejigglypuff76 · 4 months
Cookie Run Kimura AU - Major Arcana Cards
This is something I've written down slightly over a month ago, with the intention of drawing some Cookie Run Tarot Card Fanart! 🃏
Since there was a lot of things in my mind (ranging from other art ideas popping to currently ongoing writers block) I wasn't exactly able to find the time to draw. 😅
Herb Kimura is the only one I drew a Cookie Run Tarot Card for, with him representing the Sun Arcana. But I still have the idea to draw the other cards soon! 🪴
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Out of all the tarot cards, I only plan to draw some for each of the Major Arcana Cards. Since they're the most well-known, and I also didn't want to think so much for the other cards in the deck. 🎀
There's also multiple cookies listed on most of them. However I plan to narrow it down to drawing 1-2 cookies (separate art when it comes to the latter) 🌱
With that in mind, here's the list of Major Arcana Cards: 🎀
Arcana Card 0 - Fool *Sparkling Isui *Rockstar Maizono *Devil Koizumi  *Angel Saionji (True Arcana, Reverse) 
Arcana Card I - Magician *Cherry Blossom Futaba *Pomegranate Sunako *Cream Unicorn Akemi *Chiffon
Arcana Card II - Priestess *Cream Puff Amai *Cherry Ball Futaba *Faded Pearl Mitarai
Arcana Card III - Empress *Baguette Amai *Latte Hagimoto *Sugar Swan Estrada
Arcana Card IV - Emperor *Purple Yam Yaku *Ananas Dragon Manila *Millennial Tree Varian
Arcana Card V - Hierophant *Earl Grey Isui *Almond Goro *Cappuccino Hagimoto
Arcana Card VI - Lovers *Sea Fairy Kimura *Moonlight Nightlight
Arcana Card VII - Chariot *Red Velvet Mochi *Lime Saionji *Mint Choco Viola
Arcana Card VIII - Strength *Knight Majora *Milk Kido *Bumbleberry Niijima *Hollyberry Mistletoe
Arcana Card IX - Hermit *Pure Vanilla Uchiha *White Lily Hayashi *Clover Hayashi
Arcana Card X - Fortune *Walnut Goro
Arcana Card XI - Justice *Cream Soda Mitarai *Crimson Coral Mitarai *Stardust Nightlight
Arcana Card XII - Hanged Man *Dark Cacao Watanabe *Clotted Cream Alexandra Mary *Roguefort Isui *Vampire Endomoto *Cherry Bomb Futaba
Arcana Card XIII - Death *Black Iris Hayashi *Licorice Chandler (Reverse) *Custard Fujisaki III
Arcana Card XIV - Temperance *Oyster Midnight *Captain Caviar Columbus *Pancake Ikue
Arcana Card XV - Devil *Alchemist Endomoto (Forced) *Pastry Purge (False) *Angel Saionji (Cover-Up) *Reverend Mother
Arcana Card XVI - Tower *Strawberry Crepe Alfonso *Pitaya Dragon Suzaku *Golden Cheese Owari
Arcana Card XVII - The Star *Mochi Bunny McNamara (OC)
Arcana Card XVIII - The Moon *Dark Choco Watanabe (Initial Arcana)
Arcana Card XIX - The Sun *Herb Kimura (Initial Arcana)
Arcana Card XX - Judgement *Mango Estrada
Arcana Card XXI - World *Herb Kimura (Evolved Arcana) *Dark Choco Watanabe (Evolved Arcana)
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rachmob · 1 month
Y'all, I gave him alzheimer
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Also, my headcanon is that while Jack is trying to save his friends he meets Crimson and for a moment thinks that he could be his dad (it was a joke from Phoenix but he actually took it seriously)
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bisexualdivaxter · 1 month
you guys im so behind, im about halfway through c3e73 right now but i just i have to post because
the crew of the crimson abyss is everything to me
marisha is so right they are the "to wong foo" of this ghost pirate ship and if theres not fanart of fearne saying "sometimes it just takes a fairy" with the captain and cyrillia making out in the background i will be so disappointed in all of you
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karda · 4 years
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I'm forgetting what it means to be a knight, but maybe it's more important to learn to be a hero first...
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