#Cape st. Francis
dinosaurchurch · 2 years
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Biscan Cove Path
August 4th 2022
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On the beach of Cape St. Francis, South Africa (which, if you recall the classic surf documentary The Endless Summer, had "the perfect waves" surfing-wise):
[And we find no less than Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole getting ready to pull off some waveriding most pure and primivive] MOROCCO MOLE, in his accent redolent of the Kasbah: Uh, Secret Squirrel ... SECRET SQUIRREL: Yes, Morocco ... what have you in mind here? MOROCCO MOLE: Since when did we last watch The Endless Summer and recognise this place had the most perfect surfing waves, even if we're in the midst of a case investigating certain Weird and Unwholesome Associations Among Poor Whites Who Should Know Better with American "Patriot" and MAGA types? SECRET SQUIRREL, trying to feign indifference to the subject to hand: How should we know, to begin with? [At least we do find the two finding some stoke on South Africa's Wild Coast in perhaps Africa's most famous surf spot, though time and the rise of surfing globally may have changed things.]
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Spotted Gecko (Pachydactylus maculatus), family Gekkonidae, St Francis Bay, Southern Cape, South Africa
photograph by Johan Marais
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croziers-compass · 9 months
I am always deeply in love with a man that loves to run experiments.
"A year later, in September 1839, Ross took command of HMS Terror and Erebus and commenced a four-year expedition to the Antarctic. Ross and Terror's captain, Francis Crozier, performed magnetic experiments as they sailed down the Atlantic and across the Indian Ocean, setting up magnetic observatories at St Helena, Cape Town and Hobart. These would, initially, be sites of scientific activity quite distinct from existing colonial astronomical observatories but, within a few years, the Cape's magnetic and astronomical observatories would merge together into a single research institution. Although disappointed to find that the South Magnetic Pole was far inland, Ross went on to determine its approximate location in 1841 and returned to Britain in 1843 with a wealth of magnetic data."
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Are there any locations you would recommend I add to my travel bucket list if I’m interested in pirate history??
Hard to say when there's so many locations worldwide without narrowing it down. If we're talking the US, the east coast is really where most of that history occurred. From bottom to the top, I'd recommend - St. Augustine FL (for the Pirates and Treasure Musuem), - Savannah GA for The Pirates House, - Charleston SC for Charles Towne Landing, White Point Gardens, and the Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon - Southport NC for their Maritime Museum on the Cape Fear River - Bath NC for Blackbeard stuff and to visit Edward Salter's Grave (the only buried pirate in North America you can visit) - Beaufort NC, for their Maritime Museum on the QAR - Ocracoke NC, for a Blackbeard location - Cape Hatteras, NC, for the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum - Jamestown VA, some of the founding members sailed with Francis Drake - Hampton, VA for the Hampton History Museum - Colonial Williamsburg, VA for the Old Gaol were pirates were held - Newport RI for various pirate stuffs - Lynn, MA for Dungeon rock where according folklore a pirate was trapped inside and died. - Yarmouth, MA for the Whydah Shipwreck Museum for Sam Bellamy artifacts.
There are of course small tiny areas that are of interest for various reasons, but feel free to ask and enquire about any of them, happy to answer! :)
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v171 · 2 years
So we got back from our 10 day Portugal vacation on Monday. It was a really, really wonderful time. I wasn't sure what to expect not knowing much about Portugal beforehand, but I was so taken by the diverse beauty of the entire country. We went all over, from Lisbon > Sintra > Coimbra > Porto > Douro Valley > Marvão > Lisbon, and making several stops between destinations.
This is probably a very American take, but what really stuck out to me was how well preserved the old ass cathedrals, castles, and palaces are. I'm used to seeing excavated artifacts and ruins where the splendor of the original thing has been lost to time and nature. But it was so interesting to see a castle built in the 1200s that still had intricate detail in the carvings and paintings, simply because it has been maintained ever since its creation.
I had a semblance of an idea of what the food would be like, but I was very surprised about how cheap it was. Even eating at "nice" restaurants would net us a bill of about 40 euro, and that included wine, appetizers, and desserts. The food was also delicious and I don't think I had a single bad meal the entire trip (looking at you, Ireland..)
I was also not prepared for how hilly and mountainous the entire country was. At every location we probably walked uphill for several miles. We initially had a few hiking trips in parks on our itinerary, but we quickly scrapped them after hiking up our fourth hill in the middle of Lisbon.
I took about 800 photos, but I'll share one photo per day of our trip.
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Carmo Convent, Lisbon I know I JUST said that everything was really well-preserved, but this was a really fascinating "preserved" convent that was ruined by a massive earthquake in 1755.
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Jerónimos Monastery, Lisbon This was a massive Monastery with extremely detailed carvings absolutely everywhere.
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Sintra National Palace, Sintra Sintra was an extremely beautiful place, and I have SO many wonderful photos from it. The Painted Palace, the Moorish Ruins, the grounds... it was all very stunning. It was hard to pick just one photo.
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Unfinished Chapel of Batalha Monastery, Bahalha This was a stop on the way to Coimbra and one of my favorite churches we stopped at. The whole place was beautiful, but I loved the unfinished chapel (which was unfinished after both the commissioner and the architect died) and how it was exposed to the sky.
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Coimbra skyline, Coimbra We stayed at the top of a tiny little hotel at the very top of a mountain, near Coimbra University that had an excellent view of Coimbra from both sides. This was probably my favorite hotel we stayed at because it had so much character. Fun fact, all college students in Portugal have to wear capes! Not to be a millennial, but walking around the university made you feel like you were at hogwarts.
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Clérigos Tower, Porto We ended up going to the top of this tower which had excellent views of the city of Porto, but was probably the most claustrophobic and cramped climb the entire trip.
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Founder of Portugal Dom Afonso Henriques, Guimaraes This is one of the more unique excursions we went on because it was much much older than the rest of what we saw. We got to see a true medieval palace and castle created by the "founders" of Portugal (Portugal was already inhabited by the Moorish Muslims) when the Christians "founded" it.
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Douro Valley vineyards, Douro Valley We went to wine country, where Port wine is made in the Douro Valley. This was probably the most visually stunning location we went to with picturesque rolling hills covered in grape vines and olive trees fat with olives. We also went to Port wine tasting which was terrible.
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Marvão, Marvão We ventured all the way to the eastern part of the country, on the top of a mountain in the walled city of Marvão. This also had stunning views, with the sunnier side of the above picture (left) being Spain, and the hillier side (right) being the green, rolling mountains of Portugal.
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Church of St. Francis, Evora This was our final day and our final stop. We went to see the chapel of bones located in the church of St. Francis. I was surprisingly uncomfortable in the chapel of bones, not because it was gross, but it just felt so disrespectful. I ultimately didn't take any pictures of it. They also had a museum of nativity scenes which was honestly camp.
We flew out the following day back home! It was such an amazing trip and I can't recommend it enough!
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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“ . . . we are now placed in an alarming and unpleasant situation Betrayed in our Confidence and deprived of our just rights fairly acquired . . . “ 1/3/1818. 
Letter to the President from the Shawnee and Delaware Tribes residing west of the Mississippi requesting the suspension of public sale of the land that was granted to them. 
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government
Series: Indian Treaties
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 143A: Documents Accompanying the Message Transmitting the Osage, Kansa and Shawnee Treaties, 1825 (Ratified Indian Treaties 126, 127, and 143) to the 19th Congress
[added] 0-31
         4 [/added]
We the undernamed Chiefs and Headmen of the Shawanoe and Delaware Tribes of Indians residing on the West side of the Mississippi river, after having held Consultation in Common Council, determined to address you on the subject of our concern and  represent the [?ails] on which they are predicated.
About the year 1788, the Shawanoe and Delaware Tribes whom we represent were invited by the Officers of the Spanish Government in the upper part of their Colony of Louisiana to remove and settle on the West side of the Mississippi.  This measure was consented to and we went to reside at first near the St. Louis.  The protection which we afforded to the Spanish Settlements against the frequent incursions of the Osage Nation was doubtless the policy of the Spanish Government in soliciting us to settle in this Country.  We were offered by them a district of Country on the Mississippi wherever we might think proper to settle it, between the mouth of the Missouri and Arkansa Rivers.  No permanent settlements was how-er made by us until about 1797 when two of our principal men, having obtained a recommendation from the Spanish Officers in the upper Country went with it to
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the Governor and Intendant at New Orleans.  In the Spring following they returned with a Concession from the Spanish Government to the Shawanoe and Delaware Indians for all the tract of Country within the following boundaries, beginning at the mouth of the Creek just above Cape Girardeau thence up the Mississippi to Cape Cinque Home Creek, thence up that Creek and a branch thereof on which is a noted Big Spring thence from that Spring across to and up the South fork of saline creek to opposite the Head of White Water Creek, thence across to White Water  Creek and down the same to opposite the head of the first mentioned Creek, thence across to the Head of said first mentioned creek and down the same to the Beginning.
This grant was read and Interpreted to us by Louis Lorimier the Commandant at Cape Girardeau who was also our Agent, and not having any safe way of keeping the paper, we requested Lorimier to keep it for us, as he was a man of our greatest confidence, sometime afterwards Lorimier brought to us the Original paper and a copy and told us that we had better deposit them with some of our particular friends we accordingly gave to him the original and the copy we gave to Francis Valle the Commandant at the Ste. Genevieve some time afterwards as we are told, the Commandant at New Bourbon took all the papers which related to his district from the Commandant at Ste. Genevieve and amongst others, the copy of the concession.
After the cession of Louisiana to the United States we were informed that it was necessary to lay our Claim before the United States Commissioners at St. Louis; But to our disappointment we have not been able to find the Original nor copy for the Concession.  Consequently we are told our claim cannot be sanctioned.
We immagine the reason why our papers cannot be found may be seen  in that of a grant being subsequently obtained from the Spanish Government for 30,000 of Land in the district granted to us by the man who possessed our greatest confidence and who had care of our paper.  Ever since the grant was made to us we have residence on the land and whenever any encroachments have been made upon it the intruders have been removed by order of the Spanish and American Governments until since it has been known that our grant has been lost or mislaid and a number of lines of the surveys of the United States have been lately run, and we are now placed in an alarming and unpleasant situation Betrayed in our Confidence and deprived of our just rights fairly acquired, and now likely to be driven from our Towns and possessions without a country or a home.  We therefore appeal to the justice and magnanimity of the United States whom we have heretofore found to be reasonable and generous.
We deem it but a reasonable request that you would suspend from public sale all the land comprized in
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the boundaries of the grant made to us, until we can have an opportunity of being heard upon the merits of our claim, before some equitable tribunal to decide upon this case, and that you will use measures best calculated to have such a tribunal appointed, and in the meantime restrain the encroachments of settlers upon our Land.  Whatever the decision may  be when fairly made we shall be contented to abide and acquiesce in
 St. Genevieve  Jany 3th 1868
Wapipilessi + or the White Bird
Pepiguoi   + " the Flute
Cousaissa + " the Fire
Kishhalawa  + " the Speaker
Lathowais X
Sawaguichica  +
Wawelleni - X
Tacchica --- X
Signed Duplicat
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thelonecalzone · 1 year
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No one asked for it, but here's a chillin-by-a-waterfall soft vibes Pattison playlist based on that stupid ch22 tbscm waterfall scene 🤷
The Bi Books & Biting Playlist -
With Somebody - Public Library Commute
Burn the Witches - Husbands
Pools To Bathe In - The Japanese House
Saltwater for Strings - Geowulf, Pêter Aleksänder 
Back - Pool Cosby, Soren Bryce
Life Can Be Beautiful - Solace
Swim - St. South
Shallow Hot Springs - Boy Willows
I Should Probably Get Moving - Box Boys
Couch Party - Afternoon Bike Ride
Sleeping In - Kid City
Mess This Up - CHYLD, Tennyson
Besides You - Golden Vessel
Okay, Saint Laurent - October Tooth
Library Magic - The Head And The Heart
The Wind - Magic Hippies
TWYLM - Stradcopy
Strings Attached - Opia
Secret Garden (ft. Merival) - Soda Island, Izzard, Merival
Does Your Brain Ever Get This Loud - St. South
Don’t Think So Hard - On Planets
Pack a Day - Charlie Sztyk
Here With U - Appleby
Bugs - Lonesome Rhodes
Overwinter - Max Fry, Ali Fry
Buttons - Meija
Lover’s Ledge - Night Beds
Surface Tension - Genevieve Stokes
You - Tennyson
Red - Jaguar Sun
Blue Blue - iamamiwhoami, ionnalee
The Flood - Oliver Hazard
Colorado - Hailaker, Lowswimmer
In a Book (Back to Me) - Nick Leng
Just Because - Cape Francis
Next Year - Jaguar Sun
Wildflowers - Haiva Ru
Pink Honey - Houses
Melt - The Misters
Over Again - Holdwash, Baird
Woman - Baseball Game
Can’t Stop Cryin’ - Austin Manuel
I Love It When You Talk - Boy Willows
Universe - Teebs, daydream Masi
Missed Call - Flaws
Momentum - Blake Ruby
Caroline - Jadu Heart
Set it on Fire - Blood Cultures
Forever and More - Jaguar Sun
Still - Noah Kahan
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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Cape St. Francis, Newfoundland [OC] [4000x3000]
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 7.8
1099 – Some 15,000 starving Christian soldiers begin the siege of Jerusalem by marching in a religious procession around the city as its Muslim defenders watch. 1283 – Roger of Lauria, commanding the Aragonese fleet, defeats an Angevin fleet sent to put down a rebellion on Malta. 1497 – Vasco da Gama sets sail on the first direct European voyage to India. 1579 – Our Lady of Kazan, a holy icon of the Russian Orthodox Church, is discovered underground in the city of Kazan, Tatarstan. 1663 – Charles II of England grants John Clarke a Royal charter to Rhode Island. 1709 – Peter I of Russia defeats Charles XII of Sweden at the Battle of Poltava, thus effectively ending Sweden's status as a major power in Europe. 1716 – The Battle of Dynekilen forces Sweden to abandon its invasion of Norway. 1730 – An estimated magnitude 8.7 earthquake causes a tsunami that damages more than 1,000 km (620 mi) of Chile's coastline. 1758 – French forces hold Fort Carillon against the British at Ticonderoga, New York. 1760 – British forces defeat French forces in the last naval battle in New France. 1775 – The Olive Branch Petition is signed by the Continental Congress of the Thirteen Colonies of North America. 1776 – Church bells (possibly including the Liberty Bell) are rung after John Nixon delivers the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. 1808 – Promulgation of the Bayonne Statute, a royal charter Joseph Bonaparte intended as the basis for his rule as king of Spain. 1822 – Chippewas turn over a huge tract of land in Ontario to the United Kingdom. 1853 – The Perry Expedition arrives in Edo Bay with a treaty requesting trade. 1859 – King Charles XV & IV accedes to the throne of Sweden–Norway. 1864 – Ikedaya Incident: The Choshu Han shishi's planned Shinsengumi sabotage on Kyoto, Japan at Ikedaya. 1874 – The Mounties begin their March West. 1876 – The Hamburg massacre prior to the 1876 United States presidential election results in the deaths of six African-Americans of the Republican Party, along with one white assailant. 1879 – Sailing ship USS Jeannette departs San Francisco carrying an ill-fated expedition to the North Pole. 1889 – The first issue of The Wall Street Journal is published. 1892 – St. John's, Newfoundland is devastated in the Great Fire of 1892. 1898 – The death of crime boss Soapy Smith, killed in the Shootout on Juneau Wharf, releases Skagway, Alaska from his iron grip. 1912 – Henrique Mitchell de Paiva Couceiro leads an unsuccessful royalist attack against the First Portuguese Republic in Chaves. 1932 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its lowest level of the Great Depression, closing at 41.22. 1933 – The first rugby union test match between the Wallabies of Australia and the Springboks of South Africa is played at Newlands Stadium in Cape Town. 1937 – Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan sign the Treaty of Saadabad. 1947 – Reports are broadcast that a UFO crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico in what became known as the Roswell UFO incident. 1948 – The United States Air Force accepts its first female recruits into a program called Women in the Air Force (WAF). 1960 – Francis Gary Powers is charged with espionage resulting from his flight over the Soviet Union. 1962 – Ne Win besieges and blows up the Rangoon University Student Union building to crush the Student Movement. 1966 – King Mwambutsa IV Bangiriceng of Burundi is deposed by his son Prince Charles Ndizi. 1968 – The Chrysler wildcat strike begins in Detroit, Michigan. 1970 – Richard Nixon delivers a special congressional message enunciating Native American self-determination as official US Indian policy, leading to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975. 1972 – Israeli Mossad assassinate Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani. 1980 – The inaugural 1980 State of Origin game is won by Queensland who defeat New South Wales 20–10 at Lang Park. 1980 – Aeroflot Flight 4225 crashes near Almaty International Airport in the then Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (present day Kazakhstan) killing all 166 people on board. 1982 – A failed assassination attempt against Iraqi president Saddam Hussein results in the Dujail Massacre over the next several months. 1988 – The Island Express train travelling from Bangalore to Kanyakumari derails on the Peruman bridge and falls into Ashtamudi Lake, killing 105 passengers and injuring over 200 more. 1994 – Kim Jong-il begins to assume supreme leadership of North Korea upon the death of his father, Kim Il-sung. 2003 – Sudan Airways Flight 139 crashes near Port Sudan Airport during an emergency landing attempt, killing 116 of the 117 people on board. 2011 – Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched in the final mission of the U.S. Space Shuttle program. 2014 – Israel launches an offensive on Gaza amid rising tensions following the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers. 2021 – President Joe Biden announces that the official conclusion of U.S. involvement in the War in Afghanistan will be on August 31, 2021. 2022 – Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is shot twice and killed while giving a speech in Nara.
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brookston · 23 days
Holidays 6.11
American Evacuation Day (Libya)
Cousteau Day
Davis Day (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Diceaplaooza Day
Dirty Book Day
Escape from Alcatraz Day
Evacuation Day (Libya)
Fandens Fodselsdag (Devil’s Birthday; Denmark)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off Day
Folding Chair Day
Honeysuckle Day (French Republic)
International Balloon Artist Day
International Day of Play
International Day of Solidarity with Long Term Anarchist Prisoners
International KBG Syndrome Awareness Day
International Lynx Day
Jurassic Park Day
Just One Day
Kamehameha Day (a.k.a. King Kamehameha Day; Hawaii) [Unless a Weekend, then Friday before]
Kodak Black Day
Mojo Nixon Day (Ohio)
multiple Sclerosis Day (Russia)
National Feed the Ducks Day
National Hot Rod Day
National Hug Holiday
National Impressionists Day
National Making Life Beautiful Day
National Olivia Day
Navy Day (Brazil)
Peace of Chaco Day (Bolivia, Paraguay)
Polyamory Pride Day
Queen Fabiola Day (Belgium)
Say Hi Day
611 Day
Student Day (Honduras)
Umbrella Day (Japan)
William Davis Miners' Memorial Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Women Generals Day
World Agriculture Day
World Jaguar Day
World Prostate Cancer Day
Yarn Bombing Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Corn on the Cob Day
Cotton Candy Day
German Chocolate Cake Day
Pizza Margherita Day
Royal Hot Dog Day
Independence & Related Days
Mad Parliament Assembly Day (UK; 1258)
Rizal Province Day (Philippines)
2nd Tuesday in June
Broadcast Good Day [2nd Tuesday]
Call Your Doctor Day [2nd Tuesday]
Forklift Safety Day (UK) [2nd Tuesday]
National Forklift Safety Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Time Out Day [2nd Tuesday]
Ride to Work Day [2nd Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Waldchestag (Forest Day) [Tuesday after Whit Sunday]
World Pet Memorial Day [2nd Tuesday; also 2nd Sunday]
Festivals Beginning June 11, 2024
Bocuse d’Or USA (New Orleans, Louisiana) [thru 6.13]
EuroSTAR Conference (Stockholm, Sweden) [thru 6.14]
Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival (Ljutomer, Slovenia) [thru 6.15]
Feast Days
Antonio Cifrondi (Artology)
Arrephoria (Ancient Greece)
Barnabas the Apostle (Christian; Saint) [Harvests]
Bartholomew the Apostle (Eastern Christianity)
Ben Jonson (Writerism)
Day of the One Hit Wonders (Church of the SubGenius)
Eric Fraser (Artology)
Felix and Fortunatus (Christian; Martyrs)
Festival of Goibnui (Provider of the Ale of Immortality; Celtic)
Festival of Mater Matuta (Goddess of the Dawn; Ancient Rome)
Fish Day (Pastafarian)
Fortuna Virgo (Ancient Rome)
St. Francis Xavier (Positivist; Saint)
Gimley’s Boss (Muppetism)
Holiday of the Happy Gnomes (Pagan)
Ignatius Maloyan, Blessed (Armenian Catholic Church)
Joachim Martin Falbe (Artology)
John Constable (Artology)
Loki’s Day (Pagan)
Make a Wand Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Matralia (Old Roman festival to goddess Mater Matuta)
Parisio (Christian; Saint)
Paula Frassinetti (Christian; Saint)
Riagail of Bangor (Christian; Saint)
Rites of Matralia (Honoring Mater Matua, Goddess of Dawn & Childbirth; Ancient Rome)
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Christian) [Sunday after Trinity Sunday]
Spiros Xenos (Artology)
Tochumra of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
William Baziotes (Artology)
William Styron (Writerism)
Yasunari Kawabata (Writerism)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shavuot, Day 1 (Judaism) [5-6 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Erev Shabuot
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [22 of 53]
American Idol (Reality TV Show; 2002)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Film; 1999)
Belles on Their Toes, by Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. (Novel; 1950) [Cheaper by the Dozen #2]
The Caine Mutiny, by Herman Wouk (Novel; 1952)
Callahan's Crosstime, by Saloon Spider Robinson (Novel; 1977)
Candy Cabaret (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1954)
E.T. the Extraterrestrial (Film; 1982)
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Film; 1986)
Garfield (Film; 2004)
Get a Horse! (Disney Mickey Mouse & Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 2013)
The Hood Maker, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1955)
The House of Tomorrow (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1949)
In the Heights (Film; 2021)
Jumpin’ Jive, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1981)
Jurassic Park (Film; 1993)
Kansas City Stomp, recorded by Jelly Roll Morton (Song; 1928)
Karate Kid (Film; 2010)
Katnip Kollege (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
King Zilch (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Kontakte (Contacts), by Karlheinz Stockhausen (Electronic Music Piece; 1960)
Libuše, by Bedřich Smetana (Opera; 1881)
Moonlight for Two (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
Napoleon Dynamite (Film; 2004)
Nashville (Film; 1975)
The Negotiator, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1989)
Nova, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1968)
Pandora’s Box, featuring Super Mouse (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
Papa Don’t Preach, by Madonna (Song; 1986)
A Passion For Excellence, by Tom Peters and Nancy Austin (Book; 1985)
Play Ball (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Play That Funky Music, by Wild Cherry (Song; 1976)
Poor Papa (Disney Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1928)
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, by Erving Goffman (Science Book; 1956)
Primary Colors, by Anonymous (Novel; 1996)
Rabbit Rampage (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Sales Pitch, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1954)
The Secret of the Unicorn, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1943) [Tintin #11]
A Single Man, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1963)
The Stork Takes a Holiday (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1937)
Teddy Bear, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
True Grit (Film; 1969)
Winter’s Bone (Film; 2010)
Today’s Name Days
Alice, Barnabas, Paula (Austria)
Barnaba, Bogumil, Borna, Roza (Croatia)
Bruno (Czech Republic)
Barnabas (Denmark)
Imbi, Imme (Estonia)
Immi, Impi (Finland)
Barnabé (France)
Alice, Barnabas, Paula, Udo (Germany)
Varnavas, Vartholomaios (Greece)
Barnabás (Hungary)
Barnaba (Italy)
Ingus, Mairis, Sigrida, Svens, Vidvuds (Latvia)
Aluona, Barnarbas, Flora, Tvirmantas (Lithuania)
Bjørg, Bjørge, Borgar (Norway)
Anastazy, Barnaba, Feliks, Radomił, Teodozja (Poland)
Luca, Pavel, Petru, Vartolomeu (România)
Dobroslava (Slovakia)
Bernabé (Spain)
Berthold, Bertil (Sweden)
Bartholomew (Ukraine)
Barnabas, Barnaby, Barnett, Barney, Barret (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 163 of 2024; 203 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 6 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 5 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 4 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 13 Blue; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 29 May 2024
Moon: 27%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 22 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Francis Xavier]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 85 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 22 of 31)
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dinosaurchurch · 2 years
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There’s something absolutely magical about the hours of twilight. I’m happy to have this crossed off my bucket list.
Dusk at Cape St. Francis Lighthouse.
July 27th 2022
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xtruss · 6 months
Some Catholic Bishops Rejects Great SATAN Pope’s Stance on Blessing For Same-Sex Couples. Others are Confused. In Violation of God’s Laws, Great SATAN Pope Francis Authorizes Blessings For Same-Sex Couples! WTF?
— By Gerald Imray | Associated Press | Friday December 22, 2023
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Cape Town, South Africa (AP) — In an Extraordinary Pushback Against Pope Francis, Some Catholic Bishops in Africa, Poland 🇵🇱 and elsewhere say they will not implement the new Vatican policy allowing blessings for same-sex couples.
Others downplayed the policy approved this week by Francis as merely reaffirming the Vatican’s long-standing teaching about marriage being only a union between a man and a woman.
The reactions show how polarizing the issue remains and how Francis’ decade-long effort to make the church a more welcoming place for the LGBTQ+ community continues to spark resistance among traditionalist and conservative Catholic leaders.
Some of the strongest responses came from bishops in Africa, home to 265 million Catholics, or nearly a quarter of the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics. Many of those Catholics live and their churches operate in societies where homosexuality is condemned and outlawed.
Out of the Continent’s 54 Countries, 31 have Laws Criminalizing Homosexuality, more than any other continent, according to the Human Dignity Trust, which defends LGBTQ+ rights.
Zambia’s bishops conference said same-sex couple blessings were “not for implementation in Zambia.” The bishops conference of Malawi said “blessings of any kind” for “same-sex unions of any kind” would not be permitted.
In Zambia 🇿🇲, Gay Sex is Punishable by Between 15 years and life in prison and the law puts it in the same section as bestiality. Malawi’s Laws Call for up to 14 years in prison for homosexual sex, with the option of corporal punishment for those convicted
Zambian bishops said there should be “Further Reflection” on the blessings and cited the country’s laws against homosexuality and its “Cultural Heritage” that rejects same-sex relationships as reasons for its decision.
The Polish bishops conference — among the most conservative in Europe and a reference point beyond the continent given its ties to St. John Paul II — said it has no plans to give blessings to same-sex couples.
Marriage, the Conference Asserted, Remains only the Union Between a Man and a Woman, and sexual acts outside of that are “Always An Offense Against God’s Will,” according to a statement by spokesperson Rev. Leszek Gęsiak.
It is unusual for an entire national bishops conference to publicly voice dissent of a Vatican policy, though the declaration from the Vatican doctrine office did not instruct bishops to allow blessings of same-sex couples but merely provided guidance on how they could be done if people requested them.
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Great Satan Pope Francis leads the Angelus prayer from his window at the Vatican on December 17.
The document, entitled “Fiducia Supplicans,” says that blessings can be offered to people in same-sex relationships if they are not confused with the ritual of marriage and reaffirmed that Marriage is a Lifelong Union Only Between a Man and a Woman.
The announcement Monday by the Vatican office reversed its 2021 statement that had ruled out blessings for same-sex couples because “God Cannot Bless Sin.”
The U.S. bishops conference, seeking to downplay any shift, stressed that the church’s teachings on marriage have not changed and that the announcement “Articulated a Distinction Between Liturgical (Sacramental) Blessings, and Pastoral Blessings, Which May Be Given to Persons Who Desire God’s zloving Grace in Their Lives,” according to a statement.
Some of the more piqued opposition came from Francis’ usual critics.
German Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who previously headed the Vatican doctrine office, said the declaration was “Self-Contradictory” as it still said same-sex relationships were contrary to God’s law while allowing same-sex couples to receive a blessing.
“The Church Cannot Celebrate One Thing and Teach Another,” Müller wrote in an essay published in religious media outlets.
Kazakh Bishop Athanasius Schneider, who has long opposed Francis’ progressive bent, called the new policy a “Great Deception.” Priests should be aware of “the evil that resides in the very permission to bless couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples,” he said.
He and Kazakh Archbishop Tomash Peta said in a statement on the Catholic Herald magazine’s website that they had Prohibited Priests in their archdiocese from performing “Any Form of Blessing Whatsoever” for same-sex couples.
Bishop conferences and church leaders from Nigeria 🇳🇬, Ghana 🇬🇭, Kenya 🇰🇪, Madagascar 🇲🇬 and South Africa 🇿🇦 also released public statements, most of them moving to clarify what they said was confusion among their flock over whether the new policy was an official recognition and acceptance of same-sex relationships.
The predominant sentiment among many was a fear that the move was a step toward the Catholic church accepting homosexuality.
Nigeria’s bishops said there had been various interpretations of the policy in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation and home to 20-30 million Catholics, and they needed to make clear that the Vatican document does not allow for a blessing and a formal acceptance of same-sex relationships.
“The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria assures the entire People of God that the teaching of the Catholic Church on marriage remains the same,” it said. “There is, therefore, no possibility in the Church of blessing same-sex unions and activities.”
Abbé Jean-Marie Djibo, a Priest in the Archdiocese of Bamako in the Muslim-Majority West African Nation of Mali 🇲🇱, said the Catholic Church in His Country Would Not Be Following any New Policy and Wanted the Vatican to Explain Its Decision.
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“The church in Mali does not agree with the Vatican’s decision concerning homosexual couples, and the bishops and priests here are calling the church faithful to reassure them that this decision will not be applied,” he said. “This decision concerns only the Vatican, not us.”
“In his message, the Pope used coded words that have been variously interpreted, so we want him to clarify this position for us,” Djibo added.
In the United Kingdom, an organization representing some 500 Catholic Priests in Britain 🇬🇧 released a signed letter reaffirming the Church’s teaching regarding marriage and same-sex unions after “Widespread Confusion.”
In Zimbabwe, which also has anti-gay laws, LGBTQ+ rights activist Chesterfield Samba said he did not think the declaration would change anything for Zimbabwean same-sex couples shunned by the church. He said he had expected the pushback from some church branches.
The Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference, which is based in South Africa where a liberal constitution allows same-sex marriages, appeared to welcome the prospect of blessings for gay couples as confirmation that “Nobody Is Outside God’s Grace 😂😂😂.” (This Idiot Doesn’t Know that Satans are Outside God’s Grace.)
But it added that its interpretation of the declaration was that “the blessing is done with the hope of conversion.”
— Associated Press reporters Noel Sichalwe in Lusaka, Zambia 🇿🇲; Baba Ahmed in Bamako, Mali 🇲🇱; Sello Motseta in Gaborone, Botswana 🇧🇼; Farai Mutsaka in Harare, Zimbabwe 🇿🇼; and Nicole Winfield in Rome contributed to this story.
Gayness of “Two-Faced Great SATAN Pope Francis” in Christianity ✝️
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wikiuntamed · 10 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Sunday, 10th September
Welcome, こんにちは, Bienvenida, 안녕하세요 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 10th September through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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10th September 2022 🗓️ : Event - Death and state funeral of Elizabeth II Death of Queen Elizabeth II: King Charles III is formally proclaimed as monarch at a meeting of the Accession Council in St James's Palace. "Elizabeth II, queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms, died on 8 September 2022 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, at the age of 96. Elizabeth's reign was the longest of any British monarch. She was succeeded by her eldest son, Charles. Elizabeth lay in state in St Giles'..."
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Image licensed under CC0? by Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
10th September 2017 🗓️ : Event - Hurricane Irma Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key, Florida as a Category 4, after causing catastrophic damage throughout the Caribbean. Irma resulted in 134 deaths and $64.76 billion (2017 USD) in damage. "Hurricane Irma was an extremely powerful Cape Verde hurricane that caused widespread destruction across its path in September 2017. Irma was the first Category 5 hurricane to strike the Leeward Islands on record, followed by Maria two weeks later. At the time, it was considered the most powerful..."
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Image by VIIRS image captured by NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite
10th September 2013 🗓️ : Death - Jack Vance (general) Jack Vance, Canadian general (b. 1933) "Lieutenant-General John Elwood "Jack" Vance, (July 28, 1933 – September 10, 2013) was a Canadian Forces officer who became Vice Chief of the Defence Staff in Canada...."
10th September 1973 🗓️ : Birth - Ferdinand Coly Ferdinand Coly, Senegalese footballer "Ferdinand Alexandre Coly (born 10 September 1973) is a Senegalese former professional footballer who played as a full-back...."
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Image licensed under CC BY 2.0? by Serigne diagne
10th September 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Glen P. Robinson Glen P. Robinson, American businessman, founded Scientific Atlanta (d. 2013) "Glen Parmelee Robinson, Jr. (September 10, 1923 – January 16, 2013), called the "father of high-tech industry in Georgia", was an American businessman and founder of Scientific Atlanta, now a subsidiary of Cisco Systems. Robinson was the first employee of Scientific Atlanta, where he remained CEO..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Georgia Tech Research Institute
10th September 1821 🗓️ : Birth - William Jervois William Jervois, English captain, engineer, and politician, 10th Governor of South Australia (d. 1897) "Lieutenant General Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois (10 September 1821 – 17 August 1897) was a British military engineer and diplomat. After joining the British Army in 1839, he saw service, as a second captain, in South Africa. In 1858, as a major, he was appointed Secretary of a Royal..."
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10th September 🗓️ : Holiday - Children's Day (Honduras) "Children's Day is a commemorative date celebrated annually in honor of children, whose date of observance varies by country. In 1925, International Children's Day was first proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare. Since 1950, it is celebrated on June 1 in many countries...."
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Image by Post of USSR
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holidayhunteraust · 10 months
Icon of the Coast: Exploring Cape St George Lighthouse
The Cape St George Lighthouse ruins stand as the most significant European site within the park. Today, this lighthouse serves as the prime location for observing the majestic whale migration and return.
 Designed by the esteemed colonial architect, Alexander Dawson, and constructed in 1860, this three-story lighthouse was meticulously built using sandstone blocks sourced from the nearby Jervis Bay village. Soaring to a height of 61 feet (18.5m), the tower boasted eight spacious rooms at ground level. The flooring consisted of timber, while cast iron girders supported a roof adorned with stone flagging, covered in asphalt.
 Transporting supplies to the lighthouse was always a challenging endeavour, with the nearest landing place situated over 4 killometres away at Murrays Beach. Horses were indispensable for delivering mail and provisions, as well as transporting children to and from school. However, maintaining a horse permanently proved arduous due to the scarcity of grass for feed. In contrast, goats thrived in this terrain and were kept for milking, providing a source of meat and bait for catching sharks.
 Between 1860 and 1877, up to 15 individuals, including the lighthouse keeper, two under-keepers, and their families, resided within the confines of this eight-room complex. The lighthouse also served as a storage facility for oil and supplies, resulting in relatively cramped and uncomfortable living conditions. In 1877, recognizing the need for improvement, a seven-room weatherboard cottage was constructed for the head keeper near the stables.
 The kitchen and laundry building, believed to have been erected around 1865, served as a storehouse for provisions, a wash house, and an oven, complete with a boiling copper for the establishment. This addition provided much-needed space, as the original lighthouse building had previously accommodated everything, including living quarters for the three lightkeepers' families.
 Whilst it is a picturesque location today, the lighthouse has a fascinating and grisly history of death and disaster:
·         In 1867, Isabella Jane Lee, the daughter of the principal lightkeeper from 1863 to 1873, died of typhus fever, a rare bacterial infection spread usually by parasites.
 ·         In 1882, another resident, 13-year-old George Gibson, died from pleurisy. Pleurisy results in the inflammation of tissue surrounding the lungs and causes pain when breathing.
 ·         Typhoid struck again in 1885, killing Florence Bailey, the 11-year-old daughter of the third assistant lightkeeper. Her father, Edward Bailey, supplemented his income by fishing for sharks on the rocks below the lighthouse. In 1895, he was washed from the rocks. Entangled in his lines in heavy seas, he was taken by sharks as his son watched in horror.
 ·         Francis Henry Hammer, the son of Mary Hammer (a single woman who lived at the lighthouse) had a habit of pushing large rocks over the cliff edge to amuse himself. However, he tragically met his end when he either toppled over or lost his footing when part of the cliff collapsed. He was only nine or ten years old.
 ·         William Markham, the assistant lightkeeper from about 1878-1883, was kicked in the head by a horse and died before he reached Nowra Hospital.
 ·         In 1887, Kate Gibson (the principal lightkeeper’s teenage daughter), tripped while skylarking with a loaded firearm. The gun discharged, striking her friend Harriet Parker (the assistant lightkeeper’s daughter) in the back of the skull, killing her instantly. Her gravesite can be found in the Green Patch camping area.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Nova Scotia expected to table budget today with focus on health care – again
Nova Scotia's Progressive Conservatives will table the second budget of their mandate today, and the focus is expected once again to be on health care.
Ever since Premier Tim Houston's party was elected to govern in August 2021, the government has made its central mission repairing a health-care system beset by long wait-lists and an ever-growing list of people without a doctor.
Houston has been on a health-care spending spree in recent weeks.
He committed $59 million to set up a medical school at Cape Breton University; $37 million on a health institute at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, N.S.; and $25 million on developing health-care analytics programs at Saint Mary's University in Halifax.
That money was in addition to funds set aside in last year's budget, which pumped an additional $413 million into an ailing system that was expected to consume $5.7 billion in spending -- about 43 per cent of government spending.
Finance Minister Allan MacMaster is expected to release the budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year around 1:15 p.m.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 23, 2023.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/T2khdV8
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