#Catholic Bishops
jameslmartellojr · 4 months
"Should Fiducia Supplicans be Retracted?"
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goldmynetv · 5 months
Tinubu’s Reform Agenda Inflicting More Hardship,Turning Millions To Beggars – Catholic Bishops
The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) has said the reform agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has not only inflicted more hardship on Nigerians but has driven millions into the act of begging in order to survive. President of the CBCN, Most Rev. Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji who stated this in his welcome address on Sunday at the Opening Session of the 2024 First Plenary Assembly of the…
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xtruss · 7 months
Some Catholic Bishops Rejects Great SATAN Pope’s Stance on Blessing For Same-Sex Couples. Others are Confused. In Violation of God’s Laws, Great SATAN Pope Francis Authorizes Blessings For Same-Sex Couples! WTF?
— By Gerald Imray | Associated Press | Friday December 22, 2023
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Cape Town, South Africa (AP) — In an Extraordinary Pushback Against Pope Francis, Some Catholic Bishops in Africa, Poland 🇵🇱 and elsewhere say they will not implement the new Vatican policy allowing blessings for same-sex couples.
Others downplayed the policy approved this week by Francis as merely reaffirming the Vatican’s long-standing teaching about marriage being only a union between a man and a woman.
The reactions show how polarizing the issue remains and how Francis’ decade-long effort to make the church a more welcoming place for the LGBTQ+ community continues to spark resistance among traditionalist and conservative Catholic leaders.
Some of the strongest responses came from bishops in Africa, home to 265 million Catholics, or nearly a quarter of the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics. Many of those Catholics live and their churches operate in societies where homosexuality is condemned and outlawed.
Out of the Continent’s 54 Countries, 31 have Laws Criminalizing Homosexuality, more than any other continent, according to the Human Dignity Trust, which defends LGBTQ+ rights.
Zambia’s bishops conference said same-sex couple blessings were “not for implementation in Zambia.” The bishops conference of Malawi said “blessings of any kind” for “same-sex unions of any kind” would not be permitted.
In Zambia 🇿🇲, Gay Sex is Punishable by Between 15 years and life in prison and the law puts it in the same section as bestiality. Malawi’s Laws Call for up to 14 years in prison for homosexual sex, with the option of corporal punishment for those convicted
Zambian bishops said there should be “Further Reflection” on the blessings and cited the country’s laws against homosexuality and its “Cultural Heritage” that rejects same-sex relationships as reasons for its decision.
The Polish bishops conference — among the most conservative in Europe and a reference point beyond the continent given its ties to St. John Paul II — said it has no plans to give blessings to same-sex couples.
Marriage, the Conference Asserted, Remains only the Union Between a Man and a Woman, and sexual acts outside of that are “Always An Offense Against God’s Will,” according to a statement by spokesperson Rev. Leszek Gęsiak.
It is unusual for an entire national bishops conference to publicly voice dissent of a Vatican policy, though the declaration from the Vatican doctrine office did not instruct bishops to allow blessings of same-sex couples but merely provided guidance on how they could be done if people requested them.
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Great Satan Pope Francis leads the Angelus prayer from his window at the Vatican on December 17.
The document, entitled “Fiducia Supplicans,” says that blessings can be offered to people in same-sex relationships if they are not confused with the ritual of marriage and reaffirmed that Marriage is a Lifelong Union Only Between a Man and a Woman.
The announcement Monday by the Vatican office reversed its 2021 statement that had ruled out blessings for same-sex couples because “God Cannot Bless Sin.”
The U.S. bishops conference, seeking to downplay any shift, stressed that the church’s teachings on marriage have not changed and that the announcement “Articulated a Distinction Between Liturgical (Sacramental) Blessings, and Pastoral Blessings, Which May Be Given to Persons Who Desire God’s zloving Grace in Their Lives,” according to a statement.
Some of the more piqued opposition came from Francis’ usual critics.
German Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who previously headed the Vatican doctrine office, said the declaration was “Self-Contradictory” as it still said same-sex relationships were contrary to God’s law while allowing same-sex couples to receive a blessing.
“The Church Cannot Celebrate One Thing and Teach Another,” Müller wrote in an essay published in religious media outlets.
Kazakh Bishop Athanasius Schneider, who has long opposed Francis’ progressive bent, called the new policy a “Great Deception.” Priests should be aware of “the evil that resides in the very permission to bless couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples,” he said.
He and Kazakh Archbishop Tomash Peta said in a statement on the Catholic Herald magazine’s website that they had Prohibited Priests in their archdiocese from performing “Any Form of Blessing Whatsoever” for same-sex couples.
Bishop conferences and church leaders from Nigeria 🇳🇬, Ghana 🇬🇭, Kenya 🇰🇪, Madagascar 🇲🇬 and South Africa 🇿🇦 also released public statements, most of them moving to clarify what they said was confusion among their flock over whether the new policy was an official recognition and acceptance of same-sex relationships.
The predominant sentiment among many was a fear that the move was a step toward the Catholic church accepting homosexuality.
Nigeria’s bishops said there had been various interpretations of the policy in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation and home to 20-30 million Catholics, and they needed to make clear that the Vatican document does not allow for a blessing and a formal acceptance of same-sex relationships.
“The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria assures the entire People of God that the teaching of the Catholic Church on marriage remains the same,” it said. “There is, therefore, no possibility in the Church of blessing same-sex unions and activities.”
Abbé Jean-Marie Djibo, a Priest in the Archdiocese of Bamako in the Muslim-Majority West African Nation of Mali 🇲🇱, said the Catholic Church in His Country Would Not Be Following any New Policy and Wanted the Vatican to Explain Its Decision.
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“The church in Mali does not agree with the Vatican’s decision concerning homosexual couples, and the bishops and priests here are calling the church faithful to reassure them that this decision will not be applied,” he said. “This decision concerns only the Vatican, not us.”
“In his message, the Pope used coded words that have been variously interpreted, so we want him to clarify this position for us,” Djibo added.
In the United Kingdom, an organization representing some 500 Catholic Priests in Britain 🇬🇧 released a signed letter reaffirming the Church’s teaching regarding marriage and same-sex unions after “Widespread Confusion.”
In Zimbabwe, which also has anti-gay laws, LGBTQ+ rights activist Chesterfield Samba said he did not think the declaration would change anything for Zimbabwean same-sex couples shunned by the church. He said he had expected the pushback from some church branches.
The Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference, which is based in South Africa where a liberal constitution allows same-sex marriages, appeared to welcome the prospect of blessings for gay couples as confirmation that “Nobody Is Outside God’s Grace 😂😂😂.” (This Idiot Doesn’t Know that Satans are Outside God’s Grace.)
But it added that its interpretation of the declaration was that “the blessing is done with the hope of conversion.”
— Associated Press reporters Noel Sichalwe in Lusaka, Zambia 🇿🇲; Baba Ahmed in Bamako, Mali 🇲🇱; Sello Motseta in Gaborone, Botswana 🇧🇼; Farai Mutsaka in Harare, Zimbabwe 🇿🇼; and Nicole Winfield in Rome contributed to this story.
Gayness of “Two-Faced Great SATAN Pope Francis” in Christianity ✝️
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gkingmusik · 10 months
Fate of Nigeria hangs in the balance — Catholic Bishops
Amid the lingering controversy over the judgement of the Presidential Elections Petitions Tribunal, PEPT, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria, CBCN, has said Nigeria currently stands on the precipice of uncertainty as the case moves to the Supreme Court. Fate of Nigeria hangs in the balance — Catholic Bishops Addressing the opening ceremony of the 2023 Second Plenary Assembly of the CBCN…
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legalattorneyblog · 11 months
Islamic Council, Catholic Bishops Has Warned Against Military Invasion: Niger.
More organizations, including Islamic and Christian leaders, have voiced their support for a peaceful approach to resolving the crisis in Niger Republic following the military coup d’état that ousted President Muhammed Bazoum. Yesterday, both the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) and Catholic Bishops in West Africa urged the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)…
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sulemanchitera · 2 years
Catholic Bishops Hit Hard Tonse Alliance
Catholic Bishops Hit Hard Tonse Alliance
In the midst of economic crisis, Catholic Bishops in Malawi have attributed this to the retrogressive way of governing by the Tonse Alliance and inconsistent government austerity measures among others. This has been revealed through the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) pastoral statement dated 10 October and signed by all the Catholic bishops in Malawi. The statement has indicated that the…
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hotcinnamonsunset · 5 months
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knitting but make it ✨dark academia✨
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shazzbaa · 4 months
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i, uh, finally drew the bishop of southwark,
continuing his trend of catching feelings for every strange man who threatens to pulverise him, samuel ended up buying two "marriage phantasie" dreams of the bishop during the feast of the rose (highlights include RIGHTEOUSLY WRESTLING IN FRONT OF THE FIREPLACE IN A GOD-FEARING WAY), for cOMPLETELY NORMAL AND PIOUS REASONS which im sure he has no reason to be ashamed of
anyway, here, take…………………….whatever this is,
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canisalbus · 6 months
translated by GT
Today I learned that the Pope has the right to appoint secret cardinals, and even the cardinals themselves may not realize that they now have a new position. Popes have the right to make the name public at any time, but if the Pope dies before the Cardinal's name is made public, the individual ceases to be a Cardinal.
Yes, Catholicism is weird.
But more importantly, there is only one person in the world who can prove that I am not a cardinal.
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chalkbird · 1 year
"what am i hearing?"
that dialogue was more horrifying than the entirety of neverafter i'm not even kidding
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frociaggine · 1 month
ok well now we gotta know, how is frociaggine used in a sentence. i must know, for research purposes,
pretty much in the same way you'd use faggotry in english! meaning a general vibe, attitude, etc. actually the pope used it correctly 💀 given that he said it in the context of a speech about how openly gay men should be discouraged from joining the church “because there's way too much homosexuality in seminaries already.” except that homosexuality wasn't the word he used
anyway I have a whatsapp group chat called “frociaggine del sabato sera” = saturday night faggotry. love that for me.
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virtie333 · 5 months
Prayers for our Bishop, please!
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rinielsaerwen · 11 months
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emvidal · 5 months
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secular-jew · 3 months
BREAKING: More peace from the religion of peace:
A Muslim jihadist yelling "Allahu Akbar" attempted to murder a Christian Bishop, a pillar of the Christian community in Sydney Australia was repeatedly stabbed today while giving a sermon.
Bishop Emmanuel was hospitalized with multiple stab wounds. 3 others were also stabbed as they attempted to wrestle the jihadi to the ground. The man is smiling in the second picture attached.
Bishop Emmanuel is a popular figure in Sydney and was a vocal voice against Australia’s COVID lockdowns and vaccines calling it ‘mass slavery.’
The attack took place at Christ The Good Shepherd Church is in Wakeley, in Sydney's west.
Hundreds have now gathered outside the church reacting in anger and shouting ‘an eye for an eye’ as riot police have been deployed.
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aristotels · 5 months
whenever i see another sexual abuse/rape/pedophilia scandal from the catholic church i think about the way this sites looooooves its disgust politics which result in doxxing queer SICKOS for drawing teenage mutant ninja turtles incest or whatever and treat this as the bane of the fight against sexual abuse and pat themselves on the back for preventing yet another mspaint drawing of being published online while in the real world, like two streets away from their houses, nuns are victims of frequent sexual abuse and are not allowed to speak about it because they would lose their entire livelihoods - because they will be removed from their conveants and have no education to simply leave the calling, they are coerced into being silent, rape is as frequent as it gets, and all this by priests who are seen as "good people" and moral verticales. im so glad we are on tumblr fighting about the newest genshin impact ships though
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