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thevoumagazinesblog · 1 year ago
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io-archival · 2 years ago
[PT: Candygothic /end PT]
⊹ 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘆𝗴𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗰
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Coined by : @autistic-dino / @dinogummy
Candygothic is an xenogender for anyone who identifies with the pastel/candy goth subculture ! It could also be anyone who enjoys the meanings/feelings of both concepts, the sweetness of candy and bitterness of some gothic cultures put together ! It is not exclusive to anyone !
Related pronouns
{ID : a 7 colour striped flag with a purple skull symbol and a dark grey candy symbol in the middle. Both flags have dark grey and lighter grey on top, the first flag then has pastel yellow whilst the second has pastel purple, both versions of this stripe are a little thicker than the others. After that both flags have light pink, hot pink, dark purple and teal stripes}
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dustycrew · 2 years ago
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Psychosis life
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brainmade-bah · 2 months ago
we would like, if possible, 2 alters in one!
& a cybergoth / pastelgoth aesthetic-based person
a delinquent personality male based off the arcade aesthetic
if they could both have trans/cisids and paraa, that'd be great. apologies if too much if you could do one, you can choose but we'll likely come back and ask for you to do the other /lh
no don't worry, this request is totally fine! sorry that it's taken such a long time, we got sick so working on headmates has been a little hard. i really hope that doesn't show through in the quality of the post. hope you like the two of them, feel free to change anything
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NAME(S) - Primrose, Prim, Velvet
AGE - 12
GENDER(S) - trans boy, candygothic, bunnipgender, bubblyfizzcatic, pastel goth rosboy, anlomeltic
PRONOUNS - she/her, fae/faer, bun/buns, auxiliary he/him; prefers feminine terms, except for specifically words like girl/woman, etc., prefers words like boy/man, etc.
ORIENTATION(S) - pseudopansexual (experiences sexual arousal and libido spikes in response to strong platonic attraction), panromantic, polyamorous
ROLE - frijōn, happiness holder, mood booster
SPECIES - angelkin human
IDS - dark skin, pink hair, vivid pink eyes, binds; excitable, over-friendly, very touchy-feely with closer friends, hyperplatonic; cannot keep buns hands to bunself when it comes to close friends, including headmates, will often want to change the body into cutesy pink and black clothes while fronting, loves to wear clothes that belong to other people or headmates
TRANSIDS - transshotaplushie, pastelgoreamian, strawbimilkamian, cottoncandyhairic, transheartpupil, transglittertears, transrosluceapupil, cottoncandyscentian, cottoncandytastic, transMDPGtropeic
PARAS - AAM, MAM, necrophilia, fictophilia, fictozoo, objectophilia, autoplushophilia, lacivoluphilia, vestiagum (specifically with others' clothes)
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NAME(S) - Raiden, Ezio
AGE - 17, epheboage
GENDER(S) - trans boy, arcadegender, arcadecoric
PRONOUNS - he/him
ORIENTATION(S) - turian, aromantic, ambiamorous
ROLE - disciplinarian, rehabilitator, potentially shield
SPECIES - human, transfallenangel
IDS - dark tan skin, dark blue hair, bright blue and yellow eyes (heterochromia), binds; edgy, standoffish, concerned with self image, touch-starved, hypersensual; often can be found with Primrose in his lap in headspace, wants to be considered badass and intimidating, and tries to disguise his touch-starvedness as protectiveness/possessiveness over Primrose
TRANSIDS - transchuunibyo, blacknwhiteamian, nullblink, transxpupil, transmasculinescent, multihearted, transcresilo, transcuspid, nullbraces (potentially), nullnightmares, multirevived, transnocturnal, transpopular, transvirginitylose, transhorrorfan, nullcringy, transbadluckpower, transdeclevitate, transnear-immortal, transbestself, transidhoarder
PARAS - childlove/boylove, minor MAP, zoophilia, cublove, consang, somnophilia, teratophilia, jueliephilia, magnaphilia, attraction to bright/neon lights
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is a choicepunk voidpunk aromantic acefog transmasc abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404gender aboixygender abominationlexic abonxigender abrogender acxygender adorbian aerogender aesthetivir afflowian alohomic amphibarian ampligender anarcgender annulian ashilexic asteragender aurorian avendinoboy axenovir badgeric baiegardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender calighn caligonoctic candygorelexic caninarian caninix caridic carouselgender cha0xygender chaokixygender chaotiqueer cietigender ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic echogender ecleclexic eldryxygender etheric euphorilexic fablian faunvir felisarian firessen firegender flamilexic flickergender floofylexic fluidflux fluffylexic foxlexic froramwaremojic frostgender gallozygender gejixigender gemmian gelsolum genderagridoce genderainimm genderalbum genderalumini genderamu genderascua genderbaai genderbanpiro genderbero genderbianco genderblank genderblast genderbleikur genderboira genderboscata genderbruine genderbruinement genderbruiner genderbruineux genderburgunder genderbyge gendercaldu gendercanle gendercanum gendercaoba gendercapa gendercarne gendercastanha gendercastial gendercereum gendercerezal gendercervo gendercetaceo gendercigl gendercindro gendercitrina gendercollector gendercolorius gendercorisco gendercotonneux gendercrow gendercueste genderdeinim genderdenne genderderfinu genderdezerto genderdou genderdufair genderdugga genderearth genderebereum genderenga genderengi gendereukalipto genderevera genderfaire genderfairn genderfaunet genderfearn genderfejś genderfin genderfiolett genderfiywyt genderflamboez genderfleuve genderfloro genderfontan genderfrago rosboy!
He's in a QPR with Rick Sanchez from Pocket Mortys, a femme violaen extromantic abroromantic aceflux omnisexual roseabic iridian genderfrais genderfrect genderfresha genderfruct genderfumo gendergaiss gendergebre gendergivre gendergivrer genderglacimoto gendergranato gendergrano gendergrapfrukto gendergrasker gendergrund genderherbejo genderqueer gendersequoia gendervoid ghostcoric ghostgender glitchgender gorecoric gxrl hafian hallowgender hellgender hellian herbagender honeycoric horrorhypic icaegender icarxigender icegender innogender imagian imagilexic incognera iroxygender jaxcogender jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy clowngender funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender demitransfem hydrogender astrobyssian spacegender celeduvoiden astrostarlic spatilost constellestial cadalgender galafascic seaturespaceic constellatiofem galaxionic virgender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess iso man!
They both love their grandson Morty Smith, who is questioning both his gender and sexuality, very much!
dni link
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femmefaggot · 8 months ago
its uncanny
showed her pictures, they really are alike in a lot of ways
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oldqueergrandma · 2 years ago
It's time for a ramble about gender envy.
I was thinking today about how I know this married couple, and they both give me gender envy, a little bit. She loves to present as feminine as possible, with fluffy skirts and petticoats and corsets. She has the absolute perfect accessories for every outfit.
And yeah, sometimes I like to be a CandyGoth. I like being subversive in my expression, so if I'm going out for Goth Night at the Goth Club I'm more likely to work in shocking colors and theatrical costume. If I'm going out to a mundane lunch, I'm more likely to be in the all-black Addams Family Casual ensemble. And I can be very frilly with flawless cosmetics and gorgeous accessories.
He, on the other hand, kind of dresses like a lesbian pirate. Sensible shoes, loose fitting trousers, and a camp shirt are a typical daily look for him. When he's dressed up, it's usually something historical, or theatrical. And he has swagger, without the slightest hint of toxic masculinity. He's a swashbuckler.
I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in years recently. And we are both "getting older" but he still looks great. He's a bit more of a jeans-and-tshirt kind of guy, but when he dresses up he knows how to look *sharp*. I was contemplating his personality, and realized that I consider him to be regal. He's a natural leader, he has amazing charisma, and he's also doing all of that with no trace of toxic masculinity.
Both of these guys have a killer smile, and no fear of using it. They both know how to be soft, and unapologetic about it. They're both physically active, but with activities like hiking and dancing.
So while yeah, they're also outrageously hot, I realize that some of what draws me to them is that some part of me goes "That's a fella like me."
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carasilvaart · 4 years ago
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This is an alternate version of Alexandrea, a more futuristic version, with pink hair. She's a candy goth, an artist and she's quirky. She's also a little flirt and I love her. ;) She's the more playful side of myself.
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mynxalexandria · 4 years ago
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Rainbow Baby 🌈🌈🌈
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damedarcy · 6 years ago
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#gothmermaid #eyeshadow #makeuppallette #stevienicksvibes @stevienicks @damedarcy⭐️ Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions💎🎆🔮 I keep my visions to myself, it's only me Who wants to wrap around your dreams and, Have you any dreams you'd like to sell? 👁#PREORDER #goth #mermaid #cosplay #pastelgothicgirl #candygoth #fairy #seapunkfashion #damedarcy @damedarcy #damedarcymermaidtarot https://etsy.me/2XTRa9G thanks for the awesome #portraitphotography @adrianairis https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzxtfrljtH/?igshid=96ad2msfauyl
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dinogummy · 4 years ago
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⊹ 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘆𝗴𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗰 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀
Some pronouns for the term I just coined !
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nineftunder · 3 years ago
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✨💖🪞Illusion 🪞💖✨ I’m done with the Illusion spam,I love him so much. 💗✨💖✨💕 #bjd #abjd #balljointeddoll #nineftunder #dolls #bjdstagram #dollstagram #pink #pinkaesthetic #pinkwig #candygoth #cybergoth #bjdwig #alpacawig #neonpink #thirdeye https://www.instagram.com/p/CZOCaSTOCEN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pridebicons · 2 years ago
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candygothic amity pride icons
requested by @redhoodzuko
like/rb if using + credit
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years ago
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Candygothic Todomomo Icons
@redhoodzuko requested: Can i please request Todomomo icona with @dinogummy's candygothic flag?
transparents 1 2 3 4 5 | feel free to use with credit, but do not claim as your own! like/reblog if you save or enjoy!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is an Aromantic acefog transmasc(yellow flag) abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian choicepunk cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy voidpunk crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404Gender Aboixygender AbominationlexicAbonxigender Abrogender Acxygender Adorbian Aerogender Aesthetivir Afflowian Alohomic Amphibarian Ampligender Anarcgender Annulian Ashilexic Asteragender Aurorian Avendinoboy Axenovir badgeric baeigardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender Calighn Caligonoctic Candygorelexic Caninarian Caninix Caridic Carouselgender Cha0xygender Chaokixygender Chaotiqueer Cietigender Ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic Echogender Ecleclexic Eldryxygender Etheric Euphorilexic Fablian Faunvir Felisarian Firecoric Firegender Flamilexic Flickergender Floofylexic Fluidflux Fluffylexic Foxlexic Froramwaremojic Frostgender Gallozygender Gejixigender Gemmian Gelsolum Genderagridoce Genderainimm Genderalbum Genderalumini Genderamu Genderascua Genderbaai Genderbanpiro Genderbero Genderbianco Genderblank Genderblast Genderbleikur Genderboira Genderboscata Genderbruine Genderbruinement Genderbruiner Genderbruineux Genderburgunder Genderbyge Gendercaldu Gendercanle Gendercanum Gendercaoba Gendercapa Gendercarne Gendercastanha Gendercastial Gendercereum Gendercerezal Gendercervo Gendercetaceo Gendercigl Gendercindro Gendercitrina Gendercollector Gendercolorius Gendercorisco Gendercottoneux Gendercrow Gendercueste Genderdeinim Genderdenne Genderderfinu Genderdezerto Genderdou Genderdufair Genderdugga Genderearth Genderebereum Genderenga Genderengi Gendereukalipto Genderevera Genderfaire Genderfairn Genderfaunet Genderfearn Genderfejś Genderfin Genderfiolett Genderfiwyt Genderflamboez Genderfleuve Genderfloro Genderfontan Genderfrago Rosboy who is in a QPR with Rick(From Pocket Mortys specifically) who is a Genderfrais Genderfrect Genderfresha Genderfruct Genderfumo Gendergaiss Gendergebre Gendergivre Gendergivrer Genderglacimoto Gendergranato Gendergrano Gendergrapfrukto Gendergrasker Gendergrund Genderherbejo Genderqueer Gendersequoia Gendervoid Ghostcoric Ghostgender Glitchgender Gorecoric Gxrl Hafian Hallowgender Hellgender Hellian Herbagender Honeycoric Horrorhypic Icaegender Icarxigender Icegender Innogender Imagian Imagilexic Incognera Iroxygender Jaxcogender Jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender roseabic condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy violaen clowngender (1/2)
(Cultist resend 2/2) funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender iridian oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender, aceflux, extromantic, demitransfem, femme, agenderflux, hydrogender, astrobyssian, spacegender, celeduvoiden, astrostarlic, spatilost, constellestial, cadalgender, galafascic, seaturespaceic, constellatiofem, galaxionic, virgogender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess omnisexual abroromantic iso man! They both very much love their grandson Morty(Also from Pocket Mortys) who is questioning in both his gender and sexuality.
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vaedesigns · 6 years ago
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