valkblue · 1 year
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For Mandalore!💥
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spectraspecs-writes · 7 months
Manaan - Chapter 124
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 123. Chapter 125.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma thank you for reading, you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank you for support, you get a tag.
For me, looking the part is not too difficult. I just pull off the robe tunic. I also stow my purple lightsaber in my pack, and hide my blue one under my pant leg. Mercenaries don’t use lightsabers. I didn’t realize how much I missed my swords. I put them on my belt. And easy as that I look like a mercenary. And you’d think it would be that simple for Carth, but it’s not. He has to leave his orange jacket behind. it’s too easily recognized as Republic colors. But it takes a good ten minutes to pick out some armor that makes him look enough like a mercenary to pass the first security checkpoint. Once he’s done that, though, we meet back up with Canderous and head to the Sith base.
As expected it looks just the same as any other Sith base. It’s very sterile. But it looks like they take this place seriously, if the four war droids are any indication. I’m not particularly worried, though. We have legitimate passes, mercenary passes.
The man at the checkpoint stops us. “Only people who have business with the Sith are allowed inside the embassy,” he says.
I let Canderous do the talking. He has experience here and as an actual mercenary he’ll hold up under scrutiny. “We have business,” he says, holding out the passes, “We were hired as mercs earlier today.” The officer takes the passes and looks at them closer. ‘Unless you’d rather we go work for the Republic.”
The security officer scoffs, but I can tell, he doesn’t want to get in any hot water for turning us away. “Hmph,” he sighs, “Yes, well, I suppose you really do have business here. Head on in.”
Canderous just gives a small nod and we move past the security desk towards the elevator. That’s the hard part done with, then. The elevator ride is still very anxious, though, and even though I’m certain I can handle whatever’s down there, I’m still annoyingly nervous.
The elevator stops. I take a deep breath. It opens. I let Canderous take the lead again. He looks the part more than I do. He presents our passes to the desk attendant, just like he did upstairs. And so far it looks like we’re in the clear. The desk attendant looks familiar somehow, though, and I can’t tell if it’s a remnant from Revan’s memory, my mind and anxiety playing tricks on me, or if I really have seen him before. Just act natural, Rena, just act natural.
But as I pass, he stops us. “Hold on a moment,” he says, looking at me, scrutinizing my face, “Weren’t you on Korriban a couple weeks ago?”
Shit. I remember. When I hacked the Sith Academy to get Dustil’s info, a Sith trooper got suspicious. I managed to lie my way out of it, but I probably only got away with it because he didn’t want any trouble for himself. And, probably, because he was about to get transferred and didn’t want to take the risk of ruining it. So he did get transferred, apparently, and got transferred here. Play it cool, Rena, act natural. “I’ve never been to Korriban in my life.” And try to keep moving.
He grabs my arm. Carth twitches, but keeps his cover. “No,” the Sith says, narrowing his eyes, “I remember.” He glances at Carth “You and your companion - you were both there!” Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. “So… you were just a simple tech, transferred from the fleet, fixing something for a ‘Sith master”, were you?” He scoffs. “And now you’re trying to pass yourself off as a mercenary? What sort of fool do you take me for?” I pull my arm out, but escape won’t be so easy.
The elevator opens, and out comes the man from the upstairs checkpoint, followed by the four war droids. “Lieutenant,” he asks the trooper, “what’s the meaning of this? I checked their passes myself. They were hired on this morning.”
“Perhaps their passes were legitimate, Commander Grann,” the trooper says, “but they are not. I encountered them at my last posting. Whoever this woman is, she’s no mercenary. I suspect they’re Republic spies!”
The commander balks. “Sound the alarm! Droids, destroy them!”
Well, shit. It’s okay, I can do this. In a split second, I take a breath. Channel my nerves and anxiety, focus, just like Master Zhar said. Call the lightning to my fingertips. Disable the droids. Overload. I can draw my swords faster than my lightsaber, so I pull them and face the trooper. He pulls his own sword and brings it to meet mine. There’s a fire in his eyes, like he’s been waiting for a fight. Eager. And despite my display of the Force, he thinks this is a fight he can win. And frankly… he has a chance. There’s a lot of strength behind his sword, and more technique than I’m used to seeing from rank and file Sith soldiers.
What’s wrong with me? This man is not my match. I have faced worse threats than this, stronger fighters than this. Come on, Rena. Get off your ass. You can do this. Easy. He brings his sword down over my head but I catch it, scissoring it between my own swords. He tries to push down. I push back. He grits his teeth. Time for an unexpected move. Barely even thinking, I collide his head with my own. Which hurts like hell for me at least, and causes him to stumble. Uneven footing. I sweep his legs out from under him. And now I’ve got him on the ground. I deal the final blow.
But I find myself wishing I hadn’t. Not because I think he’ll be useful or anything. It’s just… like a shadow creeping up in my head. Making me question who I am. Like there has been for the past week. Focus, Rena, focus. You’re no good like this.
While I was focused on my trooper, Carth and Canderous must have taken care of Commander Grann from upstairs. Now Canderous is blasting the war droids for good measure. I decide to stick to the computer. The first thing I do is turn off the alarm. We do not need to deal with troops coming to defend the lobby, and hopefully this means we won’t have to deal with the police when we leave. Next, I don’t want to spend a whole lot of time in here if I don’t have to, so I want to know where I’m going. Best way to know is to check the security camera. Disassembly room - that’s where I’d put a droid I was trying to get information out of. Check the camera… that looks like a recon droid to me, and they are doing their damnedest to get the data core out. Odds are the main thing stopping them is a deceptively simple lock. Recon dories don’t have personality subroutines like utility or protocol droids do. Not generally, anyway. In fact, as far as dories go, there’s not a lot to them. A variety of sensors, a preset route, some basic cartography software, and that’s it. Sure, you can add more bells and whistles, but that just means more stuff that can go wrong. Once you’ve programmed your recon droid, it’ll carry out that programming until it finishes, gets recalled, runs out of power, or is otherwise impaired, like this one. When it’s done, you extract the data core, download the data, wipe it, and start again. Generally speaking, the data core is protected by whatever weatherproofing is appropriate for the situation. In this case, I’d imagine it’s completely watertight. But since this is also a droid for spying, the Republic wouldn’t let it go without some extra security surrounding the data core. Hence, a deceptively simple lock. There’s no computer to access the droid, so there’s nothing to hack. Sure, you could lease your way in, but then you risk destroying the data core.
Not to say there’s not a way to break in, of course. You can break into pretty much anything, depending on how much time and effort you put into it. They’ve had it for twelve hours and haven’t made any progress yet. All of this is moot, however, since I’ve got the key code to access the core, to open the deceptively simple lock. The information on the core still has to be decrypted, but that’s not my concern. I just need to grab the core and go.
“Are you seeing anything about those missing Selkath?” Carth asks.
To be honest I had nearly forgotten about them. Just focused too hard, I guess. “No, but then I was looking for the droid, give me a second.” Okay, Selkath. If I were the Sith, and I was trying to sway Selkath youth to my side, taking them into my base, where would I put them? I’d want to make them feel special, show them that all the hype, all the bad press about my organization just isn’t true. I wouldn’t trust the rank-and-file troopers that staff my base to maintain that facade, though. So access to them would be limited, if not eliminated altogether. So. A part of the base, with only one or two access points, with a dormitory section. Pull up a base schematic… Bam. “The north section of the base. That’s where I’d keep them.”
Carth and Canderous both look at the schematic over my shoulder. “Looks like a strategic spot,” Canderous says.
“I tend to agree,” Carth says - and the fact that he can say that without puking, I swear - “it looks pretty secure. But it also… looks a little too easy. Doesn’t it?” Canderous nods, sort of hums in agreement. Carth points out a relatively large room with no label. “That seems like a good place for an assault droid.”
Hmm. “Let me just check the power levels.” That’s a pretty high level for a room with nothing in it, as far as the computer is concerned. “Good hunch,” I say, “Just give me two seconds…” Alpha, alpha, double bar, beta, sigma, little red star… “Assault droids deactivated, force field down.” That probably won’t be the only obstacle, but it’s a huge one out of the way. “Droid first, then the Selkath. Agreed?” They nod. Cool.    
I follow the schematic down the hallway to the north. If I’m reading this map right, I take the only left, and follow it, then go left again to get to the recon droid. Before I open the door, I place my hand on it. Trying to see what’s on the other side. Echoes in the Force. “Three troopers and two droids,” I say softly, “One of the troopers has grenades, he’s in the corner.” I pull my blue lightsaber from its hiding place. I don’t think I need my purple one just yet. “I’ll take out the droids, then Canderous, you focus on the grenadier. Carth, you okay covering us?”
“You got it.”
Okay. Deep breaths, deep breaths. You can do this. Three… two… one… open the door.
It takes a couple seconds to fully process that we’re not Sith and we’re not supposed to be here, and those few seconds cost them dearly. I channel the lightning again, striking the droids down. Then, I go for the trooper closest to the recon droid. Canderous comes in right behind me and goes right for the grenadier. Carth’s focus shifts, but he mostly keeps an eye on the third trooper. It’s not long before all three are dead, and I can pull out the data core and put it in my pack. I put my swords in there as well, and take out my purple lightsaber. I’ve got a bad feeling about finding the Selkath. We’ll be able to find them, sure, and I know they’re alive because I saw it on the security cameras. But there’s a fight between us and them, I just know it.
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ask-baldurs-gate · 7 months
Hello Mordaine. If you’re a human, then why are your ears so pointy?
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Oh my gods, Anon, you can't just ask someone why they have pointy ears.
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klazje · 7 months
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hey queen, are you loosing your religion yet?
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wvyld · 15 days
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kotor cast
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acetechne · 1 year
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It's done!
this was a fun exercise, I'd like to draw these old friends a lot more.
Still image below the cut
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recklessidi0t · 8 days
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The yearly urge to replay KOTOR has infected me once again.
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hnnny · 1 month
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Surprise! I've improved a lot since--*checks date of old post*--April 28th, 2021?? Hello???
Listen, it's not hard to believe that I've been obsessed with this game and its characters for a long time lol
This was a heck of a lot of fun to draw though! I had to get creative with the composition to fit some of the characters I didn't originally include, but it was worth it lol
Here's an alternate version under the cut where Brianna and Mandalore aren't covering up the midground crew:
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commander-krios · 2 years
OTP Relationship Asks
1. Who most initiates PDA?
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
3. Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
4. How did they first meet?
5. What is their love language?
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
7. Who is more sentimental?
8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another?
9. How are their personalities different?
10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together? 
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?
13. Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
14. Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
17. Who fell in love first?
18. What song fits them perfectly?
19. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
21. Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?
23. Who overthinks the most?
24. Which of the two is the most competitive?
25. Who’s the most stubborn?
26. How do they comfort each other?
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
29. What is their sex life like?
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
34. Do they give each other nicknames?
35. What movies do they enjoy watching most?
36. How’d they meet each other’s families?
37. What do they like the least about each other?
38. What was their most memorable date?
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
40. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
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valkblue · 1 year
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whyamiheredude3 · 11 months
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Was cleaning out my laptop and I found this old sketch
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groundrunner100 · 11 months
Vote away, my fellow fans of honor-simping, flying bucket heads!
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colonelcaroldanvers · 4 months
New Star Wars Community!
Hi y'all! I have created a new community for Mandalore and Mandalorians. Since it's still in beta, I need to manually invite people - if you're interested in joining, please reply to this post or DM me for an invite :) I'd love to get some good discussions going!
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