#Canada elopement photographer
kamariakaplan · 2 years
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glitter scattered across the floor. the sharp bite of tequila at three in the morning. champagne falling from a bottle. rows and rows of books. perfume bottles displayed delicately on your dresser. private planes and stunning views. ripped tights after a long night. the bright lights of cameras flashing in your eyes.
♦︎ extra info ♦︎ pinterest ♦︎ playlist ♦︎ character tag ♦︎ wanted connections ♦︎
headcanons (this is just going to be a running list of headcanons, i’ll update as i think of more)
𝒊 — kamaria worked as a model when she was younger, posing for a few high fashion catalogues and walking on a few runways but she gave it up out of boredom when she was nineteen. too many desperate wannabes and eager photographers. the last straw was when a trespasser managed to sneak backstage during fashion week and take pictures of all the models in various states of undress, drugs everywhere, and a few unfortunate models struggling to close their zips. kamaria quit the next day.
𝒊𝒊 — kamaria spent her life living all around the world, so it’s only natural that she ended up with a fascinating talent for languages. She’s fluent in english, french, spanish, arabic, italian, russian, german, and portuguese. it’s a talent of hers that she loves to show off whenever she can and it makes traveling (and work) exceptionally easy for her.
𝒊𝒊𝒊 — while kamaria doesn’t really make an effort to spare collateral damage, she has a surprisingly loyal heart. the issue, she believes, is that no one has proved themselves worthy of her loyalty but when she loves someone, she loves them wholly and unconditionally. her love, however, is not something many people would want—she’s possessive and obsessive and she views those she cares for as hers in every sense of the word. perhaps it’s a good thing that she hasn’t found anyone worthy of her love yet. her attitude towards flings and casual relationships (which are all she entertains, after all) is careless and cruel to a fault. she doesn’t care much for feelings and finds it amusing when those she tangles herself with become too attached to her, but she always discards them without a second thought.
𝒊 — she had an affair with a teacher when she was sixteen. when her parents found out, they had him deported. she booked a flight to canada and tried to elope with him, but they found out and sent her to boarding school in sweden for a semester. it changed her outlook on relationships forever, mainly the way power can work between two people. she thinks, because she pursued him and she was the one who attempted to get back with him, she held the power and has always tried to maintain power in all her relationships since then.
𝒊𝒊 — she left manhattan five years ago in an attempt to “better herself”. that didn’t happen. it’s all a facade and while some people might not be convinced, kami has always been an expert at keeping up a mask. she’s a clever, sharp businesswoman and no one needs to think she’s anything but. no one needs to know she’s planning on wreaking more havoc than she ever has.
𝒊𝒊𝒊 — during the five years kamaria was gone, she lived all over the world in an attempt to build her own reputation in the art world under her father’s guidance. a long string of affairs with high profile politicians, movie stars, public figures, and anyone with a claim to fame has followed her. she traded her company for secrets—their secrets—and she’s kept them all close to her heart should the need ever arise.
𝒊𝒗 — her biggest secret of all—she’s a complete conwoman. her family’s businesses are mainly legitimate, with one small exception. they deal in forgeries all across the world, displaying fakes in their galleries while the real masterpieces are traded underground for millions. kami and her father receive the biggest cut. he included her in the “family business” when she left manhattan five years ago and she’s earned more than enough trust from both him and all his partners.
character parallels
𝒂 𝒎 𝒚     𝒅 𝒖 𝒏 𝒏 𝒆     //     𝒈 𝒐 𝒏 𝒆     𝒈 𝒊 𝒓 𝒍 — “i’ve never understood why that’s considered a compliment—that just anyone could like you.”
𝒗 𝒊 𝒍 𝒍 𝒂 𝒏 𝒆 𝒍 𝒍 𝒆     //     𝒌 𝒊 𝒍 𝒍 𝒊 𝒏 𝒈     𝒆 𝒗 𝒆 — “sorry, baby. x”
𝒌 𝒂 𝒕 𝒉 𝒓 𝒚 𝒏     𝒎 𝒆 𝒓 𝒕 𝒆 𝒖 𝒊 𝒍     //     𝒄 𝒓 𝒖 𝒆 𝒍     𝒊 𝒏 𝒕 𝒆 𝒏 𝒕 𝒊 𝒐 𝒏 𝒔 — “everybody loves me, and i intend to keep it that way.”
𝒍 𝒂 𝒅 𝒚     𝒎 𝒂 𝒄 𝒃 𝒆 𝒕 𝒉     //     𝒎 𝒂 𝒄 𝒃 𝒆 𝒕 𝒉 — “look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t.”
𝒄 𝒂 𝒓 𝒎 𝒆 𝒍 𝒂     𝒔 𝒐 𝒑 𝒓 𝒂 𝒏 𝒐     //     𝒕 𝒉 𝒆     𝒔 𝒐 𝒑 𝒓 𝒂 𝒏 𝒐 𝒔 — “you let him hold a gun to your head during sex? i thought you were a feminist.”
𝒔 𝒊 𝒐 𝒃 𝒉 𝒂 𝒏     𝒓 𝒐 𝒚     //     𝒔 𝒖 𝒄 𝒄 𝒆 𝒔 𝒔 𝒊 𝒐 𝒏 — “there’s no god, there’s no anything. there’s just people in rooms trying to be happy.”
part i. ira // rage
No one really knows where Kamaria came from. She was picked up out of the foster system by two people who had never been able to have kids of their own: Elias Kaplan, renowned art dealer and famous cultural icon, and his wife Emilee, former high fashion model turned socialite. Technically, she was raised in Manhattan, but in reality, they never spent much time in one place. Kami went to boarding schools across the world, spent summers in exotic resorts, practiced foreign languages until she spoke like a local, but she always ended up back in New York. Maybe New York is the only thing that could ever hold claim to her heart. Maybe New York is the only thing that could handle it.
One thing she’d always loved was the beauty of violence. She’d always been fascinated with the fine line between Gothic macabre and unearthly beauty. She wanted to create some of her own, so she did. As a child, Kamaria lied to housemaids and bit her fellow classmates, shattered glasses and wept false tears in an effort to get what she wanted. It didn’t take long for her to grow up and realize she could do so much more. She learned how to lie from her father and manipulate from her mother and she used it all to her advantage. She tried her hand at playing docile little girl, with pretty doe eyes and a coy smile and found that it didn’t suit her. What Kamaria liked was the chaos of it all, reveling in the knowledge that she had wrecked something and people would hate her for it, fear her for it. As she evolved from wretched little girl to unbearable teenager, she realized how much fun it was to be the ringleader. She watched her fellow peers struggle every day not to take a step out of place and couldn’t bother to pity them; it wasn’t her problem they weren’t cut out for this kind of life. It wasn’t enough to pretend to be perfect, you had to be willing to get your hands dirty and Kamaria understood that better than anyone.
And more than that, she enjoyed it. It thrilled her to take someone down, frame an innocent bystander for some petty inconvenience, watch someone’s face drop as they realized the entire world knew a secret they’d been trying so hard to keep. Kamaria wasn’t trusted, but she didn’t need that. One of the first things her father taught her was that anyone worth keeping around would stab you in the back, and if they hesitated, all it did was prove their weakness. Kamaria took the advice to heart and she ran with it. Her adolescence passed by in a blur of nights out with those she kept by her side, flings she entertained for a week or so, parties that never seemed to stop, and one scandal after another. A house of cards that she could topple with one brush of a finger. If chaos had a face, Kamaria’s pretty doe eyes were the unforgettable symbol. Even during the months she disappeared across continents weren’t enough to break the chokehold she had wrapped Manhattan in. But everyone gets bored and even in a society so cutthroat, the victims get boring, and a permanent change of scenery is required.
part ii. impetus // attack
“I doubt I’ll make it to thirty,” she said once to a former lover, smoking cigarettes in his hotel room somewhere in South America. He had traced a finger down her cheek and begged her not to say that, claimed it made his heart hurt when she joked of being hit by a car or going down in a plane crash. Kamaria knew it wasn’t people she was vulnerable to, but her own vices. She wasn’t stupid, nor did she believe she was invincible. She just believed other people didn’t have the capacity to hurt her, but the drugs did. Alcohol and sex and risky business could catch up to her but it didn’t scare her all that much. “What if you do make it?” he had asked her, and Kamaria had turned to him with a malicious grin and blew smoke in his face. “I guess I’ll have to do the job myself, won’t I?”
Disappearing from the city wasn’t a hard decision to make. Kamaria was getting bored, her father wanted her to join the family business, and the strings she’d so loved to pull were getting frayed. So she left. Milan, Tokyo, Nice, Montevideo—it didn’t matter. She had her way with words and people and for five years, Kami lived around the world making a name for herself outside of Manhattan. The art world welcomed her with open arms thanks to her family’s longstanding reputation as respected figures in high society, and her father watched her flourish enough to trust her with the more discreet details of his business.
And Kamaria slowly began to realize that the world was so much bigger than she’d ever imagined. She’d spent her life in different cities, made her mark in any way she could, but she had never done it so permanently. Somehow, she always thought she would be returning to New York and it made her hesitate to truly live anywhere else. With no return date in sight, Kamaria built different lives in any place she could, watched as the rest of the world became acquainted with an agent of chaos such as herself. Her professionalism shocked others that had known her before, when she was just a teenager who liked to party. She was put together in a way no one had expected she knew how to be. Maybe that’s why they all trusted Kamaria with their secrets. Maybe that’s why they all looked so taken aback when she used it against them. Growing up didn’t have to mean you stopped playing games, it just meant the games changed and Kami was a quick learner. The games were different when you were no longer a teenager and even though she was still young, she was smart. It was why people trusted her even when she made it clear she had claws. She loved games and she loved winning, and one thing Kamaria discovered about herself was that she wasn’t just good at it in New York. She could do it anywhere.
part iii. excidium // destruction
What’s the point of running an empire without someone to rule by your side? Kamaria had heard the question a thousand times, and a thousand times she’d rolled her eyes. Winning was enough. Chaos was enough. It suited her. Only people who didn’t know how to be alone bothered to care about who they could share their life with. Kamaria didn’t return to Manhattan out of nostalgia, nor did she return because she wanted to right any wrongs. She came back out of obligation, mostly. A chance to run her own little syndicate of galleries under her father’s name, an opportunity to see a world she had said goodbye to so long ago. When she touched ground in New York for the first time in five years, Kamaria felt like she was returning to the closest thing she’d ever had to a kingdom, and she remembered what it meant to be an invisible queen, pulling strings no one even saw, tearing down those who didn’t know what was coming. She didn’t need the credit, just the satisfaction of watching the world crumble around her. That was enough.
Her own business dealings around the world had provided her with a solid reputation that offered her the chance to “turn a new leaf”, so to speak. People might not trust her back home, but they did admire her ambition. It was her connections that secured her spot in the world of exclusivity in Manhattan based on her own merit rather than her family’s; after all, the Kaplan family was known for never putting roots down and they had so many people wrapped around their fingers across the world that it would be an embarrassment to turn down the opportunity to do business with them. So she bought a place to live, got up for work in the mornings, socialized at every event and gala she was invited to. She accepted lines backstage on broken phone screens and downed spiked drinks, woke up in a stranger’s bathtub one morning and kicked out errant partygoers from her living room the next. No one ever thought she turned good, she just altered her motivations a bit. That was fine enough for Kamaria. She watched the way her old acquaintances battled it out on the ground, all desperate to keep their secrets safe, all trying to prove their worth. One wanted to be enough for Mommy and Daddy, one wanted to snag a wealthy spouse, one wanted to be Queen of the Upper East Side.
Kamaria dreamt of being something different.
To be something glorious, to be something fearsome—a neon demon, a girl against God, a killer queen with sharp claws and sharper teeth, always looking for something to sink her fangs into and never let go.
Maybe one day she would ask the question: How? It wouldn’t matter. Kamaria could look back on every moment of her life where she went too far or got too mean and she knew she could ask if a single moment in her life had been more impactful than another, if something had changed her more than anything else.
It didn’t matter.
She was born rotten.
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whitewallweddings · 4 months
I have over 10 years of experience in the wedding photography (vancouver wedding photographer) industry with experience with local, destination & elopements. I am more than willing to travel all over Canada, so please get in touch if you’re planning a wedding outside of BC or Alberta.
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willow-and-wolf · 5 years
Canadian Elopement Photographers - Mt Assiniboine
Backcountry Helicopter Hiking Elopement
Emma & Colby
Canadian Elopement Photographers 
As Canadian Elopement Photographers, we are always looking for epic mountain locations to suggest to couples. When we aren’t shooting weddings we are usually hiking and camping in the endless Canadian backcountry.  On all our personal trips we keep an eye out for amazing landscapes and unique settings. Ever since our first backcountry hiking trip into Mt Assiniboine Provincial Park a few years ago, we fell in love with the area. So when Emma and Colby got in contact with us wanting to do a Helicopter Elopement, we knew exactly the spot to suggest. 
“Emma and Colby decided to say their vows and elope in front of a fire in their off-grid cabin in Ontario. It was a simple ceremony but it was perfect. They wanted to plan an epic hiking adventure for their wedding photos to celebrate the day. When they first contacted us with their ideas, we couldn’t wait to be a part of it all.”
Mt. Assiniboine Backcountry Huts
Mt Assiniboine is the highest peak in the Southern Continental Ranges of the Canadian Rockies. Because of its pyramidal peak shape it is often refered to as the Matterhorn of the Rockies. There are only two ways to get into Mt Assiniboine Provincial Park. You can hike the 30km trails which we have done a few times now, or get in an Alpine Helicopter! This is one of those rare places that makes you feel like you are in true wilderness. Mountain peaks, glaciers, lakes, wildflowers and endless forests capture you as far as the eye can see.
Once you are in the park there are three options of accommodation. A beautiful campground on Lake Magog, The Naiset Huts and Mt. Assiniboine Lodge. We suggested to Emma and Colby that getting a helicopter in and staying in the Nasiet Huts for two nights would be an amazing adventure. They are very popular in the summer but after all of us calling for 8 hours on the phones we were in!
Their Story
In Emma’s words, “Colby and I met what  feels like eons ago. I was working at a car dealership selling trucks and he was my neighbour. After trading in his very noticeable vehicle, I was interested at who would daily drive such a thing. I scoped him out and introduced myself to this strange looking man. He asked for her number and the rest is history.” They instantly connected over their mutual love for adventure. Colby was into off-roading and Emma found a love for hiking through photography. After four years of adventures, they decided to sell everything and moved across the country to live completely off grid.
After they had just said goodbye to all of their family and friends and set off down the road, Colby pulled over to check one more thing. As Emma came around the back of the trailer, he was on one knee. With an engagement ring in his hand and said, “I know we have had a rough day, but will you go on this adventure with me?” Emma and Colby decided to say their vows and elope in front of a fire in their off-grid cabin in Ontario. It was a simple ceremony but it was perfect. They wanted to plan an epic hiking adventure for their wedding photos to celebrate the day. When they first contacted us with their ideas, we couldn’t wait to be a part of it all.
An Adventure Elopement in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
We love suggesting locations that we have never seen any other Canadian Elopement Photographers shoot. Mt. Assinaboine was one of those places. We couldn’t find any other wedding photos like this and that makes it so special to the couple. An adventure that is made just for them. We suggested a two day adventure in the huts because the weather in the Canadian Rocky Mountains can be touch and go, even in the summer. And we are so glad we did. In July, the middle of summer, we were dropped off into some pretty turbulent weather. In two days we had rain, hail, sleet, snow and a little bit of sun!
When we first arrived at the cabin the rain settled in. We took it was a chance to chat with other hikers arriving and make some lunch in the camp kitchen. Emma put on her makeup in front of the big cabin windows as we watched the clouds roll over the mountains. We spent the two days hiking and exploring the trails in-between storms. Finding shelter in the trees when it rained and laughing along the way. We couldn’t have asked for a sweeter couple to have gone on this journey with. We loved every minute exploring with these two. Emma was just as stoked as us with all the low clouds dancing around us and whipping her dress and hair around. 
We left this adventure elopement with full hearts. For the memories we made, the memories we captured and the beauty that we had witnessed. As Canadian Elopement Photographers, it doesn’t get much better than this! Hope you enjoy a look into Emma and Colby’s adventure.
Backcountry Hut: Naiset Huts, Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Park, British Columbia Helicopter: Alpine Helicopters Flowers: Baby’s Breath Floral Design, Lacombe Photographers: Willow & Wolf Adventure Elopements
Enjoy this Backcountry Helicopter Wedding by Canadian Elopement Photographers Willow & Wolf?
Here are more similar stories from the blog.
Mariah and Cole – Kananaskis Hiking Elopement
Charlene and Tyler – Revelstoke Waterfall Elopement
Canadian Elopement Photographers – Mt Assiniboine was originally published on Willow & Wolf Wedding Photography
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Bridal Party - Tete Jaune Wedding by Shauna Stanyer (Northern Pixel) Via Flickr: Photos from Alyssa & Nick's romantic mountain wedding in the Mount Robson, Valemount, and Tete Jaune area of British Columbia, Canada. It was a beautiful fall day, and we had such an amazing time. Here's a few photos of the bridal party, taken near Tete Jaune and Valemount BC. You can see more photos from their wedding day on our Northern Pixel Photography Blog Or you can check out our Website or find us on Facebook
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2480
i actually got some schoolwork done today! i'm sure most of it can be done much quicker and in far fewer lines of code, but it works. and that's what counts.
i went out this morning to get stuff for the wedding with my mom. we got a bunch of stuff that'll be perfect - and then i found out my budget is half of what i thought it was going to be. so we're working with that. i still really want them to have a professional photographer, because good pictures are the best wedding gift, and currently where the quote i have stands, i'll probably need to chip in a couple hundred myself so we can still get it all done. which is totally fine. but the photographer i started talking to today has an elopement package which is for events with fewer than 20 people for $550 for four hours. $550!!! that's HALF or a QUARTER of other people's quotes!!!! i would sell my first born child to keep this photographer forever. i'm so excited about it.
before coming and crawling into bed, i went down a rabbit hole of etsy things and ideas for the wedding, and i bought a "guestbook" - it's a triforce box (basically) that they can put on the wall and it's SO cool.
also my mom chopped off the back of my hair today. it's nice to have less hair again.
joel was okay today, but i'm gonna check on him tomorrow to make sure. i miss him when i'm not there. but we both need our time off.
and speaking of time off, i really need a new job.
also my sister's company is definitely being bought by the people in canada. so idk if she's going with them to toronto or if she's staying here. so that's fun.
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BLOG // COVID meant that Hilary & Melissa couldn't go ahead with their original wedding plans - so, instead of canceling everything they chose to elope. ⁠
"Our wedding day – actually the whole weekend – was truly magical. It was the weekend of Canadian Thanksgiving in the Alberta Rocky Mountains. It was rainy and windy but the autumn dew was so cozy and beautiful. We spent the day before our wedding being pampered at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge with a couples spa treatment that included a mineral scrub, steam shower, face masks, and side-by-side massages with soothing essential oils in front of a crackling fireplace.⁠
Our photographer @brinaphotography met us early the next morning with our two close friends and witnesses. While getting ready, we snapped a few photos in our hotel cabin and ate a delicious breakfast spread with champagne.⁠
Our original plan was to have our ceremony outdoors on a little porch overlooking the main lake at Jasper Park Lodge. Unfortunately, it was too rainy for an outdoor ceremony, so we opted to use an empty restaurant in the lodge. Hilary was elated about this because the rustic interior and the giant Bison taxidermy head made her feel like we were having some kind of medieval, Game of Thrones-esque wedding, and honestly, I’m just happy we were able to fulfill her fantasy!⁠
Our ceremony was quick and fun. Our officiant was lovely and prepared such thoughtful words to share with us during the ceremony. We wrote our own vows together and it was really special being able to share them so intimately in such a private setting. There is something so beautiful about breaking tradition and making your day about you."⁠
...we've got every detail of this magic elopement for you, over on the blog.
Captured by @brinaphotography⁠
Attire @bhldn⁠
Location & Catering @fairmonthotels⁠
Officiant - Laura Klotz @ Canada
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catholicartistsnyc · 4 years
Meet Vancouver-based Photographer Colleen Umali
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COLLEEN UMALI is a Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada-based wedding and portrait photographer.  [website | instagram]
Colleen shared with the Catholic Artist Connection about her work as a wedding photographer and how to thrive spiritually during a pandemic. Read our full interview below! 
Where are you from originally, and what brought you to your current city?
I was born and raised in Manila, Philippines but when I was 7 years old, my parents felt the call to move to Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver is home and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
How do understand your vocation as a Catholic artist? Do you call yourself a Catholic artist? 
In the past, I’ve never thought of myself as a Catholic artist. I just saw myself as another kid on the Internet with a passion for photography while being unashamedly Catholic. I try to be as authentic as I can on social media and sometimes post reflections on God’s goodness.
Photographing weddings has always been my dream. I would do it occasionally for family and friends when they asked, but never seriously considered turning it into a business. But the Lord in His goodness knew these desires of my heart, and in the midst of a global pandemic, He turned this dream into a reality. I began to receive clients out of nowhere. One bride hired me specifically because she saw I had experience in photographing Catholic weddings. This was a huge moment of realization that unintentionally, all the weddings I photographed in the past were all Catholic weddings. 
Today, I do see myself as a Catholic artist. Sure, elopement photos on a mountaintop are beautiful, but I’m not here to show off pretty pictures. My purpose behind launching a wedding photography business (on top of a full time career) is to honor the Lord through the sanctity of marriage. It is so beautiful to witness how He works in people’s lives to bring them together, and I find so much joy in helping couples tell this story. I love getting to know the couples I work with, and there is nothing better than having deep conversations with them about God’s goodness.
Where in Vancouver do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?
I love my church, St. Matthew’s Parish, because the community is so vibrant and filled with many young people striving to follow the Lord. The youth group’s monthly Adoration nights are always so beautiful. I also serve as a leader for University Christian Outreach (UCO) here in the Vancouver chapter. During the pandemic, we couldn’t meet in person with the university students so we began to hold worship nights over Zoom. At one event, students from other chapters joined us. Despite time differences, we were able to worship with students from Israel, LA, Calgary and Michigan! I also find spiritual fulfillment from regularly meeting up (over Zoom) with like-minded women for book studies, Bible studies and heartfelt, Christ centered conversations. 
What is your daily spiritual practice?
No matter how busy I am, I try to start every day in prayer. I find that when I offer up my day to Jesus, the stresses become a little less stressful. I like to read the daily Mass readings and the reflections from Blessed is She. My women’s group is currently doing the Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible Study so I try to read a few chapters a day. I also like to have a mini praise and worship session alone in my car on my drives to work. I’m currently loving Maverick City Music!
How do you financially support yourself as an artist?
I have a full time job doing kidney research for a large Vancouver biotech. I love my career and the opportunity to make a difference through science. Wedding photography is my passion and I don’t see it as a means of steady income but as a creative outlet. I love meeting people and telling their unique stories. I am still doing my best to put myself and my business out there in a competitive market with wedding photographers on every corner. But in keeping photography as a passion, I’m able to do what I love without the pressure of having to earn enough to make ends meet.
What are your top 3 pieces of advice for Catholic artists post-graduation?
1. Surround yourself with people who support, motivate and push you to become the best version of yourself! I wouldn’t be where I am right now if it wasn’t for my best friend saying “you’re launching your website tonight. No excuses.”
2. Believe in yourself! You are worthy and you are good enough. God gave you these talents for a reason. Use them to glorify Him.
3. Let God do the rest. Whether your art remains a passion or becomes a source of income — follow where He leads. Follow His will for your life and you’ll never be disappointed.
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(C) Colleen Umali 
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palasphotos-blog · 4 years
Photos by Pala Mikayla
Business Name: -
Photos by Pala Mikayla
 Street Address: -
1090 Oswell Dr
 City: -
 State: -
British Columbia (BC)
 Zip Code: -
 Country: -
 Business Phone : -
(604) 966-1330
 Website: -
 Facebook: -
 LinkedIn: -
 Instagram: -
 YouTube: -
 Business Description : -
Photos by Pala Mikayla is one of the best wedding photographers based in Kelowna, British Columbia and travels the world taking pictures. She also provides engagement photos, family photos, branding photos, and lifestyle photos. Get your location wedding or elopement pictures taken by a real professional photographer who loves capturing the best moments of peoples lives.
 Business Timing: -
24 hrs
 Payment Methods: -
 Products or Services: -
Wedding Photos, Family photos, Engagement Photos, Elopement Photos, Baby Photos, Head shot Photos
 Number of Employees: -
 Yearly Revenue: -
100,000-500,000 USD
 Owner Name: -
Pala Mikalya Kovacs
Location:- https://g.page/Palasphotos?share
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Service Areas:- https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=17WlrWnjHbVqM0ho5rwD1xdVcBmGb-MW-
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atlanticcanada · 3 years
'It is an amazing concept': Wolfville, N.S. welcomes Vegas-style wedding chapel
Couples eager to say 'I do' can kiss the single life goodbye at the newly opened Wolfville Wedding Chapel in Wolfville, N.S.
Justice of the Peace Sarah Anderson says opening a Vegas-style chapel has been a dream of hers for quite some time.
“I’ve been to Vegas, I love the Vegas wedding chapels,” she says. “I love that whole idea of in-and-out, kitschy, fun.”
Anderson is also the creator of East Coast Pop Up Weddings - a company that offers elopements and small wedding packages around the region.
“I saw the space available in Wolfville a few months ago and as soon as I walked in, I thought, okay, this is where the wedding chapel will be,” she explains.
From neon lights, to cheetah décor and disco balls, couples will even tie the knot in the presence of a statue of the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley.
There’s even a photo booth.
It’s some of the many ways Anderson and her team are bringing the Valley of Fire to the Annapolis Valley.
“I’m very excited about it,” says wedding chapel photographer, Janette Downie. “I think it is an amazing concept, to have something that is unique and different as opposed to a lot of the weddings that I have shot over my career.”
Getting hitched at Sarah’s chapel is simple and stress-free, just like in Las Vegas.
Couples have the option of choosing a package, followed by a date and time.
“Before you show up, make sure you apply for and receive your marriage license from the province of Nova Scotia,” she advises. “Then, we’ll get you married.”
Area business owners say the Wolfville Wedding Chapel is a perfect addition to the town’s culture and charm.
The co-president of the Wolfville Business Development Corporation’s Board of Directors says she is thrilled with Sarah’s business idea.
“Her vibe is all about fun, and this is kitschy and neat and yet classy, kind of like Sarah,” says Lynda MacDonald.
Anderson says she is offering a free giveaway for an Annapolis Valley wedding package.
She says couples that book a wedding at the chapel before Canada Day will be entered to win.
“This is the closest that I’ve been to Vegas, and I think that this is amazing,” adds Downie.
Because after all, what happens in Wolfville, could turn into your happily ever after.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/3gwvPPn
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gutterdreams · 7 years
Can't sleep any longer. Thought I'd do a little wedding planning. My fiancé and I have decided to elope, so we are going just the two of us on a wedding road trip and driving through some of Canada and some of the US (we have a stop about four days in where we are saying our vows and have a photographer and all that) in July, so even though it's just us two, an open road, and a dress that I want to be buried in, there's still planning and it's the worst.
How does anyone get married? Nothing has made me less romantic than wedding planning.
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eophotographynj · 4 years
Wedding Photography Weekly | Episode 3
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New elopements course will be out next Tuesday: https://www.taylorjacksoncourses.com/members (My presets/contract/EVERY course I've ever made is also there for instant access) Standalone presets for wedding photographers: https://www.taylorjacksoncourses.com/lightroom-presets-complete-collection (But sign up for a month rather than just buying them straight out) Table of contents: 00:00:00 How This Year is Different in Wedding Photography 00:04:46 Elopements 00:07:36 Canon R5 00:09:05 Fuji XT4 00:10:35 Outsourcing Less 00:12:00 Nikon 58mm f1.4G 00:14:11 How To Submit Questions 00:16:00 $100 Image Challenge 00:17:03 120 FPS or 60 FPS / 4K vs 1080p 00:18:42 Pixieset 00:20:45 - Unmotivated Second Photographers 00:23:49 - Getting Better Skin Tones 00:24:30 - Does Pineapple Belong on Pizza? 00:26:40 - Where Do You Want to Travel Again 00:28:10 - WPPI 2021 00:31:30 - Tailoring Your Business Around Your Happiness 00:32:51 - Follow Up Emails 00:35:22 - Packages on Website or Email Only? 00:37:12 - HUGE FACEBOOK MARKETING TIPS 00:40:47 - Battery Grips 00:42:14 - Hybrid Coverage Tips - Audio 00:44:23 - Backlit Photos 00:47:22 - Crop Mode In Camera? 00:49:27 - Working With Large Groups of People 00:51:10 - Compositions 00:52:26 - What Weddings Photo Trends Should Go? 00:54:50 - Building a Portfolio in a New Town 00:57:37 - Nickel and Dime Clients 00:59:10 - Only Doing Video 1:02:50 - Mics for Hybrid Coverage 1:07:16 - Can I Move To Canada? 1:07:43 - Are Weddings Different Now? 1:08:23 - Facebooks Ads for Family Photography 1:11:00 - What Are Cocktail Hours? 1:11:42 - Clients Ghosting After Meetings 1:13:25 - Will You Come to Germany 1:14:49 - 1 Recommendation for Introvert Photographers 1:16:24 - 3 Things I Wish I Knew When Getting Started 1:18:35 - Squarespace or Pixieset 1:19:44 - Less Annoying Off Camera Flash Work 1:21:30 - Following Up or Letting Clients Be 1:22:06 - Advice to Past Self 1:23:01 - Do I Have an Intern Program? 1:23:27 - Simple Audio for Highlight Films 1:24:38 - Destination Wedding Pricing / Packages 1:26:07 - Camera for Commercial Video 1:29:00 - Legally Working in Other Countries 1:31:35 - How To Submit Questions for Next Week 1:32:18 - Elopement Course Coming Next Week #photography #weddingphotography #weddingphotographers
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whitewallweddings · 4 months
WHITEWALL Weddings: At the heart of my work as a wedding photographer (Vancouver Wedding Photographer) is the desire to create images that not only capture the beauty of the moment but also preserve the memories that couples will cherish for a lifetime. Whether it's the tender embrace of a newlywed couple against the backdrop of a majestic mountain range or the joyous celebration of family and friends on a sun-drenched beach, each image tells a story and evokes emotions that transcend time and place. And as an Australian photographer living in Canada, I feel incredibly privileged to be able to play a part in capturing these timeless moments and preserving them for generations to come.
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thesnapshotcafe · 4 years
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Elopements | Intimate Weddings | Multi-days Celebrations 私密婚禮|小型婚禮|多天慶祝 大流行給我們帶來了很多混亂,也給了我們一個反思的機會。 對於婚禮,由於各國場地的封鎖或關閉,許多新人不得不推遲大日子,但是,沒有什麼能阻止我們彼此相愛。 經歷了這些混亂之後,許多新人選擇在這個空前的時間裡結婚。 一些新人也抓住這個機會,舉行一場夢想中的小資婚禮。 封鎖已慢慢解除,您打算很快結婚嗎? 我們發布了些帖子中提議小型婚禮和多天的慶祝活動建議。 https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ Many couples, after experiencing all these chaos, choose to get married in this unprecedented period of time. Some couples would also grab this opportunity to have a small wedding of their dream without breaking the bank. Lockdown has been lifted slowly, are you planning to get married soon? 只要簽署文件,您就可以在任何地方舉行慶典。 您可以和好友去打保齡,共享一大桶的雞翅和比薩,而不必參加正式的酒會。 (如您想的高,當然也可以有酒會。) 沒有人喜歡像講課一樣的演講,其實您可以坐在營火旁分享愛情故事。 無論是否跳舞,要否切蛋糕,這些都是您的選擇。 您不喜歡的話,也不需要以煙花來作散場。 實際上,我們想拍攝一下您開始新家庭的方式。 按照自己的風格結婚-那就是私密式婚禮。 Tips for Planning 規劃提示: 1.根據您的愛情故事製定活動 – 您想在哪裡與伴侶共處? 什麼樣的活動代表您的性格? 2. 考慮一下全日的安排 – 大多數人只想到註冊儀式。 實際上,您的愛情值得用一天去慶祝,而不僅僅是1或2個小時。 對於您而言,這個婚禮日(無論它多麼小或您將其視為僅簽署文件的一天,又或者是您即將舉行的大型慶祝活動前的另一天)與大型婚禮一樣重要。 這是因為您和您的另一半值���這樣的慶祝。 3. 投資在能讓您們保留愛的回憶的物品和活動。 4.Invite guests who are important to you both.邀請對你倆都重要的賓客。 用創意去計劃,可採用下面的例子作為參考: Mary & Martin Destination Elopement | 14/2/2021 Getting Ready: Ca’ Sagredo Hotel, Venice Ceremony: on Gondola Additional Portrait: Around the City, The Glass CathedralMeal/Celebration:The Gritti Terrace in The Gritti Palace, Met in Hotel Metropole 7:00 am – Wake up, Quick Breakfast 8:00 am – Makeup artist arrive, start getting ready 9:00 am – Photographer and videographer arrive for boudoir shoot, details and getting ready shots 10:00 am – Bouquet arrive, Dress up First Look, Travel to The Glass Cathedral by water bus 1:00 pm – Lunch in The Gritti Terrace at The Gritti Palace, touch up, walk to Gondola station nearby 樂意為您提供協助。 我們可以與您一同計劃夢想婚禮的細節,計劃拍攝照片及錄像。 今日就聯繫我們吧。 #ccil #chinesechurch #hongkongbride #chinesebride #chinesebridetobe #engagementphotography #snapshot #britishchinese #chinesebritish #chineseinLondon #britishmalaysian #singaporeanbride #britishbornchinese #weddingphotographers #hongkongbride2021 #hongkongbridetobe #hongkongcouple #hongkong #闺蜜照 #影相好去处 #海外婚纱摄影 #海外婚纱 #旅摄 #香港婚纱摄影 #海外旅拍 #闺蜜照 #摄影 #婚纱摄影 #情侣 #婚摄 (at Canada Water) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCyzbBCBPJv/?igshid=1hyxdre5aaddv
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willow-and-wolf · 3 years
Moody Wedding Photos in Banff National Park
Banff Elopement Photographers
Mushfika & Enayat
Moody Wedding Photos in Banff National Park
These moody wedding photos in Banff National Park were so much fun to photograph! We planned a sunrise session with Mo and Enayat and we were surprised with a low fog hanging in the valley. This creates the most beautiful mist through the trees and the light was so soft and beautiful all morning.
Planning an Adventure Session for your Wedding Photos
These two got married in Canmore the day before this session. It was a beautiful day with their family in the mountains. They knew they also wanted to do something special for their wedding portraits when they came across our work. Together we decided on a sunrise session at Moraine Lake the following morning after their wedding. One of our favourite drive-up locations in Banff National Park.
Preparing for an Adventure Session at Moraine Lake in Banff National Park
Moraine Lake is a very popular location just outside of Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada. It is known for its turquoise waters and incredible scenery but access is very limited due to its small parking lot. For this reason, the only way to secure access is by getting up super early! Mo and Enayat didn’t sleep at all after their reception before having to drive out for their session. They wanted to squeeze in as much as possible in their trip from Toronto.
Mo wore the most incredible green dress that she has planned to go with the landscape. She absolutely nailed it! Her dress was one of the most beautiful outfits I had ever seen and complimented the green and blue shades of the forest and lake so perfectly. Enayat, you looked pretty sharp too! Not only were these two a pleasure to photograph but they were two of the kindest humans we have ever met. We feel so lucky to have shared this time together.
We hope you love looking through these photos as much as we enjoyed capturing them!
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Your Narrative blog will appear here, click preview to see it live. For any issues click here
Location: Moraine Lake, Banff National Park Photographers: Willow and Wolf Videographers: Style Video
Moody Wedding Photos in Banff National Park was originally published on Willow and Wolf Banff Elopement Photographers
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Mount Robson BC Wedding Photography
Mount Robson BC Wedding Photography by Shauna Stanyer (Northern Pixel) Via Flickr: Photos from Alyssa & Nick's romantic mountain wedding in the Mount Robson, Valemount, and Tete Jaune area of British Columbia, Canada. We had such an amazing time moving from location to location. There were so many great photography opportunities at every turn... with an amazing field, an old wooden wall, and an amazing rainbow with the mountains in the background to top it all off. You can see more photos from their wedding day on our Northern Pixel Photography Blog Or you can check out our Website or find us on Facebook
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Big weddings aren't for everyone. Sometimes flying to a glacial mountain in Canada via a private helicopter is everything a couple needs to make their wedding day unforgettable ❤ Wow! What an elopement! Photographed by @maddiemaephoto (at Canada)
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