#Can’t believe it’s wrong to tell people that this shit isn’t okay
ladyisabelsblade · 2 days
My Live Reactions to X-Men Origins: Wolverine
A text thread between me and my friend.
Just watched the opening sequence and it’s so fucking funny when you’re high
Dude that guy with the two guns, his sequence kind of slapped
And then the other guy punched a tank. Yo….
This Deadpool looks like an idiot with the swords but he’s still pretty funny lol
Why does he know Swahili?????
Oh no! They’re colonizers!!???
But not Wolverine, he cares about black people, that’s how you can tell he’s the good guy
Little brother, breaking cycles of abuse
--wolverine says racism is wrong! --have u seen his cartoon claws yet?
They didn’t look that bad but I am high so I don’t care
The action sequences aren’t half as bad as in last stand
Or at least I’m too high to notice if they are lol
--u see a lot of hugh jackman nipples
Lumberjack Wolverine, wow
Just wow he’s wow
"Your country needs you” “I’m Canadian”
Aw, I like this girl. She’s so gonna die
What the fuck is this stupid story?
Even Logan thinks it’s stupid.
Most clumsily overt foreshadowing ever
Oop, yep she dying
--lmao --yea she lasts under 10 mins thats hilarious
Damn fucking eviscerated
Manly man scream
He ruthless
--relatable tbh
He’s so oiled up
Damn the dramatic irony is dramatic irony-ing
The Adamantium looks like the aftermath of a lush bath bomb
--ooooh ur not at the cartoon claws yet --he’s still all boney
Cover up your tits you preening slut precursor
They look so stupid just do practical effects you idiots
I should have seen that coming
--who exploded things?
Everyone but Logan exploding the helicopter was slay queen
--lol this movie is such a blur for me, i love reexperiencing in real time
Oh this is the bad part
Fucking blob omg
--ah yes --and will i am
I like will I am he ain’t bad
And boxer Logan, boxer Logan is saving this scene for me
--idr him good or bad, i just remember he's will i am
He is
I laughed so hard when his name came up during the opening credits
--its a great jumpscare
Local man discovers his girlfriend was fridged for his character development
--is this the first time uv seen gambit in something? like have u seen him in the cartoons or stuff?
and poker? This is like combining every old lady white woman’s wet dream together: lumberjack, boxer, poker player
No I’ve never seen the cartoons man
--by far the most loved x-man
gambit slays here dude
Will I am dead
--u have the best one liners omg
I’m over an hour in and I’m really enjoying this movie, being high is really elevating my experience
--its probably greaat high ngl
It’s just like fun moment after fun moment, I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense
--its my dad's favorite hated movie --its so fun
He’s right, I can’t believe you told me this was worse than last stand
--idr last stand at all ngl
Oh, well it was really bad
My man is more okay with jumping out of a plane than flying in one
sir this is an operating room you can’t be here
Damn, this is freaky, I thought Stryker was a creep in x2
oh it’s mystique isn’t it
Damn that’s cold
No, poor baby he’s so sad
They were together for 6 years damn
Yo this is so dope
This fight
--have u gotten to deadpool
Kayla, now is not the time
Not yet
--thats THE thing
I know
But here he comes
Yo the black around the eyes thing kind of slayed tho
Damn fucking sliced his head off
Oh shit damn
Do they look out for eachother because you kind of suck ass victor
Kayla come on don’t die
girl this movies good I don’t know what you’re talking about
That was so slay Kayla
But you’re still probably dying
he don’t even remember her that’s so fucking sad dude
damn wtf tear my heart out why don’t ya
This movies cheesy but it’s hitting all the right beats
Like this is a pretty good origin story movie
Probably a horrible stand alone movie, but if I pretend like I’m watching a bunch of flashbacks stitched together it’s pretty good
Oooo two post credits scenes
--he kiinda does
In Deadpool 2?
--yea lol
Comes back just to die
lol he wasn’t too bad but I think I’d have a different opinion if he was sober and there weren’t already two other great Deadpool movies
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alilloserboy · 4 months
y’know, since I’m already kinda pissed off and ranting, FUCK YOU PROSHIPPERS!!! I do not give a RATS. ASS about your DOGSHIT arguments!!
There are many different studies out there about how sexual fantasies affect real life, so don’t act like they don’t have this link. You can look into the whole ‘going down the rabbit hole’ thing, because I don’t wanna make this post paragraphs long.
anyway, proshippers can fuck off. (Also, pls don’t tell proshippers to kys! Most of them are minors anyway.)
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steddielations · 2 years
It's just another boring day running the store, even more boring than normal since Robin’s out sick. There’s not any kids around either, the beanbags by the bookshelves have been empty all day.
Steve’s working his shift alone. It’s all very mundane, just waiting for the clock to run out. That is, until the door flies open.
It’s just a flash of black clothing and the clinking of metal accessories as the figure suddenly barrels right over the counter. Steve shouts and immediately reaches for the nail bat— yes the nail bat— he keeps behind the register. He brandishes it menacingly as the person stands upright.
It’s a man, with crazy wild hair and even crazier eyes, widening comically at the bat and holding his hands up. He squawks at Steve.
“Whoa, hey! What is that thing?! What the hell, man!?”
“Don’t ‘what the hell’ me, I’m the one what the helling you here!” Steve snaps back.
“Just tell me what you think you’re doing here, punk!”
Something like disbelief comes over his face, and he lowers his hands to gesture over himself, “Dude, I’m clearly a metalhead.”
“I’m gonna put some metal in your head if you don’t start talking,” Steve snarls, gripping the bat tighter.
“Okay, okay!” His hands flail, shifty eyes bugging out the front windows before he suddenly crouches down behind the counter, “Just let me hide out here for a minute, there’s— people after me that I can’t deal with right now.”
“Oh yeah, what 'people’?” Steve narrows his eyes at the expensive looking chain dangling around his neck, some kind of red pendant on it, “Did you get caught stealing from the jewelry store next door?”
Again, he gives that look, not the typical guilty look when Steve chases down the usual petty thief, he just looks like he can’t believe he’s in this situation, as if he’s not the one that hopped over the counter.
“I didn’t steal anything, alright? I just need to wait here until it’s all clear.”
“Mr. Simon is chasing you, isn’t he?” Steve groans, lowering the bat to rub his hand over his face. He hates that old jeweler, always complaining about Steve taking his parking space when he doesn’t even have a car to use it. “Christ, okay. He might have a war flashback and actually kill you, and I already have enough shit on my conscience. You got two minutes.”
“One and a half.”
“Okay, Jesus. Two please and I’ll let you have a picture after, whatever you want.”
Steve thinks it’s a weird thing to offer at first, then it clicks.
“Yeah, I do want a picture ‘cause your ass is going on the banned wall,” Steve points the bat to the array of photos on the back wall, right up there with the little pricks that kept asking what shelf the skin mags were on, and the asshole that was rude to Robin once.
The guy looks over and he… chuckles, “Starting to think I picked the wrong counter to hide behind.”
Steve glares when he’s met with the stranger’s smile, “You think?”
“The rainbows in the window caught my eye, thought they were pretty cool,” he gives Steve a kind, but measured look, “I’m assuming the bat is for people who don’t?”
That rocks Steve a little. The subtle touches of rainbow decorating the storefront were Robin’s idea, just a welcoming sign for those who know what it means, who need it. Which, apparently, is this guy too, dark eyes watching as Steve makes the connection.
Plus, the kind of kids that get off the bus and hang out in the beanbag corner of the bookstore, also tend to be the type that bullies flock to, but not here, Steve makes sure of that. Not with the nail bat, that’s for things more serious than school bullies.
“Is that who’s after you?” Steve asks, shooting a look out the window. His gut starts to twist in some form of empathy for the guy, it would make sense why he hurtled inside so quickly.
“No, nothing like that, but I still need to lay low for a second.”
Steve squints, empathy gone.
“Okay well, the bat is for thieves too, then. You know, Mr. Simon might be a mean old shit, but he doesn’t deserve to be stolen from. He’s got a family, dude.”
“Well, isn’t that admirable. Look, I appreciate what you’re doing here, the whole local protector, vigilante bat-man thing, it’s pretty badass,” A pun. This would-be thief really just made a damn pun about Steve’s would-be murder weapon. “But I didn’t take anything from anyone, Stevie boy.”
Pun forgotten, Steve grips the bat tighter, demanding to know, “How do you know my name?”
Another annoying smile as the guy gestures to his chest, where Steve’s name tag is. Right.
“Tell me yours,” he counters, noticing how the guy’s smile falters, looking hesitant, crouching lower, hiding. Steve sighs, “I’m not gonna go to the cops, man. Your face is going on the wall and your name is going on the list.”
This guy is just smirking way too much for someone in his situation, “Wow, I must be real special then. It’s Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
“Okay then, Munson,” Steve narrows his eyes at the necklace again, “If you didn’t take anything, then where’d you get that chain, huh?”
This Eddie looks caught off guard, his mouth already formed into some excuse that Steve cuts off.
“Just hand it over,” he flourishes the bat this time, satisfied with how Eddie looks both impressed and intimidated. His eyes stay on Steve as he removes the necklace, dark and alive with something, like he’s enjoying this somehow.
“Okay fine, easy with that thing, big boy. You can keep it for now as collateral for letting me stay.”
He passes Steve the chain, and Steve doesn’t want to fuss with his jean pockets so he just slips it over his head, Eddie’s eyes tracking where it falls around his neck. He sees it’s not a pendant like he thought, it’s a red guitar pick resting against his chest. Not Simon’s usual merchandise, but the chain definitely is, it’s expensive, Steve can tell.
“But, as good as it looks on you, I’m gonna need it back when you realize it’s not stolen.”
Annoyance. That’s the flare of heat Steve feels, it has to be, this whole exchange is getting him hot under the collar. He obviously knows Eddie’s hitting on him, not the first time he caught someone up to no good, and they clocked the rainbows and tried to flirt their way out of it. And this guy isn’t bad looking, maybe under different circumstances in a nice bar somewhere, Steve would flirt right back, but he’s not falling for it now.
He’s glad the couple minutes are up, doesn’t know why he checks out the windows to make sure it’s all clear for Eddie.
Bat still in hand, he makes Eddie stand while he fishes out the polaroid camera behind the counter.
“Don’t you want to get in the photo?” Eddie asks.
Steve’s free hand snaps to his hip, “And why would I want that?”
“Right,” Eddie grins, sticking out his tongue when Steve holds up the camera, throwing up that same hand sign that Dustin keeps making nowadays when the flash goes off. “No fun kissin’ a picture of yourself. Or, maybe it is when you look like you do.”
Steve rolls his eyes, “Playing cute with me isn’t gonna get you off the hook,” and sits the newly printed polaroid on the counter, ignoring the way his cheeks feel hot. It’s just the adrenaline coming down.
He finally puts the bat away, still watching warily as Eddie comes closer, picking up a pen and scribbling what looks to be his phone number on the photo.
“Gotta say, this was nice, Steve. I’d love to do it again sometime,” he smirks, hopping back over the counter the same way he came, “I mean it though, give me a call about that necklace. What kinda rockstar would I be without my lucky guitar pick?”
“Yeah right,” Steve snorts, “I don’t wanna catch you around here again. I never forget a face, Munson, especially not yours.”
“I’m flattered,” he pats his hand over his heart, then throws Steve a wave as he pushes open the door, “Keep that up and you can call me anytime.”
One last wink that sort of makes Steve’s chest flutter and he’s gone. It’s nothing, just some crazy guy that annoyed him half to death, and he hopes he never sees again.
When his shift ends later that evening, he goes next door to try and return the necklace to Mr. Simon, but he insists that it wasn’t stolen from his shop.
Steve’s starting to think he may have accidentally robbed someone at nail-bat-point. But it’s not possible because that’s not possible. How do you accidentally rob someone? What crime would he even be charged with? A little oopsie burglary? Ridiculous.
No, the old man is just out of his mind and doesn’t recognize his own shit. It’s the only thing that would make sense in that whole bizarre situation. Who else would Eddie have been ‘hiding’ from? Why else was it so urgent that he handed over the necklace without much fuss?
It’s not until days later when Dustin hops onto the counter that Steve really realizes.
“Steve,” Dustin says slowly, “Why am I looking at a picture of Eddie freaking Munson on the banned wall?”
Steve looks around, “That guy? You know him? I caught him stealing from Mr. Simon the other day.”
“You— He— What!? He was here?” Dustin sputters, “Steve, I’m 1000% sure he wasn’t stealing shit! What did you do to him?”
“I did my job, Henderson. I banned him from the store and got back the necklace he took— What— Why are you looking at me like that?”
It’s over the course of the next conversation, getting completely chewed up and spit out by Dustin that Steve learns he didn’t just accidentally rob someone.
He accidentally robbed a world famous rockstar.
Steve spends the next few days so deeply embarrassed that he can’t even dare to pick up the phone. He gave Eddie such a hard time when all he needed was a place to hide out so he didn’t get mobbed by fans and paparazzi.
Looking back on it, knowing what he knows now, Eddie handled it with such grace. Steve’s even more ashamed, not because of the whole rockstar thing, but because it's shitty to hurl accusations and a deadly nail bat at anyone, and take their stuff on top of that.
He finally bolsters up the courage to dial the number. As soon as he hears ‘what’s up, it’s Munson’ on the other line, he lets loose a string of apologies and a promise to give the necklace back as soon as he can.
It gets cut short with that same chuckle that still gives him a warm chill even down the phone line.
“Keep it. Looks better on you,” he can hear the smile in Eddie’s voice, “But that means you’re gonna have to come to my show tonight. Can’t play without my lucky guitar pick, can I?”
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hibiscusol · 6 months
IVY - rafe cameron .⋆·˚ ༘ *
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warnings: language and mentions of alcohol
summary: rafe came back after swearing he never would.
author's note: we are sooo back guys :]
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The moment Rafe’s hand snaked up your waist after three years of no contact, your mind went full-blank.
You never thought that Rafe, of all people - who are you kidding, you always did - would come back one day after swearing on his dad that he never would.
It’s not like he ever really liked his dad anyway.
So as you turned around in shock to connect your drunk glossy eyes to his, it felt wrong. So wrong. Sarah had told you he’d found someone new. That he’d found a pretty blonde who looked better next to him. She’d never say it to your face, but the pictures you’d see on his account screamed it at you.
It took you a second to remember that he probably mistook you for her, and you take a step back, shaking your head quickly.
“Wait, Y/N,” He whispers, and even in the bustling crowd, it reaches you just fine. You wait and turn, feeling dizzy. “Excuse me?” You say, too stunned to make up any other words. You want to shove him away and scream at him, yet his fucking beautiful blue eyes hold you in place. 
“Can we talk? By my bike?” He says, inching a little closer so that his voice would reach you. His body towers over yours and the blue and purple lights dim a little.
“No?!” You say defensively, making it sound more like a question. “Who even are you?” You say jokingly, your freshly manicured hand landing on his shoulder and pushing him slightly away. He doesn’t resist. He takes a step back and puts his hands up in understanding. “Y/N. Please. I need to tell you some things I needed to tell you all those years ago.” 
You feel your eyes sting, and a tear rolls away. You instantly turn away from him to the backyard, looking at all the half-naked people in the pool, even though your eyes are getting blurry.
He doesn’t say anything. He knows you. He waits for you to turn around.
“Your drinking problem never went away, did it?” You finally manage, barely saying it without crying. Your voice breaks, but he doesn’t notice it with the loud sound of bass-boosted Travis Scott playing in the background.
“No, Y/N, I know I’m drunk. Which is probably why I’m not rethinking this. Just 5 minutes. Please.” He says, frowning. He sounds like he’s going to cry too.
“Isn’t she here?” You spit out, rolling your eyes. Your heart has never beaten so fast before. You believe him. It must’ve been a big deal if it’s still breaking him after three years. “I tried to make me and her work. She’s not you.” He says and your heart stops.
It fucking stops.
“Rafe, stop it. You’re being mean,” You say, raising your voice. You don’t want to believe him. You don’t want to believe all the tears you shed were for nothing. You don’t want to believe when Sarah told you herself that his brother sucked, you felt like the only person who understood yourself. You hated him, yet you loved him too. And you didn’t want to believe he was sorry. You wanted to get the closure and move on. But every day, you found yourself refusing to take the picture of you and him off your bedstand. Just in case this happened.
“Mean? Y/N, what are you saying? I…” He says and you interrupt. “No, Rafe, I’m not fucking falling for this again.” You say and shake your head. Your hands are feeling so empty. You want to grab his flesh, hug him, and tell him you forgive him. For ignoring your calls when things would be rough at home all those years ago. For getting wasted and coming home, yelling at you because his dad had cut his only source of income for his rich shit. You wanna tell him it’s okay, that he was 17 and you know he didn’t know life isn’t just about that. But you can’t. Because what if he doesn’t think that like you do? What if that girl is waiting for him to come back with her drink?
“For what? Baby, I…” His voice breaks again when he calls you baby, and your body stiffens. He sounds broken and you can’t help but put your hand on his shoulder. “Don’t call me that,” You say, making it sound like advice and not a threat. “You should leave, you’re not feeling okay. You’re out of your…” You say and he shakes his head. “No, Y/N, I’m not okay because you won’t let me talk to you. I didn’t want to ruin your night, I just… I have to tell you how I feel. I’ve bottled it up for too long.”
A tear rolls down your face, and he notices it. “Don’t cry, I’m… I’m sorry.” There you go. He’s said it. He’s sorry.
The magic word. It goes through your brain and every single cell, making you shiver. You nod involuntarily, wiping your tears away with the palm of your hand. “You’re crying too.” You say, looking down at the space between the two of you. He’s wearing the shoes you bought him for his 17th birthday.
“I am.” He says and sniffs, looking away. He chuckles to lighten the mood and lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry for everything. I was a kid and I didn’t realize what I was doing wrong. I know better now.” He says and nods repeatedly. 
“And I’m not with her. I… we didn’t even like each other like that. She once asked me if I was gay because of how uninterested I was.” He says and you laugh. The fact that something not even funny could sound funny coming out of his mouth makes you blush. He smiles from ear to ear when he hears your laugh. “I missed that laugh.” He whispers.
“So… do you forgive me?” He says and your smile disappears. “Wait, Y/N, don’t be like that. I’ve changed. I’ll change more. I’ll change however you want if it means I’ll have you again…”
“Okay, Rafe, I understand.” You say and nod. “I just… why three years? Where were you?” You say and rub your forehead.
He takes a deep breath and puts his drink down. He hesitates to cup your face, but then you give him the nod of permission, and he does. “Because I wasn’t in a good enough place to be with you. I wanted you to be with someone you truly deserved, even if it wasn’t me.”
The next few seconds happen before you can digest his words. His lips part and gently crash onto yours, making your breath get stuck in your throat. His head leans forward and his thumb caresses your jawline as you melt into him. You smile through the kiss and your arms snake around his neck, pulling him closer. 
He pulls away abruptly and you frown. “Wha…” You try to protest but he stops you. “As much as I would love to keep on kissing you and more, I’m not here for this tonight. I’m not too drunk to drive so let’s go under that one tree we always hung out under. Come on.” His words make you chuckle as he pulls on your hand through the crowd, leading you to his bike. No matter how intoxicated you both are, you feel safe with him for the first time, because you know he’s not the same person he was all those years ago.
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FROM LOVE ACTUALLY *  assorted dialogue from the 2003 film, adjust as necessary
it’s the saddest part of my day, leaving you.
if you look for it, i’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around.
i could just have him murdered.
thank you, i’ll think about it.
ruthless trained killers are just a phone call away.
to me, you are perfect.
can you give me any clues at all?
well the truth is… actually… i’m in love.
i really want to know.
there’s nothing i can do about it.
i thought it would be something worse.
tell her that you love her.
okay, that sounds fine. bit boring, but fine.
that sounds so bizarre.
that is genuinely bad timing.
american girls would seriously dig me with my cute british accent.
they've done it. it's official.
this is shit, isn't it?
i was hoping you'd win.
christmas is for people with someone they love in their lives.
so... what's this big news then?
it was always going to be a total shit time.
oh, don't be disgusting. get out of my house.
look at the sign on the door.
you’ll always regret it if you don’t.
well, this is a surprise.
has it been a good visit?
we got what we came for.
you never talk to me. you don’t like me.
you can just show yourself out, can’t you?
do you think everybody knows?
tell me, if you were in my position, what would you do?
would you wait around to find out?
oh god, i am so in the wrong.
you’ve also made a fool out of me.
ask me anything you like. i’ll tell you the truth.
god, i wish you hadn’t turned that down.
shit, i can’t believe i just said that.
basically, you’re fucked, aren’t you?
this is shit, isn’t it?
where the fuck is my fucking coat?
thank you very much, but no.
actually, i was being serious.
it would be great if we could be friends.
it’s a terrible, terrible mistake.
you’re not who i think you are, are you?
who do you have to screw around here to get a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit?
i will miss you. and your very slow typing. and your very bad driving.
i’ll give you anything you ask for, as long as it’s not something i don’t want to give.
i’m very busy and important. how can i help you?
oh, shut your face.
actually, i don’t have to go.
true love lasts a lifetime.
so what’s this big news, then?
life is full of interruptions and complications.
oh no. that is so inconvenient.
i very much like the look of you.
send an embarrassingly big car and i’ll be there!
i never asked you how your love life is going.
the thing about romance is… people only get together right at the very end.
look at the sign on the door!
loitering around the jewelry section, i see!
a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
i think you’re not surprised.
oh my god, i’ve got a terrible stomach ache.
how will you be celebrating?
all i want for christmas is you.
you would have broken my heart if you’d said yes.
the nurses are trying to kill me.
are you sure you don’t mind me going without you?
i love you even when you’re sick and look disgusting.
did i mention that i love you?
i look quite pretty.
no one’s ever going to shag you if you cry all the time.
hello. i heard you were gorgeous.
i’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.
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waynes-multiverse · 5 months
Plastic Hearts – Part 25
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Pairing: Director!Dean Winchester x Actress!Reader
Series Summary: Los Angeles, 1985. Y/N’s a young actress without any success, hopping from one failed audition to the next until one desperate mistake brings her to her breaking point. Dean Winchester, on the other hand, is a grade A asshole and washed-up director at the end of his career, known for his godawful slasher movies in the 70s and his love for blow, booze, and women. Lost in the toxic Hollywood life, their paths cross when one hopeless little wrestling show changes their trajectory.
Chapter Warnings: +18, a tinge of angst, FLUFF
Word Count: 5.7k
A/N: I'm not sad... 🥲 Honestly, I don't have words beyond gratitude and cliché goodbyes, so let's end this journey together 🤍
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25. Dare
“Ugh, I can’t believe you convinced everyone to come out here,” Jo groans and raises her flat palm to her brows, shielding her eyes from the scalding desert sun. “What the fuck is wrong with Palm Springs, huh?”
“C’mon, we’ve always wanted to go to Joshua Tree together since we moved to LA. This is like the perfect time,” Y/N argues cheerfully and nudges her friend with her elbow. “Look! It’s so peaceful.”
“There’s a dead carcass over there. Looks like a symbol of my marriage,” Jo deadpans.
Y/N purses her lips before compelling another positive smile to her face. “We can get rid of that. The girls really needed this after the whole Crowley debacle.”
The group left straight after the network meeting in Dean’s office this morning, which didn’t go as planned, to say the least. While several executives were surely interested, Crowley and H-ELLTV put an abrupt end to it. Apparently, they sold their fucking souls by signing a contract with the devil. Crowley’s words still rang in her ears on repeat.
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, ladies, but H-ELLTV owns your characters, which means you can’t sell them to another network. You all signed a contract and made a deal. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, fucking asshole…” Jo huffs her agreement but then throws her friend a suspicious sideways look. “What’s up with you, though? Why are you so chipper and cheerful like a fucking Disney princess? I thought you of all people would be fucking depressed and devastated about the stupid show ending.”
Y/N shrugs. “I am. I’m just trying to make the best of our last weekend together. Can’t I be happy?”
“Fuck no.” Jo shakes her head. “Something’s up with you. Usually, when you’re like this, it’s overcompensation ‘cause you’ve fucked something up. If I were still married, I’d think you’ve fucked my husband all over again. So, what did you do?”
Y/N shrugs once more and keeps her eyes trained on the sprawling desert landscape in front of her. “Nothing.”
“Dean also was a bigger asshole than usual this morning. So, I’m asking again, what shit did you fuck up now?”
“Nothing, okay? Dean’s always an asshole,” Y/N deflects defensively. Although, even she has to admit – those were some spectacularly icy green eyes this morning. Not that he ever looked directly at her or spoke with her even once. She probably would’ve turned to stone if he did.
“Fine, don’t tell. God knows I don’t fucking care,” Jo says indifferently and joins the other women as they set up their tents on the campground.
Y/N lets out a small sigh as she stares at the bluest sky she’s ever seen while the hot desert sun beams down on her. She watches the girls for a while, her heart slightly cracking at the thought this might be the last time they all hang out together. This year has been the best one she’s ever had.
But then, her heart stings even more when she thinks about the one person who isn’t here, wondering what he’s doing right now. If anything, she owes it all to him.
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Dean nurses his beer with a sigh, his green eyes barely paying attention to the half-naked girl who’s winding herself up and down a silver pole in front of him. This used to bring him joy – day-drinking at a strip club and watching tits bounce. But now all he thinks about is how that girl looks nothing like Y/N. None of them do.
“Hey, son. Startin’ early today,” Bobby notes with a chuckle as he sits down next to him.
“Yeah, they canceled the show.” And while that’s certainly true, it’s not the reason why Dean’s sulking at a titty bar.
“Too damn bad. I loved the show!” Bobby tells him enthusiastically. “It was insane. Good insane. It had everything – comedy, drama, heartache, tits, violence, a fucking wedding? There’s something for everyone there.”
“Well, uh, thanks, Bobby. Really appreciate it,” Dean tells him politely. He likes the guy, but he’s not in the mood for chitchat. He’s barely in the mood for naked women, for crying out loud. This is a deep fucking depression.
There are only two promises he’s made to himself: One, he won’t slump like he did after his last divorce. There will be no excessive drinking, which leads to excessively pathetic crying, which leads to a myriad of bad choices out of sheer desperation. Remember that awful dating videotape he made? Yes, there will be no more of that. And then there’s of course two, no drugs – no matter how much he tells himself he wants or fucking needs them. A tiny dot of hope seems to be still dormant in his plastic heart, reminding him that she might come back, and he doesn’t want to risk disappointing her once she does.
Dean has worked fucking hard to be the best version he can be – a version she doesn’t seem to give a shit about. But even he has to admit: He likes himself a lot better now, so he refuses to turn back to old comforts, albeit it’s the hardest thing he’s ever had to do.
“You guys interested in doing a floor show?”
Bobby’s words pull him from his reverie. Dean arches a brow at him, straightening a bit in his seat. “What? Here?”
Bobby rolls his eyes. “No, idjit. My wife Ellen has some stakes in a club on the Vegas Strip. She manages the hotel there, too. They’re looking for a new headliner. Just do the exact same show, night after night, 300 miles east. Vegas is where the money is. Headliners make at least 25 grand a week. You think that gym is big? We have to fill 1,100 seats.”
Dean stumps and blinks at the old man a bit baffled. “Well, uh… I’ll think about it. Talk to my partner, the girls…”
Bobby smiles and pats his shoulder as he gets up. “You do that. I’ll call you tomorrow. Now, how about a lap dance? On the house. Can pick any girl that fancies your heartache. You ain’t foolin’ an old man like me.”
Dean chuckles. “Nah, I’m good. But thanks. Think I’m gonna head home and drink myself into a coma there.”
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“It’s getting dark soon. How much longer?” Jo’s brown eyes dart to Y/N as she drags her feet over a rocky path. The sun stings less than it did when they started their little hike, but her skin feels perfectly tanned by now and the water is running low.
“Uh, I think it’s supposed to be just up ahead that hill,” Y/N muses and swirls her head around the formation of rocks that all look the same, squinting her eyes into the distance.
Jo sighs, and her stare intensifies. “You’ve been saying that for over an hour. Are we lost?”
“Noooo…” Y/N doesn’t sound convincing and surely doesn’t fool Jo with her reply.
“Alright, gimme the map.”
“I don’t have the map. I gave it to Meg.”
Jo groans and rolls her eyes, throwing her arms up in exasperation.
“What? Meg’s the trail leader. Trail leader gets the map,” Y/N defends her faux pas with reason.
“Great! So we’re fucking lost in the desert,” the blonde huffs.
Y/N chuckles lightly, mostly out of uncomfortableness and panic she tries to hide behind it. “No, there’s a trail marker right over there,” she says, pointing to a pile of rocks. “That looks manmade.”
Jo quirks her brow. “You mean like that pile of rocks? Or that one over there?”
Y/N follows her friend’s gaze, only to realize that there are lots of piles of rock that all look too fucking similar. She purses her lips and scratches her head before resting her arms on her squared-off hips. “I think we’re lost.”
“Yeah.” With an exhaustive sigh, Jo plops down on another pile of rocks and watches as the orange sun dips behind the horizon, shadows of blue slowly crawling across the desert floor and swallowing the light.
Y/N clumsily lowers herself down next to the blonde. Her leg hurts like a bitch, and the desert sand that has wound its way into her cast itches a good deal. Her hands and arms hurt as well from clinging to her crutches all afternoon. Maybe Dean was right, and this was a bad idea, after all. Why does he always have to be fucking right about everything? How can one person be so annoying and frustrating all at once?
“Well, you finally get your wish,” Jo deadpans. “We’re gonna die together.”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N says ruefully and looks at the first stars appearing in the night sky. “Maybe the stars will guide us home.”
Jo just looks at her, unamused and unsurprised. “You’ve never been camping, have you?”
Y/N twitches her shoulders apologetically. “It was only supposed to be a three-mile moderate beginner’s trail to a beautiful vista. It’s what the guidebook said.”
Jo shakes her head and blows a raspberry, hugging her knees. “Joanna Wesson, 27, found dead near a random cluster of rocks that might have looked like a trail marker. She was best known for playing Beth Crowne on the soap opera Paradise Bay before trying to revive her career on an unsuccessful wrestling show. She is survived by her son, Sammy, and her bitter ex-husband Sam with his secretary Jessica.”
“Well, at least you get an obituary,” Y/N quips. “Mine would just read: Soap Star Found Dead Next to Unidentified Woman in National Park.”
Jo even snorts at that. “Well, I’m sure Dean would cut and edit an adorable video tribute with a bunch of B-roll about you at your funeral.”
“Yeah, maybe…” Y/N pensively licks her lips, her heart doing those painful twinges again whenever she thinks of him. “You know yet what you’re gonna do next?”
“No, I-… I think I wanna produce,” Jo announces with determination in her hazel eyes. “I don’t wanna ask permission. I’m so tired of it all. For once, I wanna boss people around and tell ‘em what to do. You know, you were right.”
Baffled, Y/N raises a brow. “About what?”
“Men,” Jo says simply and then spits with fire, “I fucking hate them all. The Crowleys and the Dicks and the Cases and the Sams and the Deans… They make the choices. They dictate the terms… I’m sick of it all. I just hate asking them for anything.”
“Dean’s not so bad,” Y/N says quietly but doesn’t look at Jo. Her heart stings for the millionth time. “I got that role for the Sondheim musical. They called this morning.”
Jo’s lips curve into a soft smile that reaches her eyes. “Congrats. I’m not surprised. You were really fucking good.”
Y/N’s heart flutters a little at the compliment. Tears begin to sting her eyes. She can’t remember the last time Jo was nice to her. “Thank you.”
“You don’t seem happy about it,” Jo notes attentively.
“No, I am,” Y/N manages to choke out, but the sniffling betrays her intentions.
Y/N bobs her head, swallowing. “I think I’m ready to talk about it now.”
“Fucking finally,” Jo huffs and rubs her cold and goosebump-littered arms as the heat disappears, the nightly air bringing a fresh breeze.
“Dean told me he loves me,” Y/N confesses. “He’s in love with me.”
“Yeah, no shit. Kinda obvious,” Jo says without a twitch of surprise. “Don’t feel bad for not loving him back. That’s what they want… For us to feel bad about every single fucking thing.”
“That’s just it. I don’t think that’s how I feel,” Y/N replies and lets out a jittery sigh.
Jo’s head turns to her, eyeing her friend up and down. “And how do we feel about that? I can’t tell. It’s too dark to see your face.”
“I-, uh, I don’t exactly know,” Y/N says, which is partially true. She might know how she feels about the green-eyed director, but not how she feels about the situation overall.
Jo purses her lips and nods. “Alright, here’s a couple of options: happy, excited, scared, or… repulsed?”
“Well, uhm… scared,” Y/N admits slowly and gulps. “And excited… happy.”
Jo throws her arms up, shaking her head at the stars. “Jesus fuck! Then what the fuck are we doing here?! Is that why you dragged me all the way to the fucking desert? Because you’re running from your feelings?”
“Kinda. I thought the peaceful quiet and beautiful nature would bring me some much-needed clarity,” Y/N explains.
Jo lifts a brow but tries not to seem too annoyed. She’s accustomed to her friend’s theatrics, after all. “And? Did it?”
“The hike didn’t, but facing death kinda does,” Y/N jokes and begins to laugh a little, Jo soon joining her. When their laughter dies down and the desert sounds of chirping crickets and screeching eagles remain, Y/N exhales a shaky breath. “I’m in love with him, too. He makes me really fucking happy. But… I finally feel like I’m on the right track with my career. I am where I’m supposed to be, you know? I don’t wanna throw that away for a guy.”
“Who says you should?”
“I don’t know… Isn’t that how it goes? You did it,” Y/N argues.
Jo licks her lips and clicks her tongue. “Yeah, ‘cause I chose the wrong fucking guy. Sam made me give up everything I ever loved and told me what to love instead. If you pick the right guy, he won’t make you do that.”
“How do I know it’s the right guy, though?”
Jo smiles softly. “Look, I’m not Dean’s biggest fan, but he’s yours. You know that, right? He’d never hold you back. He adores the ground you walk on. Yes, he’s an asshole with so many fucking issues, and he’s goddamn annoying most of the time, but he’s always had your back, even when he pretended that he didn’t. The guy would probably sell every limb and his fucking soul to see you get everything you ever wanted, Y/N. He wouldn’t be a mistake. You know what would be a mistake? Not trying because you’re too scared of making one. Don’t be fucking stupid.”
Thoughtfully, Y/N nods in agreement and grabs her crutches, rising from her rocky seat. “I need to see him. We have to head back to the city.”
“Finally! Thank fucking God.” With a grunt, Jo jumps to her feet and helps Y/N to steady hers. “Maybe the girls made a fire bright enough, so we can find our way back.”
“What? They have matches, don’t they? I’m sure these bitches can manage a simple fire, right?” Jo then notices Y/N’s hand curling around her bicep, her grip tightening. And then, Jo glances in the direction of Y/N’s eyes and sees the same damn thing. Her brown eyes widen.
“Mountain lion.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” the blonde hisses and holds on to her friend as well. Both women freeze on the spot. “What-, uh, what should we do?”
“I don’t know. Maybe we should throw a stick?”
“A stick?” Jo arches her brow. The big cat snarls and stalks a little closer, making the two women jump back. Their hearts are thumping in their throats at this point. “It’s not a fucking dog, Y/N. It won’t play fetch with you.”
“I know that. How about you come up with a better idea, then?” Y/N snaps through gritted teeth. The lion hisses again, causing the women to tremble down to their bones and hug each other tighter. “I think I should jump it.”
“Are you nuts? No!”
“Look, while it eats me, you can flee. I can’t run with my cast anyways. This is the best option,” Y/N insists, but Jo vehemently shakes her head.
“Fuck no! You’re not sacrificing yourself. We die together. You’re not leaving me behind,” Jo maintains. “I always knew my death would be your fault. Don’t ask me how, but I knew you’d get me killed somehow.”
The wild cat takes another step forward and lowers to the ground as if to get ready to jump its prey – them. But then a few tumbling rocks and breaking twigs draw its attention behind the women. Is there an even bigger cat here?
And suddenly, Meg leaps forward from above them with a loud howl and snarls at the cat, which hastily tucks its tail between its legs and flees down the hill into the dark night. Y/N and Jo expel a big breath of relief and a shaky laugh as they find Meg.
“Meg, what the fuck? Did you just scare away a mountain lion?” Y/N gapes at her friend in utter disbelief.
Meg only shrugs her shoulders. “I hate cats. What are you guys doing out here so long?”
“We got lost. Couldn’t find our way back to camp,” Y/N explains.
Meg furrows her brow and thumbs behind her. “It’s just over there. You guys have been hiking around the same hill for five hours.”
Jo shoots Y/N a small glare of annoyance and blows some loose strands of blonde hair out of her face. “Of course we did…” she mutters.
“We have to get back to LA!” Y/N declares eagerly, trying to climb the small rocky hill with her crutches, foregoing the more suitable pathway.
“Right now? It’s probably 3am when we get to Burbank. Can’t this wait till tomorrow?” Jo says as she attempts to climb after her friend.
“No! I almost died! Twice… Dean needs to know how I feel before I get bit by a rattlesnake, too,” Y/N reiterates passionately.
“It’s probably for the best,” Meg chimes in. “We kinda forgot to pack food. I was about to hunt something for us when I ran into you guys. We have tons of drugs and booze, though.”
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Y/N’s knuckles thunder persistently on Dean’s door and conjure up a storm. She has jumped out of Ruby’s limo so fast, the girls are still scrambling out and flooding Dean’s front lawn one by one. They’re loud and obnoxious, but the ringing in her ears makes their chatter barely noticeable.
The lock clicks and the door opens. Dean stands in front of her with weary green eyes, heavy with sleep, tousled bed-head, and a furiously scrunched brow. He half yawns and half grumbles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Once he feels clearer, minus the soft buzz of whiskey remnants in his bloodstream, he blinks at the young actress in front of him and then tilts his head at the circus show behind her.
God, between his punk rock daughter and this, his neighbors must really hate him.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you guys supposed to be camping in fucking Joshua Tree?” His voice is a gravelly bark. He doesn’t mean to sound so harsh, especially when he just woke from a dream about her, but he’s not as masochistic as he used to be. He’s not a fan of torturing himself with the image of her any longer.
Y/N’s heart somersaults as soon as she sees him, even though his apprehension hurts a bit. “Look, I almost died tonight. We got lost in the desert and then a mountain lion almost fucking ate us.”
Dean licks his lips, nodding. “Yeah, I’m not fucking surprised. Told you Palm Springs is the better option. So, did anyone fucking die? What’s the head count?”
“No one died.”
“Huh. Then why the fuck are you here in the middle of the night, Y/N?” Dean bites, his brow creasing in anger. He can’t even fucking look at her for a second without his heart being on the brink of an explosion. Even saying her goddamn name hurts like needle pricks in an abused vein.
“I–” Y/N swallows thickly. Her drumming heart is stuck in her airway along with her words.
“She’s here to tell you she loves you!” Ruby hollers behind her before several girls tackle her and clasp her mouth shut.
Dean’s heart twists upon the sick joke, his frown deepening. But then he glances at Y/N and thinks he can spot the truth in her eyes. He thought that once before, though, and was terribly wrong.
Y/N gives a shrug of one shoulder with tears brimming in her eyes. A small smile forms on her lips. “What she said.”
Dean nods and drags a hand over his freckled face, feeling the tears well in his eyes, too. Fucking whiskey. Always renders him goddamn sentimental. “Look, uhm, you kinda gotta tell me this yourself. Otherwise, I won’t believe it, okay?”
Upon his request, Y/N takes a deep breath and looks him into his eyes. “I’m in fucking love with you.” As soon as the words are out, she starts crying and the tears fall down her cheeks. Meanwhile, Dean’s heart tumbles into free fall, and he’s sure not even a parachute can stop it. “I’ve never said that to anyone in my life. Is-, is it too late?”
Dean snorts and shakes his head, grinning brighter than the California sun on the longest day of the year. “Fuck no. Even if it had taken you thirty years, I still would’ve taken you back. That’s kinda how once-in-a-lifetime love works, sweetheart.”
“Okay. Sounds like a good movie,” Y/N jokes between her tears, her fingers tingling to touch him.
“Yeah, best one there is.”
His hands grab hold of her and pull her into his embrace. He claims her lips, Y/N eagerly parting her mouth as his tongue slips between. The kiss is rushed and fervent and perfectly desperate. They’re both so gone they can’t even hear the girls cheering and applauding them in the background.
“You’re gonna come inside?” Dean asks in a murmur against her lips, barely letting her breath.
“Hey, Lothario, you got space for us, too?” Cassie shouts with a wide smirk.
“Yeah, we’re fucking starving,” Ruby adds with an impatiently arched brow.
“We, uh, forgot to pack food,” Y/N explains with a chuckle.
Dean sighs and smiles knowingly. “Of course you did.” He then turns to the women waiting on his lawn. “Alright, get in. I’ll order some pizzas.”
The women then proceed to brush past the couple and filter into Dean’s house. Missouri pinches his cheeks, Ruby pats his head, Cassie fist-bumps him and sends Y/N a flirty wink, Meg tousles his hair, Charlie shrugs apologetically, and Jo offers an annoyed eye roll.
“I’m never gonna get rid of them, am I?” Dean looks down at her and tightens his jaw, even when a grin is visible.
“No, I’m afraid not. It’s like you’ve adopted twelve strays. One of which actually turned out to be your long-lost puppy. They’re gonna be here until you die and then eat your corpse,” Y/N quips.
“Funny.” Dean clicks his tongue, his dimples itching to form a grin.
“Oooo! Let’s call the guys!” he hears Ruby exclaim from inside his living room. “It’s a fucking wrap party at the boss’ house!”
“No! No party! Guys, c’mon!” Dean storms inside after them, leaving Y/N giggling on his doorstep.
“Let’s call Garth, Kevin, and Benny!” Donna suggests, ignoring his protests. It’s like they can’t fucking hear him.
“I’ll call my husband, too!” Bela adds and eagerly dials Cas’ number on his landline.
“Oh, right, Cas…” Dean mutters with an eye roll as he remembers the impromptu wedding. “No fucking Benny!”
Y/N joins his side and rubs his back in comfort as he watches his house sink into female doom. “You okay?”
The deep trenches in his brow flatten into soft valleys as his green eyes lock on her. He dips his head and pulls her to his lips, kissing her slow and reverently. “Better.” He smirks. “Just gonna have to sage the whole house tomorrow.”
That earns him a playful slap on his chest. He laughs and pulls her closer with an arm around her waist.
“Hey, uh, speaking of party…” Dean mumbles before he addresses the whole room, grabbing their attention with an authoritative clear of his throat. He’s still got it. “You guys wanna do shows in Vegas?”
Dean’s eyes find Y/N’s gaping face. He chuckles a little. “Yeah, uh, Bobby offered me a deal. There’s nothing in the network contract about live shows. I already went over it with Cas this afternoon. It pays well, too. You guys interested? It’s not like any of you have actual jobs lined up, right?”
Y/N closes her mouth. “I got that Sondheim musical in San Diego. It’s a workshop production, but if it goes well, it could go all the way to Broadway. I could end up in New York.”
“Good,” Dean says and smirks. “You’re fucking fired.”
“WHAT?!” Y/N’s mouth falls open again. “You said you’d never fire me!”
“Yeah, well, this is for your own good,” Dean reasons. “You think I’m gonna let you quit Sondheim for some stupid wrestling show in Vegas? You gotta be fucking nuts! This is what you fucking wanted. Don’t make me kick your stupid ass onto that stage. It’s gonna look embarrassing for you again…”
Y/N bites her lips to conceal her grin. Her eyes meet Jo’s, who mouths ‘I told you so’ at her. “Thank you,” she tells Dean and kisses his cheek. He furrows his brow at her in suspicion. “But rehearsals don’t start until June. Still gonna need a job till then.”
“Oh.” Dean’s brow shoots up in realization. “The June in nine months?”
“Yeah, the June in nine months,” Y/N confirms with a laugh.
“Whoops. Well, consider yourself rehired till June, then,” Dean relents.
“So, if I ever have to work in New York–”
“Then we’ll go to New York. Big fucking whoop-dee-doo. You know I hate LA.”
Y/N giggles, nodding. “What would you do in New York?”
“Same I do here, just on a little balcony instead of a backyard. I sit with my typewriter by a table and smoke and drink,” Dean retorts. “I’ve actually been working on a new script. I’m moving away from horror and into Western.”
“Got inspired by the motel’s wallpaper, huh?” Y/N teases. “What’s it about?”
“Father-daughter storyline. Thought I’d give that a shot…”
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1990, 5 years later…
“Dean! We’re gonna be late!” Y/N reminds him and holds the blindfold in place over her eyes as he drags her somewhere by the hand. Her heels can barely keep up with his fast pace. “You know, check-in at LAX is the worst. Our flight departs in two hours. I’m nominated, Dean! I can’t reschedule! The girls are all flying in, too…”
“I know! I’m fucking hurrying, okay?” Dean assures. However, she can hear the stress and tension in his gravelly voice. He then suddenly halts and positions her into place by her shoulders before carefully taking off the blindfold. “Alright, here we are.”
Y/N blinks her eyes open and recognizes blurry shapes of purple and gold. She lifts an eyebrow as ornaments on the walls and a big stage come into view as well. “The Aztec porno theater?”
“Mayan,” Dean corrects her and wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he gets down in front of her on one knee and tries to fumble out the too-big ring box from his too-tiny suit jacket pocket. “Son of a bitch!”
“Dean, wait!” Y/N stops his endeavor with raised palms, her eyebrows meeting her hairline when she realizes what he’s about to do.
“Oh, c’mon, Y/N!” Dean frowns in frustration and rises to his feet with a huff and a shaking head. “I know you’re against marriage and the patriarchy and all that bullshit, but c’mon… We’ve been dating for five years. We have a good thing going, right?”
After spending a whole year in beautiful Las Vegas – the Paris of Nevada – the two of them moved to New York. Dean sold his house in Burbank and opted for a Brooklyn apartment instead. Claire also studied film at NYU before she graduated last Spring. But every few months, the couple finds themselves back in LA – for interviews, for business, for friends.
“No! You know me. I’d make a great fucking husband. You love it when I make reporters laugh on the red carpet. I’m an awesome trophy husband, okay?”
Why the fuck is she angry now? He should be the one that’s angry. She’s turning down the best opportunity of her life. She should consider herself lucky he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He even had an amazing speech prepared to knock her right off her feet, but does he get to say it now? How he wanted to grow fucking old together and support each other? How he wanted to marry her all those years ago when she told him she was pregnant? Nope...
“I’m fucking pregnant!”
Dean blinks at her in confusion before his eyes begin to wander around the familiar theater. Did he take something? Drink too much? Did he actually travel through time or is this a weird fever dream on his deathbed?
“What’s it with you and this theater? And why do you always yell that?”
“Because you never listen.” Y/N giggles and bites her lower lip. “And I’ll gladly marry you if that’s what you were going for. I just figured I’d tell you before in case you wanna change your mind and bail.”
“Why the fuck would I bail?” Dean’s brows knit together, close to offense.
She shrugs and holds up her palms in surrender. “I don’t know! I didn’t want you to feel trapped.”
“Why? Isn’t it mine?”
Y/N rolls her eyes, a grin twitching on her pink lips as she slaps his arm. “Yes, of course it’s yours.”
“And you’re keeping it? You sure?” Dean throws her a quizzical look.
Her brow furrows. “Why, you aren’t?”
“No, I am!” he assures her swiftly, realizing how it sounded. “Hell yeah, I want another kid! You know I always wanted to make up for missing out on Claire so much! I finally get to change a diaper, go to the park, or the fucking zoo while my wife works… It’ll be so fun!”
Y/N tries to stifle her laugh. He seems happy, judging by the joyful glint in his green eyes. They resemble sparkling emeralds.
“But are you sure, y' know?” Dean checks with a deep look into her eyes. “I mean, I do what I can to support you and keep the thing alive in your absence, but you know you’re still gonna be benched for a couple of months, right? I’m not a fucking seahorse.”
Y/N laughs a little at that. “I know. I’m fine with sitting on the bench for a little while. I’m kinda exhausted. I did two Broadway musicals almost back to back, three off-Broadway shows, all the workshops and the rehearsals and Matinees and the dancing and the singing… Not to mention I’m nominated for a fucking Tony tonight,” she says and is close to out of breath by the time she finishes her list of accomplishments.
“Which you’re gonna win,” Dean reassures her persistently. He’s been telling her since the nominations were announced (and even before that when he first saw her in the role on the first night).
“We’ll see,” she brushes him off, although her blushed cheeks betray her words. In her heart, she hopes so as well. “Anyways, I could use the break,” she admits and takes his hands in hers, interlacing their fingers. She places a loving kiss on his lips. “Right time, right guy, right baby,” she says, smiling.
Dean squeezes her hand happily and pulls her to his lips for a searing kiss. “So, where did we land on that whole marriage thing?”
“See? You’re never listening,” she teases, laughing. “Yes, I’ll marry you. Under one condition…”
Dean smirks. “I've had the same exact thought – Vegas. It’s perfect!”
“What, no! I don’t wanna get married in filthy Vegas, you dork!” Y/N frowns playfully, shaking her head. “I wanna get married in Nebraska. I want my dad to marry us."
Dean’s brow creases. He chuckles in amusement. “What, like a shotgun wedding? Could be fun… Pastor marries pregnant daughter to older man. Is this gonna make headlines in the townie paper?”
Y/N snorts, shaking her head at him. “No, it’s a shotgun wedding. It’s very common,” she deadpans.
“I’ve never met your parents,” Dean realizes then. “Why have I never met your parents? It’s weird they never come visit you,” he ponders.
“Oh no, they do,” Y/N tells him, pursing her lips as she twirls her hair around her finger. “They’ve seen me both in Into The Woods and Gypsy.”
“Really, when?” Dean narrows his eyes at her.
“Whenever you were in LA, visiting Claire,” Y/N admits ruefully. She never told them she was dating the director, not sure if they’d approve – not that she gives a shit, but she wanted to spare herself all the sermons and the exploring of the Sunday school dating pool. Whenever they asked who owned the men’s clothes in her apartment, she lied and said she had a gay-but-in-the-closet roommate. “But you can meet them now,” she promises with a reassuring smile on her lips. Thank God she’s an excellent, Tony-nominated actress. “I’m sure they learn to love you just like I did.”
“Learn to?”
“I love you.” Y/N smiles mischievously and shuts up any further comments by kissing him.
Dean grins and relents with a blissful sigh. “I love you, too.”
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Thank you all so much for reading and making me laugh with your comments and screams throughout! 🤍
Are we done with these two for good? Probably not. I've left gaps and doors open on purpose, so I'm sure they'll make an appearance again at some point in the future 😉
Everything Jensen: @alwaystiredandconfused @xlynnbbyx @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @blackcherrywhiskey
@deansbbyx @foxyjwls007 @ladysparkles78 @roseblue373 @zepskies
@agalliasi @yvonneeeee @hobby27 @iamsapphine @globetrotter28
@mxltifxnd0m @lacilou @feyresqueen @suckitands33 @onlyangel-444
@syrma-sensei @perpetualabsurdity @deans-baby-momma @yoobusgoobus @jessjad
@hunter-or-the-hunted @k-slla @just-levyy @mrsjenniferwinchester @illicithallways
@muhahaha303 @ultimatecin73 @nancymcl @leigh70
104 notes · View notes
who-datgirl · 3 months
Okay y’all so I have been thinking about the finale since Friday and the more I puzzle on it, the less I believe Ruby’s fairy tale ending was genuine. I of course was a big proponent of the “Ruby is River’s daughter theory”, but I am starting to be one of those people who think she is an unknown member of the pantheon. More specifically, I think she may be the daughter of The Trickster, I’ll go into why.
Let’s start with Ruby’s “mom” in the flashback, her hooded face with humanoid lips visible gives me serious Trickster vibes from SJA. A constant lament was “WHY CAN’T I SEE HER FACE?” Well, The Trickster really doesn’t have much of a face aside from ruby-red lips and sharp teeth. Honestly, why would a 15 year old have such an ominous cloak and where did she get it between the maternity ward and abandoning Ruby at the church? Granted a 15 year old still high on painkillers from giving birth could definitely do some zany shit, but it seems like a stretch to me. If my hunch is somehow correct, I would go so far to say that in the time window they did not see Ruby’s parent crying under the hood, but rather laughing maniacally. In fact, I honestly thought she was laughing when I first watched that scene. If the “mom” is actually The Trickster, then he would definitely have been laughing as he takes great pleasure in messing around with The Doctor and their companions.
The Trickster is the god of traps, which typically involves some narrative that a person falls prey to in order to be ensnared by the trap set for them. Ruby as the child of that entity could totally be able to create narratives that people would happily believe and become a part of, or to put it succinctly: a story. It isn’t any further of a stretch than the god of games having a child that is the god of music.
I think as the season went on, Ruby subconsciously created her own happy ending and bio parents piece by piece. Finding her parents seemed to be a process of creation as it unfolded. The DNA scan in 2046 only showed Ruby’s DNA twice. After defeating Sutekh though, 2024 UNIT was able to seamlessly find some ordinary and flawed woman eager to reconnect with and apologize to her abandoned child. Her bio mom is even willing to reach out to a presumable one night stand from 20 years ago, catch up with him, and see if he wants to become a father figure after two decades. Also the origin of Ruby’s name through a street sign that seemed to not exist in the footage, until it suddenly did, felt like an actual change to the timeline. I have nothing against this ending per se, it just all felt deliberately too perfect as if reality was bending entirely to Ruby’s deepest desires. To top it off Ruby somehow pulled the exact narrative of 10 and Rose’s goodbye for 15 and herself, almost as if unconsciously she tuned into one of The Doctor’s deepest heartbreaks to reflect how horribly she felt about leaving them.
I don’t think Ruby’s real story is close to done. I think her perfect ending will start to show cracks, and the reality of it will seem more created than true. Eventually we may even see her wake up to the truth of her power in time for The Trickster to come in and truly fuck around with things for her and 15. It would be interesting to see her owning her power to send her own bio parent into a narrative that The Trickster could never escape.
There is just too much that went unaddressed. How did Ruby conjure snow? Why was Maestro so disturbed by her hidden song that they said there was something seriously WRONG with her (Maestro literally refers to her as a CREATURE)? How did she fold her own timeline back in 73 yards? Why were people so terrified of or infuriated by the apparition that we now know was Ruby? Did the Ruby in the distance tell people about her ties to the Pantheon of Discord? Did the apparition know the truth of Ruby that is hidden even from herself? Why would Sutekh care about the hooded parent more than anything else he creeped on during his centuries attached to the TARDIS? Is he a Jerry Springer fan, obsessed with “you ARE/ARE NOT the parent” reveals?
One final thing that makes me think they may pull a child of The Trickster into the story. In SJA before Elisabeth Sladen passed, they were planning on revealing that her adopted daughter Sky was really The Trickster’s child all along. The episode never aired as SJA could not go on without Elisabeth. I could see RTD honoring her show by making that story canon through Ruby. After all, Ruby too is an adopted daughter.
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sunshine-theseus · 10 months
White Noise | Alessia Russo x trans-masc. OC
Word Count: 1.6k Summary: Being trans masc. can be hard but Alessia will always be there for you – also the request did say trans masc., not trans man, so I hope this is what you wanted! I’m so sorry if it isn’t😭 I can adjust it to be. Warnings: dead naming and use of wrong pronouns, not really a warning but just stating that Calum uses they/he pronouns Request for - @sky-the-trans-guy00 - i really hope this is good!
“Are you sure you don’t need me to come with you?” Alessia’s arms wrap around my waist as I brush out my hair.
“It’s just a haircut Lessi, I’ll be okay.” I turn around and look her in the eyes.
“But last time they were pieces of shit and ruined it. You ended up buzzing it and I’m sorry to break it to you, but you do not have the head shape to be bald” I give her a faux offended look but laugh.
“This place is run by a non-binary person. And most if not all their employees are trans or queer. Plus, you have training.” She groans and her head falls into my chest.
“Fine. But call me if you need anything.” I lean down to kiss her lips before ushering her out, so she isn’t late, again.
The haircut goes well, something only few people understand is so important to me, and I decide to visit Alessia at training. She’s been begging me to come with her for months, but I’ve been too nervous about how her teammates will be view me to ever go through with it.
I sign in with the lady in reception, who calls Lessi to take me to the locker room before they head to the gym. I rub my sweaty hands against my jeans, but Alessia slips her smaller one into my own, rubbing her thumb back and forth against the back of my hand.
“Your hair looks good.” Her blue eyes shine as she smiles up at me, reaching with her other hand to run it through the newly cut locks.
“You think? It’s not too feminine?”
“Not at all! I can’t believe you went with blue instead of red though, they’re all going to think you’re a Chelsea fan.” Alessia stands on her tippy toes to kiss me before opening a door, letting shouts and… questionable singing, ring throughout the halls.
She grabs my hand again and pulls me into the busy room. Everyone stops talking as the door slams closed again and all eyes fall onto us. I cower slightly next to Alessia, but she wraps her arm around me and says
“Girls! This is my partner I’ve been telling you about! Calum, these are the girls.”
“Yo, your hair looks fucking awesome dude!” an Irish accent is the first to break the silence between the 20+ bodies.
“I told them to go red, but they insisted blue was cooler.”
“You’re not a Chelsea fan are ya? Cause then we’ll have problems.” Lotte, the one person I did know, jokingly asks me.
“I promise it’s just my favourite colour. I’m a Gooner through and through.” A group of laughs echoes throughout the room and I chuckle with them.
“Are you joining us for gym?” Less pokes me in the side.
“No, I just wanted to come say hi. Show off my super awesome new hair.” I kiss her goodbye and am halfway out the door before another voice calls out.
“Wait! We’re having a team + partner dinner tomorrow after training. You down?” I look at Alessia then back at the room of her teammates.
“Uhh sure! Yeah I’ll be there.”
“What’s the dress code for this dinner?” I ask Alessia as we lay curled up in bed, neither wanting to make the move to get up as the sun slowly brightens in the sky.
“Semi-formal. You can wear that cute button up with the flower pattern I got you! It matches the dress I’m going to wear.”
“Sounds perfect.” I kiss her on the nose before groaning as I roll out from under the covers and get up.
I make us both breakfast before she leaves for training, and I take some time to myself before having a zoom meeting with my team to discuss our project.
And then I get a call from someone I hadn’t planned on hearing from ever again. I hadn’t seen or heard from my older sister in 4 years. I tended to avoid any family gatherings if I knew she’d be there and had removed her from all social media and my contacts, a call is the pinnacle of unexpected. So I leave it to ring, face down on my desk, as I look through the closet for an outfit for tonight’s dinner.
An hour or so later, Alessia rushes through the door, kicking off her shoes and dropping her bag at the door. She barrels into our room and beelines to the closet.
“Whoa what’s got you in a rush? We don’t have to leave for another 2 hours.”
“No no, I texted you. We had to move it up an hour. You didn’t see it?”
“I haven’t looked at my phone in like 3 hours I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, but you gotta get changed. Like now.”
We both rush to get into our outfits and get out the door in time, Lessi giving up on putting on her heels as we walk to the car, opting instead to put them on when we arrive.
“I’m so excited to meet the girl’s partners and show you off. Lia’s bringing her new girlfriend she won’t stop talking about.” I just smile, taking her hand in my spare one, the other clinging to the wheel as we wait at a light.
“You look so handsome too. I told you this shirt was the go-to.”
“You look beautiful.” I park the car and race around to help her out.
We make our way into the restaurant, spotting the group from the door. We’re almost at the table when I stop abruptly in my tracks, jerking Alessia back with me. Why the fuck is she here?
“Cal? What’s wrong?” my mouth gaps open and closed but I don’t get the chance to come up with a reply.
“Bella! Oh my god what are you doing here?” I feel the colour drain from my face as my older sister pulls me into hug.
I’m frozen in place as she pulls back, a wicked smile gracing her face, and I can see everyone’s confused faces out of the corners of my eyes. There is a deadly silence that falls across the group/ My throat dries up as I try to reach for Alessia’s hand again.
“Bella? I thought his name was Calum?” Caitlin’s the first to speak up.
“Oh no her name is Bella. Calum is just a weird person she plays for attention.” That’s my breaking point.
“Oh, fuck off Tahlia! You’d think four years would be enough time for you to grow up. You’re still the piece of shit you always have been.” I hear some gasps, but no one makes a move to stop me.
“I’ve always been Calum; I’ve just had to pretend not to be because of miserable fucks like you who can’t fathom people being who they truly are. Just because your life isn’t working out doesn’t mean you get to ruin mine again.” A tear pricks at the corner of my eye.
“Non-binary isn’t even a fucking thing! And they/them is fucking stupid you’re not multiple people.”
“It’s good to know you wouldn’t be able to pass a first grade English test. You never were that smart.” Tahlia’s fist comes swinging but a hand that most certainly isn’t my own stops it right before it hits me.
“You need to leave, and never come back. Never talk to Calum or any of us ever again.” Katie shoves Tahlia towards the door and she stomps her foot, looking at Lia expectantly.
“You’re just going to let them talk to me like that!?”
“Uhh, yeah. I think I will.” She stomps her foot again before turning and running out.
I let out a sigh and my shoulders sag in relief. Alessia pulls me to sit down at the table between her and Katie’s girlfriend.
“Are you ok?” I nod, leaning my head on top of her own as the others take their seats again.
“That was fucking wild.”
“I’m so sorry Calum. I had no clue she was your sister, or that she was insane.” Lia gives me an apologetic look, but I smile reassuringly at her.
“It’s not your fault, she’s a good manipulator, always has been. She’ll tell you what you want to hear to get close then show her true colours.”
“Hey, you don’t have to answer this but how do you identify? Because I’ve been calling you dude a lot.” I chuckle at Manu before answering.
“I’m non-binary trans masc., they/he pronouns. I don’t mind being called dude of whatever, just absolutely no feminine terms please.” Everyone nods in agreement, and it doesn’t take long for conversation to continue on between everyone.
I’m talking to Katie’s girlfriend, the owner of a small book café, when Alessia tugs on my sleeve. I excuse myself before turning to her, the overhead lights reflecting in her stormy blue eyes and making her freckles prominent.
“I’m so proud of you.” I kiss her softly.
“I love you.”
“Hey hey! No smooching at the dinner table please.” Everyone laughs and I flush red.
A week later I find myself in the Coloney changing room again, surrounded by sweaty bodies preparing for gym once again.
Instead of leaving as they slowly trickle out, I follow behind Alessia. It takes five minutes for me to start being teased by Katie for blushing as I watch Lessi work out, her biceps very prominent as she lifts the weights.
It takes me another five minutes to swiftly walk over to Alessia after she finally drops the weights, and kiss her passionately, before swiftly exiting, blush burning my cheeks. It may take a completely new hair colour to persuade me to make an appearance at training again.
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prowlingz · 1 year
(yandere?)Kakashi Hatake x Fem!Reader
when you accidentally send a raunchy text to your sensei instead of your fling..
-SMUTTTTTTTTTTT- (so 18+ please!)
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After spending the whole day talking with Ino and Sakura about how much dick they get, you thought about the last time you got lucky.
By no means was it difficult to string a guy home from some random bar for you, but it wasn’t something you outright sought after.
“We’ll I’m saving myself for Sasuke!” Sakura says, sticking her tongue out at Ino.
“You’re still waiting on that loser? Give it up billboard brow, if he wants anyone - it’ll be me!” She smiles at Sakura.
“And besides, your names are too similar anyways. If it weren’t for his last name, you two could be siblings. Of course, you’d be the ugly one!” Ino says while holding her stomach laughing.
After some more banter, they look up at you. Curious about your “dickstory”, a play on the word “history”.
You smile and say “Well it’s not hard for me to find anyone, but it’s probably not as many people as you think”.
You knew you were attractive, guys told you almost everyday. You didn’t mind them though, as you aren’t a very lustful person, truly minding to yourself and taking pleasure when you want to.
Ino jumps into action “WHO, WHO? Do I know them!? Are they also ninja? How many? How old? How many at one time?!”.
The bombardment of questions makes you giggle. You never knew someone’s sex history could be such an appealing topic, as in your household you were taught that sex is taboo and only for people you truly love. You didn’t follow that rule for long, albeit.
“A few were from some random missions I went on. Not too ma-“ before you could finish your sentence, Sakura said
“Can we guess?”
“What do you mean, guess?” You were confused.
“She means, can we guess who you’ve slept with?” Ino asked with a huge grin.
You thought for a moment. The list isn’t that long, but the people on it are most definitely known to these two. Would it change how they saw them? You thought maybe it wouldn’t be right, as the people you did sleep with didn’t give their consent to their sexual history being stated.
“I’m not sure that’s the right thing to do” you say frowning a bit.
The two girls looked at each other, perplexed how that was a response anyone would give.
“Okay let us guess just THREE and you HAVE to tell us if you have!” They said almost synchronized.
You thought about it. You doubt they’d get all three wrong, but you weren’t going to be happy if they got all three right either. Fuck it. You’d been drinking a bit and the buzz was starting to hit you.
“Fine. Just three.” You said calmly and confidently.
They made the biggest shit faces grin ever and talked amongst themselves.
After about 3 minutes of whispers, giggles, “OMG”s and “no way!”s.. they finally had their three.
“Okay, our first one” Ino says.
You hold your breath. For some reason this is starting to just now hit you, but you don’t want to seem lame and back out now.
“Shikamaru!” They said in synchro.
You burst out in laughter.
“You-you had three minutes and came up with.. Shik-“ you cannot stop laughing.
“SHIKAMARU??” You said at the top of your lungs.
They looked at each other and smiled.
“We just needed a baseline of your standards. You know the guy has had it for you since that damn Genin exam!” Ino said in a fit of laughter.
“I always thought he was gay” you smiled while saying.
“Pshhh, probably is” Ino mocked.
You held your breath, yet again, knowing that their next guess was coming and would probably be correct.
“Okay our next guess is..”
You thought about it. Did it really count as sex? I mean, you both came. He was the first guy that did make you cum.. You thought a bit more. The silence only making Ino and Sakura want to know.
“I mean..” you say, still in thought.
The girls look at each other with mouth wide open and smiling. An eruption of “OMG” and “I CAN’T BELIEVE IT”s came flooding out.
“I guess. It wasn’t really sex though” you were still lost in thought.
“What happened?? Tell us!!” Sakura said.
There wasn’t much to tell them, honestly. You were talking with him one day, friendly, and he invited you over to see his new set up. You went over and it was beautiful, leather sofa with a stunning cherry tree coffee table.
He wanted to show you his bedroom and kept apologizing on how weird he made the comment seem. But you made a sly comment back, something like “I wouldn’t mind if you led me to your bedroom more often”.
And that was really it. You just start kissing and got to his bed, and started touching one another. You could swear that you heard him say “I love you” under his breath as he came, but you were too focused on your own orgasm to care.
After cleaning up, you left.
You tried to explain this to the girls but they wanted more details.
You told them they were wasting their time and better get on with their third person before you just get up and leave.
They pouted.
“Okay,okay. Our third person is…”
“KAKASHI!” Biting their lip as they said it.
Kakashi? You and Sakura’s old sensei? Oh goodness no. You can’t even remember a time that you even slightly hinted at a flirt with Kakashi. Your relationship was very student-teacher respectively.
Now that you’ve grown into a woman with.. curves and breasts, though.. You do think about the even slight possibility of him using you. How his words would sound in the heat of the moment.. how his skin would feel touching you, gliding himself all around you..
You notice yourself trailing off, and not given the girls an answer.
“Hello? Earth to y/n” they say, waving their hands in front of your face.
“Sorry. No. Me and Kakashi never did anything of the sort, or.. even implied so” you said, shutting the girls down immediately.
“I swear that guy is a virg!! I’ve never seen him take any girls around!” Ino says to the both of you.
“Oh, no way. Kakashi is super attractive under his mask, he’s gotta! Or maybe he’s celibate? Hmm..” the two girls thought on it for a moment.
Thoughtful silence fills the air.
“Hey, I’d say you have a pretty good chance, y/n.” Ino says, breaking the silence.
“Yeah! You’re super pretty and if I’m being honest, I’ve caught him staring at you a few times since you’ve become a Jōnin” Sakura states.
You blush. Staring at you? No. You always recognize when men stare at you, even not out of lust. You’re a great ninja, and you would recognize someone staring. Maybe he was using chakra to hide his gaze? Why would he do that? No. Sakura must be mistaken.
All these thoughts ran through your head and you excused yourself as it was well past 2 am.
Before you knew it, you were home.
You went into your bathroom, washed your face and brushed your teeth. Spitting out the toothpaste from your mouth, you look over at your phone. It buzzes, signaling someone messaged you.
You got excited for a moment, thinking it said “Hatake”. It’s become some sort of thing for you to put peoples contact as their last name. You remember the time you and Hayate shared together though.
The text he sent, though you could only see partial of it through the limited character amount given on the Home Screen, read:
“Hey, was just thinking of you and really think..”. That’s all you could unfortunately read before showing him that you’ve read the message.
After your conversation earlier with the girls, you realize you haven’t had sex in around 7 months.
You open the message, now seeing its entirety.
“Hey, was just thinking of you and really think we should see each other again. I know I was just a fling to you but I miss you. Not just your body, but you. Your laugh and face. Everything” the message would’ve been sweet if he didn’t send his dick right after.
It wasn’t a bad dick, but why don’t these men know their dick angles?
It was a photo of himself from his point of view pulling his pants forward to show off his hairy, uncircumcised, hard, veiny cock. He was wearing blue underwear and had black sweat pants on.
Honestly, you probably would’ve ignored the message if you weren’t so horny yourself. “Fuck it. Hayate isn’t a bad looking guy and his dick is pretty satisfying” is all you thought to yourself. You snapped a pic you knew he’d like, it was your hands covering your tits, but still showing most of them off. He loved a bratty tease.
You sent the photo and didn’t think much, waiting for his response.
He responded after about 6 minutes with a video of him.
He was now on his bed, ‘pleasing’ himself. The video was only 32 seconds long, but it was a huge turn on for you.
He started slow, but would buck his hips up for you. His tip was now fully exposed, but his foreskin would still slide up and down it as he went on. His breathing was loud and irregular. He would let out slight groans the faster he went. You could see his dick twitching, just before the video ended.
You took your camera and took a photo of you sitting at the edge of your bed with your thighs touching. Your left hand lay behind you, supporting you up. And your right hand taking the photo. It didn’t show your face in it, only your body. But that was fine. It showed off your tits and beautiful thighs and you knew those were the parts Hayate loved the most.
Before you pressed send, you added a text under it saying “You should come fill me up again”. You bit your lip as you pressed send. You decided to go take a quick shower in preparation for Hayate coming over. You knew he wouldn’t be able to resist the invite.
Only about two minutes into your shower, you hear your doorbell ring. Hayate lived 25 minutes away walking, you doubt he would’ve used all his energy to get to you that quickly. Although you can’t be too sure.
You finish your shower up before heading to the door in just a towel. Hair wet and all, you open the door.
You’re absolutely shocked to see your sensei standing in front of you.
He smiles, “I think you sent this to the wrong person”.
Your mouth agape, you already know what you sent him.
“I.. I um” the only words you can get out of your mouth.
You don’t even know what to say. You just sent an explicit photo to your sensei.
“I’m so sorry” your eyes still plastered to his phone in front of you. You make your way up his phone to his contact name for you, though. Before he pulled his phone away, you read “Future Hatake❤️” you blushed even harder.
You both stand there in silence. You’re mad at yourself for this foolish mistake.
“May I come in?” Kakashi says, breaking the silence.
You’re confused. Does he want to talk about it? Maybe he wants to know who it was for? All these thoughts flood your mind and he makes his way inside your apartment.
“E-excuse me. I should get dressed” you leave and run into your room. You go through your clothes and decide on a white tank top and sleep shorts. It’s your home after all, and it’s well past your regular sleep schedule.
You come back in and find him sitting at the edge of your couch, legs spread and forearms resting on them. As always, he’s unreadable.
You sit at a chair diagonal to him and keep your head down.
“I.. er.. haven’t seen you in a long time” you say, keeping your head down.
“Hmm” he replies.
You can’t tell if he’s lost in thought, upset, sad or whatever it be.
“Who was the message for?” He finally says.
“It.. it really doesn’t matter.. haha..” you say, trying to escort the tension in the room.
He lets out a sigh, stands up and faces you.
“Tell me” he says. His voice deeper than normal.
You’re confused. It’s been months since you and Kakashi have spoken. Why would he care to show up after a text sent to the wrong person? Why does he care??
A question runs your mind.
“How did you get here so fast?” You ask, blankly looking at him.
He looks at you, no emotion in his face.
“I’m always there for you” he stares at you and says. You’ve heard him say this to you many times in the past. You never really held anything to it though, taking it like a friend would say as support.
“Kakashi. What are you doing here?” You say, with a bit of concern in your voice. You know Kakashi is a lot stronger of a ninja compared to you, and could most definitely toss you around if he wanted.
“I’ve had an eye for you since you’ve become a Jōnin. You’ve grown so much” he says, making his way over towards you.
“Be a good girl and lead us to your bedroom, hmm?” he says in the most.. casual tone.
You can’t deny this was a major turn on. But was this right? He’s like, what? 13 years your senior? 14? 15?! Plus, he was your sensei. He raised you when your parents didn’t. You definitely didn’t see him as a father figure, more like an older brother looking out for you.
Were you really going to let this happen? No. No way. You have to tell him no.
“Kakashi, I ca-“ before you can finish your sentence he picks you up like you’re weightless.
He drags you to your bedroom. Did he guess? Has he been to my apartment before? No, never. How does he just..know?
You wiggle, attempting to break free from his grasp. You’re still not all sure if this is what you want, but your core is aching. It wants him to touch you so bad, especially after Hayate’s video got you pent up.
Your heart is racing. Still writhing in his arms, he brings you to your bedroom.
In your squirming from the previous moments, you had lost your loose fitting sleep shorts. Now just in a white tank top and black laced underwear.
You wonder if you’re dreaming. How is this happening? Why? Why to you?!
He places you on your back, and you sit up on your elbows staring at him. His face is a slight pink, and his breathing is a bit erratic.
He puts his knee between your thighs, separating your legs from touching. You make a small noise when he pushes further into you. Staring at his knee, anticipating his next move. He lets out a slight chuckle.
“You’re so adorable”.
“Huh?” You look back up at him. He takes his hands and removes his band, and then his mask. You’ve seen him once without the mask before, so it wasn’t a total shock seeing his face.
He stares at you, and you just stare blankly back.
He then looks down at your breasts, your nipples are hardened by the sexual tension.
You move your head a bit more down, staring at his manhood. Even when clothed, you can tell it’s big.
You both unclothe one another and before you know it, you’re both making out nude.
Whilst kissing you, Kakashi says “I’ve been needing you for so long. That message sent me over the edge”. He puts his hands all on you, seemingly not knowing where to put them.
While on top of you, he spreads your legs and pulls you closer.
His dick sits right on top of your pubic bone, and down to the bottom of your belly button. You’ve been with a fair share of people, none of them as big as him.
You wiggle, demanding his attention to your dripping core.
“Such a needy whore, does Hayate know you chose me over him tonight?” Kakashi breathes out with a smirk.
Your eyes widen. How did he know you were texting Hayate? Did Hayate tell Kakashi? No. They may know each other but most definitely aren’t friends. How long has he been watching you?!
“Well?” He says, finally moving his cock towards your core. His dripping with precum, which mixes with your juices.
Kakashi runs his cock across your clit causes you to wince.
“I know you haven’t been pleased in quite a bit, y/n. You’re so pathetic, I’ve only been here 20 minutes and I already have your clothes off and cock dripping on your needy hole”.
You have no answer to him. He’s right. You’re a needy, pathetic slut that needs him so badly, and he knows it.
You try and give him the most doe eyes you can and say “Kakashi-sensei.. please use me..” you see his shield of cockiness falter for a moment.
“Oh fuck..” he says looking at your eyes.
You open your mouth to say please.. but before you can, he’s shoved his entire length into you.
You moan so loud, and instinctively go to cover your mouth. He grabs your wrist before you’re successful, and puts both your wrists over you head with just one hand. His other one reaches over for your phone. He unlocks it with your passcode, no way he could’ve guessed it. It’s literally just random numbers “18849”. He’s been watching you like he said..
He begins to pump into you rapidly.
“Oh fuck..ah~” you moan freely.
“Which one of these boys should I call? Hmm? Who should I show you’re being such a naughty whore for?” He says between breaths.
“S-sensei ple..ahh.. please d-don’t!” You can even speak with how rough he’s treating your core.
“I’m calling Hayate”.
“N-nO.. pl-pleasee sensei. I’m-I’m yours and… mmmfffggh.. only yours.. ahh..” you plead with him.
He decides not to call him, instead taking multiple photos and videos of you getting pumped by him.
He cums inside your pussy, letting out multiple groans throughout. You’re a bit disappointed it ended so quickly.. or so you thought. He continues to pump into you even after cumming.
“K-kashi… did.. did you..mmgfff~”
“Y-yeah.. I’ll stop using you when I want. You’re mine” he says with complete lust in his eyes.
He starts going through your phone.
You’re scared. You have texts on there, pretty nasty, to other guys. How will he treat you seeing them?
He shames you by reading them aloud.
“‘I’ll be so good for you master’ you love calling people titles huh? You like calling me sensei, huh?”
“P-pleaseeee…~~” you don’t even know what you were saying please to.
All you can think about is how unfair this all is. Yeah you’ve slept around and sexted men, but you’re sure Kakashi has texted his fair share of women.
“Hmmm… these photos you send them. Never thought your sensei would want to see you like this? All weak and pathetic over his cock”
It didn’t matter what he said. You didn’t know if he was saying it to be mean or horny but it was the truth nonetheless.
“I..ah~.. I don’t know..” you told him.
You came around his length.
“Ah..heh~” he says as he finishes pumping the last of his seed into you.
With the last remaining strength you have, you sit up and watch the sperm drip out of you.
You and Kakashi take a shower together, and you immediately pass out in bed, totally satisfied with your dick appointment.
You wake up to no Kakashi and a barrage of messages from Hayate saying shit like “you totally blue balled me but that’s okay I went out with one of your girls”. You just laughed so hard, you knew Ino would have no interest in Hayate, her standards are way too high. And Sakura was telling the truth most definitely about saving herself for Sasuke.
You went through your camera roll and sent him a video of Kakashi fucking you til your brain was mush and sent it to him.
Kakashi is all you want.
Kakashi is all you need.
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
I literally love the “crazy idea, let’s make out” it it very good!!! It is supper good!! Can I request the bat boys type? Thank you for your time! Please take care!
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT. I had to read other peoples make out scene bc I honestly did not know how to write one. I think I did an okay job tho😭
Writing for Dick is so effing hard for some reason
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Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson
I whole heartily believe he likes taller women. No doubt about it
But if you’re bit on the shorter side that’s fine too.
I feel like he wants someone who’s independent and doesn’t rely on others
Someone who wouldn’t mind him being away from days to months at a time because of work and all .
Wants someone who matches his energy.
For like a thirty something year old he does have a lot of energy.
He wants someone who can take a joke and doesn’t take it the wrong way. He wants someone to laugh with him and not get mad.
Definitely wants someone who’s laid back but not to laid back where it becomes a problem.
100% wants someone to cry with him when he watches a very sad drama.
I think it’s cannon that he’s on the more talkative side?
Idk but if he is he wants someone can he can talk with—hours on end and the conversation never get boring.
Would 100% date a superhero
Jason todd
Jason like chubby girls. 100% you can’t change my mind about it
I also feel like he has a thing for strong women too.
When It comes to Jason I think he has two types.
The first time is obviously the strong type
Someone he doesn’t take shit from know one
Is really just a badass person In general
Or type 2
Someone who’s really soft spoken
Someone who’s quiet but not to quiet where they don’t even bother to communicate. Like a shy person.
Said person who’s also very caring and kind.
Jason definitely wants someone who shares the same interests. Not all of them but the small ones like reading.
Headcannon: Jason prefers the book copies instead of the online ones. He likes the smell of new books fight me.
Jason also wants someone who deals with his shit better then he does honestly
This man has been through a lot no doubt about.
And he’s not great when he has to deal with his problems that are emotionally and mentally.
So someone who can help him and guide him (even if he does deny it at first) trust he will be grateful for it
He would not date someone who’s a hero or vigilante.
He tried but failed
Tim Drake
Definitely likes shorter women
I mean mans only like 5’4? “5’4?
So technically he’s tall but not that tall like the others 💀
He’s good at technology and really wants someone who’s interested in his hobbies. Most people don’t find them interesting. (But I mean cmon if he was able to tell the world he hacks things to get information on them for Batman—then that has them sold, but he can’t)
He gives me bad girl x Nerd boy vibe 😔
I’m kidding no I’m not
I feel like he would want someone who’s more on the quiet side and someone who’s willing able to lay down next to him for a long periods of time bc we all know this man can sleep anywhere at anytime if he felt like it.
So having someone who can just lay there while he sleeps are pointers.
This isn’t a preference but he 100% needs someone who can take care of him.
Because him not sleeping for long periods of time results in him not eating and only serving off coffee. Not good for him.
Tim seems like the kind to date someone who’s a superhero or whatever.
That way they can be closer.
Damian Wayne
Damian doesn’t have a preference.
I Don’t think he would care if your short, tall, Skinny or chubby.
Like Jason I also think he has two types.
The first type would someone who’s very mysterious. He likes that.
Someone who’s mature and calm during rough times or situations.
Like Dick, someone who is very independent.
Second type is quiet literately the opposite of what his personality is
Someone who’s kind and warm to others.
Bubbly kind of personality.
He doesn’t want someone who talks to much.
Like at all.
he wants someone who shares the same interest as him—Y’know fighting for animal right and what not.
Not a preference but I think Damian needs someone who can help him with the reality of the world and stuff
Because I believe Damian does not know how to act like a kid his age until he meets his partner who show him.
Would not date anyone who’s in the superhero gig.
Like at all. He hates the idea
He would rather date a civilian. They are less likely to get killed during a mission.
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Writing for them is so much fun I might do more headcannons about them 😭🤚
1K notes · View notes
gimmethatagustd · 6 months
venor (10) | kth + jjk
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The barista at the university’s café keeps telling Jungkook not to come back, but Jungkook is too busy daydreaming about kissing the beauty marks on his face to be paying attention to his warnings.
○ Pairing: Tiger!Taehyung x Bunny!Jungkook
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Hybrids, predator/prey, college au, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, light angst, eventual smut
○ Word Count: 4,022
○ Warnings: Minor violence, lots of kissing and hickey-giving
○ Notes: Today's chapter is a bit shorter because I decided to split the chapter in two. The good news is that after this chapter, there's no more angst for our babies 🥹
○ Post Date: March 17, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Cross-Post
○ What was Jai listening to? The series playlist
Series Masterlist
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Jungkook remembers with clarity the first time he attended a kickboxing class. As part of a new athletic curriculum at the university’s gym, Jungkook signed up for kickboxing classes to strengthen his body, not for sparring or self-defense. When Jungkook learned that prey hybrids, especially rabbit hybrids, were seen as timid and weak in society, he was determined to be different. The desire wasn’t to prove everyone wrong; Jungkook has never looked to other people for acceptance. Jungkook wanted to show his narrow-minded parents and the world that forcing people into boxes isn’t so easy. 
People don’t belong in boxes. Not Jungkook, or Taehyung, or even Byungchul. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to believe that truth.
“Shit, bun, are you okay?” Taehyung reaches for Jungkook, but Jungkook doesn’t move.
It takes Jungkook a few seconds to reorient himself after Jackson knocks him over. The fall was more disarming than it was painful. Either from shock or being braver than he thinks he is, Jungkook doesn’t tremble in fear as he gazes up at the horrible scene playing out before him. 
Jackson recovers much faster. Blood trickles from a split in his bottom lip and his blazing orange tail is bristled from the sudden assault, putting his instincts into overdrive. From what Jungkook has learned about Jackson, he’s more level-headed than Taehyung’s other friends, making it all the more shocking when he lunges for Byungchul. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jackson hollers and lets out a loud yelp when Taehyung grabs him by the waist to stop him from attacking Byungchul. 
“Let me go! Fucking let me go, hyung!” 
In Jungkook’s peripheral vision, he sees Suyun push through the crowd that has formed a wide circle around the friends. No one bothers helping Taehyung calm Jackson and Byungchul down, the latter shouting curses and turning even redder in the face. 
Jungkook wonders if fights like this are normal and if that’s why the other predators merely look on with curiosity rather than concern. Meanwhile, his heart is pounding so quickly that it hurts like it’s growing in size with each beat and taking up so much room in his chest that his lungs can’t expand. 
“Jackson,” Suyun calls out with outstretched arms, attempting to beckon him away from Taehyung and Byungchul.
When Jackson doesn’t even look at Suyun, she steps closer. She’s on wobbly legs, and her eyes are brimmed red from drinking or crying or both. She isn’t a threat, but Taehyung growls at her like she is. 
Jungkook draws in an audible gasp when Taehyung bares his teeth at Suyun with his pupils dark and dilated and his ears lying flat in his curls. He looks wild, even feral. Jungkook is reminded of the danger he felt crawling up his spine when he first met Taehyung. Tall and broad, Taehyung wears intimidation with ease. 
Immediately cowering, Suyun retracts her steps until she bumps into Hoseok, who has snuck up behind her. He places a calm hand on her shoulder and whispers something to her that Jungkook can’t hear. With Taehyung’s display of dominance, the crowd starts to buzz to life, passing whispers and shouts between each other until the entire room erupts in noise that drowns out Jungkook’s ability to think straight.
Everyone is distracted.
Everyone is distracted, and they don’t notice the fear that radiates from Byungchul, turning his scent so bitter that Jungkook practically tastes it on the back of his tongue. Despite being sensitive to smells, Jungkook has always had difficulty picking out the pheromones of other hybrid species. With Byungchul, though, his reaction to Taehyung is so strong that even Jungkook senses it, making his entire body shudder with how horrible it is as it washes over him. He thinks Byungchul will back down, hoping with his entire soul that whatever pissed Byungchul off will fall away, so Byungchul can calm down enough for Hoseok to help him. 
Instead, Byungchul’s fear fuels him. Jungkook practically sees it ripple through him, puffing out his chest and giving him the renewed energy to wind up his arm with a fist toward Taehyung, who is still struggling to calm Jackson down. 
Taehyung, Jungkook’s sweet Taehyung, who is nothing like the pained, panicked animal Jungkook sees him as right now. 
Rabbit hybrids are known for moving quickly. In high school, Jungkook was on the track and field team, humbly becoming one of the star students despite his quiet personality. It was all for fun then, nothing serious, but now Jungkook uses his natural skill to his advantage when he springs up from the floor and punches someone for the first time in his twenty-one years. 
It hurts worse than the punching bag Jungkook was accustomed to using during his kickboxing classes, his knuckles meeting the bony edge of Byungchul’s jaw. He thinks he hears a crack, isn’t sure if it is his hand or Byungchul’s face, and watches Byungchul’s large frame stumble back and crumble to the floor. 
Multiple people shout his name, but Jungkook stares blankly at Byungchul groaning on the floor, his bottom lip split down the middle like Jackson’s. 
“I… I didn’t mean to,” Jungkook says with an airy, faraway voice. His hands won’t stop shaking, even when Taehyung grabs them to inspect his reddened knuckles. “I didn’t. I didn’t mean to. I just, I, he was going to…” 
Jungkook punched someone. He made Byungchul bleed. 
Despite that, Byungchul ignores Jungkook when he stares up at Taehyung and Jackson from his position on the floor, with his hand cradling one side of his face.
“If you keep letting them around, what happens to us?” he spits, and his saliva is speckled with blood that lands on his white t-shirt. “There won’t be anywhere for us! ” 
Byungchul’s bitter fear mingles with the acidic bile rising in Jungkook’s throat. He closes his eyes as Taehyung runs his fingers through his sweaty hair and whispers that everything will be okay. 
Will it? Can it? 
“Come on, we need to get him outside. I think he’s having a panic attack.” 
Jungkook thinks he hears Taehyung, maybe Hoseok. He can’t breathe without being hit with Byungchul’s bitter pheromones, can’t listen to anything but Byungchul’s heavy breathing and the frantic buzz of the crowd, can’t open his eyes without seeing a few of Byungchul’s friends helping him off the floor and wiping at his face. 
“He’s afraid,” Jungkook whispers as he feels someone hook their arm around the back of his thighs and use the other to cradle his back when they lift him up bridal style. 
“Who?” Taehyung asks through gritted teeth as he carries Jungkook through the house. 
Taehyung snorts. 
“Good. He fucking should be.”
Jungkook is serious, though. His soul aches even as Taehyung’s scent calms him, forcing his heart to slow and his breathing to regulate. He wonders if Taehyung does this intentionally, emitting relaxing pheromones, or if he’s just like this. 
Before, Jungkook was afraid of Byungchul. Byungchul seemed intimidating, intentionally hateful, and downright discriminatory. 
But now? As one of Taehyung’s friends helps him lower Jungkook into the passenger seat of Taehyung’s car, Jungkook realizes he isn’t afraid of Byungchul anymore. He isn’t even angry at Byungchul; he pities him. 
Byungchul is just like Jungkook’s parents. The fear of the unknown is a valid fear. Not everyone handles fear like that well. 
Jungkook doesn’t know how to say all of this to Taehyung. He wants to, but when he finally opens his eyes and watches Taehyung slide into the driver’s seat, Jungkook can tell that he still has that wild look. Though the rest of his body is calm, Taehyung’s eyes tell the story of what’s happening inside him. Jungkook has learned to read Taehyung through his eyes when he can’t understand anything else. 
Taehyung must sense Jungkook looking at him. At the next stoplight, he reaches over to squeeze Jungkook’s thigh.
“I’m sorry.” Taehyung’s voice is tight and rough like it’s being forced out from deep within his chest.
There’s no reason for him to apologize; none of this is his fault. Jungkook doesn’t try arguing with him, though. Instead, he hums softly and misses Taehyung’s touch when he pulls away.
It feels strange to let Taehyung take care of him like this. He even brings Jungkook to his dorm without asking because he knows Jungkook won’t want to be alone, and he’s not in the proper state to be around Yoongi right now. 
They’re quiet as they slip into Taehyung’s dorm, careful not to bring attention to themselves since Jungkook isn’t supposed to be there, and he’s already radiating nervous energy that could set someone off.
Hoseok is still at the party, dealing with Byungchul, so the apartment is dark and quiet when Taehyung holds the door open for Jungkook to step inside. The moment Taehyung closes the door behind them, he ushers Jungkook down the hall toward his bedroom.
“Clothes,” Taehyung commands, his voice still tight and his molars digging into each other to make his jaw muscles flex.
“What clothes?”
“Change,” Taehyung grunts with a nod toward his bedroom door.
Jungkook chews his bottom lip as he stares at Taehyung. His makeup is nearly smudged off, and his bunny ears and tail are gone, probably trampled somewhere on Jackson’s floor. Despite the messy appearance and crazy look, Taehyung is gorgeous, as always.
It saddens Jungkook to see Taehyung reduced to this grunting, scowling, animalistic self. Tonight was their first date, and it has ended in the worst way possible.
With a sigh, Jungkook gives Taehyung a small smile and turns toward Taehyung’s dresser, where he’ll find soft sweatpants and a t-shirt to change into. He should probably shower as well, but he’s unsure he has the energy to do so. All he wants to do is cuddle in bed with Taehyung, and he hopes that’s Taehyung’s intention for bringing Jungkook home. He’s so shaken up by everything that happened with Byungchul at the party that he isn’t even nervous about getting into such an intimate position with Taehyung.
Jungkook’s fingers just barely brush the drawer handle when Taehyung grabs his hips and pulls him backward. It hurts somewhat when he shoves Jungkook up against the wall, Jungkook’s shoulder blades making hard contact with the wall. However, the pain is temporary and quickly forgotten once Taehyung cages Jungkook in, his large body covering Jungkook’s more petite frame. 
“Jungkook,” Taehyung calls out to him, his name hissed through clamped teeth. 
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks, heart palpitating from the uncertainty surrounding why Taehyung is behaving this way. 
“I didn’t protect you,” Taehyung growls into the crook of Jungkook’s neck. His hot breath sends tingling goosebumps down Jungkook’s arms. 
“Yes, you did.” 
“You got hurt, and now you’re sad.” He isn’t wrong, but Jungkook is too breathless to speak up.
Taehyung noses against the crook of Jungkook’s neck again, this time more aggressively. He whines when the collar of Jungkook’s shirt stops him from accessing more skin. Slipping his hands up the back of Jungkook’s shirt, Taehyung slowly pushes the striped fabric up as if he’s waiting for Jungkook to stop him. 
With his heart beating erratically in his chest, palms hot and sweaty, and eyes squeezed shut, Jungkook gradually raises his arms so Taehyung can lift his shirt over his head. 
There’s no time for Jungkook to be self-conscious about the way his body looks; Taehyung immediately latches himself onto him, leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses across his shoulders and down his pecs. Jungkook throws his head back and barely feels it hit the wall behind him as Taehyung covers him with kisses and leaves goosebumps in their wake. 
“You need to smell like me,” Taehyung growls against the sensitive skin of Jungkook’s sternum. The deepness of his voice makes Jungkook shiver, reminding him of how Taehyung sounded when he chased Jungkook through the apartment.
“O-okay,” Jungkook sighs.
He doesn’t know where to put his arms as Taehyung's soft lips and smooth palms travel lower on Jungkook’s body, caressing his sides and gliding across his ribs. Jungkook can hardly regulate his breathing. Looking down, he can see his stomach flutter with how desperately he tries to keep himself from squirming with each wet, hot kiss.
When Taehyung drops to his knees and begins tugging down Jungkook’s shorts, Jungkook grabs Taehyung’s hair and gently guides his head away from the hickey he’s sucking on Jungkook’s hip. 
“Tae, what are you–” 
There’s a flicker of light behind Taehyung’s dark eyes, but his pupils are still blown out, and he stares at Jungkook with a carnal look that makes Jungkook slick. It’s embarrassing how obvious his arousal is, now more than ever, because Taehyung is right there, and his loud inhale tells Jungkook that he has already noticed.
As invisible spots on a hybrid’s body where their scent is the strongest, scent glands are mostly a mystery to Jungkook. As far as he can remember, he was never taught much about them. He knows that the scents they emit are how hybrids can identify each other, especially when picking each other out in a crowd is necessary. He also knows that scenting is important for comforting babies and creating bonds, but, based on Jungkook's experience with Taehyung, scenting seems more important to predator hybrids than it is to prey hybrids — either that or Jungkook’s parents were weird and never cared for these types of things.
It could very well be that Jungkook’s parents were weird.
Tugging down Jungkook’s shorts and leaving him in only his underwear, Taehyung lets out a quiet hum as he leans forward to nuzzle the inside of Jungkook’s left leg. He presses a kiss against the side of Jungkook’s knee, then kisses upward until he reaches the soft skin of his inner thigh.
With each nuzzle and kiss from Taehyung, Jungkook feels himself fall deeper into the haze of comfort and lust Taehyung is creating for him. His gasped exhales come out shuddery and sound increasingly like moans the closer Taehyung’s mouth gets to Jungkook’s half-hard cock.
“Tae, Taehyung,” Jungkook whispers, tugging lightly at Taehyung’s hair again. “I think I smell like you now. It’s okay. I promise I’m okay.”
Is it true? Is Jungkook okay?
He looks down at Taehyung, who leans back on his knees and blinks a few times. He watches how Taehyung’s pupils return to a normal size and the amber glow of his eyes burns a bit brighter. He can tell that Taehyung is trying really hard for his sake.
Taehyung breathes heavily, chest heaving, not quite a pant but close to it, as he tries to calm himself down.
“I’m sorry, bun. I’m so sorry.”
Jungkook smiles softly and brings his fingertips to skate along Taehyung’s jaw. His lips are swollen and bright red from scenting so much of Jungkook’s body, and all Jungkook wants to do is kiss them even redder.
“You don’t have to apologize,” Jungkook insists. He coaxes Taehyung to stand up by lightly pressing his fingers beneath his chin.
Taehyung rises to his feet immediately, drunk off Jungkook’s scent and pliant under his fingertips. He wraps his arms around Jungkook’s waist and pulls him close to capture Jungkook’s lonely lips with his own, as though he knows that’s the comfort Jungkook is missing.
Despite how turned on Jungkook is and the heat of Taehyung’s hard cock that Jungkook can feel press against him when he shifts in Taehyung’s embrace, the kiss is gentle and slow. Aside from a desire to reassure and ground Jungkook, there's nothing behind it.
And maybe Taehyung, too. He deserves just as much comfort.
“Can we sleep now?” Jungkook whispers against Taehyung’s lips. He has his eyes closed, relishing the feeling of Taehyung’s hand slipping into his hair to massage his scalp and occasionally explore the fuzzy fur of his bunny ears.
“Of course.”
They part reluctantly so Taehyung can grab fresh clothes for Jungkook to change into in the bathroom.
It feels like deja vu as Jungkook rolls up Taehyung’s too-big sweatpants so they fit better around his waist, except this time he has to wash his face of tiger makeup and already smells like he’s been drenched in Taehyung. His fingers skirt a dark, reddish-purple spot on his hip as he rolls the waistband. It hurts to press, but Jungkook does it anyway, finding the pain a reminder that this is all real. He had Taehyung on his knees, kissing him as if his life depended on it, just to make Jungkook feel calm, taken care of, and…
Well, and loved, Jungkook dares to think — but he doesn’t take it any further than that.
In the mirror, Jungkook watches himself pat his face dry and finds two additional reddish-purple spots, one on the side of his neck and one half-hidden by the collar of his t-shirt. These don’t hurt as much when he presses his fingers into them, but they’re bright and real. Jungkook has never received (nor given) a hickey before. Seeing them decorate his skin like handpainted flowers makes Jungkook feel giddy. He already knows he won’t cover them even though he has the makeup to do so.
Once he’s done with the bathroom, Jungkook trades places with Taehyung who has already changed into a pair of soft pajama pants but still needs to wash the residual makeup from his face. It should be simple, just two bodies crossing the same threshold, but Taehyung can’t keep his hands to himself.
“You can put your clothes on the dresser, and I’ll get you a bag in the morning,” Taehyung murmurs as he slides his hand behind Jungkook’s head to slip his fingers in his hair and tilt his face toward his.
The kiss is still soft, as if Taehyung is afraid of scaring Jungkook away. Jungkook is convinced there’s no way Taehyung could scare him away, but he appreciates the gentleness anyway.
It isn’t until Jungkook slips under the bed covers and waits for Taehyung to return from the bathroom that the nerves start to kick in. Jungkook feels like he sobered up rather quickly, and understandably so, but now he doesn’t have liquid courage to keep him from trembling when Taehyung eventually appears in the doorway to turn off the lights.
Taehyung closes his bedroom door, so Hoseok won’t disturb them when he eventually comes home, and Jungkook’s fate is sealed.
“Which side do you want?” Taehyung asks quietly when he kneels on the edge of the bed. Moonlight illuminates parts of his shadowy figure as he crawls toward Jungkook, tail playfully flicking against Jungkook’s body.
“Whichever side you don’t want.”
“Bun,” Taehyung scolds, but he slips under the covers next to Jungkook so Jungkook doesn’t have to move over.
When Jungkook reaches out to adjust the covers, his fingers brush against Taehyung’s bare chest.
“I normally sleep without a shirt, but I can wear one if you—”
“No.” Jungkook responds too quickly and too freely.
Taehyung chuckles in return, wrapping his arm around Jungkook’s waist and falling back onto his pillow to pull Jungkook against his chest.
“This okay?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook whispers into the dark.
Probably noticing how nervous and rigid Jungkook is, Taehyung grabs his thigh and hikes it up so Jungkook’s leg rests over Taehyung’s waist. Jungkook naturally shifts so he can cross his arm over Taehyung’s torso.
“Comfortable?” Taehyung asks and purrs with satisfaction when Jungkook nods his head.
Nerves give Jungkook loose lips, but he keeps his thoughts to himself this time when he remembers how he fantasized about lying his head on Taehyung’s chest to feel him purr. Jungkook can feel the sound rumble through Taehyung’s chest. It’s just as comforting as he imagined, and Jungkook knows that it won’t take long for him to fall asleep like this, with Taehyung purring and massaging his scalp and the two of them wrapped up in the smell of a sweet summer rain while autumn's fallen leaves skitter in the cold outside.
“I still can’t believe you punched Byungchul,” Taehyung whispers after a few minutes of silence. 
“He was going to punch you.” 
“I know.” Jungkook can’t see Taehyung’s face, but he can hear the smile in his tone. “My tiny bodyguard. You packed a solid punch, too. Better than I could’ve done.”
“Shut up! I told you I know how to kickbox.” 
Taehyung’s laughter makes Jungkook’s head bounce against his chest, but he can’t even be bothered about it. It’s nice to feel Taehyung’s warmth, and once his laughter dies down, Jungkook can hear the steady beat of his heart. 
“I’ll never doubt you again, bun.” 
Jungkook closes his eyes as Taehyung brushes his bangs away from his face to give him a forehead kiss. Maybe their date became a shitshow, but Jungkook would do it all again if it meant he’d end up like this, cradled against Taehyung’s chest, more at home than he’s ever been. 
In the morning, Jungkook wakes up in the same position he’d been when he fell asleep. He’s sweaty from Taehyung’s body heat, making the skin of his cheek uncomfortably unstick from Taehyung’s chest when he lifts his head.
Turning, he inspects Taehyung, who is still asleep despite the horrendously high-pitched blaring of his phone alarm.
“Tae,” Jungkook grumbles, shaking Taehyung’s shoulders. "Tae, you have to go to work.”
Taehyung lifts his hand to Jungkook’s face with his eyes still closed. Jungkook assumes that he feels around for a moment to orient himself. Once he’s figured out the map of Jungkook’s face, he presses his index finger against Jungkook’s lips and shushes him.
“Fuck capitalism, bun. It’s the source of all evil.”
“Oh my gosh, Taehyung, you’re so dramatic.”
Jungkook thinks the boxy grin his pestering triggers is  almost  worth being thrown onto his back so Taehyung can roll on top of him, crushing Jungkook with his heavy body.
“Mmm, I’m even  more  comfortable like this. I might need to go back to sleep,” Taehyung announces loudly. His body has Jungkook’s arms pinned to the bed, and no amount of wiggling and kicking can set Jungkook free.
Suddenly, banging on the bedroom door finally makes Taehyung sit up in bed. His curly hair sticks out like crazy, so high up that his ears aren’t visible.
“Taehyung-ah! Wake up and turn that alarm off! I didn’t get home until four in the morning because of you!” Hoseok shouts with another bang against the door when Taehyung laughs, muttering under his breath about getting a new roommate.
“He loves me,” Taehyung insists with a kiss on Jungkook’s forehead.
Jungkook thinks there’s at least one other person in the apartment who also loves Taehyung, but that’s something to consider when he’s in his own bedroom and has at least two cups of coffee in him.
“You can hang out here if you want. I’m sorry I have to dip,” Taehyung apologizes as he rifles through his closet. “But Hobi hyung can make you breakfast. He never does for me, but he will for you. Here, you can keep this.”
“Thank you,” Jungkook says softly as Taehyung carefully packs his clothes in a small duffle bag.
“And you can keep the clothes you’re wearing,” Taehyung gives Jungkook a once-over with his bottom lip bitten between his teeth. “I like you in them.”
Flushing bright pink, Jungkook sinks further into the blankets while he watches Taehyung fumble through his dorm to get ready for work. He doesn’t have anywhere to be, and there’s a dangerous temptation running through him to see what would happen if he never left Taehyung’s bed.
“What are you going to do after work?” Jungkook asks without expectations, even though he knows what he wants the answer to be.
“Thought maybe we could go on a second date. Y’know, without all the punching and blood. Maybe something a little more PG.”
Jungkook hides half his face behind Taehyung’s pillow when he asks, “Only PG?”
He should have expected Taehyung to pounce on him for that one. It doesn’t matter much; Jungkook has found that he enjoys being smothered in kisses if they’re coming from Taehyung.
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Series Masterlist
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd &daddytaehyungie).
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targaryenluvs · 6 months
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PAIRING: Maddie Buckley x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: When your best friend and crush shows up on your doorstep after a bad night, you help her to finally leave her husband.
WARNINGS: Abusive relationships, crying, escaping, threats, angst, fluff, comfort, confessions, kisses
A/N: Maddie deserves the best 🥹 Mighttt do a part 2! Look at me posting twice in one day 🤭
Gif not mine, credits to the owner!
You thought the world of Maddie, always had and always will.
So when she showed up on your doorstep, tears running down her face with bruises everywhere? You couldn’t believe your eyes. “Maddie? Oh my god, come in.” You ushered her in quickly closing the door behind her.
“What happened sweetheart?” You always called her nicknames.
She shook her head immediately as you opened your arms, “I’ve got you, don’t worry. Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” You took her hand and sat her down on your couch before sitting next to her.
Just one word was more than enough for your blood to boil. Her husband, the piece of trash he was, always treated her horribly. Ruining her mental health and wearing down the strong woman you knew she was. He never deserved such a wonderful woman.
“He… I can’t do it anymore Y/n.” Her eyes were glossy as her lip quivered. You could make out a forming bruise on the side of her face, as you softly traced it. “That’s okay, you’re so strong. I know you are baby, I can help you leave him. Is that what you want? Cause I swear, I will pack my shit up and we can leave.”
Maddies heart was racing, most likely the adrenaline from running away. But also having you so serious, so attentive and determined to helping her leave.
Through her years as your best friend she found herself naturally drawn to you, and you were always there for her. The first night she confided in you, you didn’t ask any questions. Just opened your door and your arms as refuge. You never had any good vibes when it came from Doug, and your anger only amplified when you realised what he was doing to Maddie.
“No, you can’t Y/n. Your life is here.” She shook her head at the idea of you leaving with her, for her. “That’s not your decision to make Mads. I have friends here sure, but most of my family is either in L.A or out of America. Friends come and go, but you’re more than that.” Her eyes flicked up at your words, eyebrows furrowed.
What is that supposed to mean?
“What does that mean?” You sighed as you grabbed onto her hands, “This isn’t the right time to say this to you Maddie.” She clutched onto your hands tighter.
“Please, just say it.”
“I love you.”
Her world stopped, the words she’d dreamed of hearing.
“I- I’ve loved you for so long. How was I supposed to not? Maddie you are unbelievably sweet, and kind, gorgeous, intelligent. God you’re perfect. And I am so sorry that Doug took that away from you. But you deserve to live. You deserve to help people, to live life without looking over your shoulder or worrying about angering him. If we leave. I promise I will do anything to keep you safe.”
She didn’t stop the tears as they rolled down her face, wiped away courtesy of you. “Let’s go.” She nodded as you grinned, “Really?” Maddies face broke out in a small smile, “Anywhere to be with you.”
And you did.
For the next hour you spent grabbing all the essentials, clothes, memories, documents etc. You texted another one of your bestfriends that you were leaving, and that she should come over and take inventory before selling your furniture. She was an avid user of Facebook Marketplace.
Luckily you were on good terms with your landlord and your lease was expiring in a week. As long as your friends sold everything of yours, you’d be in the clear.
Home isn’t a place, it’s a person.
And yours was currently right next to you.
It’d taken you and Maddie a bit of time to get on your feet, having crashed with her brother Buck who was nothing but welcoming.
“So you’re the reason she finally left him?” Maddie was currently in the shower, allowing Buck to finally question you. “No, she wanted to leave. I just helped her, I mean you did steal her car.” Buck jokingly gasped as he clutched his chest, “She gave that to me!”
“Sure thing Buckley.” You replied as you took a sip from your glass. “But, seriously, thank you. I have no idea where she’d be right now without you. And she really does love you, I can see you love her too.” Your smile was evident at his words.
“I do, I have for a long time. I’m just lucky. Now speaking of gay couples, you and Eddie.” Buck groaned as you giggled, “I see the tension everyday! You can’t tell me there’s nothing going on there!”
“She’s right, Evan has a crush.” Maddie joined in as Evan shook his head, “The two of you are menaces to society.” The three of you sat down on the couch and continued to bicker. Seeing you getting along with her family so well made Maddie’s heart swell. You were everything and more.
And you proved your love for her over and over. Always supporting her, handling her emotions and caring for her. When she woke up in the night after a nightmare, you were always there to calm her down. When she felt anxious, you listen to her concerns and assured her.
The two of you settled into life in L.A easily. You’d always wanted to live there, longing for home when you moved to study. Your parents were nothing but lovely to Maddie, which made her feel at ease.
She became close with Josh, and Chimney whilst you grew closer to Eddie, Evan and Hen.
So when it came time to the two of you discussing starting a family, you were nervous but confident in asking Chimney.
And out of respect for him and his mother, you named her Jee-Yun.
Maddie couldn’t help but become emotional when she thought about how far she’d come. From the days where she feared returning home to now, when she counted the minutes till she could home to her daughter and wife. Her family.
But she wasn’t in the clear yet.
Doug was still alive.
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chevelleneech · 17 days
Watching Frankie Biggz react to the BTS guide, and apparently he said at some point that Tae was acting bitchy during episode 3 of AYS, and got attacked by people who claims he called Tae a bitch.
I don’t watch his reactions to AYS, so I have no idea how that situation went down, but in his reaction to the guide he’s explaining himself and is saying people apparently told him AYS is scripted, and that the show wrote Tae acting the way he did.
I hate that. Tae’s solos in particular are so fucking loud and obnoxious, that they’ve genuinely convincing people AYS is a scripted travel series, just because someone said Tae was acting bitchy. I disagree with Frankie, personally. I didn’t see any difference in Tae’s actions or words, but I’m also a long time fan of the group. I have a better understanding of his personality than someone just coming into the fandom, but that goes for all fans.
Those of us who have been around for 2+ years let alone 10, will obviously know Tae is much more dry and comes across as bitchy at times, and that’s fine. That’s his personality, but it doesn’t mean he can’t also be funny and care free. But to blatantly lie to someone and claim the entire show has been pre-determined and scripted, is such bullshit. Because going forward, Frankie isn’t going to have a true understanding of who Jimin and Jungkook are.
Do I anticipate this older man shipping them? Obviously fucking not, but him feeling as if he was manipulated by a script into viewing Tae a certain way, means he’s going to watch the remainder of the series with the wrong assumption. He’s going to think Jimin and JK are doing and saying things they’ve been written to do and say, and that paints an entirely different picture of their bond.
I truly fucking hate Tkkrs and toxic solos, because one single misunderstanding has led to a new fan stepping into an entirely different mindset now. Because not only is he goi g forward thinking AYS is fake, thus JM and JK likely don’t interact the way they’re shown in the show, but he’s also going to go forward believing Tae is a target of the company in some way, because he was written to come across as bitchy, when the fan made guide show him as being upbeat.
So ridiculous how easy it is to trick new fans, and it’s asinine that the majority of the fandom in Frankie’s comments aren’t calling it out. They’re just saying to not let negative fans get to him, and other (deserved) commented about how it’s okay to take a step back if he wants to. But no one is telling him those toxic fans stem from one specific issue, and that’s them hating Jimin. That’s them hating the fact that Jimin has a relationship (or whatever status) with Jungkook that Tae doesn’t, so they make up bullshit ass lies to make the importance JK himself has put upon Jimin in his life, seem less than what it is.
A handful of people trying to tell him the show wasn’t scripted and that’s just how Tae is, in a metaphorically crowded ass room of people yelling fuck shit, is just not working either. Especially when some of the people telling the truth, are also tacking on their own lies. Saying Tae was probably just tired or upset in episode 3, the same was JK was irritated in episode 6. IRRITATED WHERE!? The entire episode is him saying how happy he was to be back in Sapporo, and having fucking snowball fights with Jimin. He was smiling and laughing the entire damn episode, but one single moment of him JOKINGLY saying he’s being angry for the the sake of the show trumps all?
Fuck those people man. And I know I should be so frustrated, but Frankie Biggz seems like an alright dude so far. He’s a little older and says what he thinks, and the fandom hates that, but some people also welcome it, and that’s cool. But he also seems genuinely interested in the groups musicality as opposed to just wanting to watch them because he sees other people getting into kpop. So it’s incredibly annoying that Tkkrs got to him and are lying to him about who Tae is, as well painting a false image of Jimin and Jungkook’s dynamic.
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thespiritssaidso · 8 days
Marriage? Sure, Why Not
Summary: Shawn is legally married. Unfortunately, he had conveniently never been told this and had to find out from someone else.
Notes: based off this post from @webtrinsic1122 thank you for the inspiration!
“Shawn, what is this?”
Shawn stopped, fingers hovering over the buttons of his DS. Uh oh. That was never a good sentence. He was only ever asked that when he’d brought or done something bad.
He bluescreened. Did Gus find the can of Pringles full of things that were definitely not Pringles? Or perhaps it was the poster of Val Kilmer he’d glued to the ceiling (they’d run out of tape, and the bottle of Elmer’s was just perfectly in reach). A number of possibilities ran through his head.
Shawn peeked up from his game and looked over at Gus, who was sitting at his computer. “What’s what?”
“I need to make sure I’m not hallucinating. Tell me that I’m not looking at a marriage certificate.” He turned his laptop around to face Shawn.
He squinted at the tiny letters from far away. He could barely make out the largest letters printed in fancy font at the top: Certificate of Marriage.
“Well that either says ‘Celibate of Maryland’ or ‘Certificate of Marriage’. But I can’t really be sure, the screen’s kind of messing with me…”
“Wow. Wow wow wow. I can’t believe you.”
Okay, Shawn was definitely getting confused now. “What? Did I read it wrong?”
“No! I can’t believe you’re married. I thought you had promised that when you got married, I’d be right there by your side as best man!”
Now he wasn’t making any sense. Shawn? Married? As if. “And I’m holding true to that! What do you mean, ‘I got married’?!”
“And to Despereaux? Of all people? I mean, I know you two had something going on-”
“Woah woah woah, stop! Despereaux?!” What did that mean? There wasn’t anything ‘going on’ between him and the art thief. Shawn just… admired his skill, that was all. And the way he could just so effortlessly slip away. And maybe his face was nice too. Wait, what?
“Don’t you play innocent! I’m looking at the certificate right here!”
Shawn stood up from the couch. “Let me see that.” Spinning the laptop around once more to face him, he took a better look at the so-called certificate. “‘This is to certify that Shawn Spencer and Pierre Despereaux were lawfully married on the day of’…” his voice trailed off.
Holy shit. He was married?! And to Despereaux?! Shawn had to have been black-out drunk when this happened. Or drugged. Whatever the case, he was legally hitched. And he couldn’t even remember if there was a ceremony, let alone the fact that he was married. “How did you even find this?!”
“I was doing your taxes and the numbers weren’t matching up. I had to call way too many people to get the digital version, since I’m pretty sure Despereaux has the physical one.”
Shawn stood up again, and then fell onto the couch. Why? Why marry him? Why marry him? And why not tell him? It didn’t really feel like something that just… came up in conversation. But a little heads-up would’ve been nice.
Then, a lightbulb went off in Shawn’s head. “You know, maybe this isn’t a bad thing.”
Gus did a double take at that. “Not a bad thing?! Shawn, you’re legally bound to a thief! An international con-man! He’s a criminal!”
“Well, yeah! But aren’t there like, benefits to being married?”
“There are, and I’m very sure Despereaux thought that out. He did this for a reason, and we need to find out for what.”
“Or, we could — oh, I dunno — leave it be?”
“I’m just saying, maybe- maybe being married to Pierre won’t be that bad?”
“Okay, woah. Time out. Why are you suddenly calling him by his first name?”
Yes, why was he? He didn’t really know. But it did sound right to him. “Well, it’s his name. Uh. Burton.”
“Don’t ever call me Burton again.”
“Yeah, that was weird.”
Gus shook his head. “We’re having a more serious discussion about this later.”
“Copy that.” Shawn sat silent, and began pondering over how the heck Despereaux had managed to marry him. Had it been in Canada? When they had unwillingly busted him out of prison? Or had he come down when Shawn was in a moment of weakness and absolutely plastered at some bar? Or there was the possibility that he’d forged the legal document and there was never an official ceremony. That seemed most likely.
Gus leaned back in his rolly chair and dragged both hands down his face in exhaustion. Then he stopped, focusing on a spot above him. “Shawn, why the hell is Val Kilmer stuck on the ceiling?!”
ao3 link
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casanovawrites · 1 month
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 12
i can’t remember the last time i went to bed.
to make it good, i’d have to filter out the bad.
you two are weird in all the same ways.
no wonder we didn’t last.
you know you don’t have to fix everything? sometimes the best reaction is to just be still.
calling us ‘friends’ is a bit of a stretch.
i see what you’re doing. you’re avoiding having fun.
don’t let your ego cost you everything you love in life.
i hurt you once. i don’t ever want to do that again.
if you want someone to worry with you, then i’m in.
i’ve dimmed my light on more occasions than i can count for you.
this is the stuff you tell the people you care about.
you separate yourself from everyone and everything. you always have.
we should all just let ourselves be a little boring again. 
you must ask permission to tell stories from now on.
it was one of the worst days of my life. and that’s actually saying something.
it wasn’t great without you.
everyone’s just so obsessed with my past. maybe that’s why i like being with you. you’re just new.
you’re all i have.
i still love you. is that crazy?
we’re about five minutes away from heads on spikes and cannibalism.
you’re an adult now. you don’t get to blame your problems on anyone but yourself.
for the first time in my life, i don’t want to do it alone.
if i wanted you dead, you’d be dead.
i’ve seen the obnoxious way y’all look at each other.
i said no talking. you broke the rules of my sanctuary. 
i’m not your friend, and we’re not more than friends, so what am i?
i think i’d be used to the fear of losing my life by now.
what i feel for you scares me sometimes. okay, a lot of the time. 
it’s like i’ve been sleepwalking through my own life.
i have seen you. you look like shit.
i feel like everyone i love always leaves. or… is taken.
i want you to hate each other but in a friendly way.
i want you to tell me why you look so fucking scared.
i don’t know what to do with all this anger.
if you’re gonna try to woo my girl, at least be accurate. 
we always do this. it’s like a sick cycle. we’re not even nice to each other half the time.
i shouldn’t have to prove my innocence to you.
finding love can be hard for someone like me.
you know you don’t have to fix everything. sometimes the best reaction is to just be still.
lonely people do scary things.
i know if you put your mind to something, it’s gonna happen.
i’m your weakness. but you are not mine.
i just wanted you to feel safe and comfortable. 
sometimes i just want to feel so normal that i’m almost boring.
sometimes it feels like i’m just watching other people experience things.
i’m honestly just not somebody who gets very excited about things.
if you wanted nice, you’d be with someone else.
are you really checking your phone right now? i’m trying to talk to you.
i hate you for this.
you’re the person who always finds a way. it’s one of the things i love about you.
my pain doesn’t give me permission to hurt you. but it’s real.
i think you’re the only person who really knows who i am and still likes me anyway.
i don’t belong anywhere, thanks to you.
kicking your butt would make me feel better.
you know, sometimes i just think you lie for the fun of it.
we can’t just keep throwing the word ‘family’ around. it isn’t enough.
you were always a killer. i just pointed you in a direction.
no matter what happens, i’m coming back for you. you have to believe me.
look me in the eye and tell me you’re not threatened now.
bad things happen. good people die.
maybe i’m just not the kind of person you miss.
you’re plenty elegant.
i will never dim my light for anyone ever again.
you take up all the oxygen in the room.
you don’t care about me. you just don’t know how to be alone.
i’ve never felt so hopeless in my life.
wait. you’re happy to see me. what’s wrong?
i can’t lose myself in you.
i got your back, okay, but there’s a limit.
i am so going to enjoy killing you one day.
fighting only causes more pain when you lose the thing you fought for.
man’s greatest flaw: the illusion of control.
you got me, and you got this.
i didn’t know who i was. but i do now.
you know what? love shouldn’t have to hurt this much.
we could have a whole life together.
it’s going to get worse before it gets better, so i need you to hold on.
i don’t care enough about you to lie.
there is a certain honesty in white hot hatred.
i’m too bright a light to be anybody’s secret.
i’ve been chasing a ghost all over town.
i don’t want my life to be all about the worst parts of it. 
i hope that you charge rent to the people inside your head.
i don’t know. just be hot, okay?
must you poop on every party? 
who are we without a homicide?
it’s kind of nice to be missed.
so, you’re sleuthing? 
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Okay okay fine
We’ll talk about Scott (1/18 traffic analysis)
I’m gonna start by saying if you’re a die hard Scott fan you probably won’t like this, I’m not the biggest fan of his. Please go look at my other posts or just ignore this.
I’m starting a new thing where I just don’t want to ruin something for someone but I am a little hater.
I’m also so incredibly biased and not in his favor.
Also just about characters!!
So with that out of the way……
Honestly I think people mischaracterize him a lot. Which who cares do whatever you want forever but for the sake of this you’re wrong <3
Let’s start with 3rd life!
I don’t like how he treats Jimmy. I’m so sorry flower husband fans I totally get the appeal!! It’s like yeah Jimmy is a goof and he’s bad at stuff but like Scott doesn’t think Jimmy can do anything right. He berates him and makes fun of him to other people. He’s nice to him only for the benefit of himself, so he won’t drag down their team.
He expects his death.
Isn’t that tragic? He makes a widow’s alliance like he can’t wait for him to die. Like it’s expected. Jimmy’s not cursed yet. It’s not likely he’s going to win or anything but you can’t believe in him at all? You have zero faith he can live past you?
It’s so demeaning. It comes across as him thinking he’s better than Jimmy and I think he does believe that.
Of course in the end Scott seems pretty heart broken but the reason he doesn’t go through with his new alliance is because Cleo died.
Then we have the home scene at the end which is sweet but doesn’t make Scott any less annoying to me.
Scott never gets overcome with bloodlust which is interesting because of how many kills he has. That’s all him, no revenge, very little red/boogy bloodlust, he kills because he can.
What is the bloodlust just not strong enough for you? Too good for that too?
Okay he teams up with Pearl in last life because he hopes she will give him a life. Just for teaming up with him? And she does of course.
At least Ren had something to offer undying loyalty and willingness to die for Lizzie.
Like that’s a deal worth taking.
Pearl at least is like you gotta prove your worth somehow?
Then again he’s trying to team up with Cleo like real shit I guess, I would too. it just feels shity to me. If I was teamed with Scott I’d question whether or not he really cared about me at all.
He just comes off as selfish in any situation he can. I should probably give him a little credit, he is in a death game.
It’s the way people portray him as this guy who’s very morally superior and doesn’t play dirty.
But he’s ALWAYS playing dirty.
He’s constantly manipulating everyone around him.
He’s such an asshole to me idk
He’s telling Scar that they’re friends and allies but he never does anything for Scar or spend any time with him. Ditching him when Cleo tries to stay aligned with him after they get a life from him.
He very easily lies to whoever he wants to and gets away with it. His actions never catch up to him. He’s never held accountable and he’s constantly being rewarded for lying and manipulating the people around him.
Anyway the start of my hated journey is double life because he’s the worst in this.
I don’t understand why Cleo and Scott are so butt hurt about not finding their soulmates, it was funny though so I’m not upset about that.
When Pearl comes and finds him, he expects her to grovel like Martyn does. They didn’t really do anything wrong though? They were both properly geared up and it’s not like they were the only people trying to get recourses?
It’s nonsensical after listening to their explanation to still be upset, but they don’t listen or hear them out they just want to be begged for forgiveness.
Pearl of course was not going to do that and she of course is not innocent and antagonized him after that.
He’s not forgiven by me for what he did to Pearl for letting her win. She should have killed him.
That is not Scott’s only sin, what kinda douche builds a ranch specifically so you can make one better than your friends? The ranch by the way was also created to break up other peoples relationships while gaslighting them about that very fact.
Cleo and Scott spend all of double life trying to manipulate the different soul bounds because they are unhappy in their own.
Scott’s defining characteristic is being petty.
Limited life we have all the sacrifices he does, overdone at this point.
He’s so cocky. I feel like people miss that. He antagonizes and tries to get people to want to kill him. Which is how Scott has killed Joel so many times.
Scott is annoying so Joel will want to kill him but he keeps getting him.
In limited life specifically it’s so jabansksjsjsj
Because Joel is just trying to stay in the game longer he’s getting desperate and a little deranged and Scott just keeps killing him. I don’t how many kills but it was over kill.
Ugh and how he acts around Jimmy, like respect his boundaries. MAYBE theirs a good reason he doesn’t want to be around you, FREAK.
Keep the stupid pufferfish to yourself he’s over you!!
I get the ick or whatever
Then he lets Martyn kill him for time and then the win and like where’s the drama???
Scott frfr would had another basic bitch ending like thank you Martyn for being the one interesting guy here.
Secret life
All of his actions became unforgivable when he didn’t let western duo team up, genuinely wanted to strangle him.
God again with the thinking you have some authority with what Jimmy does and thinking you know better than these grown people.
MAYBE some people are here for a good time, a loyal time, a fun time! Not a long time, but YOU wouldn’t know anything about that.
I appreciate the growth this time the final self sacrifice kill did have drama, but it was mostly Gem sounding genuinely devastated about killing him. (Idk know why that’s devastating I’m still upset about Jimmy and Scar not teaming)
I honestly don’t remember anything about real life really don’t count any of that as canon besides Cleo being a winner and Joel getting motion sickness really easy.
My hatred might actually be mostly the Jimmy and Scar thing and the fandoms interpretation.
I feel like he’s either worse than you think or just as bad but in a different way???
Kill the twink in your head.
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